And Now You Must Marry Me - TV Tropes

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And Now You Must Marry Me (trope)

"If the Evil Overlord tries to force me into marriage, I will insist on a ceremony so expensive that it will debilitate his industrial capacity."

The villain's Evil Plan isn't always to take over the world, or to kill the hero. Their goal may be far more personal and sinister – he's going to force the heroine to marry him.

This is often a G-rated version of Rape as Drama — in fact, the whole concept usually carries at least an implicit threat of rape when you think about it. (This can be a common source of Fridge Horror for adults looking back on the many, many beloved works aimed at children that use the trope.) It's an intensely personal threat to the heroine, one that plays up her femininity and vulnerability, especially since the marriage is assumed to be permanent and irreversible. If the heroine has a heroic male Love Interest, as she usually does, it serves as a threat to his masculinity as well. It also provides a convenient excuse for scenes where the villain puts the heroine in compromising positions. And it can lead to all sorts of Wedding TropesSpeak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace is almost mandatory.

Often, the villain is motivated by twisted affection or at least lust, but it can also just be about getting legal access to her money and property, or to her title. However, he might just be the kind of sick bastard who enjoys the idea of keeping someone trapped in a legally binding relationship that they find repulsive for the rest of their life. Or maybe the heroine herself is pretty much irrelevant, and it's really just about claiming ultimate victory over the hero by stealing his woman.

If the villain does this by kidnapping his desired bride, it's a subtrope of I Have You Now, My Pretty; when combined with Villainous Crush, it's also Abduction Is Love. If he threatens someone else and offers to relent if the heroine agrees to marry him, that's the G-rated variant of the Scarpia Ultimatum. In cultures with Arranged Marriage, he might convince the heroine's parents or guardians to force her into marriage. Evil Sorcerers will use their powers to brainwash the bride. The villain might even attempt to trick the heroine into unwittingly doing something that counts as a legally binding wedding. (The Shotgun Wedding, where a third party forces the couple to marry, is only an example of this trope if one of them planned the whole thing.)

Female antagonists who use this trope are much less common than male examples and are usually portrayed a bit differently. They're almost always motivated by a Villainous Crush (since Villainesses Want Heroes), and may even verge on being a really unstable Abhorrent Admirer rather than an outright villain; for some reason, female Gold Diggers are more likely to rely on seduction rather than coercion. Their male victims are also much more likely to foil the villainess's plan on their own, while female victims almost always have to be rescued by their male love interests.

There is even a trope for the special Big Damn Heroes moment when it prevents this kind of marriage: Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace. A successful one of these is one of the few times when being Widowed at the Wedding is a very good thing.

May overlap with Evil Desires Innocence.

Related tropes: Villainous Crush; I Have You Now, My Pretty; Damsel in Distress; Hypnotize the Captive; Mad Love; Abhorrent Admirer; Abduction Is Love; Save the Princess; Droit du Seigneur. Often Truth in Television — in fact this one's a very old real-world practice — but it's way more depressing in Real Life. For in-depth information on the subject, see the article on The Other Wiki.

Not to be confused with Shotgun Wedding or The Baby Trap.

As with all Sexual Harassment and Rape Tropes, No Real Life Examples, Please!


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Anime & Manga 

  • Berserk features a Cult that captures Casca and brings her to their leader, the Great Goat. He immediately decides to marry her on the spot and because this is Berserk, he tries to "consummate" with her despite Casca wanting none of this. Thank god that Guts arrives in time to save her.
  • Cat's Eye: Mitsuko Asatani is at one point forced to marry the son of the owner of a pharmaceutical company, who threatens to bankrupt her father's company (that works by selling said company's products) if she refuses. When they learn of this, the Kisugi sisters, being obscenely rich, create their own pharmaceutical company to take over the support role, thus freeing Mitsuko to tell him no during the ceremony before hitting him in the face with a pie.
  • The rare gender-flipped variant can be found in Crime Zone, in which the demonic pure-blood vampires seek to make the main character Shiro their groom for some sort of sinister purpose. Vampires are both commonplace and well-known mass killers in this setting, so Shiro is understandably terrified and it's played dead seriously.
  • Daimos: Gender flipped example. Reiko is smitten with her ex-tutor Kyoushiro and is too dumb to see that he doesn't reciprocate her feelings. When she finally meets him after many years and insists they are to be married, he is horrified. Meanwhile, nearly all of Daimovic base secretly spy on the conversation for the drama, not envying Kyoshiro's predicament.
  • In the second year of Food Wars!, the new Big Bad is an underground chef named Asahi Saiba, whose goal is to marry Erina. However, rather than doing it out of love, he wants to do so because he believes she'll make him the ultimate chef with her Divine Tongue.
  • Gamaran Shura: Hyakken number 7 Bihoumaru is the chosen opponent for main heroine Ran Ichinose in the first round of the tournament. He's vastly more powerful than her, but her determination and overall considerable fighting skills (which allows her to actually land a few hits) makes Bihoumaru declare Ran worthy of becoming his bride so that they can have powerful children, and after defeating her he's seen carrying her away over the shoulder. Luckily for Ran, he's first stopped by Iori, and later his boss Tadaie orders him to take Ran prisoner but leave her unharmed.
  • Prince Sincline/Lotor's main goal in GoLion, the Americanized Voltron, and all the sequel series, aside from taking over the galaxy, is to get Princess Farlanote  / Allura to marry him.
  • In Infinite Stratos, Ichika saves Laura's life. Being Ichika, he doesn't think much of it. She, however, doesn't so much melt as go up like a torch, saves his life, then sticks her tongue down his throat and declares him her wife.
  • In Inuyasha, there are several occasions when the Monster of the Week kidnaps Kagome to be his bride. She's usually unhappy about it, though in Episode 129 the boar-demon uses Mind Control to make her fall in love with him after taking inspiration from his ancestor. He's done the same thing on other occasions to the point of forming his own harem.
  • In The Great Mission to Save Princess Peach!, Bowser kidnaps Princess Peach with plans to marry her, leading to Mario and Luigi leaping into action to rescue the princess.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2016): King Bulblin kidnaps Ilia to make her the "princess" of his tribe.
  • Half the plan of Toneri Otsutsuki in The Last: Naruto the Movie is to marry Hinata, the other half being dropping the Moon on Earth to annihilate everybody. He goes as far as to hypnotize her when he realizes that she doesn't love him and was just playing along to try and foil his plans herself.
  • One Piece:
    • The lion-mouthed fiend Absalom tries to make Nami his bride after seeing her naked while she bathing. Using his Devil Fruit power of invisibility, he succeeds in abducting her and drugs her with sleeping pills so she won't refuse him at the altar. Thankfully Sanji interrupts to save her making it a Damsel in Distress scenario.
      • Technically this isn't Nami's first rodeo with this trope as the Bear King of Movie 2 wanted to marry her too, and unfortunately Nami was wearing a wedding dress at the time due to having her clothes stolen at the start of the movie.
    • Ironically Absalom was subject to this as well from the undead warthog Lola who repeatedly tried to marry him, including trying to get him to put his signature on a wedding certificate by force.
    • Vander Decken is another stalker, seeking the Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi for his bride. Vander Decken sends her both love letters and flying axes, believing he must either marry or kill her, forcing her father Neptune to lock his daughter away for safety.
    • Big Mom has a long line of husbands she treats only as a means to procreate, and the SBS specifies she's quite fond of marrying them by force. Rather strangely, the manga itself never dwells on Big Mom implicitly being a Serial Rapist, just how she divorces her husbands and doesn't let them see their children.
    • Urashima the Yokozuna from Wano wants to make the beautiful Kiku his wife and doesn’t shy away from harassing her and having his men kidnap her. When Kiku publicly rejects him and humiliates him, Urashima flies into a rage and tries to murder Kiku before Luffy steps in. The irony is that Kikunojo is later revealed to be transgender, something Yokozuna would almost certainly reject her over if he knew.
    • Also from Wano, Shogun Orochi seeks Komurasaki (AKA Hiyori, the daughter of the man Orochi deposed) to be his consort and goes on a Unstoppable Rage when she stands up to him. Komurasaki herself asks if he really wants a weak and passive queen and when she is seemly killed for her boldness, Orochi is livid and blames everyone else for her death, ignoring his role in the matter.
    • World Nobles often force people—sometimes several—to be their spouses. This is even darker than the other examples, as these nobles' "wives" are all but stated to be Sex Slaves that will be discarded once the noble loses interest, along with any resulting children. This was the fate of the Revolutionary Army commander Ginny, Kuma's girlfriend and Bonney's mother, before she died of a strange illness caused by her also be a medical test subject a few years later.
  • Princess Tutu:
  • In Sailor Moon, Queen Beryl's obsession with Endymion/Mamoru is her motivation for almost everything she does, though by the end of the Dark Kingdom arc she's rather expanded her villain goals. This is most evident in the manga, where her unrequited love for Endymion and jealousy of Princess Serenity is what drew Metallia to her in the first place.
  • In Shinzo,note  the Reptile King Ryuma (one of the seven Enterran generals) decides to do this to Yakumo, the last living human, to prove his superiority over her. He says something to the effect of "Anyone can kill their enemy. Only the truly powerful can marry them", and further compares it to a snake wrapping a rabbit inside its coils and keeping it there instead of eating it.
  • In Speed Grapher, Kagura is forced to marry Suitengu after her mother dies, giving him control of the family fortune.
  • In Symphogear, after revealing that saving "Mankind" was just saving himself, Ver tells Maria they should talk later about repopulating the human race.
  • Used to absolutely nightmarish effect in Tokyo Ghoul:Re. Mutsuki is kidnapped by deranged Stalker with a Crush Torso and told that they are going to be getting married. What makes it even worse is that Torso reveals he's cut off Mutsuki's limbs, but not before giving his helpless "bride" a wedding ring. It doesn't help that Mutsuki's gender identity, at least at that time, isn't exactly cis.
  • Vampire Hunter D: In the first volume and the 1985 film, Count Magnus Lee likes to abduct and marry human women every century or so for fun. His latest would-be bride Doris Lang hires the titular hunter to slay the count and save her.

Asian Animation 

  • In Season 8 Episode 12 of Happy Friends, an art teacher named A-huan agrees to give Big M. drawing lessons on the condition that if the lessons don't stick with him, he has to marry her. Big M. has to deal with her getting all clingy and kissy with him during the art lessons, but he manages to improve his drawing skills enough to avoid having to marry a visibly disappointed A-huan.

Comic Books 

  • Sabretooth did this in Daredevil. Some teens, or 20-year-olds are down in the tunnels after the Morlock massacre, thinking it's open turf. Sabretooth is already there and has claimed the tunnels for himself. He yells for the two boys to leave, but grabs the girl that was with them—wanting her for a mate. Her friends tell him to let her go, but Creed yells now that she's his, he would die for her. After the girl is saved by Daredevil, she says that Creed barely touched her and that he was very gentle & sweet to her. Because of that, Sabretooth attacking her during the fight with Daredevil actually surprised her.
  • Death of the Family: After kidnapping her mother, The Joker threatened to kill her unless Batgirl (aka Barbara Gordon, the one he crippled for years) agrees to marry him. He reveals that he plots to cut her arms and legs off and lock her away to make sure she doesn't run away and cheat on him.
  • Fantastic Four:
    • In an early appearance, Namor was battling the Fantastic Four, then offered to spare the surface world if Sue would agree to marry him and become Queen of Atlantis. She agreed, but when he saw that she wasn't thrilled about the whole thing, he threw a fit and stormed off. Not very long after, he decided it was time for Sue to be his queen, abducted her, and informed her that her indecisiveness in choosing between himself and Reed had forced his hand. Furious at being kidnapped, Sue refused to cooperate and was soon rescued by the rest of the Fantastic Four. It happened yet again many years later after Reed returned from the dead and Namor realized he still had feelings for Sue. He assaulted her, told her that she was his because he had claimed her, and attempted to abduct her against her will to be his bride. Reed defended her and ultimately Namor gave up after realizing Sue loved her husband deeply.
    • Doctor Doom has tried to do this to Storm more than once. (Another time, he simply decided to turn her into a trophy; one way or another, he has an odd thing for her.)
  • In the earlier stories of The Flash, Eobard Thawne tried to force Barry's love interest Iris into marriage. His reinvention as Barry's Loony Fan in later years implies that this aspect of his character was a twisted attempt to take after his former hero.
  • Mickey Mouse Comic Universe: In The Ice Princess, after a series of misunderstandings, the antagonist of the story, Princess Zmarlina, falls madly in love with Mickey, and tries to force him to marry her, even planning to seal the portal that separates the world of ice from the human world, thus preventing Mickey from returning to his home.
  • Nikolai Dante: Arkady/Dmitry does this to Jena to cement his claim to the throne. And to punish Nikolai.
  • Rulah, Jungle Goddess: In "The Thirsty Tyrant of Tii" (Zoot Comics #14b), Rulah is captured by Joppa, the eponymous thirsty tyrant. He demands that she marry him, or else he will poison the river and kill her people.
  • In Runaways, Xavin tries to pull this on Karolina during the "Star Crossed" arc, because they are desperate to stop the war between the Skrulls and the Majesdanians.
  • Supergirl: In Superman Family #177 "Bride of the Stars", Ranar, leader of an alien race of warmongering conquerors called Hakawee, tries unsuccessfully to force Supergirl to marry him because a Hakawee astrologist predicted Ranar would become all-powerful if he bonded with his supposed star-mate (Kara).
  • Superman: In The Dominus Effect story arc in 1998 where he is trapped in four different realities at the same time, the Prankster not only forces Lana Lang to marry him when he threatens her with a corsage lined with needles ready to inject a poison into her that would kill her instantly, he also forces Superman to serve as the minister of that marriage. Fortunately, with the help of Lois Lane stowing away on board a helicopter manned by the Prankster's henchmen, Superman safely removes the corsage from Lana's chest and saves her from the forced marriage.
  • In the Super Mario Bros. comic book, Bowser tries to do this to Peach several times. The top image comes from a scene in Super Mario Adventures where Bowser tells Peach she must marry him, accompanied by a threat of what he'll do if she doesn't.
  • Wonder Woman:
    • During the Golden Age, at least one female villain tried to force Steve Trevor to marry her after abducting/capturing him before his rescue by Diana.
    • Wonder Woman (1942): A Galactic Conqueror once kidnapped Wonder Woman and Supergirl and tried to force them to fight to the death for the "honor" of marrying him. They overthrew him and set free the people he'd subjugated instead.
    • In the New 52's Wonder Woman (2011) Hades tries to force Diana to marry him, and she appears to go through with it up until the final moments at which point she takes off on a horse while the forces of Hades swarm her from all sides trying to stop her escape.
  • In X-Men, the Morlocks seemed big on this, at least at first. Originally there was a rare female example where Angel's Abhorrent Admirer, Callisto kidnapped him to force him to marry her, as seen here. And later in the same storyline, another Morlock, Caliban tries to make Kitty Pryde marry him. He relented when he realized she didn't love him.

Comic Strips 

  • Happens all the time in various versions of Flash Gordon, with Ming the Merciless trying to make Dale Arden marry him.

Fairy Tales 

Fan Works 

  • Discord and Fluttershy's relationship in Bride of Discord starts out this way, after Discord asks for a bride as one of his demands for not wreaking havoc on Equestria and harming the princesses, which Fluttershy volunteers for, but it becomes more mutually romantic as the story goes on.
  • In Harry Potter fanfic Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Wizards, after Harry is forced to return to Hogwarts, it is described how many girls plan to take advantage of his (supposed) lack of knowledge of magical customs to put him in a position where he is forced to marry them. Ginny Weasley takes it further than anyone, even taking a potion that gets her pregnant with Harry's child without having sex with him, expecting Harry to marry her for the child's sake. Unfortunately for her, Harry forces her to say the truth in front of witnesses and uses the life debt she owes him so that she will give birth and then give the child up and never attempt to contact him.
  • In Drakigo (Bram Stoker's Dracula with Kim Possible characters), after Shego Dracula is bitten by a vampire, he talks about how she will a queen of undying beauty by his side; trope is subverted as Shego immediately kills him out of anger at the implication that she would ever choose him over her dead love.
  • In the Walt Disney Zorro (1957) flick The Eagle's Gaze, the antagonist pulls one of these during the climax by threatening to torture a character's friend in front of her if she doesn't comply...
  • A Future of Friendship, a History of Hate: Megalos Tyrant (one of Ruinate's heralds) seduces Rarity in his public persona of Regal Rule, lavishing her with all the trappings of a royal lifestyle, and then proposes to her. She initially accepts, but when she realizes everything she'd be giving up to run away to his kingdom with him, she turns him down... at which point he attempts to kidnap her and force her to marry him. He nearly gets away with it, if not for the timely arrival of the other Elements of Harmony.
  • When Lucien becomes akumatized in Heart Thief, he brainwashes his ex-boyfriend Marc and eventually decides to forcibly marry him.
  • The infamous CLAMP fanwork JoJo's Bizarre Married Life has an anti-heroic example: Jotaro makes Kakyoin sign marriage documents in order that he become his "wife," threatening him with Star Platinum if he had declined. Sure enough, Kakyoin gave in without any further questions.
  • Given a downright bizarre spin on the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fanfic King of Chaos, where the current ruler of Equestria, Discord, basically forces his Court Mage Twilight Sparkle to marry him. Why? Because he wants to attend Shining Armor's and Princess Cadence's wedding—only to sabotage it, of course—and he isn't related to either, whereas Twilight is Shining's younger sister. He also probably did it just to mess with Twilight as well. Somewhat subverted in that Discord's not really interested in...consummating the relationship, instead opting to just share a bed.
  • The Super Mario fan comic Kammy Kalamity takes care of explaining Bowser's reasoning for trying this: the Koopa and Mushroom Kingdoms were constantly at war and were destroying each other, so he kidnapped Peach with plans to marry her to forcibly unite the kingdoms and end the war for good. After Mario rescued Peach and ruined the plan, however, he resorted to weekly kidnapping attempts to keep up appearances without actually fighting while he ended up going on fun activities with his supposed enemies.
  • The Legend of Zelda fanfiction that features the sorcerer Vaati, like in his appearance in Four Swords (See Video Games), seeking to make Zelda his bride. In some stories, though, he actually succeeds and becomes King of Hyrule.
  • In The Legend of Zelda: Paradise Calling, Ingo tries to force Malon to marry him to gain control of the ranch, using a signed letter from Talon giving them their blessing. Link turns the tables on that plan by revealing that Talon still has a letter he wrote seven years earlier giving Link permission, and Malon is happy to accept his proposal (even while acknowledging that neither of them are ready for that), though Ingo ends up being killed before they can go through with it.
  • In The Lion King Adventures, Hila plans to force Nala into marriage after beating Simba in The Royal Challenge.
  • In Loved and Lost, an extended retelling of the 2nd season finale of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, Prince Jewelius manipulates Twilight Sparkle to develop feelings for him, and after he has stolen Equestria's throne by using the Changeling invasion to disgrace the princesses as well as Twilight's brother and friends, he makes Twilight his student. She soon accepts his proposal to become his queen while he manipulates her into losing all trust in her brother, friends, and Celestia so that their attempts to warn her about his true nature will be to deaf ears. However, when Twilight eventually realizes how evil Jewelius is, and he tells her what he actually wants out of their marriage, she rejects him in disgust. He forces her to remain compliant by threatening the lives of her parents (whom he captured specifically in case Twilight rebelled against him). Fortunately, a Changeling who's disguising himself as Raven Inkwell frees Twilight from this predicament by releasing her parents and helping all three of them to escape from Canterlot.
  • Happens to Meg in Meg's Family when she sold her soul to Lucifer in order to get on the cheerleading squad, with the intent of making Meg his bride. Of course, Meg's actual husband and Lucifer's son Zack and their daughter Maddie wouldn't have any of it.
  • A Genderbent example happens in My trophy, my emperor, my husband where Empress Attea blackmails Ben Tennyson into marrying her in exchange for peacefully leaving Earth. Unlike most examples, she succeeds.
  • The Retaliation of The Earthling Saiyan: Mercenary Tao claims that if/when he kills Kakarot, he'll force Chi-Chi to marry him.
  • Soulmate Survey: After being akumatized into Fandoom, Loony Fan Adrienne plans to take Adrien hostage and force him to marry not just her, but all his other fangirls, insisting that he belongs to all of them, not just one person. She also plans to burn Marinette at the stake at the wedding for the crime of being matched with him on a dating app.
  • In Thicker than Water, the Heterodyne patriarch wanted a bride for his son and outright bewitched a war prisoner to force him to give his daughter Teodora to them, right before casting an amnesia spell upon the whole family to ensure they wouldn't try to rescue her. To her groom's credit, he genuinely wants her to be happy and it's implied their married life wasn't truly awful.
  • The Ultimate Evil:
  • In they'll name a city after us after falling madly in love with Percy Jackson, Apollo resorts to kidnapping and forced marriage.
  • In Unchained, Uchiha Izuna kidnaps Senju Tobirama and casually announces her intent to make him her concubine and the father of her children, offering to kill him and his cousin Toka if he refuses. Tobirama would have picked death if he had been alone, but his refusal to let Toka die for his virtue leads him to accept the deal.
  • The Vow: Once Lord Shen takes over Gongmen City, he tells his prisoner and former fiancée Lady Lianne that he will wed her once he has conquered China. He says that to be his way to get back at her for seemingly rejecting him upon his banishment, but he does want her and only her as his spouse. After he forgives her when he's told of her real role in his banishment, they spend a night together. After Shen apparently kills Po, he decides to marry Lianne a day after, both out of love and to cover their night, leaving her no choice. However, Lianne tells Shen at the altar that he'd have just needed to propose to her. He's hit by massive compunctions and realizes that he'd rather see her happy than chained to him on the road he doesn't believe he can step away from, so he interrupts the ceremony when it's Lianne's turn to say the marriage vows and gives her her freedom. To his complete surprise though, Lianne gives her marriage vows and promises to wait for him before she leaves.

Films — Animation 

  • In The Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina the Mole King tries to marry Thumbelina and fails.
  • In Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus, Wenlock threatens to turn Annika's parents to stone permanently if she does not marry him.
  • Disney Animated Canon
    • In Beauty and the Beast (1991), Gaston uses the Scarpia Ultimatum version on Belle when her father is going to be committed to an insane asylum. It doesn't work.
    • Jafar tries to force Jasmine to marry him in Aladdin by hypnotizing her father so that he'll set up an Arranged Marriage. Although Jafar initially plans to just kill them both after he gains the throne, he later shows he's not above creeping on Jasmine herself after she thinks Aladdin is dead, and even asks Genie to make her fall in love with him when she's defiant. After capturing Jasmine in Aladdin: The Return of Jafar, he makes it clear he's still planning this, although being a genie at this point and presumably aware of the limitations on his powers, he doesn't bother trying to mind control her and threatens her father instead.
    • Didn't make it into the final version of the film, but this trope was very heavy in one scene that was cut from The Lion King (1994). Scar was going to attempt to force Nala to marry him. Later, a similar scene found its way into the Broadway version. The Lion King (2019) actually does feature this trope, except that Scar tries to force Sarabi, Simba's mother, into being his queen. When Sarabi immediately refuses, however, Scar decides to give the hyenas first rights to a fresh kill and makes the lionesses eat last (if at all, for Scar remarks "they don't leave much behind").
    • The Hunchback of Notre Dame has Judge Frollo try to pull this against Esmerelda as a resolution to Sex Is Evil, and I Am Horny. Disturbingly, he never actually brings up "marriage" per se, rather that Esmerelda be his. It leaves the rapier implications of this trope at the forefront:

      Frollo: Hellfire, dark fire,
      Now Gypsy, it's your turn.
      Choose me or your pyre.
      Be mine, or you will burn!

  • The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part: Queen Watevra's Evil Plan is to have Batman marry her. What makes this interesting is that she makes sure that Batman wants to marry her. After "Gotham City Guys," Batman proposes to her, she asks him if he is sure, and Batman is shown to be completely on board with the wedding. The whole thing was even intended to unite their two worlds in peace, so it wasn't even an Evil Plan at all!
  • The evil penguin Drake from The Pebble and the Penguin demands that Marina choose him as a husband during the mating ritual, or go to a watery grave ("Right this way to the Drake estate/or write your epitaph!")
  • In Resident Evil: Vendetta Glenn Arias becomes obsessed with Rebecca Chambers since she's identical to his fiancee who was killed by a missile strike during his wedding. Naturally, Arias wants to try again and proposes to Rebecca while dressing her up as his bride, forcefully tries to put his dead wife’s ring on her finger, then injects her with his blood when she rejects him. Luckily for Rebecca, Chris Redfield comes to her rescue and successfully pissing Arias off in the process.
  • In The Scarecrow, Count Grisham wants to marry Polly mostly because she firmly refuses and he doesn't like to be told "no". Inevitably, the title character gets in his way.
  • Strange Magic: Roland, after failing to woo Princess Marianne (who knows he's a cheating jerk), decides to simply force her to marry him by using a love potion.
  • The Super Mario Bros. Movie: As per the standard, Bowser's main goal is to get Peach to marry him. To his credit, he does at least try a regular proposal first, but after the rejection comes (thanks to the whole "take over entire kingdoms to impress her" schtick not jiving all too well with Peach) he gets forceful very fast.
  • The Swan Princess: The villain Rothbart once tried to take Odette's kingdom by force, but it didn't work out so well. So he kidnaps Odette and turns her into a swan every time the moon sets until she agrees to marry him and give him a legal claim to the throne. That doesn't really go his way either.

Films — Live-Action 

  • Beetlejuice (1988): The title ghost's ultimate goal is to marry Lydia. He says it's a Citizenship Marriage deal (if he marries a living human, he can stay in the world of the living indefinitely), but the Squick factor is kept because she's a scared teenager and he's putridly dead.
  • Beetlejuice Beetlejuice: Decades after the original incident, Beetlejuice is still hung up on Lydia and is looking for the perfect oportunity to reconect with her, even making Lydia have visions of him. After Astrid, Lydia's daughter, goes to the underworld, due to having been tricked by a murderer so he can walk the Earth again, Lydia invokes Beetlejuice to help get Astrid back. "The Juice" agrees to help her on the condition she marries him so he can get back to Earth. Once Astrid and Lydia get back to the world of the living, Beetlejuice forces her to put on the red wedding dress again, and hold up her end of the bargain.
  • Big Trouble in Little China: David Lo Pan originally wants to marry and sacrifice Miao Yin so he can become solid again. Eventually he decides to marry both Miao Yin and Gracie Law, sacrifice Gracie instead and live out his Earthly pleasures with Miao Yin.
  • The Bold Caballero: After Don Diego's secret is exposed, the Commandante has Diego and Isabella thrown into the dungeons: Diego so he can execute him later, and Isabella so she cannot report back to the King of Spain on his treasons. The Commandante makes it clear that the only way that Isabella will ever leave the dungeons is if she agrees to marry him, which would legitimise his claim on the province. Being a pre-Code era film, the implicit threat of rape in this demand is quite evident.
  • Cinderella (2015):
    • Kit is a rare male victim of this trope, with the Duke marrying him off to Princess Chelina (how directly involved she is in all this is unclear).
    • Strangely, in a twist, Lady Tremaine is at one point willing to force Cinderella to marry her prince... as long as she is made Queen Dowager. When Cinderella refuses to let her exploit the man she loves like she did her father, Tremaine leaves her in the tower room to rot.
  • Flash Gordon: Emperor Ming forces Dale Arden to agree to marry him by promising to spare the lives of Prince Barin and Hans Zarkov if she does.
  • Highway to Hell has Satan kidnap Charlie's fiancee Rachel to be his bride.
  • Matai Shang's plan to help Sab Than take over Barsoom in the John Carter film adaptation involves having Sab force Dejah Thoris to marry him.
  • In A Jolly Bad Fellow, Delia attempts to blackmail Professor Bowles-Ottery into marrying her by threatening to go to the police with information about his murders. She fails to consider the most likely outcome of attempting to blackmail a poisoner.
  • Legend (1985): The Lord of Darkness' goblins capture the beautiful Princess Lili and take her to the dark castle, where Darkness falls in love with her and plans to marry her.
  • The Lone Ranger (2013): Cole wants to marry Rebecca so that her son can become his heir since he's implied to be a eunuch and can therefore not produce a son of his own.
  • The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra: The Skeleton declares that he will marry the alien woman Lattis and tries to have a wedding ceremony.
  • In The Man from Kangaroo, Giles plans to marry Muriel in order to gain total control of her fortune (and to prevent her from ever testifying against him). By the end of the film, he is willing to resort to abduction to accomplish this.
  • No Man of Her Own: Helen's evil ex-boyfriend decides to blackmail her, saying that he'll uncover her secret identity if she doesn't marry him and give him her family's inheritance.
  • In Norbit, a deleted scene shows that it was Rasputia who forced Norbit to marry her, threatening to kill him if he refused.
  • Nothing but Trouble: The JP forces Christopher to marry his granddaughter Eldona, the alternative being execution for running a stop sign (and being a banker!). He agrees to go through the ceremony since he figures it will give him an opportunity to escape, but after tying the knot he immediately gets caught.
  • Part of the wuxia Ode to Gallantry has a subplot involving the hero, a hooligan reluctantly dragged into a martial arts clan conspiracy, being forced to marry a Clan chief's granddaughter, but the wedding was interrupted by an ambush the next day.
  • Poor Pretty Eddie has a rare R-rated example. After Eddie has raped Liz multiple times, he arranges a wedding for the two of them, which the whole town attends.
  • The Princess: Julius simply will not take "no" for an answer from the princess, dead set on wedding her to legally take control of her kingdom. He locks her in a tower when she first refuses, later threatening her sister and saying he'd marry her (a girl of ten or so) instead if she won't, which of course horrifies her.
  • Humperdinck tries to do this to Buttercup in The Princess Bride, because he needs a popular queen to murder so that he can pin the crime on a neighboring country and use it as a Pretext for War. She was initially willing, but only because she believed her Love Interest was dead; when he returned, Humperdinck turned it into a Scarpia Ultimatum.
  • The Sheriff of Nottingham tries to do this to Maid Marian in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, offering her the lives of the captured woodsmen and their families (most notably the children) in exchange for her hand. He even tries to rape her during the ceremony as Robin and crew are beating down the door.
  • In Robin Hood: The Rebellion, the Sheriff of Nottingham abducts Lady Marian and attempts to force her to marry him by promising to ease the crippling tax burden he has imposed on the populace if she does so.
  • The Spanish Main involves a Dutch captain turned pirate king who discovers that the ship they're... procuring... has the bride-to-be of the Spanish governor. He marries her to get back at the governor for putting him in prison.
  • In Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!, Ricky (Antonio Banderas) kidnaps Marina (Victoria Abril) to force her to love and marry him.
  • In To Kill a Dragon, the reason that Lancelot decides to interfere is that Elsa is being forcibly married to the Dragon (which would result in her death). When the Dragon is defeated, the Burgomaster becomes a ruler and wants to forcibly marry Elsa himself.


  • 1632:
    • In 1634: The Baltic War, Eddie Cantrell has fallen totally in love with Anne Cathrine, the 15-year-old daughter of the King of Denmark, but fears his love to be hopeless due to her jailbait age (he is 20) and social standing. When escaping a destroyed prison, he and Anne Cathrine have a great deal of sex for two days, leading him to believe he is going to be executed, as the King reads a huge scroll of serious charges against him. But, when he realizes this trope is being offered, he is ecstatic. (So is Anne Cathrine.)
    • In 1634: The Bavarian Crisis, Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar tries to kidnap the Hapsburg princess Maria Anna (who has just run away from her previous Arranged Marriage and is currently very close to his own territory) in order to reinforce his status when he sets himself up as an independent ruler. The plan doesn't really go anywhere, and he even provides her and her new intended with free passage and an escort led by the officer whom he sent to capture her in the first place, figuring that if he can't have her, he might as well get some decent PR out of the whole mess.
  • In Being a Green Mother, Natasha rescues Orb from a forced marriage to Satan, where he is using a magic song to destroy her will, embodying this trope. Then, Natasha courts Orb through several Rescue Romance scenes. She falls in love with him for this, his handsome appearance, gentle demeanor, and his lovely singing, and agrees to marry him. Then comes The Reveal...
  • Brother Cadfael:
    • In The Virgin in the Ice, a young heiress fights off the Big Bad, knowing that if he succeeds in raping her she will be forced to marry him and her life and fortune will be in his hands.
    • It shows up again in The Rose Rent. When the wealthy widow Judith Perle disappears, it's feared that she faces "marriage by rape".
  • Near the end of A Brother's Price, Kij Porter and her sisters kidnap Jerin Whistler for this purpose. With his Royal Blood, they'd have a shot at the throne if the women already on it were all killed. He promises that if they don't kill his companion, a thorn in their side for ages, then he will marry them willingly, please them in bed, never run away or tell the sordid tale to anyone, and care for their children. He is lying like a rug and escapes at the first opportunity.
  • A Creature of the Night: Luigi Beltrami doesn't stand a chance with Giulietta Morone because, for one, he's not her type, and for two, he was her former husband's closest friend and he knows she murdered him. However, he wants to marry her for her wealth and the challenge and he has made it his business to know of a lot more of Giulietta's criminal behavior. He uses her latest kill to force her into accepting his proposal on threat of exposing her.
  • In the novelette "Death Swatch" by Esther Friesner, the beautiful elf princess Minuriel is kidnapped by the Grim Lord and forced to marry him. She cleverly subverts his plans by reminding him that in order for the ceremony to take place, he must grant her a wedding gift of her choosing. Minuriel chooses to redecorate his Supervillain Lair, with the idea that it will annoy the Grim Lord until he gives up and lets her go. This does not go the way either of them expects.
  • The heroes (sort of) of the Deryni novels pull this one — in The Bishop's Heir, the rebel princess is kidnapped, held captive, and then told she must marry protagonist King Kelson (so that her claim to lands will be once again joined to his royal line). He tells her he wants her to agree "willingly", but it's made clear to the user that he will apply Mind Rape if necessary. She's killed instants after saying her vows, so the issue of sex is never dealt with. It's presented as the only way to end a protracted and bloody civil war, which continues in the following book until all possible rival heirs are dead. and Sidana chooses to cooperate. She is also given several weeks of wedding preparations to get used to the idea and notice that Kelson is a more than presentable young man.
  • Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know: In the original storyline told in the book Wenren E received, the Violet Pavilion Master told He Wenzhao that she would give him the herb he needed to cure his master only if he agreed to marry her — not because she actually loved him, but because she was interested in stealing the hidden divine power of his main love interest Baili Qingmiao for herself. In the actual main storyline that gets significantly altered from the original one by Wenren E and other characters' machinations, this still happens but in a different form: the Violet Pavilion Master takes on the form of a man instead of a woman's and asks to marry Baili Qingmiao instead in exchange for the herb because he had learned some of what happened in the future and decided that it was much more advantageous for him to marry the secret goddess herself than He Wenzhao. Unlike in the original storyline, his attempt doesn't succeed due to Wenren E's interference.
  • Earth's Children: Once he becomes leader near the end of the first book, Broud announces he intends to take Ayla as a second mate, insisting she needs a man to care for her. Ayla grudgingly accepts this, as she'd been expecting it since her mother died and Creb announced his retirement. However, when Broud refuses to let her son live at his hearth and demands he be placed in Uba and Vorn's custody, Ayla protests, knowing Broud is only doing it to spite her. This prompts Broud to curse Ayla with death and so she luckily never has to go through with marrying him.
  • The Han Solo Trilogy: Ganar Tos, Teroenza's servant, has a creepy desire for Bria. While at first she's not bothered too much by it, since he doesn't do anything, before she knows it he's bringing her before Teroenza to get married. At no point is she asked for consent, and it's clear neither one cares. Bria only manages to delay this by insisting on following Corellian custom, which requires the bride to wear a green dress. After this, she escapes with Han before the delay is up.
  • The Husky and His White Cat Shizun: Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun: After Taxian-jun captured and removed Chu Wanning's golden core, he marries Chu Wanning in an official wedding ceremony and makes him into his Imperial Concubine. The wedding night is the start of an eight year nightmare for Chu Wanning.
  • In The Innocent, the lead Elinor fights off a rapist with the help of a serf. The creep was the cousin and lover of the wife of Elinor's dying brother; if he had succeeded, he could have claimed Elinor as his wife, giving him access to her lands. The cousin and the sister-in-law had further plans that would have ended with them married and in control of the lands.
  • Into the Bloodred Woods: Albrecht kidnaps Greta with this in mind, though she refuses unless he shows mercy to her brother and the other werebeasts.
  • John Carter of Mars: This happens twice with Dejah Thoris. In the first book, she is pressured into marrying a prince from a rival city-state in order to spare her realm from being destroyed by his armies. In the third book, she ends up taken to a foreign land whose tyrant declares he will make her his queen.
  • The King's Damosel: The Knight of the Red Laundes, also known as Ruber, laid siege against Lynette and Lyonesse's home to try and force Lyonesse, the eldest daughter, to marry him and make him a lord. Because of this, Lynette snuck out to go to King Arthur's court and ask for a knight to help her save Lyonesse. This also happened in Lucius' backstory; when his mother refused to marry a man named Breuse Saunce Pitié, he retaliated by having her and her son locked away in darkness for years.
  • In The Lunar Chronicles, Queen Levana tries to force Prince Kai to marry her because she's determined to get a legitimate claim over Earth via marriage to an Earthen leader. First she tries to withhold the antidote for the Letumosis virus from him, then threaten his Love Interest Cinder's life to force him to marry her. At the end of Scarlet, she succeeds, but in Cress, Cinder stops the wedding by kidnapping Kai.
  • In Lucy Daniel Raby's Nickolai of the North, there is a more rare version since both parties involved are pretty villainous. Volpo, The Dragon to Wicked Witch Magda, tells her that he'll only reveal his genius Evil Plan to capture the heroes if Magda agrees to marry him. If she doesn't, he won't help her at all with anything anymore. Since Magda is the World's Most Beautiful Woman (after certain dark magic, that is) and Volpo is horrendously ugly, she's not very enthusiastic about it. They announce their engagement as the Evil Plan seems to succeed, but then Big Damn Heroes kill them off before things can progress further.
  • October Daye: Blind Michael planned to do this to Toby after she gave herself up to him to free his prisoners. And he was already married!
  • The Scarpia Ultimatum is used for this in The Phantom of the Opera. It's an unusually sympathetic version, though — it's pretty explicit that Erik has no intention of raping Christine (the man seems to think of wives as pets or accessories that one takes on walks and buys pretty things for, rather than as sexual partners). Nevertheless, Erik still was willing to blow Christine, Raoul (her Love Interest), The Persian, and half of Paris up with a stockhold of gunpowder if Christine refuses his proposal - so yeah he’s still a poster boy for this trope. Though the Phantom does ultimately subvert this when Christine kisses him and he lets her and Raoul run away free.
  • The Pillars of the Earth:
    • Utter sub-human garbage William Hamleigh tries to do this to Aleina multiple times and she refuses each time, but sickeningly he doesn't take it lightly. It makes his death all the more satisfying.
    • Poor Aliena has dealt with similar crap from Tom Builder's son Alfred who proposes to her and given her experience with William it's no surprise she turns him instantly down. However, when she loses all her money, she is forced to give in and accept his proposal. Fortunately, Jack Jackson (Aliena's true love) comes to house on her wedding night, and she takes his virginity away. This, however, gets her pregnant and Alfred enraged kicks her out of the house but she goes to Jack in France and Alfred dies later, allowing a consensual marriage to happen. So it all turns out okay.
  • Played with in The Princess Bride, which portrays the royal engagement rather differently than the movie. Humperdinck does not initially have plans to kill Buttercup on their wedding night; he wants to marry the World's Most Beautiful Woman so that people will think he must be "some kinda fella to get a wife like that." She refuses, so he points out that he could have her executed for treason, which doesn't sway her; her exact reaction is "Kill me then." He insists on at least being given a reason for the refusal, and she explains that "marriage involves love" and she has sworn never to love anyone but her dead Westley. He tells her she doesn't have to love him, he doesn't even want her to love him, and then she's okay with it. (It's only later that he cooks up the scheme to frame Guilder for her murder.)
  • In The Queen's Thief, the king of Sounis wants Hamiathes' Gift, a mythical artifact that legitimises the owner to rule over neighbouring Eddis. While the artifact is so ancient that he could not hope to wrench power from the ruling queen (whose ancestors have ruled without it, too), he hopes to be able to bully her into marrying him. Considering that protagonist Gen has been employed by the king of Sounis to steal said artifact, the reader is not quite sure whether to hope that Gen succeeds. Later it turns out that Gen has not been unwillingly dragged along but had plans of his own... which do not involve handing the Gift over to Sounis.
  • It is part of Celimus' plan to take over the world in Fiona McIntosh's Quickening Trilogy. He first sends the hero to ask the princess of the neighboring country's hand in marriage but also sends mercenaries to kill the king so she has no choice but to marry him since her country is too weak and she's too young for a war. Of course, the main character falls in love with her, but he only manages to save her in the nick of time between her marriage and the wedding night, due to a rather annoying curse.
  • The Red Necklace: Count Kalliovski keeps Sido imprisoned until she agrees to marry him. Later, he creepily tells her if she doesn't marry him, he'll bed her whether she wants it or not anyway.
  • The Reynard Cycle: Reynard's nemesis, Duke Nobel, plans to marry a captive Countess in order to unify two warring states. The plan works.
  • Many, many versions of the Robin Hood legend have the Sheriff or some other villain trying to do this to Marian.
  • The Saga of Halfdan Eysteinsson: After King Eystein has conquered Ladoga and killed King Hergeir, he forces Hergeir's widow, Queen Isgerd, to choose between marrying him or becoming his concubine. Isgerd choses the first option as the lesser of two evils. Obviously the marriage to Isgerd serves Eystein to legitimize his rule over Ladoga, though the fact that he threatened to make her his concubine also suggests that he considers her attractive.
  • In the Old Icelandic Saga of Hrolf Kraki, King Helgi of Denmark takes Queen Olof of Saxony hostage and tries to force her to marry him. It doesn't work.
  • This happens in the first A Series of Unfortunate Events book (as well as The Film of the Book), in which Count Olaf tries to marry Violet. Bizarrely, even though the series is aimed at kids, even though Olaf is clearly a Gold Digger, and even though Violet is underage and Olaf is her much older legal guardian, the possibility of rape is actually more explicit than usual, with Violet imagining what it would be like to sleep beside Olaf and Olaf at one point declaring that they were “off to have our wedding night.”
  • Attempted by the villains of the Sherlock Holmes story "The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist". They initially seem to have succeeded, but Sherlock points out that the clergyman hired to perform the wedding had been defrocked and therefore had no authority to officiate a marriage, and that even if he did, a forced marriage is not legally binding.
  • In J.R.R. Tolkien's "Tale of Beren and Lúthien" (from The Silmarillion), Celegorm imprisons the heroine with the intent of marrying her, wanting to advance his political power in Beleriand. Fortunately, Lúthien manages to escape with some assistance from his dog.
  • A Song of Ice and Fire:
    • Sansa Stark is at first thrilled about her betrothal to Prince Joffrey Baratheon, but it quickly turns into this trope when it becomes clear the Lannisters intend to hold her to the bargain even after Joffrey has her father executed in front of her. Wide-Eyed Idealist though she is, Sansa is very much aware of the Marital Rape License and what it means for her situation. She gets out of marrying Joffrey once they realize Margaery Tyrell is a better political match... so they marry her off to Joffrey's uglier uncle Tyrion Lannister instead. Fortunately, Tyrion is a much nicer guy than his nephew, and refrains from raping her on their wedding night (or at any other time). Later, it seems like Sansa might fall victim to this trope yet again, this time with Littlefinger. In A Dance with Dragons, it's mentioned that Littlefinger's first attempt to do this happened when Sansa was eleven.
    • Done to Jeyne Poole, who was forced to masquerade as Arya Stark and marry Ramsay Snow, so as to more firmly establish the Bolton claim to the North. And Ramsay did the same thing to Donella Hornwood before that, though it's deconstructed, everyone knows what he did to Lady Hornwood and Jeyne, and everyone wants his head on a pike for it. Roose Bolton, Ramsay's father, is continually frustrated by this sort of behavior on Ramsay's part. If Roose's position continues to deteriorate, Ramsay will most likely be thrown to the wolves at the first opportunity.
    • The Black Brides of Maegor the Cruel, Elinor Costayne, Rhaena Targaryen, and Jeyne Westerling, were three widowed women who were forced into a polygamous marriage with him after he killed their previous husbands. Elinor's husband Theo Bolling was beheaded by Maegor for supposedly helping Alyssa Velaryon depose Maegor and place her son Jaehaerys to the throne, Rhaena's husband Aegon was personally slain by Maegor for leading a rebellion against him, and Jeyne's husband Alyn Tarbeck died in the same battle Aegon was in.
  • Spinning Silver: When Miryem completes The Three Trials, the Staryk King whisks her away to become Queen of his Faerie Court even though they detest each other — Miryem was only trying to stay alive, but the King is duty-bound to honor her success with a suitable prize. Further complications ensue.
  • Tempest (2011): In Tempest Revealed, Sabyn takes over Coral Straits and proposes marriage to Tempest so she can be his merQueen. When Tempest refuses, he has her chained up in the underwater dungeons. He visits her once a day to bring her food, inject her with an Anti-Magic drug, ask her if she's changed her mind, and rough her up when she says no. Tempest is his prisoner for about three weeks before Mahina sneaks in to rescue her.
  • In The Well at the World's End, the Sun Knight forces the Lady of Abundance to marry him, but she runs off with Ralph before they consummate the marriage. The Sun Knight tracks them down and stabs the Lady to death.
  • In Tanya Huff's short story "A Woman's Work," Queen Arrabel has two princesses of a recently conquered kingdom in front of her. She tells the dark-haired one that the young woman will marry the queen's son and the two will rule the conquered kingdom together. The woman flatly refuses, and gets a blade to the neck for her trouble. The queen then turns to the blonde princess, who seems profoundly unsurprised by her sister's death, and presents her the same offer; the young woman shrugs and takes it. The queen later states she doesn't expect her son to live long after the princess gives birth. She's perfectly fine with that; the princess's track record during the invasion proves she is a far more competent heir.

Live-Action TV 

  • On 'Allo 'Allo! Denise Laroche of the Communist Resistance forces René to marry her somewhat unintentionally - René won't refuse because she killed the only other man who ever broke her heart. She doesn't even think there is a question of him refusing, because she believes they are star-crossed lovers, not realizing that René Really Gets Around (the marriage is eventually sabotaged by three of the other women in line to marry him) and that he barely remembers her name.
  • The 1960s Batman:
    • "Marsha Queen of Diamonds/Marsha Scheme of Diamonds": Marsha blackmails Batman into marrying her or Robin will be her prisoner forever. The marriage would be a case of Loophole Abuse; Marsha's original plan was blackmailing him into letting her into the Batcave so she'd gain access to the bat-diamond, but even for Robin he wouldn't break his vow (never revealing the Batcave's location to any strangers), so she demanded the marriage to make herself no longer a stranger.
    • "King Tut’s Coup/Batman’s Waterloo": King Tut kidnaps socialite Lisa Carson to make her Queen of the Nile.
    • "Green Ice/Deep Freeze": Mr. Freeze kidnaps beauty queen Miss Iceland with this purpose in mind.
    • "Enter Batgirl, Exit Penguin": The Penguin does the same to Barbara Gordon with the belief that his new father-in-law Commissioner Gordon will grant him immunity to arrest.
  • Best Friends Whenever has Daisy being forcibly engaged to a Jerkass named Sebastian who wants to rule her kingdom. The gang must rescue her from her Arranged Marriage.
  • In Blackadder's Christmas Carol, the future Admiral Blackadder pulls this on the aptly-named Queen Asphyxia that he served until a few moments before, with a twist ("I thought you'd never ask!") the scene of which helping Ebenezer Blackadder, the one White Sheep of the family, to turn as self-centered and evil as his forebears.
  • In the musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a demon threatens to kill everyone in Sunnydale and make Dawn his “queen”. He relents when it's revealed the terms of his summoning would actually make Xander his bride.

    Anya: I've seen some of these Underworld child bride deals, and they never end well. Well, maybe once.

  • A strange version occurs in Farscape. John is, unfortunately, the only male able to give a princess healthy children and she must marry in order to become Empress. John is fully prepared to let her down gently, but the current Empress gives him a choice: marry her daughter or let Scorpius play with his brain.
  • Father Brown: In "The Mak of the Demon", Wolsey threatened to have his now-wife blacklisted from all the major film studios if she didn't marry him. Naturally she's still nurses a serious grudge over this, making her the prime suspect when he winds up dead.
  • In The Flash (2014), when Eobard Thawne creates a "Reverse-Flashpoint" timeline where he takes Barry's place in history, he tries to take advantage of the situation to trick Iris into marrying him after rewriting her memories.
  • Frontier (2016): Captain Chesterfield decides that he wants Grace to be his wife after they've both overthrown Lord Benton, a suggestion to which she is not at all amenable. She does agree to sign a marriage contract, but since she refuses to share his bed, they both keep going back and forth trying to blackmail and outmaneuver each other.
  • Frontier Circus: In "The Courtship", the Southern Belle who runs the town attempts to force Casey to marry her by impounding all of the circus's equipment and animals.
  • Galavant: Evil King Richard kidnaps the beautiful Madalena to force her to marry him. However, when Galavant arrives to rescue her, she's decided that she'd much rather have all the fame and fortune that comes with being queen than the "simple happiness" that comes from being married to a hero. Later, as part of a Batman Gambit, Richard convinces Galavant that Madalena deeply regrets this decision (she doesn't) and needs to be rescued (she doesn't). It soon becomes apparent that Madalena is far more evil than Richard ever has been. Among other things, he is horrified at the idea of exercising Marital Rape License.

    Richard: I'm not an animal. I mean, sure, I'll kidnap a woman and force her to marry me, but after that, I'm all about a woman's rights. I'm a modern 13th-century man.

  • Game of Thrones:
    • A rare female-on-male version when Daenerys forces Hizdahr to marry her after imprisoning and threatening to execute him in "Kill the Boy", hoping the marriage will placate her enemies. She later tells Tyrion she may not resort to killing him.
    • Similar to Jeyne Poole's situation who is Adapted Out from the show, Sansa is forced to marry Ramsey Bolton, of all people. However, this is part of Littlefinger's schemes to take control of the North. It's actually worse than that when during their wedding night, Ramsey rapes Sansa and as a result, Theon/Reek helped her escape.
  • Jessie: Creepy Connie tries to force Luke to marry her in "Creepy Connie 3: The Creepening".
  • Heaven help you if you’re a female character in The League of Gentlemen and you cross paths with Papa Lazarou. You’re HIS wife now!
  • In Law & Order: Special Victims Unit season 23, episode 20 "Did You Believe In Magic?" the villain has been arrested after having brainwashed, kidnapped and raped a 14-year-old girl. ADA Carisi goes into the plea deal conference determined to secure at least a felony guilty plea; the perp counters by insisting not only that he go free, but that the girl must marry him, else he will further harm her family by exposing their secrets. He walks away free, and almost manages to marry the girl, ultimately undone only by a scheme in which the girl is tricked into believing she'll be allowed to marry him.
  • Legend of the Seeker: When a combination of magics accidentally send Richard to the future, Darken Rahl offers to give the resistance amnesty if Kahlen marries him. She only went along with it because having a child with Rahl was the only way to ensure that in the future, someone would have the power to send Richard back.
  • Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman: The first season is one long, protracted plot by Lex Luthor to achieve this. When his dream wedding to Lois (intended to culminate with Superman's painful death) collapsed like a bad souffle, he resorted to kidnapping and brainwashing Lois instead. Later, his sons, Jaxon Xavier and Lex Luthor Jr., follow the same script.
  • Lord Zedd suddenly decided he wanted to marry Kimberly in one episode of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, leading to a completely failed attempt to hypnotize her. And by failed, we mean that Kimberly uses her acting lessons to give a truly Rita-worthy performance that scares the hell out of the bad guys, buying the others time to rescue her.
  • In Newhart, Larry once revealed that his dad was very persistent in courting his mom until she said the words he longed to hear, "Okay, untie me and I'll marry you." This worried the rest of the cast as he began courting Stephanie. Fortunately, when asked about it, Larry admits that what his dad did was "just weird".
  • Nirvana in Fire:
    • Princess Liyang was in love with a foreign prince but the empress and Marquis Xie conspired to drug and rape her so that she would be forced to marry Xie.
    • The Crown Prince and his mother Consort Yue attempt to repeat this plot with Nihuang so that she is forced to marry one of her potential suitors and get out of their way. Thankfully Mei Changsu, Jingyan, and Nihuang herself ensure the plan fails.
  • In one episode of Red Dwarf, the guys must trade with a grunting, Yeti-like tribe of G.E.L.F.s to obtain some vital equipment. The tribe's chief demands that Lister marry his daughter in return. He ends up going through with the ceremony but runs out before consummation.
  • Robin Hood starts with Marian leading Guy of Gisbourne on for information, but Guy ends up developing this for her which actually culminates in her death.
  • An episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine called "The House of Quark" has the Klingon Grilka kidnap Quark and force him to marry her at knifepoint. This is a relatively sympathetic version, as Grilka's only doing it to maneuver her family out of a political crisis that was partly Quark's fault in the first place. It quickly turns into a more equal partnership, with Quark using his cunning and financial skills to help her resolve the situation, and afterward, she gladly divorces him and they part on good terms.
  • In one episode of The Suite Life on Deck, Maddie is tricked and accidentally becomes engaged to an 8-year-old prince, but is saved by Zack challenging the brat to a Duel to the Death.
  • In Tinsel, Kwame Mensah gets Telema Duke to marry him by holding his testimony — the only chance for her on-again/off-again lover, Soji Bankole, to escape a Murder One conviction — to ransom.
  • In The Tribe, Ram takes an interest in Ebony when he finds out that she is his lieutenants Java and Siva's younger sister, both of whom he has already married. He tries to persuade her nicely at first by presenting her with gifts and noting how much power she would gain by it, but eventually gets fed up with her reluctance and pretty much gives Ebony an ultimatum to make up her mind. She ultimately chooses Ram's good-hearted Dragon Jay instead.

Mythology & Religion 

  • In the Book of Genesis, Dinah is raped by an unnamed Canaanite prince, who decides after the fact that he wants to marry her. He keeps her in his tent and goes to ask Jacob's permission to marry her and offers him a hefty bride price. Jacob doesn't really object to this, but his sons (Dinah's Knight Templar Big Brothers) do. They agree to the marriage On One Condition: namely, that all the men of Shechem get circumcised. The Shechemites agree, reasoning that the marriage will unite their tribes and make them wealthier and better off. While they're recovering, Dinah's brothers come in, slaughter all the adult males, take the women and children as plunder, and rescue Dinah.
    • In the bible, this trope is actually inverted. Sex was betrothal and betrothal was marriage. Technically, this means that rape could have been a way to force a girl to marry you, though biblical law meant the father could instead demand money for the brideprice and tell the "groom" to take a hike if he couldn't stand the thought of having him in the family. Ordinarily, though, one assumes kids were just kids, got horny, and did things without their parents permission.
  • The Book of Mormon: After king Noah is dethroned and burned, his corrupt priests run away lest the mob seize them next — leaving their families behind. Not to worry, though; they can just kidnap a bunch of girls from the Lamanites, and since they're all priests, sorting out the remarriages should be easy! Too bad about the Lamanite armies that come marching along looking for revenge... although when the priests are actually caught, their new wives plead for their lives, so perhaps it worked out in the end?
  • Classical Mythology: As the ancient Mediterranean is one of the places where marriage by abduction was a perfectly acceptable real-world practice, it's referenced all over the place in Greek and Roman mythology.
    • Hades, the Greek god of the underworld, kidnapped Persephone to be his wife, persuading her to bind herself to the underworld by eating the food of the dead. However, Alternative Character Interpretation applies.
    • The traditional account of the founding of Rome has Romulus kidnap the women of a neighboring tribe, the Sabines, so that his followers could have brides. As Romulus explains to the kidnapped women, this is perfectly justified and really all their fathers' fault, because the Romans had come as respectable suitors and the Sabine men had rejected them for no good reason. And to be fair, it's not like the Sabine daughters would have had any choice in who they married in the normal way.
      • Virgil has the Roman men excusing themselves on the grounds of their desperate desire for wives and the Sabine women's beauty and virtue. They follow this up by making much of their captives and not laying a finger on them til they freely consent. By the time the Sabine dads finally show up their daughters are happily married and many of them mothers. All this suggests that even the Romans felt the original story needed softening.
    • The Trojan War supposedly started this way, with Paris' abduction of Helen, although the ancient accounts differ on whether Helen was actually kidnapped or went along willingly.
  • Norse Mythology: A giant named Thrym steals Thor's hammer and demands that the gods gave him Freyja as his wife in return for Mjölnir. Instead, on Loki's advice, the gods dress up Thor as Freyja to trick Thrym into returning the hammer and then using it to kill him.
  • Nart Sagas: Subverted by Arkhon Arkhozh's abduction of Psatina in a Circassian tale. He doesn't want to make her his bride, but to use her as bait to draw out a Worthy Opponent.

Pro Wrestling 

Tabletop Games 

  • In Exalted, an actual game mechanic called "Exquisite Bride Obsession" encourages certain villains to do this. The Ebon Dragon is a demon who has kidnapped the Scarlet Empress for these purposes, and the Dragon's Infernal Exalts can abstain punishment for disobedience by mimicking that behaviour - concocting and executing plans to marry somebody.
  • It Came from the Late, Late Show. In the adventure "The Iron Fist of Shao-Lin vs. the Dragon Ninjas", the villain Omu Yogwatzi kidnaps the Damsel in Distress Lotus Blossom and tries to force her to marry him.


  • In All's Well That Ends Well, Helena, a lovestruck commoner woman, saves the king's life and is granted a boon. She asks to marry the snobby nobleman Bertram, and the king orders him to go along with it against his will. In this case, Helena isn't actually a villain at all, as (a) Arranged Marriage was pretty normal at the time the play was written, and (b) Bertram manages to be such a massive tool that it's pretty much impossible to feel sorry for him; if anything most people pity Helena for having such bad taste.
  • In Eurydice, the lord of the underworld is intent on making Eurydice his bride, and it's implied to be the reason he tempted her down in the first place.
  • In "Corn!" from The Musical of Musicals: The Musical!, Jidder intends to marry June unless he can collect her rent by 5 o'clock.

    Big Willy: Well, you cain't up and marry her jest 'cause she cain't pay her rent!
    Jidder: Oh, cain't I? It says I can right here in this Lease!
    Big Willy: That lease'll never hold up in court!
    Jidder: Yes it will. And don't call me Liesl!

  • The titular band in The Pirates of Penzance come across General Stanley's wards and immediately declare their intention to marry them "with impunity".
  • In The Taming of the Shrew, Petruchio forces Katherine into an arranged marriage by telling her father that she had agreed to marry him but they had made a bargain that she would pretend to hate him around other people. Her father buys it, taking the idea that characters in comedies are always gullible to extremes.
  • In The Yeomen of the Guard, not one, but two major characters are forced into loveless marriages to detested admirers who have enough dirt on them to get them executed.

Theme Parks 

Video Games 

  • In Castle Crashers, the leader of the Coneheads is attempting to marry the Green Princess against her will when you show up.
  • In Castlevania 64's bad ending, the child Malus (actually a reincarnated Dracula) suddenly pesters Carrie to promise to marry him when they grow up. She concedes to consider it, to which he ominously says they now have a binding contract.
  • In Crusader Kings II, tribal chiefs and pagan, Zoroastrian, and Dharmic rulers can force captured women to be their concubines, even married women. Naturally this incurs a nasty relations penalty with the woman, her relatives, and her husband (if she has one), and such concubines are often helpful to those wishing to assassinate the ruler.
  • Dante's Inferno has Lucifer tricking Beatrice Portinari into marrying him, which forces her beloved Dante to go to Hell and save her. According to the animated adaptation, he had taken several women as his brides across the millennia such as Cleopatra, Salome, and Helen of Troy before Beatrice. It's revealed that the marriage is just a ploy, he used her as bait to lure Dante to Hell and release him from his prison.
  • Densetsu no Stafy 4 has a monkey named Arcy as a boss. He is looking for a bride and kidnaps Starly expecting to marry her, but Starfy puts a stop to it.
  • Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp has the Evil Sorcerer, Mordroc, kidnapping the Beautiful Princess Daphne, so he can put the Death Ring on Daphne in marriage, which will also turn the beautiful princess into a hideous monster. The motives of evil wizards are curious indeed.
  • Dragon Quest VII plays with this in Verdham, where this creates a Love Dodecahedron: Linda agrees to an Arranged Marriage with Iwan, the son of the richest man in town, in order to clear her late parents' debt to him. However, while Iwan loves Linda, Linda loves Pepe, who works as one of Borlock's gardeners. Interestingly, Borlock is shown to be a Reasonable Authority Figure who is completely unaware of the Dodecahedron, and it's outright stated that if made aware of the situation, he would probably cancel the marriage and find some other way of dealing with the debt. Unfortunately, that's not what happens.
  • Fake Happy End: The Swamp King is angered when the party insults his smell and appearance, and demands that Mishika marries him as penance. However, he gives up once she starts beating him with a stick.
  • Final Fantasy VI:
    • Celes has to agree to marry Setzer to get the party access to an airship. Or rather, she makes a wager on a coin toss: Heads they get his ship, tails she marries him. When he loses and realizes she's using a coin with two heads he's so impressed he joins the party.
    • A more straight example is in the opera in the game, where the princess Maria is being forced to marry the prince of the conquering kingdom for the sake of unification despite her beloved Draco still leading an insurrection to free them.
  • Seymour forces Yuna to marry him in Final Fantasy X, though the implications of it are ignored (partially since he's dead. But then again, he was alive when he proposed to her in the first place). It gets worse when you consider that his reason for doing so is to be used as the basis for her Final Aeon, thereby becoming the next Sin and destroying the world.
  • Fire Emblem:
  • In Gingiva, almost all of the boss monsters will try to pull this on the player (and immediately turn hostile when you refuse).
  • King's Quest:
  • In the The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords, Vaati's plan to take over Hyrule starts with him kidnapping Zelda to make her his bride. That she was a Princess made Vaati want even more.
  • Love of Magic: Lord Jerkow is considering forcing Emily to marry him as a way to claim the throne.

    Lord Jerkow: I guess the only question is if I will decide to chain you with steel or with a ring of gold.

  • Magical Tetris Challenge: Pete's goal is to force Minnie to marry him, going as far as to hypnotize her.
  • LeChuck is always trying to do this to Elaine Marley in the Monkey Island games.
  • Haru Okumura in Persona 5, though in an unusual twist it's at the behest of her politically ambitious father, as the guy she's being forced to marry is an MP's son. The wedding gets called off if you advance her Confidant far enough - and you have the option to romance her right after.
  • In Pinball Quest, Lord Beezelbub has kidnapped Princess Ball and plans to marry her in three days. No fair guessing what the player has to do.
  • Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom features a variant; the evil Minister Pumpkin has kidnapped the Princess and is plotting to force her to marry his son.
  • Rave Heart: Sharky, the leader of the Star Raiders, wants to convince Veronica to marry him. To that end, he wants to monopolize Moldavite in order to make a gift to impress her. When she continues refusing his advances, he kidnaps her and forces her to marry him on his ship.
  • In Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves, General Tsao captures the Panda King's daughter and forces her to marry him against her will. She escapes thanks to the Cooper Gang, and Tsao ends up almost married to Carmelita.
  • In the Super Mario series, Bowser's schemes, frequently, were made to forcibly marry Princess Peach, both to consummate his control over the Mushroom Kingdom and to be with his Villainous Crush.
    • In Super Mario RPG, Bowser hasn't kidnapped the Peach, it's actually a man named Booster. While it seems sinister, as it turns out, Booster has no idea what a wedding actually means, and plans on leaving Toadstool after the party is done. After he eats the wedding cake, he heads off with his minions and is never heard from again.
    • The Squicky implications of Bowser's pursuit are lampshaded in Super Mario Sunshine, in which Peach is suggested to be Bowser Jr.'s mother and she has to stop and think about it.
    • Happens at the beginning of in Super Paper Mario, although this time it wasn't Bowser's fault. The Big Bad kidnapped both of them and forcibly married them, specifically because their union would cause a Reality-Breaking Paradox. Bowser was a bit mad about being kidnapped, but once he saw he was marrying Peach, he stopped complaining.
    • In Super Mario Odyssey, this is Bowser's explicit goal. He not only kidnaps Peach (again) but attacks kingdoms the world over in order to steal top-of-the-line items for the ceremony (a diamond ring that's a priceless artifact, a bouquet bred by master gardeners, a dress made by world-renowned fashion designers, etc.).
  • A rare gender-flipped version of this occurs in the Spider-Man 3 game, where Priscilla, leader of the "Arsenic Candy" gang, attempts to marry a man against his will.
  • Sword of Paladin: About a decade ago, Berienstahl kidnapped Sophie in order to access the center of Asgard with her blood and because he wants to marry her to gain the rights to the Asgard throne.
  • Maximilian seeks to marry Princess Cordelia in Valkyria Chronicles as part of his takeover of her kingdom. Unfortunately for her, even after revealing that her family bloodline is a lie, he's still bent on taking her as a bride.

Visual Novels 


  • Demon King GF: In a rare case where it's the hero who does this to the villain, the human Hero states that he will grant mercy to his nemesis Demon King Alvida, but only if she becomes his wife. Of course, he has no sinister motives behind this; he has been in love with Alvida for quite some time and is shown to be a genuine Nice Guy in later comics. Despite this bizarre proposal, Alvida accepts it both to save her own skin and because she can use her nuptials to finally kill him once and for all. That is, until she genuinely starts falling in love with him.
  • Girl Genius:
  • The Hare's Bride (2010): The hare takes the girl away to force her to marry him.
  • Female-on-male version in Homestuck: A Brainwashed and Crazy Jane Crocker explains her intent to force a captive, terrified Jake English to marry her, sire her children and rule a galactic empire at her side.
  • Lore Olympus: When Persephone makes it clear to Apollo that she hates him and wants nothing to do with him, he goes to Hera’s office to submit an application to marry her anyway.
  • The Order of the Stick: This is the standard operating procedure of Tarquin; soon after he is introduced in the story, he tries to seduce a recently-widowed woman when her husband is "accidentally" killed after Tarquin sent his troops to break a siege he was involved in. He also mentions that several of his previous fiances have needed "encouragement" to marry him. As it turns out, Julio Scoundrél made a habit of rescuing Tarquin's wives-to-be Just in Time. Even better, due to Theory of Narrative Causality, Julio only ever rescued the wives who wanted to be rescued; Tarquin's most recent wife was perfectly happy with him until she died (due to something that, surprisingly, was not Tarquin's fault). It makes even more sense when you realize that Tarquin was probably emulating the specific uses of this trope by King David and/or Uther Pendragon, given that he's weaponizing Narrative Causality and his plans revolve around his son.
  • Trapped: When Chae-ah confronts Haewon in a bid to get Yunsu to kill him, Haewon knocks her out, kidnaps her, and tries to force her to sign a marriage certificate.

Web Original 

  • As you might expect, the Evil Overlord List has some advice in this area.

    After I kidnap the beautiful princess, we will be married immediately in a quiet civil ceremony, not a lavish spectacle in three weeks' time during which the final phase of my plan will be carried out.
    If the beautiful princess that I capture says "I'll never marry you! Never, do you hear me, NEVER!!!", I will say "Oh well" and kill her.

Western Animation 

  • The Ice King in Adventure Time is a rather bizarrely sympathetic character despite having this trope as basically his entire motivation. It's not like he's in love with his target — indeed, he doesn't seem to really care which princess he marries as long as he can marry one. He seems to just genuinely want to be Happily Married, and he's apparently completely unable to comprehend that kidnapping or hypnotizing a random princess and marrying her against her will is not a way to achieve that. He eventually gets a Freudian Excuse: he Was Once a Man before being driven mad by his crown, and is subconsciously trying to regain his "princess," the fiancée who vanished after he went mad.
  • There's a rare gender-reversal in Alfred J. Kwak when a Wicked Witch tries to force Alfred to marry her. The witch actually succeeds, but it thankfully turns out to a nightmare Alfred was having.
  • Really, this is part of the premise of Allen Gregory. The titular character's father forced a straight, innocent man to become his husband against his will, thus the show is about them being a "happy" gay couple together.
  • Arabian Knights episode "The Reluctant Empress". Shiraz, the ruler of Abadon, kidnaps Nida so he can marry her and make her his empress. The rest of the Arabian Knights have other ideas and go to rescue her.
  • The Beatles (1965):
    • In "Can't Buy Me Love", John is consigned to marry a Polynesian tribe chief's daughter after he accepts a ring the chief had sent as a token of friendship. John (who at that time was already married to Cynthia Twist) escapes and hides out in a pineapple factory where he's canned with the other pineapples and delivered to the tribe chief. Marriage is imminent until the chief's daughter calls it off because "he smells of pineapple. And I hate pineapple!"
    • Two other interrupted forced marriages: Paul to a vampire girl in "Baby's in Black", and Ringo to a gypsy queen in "What You're Doing".
  • Bully the Crud tries to get Lydia to marry him in the Beetlejuice (1989) episode "Pest O' the West".
  • Betty Boop is the Damsel in Distress menaced by the wealthy desperate Desmond in No! No! A thousand times no!! Unfortunately he doesn't take even a thousand "no's" for an answer—in the song he has her Chained to a Railway and in the cartoon he kidnaps her in a balloon, before she's rescued by her true love.
  • Brickleberry gives us a rare example in which both parties are male. In "Scared Straight", Meat Hammer tries to force Denzel to be his husband so he can rape him.
  • In two episodes of Codename: Kids Next Door King Sandy tries to force Numbuh Three to marry him. The first time, she goes along with it for most of the episode thinking it's a game. Her reaction when she learns he's serious is priceless. Granted, the second time he pulls this, Numbuh Three knows he's serious (and is only going along with it because he'll dip a huge collection of Rainbow Monkeys in boiling nacho cheese sauce if she doesn't), so her little sister is the one acting like the whole thing is the most romantic thing in the world. When she too learns Sandy is serious, she reacts the exact same way her sister did.

    Numbuh Three: What do you mean you don't pretend? I can't marry you for real, I'M LIKE TEN YEARS OLD!

  • In the Daffy Duck cartoon "The Super Snooper," a beautiful redheaded duck takes an immediate interest in the detective Daffy was portraying. Referred to as 'The Body,' she spends most of her time in the cartoon flirting and forcibly kissing Daffy. Eventually Daffy notices that she literally has balls with chains in her eyes, indicating she wants to get married even though they just met. Wishing to remain a bachelor, Daffy runs through a closed door and The Body runs after him. The holes their bodies leave on the door are shaped like a bride and groom, implying that she does manage to seduce and marry him.
  • Defenders of the Earth includes a five-part story arc in which Ming's son, Prince Kro-Tan, not only deposes his father but also abducts Jedda with a view to making her his bride. To ensure her co-operation, he plants "mind bombs" on all but one of her fellow Defenders and threatens to detonate them unless she agrees to marry him.
  • The Fairly OddParents!:
    • The first appearance of the singer Chip Skylark has him being captured by Vicky, one of his fangirls, who chains him up and, of course, tries to marry him. Timmy helps him escape and he ends up writing a hit song about how horrible she is.
    • Mark's Heel–Face Turn starts with him being hunted down by an Ax-Crazy princess named Princess Mandie, who is trying to force him to marry her so she can rule Yugopotamia.
  • In the first Futurama series finale, "The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings", after the Robot Devil is forced to swap hands with Fry, he pulls off a complex Gambit Roulette in order to obtain Leela's hand... in marriage. Fry, out of concern for Leela, agrees to return the Robot Devil's hands — and since that was his real goal all along, the Robot Devil calls off the marriage.
  • Gravity Falls: Occurs in the premiere episode "Tourist Trapped" when a bunch of gnomes want Mabel Pines to become their queen and end up straight-up abducting her.
  • Ivanhoe: The King's Knight features this a few times with Prince John towards Lady Rowena. One time even involves her being under the influence of a potion.
  • The Justice League Action episode "Garden of Evil" has Poison Ivy try to make Swamp Thing her husband.
  • Season 2 of The Legend of Korra; Bolin is stuck in a Pitbull Dates Puppy relationship with Korra's cousin Eska, so he goes to her to try and break things off. She notes that they have become somewhat distant... which she plans to rectify by marrying him that night. Bolin's only response is to sob as she drags him off, although he does make a break for it at the first opportunity (Eska doesn't take this very well).
  • One episode of The Legend of Zelda (1989) has Ganon put a Hypno Trinket on Zelda in order to get her to marry him, and thus make him heir to the throne of Hyrule. Unlike the vast majority of his evil plans, this one almost works. It also includes one of his rare Pet the Dog moments, as he actually gives Zelda a veil and a pretty bouquet for the wedding.
  • One of the first Mighty Mouse cartoons with Oil Can Harry and Pearl Pureheart has Harry attempting to marry Pearl throughout the cartoon, only for the minister to get constantly pre-empted.
  • Mona the Vampire: The troll prince in "The Case of the Moll Troll" tries to force Ingrid into marrying him.
  • My Life as a Teenage Robot:
    • In "Puppet Bride", Little Acorn, a robotic Demonic Dummy invented by Professor Wakeman in middle school, falls in love with Jenny at first sight and tries to force her to become his bride.
    • In "Ball and Chain", Brad is kidnapped by the Space Bikers because one of their members, Tammy, wants to marry him. He nearly goes through with it before finding out the arrangement would have him being a pet/slave than an equal partner.
  • The plot of the two-part My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic episode "A Canterlot Wedding" is this when Princess Cadance is discovered to be Queen Chrysalis and is using the wedding as a way to feed off Shinning Armor’s love for Cadance, which weakens Canterlot's defenses allowing her army to invade. The real Cadance works with the Mane Six to free her groom and then expel the invaders.
  • Popeye:
    • In the very first cartoon, Bluto demands this from Olive when he kidnaps her.
    • A reversal occurs in the Al Brodax Popeye cartoon "College Of Hard Knocks." Popeye defeats Professor Brutus at a school for higher education, and Olive hands him what he thinks is a diploma. It turns out to be a marriage license.

      Popeye: YEOW! (to us, worriedly) I needs me spinach!

  • In the Quack Pack episode "Gator Aid," a gigantic nonanthropomorphic alligator named Antionette falls in love with Donald Duck. She chases after him puckering her lips while Donald does his best to try to get away from her. Eventually Daisy, Donald, and his nephews get captured and tied up by others. Antionette stops by and Daisy says she can do whatever she wants with Donald if she frees them. So Antionette puts on a wedding veil! Later she gives Donald a wedding ring too. They don't actually get married and it's never made clear how Donald manages to get out of it.
  • A particularly dark and depraved example in Reboot: After spending several months trapped in the Web, Megabyte makes his grand return to the Mainframe by disguising himself as Bob, seducing Dot Matrix, and then trying to marry her, only failing to do so because his disguise is blown mid-wedding. Why did he do all that? Because the pain and suffering it put the heroes through was funny to him. Especially revolting because it's borderline Sibling Incest; Megabyte always considered Welman Matrix to be his father, but that does nothing to stop him from nearly sleeping with his "little sister" just to screw with Bob.
  • In The Smurfs (1981) episode "Smurfette's Dancing Shoes", the nameless treasure-hunting imp who is after the Treasure Of The Ancient Trolls forces Smurfette to marry him in exchange for giving her the titular shoes that she can never remove. When the Smurfs confront the imp and demand him to release Smurfette, he gives them the challenge of collecting three items from Dreadful Hollow before the sun rises. Although the Smurfs succeed in the challenge, the imp refuses to let Smurfette go, requiring Papa Smurf to use a magic spell to cast the magic dancing shoes on the imp instead.
  • In the middle 1980s Superfriends version, one of the goals of Darkseid was to marry Wonder Woman!
  • In Superman: The Animated Series, Lady Maxima, alien ruler of Alermac, selects Superman as her mate after he defeats her in a fight. Superman tells her point-blank that she can't just force someone into marriage; her response is to use her alien tech to knock him out and drag him back to her home planet. Fortunately, a citizen uprising derails her marriage plans.
  • In The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! episode "Do You Princess Toadstool, Take This Koopa...?", King Koopa captures the Mario Bros. and turns Toad to stone, but offers to let them go if Princess Toadstool agrees to marry him so he can have legal control of the Mushroom Kingdom. Toadstool agrees, and surprisingly, Koopa does turn the Mushroom people back to normal...only to re-stone them once Toadstool's back is turned. The Mario Bros. have to crash the wedding and expose his treachery to stop the vows.
  • In one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) episodes, Rocksteady gets hit by some kind of odd Love Potion which causes him to fall for April. He kidnaps her with the full intent of marrying her, directing Bebop to "go swipe a ring and kidnap a preacher!" for the purpose. April, for her part, is disgusted and also completely bewildered because she doesn't know what caused any of this, and finally resorts to playing along long enough to get in touch with the Turtles so they can save her.
  • Tiny Toon Adventures:
    • A cartoon in one episode centers around a family of fleas who live on Furrball the cat. The pretty daughter of the family is captured by the local crime boss, who demands that she marry him or he will make life miserable for her family. She surrenders but makes sure to give him quite a bit of hell while she waits to be rescued.
    • In the movie, a trio of alligator sisters decide to marry Buster and clearly don't care whether he wants to or not. When their father gives the blessing, he even waves off Buster's protest that marrying all of them would be bigamy.
  • Wander over Yonder:
    • Subverted in "The Hero" between the dragon King Draykor and the beautiful Princess Demurra, who are in fact a happy couple; the Prince Charming Wannabe attempting to bust up their wedding simply invented the story because he's Not Good with Rejection, and quickly tries to kidnap her after she makes her feelings clear, suggesting he may be intending to pull this himself.
    • Played for Laughs in "The Date." After Lord Hater gets stood up by the daughter of a planet's ruler, he decides to vent his heartbreak by blowing the planet up. Wander convinces Sylvia to put on a Paper-Thin Disguise and go on a date with him instead to keep him happy. It goes so well that he proposes to her at the end of the night with his finger on the Big Red Button that activates the planet-destroying laser. (The ceremony itself is complete with one of Hater's Adorable Evil Minions using a spear to prod her up the aisle.)
  • Woody Woodpecker:
    • Gorgeous Gal in the cartoon "A Fine Feathered Frenzy". She places a newspaper ad saying she's looking for a husband. Woody calls her and instantly gets turned on by her lovely voice, but when he meets her it turns out she's a featherless crow five times his size and three times his age. Woody's no longer interested, but for Gorgeous Gal, it's love at first sight. Hilarity Ensues. After a long chase, she manages to trap him on a submarine with a priest who actually succeeds in marrying them despite Woody's protests. Gorgeous sails off with Woody for their honeymoon.
    • In the cartoon "Red Riding Hoodlum" a tall elderly decaying woodpecker called Granny spots an intruder in her house. Once she notices it's a Wolf she rushes to her powder room. Granny loses her glasses, curls her eyelashes, puts on a red wig and a red shade of lipstick. Now looking much younger and prettier she grabs the Wolf, leans him back, and plants a giant kiss on his lips. The Wolf is stunned to be embraced in her arms and smooched but Granny is smitten as indicated by the little hearts floating around her and beating. We are not sure how much time passes but in the next scene she is wearing a blonde wig and a wedding dress happily getting married to the Wolf. The Wolf doesn't seem too thrilled about it though.
  • In X-Men: The Animated Series, Bella Donna forces Gambit to agree to marry her by threatening his family in the Thieves' Guild. With the X-Men's help, the threat gets annulled, so Gambit is able to walk away. Rogue in particular was delighted.

You're Not Like Everyone Else

Hin Menners is infatuated with Assol, who dreams of a bridegroom on a ship with scarlet sails. When Assol offers to work for Hin to save up for her father's bail, he orders her to marry him instead - and sings her a song where he alternates between pleading, promising rich gifts, and trying to explain that he, too, is unsatisfied with the mundane life around.

Example of:
Villain Love Song

Alternative Title(s): Forced Marriage