Assist Character - TV Tropes
- ️Thu May 27 2010
A trope present in many genres but especially in Fighting Games where a non-playable character assists a playable one in some form, usually providing an attack the playable character cannot execute by themself or providing a needed help such as healing, a shield used to tank attacks or another kind of boost.
This happens because not all characters are clear-cut for the genre the game belongs to, either because of their Crippling Overspecialization preventing them from having a varied toolset or their power of heart being that lame (even accounting for Competitive Balance) or another issue (technical or not) preventing them from making the playable cut. So the solution to the problem is usually them appearing as part of the moveset of another playable character. The assist appears, does their stuff, and vanishes. After all, even the toughest One-Man Army has to call for backup sometimes. As a result, expect them to be beloved enough by either the fandom or the developers, if what they do is effective enough.
These characters may become Ascended Extras and be ascended to the main roster if the fandom or the developers are sufficiently fond of him/her/it in the game and finally find a way to make them work as playable characters.
Subtrope to Summon Magic. Compare/contrast the Non-Player Companion, who also assists the Player Character but sticks around them the entire time. See also The Cameo and A Boy and His X. Compare Mons and The Minion Master, where the entire point is summoning others to fight for you, and Mook Maker and Enemy Summoner for the non-playable versions. One step up from this is for the character to be actually controllable in some way, turning them into the "puppet" part of a Puppet Fighter. Contrast It's Up to You, where you do everything without any kind of help.
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Fighting Games
- The Ur-Example is in Data East's Avengers in Galactic Storm (a loose adaptation of the Operation: Galactic Storm crossover event); one of four characters (Iron Man, Thor, The Vision, or Giant-Man if an Avenger is being played, or Ronan the Accuser, Ultimus, Captain Att-Las or a Kree Sentry robot if a Kree character is being played) can be summoned by pressing all punch buttons when the meter is half full. Why Iron Man and Thor are assists instead of fully playable characters is another story altogether.
- The Capcom vs. series frequently uses this:
- In X-Men: Children of the Atom, the Sentinel can call in a squad of miniature Sentinels.
- In Marvel Super Heroes, Blackheart can summon small demons and gargoyles with some of his special and Super moves.
- X-Men vs. Street Fighter: One of Sabretooth's attacks consists of Birdy jumping in from nowhere and shooting at the adversary with a burst of bullets from her BFG. Also used as a Hyper Combo in which she shoots at the adversary with even More Dakka.
- Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes has several dedicated "Special Partners" taken from both Marvel and Capcom's libraries. These included returning MvC characters (such as a number of Children of the Atom veterans), as well as newcomers like Jubilee, Arthur, Saki, Devilotte, Michelle Heart and Thor. In the arcade and Dreamcast versions, they can be chosen as the third team member and had a limited number of Helper Attacks that varied by character. In the PlayStation version, you can choose an Assist from the main roster or the assist roster as your second partner, because of the 1-on-1 battles. Aside from this, Captain Commando is assisted by Mac, Ginzu and Baby Head; Jin is assisted by Blodia, Mega Man and Roll are assisted by Rush, Beat and Eddie, and Onslaught is assisted by the Sentinels.
- In Marvel vs. Capcom 2 along with the Sabretooth, Captain Commando, Jin, Blackheart, Sentinel and Mega Man examples, Jill Valentine can summon a Tyrant and zombies; Tron Bonne is assisted by her Servbots; and Servbot is assisted by... more Servbots. In regular gameplay, a character's teammates can be called in to perform an attack or buff, although they are still vulnerable to attack — even more so since they take more damage in this state.
- In Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Tron is again assisted by Servbots, Sentinel can summon mini-Sentinels, Viewtiful Joe is assisted by Sexy Silvia and Felicia can summon her cat girl friends from Darkstalkers. In Ultimate, there's also Hawkeye, who's assisted by Ant-Man/Giant-Man in his Level 3, Firebrand, who summons a Red Arremer in his Level 3 (similar to the example of Felicia), and Phoenix Wright, who can summon Maya and Missile with several of his moves. Regular Assists function as they did in the previous game.
- In Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, Ultron is assisted by his army of drones, while Rocket Raccoon is assisted by Groot. Unlike the past few games, Infinite does not have any traditional Assists.
- In Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000, Nakoruru is assisted by her hawk Mamahaha.
- In Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium, aside of Nakoruru, Kyosuke is assisted by Batsu and Hinata; Chang shares his moveset with Choi; Yun is assisted by Yang (which carried over to Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX); and Rolento is assisted by El Gado (akin to his Street Fighter Alpha incarnations).
- In SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos, one of Mars People's Supers summons miniature Mars People to attack his opponent, while another will summon a Martian UFO. Additionally, Zero's Exceed summons a bunch of Cyber Elves, Tessa can use ghosts and her cats to attack, and Athena and Red Arremer can summon a variety of creatures from their respective games.
- In Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Doronjo is assisted by Boyacky and Tonzra; Morrigan is assisted by Lilith; Viewtiful Joe by Sexy Silvia; Yatterman-1 by Yatterwan; Yatterman-2 by Omotchama and Yatterpelican; and Ippatsuman by his Humongous Mecha Gyakuten-Oh. Frank West can summon zombies.
- In Marvel Contest of Champions, Squirrel Girl can summon Tippy-Toe and other squirrels in certain moves.
- A lot of The King of Fighters 2000's Another Striker cameos.
- Also the strikers in 99: Evolution.
- There's also Original Zero in KOF 2001. In said game, you could assign characters on your team to be Strikers, but it'd cost a bar of super to bring them in. Original Zero has three, which he uses as command normals, at any time. This is a good part of the reason of why he's a SNK Boss.
- In KOF XIV Nakoruru joins the cast and is once again supported by her bird Mamahaha.
- In Mushiking: The King of Beetles, players can use special skill cards to summon non-beetle insects to aid them in battle. Although each special skill cards have different summoning condition, the player usually has to win in order to summon them.
- Street Fighter Alpha 3 has Big Bad M. Bison as one for Juni in when she uses her Psycho Streak Super, he appears and mows down the opponent with a Psycho Crusher.
- In Street Fighter V, R. Mika can call on her tag team partner, Nadeshiko. Akira, meanwhile, can call in Daigo, her older brother from Rival Schools.
- Several characters in Darkstalkers have friends they can summon using special moves:
- Felicia: The catgirls who appear in her Please Help Me special. They each even have names, home states, and a couple sentences worth of backstory.
- Anakaris: Khaibit, who appears in several of his attacks and animations; also, he can summon a team of mummified harem girls with one of his Super Combos.
- Lord Raptor: Le Malta, who appears during his Hell Dunk and Dark Force moves.
- Sasquatch: He has a whale, explosive penguins, and a pack of dogs, who appear in some of his moves.
- Huitzil: In Vampire Savior 2, one of his specials consists of three other Huitzil units coming down to assist him with Beam Spam moves.
- B.B. Hood: John and Arthur, the two bulky hunters that appear in her Dark Hunt Super Combo.
- Super Smash Bros.
- Since the first game in the series Poké Balls have been a staple item. They summon a Pokémon when thrown, who then proceeds to assist its summoner in some manner (with a few exceptions). They can hold from common regular Pokémon to rare legendary Pokémon who usually wreak havoc on the battlefield with powerful attacks.
- Brawl adds assist trophies to the mix. They function similarly to Poké Balls, but they can summon all kinds of characters instead of being limited to one series, bringing characters from a wide range of franchises both with and without playable representation in the series.
- Some characters bring help to battle with some of their regular attacks. Peach pulls out a Toad to serve as a Human Shield, King Dedede throws his minions (Waddle Dees, Waddle Doos and Gordos in Brawl, limited to Gordos in 4 onwards) at his opponents, and Duck Hunt summons the 8-bit bandits from Wild Gunman to open fire at their opponents.
- Some Final Smashes have the character summon aid to join in for a Combination Attack. In Brawl, Pit called Palutena to summon Centurions to ram opponents; Mega Man is joined by his counterparts from the X, Battle Network, Star Force and Legend series to blast at his opponents, with Proto Man and Bass being added in Ultimate; Robin summons Chrom to pull off an aerial beatdown (even after Chrom was Promoted to Playable in Ultimate); Villager and Isabelle summon Timmy, Tommy and Tom Nook to trap the opponent in a house or town hall respectively; Shulk calls Dunban and Riki for a 3-man smackdown, with Ultimate adding Fiora to the party; Duck Hunt Duo summon a flock of 8-bit ducks to carry opponents in front of the 8-bit bandits from Wild Gunman and thugs from Hogan's Alley ready to open fire at them; Piranha Plant summons Petey Piranha to throw opponents in cages and breathe fire on them; Joker calls his fellow Phantom Thieves of Hearts for an All-Out Attack; the Dragon Quest Hero summons the series's fellow heroes for one big strike; Banjo & Kazooie summon the Mighty Jinjonator so he and other Jinjos attack the opponent; Byleth uses power from Sothis for a powerful blow; Min Min calls other ARMS fighters to assist her in a rush of punches and Pyra and Mythra summon their Driver, Rex, to help them unleash their ultimate specials.
- The Simpsons Wrestling has Mr. Burns, which uses Smithers to do all the work, assisting by throwing plutonium bars as a special move. Smithers himself can summon Blinky the Three-eyed fish as an attack. The Bumblebee Man can summon his chihuahua and Marge can summon Maggie.
- Jackie Chan: The Kung-Fu Master: Yeung is assisted by a pair of birds, while Mysterious Dragon can send out exploding miniature copies of himself.
- In Injustice: Gods Among Us, General Zod's Character Trait allows him to summon a wraith from the Phantom Zone. Solomon Grundy can also summon zombies from beneath the Earth, while Wonder Woman's Super Move involves calling in a group of Amazons to attack her opponent.
- In Injustice 2, Atrocitus is assisted by Dex-Starr, Darkseid is assisted by his Parademons, Harley Quinn is assisted by her pet hyenas, Poison Ivy is assisted by her plant creatures, and Enchantress is assisted by her demonic minions. Aquaman can also summon certain sea creatures, such as a tentacled beast that grabs his opponent.
- The Ultimate Ninja line of Naruto fighting games features this; your assist character drops items for you during combat, and one of these items calls them to perform one of their special attacks.
- Throughout the Guilty Gear series, some characters which can't be played tend to pop up, such as Dizzy's sentient wings (Her main form of combat) or A.B.A.'s sentient key. Meanwhile, May can summon aquatic animals to attack her opponent.
- Related, in BlazBlue, Carl is always assisted by his giant puppet and sister Nirvana and a large portion of Rachel's attacks come from her familiars Nago and Gii. Later on, Carl's father, Relius was added. Like Carl, he fights alongside his giant puppet and wife Ignis.
- Most characters in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure have a Stand, which alone qualifies most of the playable characters for this trope, but a few have separate characters help them out as well:
- In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future, Hol Horse has two playable versions where he's assisted by another character; his "Standard" version is aided by Hanged Man and in his "& Boingo/Voing" version he's aided by Boingo (renamed "Voing" in the English release for legal reasons).
- In the original release of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle, Hol Horse teams up with Hanged Man, Kosaku uses Stray Cat's air bubbles as a ranged attack and Hayato to activate Bites The Dust, and both Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli can fight with their horses Slow Dancer and Valkyrie.
- In the Updated Re-release All Star Battle R, you can choose another playable character to act as this a limited number of times during the match. In addition, Speedwagon is assisted by Tattoo and Kempo Fighter (being able to switch between them at will), F.F. is assisted by Weather Report, and Diego is added to the Horseback users with Silver Bullet. This re-release also gets a Double Subversion with Prosciutto & Pesci: the game bills them as The Dividual, however it's Prosciutto who does most of the fighting, while Pesci assists with Beach Boy as long as Prosciutto's The Grateful Dead isn't active.
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven has Tattoo and Kempo Fighter for Speedwagon, the Nazi Soldiers for Stroheim, Stray Cat and Hayato for Kosaku Kawajiri, and the Steel Ball Run horseback users with their respective horses (with Diego having two versions, to boot, both of which feature the horse Silver Bullet).
- In Touhou Hisoutensoku ~ Choudokyuu Ginyoru no Nazo o Oe Sanae is assisted by her gods, Kanako and Suwako. Which can be kind of weird, as Suwako is also playable. (All There in the Manual explains god's can spiritually divide themselves, essentially existing in two places).
- Yukari Yakumo can call upon her shikigami (Ran) and the shikigami of that shikigami (Chen). Only difference here is they're called upon as spellcards. She's been able to call upon them since Perfect Cherry Blossom. Basically, if Yukari appears as a playable character, count on her using one or both of them in her attacks (this even extends to Ran providing roughly half of her firepower in Imperishable Night, which is part of the main series of games.)
- In Hopeless Masquerade, Mamizou has her tanuki partners to assist her or turn into weapons for some of her attacks. If they are hit too often, then they can't be used for a short period of time, similar to Persona 4 Arena's Persona mechanics.
- Then there's Ichirin, whose strongest attacks actually come from a huge cloud spirit named Unzan. In Unidentified Fantastic Object, Unzan supplies Ichirin's spell cards; he manifests as an enormous, bald, bearded head peering down from the top half of the screen, and attempts to punch the player (represented by large fist-shaped bullets) while also launching various other bullets. In Urban Legend in Limbo, in which Ichirin is a playable character, Unzan manifests in order to punch the opponent, similar to a Stand.
- In Arcana Heart, Maori's sisters assist her in some of her special attacks.
- In Jump Super Stars and its sequel Jump Ultimate Stars, characters that take up 2 or 3 panels (or "Koma", as commonly called by the fans) are used as Support characters that can be summoned anytime in battle by tapping their frame on the DS's bottom screen (or using an assigned shortcut button in Jump Ultimate Stars). Support characters use a bar from the Special meter (which is also used for special attacks), and playable characters can also serve as Support characters in addition to the non-playable Support characters. Represents battle koma, minor characters (like Gaara and Gohan) and characters who couldn't really fight (like Light and Kon).
- Vanguard Princess is built entirely around utilizing support characters.
- Dissidia Final Fantasy's prequel, Duodecim, has incorporated this system into its gameplay, allowing you to summon another playable character to perform either a Brave or HP attack, which varies depending on the position of the enemy. All playable characters can fill this role. Aerith is an Assist-only character for players who purchase a paid demo of the game.
- In Super Cosplay War Ultra, Ziro has a posse of lackeys who do all his fighting for him, including taking hits when he blocks.
- Persona 4 Arena turns the various Personae the main characters summon into more complex versions of this. They appear, perform their attacks, and vanish. However, they're also targetable; If a Persona takes too many hits, it "breaks" and can't be summoned for a while.
- This is similar to how Stands worked in JJBA, save that breaking a Persona doesn't stun you like a Stand Break did.
- Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion takes the Assist concept one step further with Synergy Attacks, which happen when a certain character summons a specific Assist (i.e. Kevin Levin and Numbuh 4, Grim and Mung Daal, Captain K'nuckles and Captain Stickybeard).
- Skullgirls: Several characters have help for their moves.
- Peacock uses her cartoon buddies to pester the opponent from afar in this manner. The most commonly seen ones are Avery (a bird), George and Lenny (bombs, one large and one small), Andy Anvil (guess), and Tommy Ten-Tons (a large weight).
- As seen in the page picture, Parasoul summons some of her Black Egret soldiers to assist her in some of her special moves and all three of her Blockbusters. The page image is Egret Dive, where a Black Egret leaps in front of Parasoul to intercept damage.
- DLC character Eliza has two bodyguards that resemble ancient Egyptian deities, one named Albus, who resembles Anubis and another named Horace who resembles Horus.
- Black Dahlia has her Henchbunnies, proteges in playboy bunny suits who serve as backup and as servants. The named ones are Bookie (the one who shows up in a timeout), Bonnie (the one with the shotgun), Buttercup (the one with the pistol), and Killer (the one with the knife).
- In Tekken 7, Kazumi can summon her pet tiger to attack her opponent. The same holds true for Devil Kazumi. Meanwhile, DLC character Leroy Smith can call in his pet dog Sugar.
- One Piece Gigant Battle and its sequel feature assist characters. You can pick up to three, and not only can you summon them in battle, but they also give you passive bonuses like increasing your damage output or health bar. Those passive bonuses depend on the character you chose to play as: usually, the stronger connection there is, the better the bonus, though putting two enemies together (Like Crocodile and Vivi) gives you a malus instead. Setting up certain teams (For example, four Straw Hats, or Sanji with three beautiful ladies) can also give you additional bonuses on top of that. Long story short, choosing your assists in these games is very important.
- In Asuka 120%, Karin is aided by her pet frog Kero-pyon.
- A few character-specific examples pop up in Playstation All Stars Battle Royale, such as Kuma for Heihachi, a Pipo Monkey for Spike and a Little Sister for Big Daddy.
- In the Sega/Dengeki Bunko fighting game Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax, each playable character can equip and use an assist character prior to combat, each with a single, unique action, called by pressing the Assist Button when the Assist Gauge is full. Many assists are derived from a series that a playable character comes from, including Mikoto Misaka (playable) and Touma Kamijou (assist), Shizuo (playable) and Celty (assist), and Asuna/Kirito (both playable) and Leafa (assist).
- Several examples from the Crossover Doujin Magical Chaser: Stardust of Dreams:
- Rein from Twin Princess of Wonder Planet aids Fine in some of her attacks.
- Bibin occasionally calls up Edochin and throws him at the opponent.
- From Ojamajo Doremi, Hazuki, Aiko, Onpu, and Momoko aid Doremi in casting Magical Stage even if she's already fighting Aiko.
- Mutsumi teams up with Aiko whenever she uses her level 3 super while Mimi helps out with some of her other attacks. Robo-Doremi is also one of her supers.
- Meteo from Princess Comet sometimes throws Mook into her opponent in some of her attacks.
- Kasumin is helped out sometimes by her friends during special attacks.
- Rein from Twin Princess of Wonder Planet aids Fine in some of her attacks.
- In Kinnikuman Muscle Fight, a doujin fighting game based on Kinnikuman, most of Atlantis's special attacks are assists from Black Hole, Stecasse King, the Mountain, and/or Mr. Khamen. Pentagon is assisted by Black Hole in about half of his moves, including supers. Since most of the characters operate in tightly-knit groups, nearly all of them appear as assists in someone else's super moves, as well.
- The doujin game Eternal Fighter Zero features some assist characters:
- Akane Satomura can call her friend Shiko to attack her opponent, as a reference to the Striker System in The King of Fighters 99.
- Mai Kawasumi can call a Cute Ghost Girl with multiple attacks to assist her in battle, very similar to a Stand.
- Misuzu Kamio, aside from her crow partner Sora, can also summon Yukito, the protagonist of AIR, to keep distance, and extend combos.
- Minagi Tohno fights on par with her best friend Michiru, you control Minagi directly, and Michiru via special moves.
- Mortal Kombat:
- Mortal Kombat 9 has Noob Saibot use his shadow as an assist character in some of his special moves and combos. Pay attention to Noob, as whenever Saibot (the shadow) is used or just away from him, his shadow will disappear.
- In Mortal Kombat X, some characters gain assistants with different variations. They include Ferra for every Ferra/Torr variation except Lackey, self-projections and demons for Kenshi's Balanced and Possessed, a Netherrealm bat for Quan Chi's Summoner, Netherrealm minions for Scorpion's Inferno, and a Special Forces drone for Sonya Blade's variation of the same name.
- Mortal Kombat 11: As a nod to his career as a Hollywood actor, Johnny Cage can actually summon his stunt double to grab his opponent.
- Mortal Kombat 1 introduces Kameo Fighters into the series, who serve this function. While a select few fully playable characters (namely the classic versions of Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Kung Lao) can be used as Kameos, the game also features a roster of dedicated Kameo Fighters who can be chosen instead, similar to the Another Strikers/Maniac Strikers in The King of Fighters 2000 or the Special Partners from first Marvel vs. Capcom.
- In ARMS, Byte the robot policeman is assisted by his robot dog partner Barq. Barq follows Byte around and occasionally throws out a punch and Byte can jump on his head for a huge jump while reflecting incoming punches. Also in Rush Mode, Byte and Barq form together with Barq firing explosive shots. Barq can also be punched and he'll be knocked out for a few seconds after taking too much damage.
- In M.U.G.E.N, May is a rather unique character. Depending on which version of her you are using, either her attacks are weak or she can't attack on her own at all. She has to rely on her Pokemon- Torchic, Beautifly, Bulbasaur, and Skitty- in order to win the fight.
- Dragon Ball FighterZ:
- A dedicated button can be used to briefly bring in the next character down in a player's roster for a unique move.
- Android 18 can summon her brother, Android 17, to attack independently of herself, or have him stand by to intercept enemy assists. Krillin fulfills this role if he's on the squad.
- Nappa can plant Saibamen which will sprout after a short while and move autonomously, dealing extra damage or interrupting an enemy attacking Nappa.
- Tien is assisted by Chiaotzu, who will telekinetically paralyze foes to open them to attack. He also plays a role in Tien's Level 3 Super, after which point Chiaotzu can't be called upon again for the rest of the battle.
- Captain Ginyu is assisted by the various members of the Ginyu Force in sequence, each of which contribute in a different way.
- Goku Black is assisted by Zamasu in a few of his special abilities.
- Many of the fighters in Sengoku Basara X have at least one dedicated assist character, such as Nobunaga being assisted by Nōhime and Ranmaru, and Oichi being assisted by Nagamasa. The assist characters can actually be seen waiting in the background of the stage when they are not actively being called upon.
- In Them's Fightin' Herds, Pom Lamb, who has a puppy doing most of the offense for her, can summon and control more puppies, ground or airborne, for more complex attacks. With a full magic meter, she can summon the puppies' mother (and by using two bars of her Super meter, she can call their father) for even more devestating attacks.
- British Redcoats from Pirate Hunter backs you up in each stage, assisting you in defeating large amounts of pirate mooks before they expire. You automatically get a new set of Redcoats after each boss fight, regardless if the previous batch survived or not.
- Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid
- Like Dragon Ball FighterZ, the game uses Marvel vs. Capcom 2-style assists involving the various members of each three-person team. There are also gigantic assist characters (either one of the Megazords or Goldar) that can be called in for short periods, an idea that also functions as a Comeback Mechanic.
- In addition to these, several of the characters have Special and Super Moves that function in a similar manner. The Mastodon Sentry calls in three more Sentries for backup, Lord Zedd sends out his Putties, Tommy uses his flute to summon the Dragonzord (the White Tigerzord if he's wearing his White Ranger DLC skin) and the Gold Ranger signals for an an airstrike from Pyramidas.
- Bleach: Blade of Fate and its sequel Bleach: Dark Souls has Mayuri Kurotsuchi summon his assistant/"daughter"/punching bag Nemu in several of his moves. Nemu is actually playable by herself, and turns it around: in her strongest super, she calls out "Master Mayuri!", at which point Kurotsuchi's Bankai storms across the stage.
Other Video Games
- In AdventureQuest, an online RPG, you can call one of five super-strong NPCs five times a day per character to aid you in battle.
- The Roguelike Deck Building Game Beneath Oresa has the player unlock characters that function as the main player character or as an Assist Character (or both, depending on the character). Assist characters grant passive bonuses and add unique cards to the main character's deck via a stat called Companionship.
- Dark Souls and its successors (the sequels, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring) have a co-op system where you can find 'summon signs' and use them to summon assistants for boss fights. Players can put down summon signs and use them for co-op, but even playing offline there are NPC summons available for certain boss encounters. The most famous of these is Solaire of Astora from Dark Souls, who provides you with the item needed to participate in co-op and can be summoned for 4 (5 if you can avoid him going insane in Lost Izalith) boss fights.
- Delvin: Origins: Delvin can equip summon items to summon an ally to perform an action. These actions don't use up his turn, but they cost MP and have long cooldowns.
- Elohim Eternal: Exodus: During the Final Boss battle, Adun buffs Ramses when the latter is at half health, but isn't a fightable unit in the combat system.
- Hades: For certain characters, when you level your relationship with them high enough to gift them Ambrosia, you'll earn a companion item from them. Using it allows you to summon them a limited number of times per run to do a number of devastating things. You can't use most of them against the final boss (until you're allowed to), and it won't work against certain encounters where it makes sense: You can't summon Thanatos when he's already there in the chamber, Megaera can't be summoned against herself or her sisters, and Skelly won't side against his boss, Charon. Some characters speculate his ability to summon to companions by forging bonds with them may be his own power that he hasn't discovered.
- In Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time, the fairy-like familiars will help in battle by strengthening magic or physical attacks, but they are not actual party members.
- Hearthstone: In the Dalaran Heist solo adventure, the player is offered the Wondrous Wisdomball, an Oracular Head who offers a variety of effects at random, such as drawing an extra card, casting a second copy of a spell, and Mass Card Removal.
- Metathrone: There's an area in this FPS where you activate a stolen Chicken Walker from enemy forces, and sends it on a rampage where it targets mooks exclusively while ignoring you.
- Prayer of the Faithless: Serra has no combat skills, but she can provide her Oracle abilities to Reyson in battle in order to buff the party. Since these abilities belong to her, they don't cost Reyson any SP, though they still use one of the party's three actions for that round. When she's separated from Reyson, she grants these abilities to Trill to make up for the latter being unable to use Trance abilities in Kiyoma-protected areas.
- Rave Heart: Talen, one of the leaders of the Somakian Liberation Group, can be summoned to perform one of his skills by those who equip his accessories.
- In River City Girls, a defeated enemy may surrender and beg to be spared, which Misako and Kyoko can befriend and call to provide temporary assistance against other enemies.
- SOULVARS: Shion is a Souldriver engineer who assists the party through a remote Souldriver called Blue. He can use SoulFlow actions to heal the party and grant them buffs, but he can only equip one SoulFlow action at a time.
- In X-Men (1993), players can call in one of four X-Men to provide backup: Rogue (flies onscreen and attacks an enemy), Storm (conjures lightning to attack all enemies on-screen), Archangel (flies by three times to fire projectiles on enemies), and Iceman (creates ice bridges across gaps). Jean Grey also appears to save players from Bottomless Pits, so long as they still have enough health.
- Super Robot Wars occasionally has characters who are generally too small or minor to get their own units appear to help a main or secondary character in some of their stronger attacks. In W for instance, KorRyu and AnRyu each has an attack where they would assist the human-sized Renais in attacking, and both Cagali and Mu can summon the Astray Girls to triple-team the enemy. Also some bosses (particularly large spacecraft or King Mooks) will have an attack where they summon a large number of minion units to attack all at once.
- Endless Frontier has the Personal Troopers who can perform assisting attacks to any character, and also helps in some of Haken's Limit Breaks. EXCEED adds even more characters that join the party but aren't playable. But they can be "equipped" to perform assist attacks.
- In Project × Zone, which uses a similar fighting engine to Endless Frontier, each Tag Team unit can call an adjacent unit to perform an assist attack. They can also be equipped with an assist character, some of which bring out assist characters of their own... and it's possible to call both an adjacent pair unit and an equipped solo unit at the same time.
- Endless Frontier has the Personal Troopers who can perform assisting attacks to any character, and also helps in some of Haken's Limit Breaks. EXCEED adds even more characters that join the party but aren't playable. But they can be "equipped" to perform assist attacks.
- The first two games in the Lunar series include cute fuzzy baby dragons in the playable party - Nall in the first game, Ruby in the sequel. Rather than directly participating in fights, they fly around in the background of the battlefield and occasionally jump in at the end of a turn to assist in some way. Specifically, Nall sometimes revives fallen party members, and Ruby sometimes attacks enemies. If anyone in the party is suffering a status effect at the end of a fight in the first game, Nall also cures them automatically.
- The Gundam Vs Series added Mobile Assists in Gundam vs Gundam, with the number of uses being determined by how powerful the assistance is. While they were standard in that game and its sequel Next Plus, the Extreme Vs. sub-series changes things; typically a unit has an assist only if it doesn't have enough standard weapons to fill out the usual five-attack moveset. Additionally, in Extreme Vs., some units' assists "reload" over time while others don't but have more uses to make up for it; in Maxi Boost, all assists "reload", with some losing one use in order to balance things out.
- Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game has this with Knives Chau. If you beat her father as a bonus boss, you can summon him too. And if you're playing as Knives, you summon Mrs. Chau instead.
- The DS remake of Final Fantasy III has characters that periodically join the party and hop in every now and then during battle to help out.
- In the beginning of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Isaac and Garet join the party and help out.
- In Captain America and the Avengers, The Wasp appears to assist during the Unexpected Shmup Levels.
- In the Famicom Star Wars game by Namco, R2-D2, Obi-Wan, C-3PO, Leia, Chewbacca and Han Solo can be summoned for assistance after being rescued.
- In Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Nightsister Merrin essentially becomes one whenever Cal fights Terron Malicos. This is even true in the challenges and the battle grid mode, due to the animations for successfully parrying that boss' attacks being the same as the story version of the fight.
- Momiji and the Regent of the Mask fight alongside you in two sequences of Ninja Gaiden 3.
- In Sonic Generations: several missions involve summoning various other Sonic characters to do your bidding. Also, Tails in Sonic the Hedgehog 4.
- Pokémon:
- The move Assist lets the user use one of the other party members' attacks at random. Beat Up calls the entire party out to pummel the opponent.
- At certain points in certain games, the player can team up with NPCs in battles.
- In the second PokéPark Wii game, you're allowed to call in one of the Pokemon you've befriended once per battle to perform an attack. This often can deplete most of your opponent's HP if it's hitting their weakness.
- Dragon's Crown has Rannie, a thief that runs around picking up stray bits of loot and unlocks chests while you do the fighting.
- In Magic Sword, until Alan and Belger get the final weapons like the Flame Sword and Sword of Thunder - the closest thing to a ranged attack they have is a short-ranged Razor Wind that has a Cooldown period. For attacking long distance, the Brave Ones can find various allies (ie Big Man, Ninja, Knight etc.) throughout the tower who all have a ranged attack of some kind plus the Thief can detect hidden or trapped chests.
- Manafinder: If one of the other manafinders is accompanying Lambda, they won't function as a full party member. Instead, they will occasionally use a regular attack on the enemy.
- The Distress Call function in Marvel: Avengers Alliance allows you to call in a random hero or fellow agent to get an extra attack in against the enemy.
- Constrictor's Level 9 move is a distress call that specifically summons a Lockbox hero.
- The Falcon's Level 9 move gives him the 'Friends in High Places' buff, which has a chance of calling in a SHIELD agent as a Counter-Attack.
- The first X-Men video game for the Sega Genesis had playable characters Wolverine, Cyclops, Gambit, and Nightcrawler, but also gave players the abiity to summon Rogue, Iceman, Archangel, and Storm once per level as backup. Most of them had attacks that cleared the screen or did devastating damage to a single enemy; however, Iceman would build ice bridges across gaps or dangerous areas, and if you fell off the screen anyway (or got too far separated in a two-player game), Jean Grey would telekinetically fly you to safety, or your partner's side (though in the former case, not without significant cost to your health.
- Xeno Gears has Margie, who assists Bart in one of his fights early on in the game. Interestingly enough, she was originally intended to be a full party member, but then the budget ran out. On the villainous side of things, Miang gives assistance to Ramsus every time he fights the party, before eventually getting a boss fight of her own.
- The Eidolons in Final Fantasy XIII appear when summoned by the party leader, replacing the other party members and dealing massive damage to the enemies for a brief time before disappearing again.
- During certain boss fights in Freedom Planet (usually involving Serpentine,) the other characters will show up and provide health pick-ups, or even attack the boss themselves.
- Legend of Heroes have a rare, collectible scroll that summons a small dragon into an area to help you attack enemies. It's invincible against all enemy attacks, but leaves after a few areas or if you lose a life.
- The Locate Keystone in LEGO Dimensions opens interdimensional portals that summon an object and/or character from another dimension to clear pathways, reveal puzzle elements, or distract an enemy. It can even summon things from dimensions otherwise not featured in the game, like the HAL 9000.
- Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth has the Poundmates, summonable Guest-Star Party Members who are called in for a nominal fee, join the heroes in battle for three turns, then retreat.
- The smartphone port of The World Ends with You reworks the partner characters into this, as the original game's partner mechanics are dependent on the Nintendo DS's dual screens.
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has four assist characters, dubbed "buddies", who can join Snake in his missions.
- D-Horse is a horse, albeit one that can be used to help Snake traverse areas quickly and stealthily by hanging off of his side. While fragile, D-Horse will not raise suspicion among enemies when left by himself, and he can even defecate on command, his feces being very useful in making enemy vehicles slip and crash.
- D-Dog is a Noble Wolf that can sniff out the locations of enemies, wild animals, plants, vehicles, weapons, and landmines. He can bark on command to distract enemies (who, like D-Horse, won't get suspicious if they see him by himself), can attack individual guards to keep them from noticing you, and can be upgraded to carry a knife to silently kill enemies (or a stun-knife if you prefer a non-lethal approach).
- Quiet is a sniper that can move stealthily through the battlefield at high speeds. She can use her ability to turn invisible to scout outposts, then take up a sniping post and pick off enemies on your command. As you increase your bond with her, you can equip her with a tranquilizer rifle for non-lethal takedowns and order her to attack enemies on her own to distract them.
- D-Walker is a customizable Mini-Mecha that combines many talents and strengths of the other buddies with the proper upgrades: you can ride on it like D-Horse, it can mark enemies like D-Dog, and it can fight enemies like Quiet. At the same time, however, it's not as stealthy as D-Horse, it's detection abilities are more limited than D-Dog's, and it doesn't have Quiet's precision. Enemies that see it will attack it on sight, and it's expensive to deploy, and even moreso to upgrade.
- From the Metal Slug series of games, from the second game onwards players can receive assistance from supporting characters disguised as common prisoners, which upon being tagged by the player will follow them around for the entire level until the mission ends or the player lose a life. The assist characters available includes Hyakutaro Ichimonji (a prisoner who can release hadouken-like ki attacks), Utan (an orangutan armed with an Uzi) and Pupipi (6th game only, a Martian in a UFO who periodically helps the player snipe Venusians from a distance)
- Octopath Traveler has multiple versions of this:
- Characters you draw with Primrose's Allure or Ophilia's Guide skill can be brought into combat with a command. They can attack, use a special skill if they have one, and occasionally defend the protagonists from certain attacks. However, they will exit battle after a few turns. While you can re-summon them multiple times per battle, each can only be summoned a certain number of times in total.
- H'aanit's Talent allows her to summon any of her captured monsters to deliver a single attack. Aside from her Animal Companion Linde, these creatures can only be summoned a certain number of times before they vanish from her roster.
- The Merchant class has a skill that allows the character using it to spend money in order to hire mercenaries that will rush in and deliver a single attack. Unlike the other Assist Character types, the only limit to how many times these mercenaries can be called upon is the amount of money you're willing and able to spend.
- Some characters in Quake Champions: Doom Edition can summon other characters to help them rack up frags or have some other utility:
- Menelkir's "Dark Servant" active ability summons a Maulotaur. The Maulotaur dissapears if Menelkir is fragged.
- Durandal's "Simulacrums" active ability summons a bunch of B.o.B.'s into the arena who charge and explode onto opponents.
- Eleena's "Doppelganger" active ability summons a clone which she can use to distract enemies. A second activation of the ability allows her to teleport to the clone's location.
- Blade & Soul:
- Summoners get one in the form of their cat familiar, and the class revolves around combining the summoner's magic with the cat's abilities. The cat can even revive the Summoner and other allies by sacrificing its life and can be revived within 5 seconds to assist the player again.
- Warlocks get a Thrall, a shadowy and intimidating spirit, to help them in battle. However, unlike Summoners' cats, Thralls are only temporarily summoned before returning to their realm.
- In Mega Man Network Transmission, MegaMan can gain Navi chips that allows him to call other NetNavis to perform a special attack against his enemies. Some of them can be combined with other chips to perform unique Program Advances with the allied Navi.
- In Overwatch, Ashe alone is a formidable threat with her rifle, but with her ultimate ability, she summons B.O.B., her hulking robot Battle Butler, who alternates between charging at enemies, launching them into the air, and firing away with the machine guns built into his arms. While his presence is temporary, even if he isn't shot down, he has a massive health pool and counts as an individual team member, and can be healed and buffed just like one.
- In South Park: The Fractured but Whole: Professor Chaos (aka Butters) can summon temporary minions to the field who can deal small amounts of damage and act as a meatshield.
- In Digimon Adventure (PSP), every Digimon in the party can become this if you pick the right response between their Chosen Children in certain scenes in order to raise their Bonding Rank with each other. The higher this rank is, the more of a chance that their Digimon will automatically followup a previous Digimon of that bonded child with an attack of their own that doesn't use a turn nor any SP.
- In Hades II, Melinoë can bring a familiar with her on her fight against Chronos, each of which has a passive ability (like increasing max HP or giving extra charges of Death Defiance), an ability in battle (like attacking or absorbing projectiles), and an ability to make gathering resources easier.
- In Miku'n Pop, Rin's special ability is summoning Len to act as your clone until you dismiss him or until Rin run out of her special skill bar. He sometimes run into Artificial Stupidity however, as his attack has shorter reach than Rin and the computer doesn't take that into account.
- One simulator mission in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy has the player fight a Klingon Bertaa-class heavy cruiser in a Constitution-class ship — and passing the mission means winning three battles. The first round gives the player two Miranda-class light cruisers as backup; the second round only provides a single Miranda; the third round must be beaten solitarily.
Racing Games
- A few Racers in Disney Speedstorm have unique skills where they can summon holographic projections of characters from their films/franchises to help them out.
- Hercules can call upon Pegasus to fly in front of him to leave a slipstream trail that will give him (and, when uncharged, other Racers) a speed boost and either also give him and other Racers invulnerability or will stun any Racer other than Herc should they drive on it.
- Mowgli can call upon three wolves to protect him and stun other Racers in front of him.
- Aladdin can call upon the Magic Carpet to give himself a speed boost.
- Similar to Mowgli, Jasmine can call upon Rajah to protect her and stun Racers.
- Kristoff can call upon Sven in his uncharged skill to stun Racers.
- Need for Speed: Carbon offers the "Wingman" system, which allows the player to bring one Ally racer, and "they're gonna want to." There are three types of Wingmen. The first is a Blocker, where they intercept a target vehicle. If they hit them, the target spins out. The second type is a Scout. They go in front of the player character and find shortcuts for them. The final one is a Drafter, which they go in front of the player, and they increase their Acceleration.
Visual Novels
- In one of Fate/hollow ataraxia minigames, Assassin goes as Caster's equivalent of Noble Phantasm attack.
- If "Thing Flips" is enabled in The Addams Family, Thing will help the player by operating the lefthand mini-flipper.
- Monster Bash has the similar "Phantom Flip", where the game will automatically operate the main flippers if the player doesn't touch the controls.
- While not an actual character, Rollergames has the Deep Freeze Magna-Flip, which holds the pinball next to the upper-right flipper to enable an easy shot up The Wall.
Announcer: Don't flip! — FLIP!
Non-Video Game Examples
- Quite a few Monsters of the Week in Power Rangers could summon whatever Mooks the Big Bad had access too, but in the two-part episode "White Light", Nimrod the Scarlet Sentinel could summon two other monsters named AC and DC for backup. They didn't speak or have much personality, and when Nimrod was defeated, they disappeared. (Or maybe ran for their lives; the battle was so intense, even Nimrod started to panic.) note
- Smash Bros. Lawl gives quite a few characters their assists for various specials and Final Smashes.
- Tommy Wiseau can summon Mark for his Up-B to hand him a football. Mark also teams up with Wiseau in his Final Smash, where they pass the football back and forth until Wiseau jumps before pounding an enemy with the football.
- Leonidas can summon a spartan soldier with his Up-B
- The King has his royal guard Fari perform the grabs for him. Gwonam also appears with his magic carpet for The King's Up-B.
- Frollo can summon his guards with a Down-B. The guards will act as a sentry, striking those who get too close, as well as occasionally going archer.
- Sheev Have three summons with his Down-B: Mace Windu, who search for Sheev and will attack him, hurting anyone near them. An hologram of Ki-Adi-Mundi who himself summon a wookie head that make a wookie and a battle droid appear and who shhot each other, if the wookie die, opponents who touched the wookie head are hurt by remorse. And the Blockade Guy from The Phantom Menace Who himself summon a blockade ship who shot at opponents and if someone shield themselves against the ship's shot R2-D2 will appear
- The tabletop game Gargoyles: Awakening turned Bronx into this for every player character except Brooklyn, as their decks all include a card where Bronx somehow participates in their actions.
- While Ellen of El Goonish Shive was running a Tabletop RPG, she introduced a "visiting cleric" to heal the party after an accident and immediately dismissed him. (However, another player voiced suspicion regarding the cleric's timing and attitude; Ellen decided Sure, Let's Go with That and the cleric became the campaign's Big Bad.)