Carpet of Virility - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Mar 07 2010
"...and every last inch of me's covered with hair!"
In essence, it describes a man with a hairy upper body. Generally shown during a Shirtless Scene or when a guy walks around in a tank top or an opened shirt. Usually indicates rugged masculinity when shown on a hero, especially when contrasted against a clean-chested Sissy Villain.
When combined with a buff, muscular physique, it's usually to emphasize manliness or Badassery. Alternatively, it may mark a mature man (ie 25-30 and older) in contrast to a cast of younger men. Manly Facial Hair optional, but goes very well with it.
When combined with an overweight body, it is generally to mean a boorish and/or unhygienic character. If used on Stout Strength, it usually indicates a Boisterous Bruiser. Often accompanied by copious amounts of back hair.
No matter the type, in fiction, a Carpet of Virility almost always goes hand in hand with a very sexual, if not utterly lecherous, personality, be the bearer attractive or not.
Hairy chests can be seen as fanservice, especially in The '70s, when it was quite common for men to show off their chest hair with open shirts and plunging necklines. As such it's considered part of '70s Hair. The gay "bear" community also finds hairy, hyper-masculine men to be extremely desirable. It is also common in the Bara Genre. On a woman, this is almost universally considered to be prime-grade Squick material, sometimes comically associated with a Brawn Hilda.
Sister trope to Manly Facial Hair, which is when facial hair indicates masculinity and toughness. See also Shirtless Scene, Walking Shirtless Scene, Manly Man, and Testosterone Poisoning.
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Anime & Manga
- Bleach: Kyoraku Shunsui and Isshin Kurosaki, being buff, muscular, MANLY, badasses with pervert sides. Shunsui's chest hair even gets hilariously mentioned when he faces Lille Barro and Nanao threatens to shave it off his corpse if he dies, which makes Shunsui complain about his "carpet" being very important to him.
- Freddie from Cromartie High School, partly because he might or might not be Freddie Mercury.
- In an episode of the Dirty Pair TV Series, Yuri and Kei spend an episode debating whether their male co-agent has chest hair or not, and how 'disgusting' chest hair is. At the end of the episode, he reveals he has no chest hair.
- The Village Elder in Haré+Guu has a literal afro sticking from his chest!
- France in Hetalia is the only character with body hair when naked, to emphasize his lecherous tendencies.
- As such, his doppelganger from an Alternate Universe (Parallel!France 23) has no body hair.
- Turkey too, and in fanon, Australia.
- Ryotsu from Kochikame is one of the few male characters drawn with body hair.
- Lupin III: Lupin, Jigen and Zenigata are shown to have very noticeable coverings of body hair.
- We can probably infer this about His Purple Highness from My Hero Academia: Vigilantes since his quirk is called “chest hair”. We really never see it in action but it’s believed to amplify his manly traits.
- Blackbeard in One Piece is pretty much the epitome of Type 2.
- Ejima in Ōoku: The Inner Chambers. Unfortunately, he lives in an era that favors Bishōnen, and his hirsuteness literally caused his betrothed to call off the engagement, giving him a complex.
- Lord Genome from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann has a spiral-shaped carpet.
Comic Books
- Batman: The Neal Adams Batman of the 1970s gained the sobriquet of "Hairy-Chested Love God" for strictly adhering of this trope in his depiction. Batman Odyssey makes up for the time since the seventies run by having a naked, very hairy Bruce Wayne start every issue.
- Hawkman: Hawkman has traditionally been depicted as having a very hairy chest. Since his most common costume is just a harness that goes across his chest and a pair of pants, it's often on display.
- The Incredible Hulk: The Hulk was occasionally shown to have chest/body hair, Depending on the Artist. Damn brave, whoever waxed him.
- Judge Dredd: Dredd has been shown to have plenty of hair on his chest. Possibly it's a remnant of the time he was a werewolf, given that he's completely hairless in early stories.
- Loki: Loki God(dess) of Stories has one in their male form much to their pleasure.
- Savage Dragon: The titular character... and Barbaric, Mace, the Devil, Hellrazor, and various other male characters drawn by Erik Larsen.
- Superman:
- Superman, during the John Byrne/Dan Jurgens era, although sometimes he gets a Kryptonian wax job.
- Vartox has one, easily seen because he wears an open vest with no shirt.
- Teen Titans: Beast Boy AKA Changeling in New Teen Titans when George Perez drew him.
- Wolverine'':
- Wolverine is a hairy son of a... gun, so his chest hair is more like just one part of his general fuzzy covering. That is when artists don't decide to give him a full-body wax. This has become alarmingly more common since the films, despite Hugh Jackman being fairly hairy himself.
- His nemesis Sabretooth is similarly covered in hair as well. Since his fighting style is very up-close and personal, he often receives Clothing Damage to show it off.
- X-Men: Even before he was covered in blue fur, Beast was usually depicted as being covered from chest to ankles in body hair in his human form.
Comic Strips
- Garfield: Jon is upset over his lack of chest hair, and at one point considers
shaving his head and gluing the hair onto his chest.
- The Far Side: Since gorillas are already hairy, their backs turning grey is used instead: in one strip a father sees his son looking in the mirror to see if he's a silverback yet (and remembering doing the same thing), in another two scrawny gorillas in the locker room are staring at another who's already a silverback.
- Zits: One strip has the hairless Jeremy in a locker room with a Viking, a caveman and a gorilla walking past. Hector tells him he's been spraying Rogaine instead of deodorant, Jeremy tells him that he deals with his insecurities in his own way.
- In ''Blind Man's Bluff", Nick has a Type One version of this. Ellis seems to like it.
- In Pokémon Reset Bloodlines, Ash is revealed to have a healthy crop of body hair. Misty thinks he should shave it, while Iris finds it attractive and thinks he should grow it more.
- Skyhold Academy Yearbook continues the Dragon Age tradition of having fun with Varric's chest hair.
Film — Animated
- Gaston's Villain Song in Beauty and the Beast has the line "And every last inch of me's covered with hair!" sung as he rips open his shirt. In the theatrical release, it was subverted in that there wasn't much there. (Chest hair is remarkably difficult to animate unless you stylize it into a solid mat like Zangief's, which wouldn't have worked here.)
- There were most likely unforeseen (by Disney) circumstances with Gaston's brag. Get the Brain Bleach out after you really think about it - Gaston just said every last inch of him is covered with hair. ...EW.
- Made more ironic by the fact that the Beast is distinctly more hairy than Gaston, thus making him more manly by Gaston's own standards.
- Kung Fu Panda 3 exaggerates this with Kai, who manages to be a type 2 example despite most of the cast being covered in feathers or fur - his fur is noticeably unkempt and sticks out compared to the rest of the cast, which emphasizes both his age and ferocity.
Film — Live-Action
- Steve Carell's character Andy in The 40-Year-Old Virgin although this was derided by his friends and led to the infamous chest waxing scene.
- Parodied in Austin Powers as it was the Connery-era movies they were pastiching. Austin has what looks like a curly carpet glued to his chest, but women find it irresistible.
Ivana: You are hairy, like animal!
Austin: Grr, baby! Very grr!- Fat Bastard is the same, but with much less success.
- Fangirls were very appreciative of this in the scene involving a completely naked (but for a conveniently-placed hunk of cement) Mark Ruffalo in The Avengers. Why? Well — because he's Mark Ruffalo, that's why.
- In Barbarella, Ugo Tognazzi is only slightly less hairy than his fur coat.
◊ And considering that this
◊ is the fur coat...
- Inverted in District 9. Wikus starts out as an Obstructive Bureaucrat Punch-Clock Villain who happens to have a good amount of chest hair. The Karmic Transformation that causes him to turn into an Action Survivor and take a level in badass also makes him gradually lose his hair — including his chest hair.
- Sam Elliott doesn't show it off so much now but in his younger days...
◊ (Still is from the 1976 film Lifeguard)
- Humorously discussed in The Fly (1986). One of the first signs of Seth's Slow Transformation is oddly coarse hairs sprouting out of healing scratches on his back. During a tryst with his lover Veronica, she feels and mentions them. Seth, who just wants to satisfy his (currently insatiable) libido, points out that "weird hair configurations" are common as a person ages, and admits that "I've been looking forward to a hairy body", feeling he's "too boyish" as is.
- There's a reason Charlton Heston had shirtless scenes in quite a few of his epic pictures such as The Ten Commandments, Ben-Hur, The War Lord, Planet of the Apes...
- James Bond films:
- Sean Connery; it's lampshaded in You Only Live Twice when the Japanese massage girls are giggling over Bond's hairy chest.
Bond: Japanese proverb say, 'Bird never make nest in bare tree'.
- Pierce Brosnan was one of the top sex symbols of The '90s (and it even stretches back to his Remington Steele days in The '80s), so the producers would occasionally exploit the Rule of Sexy trope to display the actor's chest in scenes where it's completely unnecessary for the character to do so.
- Peter Sellers as James Bond in the 1967 Casino Royale. (This photo
◊ isn't from the movie but will give you an idea, if you're curious.)
- Used for a Bait-and-Switch in The Spy Who Loved Me. The KGB decides to call in their best agent, and we cut to a hairy-chested Russian in bed with a beautiful woman, making him look like their counterpart to James Bond. Turns out the woman he's in bed with is actually the agent.
- Sean Connery; it's lampshaded in You Only Live Twice when the Japanese massage girls are giggling over Bond's hairy chest.
- In Lady Frankenstein, Thomas, the mentally retarded but physically perfect male specimen Tanya chooses to house the brain of her lover, has a thick mat of chest hair.
- Superman in Man of Steel shows this off not only during his Shirtless Scene but during close-up shots, it noticeably sticks out from under his suit.
- In The Man with Two Brains, Steve Martin's new gold-digging wife comments that she likes smooth chests just as Martin reveals his hairy chest. She quickly corrects herself.
- Almost every character in The Nail Gun Massacre is covered by a thick layer of fur.
- Burt Reynolds was a major sex symbol in the 1970s and early 1980s. He often showed off his fit, hairy chest.
- Eli Roth, particularly as the Bear
◊ Jew
- Shortcut to Happiness: After his Deal with the Devil makes him irresistible to women, Jabez Stone has flings with a lot of different partners, resulting in many shots of Alec Baldwin's very hairy chest.
- Slaughter High: Frank has a thick mat of chest hair which is visible when he and Stella have sex.
- Jesus as played by Bruce Marchiano in The Visual Bible: Matthew is seen as having a hairy chest.
- Chuck Norris proudly displays one during the climactic fight
with Bruce Lee in Way of the Dragon. It becomes a liability for him, though, as Bruce is able to grab onto it as a combat move.
- Sean Connery in Zardoz. The women find him irresistible, and his outfit leaves little to the imagination.
- A athlete of the East German female gymnastics team
goes to the team doctor.
Athlete: Doctor, I've been having doubts about these pills we've been taking, I've noticed two side effects.
Doctor: What's the first one?
Athlete: I've been growing hair on my chest.
Doctor: Anywhere else?
Athlete: Yes, on my balls, which is the other thing I wanted to talk about.
- Adrian Mole: A squicky example in Wilderness Years, when the dressing gown of Pandora's middle-aged lover Cavendish falls open, revealing withered nipples, and grey matted chest hair. Adrian is almost physically sick, and can hardly swallow his Bran Flakes.
- Esau in The Bible was a really outstanding example. He had a lot of hair on his body, so Rebeca disguised Jacob with goat skins and made the latter impersonate his brother in Isaac's presence since the latter was almost blind.
- The Elenium: While patching up a sword cut he's received, Sephrenia compares Kalten to a blond rug.
- In Everworld, April mentions that Heracles has two Austin Powers movies' worth of chest hair.
- In Pebble in the Sky, when the lost and befuddled 20th century protagonist falls into a coma, the hospital staff who care for him exclaim over his hirsute state ("Why, the man is a rug!"). In fifty thousand years mankind will have evolved to have very little body hair and anyone with it will be considered the equivalent of a Neanderthal. They apply a depilatory cream while he's unconscious to help him fit into society a little better.
- Quest for Fire: The aptly named Aghoo the Hairy. There's also the Kzamms who are a whole horde of men just as hairy as him.
- In the Star Trek: The Next Generation novel Imzadi Will Riker is attending a Betazoid wedding. As is traditional, everyone is naked. The woman next to him asks why human men are so hairy, referring to his chest. Will smiles and quips "traction." Apparently, this story gets around (telepathic culture and all that), as after Will and Deanna have sex for the first time she fools around with said chest hair and repeats the quip. Read the first exchange here
and the second exchange here
- These Words Are True and Faithful: Ernie is a takes every opportunity, both in person and on social media, to let everyone know.
Live-Action TV
- Owen Sleater from Boardwalk Empire, in shocking contrast to his baby face.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
- Warren Mears, revealed when Willow opens his shirt to torture him with that bullet.
- Another member of the nerd Trio, Jonathan, complains about Buffy grabbing his chest hair.
Buffy: Jonathan? [beat] You have chest hair?
- Sam Malone of Cheers. Carla's ex-husband Nick is the "unattractive" version. When Carla shows Diane a naked picture of him, Diane initially thinks he's wearing mohair pajamas until Carla corrects her.
- Fawlty Towers: In "The Psychiatrist", the young "yobbo" Mr Johnson wears his shirt open to the waist, revealing his hairy chest. Basil is disgusted, and says "do we have enough bananas", likening him to a monkey.
- Discussed on Frasier. During the episode "Slow Tangle in Seattle," Daphne makes fun of Frasier. "You refer to your chest hair as your 'Rug of Love'." Although, it being Daphne, she pronounces it "roog."
- A French Village: Daniel has a full chest of hair, as seen when he's lying beside Sarah once after they've had sex.
- Friends: Monica apparently once went out with a guy who was incredibly hairy. We never actually see the guy, just the girls' reaction to a photograph of him.
Monica: Here's a picture of Scotty Jared naked!
Rachel: Hey, he's wearing a sweater.
Monica: No.
Rachel and Phoebe: Ewww! - Galavant has a decently hairy chest which is seen in his many Shirtless Scenes. The Queen of the Enchanted Forest comments favorably on his "lush pectoral lawn" during her song "Off With His Shirt".
- In The Goodies Rule - OK? the Goodies decide the only way to become famous is to Follow the Leader of famous singers of their time, including Bill wearing "Garry Glitter's chest!" Cue Bill with a Welcome mat strapped to his body.
- Parodied in Home Movie: The Princess Bride by two of the actors playing Inigo Montoya.
- Sarah Cooper replicates chest hair by drawing a single curly squiggle on her upper chest with black marker.
- For Javier Bardem's turn as Inigo, he has what is clearly a curly black wig stuffed down his shirt standing in for chest hair. In addition to clutching a gut wound like in the original, he seems to be holding up the wig as well so it doesn't slide all the way into his shirt.
- Tom Selleck in Magnum, P.I.. His frequent shirtlessness in the Hawaii-set show made him one of the most iconic 80s examples.
- Hal from Malcolm in the Middle who Malcolm says that Lois shaves him every month since his hair gets itchy under his clothes having sensitive skin.
- Albertano from the Mexican sitcom María de todos los Ángeles sports one. Interestingly, he is a vain yet lazy Manchild.
- In the Chilean Soap Opera Marron Glace: El Regreso, Supreme Chef Pierre gains a rival in Ciro, who has a huge carpet of chest hair and is insanely proud of it. It's a fake, though.
- Earl has this in My Name Is Earl. It started out with just his nipples during Junior High, and the other kids used to tease him. Even though the rest of his chest has caught up, he still feels uncomfortable taking his shirt off in public.
- Jim Halpert of all people in The Office was shown to have an incredibly hairy chest. and there was much rejoicing. As did Steve Carell in an earlier episode.
- Balki from Perfect Strangers is an atypical example in that while he often wears shirts unbuttoned low enough to expose his chest hair (to a point where he’s made humorous remarks about it in a few episodes), he averts the usual meaning of this trope completely. Rather, he is essentially a male version of The Cutie...who just happens to have a lot of visible chest hair.
- Brazilian actor Tony Ramos
◊, whose hairy body is frequently parodied by local comedians.
- Of all the male cast members present on SCTV, one, in particular, got plenty of shirtless scenes and peeks at his chest carpet: Eugene Levy. See almost any appearance as Bobby Bittman or "Earl's Travel Tips," where Earl Camembert takes a trip to St. Lucia and is seen shirtless on the beach. Good lord, it's like a shag rug.
- Seinfeld:
- In one episode, Jerry notices his chest hair is slightly uneven and tries to fix it, inadvertently shaving his entire chest in the process before realizing what he'd done. Unfortunately, this causes his Girl of the Week to think he has a naturally smooth chest, and she happens to be into that, so he has to keep shaving it. He ends up trapped on a bus with her at night as his chest hair is starting to grow back in, which he finds extremely itchy, but can't scratch without risking her finding out that he actually has chest hair. He ends up making a break from the bus and running into the woods to scratch, which is treated like him transforming into a werewolf.
- Kramer, the Kavorka Man himself. In the above-mentioned episode where Jerry starts shaving his chest hair, Kramer warns him of the dangers of doing so.
Kramer: Don't you know what's gonna happen? Every time you shave it, it's gonna come in thicker, and fuller, and darker!
Jerry: Oh, that's an old wives' tale.
Kramer: Is it?! Look at this!
[Kramer steps out of view of the camera and presumably shows Jerry his chest. Jerry recoils violently in disgust.]
Jerry: What—what is that?!
Kramer: LOOK AT IT! LOOK AT IT! - Elaine's boyfriend David Puddy, played by Patrick Warburton.
- Sex/Life: Mahid, Billie's new boyfriend in Season 2, has lots of black hair on his chest. It emphasizes his manliness as he's very muscular too.
- Star Trek:
- Star Trek: The Original Series: Spock's one and only Shirtless Scene in "Patterns of Force" reveals a good deal of chest hair. It's made more obvious by the contrast with Kirk's smooth and hairless chest.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation: Commander Riker shows off a particularly thick man rug in the Season 1 episode "Angel One," much to the amusement of Troi and Yar.
- Star Trek: Picard: Cristóbal Rios' Shirtless Scenes and the deep V-neck of his Freecloud disguise show that he has a hairy chest.
- Stranger Things: In "The Dive" Steve takes off his shirt before jumping in the lake and everyone is distracted from the looming danger by the question of when Steve got so hairy, with a couple of them being very interested.
- Sweetpea: AJ is shown to have a pretty hairy chest when when he and Rhiannon have sex, which enhances his sexiness while he gets shown in a more masculine way.
- Roy from Ted Lasso is shown to have a type one, which is sometimes Played for Laughs.
Jamie: If you're gonna go to the shower, you should take your sweater off first, pal.
- Doggie Kruger from Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger sports one, which is visible whenever he puts on his suit. Yeah, this dog has white chest fur.
- The first time Creegan (Robson Green) displays his manly chest in the UK series Touching Evil (pulling open his shirt in the middle to show a suspect he isn't wired), all you can see is hair.
- KISS: Hairy chests are very much on display in their stage costumes, notably Paul Stanley with the jumpsuit split to the waist and a truly luxurious carpet. Oh
◊ yes
- Freddie Mercury of Queen liked showing off his hairy chest during performances: think sequined jumpsuits transcending normal limits on scooped necks.
- X Japan and Ra:IN guitarist Pata
- David Lee Roth of Van Halen. Chest hair and neon singlets.
- The one and only Tom Jones
◊, of course.
- Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson.
- Damon Albarn of Blur, which is a great
◊ contrast
◊ to his fairly girly face.
- Michael Bolton in "Said I Loved You But I Lied."
His shirt is open down to three buttons, showing off his chest hair while he sings from the top of a goddamned mountain and white horses run through fire on the beach below him.
- While Josh Groban's record company was trying to figure out how to initially market him before the release of his first album, they did a photoshoot by a pool that was an attempt to make him appear as a Boy Band member. Apparently, he fits this trope to a T. Or, considering the photoshoot being discussed, T-shirts weren't being applied. Although when the images were discovered, there were quite a few jokes along the lines of "So, ma'am, would you like me to check your oil?", it's pretty hard to find a fan who saw them that minds that at all.
- Subverted in "Younger Men" by K.T. Oslin. According to these lyrics, apparently she prefers smooth chests:
Men my age, poor old darlings, they're worried and they're hairy
Some of them drink too much, whole lot of them are married
And honey, here I am on the threshold of all that fun
I'm gonna try my best to cross with a younger one"
Woah, look over here
We got a cute little ol' runner to the right
Whoo! You're looking good, darling
That's right, stay in shape
- Till Lindemann of Rammstein, as shown here
- The late Vinnie Paul from Pantera.
Professional Wrestling
- The famed NWA World Heavyweight Champion Lou Thesz was considered to be something of a hunk in his early days and was famous for his hairy forearms. Rival Dick Hutton had enough chest hair to pin a dollar on.
- In the 1950s, Pampero Firpo's gimmick was being a Wild Man with Wild Hair, a full beard, and having a very hairy body. To drive it home, he also used a bear hug and claw hold.
- Miguel Perez debuted in the mid-1950s as a smiling pretty boy wrestler and he indeed had a very pleasurable face. His body, on the other hand, inspired some revulsion for its hair. Miguel Perez Jr. was even less pretty and even more hairy.
- In an industry that's always been about being as tough and manly as possible, this trope has been largely averted with professional wrestling since some time in the 1980s. Like bodybuilding (which many a wrestler have a professional background in), the presentation of muscularity is a huge deal in professional wrestling, especially in the mainstream. So, wrestlers take a cue from the sport of bodybuilding by shaving and waxing away body hair to reveal their chiseled physiques.
- George "The Animal" Steele may be wrestling's greatest example of Type 2.
- Scott "Razor Ramon" Hall rocked a hairy chest back in the day, as he was, of course, "oozing machismo, mang" Also, Shawn Michaels had one in the mid-late 1990s, and Albert, who might as well be a real-life Wolverine in the hairy chest department. Albert would often get chants of "Shave your back!" from the crowd. Unfortunately, this was often the only reaction he'd get. In fact, WWE originally considered giving him a George "The Animal" Steele Jr. gimmick because of his bald head and hairy back, but, thankfully, this did not happen. (He shaved his back several years later.)
- Joey Ryan has weaponized his excess body hair by shoving it into the eyes and mouths of his opponents.
- Sami Zayn shown here
is notable since most of his good buddies like Adrian Neville and Mr. Fanservice Fergal Devitt have clean-shaven chests, and he's an equally talented high-flyer.
- In the tennis world, Roger Federer has this trope down to the T. Christ, that's a lot of chest hair
Video Games
- Jacob Frye in Assassin's Creed Syndicate, which is only visible when he goes Fight Clubbing. Some of the opponents in the fight club are also fuzzy.
- Hayreddin Barbarossa, holder of the Pirate asterisk from Bravely Default has a very thick patch of seafoam-colored chest hair prominently displayed since he wears a Badass Longcoat, but no shirt underneath.
- Eustache from Dead In Vinland is a Handsome Lech with a V-neck shirt displaying one of these a la Varric. It goes with his long pointy beard and his long hair. Perhaps unusually for this trope, he's quite slender and rather foppish.
- Varric from Dragon Age II: This is frequently commented upon by the other characters; Fenris mentions that the traditional dwarven beard seems to have fallen onto his chest, and at one point Varric jokingly tells an entranced Isabela My Eyes Are Up Here.
- Yangus is a type 2 in Dragon Quest VIII. Morrie, the master of the Monster Arena, has chest hair proudly displayed in his flamboyant outfit. In-universe, he's a Kavorka Man, since he has a large number of female followers who fawn over him.
- Although otherwise forgettable, Eric Bloodaxe in Fate/Grand Order is a heavily muscled Walking Shirtless Scene covered in auburn chest hair. The sexual personality associated with this trope is largely absent, as he's devoted to Queen Gunnhildr... but historically, the real Eric and Gunnhildr had ten children.
- Final Fantasy:
- Jecht from Final Fantasy X, which features prominently in the Dissidia verse.
- Al-Cid from Final Fantasy XII has the 70s open-shirt type.
- Nyx in Final Fantasy XV, during a Fanservice shot of him lounging around without a shirt toying with magic.
- Barret in Final Fantasy VII Remake - chest hair was noticeably missing on his previous design. Unusually, Reno has a bare chest but with visible follicles, indicating it is shaved.
- Edi. E, a Dirty Cop boss from Final Fight is wearing a police uniform, but on his cleary unbuttoned top, plenty of chest hair is very visible on his slightly exposed chest.
- Ghandagoza from Granblue Fantasy has a due to his muscular build. It is also properly shaven enough to resemble an eagle's wings.
- In the Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade has an executioner as first boss who is shirtless but is very strong and obviously has lots of hair on his whole torso. He is decidedly Type 2.
- Vamp in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots has type one of these, distinguishing from and adding to the subtext between him and his Bishōnen opponent, Raiden.
- Kano from Mortal Kombat has been typically portrayed as having a hairy chest with varying degrees of thickness and even hairy arms depending on the game, especially after his live-action portrayal in 1995 by the late Trevor Goddard, in contrast to most other male characters in the series who appear to have hairless or waxed chests. Since most of Kano's outfits have him shirtless or showing off his chest, it's often on display. Richard Divizio, who portrayed Kano in the original games among other characters, is quite hairy himself, as well.
- A mighty weird example from popular DOS-era fighting game One Must Fall 2097. No, not on any of the humans in the game (including more than a few likely suspects), but one of the robots. The Thorn is the game's Zangief, a slow but powerful grappling specialist, and possessed of a prominent pattern on its chest shaped exactly like thick chest hair
- Detective Inspector Grosky of the Professor Layton series has a rather large amount of chest hair protruding from his overly tight suit.
- Punch-Out!! - As befitting a Canadian logger, Bear Hugger has one in the shape of a pine tree.
- Both Shadow the Hedgehog
◊ and Silver the Hedgehog
◊ from the Sonic games have a notable "chest fur".
- The Sims: Can be given to Sims in The Sims 3 and The Sims 4. Notably, while this is limited to male Sims in 3, it's available for Sims of any gender in 4.
- Nathaniel "Rock" Adams from the Soulcalibur series, and part of his customizable outfit in Soul Calibur IV allows any other man to have chest hair, as well.
- In Spiritfarer, Giovanni's mane appears to also cover the front of his torso, adding to his flirtatious charm.
- Zangief and Blanka in Street Fighter II. Zangief's chest hair is so iconic, that his Mecha costume has the equivalent in the form of a metal plate. And just in case you were concerned it isn't thick enough, they've also got a good growth of shin hair.
- Team Fortress 2 has Saxton Hale, CEO of Mann Co, the company producing gear used in the game. He is always depicted bare-chested and his chest hair grows in the shape of Australia. He's also the hero of Saxton Hale's Thrilling Tales as a pastiche of Steve Irwin: "You Will Believe a Shark can Cry". According to a comic about the Engineer Update, chest hair is a quality shared by all Australian men, implied to be brought about by Australium, a mineral that not only is responsible for their hyper-advanced technology but brings about literal Testosterone Poisoning (even Australian women have bushy mustaches). Hidden images in the update indicate that the Engineer's grandfather, Radigan Conagher, also developed a patch of chest hair (in the shape of Texas) and a bushy mustache in response to Australium exposure.
- The Medic is also shown to have a Burly Beast
cosmetic; which tears open his shirt and lab coat to reveal his surprisingly muscular, hairy chest underneath it.
- The Medic is also shown to have a Burly Beast
- Tekken: Marduk was the only male character by default to have chest hair in the games, a departure from all of the other guys, who look like they have waxed chests. Ganryu can also be customized to have chest hair, but he's a type 2. Miguel later joined the cast in 6.
- Azar Javed, Big Bad from The Witcher game, is a very muscular and powerful mage, and his he clearly has lots of hair on his very muscular chest.
Web Original
- The Big Dad Wolf: When Holan is by a water cooler, trying to keep himself from turning into a werewolf, a large manly man with a chest covered in hair passes by. The man turns back to give Holan a thumbs up... because he saw hair on Holan's chest, which clues Holan in that the werewolf's coming out.
- Todd and Detective Winters of Where the Bears Are have hairy chests. Wood's chest is less dense, but he has much more body hair to make up for it.
- JonTron has one, which he often lets peek through his partially unbuttoned flannel shirts.
- Ryan George gets a lot of compliments for a furry chest (and beard) mixing with the Pretty Boy rest of him. It'll occasionally peek out above his shirts; when it does, the comment section will constantly mention it.
- Blake Belladonna's father Ghira in RWBY has a notably hairy chest, even with the limited animation of RWBY's CGI.
- Tucker Budzyn on the video of his "wedding", in which Linda says that his chest hair (he's a dog) is showing.
Tucker: For da ladies
- Epic Rap Battles of History has James Bond and Austin Powers going head to head, with one of Austin Power's lines being, "You can't shag properly with that waxed tush! Birds flock to the musk of my chest bush!"
Western Animation
- American Dad!: Lampshaded and mocked in the episode 1600 Candles. When Steve gets his first pubic hair, he immediately begins acting more mature (at least what he thinks of as mature), and Stan and Francine are terrified of having to deal with another child going through puberty (Haley was an absolute nightmare). Francine gives him a concoction to make him stay young - accidentally turning him five - and Stan tries to reverse the process by giving him one to bypass puberty - which turns him into a very old man. The pube(s) remain a constant theme throughout, both parents realize the error of their ways and return him to normal, and Steve’s mature facade crumbles completely in the end.
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Carl Brutananadilewski is a solid Type 2.
- Bob's Burgers: Has the titular Bob. As a Type II, he's hairy enough that his body hair is mentioned in multiple episodes and Teddy calls him an Ewok because he's "hairy and excitable."
- The Belchers' neighbor Mr. Huggins is even more hairy than Bob, to the point that you can't see his tattoo.
- Ed, Edd n Eddy: Hilariously lampshaded and subverted in Pain in the Ed. Eddy glues carpet cuttings under his arms to impress the other kids with his “manliness”. This fools exactly none of them and causes Jonny and Kevin to burst out laughing.
- Gravity Falls: Grunkle Stan. When Mabel tries to shave his hairy chest in "Dipper vs. Manliness", it comes back almost immediately. Similarly, there is Manly Dan Corduroy, whose much hairier and virile enough to have 4 kids.
- The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy: When the students of Endsville are set to participate in the President’s Fitness Test, Irwin buffs up both in an attempt to pass the test and impress Mandy. Yet the trope is lampshaded and subverted when Mandy - unimpressed as always - plucks a hair from Irwin’s chest, causing him to squeal in pain.
- Inverted with Angel Dust in Hazbin Hotel, while he has very prominent chest fluff that he exposes with a Cleavage Window, his chest fluff more closely resembles female breasts, befitting him being a Camp Gay Drag Queen Pretty Boy .
- King of the Hill: Bill Dauterive is the hairiest guy in the alley.
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: The surprisingly manly-looking tennis pony in the episode "Call of the Cutie", who comes with this, sideburns, and a mustache. Some fans have noted a resemblance between him and Andre Agassi.
- Popeye: The cartoon Be Kind to Aminals has Popeye grow chest hair when he eats his spinach.
- Samurai Jack: The Scotsman has enough daughters to form an entire army in Season 5.
- The Venture Bros.: Averted. Brock Sampson has every other over-the-top manly stereotype going on, but they couldn't give him the Carpet of Virility because it over-complicated his animation. Jackson and Doc lament this during at least one commentary track. Occasionally in early episodes, you can still see evidence of it around his clothes.
Real Life
- Averted with most bodybuilders, as they shave and wax away unwanted body hair in order to reveal their muscular physique.
- Mexican telenovela actor Eduardo Capetillo, whose incredibly hairy chest is somewhat (in)famous among telenovela fans and has been a hot topic for Spanish gossip magazines and blogs to this day since his starring role in Marimar. His son, Eduardo Capetillo Jr., similarly caused a stir on social media for posting pictures of himself at the beach in all of his hairiness.
- Charlie Cox is so associated with this that fans were disappointed to learn he shaved his chest to play Matt Murdock in Daredevil (2015).
- Robin Williams, although he didn't really fit into either type. Instead, he was pretty much a category all his own.
I need science to help me! Look at this. I've had people say to me, "Don't wear fur," and I have to tell them "Fuck off, lady, it's me!!" I'm a fucking Chia Pet!
- Alec Baldwin. A lot
◊. (He's getting into Type 2 territory now, though.)
- Mark Ruffalo is famous both for being a male Unkempt Beauty and for his chest hair.
- Similarly, Steve Carell sports this - that was his actual chest hair getting waxed in The 40-Year-Old Virgin.
- Chris Farley, as anyone who's seen the SNL Chippendales sketch or Billy Madison can attest.
- Another category defier: A memorable Conan interview
from 2016 had him examining Jeff Goldblum's wedding band. Noticing its inner inscription Peaches + Patches, he asked Goldblum what it meant, and it turned out to refer to his and his wife Emilie Livingston's nicknames for each other. Goldblum's explanation for his was "I have a lovely distribution of body hair on my torso" and one particular spot is "asymmetrical" compared to the others, but she objected to his attempts to groom it to match them: "'I like you sweet Patches! I like you Patches!' I'm Patches."