Damsel Assist - TV Tropes

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Damsel Assist (trope)

The Damsel in Distress is a familiar tale Older Than Dirt: a lovely maiden (usually a female princess) is put in danger, and a dashing hero (usually a male in shining armor) comes to her rescue. However, modern sensibilities like to give the damsel some agency beyond needing rescue, often by having her rescue herself.

Another option is a middle ground of sorts: the damsel is in need of rescue, but she is able to help the hero do so. A common method is by either distracting or even attacking the villain who abducted her. Or it may be by somehow giving the hero the tools or the information necessary to save her. The hero's efforts may be enough to enable the damsel to take direct action in saving herself. Sometimes, the damsel and hero might even rotate roles saving each other.

The Damsel Assist is a trope that allows writers to have their cake and eat it too, to both include a chivalric rescue and empower the damsel. Moreover, it can also create opportunities for synergy and teamwork between the damsel and her rescuer, perhaps evoking camaraderie or even romantic chemistry. It can even lead to an amusing "We make a good team!" aside, or, if a villain is thwarted, "We sure showed him!"

May overlap with Defiant Captive, if the damsel's assistance to her rescuer takes the form of direct resistance against her captor. Compare Damsel out of Distress, for when the damsel outright rescues herself, or Rescue Reversal for when she instead rescues the one trying to rescue her. Also contrast Damsel Fight-and-Flight Response, for when the damsel fights back unsuccessfully, and Neutral Female, when the damsel has both means and reason to interfere in a fight but does not. See After-Action Patch-Up for medical assistance from the damsel after the rescue.


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Anime & Manga 

  • Dark Gathering: When the gang is investigating the F Tunnel ghost, Eiko is kidnapped and used as bait to lure the others into a trap. Yayoi and Keitarou come to her rescue and, once they are chased by the F Tunnel ghost and his victims, Keitarou carries Eiko to safety while Yayoi deals with the other. Keitarou is moments away from being killed by one of the ghost's torture victims, but Eiko fights him off by throwing salt on him.
  • Elemental Gelade: In the first arc, Ren is taken captive by Beazon. When Cou and Cisqua arrive to rescue her, Ren quickly realizes that normal humans like them are at a massive disadvantage against an Edel-Raid in a direct fight. She offers Beazon to become his partner, seemingly selling out her allies... only to hit Beazon with a blinding spell when his guard is down so she and Cou can react together.
  • Kuroha to Nijisuke: Kuroha, the story's heroine, was born with "good luck" that brings good fortune to her while hurting everyone she comes across. As a result, she's become a Living MacGuffin for yakuza looking to exploit her powers, with Kuroha entirely resigning herself to her fate. One day, she meets Nijisuke, a boy born endless "bad luck" that curses him to be at the center of one accident after another. However, Nijisuke's circumstances gave him the determination to always fight back at whatever fate throws at him. Understanding Kuroha's situation, Nijisuke decides to help her by fighting back against the yakuza but ultimately finds himself at the mercy of the boss' gun. Kuroha, moved by Nijisuke's resolve, chooses to take fate into her own hands for once and tackles the boss right before Nijisuke is executed, saving his life and allowing him to win.
  • The Legend of Zelda (Akira Himekawa):
    • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1999): After Link frees Zelda from her imprisonment and leads her out of the collapsing castle, Ganondorf turns into Ganon, attacking Link and disarming him of the Master Sword. Zelda throws the Master Sword back to Link, allowing him to fight the Demon King.
    • The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords (2004): During the final battle in the Palace of Winds, Zelda manages to combine her sacred power with that of the four Links, allowing them to seal Ganon inside the Four Sword.
    • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (2005): After Agahnim's machinations cause Link to succumb to the Dark World's magic and turn into a monster, Zelda breaks free of her Crystal Prison and gives him a Cooldown Hug to return him to normal and allow him to pick up the Master Sword again.
  • MÄR: At the end of the anime, Snow is held captive during the final battle. However, because she merges her soul with Koyuki, Ginta is able to use the stone that was trapped inside of her all her life, allowing him to defeat the Orb.
  • MARRIAGE TOXIN: Hikaru Gero is a lonely young assassin who's forced to find a wife to continue his clan's bloodline. Problem is, Gero is extremely awkward around women and doesn't know the first thing about romance. Thankfully, his newfound friend Mei Kinosaki is willing to play the part of a Romantic Wingman to him. To compensate for Gero's lack of social skills, Kinosaki seeks out young women who need help so that Gero can be the Knight in Shining Armor who comes to their rescue, hopefully sparking something more between them. However, the story will go out of its way to show that, although these women do need Gero to save them, they will still fight tooth-and-nail to pull their own weight, resulting in this trope a lot.
    • Kyoko Himekawa is fairly helpless against Ushio and needs Gero to come to her rescue. However, when the actual fight between Gero and Ushio goes underway and Gero finds himself losing, Himekawa insists on personally intervening to hand Gero a syringe of poison that boosts his physical abilities. It's thanks to her that Gero is able to win the fight.
    • Shiori Ureshino is targeted by her aunt's assassins when the latter seeks Ureshino's inheritance, and she needs Gero to protect her from certain death. At the arc's climax, Naruko brainwashes her classmates in her university club to sacrifice Ureshino in accordance with an old legend. However, Ureshino is the one who breaks them out of their delirium by putting on a magician performance in which she, a witch, "exorcises" the spirit that's supposedly holding them captive.
    • Kimie Arashiyama is easily the most distressed out of Gero's clients, with her awful luck requiring her to be rescued left and right throughout her arc. At the very climax of the arc, Arashiyama is kidnapped and put in the Beast Clan's prison. Despite the Beast Clan disregarding her hamster abilities as "useless," Arashiyama is able to communicate with her hamsters and organize a prison riot by sending messages to her fellow captives.
    • Chinatsu Akakura herself doesn't need to be protected, but she does need Gero's help with protecting Erina Zao, a Yakuza Princess who is kind of an adopted daughter to Akakura. While Erina doesn't exactly contribute to the fight on account of being a child, she and Kinosaki do ram into one of the Windwheel assassins with a car. Furthermore, once the Windwheel assassins are incapacitated, Erina sucker-punches the yakuza who sent the assassins after her, cementing herself as the real boss of the clan.
    • Makoto Himi is the daughter of a wealthy CEO and, as such, she's being pressured into an Arranged Marriage by her father and needs Gero to act as her pretend boyfriend in the hopes of cutting off the marriage. Eventually, Himi and her father have a heart-to-heart, and her father realizes that his attempts to make Himi happy are misguided. Once he accepts her refusal and tries to cut off their marriage, Himi's fiancé takes him hostage to force Himi to marry him. However, moments before Himi is forced to tie the knot, Gero, Kinosaki, and Naruko crash the wedding. Although Himi doesn't actually contribute to the fight between Gero and Sakazuki, Gero very pointedly doesn't interfere until Himi decisively tells him that she rejects the proposal.
    • Averted entirely with Shizuku Ushio. Ushio hires Gero and Kinosaki to attend her visit to the Fire Clan as her "coworkers" (in reality because Gero and Kinosaki are Ushio's only friends). At the climax of the arc, Ushio takes on Haibe Kurokawa, the head of the Fire Clan, in single combat, presumably setting the stage for Gero to swoop in and save her... only for Ushio to utterly wipe the floor with Haibe, exposing the Fire Clan as one big Paper Tiger. While Gero does help her, it's almost entirely him providing emotional support to Ushio when she's in the middle of a very emotionally taxing situation.
  • Mission: Yozakura Family: In one of the early arcs, Mutsumi is being held hostage by a scissors-wielding assassin, known as Hanawa the Courier. Taiyo comes in to save her, but he quickly finds himself outmatched by Hanawa. After Hanawa gets cocky, Mutsumi tosses a nearby pair of scissors to Taiyo, allowing him to win the fight.
  • Naruto: Pain threatens to eliminate everyone in Konoha, and makes great headway in achieving that goal before Naruto confronts him. Naruto battles him but is eventually overpowered and restrained. Hinata, who is one of Konoha's citizens and Naruto's Love Interest, arrives to face Pain alone, and in the anime, she even manages to damage the chakra rods restraining Naruto, before being impaled. Naruto's subsequent Unstoppable Rage is enough for him to break free and regain the momentum, eventually leading to him winning the fight (Hinata also recovers).
  • The Princess and the Pilot: Mercenary pilot Charles has to dodge enemy airships and fighters to fly princess Juana through enemy territory. Although in the beginning it is clear that Charles is the professional and Juana just a very valuable payload, in the final battle it is Juana who — sitting in the back seat of Charles' plane — turns around, unlocks the machine gun of the rear gunner stand and shoots down the enemy ace while Charles is just trying to dodge him.
  • The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World: The witch Yihdra is kidnapped by a burly elf swinging on a vine, prompting Red to give chase. When Red has difficulty catching up to them, Yihdra utilizes a Bond Magic spell she developed alongside Red to teleport him to their location, allowing Red to get the drop on the elf and rescue Yihdra.
  • Sword Art Online: In the Alfheim arc, Kirito is only able to reach Asuna because she managed to steal an admin card and throw it to him.

Films — Animation 

  • Aladdin (1992, Disney): Jasmine tries to distract Jafar by seducing him so that Aladdin can secretly retrieve the lamp. Unfortunately, her scheme is thwarted at the last second when Jafar sees Aladdin in the reflection of her crown.
  • The Little Mermaid (1989): Eric and Ariel take turns saving each other from Ursula in the climax: first Eric attacks Ursula with a harpoon, then Ariel shoves Ursula when she tries to shoot Eric, making her accidentally kill her two henchmen, and then when Ursula is distracted trying to kill Ariel, Eric commandeers a wrecked ship and impales Ursula with the bowsprit.
  • Shrek: Fiona tries to play herself up as a Princess Classic when Shrek frees her from the dragon's lair. But later, when Robin Hood and his Merry Men show up in the forest to "rescue" Fiona from the ogre, it's Fiona herself who unleashes a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown on the group, saving Shrek's bacon and sparking his romantic interest in her.
  • The Super Mario Bros. Movie: In contrast to the games, Princess Peach notably averts being a Damsel in Distress for most of the movie, until the very end where Bowser and his forces overwhelm and capture her, and even then, she takes the opportunity to knock the Super Star away so Mario and Luigi can grab it and use its power to defeat Bowser and his army.

Films — Live-Action 

  • Back to the Future: Biff tries to rape Lorraine, and George tells him to stop. Biff then attacks George and threatens to break his arm, prompting Lorraine to grab Biff from behind. Biff shoves her off and mockingly laughs at her, but while he's distracted, George becomes enraged enough to knock out Biff with one punch.
  • Get Smart: Agent 23 takes Agent 99 hostage and drives off. While Max and the Chief give chase, 99 knocks the kidnapper's gun out of the car and kicks him in the face.
  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: Hermione briefly contributes to her rescue from the troll by reminding Ron how to cast Wingardium Leviosa. This represents a change from how the scene played out in the book.
  • James Bond:
    • Thunderball: James Bond gets to Emilio Largo's yacht, the Disco Volante, to save Domino Derval and to stop Largo from getting away with the second nuclear warhead. Bond gets into a brutal brawl with Largo before Domino impales him with a harpoon, avenging her brother François, too, and the nuke gets destroyed when the Disco Volante crashes into some rocks.
    • GoldenEye has a straight example and an inversion:
      • Natalya takes a seemingly ineffectual swing with a makeshift club at Xenia who was gleefully crushing Bond with her Murderous Thighs. She catches the club and tells Natalya to wait her turn. This gives Bond the moment of distraction needed to re-hook Xenia's rappelling cable to the overhead bad guy helicopter, steal her AK rifle, and shoot the pilot dead so it crashes, dragging Xenia off to be crushed to death against a tree that snagged her.
      • Later on, the inversion occurs when Natalya's initiative is ultimately the one that saves the day, sabotaging the Goldeneye satellite's guidance system since she can't access the weapon arming system, causing it to deorbit and burn up. Bond's inverted assist involves ensuring Janus's hacker henchman Boris can't undo her sabotage and avert the deorbit, by destroying the giant transmitter dish.
  • The Karate Kid Part II has Kumiko try to aid Daniel in the final fight by rushing Chozen from behind and full-on choking him out with a sash. Chozen easily casts Kumiko off and punches her lights out before she can get very far, but it's a solid A+ for effort on her part.
  • Mission: Impossible III: Ethan Hunt manages to find his wife Julia and kill her kidnapper, but is afflicted by an explosive charge planted in his brain, along with the kidnapper's henchmen imminently arriving. He instructs her to destroy the charge with an electric shock (which will knock him out), defend herself with a gun if necessary, and resuscitate him with CPR. She succeeds at all three.
  • The Princess Bride: Westley and Buttercup are attacked by a Rodent of Unusual Size. Westley does the bulk of the fighting and even has to stop the rodent when it charges Buttercup. However, Buttercup eventually manages to take action by bludgeoning the rat with a tree branch, which makes it easier for Westley to kill the beast.
  • Safe (2012): Alex is holding Mei hostage, and he and Luke agree to put down their guns and settle this like men. They barely have time to square up before Mei grabs Alex's discarded gun and opens fire. Mei is only about ten years old, but she's very much aware that her life is at stake here.

    Mei: "I saw him fight before. Bad business for you."

  • Spider-Man: Spider-Man narrowly averts a Sadistic Choice from the Green Goblin by catching both his Love Interest Mary Jane and a tram car full of children. However, he has a very difficult time suspending both of them from falling, so he instructs Mary Jane to climb down onto the tram. She manages to do so, which enables Spider-Man to lower all of them onto a barge.
  • Spider-Man 2:
    • Aunt May is taken hostage by Doctor Octopus, which gives Spider-Man a difficult time trying to simultaneously fight him and rescue her. However, when Doc Ock's attention is on Spider-Man and preparing for a sneak attack, May strikes him hard in the head with her umbrella (complete with Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: "Shame on you"), foiling his attempt to impale the wallcrawler and giving the latter the chance to rescue May from falling.

      Spider-Man: We sure showed him.
      Aunt May: What do you mean, "we"?

    • Mary Jane later attempts to bludgeon Doctor Octopus with a steel beam when he's about to kill Spider-Man, but this time the doctor disarms her first, apparently having learned from his mistake. Double Subverted: this action, while small, buys Spider-Man enough precious seconds to regain consciousness and make Doc Ock electrocute himself.
  • Spider-Man 3: Mary Jane is captured by Venom, and Spider-Man tries to rescue her. When Venom has Spider-Man at his mercy, MJ takes the opportunity to drop a brick on his head, giving Spider-Man an opening to sucker punch him.
  • Star Wars:
    • A New Hope: Luke and Han come to rescue Leia from prison. When their escape route is thwarted, Leia takes charge leading them all into the garbage chute. Escaping that becomes a separate problem.
    • Return of the Jedi: Luke, Han, and Leia are captured by Jabba, and the former two are to be executed via Sarlacc pit. With help from Lando and R2-D2, Luke quickly breaks free and initiates their rescue by cutting through Jabba's goons. Han, who is nearly blind but regaining his eyesight, manages to shoot the Sarlacc and stop it from eating Lando. Leia, who is bound in chains, uses her own chains to strangle Jabba. R2-D2 then breaks her chains, and Luke carries her to a skiff which Lando pilots, carrying them all to freedom.
    • Attack of the Clones: The Battle of Geonosis has several layers to this. First, Anakin and Padme fail to rescue Obi-Wan and are captured, and the three are to be eaten by beasts in the arena. Anakin manages to tame and ride one beast and uses it to rescue the other two, who have managed to evade their beasts—Padme in particular is able to pick the lock on her chains and climb to the top of a pillar. However, they are then surrounded by battle droids, but then the Jedi appear in mass to rescue them... until they too are overwhelmed by the sheer size of the group. And THEN Yoda arrives with the clone army to rescue the Jedi.

      Anakin: What about Padme?


  • Agent of Vega: In the first story, alien princess Pagadan has been captured by the Big Bad, who is using his telepathic powers to hold her paralysed to act as bait for Iliff, the hero. When Iliff comes to rescue her, he's quickly overpowered on the physical level and can barely hold his own in the telepathic battle that follows — but that means the villain can't spare any psionic energy to keep Pagadan restrained, and within seconds she's shot him dead with his own gun.
  • Alex Rider: In Eagle Strike, Damian Cray is holding Alex Rider and Sabina Pleasure at gunpoint on a plane and decides to just execute them. He shoots Alex, and then turns to Sabina, only to find her already attacking him. He shoves her off and tries to shoot her, but Alex, who was wearing a bulletproof vest, stops him. Alex and Sabina then fight with him, which ends with Alex shoving Damian on a metal cart out of the plane and into the engine turbine.
  • Battle Royale: While Noriko spends most of the book/film/manga as the distressed damsel, it is her who delivers the killing shot on Kiriyama, the main antagonist within the "game".

Live Action TV 

Video Games 

  • Cave Story: In the Brutal Bonus Level that must be cleared to obtain the Golden Ending, the player character finds Curly Brace unconscious in the Sacred Grounds as the whole Floating Island is collapsing, and carries her to safety on his back. Then she wakes up and gives him cover fire as they storm the Sacred Grounds and defeat the True Final Boss, preventing the island from falling.
  • Dragon's Lair: When Dirk finally reaches Daphne, not only does Daphne give all the information Dirk needs to defeat the dragon holding Daphne hostage but also tells Dirk where to get the key to unlock her prison and where the magical sword is that's needed to slay the dragon.
  • EarthBound (1994): Paula has been jailed by a cult led by Mr. Carpainter. When Ness finds her, she reveals Mr. Carpainter has the key, and that he can control lighting. She then gives Ness the Franklin Badge, which reflects all lightning attacks and makes Carpainter's boss fight very easy.
  • King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow: Princess Cassima spends most of the game sequestered in a tower by Alhazred, and though she spends most of the game plotting to escape on her own, she's unable to find a weapon to do so. One of the steps towards the "good ending" involves having Alexander reach her chamber and slipping her a dagger, and come the final duel between him and Alhazred — with Alexander on the ropes and swiftly overwhelmed — Cassima uses it to free herself from getting tied up and stab Alhazred from behind, giving Alexander the opportunity to knock him out cold and defeat him.
  • The Legend of Zelda series is more or less built on this trope. The titular Zelda is the princess of Hyrule who is often imprisoned by the wicked Ganondorf. She's also the Big Good who orchestrates events so that The Hero Link has the tools he needs to rescue her and save Hyrule.
    • The Legend of Zelda: When Ganon steals the Triforce of Power, Zelda takes the Triforce of Wisdom and splits it into eight pieces to keep them out of his clutches. Furious, Ganon imprisons Zelda, and Link must gather the pieces so he can defeat Ganon and rescue Zelda.
    • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: Zelda is kidnapped by the evil wizard Agahnim, so she sends a telepathic message to Link, revealing where she is imprisoned.
    • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Played With: while Zelda is absolutely the Big Good taking the main initiative to thwart Ganondorf's schemes, she avoids falling into his clutches. Until the end of the game when, immediately after revealing herself as Sheik's true identity, Ganondorf captures her. Link comes to her rescue, but Zelda and the other sages help him put down Ganondorf for good.
    • The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks: For most of the game, Zelda's body is in the clutches of the villains who require a vessel to revive the Demon King Malladus. Zelda's spirit accompanies Link as an Exposition Fairy and is capable of possessing Animated Armor to fight alongside him.
    • The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds: In the final battle with Yuga, the still-captive Zelda gives Link the Bow of Light he needs to defeat him once and for all.
    • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Technically, Link's mission is not to rescue Zelda, but to destroy Calamity Ganon and stop him from destroying Hyrule. However, Zelda has been stuck sealing Ganon away inside Hyrule Castle for 100 years. It turns out Zelda was also the one who had Purah and the Sheikah place Link inside the Shrine of Resurrection at the beginning of the game, so that his mortal injuries could heal over 100 years.
    • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: Double Subverted. At the start of the game you receive the quest prompt "Find Princess Zelda". The mission "Destroy Ganondorf", while closely related, is ultimately separate: Zelda has willingly transformed into the Light Dragon as part of her plan to enable Link to save Hyrule. However, after Link and the Light Dragon slay Ganondorf, the spirits of Raru and Sonia are able to pass on, and use the remainder of their power to revert Zelda to her human form. Now Link only has to pull an Improbable Falling Save for Zelda.
    • The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom: Gender-Inverted example: the game starts with Link fighting and defeating Ganon, but he is sucked into a mysterious void, along with much of Hyrule. However, he first manages to crack Zelda's crystal prison with an arrow, allowing Zelda to escape and begin her quest to save Link and Hyrule.
  • Lies of P: Sophia acts as the main guide for P for most of the game, explaining the general situation and entreating him to do what he must to save the city of Krat. As a Listener, she's also able to control time via her ergo manipulation abilities. This is the In-Universe justification for why P can revive after death, as she just rewinds time to when he last rested at a Stargazer. However, she eventually admits that she was mostly guiding P not to save Krat, but to save her, and given her predicament, it's hard to blame her.
  • Paper Mario 64:
    • In between the Chapters of Mario rescuing each of the Star Spirits that Bowser sealed away, Princess Peach, trapped within her own castle lifted into the sky, breaks out of her confinement alongside Star Kid companion Twink to get info on the whereabouts of the captive Spirits. During the final battle, when Bowser counteracts the Star Beam's invincibility-negating magic, Peach gets her own segment helping empower Twink to fend off Kammy Koopa through the power of wishing, with her (along with the rest of the Mushroom Kingdom) then using the same power to help give the Star Spirits the strength to upgrade the Star Beam into the Peach Beam — cancelling out Bowser's invincibility once again.
    • An optional element of gameplay while playing as Peach is to also grab items/badges in the castle and store them away in a star chest, linking to another chest on the over-world for Mario to claim for himself.
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door: During the intermission of the final battle, Peach, who is currently possessed by the Shadow Queen, briefly regains control of herself and uses the last of her power to heal Mario and his partner.
  • Persona 5: The pattern debut for both male and female Phantom Thieves is for the most part as follows: a person is being tormented by a villain, the Phantom Thieves try to help by fighting the villain in the Metaverse, but run into trouble, then the afflicted individual awakens their Persona and joins the Phantom Thieves to kick some ass. All the female Phantom Thieves can also be dated, thereby overlapping with Rescue Romance.
  • Star Fox Adventures: Krystal is trapped in a crystal prison at the start of the game, so she guides Fox McCloud through her staff, which Fox uses as his main weapon throughout the game.
  • Super Mario World: Between phases of the Final Boss battle against Bowser, Princess Toadstool will toss a Super Mushroom in Mario's direction.

Visual Novels 

  • Slay the Princess:
    • In Chapter I, you meet the Princess while she is shackled to a wall in the basement of a cabin. If you choose to free the Princess but didn't initially bring the Pristine Blade with you, she chews halfway through her own arm to escape before you finish cutting it off, and she isn't in any visible pain afterward.
    • Parodied in Chapter II: The Damsel. If you try to free the Damsel, the door will inexplicably lock on you both. If you choose to open the door together with her, it will just as inexplicably unlock, which Voice of the Smitten attributes to The Power of Love.

      Narrator: Like a pair of teenagers in love, you and the Princess place your hands on the door... together... blegh.

      Voice of the Smitten: And...?

      Voice of the Smitten: I told you our love was insurmountable!

    • In Chapter II: The Prisoner, the Princess is securely chained up and will ask you to give her the knife. If you oblige, she cuts off her own head. If you take her severed head out of the cabin with you, her head will revive and thank you for saving her. Since you trusted that she would survive, she did.
    • In Chapter III: The Den, successfully escaping the Princess in her Den variation will result in her being trapped inside the tunnel. If you choose to help her, the tunnel will collapse around you both, but the Den will hold up the collapsing rocks, allowing you both to dig your way to freedom.

Web Comics 

  • Shark (2016): The second time Yoon Jihee is attacked by Park Si-Hyeon, she does a genuinely commendable job at defending herself, even if she still does need to be rescued. She hits Si-Hyeon with pepper spray after he grabs her, allowing her to run into a nearby building and contact Won Jun for help. She tries to call the police, but Si-Hyeon catches up and takes her phone right before she makes the call. She (apparently) tries to hit him with pepper spray again. Si-Hyeon sees it coming, only for it to have been a fake-out so Jihee could lower his guard and kick him in the balls. Moments later, Jihee is surrounded by Si-Hyeon's men and nearly assaulted, but she had managed to buy just enough time for Won Jun to arrive and save her. Even then, when she and Won Jun are cornered on a rooftop by Si-Hyeon's men, Jihee legitimately helps Won Jun by nailing Si-Hyeon in the head when he's distracted. For a civilian caught in a traumatic situation, Jihee shows a shocking amount of guts and quick thinking.

Web Original 

Western Animation 

  • Wallace & Gromit: In A Close Shave, during the climax, Preston manages to elude Gromit by driving into his secret hideout, with Wallace, Wendolene, and a flock of sheep prepared to be ground into meat. Shaun however manages to get free and turn on the building lights from inside, cluing in Gromit and allowing him to break in and open fire on Preston. When the latter overpowers him, Shaun directs the machinery chute onto Preston, sucking him into the Knit-O-Matic so Gromit can turn it against him.