Dimensional Traveler - TV Tropes
- ️Fri Jun 03 2011
"Gozer, the Gozerian? Good evening! As a duly designated representative of the city, county, and state of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin, or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension."
A dimensional traveler is any character who can (more or less) freely travel between various planes of existence, like parallel universes, etc. Their ability to travel is usually powered by an Interdimensional Travel Device or some form of Functional Magic, but sometimes it's just a matter of knowing how to navigate the multiversal Portal Network, or they may even have been inherently born with such an ability.
It's worth noting that most characters who get Trapped in Another World are not one of these; if they were, they wouldn't be trapped, they could just use their power to return home. Unless, of course, they used their power to come to the other world, but somehow lost it after arriving.
This is also a common explanation for Crossovers, as occasionally the characters will arrive in the universe of another hero.
Distinct from Time Travel because, although Time is considered the "fourth dimension", time travellers otherwise remain in the same plane while hopping between its different time periods.
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Anime and Manga
- Dream Dimension Hunter Fandora: Yog Sothoth is a dimension-traveling criminal who desires absolute godhood.
- Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest:
- It's revealed that Touka and Faris are in fact inhabitants of Elentir, another Alternate Universe to Earth-land in the same vein as the already-revealed Edolas. This explains why Carla notes Touka, despite being a fellow Exceed, was never once mentioned by her mother as existing. Although technically only the former naturally possesses this dimension-crossing magic, while the latter is only able to do so while performing a Fusion Dance with Touka and having been connected with her long enough to still have access to the spell after their separation.
- The Moon Dragon God Selene is revealed by Mystogan to possess the power to freely move between dimensions. In fact, he reveals she's the reason Edolas chose to target Earth-land to steal magic from rather than Elentir, as Selene considers Elentir her proper home and would have launched retaliation against them. And since Selene is a dragon with power on par with Acnologia, that was a wise choice.
- Funny Valentine from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run has a Stand named "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" that allow him to jump across dimensions.
- Various mages in Lyrical Nanoha are shown as capable of teleporting across dimensions, though such spells take quite a bit of time to set-up. For non-mages, the Magitek of The Multiverse has advanced enough to allow for inter-dimensional starships, including commercial ones, for your dimension hopping needs. However, the best examples of dimension travelers in the franchise is the Original Generation characters from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable: The Gears of Destiny, who in side-materials after the events of the game, had discovered Lost Technology that allows people to be transported across different continuities.
- Milk Closet is about a group of children randomly afflicted with this, jumping between universes before they're found by a woman who helps them control their powers and bond them to a symbiote. It's a pretty weird series.
- Hunters in Red Ash: Gearworld regularly go to parallel worlds to hunt for Magicicadas.
- At the end of Space Patrol Luluco, Luluco is revealed to be Miss Trigger (the mascot of Studio TRIGGER) who can traverse and patrol the various dimensions of the various Trigger series.
- The main plot of Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE- shows Syaoran and his four companions traveling around the multiverse to look for the feathers containing the memories of his beloved Princess Sakura. They traveled through the means of a white rabbit-like creature called Mokona Modoki, who is created by the Dimensional Witch, Yuuko Ichihara, one of the protagonists of ×××HOLiC.
- The☆Ultraman has a monster called Zaanmoth who can travel between dimensions, but unintentionally got itself stuck on earth. By the episode's conclusion Ultraman Joneus sends it back to its dimension, rather than killing it.
- Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V: The whole plot of the series is a war between dimensions, so most of the main cast is this trope. Some notable cases include:
- Most characters use technology developed by Akaba Leo in order to travel between different dimensions, or base their own on his previous research. For example, when his son Reiji was young, he found a teleportation device that transfered him to the Fusion Dimension, and a few years later developed a card that let him travel to other dimensions.
- Academia installs this as a function to its soldiers' duel disk in case they get too injured or accidentally spill their mission if they're undercover.
- Yuzu's bracelet can teleport Yuya's Identical Strangers to different locations if two or more of them are near her, which includes different dimensions. For example, she accidentally drags herself and Yugo to the Synchro Dimension because he was holding her while Yuya approached their location.
- Yugo is a special case because on top of being a victim of Yuzu's bracelet, his Signature Mon Clear Wing Synchro Dragon is capable of dragging him between dimensions on its own without any input from Yugo. This puts him in a number of awkward or unfortunate situations, such as the Xyz Dimension assuming he works for Academia, as they're the only known dimension-travelling group around.
- Even more mysteriously, Yuya's father Yusho was once dragged from the Xyz Dimension to the Fusion Dimension by his torn copy of Smile World, which unlike Clear Wing has no known supernatural properties. In Yusho's case, his unfortunate timing with Dimension travel means that in his hometown he is declared missing and called a coward for running away from a championship match, while the Xyz Dimension believes him to be a traitor.
- In the Synchro Dimension, there were rumours about Roget being a dimensional traveller long before their existence was revealed to the public because the man had absolutely no papers or any known information about him. He's originally from Fusion's Academia.
Comic Books
- The DCU:
- Bat-Mite, a reality-warping, fifth-dimensional imp who’s a huge fan of Batman, occasionally travels from his home dimension to the third dimension to hang out with his hero and tag along on his adventures, much to Batman’s annoyance.
- In pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths days, the Legion of Super-Heroes' Phantom Girl hailed not merely from another planet, but from a planet called Bgztl occupying the same space as Earth in a parallel universe. Her walking-through-walls power derived from her ability to travel from one universe to the other effortlessly.
- Before Crisis on Infinite Earths, Superman, Supergirl and, by extension, any Kryptonian, were able to travel to other dimensions by their own power, although it was explicitly rather difficult. When Elliot S! Maggin's character Superwoman debuted, it was made clear that one thing that distinguished her from Superman was that she could do it easily.
- The Invader Zim (Oni) comics do something like this with Recap Kid. While they normally exist in a blank space outside of the main comic universe, they do occasionally actually directly interact with the setting. And then there's the matter of Issue #40, the Framing Device of which is Recap Kid accidentally falling into the space between universes and trying to find their way back to the comic universe.
- Marvel Universe:
- The Exiles are teams of people displaced from their home realities tasked to resolve problems in the multiverse on parallel earths under the instruction that it'll save it from collapse. Among them Blink stands out by popular demand and multiple times is appointed champion and leader of these teams.
- Future Foundation's entire premise is the crew traveling the Multiverse to repair the Molecule Man. When they encounter Rikki, herself a Dimensional Traveler, she checks to see what universe they're from by asking Julie a detail so stupidly unique to their own universe (the existence of the Spider-Mobile), it could verify she was in the right one.
- Lockjaw from The Inhumans is able to teleport to other dimensions with his teleportation powers, and is even capable of teleporting people to the Negative Zone.
- All the Spiders are able to do this in Spider-Verse. Naturally, the Inheritors, too. A task force is made after the event to continue doing dimensional monitoring, particularly for worlds that lost their Spiders during the event. Gwen Stacy of Earth-65, who was also part of this task force for a while, occasionally has her own personal dimension-jumping adventures. After Spider-Geddon, she begins using it on a daily basis due to deciding to attend college in the main Marvel universe, as she craved the anonymity she lost at the end of Radioactive Spider-Girl.
- In X-Man, Nate Grey develops this ability as an extension of his colossal Psychic Powers following his development as part of the Shaman Reboot, whereupon he treated the Multiverse as his personal stepladder.
- America Chavez, of the Young Avengers and later Ultimates, can open portals to other dimensions by punching (or sometimes kicking). She's been dimension-hopping for most of her life, solving problems big and small throughout the multiverse.
- Perky is an involuntary example — he was sent to the Land of Lug through a magical Disappearing Box, and whenever the amateur magician pulls the lever on the box, Perky is sent to a new fantasy realm. Oddly, he doesn't seem very perturbed by this situation.
Fan Works
- Clouded Horizons: Several of the main characters are Planeswalkers, granted the power to cross planes and dimensions of existence along with other secondary powers by various patrons.
- In The Count's World, most of the characters are dimensional travellers thanks to the Exor Rift, an invisible hole in space located in Bowser's keep and created when Exor came crashing down. It basically allows anyone to travel between almost every other dimension, though Dimentio can only speculate on the rules it operates on.
- In Crosswinds of Fate, the Fate cast travels to the Harry Potter universe by means of the Second Magic.
- Digimon Fusion Kai and YuYuGiDigiMoon have Karin Osaka/Sailor Sedna, a native of the Digimon Fusion Kai dimension before she suddenly died and that her spirit is summoned to the nexus by Sailor Cosmos to become this role once brought back to life. Since then, she mainly settles in the YYGDM dimension in enforcing her role as a Senshi.
- Hellsister Trilogy: During "The Apokolips Agenda", Supergirl travels back and forth between dimensions, recruiting other heroes and fighting Darkseid's forces. During the prior arc she also travelled to the antimatter universe through a space warp.
- Hottie 3: The Best Fan Fic in the World has this as a major plot point on the count of it being a Mega Crossover.
- The Infinite Loops will sometimes implement this, having Loopers loop into other settings or even a variant of their own setting. This isn't controlled, and the looper will remain in that setting for the duration of the loop. There are also Traveling Loopers, whose "Home Reality indicator" was damaged to the point where they spend more time in other Loops than in their own.
- Kyon: Big Damn Hero:
- Michikyuu Kanae, although she's not doing it for fun, but to survive.
- Also Wataru, Kuyou and a different, evil Kanae, who have been chasing her since long ago.
- Delilah from The Legend of Spyro: A New Dawn is a Kitsune capable of traveling through dimensions. This apparently a species trait of her specific type of Kitsune, as it's the only way to leave the Spirit World. After 200 years of traveling the multiverse, she's a Cloudcuckoolander who's Seen It All. She often drops Shout Outs to other series which she's visited, most commonly My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic because she really likes that universe and is best friends with Pinkie Pie. She also mentions the "Cupcakes Incident" frequently, which involved a nasty encounter with the Pinkie Pie from Cupcakes (Sergeant Sprinkles) and resulted in her being deathly afraid of cupcakes.
- In The Many Worlds Interpretation, Ponder Stibbons and Johanna Smith-Rhodes arrive in Pasadena as dimensional travellers, facilitated by supercomputer HEX. Sheldon Cooper, Leonard Hofstadter and the gang get to go on reciprocal visits to Ankh-Morpork. Penny gets an unplanned and scary trip into Earth space because Sheldon could not resist fiddling with the Travelling Engine's controls.
- The Pieces Lie Where They Fell: According to his author-given backstory, Reel (AKA Kamen Rider Skull II) gained the ability to travel around alternate worlds from a meeting with Kamen Rider Decade, though he can only visit A.R. versions of existing stories rather than the core world (which is why he only appears in omakes). He's visited three different versions of the Pieces-verse so far.
- Project Bluefield features the Zeros, who travel to different worlds to A.) record their stories, and B.) hunt down the invasive monsters that threaten them.
- A titular dimensional traveler is one of the protagonists of Quiet and the Dimensional Traveler (Timeline A).
- Technically all the characters in Shattered Skies: The Morning Lights, brought from their own universes (i.e., separate franchises: Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, the first ten Pretty Cure continuities, Lyrical Nanoha, and Madoka Magica) to an Inn Between the Worlds in a Place Beyond Time to keep them safe from an Omniversal Metaphysical Negation. The best example would be the Stranger, an embodiment of people erased from normal space and time, who travels between the universes at will to rescue the survivors.
- The protagonist of Sleeping with the Girls, although he doesn't do it voluntarily. Every time he goes to sleep, he slips into another dimension (and into the bed of another girl, usually with a Tsundere personality).
- Sonic Adventure Omega features an example of a Dimensional Traveler in the form of Omega himself, having entered a portal to Dimension #5251 in the final chapter. It's worth noting that the fanfic's author CVGW James is a huge fan of The Multiverse, so there's bound to be a Dimensional Traveler or two in at least some of his stories. In fact, Dimension #5251 is set to be the basic premise for a much bigger story involving The Multiverse.
- Sunset's Isekai: Applies to many of the stories' regular characters.
- Super Milestone Wars
and its sequel Super Milestone Wars 2
have this as a major plot point.
- The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments has Sweetie Belle leaping through dimensions (representing other Friendship is Magic fanfics like Of Mares and Magic and On a Cross and Arrow) to find crystals containing the fragmented consciousnesses of her dimension's Twilight Sparkle.
- Downplayed in Tales of the Otherverse, as Access can "only" travel freely between the DC, Marvel and Amalgam universes. Later, the main characters constantly travel between parallel Earths.
- There Was Once an Avenger From Krypton:
- As revealed in Chapter 34 of The Girl Who Could Knock Out the Hulk, Kara was pulled out of Earth-16 and into the Kryptonverse because Doom and Reed couldn't properly Cosmic Retcon her into having always existed.
- Jane Shepard is aware that she's from a different universe from the one she woke up to find herself in. Again, this is due to Doom and Reed being unable to properly merge her, in this case, because Kara interrupted the process.
- Through the Eternities: As a Magic: The Gathering crossover, it features the planeswalkers from there. The premise is that Ruby Rose's planeswalker spark ignited when she was a child and she only found her way back to Remnant just before RWBY starts, with ripple effects on both the RWBY and Magic plots.
- In The Vampire of Steel, Supergirl travels to the antimatter universe to get rid of M'nagaleh. She achieves this by vibrating fast enough until she is in tune with that dimension's vibrational frequency, a trick the Flash had taught her.
It took Supergirl all of five seconds to decide what to do.
She knew the correct vibrational harmony to attain to reach a score of parallel Earths and sidereal dimensions. It would take some doing, especially to shake the towers and what was on them along with her. But it was possible.
With all her power, Kara began to vibrate. In seconds, the TV towers and M'nagaleh were vibrating sympathetically with her. In a move the Flash had taught her and Superman long ago, they began to lose the vibrational pitch that attuned them to Earth-One, and to slip into another plane of existence. The deadliest one she knew of.[...]
Within seconds, she saw a similar but different Earth below her, and a different solar system and set of stars about her. - You Were My Best Friend: Although accidentally and unknowingly (she thinks she's just imagining it all), Bloom is able to travel to Andros via dancing. For context, Andros is located in the Enchanted Dimension, a portion of the universe (with planetary systems and even galaxies) existing in a different dimension than the magicless Earth — the latter being where Bloom currently lives. The why is probably a mix between Bloom's canonical ability to open interdimensional portals, the fact a fairy's magic is activated by positive emotions, and the exact place she goes from is owned by a fairy. Additionally, Bloom can only get there if she's in Madame Morgana's dancing studio and, at first, she can only remain there if she keeps dancing.
Films — Animation
- Jack-Jack in Incredibles 2 is shown to be able to shift his molecules to enter another dimension for short periods of time before reappearing in his home dimension. Some cases where he appears to "teleport" are likely another example of this ability.
- The monsters in the Monsters, Inc. series are interdimensional travelers who use closet doors to travel between the human and monster worlds.
- Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension is all about this.
- The plot of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is kicked off by an Interdimensional Travel Device going haywire and dragging a number of Spider-Heroes into Miles Morales's universe.
- Wreck-It Ralph: All non-glitch characters can do this by "game-jumping", though they usually limit it to after-hours when the arcade is closed. Ralph actually starts out the film at the support group inside the Pac-Man Ghost House, his narration notwithstanding.
Films — Live-Action
- Gozer the Jerkass God from Ghostbusters enters dimensions to destroy them. One of its nicknames is even "The Traveler".
- In Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, the Aliens were actually travellers between the worlds.
- Marvel Cinematic Universe:
- In Spider-Man: Far From Home, Quentin "Mysterio" Beck explains that Thanos' use of the Infinity Stones has connected The Multiverse. His world, Earth-833, was destroyed by monsters called the Elementals, but he was able to cross over to the main MCU setting, Earth-616, to make sure the same doesn't happen to that Earth. It's a lie, part of Beck's plan to use Engineered Heroics to become the next superhero. Ironically, there is actually a Multiverse in this setting, Beck just had no way of knowing that.
- Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: America Chavez has the ability to create star-shaped portals that lead to other universes. She has no idea how to control her powers, activating them whenever she's afraid. At the start of the film, she'd been to 72 other universes by her count. Wanda Maximoff wants to kill America and steal her powers so she can find and live in a universe where the ideal life she created in WandaVision is real. Also, a spell in the Darkhold allows the caster to "dreamwalk", which lets them cross dimensions via a Grand Theft Me on their alternate counterpart.
- The One has a law enforcement example with the Multiverse Authority (MVA) that polices inter-dimensional travel within the 125 parallel universes.
- In the mid-credits scene of Venom: Let There Be Carnage, Eddie Brock somehow gets transported from a slummy shack to a similarly shaped but much cleaner and fancier hotel room. Before he and Venom have much time to wonder what just happened, they see on TV is a broadcast of J. Jonah Jameson from the Marvel Cinematic Universe telling the public that Spider-Man is Peter Parker in the same scene from Spider-Man: Far From Home. This was a tie-in for Spider-Man: No Way Home, although humourously, Eddie only appears in The Stinger of that film, having spent his entire time in the MCU drinking at a bar.
- In The Chronicles of Amber, the Royal Family of Amber and the Lords of Chaos are either this or powerful Reality Warpers who create new dimensions as they travel, depending on which character's exposition you believe.
- The Cosmere has worldhoppers, people who travel between the Cosmere's various worlds. Note that despite their differences the worlds are physical planets that exist in the same universe, meaning that it's possible to travel between them with a spaceship capable of Faster-Than-Light Travel, but those only start popping up in stories set very late in the timeline. Prior to that, most worldhopping is done by traveling through another dimension called the Cognitive Realm, or Shadesmar. Since the Cognitive Realm is shaped by human perception, the vast amounts of empty space where no-one lives and aren't being perceived don't exist; combined with the entire Cognitive Realm being a flat plane (complete with all the planets becoming Flat Worlds within it), it becomes possible to simply walk from one planet to another. That said, entering and exiting the Cognitive Realm can only be done at Perpendicularities, places where the Realms overlap each other. They pop up naturally on planets with Shards, but there are a lot of planets out there that don't have a permanent Perpendicularity (or have one in a very inconvenient place), and Surgebinding is the only magic system known to have a way to open temporary ones at will. Some of the more prominent worldhoppers in the Cosmere are:
- Hoid, an immortal being and Master of Disguise with mysterious agenda. He is by far the most commonly seen worldhopper, appearing in nearly every Cosmere novel, although often in a way that it's not entirely obvious that it's him. He does seem to have taken a special interest in Roshar, and thus has a far larger role there.
- Khriss, the composer of Ars Arcana, the summaries of magic found in all Cosmere novels, although her in-person appearances are limited outside of White Sand, which takes place before she became a worldhopper.
- The Seventeenth Shard, an organization striving to maintain an Alien Non-Interference Clause among its fellow worldhoppers.
- Nightblood somehow travelled from Nalthis to Roshar between the events of Warbreaker and The Stormlight Archive. Zahel's, aka Vasher's, presence probably has something to do with this. Vivenna is also looking for both of them, under the pseudonym Azure.
- The Ghostbloods, an organization that are currently mostly active on Roshar, but have a trophy room filled with artifacts from all over the cosmere, and whose leader is Kelsier.
- The Ire, a very old group of Elantrian worldhoppers that have outposts in the cognitive realm on most worlds. They are very secretive, having little contact with other worldhopping groups.
- The Necromancer is stated to be one by some of the gods of Dragaera; she apparently considers death to be an aspect of this, since it's moving from one realm or state of living to another.note It turns out (especially in Vallista) that the Paths of the Dead, along with the Halls of Judgement, is something of a nexus that allows people (but usually gods, demons, or powerful sorcerers that know what they're doing) to travel between different dimensions and worlds.
- In The Elric Saga, Elric possesses the ability to transport himself between dimensions through his sorcery, and does so on a semiregular basis. Marvel Comics even exploited this ability to justify a crossover with Conan the Barbarian.
- In Glory Road, anyone who understands the metaphysical geometry involved can pass through the Gates and explore the Twenty Universes, and many do so on a regular basis.
- Higawari Teni ~ Ore wa Arayuru Sekai de Musou Suru ~: The main character is cursed by a God to be The Everyman. When he demanded to know why the only explanation he got was Because I Said So. By the time the story starts he has undergone almost every Isekai tropes imaginable, including The Most Dangerous Video Game and even death isn’t an option as he would simply be Reincarnate in Another World. At this point the only thing keeping him going is the chance to make it back home and enact revenge on the god that did this to him.
- InCryptid: Alice Price-Healy has been searching for her husband through a dozen other dimensions for decades, and as a result looks younger than her own grandkids.
- Journey to Chaos: Tasio the Trickster can jump from World Fruit to World Fruit without a care. He drags Eric to Tariatla at the start of A Mage's Power, sends him back at the end, and then returns him to Tariatla at the start of Looming Shadow.
- The titular protagonist of the Lafayette O'Leary novels has the ability to travel to feudal/magical alternate Earths.
- In The Long Earth, almost everyone on the planet gains the ability to "step" along a chain of alternate Earths thanks to Stepper boxes. Some people are able to naturally step without a box, and some of those are able to sense "soft places" which allow them to step much further down the chain of Earths than just one at a time. Humans aren't the only ones, either. There is a whole ecology of dimension-hopping creatures that can naturally Step, from "Trolls" and "Elves" to vast gestalt organisms. It later transpires that the Long Earth is a consequence of sapient life developing and quantum nonsense. Not only does every planet that could possibly develop such life allow Stepping, each of those parallel worlds is completely disconnected from the universe you accessed the planet from. So not only does Earth have its own chain of parallel worlds, so does Mars... and the parallel Marses don't line up with the parallel Earths. The implications on the vastness of the multiverse are obvious.
- The Merchant Princes Series deals with a group of families capable of hopping between this universe and a medieval Alternate Universe by staring at a Celtic knot-like pattern. They use this power for drug trafficking. Later, it's discovered that there are other universes accessible through variations in the pattern, which factions of the Clan soon attempt to extend their reach into.
- In the Myth Adventures series, the term "Demon" is short for "dimensional traveler". It's not something done casually by the inexperienced; Aahz (no relation) flat refuses to teach Skeeve due to Aahz's powers being dampened for a century due to what Garkin did.
- The protagonists of The Number of the Beast use a dimension-hopping device to explore a series of very odd dimensions, including some based on Earth literature.
- Shades of Magic: Since the doors between the four Londons were closed, the only people capable of traveling between worlds are the "Antari", those born with a unique link to Magic itself. By the time of the first book, Antari have become so rare that the protagonist is one of only two known ones.
- The Underwood See: After spending the first two books of the trilogy dealing only with each other's Alternate Timelines, Nadia and Alaric meet Aldous U, a much more experienced traveler who's personally catalogued dozens of worlds.
- The characters in Piers Anthony's Virtual Mode series are able to travel through the dimensions along a path from Point A to Point B. The method used is, essentially, Lost Technology left in one of the dimensions. One application builds a "virtual dimension" made up of 10-foot sections (that, for some reason, map out to the Earth's surface) — each section is slightly different from its 'neighbors' based on its own history, but you can walk around the Earth this way, and only be in "yours" when you return to your starting point.
- From The Witcher, we have Cirilla "Ciri" Fiona Elen Riannon, daughter of the Emperor of Nilfgaard. She has a power the Unicorns refer to as "The Gate of Worlds", which allows her to travel to other universes. She ends up riding off with Galahad and joining the court of King Arthur in Lady of the Lake.
- Paul Janus Finnegan (a.k.a. Kikaha the Trickster) and Robert Wolff spend much of the World of Tiers novels traveling through artificially created universes.
- Worm:
- The Doormaker can open "doors" between universes. So can Elle/Labyrinth, albeit with much more difficulty.
- Scion and his kind walk between universes as easily as a normal might cross a room, and Eidolon shows this ability too when they fight.
Live-Action TV
- Doctor Who has had its fair share of Alternate Universe stories, although the Time Lords usually keep a tight leash on that sort of thing. The Doctor's TARDIS is capable of traveling to other universes, but is put at great risk for every moment it stays in one, as she's normally keyed into the spacetime continuum of the regular universe, and is thus one power source short when she's cut off from it.
- Fringe: there are several ways to travel between the Blueverse and the Redverse, but Olivia is the only person able to do it freely, thanks to the Cortexiphan injections she received as a child.
- Kamen Rider Decade has this as a major plot point. The previous seasons are revealed as parallel worlds that are merging into one, thus leading every one of them to destruction, so it's up to the titular hero to journey to each one and destroy them. He even arrived in the World Of Shinkenger on one occasion. The reason being Decade normally travels to Rider Worlds, and there aren't any Kamen Riders normally in that world until Diend went there, implying there's even more universes than just the Rider Worlds, but only the Rider Worlds are at risk.
- The Man in the High Castle: Kotomichi, Tagomi, and most likely The Man in the High Castle have all figured out how to pull this off and go into alternate timelines, but exactly how it works is a mystery.
- Once Upon a Time (2011) consists of multiple "worlds" that make up the universe; traveling in between them is difficult. The magic used is called World-Crossing or Portal Jumping; spells or magical items like beans or slippers can transport people but voluntarily and regularly travelling between them can only be accomplished by certain individuals.
- Jefferson aka the Mad Hatter, via his hat. When his hat is taken from him, he grows a little bit mad trying to make one that replicates its abilities.
- Ariel also seems to possess this ability; it seems to be a general mermaid thing.
- The White Rabbit of Once Upon a Time in Wonderland can create rabbit-holes that achieve the same effect.
- Ace Rimmer in Red Dwarf — by the time of series VII, he has become a James Bond-esque dimension-jumping superhero.
- Sliders is a series based on this trope, although in the beginning the characters were travelling uncontrollably.
- Supernatural:
- The half-human offspring of an Archangel can open doorways to alternate universes. The first time, this happened unwittingly when Lucifer's son wasn't even born yet, but his mere presence tore a hole in the fabric of reality to a realm where the Apocalypse was never stopped.
- God himself can traverse different universes at will, given that he's the creator of, well, everything. Which takes a more sinister turn when it's revealed that he treats these universes as discarded story drafts.
- Ultra Series: Throughout the franchise, many of the Ultras and their foes end up capable of jumping dimensions through different methods. This increased once it was made clear that the franchise's many instalments are all canon within the multiverse, leading to crossovers involving characters travelling from one world to another.
- Ultraseven: The Alien Icarus forces planned to conquer Earth from within the fourth dimension, with one of them trying to get the planet ready for their arrival before it gets defeated by Seven.
- Ultraman Dyna: Shin Asuka/Dyna is perhaps the most popular example as he found himself travelling the Multiverse after the series finale where he was sucked inside of a wormhole caused by Gransphire's destruction. Ever since Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legends he's found himself often helping out many new Ultras in their exploits. He gets to temporarily go back home in Ultraman Saga.
- Ultraman Nexus: It's revealed through supplementary material that The Next/Nexus/Noa had been hopping through various universes and dimensions protecting them, such as the M78 Universe.
- Ultraseven X: As it turns out "Ultraseven X" is actually the original Ultraseven, who ended up following the malevolent Graykess back to their home universe after a failed attempt at taking over Seven's world, but ended up going incognito to uncover their conspiracy.
- Superior Ultraman 8 Brothers: The original Ultraman Mebius ends up in the universe where the film takes place after being summoned to it by the mystical Girl in Red Shoes.
- Ultraman Zero: The titular Ultra becomes one himself after Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial being empowered by Ultraman Noa's Shield of Baradhi, which allows him to open wormholes between dimensions at will. He uses it later in Ultraman Saga in order to travel to the world that the film takes place in.
- Ultraman Trigger: New Generation Tiga: Mr. Shizuma turns out to be this, as he originates from the Neo Frontier Universe, having been a GUTS Officer in that universe before being sucked in by a rogue wormhole in a mission and left stranded on Trigger's Earth where he ultimately settled down since he could no longer go back home. Similar to the aforementioned Shin Asuka.
- Universal Love Grocery: Shu hops in and out of the Otherworld and the human world on a daily basis for her business. She can pull in clients as well through various means, which includes a pink magic tram.
Multiple Media
- The Wizard Marshall Zelretch in the Nasuverse is the only known being to freely travel between alternate realities, by the virtue of having mastered the Second True Magic.
- In the Transformers franchise, many of the "multiversal singularities" are mentioned as having this ability — particularly The Fallen, Vector Prime, Unicron, and Nexus Prime, as well as the non-singularity Sideways. There's also the city of Axiom Nexus, which is roughly analogous to Planescape's Sigil mentioned below, and where the inhabitants all have travelling between dimensions down to a literal science. It's also where lost dimension travelers end up... and often don't get to leave.
- Very common in the various Glowfic, especially in Effulgence, where Jane makes inter-dimensional travel easy.
- The Nonsensical RP:
- Right Hand and Left Hand have two dimension-traveling guns which they use to travel across dimensions.
- Starstick and Dicestick are mentioned to be dimensional travelers in the timeskip at the end of the first part, and are using it to help people after leaving John Cryptograph's forces.
Tabletop Games
- Chronicles of Darkness:
- Changeling: The Lost: As humans transformed by the Land of Faerie, all changelings have an innate ability to open short-lived portals to the Hedge that abuts the fae realms. All they need is a doorway or reflective surface.
- Geist: The Sin-Eaters: Thanks to the undead Geists possessing them, Sin-Eaters can open the Avernian Gates that access The Underworld. Normally they need to find such a gate at a cemetary or other place marked by Death, but they can learn a Ceremony to create one from scratch.
- Hunter: The Vigil: members of the White Hare Society are initiated through taking an alchemical infusion which attunes them to a specific 'otherworld', which they can subsequently force access to by tracing the borders of a gateway with their blood .The whole purpose of the Society is exploring these 'otherworlds', guiding others who may wish to enter them, and protecting the physical world from hostile incursions.
- Mage: The Awakening: Mages can freely enter Astral Space with simple meditation in a Place of Power, the Spirit World with advanced Spirit magic, and even The Underworld with mastery of Death magic.
- Werewolf: The Forsaken: Thanks to being part spirit themselves, all werewolves have an innate ability to "step sideways" into the Spirit World. They normally need to cross over at a Place of Power in the physical world, but can learn a Rite to do it anywhere.
- Dungeons & Dragons:
- Anyone with the Cubic Gate or Amulet of the Planes has the ability to be one.
- The cosmology supports this trope, as all the various planes are linked by naturally-forming portals and reachable by the use of moderately high-level spells.
- Planescape: Integral to the setting, where the focus is on the residents of Sigil, an extradimensional city riddled with portals to the entirety of the multiverse, making it the informal trading and information hub of all existence.
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition: The obscure "Dimensionalist" class is a wizard specialized in magics relating to traveling to and manipulating dimensions, such as Thinking Up Portals. It's portrayed as a more specialized subclass of the standard conjurer, whose standard spellset covers a mixture of dimension travel and Summon Magic.
- In 3E, gem dragons have the innate ability to shift between the Prime Material and Inner Planes, and usually lair in the latter while foraging and defending territories in the former.
- Magic: The Gathering: Players are planeswalkers,
a denizen of the multiverse Randomly Gifted with a Spark of power that allows them to travel to other planes of existence. The card game represents a duel between two planeswalkers, using their arsenal of spells and creatures collected across the planes to fight again. Prior to the mending, the Spark also granted potent shapeshifting powers (which made them immortal and difficult to harm) and the ability to easily draw large amounts of mana from the planes they visited; the combination of the two made them like gods. Post-mending, it grants a much smaller magical power boost, and even the main ability has been downgraded such that planeswalkers are no longer able to take other people with them to other planes.
- Outside of planeswalkers, there are a few others. Prior to the Great Mending, multiversal travel was not exactly easy without the planeswalker spark, but it was possible; Phyrexia had "ambulators" that they used to scout other planes for precious resources, and the Weatherlight was capable of planar travel. For a century or so after the Mending planar travel was exclusive to planeswalkers, until the invention of the Planar Bridge by Rashmi. Even then it only allowed dead or inorganic matter to pass through, which was fine by Nicol Bolas, who used it to transport an army of zombies to Ravnica during the War of the Spark. Afterwards it wound up in the hands of New Phyrexia, who being cyborgs were able to travel to other planes using it, albiet only their very strongest who were capable of surviving the loss of all their organic components long enough to recover afterwards. Using this they were able to obtain a sample of sap from Kaldheim's World Tree that connected its nine demiplanes, which they used to make their own version that could create true portals to other planes that were completely safe to use. They then used it to launch a massive attack on a huge number of planes, and although they were ultimately defeated, Kaldheim's Omenpaths began connecting the entire Multiverse in the aftermath, opening planar travel up to everyone.
- Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game: The Omniversal Travel power set covers all kinds of interdimensional, chronological, and cross-multiversal travel powers, for all your universe-hopping needs.
- In New Vindicators, this shows up a few times:
- First of all, there's the character David Kennel, aka Suicide King, who develops the Neo-Sapien power to alter his dimensions, and eventually to traverse multiple dimensions. Evil ones have showed up, and there may even be a whole group of David Kennel's working together.
- Another example is The Drifter, a Neo-Sapien with a superfast mind who has a device, called The Astrolabe, that lets her travel dimensions.
- Pathfinder: Fetchlings, a human offshoot that acclimated to the Plane of Shadow, gain the ability to travel between the Material Plane and the Shadow as they rise in character level.
- In Yu-Gi-Oh!, this is the premise of the D. D. (Different Dimension) cards. Also, while not part of the D. D. set, Neo the Magic Swordsman's card text describes him as a dimensional drifter.
Video Games
- Avencast: Rise of the Mage has Gorlin, a dimension-hopping vendor who can conveniently show up whenever you need something. Where he goes in the meantime is left unexplored.
- The whole plot of BioShock Infinite hinges on the Lutece twins' ability to travel between alternate realities and pulling new, alternate Bookers to Columbia in an attempt to release Elizabeth. Elizabeth herself gains the same powers, but amplified by the end of the game, but loses them again in part two of the Burial at Sea DLC.
- In Darkstalkers, the only thing linking the Human World and Makai (the Demon World) is a portal located roughly in the middle of Makai, known as The Gate. Morrigan is a special case, in that she can freely travel between the realms independently of this gateway. Being a fun-loving succubus, you should be able to understand why she enjoys this unique ability of hers.
- In Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive, Sidereal Plexus is an entire company of such travelers. Their main employees travel through the Realm of Dreams to other universes and spread their technologies while attempting to synthesize the energy crystals their sleeper pods require to function. Additionally, the surviving members of the party become this at the end of a successful playthrough, though unless all four are present and both disks have been collected, they wind up in another universe that undergoes a similar apocalypse.
- The Elder Scrolls:
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind:
- Divayth Fyr is one. According to the in-game book The Doors of Oblivion
, Fyr is one of the few "mortals" who can freely travel between the realms of the Daedra.
- Yagrum Bagarn, the last living Dwemer, was another. He was in an undescribed "outer realm" when the calamity that caused his people to vanish took place. He returned to find them gone, caught the Corprus Disease soon after, and ended up in Divayth Fyr's Corprusarium where he has been ever since.
- Divayth Fyr is one. According to the in-game book The Doors of Oblivion
- Battlespire has the Player Character become one. He/She travels through many realms of Oblivion in order to defeat the Daedric forces including the Soul Cairn, Shade Perilous, the Chimera of Desolation, and the Havok Wellhead. Even the Battlespire itself exists in the "Slipstream", a realm at the edge of Oblivion between it and Mundus.
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind:
- Fate/Grand Order: In extremely rare cases, a person is able to travel among various alternate timelines.
- The Fate/Prototype version of King Arthur has been sent by Merlin to travel through the timelines in order to hunt down Beast VI, which keeps not dying when it's killed and Arthur wants to stop it from ever fully manifesting in any timeline.
- A female version of Miyamoto Musashi is also shown travelling randomly between timelines, though how she's doing this is unknown even to herself. When recruited, she attributes it to unknowingly consuming rice from a Holy Grail she was using as a bowl. Her material book profile reveals that she hails from a dead timeline and miraculously managed to escape its destruction, at the cost of being unable to find her way to a Close-Enough Timeline.
- The main antagonist of the pseudo-singularity Shimousa is Avenger Amakusa Shiro, explicitly referred to as an Alternate Self to the one summonable by Chaldea, who like Musashi hails from a dead timeline and has been traveling randomly between other timelines. Unlike Arthur or Musashi, however, it's indicated he's been doing this much longer and has ultimately been driven insane and evil by what happened to him before and during his travels. Eventually, he met an Foreign God he calls "Lucifer" and signed up for a scheme that would allow him to take revenge on the Tokugawa and all of humanity in every timeline for what happened to the Christians at Shimabara.
- Randolph Carter (under the sobriquet of "the Dimension-travelling Gentleman") appears to help quell a Yog-Sothoth-infused Abigail Williams, and departs with her to dimensions unknown to tutor her. Unlike the other three, there is no given reason for his ability, though a familiarity with his source material should provide a reasonable pretext.
- Sherlock Holmes inexplicably has the ability to travel between temporal dimensional aberrations in human history known as Singularities, despite timeline hopping being something only a very select few can do and suddenly loses the ability when he joins the protagonists as their new technical advisor. It's later revealed this ability is unique to the non-playable iteration of Holmes because he was summoned by the same Foreign God that was Amakusa's patron as one of her Disciples. He deliberately sealed his memories and did not use the ability to travel after a few select times so he would not serve as a Manchurian Agent in her grand scheme.
- Final Fantasy:
- This is the reason why Gilgamesh is heavily implied to be the only recurring character in the series to be the same exact character in most, if not all appearances. After being thrown into the Interdimensional Rift by his boss Exdeath for his repeated losses against the party and sacrificing himself to defeat Necrophobe, Gilgamesh simply walks the multiverse via the Void and the worlds connected to it. This is even how he stumbles into the conflict of the gods in Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy; when defeated, a portal leading to the Rift/Void engulfs him, as Gilgamesh, while subject to the war's rules, has no original world to return to.
- The Shadowbringers expansion of Final Fantasy XIV has the Crystal Exarch, who managed to do this by combining the Allagan Empire's Crystal Tower technology with technology reverse-engineered from Alexander and Omega to traverse to the First Shard. The Ascians have been able to do it from the beginning, and after being pulled over the first time the Warrior of Light gains the ability to pass between the First Shard and the Source at will.
- The King of Fighters XIV reveals that Nakoruru from Samurai Shodown gained this ability after becoming a Nature Spirit. This allows her to not only enter the King of Fighters universe to investigate the crack in time and space caused by the events of the previous game, but also recruit the other members of the Another World team even though they came from different universes.
- The Longest Journey:
- Shifters in series are the only creatures known to physically travel between the twin worlds of Stark and Arcadia, as well as to and from much smaller splinter worlds, like the Guardian's Realm (although speculation abounds that the Draic Kin are capable of it, as well). April Ryan, the protagonist of the first game, and her reincarnation Saga from Dreamfall Chapters are the only known Shifters in the series.
- The Dreamers like Zoë Castillo and Faith from Dreamfall and Hanna and Lux from Chapters are able to project a physical presence into other worlds without physically leaving their plane of origin, where their bodies remain sleeping while they "travel". As Chapters reveals, though, their true potential is so much greater that using it just to travel across dimensions is like hammering in nails with a microscope.
- The aforementioned Saga from Chapters may be the ultimate dimension traveler in the series, however, since, in addition to Shifting, she is an expert on the "Songlines", which apparently connect all worlds of the vast multiverse, not limited to just the Twin Worlds of Stark and Arcadia the series takes place in. In the epilogue, she has made a map of them and keeps a bunch of weird, physics-defying mementos from her travels.
- The D'ni people in the Myst universe travel between realities using Portal Books. They can't take these books with them, so they don't usually qualify for this trope, but there are special cases:
- Yeesha can Link at will because she's the Grower. In Uru: Ages Beyond Myst, she gives willing explorers special books that link to a world called Relto and that link with their users; as such, explorers can link to Relto at any time.
- The Bahro can link at will, and can also create links for others by various means.
- Escher, seen in Myst V: End of Ages, can link at will because he wears a Bahro skin.
- Neptunia: Several characters have the power to traverse dimensions at will and send people through them.
- In Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory, Croire and Rei Ryghts in her CPU form have this ability. The Reis from Hyperdimension and Ultradimension weaponized this to give each other power boosts by drawing upon power from two separate worlds.
- In Megadimension Neptunia VII, Croire appears again alongside Older Neptune, who is the Neptune from the Ultradimension and has been using Croire to hope dimensions. The Big Bad Kurome/the original Uzume also has this ability, though initially she could only cross dimensions as a spirit and needs a power boost to pull off the proper crossing she wants in order to launch a monster invasion from the Zero and Heartdimensions to destroy Hyperdimension, which she obtains thanks to absorbing Rei's remaining power kept by Croire as well as stealing power from the CPUs.
- Pokémon:
- The Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo, Lunala and Necrozma have this ability.
- In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Giovanni somehow manages to acquire this ability and uses it to recruit alternate universe versions of villains who succeeded in their plots to form Team Rainbow Rocket.
- Putrefaction ends with you entering a portal leading to another dimension, and the sequel begins with you emerging into it. The game even calls you "Void Walker" because of that.
- Tessa from Red Earth is a sorcerologist (one who employs magic in everyday studies to discern the properties of the universe; she's more or less a witch, though). Her knowledge on a wide variety of subject matter in both her home series and various crossovers imply that she frequently treks across the multiverse to broaden her horizons and learn as much as she possibly can.
- Shin Megami Tensei games usually have a form of the technology or characters that gained the ability to do so naturally present. It's most obvious in Shin Megami Tensei IV with the Yamato Perpetual Reactor, but in Shin Megami Tensei V it's mentioned that Dagda traveled to Da'at from the world of Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, and the series' mysterious Big Good, STEVEN, can freely travel across the Multiverse.
- Super Paper Mario involves Mario, Peach, Bowser, and Luigi, traveling through various dimensions to prevent the end of all existence. This cataclysm is about to be caused by an interdimensional vortex created by the villains of the story who can travel through the said dimensions to obstruct your progress.
- Certain characters throughout Super Robot Wars and its Spin Offs are, in fact, the same entity throughout their multiple appearances in various installments, the likes of which includes Fighter Roar (later known as "Warrior Roar", to differentiate between himself and another character who takes on his mantle), Dark Brain, Gilliam Yeager and Cobray Gordon.
- Due to the events of Project × Zone, both Haken Browning and Sanger Zonvolt become this trope. It also applies to a lesser extent to Ryusei, Kyosuke, and Masaki in Another Century's Episode R.
- In Super Robot Wars V, Setsuna and Tieria become this on accident when the Qan[T]'s Quantum System brings them both into the NCC for reasons unknown. Later on, everybody becomes one once they've found out that by combining both Boson Jumping with Ange's Ariel Mode, they can travel wherever they need to be.
- Total Distortion has mysterious teleporters that arrived on Earth from nowhere, which turn out to allow travel between millions of different dimensional planes. Earth initially uses this to transport data and freight around the world, since human travel has the catch of having to endure a 6-week coma when teleported. NASA eventually sets up a team of "dimensionauts" to explore these planes, and you voluntarily have yourself and your Personal Media Tower teleported to a Grunge Rock dimension at the cost of three million dollars, in order to make music videos and sell them for enough money to get back home.
- Warframe features Limbo, a warframe whose shtick is travelling in and out of the Rift, a dimension where he can regenerate his mana and be untouchable to enemies he hasn't banished along.
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt introduces Ciri to the video game continuity. Like in the books, she has the ability to travel between universes, and is sought after by the eponymous Wild Hunt for this ability. It's implied that she's visited the world of Cyberpunk 2077, another CD Projekt RED game. One main quest in the game takes Geralt through a few worlds himself, including one that serves as a Shout-Out to Solaris, another major piece of Polish literature.
Visual Novels
- Umineko: When They Cry: The Voyager Witches, most notably Bernkastel and Lambdadelta, are able to traverse the Sea of Fragments to different timelines and universes.
Web Animation
- Shrapnel: Rifters are people who are able to travel to other dimensions with a piece of equipment called a "dimensional anchor", that can be used to open rifts for inter-dimensional travel.
- Lord English from Homestuck enters universes at their deaths, then travels back in time to make sure that they meet his entry conditions.
- Treated rather literally in Immaterial, in which the parallel dimension seems to actually be another geometrical dimension. Grimnir travels between the two for his job, and the protagonists — Alex and Ethan — accidentally tag along.
- Both Erik and Oriel in Nixvir, as well as anyone who travels between the various worlds of the World Oak, are this trope. It helps that Oriel and later Erik can summon magic portals which can take them, not where they need to go, but where they want to go.
Web Original
- The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids' members are based in a dimension all of their own (known only as the Cupid Homeworld) created when they outgrew their Creator's garage and, in retaliation, told physical reality to bugger off. Hence, all their forays into other universe are examples of dimension-traveling. There is a universe (Like Reality, Unless Noted) which they designate as “Prime” and have as their main target, presumably because it's where the aforementioned Creator's garage was located, but they have been shown to invade many other, weirder worlds as well.
- Jenny Everywhere has the power to travel between alternate realities (and shift objects between universes, and mentally link up with alternate versions of herself) in most of her implementations, giving her the title "The Shifter".
- SCP Foundation gives us SCP-507.
It plays with the trope in that 507 is randomly pulled into other dimensions once or twice a month, with no control over when he vanishes, where he goes, or how long he stays there.
Web Videos
- In Bedtime Stories (YouTube Channel), there's the Man from Taured from the episode of the same name. Unlike most examples, he was an unwitting case, who apparently didn't even realize that he had gone through a different dimension upon landing at Haneda Airport in Japan. He is subsequently detained but mysteriously vanishes only hours later, apparently returning to his own dimension.
- New Life SMP: The Rift Bender origin, held by Seapeekay in his third life. They can cross over into the rift, a mirror space of the world, and no longer be able to interact with the regular world and vice versa (at least, in theory). This can allow them to pull entities into the rift with themself, teleport upon exiting the rift (including through walls), push another individual into the dimension they're not in, freeze entities inside the rift, and throw entities within the rift out to deal more damage. However, they are stronger inside the rift and weaker outside, which affects their health, armour, damage, exhaustionnote , healing, movement speed, and gameplay in general.
- In one video of Osanai Nazuna in 2019, during the typhoon season in Japan, she would unintentionally become this with a bicycle attached to a charging motor — intended to empower the country itself with her own cycling. Upon a mishap with her bike while she petalled at high speeds, OsaNazu would speed off and, from all the built up energy, disappear with a trail of flames — Back to the Future-style — only to suddenly find herself transported to Spring Garden, her world of origin.
Western Animation
- Dr. Dimensionpants: This is the primary superpower of the titular hero Dr. Dimensionpants, as well as other interdimensional superheroes.
- The Family Guy episode "Road to the Multiverse" has Brian Griffin and Stewie Griffin becoming this.
- In Gravity Falls, this is what happened to the Author, aka Ford Pines: he built a portal to another dimension, he was accidentally pushed in by his brother Stan, then spent thirty years wandering around the multiverse before said pusher managed to bring him back. The show only provides a few hints about where he went, with more details appearing in the tie-in book Gravity Falls: Journal 3.
- Discord from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic has the ability to quite easily tear open portals to other universes with his talons. This could very well be an explanation as to why he makes references to other stories, such as Star Wars and Harry Potter.
- Rick and Morty:
- Rick Sanchez is this due to his "Portal Gun". This technology is unique to Rick and his alternate selves, and is one of a number of reasons many aliens in the setting want to capture him.
- In the pilot episode, the Galactic Federation also seemed to have access to interdimensional travel, as they ran Interdimensional Customs, though this seems to have been retconned, as in future episodes, it's made clear that only Rick and his alternate selves have technology with this capability.
- In Star vs. the Forces of Evil, many characters do this. The most commonly seen method is using "dimensional scissors" to cut holes within the fabric of reality, though there are other ways to open such portals, either through other items (like a chainsaw) or some innate teleportation ability. The final season also reveals that the Magic Realm serves as a hub from which one can travel between dimensions — if you can maintain your mind long enough to travel through it, anyway.
- Winx Club: Virtually every non-Earthling character has access to other dimensions with varying degrees of ease. Magical beings such as fairies, witches, wizards, and some magical creatures can open portals to Earth (which is in another dimension) or the different realms inside the Layered World that is the Enchanted Dimension. Non-magical beings, Specialists included, travel by means of interdimensional spaceships. Some of the realms can only be accessed after completing a quest or acquiring a MacGuffin.