Chaotic Good - TV Tropes

  • ️Fri May 23 2008

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Character Alignment
Lawful Good | Neutral Good | Chaotic Good
Lawful Neutral | True Neutral | Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil | Neutral Evil | Chaotic Evil

Chaotic Good (trope)

"A law which is not just does not seem to me to be a law."

The living embodiment of Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right! on the most well-known Character Alignment system, Chaotic Good characters are rebels and free spirits who believe in doing good, by their own standards. Some don't have a problem with greater systems such as laws as long as they leave them alone; others are anarchists who believe that the betterment of all can only be achieved by actively rejecting any higher instances of power. Likely to take an intuitive approach to The Golden Rule, caring about other people's feelings and needs without having to calcify it into specific rules.

Some flavors of Chaotic Good include:

  • Freedom Before Goodness: These are the ones who are more Chaotic than Good. They value freedom, and feel that they and others should be free to pursue their own desires — it just so happens that what they desire is to do good deeds. They do not see doing good as their duty, and may actively resent any attempts to compel them to do good, even if the stakes are high. But they'll probably end up doing good anyways, justifying their actions by saying that this is what they want to do. They are also the type of Chaotic Good most likely to get annoyed at being called a "hero" or something similar, maybe even dismissing attempts to categorize them as a hero. This is also the type most likely to be a Lovable Rogue who commits crimes for their own gain, but balance it out with Never Hurt an Innocent and doing lots of good elsewhere in their lives.
  • Goodness Before Freedom: These are the ones who are more Good than Chaotic. They desire to do good, but also feel that they have a responsibility to do good, and view freedom as a secondary (but still important) concern — essentially, they feel that being good is the price of being free, and they are more likely than Freedom Before Goodness to use the law to achieve a good end. They are not opposed to the Lawful system and may even accept it as necessary or even good, but they will rarely, if ever, let it get in the way of doing what they feel is right, sometimes making them a heroic example of The Unfettered. However, this means they risk trampling on the rights and freedom of others and may push them into Well-Intentioned Extremist territory if they are not careful.
  • Freedom Is Goodness: These are the ones devoted to a Chaotic Good cause — freedom fighters, benevolent anarchists, and anyone who feels that Freedom generally leads to Good, and vice versa. They usually believe that Rousseau Was Right and Order Is Not Good, and try to promote a society with as little government as possible, or overthrow a corrupt oppressive regime without getting drawn into the politics behind replacing it with something better. They do not believe in The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized; the very concept is often their worst nightmare, and they will do everything to oppose or at least minimize any such trend (so long as they can be convinced that such is actually occurring, of course). For this type, the danger is being blind to the risk that their cause may be corrupted or has little chance of achieving its end, and if they are not careful they may end up unintentionally creating something even worse than what they fought.
  • Balance Seekers believe in doing good and in their freedom to do good, but have a grudging or even healthy respect for Lawful Good methods or types who pursue goodness by other means. Essentially, they believe that they should be allowed to be free and good as they see fit, but recognize that the rest of the world is more complicated and that whether the time is for freedom or goodness is down to a case-by-case basis, and will try and seek the middle ground. They try to be vigilant against the Chaotic Good danger of being judgmental on matters Lawful as best they can, though they are not immune to it.
  • Good With Nuts: This type is basically crazy, but they are without a doubt a good person, fighting the good fight and supporting their friends. The Hero can order them about as much as he likes; they've got no obligation to follow his orders. Who needs a plan? Just aim and fire! At the same time, their chaotic nature may mess up an Enemy Mine situation when they don't feel like working with the Big Bad even under orders. This type of Chaotic Good likes to mock their enemies with euphemisms. Their insanity often results in them hating evil and fighting it even more fervently than any other type. Sometimes optimists can also count as such. Characters of this type won't try to redeem the Knight Templar or the Well-Intentioned Extremist; to them, they are just as bad as the Card-Carrying Villain and the Evil Overlord (they may have some sympathy for the Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds, though). By the way, you better not let them hear you saying that Lawful Evil is the lesser evil.

Unfortunately, characters of this alignment are the most likely good characters to be opposed by the Hero Antagonist.

An important aspect of Chaotic Good freedom fighters is that they excel in toppling corrupt regimes, but are often pretty terrible with power and responsibility themselves (as some of the examples show). A Chaotic Good character faces a tightrope walk even more narrow than most Lawful Good characters face because of their competing interests in being a free spirit that wants to do good in the world, and their general disdain for the authority and control over people's lives that they would be wielding to try to do that good. Generally, one of several things happens because of this:

  • Riding into the Sunset — They just abandon authority altogether.
  • Delegate their power to a friend or chancellor of some kind. This isn't always the best idea.
  • They decide that the best thing to do with power is to just sit on it, and keep it out of more dangerous hands. Doing so winds up making for fairly poor terms in office, and the fleeting nature of life (or sanity) makes it a poor long-term strategy.
  • Shift in Alignment — They just fail to reconcile their philosophy and their practical reality, try to reach too far with one campaign or another, and slide in alignment, either admitting the use of law and order, and sliding to Neutral Good, or Jumping Off the Slippery Slope to Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil.

Chaotic Good can be considered the most moral alignment because it combines a good heart with a free spirit, but it can simultaneously be considered a dangerous alignment because it can disrupt the order of society and punishes those who feel the need for a social framework around themselves.

See Also: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil.

If you have a difficulty deciding which alignment a good-aligned character belongs to, the main difference between Lawful Good, Neutral Good, and Chaotic Good is not their devotion to good, but the methods they believe are best to promote it:

  • Even though there are some situations where they can't always use this method, Lawful Good characters believe the best way is to have a specific, strict code of conduct, whether self-imposed or codified as a law. Their first impulse when making a moral decision is to refer back to this code; those with externally imposed systems (codes of laws, hierarchies, etc.) will try to work within the system when those systems go wrong. Depending on whether they are more Lawful or more Good, they will either refuse to break the code even though it would hurt someone, or else break it only very reluctantly, and only when it would hurt someone if they kept their code. Lawful Good characters have to be very good when deciding to Take a Third Option.
  • Neutral Good characters are indifferent to Order Versus Chaos, and their only interest is in doing good. They will use whatever means will promote the most good, whether that means tearing down a code of laws, following a code of laws, creating an orderly society, causing the breakdown of harmful kinds of order, or staying away from society altogether. Their only goal is to do good, full stop.
  • Most Chaotic Good characters don't constantly break the law, but they cannot see much value in laws, or do not see the value in laws that do not function solely to punish evil. They believe that their own consciences are their best guides and that tying themselves to any given code of conduct would be limiting their own ability to do good. They do not get along with anyone who tries to instill any kind of order over the Chaotic Good character or others, believing these people to be restricting their freedom and the freedom of others; however, most Chaotic Good characters will respect the right of others to impose strong codes of conduct on themselves. Chaotic Good characters often focus very strongly on individual rights and freedoms, and will strongly resist any form of oppression of themselves or anyone else.

Chaotic Good character types typically include:

Others, such as All-Loving Hero, Ideal Hero, Small Steps Hero, and Friend to All Living Things, can vary between Lawful Good, Neutral Good, and Chaotic Good.

Chaotic Good does not mean Aggressively Good. While there are several Chaotic Good Anti-Heroes, one does not have to be one to be Chaotic Good, and both Lawful and Neutral Good have Anti-Hero examples as well.

When dealing with the examples of specific characters, remember that assigning an alignment to a character who doesn't come with one is pretty subjective. If you've got a problem with a character being listed here, it probably belongs on the discussion page. There will be no real-life examples under any circumstances; it just invites an Edit War. Plus, real people are far too complex and multi-dimensional to really be classified by such a straightforward alignment system.

On works pages: Character Alignment is only to be used in works where it is canonical, and only for characters who have alignments in-story. There is to be no arguing over canonical alignments, and no Real Life examples, ever.

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Comic Books 

  • The definitive Chaotic Good hero of The DCU is Oliver "Ollie" Queen, aka Green Arrow. He is Just Like Robin Hood — a former Millionaire Playboy who gave up his fortune (or lost it to corrupt business partners, depending on which version of the background you go by) to devote himself to protecting the less fortunate from crooked politicians, Dirty Cops, Corrupt Corporate Executives, and any Lawful Evil person who says Screw the Rules, I Have Money!. However, this does lead to conflicts with those of differing beliefs, such as against Barry Allen, due to Barry being with the police. While both are friends with Hal Jordan, they don't get along very well in the comics (Hilarious in Hindsight considering they're good friends in the Arrowverse).
  • Ambush Bug, from DC Comics, most certainly counts. He is completely batshit insane, and most of the time doesn't even seem to be aware of what is going on, doing wild chaotic things that hardly make sense to anyone but himself, but is firmly on the side of good.
  • Depending on the Writer, if he isn't Lawful Good, Batman is Chaotic Good. He rejects authority, is not a team player, deals out his own justice, etc. Batman's alignment has always been hard to define. He could be considered lawful because he obeys a strict code of justice, but he could also be described as chaotic because he operates outside of the law as a vigilante.
  • The New 52 Superman (and the Golden Age version) definitely fits this alignment: physically intimidating corrupt businessmen and politicians, wanted by the police, and focused on helping everyone (especially the poor) regardless of what the laws are.
  • The Incredible Hulk: The Hulk practically embodies this trope; he is a force for good at almost all times, but is almost completely unpredictable and wants to be left alone. (Depending on the Writer, though, he sometimes enters Chaotic Neutral territory.)
  • The New Gods of New Genesis, who represent the freedom and joy of doing the right thing uncompelled, in contrast to the Lawful Evil Darkseid who seeks to eliminate free will.
  • Prince Charming and Rose Red from Fables. The former is a rake, a lecher, and a rogue, but deep down harbors both conscience and courage he'd never admit to. The latter is a wild child who genuinely cares about her family and community, even if she doesn't like their rules. Reynard the Fox also fits here.
  • Harold "Hal" Jordan of Green Lantern tends to end up here often. Though he can often head to Lawful Good, most notably when with Green Arrow, he bends the rules, argues with the Guardians, and willingly goes against authority to do what he thinks is right, and is something of a Cowboy Cop IN SPACE.
  • Marvel Comics' living cartoon, Slapstick of The Awesome Slapstick. A Fun Personified Cloudcuckoolander with an indestructible cartoon body, an oversized mallet, and too many bad jokes and pranks to count.
  • The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Their existence and modus operandi are chaotic, their behavior is also often chaotic, but they themselves are consistently fighting on the side of good. Many of their enemies are also Lawful Evil.
  • Transmetropolitan: Spider Jerusalem, dedicated to the Truth, no matter what, and perfectly willing to shoot the President of the United States with a gun that makes you shit yourself. He hovers on the edge of, and occasionally slips completely into, Chaotic Neutral.
  • Any and all heroes in Sin City due to the violent nature of the Crapsack World around them. Typically, they only get involved when something affects them or their loved ones. John Hartigan is probably the closest thing to a Lawful Good character, and he is willing to disobey orders. Granted, the Sin City police force is filled with corruption, but his actions convey a man who is willing to do what it takes to see justice served.
  • Spider-Man can be like this sometimes. Before he formerly joined the Avengers, he was for the longest time a lone wolf vigilante, and has at times come close to killing a bad guy or letting them be subject to a lynch mob.
  • The Creeper walks the line between Chaotic Good and Chaotic Neutral in most of his incarnations, but he considers himself one of the good guys.

    Batman: Good or bad?
    The Creeper: Good. Definitely good.

  • The Transformers: More than Meets the Eye: Despite his Jerkass chaotic nature, Whirl always does good and fights evil; it just doesn't matter how he does it. For example, he successfully talked his way through a hostage situation involving Fortress Maximus by getting Max to identify with him and deliberately serving as the "voice in his head" — even though he was seriously at risk by doing so.

    Rung: Everyone just... just stay calm. Max, please, lower the gun. I know what this is about — what this is really about. Lower the gun and we'll talk, yes?
    Whirl: Don't listen to him! It's a trick! Pull the trigger!

    • Rodimus is a brash, authority-rejecting hero who won't hesitate to sacrifice his life for others (though he wants to live — not out of fear, but so he can make up for past misdeeds), and has a problem with following rules. This puts him at constant odds with his Lawful Good second in command on the Lost Light, Ultra Magnus, and his Lawful Evil-possibly-becoming-Lawful Neutral co-captain Megatron.
    • A strong case could be made for Brainstorm. Despite designing truly devastating weapons during the war (some of which were outright banned from use), he has never killed anyone himself, and can't bring himself to do so. When he completed his time machine, he pacified the crew non-lethally, despite the fact that he was about to change history and thus killing them would have had no real repercussions. And his plan was to go back and prevent the war non-violently, altering the events of Megatron's life to keep him a pacifist. He only planned to kill him as a last resort, stood there for ten minutes agonizing over whether to pull the trigger (this is Megatron, responsible for the deaths of billions), and is happy to be talked out of it. And the whole reason he was doing this is that while he initially just wanted to save his unrequited love Quark, seeing how much Chromedome suffered from losing Rewind inspired him to try to save everyone instead. And since he was an MTO created to be a soldier, he does so with the knowledge that he will cease to exist if he succeeds.
  • Poison Ivy during the ''No Man's Land arc was still an eco terrorist, but at the same time she took over an entire park and was helping rebuild Gotham because a bunch of kids who had been orphaned needed any help they could get.
  • X-Men:
  • Fantastic Four: Johnny Storm, a.k.a. the Human Torch, fits the bill. During his early years, he tended to be very reckless, charging in without thinking it over. But he's still a good person at heart. Over time though, he slowly lost some of his chaotic tendencies and matured. Still, some of those traits pop up again from time to time, especially during the Civil War.
  • Catwoman falls somewhere between this and Chaotic Neutral, never fully fitting either alignment but never being evil either. She steals not of out greed but for the thrill of the chase and usually steals only from high-profile scumbags. Her intentions are also often at least somewhat altruistic.
  • Harley Quinn when she is a good guy. When she tries being a hero she maintains her random, mischievous nature and has difficulty being serious or paying attention to things like "laws", but she's definitely devoted to helping people and stopping villains in her own unconventional way.
  • Starfire of the Teen Titans is a pretty archetypical example of Chaotic Good superheroine. She is hot-blooded, emotional, free-spirited, and more violent than the rest of the team, but her heart is firmly on the side of goodness and compassion. She would be contrasted with enforced Lawful Good Raven, who had to keep her human emotions in check or else succumb to her demonic heritage.
  • Anarky, at least as written by his creator, Alan Grant, firmly believes that all rules and laws are used by the elite to keep the common people down, and expresses this belief by trying to help people (in his first appearance, acting on the letters to the editor in a newspaper as being the voice of the people). Other writers have had his devotion to anarchism turn him Chaotic Neutral or even Chaotic Evil.


  • Calvin has softened into this in Calvin & Hobbes: The Series: thanks to the fic presenting a more black and white moral system than the original strip, he's more likely to do the right thing... though he's still plenty mischievous.
    • Also, the MTM fits: he'll do most of what Calvin wants him to, but he usually doesn't jump to it.
  • Harry Potter in The Wizard in the Shadows, by Nimbus Llewelyn. Usually operates as a Destructive Saviour free agent with There Is No Kill Like Overkill tendencies. Has absolutely no problem with killing people — provided they deserve it — or using his status as The Dreaded and his raw power to intimidate everyone from lowly soldiers to heads of state to get what he wants and just about the only people he reliably takes orders from are Aragorn, Gandalf, and Boromir. If it wasn't for the fact that his motives are unambiguously good and that he only kills orcs, trolls, and people who have crossed the Moral Event Horizon, he might be Chaotic Neutral.
    • Emrys fits into this category as well, taking an Exact Words approach to any order given... unless he actually wants to do it anyway.
  • In Child of the Storm, also by Nimbus Llewelyn, a significant number of the heroic characters fit this (though others, like Nick Fury, T'Challa, Odin, Frigga, and Jesus are more Lawful Good, and still others, like Peter Wisdom a.k.a. Regulus Black are Lawful Neutral).
    • The Avengers walk the line between this and Neutral Good, varying between one and the other depending on the situation. They do more or less exactly what they like, and obey laws as and when it is convenient, prioritizing whatever is the right thing to do (or whatever they feel is the right thing to do, which is noted In-Universe to not always be the same thing). They have rules of engagement while on Avengers duty, so as to capture criminals and ensure they get due process, but these rules can be flexible. As is pointed out In-Universe, they borderline being The Unfettered, have deposed leaders that they don't like before (in this 'verse, they got involved in Libya and helped depose Gadaffi), and also keep secrets when strictly speaking it might be more moral to reveal them — i.e. the fact that Bucky used to be the Winter Soldier.
    • Harry himself tends towards this in the second half of the first book and first half of the second, partly by nature, and partly thanks to the Avengers' influence on him, with Hermione inwardly noting that he tends to regard rules as things to be worked around than worked with. He generally disdains authority, with very few exceptions, and absolutely loathes being constrained. His Character Development in the sequel eventually takes him into Neutral Good, as he becomes less impulsive and more thoughtful, remarking that since there is no intrinsic fairness and justice in the universe, he should try and make some -- and thereby make it a better place.
    • Doctor Strange a.k.a. Taliesin, meanwhile, is the series' Magnificent Bastard in chief, and a Well-Intentioned Extremist who bobs around the darker end of this trope. He believes in no authority other than his own, tends to take things entirely on his shoulders (when not manipulating people into place), while also being capable of casually murdering literal mountains of people (usually evil people, to be fair) who impede his grand plan, or simply standing back and allowing awful things to happen if he deems them necessary. Oh, and he treats both the laws of man and the laws of nature as being lists for 'targeted disobedience'. While this seems ironic in view of his grand-scale manipulations, he points out at one point that he doesn't make people do things, more puts them in situations when they'll choose what he wants them to because it is in their nature to do so. It is also probable that part of his general disdain for authority relates back to the fact that he's only really ever served one King, Arthur Pendragon, as his Court Physician and Bard, as well as support Court Mage behind Merlin, his teacher, and seems to feel that every authority figure since has fallen short by comparison - which, considering said King was The Paragon, isn't exactly surprising.
  • Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality: Harry believes that if it serves the cause of good, it should be done, even if it's illegal and sounds insane. He has participated in school fights, a jailbreak, and everything in between. Oh, and sacrificing an evil god to summon a virgin. There's a reason he calls his faction the Chaos Legion. A quote that sums up his attitude: "Tell me something. What does a government have to do, what do the voters have to do with their democracy, what do the people of a country have to do, before I ought to decide that I’m not on their side anymore?"
  • In the Contractually Obligated Chaos series, it gets explained that Beetlejuice is by nature a Chaotic Neutral character, while Lydia is Neutral Good. However, under her influence, he has become Chaotic Good, and the danger of keeping them apart is that he will slide back into that neutrality if he's away from her for too long. Prince Vince, who is noted to be a reader of This Very Wiki, describes the situation using these terms in the fifth installment.
  • The main character of Fallout: Equestria Littlepip opens her story by directly disobeying the rules of her Stable to venture out into the Wasteland, frequently finds herself in conflicts with Red Eye, The Goddess, and the Pegasus Enclave, who are all Lawful Evil respectively, and due to her curious and affable nature constantly charges into dangerous missions impulsively with little organization to her methods.
  • Betelgeuse in Say It Thrice is described by Tucker as being Chaotic Neutral but with Chaotic Good tendencies, thanks to his devotion to his Morality Pet Lydia.
  • Vow of Nudity: The protagonist (Haara) is listed this on her character sheet. An escaped slave who lives in the wilderness opposing the Genasi Empire in every way she can, most of her motivations and life choices (living in the wilderness, refusing to wear clothes, avoiding forming close connections with others) stem from an overwhelming refusal to let anyone or anything control her ever again.


  • Robin Hood is best known as an outlaw who robs the rich to give to the poor. It's not that Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men are necessarily against any laws at all; they just don't like Prince John or the Sheriff of Nottingham levying cruel and unjust taxes on poor people. To this end, Robin Hood will break the law to rob people if he thinks they have it coming, and his antics put a constant thorn in the side of the evil Prince and the Sheriff.
    • Robin Hood is sometimes more Neutral Good or even Lawful Good, depending on how much emphasis is put on his support for King Richard. Some of the older ballads (where King Richard does not appear at all) paint him as more of a Chaotic Neutral outlaw and trickster, however.
  • Likewise, Br'er Rabbit is usually portrayed as a lovable, happy-go-lucky Rascally Rabbit.
  • This is probably the best way to describe Nanabozho (aka Nanabush or Wiskadjek) from Ojibway and Cree myths. A Shapeshifting Trickster, sometimes he is a hero who defeats winter with his cunning, and sometimes he's a goofball who loses his eyes. While some of it is the result of him evolving over time, the changes also reflect that Nanabozho is learning, much like the children hearing his stories.


  • Eris, goddess of Chaos and Discord, especially as portrayed in the Illuminatus! Trilogy. As the goddess of Chaos and Discord, she tops the list, mostly because we fear her wrath if she isn't placed there. Hagbard and nearly all of the Discordian characters in the Trilogy fit this alignment; the only exception being The Dealy Lama, who is True Neutral.
  • From Greek mythology, Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity. The Greek Robin Hood.
  • The Dark Elf Trilogy: Drizzt Do'Urden, the original renegade drow, is canonically Chaotic Good, in that he has his own code but never forces it on anyone — as long as they keep to themselves. If they try to enforce their own code on unwilling people, though...
  • Firekeeper, the eponymous heroine of the Firekeeper novels, is a girl who was raised by wolves. This leaves her with a very wolf-like loyalty to any she considers part of her "pack." The combination of her wolf mindset and human body, however, leave her with a chaotic nature such that she renders attempts by trained seers to divine the future wherever she is concerned nigh impossible.
  • Jane Austen's heroines are usually Lawful Good, but Emma Woodhouse is chaotic, rule-defying, and assertive to a fault.
  • Many protagonists from Dean Koontz's stories: they are often gun owners, Properly Paranoid, live in small groups or families, and are distrustful of big government and government institutions, seeing them as fascist and corrupt. This often contrasts with the Lawful Evil villains that they battle, who are obsessed with order.
  • Bilbo Baggins, the main hero of The Hobbit is, at least at the end of his adventure, a Chaotic Good burglar. The moment he converts to this from Neutral Good is probably when he stops feeling guilty about stealing the Elf-King's food to survive.
  • Harry Potter:
    • The Weasley twins have some shades of Chaotic Neutral, in that they exist primarily as comic relief with their pranking and disdain for authority (other than Dumbledore). However, the later books reveal them to be clearly Chaotic Good, as they join the fight against Voldemort with Fred giving his life for the cause. They also have a clear Big Brother Instinct towards Harry, Ron, Ginny, and a first-year who suffers under Umbridge in the fifth movie.
    • Dumbledore would fall here. Initially he comes off as Neutral Good, but when he is revealed to be The Chessmaster in Deathly Hallows, it becomes clear that he lies outside the normal system. Even before that, there are hints of The Last DJ tendencies, such as his general aversion to the Ministry of Magic even when they're on the good side and the Ministry's equal distrust of him.
    • The Marauders were this before James and Remus graduated to Neutral Good, and Peter Pettigrew graduated to Neutral Evil. Sirius remained in Chaotic Good territory.
    • Luna Lovegood is very much this. She acts because it's the right thing to do, and genuinely doesn't give a damn about what people think of her.
  • Conan the Barbarian starts out Chaotic Neutral, as a thief, pirate, and mercenary with no real concern for others, but as he gets older he becomes noticeably more benevolent, putting him in the Chaotic Good alignment.
  • Sky Masters: Patrick McLanahan and the old-timers among his Dreamland/HAWC/Sky Masters coworkers. They're willing to use their Cool Planes and other equipment to protect the world and America as a nation, even if they have to disobey the Joint Chiefs and the President in doing so. His mentor, Brad Elliott, was even more contemptuous of authority. This is contrasted with the more lawful newcomers and superior officers he has to testily deal with.
  • Poul Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson's Hokas. They don't so much disobey the rules as never manage to notice them; imaginative to the point of autohypnosis, if you give them a story, they will grab characters out of them and start role-playing as if they were those characters. They will drive you batty. But they're definitely good. Hoka Pirates were deeply offended at being told they had to give back their loot after they sacked a city; did you take them for thieves?
  • In The Dresden Files, the eponymous wizard Harry Dresden falls into this trope. As of now, he is currently on the bad side of the supposedly Lawful Neutral council of wizards (who've tried to have him killed and/or framed a few times), is under a hit from most of the Chaotic Evil court of vampires and a group of fallen angels, probably would be arrested on sight if he were ever to walk into a police station simply for having the gall to do so, and is trying to discover a super-evil secret society of wizards that have infiltrated the aforementioned council. All after he's saved the world at least twice. Just because he finds the idea of flouting city regulations to be "aesthetically pleasing."
  • Ghengiz Cohen of Discworld, whose Code is more or less by definition the same as Conan's.
    • It's debatable where the Witches stand on the alignment spectrum, but they tend toward this. Nanny Ogg is almost certainly Chaotic Good, and Granny Weatherwax also has a rather anti-authoritarian streak, while at the same time definitely being good (though she'll complain about it). Agnes may not be chaotic, but her Split Personality Perdita clearly is. Magrat is probably Neutral Good, but her "channeling" of Queen Ynci (there's no such person, it was her all along) suggests a slight chaotic bent as well. Witches are fine with rules, but make it absolutely clear that they do not apply to them. As it happens, Witches do have rules they're supposed to follow, but, as Nanny herself once said, if you're gonna break a rule, break it good and hard.
  • Holly Short in Artemis Fowl. She frequently disobeys the LEPrecon (Lower Elements Police) whenever they give her an order, but she never does this out of personal gain, and so she frequently saves people's lives as a result.
  • The Wheel of Time: The impulsive but good-hearted Mat Cauthon embodies this alignment for much of the series, although he starts to gravitate more towards Neutral Good as he is forced to become responsible. Many Aes Sedai in the Green Ajah also seem to gravitate towards this alignment, notably Alanna, Myrelle, and post-Healing Leane. A few others are more debatable, such as Faile and her cousin Tenobia.
  • Temeraire, who often conflicts with the British government and his own Lawful Good captain because of his insistence on equal rights for dragons.
  • Huck Finn, the titular hero of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. He's a rebellious teenager who hates following rules and is viewed as an antisocial menace by many of the adults around him, but he is also by nature compassionate and altruistic, and much of the conflict of the story results from him rebelling against societal norms and rules his conscience tells him are wrong, culminating in him refusing to return Jim to enslavement even though he believes he'll be damned to hell for doing so.
  • Simon Templar, The Saint, walks the fine line between here and Chaotic Neutral. His campaign against gangsters, drug dealers, and so forth is based partially on justice for their victims and partially on it being fun and profitable. As for the Chaotic part, at one point the books comment that in Simon's opinion, the law is only really justified in existing by the funny noises it makes when he breaks it (and because it provides him with a seemingly endless string of police officers to annoy).
  • In The Moomins, the general attitude of the Moomin family is a sort of laid-back, "do whatever seems fun and be nice to everyone who's not terribly annoying" kind of Chaotic Good. People can just wander into their house and stay there indefinitely without anyone minding, and they themselves might go on all sorts of escapades at a whim (though with careful packing). Many of their friends are similar as well.
    • Moomintroll is in many ways still a child, and he's typically motivated simply by a search for excitement and adventure, as well as being a Heroic Wannabe.
    • Moominmamma is a champion-class caring mother archetype — but one who usually feels that if it's fun, it's good for you, so she does little to stop the general Chaotic bent of the family and rather significantly contributes to it.
    • Moominpappa is a restless sort-of authority figure in the family who occasionally gets midlife or other crises that lead him to run off or take everyone else with him on a random adventure.
    • Of the family's friends, Snufkin is a born wanderer who doesn't ask for anything else in life other than the freedom to walk alone and play his harmonica. He's psychologically unable to stay in one place or with other people for too long, so after moving in with the Moomins, he still periodically leaves them to go Walking the Earth alone for an extended time. He also all but has an allergic reaction to strict rules.
    • Little My is a miniature Fiery Redhead who does her own thing and doesn't give a damn what anyone else thinks.
  • In A Song of Ice and Fire, the Brotherhood Without Banners start out Just Like Robin Hood, roaming the countryside protecting the peasants and offering summary justice to war criminals. However, mission creep and the reality of war gradually drags them out of "good" territory, and once they start working for "Lady Stoneheart" they're more like Neutral Evil.
    • As a tomboyish Rebellious Princess, Arya Stark starts out as this alignment, though she arguably slips out of it more into Chaotic Neutral territory as a series of terrible experiences cause her to become more vindictive and brutal.
  • Sharpe is Chaotic Good with Neutral tendency. A great example of Good Is Not Nice, he relies on guile, wits, and raw fighting ability to win, but always sides against evil characters.
  • Crowley from Good Omens starts off as Lawful Neutral, but then becomes this after he decides to rebel against the forces of Hell and try to stop the Apocalypse. To him, the idea of eternal Heaven where all vices are abolished is equally as distasteful as that of eternal torture in Hell.
  • Pippi Longstocking defies societal norms by her very nature, being a little girl with Super-Strength who's perfectly capable of living by herself and doesn't have any need for school. (She tries it once because she thinks it's unfair she doesn't get to go on holidays.) Her attitude matches this entirely. She's definitely a good person, but try to enforce normal people's norms on her and you'll end up as a comic relief incident.
  • John Yossarian of Catch-22. He would like to devote himself to something, but every time he finds something to be loyal to, he finds people like Card-Carrying Villain Colonel Korn and Pointy-Haired Boss Colonel Cathcart getting in the way. The result is that he ends up with a contempt for authority and a fondness for disobedience, but he's nevertheless probably the most compassionate character in the book.
  • The titular character of Percy Jackson and the Olympians is the epitome of Chaotic Good. He's extremely compassionate, denies any respect for "authorität persons" - including the gods - is very reluctant to stick to rules, and always does what he considers to be right. In addition, he defeats every opponent he comes across without worrying about consequences for other people: for example, on the island of Circe, he released all the captured pirates during his flight without a thought to the consequences.
  • Sally from the Spooksville series. She's rather sarcastic and disdainful of authority, but still a brave and good-hearted person. She would probably fall under type 6 (good with nuts) as she comes across as borderline insane at times, such as planning to blow up an alien spaceship while she's still on it. The TV show tones down her rudeness and craziness a lot, but she still counts as this (in one episode she even says "Death before conformity.")
  • Unusually for a Piers Anthony novel, Zane from On a Pale Horse is chosen to be Death specifically because he embodies this alignment. While most of the other Incarnations fight against Satan's My Rule Fu Is Stronger than Yours by playing within the system and taking Satan's games and the rules of their own roles to their logical conclusion, Zane is willing to rebel against the rules governing the Incarnations to do the right thing. This leads to the resolution to his book's conflict, since as Death, he's ultimately not bound by the rules, and no one can force him to take a soul he doesn't want to.
  • Elves in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium have a strong tendency towards this. It's basically impossible to command an elf unless they've decided you can (as the Valar find out the hard way when they try to browbeat the Noldor into staying in Valinor), or to persuade them away from a course of action once they've made up their mind: but they also have naturally kind dispositions, and are resistant to evil. Elves do have lords and kings, but they do not seem to have any formal authority over their vassals/subjects. Rather, their power is almost entirely informal: based on relationships that they build between themselves and their subjects. While these positions are technically hereditary, if a ruler is deemed unworthy elves will either leave their realm (as happens to Gil-galad) or simply follow someone else's commands en masse (as happens to Fëanor). That is not of course to say that elven crowns are purely ceremonial. Elves expect their rulers to arbitrate disputes, wage war or negotiate peace on their behalf, and build infrastructure for collective use. This is not as surprising as it might first seem: they are styled "kings" but elven rulers are really tribal chieftains since they are related to most of their subjects. The only major exception to this being Galadriel and Celeborn as rulers of Lothlórien: most of the elves who live in that realm are Silvan elves, but Galadriel is a Noldo and Celeborn is a Sinda. Individual elves though can display almost any alignment including lawful and evil ones: it's just that elven culture encourages a Chaotic Good alignment.
  • The Elminster Series: The titular Elminster is good because he's a hero who wants every sentient creature on Faerun to have a chance at a happy and peaceful life. He's chaotic because he's a over 1000 years old veteran adventurer and trickster with great magical powers who has Seen It All and has little to no patience for modern human laws and authority figures.
  • Naofumi Iwatani, the titular protagonist of The Rising of the Shield Hero, is generally of this alignment; he's a good man at the end of the day, although he's still a morally grey Anti-Hero and has shades of Chaotic Neutral. He's mostly motivated by keeping himself and his loved ones alive, and doesn't care much about what happens to the world he was summoned to. He will not hesitate to use morally questionable means to obtain what he wants, though he has lines he will not cross; he is not actively malevolent, except towards those who have wronged him, and he is willing to aid others, but he wants to be rewarded for his good deeds, though he is reasonable and will try to negotiate a profitable agreement for both parts. He's still a mercenary who cares about his personal profit, that is.

Live-Action TV 

  • Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds definitely fits. In fact, it is revealed that before she joined the BAU she was a hacker who targeted evil mega-corporations and the like, and was caught but allowed to join BAU instead of going to jail.
  • Angel spent most of his time here, as long as Darla wasn't around, in which case all bets were off. Angel's colleagues were virtually all people who came from exceptionally troubled and morally dubious backgrounds and were generally seeking redemption in one form or another, as was, of course, the title character. As a result, while their overall intentions were generally positive (except when Darla was present, as mentioned, in which case Angel would lose control), there was often collateral damage.
  • Merlin is fundamentally a good guy, albeit one who has an unfortunate habit of killing people who are trying to kill his friends, but he is a warlock in a kingdom where magic is banned and the crown prince's servant/protector/friend. Aside from breaking the law just by existing, if given a choice between doing what he's told or doing what he believes is right, he consistently chooses the latter.
  • Dr Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce, from M*A*S*H. He was always eager to skirt the rules, especially when it meant doing the right thing. He exhibited the same CG behaviors in the original book and the 1970 film version as well.
  • Dr. Leonard McCoy from the original Star Trek has very little patience for rules and regulations, and people (especially Spock) telling him what to do, but he has a strong moral compass and devotes his life to helping others.
  • Jadzia Dax, of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, does what she thinks is best, and will hang most rules, excepting only the most important Federation laws — and sometimes even then...
    • In the later seasons, Garak eventually became Chaotic Good (although he began more as Chaotic Neutral when we first see him, and there are implications that well before the series began, in his worst Obsidian Order days, he may have even been Evil). He would break any rule at any time, even killing people (as in the masterpiece "In The Pale Moonlight"), but in the later seasons, it was always for the benefit of the Alpha Quadrant against the Lawful Evil Dominion that he hated.
    • Kira Nerys, most likely; as a former rebel and terrorist, she has difficulty adjusting to life as someone in actual authority, and in the earliest series, she is struggling with Sisko's orders. The conflicts between her former life and her current position are played out over a number of episodes, but demanding Sisko let her rescue Li Nalas and her subsequent attitude towards Jaro replacing her with Li make her at least Chaotic Good by intention.
  • Hell, many Star Trek fans have argued that humanity's hat is being Chaotic Good. They generally mean well and care about such ideals as peace and liberty, but they also do the most bizarre shit imaginable just to see what happens next. Some even call this the United Federation of "Hold My Beer, I Got This".
  • Mal from Firefly. One of his core beliefs is in personal freedom. He's also fiercely loyal to people who he's responsible for (his squad, his crew, etc) and to humanity, and won't let anything, even laws, stand in the way of securing their well-being.
    • River might fit this. It's hard to tell through the crazy. She's definitely good, but having such a hazy grasp on what goes on in her head, she might well be following some set of rules known only to her.

      Teacher: So, with so many social and medical advancements we can bring to the Independents, why would they fight so hard against us?
      River: We meddle. People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think. Don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome.

  • Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens from Justified is perhaps one of the darker examples of this trope. There's no question that he's a good guy; he even wears a white hat, for God's sake. However, his character arc tests the limits of his Goodness, to the point that even his own Chief Deputy punches him in the face due to his moral failings. Despite his stumbles and falls, the audience is compelled to forgive him because he is dogged in his pursuit of the truly bad guys, fights to protect those weaker than himself, and honors the wishes of his dead or dying adversaries. Throughout the series, he remains a constant thorn in the side of his co-workers, bosses, and opponents alike, to the point that when his fellow Deputy says "You've been a bad boy," his response is a tired "You're going to have to be more specific."
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath Charlie Kelly from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is on the borderline between this and Chaotic Neutral. He's particularly the most moral of the gang, and definitely a good guy.
  • In contrast to the Neutral Good J. D. and Carla, and the Lawful Good Turk, Dr. Cox from Scrubs regularly breaks hospital rules and dishes out hard truths on his students because it's often the only way to make sure patients receive the best care possible. It regularly gets him in trouble with his boss, Lawful Neutral Chief Of Medicine Bob Kelso, who (unlike Cox) has to make hard choices to keep the hospital running. Character Development (and a string of worse Chiefs of Medicine getting the job once Kelso retires) eventually cause him to undergo a slight alignment shift to Neutral Good and become Chief Of Medicine himself. While he retains all his hatred of hospital bureaucracy and bean-counting and his love of breaking rules, he understands that doing it himself is the only way to ensure patient care is prioritized over everything else, essentially making him the Big Good of the series.
  • Jack Bauer from 24. Notable in that he works for a Lawful Neutral organization, but he's seen breaking CTU's rules far more often than following them.
  • The Doctor from Doctor Who fits here quite well, though of course, as a millennia-old character portrayed by fourteen actors over decades, they have arguably shown traits of many (if not all) alignments. Depending on the incarnation, they can range from Chaotic Good to True Neutral. He started out as True Neutral, though veering toward Neutral Evil before turning towards Chaotic Good as the series progressed. This image argues that the Doctor has veered from Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil. The Doctor is normally into Freedom Over Goodness, but partly down to his logical Character Development after the Third (who had been severely screwed over by authoritarians), and partly due to the Punk subculture coexisting with the Fourth Doctor's era, Four was more into Freedom Is Goodness, intentionally dedicated to spreading chaos and anarchy wherever he went due to his political beliefs. The high point of this is "The Sunmakers", where he defeats an oppressive government terrorising the population but also screws over the rebels attempting to establish an alternative government, leaving the entire system in anarchy, and with the overall feel that he did it just because he wanted to watch something burn that day. In general, the Doctor plants themselves firmly on the side of Good because their prime motivation is to protect innocent people and thwart evil, and they are willing to sacrifice almost anything to achieve these goals. They are Chaotic because they usually reject or have a tenuous relationship with authority (see UNIT and Torchwood... and don't even get them started on Gallifrey), and tend to solve problems independently and creatively. They are also not bothered at all by breaking the law, although they do have their own very strong moral code, and straying from it almost always results in them regretting it.
  • Heroes:
    • Peter Petrelli probably started out Neutral Good, but struggles with his Awful Lawful family over three Series have seemingly pushed him firmly into the Chaotic Good category. Both alternate future versions of Peter also seem to have been Chaotic Good, to the point of being willing to blow up buildings or shoot his own brother in order to save lives.
    • Claire as well. She's one of the handful of characters to remain consistently good throughout the show (barring the evil version in one alternate future) — she doesn't tend to seek out wrongs to right like Peter or Hiro, but she won't stand on the sidelines. The Chaotic part just comes from being a teenager, and not having any consistently reliable authority figures in her life.
  • Some of the sympathetic police of The Wire are portrayed as Chaotic Good for their willingness to occasionally bend or break rules to do proper police work and protect the people. The show's overall message is that "the system" is fundamentally flawed and corrupt. However, even the sympathetic characters are shown to occasionally take things too far.
    • Detective Jimmy McNulty is this in his better moments (though at other times he veers more toward Chaotic Neutral). He chafes under authority constantly, but genuinely wants to make Baltimore a better place.
  • Michael Westen and his crew from Burn Notice. Ex-spies gone freelance with voluminous rap sheets and hearts of gold.
  • The A-Team, as a group of outlaw mercenaries who spend an equal amount of time fleeing the law and fighting criminals and other villains, qualify.
  • Doug Ross of ER is a possible subversion or deconstruction. He does whatever is best for his patients and will freely break rules to do so. This tends to destroy not only his own life and career but his friends', too.
  • Sam and Dean Winchester from Supernatural, especially in the first three seasons. Their objective is their job ("saving people, hunting things — family business"), and they'll go to any lengths to save people, no matter how many laws they break. In Season 4, both brothers (but especially Sam) plunge into Chaotic Neutral territory. They're back up to Chaotic Good again by Season 5 when they're trying to stop the Jerkass angels from causing The End of the World as We Know It.
  • Michael Scofield in Prison Break. His brother's on death row, so what does he do? He robs a bank so he'll get sent to the same prison, where he can break his brother (and several other convicts) out. By the fifth season, he's broken out of two prisons and into a secure facility, and the feds are starting to get smart. He does all this because he has a psychological condition that makes him focus on everyone else's problems and want to help them.
  • Battlestar Galactica:
    • Felix Gaeta moves towards this in his final appearances, though this is largely due to major disillusionment and bitterness over the loss of his leg and the alliance with the dissident Cylons. His attempt to do the right thing in his mind eventually leads to disaster and his death by firing squad.
  • Shawn Spencer from Psych. He's willing to work with the police to catch murderers, but has less than no respect for procedure or laws against lesser crimes, once even deciding to sabotage an investigation when he realized it was a consensual insurance scam.
  • In earlier seasons of House, this is Dr. Gregory House on a good day, and more uniformly later on, especially throughout Season 6 and most of Season 7, possibly reverting to his previous vacillation between Chaotic Good and Chaotic Neutral after Cuddy broke up with him and brought back his lack of faith in humanity.
  • Veronica Mars only uses her skills for good, but aside from the particular season's arc, she usually only does it when she wants to or when she's being paid. Her methods fly in the face of every authority figure in her life, even the ones she respects, like her father, and often involve breaking the law.
  • Fox Mulder of The X-Files. He disregards law in his pursuit of the truth, emphasized during his time under Director Kersh.
  • The Maverick family is always moral and willing to help out those in need. They are, however, willing to break most laws if it gets in the way of helping others, and they take great pride in cheating cheaters, and swindling swindlers. Besides, you can't be a roving gambler and be lawful.
  • NCIS:
    • Gibbs is the epitome of this trope. He's a former marine and NCIS agent, but Tony has had to accept every one of the man's formal honors and hide them in a desk drawer just so Gibbs won't throw them away. His own personal code is apparently higher than any authority. Gibbs is a man you want on your side every time.
    • And right there with him is Tony DiNozzo. He may come across as an annoying goofball and Handsome Lech, but underneath the Obfuscating Stupidity is a highly competent and compassionate investigator who's willing to break the rules to ensure justice.
  • Jim Rockford of The Rockford Files did good, but was always on the very edges of society. His troublesome friend Angel was more in Chaotic Neutral territory.
  • DG of Tin Man (2007) started out here. She was in constant trouble with her boss and the local sheriff back in Kansas, made plans under her robotic parents' noses to escape, and could get plenty mouthy. The Power of Love and The Power of Friendship are her biggest drivers, though.
  • Angela from My So-Called Life is generally this. She's more than a little pissed at all the rules and regulations her parents try to impose on her and will often (reluctantly) break them if it means loosening up and having a good time. However, she generally strives to do the right thing and genuinely loves both her family and friends.
  • Sherlock Holmes, as portrayed in Elementary. He's eccentric, willful, chafes under regulations, has little regard for authority figures or social convention, and, especially pre-Character Development, can be a brat at times. But he does care about victims of crimes as well as the puzzles, and he often shows sympathy to unfortunate or marginalized people.
  • Babylon 5: One of the few alignments not strongly represented among the major characters, although Lyta Alexander comes close. Also, Lorien implies the Shadows were originally this, thousands or millions of years ago, before they got too interested in proving themselves right rather than working in secret concert with the Vorlons to help the Younger Races find a balance between Order and Chaos.
  • Alex Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place is this for the most part, bordering on Chaotic Neutral. She is lazy, irresponsible, selfish, openly mocks authority, and at times treats her best friend like a servant. However, she does actually love her family and Harper and in the end will usually do the right thing even though much of the time "the right thing" means fixing a problem she caused in the first place. She's still saved the world numerous times and often shows more of a desire to help people than her more rule-abiding siblings.
  • Castle. His mother would probably be the same, though his daughter is more Neutral Good.
  • The version of Bruce Wayne/Batman on Gotham is this alignment. He actually lives for a while with Selena Kyle, who teaches him to pick locks, and even commits a few crimes while he's with her. He later explains to her that he doesn't mind stealing if it's from (other) criminals. He also defends his new lock-picking expertise to Alfred by telling him that it's a morally neutral skill (implying that if he thinks that breaking in somewhere will help save someone or further an investigation into a bigger crime, he doesn't have a moral problem with it.) While he doesn't seem to distrust the law and is willing to work with legitimate authority figures he trusts like James Gordon, he seems to prefer to work outside the boundaries of the law and develops a very strong, internal code of right and wrong at a young age that doesn't seem to be based on society's rules but may be influenced by different moral philosophy works that he's implied to have read over the years.
  • Stranger Things: Jim Hopper, Hawkins' resident Cowboy Cop. Despite being a police chief, he is the first one to break the rules and even the law in order to save his loved ones and his town from conspiracies and creatures from the Upside Down.
  • Kamen Rider:
    • Kamen Rider 555: Takumi Inui has a surly attitude most of the time and would rather be left alone, but still transforms into Kamen Rider Faiz to save the day whenever someone is in danger.
    • Kamen Rider Drive: Go Shijima/Kamen Rider Mach is just as committed to protecting civilians from the Roidmudes as Shinnosuke, but is far more unscrupulous in how he goes about it, contrasting against Shinnosuke's Lawful Good-ness.
    • Kamen Rider Build: Ryuga Banjo/Kamen Rider Cross-Z may be a hotheaded musclebrain, but despite starting out aloof he comes to earnestly believe in helping others and fighting for justice.
  • All three Hero Protagonists in the Chouseishin Series qualify, each being fiery in both their element and attitude.


  • Joe in Act II: Father of Death by The Protomen. He's the only man in the entire city whose desire for freedom and change is stronger than his fear of the machines controlling the city and uses this drive to escape the city to return later on to liberate it along with Dr. Light. He simply refuses to bow down to the machines, and his Hot-Blooded resolve to save the city burns strong even until his death.


  • The titular character of Pippin goes through a Goodness Before Freedom phase when he stages a coup d'état against his father, King Charlemagne. Unfortunately, Pippin reverts to his father's behaviors and realizes he is an equally incompetent ruler.
  • Siegmund in The Ring of the Nibelung is an attempt by his father, the Lawful Neutral Wotan, to create someone Chaotic Neutral to stop threats Wotan cannot. However, being manipulated by Wotan means Siegmund isn't truly free, and he does try to act moral, claiming what he thought wrong others approved of and vice versa. This is used to justify the Brother–Sister Incest that means Wotan has to kill Siegmund.

Tabletop Games 

  • Dungeons & Dragons:
    • King Boranel of Breland in Eberron. Courageous leader. Champion of warforged rights. Former treasure hunter. Boisterous Bruiser. Cool Old Guy. Even his enemies like him because of his desire to make the world a better place.
    • This is the default alignment of most elves besides the drow, who are Always Chaotic Evil. Elves have a society that looks out for everyone, encourages freewheeling art and leisure activities, and fights for the freedom of others. When they stray into the "snooty arrogant pricks" stereotype, though, they seem more True Neutral.
    • The Eladrins in 2nd and 3rd edition D&D are elf-like angels who exist to spread the ideals of Chaotic Good (in 4E, they're just another name for high elves). For example, firre eladrins promote artistic expression, Shiradi Eladrins free the oppressed, Courre Eladrins spread joy, etc. They survive as the Azatas in Pathfinder.
    • Way back in the days of Mystara, there was a race from the Plane of Dreams who had this as their most common racial alignment, followed by Chaotic Neutral and Neutral Good, with a very, very tiny minority of Chaotic Evil. This race, known as the Diaboli, were unfairly treated because they looked like purple variants of your iconic devil.
    • Selune, the goddess of the Moon in the Forgotten Realms setting. her dogma is essentially do what you want as long as it's mostly good and it would be nice if it inspires others to look at her for guidance. Occasionally kill lycanthropes who bother farmers. She was notably lax about alignments (allowed all non-evil alignments during an era where alignment restrictions were very much a thing), didn't even require regular tithes or prayers. So the only thing that keeps her from being Neutral Good was the fact that she is very laissez-faire.
    • Eilistraee, the dancing goddess of good aligned Drow. Ethically, Eillistraee and her faithful operate with chaotic feeling more than thinking (not that they're stupid, mind you), but they listen to their heart a lot. Morally, she and her following are benevolent, seeking to uplift others as they uplift themselves. To be better alongside others, rather than at their expense. They're rather selfless and caring. They seek to earn an invitation to the surface for themselves and their redeemed kin, to be welcomed, rather than force their way above the surface dwellers like her brother Vhaeraun or her mother Lolth would.
    • Pathfinder brings us the Azatas, who are the Eladrin by another name. It also brings us Nirmathas, which is not-fantasy England ala Robin Hood fighting Molthune, the Lawful Neutral not-Imperial Germany.
  • The Free Council in Mage: The Awakening hold this up as their ideal. At the birth of the 20th century, a group of unaligned mages, the Nameless Orders, were extended an offer of "We Can Rule Together" by the Lawful Evil Seers of the Throne. Most of the Nameless Orders opted instead to tell the Seers where they could stick it, then formed the Free Council to more effectively coordinate the sticking and back it up with guns and bombs. The Council's alliance with the older Diamond Orders against the Seers and the Abyss is a bit uneasy due to this rebellious and anti-authoritarian streak; the Diamond Orders revere the legacy of Atlantis, generally believe on some level that mages are superior to Sleepers (albeit in a With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility kind of way as opposed to the Despotism Justifies the Means beliefs of the Seers), and favour a hierarchical model for mages with the Silver Ladder technically in charge, while the Free Council generally want mage society to create something new rather than blindly mimic a long-lost, barely understood city, believe that mortal works contain magic all their own, and reject the Silver Ladder's beliefs in favour of egalitarianism and democracy.
  • This is what most Anarchs in Vampire: The Masquerade try to be, opposing the Lawfu L Neutral/ Lawful Evil status quo of the Camarilla, claiming that power should be redistributed from the elders to all vampires equally. They are often not very good at practicing what they preach: day-to-day fighting usually leads to loss of Humanity until they become Chaotic Evil, with only a few examples pretty solidly remaining in any remotely good waters.
  • Although it's mildly surprising to find any kind of good alignment in Warhammer 40,000, Logan Grimnar of the Space Wolves has to qualify. He's the only one to call out the Imperial authorities on genociding the people of Armageddon after Angron invaded, and has sworn never to let anyone do that kind of crap again if he can prevent them.
    • The Space Wolf Chapter itself is Chaotic Good incarnate. They wouldn't open the Codex Astartes if their lives depended on it, and tell the Inquisition to piss off after what happened on Armageddon.
    • Pre-heresy Night Haunter, aka Konrad Curze, might have been a borderline case of this, having spent most of his youth being an illegal vigilante on his homeworld before the arrival of the emperor, hunting down and killing corrupt officials and criminals alike. He seems to have been fully aware of his Face–Heel Turn beforehand, and it is highly suggested he let himself get assassinated because of that afterwards.
    • The Soul Drinkers chapter of the Space Marines. They fight for the good of the people of the Imperium, but are no longer bound by loyalty to the Imperium, convinced that the Imperium as it is couldn't be what the Emperor wanted.
    • The Harlequins could also be considered Chaotic Good, given their completely enigmatic nature, willingness to help Craftworld, Exodite, and Dark Eldar, dedication to the destruction of Slaanesh, and the fact that they follow a Chaotic Good trickster god, the Laughing God.
    • Radical Inquisitors often shoot for this, seeing their descent into Chaos/pacts with demons/use of forbidden xeno technology (case depending) as a way to improve the security of the Imperium or its citizens' lot in life (dreaming of destroying Chaos using armies of psykers is especially common). Results vary.
  • With a focus on fantasy tropes and almost three decades of storytelling, Magic: The Gathering is bound to have some examples:
    • Gerrard Capashen oscillates between this and Neutral Good. Unusually for a mono-White character, he's pretty brash and impulsive, though always trying to do the right thing.
    • Koth, especially in his conflict against New Phyrexia, leading La Résistance. However, he's firmly a case of Good Is Not Nice, being abrasive and brusque towards his allies.
    • The flamekin from Lorwyn are a race of these, being spiritual, passionate shamanists fighting against the elves.
    • Usually assumed stereotypical alignment for Red/White by non-savvy fans, because White is the colour most stereotypically associated with good and Red is always associated with chaos, not in the least because the most visible Red/White faction, the Boros, are presented as such. However, very few Red/White characters have actually been Chaotic Good: the Boros themselves in canon are firmly associated with the law, and under Aurelia have degenerated into borderline Lawful Evil, while the Lorwyn Nobilis of War and associated races are Chaotic Evil. Like Batman, they can easily be slotted into any alignment.
      • Further subverted by the Ixalan Planeshift claims that the stereotypical Red-White alignment is actually Lawful Good. Emphasis on "stereotypical", as examples above show.
    • Chandra Nalaar, the iconic red planeswalker and first red-aligned member of the Gatewatch. While card flavour text generally portrays her as a Pyromaniac, she has a deep hatred of tyranny and oppression. In early Aether Revolt art, she appears to be leading a rebellion against the repressive Consulate. Her mother, too — believing Chandra to be dead, Pia has reached the status of "Renegade Prime" for her work in inspiring dissent and revolution.

Theme Parks 

Web Animation 

  • RWBY: Fitting their Robin Hood inspiration, Robyn Hill and the Happy Huntresses fit here. Their main motivation is the survival and prosperity of the people of Mantle, and to that end often are at odds with the Lawful Neutral authority of Atlas. They would use the legal channels to aid them but don't hesitate to use thievery and force to take the necessary resources to aid their people.


  • In The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, Dr. McNinja is prone to bizarre outbursts and is wildly inconsistent in his Technical Pacifism. Rather than holding the Doctor to the law, the authorities changed the law to accommodate him. Even though he's been driven loopy by his dual compulsions to kill and to heal, he hasn't lost sight of his goal of helping those who need it.
  • There's a lot of unthinking, unsystematic goodness in Sluggy Freelance.
    • Torg is a nice guy, occasionally heroic, usually scatterbrained, and doesn't think of the consequences of his actions, but he's never intentionally malicious — his shoulder devil is shown to be too hyper and derangedly Obviously Evil to affect him. (The angel is very simple goodness personified.)
    • Riff would undoubtedly be in jail by now if his exploits weren't too bizarre for the authorities to believe. Even if you ignore the mass destruction of property he's been directly or indirectly responsible for, there's no way he has a license for the various guns, explosives, nuclear reactors, and reality-altering equipment he tinkers around with. He's even caused (or almost caused) the end of the world more than once. Yet, when vampires, demons, or aliens start threatening the Sluggyverse, he's usually there on the front lines with a laser cannon, a bag full of grenades, and giant killer robots to fight them off.
    • Kiki the ferret just wants to be everyone's friend, but she's also too freaking hyper to even remember what's going on.
    • Aylee, a space alien from another dimension whose body occasionally changes form to adapt to the environment, starts out as Chaotic Neutral in an "Oops, wasn't I supposed to eat him?" kind of way; child-like, clueless, driven by biological impulses. In chapter 52, she goes through some Character Development and comes to an existentialist realisation that she can't just drift along and has to make a choice to do what is right and to avoid what is wrong. Having matured that much but much the same as before otherwise, she could be considered Chaotic Good after this.
  • The Order of the Stick:
    • Haley Starshine ("Chaotic Good-ish"): An Action Girl with a lot of personal complexes who, despite her greed, cares about people and wants to do the right thing. She does murder her arch-rival Crystal while she's helpless in the shower, but Haley assumes that Bozzok will resurrect her; Crystal is revived, but not in the way Haley thought she would be.
    • Elan... Well, he's too good-hearted and with too thin a grasp on reality to be anything else.
    • Belkar speculates that Lord Shojo was of this alignment, and he's probably right. For the good of Azure City, he faked senility, broke any laws and oaths that got in his way and lied about it all to an order of paladins under his command, including his nephew and heir.
    • Haley must have gotten it from her father, who was run out of Greysky by the Guild because of his Robin Hood thievery. He's less effective than Haley, but he's far more ambitious and is trying to topple an Evil Empire by resistance from within. As a gladiator/prisoner at that!
    • It is said that Elan's mother may be of this alignment, and that alignment differences between her and her Lawful Evil husband were the grounds for their divorce.
  • Molly in The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob! is sweet and nice and wouldn't dream of hurting a fly... but she steals cars when she gets upset, and she tends to build giant potentially destructive robots.
  • In this El Goonish Shive filler strip, Grace claims to be Chaotic Good.
  • The cartoonist of Kevin & Kell has identified Rudy as Chaotic Good. Rudy does usually want to do the right thing, even if sometimes he drags his feet while doing so, and sometimes it takes him a bit to figure out what the right thing is. His solutions to problems can be messy or rather unorthodox. Most of his chaotic nature can be attributed to his youth: for most of the comic he's a teenager, arguably the most chaotic of ages (he only entered college in 2015, twenty years after the comic began).

Web Original 

  • Most of the protagonists in Breeniverse series, such as lonelygirl15 and KateModern, are this to some degree. Since they're fighting against an evil conspiracy called "the Order" which has agents in governments and police forces worldwide, they frequently commit crimes ranging from breaking and entering to kidnapping without hesitation. This becomes a major plot point in LG15: the resistance when Jonas is classified as a terrorist as the result of his actions.
  • Tom of Ruby Quest only wants freedom for him and his friend Ruby, but while she has some clear limitations of what she is willing to do to achieve this, putting her in Lawful Good territory, he is willing to go to any lengths to get them away, including physical violence and sacrificing himself in order to ensure her freedom.
    • Red arguably started here as well. He definitely cared for his patients and was willing to try unorthodox and potentially dangerous methods in order to cure them. However, by the time we meet him, he has degenerated into Chaotic Neutral.
  • Keith Jackson from Survival of the Fittest is a version three who looks out for his friends as best he can, but at the same time isn't a paragon of virtue. He threatens violence at least once to get people he doesn't like the look of to leave and doesn't hesitate to start shooting when his group was threatened.
  • Whateley Universe:
    • Probably The Lamplighter, since for a superhero he sure is in trouble a lot with the Boston police.
    • And Beltane. If you're being a big jerk, she may use her powers to do something wacky to you.
    • Despite his status as a supervillain, The Brigand is a classic Robin Hood / Byronic Hero figure, avenging his father's disgrace by taking down Corrupt Corporate Executive types through media exposure.
  • Originally a Chaotic Neutral in his videos and a broken, desperate-for-more-power selfish in Kickassia, The Nostalgia Critic seems to have settled on this after Suburban Knights. Despite being an occasional asshole to his team, he gives up his plans for profit after it turns out the MacGuffin's powers are real, bravely stands up to an all-powerful evil sorcerer, and is genuinely grief-stricken by Ma-Ti's death. As for being Chaotic, he still decides to take the Gauntlet from its clearly inept current protectors.
  • DC Super Hero Girls: This version of Harley Quinn is a straight-up hero (albeit still of the "good with nuts" type, unsurprisingly.) She does still like to pull pranks and the like but they're never deliberately mean.

Web Videos 

Western Animation 

  • Finn from Adventure Time tends to break many rules and laws and gets into a lot of trouble in his zealous attempts to do the right thing. Even Word of God seems to agree that "chaotic" is a good description for him. This isn't how he's always portrayed, though, as he has some moments of blatantly being more of a Lawful Good than a Chaotic Good.
  • Despite being a member of a law enforcement organization, Walter "Doc" Hartford of Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers is this. He's fond of trouble, a master of BS, and fine with breaking and entering (computers mostly, but he isn't past other breaking and entering). His canon was never developed, aside from Word of God stating he joined the Rangers "reluctantly." Fanon tends to go with the theory that he wasn't always on the "good" side of the law.
  • Gumball Watterson from The Amazing World of Gumball is this for most of the time. He might be snarky, but he is good and wants what is best for his friends and family. An example of this is at the end of 'The Others' where he has Tina ram into the bus that Claire was riding out of Elmore. He also saves Rob from the void in 'The Rerun'.
  • The Warner Siblings from Animaniacs. Although they do tend to flip between this and Chaotic Neutral, since the Warners care more about having fun than necessarily doing the right thing, when they come across someone who has been wronged, or is simply in need of assistance, they help them out (usually in the most annoying, but effective, way possible). They also refuse to get violent with anyone unless they are intentionally being a Jerkass. Yakko even describes himself and his siblings as Chaotic Good in an episode of the revival.
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender:
    • Katara. In "The Painted Lady", she goes out of her way to help strangers (and the help involves stealing to the enemy army), even if it would ruin their group's plans.
    • Toph Beifong's on the borderline between this and Chaotic Neutral. She's not particularly moral, but definitely a good guy. She also hates rules, and once celebrated the group decision to ignore the orders of the authorities of a city by gleefully blowing a hole in the wall of their apartment. Ironically enough, in Sequel Series The Legend of Korra, it turns out that Toph went on to become Republic City's Chief of Police. And then break the rules for the sake of her daughter Suyin, majorly pissing off her other daughter Lin in the process and causing a rift that would take twenty years to heal. She meant well.
    • Jet, whose title (freedom fighter) says it all. He starts out as a Chaotic Neutral Well-Intentioned Extremist rebel leader in his first appearance, but gradually moves toward a less ruthless, more heroic alignment in the next season.
    • In the sequel series, Korra herself starts out this way. She's aggressive, impulsive, has no respect for the rules, makes her entrance to Republic City tearing a large chunk of a street to shreds, gleefully uses bullying and threats to get her way, and responds very, very badly to attempts to impose discipline or set rules for her; the Krew only exists as a unit because — knowing full well that she wasn't allowed to — she went out to pro-bending. She's also honest, straightforward, cares greatly for her friends and honorary family members (such as the airbender kids and — despite their vastly opposed temperaments — Tenzin), and regularly risks her life to protect Republic City and the world. Moves closer to Neutral Good in the fourth season, as maturity and the lessons learned in her long fight against heavy metal poisoning cause her to moderate her aggressive impulses and attempt to solve things with peaceful negotiation first, using ass-beating only when that fails.
    • The first avatar, Avatar Wan, also qualifies. He fights against the injustice that a rich family dominates the city and oppresses the population. He steals the ability to fire bending because he want that this family lost their power so that the other people are better treated. When he is exiled from the city, he makes friends with the spirits in the forest and is no longer interested in returning to the city. And when he sees two fighting spirits, he immediately interferes, although he is told that the matter does not concern him.
  • In a continuing attempt to distance him from his canon Lawful Stupid Knight Templar charcterisation, Tony Stark in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes has been made into a chaotic good rebel, who gives a massive "screw you" to S.H.I.E.L.D. in his first appearance.
  • Darkwing Duck is often self-centered and likes to do things his way, but when he gets dangerous, he gets dangerous for the good of St. Canard.
  • Dungeons & Dragons (1983): Eric the Cavalier, Jerk with a Heart of Gold, Knight in Sour Armor streak, constant questioner of the Dungeonmaster, and team's Lancer. Cute Bruiser Bobby is also this alignment, as he's got more temper than good sense, and is the youngest of the kids.
  • El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera: El Tigre is ultimately cemented as this. He spent the entirety of the series as Chaotic Neutral, constantly grappling with the decision of whether to use his powers for good or evil. Despite being a Lovable Rogue ready to lie, cheat, and steal whenever the opportunity presented itself, he regularly fought bloodthirsty supervillains willing to cross boundaries he never considered and in the Grand Finale decides to follow in his father's footsteps as a superhero.
  • Fry from Futurama is the Chaotic Good Idiot Hero. He consistently wishes to do the right thing but will break any rule to do so. He also has a tendency to encourage his best friend Bender's kleptomania. However, he doesn't intentionally hurt people (unless he really has to) and most of his actions are unselfish.
  • Rex of Generator Rex. Always ready to risk his life to help total strangers or even people who flat-out hate and distrust him. Not so good with following rules or taking orders.
  • Gravity Falls:
    • Mabel Pines qualifies. Her extreme unpredictability is a defining trait of her character. As seen in "The Deep End", she won't let any rules stand in the way of doing what she believes is right. As seen in "Blendin's Game" and "The Love God", she feels very guilty about the idea of hurting other people, even by accident. However, she goes absolutely ballistic against unambiguously evil people like Gideon and Bill Cipher.
    • Wendy Corduroy, natch. Not only does she have no problem with breaking rules, she revels in doing so. She's an unapologetic slacker when it comes to her assigned duties at the Mystery Shack, but the farthest thing from one when it comes to helping her friends. In "The Last Mabelcorn", when she sees that Mabel's attempts at pacifying a haughty unicorn so the unicorn will give them a hair (which would protect the Shack) aren't getting them anywhere, she devises a devious plan without Mabel's knowledge to get the needed hair. While going through with it, Mabel tells Wendy that what they're doing is bad, to which Wendy counters, "But protecting the Shack is good." They all wind up taking the hair by force when the unicorn reveals her true colors and taunts Mabel over it.
  • The title character of Jimmy Two-Shoes definitely fits this mold. Considering the setting is basically Hell by another name, it's probably a good thing he follows his own rules.
  • Coop from Megas XLR. Sure he saves the day, but he causes way more destruction to the city than any of the enemies he fights.
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
    • Rainbow Dash: Brash, impulsive, and egotistical, but good and loyal at heart; lazy about her assigned duties, but never about general duty to others when they really need her. Is also not above breaking the rules when it is to her benefit, or will save her embarrassment. However, she shows increasingly lawful tendencies over the course of seasons 2 and 3 as her leadership qualities develop, and may be heading for Neutral Good.
    • Pinkie Pie: Very nice, and just wants everyone to be friends and have fun, but also slightly nuts and more than just slightly energetic and excitable. She also actively enjoys chaos, action, wild activity, and especially surprises, and seems to care little about rules as long as everyone is enjoying themselves. Has been described, more than once, as "so random." She does have a very deep sense of honor about promises, though.
    • Cheese Sandwich is essentially a male Pinkie Pie, and thus shares her character alignment (as well as her energy, her sweet tooth, her fondness for randomly breaking out in song, etc.).
    • Princess Luna occasionally falls into this hard, especially in her comic portrayals. Despite her status as ruler, she shows very little appreciation for any of Equestria's laws, blows off lists and schedules as boring pedantry, and is near-constantly Hot-Blooded. All the same, she does clearly care for others and is only too eager to be helpful and productive.
    • By the end of season 4, Discord starts to lean slightly toward Chaotic Good. After spending thirty episodes as Chaotic Neutral, Tirek's betrayal seems to thoroughly traumatize him. After being saved by Twilight, who had no reason whatsoever to show him any mercy, he couldn't help but join Twilight's True Companions for a group hug. In following appearances, while he does behave mischievously at times and struggles with old habits, he is ultimately trying to be a good friend, often in his own chaotic way.
  • She-Ra and the Princesses of Power:
    • Glimmer starts out here. The plot of the entire series only gets a chance to happen because Glimmer first disobeys her mother Angella's orders and fighting the Horde, then disobeys more orders in order to accompany Bow on his improvised First One technology hunt in the Whispering Woods. Most of Glimmer's first season is spent chafing at her mother's more cautious and defensive approach. She drifts closer to Neutral Good in seasons 2-3, though, as she takes on more responsibility in the Princess Alliance and The Chains of Commanding start to weigh down on her.
    • Sea Hawk, a boisterous, swashbuckling ship captain who's loyal to his friends, compassionate even to his enemies, out of his gourd on Respect Women Juice, and bizarrely fond of setting his boat on fire (supposedly, where he comes from, people found it charming).
  • The Simpsons:
    • Bart Simpson often flips between this and Chaotic Neutral due to his highly rebellious and laid-back nature. Thing is, he aspires to be Chaotic Neutral, but usually feels guilt or is just plain too nice to be purely neutral. He's still highly chaotic, as befitting his rebellious nature.
    • Homer Simpson is either this or Neutral Good when at his best. Otherwise, he's either True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral, but many of his deeds show he isn't incapable of being a good person, despite his selfishness and immaturity.
    • While she was initially Neutral Good, Lisa Simpson becomes this in later episodes. As Springfield continues to have more idiotic faults, Lisa stops being so honest and often takes measures into her own hands, such as derailing her family's BBQ party for the sake of ethical veganism.
  • The Mask: The Mask is chaotic, wild, fun-loving, and genuinely insane but he has a good heart, is also harmless as he only trolls people who annoy him and uses his powers to fight the supervillains who attack Edge City, even cares about his friends as well like Milo and Peggy, the people who are friendly to him and his unmasked self Stanley. He doesn't like hurting people or even killing them as he refuses to join with an elf who knew the previous wearers of the mask which shows that The Mask has morals unlike the evil mask personas.
  • South Park: Kyle Broflovski is usually this, given his tendency to base his position squarely on his personal sense of righteousness, and serves as The Conscience for the boys, but has a strong case of He Who Fights Monsters with Eric Cartman.
  • Connie from Steven Universe sits in a strange place, as her parents are very firmly Lawful Neutral and expect her to be too. When placed outside their immediate vision, however, she’s impulsive, aggressive, cheerful, and brave, and states that she loves hanging out with Steven because of all the monsters and explosions that surround him. She notes that her favourite part of the book series she likes is the subtle anti-authoritarian message (that may be entirely in her head).
  • Lance from Sym-Bionic Titan. Though he's one of the good guys, he's been in jail on-screen about three times and two of them were on Galaluna, where it would seem that this happens often. The two noted arrests happened to be the result of a Cassandra Truth, but if the following quote from the King is anything to go by, it's happened several times in between.

    Messenger: One of our own has been detained...
    King: *sigh* Lance.

    • That's not even mentioning the episode "Phantom Ninja", where he becomes known as the titular character and pulls off vigilante acts at night. Let's just say anyone he got to would feel it the next morning.
  • Prowl from Transformers: Animated is constantly ignoring orders to do what he feels is right, even if that involves teaming up with villains. This can get him into a lot of trouble, and it nearly killed him once.

    Prowl: "There's only one person I depend on. Me."