Color Motif - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Apr 21 2012
"Red, the blood of angry men!
Black, the dark of ages past!
Red, a world about to dawn!
Black, the night that ends at last!"
For many years, artists and interior designers have understood that certain colors can provoke specific emotional and sometimes physiological reactions. Within a certain culture, you can be fairly certain that most of the audience will react predictably to certain colors.
A motif is a recurring element within a work, so a color motif is obviously a recurring color within the work. The color may be associated with a character, place, feeling, timeframe, or even the work overall.
- Red is a bright color and creates feelings of excitement and intensity. It is also used to warn of danger and can symbolize anger or passion (calling to mind the Flames of Love). In Indian culture (Bollywood) and many parts of Southeast Asia, red is the color of marriage. In East Asia, red is the color of luck (hence red envelopes on Chinese New Year). Oh, it's also the color of socialism and communism. Ironically, The United States's right-wing Republican Party is also associated with the color red: by the Turn of the Millennium, the standard color scheme in electoral maps on the news had coalesced as red for Republicans and blue for Democrats.
- Blue is the most common favorite color and can create calmness, serenity, and heroism, although darker blues are associated with a feeling of melancholia. It is also symbolic of masculinity and, interestingly, also femininity, the latter due to the Virgin Mary often being depicted with blue robes. The association with calmness can also extend to intellect and through intellect to magic. Light blues are associated with freedom and hope, due to the colour of the sky. With blue pigments being rare in nature, it is associated with unattainable beauty and rarity, such as in the concept of the blue rose. Its association with cool-headed seriousness leads to it being used in politics to represent conservativism and authority, and is specifically the colour of sailors and police, but it can also represent laborers and the working class due to association with the traditional colour of denim workwear. In America, however, it's associated with the liberal-leaning Democratic party.
- Green, in an odd duality, represents both the natural and the unnatural. It has the obvious association with nature, plant life, and environmentalism, but is also commonly the color of poison and radiation (especially when mixed with yellow), and is often the color of the Eldritch or the strange and alien. Similarly, it is associated with both health (the colour of hospitals, healing magic and healthy plants and foods) and sickness (the colour of puke, snot and nausea). Bright green can mean "good/correct/positive" (especially in opposition to bright red as bad/incorrect/negative), playing off the idea of it meaning safety. Green is the colour of the military, since camouflage is usually in shades of green. Green is also the colour of money in America, and (especially in Hip-Hop) marijuana. Green is heavily associated with the religion of Islam.
- Yellow is cheery and warm. However, it can cause feelings of frustration and anger when it is the predominant color. It also has connections to fear and cowardice. In China, yellow is also seen as the color of royalty, mainly due to ancient China forbidding anyone but the emperor from wearing it. Soft, pale yellow is the colour of blond hair, an uncommon hair colour that mostly occurs naturally on children and baby birds, and therefore represents purity and cuteness. Yellow is associated with industrial work — in industrial settings, yellow is used to signal dangerous machinery or increase visibility of workers. Through this, it can also represent safety, through its use in safety equipment like hard hats and protective gloves. Yellow often forms the middle part of a spectrum between red and green, where red signals stop/bad/danger and green signals go/good/safe — yellow therefore signals ready/warning/caution. Yellow can also be added to the pink/blue spectrum to represent a gender somewhere between them, being used for babies whose sex isn't known, and is often the colour of tomboyish girls. It's also the dominant colour in the nonbinary and intersex Pride flags. Politically, yellow is generally associated with liberalism and right-libertarianism (though it's considered a monarchist color in East Asia).
- Purple is the color of royalty and wealth, but also of wisdom. It is often associated with spirituality, power, exoticism, or poisonousness. In Japan, purple is one of two colors associated with death, the other being white. Due to being both a powerful masculine colour (the colour of kings) as well as regarded as a feminine colour (a more tomboyish alternative to pink) — and in fact, being a mix of red and blue — it has a connotation of flamboyance and gender ambiguity. In addition to this, it has an association with psychedelia, so purple is a popular colour with gender-bending and funky rock stars, from James Brown to Jimi Hendrix to Prince. Politically, purple represents monarchy, and (in a red/blue two-party system) 'third option' political tendencies.
- Brown gives a feeling of strength and dependability. It makes us feel warmth, security, and comfort. Conversely, it is also the color of filthiness and decay. Brown is extremely common in nature, as the colour of the earth, tree trunks and dying/dead leaves, and a lot of animals (including humans) evolved hair, feathers and skin in brown pigments as camouflage and sun protection — natural products like wood, paper, fur and leather have to be processed with chemicals to make them into more appealing colours. Through this association, brown is the colour of roughness and naturalness, often used to market "eco-friendly" products. Paradoxically, it can be associated with old fashioned riches, as many luxury goods plundered during colonialism were brown (coffee, tea, exotic wood, spices) and were displayed prominently in rich European homes. Politically, brown represents far-right ideologies, especially fascism — in some European contexts, it's used as an opposite of green to refer to organisations and companies that are in favour of pollution.
- Orange is, like yellow and red, an exciting color. It easily draws attention and conveys a feeling of warmth and enthusiasm. Politically, it's associated with Christian democracy; to a lesser extent, it's sometimes used to represent various forms of populism.
- Pink is associated with romance, love, sex, and femininity—though this wasn't universal until the mid-to-late twentieth century, before which pink was sometimes seen as masculine due to red's association with blood. In Japanese media, pink can be associated with a Cherry Blossom Girl and by extension spring and rebirth. Pink also has a calming effect. Pink is frequently associated with LGBT people. Some moderate left groups (especially ones with social democratic leanings) have adopted pink.
- Black is a color (or rather, not-color) of menace or evil. It can also be associated with death and, sometimes, rebirth. Due to it being what you see when your eyes are closed, it can also represent oblivion. Its association with sinister, understated strength, and a sense of it being a "rejection" of garish and distracting colours, gives it an association with stylish luxury and affluence, especially in fashion, furniture and packaging. In politics, it is the colour of anarchism and of militant, street-level movements, whether left (black bloc) or right (blackshirts). It also represents black civil rights movements and cultural identity.
- White symbolizes purity, innocence, and divinity. It can also make an area seem bland, sterile, or cold. In some Eastern cultures (such as Japan and China), white is a symbol of death. Taking its association with purity to a more sinister level, white can symbolise oblivion, emptiness and dissociation. It can also represent potential, being the colour of a blank page waiting to be filled. In terms of politics, white could either refer to pacifism (hence the white flag) or right-wing counter-revolution (hence the Russian White Army). Women are traditionally married in a white dress in many Western cultures.
- Grey is used for mourning, humility and repentance. It can also represent depression, plainness, and lack of life or joy. Like brown, grey is common in nature, particularly rock and metal which gives it a similar connotation of strength. While usually a sombre colour that can represent seriousness and austerity, inclement weather often involves a grey sky, giving grey a connotation of rage and drama similar to storms and tornados. Independent politicians are often associated with the color.
- Gold symbolizes wealth, justice, balance, and royalty. It also is associated with wisdom and heroism. The height of a civilization is called the golden age for this reason.
- Silver symbolizes the moon and femininity. It is also often magical in nature. Additionally, tying into gold representing greatness, silver is sometimes used to represent second bananas or "Second Place", hence the use of the term "silver age" to refer to a golden age's successor, should it not be a dark age.
For the many specific ways colors are used as tropes, see Colour-Coded for Your Convenience and its subtropes.
See also Motif for other kinds of motifs found in Fiction. With how closely related the colors are to the elements, this has a lot of overlap with Elemental Motifs.
Please only include examples that do not belong on a more specific color trope.
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Anime & Manga
- While most of Asteroid in Love's main cast were given one of these, Ao's case is the most blatant. Her name means "blue"note , she has blue hair and blue eyes, and personality-wise she's a mixture of Blue Is Calm, Blue Means Smart One with a bit of Shy Blue-Haired Girl, not to mention she has quite a tint of masculinity.
- Black for Nero, aka Secre, from Black Clover. She has black hair (blue in the anime), wears a black dress, can transform into a black anti-bird, joins the Black Bulls, and her given name "Nero" means "black" in Italian. She also used Forbidden Magic, giving her wegs that mark her as a servant of the devil to the Magic Parliament, and, after contemplating joining Lumiere in the afterlife as he dies, finds companionship in the Black Bulls.
- Asta is associated with black and red, in both his uniform and his Anti-Magic. The former is prevalent on his Black Bull robes reflecting his darker powerset, yet also fits as a colour symbolising power, protection, and comfort, which describe him to a tee. Red befits his Hot-Blooded nature, becoming excited very easily and having a determined and courageous outlook befitting an aspiring Ideal Hero.
- Yuno has green and gold, in contrast to his childhood friend Asta. Green is the colour of his mana and Grimoire, and he even gains a body-wide hue in his Spirit Drive. It also reflects how he grew up in a harmonious and loving environment. Gold matches the colour of his eyes, Golden Dawn uniform, and befitting his almost regal stoicism and surprisingly compassionate attitude. Becomes further compounded with the reveal that he's the prince of the Spade Kingdom and gains another Grimoire that gives him Star Magic.
- Noelle has blue, matching the colour of her magic aura, water magic, and befitting the Only Sane Woman of the Black Bulls.
- Finral has green — the color of his clothes and mana. Finral himself is an easygoing man who is jealous of his younger brother's superior magic, seeing himself as inferior to Langris.
- Mimosa has a subtle association with the color green. Her Grimoire gives off a gentle green glow when she uses it, her magic comes in the form of green plants and she has bright green eyes. This color fits both her plant magic since green is associated with nature and relates to her healing abilities since green is also associated with health. The color green can also be associated with the sin of envy which also fits Mimosa as a Clingy Jealous Girl when it comes to Asta.
- Each of the Magic Knight squads is strongly associated with a particular colour.
- The Black Bulls have black right there in the name. The squad is a group of social outcasts. And through joining the Black Bulls, many of them gained a second chance at life.
- Golden Dawn has gold (duh). The squad is the highest-ranked and made up almost entirely of nobility and royalty.
- The Silver Eagles continue the trend with silver. The squad is led by the royal Silva family, and despite their captain being quite impressive, the other members don't quite measure up to the powerhouses of other squads, Always Second Best.
- The Crimson Lion Kings (you guessed it) crimson. The squad is a brave, Hot-Blooded group who favor using Flame Magic.
- The Blue Rose Knights are (shockingly) blue. The squads' fighters are all women, with the men serving as errand boys, and typically favouring a calm, collected approach to battle.
- The Green Praying Mantis's have (you guessed it) green. The squad is all commoners, making them more down to earth than the rest of the Magic Knights.
- The Aqua Deer have, well, aqua blue, being an easygoing bunch with a friendly captain.
- The Coral Peacocks are (have you guessed?) coral. Their squad is led by the energetic Dorothy and vain Kirsch., who embody the term Agent Peacock.
- Finally, the Purple Orca's are purple, have quite a few members who are poisonously unpleasant.
- Code Geass
- Lelouch is strongly associated with black and purple. The former is seen preferring to play black in games of chess, being the leader of the Black Knights and his identity of Zero has the callsign of Black King. Purple is the colour of his Geass and is prominent across his Zero outfit. Fitting for someone like the mysterious and charismatic rebel leader Zero.
- Kallen is strongly associated with red, being the colour of her hair, combat outfit, and Knightmare, on top of her Hot-Blooded personality.
- Schneizel is the white to his brother Lelouch's black, being known as the White Prince, wearing plenty in his outfit and favouring the white side in chess. His dedication to his goal is completely pure, meaning nothing is off the table in order to achieve it.
- In Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, the two main characters have distinct color motifs:
- David is Green. This represents his initial inexperience in mercenary work and him learning the ropes as an edgerunner. It also reflects how his addiction to cybernetics has poisoned his mind and how it ultimately leads him to his death.
- Lucy is Purple. This color signifies death, and how people close to her (including David) end up getting killed due to the choices she makes.
- Darker than Black combines this with Colorful Theme Naming. The main character, Hei, is codenamed after the Chinese word for black, which is carried over with his all-black clothing and unreflective black eyes. He is, accordingly, The Stoic, a total badass, and surprisingly close to being Batman. His dead little sister, codenamed Pai (white), is most often seen in flashbacks in a white dress, and hits pretty much all the ideas associated with that color by also being a Person of Mass Destruction. The Rei Ayanami Expy, Yin, has a codename meaning "silver," silver hair, and is... well, a Rei clone, and thus a Mysterious Waif with unusual powers and abilities. Similar statements can be made about most of the other characters with color codenames.
- Happy Sugar Life: Satou is represented by the color pink while Shio is represented by the color blue. It’s their respective hair and eye colors (with Shio also wearing a blue Sailor Fuku) and their “love” is commonly symbolized by a jar full of pink and blue candies. After they hold a makeshift wedding, Satou wears a ring with a blue gemstone while Shio wears a ring with a pink gemstone. It’s also shown in the manga that Shio developed a love for all things pink after Satou’s death due to them reminding her of Satou. Satou is a Yandere that is willing to do anything to keep Shio to herself, while Shio is an innocent little girl that is frequently compared to an angel.
- Maid-Sama! spends a chapter/episode examining what color motif best suits Misaki, prompted by Maid Latte scheduling a sentai-themed "Maid Rangers" event. Usui ultimately pegs her as "white" - untouched by any other colors, reflecting the way that Misaki sticks to her own path and does not allow other people to influence or divert her.
- The Pactio Cards in Negima! Magister Negi Magi each have a color indicated on them, attuned with the personality of the character on the card. For example, the characters with Blue on their cards (Akira, Kaede, and Kazumi) are calm and understanding while the characters with Black on their cards (Setsuna, Yue, Chisame, Mana, Zazie) are more serious and down to earth.
- In One Piece, each of the Straw Hat Pirates has their own color motif that goes along with them:
- Luffy is Red. This perfectly goes with his easygoing, hyperactive, and Hot-Blooded personality. His trademark clothes often have red in them.
- Zoro is Green. Aside from this being his hair color, Zoro is also the most level-headed and relaxed of the Straw Hats. He also often gets into battles the most and takes a lot of damage. And then there is his rivalry with Sanji. Zoro's main attire also has a lot of green in it (especially post-timeskip).
- Nami is Orange. Hot-Blooded, loves money, and loves having fun, this color also best describes Nami. She also has orange hair.
- Usopp is Yellow. Usopp, like Luffy, loves having fun and is very easygoing. However, he is very cowardly and would rather flee than fight. Usopp is also the weakest member of the Straw Hats and he knows this. Though he did learn to get over this in time and will be pushed into fighting should anyone insult Luffy. Usopp is also the son of Yasopp who happens to be a member of one of the Four Emperors crews, Shanks, who are considered "kings" of the seas. After the events of Dressrosa, Usopp is now referred to as "God Usopp."
- Sanji is Blue. Sanji is also pretty level-headed and loves cooking more than anything. Well, that and women whom Sanji constantly dotes over and would often participate in their activities such as shopping. Sanji also wears a blue shirt and his goal in life is to find the "All Blue."
- Chopper is Pink. Although Chopper is male and makes it clear he isn't interested in love, he is heavily associated with cherry blossoms due to his relationship with his late adoptive father.
- Robin is Purple. Robin doesn't show too much expression but she is very smart being an archaeologist. She is also extremely ruthless in battle as her favorite technique is sprouting arms on people's necks and breaking their spines. She also has a Running Gag where often likes to talk about violent ways on how others have died freaking out her friends.
- Franky is classified as Light Blue but does have traits of Red to go with his Hot-Blooded and over-the-top personality.
- Brook is an interesting case as he is both Black and White which goes really well on his situation. For starters, Brook is an animated skeleton that is alive thanks to his Devil Fruit: The Yomi Yomi no Mi. This Devil Fruit allows the user to be revived after dying once and situations lead to Brook being revived as a living skeleton. This fits well with the "death" aspect for both colors. For White, Brook is one of the nicest characters in the series and often politely asks women if he could see their panties. After the timeskip, Brook has trained himself to use freezing slashes in his battles. For Black, though he is by no means evil, Brook is still a pirate and is part of a very notorious pirate crew that cause destruction around to those that mess with them. "Rebirth" of course applies to his devil fruit's effects.
- In The Pet Girl of Sakurasou, Mashiro, an Idiot Savant and genius artist asks Sorata, her future Cloudcuckoolander's Minder what color he pictures himself. He claims to be opal-like, a swirling of colors. She sees herself as white. Later on he is depicted as insecure, confused about his future and overly worried about being normal; she instead is completely focused in her art, if not unbounded by societal norms.
- In Puella Magi Madoka Magica, the five main heroines each have a single hue associated with them, appearing on their magical outfits, weapons, and their overall appearance, even in human form:
- Madoka is associated with pink, often a color of magical girl protagonists. Pink and purple (as demonstrated by Homura) exist out of the primary spectrum (red, blue, and yellow), possibly symbolizing how she and Homura exist on a different level compared to the other girls.
- Homura is associated with purple, signifying how she is far more powerful than the other girls.
- Mami is associated with yellow, or alternatively, gold, referencing her noble aura.
- Sayaka is associated with blue, showing her desire to become a hero. Blue is commonly representative of the element of water, something Sayaka herself is able to control, and Sayaka later is corrupted into the Mermaid Witch more than halfway into the anime. Being a masculine color, blue can also reference Sayaka's tomboyishness.
- Kyoko is associated with red, evocative of her fiery personality, as well as the trail of blood her wish created.
- Almost all of the core Sword Art Online gang have a color associated with them. Kirito (Black), Asuna (White and Red), Leafa (Leaf Green), Sinon (Cyan and Olive Green), Lisbeth (Pink), Klein (Red), Agil (Emerald Green), and Yuuki (Purple), Alice (Gold), and Eugeo (Blue). The only exception is Silica who has variably been given Red, Blue, and Yellow, without any specific fixed color.
- In Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE- Kurogane and Fai have an opposing color scheme to represent that they are foils of each other. Fai is commonly associated with blue and white, whilst Kurogane is associated with red and black.
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: Seto Kaiba main color is Blue, matching his eyes, initial Badass Longcoat, and his Signature Mon is Blue Eyes White Dragon. It also matches his cold, calculating approach.
Comic Books
- A common motif in comic books is for the heroes to be dressed in primary colors (Superman, Supergirl, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, Captain America, the Fantastic Four) and the villains in secondary colors (Lex Luthor, The Joker, Doctor Doom, Green Goblin).
- Green Lantern: The color spectrum plays a heavy part in the series. Each color of the individual Lantern Corps corresponds to an emotion: the green light of willpower, the yellow light of fear, the blue light of hope, the red light of rage, the orange light of avarice, the violet light of love, and the indigo light of compassion. As of the Blackest Night event, there is also the black light of death and the white light of life.
- Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale collaborated on four miniseries for Marvel Comics, all themed around a certain color. They are: Spider-Man: Blue, Daredevil: Yellow, Hulk Gray, and Captain America: White. Made the more ironic that Sale is actually colorblind.
- Superman: Lois Lane is often associated with the color purple. She wears purple clothing and sometimes drawn with purple eyes.
- Teen Titans: Cheshire has the color Green as a major motif:
- Her first name is Jade, a mineral known for being green.
- She has bright green eyes.
- Her outfits, both supervillain and civilian ones, are mainly colored in various shades of green.
- The color green can often represent mystery, which is a character trait of hers.
- Her main gimmick is to be a Master Poisoner, and poison is heavily associated with green.
- Watchmen: There's a lot of yellow in the comic.
- White Sand: White and black for Daysiders and Darksiders respectively. Daysides wear bright clothes, have pale skin and live in a white desert in a land of Endless Daytime, whereas Darksiders are black-skinned, wear dark colours and live on the side of the planet with dead — black — sand and no sunlight.
- DC Comics has published a variety of miniseries Anthology Comics based on their characters with themes of two colors: Batman: Black and White, Superman: Red and Blue, Wonder Woman: Black and Gold.
Fairy Tales
- "The Nix in the Mill-Pond" regularly calls attention to colors: the nixie is white, as is the wise old lady's hair. The husband succumbs to the nixie when trying to get rid of the red blood of the deer he killed. The heroine has black hair. The magical items she uses to try to rescue her husband are all gold.
Fan Works
- Everyday Craziness in Pontypandy is big on Color-Coded Characters, not just with clothing but with various other items.
- In general, the fire service is associated with blue far more than other characters.
- Sam and blue: he has blue eyes, his default outfit is a blue shirt with blue jeans, in the video game he wears a blue mask when sick, in "A Merry Pontypandy Christmas" he has a blue mug for cocoa, in "A Stormy Sleepover" he has a blue sleep mat.
- Elvis and black: he has black hair, in "Scary Stories" and "A Merry Pontypandy Christmas" he has a black mug, in the video game he wears a black mask when sick.
- Penny and red: her favourite gemstone is the red garnet, she has red blankets, her casual outfit includes a red jacket, her pyjamas are a red shirt and white pants with a red floral pattern, in "Penny on the Cliff by the Sea" she brings red towels when visiting Ben, in the video game she wears a red mask when sick, in "A Merry Pontypandy Christmas" she has a red mug.
- Briar and purple/blue: They wear a blue station uniform, their favourite flower is the bluebell, their favourite gemstone is the blue sodalite, one of their favourite foods is blueberries, they have purple bedsheets, in the video game they wear a purple mask when sick, in "A Merry Pontypandy Christmas" they have a purple mug.
- Tom and orange: His default outfit is an orange jumpsuit, he has orange blankets, in "A Stormy Sleepover" he has an orange sleep mat.
- Krystyna and green: Her casual outfit is a green jumpsuit, her favourite gemstone is the jadeite, in "A Stormy Sleepover" she has a green sleep mat.
- Ben and blue: His default outfit includes blue jeans, his favourite flower is the blue forget-me-not, his favourite gemstone is the aquamarine, in "To Melt This Aussie's Heart" he wears blue pyjamas and later a blue robe.
- Jodie and blue: Her default outfit includes blue jeans, she has a dark blue wetsuit, in "Sarah's Mermaid Adventure" she has a blue mermaid tail, in "A Merry Pontypandy Christmas" she makes a blue wreath.
- Charlie and yellow: he wears a yellow jacket, his favourite flower is the banana cream daisy, his favourite gemstone is the yellow agate.
- Gabby and pink/orange: Her default outfit includes pink-and-orange flannel, she has a pink cell phone, a pink pig purse, and an orange umbrella, her summertime outfit is a salmon halter top with magenta cargo shorts, her swimsuit is a salmon-pink ruffle top and skirt, in "Sarah's Mermaid Adventure" she has an orange mermaid tail, in "Shop Till You Drop" she has an orange helmet, in "A Merry Pontypandy Christmas" she gets pink roses for Svetlana, in "A Stormy Sleepover" she wears pink pyjamas.
- Svetlana and blue: She has blue eyes, her default outfit is a blue shirt, skirt, and shoes, she has a blue purse, her swimsuit is blue, in "Sarah's Mermaid Adventure" she has a blue mermaid tail, in "How Not To Camp" she wears a blue shirt, jeans, and hat, in "Svetlana Gets a Job" she is given a blue pencil, in "Sea Ballerina" she uses a blue bauble as fishing bait.
- Sarah and pink: She wears a pink vest and shoes, her favourite flower is the pink lotus, her favourite gemstone is the pink spinel, in "Sarah's Mermaid Adventure" she has a pink mermaid tail and Mermaid Wand.
- Norman and blue: He has blue eyes, he wears blue glasses, his default outfit includes a blue jacket, in "Unreal Estate" he uses blue chalk, in "A Stormy Sleepover" he wears blue pyjamas.
- Lily and pink: She wears pink overalls, her favourite flower is the pink lily, her favourite gemstone is the pink coral, in "A Story for Lily" she has a pink mermaid tail, in "Runaway Raft" she finds a pink conch shell, in "A Merry Pontypandy Christmas" she uses a pink crayon.
- Hannah and purple: She wears a purple top, in "Sarah's Mermaid Adventure" she has a purple mermaid tail.
- Peter and red: He wears a red jacket and hat, his favourite flower is the red bush monkeyflower, in "A Stormy Sleepover" he wears red pyjamas.
- Freya and orange/yellow: She has red hair, she wears orange pineapple socks, her favourite flower is the yellow sunflower, in the wintertime she wears a yellow hat.
- Millicent and green: Her favourite gem is the green malachite, her default outfit is a green pantsuit, her nails are painted green, in "A Merry Pontypandy Christmas" she has a green mug.
- Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes: As the name would imply, the main character Puppysmiles is represented heavily by the color pink, to the point of being nicknamed 'The Pink Ghost' on the radio. Her fur is naturally pink, her eyes turn pink with certain emotional outbursts, and she releases toxic Pink Cloud when she's killed. After her first possession, she gains a blue streak in her hair, and blue becomes a warring arc color representing her internal takeover by the Nightmare.
- Infinity Train: Blossoming Trail has a big focus on red for the main character, Chloe Cerise. She has red hair, she names her group the Red Lotus Trio, her nickname is "Chloe of the Vermillion", the fairytale associated with her is Little Red Riding Hood and she gains a red cloak and mark that lets her cast fire and summon demons. She was also dumped with red paint by her classmates as a bullying prank. Red represents her fiery spirit, her love of her friends and her Unstoppable Rage when pissed off. And on a smaller note, the Apex mark themselves with red lipstick over their faces, emulating the Conductor and are violent terrorists.
- In the prequel, Infinity Train: Knight of the Orange Lily, Gladion's team of White Gestalt is associated with White whether it's due to outfits (Gladion, Specter, Paul London) or hair colors (Specter and Tokio), which contrasts them being noble figures heading off to fight the Apex.
- Lilies Out of Season: The flowers Vegeta coughs up are bright red. While telling Vegeta about Hanahaki Disease, Bulma says that red flowers symbolize passion and strong romantic love. The color red is also frequently associated with Vegeta as he often blushes when his feelings for Goku are mentioned.
- The Night Unfurls: Several characters / locations are associated with one or two colours.
- Kyril has dark grey and dark red as his primary and secondary colours respectively. Grey, the colour of his Badass Longcoat, complements his humility, dourness, moral complexity, and him being a total enigma. The moments where the colour red is present, be it his eyes or his coat stained with blood, basically screams "don't mess with this guy". Befitting a '90s Anti-Hero, both colours are of darker shades instead of lighter ones.
- The Hunter's Dream is predominantly white and grey due to the abundance of white asphodels and gravestones, hence associated with death and mourning.
- Claudia is silver, from how she is clad in steel plate in most of her appearances. She is regarded as the right hand of the Goddess Reborn, Celestine, whose appearance has a gold and white motif.
- Prim, associated with pink and white, is characterised as a Princess Classic and The Cutie.
- Maia, associated with red and tangerine, is characterised as the fratboy of the Seven Shields.
- Orcs are also known as "greenskins", alluding to their dull-green skin color. They are portrayed as dumb, dirty, and depraved.
- Alicia (remastered version) is blue. She has blue eyes, is always clad in blue armour, is the leader of the Iris Knights (the iris is commonly depicted as a blue flower), and strives to live up to the ideals of a noble Knight In Shining Armour that protects the innocent from the orcs' predations.
Films — Animation
- Aladdin has a color scheme based on its desert setting. Blue (for life-giving water) stands for good (the Genie, Jasmine's clothes, the carpet); Red (for the blazing sun) stands for evil (Jafar's cape, Iago, the gem that tempts Abu in the Cave of Wonders); and yellow (for the ever-present sand) is neutral (Aladdin himself, the riches of the Cave of wonders). Early on Aladdin also wears a purple vest, a mixture of blue and red, meaning that he is mixture of good and evil; not to mention foreshadowing his first wish being to "be a prince" and him becoming a prince through marriage.
- The Book of Life:
- Despicable Me 3: To show the contrast in their personalities, Dru wears all white (both in his casual wear and his spandex villain suit), while Gru wears all black. Fittingly, Dru is naive while Gru is grumpy and serious. Even more so, Gru and Dru's father wore grey.
- In The Emperor's New Groove, Yzma is heavily associated with the color purple; fittingly enough, the color is associated with royalty, madness and magic.
- In Frozen (2013), three characters are associated specifically with a particular color, present in all their outfits:
- Anna is associated with green. Every single one of her outfits has a green element to it, even her iconic blue "winter dress", which has green leaves and stems as part of the floral motif. If you're familiar with the symbolism of the Chakras: green stands for the Heart Chakra or love — Anna's power. Green is also associated with growth, and spring and summer, which Anna helps bring back after Elsa accidentally freezes the kingdom in an Endless Winter. She was even born in summer.
- An Ice Person Elsa is associated with blue (for obvious reasons).
- Hans is associated with white as a subversion of Disney expectations. In a more subtle manner, he wears purple under his coat, a common color motif used to represent villains in animated Disney films.
- The Incredibles:
- Violet is associated with purple, particularly after her Character Development. Her clothes heavily involve purple, and her force fields, eyes and hair have a purple tinge. Plus, her name is Violet.
- Frozone. Lucius has a very limited palette when it comes to personal style, be it fashion or home design. He likes blue. A really cool ice-y shade of blue specifically.
- Kung Fu Panda:
- In the DVD Commentary for Kung Fu Panda, the creators note when colors are used for certain effect, based on Chinese symbolism. For example, gold means heroism, even for the Big Bad, who sees himself as the hero (and everyone else as just in his way) having golden eyes. Green represents wisdom, as seen in the green Oogway and Po's green eyes.
- In Kung Fu Panda 2, Lord Shen is symbolized by red and white, representing fire and metal in Wu Xing philosophy. He uses both as his weapons in the form of the cannon. Additionally, white is the traditional color of death in Asian cultures. Meanwhile Shifu adds green to his outfit to show his new wisdom since the first film.
- And finally in Kung Fu Panda 3, Kai’s main color is green, but unlike the natural emerald green of Po, Oogway, and Shifu, it’s a Sickly Green Glow that symbolizes his dangerousness and supernatural powers. Whenever he shows up, he is surrounded by a green aura, his blades are green Jade, and the jombies he commands are green as well.
- The Spider-Man: Spider-Verse films do this a lot, with various characters having color motifs significant to their arcs:
- Spider-People in general like Peter, Miles, Peni, Noir, Spider-Ham, Hobie, Margo, and Pavitir are all associated with red and blue — traditionally "heroic" colors and, of course, the iconic color scheme of the original Spidey costume. Miguel O'Hara, the Spider-Man of the 2099 universe, retains this color association, but with much darker shades of blue and red, symbolizing both the Darker and Edgier nature of his home reality and how he himself has become warped into a Knight Templar.
- Spider-Gwen and her universe are associated with a variety of pastel colors, both to riff on the "punk rock indie comic" vibe of her world and likely to symbolize how Gwen's personal life and emotions have become turbulent thanks to her superheroism.
- The Prowler is associated with purple and green in order to contrast with Spider-Man's colors, since his gimmick is essentially being an Evil Counterpart with similar powers to Spidey but faked through technology. The color is also used subtly with Miles quite a bit, foreshadowing both The Reveal in the first film that he's unknowingly Prowler's nephew and the twist in the second where he meets an alternate version of himself who became the second Prowler.
- Kingpin and the Spot are both associated with black and white, marking them out as major supervillains. With Spot, it's also used to symbolize his character arc. At the start, when he's a doofy Harmless Villain, he's white-with-black-spots, giving him a silly appearance and an innocent, non-threatening demeanor. Once he's developed into a terrifying Big Bad and Not-So-Harmless Villain, he switches to being black-with-white-spots, making him look much more intimidating and symbolically showing his corruption from a mere scientist trying to assert control over his ruined life to a vengeful, murderous madman who will destroy worlds to get even with anybody who disrespects him.
- Turning Red: Mei and her friends are each associated with a different color that forms most of their wardrobe. Mei wears red, Miriam wears green, Priya wears yellow, and Abby wears purple.
Films — Live-Action
- Each segment in The ABCs of Death are bookended by zooming in or out or focusing on a red-colored object. Its sequel, ABCs of Death 2, does the same with the colour black.
- In the film Auto Focus, orange is used to symbolize normalcy — Bob Crane's ordinary life has him drinking orange juice, he has a monologue about the meaning of the word "orange", and John Carpenter, who tempts Bob into his sex addiction, is color-blind and during a presentation, can't tell that the color is off on his projector and the on-screen oranges are purple.
- Cries and Whispers: Red, red, red everywhere. The walls and carpets of the lavish family mansion are red. The curtains are red. The bedsheets are red. Maria's sexy lingerie is red. Maria's daughter is dressed in red. The credits roll over a red screen. The screen flashes red for scene transitions. The book that Anna reads to Agnes even has a red cover.
Ingmar Bergman: Cries and Whispers is an exploration of the soul, and ever since childhood, I have imagined the soul to be a damp membrane in varying shades of red.
- The Dark Knight Trilogy, which is highly noticeable in the series' main trope page. Batman Begins is filled with a yellowish tint. The Dark Knight has blue, most noticeably in the various evening or Day For Night shots. The Dark Knight Rises features white, showcased by the cloudy skies and the snowy winter setting.
- Equinox Flower is a story of a businessman in late middle age who's having to deal with changing culture in Japan, as his daughter is getting married without asking permission. Director Yasujiro Ozu emphasizes the color red everywhere. Most prominent is a bright red teapot which shows up in every scene inside the Hirayama home, but there are other examples of red all over the place—purses, ashtrays, signs, barstools, placemats. Everywhere. This is no doubt referring to the "Equinox flower" which gives the film its name, and which is bright red. The equinox flower
often blooms around graveyards and is associated with death.
- In The Godfather films, the color orange is a symbol of impending death. Usually, it comes in the form of orange fruit, but even orange clothing and orange decorations are used as foreshadowing towards death.
- In Greed, a black & white movie, yellow represents greed. Specifically, it represents gold—gold nuggets in ore, Trina's gold wedding ring, the $5000 in gold coins that Trina wins, which wrecks three lives. The gold is hand-colored yellow. By the time it ends, with a murderer fleeing into the desert, the whole world is tinted yellow.
- In Jason's Lyric, Jason often wears between blue or orange; reflecting his gentle-but-tough demeanor. Lyric often wears white; signifying her innocence, dreamy and nurturing traits.
- In the Cut: The color red recurs
throughout the film—it is the color of the murder victims' blood, and when Frannie is watching the anonymous man getting a blow job in the dive bar basement, the man's figure is shadowed by red neon light. Red also shows up in the dress Frannie wears at the end and the lighthouse that Frannie is taken to.
- My Animal: Red has a recurrent presence, not only outside during the blood moon where it makes sense, but for Heather's charged Erotic Dream about Jonny. Along with this, she sleeps under red sheets chained down so Heather won't get loose in her wolf form. While they actually have sex, the scene again is lit by red. So is the scene when Heather kills Rick (outside under the blood moon again). It seems to symbolize both Heather's nature as both a lesbian and a werewolf, which are intermingled themes within the film.
- The Phantom of the Opera movie musical had a lot of red.
- In the Hindi film, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi the color yellow is used extensively. Important or symbolic objects such as a tiffin bucket, flowers, bed linens, a car, and clothing are all the color yellow in the movie. This color symbolizes the joyful character of the girl Taani.
- The Red Kimono uses red to symbolize sin and prostitution. So while most of the movie is in black-and-white, the eponymous kimono is actually shown as red onscreen. Similarly, the streetlight in the Red Light District where Gabrielle's brothel is located is shown as red onscreen.
- In the Rocky films, Rocky's preferred colors for his trunks are black and gold. In the second film, he wears mostly black with small gold stripes, signifying how Rocky is a dangerous fighter, albeit with a heart of gold. In the third film, which follows the progress of Rocky losing his edge as a fighter and becoming softened by the good life, those colors are reversed, and Rocky starts wearing showy and flashy gold trunks, (along with gold gloves and shoes) with small black stripes. This serves as a symbol of how the good life of fame and fortune has come to dominate Rocky's life, and he only maintains a small remnant of the edge, the hunger, the relentless drive that made him such a dangerous opponent in the first two films.
- Rust Creek: Red. Both Sawyer and Lowell have red hair. Sawyer's stranded SUV is red. It's autumn, and the leaves in the forest are all red. Sawyer gets stranded at the eponymous Rust Creek, named after its red clay deposits. Sawyer helps Lowell dispose of red waste water, which he says would stain his whole yard red if he tossed it on the ground. And, of course, red is the color of blood.
- M. Night Shyamalan's films often use bright colors like red and yellow to emphasize the supernatural or otherwise scary or shocking elements in a scene. This is particularly noticeable in Unbreakable (which also uses the colors green and purple to isolate the characters played by Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson, respectively).
- In The Sixth Sense (1999), the color red is intentionally absent from most of the film, but is used prominently in a few isolated shots for anything in the real world that has been tainted by the other world and to connote really explosively emotional moments and situations.
- All (or almost all) of the Sith in Star Wars are characterized by black outfits, usually combined with red, both colors associated with evil, violent character archetypes. It started in the first film with Darth Vader and his all-black appearance coupled with a red lightsaber (contrast Obi-Wan's more neutral brown and white clothing and heroic blue lightsaber) and was seen next with Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious, who wears a black robe. The Prequel Trilogy had even more Sith who continued the theme: Darth Maul also wore black and wielded a red lightsaber, this time coupled with his skin being dark black and bright red; Count Dooku has a black shirt and pants with a very dark red cape and, again, a red lightsaber; and finally Anakin's becoming Vader is foreshadowed by his wearing very dark clothing for the whole film before his final transformation into the Lord of the Sith. The tradition is continued again in The Force Awakens with Kylo Ren, who deliberately styled himself after Vader and wears a similar all-black outfit that covers every inch of his skin.
- Each film of Krzysztof Kieślowski's Three Colors Trilogy is named after a color on the French flag (Blue, White, and Red) and has memorable cinematography focused on using that color to striking effect.
- The three films in Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, and Nick Frost's "Three Flavours Cornetto" trilogy are all associated with a specific color, represented by a flavor of Cornetto ice cream.
- The first film, Shaun of the Dead, was a comedy about zombies with tons of blood and gore, its main character spent the entire movie wearing a white shirt with a red tie, a Running Gag involved various characters telling him, "You've got red on you," note and one scene had a character eating a strawberry flavored Cornetto ice cream cone.
- The second film, Hot Fuzz, was a buddy cop movie that had the protagonists dressed in blue uniforms for the majority of the film, several scenes had a noticeable blue tint, and one scene had a character eating an "original flavor" Cornetto ice cream cone (which comes in a blue package).
- The final film, The World's End, is about a group of five former schoolmates reuniting after almost 20 years to finally finish a pub crawl in their hometown, only to discover that the town hast been overtaken by alien robots. The ice cream appearing in this film is a green "Mint Chocolate Cornetto" to represent the aliens, even though the aliens aren't green at all and even have inside them and the colour not being more present in the film than any other colour.
- Vertigo uses green to illustrate Scottie's obsession for Madeline. For instance, after Judy gets completely made over in Madeline's image, the neon sign outside the window casts a green glow on her.
- In Wings of Desire, all color is used to represent the human, mortal world. The bulk of the first 3/4 of the film is shot in black and white because that is how the protagonists, two angels, view the world. But scenes not from their perspective are shot in color, and when one of the angels takes human form, the whole movie shifts to color.
- Striking use of color is part of the Signature Style of Zhang Yimou:
- Zhang's 1991 Raise the Red Lantern features the color red as a dominant theme, representing the Chen family (particularly Mr. Chen), with other minor motifs following each of the wives/concubines.
- In his film Hero (2002), many recurring colors appear. Black is used for mystery, red for deceit, blue for romance, green for memory, and white for truth.
- Make Up (2019): Red. At first it appears to represent danger, as Ruth suspects that her boyfriend is cheating on her with a red-haired woman. Then it becomes clear this actually signifies her unfulfilled desires, because she gets drawn to Jade, whose hair is reddish-blond, with her feelings becoming clear when Jade's painting Ruth's nails bright red. Ruth fully embraces her desire for Jade after putting on a red wig, a red dress and going to have sex with her as red firelight is in the background.
- In Autobiography of Red, yellow tends to symbolize things that pass out of the main character's life:
- His ex-boyfriend dreams of him reviving a dead yellow bird and then freeing it.
- There are two characters — one with a yellow beard, the other with a yellow scarf — whom he socializes with for a day, then doesn't see again.
- The ex-boyfriend isnote blond, and he and the main character keep disconnecting and reconnecting over the course of two books.
- In Ethan Frome, the color gray is associated with Ethan's wife Zeena, a cold, apathetic woman, while the color red is associated with Mattie, a lively, younger woman that Ethan falls for.
- Fengshen Yanyi: lands inhabitated by Immortals and buddhists are covered in purple clouds of good omen, green and blue are often used to describe vast tracts of wild forests and untouched nature, while the color gold is often associated both to divine characters and weapons and to the Imperial court. Red often appears as a sign of vitality, life and health, contrasted by white.
- The Great Gatsby:
- There's color symbolism throughout associating white with purity and yellow with corruption, such with the girls with yellow dresses at Gatsby's party. As for his eternal love Daisy, what kind of flower is white on the outside but yellow on the inside?
- Green is used to a great extent as well, being associated with the idea of hope. The light at the end of Daisy's dock, which Gatsby seen reaching out towards and is described as one of Gatsby's "enchanted objects", is green, and the settlers Nick describes in the famous end passage of the novel are described as sighting "the fresh, green breast of the new world". Or, from another point of view, the green light at the end of Daisy's dock represents Envy. Specifically, Gatsby's envy towards Tom for his marriage with Daisy.
- In A Pumpkin Shell: Over 20 Pumpkin Projects For Kids: Orange is used quite liberally to decorate this book, which fits with its pumpkin them.
- Red is used to symbolize chaos in The Kane Chronicles, similar to Egyptian Mythology that it was based off from.
- The Lord of the Rings: Saruman's title of "the White" seems to mark him as the leader of the Istari (wizards). However, as part of his Face–Heel Turn, he opts to become Saruman of Many Colors. While that may seem like a step up from White, Gandalf notes that, since White is all colors together, Many Colors are symbolic of discord and divisiveness. For the record, the other wizards use mostly neutral colors like grey or brown (besides the two blue ones).
- The author Chuck Palahnuik uses a recurring motif of cornflower blue throughout his novels, for example, the color of the tie and eyes of the narrator's boss in Fight Club.
- In The Reynard Cycle, white is highly associated with death (it doesn't help that the moon looks like a giant skull.) This becomes especially apparent in Defender of the Crown, when the author himself begins to use the color as a form of foreshadowing.
- Sho-shan y la Dama Oscura Every book have a different color to symbolize the three protagonists: The first one, Sho Shan y la Dama Oscura, is pink for Luisa — a symbol of her innocence —, The second, Tinta Violeta, is violet for Violeta — because of the name — and the last one, Doncella Roja, is red for Dagmar — to symbolize her destiny.
- A Song of Ice and Fire:
- All the noble houses throw their heraldic colors around every chance they get. The major players at the beginning of the series are the grim, dour, "stark" Starks whose colors are grey and white, and the rich, opulent Lannisters whose colors are red and gold (which contrast plays into the whole "ice and fire" motif as well).
- The Night's Watch and the Kingsguard wear black and white, respectively. Both represent moral ambiguity in different ways — the Kingsguard is very respectable, but even the heroic characters among them tend to be assholes, subverting Light Is Good. The men of the Night's Watch are mostly thieves and other petty criminals, and mostly aren't the virtuous defenders of the realm that they should be, but tend to be commanded by men of high, if primitive, moral standards (for what those are worth in Westeros).
- Grey is the worst color in the series and everyone and everything with this color is portrayed negatively.
- Arya's eyes are grey and getting greyer to reflect her transformation into a Creepy Child.
- Meryn Trant who killed Arya's mentor Syrio Forel is from Gallowsgrey.
- The Grey plague.
- King Garth Greybeard's reign is considered the "jump the shark" moment for House Gardener.
- House Greystark was a traitorous branch of House Stark that was eradicated.
- Gyles Greycloak was a traitorous Kingsguard knight.
- The two cults featured in The Tenets of Futilism have very different ideas as to the meaning of the color white. The Waxers believe it symbolizes purity, tranquility, the usual stuff. Futilists, on the other hand, see white as representing all the colors of the rainbow rendered boring and dull together.
- Valhalla features color coded gangs, which were created by prison companies to keep their prisons full. The gangs have have long since taken over the companies by the time the story begins.
- Dante's La Vita Nuova makes use of red to represent love, most strikingly in the crimson dress of Beatrice. She wears it at age nine when he experiences Love at First Sight and in a vision after her death to remind him what true beauty is.
- In Xanth, Irene has a Green Thumb power, and thus green is her color. Her hair is black, with magically green tint. Her clothes are green, even her unmentionables (seen when her skirt flares up), and when the centaurs give her a fur garment, it's hinted to be green (save for the silver lining), as that's the natural color of furs grown on fur trees.
Live-Action TV
- Black Mirror: Yellow frequently appears in the episode Shut Up and Dance in association with Kenny; he has a yellow phone screen, his home and the hotel have a yellow interior decoration, he wears yellow-tinted sunglasses while robbing a bank, not to mention the yellow puddle of urine. The color actually references Kenny's cowardice, as he did everything in the episode to save himself from being exposed as a pedophile.
- The Boys (2019): Annie is always associated with a light yellow color. She is blonde, her costume has yellow and golden details and her powers generate yellow light.
- Criminologist Himura and Mystery Writer Arisugawa:
- The "Study in Vermilion" cases have, expectedly, the colour orange connecting them together. The first case, murder by arson, left Akemi with a deep phobia of the colour orange, as she associated it with the fire that killed her uncle. The second case took place at Cape Tasogare, with tasogare being a niche term for dusk — Akemi's phobia is notably triggered by the evening sunset painting the sky orange. And then the final case takes place in an apartment complex called Orange Tachibana. When Arisugawa notices this colour connection and points it out, Himura remarks that it's just like an author to have noticed that thread.
- While imprisoned, Moroboshi wears a white cape that marks her as an ethereal and sinister figure. When she escapes and becomes directly involved in the plot, she switches her cape for a more striking all-black ensemble.
- The Cry of Mann:
- Orange is associated with "supernatural" elements, including the phones, Ghost Lady, and Jouglat's funeral clothes.
- Blue is associated with happy things, such as Trool Day and Tank Mann's return, as his vest is blue.
- The CSI franchise is known for this. The original CSI has a lot of brown that evokes the desert setting of Las Vegas. CSI: NY has blues and grays to evoke the gritty nature of the big city. CSI: Miami has a lot of orange and yellow to evoke the bright, sunny semi-tropics of Miami.
- Game of Thrones: Played With by the Night's Watch and the Kingsguard, who wear black and white respectively but represent moral ambiguity. The Kingsguard is very respected but filled with jerkasses, subverting Light Is Good, while the Night's Watch is nowadays infamous for being mostly criminals and runaways but includes many dutiful men of a somewhat higher moral fibre, subverting Dark Is Evil.
- The "little yellow house" the Blacks lived in during the first season of Millennium (1996) was so colored because its warm and cheery qualities made it a (seeming) refuge from the dark and grisly cases Frank worked on.
- Emma from Once Upon a Time (2011) is first introduced wearing a red dress and throughout the series often wears a scarlet leather jacket. Also, Ruby always has red on her outfits, whether it is her red highlights or drives a red car or has a red wolf ornament on her windshield, which is fitting seeing how her Fairytale counterpart is Red Riding Hood.
- Mary Margaret Blanchard aka Snow White often wears white.
- Regina and Mr. Gold—aka the Evil Queen and Rumpelstiltskin—most frequently wear black in both Storybrooke and the Enchanted Forest, which is often associated with the kind of evil characters that both of them traditionally are. (Rumpel combines the black of his Enchanted Forest garb with some red, which is also often used for villains.)
- The Serpent Queen: Diane de Poitiers is always dressed in black and white. Her younger lover, King Henri II, begins wearing these colors as well, symbolizing the extent to which he is in her thrall.
- Early Smallville episodes also liked to use primary colors for anything related to Clark Kent, hinting at his future as Superman.
- In Twin Peaks, red usually turns up suggesting danger and sexuality, most obviously in the curtains of One Eyed Jacks and the Black Lodge.
- In Utopia a bright acrid yellow is used throughout the series, often relating to death and danger, and very closely tied with Arby the hit man.
- Why Women Kill: All three women are wearing red when they kill. Tellingly Taylor, who was the only woman to kill without criminal intent, i.e. doing so in self-defence, is wearing the least amount of red. Simone and Beth Ann who are both decked out in all-red dresses, with Beth Ann in matching accessories, did it out of love and revenge respectively.
- Al Green's made puns on his last name by naming an album "Green Is Blues" and having the lettering on the album covers of Call Me and Let's Stay Together be in green typography.
- In the K-Pop Girl Group LOONA, every one of the twelve members have a signature color of the Colour-Coded Characters and a number of the members heavily feature that color in their solo music video. The reason behind the color associations aren't clear, but the color line up for the revealed members looks like:
- Heejin is hot pink.
- Hyunjin is yellow.
- Haseul is green.
- Yeojin is orange.
- Vivi is pale pink.
- Kim Lip is red.
- Jinsoul is blue.
- Choerry is purple.
- Yves is burgundy.
- Chuu is peach.
- Go Won is eden green.
- Olivia Hye is silver.
- In Marshmello's "Happier", the main character is surrounded by yellow while her daughter is accompanied by red.
- Most of Red's album covers have something red on them symbolizing the "blood of Christ," just like the band's name.
- R.E.M. were quite associated with the color yellow. Dead Letter Office, Eponymous, Green, Out of Time, Reveal and Collapse into Now used it dominantly on the cover, and Automatic for the People had a yellow CD tray on early pressings. Murmur was even reissued with a yellow logo instead of a blue one (which was the one widely available in the UK for years). Additionally, the video collections This Film Is On, Tourfilm, Parallel, and Road Movie used yellow dominantly, often for the logo, as did the Live Album Live At The Olympia.
- Type O Negative virtually always used green and black on their album covers, and sometimes orange. The only exception to this rule is the reissue of Dead Again which is red — the original is however green. Usually, the text on their albums will be white, with the band name in the top right corner, and the album name in the bottom left. The band did this intentionally to evoke a sense of continuity — describing the green as 'verdigris' and the orange as 'ochre'.
- The White Stripes used black, red, and white in all band-related imagery from their music videos to the outfits Jack and Meg wore (as seen in their page image).
Video Games
- Arthur's Nightmare uses a dark red to symbolize danger. The game's title screen has a red background, various rooms can change into red-tinged Eldritch Locations, and every enemy has red eyes. Even minor details, like a QR code shown on the house's TV and the protagonist's computer's wallpaper in the ending, are colored red.
- Awaria: Two main colors, green and purple, are featured throughout the game with different distinct meanings. Green refers to both the supernatural and danger in general. Purple refers to machinery, living people, and the physical world of the tunnels.
- Clarence's Big Chance: Clarence and his personal effects are generally associated with the color pink.
- Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. GDI is blue, Nod is red and the Scrin is purple. Kane later starts wearing purple.
- Control (2019): The major supernatural entities in the game have their own color motifs.
- The Board is black and white, representing its inhuman sterility and the binary nature of its "test" - you either succeed and become the Director, or fail and die.
- Hiss, the antagonistic force that took over the building is represented by red patterns of smoke, and the areas possessed by it are bathed in red light. Likewise, the game as a whole has a red motif, from Jesse's hair to the various UI elements and even the game's logo.
- The spiral entity accompanying Jesse is mostly blue, and has a calming influence, resisting the terrorizing effects of the Hiss and purging it from various areas.
- In Drakengard, the dragons are colored differently. In the first Drakengard, Angelus, Caim's dragon, is red. She starts out as a bright red, turns pink in her second form, and then goes to a deep red in her third form. Her chaos form is a deep, purplish red. In Drakengard 2, Legna, Nowe's dragon, starts out as being a rich blue. He then turns to a darker, almost midnight blue, and finally goes to black. In Drakengard 3, Mikhail, Zero's dragon, is white with a black underbelly.
- In the latter half of EarthBound (1994), Porky dons a flashy suit to indicate that he's now rich and corrupt. It's red and black — just like the alien conquerer Giygas when you fight him.
- In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, each of the houses, their leaders, and the countries they are associated with have a specific color assigned to them:
- The Black Eagles, Edelgard, and the Adrestian Empire are, despite the name of the house, associated with red more than black. With their leader Edelgard wearing primarily red, the Adrestian Empire's territory is shown with red and the flag of both the country and the house are red, representing Edelgard's passion and determination towards reaching her goals. It along with their secondary black motif represent the fact that she and the country are the primary antagonists of 3 of the 4 routes.
- The Blue Lions, Dimitri, and the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus are, as the house name suggests, blue, representing their dedication towards upholding chivalric values. Dimitri himself also has a black motif in part 2, representing his fall from grace and status as a mirror of Edelgard.
- The Golden Deer, Claude, and the Leicester Alliance are yellow, representing Claude being much more cheerful and stable than the other two lords. It also represents the alliance's less savory qualities, mainly its habit of political backstabbing and cowardice.
- Five Nights at Freddy's:
- Purple, which is associated with William Afton, whose sprite when shown is colored purple.
- A somewhat lesser example is gold. 'Golden' animatronics, like Golden Freddy and Springtrap, tend to be the most dangerous. They are the original animatronic suits from Fredbear's Family Diner.
- In the Ghost Trick, Inspector Cabanela wears a clean white coat to represent his spotless record and his determination to keep it flawless. The only part of his garb that isn't white is his red scarf, which may actually come with bonus symbolism. It supposedly represents his bloody spot on his record, which is letting Yomiel escape.
- Haunting Starring Polterguy: The color green is associated with the presence of ghosts in this game. Poltergeist Polterguy, the ectoplasm and the on-screen text all share the same slimy, bilious green.
- Hollow Knight: The infection that drives the game's story is marked by a strong bright orange color, to the point where only a few orange objects in the entire game are unrelated to it. Infected enemies bleed orange and several of them have large blobs of it on their bodies. When the Forgotten Crossroads become the Infected Crossroads, covering the area with its orange substance, it becomes apparent that the source of it is located around there.
- In Icarus Needs, this is used to help instill the atmosphere.
- In I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, yellow is Tammy's favorite color, as seen in her outfits and her favorite things. Yellow gifts such as flowers increase her heart meter by 2 points, and 4 if it's her birthday. It symbolizes the happiness she brings around others, especially kids, but it also symbolizes her cowardice as a child.
- "Soul" bosses in the Kirby series frequently incorporate cyan and magenta into their designs and attacks, even if they lacked those colors in their original forms. Several even have attacks where they split into discrete cyan and magenta halves.
- Throughout the The Legend of Zelda series, there are three recurring colors: red, which represents Power and the goddess Din; blue, which represents Wisdom and the goddess Nayru; and green, which represents Courage and the goddess Farore. Each of these colors is frequently worn by or otherwise associated with the main character connected with that facet of the Triforce — red for Ganondorf, blue for Zelda, and green for Link.
- In Octopath Traveler, each protagonist is assigned a color, as evidenced by their costumes, and the banners in their journal logs: Priest Ophilia, White; Scholar Cyrus, Black; Merchant Tressa, Yellow; Knight Olberic, Blue; Dancer Primrose, Red; Apothecary Alfyn, Green; Thief Therion, Purple; and Huntress H'aanit, Orange.
- OMORI: The color purple is used for fantastic dreams, given that the kids have purple hair and skin, and the sky for Headspace. Black is used to symbolize fear, like Something and Omori, while red is used to symbolize self-loathing and suppression, such as the Red Hands and Omori's final form.
- Every member of the group is associated with different colors through their clothing and through the pinwheels which appear throughout Faraway Town:
- Like Omori, Sunny is associated with both white (through his pinwheel), and black (through his clothing and hair.) Together, they reflect his quiet and introverted nature, he could also be associated with red due to Omori's Red Hands in headspace and the metaphorical blood on his hands and his self-loathing and suppression which is what the color is used to symbolize in the game, and him healing from his trauma and moving on could be seen as him washing off the metaphorical blood from his hands and now being clean again.
- Kel wears orange clothes, loves to drink Orange Joe, and his pinwheel is orange; fittingly, he's just as energetic and extroverted as his Headspace counterpart, not to mention significantly friendlier.
- Aubrey's favorite color is pink, reflected in both her pinwheel and her dyed hair. Initially, this seems to relate more to the thuggish, hostile attitude she's developed; later on, however, it's revealed that Aubrey had planned to dye her hair together with Mari before the latter's death, giving the motif new meaning in that deep down, Aubrey still has a girly streak and hasn't completely lost sight of the person she used to be.
- Hero has both a blue shirt and a blue pinwheel, appropriate for both his nickname and his role as the most level-headed of the group. As a bonus, it establishes a Blue/Orange Contrast with his brother. More tragically, it also reflects the intense grief he continues to struggle with over Mari's death.
- Basil's shirt and pinwheel are both green, befitting his love of flowers and nature. His blonde hair and Nervous Wreck behavior can also bring to mind an association with Cowardly Yellow.
- Mari is associated with purple through her pinwheel and through several of her outfits; it's also revealed that she wanted to dye her hair purple at one point. It symbolizes her grace and wisdom as The Heart of the group, but on a darker note, it's also associated with death in Japan. Compounding this, Mari is also associated with white, the other Japanese color for death: the white egret orchid appears in several areas connected to her, and her spirit wears the Ethereal White Dress she intended to wear for the recital.
- Every member of the group is associated with different colors through their clothing and through the pinwheels which appear throughout Faraway Town:
- Persona:
- Persona 3 has a dark blue motif, fitting for the depressing, somewhat dreary atmosphere of the game. The PSP remake has the same blue motif when using the male main character, and pink when using the newly-added female main character.
- Persona 4 uses a cheery, bright yellow motif, indicating how upbeat the game is in comparison to other Shin Megami Tensei games and, especially, Persona 3. The Vita Updated Re-release is called Persona 4 Golden.
- Spinoff Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth, which brings together the characters from both 3 and 4, uses purple.
- Persona 5 uses a bright red motif, symbolizing the danger and excitement of the main characters' Phantom Thief lifestyles.
- In Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth, while the rest of the cast is represented by the colors of their respective games (blue for the cast of 3, pink for Portable’s female protagonist, yellow for the cast of 4, and red for the cast of 5), new characters Hikari, Nagi, and Doe are represented by the color orange.
- In Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic is blue which contrasts Knuckles' red symbolising that they are foils and opposites to one another.
- Survivor: Fire: The boy, the player character, is in yellow so that he stands out more and is easy to recognize.
Visual Novels
- Danganronpa:
- Nagito Komaeda of Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair always wears red and green somewhere on his outfit, sporting these colors on his jacket in Goodbye Despair, his sweater in Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, and his vest in Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School. Given that red and green oppose each other on the color spectrum, it possibly alludes to his contradictory nature with red representing his Well-Intentioned Extremist tendencies and green being his supernatural luck.
- Kaede Akamatsu of Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony is associated with purples, as she has purple eyes and wears a lavender top, a mulberry-purple skirt, and purple stockings. It lets her stick out from past protagonists Makoto Naegi and Hajime Hinata, who had more monochrome colour schemes of black, white, and brown. However, Kaede is quickly revealed to be a Decoy Protagonist, killed off, and replaced by Shuichi Saihara, whose black colour scheme matches up more with Hajime and especially Makoto.
- In Mio's route in Little Busters!, the colors blue and white are given special importance due to their association with a poem Mio loves: 'the seagull/wonder if she is sad/untouched by either the blue of the sky or the blue of the sea'. Later, Mio writes about her flying someone 'in blue's embrace', and in the end it's made clear that Mio is the white bird and Riki is the blue. Therefore it's a hint of foreshadowing when a character named Midori is introduced as there's no room in the poem for green.
- Obey Me! – One Master to Rule Them All! has the seven demon brothers, whose color motifs indicate the sin they represent:
- Lucifer, the eldest brother and the Avatar of Pride, is represented by blue.
- Mammon, the second-eldest brother and the Avatar of Greed, is represented by yellow.
- Leviathan, the third-eldest brother and the Avatar of Envy, is represented by orange.
- Satan, the fourth-eldest brother and the Avatar of Wrath, is represented by green.
- Asmodeus, the fifth-eldest brother and the Avatar of Lust, is represented by pink.
- Beelzebub, the sixth-eldest brother and the Avatar of Gluttony, is represented by red.
- Belphegor, the youngest of the brothers and the Avatar of Sloth, is represented by purple.
- Copper eyes: Encountering certain characters triggers Darcy seeing certain colors, thus they are intrinsically tied to said colors.
- Roman is Blue. The first time he sees blue is in his eyes and it is more noticeable when he is around. Even his last name — "Bleu" — is just the word "blue" with the vowels switched.
- Blaise is Green. Darcy starts seeing green when he appears and Darcy become insanely jealous of how close he is with Roman.
- In Evus, each of the three nations of the world, Nem, are assosciated with a certain color. Pandion, a peace-loving nation and the homeland of the protagonist, has a gold/yellow flag. Accipiter, the nation at war with Pandion and the one that values war and honor, has a red flag. Elanus, a cold and windy nation which is somewhat on the sidelines of the war, has a blue flag.
- In Homestuck, all of the kids and trolls have a particular shade that they are associated with. For the kids, this color just relates to their text color and the color of the symbol on their t-shirt, but for the trolls is actually has plot-significance: Alternian society is run based on a color-based caste system, with blue, purple, and pink at the top and red, orange, and yellow at the bottom. Also, Skaia is represented by blue and white, representing the sky and thus nature, while the Felt, Green Sun, Doc Scratch, and Lord English are associated with an unnatural green, and the opposing planets Prospit and Derse are almost entirely composed of golden and purple colors respectively. And, each player character possesses an in-game Class and Aspect, the latter of which is associated with a certain combination of shades, meaning that some characters have two associated colors. These motifs are very prevalent in the fandom, with it being common to draw fanart in which a character is entirely drawn in their color, or Idiosyncratic Ship Names based on them, e.g., PBJ for Gamzee/Tavros, whose colors are purple and brown.
- Additionally, the color pairing of red and blue shows up a lot: the trolls' and kids' universes are coded blue and red respectively; Sollux's eyes, glasses, and psychic powers are red/blue, as is the cursed virus he creates; the trolls divide into red and blue teams for the game; red-blooded Aradia obtains a blue-blooded robot body and dates blue-blooded Equius, who turns into a red sprite; Aradia also has a rivalry with blue-blooded Vriska, who loves red shoes; and the two male human protagonists are coded red and blue.
- In Koan of the Day, green is often used to symbolize the tortoise, whose words are occasionally in green
- In Plume, the leading colour seems to be gold. Dom has a golden gun, Corrick has Supernatural Gold Eyes, non-Black Magic glows gold, Auru is a City of Gold and the spellbook is written in golden ink.
- For Stomp!, the entire website changes colour schemes depending on what chapter you're reading.
- Vampire Girl:
- Played straight with Levana as a reflection of her attitude towards life. As a vampire who was miserable with her life, she wore mostly black; as a mortal who could now embrace and live her life, she wore far lighter colors, such as a sky blue t-shirt.
- Laura's hospital scrubs are also a light blue, and has been shown to display much calmness whenever Levana would be faced with a problem, such as her relapses from blood withdrawals (working in a chaotic hospital probably also helped her learn how to keep her head in stressful situations).
- Two of the prominent supernatural characters in the comic have green skin and wear purple outfits. Sigfred N. LeRoy is a wise old wizard who hires himself out to help people in situations that are far more complicated than everyday predicaments; the Vampiress is the evil supreme overlord who rules over all of vampirekind.
Web Original
- In Alice Isn't Dead, Humanoid Abomination the Thistle Man is heavily associated with the color yellow. He wears a yellow baseball cap and is also referred to as "the man with the yellow fingernails." The Character Narrator stresses repeatedly that they're a unique, translucent shade. On her first meeting with him, he's rotely and messily consuming an omelet, and its remnants coat his fingers and face.
- Season two of Carmilla has a mild version of this. As Perry wears progressively darker colors until she is revealed to be the Dean and Mattie has almost the opposite arc she incorporates lighter colors as she becomes more comfortable with the protagonists, and when she dies, her dress is predominantly white with hints of black.
- Fans of The Needle Drop are able to tell how an album will score if Anthony Fantano happens to be wearing a flannel shirt in the review. If it's yellow, it's a great album; if it's red, it's a bad album.
- Mr. Amazing and the Black Eagle, two superheroes in the Red Panda Adventures wear yellow tights and, respectively, a stylized black A and a black cape and mask. It's never actually mentioned in-series, but the color motif is significant for those two as they both got their powers from the same source: experiments with a Super Serum created by Doctor Nikolai Darius, a reformed supervillain who, in his hayday, went by the name Doctor Bumblebee.
- Colours are prominent in RWBY, and the series itself was inspired by a dream about red, white, black, and yellow.
- Ruby Rose always dresses in red, and dyes her hair the same colour. Given that she's a passionate idealist and the protagonist, the symbolism is clear.
- Weiss Schnee's name translates into 'White Snow', the colour of her hair. She's an intellectual perfectionist who likes everything to be in order.
- Blake Belladonna has black hair and wears black. She's not evil by any means, but she's not exactly friendly or chatty, and her troubled past, her status as a former terrorist, and her more cynical outlook on the world, make her the team Anti-Hero.
- Yang Xiao Long has flowing blonde hair and loads of yellow in her clothing. The polar opposite of Blake, she is extremely warm and friendly, but she has a hell of a temper.
- Purple and white are the official colors of the Smegolia .
- Game Grumps: Any time a multiplayer game features color coding, Arin will take the pink player (or red, if pink isn't available) and Dan will take the blue player. These colors also appear outside their let's plays, such as their fursonas being a pink cat and a blue unicorn respectively. This fits the Red Oni, Blue Oni motif, with Arin being the impulsive, hotheaded "Grump" and Dan being the chill, snarky "Not So Grump." Arin is also In Touch with His Feminine Side and often plays as girls, such as always playing Peach in Super Mario Bros. games where she's an option, so the pink often comes as a consequence of that.
Western Animation
- Amphibia makes constant use of pink, blue, and green. On the Calamity Box, Anne has the blue gemstone, Marcy has the green gemstone, and Sasha has the pink gemstone. Anne's companion in Wartwood, Sprig, is pink. Marcy's companion in Newtopia, King Andrias, is blue. Sasha's companion in Toad Tower, Grime, is green. When in Super Mode, Anne has flaming blue hair, and her eyes glow blue when she activates her powers. As shown in "The Core and the King", Andrias had two friends when he was young; a green toad named Barrel and a pink frog named Leif. Their relationship directly mirrors that of Anne, Marcy, and Sasha's.
- In Avatar: The Last Airbender, each nation has colors and seasons symbolic of it. People of the Fire Nation wear reds, golds, and reddish brown, and their season is summer. Earth Kingdom residents wear greens, yellow, and browns, and their season is spring. The Air Nomads wore yellow, orange, reds, and blue came in the color of their tattoos, with their season being fall. The Water Tribes wear blues, white, and purple and their season is winter.
- Hazbin Hotel: While looking quite similar at first sight, Emily and Sera colours pattern are subtly different and hint at their differing personalities:
- Despite Sera is the head of Heaven, with wings' feathers white and marginally purple, white is ironically and suspiciously a minor colour in Sera's overall design. Her hair and eyes are of an unusual grey, and her clothes of choice display a large amount of silver/grey too. In addition, most of her dress is a very pale dull/matte blue, a hint at how flawed she is compared to the benevolent being she pretends and is supposed to be; her less than shiny methods, and her moral ambiguity. Significatively, her sclerae are dark grey while Emily's are of an intense light blue.
- Emily's whole colour spectrum is either downright purple or colours similar to Sera's (white and grey) but with a small amount of purple added to the base tinct of each one, all the while being slightly more saturated and luminous. This is to show her youthfulness and optimistic take on the afterlife, both as the Seraphim in charge of bringing joy and happiness to Heaven's people, but also on a metaphysical level, since she really believes in and supports Charlie's apparently crazy project. Tellingly, Emily's dress lacks the matte blue part of Sera's, but instead she's got vivid blue sclerae showing she has her heart in the right place.
- Molly of Denali: In "A Qyah Juneteenth," it is pointed out that Juneteenth foods tend to be red to symbolize the struggles of African and African-American ancestors.
- Moral Orel: Blue. At 4-years-old, Orel wears a blue jumper. At 11-years-old and as an adult, he wears a buttoned blue shirt. He also wears a blue suit to church, and then there's the Blue Herron that follows him through the events of "Nature" which according to Wordof God is meant to symbolize Orel's innocence.
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: In the Season 5 finale "The Cutie Remark", each Bad Future timeline is tinted with a different color representing the different kind of Sugar Apocalypse that Starlight has wrought, as indicated by the color of the map:
- Red: Equestria is at war with King Sombra and the Crystal Empire.
- Green: Queen Chrysalis and her changeling army have chased ponykind to the forests.
- Blue: Nightmare Moon has shrouded the land in eternal night.
- Orange: Lord Tirek has reduced Equestria to a flaming ruin.
- Purple: Discord is free to unleash never-ending chaos on the world.
- Brown: The Flim-Flam Brothers have industrialized Equestria.
- Gray: Equestria is a barren wasteland, devoid of all evidence of life.
- The Owl House:
- Luz Noceda
- Is consistently associated with purple — her hoodie, her grom outfit, her grudgby uniform, her Anti-Magic cape, etc.
- Scenes around Luz sometimes have some mixture of blue, pink, and purple — the colors of the bisexual pride flag
, since Luz herself is bi.
- Amity Blight frequently associated with pink — her Abomination Track uniform, her leggings and necklace in her casual outfit, her fire spell, her Grom dress, her Grudgby uniform and letterman jacket, etc.
- Luz Noceda
- In Ready Jet Go!, character types are sorted by color. Jet and his family all wear blue because of their heroism and optimism/serenity in dire situations. Enthusiastic and kind characters, like Mindy, Bergs, and Sunspot wear orange. Sean's green shirt emphasizes his connection and love for Planet Earth (and his nausea, since he gets nauseous in space). Yellow is used for bombastic Large Hams like Zucchini and Mr. Peterson because of how bright yellow as a color is. Sydney's grey shirt emphasizes her serenity and peace-keeping demeanor. Finally, Mitchell's red jacket helps him stand out from the crowd and has an interesting multi-faceted meaning. Red is a color associated with anger, and Mitchell is The Napoleon. But it's also associated with passion, and Mitchell is very passionate and dedicated to his amateur detective work. Finally, Red Is Heroic, and Mitchell is a trusted ally to Team Propulsion by the end of the series.
- In The Spectacular Spider-Man, there appear to be different colors representing different aspects of Peter's life:
- Blue represents Peter's personal identity, between his blue bedroom, blue shirt, and the blue on the Spider-Man costume.
- Yellow seems to represent safety, friendship and family: yellow house, yellow school and biology classroom (his best subject), Gwen and Eddie both have blonde hair (No longer visible on Eddie after he becomes Venom), Aunt May dresses in yellow and feeds Peter banana-cream pie, even Jameson, Peter's source of employment, dresses in yellow.
- Green represents danger: many of the villains dress in green (And the main villain even has "Green" in his name), even down to Doc Ock wearing green goggles, and the Osborns all wear green, while Oscorp is largely lit with green light. Colonel Jupiter has a green and yellow costume, denoting him as an apparent ally who becomes an enemy.
- Red may represent new things in Peter's life which could be good or bad: MJ has red hair, Vulture (the first of a trend of supervillains) has red armor, and the red on Spider-Man's costume.
- This might be reaching a bit, but Black may represent moral ambiguity: Black Cat is an obvious example, while Venom eventually becomes more anti-heroic in the comics, something which may have eventually happened on the show as well, had it not been cancelled. Further, Tombstone dresses in a black suit: he's definitely a bad guy, but doesn't want to make war with Spider-Man if he doesn't have to.
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels uses the standard Star Wars color motifs, though mostly with characters that appeared previously in the films (especially Darth Maul). More originally, Assaj Ventress and Savage Oppress also have black clothing. Palpatine changes it up by wearing a red cloak whenever he appears as Darth Sidious in Clone Wars. Master Keelyvine Reus's eyes, lightsabers, dress, gloves, lipstick, and the paint job on her astromech droid are all green, and she is a Lady of War who can represent safety amidst the warzone.