Anti-Anti-Christ - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Jul 17 2008

Anti-Anti-Christ (trope)

The Harbinger of the Apocalypse would rather eat pancakes instead.

"And I do not know what thy Father will say..."

He's The Antichrist, the spawn of Satan, a demon destined to bring about the doom of all men and the end of all things, but he just does not feel like it. Maybe the relationship between him and Dad is strained. Maybe he was raised by humans and shown the ways of love and justice. Perhaps there are just more interesting things to do. The sheer irony of the ultimate rebel's offspring rebelling against him is delicious. Likely they are only partly demonic and there is some humanity in them, influencing their very nature. Maybe, they'd simply reply the way Hellboy would when someone tells him You Can't Fight Fate: "Says who?" Or perhaps they merely read The Bible and decided that being on the side that's doomed to lose horribly is just a bad idea.

Whatever the reason, this Antichrist doesn't feel like it and says, "Screw Destiny! I'm not causing The End of the World as We Know It!" He might even sacrifice himself just to thwart the End of Days, thus dying for our sins.

The Forces of Evil often make it really difficult for themselves; by demanding that their champion kill their lover, their friends, and anyone who is nice to them. The Anti-Antichrist didn't want to join their club in the first place; how is this supposed to convince them? What did they think the response was going to be? They don't consider it at all. It's part of the rules, dagnabit. If they promised and delivered Better Living Through Evil, they might have had more success.

Beware the Nice Ones and the Villain with Good Publicity. Even though they've turned against their destiny, they still have a Villainous Lineage. It's especially bad if the morons around them know about their "destiny" and decide to Bully A Dragon.

While an Anti-Antichrist may side against Team Evil, they are not required to be good or nice. Even if they are nice, members of Team Good (often a Knight Templar) may see their turn as inevitable and seek to end them before they can turn. They may also be accused of playing on Team Good's sympathies and are often the first people to be looked at when something goes wrong... which may in and of itself cause them to turn evil.

Often overlaps with Apocalypse Maiden, which many Anti-Antichrists are by nature. Compare I Am Not a Gun, where a war machine refuses to follow its programming to destroy everything. See also The Unchosen One. Often includes a Faustian Rebellion, where one uses the satanic powers he was given to fight those very beings.

Not to be confused with Satan Is Good, which is distinguished by having the apparent bringer of evil be a covert force for good, whereas Anti-Antichrists generally represent actual forces of evil. See also Prophecy Twist for when it turns out that the one thought to be destined to destroy the world is actually destined to save it.


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Anime & Manga 

  • Ah! My Goddess's Goddess First Class Urd, Celestial SysAdmin and self-styled Goddess of Love, is understandably estranged from her mother Hild (the "CEO of Niflheim, Inc.", aka the ruler of Hell) at least in part out of fear that love for her would tip the balance in her soul. The nature of the market-share war, as well as Urd's own priorities, might mean that she's thinking more of her love of her sisters than being a harbinger of doom. Even her childhood friend Mara (a full-blooded demon) laments that they're no longer able to actually be friends.
  • What Tatsumi Oga is trying to teach the eponymous baby Beelzebub to eventually become - often with hilarious results. It helps that Beel doesn't seem to be inclined to ending the world. He's content to follow Oga around and act like a normal infant. Then again, he is an infant.
  • Blue Exorcist:
    • Rin Okumura only learns his true parentage after Satan himself comes to claim him, killing the exorcist who was his foster-father – a priest and member of the local Church Militant – in the process. Determined to never be in that position again, Rin vows to become an exorcist himself in order to (in his own words) "KICK SATAN'S ASS!" Naturally he can't tell anyone at the exorcist academy about this, least of all his classmates (at least one of whom has devoted himself to killing Satan). Eventually, this gets out, but after some angst, his friends prove to be True Companions and it looks like he'll stay on the side of good.
    • His "headmaster", Mephisto, who is also his second eldest half-brother Samael, likes humans and so wishes for them to continue onwards. Mostly because they are entertaining in his opinion.
    • Rin's younger twin brother Yukio is a aversion since he is human ...or so it was believed. And ever since he's started showing his power, he's also started showing some madness...
  • Double twist in Chrono Crusade. Demons are evil creatures who have their own society, an oppressive community similar to a beehive, where everyone has a rank according to their power level. The outcast splinter group known as the "Sinners" rebels against this hierarchy and attempts to subvert it in the name of freedom (which would make the "Sinners" rebels of rebels, or fallen-fallen angels note ), even killing other demons which is considered the highest crime. That said, the Sinners are not exactly good, being in the best case radical extremists, with their leader Aion often showing sadism and being blind to anything else that opposes his beliefs of freedom at all costs. The only exception is the titular Chrono who is a good and loyal demon that realized that the "Sinners" themselves are misguided, and their ideal of freedom being pursued at a too high cost. He thus decided to rebel again and ally to sister Rosette and the Order of Magdala. This deeply hurts Aion, who wants to bring him back in the party as an important piece in his band of revolutionaries, even resorting to cruel acts to provoke him.
  • The character Akuto Sai from Demon King Daimao is an incredibly misunderstood character who wants nothing more than to do good despite being the future Demon King. Because of this status, nearly all of the school despises him.
  • The main character in the anime version of Devilman can be considered as an example. He is a demon who had come to the human world in order to destroy it, but fell in love with Miki Makimura and became a protector of humans. In the anime Mazinger Z vs. Devilman, Devilman was even crucified by other demons (he survived).
  • In Digimon Tamers, Impmon makes a Deal with the Devil and Digivolves into the Demon Lord of Gluttony, Beelzemon. After killing Leomon, he has a Heel Realization and becomes The Atoner after she shows him mercy and prevents Gallantmon from finishing him off, dedicating himself to protecting the Digital World instead of oppressing it.
  • Dragon Ball:
    • Piccolo Junior from the original series was meant to carry on his father's legacy as Great Demon King and take over the world. He's more interested in beating Goku in a fight, especially after their first encounter, going from major villain to jerkass antihero, and after spending one year raising Gohan in Dragon Ball Z, a rather likable nice guy, and it only goes up from there to the point that, in Dragon Ball Super, he teaches Future Trunks how to babysit Pan in detail. Interestingly, the French dub (and by extension all other dubs based on it) calls him The Younger Satan (his father was Satan the Heartless).
    • Note that Piccolo isn't just the son of the original, given the circumstances of his birth, he's also his father's reincarnation.
    • Originally, Goku filled the title well, too - he was sent as an infant to grow up and kill Earth's entire population so Frieza could sell the planet. But he hit his head, got amnesia and was raised with love and caring instead. Vegeta was understandably disappointed. That is what everyone believes, but truthfully (as of Retcon by Toriyama) he was sent to Earth by his parents to save him from Frieza. Given the Saiyans' nature, however, it's highly likely Goku would have still wiped out the planet if certain factors haven't happened.
    • Android 17 and 18 were created by Dr. Gero to kill Goku and wreck havoc on the world, and in Trunks' timeline, they ended up causing the apocalypse and becoming The Dreaded. In the main timeline, however, they were fairly likable Anti-Villains that, while major threats regardless, performed a rather drama-free Heel–Face Turn, with Android 17 becoming a Nature Lover and Android 18 marrying Goku's best friend and becoming an ally of theirs.note  Taken to the logical extreme in Dragon Ball Super, where not only do they both fight in a tournament to determine the fate of the universe, but Android 17 ends up winning and saving the entire multiverse by passing a Secret Test of Character set up by the gods in the process.
  • Lucy from Elfen Lied has shades of this, more in the manga than the anime. She is the "queen" of the diclonius - the only fertile member of her race - and her power is unrivaled by any of her peers. Lucy, however, isn't particularly interested in being the head of a new race and she winds up playing a big role in destroying the diclonius race and preventing the destruction of humanity.
  • Izark from From Far Away. He's destined to become the Sky Demon and bring destruction to the world, but he's a genuinely nice person (albeit being cold at first) and with some help from his True Companions becomes a beacon of hope.
  • Greed in Fullmetal Alchemist. His father (actually called Father) is an Eldritch Abomination, and Greed has fallen out with the old man. Because he is "greedy", Greed isn't interested in his father's plans, and because of his massive ego, wants to accumulate a large number of followers, unlike Father, who views humans as insects and wants to wipe them out. For Bonus points, Greed even gets a Crucified Hero Shot. In one of the final chapters, we find out (after much pestering from Ling) that accumulating a large number of followers/becoming the king of the world/taking Father's place and consuming God wasn't what Greed really wanted at all. In fact, Greed admitted that all he ever wanted was "to have friends like them".
  • It's basically the entire Character Arc for Fino, the late Demon King's daughter, in I Couldn't Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job.
  • Kyouran Kazoku Nikki centers around invoking this trope by raising the various possible "Anti-Christs" in a loving family environment. Well, a wacky loving family environment.
  • Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok: Loki, bringer of Ragnarok in Norse Mythology, doesn't want to. Interesting in that it isn't the "Devil" character who wants/expects him to do it, but the God, Odin. This leads to massive psychological contortions of the other gods of Asgard as they argue simultaneously that the only way to stop Ragnarok is to kill Loki...but that You Can't Fight Fate in that he can't choose not to start it. He chooses not to regardless, which drives them nuts.
  • Naruto, as host of the most powerful and evil of demons, is basically expected to be the Antichrist (or the local equivalent). Instead, he's The Hero. Turns out that the demon sealed in him isn't nearly as evil as advertised either.
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion:
    • Kaworu Nagisa essentially embodies this trope, coming within about a foot of causing Third Impact before realizing what was going on and asking Shinji to kill him to prevent it. Possibly even more so in the manga where the sequence of events is slightly different. There's a reason why "he died for your sins".
    • For different reasons, Gendo Ikari might count too. Depending on your interpretation of A) his character and B) What the fuck is actually going on in the series.
    • Rei actually double subverts this. She's raised to end the world but decides not to after Gendo betrays her. Then she does it anyway because Shinji - who recently crossed the Despair Event Horizon - asks her to.
    • Depending on your point of view, you could see Shinji himself as this, particularly in the Rebuild series - His birth date contains an awful lot of sixes, and it is implied that he is the "chosen one" of an ancient apocalyptic prophecy. Abandoned by his conspiracy parents, he grew up to be a cripplingly timid, but kind young boy who never meant anyone any harm, but his fragile mind was not prepared for what this cruel world would send his way... chillingly, the Rebuild series reveals that even if he never had any intention of causing The End of the World as We Know It, or even went as far as actively striving to prevent it, the conspiring parties will make him. Cue one of the most devastating My God, What Have I Done? moments known to man...
  • PandoraHearts: Oz the Bloodstained Black Rabbit was revealed to have been created from a child's stuffed animal to fulfill Jack Vessalius' and the unstable Will of the Abyss's desire to sink the world into the Abyss. He ultimately subverts his role by instead sacrificing himself to restablize the world from the damage it received due to Jack's activities and return the Abyss to the golden paradise it once was, making him more of a Messianic Archetype.
  • In Pokémon Adventures, six young children were kidnapped by the Mask of Ice (Arc Villain for the GSC saga), "chosen" to become his servants. While four of them go on to loyally serve the Masked Man, the remaining two, Blue and Silver, would run away and, as they grow up, would oppose him when his plans come into fruition.
    • Silver is this for Team Rocket, where Sird had plans to make him Giovanni's successor. While Silver does come to respect his father, Giovanni by the end of the arc, he seeks to bring down Team Rocket so that his father's crimes can be put to rest.
  • Puella Magi Madoka Magica:
    • Madoka Kaname herself, who, no matter what wish she would make, is destined to become a world-destroying Witch bent on subjecting all to euthanasia. Yet in the end, she made a wish to erase all Witches, including her own witch, at the cost of absorbing the despair with her own hands.
    • Homura in Rebellion. The local Satanic Archetype Kyubey intends to turn her into an “unborn” witch that will trap Madoka (now a Physical God) so they may learn how to control her. However, Homura ultimately rebels and teams up with her True Companions to foil their plot.
  • Naofumi Iwatani from The Rising of the Shield Hero is treated as "The Devil Of The Shield" by The Three Heroes Church who vehemently worship the Sword, Spear, and Bow Heroes whom they believe are ever-reincarnating deities that are meant to get strong enough to kill the Shield Heronote  Within the course of the first season/few volumes, Naofumi had to fight an uphill battle to become recognized not as this bad guy that most of the Royal Family and The Church saw him as; slowly swaying the public to his side through his many actions and deeds in his travels. By the time that The Three Heroes Church planned to launch their coup to uproot the Monarchy and do away with the current Four Heroes that were summoned for being nuisances and for ruining their own reputation as Heroes; the Pope had to come up with an extremely petty reason to justify killing Naofumi: Not giving thanks to God after purchasing some Holy Water from the Church.
  • Demon lord Exoda C. Claw from Shina Dark is supposed to wage war on the entire world when he wakes up... Turns out fishing and goofing about are a lot higher on his list of priorities.
  • Carrot in Sorcerer Hunters is the reincarnated soul of the God of Destruction. The Big Bad destroys his world, kills his friends and family and tells him to get to destroying. Cue his friends using their god powers to backwards reincarnate to return to him, the God of Destruction changing color and him
  • The Dark King Ixpellia from StrikerS Sound Stage X of Lyrical Nanoha. Prophesized to lead an undead army to raze the lands and consume all who are in their way. Shame that said Dark King had grown weary of all the needless bloodshed, eh?
  • The Minicons from Transformers: Armada technically count as this, given that they were created by Unicron to create more conflict between the Autobots and Decepticons, but they gained free will and helped destroy the Chaos-Bringer instead.
  • Hamel in Violinist of Hameln is Great Demon King's Chestra's son, heir and successor, and is constantly harassed by the demon captains who hope to trigger a permanent berserker state in him (during which his body mutates horribly and he's virtually unstoppable, tending to attack anything that moves in a blind rage). Hamel has a couple words to say about that, and they usually require heavy censoring; thus they keep attacking him and trying to turns humans against him. None of this would have been necessary had they kidnapped Pandora away from his sight, and offered him asylum from the bad bad humans afterwards, since he was just a freaking kid at the point. It turns out to be a Evil Plan to make him more powerful from the constant conflict between his human and inhuman sides... so he'd make a tastier, more nutritious snack to his cannibal father after the latter's eventual release from Pandora's Box.
  • In The World God Only Knows, it is ultimately revealed that the organizations Vintage and Satyr broke the Weiss' prison for the sole purpose of reviving a specific Old Demon, a creature whose power exceeds all others and who could bring about untold destruction if they chose. In the past, this being had killed millions, but was never allowed to say no or turn from their assigned task. when the prison was broken, Dokuro found this Weiss, erased her memories and for the first time gave her a normal life as the New Demon Elsea, who would play an instrumental role in stopping Satyr before finally wishing to Retcon reality to make herself Keima's legitimate sister.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V manages to combine this trope with Apocalypse Maiden: The protagonist, Yuya Sakaki, is one of four reincarnations of Zarc, the Demon Duelist who fused with his dragons to become a being of invincible power and nearly destroyed the Original Dimension. However, Yuya truly believes in peace and desires to make everyone happy, enemies included. Two of the other reincarnations also have good intentions, but unfortunately what they want doesn't matter that much as Zarc can possess all his reincarnations and force them to bend to his will.
  • In YuYu Hakusho, Hiei was destined to return to his home village and destroy it, as he was the only male. When he finally got there to do just that, he decided against it for the sake of Screw Destiny. He sees that the village is filled with people living pathetic lives of no consequence and that they are dead in all the ways that would have made slaughtering them all worthwhile. He leaves them to their pathetic existence.

Audio Plays 

  • In "The Last Confession", which is an alternate ending for The Confessions of Dorian Gray based on the original script for the final audio, Dorian himself becomes this. Instead of going along with whatever Lucifer has planned, with Dorian assuming it has something to do with the apocalypse, or killing himself permanently like Lucifer suggests he should do, he instead resolves to dedicate the rest of his immortal life battling Lucifer and any other immortals he creates as part of his plans.

Comic Books 

  • American Jesus: Double Subverted, in which the Antichrist Jodie Christianson initially believes himself to be Jesus and wants to help people. Then his dad Satan and a bunch of demons rape him for years and it turns him evil. However, the series ultimately has him pull a Heel–Face Turn in the final volume, having seen too much of the good in people during his decades of trying to subvert it. Mostly due to his earthly family, which he only kept around for appearances, never giving up on him. It comes to the point that not only does he forgive his father Satan for all the horrible things he did to him and his mother, but he pleads his case to the actual American Jesus who is poised to punish humanity for falling for Jodie's schemes and letting him get this far, begging her to forgive both the fallen angels and mankind.
  • Chick Tract: In the Chick Tract First Bite, Satan's Chosen One gets converted to Christianity on his first mission. Epic Fail, Igor!
  • The Chronicles of Wormwood: Danny Wormwood is the Anti-Christ but has no interest in starting Armageddon, much to his father's chagrin, as it can't be started without him. He's even pals with Black Hobo Jesus.
  • Earth X: Inverted by Loki. After the reveal that Gods Need Prayer Badly because they're really shapeshifting aliens, and Odin is a human who's enslaved them, Loki decides to bring about Ragnarok — because it's the right thing to do. Loki in every version is destined to bring about the Ragnarök and in several had no intention to, but either destiny demanded it or was pushed far enough to do so.
  • Firebreather: Duncan Rosenblatt doesn't want to follow in his father's enormous footsteps as king of the Kaiju.
  • Hellboy: The titular character. Whenever told by someone that he's destined to bring about the destruction of Earth and summon the Ogdru Jahad, he usually responds by punching them in the face. It ultimately costs him his life, but his sacrifice has given the human race a chance to actually survive the apocalypse.
  • Marvel 2099: Sam Fisk, disgusted by his grandfather Wilson (The Kingpin) and his life of crime, discover he has inherited the legacy. Sam politely tells the legacy to get lost and becomes the new Daredevil.
  • Magneto: One mini-series was about Joseph pretending to be Magneto so he could make Magneto's Acolytes renounce their project, which would kill one million humans. At this time, Joseph himself believed he was an amnesiac Magneto.
  • New Gods: Orion. Zig-zagged in Kingdom Come; in this future, he overthrew his father, but upon declaring the citizens of Apokolips free, they actively rebelled against the concept- being too used to Darkseid's iron control, the idea of freedom was terrifying to them. When Superman visits him, he laments that he is his father's son after all; however, this trope is ultimately played straight when he explains that he is still utterly uninterested in conquest, only remaining as Apokolips' ruler in order to keep the cosmos safe from it. He leaves the task of inciting revolution to Scott Free and Big Barda, implicitly supporting them while playing the role of their opposite.
  • Son Of Satan:
    • Daimon Hellstrom, the Son of Satan! And frankly, with a name that's just barely not "Demon Hellstorm", what do you expect? Due to the nature of the Marvel Universe, a certain fallen angel named Lucifer (who may or may not be the real thing) was weakened and split into many fragments after landing on Earth. These fragments compete with each other and several arch demons like Mephisto for the title Satan. Each has their own hell dimension to boot. The many hell lords made a temporary truce, and spent a great amount of time devising a way to get all their genetic material into one human baby, so that he truly would be the undisputed son of Satan. On his birth satanic cults moved to make sure Daimon was evil, but despite both the genetics and the upbringing, he ended up being a hero! He later has a Face–Heel Turn and goes to simply being The Antichrist. After that, it's been a bit... wobbly.
    • All that super natural genetic modifying ended up being more successful than thought, as "Satan" had a daughter too!... or not as Satana (eventually) turned on her fathers and became a hero too. Yeah, evil is stupid. She's still a bit mean (and a member of the Thunderbolts). To be fair, as Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal and Good Omens before it pointed out, fallen angels are still angels. Evil isn't something they're really designed for, and falling isn't something they're "born" doing.
  • Spawn: Spawn was recruited by the armies of Hell to lead an invading army, but ends up becoming a superhero instead. But the devil is fine with that too, because every villain Spawn kills swells his army of evil with another soldier.
  • Teen Titans: Raven is the daughter of Trigon, a god-like demon and Dimension Lord who gave birth to her for the sole purpose of preparing his invasion of Earth. Her mother didn't approve, however, so she had her daughter raised in the city of Azarath, where she learnt to keep her demonic side in check. Raven eventually joined the titular team in an effort to fight her father.
  • Weapon Hex Laura Kinney/Weapon Hex was engineered by Dr. Wyndham to be a suitable vessel for Mephichton, but she turned against him and his goals.
  • Genesis of the X-Men, who happens to be a clone of Apocalypse, has turned out as this, partly because of his very superman-style upbringing in a virtual reality, partly because he didn't know who he was. Later, once he did know, he decided very firmly not to be like Apocalypse.

Fan Works 

  • In the Godzilla fanfiction Abraxas (Hrodvitnon), Monster X (an Artificial Hybrid fusion of San and Vivienne Graham, with both their minds intact in either head) generally fits this trope, as Ghidorah appears to be trying to push them down a Start of Darkness via Mind Rape and Break Them by Talking, and the human public are fearful that the new Ghidorah-like Titan will be like the False King.
  • Avenger of Steel emphasises Raven's status as this, as she actively helps Superman and the Avengers oppose her father's plans to destroy the world.
  • Child of the Storm has a lot of people get the heebie-jeebies when they find out that Harry is technically a child of the Phoenix, assuming that best case scenario, if he isn't going to become to become the Dark Phoenix, will be this (while a lot just think he'll become The Antichrist). However, the Phoenix isn't evil - rather, She has a severe case of Blue-and-Orange Morality and is extremely volatile by definition (which is why She chooses hosts primarily for their stability and good judgement), and often has to Shoot the Dog on a cosmic scale. One of Her more notable aspects is Galactus. As a result, it can be a bit hard to tell the difference. As it is, Harry and the Phoenix get on just fine - it helps that her main aspect, the White Phoenix of the Crown, is the late Lily Potter - and while he would greatly prefer not to be burdened by the associated powers, he later comes to terms with them.
  • A signature character of Goddess Reborn Chronicle, Isa Gardener is the reincarnation of Lilith, who had become a component soul of Lucifer. She's more interested in exploring the world with her friend than being part of Lucifer or Lilith's plans.
  • Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality: Harry is the most likely subject of a lot of prophecies that imply he will destroy the world, and Quirrell's entire motivation is to avert this. Whether this trope applies or not depends on how one interprets the prophecy; Harry doesn't intend on causing any harm, but his forays into melding science and magic may indirectly cause either a conventional apocalypse or a cultural one. He doesn't see a problem with the latter, subverting this trope at least partially.
  • Surprisingly averted in Left Beyond in which the "real" Antichrist has a brief cameo. The actual opposition to King Jesus (and primary player character), the Omega, are an AI that has specifically been designed to be amoral. If condemning 60% of humanity to Hell so that 0.01% has a chance to escape both Hell and Heaven to keep expanding into the universe, the math checks out, so that's what they will do.
  • Morningstar Family Values mixes this with Authority in Name Only for Sabrina Spellman after she learns that she is the daughter of Lucifer Morningstar; while she jokingly calls herself the Antichrist, Lucifer makes it clear that there are no plans for the Apocalypse.
  • Another Lucifer-related example features in "The Devil and his Urchin", where Lucifer is Trixie's father after a one-night-stand with Chloe. While Dan and Chloe are shocked to realise that Trixie is the literal child of the Devil, Lucifer is quick to assure them that "Antichrist" is "nothing more than a fairytale concocted by some humans during a trip on shrooms", which has become a joke in Hell (and possibly Heaven, although he obviously hasn't been there to see for himself).
  • In both The Shadow Wars (and the Pony POV Series from which it was derived), the Cosmic Concept of Discord incarnated himself among Ponies (as a Draconequus Avatar) to bring about their destruction. But he spent the first twenty years among Ponies who treated him kindly, shaping his surface personality into one of benevolence. Though this was not enough to prevent his Start of Darkness, even after Awakening, Discord remained sufficently imbued with Pony values that he came to regret his own evil actions, and yearns for love and friendship. In The Shadow Wars, he seems to be making a slow but definite Heel–Face Turn. The jury's still out on his ultimate alignment in the Pony POV Series.
  • In Sonic X: Dark Chaos, Sonic, Shadow, and Eric all become this and refuse to join Maledict.

Films — Animation 

  • Although not outright stated, it is heavily implied in the film that The Iron Giant was created for the purpose of destroying planets with the amount of weaponry built into him. A deleted scene confirmed it with flashbacks. He fits in, in a symbolic way, because he ultimately rejects this path.
  • In The Lion King II: Simba's Pride, although Kovu was raised to hate Simba, and eventually kill him, his love for Kiara made him decide to abandon this mission, and instead unite the two prides.

Films — Live-Action 

  • Jake in James Cameron's Avatar is one from the Na'vi's perspective, he was a human in a Na'vi body who was supposed to get the tribe to leave Hometree so that it could be destroyed by the humans to harvest the mineral mine beneath, similar to how The Antichrist is supposed to be a Semi-Divine demon in human form who will lead humanity astray. Instead he ends the movie by becoming their Messianic Archetype and saving them from the human's Alien Invasion.
  • In The Devil's Advocate Keanu Reeves' character turns out to be an Anti-Antichrist.
  • Christine York in End of Days was raised from birth by Satanists to be Satan's bride. Unfortunately for them, they didn't drill this into her head from day one, instead raising her as a normal upper middle-class American girl. When the wedding day approaches, she understandably rejects the proposition.
  • Glorious: Ghatanothoa was created to destroy all life in the universe. However, he's started to become interested in humanity, and needs Wes' help to remain ethereal.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Peter Quill, aka Star-Lord, was one of the countless children across the universe sired by Ego the Living Planet, in the hopes of creating a second Celestial for his Assimilation Plot. Since all his half-siblings were killed by Ego once they failed to awaken their Celestial powers, Peter was the only one left thanks to Yondu spiriting him away, leading Ego to entice him to rule by his side. However, once he learns that Ego was the one who killed his mother, Peter turns on his father wielding the very power that Ego hoped to harness.
  • Highway to Hell has this with Adam. While tehcnically his adopted son, Adam wants nothing to do with Satan and helps the heroes escape.
  • The title character's brothers in the Adam Sandler film Little Nicky (with the twist that in the Little Nicky-verse, Satan Is Good). He wasn't always like that, and his father (yes, in Little Nicky Satan is a Legacy Character) was supposedly even worse. By the time the movie takes place he's mellowed out into Necessarily Evil.
  • Peter Kelson in Lost Souls (2000) is told about his starring role in a prophecy a short while before it's supposed to happen.
  • The cruddy TV movie sequel to Rosemary's Baby has Andy be pretty apathetic about being the Antichrist.
  • Inverted in Star Wars: Anakin Skywalker is implied to be created by a Sith Lord in order to wipe out the Jedi. The Jedi discover him and believe he's the Chosen One who's supposed to destroy the Sith, but he ultimately chooses not to (out of love) and instead destroys the Jedi, then (again because of love) chooses to destroy the Sith. The oddest prediction turns out to be the most accurate, that he would 'bring balance to the Force' by making both sides start over again.
    • In the Sequel Trilogy, Rey is revealed to be the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine, who wants her to strike him down so he can steal her body. She begins to doubt her worth as a Jedi until she realizes that "some things are stronger than blood" and chooses to defy him, and defeats him not by striking him down, but by reflecting his attack back onto him.
  • Boxer from Southland Tales, who for most of the film is suggested to be the Messiah, and tries twice to save the bystanders when he realizes the real one is about to kill him.


  • Laura of the Betsy the Vampire Queen books (who's also the title character's half-sister) consciously chooses to "rebel" against her mother, Satan, by being the biggest do-gooder Pollyanna she can be. She also hates using her powers, even in a good cause, considering it "giving in". Ultimately subverted following Satan's death, when she took the throne as part of the circumstances surrounding the event and ended up being just like her mother.
  • The Chronicles of Narnia has Puzzle the donkey in the last book, who got duped into impersonating Aslan as part of a plot to manipulate the Narnians' faith. Since Aslan is literally the form Jesus takes in Narnia, this makes Puzzle effectively the Antichrist. But as mentioned before, Puzzle was duped; he was a pawn in the plan of Shift the ape (the actual Antichrist figure in the book). When Puzzle realizes the full implications of what he's doing, he stops impersonating Aslan immediately, joins the heroes, and ends up making peace with Aslan.
  • Adam of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett's Good Omens. He's less Anti-Antichrist and more just good old-fashioned ignorance of his destiny for most of the story, but when he awakens, rather than bringing about the Apocalypse, he decides he really prefers the world the way it is.
    • Instead of becoming evil incarnate, he became humanity incarnate—which throughout the whole book is described as far nobler than any angel can be, and far eviler than any demon.
    • The book also hangs a lampshade on this trope, by pointing out that any child of Satan would be equally justified in being extremely good, as Satan was an angel to begin with. The analogy they used says expecting the biological son of Satan to be automatically evil just because Satan fell is like expecting a mouse with its tail cut off to only be capable of birthing baby tailless mice.
    • In the end, the main angel characters conclude that this was actually All According to Plan on God's part; a ludicrous number of coincidences neither faction was responsible for had to take place for it to happen.
  • Guardians Of Gahoole: Nyroc, son of Kludd and Nyra. He was trained all his life to be a Pure One and hate the Guardians Of Ga'Hoole, especially Soren, and eventually destroy them. But once he goes on a journey and sees Nyra kill his best friend, he rejects the Pure Ones altogether and joins the Guardians by becoming their king. Oh, and he changed his name to Coryn.
  • InCryptid: Once Sarah realizes Ingrid has deceived her and intends to turn her into an Apocalypse Maiden, she fights to prevent the destruction of Earth and of her own mind (and those of her friends and family).
  • Nansō Satomi Hakkenden: Tamazusa's curse is intended to make the dog Yatsufusa rape Fuse and produce half-dog children which will lead the Satomi clan to ruin. This backfires when Yatsufusa's supercanine intelligence allows Fuse to convert him to Buddhism, with his newfound combination of human morals and canine instincts towards friendliness and loyalty rendering him an All-Loving Hero who refuses to touch the woman he loves. The curse forces a pregnancy anyway, but the resulting children are bodiless spirits tainted by their parents' goodness; on Fuse's death they are released from her body and reborn in different families as the Eight Dog Warriors, Embodiments of Virtue who defend the Satomi clan against Tamazusa and other villains.
  • Merlin Satanspawn of Simon Green's Nightside series was born of the devil to be The Antichrist, but he "refused the honor". Which isn't to say he's a nice guy by any definition, just that he's not his father's guy.
  • Darren from The Saga of Darren Shan, learned from Lady Evanna, that in the future either he'll become the Lord of Shadows, destroyer of the human world, or Lord of The Vampaneze will, depending on which one of them kills the other. At the end of the final book, Darren managed to leathally wound the Lord of Vamapaneze, his Evil Former Friend Steve. After learning that Mr. Tiny was both of their fathers, and he was the one who set everything up simply For the Evulz, Darren gouged and let the dying Steve kill him, saving the future from Lord of the Shadows.
  • Magiere of The Saga of the Noble Dead is a dhampir, born of human and vampire (with a little help from an Evil Sorcerer) to be the general of an army of undead that would sweep the world of life in accordance with the designs of an Eldritch Abomination. Mercifully, she just wants to be left alone and has no intention of pursuing her destiny, though various forces try to either rope her into it or destroy her to stop that from happening.
  • The Shadowhunter Chronicles: While all demons are Always Chaotic Evil, their progenies, the Downworlders, are much more complicated. This in fact plays into the underlying Fantastic Racism that is a central theme of the story. Many Shadowhunters, being descended from the angels, regard Downworlders as untrustworthy because of their demonic nature, even though they can be as moral as humans. While some Downworlders are indeed evil, some cooperate with Shadowhunters in slaying demons (which would have counted as a Boomerang Bigot if not for the fact that demons don't really care about Downworlders). The vast majority of Downworlders are neutral, though they often dislike being in the company of Shadowhunters (to be fair, that's the direct result of being the victims of Shadowhunters' inflated ego and self-righteousness for centuries). One of the most prominent heroes in the franchise is Magnus Bane, the warlock son of Asmodeus, one of the highest-ranked demons, and though he is proud of his heritage he despises his father just as much as any other Shadowhunter.
  • This gets played with several times in Skulduggery Pleasant. At different points, both Valkyrie and Lord Vile are proclaimed by the Necromancers to be their messiahs, or Death Bringers, destined to end death forever. Neither of them show any interest in fulfilling this role (for Valkyrie, the price was too high; for Vile, ending death was the absolute last thing he wanted to do) which necessitated the Necromancers finding a third. In a darker example, there's also Darquesse, who is adopted by the Remnants as their own dark messiah due to several visions of her destroying the planet, only to discover that yes, destroying the planet means them as well.
  • In Son of Rosemary — a direct sequel to the Rosemary's Baby novel, hence unrelated to the film sequel above — Satan-sired baby Andy has grown up to run a global charitable foundation, and claims to be struggling to cancel out his evil side by doing good. Descendents of the cult from the first book seek to undermine his attempts to Screw Destiny and be a good man. In the end, his mother wakes up in 1965, to find that her child's conception and entire life were All Just a Dream. It's implied that Andy pushed the Reset Button on the world, re-writing history, once his full powers as the Antichrist manifested, so he wouldn't have to bring on the apocalypse.
  • In the Starlight and Shadows trilogy, the evil drow goddess Lolth chooses the priestess Liriel Baenre to be her champion, who will carry the dark magic of the drow to the surface world and allow them to subjugate all other races. Liriel, however, has no desire for conquest, simply seeking to explore strange foreign lands; and once she learns of her goddess's intentions, she begins struggling to break free of Lolth's influence.
  • Star Wars Legends gives us a double subversion in the form of Jacen Solo, son of Han and Leia Solo. Jacen trained as a Jedi under his uncle, and he grew into a pacifist at the end of the Vong war. But he started walking a dark path after a five-year journey to learn more about the Force, and he eventually became a Sith. Jacen initially didn't like the idea of becoming a Sith, but he embraced his identity as the one to remake the galaxy more as time went on, even after all his family started leaving him. He ultimately went back into Anti-Antichrist territory to rescue his girlfriend and their daughter from the Empire, but before he could, his sister, Jaina, killed him. His family's safe.
  • In The Stormlight Archive, Dalinar was originally intended to be the champion of the evil god Odium, who arranged his life so that he would destroy all he loved so that he would fall into a pit of self-loathing, guilt, and hate that would make him easily manipulated. However, Dalinar threw this plan for a loop when he sought out a powerful spren, the Nightwatcher, to gain forgiveness and absolution for his crimes, and when the Nightwatcher failed to understand what he was asking for, the goddess Cultivation stepped in. Cultivation temporarily erased Dalinar's memories of his trauma so that he could grow and become mentally stronger, and when the memories returned, he had the willpower and moral fortitude to deny Odium's corrupting influence and become the champion of the forces opposing him.
  • In Canon Press's Supergeddon, a parody of the Left Behind series, The Antichrist suffers amnesia after his mortal head wound and becomes an evangelist, with the Captain Ersatz version of the Tribulation Force trying to convert him back to Team Evil so the end of the world can proceed as planned. Yeah, it's that kind of book.
  • Sam Linnfer from Catherine Webb's Waywalkers is literally Satan, shunned by gods, angels and humans alike for millennia. His divine power is immensely powerful and destructive but in the end he uses it to save the universe, almost at the cost of his own existence. And people still hate him.

Live-Action TV 

  • Angel:
    • The Shanshu Prophecy says Angel will play a pivotal role in the end times, and be rewarded with humanity - but isn't explicit on which side he'll be fighting on. At the start of Angel, the idea of Angel willingly cooperating with the Senior Partners seems unthinkable. By the end of Season Four, Angel has darkened enough and his circumstances have gotten hazy to the point where he does join them. According to the comics, the jury's still out on whether the Shanshu prophecy spells doom for mankind in general. Wesley's father, Roger Wyndam-Pryce (or at least a close facsimile thereof) warned that Angel is "more dangerous than you realize."
    • Connor. It was touch and go there for a while, but he ultimately rebels against Jasmine. The only problem is that doing so leaves the poor kid mired in nihilistic, homicidal despair.
  • This is what Brother Justin on Carnivàle starts out as. Eventually he embraces his nature as the "creature of Darkness". Ben Hawkins' father, Henry Scudder, was the previous creature of Darkness and a more straight example of this trope, fighting against his nature until the end.
  • Damien was an Alternate Continuity to The Omen in which an adult Damien Thorne is an Adaptational Nice Guy who actively tries to resist his demonic nature, before ultimately failing as a result of You Can't Fight Fate.
  • Good Omens (2019): Adam ends up as this, thwarting the very Armaggedon he was meant to cause.
  • In the Filipino superhero series Juan Dela Cruz, Juan is the last of the Tagabantays (Guardians), a Heroic Lineage that can only wield the Bakal na Krus (Iron Cross), a powerful Swiss-Army Weapon created to slay Aswangs. However, his father is Samuel the Haring Aswang, ruler and protector of the aforementioned monster race. While Samuel is a Well-Intentioned Extremist at worst, there is a prophecy that his firstborn child (which Samuel eventually learns refers to Juan) is the Anak ng Dilim (Son of Darkness) that would allow the Aswangs to eventually conquer humanity. Juan's Aswang heritage also links him to the true Big Bad of the series, Peru-ha, the Aswangs' God of Evil, who seeks to use the Anak ng Dilim as her most powerful weapon, whether Juan likes it or not.
  • Kamen Rider
    • Two youths were unfortunately subjected to "surgery", because they were chosen to become the leader of an evil cult. With the help of his father, one of them manages to escape, and decides to fight them as well as his so-called destiny. This is the story of Kotaro Minami, a.k.a. Kamen Rider BLACK.
    • Aikawa Hajime/Kamen Rider Chalice from Kamen Rider Blade. As the Joker Undead, if he wins the Battle Fight at the center of the series (by being the last unsealed Undead), The End of the World as We Know It will occur, even though he wants no such thing to happen. It's only by Kazuma Kenzaki becoming a Joker Undead himself (and thus making it so that there's a second Undead present, meaning the Battle Fight is in a stalemate) in the TV series or sealing him in the Missing Ace movie that the world doesn't end.
    • Kamen Rider Decade is a confusing example: thanks to amnesia, at different points Tsukasa ends up both fighting Dai-Shocker and leading Dai-Shocker, and rescuing all the other Riders then killing all the other Riders.
    • Resistance fighters from the distant future go back in time to assassinate Evil Overlord Oma Zi-O before his rise to power. Sougo Tokiwa is an Ordinary High-School Student with aspirations to become king, but otherwise is such a stark contrast to Oma Zi-O that one of the rebels wonders if they're even the same guy. Even after they show him a glimpse of his future self, as well as becoming Kamen Rider Zi-O, Sougo resolves to Screw Destiny, and the rebels, Tsukuyomi and Geiz/Kamen Rider Geiz, put him under observation in case he does turn evil. At the end of the series, when the two Zi-Os meet, Sougo renounces his future self, which for some reason is accepted by the latter even as he ceases to exist.
  • This is the premise of Point Pleasant. Christina is protected from daddy's evil by her mother, her foster family and a hot Catholic priest.
  • From Reaper, the presumed spawn of Satan is fairly depressed to learn that it's his apparent destiny to end the world. He takes comfort from the fact that he's not really all that good at anything, so he'll probably suck at that, too. Subverted in that Sam is not the only son of the Devil. Satan's been around a long time, and has a lot of kids. And he's disappointed in each and every one of them.
    • But oddly enough the Devil does seem to be proud of Sam most of the time, even when Sam stands up to him.
    • Word of God says he's not the son of Satan. His father is a demon who made a deal with the Devil to become (mostly) human (which is why he doesn't die: the Devil can't transform him completely), and Satan keeps him close because while Sam could be the Antichrist, he's also afraid of him. As a half-human, half-demon child, Sam can bring him down. So the closeness is because Lucifer wants to keep an eye on him and make sure he becomes the Antichrist instead of the Devil's downfall. This ignores the fact that Sam has a little brother, but then he did get Cousin Chucked after 2 episodes.
  • Seven of Nine from Star Trek: Voyager counts as this, since her liberation by Janeway was actually a part of a larger plan by the collective to assimilate humanity. By the time this plan is supposed to be put in effect, Seven no longer identifies with the Borg, and refuses to help.
  • Supernatural:
    • Sam certainly didn't want to lead a demon army against humankind, but he was intended to, and defied that fate despite what most characters expected. Too bad he was part of an overarching plot where he had been infected with demon blood due to a deal before he was born, chosen aeons before to set the Devil free and to act as his physical vessel during the End of Days, and set up so that his efforts to prevent the Apocalypse using demon-blood-born powers actually caused the prelude to Apocalypseand released Lucifer from his Cage. Acquiescing to being possessed by Lucifer just so he could gain control of his body long enough to throw both of them into the Cage, Sam managed to avert the Apocalypse and the final battle to defeat Lucifer that would raze the world. Job well done.
    • Another example is the child Jesse, who actually is the Antichrist. He's really an overall nice kid, if just slightly creepy. Sure, he made urban myths come true, but he wasn't actually trying to do that, and he certainly didn't mean to kill anyone. He also turned Castiel into a little toy figurine, but that was only in self defense. He almost goes over to the demons, but does hear out the Winchesters' side of the story before doing so. He also voluntarily goes into hiding in order to protect his adopted parents.
    • Jack from season 13 is another variation, being the literal son of Lucifer and a human woman, thus making him a half-angel. Dean is totally convinced that he's destined to turn evil, while Sam is convinced that they can teach him to be good. When Jack and Lucifer do meet, Jack is initially open to hearing him out, but he rejects Lucifer for good when he's finally confronted with first-hand proof of his father's evil acts. By the end of the series, he even becomes the new God.
  • The main character in Todd and the Book of Pure Evil has been named as the Pure Evil One by agents of the titular Artifact of Doom and is seemingly destined to destroy the world with the book's power. As of the first season finale, however, he is refusing to fulfill his destiny, but it remains to be seen whether he can fight fate.
  • Ultraman Geed is one such example, being the son of Ultraman Belial, who had wreaked chaos and had tried several times to destroy the Planet of Ultra. Geed, however, is heroic as they come.
  • Vlad from Young Dracula is heralded as the Chosen One of vampires, and wants nothing more than to be human, or at least have humans and vampires living side by side.
  • Torin from Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger. Despite being the brother of Chaos, he decided to turn on him and the Deboss Army upon arriving on Earth and seeing the beauty of life. He later became The Mentor to the current team of Kyoryugers, and eventually becomes a Kyoryuger himself by transforming into Kyoryu Silver.


  • One of the "villains" in the GWAR mythos is literally named the "Anti-Antichrist." And he has a song named after him.
  • "Lobo caído", from Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota's Lobo Suelto, is about the anthropomorphic representation of evil as a wolf ("Lupus el lobo") being tired of being associated with evil.
  • On the Blue Öyster Cult album Tyranny and Mutation, the track "Seven Screaming Dizbusters" poses an interesting question. What happens if fallen angels choose to rebel a second time, this time against Lucifer?

Myths & Religion 

  • In some versions of Arthurian Legend, Merlin was the Antichrist (rumor has it he's half demon, anyway). Instead of destroying the world, he became good and decided to help some guy become the King of Britain instead. Merlin's mother was raped/seduced by either the Devil or some random demon, but she had Merlin baptized as soon as he was born. This relieved him of his Antichrist status but still let him keep his nifty magical powers. Since Medieval Christianity generally thought any sort of power must come from either God or Satan, this story explained how Merlin performed his magical acts without being a saint.
  • Robert the Devil is a 13th century myth about the son of the Duchess of Normandy, who turned out to also be the Son of Satan as the Duchess was desperate for an heir. Played With as at first Robert did do wicked deeds, but realizing the error of his ways, repented, became a hermit, and on two occasions saved Rome from conquerors. Whether Robert the Devil is based on any historical figure is unknown.


  • In The Gamer's Alliance, the ambitious black mage Jemuel is brought back to life as a revenant on behalf of the Underworld in order to allow the dead to invade the Land of the Living. However, Jemuel breaks free from the lich Drishnek's control and does some soul-searching, and he chooses to openly defy Drishnek and the Underworld and renounces some of his villainous ways because he has found kinship among the citizens of the Magicracy of Alent and doesn't want to plunge the world into darkness.

Tabletop Games 

  • Exalted:
    • It's always possible for an Abyssal or Infernal Exalted to defy the will of their respective masters and do the right thing. Unfortunately, this tends to bite them in the ass — Abyssals gain Resonance for adopting mortal trappings, and must bleed it off by adopting the trappings of death (e.g. sleeping in crypts, performing funerary rites) lest it explode and kill everyone close to them, and Infernals build Torment that can only be bled off by doing villainous things such as monologuing, sticking people in death traps, etc.
    • Their Charms are not an inherent function of their Exaltation, but rather derive directly from their Yozi masters. This means that the Infernals have direct influence from their masters... but the relationship goes both ways, and if an Infernal developed their own Charm set that generally fell within their master's purview, there's a possibility they could change their master as well.
    • The Heresy Charm set has shown up. One can only imagine the look on the Ebon Dragon's face when he realizes the pawns of his master plan have discovered a way to sever all ties to the fetters of Hell.
    • There is the Devil-Tiger option. Shattering all the control methods, feeble as they are, and transending into what is essentially a Primordial Mark 2 while retaining the power of the Exaltation. The Ebon Dragon's reaction when he realizes he made himself OBSOLETE will be priceless.
  • Mage: The Ascension has the Nephandi, mages who willingly made the choice to embrace everything they found anathema and turn their Avatars inside out, embracing an agenda of decaying the world to the point that it eventually falls to oblivion. Not only does this damn them, but it damns their Avatars, leading to widderslainte who inherit said corrupted Avatars after the original Nephandus dies. However, where early editions paint them as inherently sociopathic Enfant Terrible invariably just as evil as their previous incarnation, 20th Anniversary Edition explicitly states that some widderslainte have a reprieve from damnation. While the source of all their magic acts like an abusive mentor, and their fellow Nephandi will gladly try to either corrupt them or kill them in the hopes the next host falls faster, it is possible for them to walk the right-hand path and do the right thing.
  • The Lucifuge faction from Hunter: The Vigil are a group made up of exactly 666 descendants of Satan, who use their innate abilities to fight supernatural monsters. Including (and especially) relatives who decided to work for Dad. Ironically given the source of their powers, they actually are one of the most reasonable factions of hunters in a setting where Knight Templar is a norm, precisely because of their demonic powers: they know for a fact it's possible to have Bad Powers, Good People, so they typically avoid assuming the monsters they meet are Always Chaotic Evil and carefully studies them before deciding the best course of action.

Video Games 

  • While not quite Satan, you are kind of given this role in Baldur's Gate, as you are a child of Bhaal, God of Murder, and part of his plan to come back to life again. Both Balthazar and Imoen share it (given that they share a father with you), though with major variations. The second does it best, since she's just good, and not tricked into Knight Templar actions that will backfire. In Baldur's Gate III, the Dark Urge Player Character is yet another Bhaalspawn and is faced with the choice of whether to become one of these or give in to their murderous impulses.
  • BlazBlue: Main character Ragna the Bloodedge is the reincarnation of an Eldritch Abomination that nearly destroyed the world almost a century earlier in the setting, with its remains being used as his new replacement right arm. The second game reveals his destiny to be the harbinger of destruction and the catalyst to revive the beast to destroy the world. This makes him the enemy of nearly the entire cast. Naturally, he has a Screw Destiny attitude, and while he starts off as a vengeance-fueled Anti-Hero, some Character Development helps push him toward being a more straightforward hero. By the end of the fourth game, he has successfully managed to avert The End of the World as We Know It and restore the world to a more prosperous state.
  • Brütal Legend: Eddie Riggs is either this or Messianic Archetype, depending on which translation of the prophecies you believe. Makes sense, as he is the spawn of that world's previous hero and villainess.
  • Castlevania
    • Adrian Tepes took his mother Lisa's last words of "not to hate humans"note  to heart. Taking the name Alucard, he proceeds to become the general Deuteragonist of the series, either working with the Heroic Lineage of the Belmonts or by himself, always opposing his Evil Overlord father Dracula and/or prevent any attempts to resurrect him.
    • Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow put you in the shoes of Soma Cruz, the reincarnation of Dracula, who is one of many candidates to fill the title of Dark Lord that was left vacant after Dracula's final death. Luckily, you happen to be playing as the one candidate for the title who rejects the offer, and the two games follow his quest to take down the candidates who are all too willing to usurp his title, plus finding a way to resist the temptation of retaking it himself.
  • The Law/Amane ending in Devil Survivor has the main character obtain the title of King of Bel in the same way as you do in the Chaos ending, except his first act upon obtaining it is to bow down to God and command all his demons to stop the War on Heaven. The ending claims that you go on to unite humanity as Messianic Archetype, and playing the Updated Re-release adds an additional day that shows the main character trying to make humans willingly atone and become better people.
  • Raspberyl from Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice is a demon delinquent. In other words, she's flaunting the rules of what a demon should be by being good to people, attending classes, etc. because she wants to rebel against the status quo for its own sake. It's all about getting a horrified reaction from her Card Carrying Wannabe peers.
    • This is the plan of the main villain for Zed in Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny. Misual, disillusioned with his own failure to use Super Reincarnation to save the universe, decided to use it to find a deceased Majin, the equivalent of a super race in the Disgaea universe. He found Zed, and intended Zed to Super Reincarnate over and over by turning his sister into a monster that required extreme levels of power. Since Super Reincarnation powers up the user whenever they die, this meant that slowly, but surely, Zed would become insurmountable. Eventually he'd become so powerful that he'd revert to the most powerful Majin in existence, and destroy everything... except Zed has so much sheer willpower and unwillingness to give up, that he literally defies destiny to fix everything. He even reaches a timeline where Misual failed, and despite the universe itself literally doing everything it can to stop Zed, he beats destiny itself -and refuses to lose, saving this timeline before returning to his own to defeat Misual.
  • Dragon Quest Builders 2: Malroth is the self-same demon summoned by Hargon in Dragon Quest II to bring about the end of the world, and by the time this becomes apparent late in the game, Malroth has spent so much time among humans and kind monsters that he decides to side with the Builder and fight Hargon. This comes to a head when Malroth, after spending the whole game failing to build anything and just destroying things, manages to start actually building things when he comes to the realization that creation and destruction are two sides of the same coin: that building things entails destroying other things to gather raw materials that can be made into new things.
  • Marcus from Fallout 2 and Fallout: New Vegas is a lighter version of this. He was created as a super-soldier for the Master's army during Fallout. After the Master was defeated, the army crumbled. Now he's arguably the highest-profile person in the Fallout world advocating for a peaceful coexistence between mutants and humans, instead of serving as an officer in a genocidal army. To a lesser extent, Fawkes fills the same role in Fallout 3.
  • Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX is revealed as The Antichrist late in the game, born for the sole purpose of spreading destruction on Gaia. He just taunts his creator at first, but said creator temporarily reverts him into what he "should" have been by removing Zidane's soul. He gets better; encouragement from his friends somehow snaps him out of it, by pointing out all the not-antichristy things he's done to help them. To a certain degree, Kuja qualifies as well, if what Mitoko states in the ending is anything to go by.
  • Final Fantasy X has Sin, who was actually the last Final Aeon, and a guardian before that - in this case, Tidus' father Jecht. Although Sin can't be controlled, Jecht fights his role as best as he can, and encourages Tidus to kill him in order to save the world.
  • In Fire Emblem: Awakening, your player character is the mortal shell that carries the Fell Dragon Grima. Or rather, it will be; he took over your body in an alternate timeline, then came back in time to make sure Lucina doesn't interfere with fate. However, even once knowing your purpose from birth, you still stay true to your friends and refuse to give in to Grima.
  • In Glory of Heracles III, the Protagonist. His past self was Lord Baor, whom had been chosen by and granted a new immortal body by Hades to lead an army of monsters to wipe out humankind in response to an ecological crisis that Lord Baor himself had caused. When Zeus wiped the memories of human immortals after Prometheus granted immortality to three humans, Lord Baor also lost his memories. His amnesiac self would go on to defend humanity against the monsters and ultimately undo the sins of his past self.
  • Millenia takes up this role in Grandia II. As one of the pieces of the fallen dark god Valmar, she's supposed to be as evil as her master and trying to bring about The End of the World as We Know It. Then she falls in love with the hero. Oops.
  • Eon from the early Playstation RPG The Granstream Saga is the reincarnation of his world's Satan, the "Mah Oh", from the previous version of the world. However, being adopted by the Old Hermit, he grows up good and just and defeats the current "Mah Oh".
  • In the tragically-underexposed PAL-only PSX Konami-Atlus survival horror game Hellnight (Dark Messiah in Japan), the hero, a nebbishy underdog salaryman, discovers that he is in fact the reincarnation of the long-lost soul of the royal prince of the invading aliens, who was killed when their mother ship crashed on earth millenia ago, and that the monster which has been chasing him for the entirety of the game is actually his reanimated original body which has been seeking to reunite with its spirit. He turns his back on his former existence as the eponymous Dark Messiah of the title, and chooses to continue living as a human, even if it does mean remaining a "weak, pathetic, chaotic, and meaningless being".
  • The Legend of Dragoon has the Black Monster, but she's only killing infants to stop the real Antichrist. To explain, you must realize that every one of the 108 races is born from a fruit in the Tree of Life. The 108th fruit, the Virage Embryo, destroys all life and starts the cycle over. Naturally, your party also includes the Virage Embryo.
  • Zero from the Mega Man X and Zero series was originally intended by Dr. Wily to be the scourge of humanity that would destroy civilization. He instead becomes one of mankind's greatest defenders, and, ultimately and ironically, the one who brought true peace to the world. Omega later represents what Dr. Wily fully envisioned Zero to be.
  • Metal Gear's Solid Snake, although technically not created to destroy the world, was created for a nonetheless similarly sinister purpose: Initially to replace Big Boss should he leave the organization, and finally to kill Big Boss and thus cement The Patriots' control over the world. Eventually, he turns against The Patriots and ultimately saves the world, more or less.
  • Ryoji from Persona 3. Turns out he has no choice in the matter, but that doesn't mean he wants to do it.
  • It's revealed towards the end of Radiant Historia that the Big Bad's goal for most of the game has been to prepare Stocke as a successor to help him carry out his plan to destroy the world. Every single thing he did towards this end had the exact opposite effect, turning him into a kinder and more self-sacrificing person instead.
  • Romancing Saga 3 reveals that Sarah Carson is a chosen child that has survived the previous Morastrum and their role is to become the next Archfiend, an immensly strong person that's supposed to bring destruction and terror over the people, just like the initial survivor of the first Morastrum. However, they have no desire to cause harm to anyone and prefer to remain as inconspicuous as possible.
  • You are given this choice in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. To his credit, The Old Man in the Wheelchair gives you plenty of time (and a few reasons) to refuse. If you choose to follow his request all the way through, however, you become the aversion of this trope.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog:
    • Emerl from Sonic Battle is a Gizoid, a robot designed to mimic any combat technique he sees, and is able to do so with terrifying efficiency (he quickly outclasses the rest of the cast). He was considered to be the Ultimate Life Form before Shadow and was the strongest of his Gizoid brethren according to Sonic Chronicles. Upon obtaining all seven Chaos Emeralds he's supposed to annihilate civilization. He was also raised by the good guys and slowly mimics bits of each of their personalities as well — the result is a lovable Nice Guy who calls Amy "Mom", helps out around Tails's lab, ribs Knuckles for being dense, and is fiercely protective of his friends, most notably Cream. And then Eggman blows it all by using an extremely powerful weapon to usurp control. This causes Emerl to go mad with power, having copied Eggman's superweapon, capable of destroying the planet and stars. In the end, Sonic has to kill Emerl.
    • Speaking of Shadow, he manages to simultaneously be an example of a Messianic Archetype, a Dark Messiah, The Antichrist, and an Anti-Antichrist in one character, thanks to the people involved in his creation having wildly different intentions for him. GUN wanted an immortal Super-Soldier and took advantage of Professor Gerald, who was desperately looking for a way to save his terminally ill granddaughter Maria. Unable to crack the code of immortality Gerald made contact with the Black Arms, whose leader, Black Doom, offered some of his genetic material for the project in exchange for a promise that Shadow would help him gather the Chaos Emeralds so he could plunder Earth for Human Resources. Gerald didn't want Shadow to be a weapon and devised a plan which would allow him to defeat the Black Arms and let him become close to the peace loving Maria. GUN got panicked by Gerald's research and tried to shut it down but Maria was killed in the crossfire. With her dying breath, Maria made Shadow promise to bring happiness to Earth. Learning of Maria's death, Gerald crossed the Despair Event Horizon and Jumped Off The Slippery Slope. He tampered with Shadow's memories to make him think he promised Maria revenge and the world would be better off without humans; the plan being to have Shadow initiate a Colony Drop to take revenge on Earth and spite the Black Arms in one go. Ultimately, Shadow breaks free of the reprogramming, stops the colony drop, carries out the original plan for stopping the Black Arms, and joins GUN (which has since cleaned up its act) to protect Earth from danger and give humanity a chance to be happy. All of this while having it heavily implied from context clues he is made in the (arguably mocking) image of the half-god half-hedgehog being we know as Super Sonic, who was prophecised on ancient murals that Gerald was clearly very familiar with. - And later a totally different Satan Analogue was reincarnated in his image.
  • In Sands of Destruction, Kyrie was supposed to be the one to end the world; however, this is presented as a natural progression of things to those outside the system, only problematic to the mortals who happen to inhabit the world. Unfortunately, he's really not into the whole doom-and-death thing (and is very attached to at least one of the inhabitants of said world), and is desparate to find a way to control himself, even including suicide. That doesn't quite stick, though, but he does eventually learn to control his powers to the point that not only is he able to avoid destroying the world, but is even able to correct the problems plaguing it.
  • It is ambiguous whether it actually happens in War Hammer 40000 Space Marine. Captain Titus has the unnatural attribute of being resistant to the touch of Chaos and warp energy. But only an agent of Chaos is said to be capable to withstand this power and come unscathed, as both the Chaos Lord Nemeroth and the Knight Templar Leandros suggest. Still, Titus slaughtered all the Chaos forces he faces, and defends himself from Leandros' accusation in front of the inquisition by stating that he sent their leader into oblivion. Even if his power were demonic in nature and gifted by Chaos, he ultimately acted as a loyal servant of the Emperor in everything.
  • The Wild ARMs: Million Memories version of Rudy is set up to be this in a way. He has a vision where he betrays everyone, leading to the world's destruction so part of his quest means understanding what leads him to that point. Sadly, the vision comes to pass, only for it to be subverted. Filgaia can be revived through the power of AR Ms (Awakening Resonant Memories), and Rudy's betrayal was done in exchange for the stolen Tear Drop and Siegfried's help in fighting Mother. Turns out Rudy was more of a Messianic Archetype after all.
  • Wizard101: The Co-Dragons for the third Arc Villain, Grandfather Spider, are his three sons: Father Rat, Father Scorpion, and Father Bat. However, Empyrea reveals that Father Bat is Good All Along, doing everything he can to undermine his father. Although he wants to prevent the Spiral from being destroyed, he's a Well-Intentioned Extremist willing to do unsavory things to do so, such as trying (but failing) to kill Mellori because she's a Living Macguffin considered Too Powerful to Live.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM drops several hints that you are this. You have amnesia, every villain wants to capture and recruit you, and your BAM skills quickly become the stuff of legends. You also engage in some unscrupulous activity for good causes, like hacking into the villainous Marik's bank account.

Web Animation 

Web Comics 

  • In Apricot Cookie(s)!, the Princess of Darkness is ashamed of her heritage almost to the point of disowning her father.
  • In Bruno the Bandit, the saintly hermit and former pope in the Church of Ailix, Carlin, is one of the only truly 'good' people in this Crapsack World. He's also the Son of Xu'buxx, the local version of Satan. Playing out the most literal version of the trope, he basically started rebelling against his satanic upbringing as a teenager and wound up as a saint. His 'dad' tries a lot of tricks to make him come back to the side of evil, but so far without luck... The real kicker? Carlin's greatest desire is to redeem his father and bring him into the light of Ailix, the settings version of God/Jesus. He already did it with his mother, a high priestess of Xu'Buxx, on her deathbed.
  • The title character from the Spanish web comic CROWLEY is one of these.
  • In Darwin Carmichael is Going to Hell, by virtue of having the world's worst Karma, Darwin is technically the world's most evil person. In the finale, Darwin is the Anointed One, essential an antichrist brought in to cause the end of the world. However, he doesn't want to the apocalypse to happen, and sacrifices his life rather than do his duty.
  • In Emergency Exit Kyran gets to be one of these during the Parallel Dementia crossover — which is weird, since he still thinks of himself as a villain. Just not a monster.
  • Erma is implied to be an Apocalypse Maiden destined to bring about humanity's destruction. However, she's also seven, and despite her love of scary pranks, seems much more content spending time with her family and friends and watching Warrior Unicorn Princess.
  • Girl Genius: The Other arranged for Agatha Heterodyne to be born so the Other could use her as a vessel of Demonic Possession and return to enslave mankind. Yet when hooked up to the Summoning Engine, Agatha's mind unexpectedly survived and was able to prevent the Other from taking over her body.
  • Kaiten Mutenmaru: Kid has the potential to become a Devil and destroy the world, but he is more concerned with figuring out who he is than destroying the world in itself. He ultimately breaks free from his fate as a Devil by embracing his memories of Thia's parental love and accepting Mutenmaru's offer of friendship.
  • Puck: Phoebe is the literal daughter of Satan. She's also the most genuinely nice adult character in the comic. It's unclear how much of her persona is active rebellion against her father (who comes across more as a generic rich asshole than The Enemy) and how much is just her natural sweet ditzy nature.
  • Surprisingly, considering how he was introduced, Lil'E from Sinfest fits this archetype. Though originally introduced as a loony fanboy for the Devil, revealed back story and an encounter with Lethe water have caused his personality to do a complete 180. The kid has angel glitter as a weapon now.
  • The Sword Interval: Fall Barros, upon being told by the Hierophant that as the current Harbinger, she's destined to destroy the world, she retorts that she refuses to do so.
  • Underling's Lazarus.
  • Damian from Zoophobia (no, not Damien) isn't too interested in ruling hell. He'd rather just hang out with his friends at school and torment his cousin Jack.

Web Original 

Web Video 

  • In Dimension 20 Season 9, "Misfits and Magic", Evan Kelmp shows every sign of being destined to become a Dark Lord in the same mold as Voldemort (this whole campaign is clearly taking the piss out of Harry Potter, after all), but he actively refuses and disavows the entire Slytherin-type house and anyone who brings it up:

    Evan: Those lunatics over there, the wizard Nazis, they love my ass. They looooove me.

Western Animation 

  • Adventure Time:
  • The Drak Pack consist of the nephew of Dracula, a close relative of the Wolfman and a relative of Frankenstein (and/or his monster, it's complicated).
  • DuckTales (2017): The series finale, "The Last Adventure!", reveals that recurring character Manny The Headless Man-Horse is really the "Headless Man-Horse Of The Apocalypse". However, Manny decided a long time ago to leave his apocalyptic legacy behind and live a relatively normal live as an assistant of Gyro Gearloose.

    Manny: People change, man! I just want to be a normal guy with a normal life!

  • Final Space: It's revealed in Season 3 that Ash's powers come from Invictus, like those of the Lord Commander. For a good chunk of the third season, Invictus is actively trying to manipulate and corrupt Ash into joining it in consuming all life across every dimension — Ash, understandably, is less than receptive as one of the heroes opposing Invictus. However, Invictus is particularly intelligent and subliminal in the methods it uses to get under Ash's skin while trying to convince her to join it, exploiting her emotional vulnerability and her found family's shortcomings as a support network. The result is that while it takes most of the season's length, in the end, Ash makes a Face–Heel Turn, is fully corrupted into Invictus' subordinate, and fully becomes The Antichrist once she succeeds in finally freeing Invictus from its Can.
  • Hazbin Hotel: Charlie is the daughter of Lucifer but is a kind-hearted and optimistic person who wants to solve Hell's Overpopulation Crisis by redeeming sinners and get them into heaven rather than the annual genocidal purges that have been going on. She's also the only one who genuinely believes that everyone has the ability to be better, despite having spent her entire life surrounded by people who were sent to hell for being utter bastards in life and continuing in that behavior in death.
  • In He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983), Orko accidentally summons an ancient demon named Daimar, in the form of a harmless-looking cute little creature. They spend the day playing together, but Daimar then spins a cocoon and emerges as a giant monster reminiscent of Chernobog from Fantasia and sets about opening a gate to "the Dark Dimension" to destroy Eternia, as he says he is predestined to do. He-Man, bless his heart, talks him out of it, reminding him of the friendship he formed with Orko, and telling him that he has free will and doesn't have to destroy anything if he doesn't want to. Daimar does a Heel–Face Turn and leaves in peace.
  • Beezy on Jimmy Two-Shoes is an Inadequate Inheritor to his father Lucius' legacy.
  • Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil. Her boyfriend DJ Jesús is the second coming of Jesus.
  • Little Demon: Chrissy is the daughter of Satan, but is more interested in maintaining a normal life despite her powers than her dad's evil plan for the universe.
  • Monster High (2022): Heath Burns is the son of a Corrupt Corporate Executive compsite of Hades and the Devil, but is fully opposed to his dad's villainous ways and the environmental damage his company causes.
  • Ashi from Samurai Jack and her sisters are born into a cult called the Daughters of Aku, who preach that Aku is good while Jack is evil. But after the death of her sisters and seeing Jack's kind personality, Ashi starts going through a Heel Realization, seeing that Jack isn't the evil being her mother preached about. Then she finally joins Jack in his adventure back to the past. Bonus points for her and her sisters being literal daughters of Aku. She ultimately ends up sacrificing her existence to use her father's powers to take Jack back to the past so he can destroy Aku for good.
  • Surprisingly, Scooby-Doo in Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated. The Nibiru Entity, the Greater-Scope Villain of the season, has repeatedly manipulated gangs of mystery-lovers throughout the ages through their Team Pet, in a bid to free himself from his prison. One ghost of a past detective even warned Mystery Inc. that he may one day turn on them. And once Mystery Inc. find the entity's prison, the latter intends to possess him to carry out his conquest of the human world. However, Professor Pericles (The Heavy of the show, Team Pet of the first Mystery Inc., and Scooby's direct predecessor) offers himself up instead to get a taste of the entity's power, allowing Scooby and his friends to gather the courage needed to defeat the entity once and for all.
  • The Secret Saturdays: Zak, once it's revealed that he's the reincarnation of the Civilization Destroyer Kur. He's not happy at all to learn of this, and spends all of Season 2 fighting against his destiny.
  • Damien from South Park starts off embracing his Son-of-Satan persona, but eventually it's revealed that he just wants friends, acceptance, and stability.
  • Teen Titans (2003): Raven is the daughter of Trigon, the resident Satanic Archetype. Notable in that she succeeds in bringing about her apocalyptic destiny, but instead helps the world get better afterward.
  • On Ugly Americans, Callie is the half-human daughter of the current Devil, but sort of ping-pongs back between this trope and a more traditional Antichrist, apparently sort of confused about which she should be following. It's implied that she's purposefully trying to bring the Apocalypse on slower than necessary (which her father actually is okay with) and describes the End of Days as "more of a gray area" as far as demons are concerned. Later episodes showed that the demons considered the end of days to simply include the extinction of all human life. Since there's plenty of non-human life and even non-human sapient/sentient life on Earth (indeed, in Ugly Americans it seems about one-third of the Earth's population is supernatural), it actually is a bit grey.
  • There's a possible Bad Future in Young Justice (2010) where the Reach succeeded in their Alien Invasion and completely enslaved mankind, with the help of Blue Beetle. Bart Allen/Impulse time-travelled from that period in order to Set Right What Once Went Wrong, specifically by befriending Blue Beetle, trying to prevent the Reach from gaining control of him.