Culture Clash - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Jan 08 2009

Gavin: Aw, there's a Filer-Fax!
Michael: Oh, boy, what? What do you call it?
Gavin: Filer-Fax.
Michael: It's a Rolodex in America.
Gavin: Cultural differences.

Cultures do not evolve identically. Even ones with similar backgrounds and languages have something they disagree about, and it just gets worse the more alien the two cultures are. Naturally, this has great potential for writers who want to introduce conflict to the plot, or just want to show off their worldbuilding skill.

Some tropes associated with Culture Clash:

See Values Dissonance, for when this happens to the audience. Also see Crazy Cultural Comparison, a milder form of Culture Clash played for laughs. There is also Pop-Culture Isolation. Often an element of Fantastic Racism.


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Anime & Manga 

  • Interestingly subverted in Ai Yori Aoshi, for the character of Tina Foster — a blond, blue-eyed American who grew up in Japan. Being American, she's never really accepted by her classmates, due to the highly ethno-centric nature of Japanese society, despite having been raised there from a very young age. Returning to America for high school, she discovers that she is culturally much more Japanese than American, and finds herself an outsider again. Her overreactions to this result in her clashing with both cultures, and prevent her from making any close personal connections in either Japan or America, until she meets open-minded protagonist Hanabishi Kaoru several years prior to the beginning of the story.
  • Bleach: There is a major culture clash between Ichigo and Byakuya in the "saving Rukia" arc. Byakuya stubbornly follows the Soul Society's ancient traditions, which include always honoring oaths and never questioning one's superiors, so he follows his superiors' orders to have his own sister Rukia executed despite his own personal feelings. Ichigo is from Earth, so he follows a modern sense of ethics that demands that he save Rukia, both because she needs help and because she is his friend.
  • One of the prevalent themes of Croisée in a Foreign Labyrinth.
  • Desert Rose: In the "Black Banquet" story arc, CAT, a counterterrorist organization based in the US, is contracted to train Japanese police officers. What results is a rare debate about gun control and self-defense, with the Japanese taking the legal stance, "If we can regulate and outlaw all guns, everyone will be safer overall", while the counterterrorists focus on self-responsiblity and defense, "You need to be prepared for that inevitable moment you will be endangered by a gunman". Overall, though, the story seems to side with CAT, portraying the Japanese as well-meaning but naive for believing legislation will protect them forever.
  • The Yuri Genre manga Flower Flower revolves around this. Two princesses from separate countries are wed but their cultures clash. This leads to some interesting situations.
  • This was a major reason for the tension between the Amestrians and the Ishvallans in the backstory of Fullmetal Alchemist. The Amestrians view alchemy as a useful science, while the Ishvallans view alchemy as an affront to their god. This isn’t as much of a problem now, only since after the war, most of the Ishvallans are dead. However, neither group was completely intolerant, and the war itself was less a result of cultural conflict and more because the homunculi intentionally started it and kept it going in order to cause sufficient deaths for their Evil Plan.
  • A bit of this is to be expected in Hetalia: Axis Powers as it is about Nations as People. An example is Japan telling Italy he must "assume responsibility" (which is never actually followed up on) when the latter, who is much less reserved about his emotions and physical contact, hugs him.
  • In Kyo Kara Maoh!, Wolfram insults Yuuri's mother, so Yuuri slaps him. Wolfram's brothers beg Yuuri to take it back. Yuuri, who thinks he's just insulted Wolfram back, swears he never will. Turns out that's how they propose marriage around those parts. The engagement stands for almost three straight seasons, and by the third everyone either considers them married or has forgotten about the proposal altogether. It can sometimes be hard to tell.
  • Lyrical Nanoha: Lindy Harlaown is a big fan of Japanese culture, so she furnishes her home Japanese style and tries to do everything the Japanese way. However, she puts milk and sugar in her tea, which is a big no-no in Japan. The Japanese Nanoha Takamachi always gives her a look of disgust when she sees this, but only when Lindy's back is turned and is too polite to say anything.
  • A major hurdle for Momoko in Magical Doremi. Being raised in the US for most of her life, early after her introduction she has a lack of tact, doesn't understand that Japanese schools don't allow jewelry as simple as her stud earring, and compares Hazuki's family retainer to a nanny. On the flip side, she does not appreciate when Tamaki accidentally insults her black friend.
  • Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion was raised in Germany and, as a result, deals with Japanese cultural clashes. She's more brash than most of her classmates and complains about Japanese-style doors not having locks.
  • In the Ramen & Gyoza volume of Oishinbo, one of Shiro's superiors takes some out-of-town Chinese colleagues to his favorite noodle shop; only to have them stop dead when they see the restaurant, accuse him of deliberately insulting them, and threaten to break off relations with the Tozai News. Turns out the restaurant's name uses an old Japanese word for China that many Japanese see as no worse than old-fashioned, but the mainland Chinese consider highly insulting. Good thing Shiro has the connections to set things right.
  • A major part of the background of the Skypiea arc of One Piece. Montblanc Norland comes to an island plagued by disease and worshiping a snake-god. He proceeds to cut down their sacred trees and slay their god(dess), all in their own best interest. Though his actions were for the better, his refusal to consult with them or even explain himself demonstrates an arrogance that eventually alienates him, setting up the requisite tragic backstory.
  • Ouran High School Host Club:
    • Played for laughs. Commoner Haruhi's life is so different from her ultra-rich schoolmates that they might as well live in different countries, and the experience goes both ways. Witness the hosts' befuddlement over "commoner wisdom" such as instant coffee.
    • In the backstory, this was an early cause of contention between Tamaki (who was raised by his French mother) and Kyouya (pure Japanese). Tamaki kept suggesting all sorts of activities that Kyouya hated, but Japanese politeness required him to participate anyway. Eventually he got so pissed off that he snapped at Tamaki that he wasn't interested in his latest random scheme—which is a huge faux pas in Japanese culture. Tamaki just said "Okay, so what do you want to do instead?" After that, Kyouya was better about politely turning Tamaki down.
  • The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World:
    • Tougo's Hot-Blooded sensibilities, Henshin Hero powers, and Humongous Mecha are out of place in the fantasy world Idola lives in, and anyone who sees him is either dumbstruck or mesmerized by what they're watching. His casualness also clashes with the stuffy class hierarchies of commoners and nobles, pissing off Princess Teltina's Crazy Jealous Guy bodyguard, Rosie Mist, when Tougo fails to show Teltina proper respect.
    • On a more humorous note, Tougo's sentai uniform is a hit with kids in his world, who all gush about how cool it and by extension Red is. In Idola's world, it's considered weird and tacky, to the point that Idola can hardly believe that any kid would like it if they weren't brainwashed. Rosie also taunts Tougo for this during their duel, sarcastically asking if Tougo is a clown when he sees it.
  • Played for humour in Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei, Kaere, a returnee is offended by various gestures that "in her country" mean odd things. Also, Maria is a reverse example, seeing negative things in Japanese society as positive things. Her reaction to a pedophile accosting a little girl? "People in Japan are so nice to little kids".
  • In Space Runaway Ideon, when humans first encounter Buff Clan, they try to call a ceasefire by raising a white flag. Unfortunately, in Buff Clan culture, a white flag means the resolve to fight until death. Much bloodshed ensues.
  • Super Dimension Fortress Macross: The Zentradi have no culture to speak of, being a race whose express purpose is for military combat, and are often baffled by some of the stunts the Crew of the Macross pull in order to protect the civilians on board. A good example of this is is the episode when the Macross makes a stop at an abandoned Mars Base for much needed supplies. Anticipating this the Zentradi set a trap, planting Gravity mines around the base that would prevent the ship from lifting off once in range. Then, they figured, the Humans would abandon ship and make for the base, as they would do in such a situation. They're left shocked when the Macross Crew instead detonate the base's reactor; destroying the mines, yes, but also a still functioning base, the supplies inside, and nearly themselves in the process.
  • Zombie Land Saga: One occurs between Ai and Junko, an idol from the 2000s and 1980s respectively, in regards to how they interact with fans; in Junko's case, she's reluctant to interact with fans face-to-face due to her growing up in a time when that wasn't expected of idols. This doesn't sit well with Ai, who's spent her whole career relying on parasocial relationships, and the two get into a heated argument over it which results in a episode long falling out between the two. Thankfully they're able to reconcile.

Comic Books 

  • Annihilation: In Conquest - Star-Lord, this causes problems between Captain Universe and Death-Cry. Gabe uses his powers to fry a Phalanx drone that was menacing her. As Mantis explains, to Shi'ar this is an insult implying Death-Cry couldn't handle herself, and if it happens again Death-Cry will try to kill him. Gabe's a former US marine, so from his point of view he's just helping a teammate in a tight spot. No-one bothers explaining this to either side, so when Gabe does it again, Death-Cry goes ballistic and winds up gibbed.
  • Princess Ugg is built around this trope, as Ulga's barbarian ways do not fit in well at a Princess Classic Academy. It's implied Jamsin once struggled with this as well, as she was reminded she did not know what Western utensils were when she came (having grown up with chopsticks).
  • Runaways:
    • Xavin often runs into this, being a Skrull who has been raised to kill ever since hatching. Most notably, Xavin has difficulty understanding that the team views the android Victor as an equal whereas Xavin only saw him as a useful tool. Xavin also deeply respects strength in all of its forms and therefore doesn't understand why the team doesn't try to Take Over the World with their superior powers. Also, Xavin doesn't get that being genderfluid is unusual for humans because, for Skrulls, "changing gender is no different than changing hair color."
    • Sixth Ranger Klara has her own difficulties adjusting, not as a native of another planet but of the 1900s, where there were no Skrulls, no Majesdanians, and no androids, and where mutants and magic-users were viewed as possible demons.

Fan Works 

  • Amazing Fantasy:
    • Peter can't help but laugh as he learns that heroics in Izuku's world are regulated by what amounts to a peaceful and reasonable version of the Superhuman Registration Act. On a more mundane level, he struggles to ease himself into Japanese amenities like public baths.
    • Izuku is horrified by Peter's description of the superhero civil war and can't imagine heroes ever wielding the brutal authority that Reed Richards, Tony Stark, Hank Pym, and Maria Hill did.
  • In At the Edge of Lasg'len, the last remaining Elves of the Woodland Realm come into contact with 21st-century Ireland. The modern world is an absolute shock to them, though Thranduil was slightly more aware of it; at the beginning of the story, he at least speaks English. They rapidly have to come to terms with modern technology and modern Irish society, which has less than no use for monarchy; even those who actually know who Thranduil is treat him as they would anyone else.
  • In the Better Bones AU, SkyClan has some cultural differences from the other four Clans due to their long separation.
    • While the other Clans see scars as desirable traits and will often rename cats after their injuries to emphasize how tough they are for surviving, SkyClan cats are neutral about scars and think it's rude to name a cat like that, leading to the scarred cats from other clans thinking they are being insulted for their names.
    • Tawnypelt, having grown up in ThunderClan, sometimes has trouble understanding ShadowClan cats' dark sense of humor and takes it as aggression towards her.
  • By the Sea: Merfolk and surface-world cultures have nothing in common, and, in-story, most culture shock depicted between the two is from the merfolk side. Their main experiences with humans come from humans catching merfolk and either dissecting or torturing them, and so merfolk make an effort to stay away from the surface and avoid notice. It's apparently commonly thought among merfolk, even among the educated ruling class and despite the merfolk themselves having stories that state otherwise, that humans are so barbaric they don't even have access to language. Even Eyayah's first assumption to Cody telling him that Obi-Wan will be able to talk with other merfolk is not something reasonable like Obi-Wan learning Mando'a, but that Cody taught Obi-Wan to speak and understand language, period.
  • Chrysalis Visits The Hague: A good portion of the conflict between ponies and humans stems from complex issues like the humans' historical treatment of earthly horses as lowly pack animals, to things as banal as the ponies' all-herbivore diet.
  • Connecting the Dots has lots of this, particularly in the Thou Shalt Not Kill department. Neji kills Dr. Light so quickly and cleanly that the Teen Titans don't even realize what happened until they try to tie Dr. Light up and leave him for the police, like usual. In the ensuing discussion, the Shinobi and the Titans have difficulty understanding each other's viewpoint; only Naruto is willing to give the idea of simply containing your enemies indefinitely a chance, but the reveal that all prisons in the DC-verse are made of cardboard makes him hesitate. Robin realizes that the League sent him Child Soldiers to house, and calls Batman out accordingly. Ultimately, the Shinobi decide to accept "their land, their rules" as a counterargument, but make it clear they don't agree, while Dr. Light's crimes end up being severe enough for the police and civilians to accept his death as a necessity.
  • The Conversion Bureau: A medieval, High Fantasy pony nation turns up on Real Life Earth 20 Minutes into the Future, and tries to claim it in order to save it from inevitable environmental destruction. In many versions, it ends badly for everyone involved. Also notable for being controversial in its very premise, TCB became a Broken Base between fans who supported the idealistic pony cause since it was for the greater good and fans who felt the humans more than justified in fighting off the pony invasion.
  • Cross-Cultural Contamination: Gygax tradition regarding proposals involves making electric blue candy as a proposal gift, and the one being proposed to accepts the proposal by eating the candy. In the Towers, on the other hand, proposals involve making a silver bracelet and giving it to the one you wish to bond with — if the proposal is accepted, then the one being proposed to puts the bracelet on and replaces a section of their armor with it later.
  • Cultural Clash: Nick playfully snaps at Judy and stamps his foot during an argument. Judy immediately goes sullen and gives him the silent treatment for several days. Nick is originally under the impression that it's because of his sharp teeth and is hurt that she still doesn't trust him, but when he eventually calls her mother in desperation to fix things, he discovers foot stamping is a dominance display and Judy felt devalued when he did it to her. As Bonnie puts it, "you may as well have slapped a leash on her and dangled her in the air by it for what it said about your opinion of her."
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Subverted for laughs. Lena tries very hard to accommodate her friend Kara's alien customs, especially since Kara is the Sole Survivor of her species, so Lena can't just look up a guide online that any of the thousands of other immigrants have written. Eventually, she asks Kara out on a date, and Kara reacts with complete confusion... because they have been dating. Not by Kryptonian standards, by human ones. As it turns out, there is no Kryptonian custom to make out with your friends on a regular basis.
  • Culture Shock: Megatron offers Starscream assistance in standing after defeating him in combat as an attempt to be condescending. Unbeknownst to Megatron, Seekers see such an act as an offer for a permanent bond. Naturally, Megatron is NOT happy when he learns that he's made an Accidental Proposal to his treacherous second-in-command - and he's even less happy when he learns that refusing to participate in the bonding is NOT a good idea.
  • In Demonspawn, a Heralds of Valdemar fic, medics give breakfast to a foreign patient. She's bemused when it includes burnt bread with yellow grease on it and a drink that looks like goat's milk but tastes very different. Of course, the fic's readers will recognize these things as buttered toast and cow's milk.
  • In Describing The Series Via References (where Team RWBY reads their own meme page), the girls are reading a document from another world with as little context as possible, so this happens a lot.
    • 'Aura' confuses them because Aura is a normal human capability (it'd be like a meme that was just 'hairdo'), while to us it's a plot element used to Hand Wave the anime physics.
    • Transforming weapons are normal on Remnant, so they don't get that "it's also a gun" is a joke because of how ridiculous weapons like Crescent Rose would be on Earth.
    • Anime terms (like 'tsundere') are culturally translated as Mistrali, but Earth history things like the Titanic, the Gregorian calendar, and racism based on skin color go completely over their heads.
  • A Diplomatic Visit: Part of the conflict of the story is Twilight and her friends learning to understand and respect the different laws and culture of the other races.
    • Twilight unwittingly offends Swift-Pad with her repeated apologies before she is made aware of just how seriously the wolves take such things. However, she also demonstrates a willingness to learn from her mistakes when they're explained, which Swift-Pad appreciates.
    • Twilight also freaks out when she finds that changelings are welcome in the Packlands. Luckily, she is able to calm herself before she unwittingly causes an international incident; it helps that the changeling in question is from a different hive than Chrysalis'.
    • In chapter 17, Applejack meets a long-lost relative in the Packlands, who has learned to understand and follow their laws and way of life after an awkward start, to the point where she now considers herself a Packlander rather than an Equestrian. Part of this is because she's had trouble with ponies who outright refused to follow and respect these laws, and went out of their way to break them. When Slice n' Dice chose to stick with the new ways she'd learned, the other ponies lied to Slice n' Dice's family and the Equestrian border guard to make them think of her as a criminal; Applejack, who has a strong respect for the law and understands why Slice n' Dice would follow it, is disgusted with the ones who acted otherwise.
  • Dragonball Z Abridged: Used rather frequently, as Vegeta has difficulties with differences between Earth culture and Space culture. Among other things, he doesn't know what soap was (when the composition of it is described, he thinks it's food), and when Bulma asked about "protection" before having sex, he put on his combat armor.
  • Embers (Vathara): Failure to do a comparison is shown to have incredibly painful results... and arguably, this is one of the major reasons this story was written. A full chapter is dedicated to what the four elemental nations each mean when they say "truce", each of which was different and has different cultural reasons behind it.
    • In the Water Tribes, a truce is decided upon by the women, who get together and decide that their men have wasted enough time and effort fighting, or are needed back home. Once they've determined that the men are rested and recovered, the truce is revoked and they go to war again.
    • In the Earth Kingdom, the local King (or the Earth King, if it's a big enough deal), will declare a truce only as a final ceasefire, when either they or the enemy is thoroughly crushed. Truces aren't temporary... they end the war, and breaking the truce starts a new one.
    • In the Fire Nation, the ranking officer can call for a truce at any time, but they will hold that truce without fail. They will not break a truce, but will revoke it and inform their enemy of the revocation before they attack.
    • The Air Nomads don't have truces. They may stop fighting, or work together with an enemy for a while against a common foe, but there's nothing binding about it, and they can change their minds whenever they want, without informing anyone. This has led to them being generally liked but not trusted, and, in Embers, has led to huge problems between the nations.
  • Fractured (SovereignGFC): This crops up because the Trans-Galactic Republic's lack of an Alien Non-Interference Clause lets them (with permission) become involved with political systems quite unlike their own. Citadel Council race politics aren't completely understood when the Trans-Galactic Republic tries to help prepare for the Reaper invasion, leading to a slide into fascism. Even worse is the oligarchic galaxy next door, which makes even less sense to the "civilized" forces of the Republic. From casually nuking civilians to using alcohol in therapy, societal norms there make Trans-Galactic Republic authorities uncomfortable to say the least.
  • Game Theory (Lyrical Nanoha) plays up the cultural differences of the TSAB as a society that has access to magic, and the fact that Nanoha is from Earth and lacks an understanding of the history of magic (and the dangers thereof) is of significant importance to the plot.
  • The Greatest Generation: In chapter 3, Yvonne, being an American, attaches very different connotations to the term "expedition" than what Tenryuu and DesDiv Six do. This perception, and her subsequent behavior because of it, causes no small amount of problems, to say the least.
  • Greenfire: Over the issue of gems. Spike is shocked ponies use them to look pretty, Rarity is shocked that dragons eat them.
  • Growing Pains (Danny Phantom): One of Helena's excuses for not caring about Danny's actual age for as long as he's physically an adult is that "marrying ages and relationships in the Ghost Zone are different for ghosts than they are in the human realm".
  • Hivefled: Gamzee has a Slave Brand on his arm reading "namoha", meaning "one who is owned by a higher". He hasn't told his human associates what it means; they tried to look it up, but the only reference they could find, not being able to access the troll internet via a human computer nor read the alphabet used on the trolls' computers, is a porn site. Misleading and incomprehensible videos have led them to believe that Gamzee is a rapist who was branded as a legal punishment.
  • There are a few disagreements or misunderstandings in The Hobbit fanfiction that often occur because Bilbo and the dwarves come from different cultures.
  • Forms the main conflict of The Homesteading. The house Twilight and Applejack had moved into together was trying to cast them out because it viewed Twilight as a greedy invading thief since Twilight wasn't recognized by the titular Earth Pony magical process of protection as Applejack's wife and thus a rightful owner. This turns out to be because Twilight and Applejack were married in a ceremony for Unicorns, which was designed to distinguish that parties don’t properly own one another’s estates. Conversely, an Earth Pony ceremony does make it so that both parties share ownership of any property; once Twilight and Applejack have a second ceremony in the Earth Pony style, their problems with their new house end and they're able to host a holiday party for both mares' families just as they had wanted, with the ending indicating Twilight and Applejack will have many happy and safe years in their new home.
  • Homophobia Isn't Real?: Eda is aware of the different value systems that exist on Earth compared to the Boiling Isles, but can't understand the idea that two girls in love could ever be considered questionable.
  • The Infinite Loops: It's rare overall, but it has happened across the series due to how different the worlds can be from each other. An example occurred between the two Spyro universes. When the two Spyros and their friends first meet, they have trouble interacting with each other because of said differences, which ends up causing Legends Spyro entering his Superpowered Evil Side after an ill-thought-out prank from Classic Spyro.
  • Lightning Only Strikes Once: Raven in particular attempts to use this theme when making a few jokes, such as telling Abby that Trikru tradition would require her to attend Clarke and Lexa’s wedding wearing a bear-skin with a head-dress including boar’s tusks to prove the strength of Clarke’s bloodline, and telling Anya that Skaikru traditions mean that they need to write a thirty-line poem in their role as bridesmaids for the wedding to be blessed by the Star-Lords. Lincoln turns this against her by claiming that Raven’s advice that he tell Bellamy that he wants an open relationship with Octavia means that Lincoln and Bellamy must now engage in a fight to the death after Bellamy struck Lincoln in public.
  • A Long Road: A conflict threatens to be unleashed because a Companion — think an angel embodied as a horse — picks a foreign visitor as a Herald. In Valdemar, being Chosen by a Companion is seen as the greatest honour and the opportunity to serve the country, but from the foreign embassy's viewpoint, a powerful spirit just subverted one of theirs and it's supposed to be a bad thing since it generally ends in bloodshed. And even if the spirit is benevolent, it still uses mind arts and could potentially subvert his Herald.
  • The Moonstone Cup: One of Twilight's earlier opponents is a griffin who turns out to specialize in necromancy. Said griffin raises several pony skeletons and uses them to fight, infuriating Twilight who beats her soundly. After the match, the griffin is puzzled that Twilight was so upset and explains, to Twilight's shock, that using the pony skeletons was a compliment since necromancers only use the deceased they feel are strong as warriors.
  • Neon Metathesis Evangelion: A major part of the plot, with Asuka's Western views colliding with the Japanese views of everyone around her.
  • In the crossover New Stars, Maxx (CT-5599) has a hard time adjusting to the fact that those serving on the Orville weren't drafted but chose to enlist, and don't see him as expendable, and find the act of cloning men to be soldiers (and refusing to see them as people) utterly horrifying. Seeing as how he's also Trapped in Another World, there are numerous species and cultures in the Orville galaxy that he has no knowledge of.
  • The New Jedi Order: A Vision of Confluence
    • The Imperials generally find the widespread Interspecies Friendship and casual intermingling between humans and non-humans in the Galaxy Far, Far Away to be unnerving and utterly bewildering given how in the 40K galaxy most aliens are extremely hostile towards humanity and even the less hostile ones usually keep to themselves rather than openly integrate with humans.
    • The Imperials think the idea of ruling a galaxy with an elected body like the New Republic Senate is absolutely insane and impractical, while the New Republic and Jedi firmly believe in democracy and oppose the sort of totalitarian government that the Imperium would support due to their past experiences with the Galactic Empire.
    • The Imperium views what they’ve done with Pirve (i.e. get rid of all droids, make non-humans second-class citizens, ban all religions, and forcibly reeducate the planet's human population about Holy Terra being the true homeworld of humanity) as righteous and correct. The people of Pirve and the Jedi disagree with Luke commenting to Guilliman that the SW galaxy rebelled against the Galactic Empire specifically because they hated policies like the ones the Imperium has implemented on Pirve.
    • During a conversation an Ultramarine has with Anakin Solo, the Marine is bothered to learn that the New Republic was founded by rebels who defeated the Galactic Empire in a civil war as he is a firm believer of Just Following Orders and My Country, Right or Wrong. Anakin counters by expressing his belief that if a government has become tyrannical and no longer serves the people, then it's only right for the people to rebel against it.
    • The Imperium and the New Republic are shown to have very differing definitions on what humans are. In the Star Wars galaxy, "being human" is essentially a social construct determined primarily through culture and one's physical appearance. In one sidestory, it's shown that the Arkanians and Mirialans are objectively a Human Subspecies, yet they are both treated as and view themselves to be alien races separate from SW humanity. The Imperium, however, determines what is and isn't human through examining actual biology and DNA due to their whole worldview boiling down to "humanity vs. everything else".
  • Pokémon Journeys: Hisui Legend has a mutual one between Ash, Chloe, and the Hisuian people. The former two come from a world where Pokémon and people live together in peace, while the latter come from a world where the exact opposite is true. So the former as quite shocked to see Pokémon and people so separate from one another, while the latter are shocked to see somebody not only with Pokémon who listen to them, but as many as Ash's team. The residents of Jubilife Village and the Diamond and Pearl Clans have their own hiccups.
  • Pokémon Reset Bloodlines has this going on between Trainer and Ranger nations, as both of them follow different philosophies about human interaction with Pokémon. Rangers believe in "living in harmony", and that Pokémon have the right to choose whether they want to stick with humans or not, while Trainers believe in "growing stronger together" and try and help Pokémon develop their full potential. The two sides have actually gone to war over these conflicting views for decades, and even in the current time they're in a cold war state.
  • Pony POV Series: The small nation Maasailand considers red, black, and scorpions to be symbols of peace and love and considers gold a symbol of aggression, which confuses the Equestrian characters.
  • Re: My Hostage, Not Yours: Zim's ultimate holdup on pursuing his newfound feelings for Gaz is that Irkens mate for life and aren't allowed to breakup and pursue new relationships if the first one doesn't work out, which is a real risk in this case, given how young and inexperienced in dating Gaz is.
  • RWBY: Epic of Remnant:
    • Hassan of the Cursed Arm's mask is wired into his head, and even if it wasn't, it is a part of his culture, so he refuses to part with it. Some people take issue with it because it makes him resemble a member of the dreaded White Fang.
    • After EMIYA Alter and Ruby Rose crafted his BFG, she insisted they add their symbols as a stamp on it. As part of his pragmatic personality, he suggested they overlay their symbols on top of each other so that the stamp would be smaller and cheaper. She blushes and says in Remnant, only married couples do that, annoying him.
  • Star Wars Vs Warhammer 40 K: A significant source of misunderstandings come from the differences in how both sides treat prisoners of war. The Galactic Republic and Jedi Order generally treat their POWs humanely and view capturing enemy soldiers instead of outright killing them to be a merciful act in accordance with the rules of war. The Imperium of Man comes from a setting where the rules of war don't exist and most factions brainwash or torture their POWs, so being captured by the enemy is seen by them as a Fate Worse than Death, while killing enemy soldiers that surrender is considered a form of mercy. Oftentimes, attempts by Jedi to convince an Imperial commander to surrender with promises of sparing the lives of their troops backfires and only ends up strengthening that commander's resolve to be Defiant to the End.
  • Tarkin's Fist: One of the main themes of Tarkin's Fist is examining how galactic society in Star Wars would clash with that of 21st century Earth.
    • Phasma Yos, a teenager, is appointed as the Chief Ambassador of Tarkin's Fist and sent to negotiate with world leaders before the outbreak of the Empire-Earth War. In Imperial society, she's old enough to be elected as a planetary leader or a representative in the Imperial Senate. On Earth, she's just a young kid, and her initial appearance is met with confusion and surprise.
    • First Lady Jill Harris, having grown up in a country where the Separation of Church and State is enshrined in law, is notably uncomfortable with the idea of a religious order like the Jedi having such an influential role in politics and law enforcement.
    • Kuantus Kuat, the CEO of one of the Empire's biggest mega-corporations, is appalled by the writings of Karl Marx and Mao Tse-Tung.
  • A Thing of Vikings:
    • The Hooligans have culturally evolved in a different direction than the mainstream Norse, much less the rest of Europe, due to pressures from the Dragon War forcing them to adapt and adopt practical changes. Specifically:
      • They have universal literacy to preserve critical knowledge. This causes issues when several newly-conquered Eirish and later Jomsviking immigrants try resisting learning literacy.
      • They have instituted social welfare because anyone could find themselves homeless and destitute because of a dragon-raid. Such egalitarianism is unthinkable to most others and it took a while for the Hooligans to convince their new subjects that they will be provided for.
      • They abolished thralldom because defending their homes from dragons requires as many hands as possible. This is downplayed in that several characters do understand the pragmatic origins of the abolishment, but even thralls are caught off guard by the practice of universal freemanship at first.
      • They give their infants absurd or at least unconventional names out of a belief that it protects their children from real and imagined dangers, something many non-Hooligans mourn about.
    • There are several aspects of Christianity that the Hooligans find strange and confusing. This includes the concept of the trinity, nobody but priests being allowed to read the Bible, women not being allowed inside monasteries, and just monotheism in general.
  • To Absent Friends: Dul'krah, Clan Korekh comments on Kanril Eleya and Reshek Gaarra's relationship. (This is explained in the author's notes. Apparently romantic relationships among Dul'krah's species tend not to last more than about five years, and any kids are part of the mother's clan and are raised by said clan in its entirety.)

    "It was not a secret, Commander Reshek," Dul'krah says. "The only question I had was when your first children would be born." There's an oddly musical clunk from Warragul dropping his guitar. I feel my cheeks burning and Dul'krah has the good sense to start looking embarrassed. "My apologies. Clearly I have run afoul of, I believe the term Lieutenant Commander Bo'tok at the Academy used was 'culture clash'."
    "Phekk'tem understatement," somebody female in the crowd mutters in Perikian.
    "Watch it," I warn over my shoulder.

  • Under the Northern Lights: The reindeer of Tarandroland have a very negative view of magic and have problems with unicorn-heavy Equestria. Equestrians get nervous with both casual violence and the use of animal products, both common in Tarandroland.
  • Using the Force Made Easy: Delia mistakes a girl for a lesbian because on her planet, wearing a single earring in your left ear is a signal that you're interested in your own sex. When he hears this, Anakin remarks that on Tatooine, it meant you were high ranking in a gang if you wore visible jewelry.
  • Wings to Fly:
    • Lucrezia Noin doesn't speak Navy. The most obvious manifestation is where she doesn't know what it means when one of her subordinates calls her "Skipper" and has to guess she's not being insulted from the reactions of the people around her. Later she looks it up.
    • She similarly doesn't understand some Americanisms, being Italian, and has occasional visible reactions to sloppy protocol or ceremony from people who originally came from other backgrounds, as her own original service was a stickler for proper military protocol.
  • With This Ring:
    • Being from Britain, OL had a bit of a shock when he had to adjust to living in the United States. He finds American-style supermarkets "creepy", and prefers buying food from bodegas or other independent grocery stores whenever possible, and don't even get him started on the quality of American chocolate. He's also frustrated that his favorite pancake topping, golden syrup, is virtually unknown in the U.S, and that "gravy" can mean a very different kind of sauce. Averted with guns however - while private gun ownership in Britain is pretty rare, and their gun culture nothing like the U.S, familiarizing himself with firearms was one of the first things OL did after getting a Lantern from Alan Scott, because he wanted a reliable backup weapon if his ring ever failed him.
    • Teth Adom, AKA Black Adam II, got it especially bad - originally from Ancient Khandaq (YJ Egypt) roughly 5000 years or so ago, Adom is a complete stranger in the modern world, to the point that his own language is extinct. Since modern Khandaq is Muslim, which didn't exist in Adom's time, some things such as the ban on pork raises a few eyebrows.
    • Kaldur is disturbed how surface-worlders tend to depict pirates as good guys in their fiction and how rare a negative portrayal is, since pirates are a serious problems for Atlantians.
  • A World of Bloody Evolution takes the rather carefree Yang from Remnant and tosses her in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. While Yang enjoys the challenging fights, she is highly disturbed by the rampant zealotry and Fantastic Racism. Weiss, who transferred over 50 years before Yang, didn't have as much issue adjusting, though she still hates the place.

Films — Live-Action 

  • In The Baader Meinhof Complex, Muslim terrorists sharing the training camp with the RAF are not pleased about them sunbathing in the nude and both sexes having the same quarters.
  • Beverly Hills Ninja: Haru was raised in Japan, so when he books a hotel in Beverly Hills, he leaves his shoes outside, which leads to the janitors taking them. This happens several times as he has replacements.
  • Big Bird in Japan has many examples, as Big Bird (and the children watching at home) learns about Japanese culture for the first time. The Language Barrier confuses him; he thinks the people greeting him are announcing they're from Ohio, when they're actually saying "hi" in Japanese. He also thinks that when people say "hai", they're greeting him, when that's actually the word for "yes". He also learns to use chopsticks, and tries new foods such as fish.
  • Black Panther (2018) has a clash between Erik Killmonger and his very Black American attitude towards race, aggressive black supremacy ideals, and pan-Africanist views with the Wakandans' bemusement about race issues, rather smug and paternalistic superiority (not that it's unjustified, mind), and highly tribalistic view of the world. This comes to a point when Erik condemns Wakanda for not intervening to stop the transatlantic slave trade, and the Wakandans' reaction is basically a confused "Why should we have cared about people on the other side of the goddamned continent, and why should we care more about slaves sold to the English than slaves sold to the Dahomey?"
  • Detective/action movie Black Rain contains a ton of this when two NYPD detectives catch a rogue Yakuza member in New York and have to escort him back to Tokyo. In some ways the film is more even-handed than some works, as it shows the detectives feeling out of their depth and threatened by a different culture, but it also shows how they seem to the Japanese, which ranges from the Japanese police viewing them as bumbling amateurs, (one of the detectives being a xenophobic Cowboy Cop while the other is a Life of the Party sort) who let the Yakuza captive escape, to many others seeing them as Funny Foreigners. More subtly, there is also something of a generational culture clash going on among the Japanese. Most obviously this is the case with Sato and the other young Yakuza who follow him in opposing The Don Sugai, but there are other small hints of this, like Japanese detective Mas reprimanding his son for what he sees as his son speaking out of turn to Nick.
  • Bonnie & Bonnie: Yara is like most German young people, wearing skimpy clothes, partying and loves to do hip-hop, things which her conservative Muslim father would not like. This is even before she's started to date a woman.
  • In Bride and Prejudice some of the conflict between William Darcy and Lalita is because they both make cultural assumptions about the other.
  • Crazy Rich Asians: Rachel is a middle class, renowned mathemathics professor from New York City who was raised by her single mother, who emmigrated from China, and who raised Rachel with the idea to follow her dreams and maker her own way in life. This puts her at odds with her boyfriend Nick's mother Eleanor, a native of Singapore, and the daughter of a very wealthy family, who married into an even wealthier family, who also firmly believes of putting family over everything else, including personal desires, which in Nick's case is marrying Rachel, a woman of lower social standing who was also the product of an adulterous affair, becuuse it will bring shame to the family.
  • East is East is about a Pakistani father struggling to come to terms with his sons being drawn more to British youth culture than his own Islamic values.
  • The Gods Must Be Crazy uses this as its central theme. The main focus is on the Bushman !Xi venturing out into the world of modern South Africa, and getting into many misunderstandings due to his not knowing anything about its society's workings, and vice-versa. Said misunderstandings range from hilarious (accidentally sticking up somebody) to serious (getting locked up in prison).
  • In the 2010 remake of The Karate Kid, Dre (who comes from the United States) claps and cheers loudly after his crush's violin recital. This provokes anger from the crush's father as the Chinese tend to stay silent out of respect after a performance of any kind.
  • The Last Samurai: This trope drives a lot of early interaction between Algren, the late-nineteenth century American soldier, and the Japanese samurai he finds himself among, particularly in their differing views on war. A stand-out example is when discussing Custer's Last Stand: Algren believes that Custer was arrogant and incompetent for taking his men against a force of natives that vastly outnumbered them, while Kasumoto admires the man's bravery, and says it was a good death for Custer and his men.
  • Margarita with a Straw: Laila at first thinks Jared is in a relationship with a woman he pecks on the cheek. He explains they're just friends, which threw her because Indians don't kiss friends.
  • No Name Restaurant: Neither Ben (an American Orthodox Jew) nor Adel (an Egyptian Muslim Bedouin) has ever encountered one of the other's people before.
  • Outsourced centers on this theme as an American sales expert is sent to India to train call centre workers and only becomes successful once he starts adapting to his new home.
  • Red Sun involves samurai coming to The Wild West, and includes a scene where Charles Bronson's cowboy character laughs at a samurai and says that he's wearing a dress.
  • The Sun Is Also a Star: Daniel's father is unhappy with how his sons are more individualistic than traditional Korean culture advocates. This is illustrated by the fact that the Korean family names come first, then the individual one.
  • This trope is arguably the central theme in the 1968 mondo film Sweden: Heaven and Hell, with the Swedes' liberal attitudes towards sex and drugs clashing with the more conservative views of the mostly Italian production team.
  • A central theme of The Wicker Man (1973), as Howie's Presbyterian Christian beliefs clash with the Blue-and-Orange Morality of the Celtic pagan islanders. Both sides are confused by each other. It all comes to a head at the end when the villagers have Howie sacrificed in a burning wicker man to save their crops.
  • Wild Child: Strong-minded, independent American girl Poppy does not fit into the atmosphere of Abbey Mount, an old boarding school in the UK at first, since they're more strait-laced and reserved.
  • Exaggerated for laughs in Windy City Heat. Perry is tasked with guarding a table loaded with candy, donuts, and other American snacks to impress the film's Japanese financier. After the table is knocked over, the man arrives, is horrified at the sight, and immediately cancels the movie. Why a Japanese businessman would care so much about a table of junk food is never explained.

Live-Action TV 

  • 90 Day Fiancé: The foreign fiancés, being from other countries, occasionally have conflicting values with their American partner and their families. For example:
    • Paola from season one freaked out her fiancé Russ's conservative parents by coming downstairs in skimpy pajamas.
    • The Other Way: Brittany was portrayed as a Hard-Drinking Party Girl who clashed with her traditionalist Muslim fiance.
  • The 100 has a lot of culture clash between people from the Ark and the Grounders. Most significant is their handling of criminal punishment. While the Ark uses capital punishment left and right, they view it as a utilitarian measure (no sense wasting precious resources on someone who breaks the law), and so make it fairly clean and painless, and even then they refuse to execute anyone under the age of 18. This makes them pretty hesitant to hand Finn over to the Grounders for punishment, since Grounder executions a) don't have exemptions for minors, and b) are more about revenge than utility, involving lengthy torture sessions where everyone with a grievance against the accused gets a chance to go at them with fire and knives.
  • Alien Nation: Much of the drama is produced by many differences Newcomers have with Humans. As just one example, they are very frank and open about sex (possibly because their reproduction needs a third party catalyst) and have no homophobia (although it's more of an Informed Attribute as gay Newcomers only briefly appear).
  • Minor case in Arrow: When in Russia, Anatoli offers Oliver and Diggle each a very strong glass of vodka before a mission. Diggle politely declines, but Oliver pours him a glass anyway. He doesn't say anything, but the message is quite clear: When a Russian mob boss offers you vodka, you drink the vodka.
  • On Babylon 5 a cultural misunderstanding was the cause of the Earth-Minbari War. The Earth Alliance dispatches a task force to gather information on the Minbari in preparation for a first contact. However, the captain selected to command the task force is described by Sheridan as being completely unsuited for a potential first contact situation, to the point he declines an offer to become first officer. Sure enough, the task force stumbles upon a trio of Minbari cruisers that approach them. The cruisers approach with their gunports open, which to the Minbari warrior caste is a show of respect and strength; the Minbari leader Dukhat of the religious caste immediately realises how this could be misinterpreted and hurriedly orders them closed. Unfortunately, it's too late: the Earth captain, already panicked as the powerful Minbari scanners accidentally disabled their hyperjump engines and prevented an escape, saw the open gunports and thinking he was about to be attacked decided to fire first. The attack is viewed by the Minbari as completely unprovoked, and the death of Dukhat (an important leader) fills the Minbari with a religious zeal to make the humans pay by completely exterminating them. The human captain, finally realising that he's possibly doomed humanity due to his actions, later kills himself as countless reports of human outposts and colonies being attacked and completely massacred continue to flow in.
  • One story from Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction featured a man finding himself in the Wild West. He is accused of walking around in his underpants, even though he is wearing sensible sneakers, hiking shorts, and a t-shirt.
  • Blindspotting: In episode 3, when Rainey suggests physically punishing Sean after he kicks both Ashley and Trish, saying that it's acceptable to do so three times in a child's life. Ashley (who has been physically abused herself) is appalled when Trish and Miles talk about it like it's totally normal, and continues to be when other characters suggest physical punishment as well.
  • The Buccaneers (2023): The girls' American sensibilities are at odds with the reserved English and the London marriage mart. For example, Nan blithely compares the debutantes to cattle. Her unique perspective captures the attention of two men.
  • The Chosen: In Season 3, Tamar explains that her jewelry is meant to honor her family and ancestors. Mary Magdalene mistakenly assumes it's a form of ancestor-worship, which wouldn't be befitting for a worshipper of God. The end result is tension.
  • A central theme in Defiance, which has five alien races and humans all living in the titular town, which is justified as some races or individuals simply don't care to learn about other races customs.
    • Irathients don't trust inoculations for their children, partly because they're immune to just about everything (though can still be carriers), which ended in a slaughter when Defiance was first founded.note  Nolan also mistakes Irisa's visions for PTSD, though the fact that she does have issues with her past confuses the matter.
    • For Castithans, bath time is a family bonding ritual, and the kind of naked physical closeness they demonstrate seems almost incestuous by human standards. Bathing alone is actually considered deviant, or at least eccentric, behavior. In one scene, Datak is annoyed that Christie insists on bathing alone.

      Datak: Who does that, I ask you?
      Stahma: Humans.

    • Castithans see nothing wrong with parents kissing their children on the lips. In the second season, when Stahma kisses Nolan, everyone instantly understands that she's basically calling him family.
    • Christie has shown an increasingly harder time with Casti customs. When Stahma attempts the familial kiss on her, she is extremely uncomfortable and refuses. Though given that Stahma may or may not be trying to seduce her (bearing in mind that she's her daughter-in-law), a little awkwardness on her part is warranted.
  • Emily in Paris: This is the show's central theme. Emily, who is a young American woman, goes to Paris and finds her attitude/views clash with that of French people's on many things. For instance, she finds an ad which consists solely of a nude woman walking over a bridge problematic at best- the French simply don't get what the issue is. She's pretty surprised by how casual Antoine and Silvie are about having an affair, of which his wife also knows (Silvie's even her close friend). When her colleagues are told about her firm's "corporate commandments", which include avoiding workplace romances, Luc heatedly accuses her of seeking to "kill their French soul". In addition, they also find a lot of her ideas for marketing overly crass and unconventional for their tastes. Nonetheless, some like Camille and Gabriel are still charmed by her.
  • Game of Thrones:
    • Part of Ned's fish-out-of-water reaction to King's Landing, notably when he compares haughty knights to strutting roosters.
    • Balon Greyjoy's response to Robb's offer of alliance is to proclaim that "No man gives me a crown. I pay the iron price."
    • Jon and Ygritte's relationship is full of this, teasing each other about their cultural blind-spots.
    • Tycho Nestoris has a visibly low opinion of Westeros' feudal system of titles and bloodlines and seems to regard their conflicts as petty. He's also quite unforgiving of Davos' past as a smuggler because he comes from a Proud Merchant Race.
    • While the Dothraki call Jorah Mormont "the Andal," the Mormonts are actually blood of the First Men. The Andals are the Saxon invaders to the original Briton occupants of Westeros. In the books, the Andals were a second migration thousands of years after the First Men, bringing (among other things) the seven-in-one god you hear about. They settled primarily in the south of Westeros, and their influence is not felt much above the Neck; northerners claim to descend solely from the First Men, keep the "old gods" by worshiping at a heart tree, and generally do not become knighted because the Faith of the Seven invented that office. To most peoples of Essos though, all Westerosi simply are "Andals". Jorah doesn't bother correcting them either.
  • In Judging Amy, a teenage exchange student from Africa caused a stir when he was discovered sleeping in the same room as his host family's daughter. Turns out that, in his homeland, people sleep communally, he consequently had difficulty sleeping alone, and he did not realize how his actions would look to Americans.
  • In The Mandalorian:
    • In the episode "The Heiress," its eponymous lead ends up meeting Bo Katan (of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and is shocked when she removes her helmet. As Mando was raised in a sect that strictly adhered to "The Way" (as in, never remove your helmet when in the presence of others), he's absolutely incensed and accuses Bo and her allies of not being true Mandalorians. She simply retorts that he was raised by a group of religious zealots who sought to restore Mandalore to its ancient traditions, whereas she was never taught to such an adherence. He storms off with the child shortly thereafter.
    • The Mandalorian's beliefs are also incompatible with the Jedi ideology, even though both parties remain polite about it. The Mandalorian's culture places emphasis on internal clan bonds while Jedi let go of their attachments to serve others.
  • In Martial Law, this occurs frequently between Sammo (China) and the other cops (United States). One example is Sammo lighting up incense in his office for good luck but his co-worker Dana was turned off by the smell and asked him to remove it due to smoking regulations in the office. It even occurs between Sammo and his disciple Grace due to Grace being raised in the United States.
  • In the last episode of M*A*S*H, Klinger proposes to his Korean girlfriend by saying he'd like her to wear one of his white wedding dresses. She is initially shocked that he wants her to wear a funeral dress.
  • Midnight Sun (2016): Algerian-born Frenchwoman Kahina is more impulsive, hot-tempered and intent on quick action, feeling frustrated by working with the staid, slow-paced Swedes at times.
  • Behind almost every plot and joke in Outsourced, which is based on the premise of an American manager heading up a call center in India.
  • In the Seinfeld episode "The Pony Remark", Jerry says that anyone who had a pony when they were a kid is a Spoiled Brat and he hates them. This offends an old Polish woman, since she had a pony when she was a kid, and pretty much everyone else in Poland did as well. The woman dies the next day, despite reportedly being in good health for her age, causing Jerry to worry that his pony remark was what did her in.

    Jerry: I didn't know she had a pony! How was I to know she had a pony?! Who figures an immigrant's gonna have a pony?! Do you know what the odds are on that?! I mean, in all the pictures I saw of immigrants on boats, comin' into New York Harbor, I never saw one of them sittin' on a pony! Why would anyone come here if they had a pony?! Who leaves a country packed with ponies to come to a non-pony country?! It doesn't make sense! ...Am I wrong?

  • In Season 9 of Smallville, Clark Kent now wears a black version of his future costume, as an homage to traditional Kryptonian garb, but Green Arrow says it looks ridiculous. Pretty funny coming from a guy who wears tights. To be fair, that black outfit that Clark was wearing was quite unpopular with much of the fanbase, and the showrunners were taking pains to make it clear that it was only temporary.
  • The Spanish Princess: The Spanish retinue all insist on following their customs, for instance Catherine taking a siesta in the afternoon, to the annoyance of the English.
  • In one episode of Stargate SG-1, Jack tries to teach Teal'c boxing, but Teal'c dismisses the footwork as "dancing". In a show with aliens, every episode has culture clash.
  • This happens quite a lot in the Star Trek franchise.
    • Star Trek: Enterprise:
      • A milder example would be T'Pol suggesting to Captain Archer and Tucker that the crew's recently lowered efficiency might be due to lack of sex.
      • A more severe case was the aliens who were shocked and offended by the Enterprise crew eating in their presence.
    • Star Trek: The Next Generation:
      • In "The Big Goodbye", the first Holodeck Malfunction episode, the simulated 1930's people mistake Captain Picard's Starfleet uniform for a bellhop's uniform and laugh at him.
      • Data's uniform was mistaken for pajamas when he went back in time to 19-century San Francisco.
    • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine has a Cardassian woman who misinterprets Happily Married Miles O'Brien's brush-offs as flirting.
  • Tales of the City (2019):
    • When Shawna finds out that she was adopted, she runs away to Ohio to meet her biological mother Connie's brother Buzz. When she asks her uncle if he ever met her biological father, he hedges that Connie was "popular" and found it easy to make "gentleman friends" - clearly trying to avoid offending Shawna by directly saying Connie was promiscuous. Shawna, who grew up in San Francisco, is completely unperturbed.

      Buzz: I don't want you thinking my sister, or anything like that.
      Shawna: Oh no no no, I get it. She was sexually liberated and non-monogamous.

    • When Shawna drops the word "queer" in conversation, Buzz's wife Maura looks uncomfortable and says, "I don't think we're supposed to use that word". Shawna is quick to reassure her, we've reclaimed it! Cue awkwardness as Shawna has to explain that she isn't straight, and Buzz and Maura are very unsure as to how to react.

Tabletop Games 

  • In BattleTech, the Clans have spent the past three hundred years away from the rest of humanity, developing their own culture of military strength and honor. When they returned to the Inner Sphere, much Cultural Clashing ensued. Inner Sphere armies were shocked when the Clans simply asked who they were going to be fighting rather than spending resources on an intelligence network. The Clans were likewise shocked when the Inner Sphere lied to then and then arranged for long-term battles of exhaustion rather than the quick and clean combat Clan culture demanded.
  • Eberron: Common; due to the setting's theme of Grey-and-Grey Morality, many conflicts are caused by cultural misunderstandings rather than something as idealistic as good versus evil.
    • The goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears of the ancient Dhakaani Empire had a natural instinct towards working together for the common good; the weaker races weren't slaves and the stronger races weren't brutish overlords, everyone simply understood their place in the hierarchy. When they defeated the Daelkyr, the aberrations broke this instinct, and the empire fell apart as the races warred for petty reasons. By modern times, no one can understand how goblinoids could have produced an empire. Enter the Heirs of Dhakaan, descendants of those who recognized the corruption and hid away in bunkers. They look down on modern goblinoids as savages just as much as they do the humans or elves, while non-Dhakaani goblinoids see them as obsessed with something that has long been lost.
    • The lizardfolk of Q'Barra are the ancient protectors of powerful seals in the region. They have maintained their watch for thousands of years due to the fact that the celestials who gave them the task also bound them with a shared dream that teaches them morality, language, and gives them missions. Their society has remained almost completely unchanged because they are all taught the exact same way from the exact same source (barring some rebels who were corrupted by demons). Recently, they have broken the peace and started attacking settlers, because the settlers have started disturbing the seals. The idea of being ignorant is completely alien to the lizardfolk, who dream about these things every single night and so cannot comprehend that the settlers might simply not know what they're doing is wrong. In their experience, the only reason to mess with the seals is to deliberately try to free the demons.
    • The elves of Valenar are descended from the rebel slaves who fought the giants and escaped Xen'drik. Their entire society is built around emulating their warrior ancestors, even gaining power from their spirits. Therefore, despite being signatories of the current peace, they are constantly raiding their neighbors because they want to be attacked. They want a new war to start so that they can fight valiantly in it. Most of the other nations are assuming a much more long-term plan with them than actually exists.
  • Magic: The Gathering: This trope formed the crux of the Alara block; a massive world got splintered into five "Shards" eons in the past, and the cultures evolved in drastically divergent directions, due in part to each only having access to some of the colors of magic, rather than all five. When those five shards fuse back into a single world, the result of these alien cultures interacting ran the gamut from friendly to hostile.
  • This is a constant theme in Rocket Age and the source of most of the setting's conflicts. Humanity makes huge assumptions about alien cultures, such as labeling the entire Martian courtesan sub-caste prostitutes, rather than the complicated geisha-like role they actually serve, or applying the moral norms of the 1930s to alien cultures with more open values. On the other side of the coin many Martians can't comprehend how human society works without castes or slavery.
  • Warhammer 40,000:
    • This is very prevalent within the Imperium. To start with, the Imperium itself is composed of the almost entirely separate Imperium proper and the Mechanicus, only united because they decided to agree that their gods are the same person. There's plenty of culture clash ranging everywhere from simple misunderstandings to outright bigotry on both sides. On top of that, with tens of millions of different worlds and relatively difficult travel between them, huge numbers of very different cultures have evolved. Every time someone from one world visits another, or even just part of their own world that they're not familiar with, you can guarantee this trope will come up. And then you have all the interactions between the various different military forces, with the differences in culture and traditions between regiments from different worlds being the least of it before you even start looking at the various fanatical superhumans. One thing that is absolutely certain however is that no mere planetary resident has any chance of defying an Imperial official without dire consequences. Planetary governments might be racist or culturally haughty, but the Imperium itself cares not for anything other than obedience. Indeed one reason the Imperial Guard finds so many recruits so easily without conscripting (mind, they still do that, but volunteers are usually enough to fill the quotas) is that while a Planetary Governor might be discriminating against a certain section of society, in the eyes of the Imperial military everyone is equally worthless.
    • While most xenos and humans are usually too busy literally clashing to even look at each other's culture, this happens on occasion. Da Orks for example are rather confused by human command structure. Due to the way Ork biology works, an Ork's authority is proportionate to their size. It's easy to tell a Warboss from a Nob since the Warboss will tower over his subordinates. Humans on the other hand are more or less all the same size, and sometimes shorter ones are the ones in charge. Orks however have figured out that the humans in charge usually wear fancier hats.
  • Warhammer also has quite a bit of this. The Empire is mainly based on part-medieval, part-early industrial revolution Germany, but the "good" factions also include various other European influences, particularly French aristocracy and British Arthurian legends (themselves largely based on the culture clash between traditional Celtic culture and the rise of Christianity). Elves, dwarves and humans are nominally on the same side, but often come into conflict due to misunderstanding, or deliberate dismissal, of each others' cultures.


Video Games 

  • Assassin's Creed III:
    • Played for Laughs when Connor sets out to assassinate William Johnson in Sequence 6. Kanen'tó:kon gives Connor a hatchet, which he plants into the side of the Homestead. Achilles chews him out, but Connor explains that the Mohawk plant a hatchet into a post when going to war, and remove it when it is finished. Achilles' retort is priceless.

      Achilles: You could have used a tree!

    • Less Played for Laughs are the interactions between Connor and Haytham. Haytham attempts to establish paternal authority straight off the bat. Connor, who has grown up in a matrilineal culture, is quite perplexed at why the white man thinks sleeping with his mother gives him the right to command.
  • The Elder Scrolls series is all about this. The Dunmer (Dark Elves) traditionally enslave the beast races (Khajiit and Argonians), which those races are understandably not fans of. The Khajiit have a somewhat loose view of personal property, which naturally leads to conflicts outside in other lands where this behavior constitutes theft. The Altmer (High Elves) consider themselves better than everyone else and think they should be in charge, which is a bit of a problem for the Imperials as they think exactly the same thing. When the cultures aren't just clashing, it often escalates to full blown Fantastic Racism.
  • Final Fantasy XIV:
    • A recurring theme in Stormblood is the clash between differing cultures and sensibilities, inevitably leading to conflict when the two sides can't come to an understanding.
      • At the Azim Steppe, Gosetsu is shocked when the Dotharl leave the body of one of their fallen hunters for the wolves, confronting the leader of the Xaela tribe about it. When she explains the tribe's belief in reincarnation, Gosetsu slights her further by declaring the idea that a baby could be the soul of a fallen warrior returned to be "madness".
      • In the Blacksmith storyline, Sekka comes to Limsa Lominsa's Blacksmiths' Guild in hopes of learning how to forge the finest swords in the world. She's aghast when she finds that the guild is more focused on fulfilling orders and commissions than a goal or an ideal in their craft. She soon tries to impose her beliefs on the rest of the guild, even challenging the Warrior of Light to a smithing contest to prove herself right. She winds up losing due to being overly focused on showcasing her skills rather than fitting the sword to the client, humbling her and making her more open to Brithael's gradual and laissez-faire style of learning.
      • In the Weaver storyline, Keimei, the heir to a famous fashion brand in Kugane, finds himself taken with the styles of Eorzea and resolves to bring them to Hingashi. He commissions the Warrior of Light to weave dresses in these styles for his favorite geiko, Kotocho, to show off in festivals and special gatherings. He and Kotocho are met with both praise and scorn for violating long-held traditions as Eorzean standards of beauty and style are introduced to an entirely new continent.
    • The people on the alternate world of the First have very different cultures from what the player and their companions know from the Source. Thankfully, the Crystal Exarch who summons you and your companions to the First has thought this through, and introducing yourself as "[sharing] a homeland with the Crystal Exarch" heads off most of the problems. For instance, the dwarves of the First are a Proud Warrior Race who are never seen without their helms except in the presence of family. If you start the Healer questline as a Lalafell, Giott will immediately scorn you for not wearing your helm around strangers... until you explain where you come from, at which point the dwarf immediately backs off.

      Giott: You're from the same strange land as the Crystal Exarch? I suppose your people have their own customs, then. Alright - I'll say no more of it.

  • God of War (PS4): Mimir reveals that the Norse prefer to die in battle and think dying of old age is dishonorable. Anyone who dies of old age goes to Hel instead of Valhalla. Kratos is disturbed by this. While Spartans also prefer to die in battle, they respect any warrior who dies of old age because only a real badass is strong and skilled enough to survive that long, and they go to the Elysian Fields with the other warriors.
  • In Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, among the Echani, repeated duels constitute a courtship and possibly foreplay if the proper rituals are observed. Your female Echani party member doesn't bother to tell you that.
  • In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the Gerudo are a One-Gender Race of women, and as a result, are shown to have a very hard time interacting with men. They have a special class dedicated to helping Gerudo understand how to woo men (one particularly bad student keeps flunking the lessons by being way too aggressive), and traveling Gerudo that Link encounters are often quite awkward when interacting with him. At least one actively flies into a panic when Link talks to her, whispering to herself to try and remember the lessons she was taught about what to do around a "voe".


  • Axe Cop: Played for drama (rare for the comic). On seeing a mermaid snarl at him, Axe Cop chops his way through her — only to learn that for mermaids, snarling is an expression of goodness and smiling a sign of evil. Axe Cop is stunned and rather saddened to realize he's just hacked his way through a good guy.
  • Homestuck: The considerable differences between human and troll biology and culture often lead to confusion, faux pases and miscommunications between the characters. For instance, troll reproduction involves using "pails" to contain genetic material, leading trolls to view such things as obscene. This causes Vriska considerable embarrassment when she sees a cleaning bucket laying around John's house, and when he doesn't understand what she's talking about she pretends that trolls consider cleaning products obscene to hide her embarrassment. Later, Terezi has some trouble grasping why casual use of "fucking" in a conversation might lead to her statements being construed as blatant come-ons.

    TG: ok could you try to be somehow even less subtle when you hit on me thanks
    GC: WH4T
    GC: WH4T D1D 1 S4Y?
    TG: man
    TG: nevermind

  • Newman features a dark elf culture where husbands are the wives' slaves (quite literally, collar included and often chains).
  • Stand Still, Stay Silent has surprisingly little of this in its Multinational Team. There is however one case between Lalli and Emil concerning the fate of a Plague Zombie dog to which Emil had gotten strangely attached. Emil ends up giving it a Mercy Kill, convinced that it is sufficient to free it from a Fate Worse than Death, but has to delay burying until the next day. However, Emil is an atheist and the dog's spirit is actually still in there. Lucky for the dog, Lalli is a mage and knows the process to actually free its spirit, which involves separating the dog's skull from the rest of the body and putting it on top of a tree. Lalli decides to do this after coming back from his night scouting shift and Emil gets a nasty (from his point of view) surprise when he notices Lalli isn't having breakfast with everyone else and decides to bring him his bowl himself.
  • Templar Arizona: Mose is betrothed to an eleven-year old girl whom he only knows from letters and photographs. His friend-with-benefits Tuesday is utterly appalled by this.

Web Original 

  • Sometimes happens in male same-sex shipping culture due to the differing ways portmanteau ship names work in Western vs. Eastern (mostly Japanese) fandom. The former usually choose the more phonetically pleasing sounding combination of the two names and that's that. In contrast, Eastern fans use both variations and arrange them specifically depending on which man they see as being "on top". His name goes first and the man "on bottom" makes up the second part. Western and Eastern shippers are sometimes left frustrated with each other because of this: the Western fans seeing such a distinction as unneeded at best and even regressive at worst (due to "weaker" characters usually ending up in the second half of the ship name), while the Eastern side are annoyed their counterparts can't (or won't) tag their offerings this way. The disagreements aren't usually serious and both sides know what the other expects by this point, but the occasional arguments break out even so.
  • This trope is part of the drive between Gavin Free and Fiona Nova of Achievement Hunter. Both were born in Europe (Gavin in Great Britain and Fiona in France), thus certain things in America are vastly different where they were from. This trope fits more with Gavin, who didn't move to America until his 20s, though Fiona's Establishing Character Moment was her blowing up at Michael Jones in a game of Jackbox over choosing "lollipops" as a candy she wouldn't expect to get on Halloween over "full-sized candy bars" as both items would be right where they came from.
  • In several v-logs and behind-the-scene looks, Benzaie is puzzled by many American customs.
  • Omegaverse story A Fox Dies Thinking Of Its Den is all about the interactions between a Chinese and a Dutch in the 17th century.
    • On one side, it's Played for Laughs when the Ming Confucean Tatpho doesn't get why those white barbarians wear pants and cut their hair so short, or believe the Virgin Mary is a mother goddess.
    • On another side, gender issues are straight-out Played for Drama — since Tatpho cannot envision why his brand-new husband would hate his ability to bear sons, since Chinese culture is very much Heir Club for Men but Christianity is very much hostile to anything not strictly entering into the male-female categories.
    • Marriage also is complicated, with Pieter being disturbed by his husband having a concubine and seeing nothing wrong about abducting him to force him to bear his children.
  • The crossover between Hermitcraft and Empires SMP leads to a bit of culture shock, as the two groups have very different styles of playing Minecraft.
    • Some of the Hermits make intention to trade with diamonds as currency as they do in their home world, but on Empires, this system is mostly left by the wayside in favour of an extensive barter system using the main export of one's own empire, which said empire has a trading monopoly over.
    • Conversely, many of the Empires rulers have difficulties adjusting to the scale at which Hermitcraft operates, from the wealth in resources of the Hermits and their corresponding Conspicuous Consumption (such as using Nether stars to decorate the Nether Hub like actual stars in the night sky), to the sheer size of many of the buildings alone.
  • Mahu: In "Second Chance", the Galactic Commonwealth meets new, alien races and cultures. While the Commonwealth is mostly friendly and open minded, it is not rare to see their culture and that of another alien race to clash.

Western Animation 

  • In Batman: The Brave and the Bold, both Jonah Hex and Batman's old sensei mock Batman's costume.
  • In the BattleTech animated series, the Clans believe that if you are captured, you have to serve your captors. The Inner Sphere believes that if captured, your first duty is to escape. This is the cause of much culture clash — the Inner Sphere suspects their captive of attempting sabotage...and upon finally being honorably freed by her clan, the prisoner is disgusted by the Inner Sphere's lack of honor, more convinced than ever that they are Always Chaotic Evil barbarians who have to be forcibly "civilized" by the Clans. Meanwhile, the treacherous Inner Sphere captive of the Clans goes unsuspected because they believe in his promise of service. This is actually an aspect of the Tabletop Game lore which they decided to highlight.
  • Happens in the third season opener of Bob and Margaret, when the titular couple moves from England to Canada.
  • On Ed, Edd n Eddy, Rolf is a frequent source of this.
    • In "Pop Goes the Ed", he apparently regards the quiche Jimmy brought to the party as bad luck.
    • In "Dueling Eds", Rolf is deeply insulted and ashamed that Eddy threw the sea cucumber balls he served at a party. So much, he asks everyone to trod on his face on their way out of the party, and later is seen having buried himself alive, with only a funnel to breathe through, as part of some weird penance ritual. When Eddy tries to offer a potted plant as a token of forgiveness, Rolf just gets angry that Eddy gave him "the potted shrub of ridicule" and challenges Eddy to a duel. After Eddy suffers a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown involving fish, Rolf offers everyone present to dump the "Eels of Forgiveness" down their pants, and gets mad when Kevin refuses to join in.
  • One episode of Gargoyles had the boat from Avalon take Goliath and company to Japan, where they ended up assisting a group of Japanese gargoyles. As the sun was rising and they were preparing to pose before they turned to stone for the day, Goliath learned of differing customs. Whereas Western Gargoyles face outward and assume intimidating poses to scare invaders, Eastern Gargoyles face inward and assume poses of benediction to reassure the residents inside. This initially caused some issues between Goliath and Angela. Angela, having been brought up by humans, wished for her father to acknowledge her as his daughter. Gargoyle tradition dictates that gargoyle children were always to be treated as the children of the entire clan and not claimed by their actual parents, which is why Goliath is unwilling to claim Angela as his daughter.
  • The House of Mouse episode "Mickey and the Culture Clash", where Mickey reads a letter in the newspaper saying Minnie wants a more 'sophisticated' boyfriend. He tries to be more fancy, but then finds out it's all a trick by Mortimer so he can steal Minnie away from Mickey.
  • The Almighty Tallest (and likely the Irken society in general) of Invader Zim are completely baffled when they learn that humans aren't ranked by height. They have trouble wrapping their minds of people taller than the average Irken but on average incredibly stupid. Dib is similarly gobsmacked when he realizes the Tallest are only leaders by virtue of being, well, the tallest.
  • The premise behind Mike, Lu & Og: Mike comes from New York City and all the wonders of modern technology, while the island she's sent to as part of an exchange program is an uncharted island somewhere in the South Pacific, inhabited only by the descendants of the British sailors and pirates that got stranded there centuries prior with all sorts of odd local customs. As an example, in one episode Mike introduces the concept of money, while in the other she introduces the islanders to hot dogs, both of which are completely alien to her islander friends.
  • Molly of Denali: In the aptly titled "Culture Clash," Molly and Tooey meet Trini, who is from Texas. They watch a movie about Texas and then dress up like cowboys to try and make her happy. Trini then shows them that Texas is not really like that. Later on, Trini assumes that there are polar bears everywhere in Alaska. At the library, she learns that this is not the case.
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
    • An animal version of this happens in the episode "Bridle Gossip" when several of the locals mistake Zecora pawing for water as a threat display, and only Twilight Sparkle, who already knows about zebras, isn't scared (at first). Note that this is a real difference between zebras and horses.
    • In "Luna Eclipsed", Princess Luna tries to be regal and gracious in Ponyville, using the patterns of behavior and speech that she remembers from over a thousand years ago. She terrifies everyone — save for Twilight Sparkle, who knows enough about both cultural history and royal protocol to realize what Luna is attempting to convey by her conduct.
  • In Samurai Jack, the Scotsman and his family repeatedly mock Jack's outfit, saying he is wearing a basket on his head and a dress, and mock his katana for being small compared to their claymores. When Jack tries to greet them by bowing, they ask him why he bent over and stared at the ground. On the flip side, Jack cannot stand bagpipe music and most Scottish cuisine.

Real Life 

  • The reason why translators, lawyers and diplomats exist.
  • Although "colored" is considered a pejorative in the USA and the UK, in South Africa, it has no negative connotations, used ubiquitously to refer to mixed-race people.
  • In the West, slurping food is generally rude, but in Japan, it's completely normal and expected. Similarly, the Chinese shovel food into their mouths by holding onto their bowls with their other hand and putting them right up to their mouth, because putting your head down over your food while you eat is seen as eating like a dog.
  • Most Western and Middle-Eastern cultures consider food being left uneaten as a sign of disrespect to either the host's skills or hospitality (not to mention wasteful). On the contrary, leaving food uneaten in certain parts of China suggests that it was enough, and eating everything that you've been served can imply that the host has failed to provide you with enough food. Woe betide you if you're invited for dinner by a Middle Eastern/Chinese couple...
  • As noted in the Japanese Politeness trope, Japan averts this with respect to flags. Not wanting to curtail the citizens right to Freedom of Speech, but also not wanting to show disrespect, Japan outlawed all Flag Burning except for the Japanese Flag.
  • Much of Korea and China's dislike of Japan is the result of this trope. Japanese culture makes it extremely taboo to make your "group" look bad to outsiders. Your group includes things like your family, your class, your company, your nation, etc. Naturally, this led to Japan not liking to discuss their role in WWII, which comes off as insensitive to Koreans and Chinese war victims. The United States, with its own share of shameful past, generally is a bit more forgiving of Japan, but some circles still are taken aback with how little the subject comes up in Japan's history courses. This is especially true when compared to Germany, who are very open about how they are remorseful for their WWII involvement.
  • McDonald's struggled when it first entered the India market in the mid-90s because it didn't do the proper market research into cultural dietary differences. They found out that people were interested in American food but they didn't think to tweak the American menu to fit local culture/tastes. Indian customers were given a menu of Big Macs, chicken tenders, and fries just like American customers. The problem is that roughly half of all people in India are vegetarians for religious reasons and everything at McDonald's is cooked with beef fat (which even non-vegetarian Hindus won't eat) so there quite literally was nothing for half a billion people to eat. The ingredients weren't given either, so people weren't willing to risk eating something that wasn't vegetarian anytime a new item was introduced. They would eventually go back to the drawing board and create a specific line for the Indian market but it wasn't until 2018 that the subsidiary made a profit.
  • Just Following Orders is an example of this. In German Law, Three Degrees of Murder is set by the motivation of the accused when committing the crime. Thus the sentence is set based on the charge. In The Common Law, motivation plays no part in the charges but rather the planning or intent to commit the act. Motive comes into play only after guilt is established. So, to British and American members of the court, the "justification" came off as more severe because not only were they admitting to playing a part in a premeditated crime (which is the most severe of the murder charges) but upon guilt, they could now say that at no point did they see their actions as wrong, which doesn't help at sentencing.
  • During the Troubled Production of Final Fantasy XIV, the Japanese dev team would constantly apologize for the delays and screw ups, which would be a typical form of Japanese Politeness. However, constant apologies in the West is seen as insincere since the apologizer isn't rectifying their mistakes (for example, always screwing up in school and apologizing for the mistakes while still making the same mistakes over and over). The head English localizer of the game grew frustrated to the point of outright telling the Japanese team that constant apologies was making everyone view the dev team as untrustworthy, despite being polite about the apologies. This got the team to see the error of their ways and vow to not repeat the same mistakes.
  • In the United States, tipping your waiter or waitress, as well as other service workers like bartenders, is expected. When you tip the expected amount, that means you had a normal experience and are meaning your social obligation as a restaurant customer. Tipping more than expected (the expectation is at least 15% of the purchase price) shows the employee that you valued their services whereas not tipping them is the sign that they did something very wrong, and is frowned upon. In Japan, adding a tip is considered to be very rude due how people view it as you assuming that they don't make enough money or need money out of pity. Mind you, in the US it's not uncommon for people in the industries where one usually tips to actually not make a living wage. In the later 19th century US white people adopted the custom towards Black former enslaved workers. Restaurants responded pushing to have a special lower minimum wage for tipped workers. This means that it's legal to pay below minimum wage with the expectation that tips will make up for it. So while tipping is not a legal requirement of a customer, not tipping is socially taboo in the US.
  • When reviewing the work of a Japanese client, avoid using the phrase "exceeds expectations". While in the West it's a way of saying a really good job was done, it's taken more literally in Japan, leading them to wonder if you had low expectations of their ability if their work exceeded it.
  • Gandhi ran afoul of this in the wake of Kristallnacht, when he advised the German Jewish community to commit mass suicide in response to German persecution. In so doing, Gandhi was speaking from a tradition in which it is common for people to commit suicide publicly to call attention to an oppressive regime (cf. the Buddhist self-immolations in South Vietnam and the Falun Gong in China). Perhaps Gandhi imagined that a Jewish mass suicide would expose the extent of Nazi barbarity and possibly even bring down the Reich. However, in the West (not to mention North America), telling someone to commit suicide is considered not only offensive but also extremely cruel, a way of telling them that the world is better off without them; not to mention that, in following Gandhi's advice, the Jews would have been furthering the Nazis' goals. To this day, Gandhi is less well-regarded in the Jewish community than in the rest of the world.
  • In Scandinavia, it's common practice to allow infants to sleep outdoors in the cold while supervised and warmly dressed. This practice, aimed at promoting higher quality sleep and reducing pathogen exposure, is facilitated by outdoor cribs called babyhuisje (baby houses). However, it can be alarming for foreigners to see. In 1997, a Danish woman named Anette Sørensen was arrested in New York for leaving her baby outside a restaurant, leading to a temporary loss of custody. The charges were dropped, sparking international debate and resulting in a $66,000 lawsuit settlement for Sørensen against the city.
  • One of these was a major reason that Metroid: Other M was such a flop. The creators wanted to market the games to Japanese gamers better, as the series tended to sell better in the US and most of Europe. To do this, they changed main character Samus Aran into an emotionally needy, submissive and naive soldier devoted to her former boss and parental figure. This was meant to make her the ideal woman in Japanese eyes. The director of the game, Yoshio Sakamoto, even boasted about how loveable he made her. However, American gamers were not happy as the Samus they all loved was the stoic, no-nonsense, independent bounty hunter from past games. And because Metroid gets most of its sales from the West, this resulted in a flop and Samus returning to her former personality.
  • Shortly after France won the 2018 World Cup, an online argument ended up erupting between Trevor Noah and the actual members of the French football team. The reason? Noah decided to make a quip about how "Africa won the World Cup", as a majority of the team was composed of second or third generation immigrants with African origins. To him, he was celebrating their origins and the fact that they too can succeed and become "heroes"; but from the French viewpoint, he was quoting extremely racist far-right rhetoric about how descendants of foreigners, particularly those hailing from Africa, will never really be French. Things quickly got awkward as one side accused the other of rejecting their origins, and the other accused them of denying them their nationality for the sake of genetics.
  • Part of the reason why the Nintendo GameCube bombed in North America was due to the differences in what Japanese gamers and North American gamers find fun in their games; Nintendo of Japan wanted to stick with the "fun for the whole family" image where players of any age could just play the game, smile, and laugh as they experience the game they played. On the other hand, Many American gamers at the time were high-school/college aged and were more interested in mature, bloody and/or violent games in high resolution graphics to make everything look more realistic. While the GameCube did sell reasonably well among families in North America, they were at this point only a small fraction of the gaming market.
  • In 2020, Adele stirred a debate online when she posted a photo of herself at the Notting Hill Carnival festival in London decked out in a Jamaican-flag bikini top and her hair is twisted into Bantu knots on Instagram. Several Black American social media users criticized her for her outfit choice and accused her of appropriating black culture. This in turn was met by several Black British and Caribbean social media users chiming in to support her, explaining that such fashion choices are a traditional aspect of the festival and she did nothing wrong. Essentially, the debate boiled down to what users of each nationality considered cultural appropriation vs cultural exchange.
  • In Nigeria, the Yoruba tribe consider twins a good omen, but the nearby Efik tribe considers them demonic and killed them until quite recently.