Cut Short - TV Tropes

  • ️Wed Mar 19 2008

Cut Short (trope)

Woody: Come on, let's see the next episode!
Stinky Pete: That's it.
Woody: What?
Stinky Pete: The show was cancelled after that.

The polar opposite of a Grand Finale: a series ends abruptly, without resolution of its basic premise, due to some unplanned event such as cancellation, the 65/40-episode limit or the creator dying before finishing. The story does not end, it simply stops in medias res, possibly with a Cliffhanger. In a few lucky cases, there's a Conclusion in Another Medium, but it's directly to DVD and Blu-ray. In even luckier cases the series will be able to Wrap It Up with a miniseries, a movie, or a new season. More often than not, however, there is no final resolution.

Even more frustratingly, often shows create Myth Arcs haphazardly, stringing viewers along and never really intending to offer any conclusion to the story arcs they tell the first 2/3s of, or answering the questions they raise. This is called The Chris Carter Effect. Those that do care utilize the Front 13, Back 9 episode plan in an attempt to avert this Trope, though that's no guarantee when Real Life Writes the Plotnote .

A story left in the lurch isn't necessarily doomed to permanent irresolution, but the act of dealing with one may not turn out to be so glorious. Yet, no one says that because the work is incomplete, no one will stop to contemplate what happens next. The time away from the spotlight can actually be good, as it may result in the brains behind the scenes recharging their creativity, or the torch ending up passed to another aspiring mind.

Regardless, even the most dedicated and faithful approaches come with risks. When new blood picks up an incomplete work, a common problem is concensus that something about the resumed version is off, like a miscalculated attempt to revive a series that has any key factors to its original success (the premise, characters, actors, writing, etc.) aging poorly from where it last left off. In some cases, a fresh cast may avert this, but there is a risk of overpopulating a beloved cast with unwanted newbies to make up for the unavailability or passing of any part of the original ensemble- though this does not always apply, like in the case of a recast or plot-driven change of identity.

If the work has a sufficiently dedicated fanbase, this can become Fanfic Fuel for a Continuation fic. Alternatively, it can lead to Audience-Alienating Ending due to the potential audience not wanting to invest their time into a work that does not receive a satisfying conclusion.

Compare No Ending, in which there is a deliberate decision to end a work abruptly; Left Hanging, where while the series ends, many questions are left unanswered; Too Good to Last; and Aborted Arc.

If it doesn't deal with the major plot issues, a Gecko Ending will include this. Can result in an Accidental Downer Ending if the work ended on an unhappy Cliffhanger that was clearly planned to be resolved in the next season or a future installment. See also Orphaned Series and Conclusion in Another Medium.

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  • Eggo Waffles released a couple of commercials advertising their new Waf-full waffles. The commercials showed a giant cartoon waffle hunting and eating cartoon fillings of raspberry and blueberry. A third one featuring an apple cinnamon filling was promoted but never aired, leaving the commercials unfinished.

Comic Books 

  • All-Star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder simply stopped being published after issue #10. There was an announcement about a follow-up series to wrap up the story, but more than 11 years have passed since then with no further news.
  • The original Atomic Knights series started out as a feature in Strange Adventures that debuted in issue 117 and had a new installment appear every third issue before ending in issue 160 in spite of the last page promising that yet another Atomic Knights story would come.
  • The Amazing Mary Jane: Originally conceived as a five issue mini-series, sales impressed Marvel and they extended the run to ten more issues, with the sixth issue beginning a new storyline with Mary Jane put into witness protection and stalked by a demon assassin, with no means of contacting Peter. Then the Covid-19 outbreak happened and Marvel stalled both this book and all of their others. When production resumed on all titles, this book was one of several that was not brought back. While the character of Mary Jane would return to Amazing Spider-Man shortly after (both for better and for worse), it is never explained how Mary Jane overcame her stalker or got out of witness protection (Some fans have even gone as far as to state the cliffhanger is the perfect means to retcon some of the questionable decisions Marvel have made with the character since her book ended, and that the MJ we've had since has been a clone or a demon)
  • The second volume of The Batman Adventures, which had taken comic book tie-ins to cartoons to a new level; it was set in the DC Animated Universe after Batman: The Animated Series and during(ish) Justice League, acting almost like a sequel series with well-written stories that averted the original status quo while also bringing closure to various characters and foreshadowing new ones. It was canceled after only 17 issues to make way for The Batman's tie-in comic. Before going out, they were able to resolve some plot threads: revealing the truth behind the Penguin's mayoral election, having Penguin quit as mayor, making a major revelation about Poison Ivy which acted as her exit from the series, providing closure for the stories of Clayface and Mr. Freeze, and having Batman confront Joe Chill without even knowing it. But that also left various plot threads unresolved... The identity of the DCAU's new Red Hood who was only able to make one full panel appearance, the Phantasm's motivations for allying with him, the Riddler being left in a coma, Talia's reactions to being abandoned by Batman after taking a bullet for him, Eel O'Brien was introduced but never got around to becoming Plastic Man, and so on... On message boards creators Dan Slott and Ty Templeton have spoken of much more awesome sounding ideas for future issues which would tie DC Animated Continuity together in new and awesome ways... they had planned for up to their 40th or so issue!
  • Big Numbers was a 12-issue series by Alan Moore and Bill Sienkiewicz, but only the first two issues were released.
  • Dinosaurs vs. Aliens: The series only had a single issue which was meant to kick off a film adaptation. However, there has been seemingly no progress on either the comic or film in a decade, leaving the story stuck in Development Hell before it even got going.
  • There's an interesting case with the Argentine comic book El Eternauta. The writer Héctor Germán Oesterheld joined the Montoneros, a left-wing organization, and became a fugitive of the military junta (all this is real world stuff, not comic book plot). Yet he managed to continue writing the comic book (with an Anvilicious tone in support of the Montoneros) while being on the run, sending the scripts by mail to the artist Francisco Solano López, who made the weekly comic book and sent it to the publisher. The comic book is a finished work, but Oesterheld was captured and killed at some unknown point. To this day, it is not known if he really managed to finish the comic book before his capture, or if some other Montonero sent scripts in his name afterwards.
  • Topps Comics started what was supposed to be a three part adaptation of GoldenEye. Yet only part 1 came out - the covers for the aborted issues still leaked, and it's rumored that the racy cover of the second one was part of why it got cancelled.
  • Hard Time's second volume was canceled fairly abruptly after one story arc, leading to a Distant Finale / "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue in the final issue that attempts (and doesn't quite manage) to tie up all the plot threads.
  • Image United was intended as a 10th anniversary project by the Image Comics founders with their characters teaming up against an incoming threat but due to creative conflicts, delays and scheduling conflicts the project is officially cancelled leaving the story unfinished with only 3 issues published.
  • The Inhumanoids Comic-Book Adaptation, which began publication a month after the animated series ended, was cancelled at issue four and ended on an unresolved cliffhanger with Sandra Shore turned into a zombie by D'Compose. This is a strong contrast with the Transformers and G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (Marvel) comic books, which both predated and outlasted their respective cartoons in addition to ending in ways that resolved the ongoing story, subsequent sequel series notwithstanding.
  • The Joker's 1975 series had a tenth issue that went unpublished for years and ended on a cliffhanger revolving around the Justice League supposedly dead by the Joker's hand and the Joker intending to settle the score with his father, which obviously went unresolved due to the series long being cancelled and the issue in question not being printed until 43 years after it was originally intended to be published.
  • The Maggie the Cat mini-series, a spin-off from Jon Sable, Freelance, was cancelled after two issues with no resolution.
  • In 1993, Topps Comics attempted a shared universe called the Kirbyverse, using creator-owned characters by Jack Kirby and consisting of both pre-existing properties Kirby created for the now defunct Pacific Comics (i.e. Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers and Silver Star) as well as concepts that Kirby had not yet been able to get printed (such as Satan's Six, Ninth Men and TeenAgents). The Kirbyverse came to a premature end in 1994 after the first round of miniseries, their last entries being miniseries of Victory and Silver Star that never went beyond the first issue. To make things worse, Jack Kirby himself (who had little involvement aside from drawing some cover artwork due to his declining health) died that very same year.
  • In 2018, MAD started a section of serialized strips called Potzrebie Comics. They quickly became popular, but none of them reached five installments before all the artists were fired and the mag switched to reprints. Most frustratingly, Lukey And Mukey ends with the protagonists being led to Mukey's lair, and setting up a Hyperlink Story. However, the authors have said they hope to come back to the ideas someday.
  • Street Fighter (Malibu Comics) was halted after only three issues were published. Many pin the blame on the controversial decision to apparently kill off Ken, which stings more considering that Word of God confirmed that he would have survived.
  • Archie Comics' Mega Man (Archie Comics) was put on indefinite hiatus following the release of the fifty-fifth issue, with the plot having begun to set up an adaptation of Mega Man 4 (and said final issue foreshadowing the events of later games). As of October 2016, no-one (not even the creative team) knows when or if the series will return. It just seems even more unlikely now that the creative team has jumped ship to IDW.
  • The short-lived Devil's Due continuation of Micronauts (Image) ended at three issues in spite of soliciting a fourth issue, the comic ending before we'd see how the team would fare with Azura Nova as their newest member and what Baron Karza intended to do with the human-sized constructs he had a human scientist build for him.
  • The Tokyopop "original English-language manga" My Dead Girlfriend featured a guy trying to make it work with his girlfriend, despite the setback that she was now a ghost. The book received praise from the likes of Joss Whedon and Jeph Loeb — and also never got past the first volume.
  • Omaha the Cat Dancer ground to a halt with none of its plots resolved when creators Reed Waller and Kate Worley split up. With Worley's death in 2004, it looked like there was no chance it would ever be finished. However, Worley's husband James Vance began writing new scripts from her notes, and the story was finally finished in 2013.
  • Oz (Caliber) after its twenty-issue run had its story continue in a five-issue miniseries titled Dark Oz, which was then followed by The Land of Oz, which abruptly ended at its ninth issue with several plot threads left unresolved even though at least 12 issues were planned.
  • Oz (Marvel Comics) was initially intended to adapt all 14 Land of Oz books that were written by L. Frank Baum. but declining sales forced the comic to end at the miniseries adapting The Emerald City of Oz. That being said, the final installment still works as a satisfactory conclusion, since L. Frank Baum himself originally wrote the sixth book with the intention of it being the final entry of the series.
  • The Action Lab Puppet Master series was canceled in the middle of a story arc involving a rejuvenated Toulon infiltrating a cult with his old puppets. It's believed the license on the IP was running out or something like that, and the last two issue were canned so the creative team could focus their efforts on the Post-Script Season Grand Finale.
  • Quantum and Woody was suspended after issue #17, then resumed fifteen months later with issue #32 as a meta Time Skip. The comic then resumed at #18, building towards the events in #32, but was canceled for good at #21 before that could be shown.
  • While plans were made for multiple story arcs, the Rainbow Brite comic was ultimately canceled after only 5 issues. This left the comic with the sad end of Rainbow Brite having found two of the Color Kids and the King of Shadows still ruling Rainbow Land.
  • Marvel's Robert E. Howard's Dark Agnes was intended as a five-issue series, but supply chain issues from the COVID-19 Pandemic meant that publication halted after two issues. Marvel then lost the rights to Howard's characters, slamming the door on any potential conclusion.
  • Scream: Curse of Carnage was unceremoniously cancelled due to low sales as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic stalling the book's physical release for several months, and just as the series was entering into its second arc and introducing new plot-threads and characters.
  • DC's 12-issue Sonic Disruptors series from the 1980s was cancelled after issue #7.
  • Sonic the Comic: Due to cost-cutting policies, it was decided that the comic would stop printing new stories and become reprints only. The writers weren't notified of this until the last second. A Story Arc was midway, so they requested an extension so as to be able to finish it at least, and they were given a few more issues. But even then, the arc was never intended to be a finale, so many plot points were left hanging. Fans ultimately picked up the ball with a long-running online continuation that remains in production to this day, and has attracted the attention, and involvement, of some of the original staff, who would ultimately go on to contribute a Grand Finale for this version of the character.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics): Several storylines were hit with this bad due to former writer Ken Penders suing Archie and Sega to regain custody of the characters he created and won. However, he was willing to let them use them again under two stipulations that both companies balked at - that the storyline "Mobius: 25 Years Later" became the comic's future canonnote  and that everything involving his characters had to be vetted by himnote . During the height of the mess, Archie opted to reboot the universe during Sonic the Hedgehog/Mega Man: Worlds Collide, thus not only making the comic universe video game-friendly, but also forcing a lot of stories to be stopped abruptly - the King Naugus storyline ends with Naugus having a major freakout and running away when he's hit with visions of the old universe, Antoine no longer comatose, Bunnie back to being a cyborg and Sally no longer roboticized. And in 2017 the comic was abruptly put on indefinite hiatus, subscribers refunded, and the Mega Drive miniseries and a few plot threads from the main series left hanging. In July 2017, it was confirmed to be cancelled, meaning there will likely never be any resolution to the aforementioned miniseries and plot threads, at least officially. Fans have since began producing an unlicensed webcomic continuation of the pre-reboot continuity, resolving their cliffhangers and moving forward with new and original stories.
  • The Star vs. the Forces of Evil tie-in mini-series Deep Trouble was meant to be eight issues. But it didn't sell well and ended at issue four, leaving on a cliff hanger of Star and Marco managing to find Pony Head's compact needed for proof of her innocence of stealing a crown in an underwater kingdom. Only to find out she'd gotten an upgrade and transferred her data onto it (meaning the whole escapade to retrieve it was a "Shaggy Dog" Story) and the photos on it not helping her case. It even ends with a "Next Time..." blur on the side but wasn't meant to be.
  • Several Star Wars Legends comics by Dark Horse Comics met this fate. There was Star Wars: Rebellion revolving around Badass Normal Darca Nyl, which was cancelled to make room for a Star Wars: The Clone Wars tie-in comic which was cancelled for low sales. After that there was Star Wars: Invasion, an interquel to New Jedi Order that was also cancelled right before Disney took over.
  • Super Agent Jon Le Bon! had this occur with Season 2, as Alex A. didn't want a retread of Season 1's themes and eagerly wanted to move on to new projects, so he cut the planned eight-episode Season down into five episodes and straight up told the fanbase to come up with their own stories for his universe. As for the finale itself, The Great Fusion ends with Jon finding out that his original body was destroyed during the climactic battle with the merged Big Beaver/Ultra-Jon and most of his memories were then implanted in a less stable body that Big Beaver previously created, and the last few panels close up into one of Jon's eyes as these new revelations linger in his mind. This also caused some plot points to be dropped unceremoniously, such as the foreshadowed adventures that were removed from Jon's memories, and the matter of Whitewash's molecular structure having started to break down.
  • Swordquest was a series of pack-in comic books created by DC Comics for Atari's Swordquest adventure game series. The Great Video Game Crash of 1983 prevented the last game from being released, and only the first three issues exist.
  • The collapse of Dreamwave Comics cut several Transformers comics short; none of the titles were picked up by IDW, due to Pat Lee not paying his employees. This is a particularly bad example, since when Dreamwave collapsed, the comics were right square in the middle of resolving the epic Myth Arc that had been set up. Dreamwave's bankruptcy left numerous plotlines hanging, ended the series on a cliffhanger, and made several scenes that were important foreshadowing look like a Big-Lipped Alligator Moment. The bankruptcy of Dreamwave also had a bad effect on Transformers/G.I. Joe: Divided Front, which was intended to be a Sequel Series to Transformers/G.I. Joe and last six issues like its predecessor, but only released one issue before Dreamwave went out of business.
  • The Valiant Comics Unity 2000 mini-series was going to cross over and merge the VH1 and VH2 universes, and a third universe would be introduced and destroyed, showing potential ideas from before the VH2 era. The mini-series was cancelled before its resolution.
  • Venom:
    • Daniel Way's run was canceled on an extremely bleak Bolivian Army Cliffhanger, seeing Venom captured and forced to become a living doomsday device to facilitate an alien invasion of Earth. Several characters introduced in the run have since reappeared, but it's never been revealed how Venom escaped the villains' clutches or what happened to them.
    • Agent Venom's ongoing got cancelled right as it was beginning to resolve its overarching plot. However, some unresolved plots, such as Mania and the hellmarks, have been included in Venom (Mike Costa) and Venom (Donny Cates) series; and Rick Remender revealed what the Spawning arc would have entailed in 2020.
  • Similar to the aforementioned Inhumanoids comic, the Visionaries comic book tie-in began publication after the cartoon it was based on had started airing, but ended abruptly due to cancellation. The comic came to a halt in the sixth issue with an arc involving Merklynn tasking the Spectral Knights and Darkling Lords with finding four enchanted jewels themed after the four elements of nature (while withholding from both groups that he needs the jewels to prevent his own death) only halfway finished. The end of the issue even addressed that the arc would never get a proper conclusion because of the comic being cancelled.
  • The series Warlock and the Infinity Watch, which was the immediate sequel to The Infinity Gauntlet , was canceled after 42 issues. A long running arc involving Warlock putting powerful entities in his debt went unresolved: he had helped and so had debts owed from The Silver Surfer, Thor, and Firelord, and according to Eternity himself there were going to be two more before whatever event required them. Meanwhile, Maxim, an amnesiac from the future who attacked Warlock when he first saw him but after calming down had no idea why, was still a mystery. The Maxim thread was given a hasty conclusion in the final issue, and everything else was interrupted by Marvel's acquisition of the Ultraverse- the infinity gems were stolen by Rune and taken to the Ultraverse in a sequence of events that was depicted in two separate comics published simultaneously in a completely incompatible fashion, showing how little Marvel cared to do right by the series it was cancelling.
  • In 1998 Werewolf by Night volume 2 was published, intended to be a continuing series, but was canceled after 6 issues due to poor sales. It was decided to move the storyline to the Strange Tales anthology, of which four issues were solicited with the specific intention of wrapping up plot lines that the first cancellation left hanging. Ironically, Strange Tales was canceled as well after two issues, killing the chances of seeing those nagging questions answered.
  • X-Men Forever (2009) was intended to be an ongoing series that was cut short due to lackluster sales. It was an attempt for Chris Claremont to wrap up long simmering plot points from his original legendary run with X-Men from '74-'91. While some of the plot points were wrapped up, the comic was cancelled just as a whole new set of plot points had been introduced. However, while for most comic writers, this is a severe annoyance, for Chris, it was just Tuesday.
  • Zatanna (2010): When the series was canceled in the lead-up to the Post-Flashpoint DC Universe, Paul Dini left the series and was replaced by other writers for the final issues. These issues did not follow the ongoing plot of the series, leaving several threads dangling, such as the entire Brother Night arc and Zatanna's predicted conflict with The Spectre.
  • The 1980s UK Zoids comic (written by Grant Morrison) was canceled just as the story started to become really interesting.

Comic Strips 

Films — Animation 

  • Dinosaur Island ends with the three main characters about to escape the titular island and heading to sea, only to be stopped by the Big Bad, complete with a “To Be Continued…” Spoiler alert: it never continued.
  • Ralph Bakshi's animated adaptation of The Lord of the Rings was originally intended to be three films but was later forced to be shortened to two. The first part was originally titled The Lord of the Rings Part I, but executive meddling forced a title changed to just The Lord of the Rings, which confused many viewers when the film ended without concluding the story. While the original film made back its money at the box office, it was not the runaway success hoped for and the originally intended second part was canceled, leaving the story unfinished (at least by Bakshi, though Rankin/Bass Productions did produce an unconnected animated adaption of The Return of the King, the third book in the series).
  • In-Universe example: The former Trope Namer is Toy Story 2, where Woody watches an episode of the TV show he was based on, Woody's Roundup, that ends in a cliffhanger, only for Stinky Pete to inform him that the show was cancelled due to the rising popularity of space toys.

Films — Live-Action 

  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2 fell victim to this. The ending very unsubtly set up a plot thread involving the Sinister Six and the mysterious Gustav Fiers, which will now never be resolved thanks to the series being cancelled and rebooted with Spider-Man: Homecoming. However, as a silver lining there was an Intra-Franchise Crossover in Spider-Man: No Way Home.
  • The DC Extended Universe experienced a Continuity Reboot after the release of Zack Snyder's Justice League, leaving the overarching plot unresolved right when it was getting started with Darkseid planning to invade Earth. Not wanting to leave the fans hanging, Zack Snyder later released outlines of his plans for later films so people could at least know how it would've ended.
  • The adaptation of the Divergent trilogy. Following the then-current trend of a Movie Multipack, it was decided to split the last novel Allegiant into two films, first titled Allegiant - Part 1 and Allegiant - Part 2, before changing to Allegiant and Ascendant, respectively. However, Allegiant bombed at the box office, leaving the studio scrambling to conclude the series either as a Made-for-TV Movie or a TV series. None of the original cast were contracted for that (and lead star Shailene Woodley outright declined to return) and as negotiations dragged on, Lionsgate's rights to the franchise expired, leaving the series without an ending.
  • Galaxy Quest contains an In-Universe example with the Show Within a Show, whose final filmed episode shows Cmdr. Taggart enigmatically preparing to use the Omega-13 to overcome some threat. Because its follow-up was never written or filmed, the cast has no idea what the Omega-13 is supposed to do, which then spills over into real life when aliens who successfully built the NSEA Protector also included the Omega-13.
  • Another in-universe example comes from I Saw the TV Glow, where the protagonists Owen and Maddy are fans of The Pink Opaque, a children's horror TV series inspired by Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Goosebumps (1995), and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The show is canceled on a cliffhanger at the end of the fifth season, with its Big Bad Mr. Melancholy capturing its two protagonists Isabel and Tara and trapping them in the Midnight Realm, leaving him free to Take Over the World. At least until hints start creeping in that Owen and Maddy are, in fact, Isabel and Tara themselves, that the "real world" they live in is the Midnight Realm acting as a massive Lotus-Eater Machine, and that their entire lives have been the fabled "sixth season" of The Pink Opaque that they've been waiting so long for. (Possibly. It's also possible that Maddy has just lost her mind.)
  • The Last Airbender: There were plans to make an entire trilogy, with each movie retelling the events of each of the three seasons of the cartoon series that it is based on. There was even a stinger at the end that showed Azula, one of the show's most iconic villains. Unfortunately, since the film was a colossal failure both critically and financially, these plans would never end up coming into fruition.
  • Monster High 2 ended on a cliffhanger, with the last few moments implying that the Grim Reaper is coming for Frankie after Clawdeen had cheated death earlier in the movie. However, Monster High 3 was cancelled after Universal announced that they were making a live-action Monster High movie of its own (while the current franchise was produced by Nickelodeon and Paramount+), meaning that this cliffhanger will never be resolved.
  • The Wedding March was not supposed to be this. It ends with Nicki going through with his Arranged Marriage to Cecilia, on a day full of ominous foreboding, while his lover Mitzi promises to marry the jealous Schani. It was followed up with an immediate sequel, The Honeymoon, in which the messy Love Dodecahedron was pursued to a full Downer Ending—but the only known print of The Honeymoon was lost to a fire in 1959. Consequently The Wedding March is left hanging.


  • The original publication of The Golden Demon ran in Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper until May 1902, then was left unfinished when the author Ozaki Kōyō died the following year, 1903.
  • .Hack//Zero: a series of novels set in the main .hack canon that tells the story of a (female) Heavy Axmen named Carl and her encounters with Aura and Skeith/Sora. The series abruptly ended with no real resolution after its first volume relegating Carl's story to side materials (She ends up Data Drained by Skeith apparently) and since the .hack series as a whole has moved on a good number of years in the timeline (being on the 3rd version of The World now) it shows no signs of ever being finished. It's also a case of No Export for You, likely due to its unfinished nature.
  • The Edgar & Ellen book series ends partway through its second arc.
  • This appears to be the fate of the Erast Fandorin series of Russian mystery novels, at least for English-speaking readers. Thirteen books have been published in Russia but book #10, The Diamond Chariot, is the last to be translated into English.
  • The famed So Bad, It's Good fantasy novella The Eye of Argon suffered this problem for a long time: the most-distributed copy was a xerox that had accidentally misplaced the final pages. Copies of the original fanzine in which it was published, including the ending, were eventually found; but given the nature of the work, most didn't mind the presence of this trope, and indeed some prefer it.
  • In-universe in The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. The main characters love a book called An Imperial Affliction; "the books ends right in the middle of a"
  • The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Charles Dickens's last novel, was ended abruptly when Dickens died halfway through writing. What made it even worse was that Drood was published serially, like all of Dickens' novels, thus frustrating his readers.
  • Redwall ended due to Brian Jacques' death, with the final novel "The Rogue Crew" being posthumously released. Since Jacques never intended to stop writing, one wonders what he was planning next. In addition, a fan-created character named Reisa Kartwell was to be added into the series, thus implying she was going to be in the book after "The Rogue Crew".
  • The Resident Evil novelizations by S.D. Perry end with Code Veronica. All the gaping plot holes between games have been tied up nicely thanks to Trent and a couple of original novels, and the entire plot as a whole has built up to a final stand against the Nebulous Evil Organisation Umbrella that we'll never get to read.
  • Also in-universe: This is the premise of Rodrigo y el libro sin final (Rodrigo and the unfinished book), where the child protagonist borrows a book from the library and reads it only to find that it lacks an ending, which sets up the whole plot.
  • The Salmon of Doubt was the novel Douglas Adams was working on at the time of his death and remains, as yet, unfinished with no indication of plans to create a completion.
  • Spartan ends with Talos disappearing and leaving his weapons behind. It was not received very well from the readers.
  • The Spellcoats by Diana Wynne Jones contains an in-universe example. The narrator tells the story as she goes along by weaving it into the eponymous coats in a form of textile writing. Over the course of the story, the coats themselves become plot-significant items, such that the plot cannot be resolved until the coats are complete. This means the narrator cannot weave the ending. We are left to deduce what happened from a museum curator's note written hundreds of years later.
  • The Star Darlings books were canceled in January 2017 with three planned books being shelved, the webseries last aired in late 2016, and Jakks Pacific has ceased producing the toys. The books that were canceled would have continued dangling plot threads from Stealing Starlight, which ends on a cliffhanger.
  • Zig-Zagged by Star Wars Legends. The Legends timeline in general reached a satisfying conclusion before the Disney Continuity Reboot with the Star Wars: Legacy series, however the interquel series Fate of the Jedi and its follow-up Star Wars: Crucible revolving around Luke Skywalker's son Ben and his Sith girlfriend Vestara Khai was forced to end without a satisfying conclusion to Vestara's storyline and left her ultimate fate unclear.
  • Stuart Little never found Margalo and never returned home.
  • The Time Traders ends its book run just as it's portraying a long time series of enemies as good guys. Though Andre Norton had lived a long life, the new books were made fairly late in it, and her co-authors on Firehand, Echoes in Time, and Atlantis Endgame only received permission to write those specific books.
  • Robert Silverberg's Up the Line ends in the middle of a sentence.
  • Averted with The Wheel of Time—many fans feared this would happen due to author Robert Jordan dying, but enough notes were left behind that the series could come to a conclusion, with the final volumes put together by fantasy writer Brandon Sanderson.


  • Digimon Legendary Skies was cancelled after only 9 chapters, with only 5 of the Evil 28 Stars defeated, and the main character and allies deciding to return to Shenzou (the Chinese Digital World) to face the Big Bad DarkNuwamon.


  • Daniel Johnston: He recorded most of his early songs on home made cassette recordings. As a result a lot of songs end quite abruptly or with audible cuts. Especially as the final track of each album also has its ending cut off without warning.
  • Elvis Presley: Arguably the most infamous live album in his career is Having Fun with Elvis on Stage, a 35-minute collection of nothing but Elvis cracking jokes with the audience, without any music or context explaining what is going on. All of it is quickly edited together as a collection of bits from various concerts, often being edited in a way that conversations are just cut short halfway through with another one starting out of nowhere.
  • Phase 3 of the Gorillaz storyline had been building up to a supernatural confrontation involving a 50-foot drummer and a demon-man living on an island made of plastic with a hostage. There was also a subplot involving a young supersoldier and their robotic doppelganger. Sadly, it was never completed, and a lot of fans are upset about it.

Myths & Religion 

  • The Norse Mythology tale "Rigsthula" abruptly breaks off after introducing two named characters who may be Rig's adversaries, because its only source is a manuscript whose final pages have been lost.


  • The five-year plan of '80s All Over was to cover the entire decade in U.S.-released cinema month by month. However, creators/presenters Drew McWeeney and Scott Weinberg could not keep up the pace of weekly episode releases (regular episodes alternating with Patreon supporter bonus shows) and the April 1985 episode ended up being the last one. Because this decision was made after the episode aired, it ends with an On the Next for May 1985. This meant a lot of marquee movies of the decade (Back to the Future, The Goonies, The Fly (1986), etc.) were never covered in full, even though previous episodes teased that they would be major discussions when their release months rolled along.

Pro Wrestling 

  • Given the open-ended nature of professional wrestling, it wouldn't be a surprise if numerous storylines from defunct promotions would be halted when those companies went out of business.
  • Eric Bischoff knew from looking at the Universal Wrestling Federation and New Japan Pro-Wrestling that an invasion of WCW could ultimately be best for business, but killed an invasion angle already in progress dead because he didn't want that company to be Smoky Mountain Wrestling.
  • Internacional Wrestling Revolucion Group simply stopped recognizing its Intercontinental Super Welterweight and Intercontinental Women's divisions in 2007, as the title belts were being held by Místico and La Amapola, who were contracted by CMLL, whom IWRG was no longer working with.
  • A 2001 WCW storyline involving Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett being forced to kiss Dustin Rhodes' ass continued up to the second-to-last Nitro (where they ended up kissing a donkey supposedly owned by Dusty) and was abandoned when the WWF buyout was announced, with Titan Towers booking the final Nitro (which dealt with the in-universe repercussions of the buyout).
  • Lucha Underground was once seen as the hottest thing in wrestling, with its telenovela/mystical approach to a wrestling show earning acclaim from many. However, the drop in viewership and reception of Season 4 compared to the previous seasons, in large part due to the X-Pac Heat surrounding Jake Strong's push and subsequent championship win, put the chances of it continuing in jeopardy. Despite setting up Season 5 with a possible conspiracy revolving around Strong and a debuting Stu Bennett (aka Wade "Bad News" Barrett) as well as Dario Cueto being Back from the Dead, small viewership that only got lower, various lawsuits from wrestlers, along with majority of talent finding work elsewhere, have all but ensured that Sequel Hook would end up unresolved.
  • WWE Magazine held a contest for what the fans believed the best US city to host an event was. Sadly, the contest came to a quick and abrupt stop when the magazine was canceled a few issues later, which also prevented the final mystery slot for a fan selected city from being revealed.
  • The friendly rivalry between Dave Batista and Eddie Guerrero in late 2005 was intended to either lead to Guerrero winning the World Heavyweight Championship or costing Batista the championship against Randy Orton (allowing Batista to take time off and heal from various nagging injuries), but Guerrero's tragic passing in November of that year meant the angle couldn't continue and Batista would remain active on the road until his injuries got more severe in January of 2006, where he simply vacated the title rather than drop it to anyone. As a result of his death, a planned spot for Eddie on the Smackdown team at Survivor Series 2005 also didn't happen.
  • The year 2007 saw many angles dropped for what appeared to be entirely snakebitten reasons:
    • Ken Kennedy's Money In The Bank win at Wrestlemania 23 was intended to run the course of a full year, with Kennedy cashing in at the big event, but WWE overreacted to a minor injury he had sustained and took the briefcase and title opportunity from him, handing them over to Edge.
    • A long-term reign for The Undertaker for 2007 was cut short when 'The Deadman' went down with a series of injuries, forcing him to drop the title barely a full month into his reign. Upon recovery, Undertaker enjoyed a few more title reigns afterwards in 2008 and 2009, the latter being more or less the kind of reign he was intended to have in the year he got injured.
    • The 'demise' of the Vince McMahon character in a limousine explosion had to be cut short due to the very real double-murder suicide involving Chris Benoit and his family.
    • Another planned push for Ken Kennedy that year was cut short when he ended up being named in a pharmacy scandal and suspended by WWE for a few months.
  • Plans for Finn Bálor to enjoy a dominant reign as the inaugural WWE Universal Champion in 2016 were dashed almost immediately when Balor was injured in the match in which he became the champion. Other than another NXT title reign in the early 2020s, Balor has not had so much of a whiff at any major World title in the company since.
  • Prior to his dominance as the 'Tribal Chief' and leader of the Bloodline, Roman Reigns never was able to enjoy a long-term babyface run at the top for these reasons:
    • Not long after winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 32, Reigns ended up violating the company's wellness policy, forcing WWE to relinquish him of the title a mere two months into the run and demote Reigns to the upper mid-card, where he would be given runs with the U.S and Intercontinental Championships.
    • Reigns wouldn't win another world title until Summer of 2018, where he unseated Brock Lesnar at Summerslam of that year to lift the WWE Universal Championship. but plans for a major run here were quickly halted when Reigns revealed live on television that he was struggling with a bout of leukaemia, forcing him to relinquish the championship. The diagnosis also put an end to the much anticipated reunion of The Shield, with Dean Ambrose even turning heel on Seth Rollins the exact same evening as Roman's announcement.
    • Plans for Roman to win the Universal Championship from Goldberg at Wrestlemania 36 were cut short due to the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing an immune-compromised Roman to take a leave of absence and transition into a part-time performer, which allowed him to work a lighter schedule. By the time he finally won a major world title again in fall of 2020, he had switched to a full time heel. Miraculously, despite all these setbacks, Reigns was finally able to enjoy the most lucrative and dominant reign of his entire career more or less without incident.

Puppet Shows 

  • Lomax, the Hound of Music was cancelled after 13 episodes due to financial problems, causing it to fall into obscurity. However, the ending in the last episode implies that more was to come. This left one to wonder what the creators were planning to do next.
  • Rimini Riddle was cancelled before it could wrap up the story.
  • The Wrap-Up Song "Just Shout Hooray", sung by the Cat in the Hat in The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss, has the lyrics "So come back soon, and when you do, I'll have some new surprises in my hat for you". It's even sung in the final episode with the implication that there is more to come, despite the show being cancelled afterwards and falling into obscurity.



  • The World Series, the championship of Major League Baseball, has been canceled on two occasions in history, leaving that year's MLB season cut short without any champion.
    • The first time, in 1904, it was because John McGraw, the owner of the National League championship team, the New York Giants (now the San Francisco Giants), refused to have his team face the American League champions, the Boston Americans (now the Boston Red Sox). His reasons were petty: he felt that the American League was inferior to the National League, and that his Giants, having won the National League championship, had already proven themselves to be the best. Therefore, in his eyes, the World Series was little more than an exhibition series.
    • The second time, in 1994, the entire MLB postseason was canceled due to a players' strike. Perhaps the hardest-hit team was the Montreal Expos, who had been racking up a "dream season" that year; they had won more games than any other team that year, and were among the favorites to win the World Series (which would've been their first). The Expos never recovered from the strike-shortened season; they fell into an Audience-Alienating Era in the second half of the '90s, and they eventually moved to Washington, D.C. and became the Nationals in 2004.
  • A Number of televised football leagues have suspended operations during a season.
    • The first was the World Football League, which ended in the middle of her 2nd season in 1975.
    • The United Football League suspended 2 seasons early. The first was in 2011 after 4 weeks, though a Championship and Consolation Games were played. The second time was in 2012 again after 4 weeks, but no games were held.
    • The Alliance of American Football ended during its first and only season after week 8 with no resolution. While the league was losing money, this was not the primary reason for the cancellation and was instead based on a dispute of the owner and the league founders with the NFL Player Association.
  • Due to a flu epidemic that led to the death of Montreal Canadians defenseman Joe Hall, the 1919 Stanley Cup Final was cancelled with 1 game to go in the series.
  • The attacks of September 11th, 2001 caused the cancellation of a number of sports events and seasons.
    • The 2001 Women's US Cup Soccer was cancelled half-way through the event.
    • All Minor League Games were cancelled for the remainder of the Regular and Post-Seasons with each league declaring a champion with the team with the best regular season record to that point (or co-champions if there would be a playoff).
    • Major League Soccer cancelled the remaining two weeks of the regular season. While the playoffs did take place, the Tampa Bay Mutiny, who failed to make the playoffs, were contracted at the end without having an official final game.
    • The 2001 Ryder Cup, a biennial US vs Europe golf event, was cancelled. The tournament restarted in 2002 and was held in even-numbered years until the COVID-19 Pandemic caused it to be shifted back to odd-numbered years. The Presidents Cup, a men's event in which a US team takes on an "International" team of non-Europeans, and the Ryder Cup's distaff counterpart of the Solheim Cup were also rescheduled to take place in odd-numbered years starting in 2003. Those events would return to their original schedules of even-numbered years in the post-COVID era.
  • While withdrawals are always a possibility in any heads-up individual events, it is fairly common in doubles tennis (especially mixed doubles) during a major event. One of the 4 contestants withdraws "due to injury" in the semifinal or final to concentrate on an individual major, resulting in the winning team never taking the court.
  • As a result of COVID-19, a number of seasons in numerous sports - too many to list here - were finished earlier than planned; some leagues decided to declare the standings at the time final, others decided to use a points-per-game system for the standings, still others declared the season null and void. An obviously incomplete list of these seasons can be found in the "Sports" folder of ReleaseDateChange.COVID 19 Pandemic Related Examples.
  • The American Basketball Association's (ABA) shambolic final 1975–76 season began with ten teams, many in financial trouble. The Baltimore Claws folded before the season started, the San Diego Sails suspended operations after 11 games, and the Utah Stars only made it 16 games before folding. At season's end the league merged with the NBA, but teams that wanted to join the NBA had to pay an entry fee, while teams who didn't received a generous buyout package. The Denver Nuggets, Indiana Pacers, New York Nets and San Antonio Spurs joined the NBA, while the Kentucky Colonels, Spirits of St. Louis and Virginia Squires took the money and faded into history.
  • The cycling Tour of Britain in 2022 finished on 8 September, three days earlier than planned, with the standings at the time used for the final results, following the death of Elizabeth II.


  • Many LEGO lines ended without concluding their stories, but nothing got hit harder than BIONICLE. Beginning from the 2009 line, the creative team attempted a drastic Retool, taking the story away from the Matoran Universe onto other planets. They eagerly planned the story ahead for at least 3 years, there is evidence to believe that some sets were also partially designed, they contracted voice actors and made a trilogy-starter movie, wrote a draft for the sequel, the story writer was covered up to his glasses in all the potential plot threads he set up, and fan interaction hiked... then, Mr. LEGO called that they're canceling the line. In 2010, 6 meager little figures were released (though reluctantly, and under the guise of a 10th year Milestone Celebration commemorative line, in place of the sets they originally wanted to make) and the main storyline was quickly wrapped up in a Grand Finale. However, although the writer was allowed to continue the myraid of side stories through online serials, Real Life soon forced him to just abandon the whole thing, leaving a tremendous amount of plotlines unresolved. Despite how tragic this may sound, the line still lasted for an impressive decade and did receive a proper ending, while most other LEGO themes only go for just a couple years.
  • BIONICLE (2015) was launched with an intended 3 year lifespan, with the possibility to extend its run if the toys sold well. It got abruptly canceled in less than two years, with the last wave of toys not reaching Asian and Pacific markets. Much like its predecessor, its main story was quickly wrapped up with a conclusion while many secrets were left unanswered.
  • Ever After High was a Cash-Cow Franchise for several years, but a change in the market towards smaller toys (amongst other issues) led to decreased toy sales by the mid-2010s. As a result the series was quietly put on "hiatus" circa 2017. The problem is that Ever After High was a story-centric toyline and yet the story wasn't even close to ending. The whole "Royals vs Rebels" issue was never resolved. Blatantly, 2016's Dragon Games special had a potential game-changer with Daring failing to wake up Apple with True Love's Kiss, only for his sister Darling to give Apple CPR. What this could mean for Apple and Darling is never discussed, though the subsequent special does reveal Daring is Beauty's Beast, not Apple's Prince Charming.

Video Games 

  • Afro Samurai 2: Revenge of Kuma had three episodes planned only to be cancelled after the first one received negative reviews.
  • Angry Birds Stella ends with Big Bad Gale going into a mine and Stella and her friends following her. Unfortunately, due the failure of the Angry Birds Stella brand, the story ended there, with Gale never being fightable, and the app getting removed from the Play Store.
  • BraveNine Story was initially planned to have at least 15 books worth of battles and story, the planned shut down on the game snuffed that out, leaving it at book seven.
  • Call of Duty: Ghosts ends with Rorke surviving the heroes' final attempt to kill him and abducting Logan with the intention of torturing him until he joins his cause. Due to poor sales, the next game in the series abandoned this universe, meaning Rorke will never truly die and Logan will never be saved.
  • Conduit 2 ended with the protagonist accidentally drawing the attention of an alien ship out in deep space, causing it to travel towards Earth, followed by several former Presidents of the USA (decked out in power armour) showing up to help him save the world. The chances of the series getting a third and final game to round out the trilogy, however, were dashed following the game's mediocre critical reception and awful sales (coming in at just over a fifth of the sales of the original Conduit). Aside from a mobile port of the original game in 2013, the series fell off the face of the earth following the second game's release in 2011, with not even a hint of it being in development for the entirety of the following console generation.
  • The episodic D4 remains incomplete at one season due to director Swery starting his own company — and his previous company won't sell him the rights to his games.
  • Dead Space 3: Awakened ends with a large cliffhanger Bolivian Army Ending. Brethren Moons have reached the Earth and are likely to destroy it and Isaac. Since the developer company is defunct now, this could never be resolved.
  • Divine Intervention (Bonacci) ends on a To Be Continued after the protagonist enters a Sinister Subway to continue fighting the zombie threat. No further installments were made, as the creator shifted focus to Happy Wheels.
  • Dragalia Lost suddenly shut down its servers in 2022 after four years. Although it had a satisfying finale, it’s clear that there were more plans with the story and lore, with several plot threads being left unresolved, such as The Syndicate‘s true leader, the Agito’s redemption, more info about the Abyssians, etc.
  • Drowned God: Conspiracy of the Ages ends abruptly, due to time and memory constraints that meant the full story couldn't be told, with the Man In Black who's been stalking you the whole game randomly knocking you out and preventing you from getting the last relic you've been searching for. Kether and Malchut, the ones who sent you to search for the relics, tell you that you'll have to try again soon. A sequel was planned called "CULT" that would have tied everything up, but with the creator Harry Horse's death in 2007, that is most likely never going to happen.
  • Epic Mickey was supposed to have a third entry, with Warren Spector stating that he already had ideas for its story, with the second game even having a post-credits scene depicting the many counterparts of Pete planning something. However, the second game's poor sales and mixed reception (causing the closure of Junction Point Studios) prevented these plans from coming into fruition. But thanks to Epic Mickey: Rebrushed, said third entry might not be out the window for good.
  • The post-release updates to Evolve that would have expanded on the storyline, including the addition of at least one new playable monster, and explained more about the characters and world were abruptly cut off when the developers, Turtle Rock Studios, lost their contract with their publisher 2K, who declined to continue supporting the game (likely due to its underwhelming sales and dwindling player base). The developers just barely had enough time to go over the lengthy amounts of content that were cut or planned from the game before their license for developing Evolve was taken.
  • The MMORPG Feral was shut down while the Betwixt's pull on Feral was growing and the Queens were still trapped in their nightmares.
  • Freedom Force 2 ends with the Jean Grey expy Alchemiss encountering an entity calling itself Energy X. Unfortunately, we'll never see a third game.
  • Episode 1 of the Half-Life 2 Game Mod Human Error, in which the player takes control of a Civil Protection officer, ends after the player and his companions enter a portal to Xen, and the developer has said another episode is very unlikely, with them instead working on a new mod called From Earth.
  • As video games go, there isn't a more notorious example than Half-Life 2. The ending of Episode Two establishes that Gordon will most likely next be visiting an Aperture ship called the Borealis, which was just established the Combine are also interested in; and also, Dog is somehow immune to the Combine Advisors' psychic abilities, which given that the Advisors are now concerned about Freeman enough to intervene personally, is likely to play a major role. It was also revealed that Alyx is also one of the G-Man's hirelings, and Eli has some kind of contract with the G-Man. All in all, one hell of a setup for the next chapter. But, Episode 3 never materialized, and Valve has by all appearances abandoned the Half-Life franchise entirely. Valve eventually did announce a new game in the series, Half-Life: Alyx, an interquel set between Half-Life and Half-Life 2, which ended with a change in the timeline where Eli survived the events of Episode Two but with Alyx under the G-Man's "employment", which means the story may continue in the future.
  • The JoJo's Bizarre Adventure puzzle game JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! was shuttered not only before it could see an overseas release, but before it could add any characters from after Part 5.
  • The Legacy of Kain series. The last game does give a glorious send off (of a sort) to one of its two main protagonists and does end on a hopeful note but the Big Bad is still at large and there's plenty of dangling story strings to be resolved. A final game to wrap the series up will almost certainly not be made due to the main writer departing and the death of Tony Jay.
  • Mega Man:
    • Mega Man Legends series falls under this trope, in light of the Legends 3 cancellation by Capcom.
    • Mega Man Star Force 4 was already half-done before Capcom decided to stop with the 3 and, so, got cancelled.
    • Mega Man ZX ends in a high note in Advent, opening up the way for a third game that has still yet to come...
    • Two series of remakes were Cut Short by Capcom. The Powered Up series and the Maverick Hunter X series would have continued on from being remakes of their respective source series if not for the fact that both remakes were commercially unsuccessful.
  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain suffers from this; even though the game has a complete storyline and a fair amount of content, the game's plot was implied to be only a third or even a fifth of what Hideo Kojima had planned for the Grand Finale to the Metal Gear series. Unfortunately, after Kojima left Konami following an incredible amount of mismanagement on Konami's part, the game's final arc was left unfinished, leaving fans with nothing but a rough storyboard in the game's special edition to wrap everything up.
  • It would be easier to list multi-part modules for Neverwinter Nights/Neverwinter Nights 2 that managed to finish their plot than ones that don't.
  • The 1999 PC Survival Horror game Nocturne ended on a positively agonizing cliffhanger, which over a decade later has yet to be revisited thanks to the game's storyline morphing into Bloodrayne. All is not lost, though: an interview with the developers stated that Nocturne is not Canon Discontinuity, and that they created Bloodrayne specifically to have an intellectual property they could relinquish to Majesco if and when they severed ties with the company. They still hope to release a true sequel to Nocturne someday.
  • ObsCure II ends with the surviving protagonists facing down a giant monster, after learning about the Greater-Scope Villain that was secretly behind the events of the two games. However, the sequel fell into Development Hell, and by the time it finally came out, it was a Divorced Installment known as Final Exam. As a result, the cliffhanger at the end of ObsCure II becomes a Bolivian Army Ending, even with the hopeful note it goes out on.
  • When the first Oddworld game, Abe's Oddysee, was released in 1997 it was said to be the first title in a "Quintology." A second game came out in 2001, but the series effectively ended after that due to the poor sales of spinoff game Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath, despite critical acclaim — though a Continuity Reboot so far consisting of Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty! and Oddworld: Soulstorm has been released.
  • Prince of Persia (2008) ends after the prince removes the seal from the Temple releasing Ahriman to bring Elika back to life, where he carries her in his arms as Ahriman flies over them. This ending made people pitch for a resolution, and a few months later Ubisoft released the DLC "Epilogue" that adds few more hours after the first ending. The heroes go in a ruined temple overrun by the recent corruption to seek refuge, and Elika is extremely angry (slapping him) at the Prince for releasing the god of darkness; but they work together to get out of the temple while fighting Elika's father, now one of Ahriman's corrupted. For the whole DLC, Elika keeps a grudge to the prince, despite him explaining that he did that because Ahriman, upon being freed, could not have been stopped with Elika dead, while saying that she is capable of stopping him and that Ahriman fears her. Elika instead scolds the prince for having doomed the world for her sake, saying that she's incapable of stopping him. When the two manage to get to the end, Elika simply abandons the prince to his fate, while saying that she needs to find her people, and leaves without a single goodbye, with the prince calling out at her, ending with Ahriman saying that the prince was now alone, a clear "to be continued" message.
    • Prince of Persia: The Fallen King: This DS game follows the ending of the first game. The prince having found a way to get out of the temple after being abandoned by Elika, tries to seek aid to fight Ahriman in the city of New Dawn, now under siege, where he finds a new ally, the Magus King Zal, who helps him drive off Ahriman from the city, but dies in the process due to the corruption. The prince then, after cleansing the city from the corruption, is left to seek aid from the God of light and a new ally would have showed up, effectively ending the game with a new cliffhanger.
  • The Allegedly Free Game Return to Tuntown, which was a sequel to the video game Tuntown, was discontinued seven months after its release while its story had many loose ends that aren't wrapped up due to fandom backlash about how it wasn't as fun as the original game.
  • Richman's ninth main title was an Allegedly Free Game cancelled in late 2020, making its premise of "destroying a giant robot planning to take over the entire world's fortune" unresolved.
  • Shenmue. The second installment ended with Ryo finally meeting Shenhua and discovering that the mirror he's been carrying does indeed have some sort of supernatural power. Then Yu Suzuki got the plug pulled on his series due to poor sales, so we'll never know the significance of this, nor Lan Di's ultimate role in the story. Then Suzuki quit at Sega, guaranteeing that we'll really never know how it all would have turned out. Well, until Shenmue III... is what we would say, if that game didn't also end on another Sequel Hook that has fans continuing to wait for what once again seems like a very unlikely proper conclusion.
  • Much like the game before it, Showdown Bandit was meant to be an episodic series with more chapters. Due to poor marketing and sales, the game only had one chapter with no conclusion before it was pulled from Steam.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II ended with Death Egg Mk.II shutting down but with it still being around Little Planet. A third episode was planned as a way to round out Sonic 4 as a trilogy much like the original 16-bit games — provided one considers Sonic 3 & Knuckles to be one full game instead of two separate ones. Lower than expected sales and critical reception of the first two episodes caused Sega to cancel Episode III.
  • Soulcalibur V's Story Mode, as production time was running out. It actually caused the entire storyline of the series up to that point to be abandoned, since the game, despite its success, had such a massive backlash, Bandai Namco had to do a soft reboot with the next installment, Soulcalibur VI, which explores an alternate timeline (albeit with references to the original).
  • Atari announced a series of four games for its Atari 2600 system collectively called Swordquest, which offered real world prizes to the first players to solve the puzzles in the games/comic books that came with them (the books contained the clues to the puzzle, but you needed to beat the game to know which pages had real clues and which were just red herrings). Due to The Great Video Game Crash of 1983, only the first two games in the series received wide release; the third had a limited release and the fourth was never completed, though it would eventually appear in the compilation game Atari 50.
  • Transformers Universe lasted only six months in open beta-testing before the plug was pulled. It's estimated that only 10% of the planned story content made it online during its short lifespan.
  • Namco's Xenosaga franchise was also Cut Short after Episodes I and II fell short of sales expectations. Originally intended to be six games produced over a decade and spread out across the PlayStation 2 and what was to become the PlayStation 3, it was wrapped up after only three games, with the final one ending on a non-commital Sequel Hook just in case it somehow sold well enough to warrant an actual Episode IV. It didn't. Episode II is derided as a Franchise Killer, and for good measure (it was not a very good game), but it wasn't the only factor fans like to single out. With all of that said, the series would eventually get a Spiritual Successor in the form of the incredibly popular Xenoblade Chronicles series.
  • After Telltale Games declared bankruptcy in September of 2018, all of their upcoming games such as The Wolf Among Us Season 2 were cancelled and the majority of their staff was laid off. Although at the 2019 Game Awards, a trailer for The Wolf Among Us Season 2 unexpectedly made an appearance, with many of the original staff and voice actors returning.

Web Animation 

  • Due to the abrupt shutdown of Rooster Teeth by Warner Bros. Discovery, Camp Camp ended only 4 episodes into its fifth season.
  • Daddy Spider was made in response to the success of Lucas the Spider, and followed Lucas' father as he looked for his son. However, due to copyright violations, the shorts were removed and the account was deleted, leaving his situation unresolved.
  • Hero High, a The Legend of Zelda High School AU, ended on episode 3 once production company Machinima went under. Sister company Rooster Teeth has featured it in the anthology Neon Konbini.
  • Justin Roiland's short-lived series House of Cosbys was cancelled because of a cease and desist from one of Bill Cosby's attorneys. As a result, a lot of plot threads were left unresolved, such as Cosby 10 and Mitchell finding out why aliens attacked the compound, Evil Cosby's intentions, and Cosbyette giving birth to Mitchell's child.
  • Hasbro unceremoniously pulled the plug on My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale season 2 in early 2024, and released the already-completed episodes on a bi-weekly schedule. As a result, the series ended with several plot threads left unresolved, such as the mystery of Skyros and the conflict with Allura.
  • Has happened to many, many Object Shows, to the point that it is considered the exception, not the norm, for a show to complete its run. A few noteworthy examples:
  • RWBY Volume 9 ends with Team RWBY and Jaune returning from the Ever After to find that the various countries had gathered at Vacuo, meaning Ruby's call for unity in Volume 8 didn't go unheeded. An animatic epilogue showed the five reuniting with their friends while Ruby is hoisted as a hero and Weiss a villain by the populace. Volume 10 was planned, but put into Development Hell due to financial concerns before Rooster Teeth as a whole was shut down by Warner Bros. Discovery. Luckily, there’s still hope, as the series moved to Viz Media.
  • The Sock Series was planned to be a quadrilogy, but development on Rictus of Sock was unfortunately halted when the creator chose to pursue another project.
  • The Dragon Age machinima series Warden's Fall ends just after Kristoff tracks down Cyril, who had been bringing human sacrifices to the Mother's servants to feed her hunger. Cyril kills himself by jumping off a building and Kristoff stalks off having reached a dead end in his investigation. Apparently a sixth episode was planned but was never made.


  • Abstract Gender died before most of the ongoing storylines (including the Myth Arc) could be ultimately resolved.
  • anti-HEROES, already infamous for its sporadic release schedule, stopped receiving updates entirely after May 8th, 2015, with no warning from its creators. While the comic is still being hosted, it's safe to assume that it will never receive a proper conclusion.
  • Consolers abruptly ceased updates on 23rd June 2018, after the second part of a mini-arc about Square Enix's stint as Game Designers Studio.
  • Critical Miss, as well as its spinoff/reboot series Erin Dies Alone and Critical Mix all met this fate in the span of a few years. Miss ended near the beginning of an arc where the protagonist was deported from the United States back to Canada (due to the creators being laid off by The Escapist, who held onto the IP rights), Erin Dies Alone abruptly stopped during the fight against the Final Boss of their Final Fantasy VII parody arc, and Mixnote  ended near the beginning of an arc about one of the protagonists trying to find healthcare after having his legs broken by Tom Nook's hired muscle for being behind on his rent (due to the creators being laid off again).
  • Cucumber Quest is still supposed to conclude, but in illustrated script format rather than as a fully illustrated comic. However, this means that the physical release was cut short, and there are no plans so far to release a physical copy of Chapter 5, which has been completed.
  • Both Fairy Tale Rejects and its spinoff Freelance Good Guys ended mid-storyline due to the creator's health issues preventing her from drawing full comics. They have since been rebooted into the online literature series Looming Gaia.
  • Hanna Is Not a Boy's Name last updated in 2011 when every major character was in mortal peril. Zombie, Hanna, and Toni are locked with a questionably sane Ples (who just whipped out a gun and fired it), and Conrad's trapped with Lamont, Worth, and Adelaide trying to get to Hanna and escape Abner. Oh, and Veser ran out a while ago, and we never found out where he went. Now the comic site's domain has expired, and creator Tess Stone has moved on to a new webcomic called Not Drunk Enough.
  • Life of Wily's author promised he would only stop updating once the comic stopped being enjoyable, and in May 2003, that moment came - the final strip showed Wily's Grand Theft Me plan soundly succeeding, leading to the murder of Doctor Light and Wily being in a position to wreak havoc against our heroes, who believe him to BE Doctor Light. A pretty dire place to end the story in.
  • Oddball Fancomics: The last strip has Rick using a dimensional transporter to try and reach his home dimension, now having been taken over by Rick X, who has been murdering everyone he finds. Since he has no idea what his dimension's coordinates are, the reader is left with the implication that he'll never succeed. The blow was lessened a bit when Rick appeared in the main comic, and he explained that the reason he hasn't updated the comic is he found a dimension of nothing but beer and no longer wants to leave.
  • pictures for sad children is an odd example of a webcomic doing this deliberately. The story of Paul and Gary just ended without any resolution; since this, John Campbell has continued writing comics in the same style, just with no overarching plot or recurring characters.
  • QUILTBAG ended after just two of the planned eight chapters (one for every letter in the title acronym) because writer T Campbell felt unsatisfied with the project's direction.
  • ReBoot: Code of Honor: Ironically, like its parent series, Code of Honor was also cut short and had to drop at least one subplot. Unlike the original series, however, Code of Honor did have a resolution.
  • RPG World was infamously cancelled in 2007 due to a severe case of Artist Disillusionment just as the heroes invade Galgarion's headquarters and make it to him for a final battle. What's more there was a subplot going on that Rika's robots had stumbled upon a time machine meaning there could possibly be a way to prevent her from being killed by Galgarion. With the author moving onto a professional animation career, it seemed unlikely that it'd ever get a formal conclusion from the original creator, Ian Jones-Quartey. A fan-based attempt to pick up where the original series left off (with the author's blessing) launched in 2016, but went on a hiatus of more than year and a half after just a few months. After over a decade, however, and before the fan project returned from hiatus, the series was given an official, if informal (most of the comic's dangling plot threads were Left Hanging), conclusion via a crossover with one of Ian's more recent works, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, with Ian himself inking a final page as a proper ending.
  • In 2015, the heroes of Sonichu had just reached big final showdown with Mary Lee Walsh; after her defeat they release the most powerful evil being in the comic, Count Graduon, at which point... the creator angrily announced she hated her greedy fanbase, swore off the internet, and abandoned her website. Chris wouldn't release comics regularly again until June 2017.
  • All of the series available on ShiftyLook were abruptly cancelled when Bandai Namco Entertainment announced its closure in March of 2014. Some handled the transition better than others. The animated series based on Bravoman and Mappy received proper endings due to theirs being planned out from the start; Legend of the Valkyrie and the Wonder Momo webcomic cut off ongoing arcs to scramble for a decent ending, while Klonoa: Dream Traveller of Noctis Sol was Left Hanging right before its climactic battle.
  • 6 Gun Mage: Chris Hazelton decided to end the comic after 10 year, citing dissatisfaction with the comic and wanting to move on to a different project alongside Misfile: Hell High. So he wrapped things up abruptly after the final showdown with recurring foe, The White Witch. Every other plot line not directly tied to her was left unresolved (with a couple of new mysteries thrown in at the end for varietynote ).
  • The Trenches abruptly stopped receiving updates after January 5, 2016 in the middle of its fifth "season", while its supplementary "Tales From the Trenches" (real life horror stories of the working conditions in the game development industry provided from anonymous developers) stopped posting updates on September 10, 2015. No official reason for either closure was ever provided.
  • Yaoi Tales, a comic that puts a Yaoi Genre spin on classic fairy tales and Disney movies, went on prolonged hiatus in 2014, right before the climax to their adaptation of The Little Mermaid (1989), due to the author dealing with an overload of work in college. The author promised to return to it and complete it someday. As of this writing, she hasn't, but it hardly matters at this point as Smackjeeves, the site it was hosted on, shut down in 2020 and while many comics have been archived from the site, Yaoi Tales was not one of those titles.
  • Yehuda Moon & the Kickstand Cyclery ended in the middle of two story arcs because the artist couldn't fit it in between commitments.
  • X-Men Elsewhen, John Byrne's own unofficial continuation of his X-Men run ended in the middle of a storyline due to both lingering health issues and difficulty resolving a plot point sapping away most of Byrne's enthusiasm.

Examples of translated works:

Into English 

  • Case Closed is a notorious example, with its English dub covering 130 episodes and 6 movies before Funimation decided not to license future episodes, leaving the series off on a cliffhanger with no resolution.
  • Tokyo Mew Mew's English dub "Mew Mew Power" only covered the first 26 out of 52 episodes due to 4Kids Entertainment not reaching a merchandise deal for the show. Only 23 episodes aired in the US, finishing with a pretty standard episode and nothing resembling a conclusion. All 26 English dub episodes aired in some parts of the world (namely the Anglophone countries, Latin America, and certain European countries), ending the series on a really sharp cliffhanger complete with a "To be continued..." message. To make matters worse, the English dub was the source of many foreign dubs like the Spanish, Dutch, Hungarian, Danish, and Greek dubs, which all ended on the same cliffhanger, while the French, Hebrew, Serbian, and Portuguese dubs were Un-Canceled and got their own local dubs of the second half of Tokyo Mew Mew.
  • F-Zero: GP Legend's English dub from 4Kids Entertainment (which was surprisingly pretty accurate) only covered the first 15 episodes out of 51 due to the show's dwindling reception in its home country. That means viewers of that dub will never get to hear how that memetic final episode would sound like.
  • Was originally the case with D.Gray-Man (until 2016). The English Dub initially ended when Allen Walker and co. were leaving on a ship still on the search for General Cross with the Millennium Earl and Road Kamelot looking at a large amount of Akuma (that are clearly meant for the exorcists). Then...nothing. The English Dub ended at that point halfway through the series with no plans at the time to dub the other half due to the Japanese licensors asking for more money than Funimation was willing to pay. However, this changed, due to the fact that Funimation did in fact license the 2016 series, Hallow, as part of the 2016 Summer Simulcast season, along with licensing the second half of the series a week later on June 30th, 2016.
  • Full Moon only had 28 episodes released to DVD in the US, but apparently all 52 episodes were dubbed, though the last batch have never been released.
  • Hikaru no Go also got an English dub that covered the whole series, but only the first 50 episodes out of 75 were released to DVD, while the first 72 eps were streamed on Toonami Jetstream. The remaining 3 episodes were never released in the US until several years later when the series was made available for download through iTunes. However, the New Years Eve special (which itself didn't have an ending) has never been dubbed.
  • Kaitou Saint Tail's English dub covered the first 15 episodes before it was canceled due to low sales. The remaining 28 episodes were released to DVD subtitled-only.
  • Funimation's English dub of Kodocha only reached half the series (episode 51 out of 102) before it was canceled due to low sales.
  • Sailor Moon's DiC English dub was originally cut short in the middle of R (the second season) with only 65 episodes dubbed (covering the first 72 Japanese episodes) before it was Un-Canceled after YTV and Irwin Toy in Canada offered to fund more episodes to wrap up the storyline, which resulted in the last 17 episodes of R being dubbed and labeled "The Lost Episodes." It was another three years before YTV and Cartoon Network funded episodes of the S and SuperS seasons (with Pioneer funding dubs of the movies) without DiC and instead with Toei's US branch "Cloverway." Unfortunately, they were never able to dub the final season Sailor Stars (the first arc of which directly continued on from the end of SuperS). It wasn't until Viz Media picked up the series and commissioned an entire redub that an English dub of that season was finally announced, or indeed for there to be an official English release of Sailor Stars (a subtitled version of which was posted on Hulu once subs of the rest of the series' run had been re-released there, beginning immediately after Viz had announced the license). They also plan to dub the special shorts that were attached to the movies, as well as the mini specials that were part of the SuperS season.
  • Dragon Ball's English dub from Funimation and BLT Productions was cut short after the first 13 episodes and first movie. It wasn't until Dragon Ball Z found success in the US was Funimation able to give the show a second try and produce an all-new English dub from scratch.
    • The late-1980s Harmony Gold dub of Dragon Ball was also abandoned after one movie and a couple of episodes.
    • The original FUNimation produced, Saban distributed, Ocean voiced version of Dragon Ball Z ended after 53 episodes (or 56 episodes if the butchered The Tree of Might three-parter is counted). This led to these 53 episodes being rerun countless times on Cartoon Network until FUNimation finally dubbed new episodes. There is a common misconception that the "Ocean dub" continued in Canada only, however this dub (which covered the Cell-Buu arcs) was a completely separate production with drastically different music and many recasts.
    • The infamous "Big Green" dub of the Dragon Ball Z movies ended at the ninth one (Bojack Unbound) for some unknown reason.
  • Fist of the North Star's English dub from Manga Entertainment and Showtime Beyond covered only 36 out of 152 episodes (not including Streamline Pictures' dub of the movie). However Discotek Media picked up the series and released it in its entirety subtitled-only (with only the first 36 eps bilingual).
  • Media Blasters' dub of GaoGaiGar only lasted for 25 episodes due to low sales. The remaining 24 episodes were released in a box set sub-only.
  • The Ocean Group's English dub of the 1999 Hunter × Hunter anime only covered its TV episodes, stopping at the point in the Yorknew arc where Hisoka texts Kurapika, telling him that the corpses of the Phantom Troupe aren't real. Low DVD sales kept the OVAs covering the rest of the arc as well as the Greed Island Arc from ever reaching the Anglosphere.
  • Lupin III: Part II's English dub from Pioneer and Phuuz was cut short after 80 episodes. This discounts an unrelated English dub of eps. 145 and 155 from Streamline Pictures. Only 25 of those episodes (skipping episode 3) aired on [adult swim] due to low ratings with more episodes released to DVD and broadcast on G4. The DVD releases were canceled due to low sales. There was a rumor that more episodes or even all the episodes were dubbed by Phuuz, but this has never been proven true. All 82 English dub episodes (including 145 and 155) were uploaded to Hulu, but nothing else seemed to come until December 2015 when Crunchyroll posted episodes 81-155 subbed in North America, to be followed with Discotek Media announcing that they were going to release the entire series on DVD starting in 2016.
  • Maison Ikkoku's English dub was initially canceled after episode 36 due to low VHS sales, but was Un-Canceled, and the remaining 60 episodes were dubbed and released years later with a mostly different cast.
  • Saint Seiya's edited English dub from DiC entitled Knights of the Zodiac was canceled after 40 episodes, though only 32 aired on Cartoon Network. Then ADV Films (who was releasing the DVDs) was allowed to produce their own uncut English dub, which ended at episode 60 because DiC refused to license anymore episodes. After DiC's license expired, the series remained in limbo for many years before it was rescued by Flatiron Films/Cinedigm, who released a sub-only boxset of the first 73 episodes.
  • Science Ninja Team Gatchaman's second English dub entitled G-Force: Guardians of Space was cut short at episode 80 (covering the first 82 episodes) before a straight uncut English dub of the whole series was done in 2003.
    • Also, the two sequel series Gatchaman II and Gatchaman Fighter weren't included in ADV's dub and were later released by their successor company, Sentai Filmworks, subtitled-only.
  • Sgt. Frog's English dub originally only covered the initial 51 episodes before it was Un-Canceled. Funimation licensed the first 104 episodes, but put their dub on hold after episode 78. Their dub hasn't continued since, and the remaining 290+ episodes have never been localized.
  • The Familiar of Zero's English dub only covered the first season before Geneon went under. The series was later rescued by Sentai Filmworks, who chose not to dub the remaining three seasons.
  • Higurashi: When They Cry's English dub also only covered the first season before Geneon went under. The sequel series, which explains the plot of the first season, has never been licensed or dubbed (though it got a sub-only release in Australia). Both seasons have been rescued by Sentai Filmworks, but unfortunately, like FoZ, these seasons will not dubbed.
  • The English dub of the 1999 adaptation of Hunter × Hunter only covers the original 62 episode run of the television series. Viz Media never bothered dubbing the OVAs, which continue the story.
  • The MÄR dub fell victim to this due to Cartoon Network making it an online exclusive, their attempts to broadcast it being stifled when they did it out of order and their attempts to do it properly pretty much wrecking any chances of it. Due to this, Viz decided to cut their losses and discontinued the dub, which ended at the Zonnen filler arc.
  • The dubs of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's ended in medias res. GX got up to the third season but 4Kids never dubbed the fourth, making the show end on a Downer Ending. 5Ds' dub stopped right in the middle of the last season just as the villains were putting their endgame into motion.
  • The 4Kids Entertainment dub of Ojamajo Doremi (Magical DoReMi) only covered (most of, barring episode 30) the first season of the show. Even then, only twenty-six episodes aired on television, with the remaining episodes all premiering online a year later.
  • The 4Kids dub of One Piece ended on a cliffhanger where The Straw Hat Pirates were about to get crushed by a large wrecked ship. The rights to the English version of One Piece were since handed over to FUNimation.
  • The English release of Life (2002) was cut short only a few volumes in due to legal issues.
  • The Philippine English dub of Matchless Raijin-Oh ends up until the episode of the 2nd appearance of God Raijin-Oh. They never got to the ending.
  • This was the case for the original Philippine English dub of Voltes V, due to the Marcos regime banning the show near the series' end. They wouldn't get the last few episodes until a Compilation Movie of the said episodes came out in theaters in 1999.
  • None of the English dubs of Doraemon and Crayon Shin-chan cover the whole series.
  • The British re-versioning of The Noddy Shop that aired outside of North America, Noddy In Toyland, where Noddy's Toyland Adventures segments were changed into their original British versions, never aired the second season of the show. This is despite the fact that this is the season that contains Truman gaining the ability to talk to the toys and Johnny, as well as Noddy finally interacting with other characters rather than just being a prop used for stories, and the Grand Finale, likely because the segments where Noddy talked would all have to be redubbed by Susan Sheridan, his British voice actor. This season did air dubbed in non-English speaking countries.
  • VIZ Media only translated the first 5 out of 11 volumes of ChocoMimi into English.
  • Tokyopop had released three volumes of a Mobile Suit Gundam SEED novelization out of five, but never got around to releasing the last two.
    • In the same vein, Tokyopop released the initial Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray, its sequel series X Astray and only one of the initial side-stories Astray R, but they never released Astray B.
  • The official translation of the Tsukihime manga, Lunar Legend Tsukihime, only made it through 6 volumes out of 10, although fan translations managed to complete it.
  • The english version of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Lost Stories would shut down in August of 2024, a few days shy of its first year anniversary, with only the first storyline and half of the "Lost Zero" arc translated.

Into German 

  • Only the first three volumes of the original Cyborg Kuro-chan manga was translated into German.

Into Greek 

  • Psichogios Editions' Greek translation of the Redwall novels stopped after two books.
  • The Greek dub of Tokyo Mew Mew was based off the 4Kids dub, and thus stopped after Episode 26.

Into Italian 

  • Only the first six volumes of the original Cyborg Kuro-chan manga was translated into Italian.

Into Tagalog 

  • Kamen Rider BLACK only got up to the penultimate episode, and the finale never aired or got dubbed, leaving Pinoy viewers to wait years until an English fansub of the last episode to see the end of the series.
  • Kousoku Sentai Turboranger only got until the first appearance of Super Turbo Robo. After that it started airing again on episode 2 (As episode 1 (The episode looking back from Battle Fever J to Liveman) didn't get dubbed and aired).