The Name Is Bond, James Bond - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Apr 02 2009
Bond: I admire your courage, Miss...
Sylvia: Trench. Sylvia Trench. I admire your luck, Mister...
Bond: Bond. James Bond.
Many a character these days will introduce themselves James Bond-style (surname, given name-surname); e.g.,
"Lockhart, Sally Lockhart."
Most often set up by another character asking something like, "I didn't catch your name, Mr./Ms...."
For extra humor, characters with limited language skills or from another culture (or who just want to be a pedantic pain-in-the-backside for whatever reason) may subsequently address our Ms. Lockhart as "Lockhart Sally Lockhart".
An element of the Tuxedo and Martini style. A type of catchphrase.
Examples, Trope Examples:
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Campaigns, Advertising Campaigns
- There was a local commercial in Toronto about ten years ago for a garment store called "Tip Top Tailors". It featured a rather silly montage of a James Bond-type character saving a girl in a Thriller environment. At the end the man says, "Tailors. Tip Top Tailors".
Manga, Anime & Manga
Note that in Japanese it's typical to introduce yourself with your family name, or your family name followed by your given name; so this trope doesn't have the same meaning as in English, and often takes the form "The name's Bond, Bond James."
- In CLANNAD, Kyou does this when Tomoyo introduces Kotomi to her.
- In the first episode of Full Metal Panic!, Sōsuke introduces himself to a hysterical runaway as "Sagara... Sōsuke Sagara," as he rescues her from the battlefield.
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: "Joestar. Joseph Joestar."
- The title character of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's introduces herself to Vita as "Nanoha. Takamachi Nanoha." when Vita asks for her name (Vita promptly declares it as too hard to remember). In the Battle of Aces video game, Nanoha introduces herself in this manner again when she comes across a Dark Piece that took the shape of a Vita who had yet to meet her.
- The Trope Namer himself does this verbatim when he's introduced in Moriarty the Patriot. And who can blame him?
- RO-KYU-BU!: Token Mini-Moe Hinata does this, when the basketball club introduces themselves to Subaru. Although "Hinata. Hakamada Hinata" is more of James, Bond James though.
- In The Vision of Escaflowne, Hitomi introduces herself to Allen with her first name first, then her name in Japanese order (so it comes out as "Hitomi, Kanzaki Hitomi" in Japanese). In the English dub, she introduces herself as "Hitomi, Hitomi Kanzaki". Allen does not make any mistakes with her name, despite the fact that Asturian name order follows the English pattern.
Books, Comic Books
- Batman: Wayne, Bruce Wayne.
- Parodied in one Judge Dredd story where all of the actors who played John Blaze are lured to their deaths with the Sean Connery standin as the Sole Survivor. When interviewed afterwards, he says of his next film project "The namesh Dredd. Judge Dredd."
- The name's Dante. Nikolai Dante.
- At the start of Merv Pumpkinhead: Agent of D.R.E.A.M., given that the one-shot itself is a James Bond send-up, Merv introduces himself in his internal narration by saying "The name's Pumpkinhead. Merv Pumpkinhead."
- Planetary: Stone, John Stone. Agent of S.T.O.R.M.
- The Sandman Universe: The introductory one-shot has Tim Hunter introduce himself in the manner of stating his surname and then his full name.
- Yoko Tsuno introduces herself like this in The Prey and the Ghost. As the story takes place in Scotland, this may have been a Shout-Out, not only to James Bond but to Sean Connery as well.
Works, Fan Works
- Used in Bait and Switch (STO) when the viewpoint character introduces herself to the audience as follows: "My name is Eleya. Kanril Eleya." Inverted in that, since she's Bajoran, Eleya is actually her given name, not her surname.
- In The Better Man
Harry actually introduces himself as "Bond, James Bond" as a reaction to Draco's "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" introduction, which includes insults to Harry's school and cousin.
- In The Grinning Snake, Konoka introduces herself to Shizuru this way. As shown below, the fic uses Western naming order and forgoes Japanese Honorifics.
Shizuru: Now, what would you like to discuss, Miss...
Konoka: Koukuto. Konoka Koukuto.
Shizuru: Miss Koukuto. - In Unexpected Encounters Jack Savage introduces himself that way when he meets Haida and Ookami.
Films, Animated Films
- In Batman: Soul of the Dragon , when Richard Dragon escapes a Kobra hideout and ends up in a boat of bikini clad women, he introduces himself as "Dragon, Richard Dragon".
- Pinocchio (1940): "Cricket's the name, Jiminy Cricket."
- Zootopia: Nick Wilde introduces himslef to Judy this way.
Films, Live-Action Films
- 102 Dalmatians: Waddlesworth, a macaw who believes himself to be a dog, once toys with the James Bond theme and introduces himself as "Dog, James Dog".
- Agent Cody Banks: "Banks. Cody Banks."
- Back to the Future Part III:
- Marty's future great-great-grandmother Maggie McFly introduces herself as "McFly, Maggie McFly". Then, to avoid arousing suspicion, Marty introduces himself to Maggie as "Eastwood, Clint Eastwood", also doing it to Buford Tannen.
- This is also how Clara Clayton introduces herself to Doc.
- Being a parody of the James Bond movies, Carry On Spying has the expy of James Bond say a variation of this. He says to his teacher, "Bind," but is interrupted by his teacher, who asks, "James?" It turns out the teacher (and probably the audience) was wrong. "No, Charlie. Charlie Bind."
- Constantine: This is Constantine. John Constantine. %&*hole.
- How Godfrey introduces himself to Mr. Mainwaring in Dad's Army:
Mr. Mainwaring: What's your name?
Godfrey: Er, "Godfrey". Charles Godfrey. - Doctor in Trouble:
- When lying to the Master-at-Arms, Dr. Burke claims his name is "'O'Brien'. O. O'Brien".
- Wendover introduces himself to Dawn in this manner:
Wendover: I'm Wendover. Llewellyn Wendover, the pools winner.
- Ferris Bueller's Day Off parodies the James Bond usage:
Cameron: [on the phone with the principal] And you just mind your Ps and Qs, buster, and remember who you're dealing with.
Ferris: Bueller. Ferris Bueller. - The Final Sacrifice: "Rowsdower. Zap Rowsdower."
- Fletch: "Nugent. Ted Nugent."
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: When the film introduces the audience to "The Bad", Angel Eyes, who's looking for Jackson, a customer tells him that he's going by the name Bill Carson.
Customer: Carson, Bill Carson.
- Virtually a given in any James Bond movie, obviously (most of the times).
- "Trench, Sylvia Trench" from Dr. No is actually the first character to use this trope. It's in response to this introduction that Bond first utters the deathless line. In the reboot Casino Royale, it's "Mathis — Rene Mathis."
- Averted in From Russia with Love, Thunderball (although technically said by another character) and Quantum of Solace. Skyfall helpfully makes a return to it.
- In Goldfinger, Bond uses the line on Jill Masterson, then later on uses it on her sister Tilly, who impatiently cuts him off halfway through.
- Turned into a Running Gag in A View to a Kill, as Bond uses a variety of fake names. Also played with in the Duran Duran video for the film's theme; toward the end of the video, the band's lead singer identifies himself as "Bon. Simon LeBon."
- Lampshaded in the teaser trailer for Tomorrow Never Dies by Bond himself:
Bond: The name's Bond... you know the rest.
- In The World Is Not Enough, the character of Valentin Zukovsky (first introduced in GoldenEye) mocks 007 by addressing him as, "Bond Jamesbond".
- Dr. Christmas Jones introduces herself this way.
- In Casino Royale (2006), it's the very last line of the movie, signifying the completion of the Daniel Craig Bond's transformation into the Bond we are familiar with.
- As a form of Bookends to Casino Royale, No Time to Die also ends with the line.
Dr. Madeleine Swann: [to her and the now-deceased Bond's daughter Mathilde] I'm going to tell you a story. It's about a man. His name was Bond. James Bond.
- Played for Laughs earlier in the film when Bond (after having been retired for several years) returns to SIS headquarters and introduces himself at the MI6 front desk with just his last name, then irritably gives his full name when it gets no recognition.
- Played with in For Your Eyes Only. When a fellow agent introduces himself by last name only, Bond replies with, "Bond, James," prompting the other agent to give his own first name.
- John Carter: When sending a telegram at the beginning of the film, the title character tells the telegraph operator that the name of sender is "Carter. John Carter."
- In the beginning of Lady in the Lake, Phillip Marlowe introduces himself this way.
- The Matrix: Smith, Agent Smith. Considering that the names of other programs in the Matrix correspond to their functionality (Trainman, Keymaker, The Oracle etc.), Agent apparently is the first name. However, he drops it in the sequels when he goes rogue and goes by just "Smith".
- In Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legends, this is how Ultraman Zero introduces himself in his debut.
Zero: Zero, Ultraman Zero, son of Ultraseven!
- Red Heat: "I'm looking for Rosta, Viktor Rosta!"
- In The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming, Walt Whitaker's attempt to introduce himself to Lt. Rozanov gets cut off, so for the rest of the movie, Rozanov calls him "Whitaker Walt".
- Scanners: "REVOK! DARRYL! REVOK!"
- Sunset Boulevard: After Mr. Sheldrake calls her "Miss Kramer": "The name's Schaefer. Betty Schaefer. Right now I wish I could crawl in a hole and pull it in after me."
- Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street: "It's Todd now. Sweeney Todd."
- The Terminator: "His name is Connor, John Connor. Your son, Sarah."
- The Testament of Dr. Mabuse has: "Gestatten Sie, dass ich mich vorstelle: Ich heiße Mabuse, Doktor Mabuse." ("Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Mabuse, Doctor Mabuse.")
- Rose in Titanic, when she gives her name as Rose Dawson upon arriving at New York — "Dawson. Rose Dawson."
- From the first Wishmaster:
Ariella: Now will this be cash or charge, Mr.—?
The Djinn: Demarest. Nathaniel Demarest. Call me Nathaniel. - Wild Wild West: "West. Jim West."
- In X-Men: First Class, Charles introduces himself to Amy in this manner.
Charles: The name's Xavier, Charles Xavier, how do you do?
- xXx: "Gibbons. Augustus Gibbons."
Literature, Written Literature
- Lampshaded in one of the novels about noir-ish Swedish secret agent Carl Hamilton:
- Every single volume in the Geronimo Stilton series starts off with Geronimo introducing himself to the readers as "Stilton, Geronimo Stilton." One of the books was even titled "My Name is Stilton, Geronimo Stilton."
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Slartibartfast initially thinks Arthur's name is Dentarthurdent. "As in the late Dentarthurdent."
- In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, this is how Draco Malfoy introduces himself:
"Oh, this is Crabbe and this is Goyle," said the pale boy carelessly, noticing where Harry was looking. "And my name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."
- Obviously, James Bond himself, who does it since the very first book.
- In The Man with the Golden Gun, Bond, while working for the villain under an assumed name, introduces himself as "Hazard. Mark Hazard." Luckily the villain doesn't pick up on it.
- Bond mentions "Leiter, Felix Leiter" in a phonecall in Live and Let Die, and M. gets in on it in Moonraker. It seems more like an MI6 form of identification than Bond's catchphrase.
- Bond introduces himself this way to Sluggsy in The Spy Who Loved Me. He then says that it's "a pretty chump name".
- Parodied in the cover text of The Jennifer Morgue — appropriately enough, given the number of Bond shout-outs in the book:
"The name is Howard. Bob Howard. Please don't hurt me..."
- In Neverwhere Richard does this, but awkwardly, saying his first name twice and his nickname after. So Door calls him "Richard-Richard-Mayhew-Dick" at first.
- Witch World: Simon Tregarth introduced himself this way to the first person he met in his new world. Unfortunately, she couldn't tell him her name.
TV, Live-Action TV
- Parodied in the '80s Alfred Hitchcock Presents episode "Diamonds Aren't Forever", in which the main character, a spy with the first name James, repeatedly tries to do this trope, but whenever he or another character is about to say his last name, they're always interrupted somehow. "James" is even portrayed by former James Bond George Lazenby.
- In The A-Team's Season 5 episode "The Spy Who Mugged Me", which is an Affectionate Parody of James Bond films, Murdock is sent undercover as a spy named Logan Ross. Naturally, knowing what kind of story he's in, Murdock spends the rest of the episode introducing himself as "Ross, Logan Ross" with a very good impression of Sean Connery's voice. He also goes to the bar and orders "orange juice: shaken, not stirred."
- The Trope Namer gets spoofed in a short clip shown in one of Bill Nye the Science Guy's chemistry episodes:
- Bones:
- When Booth and Brennan go to the UK, Booth is charmed that the gun he's issued is the same kind Bond used, and proceeds to answer the phone this way.
- Gordon subverts this, as his name actually is Gordon Gordon Wyatt. Unless he's just messing with Booth. When Booth is explaining this to Brennan, she responds with "Oh, like James, James Bond," and Booth has to correct her.
- In an episode of Charlie's Angels, Bosley introduces himself this way, only to get the "Hello Bosley Tom Bosley" response. He tried to correct it but ended up doing it again.
- Chuck did this once or twice, but usually with an alias, not his real name.
- The opening credits of the original half-hour version of Danger Man have Patrick McGoohan saying "My name is Drake. John Drake." This was 3 years before Sean Connery ever said "My name is Bond. James Bond."
- Doctor Who:
- When the Doctor signs on with UNIT at the end of "Spearhead from Space", the Brigadier points out that he doesn't even know the Doctor's name, which the Doctor then gives as "Smith, Dr. John Smith." Jon Pertwee was both a James Bond fan and a friend of Ian Fleming, so it was likely a deliberate use of this trope.
- "Dalek": When asked her name, Goddard says "Goddard, sir; Diana Goddard."
- "Human Nature": The schoolboy who finds himself onboard the Family of Blood's spaceship introduces himself to them as "Baines. Jeremy Baines."
- Lampshaded in "The Wedding of River Song", where Amy bursts into the room with a gun looking every bit like a secret agent and identifies herself as, "Pond, Amelia Pond."
- Torchwood: Captain Jack Harkness replies to an introduction of "Jones, Ianto Jones" with "Nice to meet you, Jones Ianto Jones."
- "Spyfall": The Thirteenth Doctor introduces herself thusly, while wearing a spy tuxedo:
The Doctor: The name's Doctor. The Doctor.
- In Elseworlds, Kate Kane introduces herself this way when Kara asks her name.
- The Flash: The episode "License to Elongate", being a homage to James Bond films, obviously couldn't pass this one. Funnily enough, when they introduce themselves, Ralph does it smoothly, but Barry botches it and the villain assumes his name is "Allen Barry". He doesn't get the chance to correct it until the end of the episode.
- Fort Boyard: That's how crazy Mountain Man Gary Boo introduces himself.
Gary Boo: My name is Boo... Gary Boo!
- During a fantasy sequence on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Carlton introduced himself like this while saving a young woman from a mugger.
- Played for laughs in an episode of Full House, in which a character who had lived in the Tanner's house many years ago consistently refers to himself as "Bond, Lou Bond," even pointing out his initials scratched in an attic wall: "B., L. B." And when introducing him to the girls, Danny screws it up by saying, "This is Lou, Bond Lou. (Beat) I screwed that up, didn't I?"
- Get Smart was a spoof of Spy Fiction, in general. So naturally, the eponymous character (Maxwell Smart) would introduce himself this way whenever he met with a contact: "Smart... Maxwell Smart. CONTROL agent 86." The episode where he first meets 99's mother reveals that he's even printed his name on his business card exactly the same way.
- This happened on an early episode of Green Acres when Oliver was introducing himself to some of the Hooterville residents, including Uncle Joe Bradley (crossing over from Petticoat Junction).
Oliver: Douglas. Oliver Wendell Douglas.
Uncle Joe: You've got enough names for two people. - In Hawk when a doctor the titular character is interviewing asks his name, his response is "Hawk, John Hawk."
- Kamen Rider Build:
- This is how Kamen Rider Rogue introduces himself to Blood Stalk.
Rogue: I am Rogue... Kamen Rider... Rogue...
- The very same line would later be repeated by Sento when he remembers and reveals his true identity.
Sento: The name is Katsuragi, Takumi Katsuragi.
- This is how Kamen Rider Rogue introduces himself to Blood Stalk.
- Ace Ukiyo introduces himself to Keiwa Sakurai as "Geats. Kamen Rider Geats."
- Sterling does it in the Leverage episode "The Zanzibar Marketplace Job". He's playing hero in front of a bunch of news cameras, so it actually makes sense.
- Lost has this in spades. Nearly all -if not all- characters introduce themselves at least once -if not multiple times- in this fashion.
- The Marlow Murder Club: In the pilot episode, one of the characters introduces herself like this: "The name's Potts. Judith Potts". She is played by Samantha Bond, who was Miss Moneypenny many years ago.
- We get a "Bundy. Al Bundy." in the Vegas episode of Married... with Children. Peggy counters with "Loser. Born loser."
- In The Ministry of Time, this self-introduction is done by none other than "Columbus. Christopher Columbus".
- In Mobile, Michael Kitchen's character introduces himself by saying "The name's West, David West". Kitchen played Bill Tanner in two James Bond films.
- Monty Python's Flying Circus has "Lemming. Arthur Lemming. Special Agent, British Dental Association."
- In the first scene of the first episode of Party Down, a character gives the setup: "That is quite a motto, Mr..." The response: "Donald. Ron Donald."
- The aforementioned Sally Lockhart example, from the television adaptations of the novels.
- Stargate SG-1: Daniel Jackson, needing an alias in a hurry: "Olo. Hans... Olo."
- The TNG double-first-name-plus-cultural-misunderstandiang variant is used in the Starman series, where the returning alien accepts his son's self-introduction at face value and thereafter repeatedly calls him "Scott Scott Hayden" until they finally start working together.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine:
- At the end of "Past Tense, Part I", when Sisko (who assumed the identity of a famous man accidentally killed trying to protect them) introduces himself to a group of hostage takers, he says "The name is Bell, Gabriel Bell".
- The Bond-pastiche "Our Man Bashir" starts with a scene where a thug is thrown through a window by an unidentified man in a white tuxedo, who proceeds to defeat another bad guy (seen in a mirror, no less) with the cork from a champagne bottle. The saved Damsel in Distress prompts with a "Thank you, Mr. —" at which point the camera finally swings around to reveal that it is Dr. Bashir (in a holosuite-program) who responds with "Bashir, Julian Bashir".
- Tetangga Masa Gitu: In the flashback to Adi's marriage proposal to Angel, Angel's ex-boyfriend Ruly introduces himself to Adi as "Ernando. Ruly Ernando." Adi follows suit: "Putranto. Adi Putranto."
- That Girl led to this exchange when a visitor whose last name was John introduced himself.
John: My name is John. Mark John.
Anne Marie: Well, you need a mark in there to separate one john from the other. - In Ultraman Orb, this is how Ultraman Orb Origin introduces himself.
Orb: I am Orb. Ultraman Orb.
- Parodied on The Wire, when Herc is Pistol Posing in Cool Shades in a gun shop:
Carver: His name is Head... Dick Head...
- The Season 2 episode of White Collar, "Forging Bonds" features Neal repeating the phrase near verbatim when he hears of his FBI nickname: «Bonds. James Bonds,»
Music, Recorded Music
- Very early example: There exists an 1889 Edison phonograph recording of the German composer Johannes Brahms where he introduces himself as "Doktor Brahms, Johannes Brahms" before playing a piece on the piano.
- In the Gorillaz biography Rise of the Ogre, 2D is quoted as explaining: "I know there's a rumour going round that my real name is Stuart Tusspot, but that's not true. It's Pot. Stuart Pot." (It was originally Tusspot, but his father had it legally changed for obvious reasons.)
- The first song on The Mars Volta's album Frances the Mute (second if you count the title track, which was intended to lead off the album but had to be left off due to Executive Meddling) is entitled "Cygnus... Vismund Cygnus".
Videos, Music Videos
- In the music video
for Duran Duran's song "A View to a Kill" (from the Bond movie of the same name), Duran Duran member Simon Le Bon introduces himself as "Bon. Simon Le Bon."
Shows, Puppet Shows
- In The Book of Pooh, there is a story where Tigger dresses up as the hero from his favorite detective novels. "The name's McSnarl. Stripey McSnarl."
- On the appropriate episode of The Muppet Show, Lena Horne introduced herself to Fozzie as "Day. Doris Day."
Shows, Radio Shows
- Adventures in Odyssey: In the episode "The Case of the Candid Camera", Rodney Rathbone introduces himself to Harlow Doyle as "Rathbone. Rodney Rathbone." This causes Harlow Doyle to think that "Rathbone" is both Rodney's first name and surname, and he says that must be convenient. Rodney then corrects him.
- The Goon Show: "My name is Horn. Trader Horn. Born in Houndsditch. How do you like that for a name, eh? Horn-Trader-Horn-Born-in-Houndsditch. My father must have been mad."
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Arthur introduces himself to the alien Slartibartfast as "Dent... Arthur Dent", which leads to Slartibartfast thinking that Arthur's name is Dentarthurdent.
Theatre, Stage Theatre
- Margin for Error:
Consul: [furious] Officer Fogelstein!
Moe: Finkelstein — Moe Finkelstein.
Games, Video Games
- Kei Nagase in one of the missions of Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War introduces herself to the Major "Nagase. Kei Nagase".
- In Backyard Baseball 2001, Barry Bonds introduces himself as "Bonds, Barry Bonds."
- In the intro to Brain Dead 13, Dr. Nero Neurosis introduces himself to Lance in this manner after getting his computer fixed.
- In The Curse of Monkey Island, Guybrush can introduce himself to King André this way, either under his own name or other aliases; but no matter which other aliases he chooses, André will know Guybrush's name anyway by calling him "Mister Threepwood".
- Life Is Strange: When Chloe shows Max the gun she stole from her stepfather, she does so by saying “The name’s Price… Chloe Price. Bam!”, then whipping it out from behind her back and pointing it directly at Max, with her finger on the trigger.
- In Live A Live there is an inverted example, where it's "(first name), (last name) (first name)", at the end of Oboromaru's chapter. The Prisoner introduces himself as "Ryoma, Sakamoto Ryoma."
- Mass Effect:
- Eddie Lang, a minor character from the first game, introduces himself as "Lang, Officer Eddie Lang" when you first talk to him.
- In the "Bring Down The Sky" DLC, Shepard introduces him/herself as "Shepard. Commander Shepard."
- One of Mr. Big's victory quotes in NeoGeo Battle Coliseum is "The name's Mr. Big, That's B-I-G, BIG! Burn it into your memory!"
- The title hero from the Humongous Entertainment kids' SPY Fox PC games introduces himself as "The name's Fox... Spy Fox." The games are full of many James Bond references, including this trope.
- The title heroine from the Sega CD RPG Popful Mail sometimes introduces herself to friendly NPCs as "Mail, Popful Mail."
- Don Flamenco of Punch-Out!! does this as one of his taunts, the catch is that he does it in Spanish. See here.
- SOS: Sergant John Rattler will introduce himself in this manner if you saved him as Capris Wisher.
- Fittingly for a spy, the first line of C. Viper's theme in Street Fighter IV and Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is "My name is Viper, Crimson Viper."
- In Super Mario RPG, the boss Punchinello introduces himself with "Good day. The name's Nello... PUNCHINELLO!" Translation supervisor Ted Woolsey wanted to name him "James Bomb", but his superiors nixed that.
- Super Robot Wars: Sanger Zonvolt tends to introduce himself this way, usually followed by the title "The Sword that Cleaves Evil."
- "I am Joe! Viewtiful Joe!"
- Mathias Shaw of World of Warcraft has a number of lines he can say when clicked upon, one of which is introducing himself this way. Since he's the head of the only organized intelligence agency on the planet (that we know of) and the closest thing Azeroth has to James Bond, it's clearly an intentional reference on Blizzard's part.
Novels, Visual Novels
- Done by Luke Atmey in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations. It drives Phoenix himself to do the same when introducing himself.
Comics, Webcomics
- In Consolers, Rare calls himself "Ware, Rareware" in the Goldeneye comic.
- In Jump Leads, Meaney introduces himself to special agent Jane Moore as "Meaney. Thomas Meaney."
- In Nixvir, a warped version of this trope - "Bonf. Jamef Bonf" - is the only thing the Bond clones can say.
Videos, Web Videos
- Officer Steel Wool's first appearance in Scott The Woz's "A Very Madden 08 Christmas" has him introducing himself as "Officer Wool. Steel Wool."
- In Sillypplproductions2's Thanksgiving Episode, Gormo introduces himself as "Gormo, Al Gormo."
Animation, Western Animation
- One episode of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog does a direct James Bond shout-out by having Sonic refer to himself as:
"Hedgehog. Sonic the Hedgehog."
- In the American Dad! episode, "Tearjerker" which parodies the James Bond films as much as possible.
Stan: The name is Smith, Stan Smith.
Roger/Tearjerker: Didn't ask your name but okay. - Animaniacs spoofed it when Chicken Boo becomes a secret agent. His alias is "Boo James Boo," and he's called by the whole thing at all times.
- On an episode of Arthur, a movie preview is shown for an entry in the James Hound series. In it, the hero introduces himself as "Hound. James Hound." Arthur does the same later when imagining himself in the role.
- In the Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode "Chill of the Night!", Batman meets his parents through time travel. He introduces himself as "Malone, Matthew Malone."
- Ben 10: Alien Force: In "Alone Together" Ben gets stranded on another planet with a Highbreed commander named Reinrassig III (later nicknamed "Reiny") and the two must form an Enemy Mine to survive. Ben tries to break peace by introducing himself as "Ben, Ben Tennyson." The Highbreed commander proceeds to call him Benbentennyson for the rest of the show.
- In the Beetlejuice episode "Snugglejuice", Beetlejuice's rival in the Pranksgiving tournament is a "secretive" agent named Germs Pondscum, who introduces himself in this manner.
Germs Pondscum: The name's Pondscum, Germs Pondscum.
- To complete the episode's general homage to the James Bond franchise, the Biker Mice from Mars episode "Steelfinger" at one point has Modo introduce himself as "Mouse, Modo Mouse".
- The Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys episode "The Maltese Monkey" begins with Captain Simian introducing himself this way while being interrogated.
Captain Simian: The name is Simian. Chuck Simian.
- Casper the Friendly Ghost once concluded a ghost he just met was a spy because that ghost introduced himself in Bond style.
- Just in case it isn't clear that he's a play on James Bond, the ChalkZone episode "2:40" has James Band introduce himself to Snap and Queen Rapsheeba as "Band, James Band".
- Courage the Cowardly Dog: "The name's man! Snowman!"
- In The Critic, actor Jeremy Hawke recalls the time he played an American president (in a James Bond-type film, no less).
- The Cuphead Show!: "In Charm's Way" has Ms. Chalice introduce herself to Cuphead and Mugman in this manner:
Ms. Chalice: The name's Chalice. Ms. Chalice.
- Danger Mouse: DM does this in a more casual manner in "Trouble with Ghosts". He and Penfold confront the monstrous concierge of a Transylvania Hotel:
DM: My name is Mouse. Mr. D. Mouse. I believe you have a reservation for us.
- In DuckTales, during the episode, "Double-O-Duck in You Only Crash Twice", Dewey and Launchpad introduce themselves in this fashion, while playing a virtual reality spy game.
Red Feather: I am Red Feather.
Dewey: Duck. Dewey Duck.
Launchpad: Pad. Launchpad. McQuack. My name is Launchpad McQuack. - Parodied in an episode of Disney's Hercules: The Animated Series that spoof James Bond: Hercules introduced himself as "Les... Hercules" (and he was called for the rest of the episode as Mr. Les).
- In one episode of Jackie Chan Adventures, Jackie introduces himself to an art collector as "Chan, Jackie Chan". For the rest of the episode, the guy calls him "Chan Jackie Chan".
- Also done by Bond's nephew James Bond Jr., in the cartoon of the same name, who would introduce himself as "Bond, James Bond, Junior."
Linkara: It's amazing how adding just that one word drains the response of any kind of power.
- The Johnny Bravo episode "Bravo, James Bravo" has Johnny cross paths with a female secret agent who introduces herself to Johnny as "Bonded, Jane Bonded".
- Kim Possible:
- Some of the promotional videos involve the whole Bond "Gun Barrel Scene" with the Disney logo instead of the gun circle and with Kim's silhouette. She then invokes the trope: "Possible. Kim Possible."
- There's also "Shtoppable. Ron Shtoppable." With a lisp that Sean Connery didn't pronounce that much until later in life.
- Looney Tunes: Wile E. Coyote introduces himself as "Coyote, Wile E. Coyote" in the cartoons, "To Hare is Human" and "Rabbit's Feat".
- The Megas XLR episode "Battle Royale" has Magnanimous introduce himself to Coop, Kiva, and Jamie as "Nanimous, Magnanimous".
- The Muppet Babies episode "The Frog Who Knew Too Much" featured an imagination sequence based on James Bond where Kermit at one point said "The name's Frog, Kermit the Frog".
- In the Bond parody on Pinky and the Brain, "To Russia with Lab Mice", Brain introduces himself to Russian mouse Mousey Galore as "Brain... The Brain."
- The Pound Puppies episode "The Pups Who Loved Me" features this, being a send-up to James Bond and all.
Bondo: The name's Bondo. Just Bondo.
- The Real Ghostbusters episode "Jailbusters" has Peter Venkman do this after changing into a suit and preparing to go to a meeting of ladies that later turns out to be a trap set by ghosts.
Peter Venkman: The name is Venkman. Peter Venkman.
- On Ready Jet Go!, this is how Jet introduces himself to Dr. Bergs in the episode "Visit to Mom's Office".
Jet: Propulsion, Jet Propulsion. How d'ya do, sir?
- Sheep in the Big City used this in the episode "The Wool is Not Enough", where Sheep befriends a secret agent who introduces himself as "Creeros, Thrombo Creeros".
- In an Episode of Timon & Pumbaa Timon introduces himself to the bad guy as Mon Timon. For the rest of the episode the bad guys calls him Mr. Mon.
- The T.U.F.F. Puppy episode "The Wrong Stuff" has Kitty Katswell's former partner Jack Rabbit introduce himself by saying his last name and then his full name, being something of a James Bond expy to begin with.
- The Ultimate Spider-Man episode "For Your Eye Only" spoofs the James Bond franchise in general and opens with Spider-Man introducing himself as "Man, Spider-Man".
- Another obvious parody in Wakfu episode 19 (as well as a Punny Name in French): "My name is Monde... Smisse Monde."
Life, Real Life
- Apparently, one of the first recordings of an important composer is a recording sent from Johannes Brahms to Thomas Edison.
Dr. Brahms: Grüsse an Herrn Doktor Edison, I am Doctor Brahms... Johannes Brahms.
- After falling through a ceiling and landing right in front of a startled secretary, an electrician promptly propped himself up on one elbow and sure enough, declared, "The name is Bond. James Bond."
- Anyone whose name really is Bond, regardless of what their first name is, will have done this at least once in their life (before the James Bond thing becomes too annoying).
- In the Philippines, Christopher "Bong" Go, then-president Rodrigo Duterte's assistant, ran for senator under the slogan "Go Bong Go". For the campaign, he registered under the name "Bong Go Go", so that the entry on the ballot would read "Go, Bong Go"