Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti - TV Tropes

  • ️Sun Dec 28 2008

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Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti (trope)

Professor Farnsworth: Bunk! Bunk, I say! Bring me a bag full of Bigfoot's droppings or shut up!
Ranger Park: I have the droppings of someone who saw Bigfoot.
Professor Farnsworth: Shut up!

The other UFO: Unidentifiable Furry Organisms.

Tall hairy humanoids who maintain a furtive existence in various remote corners of the world. "Bigfoot" and "Sasquatch" are different names for essentially the same entity, whose (ahem) stomping grounds are mostly in the northwestern corner of the United States and the southwestern corner of Canada, with sightings also reported in the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains. The "Yeti" or "Abominable Snowman" is a variety found high in the Himalayan Mountains, commonly depicted (whether due to associations with familiar Arctic animals like the polar bear, or just the "snowman" association) with white fur in fiction, although the local legends described it with red to brown hair.note  Other lesser-known varieties turn up in world-wide folklore and history under an assortment of names, such as the "woodwose" or "wild men" of Europe (though those guys share some traits with Fauns and Satyrs too), the "Yowies" of Australia, the Almas of Russia and Mongolia, the Yeren of China, the Hibagon of Japan, the người rừng of Southeast Asia, the Kakundak of Africa, or the "Skunk Ape" which dwells in the swamps of the southeastern United States.

Common characteristics are said to include an extreme shyness and lack of aggression towards humans (though reports and accounts of extraordinarily hostile encounters do exist, particularly with yetis), emitting horrible odors and unearthly noises, and of course scattering large footprints about as they frolic in out-of-focus areas. Most scientific authorities regard these creatures as either entirely imaginary or the fabrications of human pranksters, but like lake monsters and the Chupacabra and unlike explicitly legendary creatures such as the Wendigo or The Jersey Devil (and also unlike tongue-in-cheek folktales in the vein of fearsome critters and drop bears), BS&Y have devout believers in their existence. Often speculated to be akin to large, herbivorous hominids such as Gigantopithecusnote , or hominins even more closely related to us, such as Neanderthals and Paranthropus. More information on Bigfoot can be found at the Other Wiki.

The classic story about such a creature will typically follow a Don't Go in the Woods narrative structure (although icy mountains, and inhospitable swamps, or other types of Wild Wilderness are also acceptable regional substitutes for actual forests), as the creature, acting as Gaia's Vengeance, protects its environment from human interlopers. The human characters' goals can vary — a logging expedition, a camping trip, a tourist resort, or maybe they're explicitly searching for the beast — but somehow, their presence is usually motivated by greed (or, less frequently, scientific curiosity) and presented as a desecration of nature. These themes are usually personified in a single villainous character, typically an Egomaniac Hunter, a Corrupt Corporate Executive, or a local Snake Oil Salesman, who will try to financially capitalize on the creature's existence by putting it on display. This may result in an Escaped Animal Rampage, or maybe the creature is too dangerous to ever take alive at all, but either way, this character's hubris is doomed to failure. In older works, the cryptid itself will usually be depicted as a monstrous reminder that Nature Is Not Nice, and any human characters who survive the encounter will count themselves lucky. The beast is something to be destroyed, or at least escaped from. However, the massive success of Harry and the Hendersons in 1987 popularized a more family-friendly variant narrative, where a Big-Hearted Bigfoot is open to an Interspecies Friendship with the good humans, and indeed, needs their help in evading the depradations of the real monsters.

You may have noticed that the above plot structure more or less resembles King Kong (1933), and indeed, many Bigfoot movies also feature elements of a King Kong Copy.

See also Frazetta Man and Our Cryptids Are More Mysterious and its related tropes, for other alleged-to-exist creatures. Compare Generic Hairy Monster and Swamp Monster, which these often resemble, although their origins and cultural connotations are for the most part unrelated.


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  • "Jack Links" beef jerky has the Messin' with Sasquatch campaign centered around various humans deliberately annoying a Sasquatch and invariably getting attacked as a result.
  • A previous series of commercials for Pop-Tarts featured a yeti explaining how placing Pop-Tarts in the freezer made for a good summertime snack. Then the humans he was talking to would scream in fright, and then he would do the same. Example here.

    "Listen to the Yeti! Kellog's Pop-Tarts! You can freeze 'em, then eat 'em!"

  • Also the Tab Clear ad, in which the Sasquatch is revealed to be Kaiser Wilhelm II, fallen from his zeppelin into the mud of Oregon. Suddenly everything is clear...
  • A brand of iced coffee used Bigfoot for advertisements on TV and radio. One such ad mentioned that most witnesses saw Bigfoot between the hours of midnight to 3 am — either because Bigfoot was raiding store fridges at night looking for iced coffee, or because most of the witnesses were drunk.
  • Kokanee beer commercials used to feature the sasquatch as a mascot.
  • Spicy Buffalo Wheat Thins have a man with night-vision goggles telling his wife why he's standing guard over said crackers: to make sure nobody steals them. He includes Bigfoot in his list of suspects. Then his wife kills the lights...

    "Honey, I was close! It's a yeti!"

    • The follow-up spot shows that he's taken the yeti hostage in order to protect his Wheat Thins. It promptly laughs at him when a deep-sea diver emerges from his pot of chili and steals them.
  • Behold the madness that is Eddie the Squeezy Freezy Yeti, a comically badly designed Yeti obsessed with homemade slushies. The commercial ended up being shown on The Annotated Series, where the riffers fell in love with it and made it into one of their running gags.
  • In a "University of Farmers" spot made by Farmers Insurance, Professor J. K. Simmons is teaching a lady about gaps in her car insurance. He takes her outside, where he tells her, "You may be covered for this"—showing her a group of kids throwing snowballs at her car—"but not for something like this." A gigantic snowball smashes her car, which is revealed to have been thrown by an Abominable Snowman playing alongside the kids.
  • In a Progressive commercial Flo talks to Bigfoot, who points out that his name is Darryl.
  • In a series of Froot Loops commercials known as "Adventures with the Toucans", Sam and his nephews discovered an ice cave filled with the titiular cereal belonging the Frootbominable Snowman who chased the heroes until one of the nephews used his "secret weapon" to trip him up.
  • One of the campers in the label of the Bones Coffee "S'morey Time" flavor is bigfoot partaking in smores.

Anime & Manga 

  • In Attack on Titan, given that the story is slowly turning into a viewing gallery of unique enormous humanoids, this was probably inevitable. The Ape Titan, aka Sasquatch or the Beast Titan, shows up at one point, and its existence is probably one of the most important and mysterious elements of the story so far. It's very intelligent, and, interestingly, this Titan is both the least human and by far the most talkative. It's also implied to be very old indeed, and appears to have the ability to turn humans into Titans. Later in the manga, it turns out that the Beast Titan is a Titan Shifter named Zeke, who's also the Boss for Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie.
  • Buster Keel!: at one point in the story, Lavie and her companion monster Mippi are faced by a hooligan Monster Tamer who's been stealing guitars for his collection, using a Yeti as his companion. The Yeti is a fur-covered humanoid who can attack with Ice magic.
  • Digimon has a few of these. Examples of yeti-like Mons include Mojyamon, a Monster of the Week in Digimon Adventure 02 while Digimon Frontier has a heroic example in the form of Korikkakumon, an ax-wielding yeti who is the Beast Warrior of Ice. The broader franchise also has a Bigfoot-analogue in the form of Mojyamon's forest-dwelling subspecies Jungle Mojyamon.
  • Gintama, Katsura tries to use a bigfoot's den as shelter from a snowstorm, thinking it had vacated it after he left a note asking it to do so in one of its shoes along with a thumbtack. It comes back and puts a couple dozen thumbtacks in him as retribution.
  • Goblin Slayer: A tribe of hostile yetis capable of speech appears in Volume 9 in service of the Ice Witch.
  • The genie Akubi befriends a Yeti-family in episode 31 of Hakushon Daimaō and prevents them from being discovered by humans.
  • Little Witch Academia (2017) features in its Bizarro Episode, among other stuff, a Yeti in Finland (despite it not being a creature from Finnish folklore at all), who gets constantly pestered by Akko to create a magical potion and trolled by people on social media. Yes, it's all a metaphor for the animator's job and connection with fans, but it doesn't make it any less weird.
  • One Piece: The Punk Hazard Arc introduces the Yeti Cool Brothers, a duo of Giant assassins from the snow country armed with huge guns and unparalleled knowledge of icy terrains. This world's Yetis are a subrace of Giants covered entirely in fur whose faces are always completely obscured, so that we never see how they actually look like. Upon meeting their tracks in the snow, Sanji, Zoro and Brook debate their existence.
  • Ranma ½: Pantyhose Tarō fell into the magic Spring of the "Drowned Yeti, Riding a Bull and Carrying a Crane and an Eel" (don't ask us how that happened). It results in his transformation essentially being a shaggy bovine humanoid with an eel for a tail and crane wings. Later, he splashes water from the Spring of Drowned Octopus (again, don't ask us!) across his back and gained Combat Tentacles.
  • Rosario + VampireCapu2: In episode 9, a yeti appears, seemingly hostile, but is revealed near the end to actually be Mizore's father. As it turns out, he's not really a yeti, just a male snow fairy in a yeti suit.



  • Comedian Mitch Hedberg lampshaded the fact that photographers always seem to end up having blurry photographs of Bigfoot.

    "I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry... and that's extra scary to me. Because there's a large, out-of-focus monster... roaming the countryside."

Comic Books 

  • Tintin in Tibet features a Yeti. He rescues Tintin's friend Chang after a tragic airplane accident in the Himalayas prompts Tintin to Send in the Search Team.
  • Marvel Comics:
    • There are several forms of Abominable Snowmen, ranging from an offshoot of The Inhumans to people under a magical curse.
    • Alpha Flight features a team member called Sasquatch, who is more-or-less the legendary beast. Originally, he was a scientist who got hit by gamma radiation, just like The Incredible Hulk, but got orange fur instead of green skin. A later retcon said he had inadvertently opened a gateway to the Realm of Great Beasts, giving him the power of a (fictional) First Nations demon.
    • Later, a small tribe of "actual" Sasquatch were discovered, with the largest male being mistaken for a mindwiped Sasquatch (the superhero) and actually joining the team for a short time (until his Heroic Sacrifice).
    • In Godzilla, King of the Monsters (1977), Godzilla comes across a yeti (dubbed Yetrigar by a supporting character), who has been turned into giant-size by nuclear radiation.
    • The Shang-Chi villain King Wild Man found the corpse of a Yeren in China and then used it to engineer a "Yeren root" that can transform humans into Yeren form.
    • X-Factor once encountered a group of trolls living under a bridge in England. During the battle Beast calls one a yeti and the troll takes offense at humans always calling them names like that. He is a troll and proud of it.
  • Proof (2007) is a comic book series about a Bigfoot paranormal investigator that is very similar to Hellboy.
  • In an issue of the Archie Comics Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures series, an assumed-to-be-malevolent alien force is causing the famous legendary creatures of the world to vanish; among them are the yeti and the sasquatch.
  • In an issue of the Woody Woodpecker comics, Woody goes with his niece and nephew over to Asia to film the abominable snowman. His camera is taken by a band of thieves who are using the legend of the snowman to scare people into giving them gifts to appease them. And then the real deal comes along and scares the band away.
  • Disney Ducks Comic Universe: In Carl Barks' "Uncle Scrooge" story "The Lost Crown of Genghis Khan", Scrooge McDuck has to recover the titular crown from the hoard of a treasure-loving abominable snowman.
  • In The Perhapanauts, one of the main characters is an uplifted Sasquatch named Big, who is also the scientist of the team.
  • There is a non-canon Star Wars/Indiana Jones crossover comic which features Indy and Shortround tracking Sasquatch in the north-west coast of North America. They come across a massive metal structure that had been there for hundreds of years, and Indy goes inside and sees the remains of a human: Han Solo. Han and Chewie had flown the Millennium Falcon into a wormhole and crash landed on Earth. Han was killed by Native Americans while Chewie survived and raged at them, creating legends of a massive furry ape-man. Indy notes an eerie feeling of deja vu when encountering Han's final resting place and he decides to stop the hunt for Sasquatch. Chewbacca, still alive, watches them leave.
  • In a The Pink Panther comic book, two tabloid reporters has PP mistaken for Bigfoot because his foot is big due to being bandaged up. At the end, it turns out that PP knows the real Bigfoot personally, but the reporters leave before he gets the chance to tell them that.
  • Robert Crumb wrote a series called Whiteman Meets Bigfoot, in which his most famously uptight and square character was at least half in love with a hairy female monster. There's also the picture of a sexy(ish) bigfoot girl walking down a New York street.
  • Wynonna Earp: The Yeti Wars: When Wynonna and her team discover that the bad guys have a group of yeti working for them, they bring in a group of sasquatch to help combat them.
  • In one issue of Cherry Comics, Cherry is abducted by a Bigfoot and ends up having sex with him.
  • Early in King City we're introduced to Lukashev, an old sasquatch that runs a spy hotel and used to be in a space program with a chupacabra and a time-traveling dinosaur. This should tell you a lot about the comic.
  • Paradox Press's graphic anthology The Big Book of the Unexplained illustrates several stories featuring Sasquatch, including one about a prospector who was allegedly kidnapped and held captive by a family of the creatures, and one about "hairy humanoids'" possible connection with UFOs and aliens.
  • Topps' X-Files tie-in comics have a story where Mulder and Scully save Bigfoot from a crazy, rich Egomaniac Hunter who looks suspiciously like the bad guy from V for Vendetta and his army of killer robots, because The X-Files wasn't bizarre enough already.
  • The Applejack-centric issue of the My Little Pony Micro Series revolves around Applejack's attempt to catch the Sass Squash, a large squash-like creature who steals apples from the farm and replaces them with squashes. It turns out to be Granny Smith in disguise. But not really.
  • In one storyline of Valiant's Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, Turok, during his later travels in the Lost Land, comes across an all-female Nazi brigade who have a sasquatch (called Uber-Sasquatch) as their Giant Mook.
  • The Bionic Man, a reimagining of The Six Million Dollar Man from Dynamite Comics, reintroduced Bigfoot. This version is still bionic, but a member of a race as opposed to an alien. He can also communicate directly with Steve Austin telepathically, and becomes more of an ally to Steve than the TV version.
  • The Skunk Ape is a recurring character in The Goon. He has a drug-like craving for pie, but is otherwise harmless.
  • In Lady Mechanika: The Tablet of Destinies #1, Mechanika is hired as a hunting guide by a bother and sister pair of Egomaniac Hunters to help them bag a Bigfoot in the Alps. Mechanika is less than thrilled with the assignment.
  • Robin (1993): Tim ends up fighting some yetis when trying to locate a classmate that was kidnapped by KOBRA to the Himalayas. He notes that the creatures seem to be trying to make him go away rather than hurt him and sardonically wonders if there's any languages he could have learned to explain his purpose there to them and get them to leave him alone.
  • The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones: In #16-17, Indy and Marion encounter a yeti while searching for a hidden city in the Himalayas. Later the group of Nazis who are pursuing them fire upon a pack of yetis to drive them off. At the end of the story, the two survivors of the Nazi expedition are cornered by the surviving yetis out for revenge.
  • Rob Zombie and Steve Niles' 2005 four-issue Bigfoot miniseries for IDW Publishing depicts the ape-man as a murderous monster who kills any humans that cross its' path.
  • Rat Queens has the Slog Chimp, a legendary eight-foot-tall primate with horns and fangs. According to the resident stoner he's pretty chill.
  • Cindy and Biscuit: In an issue, Cindy has a snowball fight with an Abominable Snowman.
  • In the Superman story "The Sinister Snowman", Supergirl and Zatanna fight a giant Snowman while exploring a Himalayan mountain.
  • Tex Willer: One mini-arc was focused on the Sasquatch, represented as a benevolent but usually elusive ape-man with healing powers.
  • An issue of the comic book adaptation of Archie's Weird Mysteries had a bigfoot enroll in Riverdale High. Apparently he used to be a normal kid until he met a bigfoot on a camping trip, who gave him an ointment it motioned him to use in his hair. This ointment made his hair grow before turning him into another bigfoot, but he was compelled to keep using the replenishing substance. He was also compelled to convert other people, which he did by convincing all the boys into using the ointment in a shampoo.
  • Bigfoot in The Department of Truth is a Class Three "Wild Fiction" that is routinely hunted by the Department's Cryptozoology Sector. Issues #10 and 11 specifically discuss from where the stories of Bigfoot and similar cryptids originated and have a subplot following a hunter who doggedly looks for a Bigfoot in the woods while Department agents are hunting the same one.
  • The aptly-named Bigfoot from Bigfoot & Gray on the Run is a bigfoot who stands out from the typical depictions of the trope in that his limbs and face are furless (promotional descriptions explain that he merely shaves them to make it look as if he wore a sweater). He also wears sneakers and socks regularly.
  • Jeannette Pointu has a whole album devoted to the Yeren. The photo journalist roam the globe and pursue various clues related to the legend of the Yeren. This lead her to China where she meets a Chinese scientist. According to his findings, the Yeren isn't a primate, but a new unknown specie of human, albeit covered with red fur. Jeannette gets lost in the Chinese forest and end-up meeting a family of four Yerens. It doesn't take long for a poacher and Jeannette's arch-nemesis to show up. The adult male Yeren lure the poacher in a quicksand, sacrificing himself to save his family.

Comic Strips 

  • The Far Side: One strip reveals that Bigfoot is actually a short scrawny hairless dude with, yes, very big feet.
  • Mandrake the Magician: Mandrake discovers the Yeti creatures in the Himalaya. He finds out they are actually technologically-advanced Human Aliens in disguise who lived for millennia hidden from humans, but secretly influenced their advancement of science, while also posing as gods to them.
  • One Gahan Wilson comic has a customs official berating a shifty-looking indiividual passing through his station, not because the guy has an Abominable Snowman with him, but because the snowman is wearing a diamond tiara.

Fan Works 

  • Abraxas (Hrodvitnon): Chuchuna (a kind of Russian yeti) is a human-sized cryptid that turns out to be as real as the Titans — studying them was the original purpose of the Black Site before it became a (now long-abandoned) Monarch outpost. Word of God states they have a direct connection to Thor, a Titan hibernating in the region.
  • Calvin & Hobbes: The Series: A Yeti attacks Socrates and Stupendous Man in one episode.
  • Kaiju Revolution: Watchuka going on a pilgrimage are the cause of apeman sightings around the world, with Bigfoot and the Yeti being explicitly mentioned.
  • The Mansionverse: Just like the ghosts of the Mansion, the Yetis of the Expedition Everest and Matterhorn Bobsleds rides are real in this continuity instead of mere animatronics. The Ghost Host really wants to adopt them as pets, too.
  • Moon Heir: Artemis comments that she has a Bigfoot army. Ragnarok later takes control of it and uses it to destroy the 300th nome and attack Percy Jackson in Disney world.
  • Prehistoric Park Reimagined: The Ape Men have this vibe — being hairy, hulking ape-like humanoids who are first encountered in a cold, boreal environment. They're on the smarter end of the spectrum than most examples — possessing the ability to cure meat, a language, and an understanding of battle tactics.
  • Ripples: In Stirred, when Yan Lin is first explaining the girls' Guardian powers and the nature of The Multiverse to them, she mentions that "Bigfoot" is actually an entire species of creatures who occasionally drift to Earth through portals. They're all apparently very nice people.
  • Star Wars: Galactic Folklore and Mythology: Parodied. The shaggy, apelike Wookiees of the forests of Kashyyyk have legends of a small, hairless being that lives in the open plains, which they call Smallfoot.
  • Various Vytal Ventures: Yeti Grimm are encountered in the "Snow and Fury" chapter. Similar to Beowolves, they have pure white pelts and hide amidst the snow. Bonus points for being referred to as Abominable at one point.

Films — Animation 

  • Abominable (2019) is a CGI animated family film about one of them. Not to be confused with Abominable (2006), a live-action horror movie.
  • Cars: When a scene from Monsters, Inc. is redone for the closing credits of this film, the Abominable Snowman is reimagined as a snowplow rather than a monster truck.
  • Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 features a Sasquash as a Running Gag / Easter Egg.
  • In A Goofy Movie, Goofy and Max have a run-in with Bigfoot while out fishing.

    Max: Dad, IT'S BIGFOOT!!!
    Goofy: [holding a video camera in front of him] Could you scoot back a bit, Mr. Foot? You're out of focus.

  • Hotel Transylvania has Bigfoot as one of the titular hotel's guests.
  • The Legend of Sasquatch: A 2006 computer-animated film featuring humans meeting friendly Bigfoot, and protecting them from a dam that will cause their valley home to flood.
  • Minions has a subplot in which the eponymous minions become the servants of a community of yetis.
  • Missing Link from Laika is about a Sasquatch known as Mr. Link seeking the help of two explorers in searching for his yeti relatives in the lost valley of Shangri-La.
  • Monsters, Inc. has a scene where the banished heroes meet their fellow exile, now known as the Abominable Snowman in Nepal. There's an offhand reference to Bigfoot, who was supposedly friends with the Yeti in the past, and was also banished (basically implying that every monster myth originated from the monster dimension). Nessie is mentioned as being an exiled monster as well. The spinoff series Monsters at Work eventually reveals the Abominable Snowman was exiled for the same reason as Mike and Sulley — he inadvertently found evidence of Mr. Waternoose being involved with the creation of the Scream Extractor. After this is revealed, he's allowed to return to Monstropolis.
  • The Storm King from My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) resembles a yeti in appearance, along with some satyr-like traits.
  • Open Season: Bigfoot doesn't actually appear, but Bob and Bobbi are searching for him. They state his scientific name is "Homo Sasquatches". At the end, they mistake the antagonist Shaw, who is covered in leaves, as one.
  • Rise of the Guardians reveals that Nicolas St. North employs yetis as his toy makers and grunt workers. The elves are actually more like quality control and North only lets them think they're the toy makers.
  • The Warner Bros. feature film Smallfoot is about a tribe of Himalayan yetis that live in the Himalayas, who believe that humans are mythical monsters.
  • The Son of Bigfoot: Bigfoot is actually a mutated human in this universe. He can talk to animals, can run really fast because of his large feet, has Healing Hands and Rapid Hair Growth so potent that even clipped hair will continue growing. An unscrupulous company is hunting him to replicate this last quality to make a baldness cure they can sell.

Films — Live-Action 

  • Abominable (2006) is basically Rear Window but with a Yeti as the murderer or, rather, a bunch of Yetis, which explains some things. A character concludes that it's specifically a Yeti despite being set in North America because apparently Bigfoot isn't that violent, or something... in real life it's probably only to justify the title. Speaking of which, absolutely not to be confused with Abominable (2019).
  • The Abominable Snowman: Forrest Tucker and Peter Cushing try to track the legendary man-beast down. The movie suggests that the Yeti evolved parallel to humans and apes, and are a Superior Species to humanity waiting to inherit the Earth after humankind drives itself to extinction. They might also may or may not have Psychic Powers.
  • Bigfoot 1970 portrays Bigfoot as a twelve-foot sasquatch who has fathered a group of young sasquatches. He is shown to be peaceful (even saving a human woman from a bear at one point) until humans provoke him and try to use him in a freak show.
  • Bigfoot The Unforgettable Encounter has a boy becoming friends with Bigfoot. One of many family films that rode on the coattails of Harry and the Hendersons.
  • Big Legend: While on a camping trip in the remote Pacific Northwest, Tyler's fiancée, Natalie mysteriously vanishes. Haunted by her disappearance and dismissed by authorities who attribute it to a wild animal attack, Tyler becomes obsessed with uncovering the truth. After being released from a psychiatric facility, he ventures back into the wilderness to investigate. Tyler's search leads him to shocking evidence of a massive, monstrous creature—Bigfoot
  • Big Trouble in Little China has an apelike monster that could be the yeren, a sasquatch-equivalent monster in Chinese folklore. It beats up Jack in one scene and he barely escapes, leaving it as The Unfought for the rest of the movie. The final shot shows that it is still stalking Jack.
  • Bruce Almighty: Bigfoot shows up in a deleted scene as another example of Bruce using his powers to boost his ratings. Not content with finding Bigfoot, he goes skydiving, lets his parachute malfunction, and then survives by landing on Bigfoot.
  • The Cabin in the Woods: Two of the monsters kept by the agency are a sasquatch and a yeti.
  • Caveman: A tribe of yeti appears as an obstacle in the "Ice Age next over".
  • Clawed: The Legend of Sasquatch features a Noble Demon sasquatch.
  • The Conquest Of The Pole, a silent film directed by Georges Melieres, is probably the first screen depiction of this trope. It revolves around a group of Arctic explorers who encounter a massive yeti, and barely escape with their lives. The title of the film was probably meant ironically.
  • Cry Wilderness: Bigfoot kicks off the plot by warning a young boy that his father, a forest ranger, is in danger. The boy's actions to protect his father end up causing the danger.
  • Dawn of the Beast: A cryptozoology class goes out looking for a bigfoot in a remote forest. The Sasquatch is heavily implied to be a Guardian Entity. It attacks several people and drags them off, only to get them away from the Wendigo. In the finale, it returns to fend off a horde of possessed ghouls and force the wendigo spirit back.
  • Drawing Flies is a 1996 comedy film about roommates searching for Bigfoot to try and get money to pay their rent.
  • Harry and the Hendersons is about an American family who hits a North American Sasquatch with their car and brings him home. An extremely successful film that popularized the Big-Hearted Bigfoot subtrope. It was later a short-lived comedy TV series.
  • The titular Kong from Kong: Skull Island from the Monsterverse was given a design meant to resemble Sasquatch.
  • The Legend of Boggy Creek is a documentary-style film that shows various dramatized events of people meeting a bigfoot-like Fouke Monster in Arkansas. Opinions vary on how true it is, but something attacked the Ford family's house and scared them so badly that they packed up and abandoned the place a few days later.
  • Letters from the Big Man stars Lily Rabe as a reckless Forest Service worker who strikes up a friendship with a Sasquatch while surveying the serene wilderness of southwest Oregon. The Big Man's costume is one of the finest ever filmed and has to be seen to be believed; at one point B-roll footage from the shooting of this film was even circulated online and passed as evidence of the real thing.
  • Little Bigfoot is a 1997 direct-to-video family film about a boy and his sister trying to protect a baby sasquatch after its home is invaded by a logging company intent on cutting down the trees. It was followed by a sequel the same year.
  • The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot: "The bigfoot" is primarily dangerous because he's sick with a "nightmare plague" that can infect other animals and threatens to kill all of humanity. He's said to be the Last of His Kind, and is about the same size as an average human. Calvin Barr (the man hunting him) sardonically notes that the bigfoot's feet aren't even that big.
  • The prehistoric hominid in Missing Link is given a very Sasquatch-like design.
  • The titular monster of The Mighty Peking Man is basically a kaiju-sized Yeti, who lives in the snowy Himalayas before being abducted and brought to the big city, like a standard King Kong Copy.
  • The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor includes a sequence with heroic Yetis. They look more like humanoid cats. Word of God is that their design was based on snow leopards and polar bears, in order to give something more exotic than more typical depictions.
  • Night Claws is about a murderous pack of Sasquatch running amok in a National Forest near a small town.
  • Night of the Demon (1980) had a professor taking his students into the woods in search of Bigfoot, who is depicted as a demonic entity and acts like a slasher villain.
  • Primal Rage features the Oh-Mah, an ape-like creature that dwells in the forests of northern California and Oregon, and is said to be the inspiration for the Bigfoot legend. Unusually, it uses Stone Age-type tools, including axes, knives, arrows, and armor made of tree bark. The one seen in the film is extremely violent, sadistic, and hostile, and even lusts after the female lead, although it's implied that this Oh-Mah is only like this because it spent its life watching human society. Given how the film ends, though, the others might be similarly nasty, or at least aggressively isolationist.
  • The Primevals opens with a group of sherpas successfully bringing down a yeti, and its body being shipped to an American museum. One of the professors decides to mount an expedition to the Himalayas in search of more of them, and ends up stumbling onto an entire Fantastic Underworld, full of Ancient Astronauts.
  • Sasquatch Sunset, starring Jesse Eisenberg and Riley Keough, is a sort-of nature Mockumentary depicting the daily lives of a family of the creatures.
  • 7 Faces of Dr. Lao: The Yeti is one of the seven faces; among his jobs are pounding in circus-tent pegs and playing a steam organ.
  • Shriek Of The Mutilated: A group of students and their professor head off in search of a Yeti. It turns out that there isn't one, and that the professor and his associates are cannibals who use the Yeti story to lure in victims.
  • Snowbeast is about a Bigfoot/Yeti/whatever eating pretty young women at a Colorado ski resort (Crested Butte, according to IMDB) until he gets stabbed to death with a ski pole by Bo Svenson.
  • Star Wars:
  • Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny: Jables eats psychotropic mushrooms, and imagines he's Sasquatch's baby Sass.
  • They Call Him Sasquatch is an ensemble comedy about a posse of Bigfoot hunters.
  • Tickles the Clown: One of the main cast in the movie is a talking Sasquatch.
  • To Catch a Yeti: In stark contrast to most depictions of the creature, the film's Yeti was a small, grotesque rat/dog hybrid with big feet, which is ironically closer to actual Nepalese depictions of the Yeti.
  • Turkey Hollow: Tim and Annie try to make quick money by finding a creature similar to bigfoot, but the monsters turn out to be very small.
  • Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives: The "monkey ghost", which lopes around the forest Bigfoot-style. It may represent the spirits of the dead, as shown by the scene near the end where several pairs of staring red eyes appear in the forest after Boonmee dies. Boonmee's son Boonsong became one isn't explained, although it may be that he got lost in the forest and died. In any case, he shows up at a dinner many years later in a classic ape-man costume.
  • Valley Of The Sasquatch (also known as Hunting Grounds) follows a group of hunters who encounter a family of hostile Sasquatches.
  • Willow Creek is a found footage film featuring Jim, an enthusiastic Bigfoot believer trying to document evidence of the legendary creature. This being found footage, Jim does find his evidence, but unfortunately isn't able to finish the documentary.
  • Yeti: A Love Story: A college student named Adam falls in love with a Yeti.
  • Yeti Curse Of The Snow Demon is basically Alive with Yetis. An American football team are stranded in the Himalayas, threatened by starvation, and hunted by malevolent yetis.
  • Yeti Giant Of The20th Century: An orphaned sister and brother befriend a defrosted Yeti that adopts them as his family before he's brought to civilization and havoc ensues.


  • The Fighting Fantasy series of books have Yeti as recurring enemies.
    • In Caverns of the Snow Witch, the quest is kicked off when you volunteered for a mission hunting down a savage Yeti that is terrorizing a trading outpost and killing innocent merchants and travelers. You managed to find and kill said Yeti and rescue its last victim, a hunter; but then the hunter reveals the secrets of the Snow Witch before succumbing to his injuries leading to you deciding to go after the Witch instead.
    • Masks of Mayhem, another adventure involving your hero trekking through the snowy wilderness, has another Yeti as an enemy, but this one is less savage and easier to defeat.
    • Seas of Blood, being a maritime-based adventure having you traveling through the seas and visiting different lands, naturally contains a frozen island which has some Yeti-like creatures called Ice Beasts, who attacks your ship by pelting snowballs.
    • Magehunter somehow contains a Yeti-like enemy called a Shaggy Shambler, despite the story taking place in a desert and the setting being Middle-Eastern inspired. It could be a monster purchased from Northern Allansia, however.
    • Stormslayer have the player travelling through a Lethal Lava Land, an underwater world and a snow-covered peak. Naturally, the last setting contains a Yeti as an enemy that attacks the player on sight.


Examples by author:

  • In Robert E. Howard's story "Three Bladed Doom", the hero, El Borak, encounters and kills a yeti. Weirdly it's both a kill-crazy monster and a vegetarian. Also, Conan the Barbarian has a couple of encounters with "grey apes" that are identical to the yeti in "Three Bladed Doom".

Examples by title:

  • In "Abominable" by Fredric Brown, the Yeti turn out to be a once-human tribe that had discovered a drug allowing them to survive on mountaintops.
  • The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena lives in Alaska and can freeze itself in a block of ice. It's actually rather gentle for a yeti, behaving more like Bigfoot.
  • American Psycho: Unreliable Narrator Patrick Bateman claims that he saw Bigfoot on his favorite talk show and found him "surprisingly articulate and charming".
  • The Aquiliad is an Alternate History in which The Roman Empire has developed steamships and is now exploring and settling Terra Nova (i.e., North America). Where the narrator finds the Sasquatii, or, as the scholars put it in proper Greek, the Megapodes — who greet the Romans with, "Shalom." Yes, the Sasquatii are descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel, kidnapped and mutated by a Time Traveling Mad Scientist... and it goes on to get even weirder.
  • The Basil of Baker Street novel Basil and the Lost Colony features the Adorable Snowmouse.
  • According to the Bernice Summerfield novel Down, most of the sightings were caused by a 26th century neo-Nazi group who genetically engineered "apemen" who "proved" their racist interpretation of evolution and then sent them back in time to be "discovered".
  • The Berenstain Bears: Bigpaw is the bear version of Bigfoot. His debut in the animated special "Meet Bigpaw" even has him leaving behind a paw print which alludes to Bigfoot's trademark footprints. His "I Am" Song also has this:

    You can have your Sasquatch
    Your Abominable Snowman
    My name is Bigpaw
    I supersede them all!

  • Bigfoot and Littlefoot: One of the protagonists of the series is a young Sasquatch by the name of Hugo, who lives in Whiddershin Cavern with his family and community.
  • Bigfoot Dreams: Bigfoot is a race of spiritual beings that take the form of humanoid ape creatures, wandering in and out of the mortal plane and the spirit plane as one would walk between rooms of a building. While normally docile, a bigfoot will eat the hearts of three humans under the light of a full moon to become a human themselves.
  • The Bigfoot Filmography by David Coleman is a nonfiction guide to the entire onscreen history of this trope in film, documentary, animation, and television, with a lot of analysis on how such depictions have changed over time, and what the idea of mysterious, undiscovered hominids might mean to our own self-image as humans.
  • Black Tide Rising: The protagonists of the short story "The Species as Big as the Ritz" are a pair of CIA agents stranded in Nepal by the Zombie Apocalypse, who not only discover a population of yeti living in isolation in the Himalayas, but also determine that their skin contains an antibody that seems to counteract the H7D3 virus. The senior agent wants to slaughter them to harvest the antibody from them to save humanity with, but the junior agent backs out when he realizes that the yeti are intelligent (as he sees a mother seemingly teaching her cub to read and write).
  • The Boundless: After an avalanche, a sasquatch appears protecting her child. She picks up Brogan and throws him across the snow, causing him to skid and slide off the side of a gorge. She's then shot and killed by Mr. Van Horne. Later in the book, Will meets that same child sasquatch, now fully-grown, in a circus car onboard The Boundless. Apparently, the circus decided to name it Goliath.
  • Codex Alera: The Icemen are not Yetis, but are largely analogous to them, being furry, bulky, apelike humanoids who live in the far north and all. They're not normally aggressive, but they are powerfully empathic, picking up on humans' initial wariness of them and transmitting it back magnified ended up resulting in centuries of literally meaningless war between the two races until Isana, herself The Empath, managed to get things ironed out.
  • Cryptozoologicon features the Yeti in its opening chapter, and Bigfoot and other primate cryptids occupy much of the early part of the book. While the book doesn't have much new to say on the creatures, unlike many of its other entries, it does use their possible connection to the prehistoric orangutan relative Gigantopithecus as a jumping-off point for some discussion on the controversial theory that walking upright may have evolved much sooner in primates than previously thought and was actually lost in many lineages like gorillas and chimps, rather than being a human innovation.
  • Clark Ashton Smith's Cthulhu Mythos Jungle Opera tales of Hyperborea feature a somewhat yeti-like race called the voormis, shaggy-haired beast men who live in violent tribal societies in the grim Eiglophian Mountains, where their shamans lead them in the worship of the Great Old One Tsathoggua. Voormis are said to only have three toes on each foot, however, which suggests they might more resemble ground sloths than simians.
  • One of the stories in The Dark Thirty: Southern Tales of the Supernatural, titled "Boo Mama", features the Sasquatch species, who call themselves the Gen. They save the protagonist's critically injured son, but are forced to give him some of their blood in doing so, resulting in him slowly becoming a Gen. The ending implies that the protagonist has agreed to become one of them as well, or at least to leave civilization and join them with her son.
  • Devolution: After the eruption of Mt. Rainier, a troop of Sasquatches are displaced and come across a rural settlement called Greenloop, and they immediately start to kill the locals, due to starving from losing their normal food sources. One theory put forward by one of the narrating characters is that they evolved from Gigantopithecus and hunted early Homo sapiens until humans developed the ability to fight back with tools and weapons; finding an isolated community like Greenloop while starving thus triggered an evolutionary throwback that drove them to hunt humans again.
  • Discworld:
    • Thief of Time: The heroes encounter a yeti. It's a kind of troll, with thick fur. Since trolls are made of rock, this is hinted to be the insulating material stone-wool. Yetis are hunted for their huge feet and hands, and as a result, they evolved the ability to save their progress through life to load it should they die, which the met yeti demonstrates by being beheaded. Lu-Tze successfully uses the ability later in the book. To date, they went extinct thrice.
    • Moving Pictures (Discworld): Yetis lie down in the snow (camouflaged by their fur) and jump out at travellers. If the ones that encounter the thousand elephants making their way across the mountains have the Reset Button ability, it doesn't get mentioned. Maybe they were overwhelmed by the awesomeness of the scene.
    • There's a footnote about incompetent aliens trying to abduct humans, only to accidentally keep abducting other aliens with similar intentions. In the end, they get together to compare notes... and discover that the only real Earthling they've managed to acquire is Bigfoot.
  • Dracopedia: The Yeti is described in Dracopedia: The Bestiary, depicted as a white shaggy-furred ape with horns and tusks.
  • The Dresden Files:
    • In Proven Guilty, Harry encounters Yeti-like creatures lying in the snow to ambush passers-by after storming Arctis Tor.
    • In Skin Game, the muscle for The Caper is provided by the Genoskwa, a hairy and very aggressive humanoid described by Harry as Bigfoot's serial killer cousin.
    • A sasquatch named Strength of a River in His Shoulders (River Shoulders for short) hires Harry to help his half-human son, Irwin Pounder, in the Brief Cases trilogy of short stories "B is for Bigfoot", "I was a Teenage Bigfoot", and "Bigfoot on Campus" before appearing in the main series in Peace Talks and Battle Ground (2020). He's about ten feet tall, a thousand or so years old (making him middle-aged by the standards of his people), and he's very mild-mannered. Even if you threaten his son, he'll give you a chance to walk away. And may god help you if you don't take it.
    • The Bigfoot species, more properly known as the Forest People, are highly intelligent, by inference more magically powerful than any human yet known (with the possible exception of the original Merlin), and partly thanks to their magical power, are extremely Long-Lived, extremely large, and extremely hairy. It also makes them very skilled at keeping to themselves. Add that to the Walking Techbane effect of magic, and you understand why muggles only know them as rumors. Peace Talks reveals that "Genoskwa" is the name for a divergent, militaristic sect of the Forest People, who view themselves as superior to humans and want to dominate them; the Genoskwa, real name Blood on his Soul, does not like being compared to "flower-chewing groundhog-lovers" like the more mainstream Forest People. For a famous example of this path, see Grendel, who is described by Word of God as being the Bigfoot equivalent of Kemmler, a Necromancer regarded as the Evil Sorcerer (engineered WWI, came back from the dead six times, and nearly became a Physical God). Certainly, he spawned an Always Chaotic Evil offshoot of the Forest People called the Grendelkin, who can only reproduce by raping a human woman with the resultant offspring emerging Chestburster style, and it took Beowulf a.k.a. Odin to kill him.
  • Dream Park: A ski-simulation attraction includes a cute fluffy baby yeti as an obstacle to be avoided.
  • Encyclopedia Brown: One mystery involves Encyclopedia investigating a "Skunk Ape", the Idaville version of an abominable snowman. Of course, it's only Bugs Meany again.
  • Event Group Adventures: Mentioned in book 4, where Jack Collins states that there's no conclusive proof of their existence. One book later, they actually appear, living in Canada, where the local tribe of Tlingit Indians refer to them as the Chulimantan, or "They Who Follow". The creatures have excellent camouflage abilities, tend to send signals by beating on trees with wooden clubs, are attracted to shiny things, and are descended from the prehistoric apes known as Giganticus Pythicus, which followed prehistoric man over the Bering land bridge from Siberia to Alaska.
  • In Isaac Asimov's 1953 story "Everest", the first man in reaching the Everest summit discovers that the yetis are actually Martians and that they can't live in higher temperatures (as Mars is really really cold) so they have an outpost in the only place on Earth they can survive.
  • Extreme Monsters:
    • The Extreme Monsters occasionally hang out at Mr. Cool's Ice Cream and Beet Juice Parlor. Mr. Cool happened to be a yeti.
    • The fourth book, Battling Bigfoot, had the Extreme Monsters encounter Bigfoot.
  • Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Yetis are given an entry. They're said to grow close to fifteen feet tall, have snow white fur, eat anything it comes across, live in Tibet, fear fire, and possibly are related to Trolls (though no one has gotten close enough to one to actually study it).
  • Fifty Feet of Trouble features a sasquatch park ranger by the name of Harry Foote.
  • Geronimo Stilton: In I'm Too Fond of My Fur!, Geronimo goes off to find his friend Professor Von Volt in the Himalayas and encounters a family of yetis.
  • Get Blank: Bigfoot appears in a cameo. He seems like a pretty good guy, and apparently had a meeting in Los Angeles. He can also identify Russian mobsters by sight, but in his defense, it was a pretty distinct mobster.
  • Gravity Falls: Journal 3: An early entry has the Author describing the Abominable Bro-Man, a sasquatch-like creature that dresses and acts like a stereotypical Frat Bro, right down to mainly communicating in the words "righteous", "bro", and "chill sesh".
  • Haunted (2005): One of the stories is titled "Missing Link" and postulates that these creatures are actually humans with an odd genetic quirk causing were-creature-style transformation. The teller of this story belongs to a fictitious Native American tribe in which this trait is allegedly quite common, including a supposed case in the teller's own family.
  • Hobbies and Interests: Jermaine has an Original Character who's a Sasquatch and another who's a Yeti.
  • The Imaginary Veterinary, a children's book series by Suzanne Selfors, features a vet's office that treats fantastic creatures. The very first book, The Sasquatch Escape, has a Sasquatch as one of the patients (and it's still around in later books), which escapes from the office when someone leaves the door open, and two kids (one local, one visiting for the summer) have to track it down and bring it back safely.
  • InCryptid: Bigfoots and Sasquatch are noted as being closely related species of cryptids that can both pass for human so long as they wear big shoes and put a lot of effort into shaving. They're also noted for enjoying tricking bigfoot hunters into going out and harassing each other.
  • Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff features a Yeti who is the Last of His Kind.
  • In The Long Walk by Sławomir Rawicz, while crossing the Himalayas after escaping from the Soviet Union, the protagonists see a pair of yeti-like creatures. Given that the rest of Rawicz's story turned out to be Based on a Great Big Lie, we can assume this incident never occured either.
  • Man After Man: An Anthropology of the Future: One of the engineered future hominid species, the tundra dwellers created to replace extinct mammoths and musk oxen, are large, white-furred beings who resemble yetis. Some of their descendants evolve into bigfoot-like variations adapted for life in temperate forests.
  • Nightside: There's a gag in one of the novels in which a yeti-foot umbrella stand is one of the items on offer at a supernatural auction. Before the selling gets started, a pissed-off yeti stomps into the hall, marches up to the displays, scoops up the umbrella stand, shoots a really nasty look at the auctioneers, and stomps out.
  • Ology Series: Yetis are mentioned in Dragonology as a type of mountain apes preyed upon by Tibetan dragons. Both yetis and sasquatch appear in Monsterology, where they're instead identified as bears and named Ursus saxum and Ursus sasquatchium. Their illustrations show them as a bipedal hominid apes anyway.
  • Pugs of the Frozen North: The racers come across a half-sunken ship full of yetis who love eating noodle snow, but make them wash up afterwards so they don't have to. In reality, the yetis are the ship's crew, who turned into yetis from eating too many snow noodles.
  • In Paul J. McAuley's Red Dust, yetis are a genetically engineered combination of human and animal DNA created by the early Tibetan colonists when they came to Mars. The only one actually encountered, named Monkey is intelligent but mute.
  • Sasquatch, a 1998 novel by Roland Smith, features a hunt for sasquatch on Mount St. Helens. Main protagonist Dylan Hickock eventually meets the creatures in person. Fortunately for the sasquatch, they successfully avoid another of their pursuers (and those working for him), scientist Theodore Flagg, who wants to find and kill a sasquatch and bring its body back as proof of their existence. The sasquatch is also mentioned in Smith's later book Cryptid Hunters, which is set in the same continuity.
  • Snowman is a 1978 short horror novel by Norman Bogner, and is part of the "Jaws Ripoff" horror paperback craze that was ongoing at the time. It portrays the Yeti as a 25ft tall primeval killing machine with a skin so covered in rocky osteoderms under its fur that it's practically invulnerable — in fact, some reviewers have suggested it may have been the physical inspiration for the Comic Book/Superman villain Doomsday. The Excuse Plot has it leave Tibet in search of fresh food, and somehow end up in a California ski resort, where a famous explorer who was the only man in his party to survive an encounter with the beast tries to kill it. It was popular enough to get mentioned in Paperbacks from Hell.
  • A Song of Ice and Fire: Giants exist north of the Wall, and closely resemble contemporary depictions of Sasquatch. They ride woolly mammoths like men ride horses.
  • The State of Jefferson short stories by Harry Turtledove are set in a world where Sasquatch and Yeti exist, but they're just ethnic groups of very tall humans who live in the Pacific Northwest and Tibet, respectively (one story introduces surviving Hobbits (Homo floresiensis) in Indonesia, and another has merfolk related to manatees). Most of the stories focus on Bill Williamson, a sasquatch who serves as the governor (and later senator) of the State of Jefferson.
  • Strange Matter: Bigfoots appear in "Bigfoot, Big Trouble". They're all friendly with the exception of one hostile member of the tribe that despises humanity. Several Bigfoots appear as part of the Collector's army in the Strange Forces series, though whether they were being forced into service (like many of the Collector's minions) or are fighting willingly is left unclear.
  • The Tome of Bill: The big foots (big feet?) are officially known as the Alma. They're actually forest spirits, they just choose to take the form of quote "giant shit flinging apes".
  • The sasquatch is mentioned in Trixie Belden and the Mystery of the Sasquatch, when the gang are camping in Idaho. There have been several reported sightings, but all of Trixie's encounters turn out to be a man in a snowsuit.
  • Vampirocracy mentions sasquatch and yeti as cryptids, different from creatures which actually require magic in some way to survive. This was in a flashback, and by the time the novel takes place, the sasquatch has been reclassified as the Greater North American Forest Troll.
  • The Whisperer in Darkness: The Mi-Go (alien crustaceans from Pluto) have hidden outposts in several remote parts of the Earth, including one in the Himalayas, where sightings of them inspired the legend of the Abominable Snowman. ("Mi-Go", although it has been adopted by the fandom to refer to the aliens, is actually just a Tibetan word for the Abominable Snowman, and is used only in that context in the original story.)

Live-Action TV 

  • 1000 Ways to Die: The segment "Myth Busted" had a guy living in the woods growing tired of joggers around his home and dressing up like Bigfoot to scare them off. While chasing one woman, he gets shot by a Tranquillizer Dart from a ranger who believed in Bigfoot, which kills him instantly because it was an extra-strength chemical meant for sedating large beasts.
  • The A-Team: The episode "Timber!" has a subplot about Murdock trying to trap Bigfoot while the rest of the team fight off villainous lumberjacks in the Northwest.
  • Castle (2009): In "The Fast and the Furriest", evidence at a crime scene suggests that a murderous Bigfoot is stalking the streets of New York City. Castle is firmly convinced that Bigfoot is real, and is responsible (and Ryan agrees with him about Bigfoot being real), while Beckett and Esposito have their doubts. While Bigfoot's existence (or lack thereof) is never confirmed one way or the other, it is ultimately cleared as a suspect in the murder.
  • In Chasing Bigfoot: The Quest for Truth, Sasquatches are depicted as aliens who are capable of building spaceships.
  • The Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders episode "Abominable" has the team investigating a murder attributed to a yeti. Monty is revealed to be a yeti enthusiast who believes in its existence, yet he's also certain that Bigfoot is a hoax. The so-called yeti turns out to be a brain-damaged human cannibal.
  • Doctor Who: In "The Abominable Snowmen", the previously unaggressive Yeti are attacking travellers to a remote Tibetan monastery. They turn out to be disguised robot servants of the Great Intelligence, but at the end of the serial, a real Yeti appears. The robot Yeti turn up again in the middle of London to demonstrate that Nothing Is Scarier than a Yeti on the loo in Tooting Bec.
  • Eerie, Indiana:
    • In "Foreverware", it is revealed that a Bigfoot apparently finds human cuisine palatable enough to eat out of the Teller family's trash.
    • In "Marshall's Theory of Believability", Professor Nigel Zircon's assistant Claude meets a female one when he's planting the fake "space thing." It is wearing a large pink bow on its head.
  • The Electric Company (1971): One of the regular segments, "Spidey Super Stories," had a story "Spidey Meets the Yeti," wherein the web-slinging hero investigates a series of disturbances involving a large Yeti-like creature sitting on cold items, such as ice cream cones, iced-down soft drinks and ices. Spidey captures the Yeti, but persuades a police officer to let him go because "he's only homesick" (ergo, the Yeti, who had somehow become lost and wandered to the big city, was reminded of home by sitting on the cold items). Spidey eventually returns the Yeti home.
  • Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot series.
  • The Goodies has an episode spoofing Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World. Tim Brooke-Taylor & Co go into the Canadian Rockies in search of mysterious creatures, only to find that Graeme Garden is faking their existence (including the inevitable spoof on the Patterson-Gimlin Film, which is given away by the zipper that Graeme has to undo to take a piss). Eventually one of Tim's feet swells up to enormous size due to him constantly walking around steep slopes, and he has to flee into the wild (wearing a furry coat to keep himself warm) to prevent everyone who sees him laughing themselves to death over the sight of his Big Foot.
  • Here Come the Brides features a Bigfoot hoaxer.
  • The Honey, I Shrunk the Kids episode "Honey, He's Not Abominable... He's Just Misunderstood" features Bigfoot who nurses Amy when she twists her ankle in a bike crash. Also, Bigfoot's wife is a Yeti.
  • How I Met Your Mother: Marshall is fascinated by/fearful of Bigfoot and hallucinates spotting him having a smoke break in one episode.
  • In one episode of iCarly, the gang heads out into the forest to search for Bigfoot. Shenanigans occurs when the Bigfoot they caught was a "Scooby-Doo" Hoax, then their RV gets stolen by the actual Bigfoot.
  • Important Things with Demetri Martin features a documentary on "Gayfoot".
  • The Incredible Hulk (1977): In the episode "The Antowuk Horror", the Hulk faces off against a monster which turns out to be a fake bigfoot invented by the townspeople to bring in tourists.
  • In Search of... has an episode dedicated to the real-life legend of Bigfoot.
  • In The Invisible Man, the invisibility gland was taken from the Sasquatch, who had developed it in order to hide in the forest of America. The main character is understandably shocked by this revelation. He's even more shocked when he's informed that the gland was from a female, which is why the male Sasquatch in the episode is so... affectionate.
  • Bigfoot and Wildboy was a recurring segment in the 1970s children's program The Krofft Supershow.
  • Bigfoot and other North American fuzzy walkers appear in several episodes of Lost Tapes. Bigfoot himself is largely benevolent, his wrath reserved for a nasty poacher. The Southern Sasquatch, or Foukes Monster, however, is much nastier and violently kills anything that disturbs its territory (though to be fair, he didn't become violent till after the hunters tried to shoot him). The Yeti is the worst of all, with its episode taking place on a ship where it has escaped from confinement and slaughtered the crew. A crew of reporters who sneak onboard to check out the hidden story find that it's the worst — and final — mistake they make.
  • One episode of MacGyver (1985) features a Sasquatch that turns out to be a guy in a rubber suit... or is it?
  • An episode of Masked Rider has a Bigfoot hunter running into the Stewart family while they're going on a camping trip. He ends up mistaking Ferbus (who tagged along) for a Bigfoot baby and captures him, forcing the family to rescue him.
  • The Mighty Boosh: "The Call of the Yeti" focuses on the Yeti, but they're rather different from the usual portrayal as white, fluffy snow monsters. The Yeti live in the English woods, and are large, long-haired, brown creatures with a magical, hypnotic siren song that turns people into hippies, and they have a colonial social structure with a queen. Normally they hibernate for decades on end, but they periodically emerge to mate with humans.
  • Monster Warriors: In "Terror in the North Woods", Mayor Mel disappears and the gang searches for him in the woods outside Capital City, where they discover the Bigfoot "hoax" might not be a hoax at all.
  • Mystery Hunters: The first episode sees Araya trying to find out if Bigfoot, who has been allegedly sighted in Oregon, is real or not.
  • The David Attenborough documentary Natural History Museum Alive links the legend of the yeti with Gigantopithecus, portraying the giant prehistoric ape as a bipedal, humanoid creature.
  • One of the new villains created for Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation is Silver, a yeti/gorilla who came to New York and became a gangster.
  • In Reservation Dogs, eccentric police officer Big is a firm believer in Bigfoot, and insists the reason there's no material evidence of the creature is that it's a spiritual being, rather than something purely flesh and blood. There's also a Bigfoot-like creature lurking in the woods outside of town, with Glowing Eyes and an otherworldly aura, sometimes referred to as the "Tall Man". Characters speculate that it could be the spirit of Daniel, a local teen who died recently under tragic circumstances.
  • A mockumentary by the Discovery Channel which was a Spiritual Successor to both Mermaids: The Body Found and Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives titled Russian Yeti: The Killer Lives (narrated by Kevin Conroy) speculates that the nine hikers of the infamous Dyatlov Pass incident ran afoul of an aggressive yeti.
  • The first episode of Salvage 1 (after the pilot) has Harry and his crew encountering a Yeti-like ape on a lost island, which seems initially harmless, until an unfortunate misunderstanding causes it to go viral...
  • "Big Guy" of Sanctuary (2007) is of the Bigfoot abnormal classification.
  • Bigfoot "guest-starred" in more than one episode of The Six Million Dollar Man and its spinoff, The Bionic Woman, although this Bigfoot was actually a robot built by aliens hiding in the woods to scare people away. Likely the inspiration for The Venture Bros. episode below.
  • One episode of So Weird has Fiona encounter a Sasquatch when she gets lost in the woods during a camping trip.
  • Humourously averted in Supernatural. While the existence of many supernatural and paranormal creatures is never questioned, Bigfoot is stated outright to be a legend. In the one episode where they start to suspect they've found Bigfoot it actually turns out to be a giant, sentient Teddy Bear created by a cursed wishing well.
  • Super Sentai and its adaptation Power Rangers:
  • An episode of the HBO Tenacious D show has the guys meet and sing a song about Sasquatch, which references the episode of In Search Of featuring him. They try to bring him on as their drummer, but he's terrible, so they let him down gently, telling him that they're not ready to be a "power trio." John C. Reilly plays the Sasquatch.
  • Some Ultra Series kaiju take inspiration from this.
    • One episode of Ultraman features a creature named Woo that looks kinda like a long-haired yeti. However, Woo is actually a Youkai manifesting from the spirit of deceased parent who seeks to protect their child. A more conventional yeti kaiju named Gigass appears earlier on, battling Dorako and Red King before being taken out by Science Patrol.
    • Return of Ultraman has an episode titled "The Twentieth Century Yeti", in which reports of a yeti attacking mountaineers lead MAT to investigate and uncover an icy alien named Varduck behind it all. However, Varduck doesn't look anything like a yeti compared to the Monster of the Week in the episode afterwards, Snowgon, who is actually based on the Yuki Onna.
    • Woo returns in Ultraman Ace to battle a Choju named Iceron, but the episode immediately after, "Ghost Story: Cry of the Yeti", has Fubigilara as the Monster of the Week, though it's otherwise a fairly typical ice-powered kaiju.
    • Ultraman Dyna has the Gigantes, a pair of enormous but otherwise peaceful Australopithecus living in Western Asia. In fact, the first evidence Super GUTS has of them is a giant footprint in the mountains similar to purported yeti tracks.
    • Two episodes of Ultraman Cosmos involv a Bigfoot-like Youkai named Yamawarawa, who looks like Sasquatch with horns and spiked shoulders. He's a peaceful creature who mainly seeks to befriend children lost in the forest. However, he's actually based on a species of mountain youkai of the same name (sometimes called Yamawaro) that are depicted as dwarfish Cyclopes.
  • A handful of the "Unexplained" segments in Unsolved Mysteries feature searches for varying versions of these.
  • The titular monster from the Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea episode "The Abominable Snowman" seems to be a straight example at first, but turns out to be a human scientist who's somehow been turned into a murderous mutant by his own weather control experiments.
  • In perhaps the ultimate aversion of this trope, The X-Files — a show which incorporated everything from human-alien hybrids to demonic possession to half-human half-tapeworms, and was filmed for half its run in Vancouvernever once did an episode on Bigfoot.
    • In the official licensed comic book, there is one Bigfoot story. Also, "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'" does feature Mulder watching the Patterson footage of an alleged female sasquatch. He also spends his spare time "Squatching", which appears to be dressing up as Bigfoot and hanging around in the woods hoping to attract the real thing.
    • Mulder also watches the footage at the end of "The Jersey Devil", an early episode where, after a long pursuit of what the main characters theorize to be a cannibalistic primitive hominid that lives in the woods of New Jersey, the creature turns out to be a perfectly normal nude woman. Because she is killed, there is no final answer to why she behaved like that. It's implied that she's an abandoned child who turned feral, or was birthed by another feral human.


  • Frequently discussed in Fortean Times — new sightings are reported and old sightings discussed.
  • The Weekly World News was a supermarket tabloid which often ran Bigfoot stories. However, in their case, it was pretty obviously satire. The Weekly World News was like that.


Mythology & Folklore 

  • Aboriginal Australian Myths:
    • The Yowie from Gamilaraay culture is the most famous example. It is a fairly generic evil hairy man.
    • The Dulagal from Yuin tradition spices things up a bit. It is also a hairy evil man, with bonus points in living in Mount Gulaga's forests (thus checklisting the Yeti and Bigfoot habitats). It has red eyes and apparently can only walk sideways.
  • Bigfoot and Yeti aren't the only ape-men. Dozens of other Sasquatch-like creatures have been reported in nearly every part of the globe, including the Neanderthal-like Almas of Mongolia, the mysterious Kala Bandar of India, the diminutive Orang Pendek of Sumatra, the gigantic Orang Mawas of Malaysia, the Japanese Hibagon, and an eerie-looking monkey-like biped shot in South America known simply as De Loy's Ape (whose only known photograph was later determined to be a hoax).
  • West Virginian folklore describes a giant, shaggy and horned, forest-dwelling quadruped called the Sheepsquatch. There's also Batsquatch, a winged Bigfoot who supposedly lives around Mount St. Helens.
  • The Jersey Devil: He's mostly known in the Barrens and is usually described as a sort of horse-bat demon rather than a humanoid. In the northern parts of the state you find legends about "Old Red Eyes", who is basically a classic hairy biped in New Jersey.
  • The yeti are noted by folklore and cryptozoologists to allegedly be quite different from the North American sasquatch known as Bigfoot. For one thing, there are supposed to be MULTIPLE types of Yeti identified by Tibetan mythology, including the timid Meh-Teh (the one that leaves the famous footprints) and the gigantic, ferocious Dremo, which appears to be a bear. The bigfoot usually does not suffer this multi-personality issue, almost always being portrayed as a Gentle Giant.
  • Cryptozoologists frequently cite Native American folklore as "evidence" that Bigfoot actually exists, pointing to the ubiquitous stories of hulking, hairy-covered humanoids who live in the wilderness. Names like Dzunukwa, Ts'emekwe, Mayak Datat, Nantinaq, and Sasq'ets (the last being where we get "Sasquatch") frequently pop up as "examples" of Native American names for Bigfoot, but closer inspection makes it clear these stories are less about wild apes and actually involve supernatural boogeymen more akin to European trolls, ogres, and giants — intelligent, social beings that speak, use fire and weapons, live in huts, kidnap women, eat naughty children, and get outsmarted by brave heroes. Understandably, many Native Americans today find this misrepresentation of their beliefs quite annoying; it would be like claiming Goliath and Baba Yaga are evidence for an unknown European species of ape. TREY the Explainer has a very comprehensive video essay on this topic.
  • A common figure in European legend and art is the Woodwose or Wild Man of the Woods, a hairy human-like figure who lives in the forest and often behaves quite similarly to how many imagine Bigfoot. Scholars believe that he may have had his origins in Greco-Roman depictions of Fauns and Satyrs or stories of pagan nature gods like Silvanus, and when Europeans came to the Americas, their stories got conflated with Native American stories of wild men (see above), eventually evolving into the modern legend of Bigfoot.
  • There is non-doctrinal folklore among Mormons that Bigfoot is Cain from The Bible. This is based on a story from church apostle David W. Patten, who allegedly met a tall, dark-skinned, hairy man who identified himself as Cain and said he was cursed to wander the earth for eternity. However, this story was only related by one of Patten's acquaintances after his death.



  • In Residents of Proserpina Park Bigfoot has been known to visit the park, but mostly chooses to live in the human world. JD, The Jersey Devil, is unhappy that Bigfoot is better known than they are.

Professional Wrestling 


  • The Stan Freberg Show's abominable snowman interviews. His trade is terrorizing the mountain climbers and he wears size 23 sneakers.
  • The Alien Worlds episode "The Himalayan Parallel" had the Starlab crew encounter a yeti.


  • The now-defunct Seattle SuperSonics basketball team had two costumed mascots over the decades; the first was an orange Bigfoot-like creature called The Wheedle; following a mascot-free hiatus, the team introduced Squatch, an "actual" Sasquatch.
  • One of the mascots for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics was Quatchi, a sasquatch wearing earmuffs.

Tabletop Games 

  • Ankur Kingdom Of The Gods: One of the Human Subspecies created as a workforce by the aliens who control Earth is the Enkidu. They are essentially sasquatch/yeti; being larger and more ape-like than standard humans. They are incredibly strong but generally have less intelligence.
  • d20 Modern has stats for both Sasquatch and Yeti, but as the D20 Future supplement elaborates, the former are actually the primitive descendants of aliens called Weren that were brought to Earth by the Fraal in the distant past, either as slave laborers or part of an experiment. After being left behind by the other aliens, they degenerated into a more primitive state, though Sasquatch and Weren still share enough of a language to be able to communicate.
  • The Dark Eye: Yetis are a type of ten-foot-tall, white-furred apes found in the far north of Aventuria. Most live on the isolated Yeti Island, although a few live on the mainland, and lead a tribal stone age existence in the wilderness. A related species, the brown-furred forest-sneakers, are said to live in the southern jungles.
  • Deadlands uses both Sasquatch and Skunk Apes. The former are one of the few non-evil supernatural entities in the setting, while the latter are more malicious. This hasn't stopped one of them from developing a taste for cigars rolled from Cuban tobacco, though.
  • Dungeons & Dragons:
    • Yeti have appeared as monsters in most editions of the game. They're typically portrayed as being savage carnivores that attack any other creature they deem prey (which is any other creature) on sight; most editions portray them as Neutral or Unaligned, the default alignments of beasts without the intelligence necessary for true good or evil, but in 5th Edition they're fully Chaotic Evil and intelligent enough to have their own language. Physically, they resemble big, white-furred apes with a pair of curling horns, and mostly inhabit high, cold mountains. There are also abominable yetis, a larger and stronger variant found in isolated areas.
    • Alaghi, introduced in the Forgotten Realms setting, are relatives of yeti that are something like sasquatches, a race of hairy humanoids who dwell in temperate woodlands. They're sentient but primitive, with some alaghi tribes living off the land as they roam their territories, while others who attempt to settle in permanent villages tend to do a poor job of it, depleting local resources and resorting to raiding (and eating) their neighbors to survive. A rare few alaghi of exceptional intelligence take up a hermitic lifestyle, practicing druidism and mastering strategy games like chess.
  • Exalted: Yeti are white-furred apes native to the mountains and snow-covered forests of the Northeast, and are entirely immune to cold.
  • GURPS Warehouse 23: "Neo-giants" are large, hairy, reclusive humanoids that inhabit remote wilderness areas, chiefly rugged mountains and deep forests; the most prominent are the sasquatch of the Pacific Northwest and the Himalayan yeti, but other populations exist all over the world.
  • Magic: The Gathering has a small handful of Yeti creatures. They're most often colored Red, the color associated with mountains and secondarily with fierce beasts, and Green, the color of forests, animals and the wilderness.
    • Most of them are from the Ice Age and Coldsnap blocks, which cover a period where large parts of Dominaria became covered in ice and snow.
    • There's also a Sylvan Yeti that's a sasquatch in all but name, and the game's one Wiitigo also has the Yeti creature type.
    • A couple of yetis have also appeared in the plane of Tarkir, specifically in the Tibet-inspired Temur Frontier, where they're shown as having horns and in the new timeline become hunted by dragons. Another horned yeti appears in Kaldheim, inhabiting the cold mountains of the Norse-inspired plane and subsisting on a diet of would-be monster slayers.
  • Pathfinder features both yeti and sasquatch. Neither of them are Always Chaotic Evil, although yeti in particular can be very dangerous if sufficiently irritated. Oddly enough, even in a world with dragons and vampires, yeti and sasquatch are still mysterious and elusive, and the supplemental book Mystery Monsters Revisited offers pointers on how to keep these creatures — along with related monsters like The Mothman and Nessie-type lake monsters — appropriately mysterious.
    • Sasquatch are large, reclusive apelike humanoids native to temperate forests; they're generally peaceful — or at least non-confrontational if given the choice — but are prone to territoriality-driven aggression when settlers and loggers encroach on their forests. There are also fen maulers, violent and cruel brutes descended from sasquatch that made a Deal with the Devil to protect themselves from an unspecified calamity.
    • Orang-pendaks (based on a similar cryptid from Southeast Asian folklore) are also presented as rare, red-furred offshoots of sasquatch that live as hunter-gatherers in isolated jungles. They are known to easily befriend wild apes, especially gibbons and orangutans, and often train them and keep them as guard and hunting animals.
    • Yeti are usually at least neutral and some actively work to fight back various eldritch horrors, but the only ones humans are likely to meet are the Ax-Crazy exiles who have been forced out into the lowlands.
  • Rifts:
    • Sasquatch are a peaceful race that prefers to live in harmony with nature. They are also one of the very few sapient species to have always been native to Earth instead of having been Rifted in from some other dimension; they're distant cousins of humanity who originated in central Asia and migrated into North America during the Ice Age. Some of them journey into the world of men (and thus, like a great majority of species' in the game world, are available as player characters), but most are reclusive forest-dwellers who even in the new age of magic can be very difficult to track down.
    • There are also a magical Spirit Sasquatch and the Wendigo, which in this case is a demonic Sasquatch-like monster.
  • Rocket Age: Callisto has yetis, three to four metre-tall hairy horned humanoids. The Bronx Zoo has three, and a breeding pair intended for Oslo Zoo escaped from the Berlin Rocket Port.
  • Shadowrun: Sasquatch are peaceable and sentient beings capable of flawlessly imitating sounds. There are also bandersnatches, sasquatch infected by the same virus that turns humans into vampires, which are intelligent but not sapient, capable of bending light around themselves to appear nearly invisible and prone to homicidal rages.
  • Transhuman Space: The secret Society for Applied Teratology (detailed in the Toxic Memes supplement) recreates famous cryptozoological species by advanced bioengineering, mostly to make the world a more interesting place. Their Bigfoot has been their biggest success, although there are hints that there may be a terrible problem with the trick.
  • Warhammer:
    • The Beastmen's 6th edition armybook includes in its description of the Beastmen of distant lands mention of white-furred, apelike creatures native to Norsca, which the human tribes and the Dwarves of Kraka Drak refer to as Ymir or Jeti.
    • Yhetees are mutated Ogres with white fur, who live at the very tops of mountains, are almost impossible to find or track when in their natural environment, set off avalanches when attacking and exude an aura of supernatural cold. They were originally exclusive to the Ogre Kingdoms, but Storm of Magic and the subsequent Ogre Kingdoms update have suggested they are more widespread than initially thought.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh!:
    • Danger! Bigfoot! of the Danger! Archetype looks more like a green, hairy wild man than a stereotypical Bigfoot.
    • Ghostrick Yeti can protect his fellow Ghostrick with his effect.

Theme Parks 


  • Monster High has Abbey Bominable (daughter of the Yeti) and Marisol Coxi (daughter of the Maricoxi, South America's version of Bigfoot). While Marisol has the fur, height, and large feet typical of Bigfoot, Abbey just has Cute Little Fangs, with any extra fur being restricted to her clothing choices.
  • Just like any other monster or mythological creature that ever existed, Bigfoot is part of the Monster in My Pocket line. In the Licensed Game, Bigfoot is the boss of the second level; when attacked it will pause before making a running charge, using an ice attack when it stops.
  • Jellycat, a popular British plush company, have Bigfoot and Yeti stuffed animals named Bo Bigfoot and Yani Yeti respectfully.
  • Squishmallows: While there are several Bigfoot characters, Benny's description harks closest to their original appearance in popular culture: he likes running around in the woods and has an interest in photography.

Video Games 

  • Alpiner has the Abominable Snowman as the final obstacle before reaching the top of Mt. Everest; strangely enough, it's on skis. You just need to dodge it.
  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf introduces a gorilla villager named "Hans", who bears a resemblance to a yeti.
  • ANNO: Mutationem: At The Consortium's facility, a variant kept inside a containment room is identified as "Bigfoot" alongside cryptids who are part of the Sasquatch family.
  • The Hemo-ji from the Arc the Lad franchise, which can turn humans into other members of their species just by touching them.
  • Arcanum has "the Stillwater Giant" which is basically the same thing, down to an obviously hoaxed pelt on display in Tarant.
  • One of the sidequests of Assassin's Creed III has the player investigating the legends of the sasquatch. As it turns out, the sasquatch is simply an Irish hermit wearing pajamas with a mild case of kleptomania.
  • Some of the enemies in Atlantis: The Lost Empire appear to be snowball-throwing Yetis.
  • Aztec Wars has yetis as one of the Chinese military units. They're sluggish, giant, yellow monkeys with clubs.
  • In Backyard Sports: Hockey, there is a Yeti team.
  • Biggafoot from Banjo-Tooie, who has a single big foot.
  • Battle for Wesnoth: Some campaigns have an appearance of Yeti, massive hairy monsters with a lot of health who can kill most units in two punches.
  • The first game in the Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator series evolves around finding the Skunk Ape in the Everglades.
  • Bigface Marsh is an indie horror game where you are sent into a marsh to try and find proof of Bigfoot. Your main threat however is Bigface, a large monster with a giant face and tiny legs. Bigfoot is a character in the game though. If you encounter him, he will run up to you and make you faint from shock. He doesn't kill you though, and if you manage to record both of the creatures, Bigfoot will appear at the end to save you from Bigface.
  • Bot Gaiden: One of the bosses of the game, Yetibot, is a giant robotic yeti.
  • A sasquatch appears in Brave: The Search for Spirit Dancer, It's actually very friendly and helps you on your journey.
  • Bigfoot (previously Finding Bigfoot until the name was changed to avoid copyright confusion with the Animal Planet tv show of the same name) is a Rake-inspired early-access Steam game that has a team of hunters looking for and capturing Bigfoot in a national rain forest park after several tourists go missing. Your team finds the tourists, or rather their corpses, and unlike the show you and your team does find Bigfoot...and it's pissed. A humongous beast half as wide as it's tall with glowing green eyes and blood and will attack any player on sight and worse it likes to use hit and run tactics to keep its hefty mass of hit points up. You aren't safe in the command van because Bigfoot can and will try to kill you through the windows you left open.
  • Bug! (1995) has the fifth boss, an abominable snowbug. Other yetis appear in the fifth stage as hazards that would try to grab Bug and squeeze him like a toy.
  • Carnivores: Ice Age has one as a secret "Bonus" animal. Unusually, it is portrayed with three-fingered hands and bird-like feet like a carnivorous dinosaur, while also having the usual simian-like features.
  • Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia has a Yeti (looking like the Patterson footage) wandering around in the Tymeo Mountains. If it's on-screen more than two seconds, it realizes the player's looking at it and runs away. One sidequest is to photograph it.
  • The DLC of Costume Quest has a Yeti Festival where once every three years a yeti appears from a cave to promise three years of prosperity. It turns out to be a monster in a costume — a costume that has Shrunk in the Wash, so it gets given to the children.
  • Darkstalkers features Sasquatch, a Bigfoot that looks and acts more like a Yeti.
  • Delta Force: Land Warrior features a hidden yeti as an Easter Egg in the "Operation Free Press" mission, found if you run several hundred meters to the southeast of your insertion area rather than following the waypoints to the southwest. While his appearance is traditionally menacing, he's actually not harmful in the slightest, making no effort to attack you even if you stand in his path and simply trying to run away if you shoot him (and making a hilarious death scream if you kill him).
  • Demon Skin have a yeti as it's first boss, when you explore a snow-covered wasteland in the first stage. Two more yeti appears as minor bosses later on.
  • Diablo II has both bigfoots and yetis. The manual notes that they were peaceful and treated humans kindly until the Prime Evils broke out, whereupon they were warped into vicious monsters.
  • DuckTales has a Yeti serving as the boss of the Himalayas stage, with the story for that level taken directly from the Carl Barks comic (Scrooge searching for The Lost Crown of Genghis Khan).
  • In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, regular Trolls resemble Bigfoot, while Frost Trolls resemble Yetis.
  • Yeti in Eternal Card Game are mischievous pranksters... only their idea of a prank can easily result in the death of unwary travelers.
  • Taito's Arcade Game Exzisus has a Boss Battle with a "Mechanical Iety" (sic), whose main weapon and vulnerability is in the middle of its chest.
  • Yeti show up in the White Lands of Fairune 2, resembling horned, white-furred bipedal beasts.
  • Fallout 76: The postapocalyptic West Virginian wilderness is home to a large number of creatures based on local cryptids, including bipedal mutant sheep called sheepsquatches.
  • Far Cry 4, appropriately for a game set in the Himalayas, includes Yeti appearances. Player Character Ajay Ghale first spots what appears to be a Yeti after escaping from Durgesh Prison, but faints before it comes close enough for him to check it out. In the DLC mission, "Valley of the Yetis", you get to see them up close, and they're terrifying — gigantic, grey-furred monsters with creepy orange scarring on their bodies who are unbelievably durable against heavy weaponry and can sprint fast enough to catch Ajay on his snowmobile if he doesn't get out of dodge fast enough. Also, the Yetis dissolve into orange mist if you kill one. We later learn the origin of these Yetis, and that's just as creepy: the Yetis are former humans mutated by the gas/spores emerging from this creepy glowing yellow tree called "the Relic", and Ajay comes across a Religion of Evil dedicated to sacrificing people to the Yetis/becoming more Yetis, which they call "Awakened". Eventually, Ajay decides to destroy the Relic himself... only to be treated to a Mind Screw sequence where he appears to have turned into a Yeti himself. Luckily, the writers confirmed that the DLC ending doesn't count as canon, so chances are Ajay just hallucinated becoming a Yeti, because the game continues as normal afterwards. Still, though...
  • Final Fantasy VI:
    • The game has Umaro, a Yeti who can be used as an airship pilot.
    • Bigfoot/yeti shows up as an enemy as well, mostly in earlier games in the series.
  • A Yeti appears as the boss of the Ice Domain in Gauntlet Legends. It has an icy Breath Weapon and will throw boulders at the player, and can also cause stalagmites to fall from the cavern ceiling, but is vulnerable to the Fire Parchment, an easy-to-miss item acquired elsewhere in the game.
  • Grand Theft Auto:
    • In Grand Theft Auto V, Bigfoot finally appears for real. In one mission, as an Easter egg, he can briefly be glimpsed through a heat-detecting scope mounted on a sniper rifle. And, after the end of the storyline portion of the game, if the player achieves 100% completion, a special mission is unlocked in which a character pursues Bigfoot... who ultimately proves to be a method actor furry in a suit.
    • A longstanding legend in the Wide-Open Sandbox game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is that a Bigfoot can be found roaming the immense backwoods. A decade after the game's release, the legend persists. The "hunt the Sasquatch" mission described above for Red Dead Redemption is a direct response to this legend (the games are made by the same company).
  • Yeti show up as an enemy group in Guild Wars Factions.
  • In Halo: Reach's third mission, you fight a pair of Gutas, tusked reptilian yeti-like creatures, named after a beast in Hungarian mythology.
  • Yetis roam the icy landscapes of Hytale's third zone, and one of their methods of attack is to pull a chunk out of the snow-covered ground and toss it at you.
  • King's Quest:
  • Kirbys Return To Dreamland has Goriath which is a yeti-like creature who is the boss of White Wafers.
  • Lady Sia: During some of the boss fights, the usually human Sia will change into a "Sasquatch" form for combat purposes. In this form, she is more than twice as tall and big, her hair becomes a longer and thicker mane, she has more animalistic features such as Pointy Ears, a snout, and claws, and her clothing changes from her blue tunic and boots to a less covering outfit made up predominantly of white wrappings.
  • Yetis in League of Legends are bipedal creatures that live in the Freljord. They were once magical and intelligent creatures until a frozen cataclysm caused by Lissandra turned them savage. Nunu's friend, Willump, is the last-known magical yeti.
  • The Legend of Zelda:
    • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: A pair of peaceful Yeti are characters Link meets and befriends over the course of his adventure, namely when he travels to Snowpeak. One of them (Yeta) suffers a Demonic Possession due to a curse by a fragment of the Mirror of Twilight, but Link manages to exorcize her via a boss battle. Afterwards, Link can compete against them in a sliding race.
    • The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom: Condé is a young, friendly Yeti who lives in the frigid region of Mount Hebra. He used to live with his older father and his brother, until the former passed away and the latter embarked on a long trip from which he has yet to return. When the brother appears to have come back, he acts a lot more violently towards Condé. It turns out he's not Condé's real brother, but a replica created by Null from the Still World, and the boss of Lanayru Temple. The real brother is seen returning home with a hot-air balloon during the game's credits.
    • In Link: The Faces of Evil of The Legend of Zelda CD-i Games, there's an enemy called an Abominom that will give you trouble in some of the icy mountainous levels. The name is the main thing linking them to this trope, however, since they're quadrupedal and look more like macaques or white-furred baboons than the bidepal ape-men this trope normally implies. A throwaway line of dialogue from an NPC implies that they were formerly human.
  • Avalanche Yeti from Mega Man X8 is a yeti robot with ice powers. There's also Yeti enemy that appears in Frost Walrus' stage from Mega Man X4.
  • Sasquatch enemies appear in the Metal Slug series in 3 and 4 if you take the ice cave paths. They use a homing ice breath attack that doesn't kill you, but traps your character in a snowman that you must mash buttons to break out of before their follow up attack with a bone club kills you.
  • Miku'n Pop has both yeti and bigfoot-like enemies, found in Accel Plain (stage 3) and Violento Volcano (stage 7). Both have high health and can attack with a Shockwave Stomp that can stun you, but while the former also attack with rolling a huge snowball, the later oddly shoot a gigantic laser beam.
  • Monster Rancher 2 had the Jill and its wild variety, the Bighand.
  • Mother:
  • NetHack has both Sasquatch and Yeti. Due to them having big feets, they deal more damage by kicking should the player turn into one.
  • Yeti Lizards in Nibblers are based on the Yeti. Their boss version, Bigtooth, goes one step further by mentioning in his bio that his existence was questioned for quite some time.
  • Nitrome has two games, Snow Drift and Cold Storage, with yeti protagonists. Numerous yeti-like creatures also appear in the Frost Bite games.
  • A cyclopean Yeti is encountered multiple times in Overlord II, usually smashing down obstacles in it's way. It normally won't attack the Overlad, unless he starts killing baby seals. Later on it's met in the Empire Arenas, where after smashing the place down the player is given the option of subduing it and keeping it caged up as a pet or killing it and making it into a rug.
  • Overwatch: The 2016 Winter Wonderland event added a Yeti skin for Winston the uplifted gorilla, resembling a white, tusked Yeti wearing mountain climbing gear.
  • In Paladins, the undead champion Terminus was given the Abominable skin for the Christmas 2018 event. The Abominable skin turns Terminus into a big, hammer-wielding yeti who hates how everyone thinks he's mean ol' brute when he is really a nice guy.
  • Paperboy: Sasquatches appear as enemies in Paperboy 64.
  • Plants vs. Zombies: The Yeti Zombie is, as the name implies, an undead yeti. It only appears during a New Game Plus in 4-10 and randomly in a few other levels.
  • Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time: In addition to the Yeti from the first game, this game has Yeti Imps which appear in Frostbite Caves.
  • Pokémon:
    • A yeti-like Pokémon called Abomasnow makes an appearance in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. Actually, it's an animated Evergreen tree. It also can summon hailstorms whenever it appears. Just watch out for those Fire-type attacks.
    • Electivire resembles a sasquatch somewhat.
    • Another yeti-like Pokémon, Crabominable, debuts in Pokémon Sun and Moon. It's a yeti/crab hybrid, being a literal take on a "yeti crab" (a species of deep-sea crab that has hair-like growths on its limbs). It evolves when the normally just crab-like Crabrawler is leveled up while on Alola's highest mountain.
    • Pokémon Sword and Shield introduces another yeti-like creature in the form of a Galarian form of Darmanitan. It resembles a small yeti/snowman hybrid with snow-white hair and a giant snowball on top of its head.
  • Finding Bigfoot is your final goal on Poptropica's Cryptids Island. You find him captured by a rival cryptid hunter, but are able to rescue him. You do look for the Yeti, too, although the "footprint" you find as evidence is actually just a normal hiking boot and you shrug it off as not real.
  • Primal Rage has Blizzard, a Yeti-like creature. Chaos doesn't count; he's a cursed human trapped in a giant stinky monkey body.
  • Psychonauts 2: One of the unfinished exhibits at the Questionable Area? (an abandoned Trashy Tourist Trap that forms part of the Hub Level) is the "Lair of the Sassclops", a cave purportedly once the home of a half-cyclops, half-Sasquatch monster.
  • The Shamblers in the original Quake are eyeless Abominable Snowmen with large claws that shoot lightning. They're based off of H. P. Lovecraft's Dimensional Shamblers, who are the basis of Yeti in his universe.
  • Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando: Yetis appear as enemies on Gelbin. They are actually called Y.E.T.I.s, and are genetically created monsters made to hunt down and destroy the Artic Leviathans on the planet.
  • Red Dead Redemption introduces Sasquatch in the "Undead Nightmare" expansion, including a special mission to hunt them. The last one talks to you, bawling you out for killing his peaceful vegetarian brethren, leaving him the Last of His Kind. Afterwards, you can choose to let him go or shoot him as you wish. Given a Call-Back in the second game, where you can find a skeleton that's heavily implied to belong to Bigfoot as an Easter Egg.
  • Riddle School: One of the creatures at Area 5.1 is a Captain Ersatz named Bigtoe. Another is a hairless Yeti named Yeddy.
  • RimWorld: Yttakin are a genetically engineered Human Subspecies designed to survive on a cold planet. They're large, covered in fur, and can call for aid from nearby animals. They're also fairly commonly encountered as pirates.
  • The adventure game Sam & Max Hit the Road involves a search for a Sasquatch that had escaped from a traveling freak show.
  • The Fur Colossus from Scars Above is an alien version, giant furry yeti-like beasts evolved to adapted to the coldest environments and appearing in wintry areas. Instead of a head, this one has a Belly Mouth lined with More Teeth than the Osmond Family.
  • The boss of the second mission in Scooby-Doo! and the Spooky Swamp is a giant yeti that turns out to be an animatronic disguise.
  • The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World: The second boss is the Abominable Snow Burns, which is a humanoid monster living in the North Pole, even though the Abominable Snow Man is actually from the Himilayas.
  • Bigfoot turns up in an expansion pack for The Sims 2. He can be invited to join your household, has maxed-out skills and can get a job, scares away burglars, and can become a zombie or a witch. The Sims 4 allows you to put Sims in a sasquatch costume if you get the "Outdoor Retreat" expansion pack.
  • SkiFree is a Windows 3.1 game which inevitably sends an extremely fast man-eating Yeti after you; if/when the Yeti catches you he eats you and does a gloating victory dance.
  • A snowboarding Yeti appears in the sledding level of Infogrames' The Smurfs (1994).
  • In Solasta: Crown of the Magister, Yetis are present in the northern regions. Unlike most incarnations of this trope, they have a pair of horns on their back and their fur is colored green, blue or brown rather than the usual white. They are known as Peak Terrors and Peak Abominations.
  • Spelunky features yetis who can chain-throw you to death easily, and occasionally a Boss Yeti whose roar causes chunks of ice to fall from the ceiling.
  • The Bright Star Technology, Inc. / Sierra Entertainment edutainment game Spelling Blizzard (also known as "Advanced Spelling Tricks"), a sequel to the earlier Spelling Jungle (or "Basic Spelling Tricks"), includes the Abominable Snowman as one of its obstacles. It tracks the player and throws snowballs that daze and disorient them, possibly into other dangers.
  • Spyro: Year of the Dragon:
    • Bentley is a horned yeti who was trapped by the Sorceress who helps Spyro in his quest. He also has a younger yeti brother called Bartholomew, as well as other unnamed yeti friends. Bentley and his brethren make a reappearance in Spyro: A Hero's Tail, helping Hunter find Spyro after the latter was kidnapped by Woolly Mammoth.
    • The game also features the Sasquatch Six, a group of rogue yetis who challenge Hunter (along with Colossus Yeti, making a return from the previous game) in the Super Bonus Round. Spyro also has to race them in the Bonus World.
  • Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! has Colossus Yeti, the boss of the Colossus Homeworld.
  • Super Bikes 3 features yetis on its Nepal track. Here, yetis are colossal gorillas with white fur like a polar bear's. The normal version of the track only has two, one reaching to grab passing bikes in the first tunnel and one breaking a sheet of ice to send the racers underground. Among other changes, the extreme version of the track adds a pair of smaller yetis fighting each other on the sides of the track in the underground forest.
  • Titan Quest has yetis as regular monsters and one boss yeti with various cold attacks. The game also has Yerrens, red-furred Bigfoot from Chinese myths. Unlike Yetis in the game, Yerrens make use of weapons and lead a tribal existence.
  • It is possible to play as Bigfoot in Tony Hawk's Underground 2.
  • Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy has yeti enemies in the winter stages, as well as a giant King Mook yeti as a boss.
  • Tres Bashers features Sasquatch as the king of cryptids: he is gigantic, hides in a storm cloud, possesses dark magical powers and is also the Final Boss. Yeti are uncommon enemies that quickly jump around and throw icicles at the player.
  • The Twilight Forest: Yetis are stout, blocky creatures with white fur and blue skin that live in snowy forests. They are technically neutral, and only become hostile if the player gets very close to them. The Alpha Yeti boss is a giant, six-horned, and permanently hostile specimen.
  • Uncharted 2: Among Thieves has its own take on the Yeti legend: they're actually residents of Shambhala dressed in giant fur suits to scare off anyone daring enough to search for the hidden valley in the first place. The reason it's effective is because drinking the sap from the Tree of Life has made them superhumanly fast and strong, as well as giving them a Healing Factor that makes them Immune to Bullets the first couple of times you meet them.
  • Urban Yeti is a GBA game about a city-dwelling yeti who, on hearing the call of a female yeti across the city, sets out on a quest for love.
  • Village Monsters: Komatoa is a Yeti who runs the hotel that the Player Character starts the game in.
  • The Viva Piñata series has the Jeli, which is based on the yeti. While it's just a regular late-game encounter in Trouble in Paradise that requires a lot of snow in your garden (in reference to "the abominable snowman", another name for the yeti), it's absurdly elusive in Pocket Paradise; it only spawns in the wild in about a quarter of files, and only once each (but you can breed or trade for more). Its rarity in that game is lampshaded by Gretchen Fetchem, who has a random chance to say that someone tracked down a "Je-" before cutting herself off when you visit her shop.
  • The Walking Zombie 2,with its colourful myriad of zombie enemies, also includes a zombie yeti boss in the winter-themed stage. This yeti can summon icicles and drop them in waves above you, or occasionally grab and throw dropped icicles as a ranged attack.
  • Warcraft: Yetis can be found either in forested or snowy areas.
    • WarCraft III uses Sasquatch as neutral hostile monsters, here represented as horned bipedal beasts (who are apparently sentient with their own language. One Big-Lipped Alligator Moment in Frozen Throne has them telling each other to kill Arthas so as to preserve the secrets of their civilization). Their snowy-climate equivalents are not Yeti but Wendigo, while a green-furred version called a Jungle Stalker appears in the tropics.
    • World of Warcraft: Their fur color is either brown or white depending on which of the respective areas you find them in.
  • Wonder Boy in Monster Land has Snow Kong, a snow/ice-themed palette swap of the earlier Giant Kong.
  • World's End Club: During the travel through the Fukuoka mountains, Pochi is captured by an ape-like creature that Yuki quickly calls a yeti which Chuko denies is even possible. Yuki then attempts to negotiate with it, which unsurprisingly, failed. The creature also tosses barrels much like a certain ape.
  • Zoo Tycoon: You can keep Yeti and Bigfoot in your zoo in the first game.


Web Originals 

  • If you look closely, you'll see that the icon for Wild Mass Guessing is the iconic silhouette of Bigfoot.
  • Bedtime Stories (YouTube Channel) has two episodes that prominently feature Bigfoot, or at least creatures resembling them.
    • "There is Something in the Woods" heavily implied that, among other suspects, Sasquatch were heavily implied to have been responsible for a number of unsolved disappearances in US and Canadian National Parks.
    • "There is Something in the Forest" features the Nantinaq, a Sasquatch-like creature that brutally kills any humans it encounters.
  • The Big Lez Show features Sassy, Donny, and the other sasquatches. They act mostly indistinguishable from humans and are capable of doing everything that they can do, and are by far and large drugged-out Cloudcuckoolanders whose lives revolve around ridiculous and ill-conceived adventures and extreme intoxication (aside from Kizza and Scotty, who are much more rational and straightforward than the others and have little desire to engage in the drug-fueled idiocy that most of the species enjoys).
  • Brackenwood: The Morrugs resemble bigfoots with solid green eyes and mouths filled with sharp teeth but normally completely obscured by their thick orange, reddish or purple hair. They're normally placid beings who care for the wildlife of Brackenwood, but wanton cruelty can easily send them into violent rages. They lose their fur as they age; the Auld Sage is completely bald.
  • British Cryptids features two hairy humanoids in the vein of Bigfoots
    • The Yorkshire Yeti.
    • The Woodwose of Cannack Chase (based off the European myth ofWoodwosen) is compared to bigfoot come the 70's (the then-present day of the series). However, the series itself bears skepticism towards it itself, calling it a film hoax and a man in an ape costume as opposed to a flesh and blood creature, as opposed to the Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane angle it takes to the rest of the series' subjects.
  • The Cinema Snob reviewed Shriek of the Mutilated (which opens by saying "Yeti" is an Inherently Funny Word and using that as a villain is just asking for Narm) , The Geek (which provided many a Call-Back, be for the fact that it's sasquatch porn or the sudden ending) and in 2014 decided to do "Sasquatch Week". There's a bit of Author Appeal here, as he's admitted that he'll watch basically any movie if it's about Sasquatch.
  • Glove and Boots: Mario is horrified to find that his Christmas Special guest star is "a horrible YETI! AAA-HATAUGH!!!" and bashes him with a fire extinguisher. This is after hosing Santa Claus into a lump of snowfur with said fire extinguisher. Gorilla plays this more straight, seeing as how he's a sentient ape.
  • In The Adventures of The League of S.T.E.A.M., episode "Hairy Hijinks", members of the league go in search of bigfoot.
  • One user's dream in Nightmare Beings features a Sasquatch that looks nothing like usual depictions, being a skeletal ape-like creature with glowing red eyes and the ability to control its victims' movement.
  • SCP-1000 of the SCP Foundation is Bigfoot, though the species is presented a bit differently from how it normally is. The document describes them as nocturnal, omnivorous apes with a genetic disease that increases the chances of spontaneous brain failure in other Hominid species the longer they observe them. But that's just Blatant Lies for the general staff. In actuality, they were once the dominant species on the planet and much more technologically advanced than we are even now, until humanity, with the guidance of a Fae, massacred most of them and destroyed their Organic Technology, but not before using one of their devices against them to lower their intelligence to that of beasts. But they are starting to get it back, and they're pissed.
  • SuperMarioLogan: Bigfoot is the subject of a video where Bowser Junior and his friends try to find him. Unlike most cases, this work seems to imply that he doesn't actually exist.
  • TierZoo: An April Fools' Day episode discusses how the "solo simian build" stacks up compared to other cryptid builds in the game. Solo simians are determined to have stats equal to or better than other great apes, but aren't as viable due to a lack of teamplay among the player base, which is the main advantage that primate builds have in the metagame. They're placed in B-tier as a result, lower than the other simian builds.

Western Animation 

  • Aaahh!!! Real Monsters: Bigfoot appears in one episode where it's revealed that he's a former student of the Gromble. This version is a little different from usual depictions, having large ears, sharp claws, and prominent lips. Also, "Bigfoot" is just what the humans call him; his real name is Elban.
  • Alfred J. Kwak: The snowmen are living in the Himalayas in secret from the other species. Unlike typical depictions of the yeti however, they're peaceful.
  • American Dragon: Jake Long: In a Christmas episode, Jake and his friends try to get a baby Sasquatch back to his family before various enemies find it first.
  • Amphibia: The Moss Man is a cryptid in a world that has a lot of fantastic beasts. Its name is a pun on The Mothman, but its design looks more like a Planimal version of a Bigfoot.
  • The Angry Beavers: Daggett tried to learn the art of stealth from a cryptid named "Big Byoo-Tox", so that he could successfully snatch Norbert's new toy. He turned out to not be Big Byoo-Tox, just a really hairy, Canadian naturist hippie named Harrington. Norbert knows this because the real Big Byoo-Tox is so massive that the Earth rests on his even more massive butt cheeks.
  • Aqua Teen Hunger Force has an episode where Master Shake moves in with Dirtfoot, basically Bigfoot with one big eye and one big foot.
  • Arthur: One episode features a Dexter's Laboratory-esque sequence (featuring Alan "the Brain" Powers as Dexter and Arthur Read as Dee Dee) involving Arthur tampering with one of Alan's experiments, resulting in him turning into a sasquatch. He is then later seen running away into a nearby forest where he then sees the actual sasquatch.
  • The Babaloos: In “The Abominable Yeti”, Teddy poses as one in an attempt to scare the other Babaloos.
  • Babar: A legendary surviving mammoth has a similar role to a Yeti in one episode, taking the usual ape-man's role in a show about anthropomorphic elephants.
  • Back at the Barnyard: Bigfoot is a friend of the farm animals. He can also fly and has super strength, making him seem like a superhero. He was also mayor of a town.
  • The Backyardigans had two Yetis in different episodes: Pablo in the appropriately-named episode "The Yeti" (Although he looked more like himself wearing white winter gear) and Tyrone in "Fly Girl" (Which looks more like a Yeti than Pablo did).
  • The Beatles: George and Ringo find themselves accidentally entered in a ski race, much to the irritation of a hulking brute. When the brute crashes into a tree, he has a mound of snow fall on him, and Ringo calls him an "abdominal snowman!"
  • Ben 10:
    • One of Ben’s alien forms is Shocksquatch, a Bigfoot-esque alien with electricity powers and a hilarious Canadian accent.
    • One episode of Ben 10: Ultimate Alien had a cold open where Ben was fighting a yeti under the mind control of Dr. Animo. His plan was to use a device to turn all humans into yeti, which was considered so stupid everyone, even the yeti he was controlling all took a moment to give him an incredulous look. A pop up special from another episode states that the yeti is also from Another Dimension.
    • Ben 10 (2016) has a recurring bigfoot like cryptid called "Forgeti" that only the usually skeptical Gwen believes in, quite fervently in fact. It's capable of emitting knockout gas that causes short term memory loss, convenient for keeping its existence a secret, who gets enraged from a docile state at any major disruptions to his forest habitats. Either it's the same one they keep running across all over the country or the species has a wide distribution with a solitary lifestyle.
  • Graham Roumieu's BIGFOOT follows a Bigfoot who is down on his luck and is trying to figure out his place in the world.
  • Big Hero 6: The Series: There are urban legends of a Hibagon dwelling in the Muirahara woods near San Fransokyo. It's actually the mad hermit Ned Ludd, whose long hair and beard is mistaken for the monster's fur. Then in Season 2, the hibagon becomes real as Ned Ludd gets turned into an actual monster by the Big Bad.
  • Biker Mice from Mars: In the 2006 revival episode "A Hairy A-Bomb", the Biker Mice and Charley encounter a yeti that Charley nicknames "A-Bomb".
  • In an episode of Brickleberry, Steve tries to cure his baldness only to end up covered in hair and mistaken for Bigfoot, the real Bigfoot shows up at the end to save Steve from a group of hunters only to be shot by Ethel.
  • The Bugs Bunny Builders episode "Big Feet" is named after a legendary monster that supposedly roams the forests near Looneyburg. Porky Pig sees and hears several "clues" that make him think the creature is stalking the Builders, but it turns out to be Gossamer, who had been hiking in the area.
  • Bunsen Is a Beast: The Abominable Snowman is featured in the Christmas Episode "Bunsen Saves Christmas", where he turns out to be Bunsen's cousin Bob.
  • Camp Candy: A baby bigfoot gets separated from his mother and kidnapped by DeForest to be used as a tourist attraction.
  • Camp Lakebottom: One of the camp counsellors is a Sasquatch named Armand. Despite his appearance, he's actually a sensitive and sophisticated figure whose true passion lies in stage theatre.
  • Camp Lazlo: In "Radio Free Edward", two yetis raid the radio station, sending poor Edward cowering in a corner. However, they're portrayed with brown fur rather than white fur (which is more in line with real-life sightings), and both are calm intellectuals who love rock 'n roll music. Another episode had one yeti fearfully asking another if campers were real.
  • Captain Flamingo: In "A Boy and His Yeti", the Yellow Gulch Yeti allegedly wrecks the Lemming Scouts campsite which led them trying to look for him.
  • Captain Planet and the Planeteers: A yeti is the judge putting Humanity on Trial in one episode.
  • Class of 3000: In the Christmas special, Kam is revealed to believe in Bigfoot but not Santa Claus. After Santa gives Kam a card offering him "membership to the Bigfoot fanclub", which Kam gets excited about, Mrs. Claus comments "Silly boy, he still believes in Bigfoot".
  • Courage the Cowardly Dog: Courage meets Bigfoot, who turns out to be a Gentle Giant. In the end, he's revealed to be a lost child looking for his mother.
  • Danger Mouse has to collect forty hairs from a yeti as part of his quest to save Penfold in "The Four Tasks Of Danger Mouse." A yeti appears briefly near the start of "The Strange Case Of The Ghost Bus," and in series 9, he and Penfold have to stop Bigfoot's rampage in Canada in "Bigfoot Falls."
  • In Danny Phantom, a realm in the Ghost Zone called the Far Frozen is inhabited by yeti-like ghosts with ice powers who worship Danny for saving the Ghost Zone from Pariah Dark.
  • Dexter's Laboratory: One episode episode features Dexter looking for the sasquatch, only for Dee Dee to find her first (and name her "Sassy").
  • Donkey Kong Country (1996): In the Snowcap mountains lives Eddie, the Mean Old Yeti, also a hermit and even much stupider than DK.
  • DuckTales (2017):
    • In "The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck!", Huey takes in a Bigfoot, whom he names "Tenderfeet", after pulling a thorn from its foot. However, "Tenderfeet" is actually sapient, acting like a wild beast to mooch off of the triplets, and is really named Gavin. Louie finds out about Gavin's scheme, and uses the sasquatch's facade against him to bring him back into the woods.
    • Yetis have been mentioned in a couple episodes set in snowy locations.
  • The Fairly OddParents!:
    • In the Oh Yeah! Cartoons short "Scout's Honor", Timmy goes looking for Bigfoot in order to get a merit badge. When he finds him, he turns out to be an extremely hairy New-Age Retro Hippie whose real name is Victor Bigfootowskowitz.
    • Bigfoot is briefly shown during the reprise of the Pixie Rap that plays during the song "Ten and in Charge" in School's Out! The Musical.
  • Family Guy: In one episode, when Peter drives into the TV satellite dish, he tells the angry mob Look Behind You because he saw Bigfoot. Bigfoot then explains this is about Peter, not himself.
  • Fugget About It: One episode had a talking Bigfoot move in with the family.
  • Futurama:
    • Bigfoot appears in "Spanish Fry" (the "frolic in out-of-focus areas" bit from the trope description comes from it); the episode ends with a parody/homage to the Patterson film detailed on the main page for this trope. This was made all the funnier by the fact that in the Futuramaverse, Bigfoot is considered a silly superstition. It's surreal when you see robots, mutants, and aliens scoff at the idea of a bigfoot. The Omicron Persei VIII aliens Lrrr and Ndnd later get off on said beast's existence and have mad, passionate sex right in front of him, to which Bigfoot nods approvingly before walking off.
    • Yetis are also real within the universe of Futurama, with at least three varieties: Himalayan, Neptunian, and Tritonian. Neptunian and Tritonian yetis have been seen onscreen; Himalayan yetis are mentioned by Zoidberg in "The Tip of the Zoidberg", before a possible one appears on-screen in "I Know What You Did Next Xmas". While Neptunian and Tritonian yetis are vicious and savage beasts, the Himalayan ones appear to be more docile and can be tamed.
  • Garfield and Friends: Bigfoot appears in one episode as an essentially normal man (albeit a very hairy one), who wears pants and has very big feet, called by the title of the episode "Bigfeetz". Apparently he used to have a job as a park ranger stamping out fires, but quit due to constant harassment for pictures of his feet. His face is never shown. He is very friendly and Garfield, Odie and Jon take pictures with him after saving him from hikers trying to capture him for money.
  • Godzilla: The Series: One episode features a gigantic Robo-Yeti built by a Japanese scientist who fights against Godzilla.
  • Goof Troop: One episode has Goofy and Pete encountering an unusual depiction of Bigfoot which has antlers. Made more unusual by the fact that it's female.
  • The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy:
    • Both Billy and Hoss Delgado are mistaken for one when they get covered with super-hair-growth potion, and Billy's mother implies that she's had an affair with one.
    • The yeti appeared in the episode "Yeti Or Not, Here I Come", which sees Grim setting out to reap it.
  • Higglytown Heroes: In the episode "The Legend of Higgsquatch", the cast spends a night camping and a creature similar to a sasquatch appears while they are sleeping.
  • Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5: One episode has the five enter a Arctic Zone. They encounter a giant Abominable Snowman similar to a white King Kong.
  • I Am Weasel: One episode has I.M. Weasel and I.R. Baboon searching for the alleged "Big Butt", who turns out to be none other than the Red Guy. Along the way, they not encounter Bigfoot (who has one gigantic foot and turns out to be the long-lost father to Red) but Bigeye ("This is getting stupid."). At the end of the episode, a Yeti makes a cameo appearance along with the Loch Ness monster, a UFO, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.
  • Invader Zim: Dib has allegedly seen Bigfoot in his garage, but none of his classmates believe him.

    Dib: He was using the belt-sander...

  • Ivick Von Salza: The Little Lumberjack: A yeti lives in the town Ivick does.
  • Jonny Quest TOS episode "Monster in the Monastery". A group of Yeti threatening a small village turn out to be enemy agents in costumes. At the end of the episode all of the agents are found dead, killed by a real Yeti.
    • Jonny Quest: The Real Adventures had Yeti who turned out to be Neanderthals in a monastery (a knowing throwback to the original). It also featured Bigfoot which were revealed to be aliens in disguise (they couldn't survive in Earth's polluted atmosphere otherwise).
    • There's a yeti who turns out to be a scientist dressed as yeti to scare away snow leopard poachers. The head monk on the other hand...
    • The '80s revamp of the series had a twenty-or-so-foot-tall Viking warrior yeti preserved alive in a glacier.
  • KaBlam! has Mr. B. Foot, a stagehand who just happens to be a sasquatch. He spends most of his time lounging around on the job and beating up Henry. Although he'll never hurt June.
  • In Legend of the Three Caballeros yetis work at Shangri-la, which is a spa resort. They're also a Hive Mind who imprison their guests until they've solved all their problems, but at least they're nice and helpful about it.
  • The Life and Times of Juniper Lee: Lila is a Cute Sasquatch Girl that joins Juniper as a schoolmate and a fellow fighter. Curiously, Sasquatchs in Juniper's world are not magical creatures like the other non-human beings and thus aren't affected by the Glamour that hides the magical world from ordinary humans; this allows Lila to attend school after a body hair-removing spell reveals she is indistinguishable from a human girl except for her larger hands and (of course) feet. Also, she's a lot smarter than the rest of her (presumably) all-male tribe.
  • Looney Tunes: Classic shorts would sometimes star the Abominable Snowman, a hulking furry giant who would "adopt" fuzzy animals like Bugs Bunny and literally smother them with adoration. He would always call his new pet "George." (This is a Shout-Out to the origin of the character: Lon Chaney Jr.'s portrayal of Lennie in Of Mice and Men.)
  • Men in Black: The Series: Yetis are a race of white-furred Ursine Aliens shown in the episode "The Black Christmas Syndrome", where they work as minions of recurrent villain Drekk.
  • Mona the Vampire:
    • The episode "Soccer Sasquatch" has Mona believe the soccer coach to be a Bigfoot who intends to eat dark-haired soccer players.
    • "Ready Steady Yeti" involves Mona wanting to photograph a Yeti.
  • Monster Farm: "Bigfoot, Sweetie Baby" had a bunch of sasquatches attempt to eat Goatasarus Rex, Frankenswine, Count Cluckula, Zombeef, and Cowapatra by having one of their kind pretend to be a director wanting to make the monster animals stars.
  • Monster High: Abbey Bominable is a Yeti Russian exchange student. As other characters of the toyline she looks basically like a Barbie doll, but with blue skin and white hair. In some of the movies, other less humanoid members of her family made cameos.
  • Mr. Pickles: Bigfoot exists. It is the secret identity adopted by a Mafia informant while in Witness Protection.
  • ¡Mucha Lucha!: In "I Was A Pre-teenage Chupacabra", a Kaiju version of Bigfoot was one of the monsters captured by Salty and used in a traveling freak show, along with the Loch Ness Monster, and Bad Kitty the leprechaun.
  • My Little Pony:
    • My Little Pony 'n Friends: In "Baby, It's Cold Outside", when crossing the ice maze around King Charlatan's palace, Megan and the ponies are attacked by a white-furred yeti with pronounced, duckbill-like lips and blue skin around its eyes.
    • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: In "Party Pooped", Pinkie Pie gets attacked by a Yeti while on her way to Yakyakistan. The strange thing about it is that it's quadrupedal, with paws for feet. Likewise, its head and overall body plan are more baboon-like rather than the usual gorilla-like depictions.
  • Nightmare Ned: Sasquatch shows up in an episode where he convinces the Tooth Fairy to let Ned try Chess with Death for his teeth.
  • The Owl House: A cryptid known as Twigfoot appears briefly in Eda's book of urban legends as a one-off joke. It looks exactly like Bigfoot except it has twigs for legs.
  • The Perils of Penelope Pitstop: In "North Pole Peril", an abominable snowman throws the Hooded Claw off a cliff, prompting Penelope to Save the Villain.
  • Phineas and Ferb:
    • One episode has a bored Candace and her grandparents (and her grandmother's crazy twin sister who lives in a closet) pretending to be Bigfoot to scare her brothers. It works. And then the monster is revealed to be Grandpa and all is good. Or is it?
    • In another episode, Doofenshmirtz uses an -inator to turn himself into a Yeti.
  • Polly Pocket: In "Bear Necessities", Polly and Shani encounter Bigfoot while tracking a bear that made off with Polly's shrunken camper. They run into him again in "Area Fifty-None."
  • The Powerpuff Girls (1998): In one episode, the girls take a taffy-eating sasquatch home thinking it's their uncle. Even the professor thinks he's his brother and can't tell the difference.
  • The Proud Family: When Oscar and Felix go on a Horrible Camping Trip with their friends and families, they're forced to hike up a mountain after losing at Drawing Straws and get chased by a yeti. They manage to lose it, only to realize that the cave into which they've ducked is actually the mouth of a bear.
  • The Raccoons: One episode deals with a yeti-like legendary creature named The Grimm living in the Evergreen Forest's tallest mountain. It turns out it is actually a statue of Cyril Sneer's uncle that gave Cyril shame as it was done in recognition of his philanthropy, but he promised on his uncle's death bed not to destroy it, so he had to keep hiding it, and that inspired the myth.
  • The Random! Cartoons short "SamSquatch" is about a Sasquatch child who befriends an old woman running a diner and outsmarts a cryptid hunter trying to capture him.
  • The Real Ghostbusters: The Ghostbusters discover Bigfoot in the episode "Camping it Up". Bigfoot turns out to be a friendly creature from Another Dimension.
  • Regular Show: Skips is a Yeti, and one of the few sensible characters on the show. He is also hundreds of years old.
  • Rick and Morty: The episode "Mort: Ragnarick" reveals that the Bigfoot exists - and appaerenrly has an antagonistic relationship with Rick for a while.
  • Des Yeti in Robbie the Reindeer apparently works as a sports newscaster, alongside his colleague Alan Snowman.
  • Rocky and Bullwinkle: The duo (along with Boris and Natasha, disguised as a mountain guide and his Indian scout) is menaced by an "abominab-b-b-ble snowman" towards the tail end of the "Jet Formula" story arc. It is unmasked to be moon men Gidney and Cloyd, who did it for a laugh.
  • Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends is a show which posits that most of the monsters of human myth are actually different species of aliens living in the hidden corners of the Earth. The Yeti are portrayed as one of the more benevolent groups. Their leader is named Tiyet. A later episode introduces the Sasquatch, who are a closely related species with brown fur and no horns. Traditionally, the two races do not get along. The Sasquatch were all but wiped out when their guardian Su-Ak betrayed Ti-Yet in a fit of jealousy, which then backfired and left Su-Ak the Last of His Kind. He later kills himself out of grief and leaves his species presumably extinct.
  • In Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964), there was the Abominable Snow Monster, also known as Bumble, who was mean, nasty, hated everything to do with Christmas, was a notorious sinker, and capable of bouncing. Initially, it was an antagonistic creature, but after getting his teeth removed by Hermy the elf, he was reformed by Yukon Cornelius.
  • Scooby-Doo: Shows up quite often, naturally, both real versions and people disguised as Bigfoot or Yeti.
    • Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!: The episode "That's Snow Ghost" features the ghost of a Yeti. According to the man who tells the gang about it, it used to be a real animal in Tibet, but fell to its death while trying to leap over a gorge in pursuit of him, and its ghost later came back for revenge. Spoofed in the special Scooby-Doo, Where Are You Now! where a live action person in a Snow Ghost suit prowls the Warner Bros. Lot to sabotage the gang's interview.
    • The New Scooby-Doo Movies: The episode "The Ghost of Bigfoot", guest-starring Laurel and Hardy, features, rather than a true Bigfoot, the (supposed) spirit of a mountain man who froze in a snowstorm years ago.
    • Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo (1980-1982): Tenderbigfoot featured a real Bigfoot. "Snow Job Too Small" featured a real Abominable Snowman.
    • A Pup Named Scooby-Doo: Tabloid newspaper "The National Exaggerator" keeps Bigfoot, and his cousin Bighands, on staff!
    • Chill Out, Scooby-Doo!: Animated film featuring both a fake Yeti and a brief appearance by a real one.
  • The Secret Saturdays:
    • Fiskerton is described as a "cat-gorilla", but he looks like pure Bigfoot. He's actually based on a "real" cryptid known as the Fiskerton Phantom, which is a "phantom cat" (big cats sighted in areas they aren't naturally found) from England.
    • V.V. Argost, the series primary antagonist, is secretly a Yeti.
    • The series also features more obscure cryptids similar to Bigfoot and Yeti, such as the Hibagon and the Orang-pedak.
  • The Simpsons: In one episode, Homer is mistaken for Bigfoot after stumbling around a forest covered in mud and ranting incoherently. To add insult to injury, after he's captured, scientists are unable to determine whether he is "a below-average human or a brilliant beast."
  • The Smurfs (1981): A yeti called the Snowbeast appears in a few episodes.
  • Sparkle Friends: One episode has the characters trying to get a photo of Bigfoot. Who turns to literally be a big foot.
  • SpongeBob SquarePants: The antagonist of the episode "Yeti Krabs" is...yup...a yeti crab, who tries to eat SpongeBob, Squidward and Mr. Krabs but realizes that he likes Krabby Patties much more, leading to him becoming a regular customer. As noted under Real Life, this creature is very real (it even has the white "hair").
  • Summer Camp Island: Both yetis and sasquatches are residents of the titular island. The yetis communicate through trumpet and saxophone-like noises (though a magic serum exists that allows anyone to understand their speech) and do gymnastics when the weather gets stormy. The sasquatches run a monastery where they make the most delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and those entering their monastery must temporarily surrender their voices at the door to respect the monks' vow of silence.
  • Superfriends: "Big Foot" has Apache Chief and the Dynamic Duo facing a group of hairy humanoids near Apache Chief's tribal homeland. They turned out to be aliens who were trying to repair their ship.
  • The Thing: Benjy and friends encounter Bigfoot in "The Thing Meets Bigfoot", both Stretch disguised as the hairy cryptid and the genuine article.
  • ThunderCats (1985): The Thundercats' ally Snow Man is a yeti-like being.
  • Tom and Jerry: In Hanna-Barbera's 1975 reboot, an episode deals with the duo helping a lumberjack whose men have run off because of Bigfoot. When he's finally captured, Bigfoot turns out to be a shrimpy fellow with really big feet.
  • Total Drama features "Sasquatchanakwa", who is a purple sasquatch that roams the island. He is sometimes referred to as a yeti Depending on the Writer.
  • Transformers: Rescue Bots: In one episode, Cody and the Bots embark on a mission to prove the existence of the Maine Ridge Monster, a sasquatch-like creature said to haunt their home of Griffin Rock. They find the monster, only to later discover it's actually the Mayor who became addicted to some deadly synthetic food that caused its consumers to transform into hulking sasquatch-like werebeasts when exposed to moonlight. Cody's brother Graham is also revealed to be under the effects of the synthetic food as shown in a somewhat hard to watch transformation sequence.
  • The T.U.F.F. Puppy episode "Bagel and the Beast" has Snaptrap commit robberies while disguised as Bigfoot, with Dudley desperate to prove Bigfoot's innocence due to being friends with him.
  • The Unstoppable Yellow Yeti, of course, stars a yellow-furred yeti named Gustav, who is the best friend of kid protagonists Osmo and Rita. This jovial, fun-loving snowman is the farthest thing from abominable, but due to the locals' fear of monsters, the kids have to keep his existence a secret from everyone else (which Gustav himself helps with, thanks to also being a Master of Disguise).
  • In The Venture Bros., the Bionic Man has fled into the forest and falls in love with Sasquatch. He and Brock shave Sasquatch to get past an Army roadblock (with the Bionic Man disguising himself by wearing the shaved Sasquatch fur), passing him off as a landmine victim. Another soldier arrives too late to accurately identify him as a shaved Sasquatch. In a later episode, Brock stays for a while at their house.
  • Wacky Races: In "The Great Cold Rush Race", Dick Dastardly disguises himself as an abominable snowman to stall the other racers. They end up running over him instead.
  • In We Bare Bears, a friendly but socially awkward sasquatch named Charlie is a recurring character. The episode "Ralph" introduces a yeti named Ralph, who's bigger and a lot meaner than Charlie and has a twisted sense of humor. A case of Shown Their Work, since Yetis are typically described in folklore as being bigger and meaner than North American sasquatches.
  • The Wild Thornberrys: One episode revolves around the legend of the Yeti. Eliza encounters her father's old mentor who had been pretending to be a Yeti to scare away a construction crew who has been threatening the survival of a snow leopard family. Eliza tries to pretend to be a Yeti herself when he considers retiring, but ends up nearly getting captured by the construction workers only to be saved by a real Yeti who chases them off.
  • Wishfart has a recurring yeti character named Samuel, who is permanently smothered in ice cream due to a wish he made from Dez for infinite ice cream that he soon ended up regretting. Additionally, a Bigfoot named Saskie shows up from time to time.
  • X-Men: Evolution:
    • The show implies that Sabretooth impersonates Bigfoot from time to time. Hey, you're a seven-foot-tall shaggy guy with teeth and claws, what else could you be?
    • In one episode, Beast is mistaken for Bigfoot by hunters and scientists when he takes a class on a nature retreat.

Real Life 

  • Believers have tried linking cryptid apes like bigfoot to recently extinct hominids (which means all great apes, not just humans). However, those hypotheses don't hold up well when scrutinized by paleoanthropologists.
    • The giant Pleistocene ape Gigantopithecus blacki is a popular choice for the supposed ancestor of bigfoot, yeti, and other cryptid apes among believers. However, that hypothesis doesn't hold much water once you remember that Gigantopithecus (who is only known from teeth and four jawbones) is considered a type of pongine (meaning a giant, fully terrestrial orangutan) and thus would almost certainly have been a quadruped, and like modern orangutans and other extant non-human apes, it was a forest specialist who is only known from China and Southeast Asia, meaning it would have been wholly unsuited for traversing the vast and frigid mammoth steppe, if we were to assume that it crossed into North America over the Bering Strait and evolved into bigfoot there, and it would likewise have been poorly suited for inhabiting the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateus (the yeti's stomping grounds). If anything, some of the more obscure cryptid ape-man like the Chinese yeren more closely match Gigantopithecus, at least in terms of geography and habitat choice but not much else. Overall, Gigantopithecus has little in common with the conventional image of bigfoot and yeti beyond the superficial similarity of being a "giant ape".
    • A less common purposed ancestor is the robust australopithecine Paranthropus. It actually bears a stronger resemblance to bigfoot than Gigantopithecus, since Paranthropus was an off-shoot of the human-like hominids (homininans), and was fully bipedal while also converging with gorillas on certain features such as having strong jaws, a bulky physique, and even a sagittal crest (thus having a more cone-shaped head like a silverback gorilla), and given its basal position, it was likely covered in extensive body hair. Overall, it matches the profile of a bigfoot quite well except for the fact that all species of Paranthropus were only around 4 feet tall (large specimens might have reached 5 feet) and they are only known from Sub-Saharan Africa, and there is no evidence that any homininans outside of the genus Homo ever left Africa.
    • The Orang Pendek from Sumatra is essentially a dwarf version of the conventional cryptid ape-man, and some have tried to link it to the dwarf archaic human species Homo floresiensis, who inhabited the nearby island of Flores 50,000 years ago. However, local descriptions of Orang Pendek consistently describe it as a very ape-like creature, with long arms, broad shoulders and covered in thick fur, while H. floresiensis would have resembled just a smaller version of typical archaic humans such as Homo erectus. So it's far more likely that reports of Orang Pendek are locals simply misidentifying native primates like the Sumatran orangutan and lar gibbons, both of which can walk on two legs in a very human-like fashion.
  • Bears likely account for at least some of the lore surrounding cryptid apes, as they tend to be present in most parts of the world that have reports of cryptid ape-men; grizzlies and black bears live in the Pacific Northwest (sasquatch), black bears are common in the southeast (skunk ape), brown bears roam the Tibetan Plateau and the Caucasus region (yeti, almasty), moon bears are found in the forests of China (yeren), the tiny sun bear roams the Sumatran jungles (Orang Pendek) and so on. Much like non-human apes, bears are quite capable of walking on two legs (but are rarely seen doing so), which would be quite a jarring sight for most people, and since they are plantigrade, the hindfoot of a bear can look deceptively human-like, especially if the claws aren't visible after the footprint was distorted by natural causes, such as snow melt. The famous Shipton yeti track, for example, is speculated to have come from a Tibetan brown bear, and locals in Tibet have claimed that the yeti kills yaks by essentially karate chopping their necks, which might seem fanciful but brown bears have indeed been known to break the necks and spines of large ungulates with a single blow, which further leads credence to the idea that the yeti myth is linked to the Tibetan brown bear.
  • A particularly tragic and disturbing account of a "real-life bigfoot" is the story of Zana of Abkhazia, a "wild woman" who was caught in the woods of Abkhazia (South Caucasus) during the 19th century and sold to a local nobleman named Genaba, who kept her caged until she grew docile and was put to work on his estate until her death, becoming well known to the local villagers. Elderly villagers who remember her from their youth described her as big and hairy, unable to talk, inhumanly strong, and refusing to wear clothes, more beast than human, with the villagers assuming her to be an almasty (the local equivalent of a sasquatch or yeti). She was also impregnated (meaning raped) by various village men and had several children. The story of Zana became popular with Russian almasty hunters, who discovered and exhumed the remains of one of her sons named Khwit and theorized based on supposed "archaic" features of his skull that Zana might have been some extinct human species like a Neanderthal. But DNA tests done on Khwit's skull in the 2010s yielded very different results, which were corroborated by the rediscovery of Zana's remains and a 2021 study analyzing her DNA confirmed that she was a black woman of Sub-Saharan descent that was likely brought to Abkhazia or descended from slaves captured by the Ottoman Empire. Needless to say, the researchers who analyzed Khwit and Zana's remains noted the incredibly dehumanizing way Zana was treated in life and the way her story got embellished after her death.
  • There have been countless bits of physical "evidence" towards these creatures' existence offered up over the decades, but this wiki is probably not the place to list or discuss them. However, since it has long supplied the iconic image in Bigfoot lore and media (see page image above), specific mention will be made of the "Patterson-Gimlin Film", shot in 1967 in northern California, which indisputably depicts either a Sasquatch or a human in a costume. The Other Wiki has a rundown on the film's creation and the decades of controversy surrounding it.
  • While the Patterson-Gimlin film is held up by enthusiasts and believers as the best evidence for the existence of sasquatch, what (rather tellingly) often goes unmentioned is that Roger Patterson (the man who caught “Patty” on film while filming a bigfoot documentary) was notorious in his community for being a rather eccentric individual, a gifted inventor and a notorious Con Man always coming up with Get Rich Quick Schemes. Not only that, but he was also an avid bigfoot believer who previously wrote a book on the “abominable snowman of America”, which included an illustration of an earlier encounter from 1955 by a man named William Roe, which involved a tall, hairy and well-endowed wild woman. With all that in mind, what are the odds that a guy like Patterson just so happened to film the elusive cryptid while also filming a bigfoot documentary and the encounter just so happened to mirror the Roe account so thoroughly?
  • The yeti crab (Kiwa hirsuta), a denizen of deep-sea hydrothermal vents, sports a thick coat of white filaments on its front appendages, on which it cultivates chemosynthetic bacteria as a food source. It is named for how these shaggy front legs resemble how the furred arms of yeti are commonly depicted.

OG Wampa Scene

In the original version of "The Empire Strikes Back", thanks to animatronic failures, George Lucas was forced to cut around the monster that had captured Luke. In spite of that, the scene is still intimidating.

Example of:
Nothing Is Scarier

Alternative Title(s): Bigfoot, Abominable Snowman, Yeti, Sasquatch