Command Roster - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Sep 06 2008
Military and similarly organized groups are structured in a way to manage the functions of their unit. Even in shows where the team may not be technically military, there is a deliberate command infrastructure that designates seniority. As such these characters are either a small group of soldiers working together or they may just be the senior officers commanding an entire division of a platoon or vessel. The crew of a Cool Ship (or any other cool vehicle of sufficient size) often takes this form, and may be supplemented by a Redshirt Army of lesser crewmen on larger vessels. Frequently they are a Badass Crew.
Compare the Five-Man Band, which has a different structure and purpose but still follows a similar pattern. The primary difference relative to The Squad is that almost everyone in the Command Roster has a position of leadership or authority.
The Command Roster usually follows as such:
- The Captain (The one in charge. More often than not the main character.)
- Number Two (The go-to guy for important missions, usually the confidant of the captain. Likely to overlap with another role.)
- Mr. Fixit or Wrench Wench (Takes care of equipment and maintenance. Usually the technical savvy.)
- The Scientist (Examines and informs the rest on technical things. May or may not be an Omnidisciplinary Scientist.)
- Cunning Linguist (A translator who speaks with the natives.)
- Communications Officer (Often holding some sort of radio, yelling into it.)
- Security Officer (Is the primary source for combat detail: security, surveillance and weaponry access.)
- The Marine (The Marine is likely self-assumed or just the best fighter and differs from security officer in that they specialize in fighting, be they armed or unarmed.)
- The Medic (Either a full-fledged doctor with a staff and hospital conditions or a field medic.)
- The Chef (The one who cooks meals for the crew to keep them fed.)
Sometimes there are a few additions to the crew. These additional characters may be separate from the others, but often there is overlap.
- Ace Pilot / Driver (Self-explanatory, the hotshot pilot. Not always on the team, especially if there isn't a Cool Car or Cool Ship)
- The Navigator (Figures out how to get where they're going. Usually works closely with the Ace Pilot).
- The Heart (Takes care of the team's social well-being and is the moral center. Often not in combat. Usually overlaps with another role. If its own character, might be the cook or bartender. Sometimes the Team Mom)
- Medical Staff (If there is an entire hospital, The Medic heads it, but one person can't run a hospital alone.)
- Dr. Feelgood or Dr. Jerk (Qualified to practice medicine, but doesn't really care about patients.)
- The Nurse (Either one of the Hospital Hotties the team employs, or a Battleaxe Nurse to stir things up.)
- The Shrink (Takes care of the team's mental health, which may be necessary considering what they have to go through in their adventures.)
- Army Scout (Traversing the front lines to bring back intel to the main crew. May be redundant with Communications Officer or Security Officer)
- The Red Shirt (So someone can get killed without impacting the plot.)
Some additional roles are not officially part of the crew, but interact with them frequently enough to earn a mention in the team list:
- The Superior (Someone the captain reports to, usually not a regular crew member. Is often concerned with the more political aspect of things, especially in regards to a governing council.)
- Reasonable Authority Figure (Outranks everyone on the crew. Sticks to the rules, but willing to give them leeway when necessary. Sometimes is like a mentor to the group.)
- The Neidermeyer (Has the same job as the Reasonable Authority Figure, but completely unlikeable to those under him.)
- Obstructive Bureaucrat (Obviously not a member of the team, but likely someone who is giving the Reasonable Authority Figure or The Captain a hard time.)
- Mission Control (A Voice with an Internet Connection who is capable of leading them with satellite imagery and other information. The Communication Officer's other end.)
The members can be divided into three types: the leadership roles, the intelligent members and the action-oriented members. This may be why, in comparison to the Five-Man Band, the roles don't always line up perfectly:
- The Leader will often be The Captain, but is just as likely to be Number Two and on rare occasions, The Scientist.
- The Lancer is usually Number Two, but can also be The Scientist or The Security Officer, especially if Number Two overlaps with another role.
- The Big Guy is likely The Security Officer and/or The Marine, but can be Number Two as well.
- The Smart Guy is most often The Scientist, but can just as easily be The Medic, Mr. Fixit or the Cunning Linguist.
- The Sixth Ranger is just as likely with the Command Roster, usually stepping on the toes of one of the other roles.
Compared to The Squad, however, the roles are a little more consistent:
- General Ripper: The Superior
- Colonel Badass: The Captain
- Sergeant Rock: Number Two
- Space Marine or Cold Sniper: Security Officer or The Marine
- Cunning Linguist: Cunning Linguist
- The Engineer: Mr. Fixit
- Combat Medic: The Medic
- Ensign Newbie or New Meat: varies
For further reference, see also Common Ranks and Common Military Units.
There are times when various characters are missing or replaced with a different character type, all depending on the needs of the story. It is only a Command Roster when there are at least four characters from the primary list, otherwise it is just The Squad.
The very presence of main characters in command roles, especially if they have an army of Ghost Extras to back them up, typically leads to The Main Characters Do Everything.
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Anime & Manga
- Ghost in the Shell
- The Captain: The Major
- Number Two: Batou, Togusa
- Mr. Fixit/Com. Offcier: Ishikawa
- Marine: Batou
- Cold Sniper: Saito
- The Scientist/Cunning Linguist: Togusa, (He fills the role, but is neither scientist nor linguist) Pazu (Linguist. Intimate knowledge of how the Yakuza underworld works must count for something, yes?)
- Mission Control/The Superior: Aramaki
- Martian Successor Nadesico
- The Captain: Yurika
- Number Two: Jun
- Mr. Fixit: Seiya
- Communications Officer: Megumi
- The Scientist: Inez
- Marines: I guess the Aestivalis squadron counts as this...
- Ace Pilot (and Computer Expert): Ruri
- Reasonable Authority Figures: Gort, Prospector, the admiral (forget his name), Akatsuki
- Red Shirt: Gai
- Mobile Suit Gundam
- The Captain - Bright Noah
- Ace Pilot/The Marine - Amuro Ray
- Number Two - Ryu Jose
- The Medic - Sayla Mass
- Ace Pilot - Mirai
- The Heart - Frau
- Reasonable Authority Figure - General Revil
- One Piece
- The Captain - Monkey D. Luffy
- Number Two - Roronoa Zoro
- The Navigator - Nami
- Team Chef - Sanji
- Friendly Sniper - Ussop
- The Medic - Tony Tony Chopper
- The Scientist - Nico Robin
- Mr. Fixit - Franky
- The Heart - Streetching it Brook, even if he doesn't have one!!! Yohohohoho...
- Keroro Gunso
- Uses literal military rankings. Interestingly, Sgt. Major Kururu (a Mr Fix It type) technically outranks the main character Sgt. Keroro (the actual platoon leader). Various rationales exist in the story to explain Keroro's position, but mainly it's heavily implied Kururu was too socially offputting and a technological liability back home, and was dumped in Keroro's platoon simply to get him off-world. Ironically, Kururu himself is happy to follow the undemanding Keroro who allows him to mess with his inventions/pranks unmolested.
- Strike Witches
- The Captain - Minna Dietlinde Wilcke; an interesting example as in addition to holding rank she realistically spends most of her time doing administrative work. She's also Mission Control when she's not in the field.
- Number Two - Mio Sakamoto
- Wrench Wench - Charlotte E. Yeager, though mostly she modifies her own equipment while a dedicated logistic staff deals with maintaining everyone else.
- The Medic: Yoshika Miyafuji doubles as The Heart
- Communications Staff: Sanya Litvyak. She's literally a radio which has all sorts of uses.
- The Marine: Getrude Barkhorn
- Ace Pilot - Erica Hartmann, Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen
- Space Battleship Yamato (Star Blazers)
- The Captain: Captain Okita (Captain Avatar).
- Number Two / Ace Pilot: Kodai (Derek Wildstar).
- The Driver: Shima (Mark Venture).
- The Heart: Yuki Mori (Nova Forrester).
- The Scientist: Shiro (Sandor), as well as Analyzer (IQ-9) to an extent.
- Mr. Fixit: Chief Tokugawa (Chief Orion).
- The Medic: Doctor Sado (Doctor Sane).
- Communications Officer: Yoshikazu (Homer Glitchman).
- Ace Pilot: Kato (Pete Conroy).
- Eureka Seven (Gekkostate)
- The Captain / The Big Guy / Ace Pilot: Holland
- Number Two: Hap
- Computer Experts: Jobs & Woz
- Communications Officer: Gidget
- Weapons Expert: Ken-Goh
- The Scientist / The Medic: Mischa
- The Navigator: Talho, later Moondoggie
- Team Mom: Hilda / Talho
- Ensign Newbie: Moondoggie (Before Renton showed Up)
- Naïve Newcomer: Renton
- Fire Force: Special Company 8
- The Captain: Akitaru Ōbi
- Number Two: Takehisu Inawa
- The Scientist: Viktor Licht
- Mr. Fixit: Vulcan Joseph
- Wrench Wench: Lisa Isiribi
- The Marines: Shinra, Arthur, Maki and Tamaki
- The Heart: Sister Iris
Comic Books
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- The Captain: Leonardo
- The Scientist/Number Two/Mr. Fixit/The Smart Guy: Donatello
- The Big Guy: Raphael
- Plucky Comic Relief/The Heart: Michelangelo
- Wonder Woman (1987): During Diana's time as a Space Pirate Revolutionary her command roster was organized thus:
- The Captain: Diana
- Number Two: Natasha
- Mr. Fixit/The Scientist: H'Elgn
- Communications Officer: Nol Lapp
- Security Officer: Sakritt
- The Big Guy: Ectreba
- Ace Pilot: The Xrill-Vrex look-alike, who is never named note .
- Rogue Squadron
- Ace Pilot: Everyone on the squadron and not on the support staff. They're the New Republic's best fighter pilots, after all.
- The Captain: Luke Skywalker (in the very beginning), Wedge Antilles
- Number Two: Derek "Hobbie" Klivian, Wes Janson
- The Big Guy: Plourr Illo, Xarcce Huwla
- Wrench Wench: Koyi Komad
Films — Live-Action
- Forbidden Planet
- The Captain: Commander J. J. Adams
- Number Two: Lt. Jerry Farman
- The Medic, The Scientist: Lt. 'Doc' Ostrow, M.D.
- Mr. Fixit: Chief Quinn
- Marine/Security: Bosun (no name given)
- Comic Relief: Cook
- Galaxy Quest
- The Captain: Commander Taggart
- Number Two / The Scientist: Dr. Lazarus
- Communications Officer: Lt. Madison
- Mr. Fixit: Tech. Sgt. Chen
- Ace Pilot: Laredo
- Security Officer: Security Chief Ingersol
- Comic Relief: Everybody. But especially Guy.
- The Guns of Navarone
- The Captain: Keith Mallory
- Number Two: Andrea Stavros
- The Heart: Miller
- Cunning Linguist: Pappadimos, supposedly. He can sing in Greek, anyway.
- Mr. Fixit: "Butcher" Brown
- Good Luck Charm / original The Captain: Major Franklin
- The Hunt for Red October
- The crew of Red October:
- The Captain: Marko Ramius
- Number Two: Vasili Borodin (technically, also a captain)
- Mr. Fixit: Lt. Melekhin
- The Navigator: Lt. Kamarov
- Ace Pilot: Lt. Slavin
- Sixth Rangers: Jack Ryan, Bart Mancuso and Seaman Jones
- The crew of the USS Dallas:
- The Captain: Bart Mancuso (in the novel, he's a Commander, but in Navy tradition any person commanding a vessel is called "Captain" or "Skipper")
- Number Two: Lt. Cmdr. Thompson
- The Security Officer: Watson, Chief of Boat (COB)
- Sonar Officers: Seaman "Jonesy" Jones and Seaman Beaumont
- Sixth Ranger: Jack Ryan
- The crew of Red October:
- Down Periscope
- The Captain: Lt. Cmdr. Tom Dodge
- Number Two: Lt. Martin "Marty" Pascal
- Diving Officer: Lt. Emily Lake, though she later takes on the role of Number Two when Pascal is made walk the plank.
- Ace Pilots: Jefferson "R.J." Jackson, Stanley "Spots" Sylvesterson
- Mr Fix It: CPO Howard (Chief Engineer), Nitro "Mike" (Electrician), possibly Brad Stepanak (Engineman)
- Sonar Officer: E.T. "Sonar" Lovacelli
- The Cook: Mess Specialist 2nd Class Buckman
- Several works by David Weber uses this trope, eg in On Basilisk Station, the first in the Honor Harrington books:
- The Captain: Honor Harrington (also Ace Pilot)
- Number Two: Alistair McKeon
- Mr. Fixit: Dominica Santos
- Communications Officer: Samuel Webster
- The Security Officer: Andreas Venizelos and Rafe Cardones
- The Marine: Nikos Papadapolous
- Ace Pilot: Chief Killian
- The Navigator: Max Stromboli and Mercedes Brigham
- The Medic: Fritz Montoya
- Ensign Newbie: Scotty Tremaine, and to some degree Rafe Cardones
- Sergeant Rock: Sally MacBride and Horace Harkness
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Dame Estelle Matsuko
- 1632 by Eric Flint has the following in the opening novel of the series, though not in a military organisation:
- The Captain: Mike Stearns
- Number Two: Rebecca Abrabanel (also The Heart and Cunning Linguist)
- The Scientist: Melissa Mailey (historian) and Greg Ferrara (chemist)
- The Security Officer: Frank Jackson
- The Marine: Harry Lefferts
- The Medic: James Nichols
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Gustavus Adolphus
- Pale Grey Dot
- The Captain: Ezza Jayens
- Number Two: Rachelle Eday
- Ensign Newbie: Xiang Adams
- The Marine: Ajay Gole
- Ms. Fixit: Carmen
- The Tide Child
- The Captain: Meas Gilbyrn
- Number Two: Joron Twiner
- Number Three: Dinyl
- The Navigator: Aelerin
- The Medic: Garriah
- Mr. Fixit: Coxward
- Ace Pilot: Barley
- The Marine: Coughlin
- Rogue Squadron
- Ace Pilot: Everyone. The quality of Rogue Squadron never faltered.
- The Captain: Wedge Antilles
- Number Two: Corran Horn (early), Tycho Celchu (late)
- The Heart: Lujayne Forge
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Admiral Ackbar
- The Redshirt: Lots of 'em.
- The Rookie: Gavin Darklighter
- Wraith Squadron
- Ace Pilot: Again, everyone. What, you thought Wedge would form a sub-par fighter squadron?
- The Captain: Wedge Antilles (early), Garik "Face" Loran (late)
- Number Two: Wes Janson
- The Medic: Ton Phanan (early), Lara Notsil (midway), Elassar Targon, MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE! (late)
- Communications Officer: Jesmin Ackbar (early), Hohass "Runt" Ekwesh (late)
- The Scientist: Voort "Piggy" saBinring
- The Marine: Kell Tainer, Voort "Piggy" saBinring, Shalla Nelprin
- The Security Officer: Shalla Nelprin
- Mr. Fixit: Cubber Daine, Kell Tainer
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Admiral Ackbar, Wedge Antilles (late)
- The Heart: Runt, Wes Janson, Wedge Antilles
- Cold Sniper: Myn Donos, Wes Janson (when angry)
- Sergey Lukyanenko's Genome:
- The Captain / Ace Pilot: Alex Romanov
- Ace Co-Pilot: Hang Morrison
- The Navigator: Pak Generalov
- The Medic / Security Officer: Janet Ruelo
- Marine: Kim Ohara
- Mr Fix It: Paul Lurie
- The Sixth Ranger: Danila C-third Shustov (tour guide), Zei-so (passenger), Sei-so (passenger)
- The Flight Engineer: A rare case where The Captain of CSS Invincible is not the main character; that honor falls to Mr. Fixit, Commander Peter Raeder. The Rising lists the entire command roster.
- The Captain: Captain Roger Knott. Later Commander Raeder, after Knott and his Number Two are injured in a Mollie/Fibian raid at the beginning of The Indepedent Command.
- Number Two: Mai Ling Ju.
- Mr. Fixit:
- Chief Engineer Augie Skinner in theory. Commander Raeder in practice, though officially he's just in charge of maintaining Invincible's fighters.
- Also Chief Petty Officer Paddy Casey.
- Wrench Wench: Second Lieutenant Cynthia Robbins, Raeder's Number Two in fighter maintenance.
- Navigator: Ashly Luhrman
- Tactical Officer: Truon Le
- Security Officer: William Booth, though his main job on the ship seems to be being wrong about people.
- Quartermaster: John Larkin before being revealed as The Mole.
- Ace Pilot: Squadron Leader Ronnie Sutton is in charge of Invincible's fighter squadron, while Lieutenant Commander Sarah James commands the recon craft.
- The Martian:
- The Captain: Commander Melissa Lewis
- Number Two / Ace Pilot: Major Rick Martinez
- Mr. Fixit: Mark Watney
- Wrench Wench: Beth Johanssen
- The Medic: Dr. Chris Beck
- The Navigator: Alex Vogel
- The Scientist: Divided between Lewis (geology), Watney (botany) and Vogel (chemistry).
Live-Action TV
- Babylon 5
- The Captain- Sinclair, Sheridan
- Number Two- Ivanova (Takashima in the pilot)
- Security Officer- Garibaldi
- The Medic- Franklin (Kyle in the pilot)
- Battlestar Galactica (2004)
- The Captain- William Adama
- Number Two- Col. Tigh
- The Pilots- Apollo, Starbuck, et al.
- Mission Control- Lt. Gaeta
- Communications Officer- Lt. Dualla
- Mr. Fixit- Chief Tyrol
- Reasonable Authority Figure- Laura Roslin
- The Scientist- Gaius Baltar
- The Medic- Dr. Cottle
- Red Shirts- Kat, Duck, Billy, et al.
- The Closer
- The Captain: Dept. Chief Brenda Johnson
- Number Two: Sgt. Gabriel
- Mr. Fixit, The Scientist: Lt. Tao
- Communications Officer: Det. Daniels (who usually contacts banks, government officials, etc. to get info on the perp or vic)
- Cunning Linguist: Det. Sanchez (who speaks fluent Spanish, which is highly useful in L.A.)
- Marine: Lts. Provenza and Flynn
- The Medical Doctor: Dr Crippen
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Chief Pope
- Sergeant Rock: Commander Tanner
- The Sixth Ranger: Special Agent Howard
- The Expanse Only the first four are always part of the crew, the rest are there occasionally.
- The Captain: James Holden
- Number Two/Wrench Wench/The Navigator: Naomi Nagata
- Ace Pilot: Alex Kamal
- Mr. Fixit/Security Officer/The Big Guy: Amos Burton
- Security Officer: Detective Joe Miller shares this role, especially in escaping Eros.
- The Marine: Roberta "Bobbie" Draper
- The Medic: Was originally Shed Garvey, though he didn't last long enough to set foot on the Roci.
- The Scientist: Prax Meng, who avoids Omnidisciplinary Scientist as a botanist, though he does improve the ship's life support.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Avaserala of the UN as well as Fred Johnson of the OPA. Camina Drummer also becomes this eventually.
- Firefly
- The Captain: Mal
- Number Two: Zoe
- Ace Pilot: Wash, River after Wash is killed
- The Medic: Simon
- Wrench Wench: Kaylee
- Marine: Jayne
- The Heart: Book, Inara, Kaylee
- M*A*S*H
- The Captain: Henry/Potter
- Number Two: Burns/Winchester
- The Medic: All the main characters except Radar and Klinger
- Dr. Jerk: Burns/Winchester
- The Nurse: Margaret and her staff.
- The Shrink: Sidney, whenever he's around.
- The Heart: Fr. Mulcahey
- Communications Officer: Radar/Klinger
- Mr. Fixit: Rizzo
- Team Mom: Margaret, sometimes
- Mauve Shirt: Klinger, while Radar was around.
- The Captain: Leroy Jethro Gibbs.
- Number Two: Tony DiNozzo.
- Mr. Fixit / Communications Officer: Timothy McGee.
- The Marine: Ziva David.
- The Scientist: Abby Sciuto, occasionally doubling as a Wrench Wench.
- The Medic: Donald "Ducky" Mallard.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Directors Tom Morrow, Jen Shepard and, currently, Leon Vance... though just how reasonable they are tends to vary based on the situation.
- The Orville
- The Captain: Ed Mercer
- Number Two: Kelly Grayson
- Second Officer: Bortus
- Security Officer: Alara Kitan and later Talla Keyali
- The Medic / The Shrink: Claire Finn
- Ace Pilot: Gordon Malloy
- The Navigator: John Lamarr and later Charly Burke
- The Scientist: Isaac
- Sea Patrol
- The Captain: Mike 'CO' Flynn
- Number Two: Kate 'XO/X' Mc Gregor
- The Navigator: Nikki 'Nav' Caetano
- The Security Officer: Bosuns Pete 'Buffer' Tomaszewski and Dylan 'Dutchy' Mulholland best qualily
- The Enginner: Andy 'Charge' Thorpe
- Mr. Fixit: Electronics Technicians Josh 'ET' Hoilday and Leo '2Dads' Kosov-Meyer
- Communications Officer: Robert 'RO' Dixon
- The Medic: Chris 'Swaine' Blake assisted by
- Team Chef: Toby 'Chefo' Jones, Rebecca 'Bomber' Brown and Jesscia 'Bird' Bird.
- Red Shirt: Averted by Billy 'Spider' Webb
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Commanders Steve Marshall and Maxine 'Knocker' White.
- Space Cases
- The Captain: Commander Goddard
- Number Two / Ace Pilot: Harlan
- The Navigator / The Marine: Radu
- Wrench Wench: Catalina and Suzee
- The Medic: Rosie
- Security Officer: Bova
- The Heart: Ms. Davenport
- Communications Officer: Thelma (the robot who communicates with the ship)
- Star Trek
- The Original Series
- The Captain- Kirk
- Number Two, The Scientist- Spock
- The Medic, The Heart- McCoy
- Mr. Fixit- Scotty
- Communications Officer- Uhura
- The Pilot- Sulu
- Security Officer, The Navigator- Chekov
- Reasonable Authority Figure- Captain Pike (the original pilot episode captain) took on this role in the 2009 Star Trek (2009) film.
- The Next Generation
- The Captain- Picard
- Number One- Riker
- The Scientist - Data
- Mr. Fixit- Geordi
- The Medic- Crusher
- The Heart / The Shrink- Troi
- Security Officer/Marine- Yar and Worf
- Deep Space Nine
- The Captain- Sisko
- Number Two- Kira
- The Scientist- Dax
- Mr. Fixit- O'Brien
- The Medic- Bashir
- Security Officer- Odo
- The Heart- Quark (A subversion in that his bar offers a place to relax, but he himself is not overly concerned with the crews morale); Dax (The second one, though she does retain some Scientist being the same symbiont in a different body)
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Vice Admiral Ross
- Voyager
- The Captain- Janeway
- Number Two- Chakotay
- The Scientist- Kim, Seven-Of-Nine
- Wrench Wench- Torres
- The Doctor- uh...The Doctor (he's a hologram), Kes for a time
- Security Officer- Tuvok
- Ace Pilot- Paris
- The Heart- Neelix
- Enterprise
- The Captain- Archer
- Number Two, The Scientist- T'Pol
- Mr. Fixit- Trip
- Cunning Linguist, sometimes The Heart- Hoshi
- Security Officer- Reed
- The Medic- Phlox
- Ace Pilot- Mayweather
- Marine- MACOs
- Reasonable Authority Figure- Admiral Forrest
- The Original Series
- Stargate SG-1
- The Captain- Jack O'Neill, later Cameron Mitchell
- Number Two, The Scientist- Samatha Carter
- Cunning Linguist, The Heart- Dr. Jackson, Jonas Quinn
- Marine- Teal'c
- The Medic- Dr. Janet Fraiser, Dr. Lam
- Reasonable Authority Figure- Gen. Hammond, Gen. Landry
- Stargate Atlantis
- The Captain- Dr. Weir
- Number Two, Ace Pilot- Col. John Sheppard
- The Scientist- Dr. Rodney McKay
- The Security Officer/ Marine- Lt. Ford, Ronon Dex
- The Heart, Team Mom- Teyla Emmagan
- The Medic- Dr. Beckett
- Mr. Fixit- Dr. Zelenka
- Reasonable Authority Figure- Stargate Command
(When Dr. Weir left, her command position became more the voice of Stargate Command instead of mission commander. Characters within the show changed accordingly.)- The Captain, Ace Pilot- Col. John Sheppard
- Number Two, Team Mom- Teyla Emmagan
- The Scientist- Dr. Rodney McKay
- Marine- Ronon Dex
- The Medic- Dr. Keller
- Reasonable Authority Figure- Col. Carter, Richard Woolsey
- Mission Control- Dr. Zelenka
- Security Officer- Major Lorne
- Stargate Universe
- The Captain - Col. Young
- Number Two, Ace Pilot - Lt. Scott
- The Scientist, Mr. Fixit - Rush, Eli, Volker, Brody, Park and most extras
- The Medic, The Shrink - TJ
- Marine - Srgt. Greer
- Reasonable Authority Figure - O'Neill, Telford post-de-brainwashing
- Mission Control, Communications Officer - Eli (usually)
- Red Dwarf
- The Captain - Subverted. Rimmer likes to think he is this. In reality, he's The Neidermeyer.
- The Scientist - Kryten
- Mission Control - Holly
- Mr. Fixit - Lister of all people
- The Navigator - Kochanski
- Ace Pilot - Cat. Also Ace Rimmer whenever he shows up.
- SeaQuest DSV
- The Captain - Nathan Bridger, Oliver Hudson
- Number Two - Jonathan Ford
- Wrench Wench - Katherine Hitchcock, Lonnie Henderson
- The Medic - Kristin Westphalen, Wendy Smith, Perry
- Science Officer - Kristin Westphalen, Lucas Wolenczak
- Security Officer - Manilow Crocker, James Brody
- Communications Officer - Tim O'Neill
- Weapons Officer - Dalton Phillips, Obatu, James Brody, J.J. Fredericks
- Sensor Chief - Miguel Ortiz
- The Heart - Benjamin Krieg
- The Ace - Carleton, William Shan, Lonnie Henderson, Anthony Piccolo, Tyler, J.J. Fredericks, James Brody (sub-fighter), Heiko Kimura (sub-fighter)
- Head Janitor - Dagwood
- Team Pet - Darwin
Tabletop Games
- Rogue Trader
- The Captain - the Rogue Trader himself.
- The Security Officer/ Marine - Arch-Militant, the precise designation depending on character.
- Communications Officer - Astropaths Transcendent, who dispense with the radio and just shout into the Warp.
- Mr. Fixit/The Scientist - Explorator
- The Heart- Missionary. Bear in mind this is a Warhammer 40,000 game; that moral center tends to be based on setting fire to heretics.
- The Navigator - surprisingly enough, Navigators.
- The Scientist (again)/Cunning Linguist - Seneschal. Scientist's a bit of a stretch, but this is the guy who knows everything about trade and the ins and outs of local life — his "technical things" are more likely to be an Ork blockade on a space-lane rather than the inner workings of a plasma drive.
- Ace Pilot - Void-Masters, although they may instead be expert gunners or scanner operators, rather than specialising in piloting.
- In Paranoia, the Mandatory Bonus Duties typically assigned to Troubleshooter teams are Team Leader, Communication and Recording Officer, Equipment Guy, Happiness Officer, Hygiene Officer, and Loyalty Officer. (1st edition played around with variations like Robotics Officer; 2nd edition more or less standardized it.)
- Extreme Paranoia included an alternate set
with things like Alertness Officer and Public Relations Officer.
- One mission introduces Executive Officer, who (in addition to the usual roles) gets a brevet promotion for the purpose of wearing a higher-clearance uniform, to draw the fire of Commies mistaking him for the Team Leader. As usual for Paranoia, The Computer didn't think this through properly:
Green-clearance Team Leader: All right, men, let's go!
Random bystander: Hey, why are you letting him boss you around?
"Blue"-clearance Executive Officer: Hey, yeah! *blam blam blam blam blam blam* All right, men, let's go!
- Extreme Paranoia included an alternate set
- The Crew of Skyship Weatherlight probably counts:
- The Captain: Sisay in terms of title. Gerrard possibly counts in terms of role and personality, too.
- Number Two: Tahngarth
- Mr. Fixit: Divided between Karn and Ertai.
- The Medic: Orim
- Ace Pilot: Hanna
- Plucky Comic Relief: Squee
- The Big Guy: Both Crovax and Mirri are talented combatants.
Video Games
- Gears of War
- The Captain: Marcus Fenix
- Number Two: Dominic Santiago
- Mr. Fixit: Damon Baird
- Marine: Augustus Cole
- Mission Control: Anya
- Reasonable Authority Figure (kinda): Colonel Hoffman
- Mass Effect
- The Captain: Commander Shepard.
- Number Two: Technically Pressly is second in command under Shepard, but he serves almost no importance to the plot; ranks aside, the role of Number Two is filled by Lt. Kaidan Alenko, to greater or lesser degrees depending on how you play the game.
- The Scientist: Liara T'Soni.
- Wrench Wench: Tali'Zorah nar Rayya. Engineer Adams is also the Normandy's assigned Mr. Fixit but, like Pressly above, has no importance to the plot.
- The Marine: Ashley Williams, Urdnot Wrex
- The Medic: Dr. Chakwas, another minor character.
- The Security Officer: Garrus Vakarian
- Ace Pilot: Joker.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Captain Anderson and Admiral Hackett.
- Obstructive Bureaucrat: Ambassador Udina, as a civilian ambassador who's much more abrasive than Hackett and Anderson, and the Citadel Council.
- Red Shirt: Richard L. Jenkins
- Mass Effect 2
- The Captain: Commander Shepard.
- Number Two: Officially Miranda Lawson, but Garrus Vakarian can also fill the role based on how you play.
- The Scientist: Mordin Solus.
- Wrench Wench: Tali'Zorah vas Normandy.
- The Marine: Grunt and Zaeed Massani can both play this role.
- The Security Officer: Jacob Taylor
- The Medic: Dr. Chakwas, with some overlap from Mordin.
- Ace Pilot: Joker.
- Mission Control: EDI, the NPC Artificial Intelligence that inhabits the Normandy (also plays the Navigator role).
- Communications Officer: Legion, sort of.
- The Shrink: Yeoman Kelly Chambers
- Reasonable Authority Figure: The Illusive Man certainly does his level best to convince you he's this.
- The Red Shirt: Depending on how you play the game...several members of your crew potentially end up meeting a traditional Red Shirt's fate.
- Mass Effect 3
- The Captain: Shepard
- Number Two: Kaidan / Ashley or Garrus depending on how you play.
- The Security Officer: Garrus
- Wrench Wench: Tali'Zorah (Adams, Daniels and Donnely can return, depending on your choices).
- The Scientist: Liara T'Soni
- The Marine: Lt. James Vega Joined by Javik, provided that the From Ashes DLC is played.
- The Medic: Dr Chakwas or Dr Michel
- Communications Officer: Samantha Traynor
- Ace Pilot: Joker, now joined by shuttle pilot Steve Cortez.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Admirals Hackett (coordinating fleets in space) and Anderson (leading the resistance on Earth).
- Mass Effect: Andromeda
- The Captain: Pathfinder Ryder
- Number Two: Cora Harper
- Mr Fix It: Gil Brodie (NPC)
- The Scientist: Peebee, Suvi Anwar (NPC)
- The Marine: Drack, Vetra, and Jaal
- The Medic: Dr. T'Perro (NPC)
- Security Officer: Liam Kosta
- Ace Pilot: Kallo Jath (NPC)
- Superior: Directors Tann and Addison; both are leaning towards The Neidermeyer
- Mega Man Battle Network 5: depending on which version you took (Team Colonel or Team Protoman), the members may be different, but their roles are similar:
- The Captain: Colonel or Protoman, the ones who found the team
- Number Two: Megaman, the first member recruited, also took over the team at least once when the leader isn't available
- The Marine: 2 for each team - Knightman or Magnetman work to defend their teammates in different ways, while Tomahawkman and Napalmman specializes in wide area attacks.
- Security Officer: Shadowman or Gyroman can move over hazardous areas; they scout areas, looking for key items to get to help the team.
- Mr. Fixit: Numberman or Searchman can open up complicated locks and search for traps.
- The Medic: Toadman and Meddy assists their teammates in liberating more areas; their abilities explicitly only works with another teammate. They also help their team recover.
- Space Quest V: The Next Mutation :
- The Captain: Roger Wilco
- Security Officer / The Navigator: Rumproast Droole
- Communications Officer: Gowitda Florence "Flo" Qwerty
- Science Officer: WD 40
- Mr Fix It: Clifton Clifford Cliff "Cliffy" Crawford
- The Sixth Ranger: Beatrice Creakworm Wankmeister
- Space Station 13 features a command crew of high-ranking player jobs, many of which are the heads of specialized crew departments, which more common player jobs fall under. The layout varies slightly between codebases, but the common roles are:
- The Captain: The Captain, who has the highest authority on the station.
- Number Two: The Head of Personnel is the official second-in-command, and usually takes charge if the captain is unavailable or dead. Otherwise, they manage the service department, which covers nonessential jobs like janitors, cooks and clowns. The Head of Personnel is also responsible for reassigning players when requested.
- Security Officer: The Head of Security, arbiter of space-law and leader of the station's Redshirt Army. Oversees the brig and armory, and is officially the third-in-command.
- Mr. Fixit: The Chief Engineer, who manages engineers and atmospheric technicians to keep the station in working order.
- The Medic: The Chief Medical Officer, in charge of the medbay and all medicine-related jobs, including virologists, chemists and geneticists.
- The Smart Guy: The Research Director, who manages the labs of the science department.
- Starcraft II:
- In Wings of Liberty:
- The Captain: Jim Raynor
- Number Two: Matt Horner
- Mr. Fixit: Rory Swann
- The Scientist: Egon Stetmann
- The Marine/ The Mole: Tychus Findlay
- The Chick: Dr Ariel Hanson
- Sixth Ranger: Gabriel Tosh
- In "Heart of The Swarm":
- The Captain: Jim Raynor
- Number Two: Matt Horner
- Mr. Fixit: Rory Swann
- The Scientist: Egon Stetmann
- Ensign Newbie: Crown Prince Valerian Mengsk; in a sense, he is a newcomer joining the Raiders and does have some command.
- Sixth Ranger: Gabriel Tosh
- In Wings of Liberty:
- Star Fox
- The Captain: Fox McCloud (and indirectly, General Pepper)
- Number Two/Ace Pilot: Falco Lombardi
- Mr Fix It: Slippy Toad
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Peppy Hare in later games, who could also be Mission Control there. General Pepper was Mission Control too, up to Star Fox 64.
- Wrench Wench/Ace Pilot: Fara Phoenix, initially.
- The Heart: Krystal.
- Mission Control/Communications Officer: R.O.B. 64.
- Warship Gunner 2
- The Captain: Schulz, the player character
- Number Two: Depending on the player's choices in the first two missions, Tsukuba, Werner, or Braun
- Weapons development specialist Braun
- Communications Officer and Bridge Bunny: Nagi
- That's about it for your Economy Cast crew, really.
- Legostar Galactica
- The Captain: Bob Smith, who is also the Cunning Linguist
- Number Two: Marty Jasper Later replaced by Deborah Pascal during a Tyrant Takes the Helm story arc
- Reasonable Authority Figure: General/Admiral Graves
- Security Officer: 4675636B and Robin Cunningham
- Communications Officer: Skip Tyler
- The Medic: Belinda Reines
- Wrench Wench: Shauna Finelli
- Ace Pilot: Johnny Danger
- Omnidisciplinary Scientist: TAG
- The Heart: Alice Tolman. Parodied with Lando, the bartender.
- Mr. Fixit: Jeff the Ninja and his wingmen
- The Red Shirt: Red Shirt
- This leaves out Angrius to join whoever needs him.
- Schlock Mercenary
- The Captain: Breya (early), Kaff Tagon (mid-late), Kevyn (alternate timeline)
- Number Two: Kaff Tagon (early), Kevyn (mid-late), Ellen Foxworthy (late)
- Mr. Fixit: Kevyn Andreyasn, Tailor (powered armour only)
- Wrench Wench: Para Ventura
- Communications Officer: Sh'vuu
- The Scientist: Ebbirnoth (during the "Broken Wind" story arc)
- Security Officer: Ennesby, Schlock, Thurl
- The Big Guy: Schlock, E. Foxworthy, most of the rest of the company
- The Medic: Dr. Lazcowicz (early), Dr. Bunnigus (mid-late)
- The Nurse: Tailor (late)
- The Shrink: Ennesby, Rev. Theo
- Ace pilot: Brad, Legs
- The Heart: Rev Theo., Massey, Ch'vorthq, Thurl
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Petey
- Terra (2009)
There are two Resistance crews introduced, both answering to the council, the main characters end up in O'Shea's crew, which is built up over the course of the story while Simmons's crew, not all of whom are named, was already around when O'Shea joined.
- The Captain: Grey O'Shea
- Number Two/The Big Guy: Agrippa Varus
- Ace Pilot: Alexis Hawke
- Mr Fixit: Rick MacFarlane
- &
- The Captain: Simmons
- Security Officer: Bearclaw Azaroth
- The Medic: Jaide Ta’lir
- Wrench Wench: Lisa
Western Animation
- 3-2-1 Penguins!
- The Captain: Zidgel
- Ace Pilot / Number Two: Midgel
- The Scientist: Fidgel
- The Big Guy: Kevin
- The Tagalong Kids/The Heart: Jason and Michelle
- Atlantis: The Lost Empire
- The Captain: Rourke
- Number Two: Helga Sinclair
- Wrench Wench: Audrey, also doubles as The Pilot in the very beginning
- Cunning Linguist: Milo Thatch, the hero
- The Medic: The aptly named Dr. Joshua Sweet
- The Marine (though in this case The Demolitions Expert): Vinnie
- The Scientist: Mole
- The Communications Expert: Wilhelmina Packard
- The Heart (subversion: in this case, he's the cook who thinks his food helps raise spirits): Cookie
- Buzz Lightyearof Star Command
- The Captain: Buzz Lightyear
- Number Two / Ace Pilot: Mira Nova
- The Big Guy: Booster Munchapper
- The Red Shirt: XR, [1] as he is a robot who can't be permanently killed, but is often the one to be blown up or damaged by the villain or by accidents
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Commander Nebula
- The Scientist / Mr Fix It: Little Green Men
- Dastardly & Muttley in Their Flying Machines: Vulture Squadron is a Villain Protagonist example.
- The Captain: Dick Dastardly
- Number Two: Muttley
- Mr. Fixit: Klunk
- Cunning Linguist: Zilly, if only because he's Klunk's Translator Buddy.
- Exo Squad
- The Captain: Lt. (later Wg.Cmr.) J.T. Marsh
- Number Two: Sgt. Rita Torres
- Wrench Wench: Lt. Maggie Weston
- Communications Officer, The Scientist, Cunning Linguist: Alec DeLeon
- Marine: Wolf Bronsky
- The Medical Doctor: possibly, Marsala, though he lacks medical knowledge, instead being more of a Warrior Therapist
- Ace Pilot: Kaz Takagi
- The Heart: Lt. Nara Burns, though she becomes Number Two later on
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Admiral Winfield
- General Ripper: Capt. Matthew Marcus
- Futurama
- The Captain / Ace Pilot: Leela
- Number Two: Bender
- The Heart: Fry
- The Scientist: Farnsworth
- The Medic: Zoidberg. Sort of.
- Wrench Wench: Amy
- Obstructive Bureaucrat: Hermes
- Justice League
- The Captain: Superman
- Number Two, Ace Pilot: Wonder Woman
- Mr. Fixit: Batman
- The Marine: Hawkgirl
- The Security Officer: Green Lantern
- Green Lantern (John Stewart) was an actual marine.
- The Heart: The Flash, Green Arrow in Unlimited
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Martian Manhunter (In the Unlimited phase)
- Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles
- The Captain: Lt. Razak, later Johnny Rico
- Number Two: Sgt. Brutto, later Zim and T'Phai
- The Scientist/ Mr. Fixit: Gossard
- The Heart: "Paperboy" Higgins, though his part in keeping up morale is more due to his hilarious-yet-not-particularly-debilitating incompetence.
- The Marine: Dizzy Flores
- The Medic: Doc
- Ace Pilot: Carmen, somewhat
- Reasonable Authority Figure: General Miriam Redwing
- Transformers Generation One
- The Captain: Optimus Prime
- Number Two: Jazz
- The Marine: the Dinobots, especially Grimlock. Ironhide also qualifies.
- The Scientist/ Mr. Fixit: Wheeljack, Perceptor
- The Medic: Ratchet, sometimes sharing the role with Sparkplug and Hoist
- Communications Officer: Blaster
- Security Officer: Ironhide
- The Face: Bumblebee
- Sixth Ranger: Initially, Skyfire and the Dinobots, later on several came.
- Transformers: Animated
- The Captain: Optimus Prime
- Number Two: Prowl
- The Medic/Mr.Fixit: Ratchet
- The Marine: Bulkhead
- The Face: Bumblebee
- Sixth Ranger: Jazz
- Transformers: Armada
- The Captain: Optimus Prime
- Number Two: Jetfire
- Mr. Fixit: Smokescreen
- Communications Officer: Sideswipe, mainly through hacking and codebreaking
- The Marine: Scavenger and Blurr
- The Scientist / The Medic: Red Alert
- The Face: Hot Shot
- Transformers: Prime
- The Captain: Optimus Prime
- The Medic/Mr.Fixit: Ratchet
- Number Two: Arcee and later Ultra Magnus
- The Marine: Bulkhead
- The Face: Bumblebee
- Sixth Ranger: Wheeljack, Smokescreen
- Beast Wars
- The Captain: Optimus Primal
- Number Two / Security Officer: Rattrap
- The Scientist / Mr. Fixit: Rhinox
- The Big Guy: Dinobot
- The Heart: Cheetor, Tigatron (also a Security Officer)
- Sixth Ranger: Airrazor, Silverbolt, Blackarachnia post-Heel–Face Turn, Depth Charge, Tigerhawk
- Yogi's Treasure Hunt
- Mission Control: Top Cat
- The Captain: Yogi Bear
- Number Two: Boo Boo
- The Heart: Ranger Smith
- Mr Fix It: Huckleberry Hound
- The Navigator: Augie Doggie. Doggie Daddy doesn't have a defined role, but is most likely there because he's Augie's father.
- The Marine: Quick Draw McGraw. Technically, he's the "computer expert"", but is Hopeless with Tech. He is, however, the best fighter, making him a valuable member.
- Security Officers: Snooper and Blabber. As confirmed in "20,000 Leaks Under the Sea".
- Team Chef: Snagglepuss
- The Penguins of Madagascar
- The Captain: Skipper
- Scientist and strategist/Number Two: Kowalski
- Demolition expert: Rico
- The Heart: Private