Dream Land - TV Tropes

  • ️Sat Jul 21 2007

Dream Land (trope)

Step into the dream.

"Over the edge of the purple down,
Where the single lamplight gleams,
Know ye the road to the Merciful Town
That is hard by the Sea of Dreams—
Where the poor may lay their wrongs away,
And the sick may forget to weep?"

The Dream Land is a Magical Land or Another Dimension made up of dreams. It can be the dream of a specific person or a collective dream. This sort of setting is generally surreal, nonsensical, and psychologically symbolic. Alternatively, just adorable randomness. Usually divided into two halves or factions — good dreams and nightmares.

Broadly speaking, Dream Lands tend to take one of three forms in fiction:

  • The first is the personal dream land, which is a dreamer's personal mental world or at least only accessible to a single person. It is distinguished from regular lucid dreams by being visited more or less in the same form every night (or other sleeping cycle), but is still vulnerable to its own form of Dream Apocalypse once its dreamer eventually passes away. If it is accessible to anyone else at all, a Journey to the Center of the Mind is often necessary for getting there.
  • The second is the shared dream land, where every dreamer journeys out to a single shared location in their sleep. This location is also generally stable, retaining essentially the same geography and inhabitants and progressing through history at a generally steady pace — in most regards, it acts more like a Magical Land with specific entry requirements than a dream per se. However, it may be (subtly or overtly) influenced and shaped by cultural archetypes and beliefs. Don't expect to be full Reality Warper in here, but a sufficiently large shift in beliefs or interests in the waking world will usually have a matching effect in the Dream Land. This is the oldest kind, and the one most popular in pre-Tolkienian fantasy works.
  • The third, generally more common in modern media, splits the difference by depicting individual people's dreams as pocket dimensions within a larger, shared dreaming world. Dreams may be moved between through magic or internal means without noticeable transition, or else an external "landscape" may be present — a starry, misty void of shifting clouds or fog is a popular choice, usually dotted with orbs or lights or doors or some other sort of symbolic object representing the dreamscapes of specific people. Usually, the trick here is that any dreamer has full Reality Warper powers within their own dream, but is limited outside of it. Shared Dreams are also possible if one can find a way to merge dreamscapes together.

The inhabitants of this place are as many as one can dream of. Dream People are everywhere, of course; oftentimes, they will try to escape their birth dreams and either survive out in the Dream Land or find a way into the real world. Monsters and predators also exist here, usually as living nightmares on the prowl for juicy dreaming minds to sink their claws into or at the very least make dreamers realize their worst fears and anxieties.

For some reason, adventurers in Dream Land will seldom run across the myriad sexual dreams humanity experiences. Odd that, as you'd think there'd be a huge Red Light District.

In medieval Europe it was commonplace for a writer to situate a story in Dream Land, as a way of apologizing for the fictional quality. As fiction became more respectable, the Dream Land became chiefly used for fantasy works, as it provided a reason why the Magical Land does not obey ordinary laws of nature. As fantasy became more respectable (for certain values of "respectable"), the Dream Land came to be used only in fictional settings relying on actual dreams. Still, this makes this Older Than Print.

This may provide a setting for Talking in Your Dreams.

Not to be confused with Kirby's home (which is an example of the trope, but is also a physical location) or the Julien-K song "Dreamland."

See also Dream People, Dream Apocalypse, and Shared Dream. Not to be confused with a Magical Land which is accessed through dreaming (or to be more precise, sleeping and having your consciousness transferred). Not to be confused with Area 51, which has "Dreamland" as one of its many nicknames, or Hollywood Dreamtime, though they are sometimes interchangeable.


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Anime & Manga 


    • X/1999: All dreams are connected and there are a few specially-gifted individuals (called yumemi, or "dreamseers") who can travel among them and use the Dreamscape to view the future. It's here, in example, that Kakyou Kuzuki meets his beloved Hokuto Sumeragi, and years later strikes an Intergenerational Friendship with his fellow yumemi Kotori.
    • ×××HOLiC and Tsubasa -RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE- depict yumemi with similar powers, but take it a step further and make the Dreamscape into a dimension of its own, which souls alone can enter and dreamseers can manipulate.
    • Yumegari: The yumegari and yumemori work together to keep order in people's dreams.


  • Black Clover: Dorothy Unsworth can create a Dream World with her magic, where she can entrap people and create anything she imagines.
  • Crayon Shin-chan has a What If? story where Hiroshi receives a prototype "Dream Pillow" and explores the world of dreams. And since the dream world is far more pleasing than the boring, drab reality, Hiroshi actually chose to remain in Dreamland (where he could be an action hero, a ladies man, a wealthy billionaire, anything he wants) until Shin-Chan and Misae have to talk him into waking up. In his attempts to escape, Hiroshi eventually made it to the "Absolute Paradise" level... only to witness a younger Misae giving birth to Shin-Chan and be reminded that his real family is outside, therefore finally deciding to return.
  • Doraemon: Nobita's Three Visionary Swordsmen takes place entirely in the dream universe of Yumemiru — a High Fantasy-themed adventure — after Nobita asks Doraemon to create a heroic dream for him via the Dream Machine.
  • Dreamland (2006) has the protagonists living between Real Life and such a world. Most dreamers are unconscious but those who overcame their phobia during a nightmare become Travellers, are granted a specific power, and can wander freely in Dreamland when they are asleep.
  • Dream Eater Merry: The titular heroine and most of the antagonists are Dream Demons, all of whom come from here. Usually, the only way to get through from their reality into ours is to possess a human being as a vessel; Merry came all the way through by herself, completely by accident, and can't figure out how to get back. Additionally, our other protagonist Yumeji possesses the ability to see the auras of people haunted by Dream Demons, and enter their dreamworlds while they're awake. He refers to the intervening space between dreams and reality as a "daydream", the concept of which puzzles Merry.
  • Eureka Seven: The final scene of the movie either takes place in Renton's dream, or the real world merged and connected with Renton's dream.
  • Onegai My Melody gives us Mari Land, a bright, happy dimension formed by the dreams of all humans on Earth, populated anthropomorphic stuffed animals and fields of colorful flowers implied to represent said dreams. All nightmares are banished to a far-off part of Mari Land to prevent the Spirit of the Dark Power from getting even stronger than he already is, as we learn in the 2nd series Kuru Kuru Shuffle!.
  • Rozen Maiden: Everyone and their doll has a personal Mental World for dreams, but on the outside all these are connected through the World Tree, forming one large navigable space.
  • Sailor Moon: Elysion in the Super S season. It's actually what remains of the Golden Kingdom of the Earth, aka the birthplace of Mamoru's past self Prince Endymion. Helios, aka Pegasus, is its Guardian.
  • Samurai High School: Kamiyama lets his scientists build a machine that he wants to use to control his New Years' dream, because of fortunetelling. However, he gets stuck in his dream for over 20 hours, and it's up to the protagonists to dive into his mind to wake him up. It quickly turns into an Alice Allusion.

Comic Books 

  • Bone: The magic system is based around tapping into the world of the Dreaming which in this case is a Sentient Cosmic Force that permeates everything and everyone. The author admitted to dipping heavily into the Dreamtime Myths of Australian Aboriginal peoples, with Neil Gaiman's support, as he did the same in The Sandman (1989).
  • Little Ego is an adult-oriented, erotic parody of the classic Little Nemo comics by Vittorio Giardino. The main character, called Ego, is a woman seemingly in her middle twenties. As in Little Nemo, each story is about her having a dream, and she wakes up in the last panel. Whereas Little Nemo talked to his mother after waking up, Little Ego thinks what she will tell her psychoanalyst.
  • Marvel Universe: The setting has not one but several Dream Lands. Arguably the most prominent is the Dream Dimension ruled by the Doctor Strange enemy Nightmare, who lives up to his name by inflicting terrorizing nightmares on humans. Lesser known parts of the mental plane include the Realm of Madness, which Spider-Man's enemy Venom was briefly trapped on, and the Mindscape, a dimension that connects the minds of all sentient beings, the home of the 1990s superhero Sleepwalker.
  • The Maxx: The setting shifts back and forth between the "real" world and the Outback, a subconscious world resembling a prehistoric Australia populated by fantastic creatures and psychological symbolism. The Outback featured in most of the series is that of protagonist Julie Winters, but everybody supposedly has an Outback, and physical travel between them and the "real" world can be achieved by those with the proper knowhow.
  • Mother's Oats, a psychedelic underground comic, featured crackpot inventor Cecil Quill devising a means for himself and his assistant to visit the dream world. At one point, Quill pokes his head through a portal and is temporarily driven mad, having witnessed a parakeet dream.
  • Poet Anderson: The Dream Walker has the Dream World, with locations formed by the collective dreaming subconscious of humanity. The comics explore more of the Dream World than the short film, which sticks to the hub city of Genesis.
  • The Sandman (1989): The Dreaming.
    • This place has a huge red-light district, but most stories don't go there. There are also individual characters who are Anthropomorphic Personifications of particular kinds of nightmares (the Corinthian, Brute, Glob), or wet dreams (Quivering Mary) or even lovely dream places (Fiddler's Green). The Area in Peter Milligan's Shade, the Changing Man, another Vertigo title, was originally called 'The Area of Madness', but as more entities started coming out of it, the definition was expanded to the land of dreams, the land of the dead, the place where all human consciousness gravitates.
    • The Multiversity separates the Dreaming into "Dream" and "Nightmare" to fit with the other paired realms in the Sphere of the Gods (Heaven and Hell; Skyland and Underworld; and New Genesis and Apokalips). Unlike those realms, however, they're not said to be opposed to each other, just different aspects of the same force. Also, since Morrison needs to tie everything into this cosmology, the Land of Faerie and the realms of the other Endless are said to be part of Dream, while the Land of Nightshades is part of Nightmare. The Area, surprisingly, doesn't get mentioned, but is probably part of Nightmare as well.
  • Soulsearchers and Company: In Issue #3, Dweeb — a parody of Dream from The Sandman (1989) — hires the team to discover who is interfering with the town's ability to sleep, and therefore dream. To investigate, Baraka (who is a demon and does not need to sleep) has to enter the dreamscape of Bridget, the strongest-willed member of the team.

Comic Strips 

Fan Works 

  • Aeon Natum Engel: The dreamland is devoured like in the source material CthulhuTech, but, since it's still getting digested, the mages of the Special Services, which doesn't exist, certainly didn't perform a special ritual to summon Moloch using special properties of the dreamlands, and most certainly were not killed in process.
  • A Ballad of the Dragon and She-Wolf: Arya can use her warging ability to enter the Dream Lands. The sky is filled with flying sea creatures and strange flying machines, and animals can talk. Many of the scenes are similar to medieval manuscript art with rabbit bandits, snail jousts, and such.
  • Eigengrau Zwei: Die Welt Ist Grau Geworden: Several are relevant. There's the Dream Realm used by Princess Luna, which is tainted by Nightmare Moon and slowly fading as Luna heals. Grogar, Dark Desire and Catrina forge another using the taint in the Ink and Dim's aborted destiny to claim the Essence of Night to create a Realm of Nightmares, an Evil Counterpart to Luna's realm. And there's a new Dream Realm, being built by the Essence of Night and the Essence of Night Who Might Be, which is stronger than the old one and untainted by Luna's fall, and is empowered by Luna's regrowing trust in her sister allowing the Sun to bring light to it.
  • The Flower's Dream: The Breezies' creation myth has it that their world is the vivid, lasting dream of a very special flower, in a little grove "out beyond the beyond". It dreamed up a whole world into being, filled with noble beasts and magical forests and winding rivers — but then the flower woke up, and the dream started to fade. It managed to send itself back to sleep before the dream fully vanished, and it has since been trying to learn how to live permanently within this dream-land so that it will never fade.
  • Recoil: After dying and ending up in Taylor's head Lisa is able to create entire landscapes for Taylor to visit while dreaming, or in self-hypnotic trances.
  • Sharing the Night: The Desert of Dreams is a "second night", a mass of stars buried underground, where dreaming minds go, filled with the forms of sapient creatures that continuously form out of stardust and crumble back into formlessness as their physical selves fall asleep and wake. Originally, twin goddesses had dreamed dreams and nightmares for all sapient creatures in the world; in the present day, people are able to dream independently because their minds are naturally drawn into the otherworld formed from the ruins of the two deities' celestial bodies.
  • When the Cold Wind is a Callin': As a magi, Merida can enter the Dreamlands, with help from North and the Sandman.
  • What Insertion?: From Curtis's perspective, this is what his time spent in Phibrizzo's mind looks like. For unknown reasons, he always wakes up there whenever he falls asleep at night in the real world. He eventually learns to exploit this to research any information he requires for the situations his host ends up in.

Film — Animation 

  • Dreambuilders: Dreams are soundstages floating in the air, connected by tracks, with the leftover props from a finished dream getting dumped to the ground.
  • Paprika: This trope is a primary premise of the work, in which the titular character uses a portable device that allows her to enter the dreams of others, where she serves as a kind of intimate counselor and guide as they explore the person's subconscious together to confront sources of emotional turmoil. Initially everyone's dream world is separate, until the technology falls into the wrong hands and a nefarious Reality Warper begins to merge all of the dreams together until they then invade the real world—though the question of how this is done is largely hand waved to allow the Magic Realism finale to run wild.
  • Poet Anderson: The Dream Walker cuts between the Dream World and the Waking World, focusing mainly on the hub city of Genesis.
  • Twice Upon a Time involves a conflict between Frivoli, the land of good dreams, and the Murkworks, the land of bad dreams.

Film — Live-Action 

  • Dreamscape: Agents for good and evil enter the dream world of the President — the latter to assassinate him from the inside, and the former to save him.
  • Inception is based upon the idea of creating a dream land inside another person's brain and entering it mentally. As such most of the story's events take place there, or even all of them.
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street: Particularly the later films, where the children discover they can use hypnosis to enter the dream world together and give themselves superpowers.
  • The Wizard of Oz: The Land of Oz may be the best-known example of a Dream Land in modern culture. In the movie, Oz is a head-injury-induced hallucination on the part of the heroine, Dorothy. Note that the L. Frank Baum novel on which the movie is based represents Oz as a real country.


  • After Hamelin is a retelling of the Pied Piper in which a deaf girl is the only one left when the Piper takes away the town's children and sends them to dream land, so she has to fall asleep to find them and bring them back.
  • Astral Dawn: Celestial City and the many other worlds created by the high Earth spirits are considered dream worlds. Another astral world belonging to a high spirit god named Hypnos sets a perfect example of this trope. His world is an island with a golden beach called the Land of Nod. The sand from Nod's golden beach serves as sleep sand for the Sandman.
  • Burying the Shadow involves a realm called the soulscape, which connects all people on a subconscious level. An individual's soulscape reflects their mental and spiritual health.
  • The Chronicles of Dorsa: The Shadowlands turn out to also be this, with dream walkers entering them from the normal world. While inside, people can also change things through dreaming them (dream walkers have more control over this). A person can also be trapped there inside a dream as well.
  • Chronicles of the Kencyrath : The dreams of the Kencyr form a dreamscape made of their individual dreams, from which one can journey to the soulscape (the land of the collective soul images of the Kencyr).
  • A lot of Charles de Lint's work, relying as it does on pseudo-Jungian theory being the laws of the universe (which is actually pretty cool) does a lot with this. Most prominently with the character Sophie, who breaks electronics by trying to use them and visits/populates a whole perfectly real dream world in her sleep, although she's in her mid-twenties before she starts to acknowledge the realness. Eventually her boyfriend comes out of dreamland and lives with her. This is considerable dedication, since the relationship started when he came and gave her reward sex for saving him in the form of a crow, and she blamed his existence on a severe need to get laid when she woke up. It's all because her mother was the Moon. Consider also that this boyfriend, Jack Crow, who is "really" a crow, is now coexisting in Newford with the crow-people, who are Native American spirits (sort of) who can turn into various corbae and mostly rent rooms from a big fat guy called Raven. Totally different origins, 'really' crows, same city. They need to meet in a coffee shop sometime, and possibly already have.
  • Cthulhu Armageddon: John Henry Booth has a number of journeys here in the series (especially The Tree of Azathoth). It is depicted as a place that now has become intrinsically interwoven with the Earth after the Great Old Ones rise. As such physics are more like suggestions and the world is impossibly weird. It still exists as a separate dimension, though.
  • Dreamblood Duology: Ina-Karekh is where people go when dreaming and also doubles as an afterlife.
  • Dreamland (2000) mixes a fantasy realm which is subject to the rules of constant change.
  • The Dream Merchant: Characters can travel to Umaya, which is the Dream Land. Oh, and there is indeed a Red Light District in Umaya, but kids are not allowed.
  • Dream Rovers: The dreamscape is a misty, surreal place that connects all dreams. Certain people can view or even travel through it.
  • An Elegy for the Still-living: Begins halfway through the first chapter and stays until the end. Environments change in ways tied only the logic of emotions. Characters appear out of nowhere. Buildings talk, giraffes dance and no one bats an eye.
  • H. P. Lovecraft did a number of stories set in a fairly surreal and oddly-light-on-the-horror-he's-known-for Dreamlands. These are depicted as a sort of alternate dimension, which can be reached by people who pass through hidden passageways in dreams, and who can live a sort of second life in it afterwards. The Dreamlands are a place of fantastical landscapes and creatures, loosely based on the themes of dreams and cultural archetypes; very powerful Dreamers can also consciously create new landscapes and wonders within them. These range from areas relatively "close" to reality, through increasingly surreal and strange locations, and to remote and alien places such as the Plateau of Leng and the city of unknown Kadath. The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath include a number of beings found in his other work, such as Nyarlathotep, ghouls, and a handful of named characters, forming links between this Dream Cycle and the Cthulhu Mythos.
    • These stories were based on Lord Dunsany's dream-like storytelling. Lord Dunsany himself also wrote several stories about the world of dreams, most notably 'Idle Days on the Yann' and its sequels.
    • Lovecraft's Commonplace Book includes an unused idea for a story about a man whose dreams coalesce into a "half-mad world of quasi-material substance in another dimension".
  • The Iron Fey: The Iron Knight: The River of Dreams has interesting flotsam and jetsam. When Puck is fishing in it, he catches a yellow boot, a turtle that asks for a pocket watch, a catfish that pleads I Have a Family, and an annoyed dragon. Given, however, that Nevernever is shaped by human thoughts, it's less of a jolt for them.
  • Malazan Book of the Fallen: The Sleeping Goddess Burn is said to dream reality, so, technically speaking, all of reality in the world where the books take place, is this.
  • Mirror Duet is primarily set in the world of dreams where people from Earth appear when they sleep, seeking their ultimate dream. Each kingdom in this world caters to different dreamer tastes: the main character controls a kingdom which specialises in storms.
  • The Neverending Story: Fantastica is made up of humanity's stories and creativity — and often takes on a surreal, dreamlike nature. The world rests on a foundation of forgotten dreams, which are mined by Yor the blind miner.
  • A Night in the Lonesome October: One chapter has the narrator and his friend sucked into Lovecraft's Dreamland.
  • On Fairy-Stories: J. R. R. Tolkien criticizes the use of this trope for fairy tales — at best, it makes a bad frame on an otherwise good work.
  • Only Forward by Michael Marshall Smith uses Jeamland [sic] as a major plot point/setting. The protagonist is a private eye, specialising in clients whose psyches are being poisoned by the denizens of Jeamland.
  • Only You Can Save Mankind: On twelve-year-old Johnny's computer screen, the titular game, an outer space shoot'em-up, flashes perplexing messages of surrender. Johnny then has vivid dreams of an ultra-realistic version of the game's starship cockpit, from which he tries to aid the ScreeWee in their withdrawal to "the border."
  • Pale: It's said that the Paths used to be called the Dreamworld, before magical Practioners learned more about the nature of the realm. They're now considered the "edge of reality", where each Path is a miniature world unto itself, with its own laws of reality.
  • Pawns Dream: For a group of magic users the dream world is very real (If you die there you can't sleep here, so you'll die pretty quickly of exhaustion), and even weirder; the "real" world is just the dream world's dream world.
  • Side-By-Side Dreamers: The Nightland is made up of the collective unconscious of humanity as they sleep.
  • Solomons Stone takes place in a world populated by figures from daydreams.
  • The Tygrine Cat: The borderlands of Fiåney, the Spirit World, are made of all cats' collective dreams.
  • Unimaa: The titular location is one of these; it's implied that there are hundreds, if not thousands, more Dream Lands of a similar nature given the fact that, in order to access it, one must picture a certain thing in their head when they sleep.
  • The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: Lord Rhoop is rescued from an island where dreams come true — which seems great to the crew, until Rhoop clarifies that he doesn't mean daydreams. There is a moment where everyone recalls the worst nightmare they ever had, and shortly thereafter they turn around the ship and tear out of there as fast as they can.
  • War of the Dreaming: Everness Mansion guards the gates of dreamland. If it is destroyed, humanity will shortly go insane.
  • The Wheel of Time: Tel'aran'rhiod (translated "World of Dreams" from Fictionary) is a shared dream of everyone from every possible world that mirrors real-world locations. Ordinary people sometimes dream themselves into it, dangerously, as Your Mind Makes It Real. In addition, if a Dream Walker doesn't watch her thoughts, and they stray onto sexual topics, odd things can happen, including their clothes shifting suitably.
    • Tel'aran'rhiod is characterised by ephemerality, with the positions of things like doors and books changing every time one looks. It's possible for a dreamer to assert their will and imagination onto their surrounding, to the point of changing it completely, but they cannot alter their own bodies, while anything they create can injure them, affecting their real selves; thus combat between skilled dreamwalkers takes the form of a reality-warping battle of wills.
    • Wolves have a natural connection to Tel'aran'rhiod, as do the handful of "wolf brothers/sisters" (people who have some form of supernatural link with wolves). Because of these links, they have an innate talent for manipulating the dream world that can rival that of a dreamwalker.

Live-Action TV 

  • Behind Her Eyes: Louise suffers from night terrors that take place in a frightening dream world. When Adele teaches her lucid dreaming techniques, her dream world becomes much more pleasant.
  • Doctor Who: In "Amy's Choice", the mysterious Dream Lord says that one of the two realities the Doctor, Amy and Rory are being flipped between is a dream, and they have to figure out which. Surprise! They're both dreams.
  • Fraggle Rock: The Fraggles can join each other's dreams by placing their heads in contact and reciting the phrase "dream a dream with me, dream a dream and see" when going to sleep. Although normally just a form of benign dream sharing, it is possible to become trapped in another character's Dreamland.
  • Henry Danger: In "Dream Busters" Henry is stuck in a dream state and Charlotte has to get him out of it. Henry's dreams are crazy, but Henry doesn't realize he is in a dream, just that he is having the strangest day.
  • Lexx had the Dream Zone, "the time and space from where our consciousness derives." Certain aliens (and at least one human culture) could send their souls there after death, allowing them to visit the living in their dreams.
  • Monty Python's Flying Circus subverts this by having a man facing a firing squad being awoken in his bed by his mother. Upon exclaiming "It was only a dream!" his mother tells him that, no, this is the dream, and he really is back in front of the firing squad.
  • Oktober is about a powerful pharmaceutical company marketing a drug which has the side-effect of linking people in the 'mass unconsciousness'.
  • The Sandman (2022): As in the original comic book series, the Dreaming is this.
  • Supernatural: The episode "Dream a Little Dream of Me" features African Dream Root, which allows the villain of the week to drink it to enter another person's dream and even kill them if he so desires. Sam and Dean pursue the villain in Bobby's dream, where they learn of Bobby's tragic past. Later, Sam enters Dean's dream where he defeats the villain of the week while Dean confronts his Evil Twin.


  • Old Master Q: Shows up in several strips, usually as a gag or a "Shaggy Dog" Story where things go right for the titular Butt-Monkey character, only for him to wake up in the last second (such as after winning a lottery). Lampshaded in one story where Master Q randomly finds a duffel bag bursting with cash, at which point he comments, "I must be dreaming!" before biting his hand to see if it's a dream... cue the next panel depicting a pissed off Master Q waking up on his bed.

Mythology and Religion 

  • In the Jewish mystical system, the Kabballah, Yesod is the sphere of being governed by the Moon, and is the plane of existence immediately above the material Malkuth plane of Earth which is where we abide. Yesod is the plane of insubstantiality, deception, wild imaginings and distracting visions - this is where dreams and nightmares happen when the spirit leaves the body during deep sleep. The task for the explorer is to become aware this is the plane of illusion, and to move beyond it to the higher planes, where genuine insight and wisdom may be gleaned from visions (which we also bring back as dreams, but of a more concrete, substantial and internally coherent sort).
  • "Dreamtime" is a recurring motif in Australian Aboriginal folklore. It's sort of a world that existed before our own, but also exists "everywhen", and it's where/when various ancestral spirits shaped our world.
  • Described by Homer in The Odyssey, the Land of Dreams is located within The Underworld, past the world-encircling river Oceanus and the gates of the sun, lies a "land where reality ends and everything is fabulous" just near the Fields of Asphodel.

Tabletop Games 

  • Arkham Horror, being Cthulhu Mythos The Board Game, features the Dreamlands mentioned above as an Other World location to be explored. Like its source material it's a surprisingly "gentle" location compared to, say the Plateau of Leng.
  • Bliss Stage: The alien invaders hail from the dream realm. The players have to go into a sleep-like state to enter the dream realm to combat the aliens with their ANIMa.
  • Changeling: The Dreaming: The Dreaming is a Dream Land created and continuously shaped by the collective imagination and dreams of humanity, the product of the collective unconscious, but it doesn't appear to be a place where dreams play out. That apparently falls to the Dream Zone of Werewolf: The Apocalypse, which contains both individual dream realms and archetypal dream realms, covering the fundamental concepts dreams encompass.
  • Dungeons & Dragons:
    • An optional plane in the core cosmology is the Region of Dreams, which intelligent creatures routinely visit every time they fall asleep. Dreamers create their own dreamscapes that fade away when they wake up, though the rare lucid dreamers (or spellcasters with the right magic) can exert control over their dreamscapes, or travel to other creatures' dreams. The plane is usually harmless, as "dying" in a dream world only results in a Catapult Nightmare, but anyone who travels bodily to the plane is in real danger from the hazards of the subconscious.
    • Eberron has Dal Quor, filled with nightmarish psionic creatures called quori. Peoples' minds go there when they dream, and the Dreaming Dark are quori that learned to do this in reverse. The kalashtar are the descendants of humans who merged with rebel quori long ago to escape the Dreaming Dark. It used to be possible to get there physically, but an ancient race of giants managed to force the dimensions apart with magic. In the aftermath, they descended into savagery.
    • Planescape: The Wall of Color between the Deep and Border Ethereal is also the Veil of Sleep. Walking into the thing that resembles an infinite soap bubble wall instead of through it is the only way to visit bodily a dreamscape of whatever world's border is beyond this part of curtain. Not that it's easy, of course.
    • Ravenloft has the Nightmare Lands, where reality is mixed with dream stuff so that even the terrain is malleable and masters of nightmares keep little dreamscape cells for the victims they drive nuts with private nightly horror shows.
  • In Nomine: The Ethereal plane, also known as the Marches, is a world of shifting fog where the dreams of humans and animals manifest as pocket realities contained within drifting shapes such as orbs, mirrors or arches. Angels of Dreams and Demons of Nightmares periodically watch over the sleepers, while the native ethereal spirits are actually dream elements or imaginary figures come to life. The more belief or worship these spirits gather, the more powerful they can become, and some of them actually reached the status of pagan gods back in the day. While most dreams are fragile things, which evaporate soon after their dreamer wakes, others manage to endure, merging with one another or becoming inhabited by dream-spirits to become permanent fixtures of the Marches. Some have reached immense size and age, becoming strongholds of ancient dream spirits such as Avalon and Olympus. Another, Arachnidae, is a permanent dreamworld that houses the dreams of every spider in reality. The Marches are broadly divided between the Vale of Dreams, where the majority of all dreamscapes are at any given time and where the forces of Dreams and Nightmares wage endless war, and the Far Marches, the lawless depths of humanity's collective subconscious where most ethereal spirit courts hide out. There isn't much stable geography beyond that, although Blandine and Beleth's Towers are always just visible, looming at the edges of Heaven and Hell.
  • New World of Darkness:
    • Beast: The Primordial reveals the existence of another aspect of the Astral Dreams in-between the Temenos and the Anima Mundi, known as the Primordial Dream, which is home to humanity's collective fears. The titular Beasts are people whose soul has been replaced with living Nightmares native of the Primordial Dream, known as Horrors. Each Horror has its own Lair inside this realm, which Beasts can travel to by opening Primordial Pathways.
    • Changeling: The Lost has its own dream network, known as the Skein. Word of God says both the Oneiros and the Skein are the same thing, but the differing structure relies on the mindsets of the supernatural types. To the mages, the dreamscape appears an endless tapestry of human thought, whereas to the changelings, it appears a labyrinthine structure of ornate chambers decorated with the dream stuff of a billion sleepers.
    • Mage: The Awakening contains the Astral Realms, which have three distinct levels. The Oneiros is each individual's personal Mental World, and thus the only one not fitting this trope. The Temenos is the collective Mental World of humanity, containing the sum total of all human knowledge, belief, and experience, albeit shrouded in metaphor, symbolism and subjectivity. Each concept has its own realm, and they are either ruled over by gods (all gods ever believed in exist in the Temenos) or archetypes. Travel is made by locating aspects in one realm and moving to another connected to it by word association. It is possible for the realms of ideologies to enforce belief in their ideology upon visitors. Even deeper is the Anima Mundi (also called the Dreamtime), which is essentially the Mental World of the Earth itself. Its entirely inhuman perspective can wash away any unprotected human mind that tries to pass through it. It contains the Earth's perspective on humanity (represented as a vast swath of destruction), nature (which is filled with animal and elemental archetypes; notably, the animal archetypes are devoid of Animal Motifs) and the wider universe (represented as an incomprehensibly large void filled with bizarre objects and beings). All Astral Realms operate on subjective time. The length of real time one spends in the Astral Realms largely depends on the degree to which you interact with them (so, for example, if you merely pass through a desert, it might feel like hours, but in real time, it will take about as long as it takes to say "I pass through the desert").
    • Princess: The Hopeful, a fan supplement, has the Dreamlands. This one, however, isn't a natural place, but an artificial creation from the Darkness' minions, and was used centuries ago as a Lotus-Eater Machine to trap the majority of the titular Princesses' souls, thus preventing them from reincarnating. Eventually the place evolved into its own thing, and the Radiant Queens managed to overthrow its guardians, claiming the Dreamlands as their domain. Nowadays, Princesses can enter the Dreamlands during their sleep and travel safely inside it (with the same Year Inside, Hour Outside rules than the Astral Realm), but sticking there for too long might result in the remains of the Lotus Eater Machine taking effect and gradually altering their memories.
  • Pathfinder: The Ethereal Plane, a vast sea of swirling mist that extends over the inner planes, is very reactive to psychic and emotional forces. When mortals dream, their minds go out into the Ethereal, shaping its mists into dreamscapes that degreade back into nothingess when they wake. Figures spawned in dreams sometimes survive this to escape into the Ethereal as free-roaming animate dreams, which must then share their home with a variety of psychic predators such as nightmare dragons and night hags. Dreamscapes cluster together in the plane's depths, and surround the Dimension of Dreams, also known as the Dreamlands, a permanent dimension formed from countless accreted dreamscapes, the dreams of powerful beings, and subconscious desires and archetypes resonating into the Ethereal Plane. It is home to entire nations and species of bizarre creatures, which sometimes pass physically into the material world. Further still beyond the Dreamlands is the Plateau of Leng, a dimension of living nightmares shaped by the dreams of ancient and alien gods.
  • Shattered Dreams is all about Dreamland adventures and battling its monsters that prey on dreamers.
  • Warhammer 40,000: The Immaterium (or Warp) is an alternate universe comprised of psychic energy and shaped by the emotions and thoughts of sentient lifeforms. The setting being what it is, the Warp is a nightmarish realm of daemons where even benign emotions like courage, hope, perseverance and love fuel the Chaos Gods of slaughter, scheming, plague and excess. It used to be a more peaceful dream land called the Realm of Souls, but the War in Heaven caused so much bloodshed and negative feelings that it was corrupted into the Warp.


  • Franco Dragone's Las Vegas spectacle Le Reve ("The Dream") takes place in a woman's dream. There's plenty of sexuality and surrealism to go around. Dragone used to work for Cirque du Soleil, and his last show for them, La Nouba, is set in an attic where humanity's fairy tale dreams and nightmares coexist. (In part because it was commissioned for Walt Disney World, it's not nearly as suggestive as the latter show.)

Video Games 

  • American McGee's Alice takes place in Wonderland, Alice's own dream world. It is very different from the Wonderland we all know.
  • Bloodborne has the real...ish world where Yharnam is located and the Hunter's Dream, a safe Pocket Dimension created from the dreams of the Moon Presence, an Eldritch Abomination exterminating its fellow horrors and their spawn by means of its pet human Hunters. Hunters are humans injected with Old Blood, giving them, among other things, an ability to "awaken" from Yharnam to the Hunter's Dream and back. Later in the game, you also visit another dream world, the Nightmare of Mensis, as well as the Hunter's Nightmare in the DLC, suggesting that there are innumerable worlds created from the dreams of powerful beings, or even that Yharnam itself is just such a dream.
  • Cocoron is set in a Dream World created by Tapir. He's actually a Baku who wants to devour the dream world.
  • Commander Keen: Keen Dreams, episode 3.5, takes places entirely inside a dream world.
  • Cultist Simulator: The various gods and monsters come from a realm called the Mansus and the Woods, which are named such because they are perceived by mortals as a great mansion with deep woods surrounding it. Mortals can only reach the Mansus by dreaming, but with magic they can bring creatures, knowledge, and items from the Mansus to the waking world.
  • Dare to Dream takes place entirely in the mind of the player's character.
  • Dragon Age gradually subverts this trope in form of the Fade, a Spirit World where disembodied spirits reside and where the consciousness of every species except dwarves go when asleep. (Dwarves live near lyrium, which has effects on magical abilities and so on. Unruly or dangerous mages are forcibly branded with lyrium, turning them into the Tranquil, which is essentially a magical lobotomy.) It's very...odd. Mages are the only people who can consciously navigate it without having to check on whether they're dreaming or not, though this puts them in danger of being possessed by the many demons that wander the Fade. The subversion sets in as soon as Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening, which begins dismantling the laws of the setting by having a dwarf party member potentially joining the PC on a dream trip to the Fade (which he also acknowledges as normally impossible). By the time of Dragon Age: Inquisition, we have the Inquisitor entering and leaving the Fade in the flesh twice (once with an entire party in tow, potentially including a dwarf again), suggesting that the Fade is not as dreamlike as it seems, and then the Trespasser DLC drops the final bomb by revealing that the Fade is actually a former part of Thedas (the "waking world"), which was cut off from it thousands of years ago by a mage with near-divine powers to seal away the old Elven gods, along with most of the magic and the miracles of the old world.
  • Dreamkiller: Each and every stage is a Dream World, where your protagonist — a psychiatrist who can enter people's minds — infiltrates the nightmares of her clients and battle monsters to purge their phobias forever.
  • Dragon Quest VI is composed of two worlds: the Dream World and the Real World.
  • Dreamfall: The Longest Journey: Powerful Dreamers can create entire worlds lodged between Stark and Arcadia, wherein they are the Domain Holders, such as Faith's Winter. Dreamfall Chapters then reveals that the entire universe of The Longest Journey is a dream of the primordial being known as Lux the First Dreamer, whose power Zoë, another powerful Dreamer, briefly borrows during the finale of Chapters to deal with the Prophet's conspiracy.
  • DreamWeb the titular area is an interesting example, as it subconsciously influences humans in their sleep and thus shapes the future of mankind. Then, someone tries to pervert it for evil purposes...
  • E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy: This is used to justify respawning. If you win a level, it's canon, but the losing message states that it was a Prophetic Dream about a fatal screwup.
  • The Fairly OddParents!: Shadow Showdown has "Dad's Dream". Three guesses on where the level takes place.
  • Fallen London: Known as Parabola, and usually resembling something like a Hungry Jungle most of the time (littered with upright, frameless mirrors embedded into the ground if you're in the Mirror-Marches side of it), it can be accessed through Prisoner's Honey, mirrors (if you're skilled enough), and having recurring nightmares so horrendous and vivid you kinda stumble into it by accident. It's a fairly dangerous place to be in outside certain circumstances, but some make a killing exploring it, and making deals with its rulers, the Fingerkings. Late in the game, you can even establish a Base Camp in there for various purposes... including something as simple as dealing with your Nightmares by letting them kill themselves against your defenses while you take a recursive nap in the middle.
  • Final Fantasy:
    • Final Fantasy VI's dream sequence in which Cyan puts his family's death behind him.
    • Final Fantasy X: As it turns out, The city that the main character Tidus is from is merely a simulated, thought-manifested recreation of a long gone civilisation, otherwise known as "the dream of the fayth". As such, when the fayth awaken, it disappears.
  • Fire Emblem Heroes: This is the setting of Book IV, whose main source of conflict is Dreams vs. Nightmares.
  • Garfield's Nightmare: While asleep, Garfield is trapped into a land filled with enemies and hazards, hence the game's title. He can only wake up after he goes through it in full.
  • God of War Ragnarök: Utangard is a dreamscape of shifting yellow sands made out the dreams of Ymir, the primordial Giant, as that was the only aspect of his the Aesir didn't control. Giants can access Utangard by dreaming and use it to hide secrets from Asgard and instantly teleport across the realms, but the sands from the dreamscape can also become embodiements of the nightmares of the visitor.
  • Grey: An Alien Dream has the titular character traversing multiple dream worlds in the hopes of waking up.
  • Grey Area (2023): The first chapter is Hailey having a dream. In this dream, her mom gives a Justified Tutorial, and her plush Bunny can talk. She's also Dreaming of Things to Come, as some elements of the dream come back a bit later.
  • There's one such stage near the end of Hoa, after the titular character lose consciousness and went through the first few levels of the game, right to the preceding factory stage, all in his dreams. It's Deliberately Monochrome to serve as a jarring contrast to the rest of the game's colourful environment.
  • Jumper Two: Sector 4 takes place in Ogmo's dream, which he fell into while falling.
  • King's Quest VII: There is a location called Dreamland. It is basically a cloudy area that consists of a broken clock, giant skull, cactus, and a column. A sea and island are nearby. Dreamland can only be accessed by using dream silk while falling asleep.
  • Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance]: You go through a number of these. On something of a different note, they're made from the dreams of worlds that have yet to fully awaken following their restoration at the end of the first game. This allows the game to show events in the series' past (King Mickey's adventures as both Yen Sid's apprentice and a musketeer) and revisit the Pinocchio storyline. Sora is confused when Jiminy Cricket doesn't recognize him, then remembers this is that world's dream of Jiminy.
  • Kirby: Dream Land is a variation. It is home of the Star Rod, which powers a fountain that makes the residents dream. A nightmare once tried to enter the world through the fountain so the Star Rod was removed to keep him away, at the price of no one being able to dream. The postgame of Kirby and the Forgotten Land has a more traditional variant: Forgo Dreams, an archipelago made of psychic energy created by Fecto Forgo.
  • Klonoa takes place in these. A different world every game, thus earning the main character the moniker of "Dream Traveller".
  • Legend of Mana — The entire world of Fa'Diel is believed to be a Dream Land by the Storyteller and the Sproutlings, but the universe itself also has a dream world that the player character can visit on several occasions.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Koholint Island is a world created by a dream of the Wind Fish, is endagered by its sapient nightmares, and disappears when he wakes up.
  • LittleBigPlanet is made from the creative energies of people that are dreaming.
  • LSD: Dream Emulator, predictably, takes place within the player character's dreams.
  • Mother and its sequel EarthBound (1994) have Magicant.
  • NiGHTS into Dreams…: Nightopia is a dream world the reflects the heart of its Visitors, with the landscape and other properties changing to accommodate them.
  • OMORI: Half of the game takes place in Headspace, the dream world in which Omori goes to with his friends to solve people's problems. The other half takes place in the real world, and is centered around Sunny (whom Omori represents a younger version of) struggling with his daily life in the last days before moving to another town.
    • It's suggested that Headspace may actually be another plane of existence, which is shaped by imagination. On top of this, it was originally several separate dreamworlds, which were ultimately combined by Sunny in order to seal off Black Space, the dreamworld shaped by his guilt-driven nightmares. This implies that White Space and Red Space may be separate dreamworlds as well.
  • Pankapu is set in the world of Omnia. The world is being threatening by beings from the nightmare world called the Hya'Nagi.
  • Pokémon Black and White had an added online game feature called the "Dream World", in which asleep Pokémon explore their dreams. It was similar in gameplay to the Pokéwalker, but without the added benefit of getting kids to go play outside. This feature was actually two generations in the making from Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire: In the Devon Corporation building in Rustboro City, there is a scientist who mentions that "I'm attempting a device that lets you see into the dreams of Pokemon!! But it's not going well..." Two generations later, you get to do just this. What's odd about this Dream World is that asleep Pokémon can befriend "Dream Pokémon", and then bring them back into the real world to be part of their trainer's collection. They even have rare alternate special abilities that a real world version of the Pokémon would never be able to obtain otherwise.
  • Psychonauts: The mental worlds are a bit like this, since a few kids mention that they've been having dreams about things that appear in peoples' heads.
  • Psychosomnium is set in Jimmy's dream, explaining the short, disjointed "plot" and the Gainax Ending.
  • The main setting of Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop, the Dream World, is an amalgamation of Primp Town and Suzuran with the typical dream logic (e.g. characters can be shrunk or duplicated). Amitie, Arle, and Ringo must stop Meena from forcing them to remain in the Dream World.
  • Rayman Origins: The entire world was created by the Bubble Dreamer, a godlike entity that does nothing but sleep. His nightmares are whats causing dangerous things to happen.
  • The Simpsons: In the arcade game, the family ends up inside Homer's dream, and has to fight a giant bowling ball.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog:
    • Sonic Shuffle: Maginaryworld is made of dreams that can only be accessed while dreaming. The dreams themselves come from different dimensions, such as Sonic's world.
    • Sonic Dream Team: Sonic and his friends travel through various dreamscapes to stop Doctor Eggman's evil plan of taking over the world with a device that can make dreams come true. The device's guardian, Ariem, assists them in their way.
  • Skylanders: Trap Team: Telescope Towers is.... Well, a observatory warped by Dreamcatcher into a bizarre and girly dreamscape. Also, the nightmare realm world in the 3DS version of Trap Team is this, obviously.
  • Spyro the Dragon (1998) has the Dream Weavers world, which is home to a race of dragons that keep dreams pleasant and nightmares in check. The world itself is quite nonsensical, featuring castles floating in the sky along with a variety of bizarre enemies.
  • Super Mario Bros.:
  • Miku Monogatari ~Yume to Taisetsu na Mono~: Stage 3-3 has your character exploring a dream world and featuring things such as flying fruits serving as platforms. Overlaps with Space Is Sleepy as the stage is a part of World 3, which has space as its main theme.
  • Tales of Maj'Eyal: Invoked. The Solipist class operates under the assumption that Maj'Eyal is the dream of a god, and that mortals contribute to this shared dream in some way. Solipists, being supposedly aware that reality is All Just a Dream (albeit the dream of a deity) can manipulate it by using dream logic "IRL."
  • Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams is set between a dream world and real life. Tak meets the Dream Juju, who tries to help him rescue a princess from a monster, only that Tlaloc is the Dream Juju and the princess is Pins and Needles.
  • Touhou Project introduced a dream world in passing in Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, as a dimension through which the Lunarians had sent their invading army, and through which the heroine travels to the Lunar Capital, meeting Doremy Sweet. The Dream World would later get expounded on in the next game, Antinomy of Common Flowers, which reveals Doremy as the Ruler of the Dream World, as the Perfect Possession shenanigans of the main cast keep ejecting the dream-selves of the cast into the real world, where they run around, voicing their real-selves discontent and picking fights, and a beleaguered Doremy is trying to round all them up. Sumireko's story, which focuses on her being trapped in the Dream World, is continued in Violet Detector.
  • Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth: Nyona resides in the dream world, and is bound in chains that Tavian needs to free her from.
  • Xenosaga: The UMN, which is similar the the Warhammer example as is it the source of Faster-Than-Light Travel & is also their version of the internet.
  • Yume Nikki: You play as a girl named Madotsuki, who spends all her time sleeping and then recording her dreams. The game features a vast, sprawling world of surreal dreamscapes, full of very interesting, often creepy sights. The only objective there is to collect "Effects," which let you do things in your dreams like change your hair, ride a bike, or transform into weird objects. Succeeding at getting all of them unlocks the game's ending, which is the only major event in the game that doesn't occur in her dreams.
  • The story mode for Yumeiro Yuram begins with the player character Yuna wandering half-asleep into the Dream World, the game's location, which is visited by those who are sleeping but is in a peculiar state at that moment.

Visual Novels 

  • AI: The Somnium Files: A large part of the gameplay is to explore these, called Somnium in-universe, usually to achieve some goal within the dream world itself, i.e act out memories, save a character within the world, etc. The Somnium contains multiple 'Mental Locks', and the only way to get rid of these is to solve puzzles. Unfortunately, they're actually as bizarre as you might expect dream puzzles to be, as they are filled with Moon Logic. Often, solving them changes the dream world itself. And oh, yeah, you have to get out within six minutes.
  • Tavern Talk: The Dreamlands are the only realms unguarded by the Realm Keepers, and they served as transitional space between the other realms before they were seemingly closed off forever, until five planar portals were created. The realms are mirrored versions of the Central Plane and are believed to be the dreams of Ur. They're divided into Avalon, the upper plane composed of Ur's dreams, and the Twilight Chasm, the lower plane composed of their nightmares.
  • Tsukihime: Kagetsu Tohya. The story is only focused around Shiki and only appears to encompass the town he lives in, plus the next one over. However, it's revealed that actually, all the people he meets are indeed 'real' in a sense. They can give him information he needs to figure out what's going on and will also realize the oddness of the repeating days in their own ways. The dream he's in also mixes all the different Tsukihime continuities heavily, though Shiki does not notice.
  • War: 13th Day: You come to realize that you and two other narrators are trapped in a dream. However, the ending reveals there's much, much more to it than that...


  • Caraway: Tales of Lucidity opens inside Cynthia's dreamscape.
  • City of Somnus: Majestan has an entire parallel dream world, the upkeep of which is the responsibility of the royal family and hosts of lower-ranked keepers. It's somewhat bureaucratized (you can work and spend money there, and Talking in Your Dreams is an everyday thing), but colorful and pleasant.
  • The Dreamland Chronicles is about a Dreamland all children go to when they sleep. Usually, they outgrow it after a few years, and can no longer access it as adults.
  • The Dreamcatchers Masquerade takes place in a dream world of sorts where "dreams" grow on trees and nightmare creatures roam the night.
  • Dreamkeepers: The world is somehow connected to the dreams of humanity, and its' sapient inhabitants or "Dreamkeepers" are each connected to a living human and responsible for guarding their dreams from corruption by the Nightmares. However, the Nightmares haven't been seen in centuries and the average dreamkeeper is as aware of their human as humans are of their dreamkeepers. Making the Dream Land setting more background material than anything else.
  • The Dreamer is an interesting play on this, as Bea's dreams don't take place in anywhere magical; they take place in The American Revolution!
  • Dresden Codak does this twice. Sorta. The first time it took place in a graveyard of civilization. The second time, it took place in an individual's subconscious.
  • End Of Infinity: Phantasmagoria is the world that dreamers go to when they're asleep. By taking off their Placidus mask, they can become Lucid Dreamers and interact directly with the Phantasmagorians, permanent residents of the dream world. Otherwise, they are Placid Dreamers, who experience Phantasmagoria as an ordinary dream.
  • Luminous Ages is based in a universe which started as a dream instead of a bang.
    • Of course, prior to the Hob storyline, most of the comic had this feel to it, even if it wasn't technically taking place in a dream or a comparable plane of existence.
  • MS Paint Adventures
    • Problem Sleuth has the imaginary universe which can be accessed by playing make-believe in a fort or by climbing through fake windows. It is later revealed that Jailbreak and Bard Quest also take place there.
    • Homestuck:
      • The story seems to use this setting early on, with Jade dreaming that she lives in a beautiful tower on a golden moon. It doesn't take long until it's established that said dream lands, Prospit and Derse, are just another part of the physical plane in which Sburb takes place, primarily accessed in the players' sleep through their dream selves.
      • A straighter example would be the Dream Bubbles, which float through the Outer Ring and are "glubbed" into existence by the Horrorterrors. They're where players' dreams take place when their dream self (or their regular self, either or) is dead. They were originally ephemeral and unstable, exposing dreamers to the highly unpleasant effects of the Outer Ring and its denizens, until Feferi convinced the Horrorterrors to make permanent ones. The final product results in shared dream dimension that is constantly shifting appearance as dreamers recall and dismiss memories and as bubbles, carrying their passengers with them, merge and split, resulting in pretty surreal and patchwork landscapes as places and things from many different worlds end up side by side. They also double as the afterlife, with the souls of dead characters remaining there permanently but still able to interact with living dreamers. As the Ring exists outside universes and thus causality, the dead from all possible timelines end up together, so that travel through them often involves meeting the ghosts of multiple alternate versions of yourself.
  • Our Little Adventure: Julie usually goes to hazy orange and yellow one when her mind meets up with The Palm Tree Ghost. In this one we get to see some of the background, though it's still hazy. It's turning out to be surreal and seuss-like.
  • Slumber Town: A desert ghost town serves as the collective dreamscape of 32 residents. The town setting has many strange dream-like properties, including "Waking Nightmares" that the residents experience in their daily lives as a result of past traumas or insecurities being triggered.
  • YU+ME: dream has elements of this, if the name didn't tip you off. Fiona starts out as someone who hates life so much that she dreams constantly, though these turn out to be a version of Dream Within a Dream. We come back to Dreamland concepts as Fiona wakes up from her coma and subsequently goes back to find Lia.

Web Original 

  • Dream High School has this as the main premise: you're taking classes in a shared lucid dream.
  • Midnight Mares: The land of Nod used to be this for Terra Steed. Now however, thanks to Nightfall Nod both worlds effectively serve as this to each other. The way this works is everypony on Terra Steed has an Alternate Self on Nod who wakes up when they fall asleep and vice versa and both have vague memories of what the other was doing when they wake up so for example Dogwood from Terra Steed dreams about being Drama from Nod and she dreams of being Dogwood from Terra Steed.
  • Running with Rats: The Rat Runners harvest lio, a valuable magical substance, by traveling through dream lands to find and grab it.

Western Animation 

  • Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog: In "Boogey-Mania" has Sonic and Tails traveling to Dreamsville thanks to an invention of their scientist ally, Professor Von Schlemmer. Its ruler is the Dream Meister, who controls the dreams of Mobius in a fashion similar to a telephone operator.
  • Care Bears: Adventures in Care-a-Lot: All of the Care Bears' dreams occur in one connected dreamland that looks just like Care-a-Lot. Accordingly, they tend to dream about doing the same things they do when they're awake.
  • The Dreamstone: "The Land of Dreams" is an ordinary country so named because its inhabitants have good dreams, which we rarely actually see. Played straight in one of the rare instances, however, where the villains end up travelling into the dreams to sabotage them (with the heroes pursuing shortly after). While it is unknown if the dreams are connected in any form, they seem to have a recurring theme, consisting of fairground rides and gimmicks. Daydream bubbles are also made for the purpose of entering and interacting with the contents of dreams.
  • The Flamin' Thongs: In "Planet of the Rerps", the Thongs test drive Holden’s latest invention, a machine that creates dreams. The machine malfunctions and they all end up in Rerp’s dream, dodging jumbo blowflies and becoming enslaved to King Rerpses III.
  • Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends has its own version of this trope; in the special, Destination Imagination, the characters go on an adventure through an entire imaginary world created by a kid and controlled by the childish imaginary friend inside.
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: Dreams are mostly self-contained, but are shown to exist together in a shared dimension consisting of night-blue clouds dotted with star-like lights, where dreams float as bubbles or are accessible through doors, where Dream Walkers can move from dream to dream at will.
  • Phineas and Ferb's Isabella has her own version of Dreamland, Phineasland. Which is a very strange place to be, considering that, after having confessed his undying love to her, Phineas turned into a centaur, had Isabella sit on him and started levitating, with a rainbow rising behind them. But then of course everything goes back to normal.
  • Gargoyles: In one episode, Goliath and former Pack member Dingo are put into a trance and sent into the "Dreamtime", in order to stop the Matrix from covering the world. In this world, they have control, allowing them to create weapons and constructs out of thin air, but more importantly, are able to communicate with the Matrix's AI, which ultimately allows them to stop its rampage.