Die for Our Ship - TV Tropes
- ️Fri May 25 2007
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"Shipping leads people to be very mean at totally awesome characters."
Usually a character is hated for, well, their characteristics — he's annoying, he came in after the show Jumped the Shark, she's a raging Creator's Pet, he's the replacement of a fan favorite; the list goes on. But sometimes a character — even one who was tolerated or even loved before by a general fandom — can become as viciously hated as any Scrappy for a reason that has nothing to do with their actual character: Shipping.
Hate shrines. Death Fics. Revenge Fics of varying degrees of cruelty and sadism. Fics where the formerly sweet and loyal character cheats on the heroine with her two best friends and proceeds to murder her teammates, just so she can be with the Jerk with a Heart of Gold, the Stalker with a Crush, the actual villain, her cousin, her brother, the female friend she was weirdly homoerotic with, or whomever else the fan may prefer that she be with. Again, the list goes on.
Even people who know nothing about the work (or in some cases even the genre) know one thing: much of the fandom utterly hate this character, and it's for a very clear reason — they dared to get in the way of their OTP.
This is especially virulent when the ship the fans want is on the wrong side of Cleaning Up Romantic Loose Ends. Paradoxically, this character is as likely to actually be part of an Official Couple as not. Beware if you're a girl and people ship your male best friends with each other, or, conversely, if you're a boy and you hang around girls whom Yuri Fans ship together (whether it be a lot or a few).
All of the main characters in Harem Series run the risk of suffering this to varying degrees (depending on their popularity) in order to rationalize a fanfic author's ship. The most likely haremette to suffer this is the lead female, since she's most often the girl who wins. After all, why should there be any hatred for the other characters if the author's OTP has been made canon? The Unlucky Everydude male lead... can be spared the brunt of hatred since he'll usually compose one-half of an author's OTP. On the other hand, the male lead will also take more hatred for either being a Vanilla Protagonist, or for (by definition of the Harem Genre) not immediately and definitively committing to a particular fan's favorite. The worst of the hatred occurs if fans either have a preference to a Yuri Genre pairing with another member of the harem, a Yaoi Genre pairing with another male character, or if they can find another more interesting male character around — or create one themselves, if necessary.
In series with a prominent Betty and Veronica Love Triangle, the introduction of a Third-Option Love Interest will often result in the new love interest getting hit with this hard, as shippers on both sides of the triangle put aside their differences and unite against the newcomer.
The Clingy Jealous Girl is an odd example, as she usually loses but is given the same amount of hate from the fandom. Yamato Nadeshiko aren't free of bashing either, which increases a thousandfold if her love rival is deemed "cooler" or "less girly and therefore stronger" by female fans. Tsundere are vulnerable either way: if she's too tsuntsun, she'll be called "Jerkass, man-hater, wife/husband-beater", and, if she's too deredere, she'll be seen as a victim of Chickification regardless of it truly happening or not.
One of the most unusual victim magnets is the Chaste Hero, whose simple non-information makes figuring things out mostly guesswork. Any Bishōnen, especially tough guys and the Ensemble Dark Horse, will also incite Ship-to-Ship Combat over with whom he should be, whether it be a Betty and Veronica in-series or an Author Avatar in a Self-Insert Fic.
Ron the Death Eater is often a result of this. This isn't limited to the fanbase either; when the writer wants to get rid of a threat to the Official Couple in a similar way, they're Derailing Love Interests.
This type of character bashing is usually associated with militant fans of the Fan-Preferred Couple, and, indeed, some of the most infamous examples do come from them. However, this does not mean that canon shippers are always oppressed martyrs. Unless the series is totally finished, certain canon shippers have a tendency to be rather territorial. It's common for the fans of the "victim" pairing to commit Die For Our Ship in return, and it can get just as nasty even if it did start out for the sake of potshotting.
A Sub-Trope of Shipping and Alternative Character Interpretation. Note: although many fans actually believe these types of theories, other fanfic writers may simply use this trope dispassionately and without any of the associated demonization elements, merely as a plot device to enable an alternate pairing in a story.
Compare and contrast Ship Mates, another way for shippers to get a character out of the way. The opposite is Abandon Shipping when something causes the fans to stop supporting/lose interest in a ship.
This is about a fandom attitude; when the third character actually dies in-work (whether canon or fanfic) to enable a pairing, that's Death of the Hypotenuse.
Not to be confused with Going Down with the Ship.
Beware before you proceed, as the examples are sure to contain spoilers for whoever wins, or be particularly infuriating. But please, remember that, like all Fan Dumb, most of these examples are strongly Vocal Minorities and not all shippers of the discussed pairing are "militant" or "rabid".
No Portmanteau Couple Names, please. It makes it unnecessarily hard to figure out which couple you're talking about.
Example subpages:
- Anime & Manga
- Comic Books
- Films
- Literature
- Live-Action TV
- Music
- Video Games
- Web Animation
- Webcomics
- Western Animation
- Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra
- South Park
- Total Drama
Other examples:
- For Better or for Worse: Many fans would be eager to see Anthony dropped off the face of the earth and to see Elizabeth paired off with Paul or Warren instead (or even just stay single), as Anthony was the most boring of her love interests, it rubbed people the wrong way for a second Patterson to marry their childhood love interest, Elizabeth gave up an exciting career teaching at a remote village to come back to Millborough and marry him, just how much everyone in Millborough (except The Unfavorite April) was a Shipper on Deck for these two, the implications that a woman can't be fulfilled unless she gets married, and, oh yeah, he was emotionally unfaithful to his first wife because he couldn't let go of the torch he had for Elizabeth, and later asked her to wait for him while he divorced Therese (immediately after saving Elizabeth from an Attempted Rape, no less). Unfortunately, Anthony's the Creator's Pet, who thinks he's the ideal man.
- Things I Am Not Allowed to Do at the PPC: Used in-universe by rule 403, which discusses scenarios where an agent might find only one of the people in a canon pairing attractive. It goes on to say that just because the other person in the pairing happens to be in a relationship with whoever the agent thinks is attractive doesn't make them a Mary Sue that needs to be killed to "preserve canon".
- Dekugate is an AU fic where All Might is Happily Married to Inko Midoriya (here a Rescue Hero named Parakeet), and Izuku is their biological son. Unfortunately, a portion of All Might's fans ship him with David Shield, and a small Cult among the MightyShield shippers hate Parakeet for standing in the way of their preferred ship. They openly pray for her to die, and there have been numerous death threats and at least one actual attempt on her life.
- Springhole: This type of mindset is discussed and deconstructed in the article Tips To End Canon Ships More Believably
, where Syera points out the flaws inherent in the three instances of this trope:
- Vilifying the disliked half of the canon pairing by portraying them as an abusive monster or an outright villain in order to justify one's OTP will only end up in a story that's too over the top to be believed and put off fans of the vilified character from the get-go. Xe points out that there are many other, simpler reasons to end the canon ship that don't require abuse, such as incompatibility.
- Killing the disliked half of the canon pairing will make them look like a petty, spiteful person, especially if said character's death is shrugged off and the surviving half is hooked up right away with the author's half of their OTP. While Syera notes that doing this isn't inherently bad, xe also points out that the only people who shrug off their significant other's death and immediately hook up with another person are sociopaths.
- Retconning the canon ship as meaningless and devoid of attachment to the fan's favorite half of their OTP will realistically imply that the one who derided it as meaningless is a sociopath who, in a more realistic scenario, will also ditch the other half of the OTP as soon as they're bored with them and decides to hook up with someone else.
- In-universe example in Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog: the groupies have an irrational hatred for Penny...
"So they say he saved her life / They say she works with the homeless / And doesn't eat meat / We have a problem with her!"
- Game Grumps: Many fans don't seem to like Suzie (Arin's wife) when she appears on the show, considering her voice to be annoying, her gameplay incompetent, and/or her jokes not funny. In fanfic, if the fan writing doesn't support some sort of poly-amorous Love Dodecahedron, tend to have Arin and the shipping partner of choice (typically Danny) have an affair behind Suzie's back; even when Suzie's aware of the relationship and supportive of it, she's also still married to Arin for whatever mysterious reason. One particularly cruel fanfic took place in a Zombie Apocalypse, and had Danny and Arin have sex minutes after Arin had killed her.
- Markiplier and Jacksepticeye fans pretty much violently attack any woman who so much as comes near Mark or Sean for the sake of the Septiplier ship.