Dude, She's Like in a Coma - TV Tropes

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Dude, She's Like in a Coma (trope)

And kissing is the only way to get her out of the coma... but he didn't know that at the time. Or did he?

"Wanna know the best thing about unconscious chicks? They can't say no."
[people stare at him in disgust]
"What?! Oh yeah, like I'm the only one thinking it."

This is a kissing trope; the setting is a bedroom, or simply a place to rest, and two characters, one often harboring unrequited feelings for the other.

The premise is that one character is unconscious, whether previously knocked out, feverish, comatose, in a drunken stupor, or simply asleep; the other falls for "their attractive sleeping face", and unable to resist, leans in to lock lips...

This situation will progress differently depending on the genre of the series, and the status of the characters. They may or may not pull it off, resulting in an Indirect Kiss, First Kiss, etc., or they may be interrupted by another character bursting in, usually including a guilty start.

It is not unknown for the other person to be feigning sleep when they realize that the character might kiss them.

Frequently used in Shōjo series and Shōnen love comedies, where the girl's vulnerability seems irresistible to the male character. This trope is fairly gender-equitable, though, as girls are also prone to this urge.

If someone is attracted to a person who is unconscious, that is known as somnophilia.

Some people take things a bit further than kissing, and out-and-out have sex with someone who is unconscious. As a kink, this has to be negotiated while the passive partner is conscious in order to be Safe, Sane, and Consensual. If not discussed beforehand, this is rape, as unconscious people cannot give any kind of consent, informed or otherwise, and it's second only to necrophilia in creepy factor. And some people deliberately set out to do this to people by Slipping a Mickey into their drinks or otherwise rendering them unconscious before making their move. That said, if the work is leaning into Romanticized Abuse and/or features a Fetishized Abuser, don't expect them to frame that variation of the trope as anything but titillating and mildly inappropriate at worst.

Sister Trope to Converse with the Unconscious.

Compare with Slain in Their Sleep and Not Dead, Just Asleep. Contrast Kiss of Life, which is often mistaken for this, and I Love the Dead, which is about kissing (and doing further things with) a corpse. Often overlaps with Undressing the Unconscious. One common reason why Orderlies are Creeps in fiction is that they're often portrayed as being into this.

My name is Buck, and I'm here to add examples!

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  • Implied to be imminent for a very drunk teenager who's last seen stumbling up the stairs from a party, with a drunken horny-looking guy in pursuit, from an anti-drinking PSA.
  • A Geico commercial parodies Sleeping Beauty (1959) by having the prince try to kiss the princess, but she doesn't wake up. After the prince gives up and leaves, the princess wakes up and expresses her relief at the prince being gone. She then starts watching TV. "If you want someone to leave you alone, you pretend you're asleep. It's what you do."

Anime and Manga 

  • In the first chapter of 1 x 1/2, Asuka comes on her mother sleeping on the couch, is promptly dazzled, and goes in to kiss her on the lips.
  • The second episode of Ah! My Goddess's OVA has Keiichi vehemently trying to fight one of Urd's love potions when it makes him fall in love with Sayoko, instead of Belldandy. He passes out in a crag by the beach, and Belldandy manages to wake him up with a kiss.
  • Ai Yori Aoshi:
    • Tina and Kaoru are forced to spend a night in a love hotel (chaste, since they're only friends), on account of rain and having missed the homebound trains. While Kaoru is asleep, Tina silently debates with herself about kissing him. Judging from her thoughts the next day, she went through with it several times (and seemed alternately happy, but regretful at taking advantage of him). Kaoru didn't notice.
    • Tina and Aoi have each kissed a sleeping Kaoru on several occasions, starting when Aoi and Kaoru were toddlers. Aoi usually told Kaoru about it afterward. Tina, for whatever reason, didn't.
    • Also, those Bedmate Reveals indicate that the girls living in the manor have no qualms about entering Kaoru's room, climbing into his bed, and cuddling up with him - all while he's fast asleep.
  • Angel Sanctuary: Setsuna kisses Sara in her sleep. It's bonus points, as they happen to be blood siblings. And their mother catches him in the act. This is a subversion, in that Sara was really awake but pretended to be asleep because she wanted Setsuna to kiss her.
  • Ayakashi Triangle: When Suzu falls asleep beside Matsuri, he spends five minutes hovering above her with his lips pursed until he decides not to kiss her until he was a guy again. Suzu then gets up, deeply kisses him, and says she's glad he wants to do that kind of thing too.
  • Berserk:
    • Played for Squick when the King of Midland begins molesting his daughter, Princess Charlotte, as she lay sleeping. He then proceeds to undress her and tries to rape her. She woke up to this part, fought him off breaking his face in the process and never trusted him again.
    • During the Eclipse, Casca was unconscious when Griffith, reborn as demon god Femto, started molesting her in front of a trapped Guts. When she wakes up, however, what happens next is the most horrifying part of the series.
  • In Blade of the Immortal, Rin is harboring a reverse Bodyguard Crush for her bodyguard Manji, so when he passes out after a particularly exhausting adventure she takes the opportunity to plant one of these on him.
  • Bleach: Before departing to Hueco Mundo, Ulquiorra gives Orihime the choice of a single person to visit with the catch she cannot be seen by them. She visits the unconscious and badly injured Ichigo to say goodbye and heal him. However, she also confesses her feelings; she leans in to kiss him but is unable to go through with it.
  • Blood+: A gender-inverted example. Near the end of episode 43, Julia kisses an unconscious David in the hospital after he takes the bullet for her.
  • Subverted in Case Closed. Takagi looked like he was passed out during file 637, a bit before Sato kissed him but was perfectly conscious afterward. The Shonen Tantei Dan had used the excuse that Takagi had just taken medication before, so Sato and Takagi actually got to kiss, instead of the usual issue where they almost kiss, but always fail.
  • In A Certain Scientific Railgun, Kuroko tried to kiss Mikoto while she was sitting on a bench taking a nap. Mikoto woke up at the last second and punched her.
  • In Chrono Crusade, Chrono comes down with a fever, and Rosette is told by a Fortune Teller that the way to cure a fever is to kiss the ill person. Rosette finally gets the courage to try it on Chrono while he's sleeping.
  • A near female to male version happens in CLANNAD. During the One year before story, Kyou spots Tomoya taking a nap, and before she does anything, Sunohara catches her and immediately realizes what she's thinking. When he calls Kyou out on it, well poor Sunohara.
  • Applies in A Cruel God Reigns when Jeremy accompanies Pansy to a party where he is heavily drugged, carried into a room, and gang raped. Although not completely unconscious and he ingested the drugs of his own will, he cannot stand and Ian and Savage had to physically carry him to Savage's car.
  • In D.N.Angel (manga only) Dark tries kissing Risa who's in bed with a fever only to get caught by Riku. To be fair he was probably using healing magic.
  • Dengeki Daisy: Kurosaki plants one of the on-the-cheek variety on Teru while she's in bed ill. She's only half unconcious, but she's woozy and feverish enough to not recognize him, and it's implied she may have fallen asleep again anyway right after she finishes speaking to him and before he kisses her.
  • In Destiny of the Shrine Maiden Chikane kisses an unconscious Himeko as a "birthday gift". Of course Himeko fades into conciousness just when this occurs, but fades back out more or less right away.
  • In the first arc of Dragon Ball, Oolong drugs Goku and Bulma with sleeping powder so he can fondle Bulma while she's unconscious. Fortunately, Yamcha and Puar accidentally ruin his plans when they break into the trailer to steal the Dragon Balls.
  • Lampshaded and averted in Eureka Seven: Talho jokingly accused Renton of wanting to "do lewd things" to the sleeping Eureka.
  • Played for laughs in the Excel♡Saga intro, when Watanabe almost does this to Hyatt, but she slams him into a wall.
  • In FAKE, Dee insists on keeping an eye on Ryo when the latter falls ill. When Dee finds that Ryo has fallen asleep, he takes a moment to thank the Lord for this opportunity, and leans in. Ryo wakes up when their lips meet (Dee has his eyes closed, so he doesn't realize that Ryo awoke), is ticked off at first, but then decides that being kissed by Dee isn't so bad after all, and even closes his eyes again.
  • In Fractale, Phryne kisses Clain in his sleep in Episode 9... right before she leaves to return to the temple in an attempt to stop the conflict between the temple and Lost Millennium.
  • After their second kiss in Fruits Basket, Kyo admits to Tohru that he first kissed her while she was unconscious. To be fair, Tohru actually did regain consciousness and say some comforting words to him when she noticed he was crying. He simply didn't realize that she'd once again fainted before he kissed her, and he is a little creeped out at the realization that she had.
  • Ayane in Gate Keepers 21 is kissed while comatose by Big Bad Stalker with a Crush Yuurei Shoujo, while the former's boss and partner watch helplessly. Made more disturbing by the fact that, as her name implies, she was a ghost, and at the same time, appeared much younger than the person she was molesting.
  • In Girl Friends (2006), Mari kisses Akko while the latter is asleep. As she's still just realising her feelings for Akko she's quite torn up with guilt about this and what it means.
  • Gunslinger Girl (manga). Hilshire is shot during an operation and his cyborg Triela has to remove the bullet. Triela has just discovered the details of her tragic past; realising she's a Morality Chain to her handler, Triela decides to walk out on Hilshire after he passes out from the shock. She's unable to do so, rushing back inside the room and kissing Hilshire whilst making an Anguished Declaration of Love.
  • In Hana-Kimi, after Sano rescues Mizuki from being raped, they fall off a cliff and Mizuki sprains her ankle. Later, she develops a bad fever and passes out. Sano kisses her while she's unconscious and takes care of her until help arrives.
  • In the manga Happy Hustle High Yasuaki kisses Hanabi when she's passed out drunk, thinking "She looks so innocent... guess she feels safe around me. Her mistake!" She actually told him she loved him while sleeptalking. On the other hand, the 'waking up naked under the same blanket' bit was just a prank played on them by a friend who didn't approve of them skipping school to play video games.
  • Hayate the Combat Butler:
    • Subverted beautifully by the anime: Nagi attempts to have her (presumably) First Kiss with Hayate while he's asleep. Naturally, he suddenly opens his eyes at the last moment and completely misinterprets the situation. Cue violent off screen pummeling by irate Nagi.
    • In Ch. 360 of the manga, Hayate himself appears to be doing this to Hinagiku after she falls asleep in his room. Thankfully it wasn't Nagi who walked in so he was probably able to explain that he was simply moving her someplace more appropriate for her to sleep.
  • Hetalia: Axis Powers:
  • In Hidamari Sketch, Yoshinoya-sensei can be stopped just barely before she kisses Hiro, who is unconscious after she severely bumped her head. Of course, given Sae is present...
  • Hot Gimmick: On one occasion, Hatsumi passes out drunk next to Ryoki. He takes this as an invitation to start groping and stripping her.
  • Inuyasha:
    • In the Hoshiyomi arc, Kagome is separated from the group while traveling with Akitoki Hojo, an ancestor of the modern-day Hojo who is just as smitten with Kagome as his descendent. As she sleeps he observes her beauty and tries to kiss her, but is interrupted by a trio of shapeshifting demon-puppets.
    • Ironically, Sango does this to her dying fiancé Miroku. While he lies unconscious after being poisoned and his Wind Tunnel threatens to kill him, a grief-stricken Sango kisses him and asks him not to die before leaving to fight the Big Bad since killing him is the only way to save Miroku's life.
  • In Itazura Na Kiss the decisive proof that Naoki loves Kotoko is that he gently kisses her while she's sleeping under a tree. She actually felt that kiss, but thought it was All Just a Dream since Naoki would never do such thing.
  • Both Tomoe and Mizuki kiss Nanami while she is unconscious in Kamisama Kiss and both do it for the same reason on top of that.
  • Love Hina did all the examples; Naru was angry Keitaro tried it, later became angry he didn't try it, then almost did it herself. The Unwanted Harem provide commentary.
  • Koizumi in Lovely★Complex falls asleep while attempting to memorize a menu for her waiting job. Completely taken in by her less-than-graceful face, Kohori can't help but lean in for a kiss. Doesn't help that Otani just so happens to catch him in the act, either.
  • One of the first things to drive a wedge into the Lychee Light Club is not simply the fact that Dafu intends to free their captive Kanon, but the addition of masturbating over her comatose body.
  • Hayate from the Lyrical Nanoha Sound Stages shamelessly takes advantage of Signum's breasts while the latter is asleep, to save Signum from being embarrassed if she asked her.
  • Near the end of Macross Frontier, Luca kisses the comatose Nanase before leaving to fight the final battle. He gets back just in time to see her wake up.
  • Marmalade Boy: Yuu kisses Miki while she's pretending to be unconscious in the infirmary (to not have her Deadpan Snarker of a future step-sibling asking anything uncomfortable or mocking her for getting a basketball to the face in PE class). Subverted when later on Yuu confesses that he knew she wasn't really unconscious.
  • Gender-flipped in Mazinger Z. Kouji Kabuto is seriously injured after he has an actually serious fight with his partner Sayaka (they usually have Slap-Slap-Kiss fights, but this one gets worse) and she refuses to back him up in battle. A grief-stricken Sayaka takes care of him in the hospital and later kisses him in his comatose sleep.
    • Played straight in the manga version penned by Gosaku Ota, when Boss kissed an unconscious Sayaka before leaving for battle, thinking he was going to die.
  • In My-HiME, Shizuru gives in to her repressed feelings for Natsuki and kisses her while she sleeps off her injuries. A few seconds later, Haruka and Yukino pop out from the nearby bushes to call her out for it. There are silhouette flashbacks of Shizuru undressing, with the implication is that she did a bit more than kissing, but it's unclear whether that was a flashback or a visualization of the worst possible case. The writers have refused to elaborate.
  • Naruto: In Shippuden Fūka attempts to give Naruto a Kiss of Death while he was unconscious two different times. Both examples end up subverted though.
    • During their first fight, after she washes him away and zaps him she finds him seemingly unconscious and defeated. She decides to dust the ash off his face and attempts to kiss him by slowly lowering herself on top of him, but right as they are inches away "Naruto" vanishes in a puff of smoke, revealing he was just a Shadow Clone and leaving Fūka vulnerable to a sneak attack.
    • During their second fight, Fūka successfully knocks out Naruto, and upon remembering his Wind Nature chakra decided to stock up and kissed him while he was unconscious. She took too long fantasizing about having Naruto's vast power for herself though, and he woke up while she wasn't paying attention and discovered how to beat her, realizing that despite her changing bodies the blood in it was the same and that she was more protective of her hair than her actual body, so he pulls on her hair and yanks it off.
  • The Negima! Magister Negi Magi manga uses this a fair number of times, mostly at the expense of poor little Negi.
    • Twice straight, as a person considers or attempts making a Pactio with him (which involves kissing), and a couple of inversions, in which a person gets kissed by the sleeper.
    • Chapter 253 plays it straight with Natsumi about debating about whether to kiss a sleeping Kotaro. She actually tries to do it, but gets interrupted by Haruna.
    • And of course, in 286 Chamo tries egging on four different girls to do it at once, two of whom have a crush on Negi, while in front of Chisame. But an innocent Yuuna claims getting a pactio from him while he's asleep would be boring and cowardly.
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion:
    • Shinji deliberates on kissing Asuka when she sleepwalks into his bed. He eventually changes his mind when she calls out for her mother. Later she accused him of actually doing it, and when he implied he had indeed kissed her, she got shocked and flustered since she was just joking.
    • Reversed in End of Evangelion when Shinji doesn't kiss her but instead masturbates over Asuka's comatose body after accidentally exposing her breasts, indicating that he's hit rock bottom thanks to the traumatic experience of having to kill Kaworu and can only act on impulse now. He himself responds to the aftermath of what he did by describing himself as "the lowest" ("so fucked up" in the ADV Films dub). She (or a hallucination of her) later states she knows what he did, and sneers at Shinji for doing so.
  • Female on male version in Nodame Cantabile Finale. Tanya steals a kiss from Kuroki while he's sleeping.
  • Subverted in chapter 36 of Ojojojo. Haru spontaneously kissed Tsurezure while he was taking a nap during lunch and felt incredibly guilty about it. Then it turns out that he woke up the second she started and wasn't bothered by it.
  • Narrowly averted in the beginning of Okane ga Nai, Kanou almost kisses Ayase, who is unconscious and drugged at the time. After deciding against it he ends up opting for forcing himself on Ayase as a way to express his affection.
  • Inverted to a rather disturbing extreme in the final chapter of Omamori Himari when every girl in Yuuto's Unwanted Harem except for Rinko and Himari gang rape him in his sleep.
  • Happened to Nami in One Piece when Absalom was trying to marry her while she was unconscious... from him drugging her. She nearly gets a Forceful Kiss before being saved by Oars moving the Thriller Bark.
  • Occurred in one episode of the Patlabor: The New Files OVA in a touching scene with Captains Gotoh and Nagumo sharing a motel room.
  • Happens more than once in Penguindrum. First Kaba kisses Himari on the lips when she's asleep after having been revived. Later, Shoma ends up taking Ringo's first kiss while giving her CPR. And later it's used quite more darkly when Ringo drugs and almost rapes Tabuki to have him impregnate her, with Shoma barely managing to stop her.
  • Please Teacher!:
    • It took until episode 7 for the main couple to have a conscious kiss. Their technical kiss was in episode 4, but given Kei's condition of routinely falling comatose, well...
    • Mizuho kisses Kei for the first time while he's in a standstill and therefore unconscious.
  • In Please Twins!, both girls kiss the main character while he is asleep after they both admit to each other that they both love him. This is during the time before they figure out which one is his twin.
  • Ranma ½: When Ranma gets knocked unconcious by poisonous plants, Shampoo sees this as an opportunity to try and steal a kiss. Akane doesn't approve.
    • Also, Kodachi. She has tried to kiss (and do more than kiss) him while he's unconcious and while he's immobile. All instances due to paralysis powder or some other potion of hers.
    • Kuno once attempted to kiss Akane while she was unconcious and kiss "the pig-tailed girl" after she passed out.
  • Kozue in Revolutionary Girl Utena leans over Miki (who has fallen asleep at the piano) and kisses him, presumably on the side of his face due to his position. She's interrupted by Anthy. Bonus: later in the episode, she tries to kiss a conscious Miki, who jumps back repulsed. Maybe because, you know, they're twins.
  • In one chapter of Rosario + Vampire, Kurumu, through a complicated set of circumstances, ends up with an unconscious Tsukune on her bed. She considers stealing a kiss from him, but her conscience keeps her from doing so.
  • In Rozen Maiden, Shinku kisses Jun on the cheek before leaving to battle Suigintou.
  • Saber Marionette J:
    • In an episode of J, the three marionettes fell "ill" (actually their bodies started to overload because they were absorbing a lot of energy from a huge underground plasma cloud, simulating a fever) and Otaru, before going to confront the plasma to protect them, while the three where sleeping, gives each one a "goodbye" kiss on the cheek.
    • Gender inverted in an episode of J to X. While they were on a train, Otaru falls asleep and the girls take a moment to talk about how wonderful he is and each give him a "thanks for being wonderful" kiss.
  • In Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask finds a drunken, passed out Usagi (who took booze by mistake while infiltrating a ball). Knowing exactly what to do with a Drunken Sailor, he kisses her. A later episode in the first anime seems to acknowledge it as well when Usagi asks Mamoru if he remembers their first kiss. Mamoru suddenly acts very awkward and pretends he can't remember.
    • In Sailor Moon Crystal, they kiss while Usagi sleeps outside after the fight.
    • The Sailor Moon S movie has Luna - in her cat form - kiss her sleeping human crush Kakeru. (She was apparently inspired by Usagi's words about Mamoru looking very cute while asleep.)
  • In a story of Saint Seiya, Seiya and Saori jumping off a cliff together to escape from Shaina and the Silver Saint, Jamian. Saori nearly kiss an unconscious Seiya, but is interrupted by an angry Shaina.
  • Sakura Trick: Haruka is asleep at her desk, so Yuu decides to kiss her pretty much everywhere she can reach (which doesn't include the mouth). Though, these two kiss often enough already.
  • Sarazanmai: In The Stinger of Episode 2, Enta comes across Kazuki while he's asleep and wearing his Sara costume, and proceeds to kiss him.
  • Happens during the school festival in the later half of School Days. Setsuna comes across a sleeping Makoto in an empty classroom; knowing she's about to move out of the country and unable to confess her feelings, she kisses him...not realizing that his girlfriend Kotonoha walked into the room behind her.
  • In School Rumble, in a flashback, Harima almost does this to Tenma after he rescues her from some lecherous thugs, but he can't quite muster the courage. However, she does wake up while he's hovering over her, leading her to assume the worst, smack him, and leave with a very obligatory "Thank you." This results in Harima growing a beard and wearing sunglasses so that she won't recognize him, thus explaining his current appearance.
    • Hanai attempts to kiss a sleeping Yakumo. He's rewarded with Yakumo performing a rapid judo throw, pinning him to the ground. While still asleep.
  • In A Silent Voice, Ueno kisses Ishida while he's in a coma at the start of her spotlight chapter.
  • Slayers Next: Zelgadis, due to being 1/3rd Golem (he's also 1/3rd Demon and 1/3rd Human) is forced to become a ship's 'anchor' in order for Lina to catch a lake dragon. This, however, does not go very well the first few times, and Zelgadis ends up unconscious and seemingly drowned. However, at Amelia's suggestion of administering CPR, we see that Zelgadis is in fact, awake, or had just awakened, due to him blushing at the scenario of Amelia planting her lips on his, even if it's to save his life...however, when he cracks his eyes open, instead of Amelia, it's the elderly Chef who is about to administer the 'kiss of life', and he lays one right on poor Zelgadis.
  • In Strawberry Marshmallow, when Miu convinces the group to dress up and sneak into Matsuri's house on Christmas Eve to "preserve her innocence", Nobue finds Matsuri's sleeping face irresistible ands moves in for a kiss, only to be slapped out of it by Chika.
  • Strawberry 100%: Aya tried to kiss Junpei while he was sleeping and dreaming with Tsukasa.
  • The OVA adaptation of Tales of Symphonia has Lloyd seemingly kiss Colette on the lips in Episode 4 of the Tethe’alla Arc (Episode 8 overall). At this point, Colette is still without her soul, courtesy of the World Regeneration.
  • To Love Ru Darkness:
    • There are some serious rape undertones when Mea straddles a sleeping Rito and gives this comment:
    • Averted with Momo. She has the occasion to be kissed Rito while he sleep. But she turned down the chance wanting to receive a kiss from him only when he wants to.
  • Tokyo Mew Mew: Happens more than once, and always with an explanation. However, even without said explanations, they're treated as some of the most romantic moments in the entire series.
  • In one episode of Tokkô, Sakura kisses an unconcious Ranmaru before joining him in his Battle in the Center of the Mind.
  • In Tomie, Tsukiko has her crush Yamazaki unconscious at her house. Her friend Michiko suggests kissing him while she has the chance, but Tsukiko shoots the advice down immediately. (The thought might've crossed her mind normally, but with all the Tomie madness going on, this is definitely not the time.)
  • When Souichi in The Tyrant Falls in Love becomes so drunk that he forgets to lock the door to his bedroom before going to sleep, Morinaga decides that this is the perfect opportunity to steal a few kisses from him. Souichi's murmuring of Morinaga's name in his sleep only stimulates Morinaga into performing increasingly more explicit actions...until Souichi wakes up. Cue slapping.
  • Kurama in Urusei Yatsura. She was going through with a tradition where she put herself in suspended animation till a prospective mate woke her up by kissing her.
  • Happens in White Album when Touya falls asleep during his tutoring gig. His student almost kisses him when he's asleep (in a cute little attendance to detail she actually pulls back her pigtails to keep them from brushing his face).
  • The World God Only Knows: Haqua comes close to this after putting an exhausted Keima to bed on a couch. She ultimately doesn't go through with it.
  • Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches: Ryu Yamada has a Power Copying ability that lets him take on the abilities of any of the eponymous witches he kisses. When the Supernatural Studies Club hears that Maria Sarushima might be a witch, he and Miyamura go to her house to investigate. After she makes them do various chores, she decides to take a nap. Miyamura pushes Yamada to kiss Sarushima right then to see if she has a power, much to Yamada's distaste, but she wakes up before he can do so.
  • YuYu Hakusho: In the first arc, during the time in which Yuusuke was technically dead (although his inert body was given pseudo-life in order to preserve it), Keiko has to kiss him in order to revive him in a kind of spiritual CPR. Before that, Keiko almost kisses his unconscious body while he invisibly and fervently protests, but is interrupted by an announcement from the Neighborhood Watch Committee that kicks her back to her senses.

Comic Books 

  • In Adventure Comics #410, Mike Merrick, a guy who main character Linda Danvers was taking a fancy to, rescues Linda from drowning in the sea and kisses her before she regains consciousness.
  • Anderson: Psi-Division: While Anderson is inside a virtual rituality program, the Psi-Judge rookie she's been assessing who has a crush on her places an Indirect Kiss on her lips with his fingers. She returns it after he dies saving her.
  • In the Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 8 comics, Buffy is put into a magical sleep that she can only be roused from by the kiss of true love. She and the kisser (Satsu) later end up having a one-night-stand... And then another one.
  • In Cable & Deadpool #12 Deadpool and The Fixer enter Cable's house and find that the members of the mercenary team Six Pack are there, standing like statues and trapped in a telepathic conference with Cable. Fixer proposes taking advantage of the situation by looking down Domino's shirt, but Deadpool wonders why he would bother when there are fake images of her on the internet. Fixer then wonders which of them is more pathetic, himself for wanting to grope an unconscious woman, or Deadpool for not wanting to. Deadpool gleefully claims it's himself.
  • This was an actual story arc in the beginning stages of Grant Morrison's run on Doom Patrol. A villain named Red Jack, kidnapped comatose Rhea Jones and planned to marry her.

    Robotman: What? This is insane! You can't marry her. She... she's in a coma, for God's sake!
    Red Jack: Admittedly, her conversation is a little dull. But then again, love conquers all.

  • In The Great Darkness Saga, Lightning Lad wakes up from a fever-induced coma to save Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy from a Servant of Darkness, and then he passes out again. In gratitude, Saturn Girl kisses him while he's lying asleep.
  • One comic in the Marvel Mangaverse series had Black Cat steal a kiss from an unconscious Spider-Woman (who, in this universe, was Mary Jane Watson). Spider-Man catches them... and can only go "Woah."
  • In the Alan Moore Miracleman, Dr. Gargunza repeatedly rapes the unconscious form of Miraclewoman. Later, she wakes up thinking it's utterly laughable just how petty a man Gargunza was.
  • In Marvel's Star Comics imprint series Planet Terry, when Terry, Robota, and Omnus first find Princess Ugly, she's asleep in the manner of Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. Terry decides to kiss her in order to wake her up. She does wake up, but slaps Terry in the face for kissing her when she didn't even know him.
  • Rose Walker is the result of this in The Sandman (1989). The imprisonment of Dream causes several people across the world to fall asleep indefinitely. One of these is a woman who is a Vortex (like a Black Hole of dreams). Dream's sibling Desire fathers a daughter by this unconscious Vortex, and her daughter takes her Grandmother's place as the new Vortex.
  • Spider-Man: A gender-reversed example happened in Spectacular Spider-Man Volume 2 #15, between Spider-Man and The Queen. After she defeats Spider-Man with her Sonic Scream, causing him to black out from the pain, she catches him as he falls and gently pulls him into a hug. While she is holding Spidey she flirts with him and attempts to comfort him over his loss against her, before pulling him into a deep kiss against his will. He was either unconscious during the kiss or eventually lost consciousness while it was happening, but either way he was too weak to resist her forcing herself on him.
  • Tom Strong gets this done to him twice, by a female Nazi super soldier and a hive queen of moon bat creatures. Both times, a child is produced, though only the son of the former ever reappears.
  • Sara Pezzini from the Witchblade comics was knocked up by The Darkness' Jackie Estacado while in a coma. Then again, he wasn't in control of his body either..

Comic Strips 

  • Krazy Kat: Kat has kissed Ignatz in his sleep a few times. To which he has responded positively, despite being unaware of what happened.

Fairy Tales 

  • In the fairy tale "Briar Rose" (the Brothers Grimm version of "Sleeping Beauty"), the prince awakens Briar Rose from her magical sleep with a kiss. It does not happen in Perrault's "Sleeping Beauty", where the princess just wakes by herself when the prince enters her chamber.
  • Princess Marcassa and the Dreadaine Bird (A French variant of The Golden Bird) has the prince impregnate the princess while stealing the bird. Admittedly, he was a bit tipsy at the time (and on magical wine at that), but still, the way she doesn't do more than point at their child is quite the Values Dissonance.
  • In Giambattista Basile's "Sun, Moon, and Talia", the direct predecessor to "Sleeping Beauty", the enchanted princess Talia is raped and impregnated in her sleep by the king, and finally awakened by one of her newborn twin babies suckling at her thumb and removing the magic splinter... Jesus.

Fan Works 

  • Cross Ange The Knight Of Hilda: Averted in Chapter 20. While Rio is under anesthetic during the DRAGO Ns' treatment of his broken arm, Hilda watches over him and, thinking back to their Almost Kiss the night before, leans down to him, but hesitates at the last moment. Ultimately, she decides not to as it would be meaningless if Rio wasn't awake to share the moment with her.
  • In Crossing the Line Hermione kisses a comatose Harry after Ron, thinking she's attracted to him, gives her two-and-a-half times the normal dose of a lust potion which reacts to existing romantic feelings. When a disgruntled Ron gives her the entire remaining amount, she has sex with Harry, which brings him out of the coma.
  • A Crown of Stars: In chapter 17 Shinji bitterly remembers not only he jerked off over Asuka while she was in a coma but also he tried to kiss her in her sleep, and he asks himself what is with him and unconscious girls.

    Shinji: You can’t even kiss her right. You tried to kiss her in her sleep when she was crying for her mother. What is with you and unconscious chicks?

  • Played With in Star Trek: The Original Series fanfic The Deadly Aftereffects when Spock is lying unconscious in the sickbay. Kirk is keeping vigil by his side, and briefly holds his hand. Then he realises that he probably wouldn't have dared do that had Spock been awake, and that fact makes the gesture seem disrespectful. Of course, considering that Vulcans kiss with their hands...
  • In the epilogue of Death Note: The Abridged Series (kpts4tv), Matsuda fathers eight children with Sayu while she's still in a coma.
  • In The Elements of Friendship Book II: Chaoskampf, when Twilight is using an out of body spell to explore the books of the Cult of Pi from within, Applejack is inspecting her unconscious body and nearly kisses her on instinct, before she's stopped. She's extremely embarrassed by it.
  • In The Phantom of the Opera Alternate Universe fic Erik the Vampire Hunter, Erik is in the hospital, unconscious. Christine feels guilty that he was injured protecting her, so she kisses him, thinking he'll never know. When he wakes up, he tastes something sweet and cherry-flavored on his lips. He later finds out what kind of lip gloss Christine wears...
  • Rumors fly around the Gorillaz Slash Fic writers about what could have happened during the year 2D was in a coma. Murdoc probably is canonically enough of an outright bastard to at least consider it.
  • In Harry Potter and the Grocery Run Hermione drinks a fertility potion and then has sex with a comatose Harry because she's afraid he might die and wants to have Someone to Remember Him By.
  • In this Hetalia: Axis Powers fancomic, Japan takes advantage of a sedated China (if you want to view it, you need to log on to Pixiv and enable R-18 images)
  • In the Star Trek: The Original Series fanfic Memories Born of Fire, Christine Chapel takes advantage of Spock being asleep to sneak a kiss on the cheek, explaining to Kirk that she may never have the chance to do it again.
  • Naru-Hina Chronicles: It takes Jiraiya's resurrected body being present for Tsunade to admit her love for him, which she seals with a kiss. The kiss gets through Jiraiya's coma and inspires a perverted grin on his face.
  • Subverted in Nora the Babysitter. While Nora isn't asleep, the boys that she's babysitting think she is, and take the opportunity to explore her body (something Nora doesn't mind at all).
  • Once More with Feeling: Often Shinji remembers what he did when he saw Asuka naked in the hospital in End of Evangelion, and he disgustedly wonders what he was thinking.
  • The One I Love Is...: At the beginning of chapter 12, Shinji is watching over a comatose Asuka. Before leaving for a little while he leans over and kisses her lips softly.

    I bent down (painfully) toward Asuka and gave a soft kiss on the sleeping girl's lips. I almost regretted I did. Those were not the moist and soft lips I knew; they were dry, cracked, and completely unresponsive.

  • Ponies of Olympus: At one point during Atlas Strongest Tournament, Rarity's rival Ran Biao "accidentally" knocks Spike out during weight training (by making him carry Tom), and tries to "use CPR" on him. Rarity shows up just in time to stop her and kick her ass.
  • Defied in The Lost Kingdom, when Bo is left in a comatose state as the result of her taking in Morgause’s curse on Morgana to try and save Morgana's life. Once Merlin and Morgana have established that Bo cannot take chi in her current comatose state, Merlin restricts himself to trying to feed Bo the conventional way until they can get her to the Blood King and hopefully cure Bo.
  • A zigzagged version appears in Quietus, a Naruto fic. While Sasuke doesn't kiss or rape Sakura, he does touch her intimately and attempt to undress her while taking in the view and fantasizing about "taking her". On top of it all, she's in a trance the whole time courtesy of Sasuke, who brainwashed her into submission so his servants could break her hunger strike against him. In the end, he only backs out before his Attempted Rape because he doesn't enjoy the thought of sex with her hypnotized and expects Sakura to eventually submit to him, never mind her feelings on the matter. This is all somehow portrayed in-universe as romantic.
  • In RWBY: Little Hunters, Pyrrha tries to kiss a youthfully regressed Jaune while he's sleeping (while she's in a towel, no less!), but is interrupted by Ren and Nora.
  • In The Second Try, a Neon Genesis Evangelion Peggy Sue fanfic, after the defeat of the Seventeeth Angel, Shinji visits a sleeping Asuka in the hospital, and unlike what he did the original timeline, he kisses her. Asuka wakes up during the kiss and jokingly tells maybe he should have tried that the last time instead.
  • A Starstruck, Phantasmic Romance: In the side story "Bound Together", Starfire briefly considers kissing Danny while he's sleeping but decides it's wrong.
  • Sword Art Online Abridged:
    • In episode 5, when Asuna wakes up from a nap to see Kirito smirking at her, she's shocked that he didn't pull this trope and instead doodled on her face.
    • In episode 12, Kirito is disgusted when Noboyuki Sugou takes a moment to sniff a comatose Asuna's hair. Later, Kirito's sister Suguha assumes he's going with this trope when he visits his girlfriend in the hospital.

      Suguha: Oh, remember to take some tissues though. Y'know, clean it off her face when you're finished. Be a gentleman about it.
      Kirito: OH MY GOD!

  • In more than a couple of Channel Awesome Kink Meme fills, The Nostalgia Chick chloroforms The Nostalgia Critic so she can have a little fun with him.
  • In the Legends of Tomorrow fic True Love's First Kiss, Sara is put in a coma that can only be ended by True Love's Kiss (cue comments of disbelief from her friends). Nearly everyone volunteers Leonard, who (for all that he's a thief and a killer) isn't too keen on kissing her while she's unconscious - and skeptical of the idea that he's the right one for the job, anyway.

    Leonard: No. No, there's no way I'm kissing her. I'm no one's 'True Love', for starters. What makes you so sure Sara's is one of the seven people on this ship, anyway?
    Rip: We aren't. But it's not like we have a large number of options.
    Leonard: Second, maybe we got the wrong spell. Maybe Sara will wake up on her own, and with this team's luck it could be right as I'm leaning over her. A normal girl would scream and punch me, but this is Sara we're talking about. She’d shove a knife through my throat!

  • Lampshaded in The True Love Loophole. Daring tries to wake up Apple several times but it's awkward.
  • In the Glee fanfic "Win You Over", there is a lesbian comatose kiss. There is also a first declaration of love involved.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series provides the page quote above. In a non-sexual variant, Joey protests "Yug, she's in a coma!" when Yami Yugi starts making sexist jokes at Mai's expense.

Films — Animation 

  • In The Emperor's New Groove, Pacha attempts giving mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration on an unconscious Kuzco, believing the latter has drowned. Kuzco wakes up and believes Pacha was trying to kiss him without his consent, no matter how hard Pacha tries to tell him otherwise.
  • Shrek, being a Disney parody at heart, sets up the awakening scene from Disney's Sleeping Beauty, but then he shakes her awake instead. Bonus points for her pretending to be asleep merely wanting a True Love's Kiss to break her spell.
  • This is what the Prince does to Snow White in Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs — when he thought she was dead. Fortunately this magically revived her, so they could live Happily Ever After and presumably never talk about what he was doing in the first place. Note: The reviving kiss was introduced into the tale by Disney. In the Brothers Grimm version, the prince just decided to take her away, glass coffin and all — and his servants stumble as they're carrying the coffin, jolting a piece of the poison apple out of her throat, which for some reason revives her.note 
  • WALL•E. EVE is in hibernate mode, and WALL-E takes her on dates and tries to hold her retracted hand. Though WALL-E didn't do anything more than this and he may just have been trying to wake her up and later on, EVE pretty much does the same thing in return. Of course, they're both robots so they're not really in "comas" anyway, more like "stand-by".

Films — Live-Action 

  • Ådalen 31: A horny young boy in his late teens hypnotizes his girlfriend and, while she's in a trance, strips her nude. The rest of the film is a highly realistic, gritty drama of the working class, so it's tempting to assume that the girlfriend was just faking it and playing along, but nothing in the movie indicates that.
  • Almost happens in Animal House, but Pinto's shoulder angel talks him out of it (much to the disgust of his shoulder devil).
  • A sweet rather than creepy example occurs at the end of Back to the Future Part III, where Marty McFly finds his girlfriend Jennifer Parker deeply passed out on her porch swing, having lain there all night and all morning in a dead faint from shock since Part II. After failing to wake her the normal way, he kisses her on the lips, whereupon she happens to start waking up from her faint and instinctively begins to kiss him back, thinking that her trip to 2015 in Part II was all a dream.
  • A male example in Bad Education (2004). After the performance at the drag club, Enrique returns back to his hotel room to have sex with Zahara. When Enrique passes out during oral sex, Zahara ends up having intercourse with him while he's asleep.
  • Neither a kiss nor a coma, but in The Bone Collector, Angelina Jolie's character runs her fingers over the face, neck, and hands of Denzel Washington's paralyzed character after he has had an attack and is unconscious. He wakes up with "There's laws against molesting the handicapped, you know."
  • Not a kiss, per se, but in The Boondock Saints, Rocco can't resist the opportunity to cop a feel of the breast of a stripper who fainted when the brothers break into a private dance room to kill a sleazy mid-level crime lord (played by Ron Jeremy, no less).

    Connor: What the fuck are you doing?!
    Rocco: ...I'll tip her!

  • Sting's character in Brimstone And Treacle becomes a caretaker for, and then rapes, a young woman who is in a coma following a car accident.
  • In Bulldog Drummond (1929), Dr. Lakington feels up a drugged Phyllis. The usually cheerful Drummond (who's tied up) gets very pissed at this and promises to kill Lakington.
  • While nothing physical happens, this trope is subverted in The Cottage, in which two incompetent criminals kidnap the nubile stepdaughter of a mobster for ransom. While carrying her unconscious body upstairs, one of the kidnappers decides to take the moment to eye her up. From his POV, we see his eyes move from her face, down to her chest, and then back to her face again, whereupon he sees she has woken up. The next thing we see is her head making hard contact with his face. Repeatedly.
  • Happens at a party in Dead Poets Society between one of the boys and a girl he's been pining after. She's asleep on the couch and he kisses her... and then gets (deservedly) punched out by her boyfriend. Not as bad as in the novelization where he fondles her breast, but it's still not GOOD. This is supposedly a character we are to root for, but overall their entire interaction in the film is pretty dreadful from her point of view.
  • The trope is quoted almost verbatim in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind when Elijah Wood's character tells his associate that he stole a pair of a girl's panties while she was unconscious during one of their memory-erasing house calls. There's an awkward silence, after which they both laugh hysterically.
  • In The Fifth Element, Korben kisses an unconscious Leeloo, who interrupts it by putting his own gun to his temple. Apparently, she's not that much like in a coma. "Okay, okay, that was a mistake..."

    "What does 'ecto gammet' mean?"
    "Uh- 'never without my permission!'"

  • In Freddy vs. Jason, one of the partygoers at the rave finds Gibb passed out drunk in the cornfield and starts making out with her before being killed by Jason.
  • In French Kiss (1995), the French thief/smuggler tries to search Kate while she is asleep on a train. Dreaming of her boyfriend, she grabs him in her sleep and they kiss. She wakes up refreshed and in a positive mood. This is a romantic comedy, so the scene isn't meant to be squick.
  • Perhaps the earliest instance of this in film is in Erich von Stroheim's Greed (1924), after McTeague (a dentist) puts Trina under the Gas, his rough beastial nature gets the better of him and he Frenches her while she's out. It's in the original novel (McTeague, by Frank Norris, 1899) too.
  • Part of the backstory of how Peter Pan left Neverland in Hook. He kept visiting Wendy and aged years while she aged decades, until he was an older teenager and she had a granddaughter called Moira of around his age. When he saw the sleeping Moira, he said he wanted to give her a kiss, and brought out the thimble he had once thought was a "kiss". But then he said, no, a real kiss. In the present, they are married.
  • Horrible Bosses has a situation where Dr. Julia Harris molests her employee Dale Arbus while he's unconscious, making it look like he's having an affair, and uses the photos to blackmail him. In an example of Laser-Guided Karma, at the end of the movie he sets up a sting with some friends, getting footage of her attempted molestation of a patient, in order to blackmail her into backing off.
  • There have been two different film adaptations of Japanese novel The House of the Sleeping Beauties, which centers around a bizarre brothel in which the customers pay for the privilege of crawling into bed with naked young women who have been drugged into sleep. In German film House of the Sleeping Beauties, Edmond is a lonely old widower who goes to the brothel, snuggling with and feeling up the naked, sleeping young women, while wondering if it's OK do to more with them. A looser 2011 adaptation, Sleeping Beauty, does a Perspective Flip. The protagonist is a disaffected young woman who takes a job in which she is sedated and wealthy clients are allowed to do whatever they wish with her, with the stipulations that they can't leave a mark and (supposedly) cannot penetrate her.
  • If Looks Could Kill: Kent tries to lick Melissa's ear while she's asleep in the seat next to him.
  • In Kevin & Perry Go Large, Kevin winds up next to a girl who's drunk and passes out in bed next to him at a house party. He doesn't take advantage of her sexually, though he does attempt to kiss her only for her to bite him out of reflex. He does claim he slept with her, only for her to reveal the truth to everyone else.
  • In Kids, a girl passed out drunk at a wild party gets raped by another teen party-goer.
  • In Kill Bill, the Bride wakes up from her four-year coma and discovers that a hospital orderly has been pimping her unconscious body out to customers. Naturally, the orderly and his latest "customer" become her first victims.
  • Played with twice in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Harmony falls asleep at a party and Harry stumbles upon her as a man is feeling up her thigh. Harry challenges the man to a fight, only to get beaten up and learn that the man was Harmony's date. Later on, she faints and Harry notices a spider crawling around her cleavage. Harry tries to swat the spider away, but wakes up Harmony in the process, causing her to think that he was groping her.
  • Another early film example is in Love Me Tonight (1932): Princess Jeanette is prone to fainting spells, and she has one in the garden at the costume ball. Maurice kisses her until she wakes up—whereupon she slaps him.
  • This gets played with in the 2014 re-telling, Maleficent. Here, Phillip is actually embarrassed and reluctant to kiss the unconscious girl, saying he 'wouldn't feel right about it' having only met her once.
  • In The Matrix, Trinity does this to Neo's real body while his mind is away in the Matrix. Also, he'd just died. Also, kissing him brought him Back from the Dead.
  • In The Mummy (1999), Imhotep gives poor Evelyn (who reminds him of Old Flame Anck-Su-Namun) a Forceful Kiss while she's sleeping, made even more icky by the fact his face was still rotting at the time. Thankfully Rick and co burst in with a cat to scare Imhotep off.
  • This trope appears in Cheech & Chong's movie Nice Dreams. About two-thirds of the way through the film, Cheech is about to make it with a woman when she passes out from exhaustion/snorting too much cocaine. Cheech hesitates about continuing then breaks the fourth wall to poll the audience: "how many of you would do it, hands up?" and "how many of you wouldn't?". Cheech decides to go for it, and when she wakes up later she seems to have had a nice dream.
  • Gender-revered example in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Elizabeth as a girl strokes a shipwrecked Will's hair when she first meets him, automatically Will wakes up alarmed and grabs her hand though Elizabeth calms him down. Averted years later in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Elizabeth does the same thing after Jack knocks Will out, waking up and seeing that it's her Will and Elizabeth share a knowing smile.
  • Rare male example in Purgatory. Rose kisses Sonny, her love interest who she'd had an Almost Kiss with before, after he's beaten up and seems to be unconscious in the doctor's office. His eyes are half open again when she pulls back.
  • In Rosemary's Baby, Rosemary dreams she is being raped by the devil (unfortunately, as it later turns out, this is not a dream). When she wakes up, she discovers that her husband, with whom she had planned to try to conceive that night, has had sex with her while she slept. His justification? "I didn't want to miss 'baby night'."
  • Gender-flipped in Sherlock Holmes (2009). Irene kisses Holmes after he passes out from the drug she spiked him with in a bottle of wine.
  • In slasher spoof Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th, this is how the teen Butt-Monkey Boner ultimately decides to lose his virginity. He's killed before he gets a chance to rape the girl.
  • In Sucker Punch, Blue plans to rape Baby Doll after her lobotomy as revenge, but he's put off by how Uncanny Valley she is after the procedure.
  • The Spanish-language film Hable con ella (Talk to Her) involves this. A man whose girlfriend was recently injured and fell into a coma meets a male nurse who works at the clinic whose own girlfriend is also in a coma. The nurse never actually met her before her injury — he's a Stalker with a Crush, and things get Squicky.
  • A particularly creepy example occurs in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, when an asylum guard licks Sarah Conner's face while he thinks she is catatonic.
  • Viridiana: Viridiana's uncle Don Jaime is taken aback by her resemblence to his late wife. So he slips something in her coffee, lays her out in his bed, undoes her dress and fondles her breasts, but chickens out before going any further.
  • Weekend at Bernie's: An unstable old flame of the late Bernie Lomax comes into his beach house at the tail end of a party, knife in hand, planning to kill him if he's cheating on her. Our heroes Richard and Larry, figuring that their problem is about to solve itself, back off and direct her to the bedroom... then, while Larry watches from outdoors to see just how she'll react, sees her start to disrobe, believing Bernie is simply passed-out drunk... and then just keeps watching... and by the next scene, it's painfully clear where she was going with that...
  • In Wild Orchids, pretty Lillie faints away. The creepy guy that's been trying to seduce her away from her husband decides to "revive her" by unbuttoning her blouse.
  • The title character is conceived this way in The World According to Garp. His father is a former ball turret gunner who has lost essentially all cognitive function; his mother is a nurse who wants a child but not a husband.


  • In the first book of the Amelia Peabody series Crocodile on a Sandbank Amelia comes out of a swoon to feel herself being tenderly held and kissed by her not-yet-husband Emerson with whom she has a Slap-Slap-Kiss relationship going. Not only is she totally fine with it, she shams unconsciousness for a few more minutes to prolong the moment!
  • In the third Anita Blake novel the main vampire character Jean-Claude has to mark the main character before she dies of a monster snake bite. From what one character says it looked like Jean-Claude was struggling with the temptation of having 'his way' with her when she was topless and out cold.
  • In Christopher Moore's Bloodsucking Fiends vampire novels, vampires become unconscious (possibly completely dead) from dawn to sunset. The protagonist once complained to her boyfriend about the time she woke up, sticky, dressed like a cheerleader.
  • In the Discworld novel Wintersmith, we get an interesting case as the candidate himself objects: Reaching the Underworld, Roland is reluctant to kiss the Summer Lady who is deeply asleep. Rob Anybody insists that the narrative traditions demand for the Hero to wake up the unconscious maiden with a kiss. Luckily, a little peck on the cheek does the job.
  • In the Dragonriders of Pern novel Dragonsdawn, most of Sallah Telgar's children were conceived by her seducing her husband while he was half-asleep and unable to do anything but go along. The exception was their first child (the reason they got married in the first place), which was conceived by her getting them alone and serving him a meal liberally spiked with aphrodisiacs.
  • Done when Eragon looks upon Arya in Eragon, the first book of the Inheritance Cycle, while she is passed out. Lampshaded because he feels embarrassed enough to catch himself thinking that. Combine this with an Intimate Healing scene and remind yourself Eragon is a teenager.
  • In the second light novel of The Familiar of Zero, Saito started undressing Louise while she was asleep so he could have sex with her.
  • Full Metal Panic!:
    • Kaname almost kisses Sousuke after he fell asleep when she finished cutting his hair. She restrains herself, however, because she felt embarrassed that she would want to take advantage of him in his sleep. So instead, she stops herself by dunking his head in water.
    • Tessa has no qualms about trying to take advantage of Sousuke while he's sleeping. The first time, she actually does manage to sneak into his bed. The second time, however, she's shown to quietly try to sneak to him, only to be caught by Mao (who proceeds to handcuff herself to her, so as to make sure she doesn't try anything funny with Sousuke while he's unconscious).
    • Tessa also tries to kiss Sousuke in Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu when he was dragged unconscious out of the school pool after belly-flopping in to try and save her. She loudly and dramatically declares that he needs CPR and as she leans in to put her mouth to his, Kaname pulls her back by the hair and angrily points out that he doesn't need it.
    • While in The Second Raid OVA ("The Battlegroup Commander's Sort of Boring Day") Mao is seen groping Tessa's breasts after she'd passed out from drinking too much. Imagine for a moment if this were Kurz instead of Mao...
  • Good Luck! Ninomiya-kun:
    • Shungo nearly does this to Reika, thinking it necessary to revive her. When she wakes up in his arms minutes later: "What are you doing, Ninomiya Shungo?! Don't tell me you've been doing this and that while I was unconscious? ...Actually, do it while I can remember!"
    • She herself attempts to do this to Shungo, and possibly other things. Except he defends himself against her while he's sleeping.
  • In The Halfling's Gem, Drizzt Do'Urden kisses Catti-brie after she has been knocked semi-conscious by a long fall—and she's already involved with someone, no less.
  • Haruhi Suzumiya:
    • Parodied during the SOS Brigade's student film "The Adventures of Asahina Mikuru". The star is Mikuru as the battle waitress from the future, who faints at one point and is carried to the home of Itsuki Koizumi, her in-movie Love Interest. After putting her to bed, he silently deliberates over this, and gets very close to kissing her. She is acting, though, and uncomfortably aware of it. He is belatedly interrupted by Yuki Nagato's character, although there was a good chance of our completely disgruntled cameraman (and in-series narrator) Kyon disrupting the scene. And that's not the only creepy part... As Kyon points out, after she is knocked unconscious, Koizumi took her to his house instead of calling an ambulance, undressed her, bathed her, and then redressed her before trying to kiss her. When we see the making of the movie, this scene becomes less humorous: Tsuruya and Haruhi spiked Mikuru's drink in order to 'improve her acting', which Kyon realizes from Mikuru's lack of resistance; he refuses to keep filming, and it's the only scene in the series where he becomes seriously angry with Haruhi, to the point of almost socking her in the face without realizing it before Koizumi stops him.
    • Mikuru actually invokes this trope on herself in Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody. After she and Kyon travel back to three years ago, she falls unconscious. Her own future self appears and tells Kyon what to do. As a reward she says that he can kiss her (still unconscious) younger self if he wants to. We don't see what he does, but a lawyer, a philosopher, and a quantum physicist could have great fun getting drunk and discussing the ethical implications of this scenario.
  • In the novel Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush by Hunter Davis, about growing up in Carlisle in the 1960s, the protagonist says he passes the time travelling to school by playing the bus-crash game. That is, he fantasises about if the bus crashed and he was the only person left conscious, which order would he "do" the more attractive (but comatose and unaware) female passengers in?
  • Indexing: How Sleeping Beauties work. As said in the second chapter:

    Reports from the hospital said that Alicia Connors, our erstwhile Sleeping Beauty was already awake, unaware of the bullet she'd just dodged. She wouldn't need a Prince to save her. She wouldn't sleep through her own rape and pregnancy, or any of the other horrible fates that await the four-tens.

  • In The Irregular at Magic High School, Miyuki often attempts to do things like kiss Tatsuya or snuggle up with him while he sleeps. The author lampshades that she isn't in her right mind (given that Tatsuya chooses to share a hotel room with her even after the first time, he probably isn't either.)
  • In John Barth's Letters, Jerome Bray is depicted as routinely drugging women and raping them so as to get them pregnant. At least three of the main female characters receive this treatment; none of them seem terribly upset over this, nothing happens to Bray as a result, and one of his victims ends up in his care by the end of the book. All of which lead to the disquieting notion that Barth was intentionally playing this trope for laughs.
  • In Lolita, Humbert attempts to invoke this trope by giving Lolita some sleeping pills so that he can fondle her without her knowing it. However, the pills turn out to not have as strong an effect as advertised, leaving Lolita just conscious enough for Humbert to decide not to take the risk. (They still do it in the morning, with her allegedly being the one who initiated it.) Later after their relationship breaks down, he forces himself on Lolita when she's ill and too weak to resist him.
  • In Lord El-Melloi II Case Files, after catching Gray staring at a drunk, passed-out Waver for a bit too long (out of concern for his health, though the anime adaptation suggests through its framing that she might have other reasons), Add suggests that she ought to take advantage of his state and kiss him. In the original novels, Gray instead rattles Add's cage to shut him up and attempts to manually defrown Waver in his sleep (to little avail).
  • Happens in McTeague after the titular character gives Trina anesthetic. It's implied that this is his compromise between doing nothing and raping her.
  • Carolyn Chute's Merry Men has a disturbing version of this. The main character's wife has to have surgery to remove a brain tumor, but she comes out of it brain-damaged and functioning at about the level of a two-year-old and has to be taken care of by her family. Over the course of the book, the husband repeatedly sneaks into his mother-in-law's house and has sex with his wife. It's broadly hinted that the Writer is On Board with this, as one of the few times his wife manages coherent speech is calling out his name during sex.
  • My Year of Rest and Relaxation:
    • Trevor evidently gets off to getting blowjobs while the narrator pretends to be asleep. She once wakes up from a blackout in the middle of giving him one.
    • Referenced when the protagonist arranges for Ping Xi to attend to her needs while using her as a muse for his next art show while she's blacked out. She isn't concerned he'll do sexual acts with her while she's unaware because she's pretty sure he's gay.
  • Neuromancer: A special service at a brothel Molly used to work at, where prostitutes are in comas and mechanically controlled like puppets by a computer. Riviera does a performance piece based on how her tenure as a meat puppet went horribly wrong. The service is first described in "Burning Chrome".
  • In the novel Olympos by Dan Simmons, a man must have sex with a woman in a technology-induced slumber in order to awaken her. He's creeped out by the idea, but manages to perform by thinking about his girlfriend. The woman refers to him as a rapist for the rest of their time together, but doesn't seem to hold it against him.
  • Erik the titular The Phantom of the Opera starts bathing Christine's temples after the Phantom drugs her. Later Erik even ties Christine up after she knocks herself out (she tried killing herself faced with the prospect of marrying him).
  • Red Lotus: After Li-Xia refuses to be taken as a Sex Slave, runs away and gets injured in an altercation with worker boys, she is hauled back to be healed and get her virginity checked by her female superintendent Ah-Jeh. To do this, the latter knocks her unconscious. Afterwards, Li-Xia suspects Ah-Jeh has molested her in the process; not only does Ah-Jeh confirm this, she also makes a "Not If They Enjoyed It" Rationalization.
  • Ruslan and Ludmila by Alexander Pushkin contains a part that the hero rescues his love, and takes her home while she is in an enchanted sleep. Pushkin lampshades the trope by stating that the narrator insisted Ruslan behaved honorably, and he believes that. Later, she is snatched by another guy who brings her home... not so clear about him, but considering he was in a hurry, it is entirely possible he averted the trope as well.
  • Snow White gets two kisses in her sleep in Six-Gun Snow White. First when a man comes into her hollow in a mining community, looking to rape her. When he sees her beauty, though, he is overcome by more romantic notions. The second one happens when Deer Boy tries to wake her from her enchanted sleep by kissing her.
  • In "Snow, Glass, Apples" by Neil Gaiman, it is strongly implied that Snow White's Prince Charming has some kind of necrophilia fetish. Luckily for him, but not for anyone else, Snow's a vampire.
  • In the backstory of A Song of Ice and Fire, Lysa Tully had sex with Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish twice under dubious circumstances. The first was after a feast when he was passed out drunk after being rejected by her sister Catelyn. He thought Lysa was Catelyn. The second time, Petyr was in a hallucinating, semi-conscious state from a feverish wound gained from a duel.
  • From the Star Wars Expanded Universe:
    • A sleeping Leia almost gets kissed in Splinter of the Mind's Eye. Fortunately for her (and the readers, and his own later peace of mind), Luke resists the impulse, vowing instead to protect her from everything, including himself. In Alan Dean Foster's defense, the book was published before they were revealed to be siblings.
    • Luke Skywalker kisses Mara Jade while she was sleeping. Don't worry, he kissed her while they were both conscious by the end of the book.
  • In Swan Song, Robin kisses Swan while she's unconscious with a fever. She wakes up moments later and slaps him — albeit for assuming he was a threat rather than for the kiss itself.
  • Sugou in Sword Art Online starts touching Asuna's face while she's still hooked up to life support. Kirigaya (Kirito) gets noticeably upset. For added creep factor, he explains that he has the right to do it, because his company is keeping her alive.
  • Take A Girl Like You by Kingsley Amis. Jenny Bunn's would-be boyfriend date-rapes her while she is drunk and passed out.
  • Close to the end of Ulysses Moore book series, Julia Covenant appears to be knocked out and Rick Banner, who has a crush on her, kisses her. She knows, but doesn't tell it to him, only to her brother Jason.
  • The Wicked Years:
    • In Wicked, it's mentioned that Melena was drugged and raped, which is how Elphaba was conceived. The elixir is also why Elphaba was born with green skin and sharp teeth.
    • Happens in Son of a Witch, when Candle has sex with the unconscious Liir and becomes pregnant. In the end she returns, long enough to dump their green-skinned daughter on him.
  • Ryel Mirai can't resist kissing his unconscious theoretically-love interest in Carolyn Kephart's Wysard. (Resisting any woman isn't his strong point, but most of the others are actively trying to seduce him.)

Live-Action TV 

  • In Battlestar Galactica (2003), Sam finds an unconscious Kara when liberating the prisoners on New Caprica and kisses her several times; this was actually a fairly heartwarming instance considering Sam had spent the last four months not knowing if she was even alive. She regains consciousness soon after that. Later when Sam is actually in a coma Kara kisses him and even crawls into bed with him; it is still heartwarming but also a major tearjerker since earlier in the episode the doctor flat out told her he was unlikely to ever wake up.
  • Subverted in an episode of Cheers. Sam is alone with a passed-out Rebecca and whispers to himself, "do it!". He proceeds to... dress her up in a bandito costume and draw a moustache on her face.
  • Referenced in the "Very Special Drew" episode of The Drew Carey Show. Drew is marrying Kate, who's in a coma. She manages to wake up just in time to say "I do". Oswald notes that the honeymoon will be a lot less creepy now.
  • Colin Hunt, a recurring character on The Fast Show, attempts to peek up the skirt of an office colleague after she has fallen asleep in a chair (in his house), but she wakes up while he is doing it. It's slightly tempered by the fact that she tells him it's OK and she doesn't mind but he's mortified to be caught.
  • In the Firefly episode "Our Mrs. Reynolds", when Inara finds Mal unconscious from Saffron's poisoned kiss, she kisses him on the lips (mostly in a panic), resulting in paralysis at a most inconvenient time, since some of the lipstick is still on his lips. Afterwards, she denies it ever happened.
  • One episode of Friends has Chandler reveal he kissed a drunk Rachel at a party to get back at Ross for going out with a girl he liked. Ross then reveals that the night of the party was when he first kissed Rachel, while she was unconscious underneath a pile of coats. This is followed by the revelation that he didn't kiss Rachel, he kissed Monica.
  • An episode of Fringe sees Peter visiting a comatose Olivia in the hospital. after she returned to our world from her visit with William Bell in the parallel dimension in a moving car, resulting in a horrific crash. She had originally been taken from the moving car, and "physics" determined that she return to this universe with the same force as she had originally left. She had left a living will with a Do Not Resuscitate order, and was to be taken off of life support the next day. This trope could be considered averted, as when Peter leaned over to give her a (supposed) goodbye kiss, she jolted into consciousness. while simultaneously speaking the Greek phrase Peter's mother said to him before bed as a boy.
  • Sue White impregnates herself with Mac's sperm when he's in a coma in Green Wing. Caroline is also seen kissing him and trying to lie next to him.
  • Halo (2022): Done in an even creepier way with Adun trying to kiss Dr. Halsey's Expendable Clone, who is not only Strapped to an Operating Table, but conscious and completely paralyzed. Mercifully, Halsey pops in before he does so.
  • Carly of iCarly kisses one of her crushes of the week after he falls down an elevator shaft.
  • Ideal: Judith, being a recovering necrophiliac, takes advantage of Moz when he passes out during a party (he doesn't mind), and kisses Jenny during her coma.
  • Law & Order
    • One episode deals with a woman who becomes pregnant... years after being put into a coma by a car accident. It's later revealed that her mother paid an orderly to rape her in order to produce a grandchild. The case gets... ugly.
    • Another episode features a doctor who, with her permission, repeatedly puts his wife into an insulin-induced coma so he can record himself having sex with her.
      • A similar episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit had a woman in a coma pregnant. At first they thought it was this trope, but it turned out much worse. A dying man is having multiple women impregnated to harvest stem cells. Then he sues for custody.
    • Another L&O episode had these couples using drugs for sex. The wife would take something, which would knock her out, and then her husband would have sex with her unconscious form.
  • Matt Jamison's wife Mary in The Leftovers became catatonic the day of the Sudden Departure. Three years later, her condition unchanged, she becomes pregnant. Matt insists that she woke up for one night, but he knows how it looks. Mary later wakes up permanently and confirms Matt was telling the truth.
  • The Nanny: C.C kisses Mr. Sheffield while he was out cold in the hospital before his appendectomy in the episode "Close Shave".
  • The titular character from Nodame Cantabile sneaks a kiss to the sleeping Chiaki's cheek, pointing out this was her chance. Of course, Chiaki was awake the whole time and he knew Nodame wouldn't have resisted the temptation to kiss him. He let her because he wanted to thank her for everything she had done for him.
  • Subverted in Northern Exposure when Maggie is offended that Joel didn't finish what they were doing when she passed out from sleep deprivation.
  • In an episode of Saturday Night Live, one man mentions to his friends that he's having a sexual relationship with one of his patients that he feels conflicted about. Since you're on this page, you can figure out the punchline to this story on your own.
    • Also, Season 26 had a trailer for the movie "Wake Up Little Susie," patterned after Save the Last Dance, about a Black man (Tracy Morgan) falling for a white girl (Mena Suvari) who's been hospitalized from a horseback-riding accident but her family disapproves...because check this trope.
  • In the Japanese drama Shokojo Sera (a remake of A Little Princess), this was done by both Sera and Kaito but both weren't on the lips. Kaito did it first to Sera on the forehead, while he and a sleeping Sera were waiting for a bus. Sera would do it to a sleeping Kaito on the cheek when she was forced to leave the academy.
  • A platonic version in Smallville. Clark kisses an unconscious Chloe on her forehead before he forces himself to wipe her memories of his secret.
  • Female on male downplayed example in Star Trek: The Original Series. In "A Private Little War", Spock has been seriously injured, and is apparently unconscious. Nurse Chapel, whose crush on the Vulcan First Officer has been established early in the series, holds his hand for a while. When informed that Spock is actually in a Healing Trance and knows she has been holding his hand, she hurriedly backtracks, claiming that "a good nurse holds her patients' hands, and there's nothing more to it".
  • Torchwood:
    • Jack does this to Ianto in a very unprofessional "Kiss of Life" fashion.
    • Played with in "End of Days" when Gwen kisses Jack's dead-for-days body to say goodbye. (Though he then proceeds to revive).
  • Invoked in an episode of Two and a Half Men, Charlie and Alan play a "word game" consisting of just yelling alphabetical insults at each other. When they get to N, Alan yells "Necrophiliac!", and Charlie responds, "She was drunk, not dead. I challenge!".
  • In the "Accountant Bore" sketch by The Two Ronnies the titular accountant mentions that his wife "was asleep at the time" when his children were conceived. This was meant as a joke to demonstrate how boring he is, but it has not aged well.
  • In United States of Tara the gay son, Marshall, has the friend he's been crushing on over to his house to watch a movie that was assigned for English class. The friend falls asleep and Marshall works up the nerve to kiss him. His friend wakes up, and kisses him back.
  • While Nancy is comatose in Weeds, Doug takes the opportunity to feel her up and even loosens her hospital gown so he can take a quick peek at her breasts. He just avoids getting caught in the act by Andy and Jill.


  • In Threads of Time, Sali Tayi doesn't really kiss the coma-induced Sa-Lum so much as he just out-and-out rapes her. Even his own soldiers pretty much have a "Dude, she's like, in a coma!" moment. And he wonders why Atan Hadas doesn't like him...


  • The Eminem song "Guilty Conscience" is very controversial, in large part due to the second verse which has him and Dr. Dre as Good Angel and Bad Angel (Em, naturally, plays the Bad Angel) in regards to whether or not to take advantage of a drugged up girl who's only fifteen years old.
  • In The Mechanisms' Once Upon a Time in Space, during the Sleeping Beauty song, Jonny defies this, refusing to try waking up the Briar Rose by kissing her, because "that's really fucking creepy".

Myths & Religion 

  • The Bible has a female, incestous version in Genesis 19. There are no men around in the wilderness following the escape of Lot and his daughters from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, so Lot's daughters form a plan. Get Dad so drunk he "was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up" and have sex with him. This works twice on successive nights, and they both get pregnant.
  • A male version is the myth of Endymion, who is placed in an eternal sleep by the goddess Selene in order to preserve his beauty, and then apparently raped by her, producing fifty (!) daughters.
  • In Mesopotamian Mythology, Ishtar/Inanna/whatever you want to call her falls asleep under a poplar tree, and a young man by the name of Shukaletuda is taken with her beauty and has his way with her. Big mistake. When she wakes up and realizes she has been violated, she sends plagues upon the Earth until she finds Shukaletuda (who had gone into hiding). He begs her for her forgiveness, but she will have none of that and kills him.


  • Romeo and Juliet. In one of the most famous scenes in all of literature, Juliet kisses a dead Romeo, who has taken poison due to thinking Juliet herself was dead. The kiss was both out of love and out of hope that a remnant of the poison would still be on his lips, thus killing Juliet. She has to use Romeo's dagger in order to finally end it.
    • Romeo also kisses Juliet when she's unconscious/seemingly dead as his final act before committing suicide.
  • In Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier (a show that makes fun of a lot of Disney stuff) the Princess discusses and deconstructs this trope.

    Princess: I heard he once made out with a girl while she was blacked out. That's not charming — that's kind of rapey.

Video Games 

  • In Batman: Arkham City, Mooks will occasionally talk about how attractive Mr. Freeze's cryogenically frozen wife is. Other mooks will call them out on this. It's implied that some of the thugs Joker leaves her with are intending to rape her.
  • Rachel's gag reel in BlazBlue: Continuum Shift has Kokonoe attempting to subdue Ragna via Instant Sedation. When Noel asked for her plans about after he took the laced candy (which failed due to Litchi shattering it), Kokonoe let out some very suggestive dialogue (which the censoring only made worse).
  • Elle of Crush Crush is a narcoleptic who, by her own admission, could very well fall asleep during sex. At the "Lovers" level, she'll give Marshmallow her consent to continue if that happens.
  • In Cyberpunk 2077, V's Mysterious Employer Evelyn is revealed to be a sex worker whose cybernetics were disabled in an attack by her former employers, the Voodoo Boys gang. After this she's left seemingly comatose, which her Bad Boss from the brothel takes advantage of. Unbeknownst to him, however, she was aware of her surroundings the entire time.
  • Grand Theft Auto IV: According to his radio show, Lazlow prefers his chicks unconscious.
  • Haunting Ground: Fiona Belli is repeatedly stripped naked, stroked, grabbed, carried away and even gets a goddamn ovulation test all when she's unconscious multiple times.
  • In the "Requiem" mission of Hitman: Blood Money, Diana kisses Agent 47 as he lies unconscious during his wake. It turns out that the lipstick has the antidote to counter the fake-death serum 47 was injected with.
  • Killer7 has a scene where Samantha rapes Harman while he's comatose.
  • In Kingdom Hearts, Riku's attitude towards the unconscious Kairi invokes this, as at one point he makes a grab at the holographic projection of her sleeping form.
  • King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones has this as a possibility.
  • Quest for Glory IV: You are given the opportunity to kiss or even "cop a feel" of a certain vampiress while she's asleep in her coffin. She's not too incredibly amused if you do.
  • Gender flipped in Sam and Max Hit the Road. Trixie the giraffe-necked girl falls in love with Bruno the Frozen Bigfoot (they're circus attractions). She reads him bedtime stories and bakes cakes for him while he's sealed in a block of ice. However, Bruno is eventually thawed and the two run away together.
  • Shining Force II presents this, naturally, as the only way to awaken the otherwise comatose Princess of the Granseal Kingdom after the Big Bad is beaten once and for all.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) comes to mind, with Princess Elise's necrobestial kiss with Sonic's dead body. In an inversion of the Sleeping Beauty archetype, her kiss brings him back to life so he can prevent the god of light from destroying all of space and time.
  • Star Fox Adventures: Fox probably would've kissed the unconscious Krystal if she was in reach and Peppy hadn't interrupted.
  • In The Wolf Among Us, Ichabod Crane reveals that he has somnophilia and has a fetish about having sex with Snow White while she's in her enchanted sleep, to the point that he paid Fable prostitutes to Glamor up as Snow. Naturally, everybody is sickened (especially Snow) with The Reveal, and Ichabod goes through a Humiliation Conga.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 1:
    • Subverted with Melia and Shulk. The former considers doing this as a show of gratitude for all that the latter has done for her since they met, but she ultimately ends up being too bashful to go through with it. Said scene also happens to be extremely easy to miss.
    • It's also played straight earlier in the story with Shulk and Fiora, but you'll need a different tactic to wake Valanice.
    • This one could also count as a subversion. After the battle with Egil, the two wash up on the shore of the Fallen Arm, where Shulk awakens to find an unconscious Fiora. Shulk reasons that she needs water, and transfers it to her this way. Fiora wakes up immediately after, and "jokes" that it was her First Kiss.
  • In Yakuza 3, Mine doesn't make any physical contact (that we know of) with his comatose boss, Daigo, but is shown to be so obsessed with sitting in the hospital at his bedside staring at him that he won't look away even to take a phone call.

Visual Novels 

  • In Kira☆Kira, the protagonist is overwhelmed with tender feelings for a childhood friend when he spots her sleeping, and bends over to kiss her, angrily stating that it's her fault, she's making him do this - and then accidentally drops his ice cream on her.
  • Majikoi! Love Me Seriously! has an extreme example. Unable to convince his new girlfriend Chris to stay in Japan when her father expects her to leave, Yamato's last gamble is to have sex with her (for the first time!) by initiating while she's sleeping. It works.
  • In Yosuga no Sora, Sora does this to Haruka, her twin brother.


  • In Arthur, King of Time and Space, Morgan tells Lancelot this is the only way to save Guenevere. Being Lancelot, he finds another way.
  • Invoked in Ennui GO!. Because of Hiro's narcolepsy, he's prone to falling asleep during sex, hence why he's given Renee a free pass to keep going when it happens. His genderflipped counterpart in "Earth-11" has the same deal with her friends.
  • In Homestuck, characters may revive dead or dying friends by kissing them. This trope is averted when Vriska is nearly killed by Aradia, and Tavros has the opportunity to kiss her while she is unconscious. However, despite the urging of his patron Dersite, Tavros does not have the courage to kiss her.
  • In the Lit Brick adaptation of Hero and Leander Hero is not happy at all to wake up and find Leander kissing her seemingly-dead body.

    Leander: Hey, in my defense, I thought you were dead.
    Hero: That doesn't make it better.

  • Used in Misfile, between a heavily sleeping Ash, a boy transformed semi-permanently into a girl, and his/her best friend, Emily, who thinks she's straight but definitely likes the guy-who's-biologically-a-girl. No interruptions occur, though afterwards, Ash reflects on his/her 'odd dream', while Emily silently rages that it didn't help clear up her feelings at ALL.
  • Not Quite Daily Comic:
  • Oglaf strip "Eight Legs of Love" Ivan wakes up to find a Giant Spider giving him oral. The spider confesses it usually bites him with a paralytic venom first when it does this, so he remains asleep through the act. Ivan is understandably horrified.
  • In a Questionable Content strip, Faye jokes about removing Sven's brain, but keeping the brain stem, turning him into a living sextoy, after he has sex with another woman.

    Dora: I was thinking more of buying you a vibrator.
    Faye: Aw, you're no fun.

  • In Red String, Morita moves to kiss the teacher she's been crushing on when she finds him dozing in the teacher's lounge. She realizes what she's doing at the last second and runs off.
  • In Seiyuu CRUSH!, Kaji falls asleep after an energy-drink high. After carrying him home, KoiZ decides the best way to wake a sleeping innocent is to kiss him. It that backfires on him when Kaji wakes up and sneezes on him.
  • Something*Positive:
    • Davan is lying in bed after release from the hospital, sedated and semiconscious. Cue Kim, who, visiting to take care of him, is overcome by feelings of lust, and proceeds to have sex with the comatose Davan. Instead of complaining about the rape itself, he whines about not having been awake to enjoy it.
    • From the same site, we have this little reinterpetation of Sleeping Beauty.

      Prince: I was told by an old hag that you were alone here, in a coma. I climbed your palace wall and snuck in here to wake you with the magic of physical affection. If I'd known you weren't in a coma, I'd never have laid a hand on you. [Beat] Wow, that... that sounds really bad. Can we pretend I said that in a less rapey fashion?

  • In Sword Princess Amaltea, the heroine Amaltea needs to find a prince to marry. She founds one, sleeping in a tower and thinks this is the way to iniciate things, just like in the books. The prince wakes up in a freak out because he was kissed by a stranger.
  • Tower of God: Lurker fondles Yeon's breast while she rendered will-less by a Puppeteer Parasite.

Web Original 

  • In "Ask That Guy VIOLATES Ma-Ti", Ask That Guy plans to violate Ma-Ti while he's unconscious. It gets turned around on him quickly.
  • In the Gag Sub The Adventures of Yuki Nagato of Haruhi Suzumiya, "the narrator" directly references this trope.

    Narrator: The hell?!? DUDE! That's creepy! She's, like, in a coma or something!

  • While much, much lighter than the fanfic example with them above, The Nostalgia Chick and The Nostalgia Critic did this to each other in her "Bratz-Transformers" arc. First, she strokes the back of his neck creepily while giggling after she chloroforms him. Later, when she's unconscious and he's close behind, he pinches her ass. No wonder the shippers were delighted.
  • This SMBC theater has God explaining his plan to impregnate Mary while she's asleep.

Western Animation 

  • Carl in Aqua Teen Hunger Force remembering a Foreigner concert he attended:

    Carl: I totally copped a feel on this passed-out broad. Now, whenever I hear "Urgent," I think of her boobs all covered in vomit.

  • Family Guy: In "Dial Meg for Murder", Connie and her friends are hurling insults at Meg, who has just gotten out of jail, while she is filling a burlap sack with soda cans. Meg knocks all of them unconscious with the sack of cans, then French kisses Connie.
  • Subverted in Jimmy Two-Shoes. In an episode where everyone except Jimmy is in hibernation, he goes into Heloise's room to try and wake her up. After failing, he reads a book she was holding saying that a sleeping girl can be awakened with a kiss. He looks at Heloise a moment...then tosses the book aside, muttering that you can't believe everything you read.
  • Kaeloo:
    • The trope is discussed when the characters read Sleeping Beauty, with Mr. Cat pointing out that kissing an unconscious person is morally disgusting.
    • In one episode, the trope is enforced. Pretty knocks Mr. Cat out cold so that she can kiss him.
    • In one instance, the trope is Played for Laughs. Mr. Cat passes out after drinking and Pretty takes the opportunity to kiss him, and then post a picture of this on the internet so people will think they're a couple.
  • In Metalocalypse, Nathan Explosion's girlfriend falls down a very large flight of stairs and winds up in a coma. He still dates her, calling her "the perfect girlfriend", until she breaks up with him for another man. While still in the coma. The other man was ALSO in a coma.
  • Subverted in The Owl House. In the episode "Hunting Palismen", Luz and the Golden Guard crash in the jungle after Kikimora destroys the Guard's airship. During the crash, the Golden Guard is knocked unconscious and loses his mask, revealing him to be a teenage boy around Luz's age. After discovering this, Luz crawls over to him and the music swells as she leans in closer... before she smacks him across the face while screaming "WAKE UP!"
  • Robot Chicken did a skit where a bird overlooking Prince Charming's attempt to kiss Snow White starts yelling "Date rape! Date rape!"
  • Spider-Man: The Animated Series: A gender-swapped version between Spider-Man and Black Cat. When the two first meet and fight each other, Black Cat uses Knockout Gas on him and starts unmasking him. She stops halfway, deciding she doesn't want to find out his identity this way, and gently kisses him goodbye on the side of the lips before lowering his mask, downplaying the act.
  • In X-Men: The Animated Series, Morph fools Gambit by turning into Rogue and flirting with him, implying her touch was no longer fatal, while advising she'd be napping in the rec room, where the real Rogue was asleep. Gambit took the bait and tried to wake up Rogue with a kiss. The move knocked Gambit cold for half the episode and woke up a very frustrated Rogue.

The Prince and Snow White

Source of the page image and one of the most well-known examples. The Prince kisses Snow White, causing her to wake from her coma caused by the poison apple. He, though, didn't have any reason to believe this would happen. He was presumably only kissing her because he was enchanted by her beauty, as well as moved by the sad scene of her lying there.

Alternative Title(s): Girlfriend In A Coma, Dude Hes Like In A Coma