Diverging Evolutionary Phases - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Nov 12 2023
One for every color and occasion!
When a Metamorphosis Monster has multiple defined evolutionary lines.
It can have a "common" line, where a small beast grows into a larger version of itself and the conditions for what it turns into can be more easily met. Then there are the "rare" or "bonus" evolutionary lines where it becomes a different monster entirely, depending on what it eats or where it lives or if you've gathered the necessary equipment it needs to undergo this special alternate form.
Games where you breed, train, or create monsters will have such beasts available to add challenge and busy-work for the player. You want to catch them all? Well then you need 20 Bear Asses if you want the shiny version!
When the monsters are a product of the villain, the existence of these diverging forms not only add variety to keep The Hero from growing complacent with the Goddamned Bats they have to face, but it raises the stakes by revealing that the person making all of these monsters isn't a one-trick pony and their tactics are evolving just like their beasties.
And that's not even going into the Fanfic Fuel and Fan Art that results from how these monsters could potentially turn out when they control the recipe.
Compare Goal-Oriented Evolution, as well as Tech Tree for more complex examples. See also Metamorphosis and Underground Monkey.
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Anime & Manga
- Digimon: While most Digimon have set evolutionary lines, there are times when a Digimon will digivolve into an alternate form. These alternate forms can be achieved using regular digivolution or via an alternate form of digivolving.
- "Dark Digivolution" happens when a Digimon is coerced into digivolving while under intense negative emotions (either their own or their human partner's), resulting in the Digimon digivolving into a Virus-type form instead of their usual digivolved form.
- In Digimon Adventure, Greymon digivolves into SkullGreymon after Tai tries forcing Agumon into digivolving on command (first by overfeeding him, then by deliberately putting himself in danger). He then later helps Agumon digivolve into his proper Ultimate form, MetalGreymon. In Digimon Adventure 02, the Digimon Emperor manages to capture Agumon and tries to forcefully digivolve him to MetalGreymon using his Dark Digivice, but he becomes SkullGreymon instead. He then later manages to force Agumon to digivolve into MetalGreymon's Virus Mode while under the effects of a perfected Dark Spiral.
- Digimon Tamers: When Takato is overcome with grief and rage after Beelzemon kills Leomon, Guilmon utilizes Takato's negative energy to warp digivolve into Megidramon, a Draconic Abomination whose very existence destabilizes the Digital World. After reconciling with Guilmon and his own grief, Takato then helps him digivolve to his proper Mega form, Gallantmon.
- "Armor Digivolution" is when a Digimon digivolves with the power of a Digi-Egg. This was considered a lost form of digivolution that Digimon used in the past before they eventually learned how to do it without the need of armor. In Digimon Adventure 02, the Digimon Emperor's Dark Spires block Digimons' ability to Digivolve normally; Veemon, Armadillomon, Hawkmon, Patamon, and Gatomon gain the ability to Armor-Digivolve when their Digidestined partners discover the Digi-eggs. Over the course of the season, the Digidestined would end up finding multiple Digi-Eggs that allowed their Digimon partners to achieve multiple Armor forms. The only exceptions are, Patamon and Gatomon, who both only gained one Armor form and Sixth Ranger, Wormmon, who never gained any Armor forms. Veemon becomes Flamedramon and Raidramon, Hawkmon becomes Halsemon and Shurimon, and Armadillomon becomes Digmon and Submarimon. Veemon is also the only Digimon that was able to utilize the unique Golden Digi-Egg to achieve a third Armor form, Magnamon.
- Keep in mind the above applies to the various anime and manga series. The Virtual Pets, video games and trading card games are not remotely limited to these. The evolution chart for Botamon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth? It looks like this.
◊ Notice how Agumon has five evolution routes, and both versions of Greymon each have three different possible Digimon they could evolve from. The Virtual Pets can be even more complex. And then there's the TCGs... The Wikimon page for Agumon
lists all the known possible evolutions across various Digimon media, and they number in the dozens. Thankfully, outside of the card games, most Digimon rarely have more than two to five standard evolution options, most of the time an evolution can be accessed by multiple Digimon species (providing you with a lot of flexibility), and in some games like the Digimon Story sub-series de-evolution is easily accessible (and actively encouraged in Digimon Story, as de-evolution increases a specific stat that allows for higher levels and often unlock new evolutions), making it easier to acquire every single one.
- "Dark Digivolution" happens when a Digimon is coerced into digivolving while under intense negative emotions (either their own or their human partner's), resulting in the Digimon digivolving into a Virus-type form instead of their usual digivolved form.
Fan Works
- Basilisks in The Angel of The Owl House are unique in many ways, one of which being that they can undergo a physical change that reflects on what type of magic they typically eat. Subject Zero (the basilisk that attacked Hexside) was a Greater Basilisk, a species that comes about from eating various types of magic throughout its lifetime. Vee winds up becoming a Quetzalcoatl Basilisk after eating enough angelic magic through Luz and Camilla's angelic blessings, allowing her to absorb magic passively through her wings like an angel instead of needing to feed, and even allowing her to cast some basic spells.
Films — Live-Action
- In the Alien series, the Xenomorphs while in their chestburster stage have the ability to take genetic traits from their hosts and incorporate it into their own biology. While the movies, comic books and video games have mainly shown Xenomorphs born from human hosts, the third movie introduced a Xenomorph born from a canine host while the Alien vs. Predator series featured a Xenomorph called the Predalien which shared its host's dreadlocks and mandibles.
- Fragment: The sequel, Pandemonium, reveals that many of Hender's Island's organisms are actually different forms of the same species, such as the disk-ants being capable of metamorphosing into several varieties of tree-like planimals or the near-microscopic "nano-ants" that crawl over the skin of larger animals as symbionts, and the Hender's rat, which can be induced to transform into the gargantuan spiger by other rats. This, along with the fact they're almost all Explosive Breeders, means that just one Hender's Island organism is needed to turn new land into a self-sustaining ecosystem.
- Invoked in So I'm a Spider, So What?. Being reincarnated as a spider monster, Kumoko discovers that when she reaches a high enough level, she is given options on what kind of different types of spider monsters she can evolve into. She makes various intelligent choices (choosing smaller forms that emphasize speed and resourcefulness so that she can avoid being trapped underground) in the hopes that she will eventually become an Arachne to better communicate with humans.
Live-Action TV
- Alien Worlds (2020): The pentapods are aliens that live on a tidally-locked planet, with one side being perpetually cold and dark, the opposite side being hot and sunlit, and a thin band in-between of temperate perpetual twilight. The pentapods are able to change into forms suited to all three environments depending on where their drifting eggs land, allowing them to dominate the planet. Those on the dark side are woolly and stockily built for conserving heat, those on the light side are spindly and have reflective skin for keeping cool, while the ones in the middle are colourful and have in-between proportions.
Video Games
- Beastieball:
- You need to take Sprecko to any of three specific mushroom colonies on the map, with the mushroom colony you choose determining which of Illugus, Surgus, or Bongus you get. Its evolutions, by contrast, invert the trope by metamorphing into Shloom if you commune with all of the colonies, regardless of form.
- Blue and orange Humflit become Heliath, while yellow ones become Lunaptra.
- In Cassette Beasts, several monsters have alternate evolution paths. Some are acquired by having specific stickers equipped to the monster when you remaster it, others involve environmental factors like time of day, and yet others change depending on the player's answer to an abstract question. For example, when you remaster the two starter monsters, Candevil and Bansheep, you are asked a mysterious question — whether you wish to pursue alchemy or metallurgy for Candevil, and whether a restless spirit should be buried or ascended for Bansheep — which determines its path.
- Chrono Cross: Pip has up to five possible forms based on the Elements that he uses. Primarily using "dark" Elements (Red, Yellow, or Black) makes him evolve into a devil, and then archdevil form; primarily using "light" Elements (Green, Blue, or White) makes him evolve into an angel, and then archangel form; while switching his Elemental affinity after the first evolution allows Pip to access his Holy Beast form.
- Doodle World:
- Heatza can evolve into either Meltimaw or Gigarlic depending whether it knows the move Fatten Up upon evolution (Gigarlic if it does, Meltimaw if it doesn't).
- Seamsquire evolves into either Seamstress or Seamknight depending on gender (Seamstress if female, Seamknight if male).
- Flaskit has four separate evolutions depending on the evolutionary item given to it, or if none is given at all (Noxvul if the Strange Catalyst was given, Endovul if the Strange Solution was given, Exovul if the Strange Substance was given, or Vuliable at Level 29.)
- In Final Fantasy XIV, all dragon hatchlings have the same basic body shape: four legs, a pair of wings, and a long tail. However, their bodies adapt to their way of living and the environments they grew up in. A dragon with a talent for manipulating wind aether who spends most of their time flying may develop into a wyvern and later an elder wyvern with larger wings fused to their arms to have an easier time soaring among the clouds. By contrast, dragons who spend most of their time on the ground and manipulate earth-aspected aether may lose their wings entirely and become tortoise-like carapace dragons. Ehll Tou, a dragonling who takes a strong interest in crafting, develops a bipedal form with pronounced and dextrous front limbs to better use crafting tools.
- Metroid: The eponymous Metroids have a "natural" metamorphosis line introduced in Metroid II: Return of Samus, where Metroids left on SR-388 (or a facsimile like the one in Metroid Fusion) change from the basic jellyfish-like larval form to more insectoid and later dinosaur-like instars. On different planets, however, they metamorphosize differently. Super Metroid shows that the Zebes strain will grow into larger versions of the jellyfish stage rather than change form entirely. The Metroid Prime Trilogy also shows how Metroids change in response to consuming Phazon, ranging from the misshapen and long-tentacled Hunter Metroids in Metroid Prime to the bifurcated and semi-incorporeal Phazon Metroids in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.
- Monster Sanctuary: Draconov is the only monster in the game with multiple evolutions, known as the Draco family. Each one specializes in a different pair of elements and lives in a different environment.
- Pokémon: There are many Pokémon that have different branching evolutions that can be achieved when certain conditions are met, whether it involves using a certain Evolution stone, the Pokémon's gender, what time of day it evolves, etc.
- Eevee, the "Evolution Pokémon", is the Trope Codifier when it comes to Mon. Eevee is a Normal-type Pokemon resembling a brown fox that is famous for having a great many different options for what it can evolve into utilizing different methods. Such options include evolution stones (Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon), leveling up with high friendship during the day or night (Espeon and Umbreon), leveling up in a specific location (Leafeon and Glaceon), and leveling up with high friendship while knowing a specific type move (Sylveon). note
- Wurmple has two evolutions when it reaches level 7, however, which one it evolves to is dependent on a hidden personality value. It will evolve into either Silcoon or Cascoon, who will then evolve into the butterfly-esque Beautifly and the moth-like Dustox, respectively.
- Tyrogue is unique for having three branching evolutions based on the relation between its Attack and Defense stat when it reaches level 20. It will evolve into Hitmonlee if its Attack is higher than its Defense, it will evolve into Hitmonchan if its Defense is higher than its Attack, or it will evolve into Hitmontop if its Attack and Defense are equal.
- Slowpoke has two evolutions, one by leveling up and one by trade item. It will evolve into Slowbro once it reaches level 37 or it will evolve into Slowking if traded while holding a King's Rock.
- Cosmoem is unique not only for being one of the few Legendary Pokémon that can evolve, but also for being the only Legendary Pokémon with a branching evolution. It's also unique in that it's the only Pokémon whose evolution is dependent on what version of the game it's in. It evolves into Solgaleo in Sun, Ultra Sun, Sword, and Scarlet, while in Moon, Ultra Moon, Shield, and Violet, it evolves into Lunala.
- Many Pokémon evolve by being exposed to items, such as evolution stones, or when traded while holding a specific item. Then there are some Pokémon that have multiple branching evolutions depending on which item is given to it and/or what item it has while being traded.
- Applin has three item-based evolutions based on what kind of apple it's given. It will evolve into Flapple if given a Tart Apple, it will evolve into Appletun if given a Sweet Apple, or it will evolve into Dipplin if given a Syrupy Apple. Dipplin is also unique in being one of the few item evolution Pokémon that can evolve again, as Dipplin evolves into Hydrapple by leveling up while knowing the move Dragon Cheer.
- Poliwhirl has two item-based evolutions. It will evolve into Poliwrath if given a Water Stone or it will evolve into Politoed if traded while holding a King's Rock.
- Clamperl is unique for having two trade evolutions. It will evolve into Huntail if traded while holding a Deep Sea Tooth or it will evolve into Gorebyss if traded while holding a Deep Sea Scale.
- Gloom has two stone-based evolutions. It will evolve into Vileplume if exposed to a Leaf Stone or it will evolve into Bellossom if exposed to a Sun Stone.
- Charcadet has two evolutions based on what kind of armor it's given. It will evolve into Armarouge if given Auspicious Armor or it will evolve into Ceruledge if given Malicious Armor.
- Scyther has two item evolutions. It will evolve into Scizor if traded while holding a Metal Coat or it will evolve into Kleavor if given a Black Augurite.
- Nincada is unique in that it has a simultaneous evolution into two evolved forms, but with the catch that one of them only appears under specific circumstances when evolving into the other. When Nincada evolves into Ninjask at level 20, its other evolved form, Shedinja, will only appear if there is an empty slot in the player's party and if there is an extra Poké Ball in the player's inventory. If these conditions are not met, then Shedinja will not appear and cannot be obtained, although Nincada will still evolve into Ninjask regardless.
- Some Pokémon have final evolutions that are restricted to one gender while still having a regular final evolution available to both sexes. For example, both male and female Kirlia can evolve to Gardevoir, but only male Kirlia can evolve to Gallade. Similarly, only female Snorunt can evolve into Froslass, while both male and female Snorunt are able to evolve into Glalie.
- Burmy is an interesting example in which both genders have an exclusive final evolution that the other cannot evolve to. All female Burmy evolve into Wormadam, while all male Burmy evolve into Mothim. In addition, Wormadam also has a different secondary type depending on the cloak that female Burmy has when she evolves, whereas Mothim always has the same typing regardless of male Burmy's cloak. The Plant Cloak makes Wormadam Bug/Grass, the Sandy Cloak makes her Bug/Ground, and the Trash Cloak makes her Bug/Steel.
- Sonic the Hedgehog: The Chao are a race of Ridiculously Cute Critters that are capable of changing from their default state (typically called "Normal Chao") and can either turn into "Hero Chao" or "Dark Chao" based on what character cares for or mistreats them. They are also capable of taking on specialized forms focusing on different stats independenly of their alignment, as well as the rare "Chaos Chao" form if certain conditions are met.
- Starcraft: The Zerg have the ability to evolve basic units into more advanced specialized units, with some units having multiple evolutions. However, which units can evolve into what depends on the game and/or the game mode.
- In Starcraft 1 and the expansion Brood War, Mutalisks can evolve into either the anti-ground Guardian or the anti-air Devourer.
- The Starcraft II Heart Of The Swarm campaign has a mechanic that allows the player to evolve certain Zerg units into one of two unique strains that each have their own unique abilities. The downside is that once you choose a strain, its permanent and you cannot choose the other option.
- Zerglings can become the Raptor strain which has the ability to jump up and down cliffs and ledges as well as a pounce attack to close in on enemies, or the Swarmling strain which has a faster spawn time and also spawns three Zerglings instead of the usual two.
- Roaches can become the Corpser strain which can spawn smaller roachlings when enemies are killed or the Vile strain that can slow down enemies with its attack.
- Banelings can become the Hunter strain which has the same ability as the Raptor strain Zergling or the Splitter strain which allows the Baneling to split into two smaller banelings upon exploding for two extra attacks.
- Hydralisks gain the ability to morph in game but what they morph into is dependent on the strain. Hydralisks can either morph into the Lurker from Brood War which has an area attack good against light units or the Impaler which is just like the Lurker but with the heavy attack of the Sunken Colony structure from the first game.
- Just like in Brood war, Mutalisks can morph in game into an anti-ground unit or an anti-air unit but with a twist. In this case, the anti-ground unit is the new Brood Lord rather than the Guardian, and the anti-air unit is the new Viper rather than the Devourer. The Viper is a bit different from the Devourer because it primarily acts as a spellcasting support unit.
- Ultralisks can become the Torrasque strain that can revive itself upon death or the Noxious strain which has an additional poison area attack.
- Swarm Hosts can become either the Creeper strain which allows it to fast burrow anywhere on the map where there is creep or the Carrion strain which allows it to produce flying locusts.
- Starcraft II Co-op mode also allows Zerg commanders the ability to morph certain units, with some commanders having access to branching evolutions.
- Just like in Brood War, Abathur can evolve his Mutalisks into either Guardians or Devourers.
- Dehaka's units can evolve by undergoing Primal Combat, a process in which two units kill each other with the winner absorbing the loser's essence and evolving. Two units, the Primal Roach and the Primal Hydralisk, have multiple evolution options as well. Primal Roaches can evolve into Primal Igniters (a close-range version of the Roach with a fire breath attack) or Primal Guardians, while Primal Hydralisks can evolve into Impalers or Primal Mutalisks.
- Temtem: Tems with multiple evolutions are known as "meta-mimetic".
- Tuwai, an Expy of Eevee, has six evolutions that can be obtained at the shrines on each island.
- Male Towly evolve into Owlhe, while females evolve into Barnshe.
- Venx with the Parrier trait evolve into Venmet, while ones with Arcane Wrap evolve into Vental.
- In Just a Goblin, Nog is given the opportunity to evolve into a more powerful species of goblin after reaching a certain level. He's given the choice between becoming an enormous hobgoblin, a magical winged fay goblin, or the ghost-like onare goblin. He ultimately chooses the latter, gaining the ability to detach and reattach his arms at will, perfect night vision, and strange, dark powers.
- Some adoptable pets in Chicken Smoothie have branching growths, and some vary wildly in anatomy and appearance. In one instance, a litter of chicken eggs once had a split outcome where some grew into dragons.
- PokéFarm: Apart from already existing examples from the official Pokémon games:
- Unlike the official games, the Nidoran line has been merged into a single Mon that evolves into either Nidorino or Nidorina depending on gender.
- A few of the site's original Pokémon have branching evolutions:
- Petripeep evolves into Chirock if male, or Serpitone if female; genderless Petripeep can be evolved into either by giving them a specific evolutionary stone.
- Kawotor evolves into either Lutriva or Selutian depending on which evolutionary stone it's holding when it reaches Level 30.
- Caprakid evolves into either Saytaries, Taurminos, or Sagidamas depending on its Attack and Speed stats at Level 20.