Bring It - TV Tropes

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Bring It (trope)

If the shirt wasn't clear enough already.

"All right! Bring it on!"

Someone has confidence that they will win a fight. They will taunt the enemy with something like "Come on! Bring it to me!" before unleashing their most powerful attack on their victim. It can be a declaration of their confidence or provoking their opponent into foolishly attacking them so that they can get the advantage.

A Bring It taunt can also come in the form of body gestures, such as beckoning, moving a finger or the whole hand towards themselves ("Come get me" for example — and sometimes done using both hands) to provoke anger, turning their backs towards the enemy and slapping their butt (usually accompanied by "Kiss this!" or "Nyah nyah nyah-nyah boo-boo!"), etc. A colorful retort to Trash Talk may invoke the trope: "Don't sing it, bring it!" (meaning stop the talking and just come at them).

A few instances can become Be Careful What You Wish For, because the taunted might just do that. In which the weak response by the taunter is, "He brought it!" after being taken down hard by the taunted (and shown to have not given the taunted enough credit).

This is also common among fighters who know they're outmatched and simply refuse to go down without making their opponent exude some effort.

See also: Heroic Vow of Defiance, Ass Kicking Pose, Finger Wag, and Trash Talk. The more defeatist version would be Get It Over With. If they're kicking off a formal duel, they may be Throwing Down the Gauntlet.

Not to be confused with the Bring It On film series, which is totally different from what this is.


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Anime & Manga 

  • Bleach anime.
    • Kenpachi grows so excited at the prospect of fighting Komamura'a Bankai that not only he still thinks he can win, he even tells Komamura to reincarnate and fight him again.
    • During the fight between Kenpachi Zaraki and Nnoitra Gilga in Hueco Mundo, Kenny makes this gesture to Nnoitra to invite him to continue attacking, and at the very end, he tells Nnoitra to "Bring it" just before killing him.
    • Episode 363. While fighting Jackie Tristan, Renji Abarai makes a beckoning gesture to her to invite further attack. He then effortlessly blocks Jackie's next attack, demonstrating that his confidence is far from misplaced.
  • Dragon Ball Super has a collective one during the Tournament of Power: Universe 11 sends Jiren to defeat Goku specifically to show their superiority and break the combatants from all other universes by taking down the strongest one, and while the other combatants from Universe 7 are shocked at first when Goku apparently gets vaporized by his own Spirit Bomb, Universe 3's finest, Universe 4's trump card combatants and Universe 2's Ribrianne immediately step up ready to gang up on him, quickly joined by Universe 6's Hit and Cabba plus Vegeta, Piccolo and Gohan (the latter baiting for blood), and don't attack only because Goku himself comes back for more.
  • Natsu from Fairy Tail loves doing this. Even using his flames to spell out "Come On!" on two occasions when he was really ready to rumble.
  • In Fate/Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia, Leonidas tells Tiamat-Gorgon, "molon labe", or "Come and get them" in Ancient Greek with full knowledge that he's horribly outgunned. It's also a reference to his boast to the Persians when they told him to lay down his arms at Thermopylae.
  • Fist of the North Star: If Kenshiro signals you to bring it, your life expectancy just got a whole lot shorter.
    • That being said, Souther does the same, and completely wipes the floor with Kenshiro during their first fight due to his secret situs inversus totalis that means his pressure points are flipped from their normal positions.
  • Golden Boy: Once Naoko's father orders his Yakuza to beat Kintaro up over getting close to his daughter, Kintaro shouts at them to go ahead. This ends up impressing the incumbent mayor, post-beatdown.
  • Happens in pretty much any fight that's not an ambush in GTO: The Early Years Onizuka still does it in the sequel Great Teacher Onizuka.
  • In the Gungrave anime, main character Brandon Heat, later reborn as "Beyond the Grave", did this sometimes during fights.
  • In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, this is the exact meaning of ORAAAA!
  • In Kung Fu Love, the final bounty hunter tells Hana to bring it while cracking each of his fingers in turn.
  • In Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS, at one point Vita is badly wounded, has a badly damaged Device, is almost out of cartridges, and is staring down an army of Mecha-Mooks. "Bring it on."
  • Metabee of the Medabots anime series utters this verbatim once he activates the Medaforce. Fitting, considering he then proceeds to one shot the most powerful enemy ever encountered up to that point
  • My Hero Academia:
    • After using his own power to counter Todoroki’s attacks several times, Midoriya, trembling in pain, yells at his opponent about how he hasn’t put a single scratch on him yet, so he should come at him with all he’s got. Shortly after, Todoroki obliges, breaking the promise he’d made to spite Endeavor.
    • A frustrated Bakugo challenges Midoriya to a fight after figuring out the truth about his quirk. It takes goading, but Midoriya eventually starts fighting in earnest. He Takes a Level in Badass, but Bakugo wins anyway.
  • Rock Lee and Might Guy from Naruto frequently use the full-finger pose like the picture above. The title of the ending theme dedicated to them actually translates to "Bring It".
  • One Piece´:
    • As it was done in the Funimation dub, here is the dialogue of what happens right after Usopp burns down the World Government flag:


    • After Luffy tries to take the fall for Fishman Island being unable to pay their protection fee, Big Mom becomes intrigued by his audacity and challenges him to come face her in her own turf.

      Big Mom: Monnkey D. Luffy. I know your name now. Come to the New World!

    • At the very start of the Onigashima Raid, Luffy declares to Big Mom that he's not there to take down Kaidohe's there to take down everyone: Kaido, Big Mom, Orochi and all of their subordinates. He then caps it off by declaring it will be an all-out war, loud enough for everyone in the area to hear. Kaido, who is currently fighting the Nine Red Scabbards under the floorboards, accepts his challenge and heads to Onigashima's roof to wait for Luffy.

      Kaido: Wororororo! I heard you, Straw Hat! You're gonna kick my ass? Bring it on! I accept your challenge! Wororororo! I'll show you the world's greatest military power!

  • Pokémon the Series:
    • Ash's Treecko and Buizel do this at least once.
    • Paul's Electivire does the hand sign version of this to a nearly beaten Infernape (knowing that the latter can still fight) during their battle. It works, as Infernape gets back up and continues the battle, activating Blaze in the process.
    • In the Pokémon Journeys: The Series, Ash catches a Galarian Farfetch'd who's fond of doing this. In fact, the Japanese version takes advantage of his Pokémon Speak to get him to say "Come on!" while doing the gesture (Farfecth'd's Japanese name is Kamonegi, so he says "Kamon")
  • Some characters in Shaman King love this, especially Horohoro. For example:

    Horohoro: Bring it, dude!
    Yoh: Consider it brought!

  • Characters in the dub of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX like making responses such as:

    Judai: Dude, it is totally brunged.
    Kaiser: Consider it brought!

  • In the dub of one of the later episodes of YuYu Hakusho, Yusuke taunts Hiei with "Bring it on, bitch!"

Asian Animation 

  • Happy Friends: In Season 7 Episode 49, Caesar beckons to the Supermen with his hand right before they battle.

Audio Plays 

Comic Books 

  • Astro City: American Chibi delivers an epic version to the King-in-Chains, after she opts to remain in the realm of the Unbodied to prevent them from gaining a foothold on Earth, and to protect the native Ubbows from their tyranny:
  • Batman:
    • In Detective Comics #439: "Night of the Stalker", Batman steals the keys out of the car of a bunch of thugs who have just shot and killed a married couple in front of their young son. He just stands there and jingles them when the panicked thugs begin tearing around looking for the keys. They can have them. If they want them that bad.

      Thug: [who was cool and collected seconds before] He's the devil!

    • Batwoman

      Religion of Crime Acolyte: I will give the High Madame your still-beating heart!
      Batwoman: Bring it. [kicks her ass] Yeah, that's what I thought.

    • In Batman: The Dark Knight Returns we get this exchange between the leader of the Mutants and an elderly Batman.

      Mutant Leader: Batman! Face me, fool! I kill you! I eat your heart! I show you who rules Gotham City!
      Batman: Okay, boy... Show me.

  • Doom Patrol: Mixed with Dying Moment of Awesome in the original series. When presented with a Sadistic Choice by their archenemy to die by nuclear blast or allow him to nuke a small fishing village, the Patrol's final broadcast was "Fire away, Zahl!"
  • East of West: This is Death's response to The Ranger, as he dares him to attack him.

    Death: Don't sing it. Just bring it!

  • The Flash: In one issue of The Flash (1987) , Wally West gives one of these to Vandal Savage:

    Wally West: People told me I could be as fast as Barry! I just had to believe it! Well, I believe it now! Go on, shoot!

  • Green Lantern: In the climax of the Sinestro Corps War, Sinestro, Hal Jordan, and Kyle Rayner all have their rings drained of power and wind up on a Coast City rooftop. They proceed to finish the fight bare-handed.

    Sinestro: Come on, then. The both of you.

  • The Infinity Gauntlet: A cover of one of the issues has Thanos literally saying "Come and get me!", knowing that anything the heroes throw at him can be countered (and then some!) by the omnipotent powers of the gauntlet.
  • JLA/Avengers: Near of the end of Issue #4, Hulk confronts Krona's troops.

    Hulk: Go ahead, puny costume-men! Blast Hulk again!

  • The Mighty Thor: The cover of the third issue of Thor: Vikings has the main villain motioning with his index finger to the potential reader to do this.
  • The Powerpuff Girls: In the final DC Comics story ("Smart and Smarter", Cartoon Network Block Party #59), Blossom lets her admittance to an advanced school go to her head to the point that she alienates Mojo Jojo as well as her own sisters. Mojo tells Blossom off, and she takes it as a challenge to fight:

    Blossom: So you think you're smarter than me? Well, you better bring it, monkey boy!
    Mojo: Oh, it will be brung!

  • Robin (1993): When Ra's goons hesitate to attack I Ching and some look like they're going to follow Robin instead he calmly says, "Ah. Servants of Ra's al Ghul—here I am, a humble monk. Yours for the taking., to goad the lot of them into attacking.
  • Spider-Verse: In The Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #8, Mayday Parker swears to kill Daemos after the Inheritor kills her boyfriend and parents. Daemos' response is "Bring it".
  • Superman:
    • In the Supergirl (2005) storyline Girl Power, the Justice League interrupts a battle between Supergirl and her Evil Counterpart. When Dark Supergirl suggests the Leaguers run, Black Canary dares her to try and attack them.

      Black Canary: Please. Make a move on us.

    • During the final battle in Legion of Super-Heroes The Great Darkness Saga storyline, Darkseid fires his lethal Omega Beams at Supergirl, who challenges him to kill her as she's tanking his blasts.

      Darkseid: Die, Carrier of Izaya's accursed power!
      Supergirl: Darkseid... Do your worst!

    • The Great Phantom Peril: When engaging Faora for the first time, Superman notes she is standing still with her arms akimbo, as if daring him to attack.

      Superman: Still standing there... As if taunting me to come at [her] again!

    • Two for the Death of One: As Satanis fights his way into his wife's stronghold, he demands she stops playing and does her best to kill him.

      Lord Satanis: I tire of this, Syrene. What other conjurations have you prepared for me? Come on, wife— Do your best and be done with it! (pause) Fireballs? Is that your best? This is supposed to represent some manner of threat?

    • The Killers of Krypton. Surrounded by several dozens of Green Lanterns who intend to capture her, Kara dares them to bring her down.

      Supergirl: Come and get me, Green Lanterns— I'd like to see you try!

    • Subverted in How Luthor Met Superboy. Teen Lex Luthor has convinced himself that Superboy wants to ruin his life and "crush his greatness" out of jealousy for his genius. Hence, Lex yelling "Do your worst!" at Superboy during one argument, completely oblivious to Superboy sincerely wishing him success.

      Lex Luthor: Do your worst! You'll see! I'll still become more admitted, and more famous than you!

    • The Phantom Zone: When a Metropolis SWAT team threatens to open fire at Az-Rel and Nadira if they do not surrender, Az-Rel calmly tells them to shoot.

      SWAT member: I said "Freeze", screwballs, or we'll blow your heads off!
      Az-Rel: Then blow.

    • The Day the Cheering Stopped: When Superman ruins his master plan, King Kosmos grumbles that he only intended to humiliate Kal-El, but now he is going to kill him. Superman unflappably challenges him to try.

      Superman: You want to be rid of me, Kosmos? Come and get me!

  • The Transformers (Marvel) has Galvatron saying this to Hook, Line, and Sinker in Primus' Chamber.
  • Ultimate Marvel:
    • Ultimate Daredevil & Elektra: A pair of thieves thought they could defeat Matt with just knives. He doesn't fear them.
    • The Ultimates: When he realizes that Captain America didn't die at the trap in Micronesia, Herr Kleiser challenges him to a fight. "Come on then, Captain. Let's get this over with, eh?"
  • The Ultimates (2015): When Rodstvow reveals who he's working for, and tells the team they were too busy fighting to stop his master corrupting all reality, America just tells it to "bring it on."
  • War of the Realms: When Thor is tricked by Malekith into an ambush by Frost Giants, he is able to hold his own.

    Thor: Is that all you've got, Malekith?! SEND MORE GIANTS!!!

  • Wonder Woman:
    • When surrounded by foes who are hesitating to attack Bobby Strong merrily goads them to "Come an inch nearer" so she can let them have it.
    • Wonder Woman (1987): Before her chickification in the pages of Teen Titans Wonder Girl Cassie Sandsmark had a bad habit of goading on foes, and gods that were annoying her, even if she had no clue about their abilities. It helped that she usually had Diana, Donna or Artemis watching her back, though Artemis both encouraged the behavior and was the best at using it to their advantage.

Fan Works 

  • Abraxas (Godzilla MonsterVerse):
    • Played With when Thor tries to goad an old foe, Keizer Ghidorah, with a taunt intended to invoke a potentially-foolish Nobody Calls Me "Chicken"! reaction by the enemy. Ghidorah is incensed, but it sets MaNi on Thor instead of taking him on itself.
    • Played Straight when Monster X exchanges some mutual trolling with Rodan, before giving him a last taunt about his gloating tendencies. It initiates their airborne duel.

      Monster X: If you're done flirting, are we going to fly? Or do you want to keep blowing hot air?

  • Boldores And Boomsticks (Pokémon & RWBY): Grendel doing this while fighting Ruby is a sign of its intelligence.
  • Elements of Magic (Harry Potter): In chapter 18, Bill and Fleur drop by Ilvermorny to visit Harry and Hermione, and find them outdoors in an elemental magic class, which leads to a friendly challenge.note 

    Fleur (a Veela with fire powers: "Are you ready for me, Siren?"

    Zarya (a Siren with water powers): "Bring it on, Veela."

  • The Ending of the End - Love and Tolerance Edition (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic): Twilight thinks this to herself, after looking over Grogar's cursed city, Tambelon, and his legions of monsters, before turning to her own allies, both friend and (former) foe.

    Bring it on, Grogar.

  • Enter Digital World: The opening features Guile wiggling his finger at the vandals, promptly angering them.
  • EQuestria Girls Marvel Universe: Rainbow Dash shouts this as a Skyward Scream when she realizes she has walked right into Flash's prank on her, being swarmed by a large group of crapping pigeons.
  • In the Miraculous Ladybug fanfic Fashion Disaster a young fashion designer gets Akumatized for criticizing Hawkmoth's designs for the Akumatized villains (that are admittedly really garish) — and decides to continue just to piss him off more, getting her friends and colleagues to help — and when his reaction reveals it's his Berserk Button, all of Paris joins in.

    A week later, fliers showed up around the city announcing a fund to send Hawkmoth to take a few design classes at the local university.

  • Feralnette AU (Miraculous Ladybug): After being constantly harassed by Hawkmoth's attempts to akumatize her, Marinette finally grabs one of his butterflies and challenges him to try it:

    Marinette: Oh, go ahead and akumatize me, Hawkmoth! Every leash has two ends! I just have to pull until I find where you're holding it!

  • In Power Girl fanfic A Force of Four, Mala promises to kill the young heroes quickly and painlessly if they step aside as he kills Power Girl.

    Mala: We have not forgotten the thirty years we spent in the Kryptonite globe because of him. Nor have we forgotten being cheated of our revenge by his death. Should Kara Zor-L live, she will inevitably prove to be a hindrance to us. It is regrettable that she must die. But die she must. There is no need for battle. Our audience has left the stands. This show of combat pleased him, but it was most inefficient. Please. Let me do what is required, and I promise to make her death as quick as I possibly can. Your own will be even quicker, and as painless as possible. The decision is up to you.
    Fury: You know what our answer is, big man. Come and get it.

  • Ghosts of the Past (Massive Multiplayer Crossover): Harry Potter says this to Rachel Grey/Maddie Pryor right before their big psychic duel. She responds appropriately.

    Harry: Let's kick this up a gear, shall we? Bring it on.
    Rachel/Maddie: Very well. Consider it brought.

  • Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past: Ron faces down a horde of Nigh-Invulnerable Soul Eating Dementors, armed only with the Sword of Gryffindor, and his challenge to them is, "Come and have a go, if you think you're hard enough!" Since the sword just successfully killed one of them a few seconds earlier, they decide to retreat.
  • Hellsing Ultimate Abridged (Hellsing Ultimate): Episode 5 has Sir Integra facing down fifty Nazi vampires "armed literally to the teeth", as Anderson puts it. After crashing her car, she steps out, cuts off one of their heads with a sword, and taunts them.

    Integra: Congratulations. It took an entire squadron of inhuman, nigh-immortal fake vampires to hunt down and corner a 22-year-old woman. ...I hope it's everything you've dreamed of. So how 'bout it then? Come and get the first real fight you've had in fifty years, you dickless cowards!

  • Hellsister Trilogy: In the seventh episode of the "Hellsister" arc, Supergirl comes face to face with her evil murderous doppelganger, and challenges Satan Girl to kill her.

    "Hear you've been looking for me", said Kara, facing the woman who stared bolts of hatred into her eyes. "Take your best shot."

  • MCU Rewrites: Captain America: Ghosts of HYDRA: Sharon Carter gives this to one of the Winter Soldiers, Josef.
  • The Mountain and the Wolf (A Song of Ice and Fire & Warhammer Fantasy): As in his original series, the Wolf's entire schtick is to taunt, goad, and insult selected enemies into attacking him, and winning. And continue doing so as they attack, which makes them slip up as they try Offing the Mouth with increasing enthusiasm. Or in Ramsay's case, to bring him the actual leader of the Bolton forces and not the leader's boytoy.
  • My Huntsman Academia (My Hero Academia & RWBY):
    • Izuku gives one to Cardin Winchester while staring down Team CRDL, Izuku makes them all question their chances with him when he hangs a giant "if" over whether or not they can beat him by showing off One For All: Full Cowl.

      Cardin: Not one of them, not even that second year bitch, has the right to look down on me. I'm not going to accept it from the old bastard, I'm definitely not going to accept it from them! They are going to know that if they keep getting in our way or belittling us that we can and will beat that little shrimp into a pulp! They can't protect him behind their skirts every single second of the day! Deku, over there, won't say a word as thanks for not pounding him into the dirt every single second of the day from here on out!
      Izuku: If you can pound me into the dirt, that is.
      Cardin: Right, if... [stops and stares at Izuku] Want to repeat that, Deku?
      Izuku: [activates One For All: Full Cowl] I said if, Cardin. If you can beat me. If you can win this fight... I'm just going to make it clear here and now though; that's a mighty big if you're working with there, Cardin.

    • After offering a scathing critique of Cardin's motives for picking this fight, Izuku challenges him to a one-on-one spar under the condition that Cardin stop his bullying and blatant disregard for what it means to be a Huntsman if Cardin loses.

      Izuku: So yeah, Cardin... we're going to fight man-to-man. We're going to fight in front of Port... and then when I'm done with you, I expect you to stop. You won't hurt or harass my friends or anyone else ever again. You understand?

  • Ash's Snivy does this in Pokémon Reset Bloodlines when she appears to challenge him.
  • Rocketship Voyager (Star Trek: Voyager): After defeating Chakotay in battle, Captain Janeway has the shipbuilder's plate of the Valjean hung up in Voyager's wardroom. This gets a Call-Back when the Hirogen Alpha decides that Voyager is worth his attention.

    "My name is Karr D'knn. You are worthy prey, Captain Janeway. I shall hunt you down, and your bones will adorn the bulkhead of my ship."
    "You're welcome to try", was Janeway's retort. "There's room for another shipbuilder plate in my wardroom."

  • This Bites! (One Piece):
    • This serves as Cross' reaction when they arrive in Alabasta, and he reflects on why they're there, and what's ahead of them.
    • Bartolomeo's reaction after taunting the Five Elder Stars.
  • In Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supergirl crossover The Vampire of Steel a group of demons intends to kill Buffy and her friends and open the Hellmouth. Buffy's answer? Quoting Clint Eastwood:

    Buffy: You want to open the Hellmouth? Make my day, punks!

  • Callista in Zero Context: Taking Out the Trash taunts Marc in this manner, raising a clawed hand in the classic Maneki Neko gesture and telling him to come get her if he thinks he's man enough.

Films — Animation 

  • In Batman vs. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, after Batman easily drops Raphael and Michaelangelo, Leonardo tells his brothers to take him down so they can get answers, Batman responds "You're welcome to try."
  • There's a variation in a scene of The Emperor's New Groove as the heroes are tied to a log floating down a river. It's not a fight scene, but the attitude is the same.

    Kuzco: Don't tell me. We're about to go over a huge waterfall.
    Pacha: Yup.
    Kuzco: Sharp rocks at the bottom?
    Pacha: Most likely.
    Kuzco: Bring it on.

  • In The Flight of Dragons, Peter challenges the ogre with "Hey you! Come on out and fight!"
  • Flushed Away: Rita Malone shouts out to The Toad's henchrats in the Jammy Dodger, "Come and have a go if you think you're fast enough!".
  • Ice Age: Sid does this gesture to a tree that he mistakes for a foe.
  • Hoodwinked!: Boingo does this with his left ear to Red Puckett after he says to her, "Oh, you best be fearin' the Ear, baby."
  • Kung Fu Panda: Toward the end, Po holds up the Dragon Scroll and tells Tai Lung "You want it? Come and get it." In an instant, Tai Lung brings it — and Po is hurled violently twenty feet into a pillar. Worked out nicely for Tai Lung... until Po bounces.
  • Po does this again in Kung Fu Panda 3:

    Kai: You must be the Dragon Warrior.
    Po: And you must be Kai. Beast of vengeance, maker of widows.
    Kai: YES! Finally, thank you! Almost makes me want to spare your life.
    Po: Oh, you want to spare me, huh? How about you spare me the chit-chat, alright? Let's do this.
    Kai: I'm going to take your chi then the chi of every panda in the...
    Po: Augh! Chit-chat
    Kai: In the...
    Po: Chitty-chitty-chat-chat, chat-chat-chat!
    Kai: In the...
    Po: Chit-Chat!

  • The Lion King 1 ½: After flying off a cliff following the stampede, Timon and Pumbaa fall unharmed in a river. Timon then says: "That's it??? *pfftt* That wasn't so bad! You can't knock old Timon down that easy! Yeah, bring it on!" And then he catches sight of the Inevitable Waterfall and balks.
  • My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks:
    • In the short "Guitar Centered", Trixie and Rainbow Dash challenge each other to a guitar contest.

      Trixie: A Shred-Off?
      Rainbow Dash: Shred-On!

    • Adagio Dazzle does this when the heroes interrupt the Dazzlings' endgame.

      Adagio Dazzle: So the Rainbooms want to turn this into a real Battle of the Bands? Then let's battle!

  • The Prince of Egypt: The "Playing with the Big Boys" number is basically the Egyptians telling God to bring it after Moses commands Rameses to release the Hebrews. God brings it... in the form of the Ten Plagues.
  • Ratatouille has Caustic Critic Anton Ego going to Gusteau's restaurant prepared to bring resident "rock star" chef Linguini (who's otherwise useless in the kitchen without Remy there to guide his actions) down a peg after they had an altercation the previous day. He summarily orders from the waiter in this fashion after being otherwise trollishly vague with his desired meal.

    "Tell your chef, Linguini, that I will have whatever he dares to serve me. Tell him to hit me with his best shot!"

  • The Super Mario Bros. Movie: By the climax of the film, both Peach and Toad believe Mario and Donkey Kong are dead, the Kong army has been captured, and Peach enforces an evacuation of the Mushroom Kingdom to protect the others from Bowser's wrath. Despite this, they both face Bowser and his troops head on and the princess even outright dares Bowser to use the Super Star he stole (not knowing he was intending to use it as a proposal to her).
  • Raphael does a finger gesture while holding his sai in TMNT. The director mentions on the commentary track that the animators didn't understand what it was supposed to look like from the script and storyboards until he personally showed them.
  • In Turning Red, Abby calls Tyler out and wants to fight him when he bullies Mei, saying "You want a piece of me, huh?!".
  • WALL•E: "Come and get it, Blinky."

Films — Live-Action 

  • Leonidas in 300 responds to the Persian demand for the Spartans' weapons: "Come and get them!" Truth in Television, as the iconic line is recorded in Herodotus' account of the actual battle.
  • The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Max does this to one of Mr. Electric's wires when it tries to electrocute Max.
  • Army of Darkness: "Yo, she-bitch. (Dramatic Gun Cock) Let's go."
  • Batman (1989):
    • Bats beats up a gang and then beckons to the last guy standing, as if to say, "Come get some."
    • While Batman is flying toward the Joker, about to fire machine guns and rockets at him, the Joker makes beckoning gestures toward him and challenges, "Come here, you gruesome son of a bitch. Come to me!"
  • Disaster Movie: Calvin does this gesture to Kung Fu Panda as he prepares to fight him for slapping the Enchanted Princess across the face.
  • Big Trouble in Little China. David Lo Pan does this to Jack Burton (using his index finger) as Burton is driving his truck toward him.
  • In Bringing Down the House, after being insulted by Ashley, Charlene says, "Come on!", initiating their fight. In the middle of their battle, Charlene invites Ashley to come on yet again, with the beckoning of her outstretched hand. Ashley demonstrates incredible skill, endurance, and Tae Bo moves, but is ultimately hung out to dry.
  • In The Crow, Eric Draven comes into a room looking for his target. Finding him, he asks the boss, Top Dollar, for him, and he'll go away. When Top Dollar responds in the negative, Draven replies: "Well. I see you've made your decision. Now let's see you enforce it."
  • Deadpool & Wolverine: After hurling Deadpool out of the Honda Odyssey early in their second fight, Wolverine lifts his hand out of cover and beckons Deadpool back with this gesture. Wade then does this to him in return as the fight continues, this latter one being used in most of the trailers.
  • Devils Den, 2006. One of the characters does the "bring it" fingers in the same pose as The Rock does in the picture on this page, but with the twist of giving the middle finger instead of raising all four fingers.
  • In Dog Soldiers, this crosses with Tempting Fate: Spoon, out on his own at night in werewolf-infested woods, lights a flare and yells the classic British, football-terrace-chant take on the idea; "COME AND HAVE A GO IF YOU THINK YOU'RE HARD ENOUGH!" True, he's acting as the distraction, but given his general level of badassery it's a fair bet that he means it.
  • The Dragon Family have one such moment in the lengthy final battle. One of the three Lung brothers gets thrown headfirst into a glass cabinet, only to grab a shard of glass and kill one of his two opponents via Slashed Throat... then spits out the glass, wipe the blood from his mouth, and use his bloodied hand to taunt his other opponent to bring it on, the fight's NOT over yet.
  • Bruce Lee's use of the gesture is affectionately parodied in Drive. Marc Dacascos' character Toby Wong is attacked by mooks armed with taser wands. After struggling to fight them off with his bare hands (not being able to block the weapons directly, he has to block their arms), he steals one of his opponents' boots (from their feet, during the fight). Cue a delivery of the "Bring It" with boots worn over his hands like gloves, and an ass-kicking ensues.
  • Evil Dead Rise: Beth makes this kind of challenge to the "Marauder" Deadite, presumably hoping to provoke it into charging at her readied shotgun. It opts to hurl a chainsaw at her instead, causing her to fall and misfire, resulting in a more protracted confrontation.
  • Done by Leeloo in The Fifth Element, when she fights the Mangalores during the opera on the spaceship. Beautifully accompanied by a melodious chord sung by the opera diva, whose on-screen concert is running at the same time.
  • Fright Night. Charley Brewster and Peter Vincent confront vampire Jerry Dandrige inside his mansion while attempting to rescue Amy from him.

    Charley: Where's Amy?
    Jerry: Up here. All you have to do is get by me. (makes beckoning gesture with his index finger)

  • The Gingerweed Man: When the villain of the movie tells Barbara that there will be a lot of people who will come after Buddy, she just tells him they can come.
  • Godzilla vs. Kong: When the titular Titans face off in Hong Kong, Godzilla smashes his tail on the ground to intimidate Kong, who slams his axe into the earth and pounds the pavement with his fists to show he's not afraid. Godzilla roars and Kong roars in retaliation, and the clash of the century begins.
  • Halloween Kills: A non-verbal one from Michael during the climax. As Tommy and his lynch mob bear down on him, Michael wordlessly puts on his mask and faces them with the intent to take them all on. And he does.
  • In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Voldemort has spirited Harry away to a graveyard and wants to kill him in a Wizard Duel. Despite being terrified and hiding behind a headstone, Harry finally decides to go down fighting and meets Voldemort's challenge head-on.

    Voldemort: Don't you turn your back on me, Harry Potter! I want you to look at me when I kill you! I want to see the light leave your eyes!
    Harry: (visibly steels up his courage, gets up, and steps forward to face Voldemort) Have it your way. EXPELLIARMUS!
    Voldemort: AVADA KEDAVRA!
    [their spells clash in a Beam-O-War]

  • Hush: Near the end of the film the Man tells Maddie, who's bleeding out from a leg wound he gave her, that he's going to come inside and kill her. Maddie's response? To write "DO IT COWARD" on the glass door between them in her own blood.
  • The Kentucky Fried Movie, "A Fistful of Yen" segment. Butkus (Dr. Klahn's bodyguard) makes a beckoning gesture to Loo at the beginning of their fight.
  • Kiss of the Dragon: A fight scene temporarily grinds to a halt as both combatants pose and give the "come and get it" hand gesture, neither wanting to fight where the terrain is to their opponent's advantage.
  • Lethal Weapon (1987): This exchange before the Cowboy Cop and his archnemesis setttle their rivalry with Good Old Fisticuffs.

    Riggs: What do you say, jack? Would you like a shot at the title?
    Joshua: Don't mind if I do.

  • Of course, the three above stole their gesture clearly from Bruce Lee, as seen in many of his movies. And wiping his nose meant the same thing.
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring:

    Witch-King: Give up the Halfling, she-elf.
    Arwen: (draws sword) If you want him... come and claim him!

  • Another non-fight scene: In Major League, Hayes tries to steal a base, but his slide ends about a foot from the bag. The base-man, holding the ball, smiles, gestures, and says "C'mon!", daring him to try for the base. Hayes just flips the guy off.
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe:
    • Iron Man 3 features Tony Stark announcing his address on national television to taunt some terrorists who've been threatening him. They proceed to launch a gunship attack on the place.
    • Steve's fight with Batroc in Captain America: The Winter Soldier includes the following exchange (in subtitled French):

      Batroc: I thought that you were more than just a shield.
      Steve: [puts his shield on his back, takes off his helmet] Let's see.

    • In Avengers: Infinity War, Tony has just re-entered the battle against Thanos by forcing the Infinity Gauntlet open with a nanotech device, followed by launching a small artillery barrage. Thanos, unarmoured and unable to use the Gauntlet when he can't close his fist, simply says "Come on!" at the oncoming missiles.
    • In Avengers: Endgame, Thanos does it again. After the Avengers Assemble, their allies, and themselves charge, Thanos wordlessly raises his sword, gesturing for his armies to counter.
  • The Mask. The title character uses a two-handed gesture to the gang members who try to rob him, and Dorian Tyrell (while wearing the mask) does the same to his boss Niko during their final confrontation as an invitation to shoot him.
  • The Matrix. Agent Smith cracking his neck; Neo brushing his nose or gesturing with his fingers; Morpheus' awesome stance; and that's just to start.
  • In The Maze Runner (2014), when Thomas and Minho are trapped in the titular Maze overnight and are being chased by a Griever, Thomas waits just long enough for the monster to set its sights on him, screams out "COME ON!", and leads it straight into the closing section of a Maze to be squished. Badass.
  • The French taunters in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Although given they're inside the Castle walls, and Arthur and his knights are not, it's as much them being jerks as this trope..
  • Murder In Coweta County: When he believes he's destroyed what's left of the evidence of his murder of Wilson Turner that Sheriff Lamar Potts needs to send him to the chair, John Wallace sneers, "All right, Sheriff Lamar Potts, come and get me now!"
  • Norbit: "BRING IT, BITCHES!"
  • Outpost. After the first two mercenaries die, Prior heads out of the bunker with a bed sheet marked "5" to tell the undead Nazis just how many are left, then tells them to "bring it on". When they kill Mac, the Nazis then respond in kind by tying his corpse to the post, with a "4" carved into his chest.
  • Power Rangers (2017): During the Rangers' zord battle against Goldar, Billy boldly states "You want to come at me? Then come at me, bro!" This is a callback to an earlier scene where he told a group of friends that he had said this before knocking out a school bully (he didn't, the bully attempted to headbutt Billy and knocked himself out, not knowing that Billy had recently gained superpowers).
  • Predator: Dutch attempts to lure the Predator into a trap by standing in the (hidden) trap yelling "I'm here, come and kill me!" while making a beckoning gesture.
  • Predator 2: Danny Glover's character, after killing a Predator inside its own ship, asks "Alright, who's next?" when he realizes he's surrounded by the Predator's buddies. It's a subversion in that he clearly knows he stands no chance if they decide to off him. Fortunately for him, they recognize him as a Worthy Opponent and leave peaceably.
  • In Real Steel, after Atom's voice command system is broke from the onslaught Zeus gave him and is now running purely on Shadow Mode on Charlie, Charlie makes Atom give a taunt motion to Zeus, making the crowd go wild cheering for the underdog Atom, and starting the second pummeling that starts Charlie's rope-a-dope.
  • Rocky: When Rocky gets up after getting knocked down in the 14th round, he motions at Apollo to come at him, much to Apollo's dismay.
  • Rocky III: The exchange between Clubber Lang and Rocky as they stand face-to-face before their rematch invokes this trope.

    Clubber Lang: I'mma bust you up.
    Rocky: Go for it.

  • Scarred: When Jonah Kandie is torturing Tiny's father, there's a pause from Jonah. During this pause, Tiny's father yells at him to keep going, even actually shouting "Bring it!" at him.
  • In Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, a tense Fred confronts the Black Knight (who has about three feet on him) with a sword and shield, and says out loud, "Bring it." He then gets hit in the shield (and presumably the face) five times by the Knight, and with a dazed look says "He brought it!" before falling down.
  • The goalies in Shaolin Soccer's final match both do this with mixed results.
  • Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Dr. Totenkopf's android agent makes a The Matrix style hand gesture to Sky Captain just before fighting him outside the rocket ship.
  • In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Admiral Kirk uses this on Khan. And the best part is, Khan has already won at that point. He could have safely left Kirk to die. Kirk's taunt enrages Khan and drags him back to a new engagement where Kirk does more damage.

    Kirk: Khan, I'm laughing at the "superior intellect!"

  • Star Wars:
  • In Superman Returns, Lois Lane tells Lex Luthor that other countries will come to aid if he should sink the U.S. in favor of his own man-made country. His response is the trope title.
  • Tank Girl. Kesslee makes the gesture to Tank Girl's tank just before it starts firing at him.
  • Terminator 2: Judgment Day: Sarah Connor fires shot after shot, driving the T-1000 toward the vat of molten metal, and one step away she runs out of ammo. The T-1000's response? A smirk and a slow, utterly delicious Finger Wag.
  • From the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003): the paraplegic Uncle Monty begins to pound his cane on the floor and chant "Bring It", in response to another character calling him crazy. It comes off as quite intimidating despite Monty being confined to a wheelchair.
  • Tombstone gave us a few examples, such as "skin the smoke wagon and see what happens!" And "I'm your huckleberry."
  • Transformers Film Series
  • While waiting for the Flynns to come back to the Grid in TRON: Legacy, Clu has this line: "Your move, Flynn, come on. Come on!"
  • Troy: Achilles after killing a very large warrior very easily, shouts "Is there no-one else?!"
  • Undercover Brother:
    • After Lance kills two of The Man's guards, he beckons to the remaining guard with both hands and says "Come on!"
    • The fight between Undercover Brother and Mr. Feather parodies this, where the bring it taunts degenerate into a break dancing contest until Mr. Feather finally gets frustrated and charges. Best of all, this was set to Michael Jackson's "Beat It".
  • Under Siege. Strannix makes this gesture to Chief Ryback during their knife fight.


  • The Adventures of Strong Vanya:
    • Every time the Stone Knight urges Vanya to surrender, the latter goads the former into attacking him.

      Stone Knight: Do you surrender? Or do I have to kill you?
      Vanya: Hit me!

  • Pirellus does the hand beckoning motion to a crowd of Marat toward the end of the first Codex Alera book Furies of Calderon.
  • Discworld
    • Unseen Academicals: Mr. Nutt is revealed to be an orc at the end of a football match. He admits it to the crowd and, for all those who aren't willing to leave him in peace, his response is, "Come on if you think you're hard enough."
    • Another instance of a similar phrase is seen Thud!, as a troll army approaches a lightly armed police line. The caller, who shouldn't even be IN the line, is a city accountant who proceeds to try to take down a troll, that is a solid stone humanoid, with his bare hands — and teeth. Vimes and the Watch are beyond impressed.
  • In the Dragonlance Heroes" book Stormblade'', both the heroes and villains have been vying for the titular sword, which will grant the status of King Regent to whichever thane gets ahold of it. At the climax, the villain Realgar, armed with the sword, faces the more deserving but unarmed thane, Hornfel, at the edge of a cliff above a burning valley. Realgar asks, "The fire or the sword? The fall or the steel?"

    Hornfel's expression [was] deadly cool and steady... "Give me the steel," he said to Realgar and crooked a finger in a mocking "come ahead" gesture. "Let me see if you can."

  • The Dresden Files:
  • Fate of the Jedi: Backlash. Faced with a 5-man squad of Mandalorians, a recently rehabilitated Raynar Thul steps up.
  • Done in the most awesome way possible at the end of Monster Hunter Alpha

    Agent Franks: Bring it.

  • In the Redwall novel The Long Patrol, Lady Cregga Rose Eyes screams "Spawn of Gormad Tunn! Come to me!" as she charges into the final battle after Damug Warfang.
  • Reign of the Seven Spellblades: During the feud with Richard Andrews in volume 1 (episode 4 of the anime), Nanao is disgusted at being challenged to take part in what amounts to a canned hunt, and makes to leave. Some second-year students block her way to the exit and tell her to take part or else things get nasty. Nanao's response is to loosen her katana in its scabbard and reply that she'd rather fight them than a bunch of terrified kobolds.
  • A Song of Ice and Fire:
    • A Clash of Kings: Stannis demands Ser Courtnay Penrose (castellan of Storm's End) to surrender the castle and Edric Storm, his brother's bastard. Penrose proposes combat by champion. Stannis rejects this and replies he will take the castle by force if he must.

      Ser Courtnay Penrose: Bring on your storm — and recall, if you will, the name of this castle.

    • Fire & Blood: When Maegor (the Cruel) was sent into temporary exile, he took his father Aegon the Conqueror's sword Blackfyre with him. King Aenys I asked nicely if his half-brother would be so kind as to not take their father's sword with him. Maegor responded that His Grace was welcome to dare take it if he wished. Aenys did not dare.
  • Star Trek: Enterprise Relaunch: The Hat of the Saurian race (the book even uses the exact words "bring it" to describe their attitude to the universe). They evolved on a volcanic planet, which might account for this. That Cool Shades were among their earliest inventions might be related to this.
  • Tolkien's Legendarium:
  • Wulfrik: Wulfrik tries to challenge a god to a duel at one point and is only stopped because his men are gagging him. He sneers at them for their cowardice, because the "god" in question is actually a Huge Holographic Head (but Wulfrik only figured out it was an illusion because it didn't respond to his taunts, and was perfectly willing to throw down with a god).

Live-Action TV 

  • In the first season of 24, Kim Bauer gets mistakenly thrown in jail for her idiot friends' drug deal. She gets into it with a girl named Melanie who tells her that she's "daddy's little girl" who gets everything handed to her.

    Kim: Last night I was kidnapped, tied up in the back of a trunk, and then I got to see your friend Dan get shot in the head. You take all the bad luck you've had in your life, it wouldn't fit into half of what's happened to me in the past twenty-four hours. So messing me up may not be as easy as you think. But if you wanna try, bring it on. Here, outside, any place you like.

  • A couple times, Officer Malloy of Adam-12 will play with the trope on crooks trying to get away. They try to start their getaway vehicle but can't because Malloy swiped something from the vehicle beforehand (the keys one time, the distributor cap another). Malloy walks up to the flustered crooks and holds up the missing item, sometimes saying, "Looking for these?" With the keys, one of the crooks tries to run but gets caught by Reed; with the distributor cap, the driver sighs and realizes he (a con man) just got conned himself.
  • In the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode "Face My Enemy", Agent 33 grabs a pair of kitchen knives to use against May. May's response is to go into an Ass-Kicking Pose, complete with a "bring it" hand gesture.
  • Babylon 5: In the third season episode "Severed Dreams", a fleet of ships loyal to the tyrannical Morgan Clark arrive and are about to overrun Babylon 5 when a very unhappy Delenn shows up with a Minbari fleet. She orders the Earth fleet to withdraw or face destruction, and when the Earth fleet's commander grabs the Idiot Ball and tells the Minbari fleet to not force the Earth ships to engage, Delenn basically tells him to bring it, and coldly reminds him just how deadly the Minbari can be if provoked. Told to "be somewhere else" if they value their lives, the Earth fleet very quickly departs before things turn lethal, with its leaders no doubt needing brown pants at this point.
  • Drusilla does a very creepy 8-finger Bring It On to Kendra in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Becoming Part I".
  • Doctor Who:
  • Family Matters: Subverted in "Requiem for an Urkel". In the episode's climactic scene where school bully Willie Fuffner has the scrawny but defenseless Urkel beaten to a pulp, several boys in the gym decide they've had enough of Fuffner and challenge him to a fight. At first, three of them — in turn — challenge him, to which Fuffner foolishly says, "I'll take you all on!" Perhaps he was legitimately annoyed that Urkel persisted in his pursuit of an unwilling Laura ... but when all of the boys (about 20) stand up and call his bluff, instead of saying, "Bring it on!" ... he and sidekick Waldo Faldo wisely concede defeat and run.
  • Game of Thrones
    • During the Massacre of Hardhomme Jon Snow manages to kill a White Walker, surprising the Night King, who promptly raises all the dead as wights while making a Bring It, Crow gesture at Jon.
    • In "No One" several members of the Faith Militant have turned up to detain Queen Cersei who (unfortunately for them) is now protected by an undead Gregor Clegane.

      Lancel: Order your man to step aside or there will be violence!
      Cersei: I choose violence.

  • House of the Dragon: Rhaenyra Targaryen's Death Glare to Aemond at the distance at the end of "The Red Sowing" slightly turns into a smirk and she slightly tilts her nose upwards, as if defying him/the Greens to attack now that she has three more dragons (including two very big ones) with riders to use in the war, as Aemond can see for himself.
  • Gladiators (2024): The opening credits show Apollo, one of the titular Gladiators, making a 'bring it' beckoning gesture with one hand whilst giving the audience a meaningful nod.
  • Interview with the Vampire (2022): At the end of "And That's the End of It. There's Nothing Else.", after listening to all the other vampires telepathically debating how to punish him for his actions, Louis de Pointe du Lac broadcasts an open invitation for them to come try their luck at confronting him in person.
  • One time on Iron Chef a challenger calls out for Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto by crying out in English, "MISTER MORIMOTO!" Morimoto is shown to be saying a few words that were unheard because he was out of mic range, but floor reporter Shinichiro Ohta later reveals the unheard words to be this trope (also in English): "Come on, baby."note 
    • In Iron Chef America after Duff Goldman called out Iron Chef Michael Symon, Symon smiles evilly and makes a "Bring it" motion with his hands.
  • Became a Running Gag in the 2023 Jeopardy! Masters Tournament with players getting to the final clue on the Double Jeopardy board and going “Bring it!”. Though originally popularized by Sam Buttrey from the Professors Tournament, it would become popular with Matt Amodio and James Holzhauer, with several others also getting in on it.
  • Jersey Shore: "Come at me, bro!"
  • Eliot from Leverage does this all the time. It's practically hi catch gesture.
  • Sam Tyler to Gene Hunt in an episode of Life on Mars. Gene responds by just charging at him.
  • Smallville:
    • In "Visage" Clark does this to Tina, who has shape-shifted into his double.

      Tina: I'm going to kick your ass, Kent!

      Clark: Bring it on.

    • In "Bizarro", Bizarro does this to Clark.
    • A more hilarious example from "Instinct":
  • In Star Trek: The Next Generation, when a Klingon questions Picard's (and Starfleet's) fighting ability, Captain Picard does not hesitate to calmly answer him:

    Picard: You may test that assumption at your convenience.

  • Storage Wars: Texas has this as the catchphrase of Lesa Lewis as she bids. She's not afraid to go toe-to-toe with the others and they know it.
  • An invitation to political combat in an episode of The West Wing: C.J. has skillfully manipulated the press and goaded the Republican Congress into replacing a respected, fair-minded special prosecutor with someone from their own partisan agenda. The episode ends with C.J. and the staff watching the televised announcement while she pops a bottle of champagne and says "Come and get us." Actually quoted verbatim by the white house council and President Bartlet during that storyline.

    Oliver Babish: The new slogan around here is gonna be "Bring it on!"

  • Ultraman features the titular character doing this to kaiju, more than once. Notably taunting Jirass to come at him during their penultimate battle.
  • The X-Files: In the episode "Arcadia", Mulder does this after taunting the HOA from hell with a plastic flamingo in the yard. The flamingo disappears while he's briefly away from the window.


  • "Vengeance" by The Protomen.

    All you wounded, those of you who can
    Pick yourselves off the ground, hurry back
    Tell your leader YOU'LL NEED MORE MEN!

  • Trapt supplies a fight song worthy of the trope's name:

    Bring it! Bring it! I'm still right here, undefeated!
    Say whatever you want, it really don't mean anything!
    Bring it! Bring it! If there's no fear, lemme see it!
    There is nothing you've got that will ever get to me!

  • "Bring it" by Hammerfall.
  • The Megas: Only one of the people to do this actually gets to live past the end of their song, admittedly.
    • Metal Man has probably the most arrogant one.

      Let's see which robot's better, let's see who built us best! Take the first shot, Mega Man — let's put it to the test.

    • Proto Man's first appearance in "History Repeating, Part 2" has him greet Mega Man deceptively casually:

      Hi Rock, my weapon is hot. It's time to throw down, show me what you got!

    • Part of Fire Man and Ice Man's duet in "Hell Has Frozen Over":

      Together we are the chosen one! You can't stop us. Come and get some.

  • Sabaton:

Puppet Shows 

  • The Muppets' Wizard of Oz. Dorothy Gale and the Wicked Witch of the West do a two-handed gesture to each other as they prepare to fight.

Pro Wrestling 

  • At the beginning of a battle royal on Saturday Night's Main Event (a prelude to their legendary WrestleMania III match), Hulk Hogan stares at opponent André the Giant and points at his WWF World Title belt; Andre motions him into the ring, effectively saying "bring it!"
  • The Rock has "Just bring it!" as one of his many catchphrases, often accompanied by an equally famous beckoning hand gesture towards his opponent.
  • John Cena: "You want some? Come get some!" And before that, Rick Steiner was famous for the same words along with a follow-up: "You don't like me? Bite me!"
  • Early in his debut match in NXT, Shinsuke Nakamura gestured for his opponent Sami Zayn to bring it in an attempt to get in Zayn's head. After a flurry of offense, Zayn got the upper hand, stood tall, and gestured for Nakamura to bring it as well. They proceeded to put on what many called one of the best matches of the year. Perhaps due to this, Nakamura's leaned-back beckoning taunt has become something of a catchphrase in his time at WWE.

    Shinsuke Nakamura: (leans back with his beckoning hands near his ribs) Come oooooon!!

  • Exploited: By half of the defending Tag Team Champions at JWP when Hanako Nakamori pointed at her mouth and dared Hana Kimura to punch her. As Kimura balled her fist and reached back Nakamori kicked her in the back of the head and attempted to pin her. Hana eventually tagged out to DASH Chisako but did not learn her lesson after tagging back in. Kyoko Kimura beat Hana down before demanding she swing back. Hana got up and charged only to be kicked in the face by Kyoko.
  • In one of the most emotional moments in wrestling history, Ric Flair gestured for Shawn Michaels come at him in Flair's WrestleMania XXIV retirement match as the former recovered from the latter's last move. Michaels responded with a final superkick that put Flair down for good.

Tabletop Games 

  • One of the fighter powers in the fourth edition of Dungeons & Dragons that drew initial fire for ostensibly "turning fighters into wizards" is Come and Get It — the ability to "pull" nearby enemies right next to the fighter where the latter can then engage them in melee. What it's actually meant to be is a mechanical representation of just this trope, probably, but what it does is automatically pull any enemies to your side, even if they're too strong-willed to provoke, tied up motionless, or unconscious.
    • The Marking mechanic in 4e and the Cavalier's primary power in 5e work on this principle, with the fighter squaring off against and obviously focusing on a single opponent to the point that the opponent actually takes a major penalty if they attempt to attack anyone but the fighter who marked them, due to having to keep one eye on the fighter while doing so.
    • Crown-oath Paladins take this up to 11. In addition to having a spell (Compelled duel) that acts like a fighter's mark, but lasts the length of a full combat instead of a round, once per combat they can declare a "Champion's Challenge". This consists of declaring the trope verbally toward any number of enemies within range, and any that are affected literally cannot leave until either the paladin or they have been beaten unconscious or killed.
  • Warhammer Fantasy: Wulfrik the Wanderer has the Gift of Tongues ability which allows him to deliver an unrefusable challenge to an enemy character, bypassing champions or bodyguards (in-universe, he does this by insulting them in their own language that they ignore any pleas for saner action).
  • In many tabletop games, like Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder, there comes a moment where a player goes "Can I roll for (Impossible Challenge)?" The Game Master will look at them, and go "Yes, but you'll need to roll very high - 20+ to pass." The player rolls. Cue the look on folks' faces when the player rolls a natural 20. note  Of course, if the character doesn't have modifiers that bring the total higher than twenty - especially if they have a negative modifier, and lack help from those who can improve their odds - it's possible for the roll to still fail, even with a Nat 20.
  • Veteran tabletop players might think that playing for years, across multiple editions, means that they know every rule in the book. Sometimes, their experience makes them arrogant. Then they encounter a new player, who goes "Actually, according to the rules on page 123, of Current Edition, this is what actually happens." The veteran player might say "Prove it." Cue looking up page 123, looking the section over, and it turns out that the new player is correct. Sometimes the veteran humbles themselves and actually looks things up from then on.


Video Games 

  • Many fighting games have taunts that amount to fancy ways of saying "Bring it on!"
  • The heroes in Artix Entertainment games love using this.
  • Art of Fighting: Ryo Sakazaki's "Ora Ora!"
  • Asura's Wrath:
    • Asura says this to a demigod's meteor-sized FINGER that is dropping down to crush him like a bug. Guess who wins?
    • Also, in the tutorial, Augus does the single-waggling variation towards Asura.
  • Atlas Reactor: Several of the Freelancers have lines or taunts to this effect when activating defensive skills like shielding Attack Reflectors. Tidus probably takes it to the extreme with his battle cry move.
  • City of Heroes has emotes of this nature. The "Taunt" ones range from doing a pulling gesture with both hands to simply holding hand out and waving the fingers toward yourself. A Katana Scrapper using "Calling the Wolf" will draw his sword and point it at the target as if they are at a fencing match. The "Come Get Some" gesture is the typical slap on the butt.
  • Equip a weapon such as a knife or sickle in Dead Island and your character might do this when enemies are near.
  • In the Cuphead DLC, the Knight will taunt you with a "bring it" motion, which doubles as a hint (the Knight will not attack and expose his weak point until you get closer).
  • Among the many changes made for Dead Space (Remake), Isaac Clarke gets an epic one of these right before he faces down the Hive Mind.

    Isaac: Come on then. 'Cause this is all I got left!

  • Devil May Cry: The dedicated Taunt button has this in its suite.
    • In the first game, Dante can taunt his enemies by pressing R2, making a beckoning hand gesture. If the button is held long enough, he'll use both hands and it will double the Devil Trigger recovery benefit.
    • Depending on your playable character in Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, Devil May Cry 4, and Devil May Cry 5, you can do the beckoning hand gesture with the Taunt button. Dante and Nero even say "Come on!" or a variant of it. Apart from restoring some DT gauge like it does in DMC1, it also increases your Stylish Rank's gauge, though the taunt animation itself changes depending on the current Stylish Rank.
    • Used by the enemy in the first mission of Devil May Cry 4. During the tutorial segment where the player is familiarized with the jump and dodge mechanics, the player is tested by having to avoid a barrage of bullets from Dante. If the player is hit, Dante uses the beckoning hand gesture to taunt them.
  • Examples found in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze:
    • The Kongs do various gestures relating to the trope before throwing down with a boss. Funky Kong from the Switch version embodies the trope more traditionally, beckoning the boss with both hands.
    • The giant grasshopper enemy, Punchy Paddy, gestures as such to the Kongs as it glides down after a jump.
  • Duke Nukem, of course. "Who wants some?" "Come get some!" "You wanna dance?"
  • The Elder Scrolls:
    • In Morrowind, Dagoth Ur, after conversing with him, will tell you that as the challenger, you have the right to the first blow. And indeed, he will not fight until you attack him.
    • In Oblivion, ogres frequently make taunting hand gestures when opponents are keeping their distance.
    • In Skyrim, shouting a Dragon's name is seen as a challenge to the dragon in question unless that dragon serves the one doing the shouting already.
  • Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon: One of Rex Colt's more memorable one-liners: "Send for a medic, so I can kill him too!"
  • Fatal Fury: Terry Bogard's famous Engrish lines, "Come on, get serious!" or "Hey, c'mon, c'mon!"
  • Final Fantasy
    • Final Fantasy VIII's Seifer has a penchant for it, most memorably taunting Squall in their training duel in the very opening FMV of the game.
    • All the characters of Final Fantasy X use a gesture on their enemies to "bring it" when they use the ability Provoke. Auron does a gesture with his hands, Wakka points at the enemy and them himself, Lulu blows a kiss, Kimahri wags his tail, Rikku slaps her ass and makes a silly face, Yuna seemingly calls out to the enemy and makes a gesture in the form of hello, and Tidus does a body gesture while also vocally taunting the foe and is the only character who uses his voice to taunt.
    • In Final Fantasy XII, Ashe's first appearance after the prologue is cutting down an Imperial soldier and then saying, "who would be next?" to the others moving in on her.
    • Sentinels in Final Fantasy XIII gesture and catcall when using their abilities, such as Steelguard and Mediguard.
  • In Crisis Core, this trope almost marks the beginning and end of an era. In the opening cutscene, Zack calls, "Come and get it!" to a group of enemies in Shin-Ra trooper uniforms in a training exercise. At the end of the game, he calls the same thing to the actual Shin-Ra troopers as he charges them before they kill him.
  • In Freedom Planet, Lord Brevon has many despicable qualities... but cowardice is not one of them. When facing down an absolutely furious Lilac, he is unimpressed:

    Lilac: Your machines won't save you from the dragon you've unleashed! I WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING YOU THROW AT ME! I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!

    Brevon: I'd like to see you try.

  • Of the four heroines in Freedom Planet 2, two of them react this way when Syntax mistranslates their introductions as "intruder". note 

    Carol: Uh... totally not an intruder?
    Syntax: I'M SORRY. I DID NOT UNDERSTAND "totally not an intruder". DID YOU MEAN "INTRUDER"?
    Carol: ...Well, it was worth a shot. BRING ON THE PUNCHING BAGS!

    Neera: This is Lieutenant Neera Li of the Royal Army of Shang Tu.
    Syntax: I'M SORRY. I DID NOT UNDERSTAND "this is lieu tenant near a lee of the royal army of Shang two". DID YOU MEAN "INTRUDER"?
    Neera: Absolutely.

  • Everyone in the Gears of War games will bark at least one version of "bring it!" across the battlefield sooner or later. Marcus, being the badass leader of the most Badass Crew in a World of Badass, appropriately has several of these.
  • In God Eater, most Aragami roar at you when they spot you. The Chi-You instead does this, waggling its Feather Fingers towards itself.
  • God Hand: One of Gene's taunts is "Bring it on." Taunting automatically pisses off any enemy who sees it, so it works.
  • Gunpoint: The final mission Conway receives is sent by Fritz Gessler, with a title of "Come and fucking get me".
  • Halo:
    • The Didact in Halo 4 to Master Chief, at first from an undetermined position, then showing up directly behind Chief. After delivering his challenge, he promptly backhands Chief with his gravity-manipulation as he turns to confront him.

      Didact:: You persist too long after your own defeat. Come then, Warrior, have your resolution.

    • In Halo 2, Spec-Ops Commander Rtas 'Vadum(ee) can sometimes be heard yelling "Here I am! Take your best shot." while in battle.
  • Hidden Dragon: Legend have you facing the Boxer-type enemies, a group of Bare-Fisted Monk brawlers, the first who taunts you with a "Bring it!" gesture.
  • Rean Schwarzer from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel gestures to his enemies to "Bring it on!" whenever he uses the "Morning Moon" craft when he's on his Divine Knight.
  • Legend of Mana actually has a two-handed sword move called "Bring It On" — the user does a false swing, jumps back, gives the default "bring it on" gesture, and smashes the enemy to kingdom come.
  • In The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning, Spyro says this just before the last fight with Cynder.
  • The Legend of Zelda:
  • In Loopmancer, Xiang Zixu makes this gesture to the first boss, Big Guy. With his robotic hand.
  • In The Matrix: Path of Neo as with the film example above, does this sometimes.
  • Mega Man:
    • In Mega Man 7, Freeze Man beckons at you to make the first move. He'll wait as long as he has to.
    • In Mega Man X8, Sigma and Copy Sigma start their battles with a "BRING IT ON!!"
  • Liquid Ocelot after every round of the final boss fight in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
  • Metroid Dread: One of Raven Beak's attacks in the Final Boss fight is to taunt Samus with this gesture, complete with a Badass Armfold. If she takes him up on the offer and tries to hit him with a Melee Counter, it leads into an extended sequence with two Counters, but a much longer timeframe to fill him up with missiles than usual.
  • Middle-earth: Shadow of War: Pretty much every non-insane orc who fights in the arena, each of them insulting the other of their weakness or boasting about how they're going to execute the soon-to-be loser. None of their taunts take Elemental Rock–Paper–Scissors or level differences into play.
  • In Mischief Makers, one mini-boss fight is a dodge ball match with a limited number of balls. If one tries to horde all the ammo on their side of the field, the boss will slap its butt at you until you throw something.
  • In Myth, you are tasked with destroying a shade (Scaripant) in the mission Seven Gates. As you approach, he taunts you. "Come on you cowards. Finish me!" This also doubles as Schmuck Bait - send too many warriors and he will destroy them with his Dispersal Dream.
  • Pokémon Gold and Silver:
    • Pryce does the hand gesture version in his VS mug in the remakes, and Brycen says "Bring it!" in Pokémon Black and White (though minus the hand sign).
    • The "Taunt" move uses has a hand doing this gesture appear above your Pokemon. This causes the target opponent to "get pissed" and forces them to use attacking moves.
  • In [PROTOTYPE], the first time you meet the Hunters.

    Alex: Come on! I'm here! Come and face me!

  • The entirety of Don Flamenco's boxing strategy in Punch-Out!! is to goad you into making the first move, then countering it. That is, unless you've hit his Berserk Button. His Wii lines accentuate this. "Venga, venga!"
  • In Resident Evil 5, pressing down the Analog Sticks causes your character to taunt the enemy. Chris Redfield bends slightly down in a fighting stance and mutters "Come on, Come on!". It actually works and distracts the enemy from your partner.
  • Tony in Scarface: The World Is Yours shouts some variations of this trope during his Blind Rage attack. Relatedly, he can do this any time at the press of the button, even when nobody is around. So he's simply screaming angry taunts to nothing at all. Doing so at least gives him a confidence boost and adds to his "Balls" meter which lets him go into a Blind Rage.
  • In the video game version of Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed, Fred will taunt the Black Knight with such, like "Bring it!" as he is jousting him.
  • When Sonic faces off against the Big Foot in Sonic Adventure 2.

    Sonic: Hmm, finally decided to show up, eh? Okay, bring it on!

  • The boss of Sector X in Star Fox 64 gestures with its fingers to taunt you when it comes back to life after you seemingly beat it.
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl
    • Captain Falcon has a taunt that makes him outstretch his hand and bend his fingers back and forth while saying "COME ON!"
    • Fox also has a similar taunt.
    • In Melee, Link is another good example; he puts his sword away and nonchalantly brushes his hair back.
    • Princess Zelda sighs disappointingly at how much you suck.
    • Sonic just loves doing this. Seriously. One taunt, he does a flip while tsking you. Another, he breakdances while shouting, "Come on, step it up!" And of course:
    • Wario does the "come get me" version with a finger in the Subspace Emissary after making a Dynamic Entry and kicking Dedede in the head.
    • In For Wii U and 3DS, one of Lucina's taunts has her take her trademark stance and shout "Come at me!"
    • Crazy Hand does the one-finger variant when you choose to face him in Crazy Orders.
  • In Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, Richter begins most battles against you with a taunting "Come on!" But if you come near him at that moment, he's gonna unleash hell upon you. Literally.
  • Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia says it as a taunt.
  • Lee in Tekken 5 gets one of these. One of his stance changes causes him to lean back into a defensive stance, beckon the opponent, and say, "Come on."
  • The first boss of Time Crisis 4, Marcus Black, says something like this.

    Marcus Black: You want it? Then come over here and... take it!

  • In Tomb Raider, the 2013 reboot, Lara Croft gets two positively epic ones once she decides to stop running and start fighting back:
    • First, she gets the grenade launcher.
    • And then at the end when she's confronted with an army of undead samurai warriors.

      Lara: Alright, you bastards, let's see what you got!

  • Most characters in Urban Reign have a simple "Bring it!" or "C'mon!" and arm wave as a taunt, allowing you to call dizzied opponents to you for an additional combo.
  • In The Wonderful 101 from the same developer Platinum Robo does "bring it" hand gesture when she challenges Gimme into a fist-fight.
  • The World Ends with You example: Starting a chain battle at low health with Beat as your partner will lead to a belligerent, "Bring it, yo!"
  • After defeating Joey in Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour, Bandit Keith is so confident of victory that he invites the player to try to get revenge and attack him.

    Keith: You're nothing but a rookie. Even a million of you put together couldn't put a scratch on me. C'mon, attack!

Visual Novels 

  • In Fleuret Blanc, Junior does the "waves hand towards oneself" version during bouts.

Web Animation 

  • In Monty Oum's Haloid, Samus makes a The Matrix style "come get some" gesture to MC. When she meets her? No. When they meet, just go at it, trading weapons fire, punches that by all rights should be going through armor, throw each other through buildings, and occasionally throw a Pelican at each other. Not the bird, the dropship. Then Samus gets Zero-suited, pulls out her laser whip, and then brings the "come get some" vibe.
  • Monster High had this in "Clawditions" when Cleo tells her rival, Clawdeen, "Bring It". They negate each other out and see the eventual winner, Draculaura, perform while Clawdeen's on crutches and Cleo's in a wheelchair.
  • The Red Eclipse: Before fighting Encyclopath's henchmen, Origami settles into a combat stance and gestures for them to approach.
  • Red vs. Blue: Revelation. Tex is back... and pissed.

    Tex: [punches palm] Okay. So who's first?

  • Used at 1:47 in "Stick Fight". One stick figure against the world!
  • Zatanna Trial Of The Crystal Wand: Zatanna says "bring it on" to the playing cards.


Web Original 

  • In an episode of the Lovecraft Lite series Calls for Cthulhu, the grim reaper tries to persuade Cthulhu to stop eating human souls by threatening to wipe out all life on the planet if he doesn't. Cthulhu asks if he's proposing a race and if so to bring it on.
  • Images of people (and animals) who appear to be asking for a fight are often captioned "Come at me, bro!"
  • Critical Role: The Mighty Nein have an occasionally tense first meeting with Essek Thelyss, a powerful and high-ranking wizard, not least because they're negotiating the release of Nott's husband from prison. When Nott asks him whether they'll have to kill him to get her husband out, he laughs cheerfully and says, "I'd like to see you try!"
  • Taken to its (illogical) extreme in a pair of GameSpy's now-defunct Daily Victim shorts, which can be read here and here
  • Epic Rap Battles of History: When Napoleon tries to intimidate Charlemagne by introducing him to canister shots, Charlemagne silently gives him a beckoning gesture instead.
  • The Gaia Online MMORPG zOMG! has a "Taunt" ring that creates various hand gestures. At the first Rage Level, it is simply moving a single finger towards the user, the second level features the user making an L with his/her finger, the third Rage Level gives enemies the middle finger, and the fourth level has two middle fingers.
  • In Heat Fozzy, Jet Li does this gesture to Kermit the Frog.
  • In a Shack Tactical session of playing ArmA, the player Beagle winds up in a Last Stand, alone on a rocky plain, with dozens of enemies nearby. Beagle calmly hides behind a large rock, popping out on one side or the other every few seconds to pick off another enemy soldier, or at least make them think twice about trying to rush him. After several minutes of this, Beagle looks out at the ground in front of him, (which is now littered with bodies) and calls out a little challenge to his remaining attackers.

    Beagle: Come on then, if you think you're hard enough!

  • In Smokingmonkeyvideos, Scott does this gesture to the viewer when playing Rock, Paper, Scissors in one episode.
  • Sockbaby: Ronnie Cordova makes a few of these.
  • Unlikely Eden the first installment both ends with and is named by this trope.
  • Chaka, the Ki mistress of Whateley Academy in the Whateley Universe. Facing a team of ninjas armed with swords and who-knows-what-else, she's unarmed and wearing just a nightie. She gives all of them the Bruce Lee "come and get some" hand gesture.

Western Animation 

  • The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius: Cindy Vortex does this to Grandma Taters and tells her, "Bring it, wrinkles!" after Grandma says to Cindy, "You want a piece of me, honey?!" in the episode "One of Us."
  • The Amazing World of Gumball - Episode "The Fury": Nicole (in Anime form) does the hand gesture to Yuki before their duel.
  • American Dragon: Jake Long. In one episode, Jake (in the form of the American Dragon) does this gesture.
  • Amphibia: When the 30-foot-tall King Andrias enters the final battle against the rebelling subjects of his former kingdom, he leaps down from the castle battlements into the mob of rebels, does a smooth draw of his sword, and simply quips "Well, don't stop on my account."
  • Arcane: Sevika does the typical hand gesture to Vi with her mechanical arm just before they truly start fighting. A battered Vi sarcastically does it back to her in the middle of their brawl.
  • Same can be said in Batman Beyond, when Terry defeats every grunt but one, he decides to smile and beckon him with a finger. He gets the mess knocked out of him with a gun a few seconds later.
  • As in the movie, Batman kept this throughout Batman: The Animated Series and Justice League: beats up a gang and then beckons to the last guy standing, as if to say, "Come Get Some."
  • Captain Planet and the Planeteers: In the pilot, there's a montage introducing the viewer to the Planeteers as they find their rings. Wheeler makes his entrance interrupting a mugger and yanking away the chain he was about to use on his victim. When said mugger turns around, Wheeler holds out a fist and grins confidently at the now-disarmed thug, sending him scurrying back whence he came.
  • In Code Lyoko, the boys are fond of the Bruce Lee "come and get it" gesture. Notably, Odd with a Creeper he is boxing in the episode "Franz Hopper", and Ulrich with his Polymorphic Clone in "Revelation".
  • DC Super Hero Girls: In "#SheMightBeGiant", Wonder Woman makes the gesture toward Giganta once armed with a hockey stick.
  • Thanks to his legendary temper, Donald Duck is willing to throw down with just about anyone, to the point where "Come down and fight!" is a catchphrase of his.
  • Family Guy:
  • Final Space: In "The Ventrexian", the Titan Oreskis is brought down to his knees after a furious fight with Bolo. As the latter moves in for the kill, he calmly stands up, lifts his sword, and says "Bring it."
  • In The Great Piggy Bank Robbery, Daffy Duck, as Duck Twacy, is surrounded by dozens of criminals, mostly Captain Ersatz of Dick Tracy villains, and freaks out at some of them. After naming a few of them though, he immediately regains his composure and shouts at the criminals "YOU'RE ALL UNDER ARREST!"
  • In The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy episode "Billy and the Bully", Mandy calls the school bully Sperg “chicken” when confronting him. When he threatens that he’ll make her regret doing that, she calls his bluff by doing this gesture with both hands and saying “Bring it on!”
  • Hazbin Hotel has this exchange between Vaggie and Lute in "The Show Must Go On":

    Lute: Before I take your life...I'm going to tear that other eye out of your face.
    Vaggie: Try it, bitch.

  • In the first episode of Jackie Chan Adventures, Jackie pulls one after his first running fight against the Dark Hand goons. He flips through the air to land perfectly in the stance atop a jungle gym in a playground. The goons cut and run.
  • Justice League:
    • It was once done by Darkseid to Superman.
    • When the "MetaBrawl" promotion lost its star superhumans, monsters, and Flying Bricks, they were left with a bunch of Badass Normals. We see one match, which swiftly devolves to the fighters, on opposite sides of the ring, trying to goad each other into attack with repeated "Bring It On" gestures. The audience walked out. (Wouldn't you?)
  • Kim Possible does this while facing down a trio of commandos, all the while sporting a cocky grin and putting her other hand behind her back.
  • The 1938 Warner Bros. cartoon "The Major Lied Til' Dawn" had the Major (spinning a rather far-fetched tale of his African jungle exploits) coming across a lion in a boxing ring enticing him to enter and fight. Challenge accepted.
  • In the finale of Motorcity, Mike Chilton does this to Red while chained to a wall. Mike wins.
  • My Life as a Teenage Robot: Jenny does this gesture to a giant, evil robot in one episode.
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
    • Daring Do calls out this trope by name in the episode "Daring Don't" against Ahuizotl's army of cats.
    • Rarity accepts challenges in several episodes with "It is ON!"
  • The Powerpuff Girls (1998):
    • The girls sing "Wanna get some?" to a whole bunch of villains before attacking all of them in the musical episode "See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey".
    • After Bubbles takes the training module to eleven and kicks the asses of all the simulated monsters ("Bubblevicious"), she shouts at full volume: "WHO ELSE WANTS SOME??!!"
  • Rick and Morty: In "Mortyplicity", Rick sets up a beacon calling every decoy in the area to take him on so that he'll prove that he's the real Rick.

    Rick: Whattup, you decoy motherfuckers! Come on down to Rick's House of Squids where I'm serving your ass on a platter! I know what you're thinking: "Fuck, a beacon. That's a great idea. He's got home turf, a tacit psychological advantage, and absolutely pendulous balls!" And now you're thinking, "Shit, that's totally what the Rick-est Rick would do! I might actually be fake! I pretended I didn't care if I was, but I totally did! Now the only way to prove I'm real, and not him is to ice his expository ass." So let's do it. Come get some!

  • Robot Chicken: In one episode, an old lady shouts while driving a freaking tank down a suburban street, "Come and get some!". In another episode, Grandma Fu does this gesture to a mob of people who are trying to kill her.
  • Samurai Jack has one, after defeating an army of mooks. It should be noted that this episode shows that Jack was having a bad day.


  • The Simpsons: Played for laughs in the "Treehouse Of Horror VIII" segment "The Homega Man". Homer survives a nuclear attack against Springfield, and discovers that several of Springfield's men also survived, but became mutants after the blast, who want to kill him.

    Homer: [notices a candlepole and brandishes it] You want me? Come and get me!
    Mutant Moe: Get him!
    Homer: D'oh!

  • SpongeBob SquarePants:
    • In "Jellyfish Hunter", the rare blue jellyfish Ol' No-Name buzzes the phrase (with subtitles) while beckoning with its pseudopods as SpongeBob attempts to catch it.
    • In "Band Geeks", Harold the fish gets in an argument with Mr. Krabs and yells "Bring it on, old man! Bring it on!" Spongebob tries to defuse the situation by calmly saying "No, people. Let's be smart and bring it off."
    • "Mrs. Puff, You're Fired" has the hard-as-nails driving instructor facing down SpongeBob's runaway boat: "COME GET SOME!!!" He gets knocked flying a split second later.
    • "Dunces and Dragons" has the sorcerer Planktonamor say "Bring it on-eth" as per the medieval setting.
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars: In "Lair of Grievous", while Grievous escapes from the team's initial ambush he pauses before the doorway hanging from the ceiling to growl "Come and get me!" at the Jedi before swinging away. This is after Kit had just cut off the man's legs.
  • Steven Universe: "Watermelon Steven" has Amethyst do this to an army of blood-thirsty sentient watermelons when they mistake Pearl's actions as hostility toward Steven, thus starting a gem-on-melon brawl.


  • Superman: The Animated Series:
    • Superman, of all people, invoked this trope on several occasions, especially in the earlier episodes.

      Superman: Who else wants a piece?!

    • Superman does this when fighting Toyman's videogame-patterned Ninja. After getting pushed around by the Ninja's moves, Superman beckons it to "Come get it" with his hands, before using his superspeed and superhuman mind to invoke Awesomeness by Analysis, predicting, learning, and then counteracting the Ninja's moves before utterly destroying it.
  • Robin does this in the first episode of Teen Titans. Slade also does it to Robin several times.
  • One of Buck Tuddrussell's catchphrases on Time Squad is "Get some!"
  • Total Drama:
    • The dodgeball game in "Dodgebrawl" is intense from the very first second. Heather opens the animosity by telling the "fishies" to bring it while motioning with her finger. Shortly after, Harold gets to throw, prompting Leshawna to taunt him to "Bring it, string bean!"
    • Beth refuses to do Heather's bidding any longer and an argument ensues in "Paintball Deer Hunter". As threats are made, Heather taunts Beth to "Bring it, dweeb!" She reiterates this line to Beth when Leshawna enters the scene.
    • Izzy and Chef get into hand-to-hand combat in "Hide and Be Sneaky". Midway, Chef gains the upper hand and forces Izzy back. He thinks he's beaten her, but she recovers, takes a fighting stance, and motions with her full hand for Chef to continue. This time, Izzy does better, though still doesn't win.
    • In "Hook, Line and Screamer", the pretend-killer confronts Leshawna in the main lodge while she's snatching up brownies. After a few seconds of consideration, Leshawna tells him that she's got 16 years in the projects under her belt and to bring it. She doesn't even look at him when she challenges him and while she gets to make an escape, she is eventually captured. Once she reaches the surveillance tent, Chris compliments Leshawna for her fortitude.
    • After Courtney hits a nerve by feeding him a dirty diaper in "Million Dollar Babies", Duncan resolves to let go of his attraction to her and fight like the delinquent he is. He takes a fighting stance and motions with his full hand for her to take a swing at him, which he quickly regrets.
  • The Season 3 opener of Transformers: Animated: Optimus Prime squares off against Megatron in Omega Supreme's cockpit. The latter has lost his weapons but is still at least twice Prime's size.

    Megatron: It appears you and I are destined to battle aboard this ship once more, Autobot.
    Optimus Prime: Bring it on, Decepticon.

  • The pre-pilot video of Tripping the Rift, "Love and Darph", has Chode and Gus getting increasingly angry with each other over maintenance priorities (apparently an ice cube machine is more important than the ship's hyperdrive). When push comes to shove, Gus yells "Oh, you want a piece of me? BRING IT ON", igniting his cutting torch, and gets immediately pummeled.
  • The pilot episode of The Venture Bros. has a couple of rifle-toting soldiers inform Brock that he isn't allowed to take his knife into the UN building. Brock spreads his arms menacingly and snarls, "Go ahead... TAKE IT FROM ME!" They back off. (Note that Brock has just wrestled and gutted an angry 20-foot alligator with said knife, and is covered in its blood.)
  • Omi and Chase Young on Xiaolin Showdown tend to do this, especially to each other.
  • Young Samson and Goliath episode "Cold Wind from Venus". While fighting an ice monster Samson beckons it toward him with a finger while saying "Come get me!"

Real Life 

  • The Ancient Greek phrase "molon labe" (μολὼν λαβέ), supposedly uttered by "King Leonidas I of Sparta to Xerxes I of Persia when asked to lay down their arms and surrender, at the onset of the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC)" (Wikipedia), literally translates as "come and take them"; the closest modern equivalent is, "From our cold, dead hands." Unlike what the translations would imply in modern culture, there was however no implication of "if you can". Leonidas was well aware that he and his troops would all die if they stood and fought (and, as a Spartan, welcomed it), but they were going to take far more than their own number down with them. And so they did, holding their ground long enough for the Athenians to evacuate and retreat from the Battle of Artemisium. Later, the Persians got their tails kicked at the Battle of Salamis. Pretty much every work depicting the battle uses this line in some fashion, including 300.
    • In perhaps the most laconic example of this trope ever, King Philip II of Macedon sent a message to the Spartan king of the time stating that, if the Macedonians won they would kill every Spartan living: man, woman, or child. The Spartans' reply was one two-letter word: "If." Philip decided not to invade.
  • Similar to the Spartan example above during the Battle of Gonzalez, the first battle of the Texas Revolution, when the Mexican army came to take back the cannon the people of Gonzalez had, they made a flag that said "Come and Take It" with a picture of a cannon underneath. The real cannon was loaded and aimed at the would-be confiscators, with the town gathered behind it.
    • When the Texas Rangers opened the 2011 season at home against the Boston Red Sox, who were the favorites to win the AL if not the World Series at the time, a fan had a "Come and Take It" flag, but with Texas Rangers AL Champions 2010 over where the cannon was. The Rangers ended up sweeping the Red Sox to open the year and won the AL again in 2011.
  • In a speech given in his re-election campaign, Franklin D. Roosevelt made an open statement about the wealthy backers of his challenger (he cracked down on Wall Street to try to correct the actions that caused the stock market crash of 1929), he said this to the big businesses who opposed him:

    "We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob. Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me — and I welcome their hatred!"

    • In fact, they had already brought it in the form of The Business Plot, which was participated in by one Prescott Bush, whose descendant became President to deliver one of his own below.
  • From George W. Bush:
  • More recently, from Barack Obama:
  • And even more recently, from Donald Trump:
  • In the Australian Parliament in 2014, Prime Minister (of the least popular government in Australian history) Tony Abbot made implied threats of calling an early election, to... It's not clear what he expected to happen. Given the parenthetical fact, the leaders of the Opposition and the two largest minor parties delivered the trope word for word. Abbot did not call the election.
  • In 1970, when faced with the French Canadian separatist terrorists, the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ), Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau decided to come down hard on their attacks and when asked how far he would go, he responded, "Well, Just watch me!".
    • For the record, the "how far" was tanks in the streets of Montreal.
  • At one point during the Punic Wars, Hannibal, having recently destroyed Rome's main army, demanded their surrender or he'd attack Rome directly. After a moment of panic, the Romans realized that Hannibal was trying to bluff his way into victory, as his small army could not hope to sustain the siege of a large city as Rome or even cross the Roman-aligned territories surrounding it, and sent back a demand for the rent of the public land occupied by Hannibal's camp. That's when Hannibal realized the Romans knew the strategic situation and on the long run he was screwed.
  • Then there's General McAuliffe's immortal response to the German surrender demand during the Siege of Bastogne

    To the German Commander.
    NUTS! note 
    The American Commander

  • In 2019 when people said "Storm Area 51: they can't stop us all!" the US Air Force more or less responded with "yes we can, and yes we will."

    [Area 51] is an open training range for the US Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces.

    [The Air Force] is ready to protect America and its assets.

  • According to witnesses, two rival US Representatives, McCarthy and Swalwell were arguing in front of a bathroom, and when the former challenged "Call me a pussy again, and I'll kick your ass", Swalwell retorted "You. Are. A. Pussy." McCarthy backed down.

Let's Dance Bozo!

Terry knew he couldn't allow the Joker to escape, and he makes sure the Joker has to face him on a final showdown.

Example of:
Villainous Exit Denied