Curtains Match the Window - TV Tropes

  • ️Wed May 14 2008

Curtains Match the Window (trope)

"Jane, you look blooming, and smiling, and pretty," said he: "truly pretty this morning. Is this my pale, little elf? Is this my mustard-seed? This little sunny-faced girl with the dimpled cheek and rosy lips; the satin-smooth hazel hair, and the radiant hazel eyes?"

If a character has freaky, cool, or otherwise unusual hair colors, their eyes are liable to match. What causes this unique appearance varies, but it's a quick way to draw attention.

Designing a character with matching eyes and hair is a way for them to stand out as being "weird" or "different". Magic Genetics may mark someone as having occult or supernatural ties by tying hair and eye color together. Elemental Powers may go as far as marking a character's appearance to better associate them with a specific element, and Color-Coded Characters will extend the themed color from the outfit to the character's physical appearance.

May be used as a form of Technicolor Eyes or World of Technicolor Hair.

Not to Be Confused with the carpet matching the drapes, aka the collar matching the cuffs.


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Anime & Manga 

  • Many of the girls from Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero have this. Haruka Nagase has green hair and eyes. Princess Listy has yellow hair and eyes.
  • Mine (pink), Shelle (purple), Leone (yellow), and Lubbock (green) from Akame ga Kill! all have matching hair and eye colors.
  • Two members of Asteroid in Love's main cast have irises the same color as their hair: Ao (blue), and Sakura (red).
  • Very common in Baccano!, as demonstrated by Rachel, Nice, Nicholas, Luck, Ronnie (yellow), Claire, Czeslaw, Dallas, and Sylvie (gray). Even more so in the books, where color illustrations apply this to Firo, Isaac, Lua, and Eve as well (not to mention the not yet animated characters).
  • The Mist People in The Beast Player Erin all have green hair and green eyes, including the half breed protagonist.
  • Black Butler:
    • In the manga, Agni is shown to have white eyes matching his white hair.
    • Madame Red's eyes and hair are...well, red.
    • Ciel's hair is also often shown to be blue, the same color as his eyes though his hair is a much darker shade. In the manga, his hair is a very faded blue/gray, while his eyes are almost navy. In the anime, they're almost exactly the same.
    • Mei-Rin has this as well.
  • Bleach:
    • Yachiru with pink hair and eyes.
    • Grimmjow as well, with his blue hair and eyes.
  • In Cap Revolution Bottleman, Cota Coga has red hair with green highlights, and his eyes are red.
  • This is a constant theme in Date A Live as almost all of the spirits have eye colors that match their hair.
  • In Delicious in Dungeon, Laios's hair and eyes are the same muted blonde/gold.
  • In Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba this is a theme with several other characters in the series, but Zenitsu is the one that sticks out the most, his whole yellow thunder theme is all over his design, blond hair, gold eyes, yellow coat, and yellow tint on his nichirin blade.
  • The shinigami Watari (golden-blond hair and amber eyes) and the villain Dr. Muraki (silvery-gray eyes and silvery-white hair) in Descendants of Darkness.
  • Cross Marian, of D.Gray-Man has nice red eyes to match his fiery red hair.
  • Dijiko (green eyes and hair), and Hikaru (pink hair and eyes) from Di Gi Charat.
  • D.N.Angel:
    • Daisuke (red hair and eyes), Dark (purple), Satoshi (blue), and Krad (yellow).
  • Bulma and her daughter Bra from the Dragon Ball series have blue hair and blue eyes (in the anime anyway). Her son Trunks, however, retains his purple hair (until Dragon Ball Super).
  • Just about every character in the Fruits Basket manga, except the characters with black hair, who have dark gray or dark brown eyes. In Kisa's case, her having blonde hair and golden eyes (a side effect of being possessed by the Tiger from the Eastern Zodiac) results in her being bullied and ostracized at school since her classmates don't believe her hair or eye colors are natural.
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Edward Elric has amber-colored eyes that match his blond hair. Alphonse and Hohenheim also share this trait, since this is a trait of all people from Xerxes.
  • Haré and Weda from Haré+Guu have blue hair and eyes.
  • Haruhi Suzumiya: Asakura Ryoko, with identical shades of navy blue hair and eyes.
  • In the anime Haunted Junction, a large number of characters have hair and eyes the same color, including two out of the three leads.
  • Most of the characters in Hidamari Sketch have matching hair and eye colors. There's the main characters (yellow, blue, and pink), Yoshinoya (green), Chika (light purple), Natsume (blue-green), Nori (blue gray). In fact, the only character who doesn't is the Principal, and that's only because you never see his eyes.
  • Rin from If Her Flag Breaks has green eyes and hair.
  • Ririchiyo (purple), Karuta (pink), and Zange (red) of Inu × Boku SS.
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:
    • Golden Wind: Doppio has pink hair to go with pink eyes.
    • Stone Ocean: Emporio has yellow hair that matches with his yellow eye color.
  • Kagerou Project: Ene has medium blue-turquoise hair and eyes of the same shade.
  • Kaze no Shōjo Emily: Just like in the original Emily of New Moon novel by L. M. Montgomery, Ilse has blonde Boyish Shirt Hair and yellow eyes.
  • Kotoura-san: Haruka (orange), Hiyori (deep red), and Yuriko (blue).
  • Kubera: Used to identify half-breeds in Kubera because pure-blooded humans generally have matching hair and eye colors. When Maruna kidnaps Agwen in a failed attempt to use her as a hostage, he notes that her hair and eye color do not match and therefore she probably was the daughter of half-human, half-dragon Kasak. He's right, he was just mistaken in assuming taking a hostage would be effective against a dragon when the entire race has dulled emotions.
  • Almost (if not) everyone from Kuroko's Basketball. Especially the main characters and the ones with unusual hair colours.
  • Kyo Kara Maoh!:
    • Shibuya Yuuri's looks (including his black/dark brown hair and eyes) are considered average in his native Japan, but when he ends up in a demon country in another world where the combination is extremely rare, he is hailed as a 'soukoku' (double black) and considered highly attractive and regal looking as a result.
    • Also of note is King Saralegui, who has blond hair and gold eyes. Also a plot point as it means he's part of a very-near extinct race (that was sealed away) with extraordinary powers.
  • As depicted on the manga covers of Liar Game, Nao Kanzaki and Shinichi Akiyama have (respectively) orange and yellow hair and eyes.
  • Lyrical Nanoha:
  • Hikaru and Umi from Magic Knight Rayearth have red eyes/red hair and blue eyes/blue hair respectively. Originally, the third of the trio, Fuu, was going to have green hair to go with her green eyes, but the artists decided on giving her blonde hair instead, though some manga art makes it a greenish-yellow. Interestingly, the "color-coordinated" jokes went to Fuu and her sorta love interest Ferio, who has green hair and yellow eyes.
  • Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic: All three main characters have unusually colored hair that matches their eyes.
  • Midori from Midori Days has green hair and eyes, also notable as the only character in the series (besides her mom) to have naturally unnatural hair color.
  • In Mission: Yozakura Family, all of the major characters have matching hair and eye colors. For instance, Taiyo has red hair and eyes while Mutsumi has blue hair and eyes with the exception of that one white streak.
  • In Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, the protagonist Kamille Bidan has blue hair and blue eyes, to go with his man's name and blue uniform.
  • Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun: Mikoshiba has red hair and eyes.
  • Most characters from My Bride is a Mermaid have this eyes/hair match. Sun has gold and Luna has pink (but it's opposite for their mermaid tails — Sun has pink and Luna has yellow). Mawari has a violet combination. Shiranui and Class President have light green eyes and hair.
  • My Hero Academia:
    • Protagonist Izuku Midoriya has dark green hair and emerald green eyes.
    • Kirishima has red eyes and red hair (which comes from a bottle.)
    • Iida has blue eyes to match his blue hair.
    • Both Kaminari and Hawks have golden-blond hair and eyes.
    • Few other characters include Nejire with her periwinkle eyes and hair, Tamaki with indigo, and Toga with yellow.
  • Naruto: Karin with red hair and red eyes, as well as Jugo, who has orange hair and orange eyes (though his eyes are more reddish in the anime).
  • Negima! Magister Negi Magi:
  • Patalliro!: Etrange has purple hair and purple eyes.
  • Quite a few characters in Pokémon the Series, be they lifted from the games or anime-original characters. Team Rocket is a curious case: Jessie's eyes match her partner's blue hair, while James has green eyes — the colour of Jessie's earrings.
  • Some characters in Prétear, for example: Himeno (the red-eyed redhead) and Mawata (blueish-green hair and eyes).
  • Most of the main cast of nearly every version of Pretty Cure. So far, the trope is used by the following:
  • Two main characters from Princess Princess: Tohru has blue hair and eyes, and Yuujirou has green (gold in the anime).
  • Fakir in Princess Tutu, green hair and green eyes.
  • All of the named girls in Puella Magi Madoka Magica; Madoka (pink), Sayaka (blue), Mami (blonde hair and gold eyes), Kyouko (red), Hitomi (green)...except Homura, who has black hair despite being associated with purple (though it's possible that purple is used because black or grey eyes wouldn't look right, and a Soul Gem being gray or black means something else entirely).
  • Persia, the Magic Fairy: The titular Persia has scruffy light blue Anime Hair and big blue Tareme Eyes.
  • Reborn! (2004): The Varia member Fran, with Teal/Green (dependent upon illustration) eyes and hair.
  • The Kaoru Twins from Revolutionary Girl Utena. Blue hair and blue eyes.
  • Every character in Romantic Killer sans Riri's human form has matching hair and eye colors.
  • Little less humanoid version: In Rosario + Vampire, when Tsukune's Holy Lock breaks and he goes One-Winged Angel, his eyes are blank white and his hair pulls the same stunt.
  • A great deal of the cast of Sailor Moon matches this trope. Of the heroes, Chibiusa, Ami, Michiru, Rei, and Hotaru all have unnaturally colored hair and eyes. And in some artbook pictures, all of them do, including Sailor Moon herself. Of the rest of the cast, all of the Witches Five, several of the Anima-Mates, and Princess Kakyuu have matching colorful hair and eyes.
  • Some Saint Seiya characters do this — in the manga, Aquarius Camus has bright red hair and eyes (as well as long red nails), In the anime, Wyvern Rhadamanthys is a blonde with scary yellow eyes, Capricorn Shura's ensemble is green, as is Andromeda Shun's, and Cancer Deathmask and Phoenix Ikki both have dark blue hair and eyes. Pisces Aphrodite has bright blue hair, bright blue eyes, and bright blue lipstick.
  • Gojyo in Saiyuki has blood red hair and eyes. It's said to be proof that he's a "taboo child", the product of a forbidden union between a human and a youkai.
  • Science Ninja Team Gatchaman has Jun, who has not only green eyes but green hair as well. Averted in the OVA version, however (though they had initially considering making both her hair and eyes blue).
  • Houko from The Severing Crime Edge is a redhead with crimson eyes.
  • Shana from Shakugan no Shana has matching red hair and eyes in her Flame Haze form.
  • Shiki has Megumi Shimizu, a bratty Elegant Gothic Lolita with pink eyes and hair.
  • Shugo Chara!: The majority of the main cast have colorful hair that matches their eyes.
  • Lina Inverse of the Slayers fame is a red-eyed redhead, and Xellos is purple-haired with lavender eyes.
  • Solty from SoltyRei (green).
  • Sunday Without God has Scar, whose hair and eyes are a pale purple. Also, in the novels, Alice's hair and eyes are both red, but in the anime his eyes are purple.
  • Talentless Nana has Seiya Kori who has light, icy blue hair and eyes to match his ice-based superpowers while Yuuka Sasaki has golden blonde hair and eyes both. Considering the world is full of superpowered "Talented" individuals, this isn't very noteworthy.
  • The Tokyo Mew Mew girls in their Mew Mew forms (and all the time in the manga) have matching colorful hair and eyes.
  • Zigzagged with Arusu in Tweeny Witches. She has reddish-orange hair and eyes, though the latter comes off as gold while the former is always reddish-orange.
  • Michiru from Uta∽Kata has both purple eyes and purple hair.
  • The same occurs with the main cast of Vividred Operation. Even the girls' names invoke their colors.
  • Yotsuba&! has green hair and green eyes.
  • In Yuyushiki, the three characters Yui (Blonde), Yukari (blueish purple), and Yuzuko (pink) fall into this trope. In fact, their eyes are of those colours In-Universe, as lampshaded in one skit.

Asian Animation 

Audio Plays 

  • Exit Tunes Presents ACTORS has a bunch of these: there's Hinata (orange), Satsuma (blue-gray), Chiguma (green), Takato (blue), Tsukasa (gray), Ushio (purple).

Comic Books 

  • Golden Eyes of "Golden Eyes" and Her Hero "Bill" does indeed have golden eyes and bright blonde hair.
  • The Incredible Hulk: The Hulk usually has green eyes to match his hair and skin.
  • The Joker has green hair and green eyes, usually, and the specific shade might not completely match with his hair, either. There is, however, the occasional artist who gives him purple, red, or black eyes (and not the kind he frequently receives from Batman, either).
  • Plain Jane and the Mermaid: The three mermaids Loreley, Cleodora, and Melusine all have matching hair and eye colors; yellow-green, purple, and orange respectively.
  • Teen Titans:
    • Beast Boy usually has both green eyes and hair (along with his skin), except in the New 52 reboot where everything green on him became red. That was later reversed and he became green again.
    • Miss Martian sometimes has magenta or red eyes to match her hair, but sometimes averts this.
  • Wonder Woman and the Star Riders: Dolphine has teal blue hair and eyes.
  • X-Men:
    • Polaris and Psylocke both have unusual hair colors (Psylocke's is purple, Polaris' green), and their eyes match. The New X-Men's Surge has blue hair and eyes.
    • Of course, Psylocke started out as a blonde who dyed her hair purple, then got (against her will) bionic eyes to match (after losing her original blue eyes), then got body-swapped into a Japanese body and dyed her black hair purple.
    • Ditto for Surge: when asked, she confessed her blue hair "came from a bottle".
    • Polaris is all natural, though (when we first met her, her hair was dyed brown. Green is its natural color.)
    • Depending on the Artist, Beast has been drawn with blue eyes matching his blue fur.

Fan Works 

  • Ace Combat: The Equestrian War has a few characters, most notable being Lightning Bolt, Sunburst and Mobius.
  • Nova Shine in The Apprentice, the Student, and the Charlatan. His coat is white, but everything else is blue, including his eyes and mane & tail, but also his magic and cutie mark.
  • A Growing Affection has:
    • The Kouin sisters normally have blue hair and eyes, but one of them assumes having green hair and another with green eyes to trick their opponents.
    • Saburo of the Grass has matching light green hair and eyes.
  • The Night Unfurls:
  • Quite a few examples in Queens of Mewni: Estelaria (purple), Polaria (blue), Febe (red), Etheria (purple), Soupina (pink), Hekatia (pink), Heaven (green), Diana (green), and Sky (blue). Festivia is an unusual example, as she did not originally fit this trope, having purple hair and green eyes, but an accident with grapepper juice getting into her eyes changed them to purple (much to her mother Febe's dismay, as Festivia got her green eyes from her deceased father).
  • Since this applies near universally in the source material, Resonance Days depicts it as a common trait of humans, with Kyoko, Mami, and Oktavia all having matching hair and eyes. In fact, when Kyoko meets Charlotte, who has pink hair and blue eyes, she thinks it's kinda weird. The Restless arc reveals that Charlotte, or Nozomi as she was called back then, had pink eyes before she died.
  • SLVR: Veila has matching aqua eyes and hair.
  • Vow of Nudity: Fiora has bright orange eyes and hair, which along with her black highlights and dark skin give her something of a Halloween aesthetic befitting her lifestyle as a potion-brewing forest witch.

Films — Animation 

  • In Turning Red, post-panda transformation, Mei has orange hair with matching eyes. The rest of Mei's female relatives have a similar transformation when they release their panda spirits.

Films — Live-Action 

  • Uglies (2024): Tally tells Shay she wants to get gold eyes "to match [her] hair", prompting Shay to point out that Tally's hair is currently brown. The ending shows Tally has golden blonde hair and matching eyes after becoming Pretty.


  • In Zilpha Keatley Snyder's The Changeling 1970, Ivy Carson has black hair and eyes that are "dark grey, a kind of smoky black".
  • Chanters of Tremaris' Mica has golden-blond hair and gold eyes.
  • Doc Savage has bronze-flecked eyes to match his bronze-flecked hair and skin — hence the "Man of Bronze" moniker.
  • Harry Potter: Severus Snape, with black hair and black eyes. He also wears black all the time, just in case his natural features don't make him sinister enough.
  • "Bess, the landlord's daughter", the love interest of the titular bandit in the poem "The Highwayman", has black hair and black eyes.
  • The Infernal Devices: Jem Carstairs has silver hair and silver eyes to match, due to his addiction to Fantastic Drug yin fen.
  • Jane Eyre: Romantic interest Rochester describes the eponymous heroine as having "hazel eyes and hazel hair." She informs the audience that she, in fact, has green eyes and dark blonde hair.
  • The Mortal Instruments
    • Jace Wayland has blonde hair and golden eyes.
  • Princesses of the Pizza Parlor: In Episode 2, after Princess Rosalind gets Glowing Eyes of Doom and Red Eyes, Take Warning, to match her "deep red" hair.
  • Reign of the Seven Spellblades: It's pretty common in Miyuki Ruria's color illustrations for characters' hair and eye color to match, to the point where it's easier to list the exceptions: Oliver Horn (brown hair and golden eyes), Nanao Hibiya (inconsistentnote ), Chela McFarlane and Stacy Cornwallis (blonde hair and blue eyes), Richard Andrews (Significant Green-Eyed Redhead), and Vera Miligan and Fay Willock (gray hair and Supernatural Gold Eyes).
  • A Song of Ice and Fire:
    • Melisandre has red hair and unusual red eyes, a combination that creeps Davos out. She also always dresses in red and worships a god associated with the color red as well.
    • Exploited by 'Young Griff', whose eyes are a curious shade of blue to match his dyed blue hair. He's actually Aegon Targaryen (supposedly), and it's a clever disguise, hiding both his distinctive Targaryen hair (silver) and eyes (purple, but reflect the blue from his hair).
  • Kraft Lawrence from Spice and Wolf has gray eyes and gray hair.
  • In Star Darlings, every Star Darling's eye color matches their hair color.
  • Whateley Universe: Sometimes happens with mutations, changing hair and eye color so they match.
    • From Absinthe:

      The first thing I noticed about my face were the eyes. They somehow seemed just a little larger than was normal and slightly slanted. My irises, like the eyes in general, seemed a touch larger and they were now a brilliant emerald green which was flecked with gold.
      Last night, I'd seen that my hair had turned green, and it still was. My hair was now dark green and had grown until it was down past my shoulders. And when I ran my fingers through my silky smooth hair, I accidentally revealed my ears, which were now pointed.

    • From A Little R&R (Part 2):

      "Hello," Sapphire said, smiling at me a little self-consciously. I noticed that her eyes were a brilliant sapphire blue, so between them and her hair, it was easy to see where she got her name from.

    • Carmilla, after "The Blood Oath", her hair turns blood red like her eyes.
    • Seraphim has golden blonde hair and gold eyes.
  • Wings of Fire has the dragon equivalent for most of the dragon tribes, eyes that match the scales. MudWings have brown or orange scales and brown or orange eyes, SkyWings can have orange or gold scales and orange or yellow eyes (though they can have red scales but not red eyes, SeaWings have blue or green scales and eyes that match, IceWings often have blue scales and have blue eyes, and NightWings have black scales and usually have black eyes. averted with the SandWings, who have pale gold or white scales and black eyes.

Live-Action TV 


  • Billie Eilish has naturally green eyes and frequently uses green tints in her hair.
  • In the Pentatonix "Daft Punk" video, the band members wear Icy Blue Eyes contact lenses (except for Kevin who wears Cool Shades). Kristie also wears a pale blue wig and make-up.
  • With only a few exceptions, every Vocaloid has this going on.


  • In the Hairdorables toyline, Noah has blue hair and blue eyes.
  • Rainbow High does this often, matching their eyes to their brightly color-themed hair. Some characters with this trait are Robin Sterling (blue hair and eyes), Jewel Riche (emerald), and Daphne Minton (mint green).

Video Games 

  • ANNO: Mutationem: Ayane has purple hair that matches alongside her eye color.
  • Arc Style: Baseball!! 3D: You can invoke this trope by giving your character hair and eyes of the same color.
  • The whole party except for Mizuti in the first Baten Kaitos game seems to have this. Kalas with blue hair and eyes, Xelha with blonde hair and yellow eyes, Lyude with red hair and red eyes, and, finally, Savyna with dark purple hair and dark purple eyes.
  • The entire cast of Digital Devil Saga. Bonus points for each character being aligned with a specific elemental affinity {e.g. Heat has red hair and eyes, and his elemental affinity is, well, no points for guessing correctly).
  • Etna from the Disgaea series has red hair and eyes. Though, interestingly, her hair was pink in the first game.
  • Doki Doki Literature Club!: Yuri has purple hair and eyes, and Natsuki has pink hair and eyes.
  • Dragon Quest:
  • Epic Battle Fantasy 1: The first potion seller girl has green eyes and hair.
  • Everyone in Ever17 have matching hair and eye colors.
  • The Fairy Bloom series: The fairy protagonists of Fairy Bloom and Fairy Bloom Freesia, have green-ish eyes that match their non-human, green-ish hair.
  • Fate/stay night has Archer with white hair and gray eyes as a borderline example similar to Hanyuu. A more straight example is Sakura, who has lavender hair and eyes; and Shinji and Issei, who both have blue hair and eyes.
  • Final Fantasy:
  • Fire Emblem:
    • Marth, Caeda, and Elise in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light have blue eyes and hair.
    • Due to 16-colour palette restrictions, this trope applies to almost the entire cast of the first eight games.
    • Lots in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones: Artur, Lute, Tethys, Ewan, L'Arachel, Marisa, Neimi, Vanessa, Syrene, Tana, and probably more.
    • In Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, there's Lyn, Rebecca, Wil, Sain, Farina, Fiora, and Canas.
    • Still fairly common in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, however. Ike, Boyd, Rhys, Lucia, Jill, and Ashera, to name a few.
    • As for Fire Emblem: Awakening, there's Chrom, Lucina, Cherche, Cordelia, Donnel, Frederick, Ricken, Stahl, Sully, Sumia, a few not listed for spoiler reasons, and possibly more, depending on what hair color you give Robin, and depending on who's the father of certain characters.
    • In Fire Emblem Fates there's Ryoma, Hinoka, Kaze, Saizo, Hana, Subaki, Hinata, Setsuna, Mozu, Silas, Laslow. Again, there are possibly more, depending on what hair color you give Corrin, and who mothered certain characters.
    • In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, there's Ferdinand, Caspar, Petra, Lorenz, Raphael, Hilda, Leonie, Seteth, Flayn, Manuela, Anna, Kostas, Kronya, Rhea, Rodrigue, Tomas, Monica, Sothis, Duke Aegir, and Seiros.
    • Fire Emblem Engage:
      • Alear is an… interesting variation of this. They have hair that is both blue and red, with it being on different sides depending on which gender Alear is (e.g. male Alear has red hair on the left side of his head, while female Alear has red hair on the right side of her head, with the inverse being true for blue hair). However, their eye color is located on the opposite side of the hair that has the same color (e.g. male Alear has a blue eye on the left side of his head while female Alear has a blue eye on the right side of her head, with the inverse being true for their red eye). Played straight in the past when they had both red hair and red eyes.
      • More straight examples are Lumera, Yunaka, Ivy, Diamant, Amber, Jade, Lapis, Hortensianote , Rosado, and Anna.
  • Gakuen Heaven employs this, with the two blue-haired characters, Omi and Nakajima, having light blue and dark blue eyes respectively. Iwai, with gray hair and eyes, also qualifies.
  • Gal*Gun: From Double Peace:
  • Golden Sun:
    • The Mercury Clan of Imil tend to have blue eyes and hair. Jenna has maroon eyes and hair, Ivan's sister Hama has purple eyes and hair, Karst of Prox has red eyes and hair...
    • In Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Rief and his sister Nowell are of the Mercury Clan and have blue eyes and hair, Amiti has blue eyes and hair, one of many hints at his ancestry, and during the final sequences of the game, Matthew's normally blue eyes become gold eyes.
  • Half of the members of the central team of pretty guys in Harukanaru Toki no Naka de have eyes matching their hair; and one of those who doesn't technically don't quite fit into exceptions either.
  • Higurashi: When They Cry:
    • Mion and Shion have mint-green hair and mint-green eyes.
    • Also, Hanyuu has light purple hair and dark purple eyes, so it kinda works.
  • The managers in Inazuma Eleven: Aki has green hair and green eyes, Natsumi has red hair and red eyes and Haruna has blue hair and bluish-gray eyes.
  • Kira from Infinite Space has mint-green eyes and hair. In the artbook, the Schneizer brothers' eyes have the same color as their hair (Bastian has dark brown and Dietrich has silver), but in the game, their eye colors are closer to gold.
  • Kid Icarus: Uprising: Palutena, the game's local Goddess Of Good, has green hair and green eyes.
  • Aqua, from Kingdom Hearts, has blue eyes and hair.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Oracle Games: In official art (since the games themselves were on Game Boy), the Oracles Nayru (blue), Din (red), and Farore (green). In-game too, since they were on the Game Boy Color.
  • All of the party members in Lufia & The Fortress of Doom fit this trope.
  • Tali from Mass Effect is a rather more literal example than most, both her visor and hood being purple in color.
  • Master Detective Archives: Rain Code:
    • Shinigami has pink hair and pink eyes in her humanoid form.
    • Every character with blue eyes has blue hair.
    • The teacher in Chapter 2 has green eyes and green hair.
  • Red, Soi, and Shinbi from Nameless all have this trope, with Red being red (naturally) while Soi's color is pink and Shinbi's is blue. Red is the only love interest with this trope, and Soi and Shinbi have the honor of being BF Fs instead.
  • Claris (pink hair and eyes) and Elliot (blue hair and eyes), from NiGHTS into Dreams….
  • Quite often apparent in Pokémon.
  • Marle of Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 has golden hair and golden eyes. Once you rescue her from being brainwashed, her hair stays the same color but her eyes turn blue.
  • Most characters in the Shin Megami Tensei games have this trope in effect, while those who don't follow this rule stand out (usually it's a hint that there's something special about them).
    • Everyone in Digital Devil Saga eventually gets this, though they all start out with grey eyes. When a character's eye color changes to match their hair, it signifies that the character has awakened to their emotions. And of course, the one character that has both grey hair and eyes (main character Serph) doesn't really show much emotion. You find out why in the second game.
    • Most of the cast of Devil Survivor have this. For instance, The Hero has blue hair and eyes, Yuzu has brown/orange, Amane has pale lavender, etc. Two notable exceptions are the mysterious and conniving Naoya, who has red eyes, and Idol Singer Haru, who pairs red hair with gold eyes and whose powers plays a crucial role in getting the best ending.
    • Persona:
      • The original Persona has a strange example with Yuka. She's not a natural blonde, but her eyes are bright amber anyways.
      • In Persona 2, this is played straight by Maya (purplish-black) and the Suou brothers (reddish-brown).
      • Persona 3: The only characters without this are Robot Girl Aigis (blond hair and blue eyes), French foreign exchange student "Bebe" (also blond and blue), unusually intelligent canine Koromaru (white fur and red eyes), and mysterious New Transfer Student Ryoji (black hair and blue eyes), who's an avatar of Death.
      • Persona 4: In the original game, there are only two characters whose hair don't match their eye color. Teddie's human form (blond hair, blue eyes) and Izanami's human form (whitish-grey hair and RED EYES), both of who are otherworldly beings of some sort. Kanji, meanwhile, has blond hair and black eyes, but that's because he bleaches his naturally black hair. Golden adds Marie, who has black hair and gray-blue/bright green eyes, as befitting an avatar of the aforementioned Izanami.
      • Persona 5: In Royal, Kasumi (red hair and red eyes) also qualifies.
  • Story of Seasons: Lillia and her daughter Popuri from Harvest Moon 64 and Harvest Moon: Back to Nature have light pink hair and dark pink eyes. Its spinoff series, Rune Factory, has a couple as well. The first has Bianca with purple hair and eyes, Tabatha with light blue hair and eyes. The second has Mana with black hair and eyes. The third has Monica with orange hair and eyes, Pia with pink hair and eyes, Sofia with purple hair and eyes, and Evelyn with fuchsia hair and eyes. The fourth features (possible) protagonist Frey with green hair and eyes, as well as Leon with light blue hair and eyes, Dolce with pink hair and eyes, Xiao Pai with mousy grey hair and eyes, and Bado with blue hair and eyes.
  • Super Mario Bros.:
    • The original game had a variation of this: the Koopa Troopa enemies will either have red or green eyes depending on the color of their shells.
    • Also, Bowser from Super Mario Bros. 3 onwards.
  • Keele Zeibel in Tales of Eternia is a double example of sorts; his hair colour is either blue or purple depending upon the picture you are looking at (and has varied widely in shade and intensity of said blue or purple, besides...), with his eyes always being blue or purple to match.
  • Tokimeki Memorial:
    • Everyone in the original Visual Novel.
    • And, by extension, the whole Classic Kirameki Saga, with only two exceptions: Patricia McGrath in Tokimeki Memorial Pocket on GBC (who, as a foreign student, gets the Phenotype Stereotype treatment), and Megumi Juuichiya in the Motto! Tokimeki Memorial Radio Drama stories (who's a rare case of Cute and Psycho in the series).
  • Touhou Project:
    • A good number of the girls of Gensokyo have this trait — most notably, Marisa Kirisame with her golden hair and eyes.
    • In the PC-98 series, pretty much everyone has this, because of 16-bit palette limitations.
  • Yandere Simulator: Most girls have matching hair colors and eye colors:
    • Midori Gurin, who has green hair and green eyes.
    • Yui Rio, who has red hair and red eyes.
    • The only current exceptions in their default models are Pippi Osu, Kuu Dere, Musume Ronshaku, and Kyoshi Taiso. The Basu sisters are stated to wear contact lenses, so their true eye colors are not known.
    • Senpai is customizable, so it's up to the player whether he does or not. Yandere-chan, who normally plays this straight, with her black hair and eyes, can avert this as well if the player changes her hairstyle.
  • In Yu-Gi-Oh! Monster Capsule Breed and Battle, every Yu-Gi-oh character's eye color matches their hair color, leading to a few cases of Adaptation Dye-Job.

Web Animation 

  • The Five Gods (2018):
    • Cupid: Pink
    • Fern: Green
    • Burn: Red
  • The FUWAMOCO twins from hololive is an odd inversion: their eyes are the opposite color of each other's hair highlights. Fuwawa has blue highlights and pink eyes, while Mococo has pink highlights and blue eyes.
  • The Music Freaks: Zander has dark purple hair and lavender eyes, Milly has pink hair and pink eyes. Downplayed with Sean who has black hair and matching eye color.
  • Quite a few examples in RWBY, in line with the series' tendency for Technicolor Eyes and unusual hair colors. Perhaps the most extraordinary is Neo, who is heterochromatic with a right pink eye and a left brown eye, and her hair is half pink and half brown to match. This is actually an invocation: Neo's a natural brunette, but her parents refused to have a less than perfect child and forced her to hide her heterochromia. Now that she's an adult, she dyes half her hair pink and uses a mix of pink and brown in her clothing to draw attention to it instead.

Web Comics 

  • Apricot Cookie(s)! has 2: Butter Punch with blue hair/eyes, and Jammy Smasher with red hair/eyes.
  • The Flower Girls from Beyond Bloom have matching purple and white hair and eyes.
  • But I'm a Cat Person has this with several of the Beings: Reseda (gold), Cybele (pink), Kaguya (teal).
  • CMYK is a webcomic with the 4 colors of printing (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key) personified. Naturally, all characters have their color hair and eyes.
  • An odd case in Commander Kitty: like the rest of the cast, Nin Wah doesn't have irises, but her eyes are tinted the same color as her hair. Averted later when she wakes up with blue hair, but eventually played straight when her eyes turn blue as well, foreshadowing the reveal that she's an android duplicate.
  • Death from Deities has yellow eyes and hair.
  • Lorenda from DMFA has pink hair and eyes.
  • Dreaming Freedom: Subverted with Siyun. While he currently has white hair and eyes, it’s shown in a flashback his hair is dyed.
  • Myari (green hair and eyes) of Ears for Elves, and almost Elon as well (his hair is a darker shade than his eyes). Kanryl fits this as well, with pale grey eyes and hair.
  • El Goonish Shive:
  • Chihiro from Every Button Hurts the Other Guy has matching blue hair and eyes as part of her deliberately anime-reminiscent aesthetic.
  • Several characters from The Far Side Of Utopia; maybe half the genetically engineered kids seem to have this — may be justified in that it's something people probably would do on purpose if they had to pick hair and eye color for their kids.
  • Grrl Power: Maxima has purple hair and purple irises. It wasn't the case when she was younger and her powers had not yet manifested, though: she was just a blue-eyed blonde.
  • Hatsune Rondo from Mayonaka Densha has purple hair and eyes.
  • In MoringMark's post-series The Owl House comics, Boscha is shown to have a daughter who inherited her magenta hair while also having similarly colored eyes (as opposed to Boscha's grey ones). This match is more coincidental than anything else, since the reason she has eyes of that particular shade is because she's a grimwalker.
  • Akila from The Noordegraaf Files has entirely blue eyes that are the exact same shade as her hair. It's a nice contrast to her green skin, due to her being a nereid
  • Questionable Content:
    • Momo-tan has pink hair and pink eyes. And when her hair turns purple, her eyes change color to match.
    • Nearly all the AI characters in Questionable Content that have visible hair have this trait. Except SpookyBot and Melon cause she is just that weird.
  • The Erlking's Daughter in Roommates has misty purplish blue hair, eyes, clothing, and make-up.
  • In Sleepless Domain, Magical Girls' hair and eye colors typically match or, if they don't, fall into a matching color scheme, like Sally's gold eyes with her otherwise red color and Playing with Fire powers. One big exception to this is Heartful Punch, who has bright blue eyes on an overall pink color scheme. HP herself notes that this is unusual in Chapter Ten — and that there's a reason for it. Her mother had conceived her while still active as a magical girl, with the result that Heartful Punch was born with the cyan eyes her mother had, while her mother's powers somehow transferred into her. Tessa, it should be noted, after losing her powers, went back to her brown hair and brown eyes. Which is why it's jarring, after she fuses with Goops, and after Goops takes her form, to see her with purple eyes.
  • Magical girls and sorcerers in Sweet Dreams all exhibit this trope whilst in their transformed state.
  • unOrdinary: It is fairly common for characters eyes, hair, ability aura and speech bubbles to all match, though it's not universal. Remi's hair and eyes are pink, Cecile's are pine green, Isen's are orange (though his hair is two-toned in orange and brown), Ventus' are purple, Heinz's are red, Crail's are green, Wenqi's are yellow and so forth.
  • Unsounded: The Aldish caste system means there are entire castes with matching hair and eyes, while some people have eyes that match their hair in defiance of it:
    • Members of the Konn/Copper caste are modified by the Dammakhert to have red hair and eyes, while those of the Semon/Bronze caste are modified by the Dammakhert to have brown hair and eyes.
    • Bastion has black eyes to go with his black hair because he has the khert abnormality/mutation of having "ghost eyes" which allow him to see the khert and ghosts. His caste is usually modified to have blue eyes.
    • Lemuel has unusual yellow eyes that match his blonde hair, and which he refuses to wear a glamour to hide. His caste normally has green eyes, but they're not modified by the Dammakhert like the others.

Western Animation 

  • Care Bears:
  • A lot of fairies in The Fairly Oddparents have the same eye colour as their hair colour. This is especially noticeable in the episode where Cosmo and Wanda end up taking each other apart with voodoo dolls, then putting themselves back together. One failed attempt had Cosmo and Wanda end up with each other's hair, creating a contrast between Cosmo's green eyes and pink hair, which belonged to Wanda, and vice versa.
  • Jelly Jamm: When the characters' eyes get really expressive, we can see that they're same color as their skin and hair (so, for instance, Rita has pink eyes and hair).
  • Henry, June, Loopy, Larry, and Loopy and Larry's dad in KaBlam!
  • Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts: Kipo Oak has pink hair and eyes.
  • The Legion of Super Heroes (2006) cartoon loves this trope — Triplicate Girl has matching hair/eyes when she splits into three (purple, white, and orange). Shrinking Violet in the second season also counts for this trope, having both a purple stripe in her hair and purple eyes to match. The matching eye colours mainly didn't carry over to the comic book adaption.
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
    • Spike, for particularly scaly definitions of "curtains".
    • A few background ponies get this treatment.
    • Starting with Season 2, several unicorns get this treatment in a different way.
    • Derpy Hooves, with a pale yellow mane and golden eyes.
  • In My Little Pony 'n Friends, there's Buttons (who has blue hair and blue eyes but has a red streak in her hair as well), Wind Whistler (Pink hair and eyes), Galaxy (her eyes were pink, and her hair was pink, red, and white), Gingerbread (who had blue eyes and blue, purple, and pink hair), Masquerade, Sweet Stuff (Purple eyes with purple, white, and pink hair), Fizzy (Pink eyes with pink, green, and white hair), Rosedust (Pink hair and eyes), Honeysuckles (Pink hair and eyes, though her eyes are blue for the toy), Lily (Purple hair and eyes), Baby Half Note (Turquoise hair and eyes), and Baby Sleepy Pie (Blue hair and eyes).
  • The first three My Little Pony (G3) specials saw Rainbow Dash having rainbow eyes, matching her rainbow hair.
  • The Owl House: Willow's eyes are green and she later dyes a streak of green in her hair.
  • Rocko's Modern Life: On the occasion that his pupils are colored and not left solid black, Heffer is drawn with green eyes to match his green hair.
  • Seems to be a characteristic of every character in Sea Princesses, even the ones with blue eyes or pink hair.
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks: D'Vana Tendi's hair and eyes are green.
  • Star Wars Rebels: ISB Agent Kallus has dark blond hair and light brown-yellow eyes.
  • Lance from Sym-Bionic Titan has "black" eyes (most of the characters have black dots for pupils) and black hair.
  • SuperThings: Rivals Of Kaboom - Kazoom Power: Even before their transformations into Kazoom Kids changing their civilian clothing into color schemes that match their transformations, the Kazoom Kids have eyes that match their hair colors. Kai has blue eyes and bright blue hair, Mia has yellow eyes and yellow hair (not blonde, but fully yellow), and Finn has red eyes and red hair (also a non-realistic shade). This would continue on with the next three Kazoom Kids: Andy has orange eyes and orange hair, Trent has green eyes and green hair, and Sally has purple eyes and purple hair.
  • Teen Titans:
    • Raven, who has purple hair and eyes.
    • Beast Boy (Green hair and eyes).
    • Jinx (pink hair and eyes).
  • Transformers: Animated: Sari — red hair is somewhat plausible, but matching eyes? Ironically, after her Robotic Reveal and upgrade that they change to blue, a color that is possible in real life.
  • The main girls in Trollz, except for Amethyst, whose purple eyes don't match her ironically pink hair, and technically, Ruby; her red hair is dyed. Her natural color is brown. She still has red eyes, though. Maybe she dyed her hair to match her eyes?
  • All of the VBirds have matching hair/eye colors.
  • Musa from Winx Club. Icy, Brandon, and Darcy (counting her streaks of hair) also apply.
  • Xiaolin Showdown: Jack Spicer has red hair and red eyes.