Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Dec 04 2010
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"Hair black like night, skin white as snow..."
The Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette is a character not just with mere brown hair and light skin, but hair as black as midnight and skin pale as a ghost — possibly because they are a ghost, though it's not required. This black and white complexion contrasts visually and is interesting to look at, serving as a cue to a high contrast or even duality about the character and setting them apart from their peers. And it's dirt common among villains, creepy characters (especially vampires), and Goths.
The reason is that pale is sickly, tanned is healthy. The paleness wouldn't be as visible without dark hair as a contrast. It's enough to suggest a tanning bed to would-be world conquerors. Who knows? Maybe regular trips to the beach might dissuade the Omnicidal Maniac from his schemes?
Sometimes justified by Victorian Novel Disease, which practically codified the trope, hence its popularity in Gothic fiction.
That said, this is still something of an alignment neutral trope. On the Dark Is Not Evil side of the equation, there's the Goth, Trickster, and Anti-Hero. Still, some of the more memorable examples of this trope are the likes of The Vamp, Blood Knight, and Wicked Witch. Oddly enough, the Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette is hardly ever The Big Guy or a bruiser, as most villains with this complexion complement it with haggard, sleep deprived eyes and near starved frames, perhaps to send the message that evil takes a physical as well as moral toll. If they are on the side of good, though, they'll usually be of The Lancer or The Smart Guy type.
This is somewhat ironic, as Once Upon a Time, pale skin symbolized wealth and education, as the privileged could afford to work indoors rather than in the fields. (Also, it's very easy to tell if a pale person is sick; with a "healthy tan," one can hide it more easily.) While a Discredited Trope for quite some time, the increased popularity of the "natural beauty" and "1950's pin-up" in modeling means that the attraction to pale skin and dark hair is lately coming back into fashion.
One thing worth noting is that, since only albinos can have pure white skin in Real Life (if you want to get really technical, they can't either, since the blood under their skin will tint it very slightly), having a character whose skin is literally milk white may land them in the Unintentional Uncanny Valley unless it's part of a highly stylised art style. Comics and cartoons have also been known to tint characters' skin tones pale green, violet, blue, or grey, as a variation on this aesthetic. Even in live action, a yellowish, or "sallow," tinge is not unknown.
Very common among vampires. Often, these people look like Cesare, especially if they apply Excessive Evil Eyeshadow or have natural Creepy Shadowed Undereyes, and wear similarly monochromatic outfits along the Grayscale of Evil.
Related to Creepy Loner Girl. Compare and contrast Aloof Dark-Haired Girl, Raven Hair, Ivory Skin, and Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl. Not to be confused with Undeathly Pallor.
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Anime & Manga
- The title character of Black Butler, Sebastian Michaelis, is a demon who takes the form of a handsome man with black hair and pale skin.
- Bleach:
- Ulquiorra Schiffer has bone-white skin and jet black hair and his colouring stands out from all other characters around him as a result. He's a symbol of nihilism and his lifeless pallor is part of his theme of not truly understand what it means to live.
- Zaraki's idol Yachiru, the very first Kenpachi and founder of the 11th Division, was an Ax-Crazy Blood Knight whose viciousness in battle was something Zaraki aspired to emulate. In battle, her long hair flowed free and her face would take on an eerie expression that would switch from unnaturally detached to psychopathic depending on how the fight was progressing. However, in later years she became the 4th Division Combat Medic Captain Unohana, famed for her beauty in-universe and viewed as the perfect Yamato Nadeshiko, and who always kept her hair neatly bound. Word of God stated Unohana was Soul Society's most beautiful woman and that he wanted there to be a shocking contrast between the two faces of her personality.
- The titular Blue Exorcist, Rin Okumura, is Satan's son who wants to defeat his demon father. The black hair and pale complexion are more obvious in the manga than anime version, as the anime gave him some color in his skin and changed his dark black hair into a navy blue.
- In Bungo Stray Dogs, the Port Mafia assassin Akutagawa is sickly and pale, with jet-black hair.
- Death Note has a few:
- L, the Hero Antagonist, is nonetheless a creepy, ruthless, and almost amoral character who is drawn with messy black hair and (at least in the anime) extremely pale, almost grayish skin. His appearance is likely caused by a lack of personal grooming, a terrible diet, and the fact that he rarely goes outside.
- Beyond Birthday from Another Note is also this by virtue of going out of his way to look like L. He's even creepier than L, skittering about on all fours, sniffing a girl's panties, and being a deranged serial killer.
- Teru Mikami, one of Kira's disciples, is an insane mass murderer who has long black hair and very pale skin. However, he subverts the "sickly" part of this trope, as he is very strict about keeping a healthy lifestyle.
- Ryuk, a god of death, is an inhumanly tall and skinny monster with bluish-gray skin and dark blue-black hair.
- Death Parade has The Dark-Haired Woman who zig-zags this trope. Considering her Mysterious Past and her role as an assistant to a Psychopomp, she certainly falls into this trope in the early episodes, and likely comes across this way to the human guests as well. However, Dark Is Not Evil, and as the show progresses she cements herself as being a Nice Guy and much more down to Earth than the rest of the cast…until her flashback sequence in episode 11, where this trope gets played straight again after her Despair Event Horizon renders her an Empty Shell. The scenes become very monochromatic during this sequence, she’s constantly shrouded in darkness, and the bags under her eyes coupled with her Thousand-Yard Stare really help to emphasize this trope.
- Emma from Emma: A Victorian Romance gives off vibes like this to those around her, which led a few men to court her, but is often considered aloof by her peers.
- Re-l Mayer from Ergo Proxy, whose pure white skin, pitch black hair, and liberal amounts of blue eyeshadow make her rather striking and creepy.
- The dreaded immortal mage Zeref from Fairy Tail. He's black-haired and pale-skinned, despite the fact that he's seemingly spent a very long period of time living outdoors in an area with a tropical climate, and ought to be well tanned.
- The villain from Food Wars!, Azami Nakiri, has black hair and unhealthy-looking skin. In the final arc
- In Fruits Basket, Saki Hanajima is a black-haired and pale-skinned goth, complete with creepy tendencies and an unflattering reputation.
- Fullmetal Alchemist:
- Solf J. Kimblee, who has black hair and unhealthy-looking skin because of his prison time.
- Izumi, though she has an incurable illness as an excuse, and is one of the heroes.
- Lust, as well as most of the other homunculi. Especially notable in the 2003 anime version, since the human body she was created from was Ishbalan, meaning she would have had significantly darker skin.
- Yuno Morino from Goth (Otsuichi). The contrast of the scars on her wrists atop her pristine white skin is what drew the attention (and obsession) of the Nightmare Fetishist narrator.
- K: Fushimi Saruhiko is extremely pale, bordering on gray actually, and has the dark hair to match. Misaki even comments on how unhealthy pale he is in a side story featuring their early life together.
- Kagerou Project:
- Haruka Kokonose. It serves as a visual reminder that he is ill, and is justified by his frequent trips to hospital and the fact that he cannot participate in physical activity. He is actually a very nice person (if somewhat spacey and odd at times).
- Haruka's alternate self, Konoha, becomes this when he is possessed by the Snake of Clearing Eyes. Clearing Eyes, in contrast to the above, is much more in-keeping - to the point that his arrival in any given adaptation is almost always signaled by a shot of his face with Hidden Eyes, a Slasher Smile, or both.
- Sawako from Kimi ni Todoke, whose creepy looks have had her nicknamed Sadako. She's actually very nice, very naive, and really lonely (since her looks and her (mostly untrue) reputation tends to scare off potential friends).
- Konnichiwa Anne: Before Green Gables (2009): Anne's secind stepmother Charlotte has grayish, pale skin and thin wispy hair to reflect her declining health due to constantly giving birth.
- Martian Successor Nadesico: Izumi Maki at first glance looks the part, having very sharp features, narrow eyes, pale skin (only Ruri is as pale as her) and very dark blue hair which covers half her face. Her lack of visible eye bags and her looney personality (often cracking bad puns and playing very badly an ukelele) are the only things keeping her out of Looks Like Cesare territory.
- Naruto:
- Orochimaru goes beyond simply having pale skin — his is flat-out white, paired with long black hair.
- In a similar vein to Orochimaru, Sai has completely white skin and black hair. Quite a doozy, since Sai spends most of his time baring his midriff and his shirt is short-sleeved too. They make for a nice contrast to Naruto's blond hair and tanned skin, though.
- Most of the Uchiha clan have pale skin and dark (most often black, though brown or even blue-haired Uchiha exist) hair.
- Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan: Hagoromo-Gitsune has a monochromatic appearance; she has black eyes, black hair, wears black serafuku with a white ribbon and has pale white skin that would make Snow White look tan.
- The Dark Magical Girl Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica. She's dark-haired and so pale her skin tone is closer to gray than mere white, which is notable compared to the rest of the cast who have a healthy tan or blush. Justified by her half a year hospitalization.
- The surreal OVA Radio City Fantasy involves an artist who is in love with his muse who fits this trope, her white skin and black hair being visually interesting to him.
- Hotaru Tomoe from Sailor Moon is a Creepy Child who has both a planet-destroying soldier spirit and a demon bent on bringing "silence" to the world sealed inside her. Despite all this, when depowered, she's just a sweet girl who is misunderstood due to her fainting states and creepy looks.
- Momoko of Saki. This, combined with her ~su Verbal Tic, her power to disappear from sight, and the black smoke effect used to portray those powers, makes her seem like a ghost.
- Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei: Kiri Komori fits this trope pretty much to a T, being a Hikikomori who, by nature, doesn't go outside much.
- Masami Eiri from Serial Experiments Lain is this, with long, dark hair and pale skin. This complexion, combined with his slightly feminine face and use of female speech, makes him all the creepier.
- Death the Kid from Soul Eater. He's a nice enough if eccentric chap, but he does have black-and-white hair, slightly creepy yellow eyes, and comes across as eerier than is the norm even for this series when he fights 'properly' or talks about gods, life, and death. And that's before you factor in his temporary insanity.
- Talentless Nana has Shinji Kazama, a necromancer who looks like a corpse himself with his unhealthily pale skin, black hair, and the permanent dark rings under his eyes that make them look sunken in. It turns out to be quite justified as he's actually the zombie, not the necromancer.
- Sunako from The Wallflower. The boys in charge of making her into a lady initially mistake her for Sadako thanks to the general aura of creepy she constantly emanates.
- Yuuko Ichihara of ×××HOLiC. Most color illustrations depict the rest of the main cast as these, too. All the main characters have pasty skin and, sans Kohane, dark hair in the manga, due to the way the art was stylized. The anime and official crossover illustrations depict both Doumeki and Himawari with healthier complexions, but Watanuki and Yuuko both remain very pale.
- Venoct from Yo-kai Watch is a ninja-like Yo-kai with very pale skin and dark navy hair. He's a powerful fighter, but his Perpetual Frown, gold eyes and desire for revenge on Rubeus J (whose description is similar to Jibanyan's, no less) make him sinister.
Audio Plays
- Exit Tunes Presents ACTORS' Mitsuki is one of these - he has brown hair, fair skin, and an overall mysterious aura. His Slasher Smile makes people want to run for the hills.
Comic Books
- Animal Man: Grant Morrison's run featured Buddy Baker encountering an Author Avatar of the writer, who was depicted with dark hair and pale skin for no apparent reason other than making them appear mysterious and otherworldly.
- Conan the Barbarian: Bêlit. While she was described as very pale in the original book, she really fits this trope in the Dark Horse adaptation where she is white as a ghost and very creepy. This look became so striking that it was used by Marvel Comics
◊ when the rights transferred to them from Dark Horse.
- Hack/Slash: Cassie Hack. Probably best shown in a panel
◊ from Slice Hard Prelude, where she and the Acid Angel are staring each other down.
- Iron Fist: The Bride of Nine Spiders from The Immortal Iron Fist. Fittingly, her main power is the ability to summon hordes of spiders.
- Morbius: Due to his blood disease Morbius was pale even before the scientific accident that transformed him into a living vampire, but after it he became outright creepy. The lack of melanin in his skin makes it pure white, while his hair has remained completely black.
- Pocket God: Moon is a goth girl who is fascinated by death and likes doing fatal stunts for the thrill, knowing that she will always resurrect if she does die. Her paleness is especially noticeable because the other pygmies have dark skin.
- Raptors: Camilla, a beautiful vampire, has noticeably pale skin and dark hair because of her Spanish heritage.
- The Sandman (1989):
- Death and Dream of the Endless, though the former is a much cheerier Perky Goth to her brother's somber disposition. The Endless can change their appearance; Dream appears African to one of his Girlfriends.
- Desire and Despair.
- Star Wars (Marvel 1977): The Nagai are a whole species of this, being portrayed as an antagonistic extra-galactic force with vampiric features and pure white skin. Word of God explained that their designs were influenced by early 80's anime and manga aesthetics.
- Superman: H'el, the main antagonist from H'el on Earth. Flashbacks reveal that he wasn't always so pale, but how he got his current complexion is a mystery even to him.
- Ultimate Fantastic Four: Post-transformation, Rhona Burchill is a creepy-acting, black-haired woman with a sick-looking pallor to her skin.
- X-23: Laura Kinney a.k.a. X-23 crosses this over with Raven Hair, Ivory Skin. She's most commonly drawn with black hair and very fair skin and is often depicted as a goth. One of the other prostitutes in NYX specifically calls her "the creepy one" since no one knows her name, which certainly qualifies her for the "eerie" part.
- X-Force: Neena Thurman a.k.a. Domino has dark hair and literally white skin.
Fairy Tales and Folklore
- Snow White: Back in the day, unnatural paleness was the epitome of feminine beauty, since tanned skin was associated with commoners who worked outside all day. Snow White looks gorgeous after her death, but the paleness=corpse=unnatural association wasn't present in the original story.
- The legend of the Yuki Onna, or Snow Lady, in Japanese mythos. Exceptionally pale and beautiful, but her eyes can be terrifying. She may also lack feet.
Fan Works
- Child of the Storm has Harry, who's got solid black hair (except for the skunk stripe at the front), and naturally pale skin that only gets paler in the sequel after his run-in with the Red Room (6 months of captivity and use as a brainwashed Winter Soldier type assassin will do that to you). He's also got an increasingly eerie sense of being a little too graceful, a little too aware, a little too everything, in fact, to be human - and that's before the traumatic experiences and proclivity for radiating ominous psychic power are taken into account.
- Melanie Sampson, Embry's OC imprint, in For You, I Will. Even though Embry liked blondes before, the imprint forces him to see this as beautiful.
- How Friendship Accidentally Saved Magical Britain: Original Character Elestren Parkinson is described by Fred Weasley as looking like a creepy porcelain doll, with milk-white skin, jet black hair, and oddly petite proportions, combined with the standard Slytherin deviousness.
- In Pokémon Reset Bloodlines, Red is described by the narration as having very dark hair and pale skin. Due to his rather quiet and subdued nature, he tends to unsettle most people he meets.
- Evelyn Trevelyan in Walking in Circles has dark hair and is pretty pale from years living mostly inside the tower, but once she becomes Tranquil and her diet suffers for it, she turns even more paler and thinner. That, combined with her attitude during that time, causes most people to find her very creepy to look at.
- The entirety of The Addams Family (except Pugsley, who's just as pale but has brownish hair) in the films, as a physical sign of their, er, 'difference'. Gomez is somewhat less pale than the others, but still qualifies especially with the contrast to his completely jet-black hair. Morticia and Wednesday though are very much classic examples of the trope. (This doesn't include the whole extended family, as Itt has lighter hair and we...don't really see his skin—assuming he has any—and the party scenes include blonde characters, redheads, and at least one Black person. Though of course many of those people might simply have married in.)
- All Cheerleaders Die: Leena, a goth girl, has dark brown hair and nearly alabaster skin. She stalks her ex-girlfriend Maddy at first while practicing Wicca magic in a rather creepy fashion. It turns out that she's Creepy Good though, with her saving Maddy and the other girls who Terry had killed.
- Avengers: Age of Ultron: This is amped up particularly in the beginning with Wanda Maximoff before she's humanized a bit. She spends a lot of time in dark areas that exaggerate her pale skin and dark hair and make her movements and actions creepier. By the time she's a good guy, she's a great deal healthier looking, dyes her hair red, and dresses in brighter clothing.
- The Boy Who Cried Werewolf: Madame Varcolac is pale-skinned with dark brown hair and very creepy at first, as the caretaker of Wolfsberg Manor. However, she turns out to be good.
- Edmund Pevensie
◊ from the movie version of The Chronicles of Narnia, due to the actor's natural, dark looks, which easily made him look like the bad one in the first movie and the Anti-Hero in the next ones.
- Compulsion (2016): Francesca has creamy white skin and black hair, which serves to make her look creepier after she's revealed to be a murderous Psycho Lesbian cultist.
- In Corpse Bride, Victor Van Dort has dark hair and his complexion is nearly white (along with every other living character in the film).
- Dark Touch has the dark hair and the pale skin, as well as psychokinetic powers and a viewpoint that all adults in the world are potential abusers and must be stopped now.
- Fright Night 2: New Blood: Gerri is very pale with midnight black hair, and a vampire. Jaime Murray's trademark looks were certainly put to good use.
- The Thermians in Galaxy Quest, done to emphasize that they are aliens who have disguised themselves as humans in accordance with the film's plot.
- Harry Potter
- Bellatrix Lestrange, and a couple other Death Eaters, as well as young Lord Voldemort are villainous examples.
- Antiheroic examples exist through Severus Snape and Sirius Black, as well as a heroic example in Harry himself.
- This appearance is a plot point, just not in the way you'd expect. All the characters who have it are distant relatives of each other: their gothic looks show this connection. Notably though, while the Weasleys and the Malfoys are also distant relatives since both have ties to the House of Black, they have very different looks. The Malfoys are pale blondes bordering on albino and the Weasleys are redheads.
- Louis of Interview with the Vampire, as mentioned below under Literature. The film both increased it by letting us see his veins through his skin and generally putting us outside his own narration, and decreased it by turning his jet-black hair brown. It also turned Armand into this, where he was a cherubic young redhead (though no less creepy) in the books.
- Kill List has Fiona, Gal's new girlfriend. There's something distinctly off about her and her appearance and strange actions during Jay's dinner party are one of the first major hints that something is very wrong here.
- Let Me In:Owen is incredibly pale with black hair.He actually looks more gothic than the vampire Abby.
- Lisa Frankenstein: The Creature has dark hair and pale sickly skin, due to being a reanimated corpse.
- In Maleficent, the title character's raven Diaval is given a human form, who dresses all in black, complete with dark hair and eyes. He's one of the nicest characters in the movie.
- Mythica: Not most of the time, but when using her necromancy powers Marek's eyes go black, looking even creepier with her pale skin and dark brown hair.
- Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men fits this trope very well. Movies seem to like making Javier Bardem's villains much paler than the man himself.
- The Professional has Mathilda Lando, the pre-teen protege of Leon Montana. To say that she is quite "Eerie" would be quite an understatement as she does plenty of Troubling Unchildlike Behavior from smoking cigarettes to openly cursing at her half-sister and Leon as well as having a sexual interest in the latter.
- Sadako/Samara from Ringu and The Ring, the famous Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl with black hair and ghostly white skin.
- Scream:
- In Scream 4, Jill's dark hair and pale skin are initially meant to evoke the image of an archetypal Final Girl, particularly with her similarities to her cousin Sidney. But after The Reveal that she's the Ghostface killer, an Ax-Crazy Attention Whore willing to go to any lengths to become famous, she rapidly reveals herself to be this.
- Scream (2022) does something similar with Amber, the False Friend of the heroine Tara who is revealed to be one of the killers. While her partner Richie, the leader of the murder plot, comes off as more genuinely angry and aggrieved, Amber is presented as Ax-Crazy, clearly relishing getting to kill people. (Appropriately enough, her actress Mikey Madison previously played a member of the Manson family in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.)
- Theresa & Allison: Theresa is pale-skinned with dark brown hair, and looks slightly creepy as a result, though she's actually one of the nicer vampires who doesn't want to just slaughter humans. It helps to highlight her morbid state in the film however.
- Selene from the Underworld movies. Being a vampire and all, this shouldn't come as a surprise.
- Vampire Diary: Vicki has pale skin and dark brown hair, which helps to sell her claim that she's a vampire, as she looks very creepy (though still also beautiful).
- Vamps: Stacy (as Krysten Ritter plays her, whose look really is this), and it makes the elder Van Helsing suspicious that she's really a vampire. At first, Dan just thinks they're paranoid, but of course it's true.
- In Waltz with Bashir, the director portrays his ex-girlfriend, who dumped him the same week he shipped out, as one of these. He has fantasies of her as a ghostly presence on the battlefield. In an interview, the director stated that his wife objected to how attractive he made her in the film.
- Amy in Would You Rather. As played by Sasha Grey, her sullen, sarcasm-heavy behavior borders on the Gloomy Goth archetype.
- 10 Things to Do Before I Die: Ted refers to Nikki's black eyes as "alien" frequently, as she always seems calm and all-knowing.
- Mei Misaki from Another. She's a mysterious and somewhat creepy girl with black hair and pale skin. She's initially mistaken for a ghost, but it's revealed fairly quickly that she's alive and rather nice.
- Aubrey-Maturin: Definitely on the Dark Is Not Evil side of this trope: Stephen Maturin, co-protagonist of the series. His hair is black, of course, and his skin tone is almost invariably described as "pale" or "sallow".
- Books of the Raksura: The Ruler caste of the Always Chaotic Evil Fell have a distinctive appearance — black hair, bone white skin, and eerie beauty. They're also utter sociopaths with mind-control powers.
- Jadis the White Witch from The Chronicles of Narnia became this way as a side effect of gaining immortality from Forbidden Fruit.
- Gavriel from The Coldest Girl In Cold Town is this in spades. Not only does his vampiric pallor and wild black tangles make him look haunted, but his off-kilter personality - his scattered thoughts, erratic behavior, poetic way of speaking, and unnerving way of moving - intensifies his eerie looks.
- Heleth from Douglas Hill's The ColSec Trilogy is an Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette with facial tattoos. Justified in that she was raised underground (the tattoos help camouflage her in shadows). And she sunburns badly.
- Coraline's Other Mother fits the sinister aspects of this trope. In the animated movie, her original form also fits Raven Hair, Ivory Skin.
- In The Count of Monte Cristo, Edmund Dantes is one of these, having dark hair and extremely pale skin. This is called attention to on several occasions, in which, as the Count, he's described as handsome but with an unsettlingly pale skin tone. The narrator explains that the years he spent in prison made Dantes very pale and prevented him from ever returning to his original tan skin tone.
- A Court of Thorns and Roses: Rhysand has jet black hair and is noted to be unusually pale from his time Under the Mountain - with his shadow based powers, this just makes him more intimidating. In the second book on, though, this is averted as he's regained some color from being in the sun again.
- In Doctrine of Labyrinths, Kolkhis has black hair and very pale, bluish skin that makes her "look like the world's most beautiful corpse." She's also the go-to person if you want an assassination in the city of Melusine, and is in league with a blood witch. Vincent looks remarkably like her and has an unsettling tendency to get distracted by ghosts in the middle of conversations.
- Dracula: Two of Dracula's vampire brides are brunettes and Lucy, when she turns, has her hair color change from blonde to brunette as a sign of her corruption. Naturally, being undead, they all have pale skins.
- House Raith of the White Court in The Dresden Files - a clan of psychic vampires that feed on lust and all look like this.
- Emily of New Moon has very pale skin (to the point that, especially when she's a child, most people who meet her assume she's delicate and will likely die of tuberculosis) and black hair. It contributes to most people seeing her as a borderline Creepy Child.
- Juliet Salazar from Mike Carey's Felix Castor series, who has black hair, "black-on-black" eyes, and pure white skin: "the undiluted white of snow or bone rather than the muddy pink-beige mix that passes for white according to normal labelling conventions." Justified in her case, as she's a demon from Hell whose body isn't, technically speaking, an actual body. And in something of a subversion, she's not necessarily an evil demon from Hell, when she chooses not to be.
- Belinda Contague from the Garrett, P.I. novels plays up this image to make herself more intimidating as the capa of the TunFaire mob.
- Harry Potter:
- Sirius Black fits this for most of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. When it's revealed that he's actually good, the characters basically stop mentioning his pale, waxy complexion. It's safe to assume that Sirius's skin lost its waxy look after he'd been out of Azkaban for a while. Considering he was also dirty and emaciated at the time, it was probably caused by his poor health more than actual paleness.
- Severus Snape. Harry always makes note of the man's greasy, black hair, sallow complexion, and hooked nose. Even as a child he was a scrawny, greasy-haired kid with pale skin and a natural talent for the Dark Arts. While in the films, he's depicted as pale skinned thanks to being played by Alan Rickman, in the books, he may actually have been of a darker skin complexion. Historically throughout classic English literature, particularly Gothic fiction and Gothic romance fiction, "sallow skinned" was often used as an euphemism to refer to characters with a darker skin complexion (usually Italian or Eastern European or generally non-white in contrast to British "proper" pale skin), often used to describe the "demon lover" trope commonly found in Gothic fiction from the mid-18th century to the early 20th century. Given how consistently Snape in the books has been described as sallow skinned, and how sallow skinned was how a lot of the Eastern European students from Durmstrang were described as, particularly Viktor Krum who's described with features that striking resemble Snape's looks, it is a fair implication that Snape in the books was dark haired but also darker skinned as well.
- Bellatrix, who, in the movies, is played by the pictured Helena Bonham Carter. And the rest of the Black family except Narcissa, who looks more like her husband for some reason.
- Tom Riddle was one in his youth, laminated by Frank Dillane and Hero Fiennes-Tiffin's portrayal of him in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, as a sixteen-year-old Tom and eleven-year-old Tom respectively. Both actors crank Tom Riddle's creepiness up. This, in turn, creeps Harry out, as he looks a bit like him. Rowling loves this trope.
- In Wilkie Collins' The Haunted Hotel, the first thing anyone notices about Countess Narona is the unnatural ('corpse-like') pallor of her skin. She puts it down to an attempted poisoning in her childhood, and is (by her own account) allergic to makeup, so she can't make herself look more conventional.
- The Daemon from The Hearts We Sold. He's an aloof, unreadable demon who makes everyone around him nervous without doing a thing, who appears as a handsome man with pale skin and dark hair. Dee notes that he's simultaneously unusually attractive, and creepy as hell.
- InCryptid: The entire Johrlac species looks like this. Since their telepathy makes humans think they belong (and allows them to tell each other apart), the entire species is made up of Inexplicably Identical Individuals. And most humans would only ever see one at a time anyway, since they're a very antisocial species.
- Naichoryss from "Mirage" of the Kane Series. Her skin is pale, her wavy hair black and long—and she's a vampire living in a ruined fortress.
A study of eerie beauty, cold and aloof as an exquisitely carven masterpiece of gem-set ivory and jet.
- In Kurozuka, Kuromitsu is pale and with dark hair. He's a beautiful immortal vampire.
- The title character of Maledicte is an extremely pale, dark-haired, dark-eyed young woman disguised as a man... who also happens to be an amalgam of human and vengeance god. An unusual example, in that Mal, thanks to obsessive training and superpowers, actually is a top-notch physical fighter.
- Lilith from The Mortal Instruments is raven-haired, pale-skinned, and very creepy.
- The main villain of October Daye is the firstborn known as Eira Rosynhwyr better known as Evening Winterrose. Eira is the inspiration behind the fairy tale of Snow White. Her true appearance is revealed in the novel The Winter Long, her skin is pale to such an extent that it appears to be almost bloodless compared to her dark hair which contrasts with it.
- In the Old Kingdom series, this is a characteristic of the Abhorsen bloodline, who all have night-black hair and eyes and skin that is variously described as "paper-white" and "deathly pale". They are necromancers, and regular trips into Death exaggerate their natural pallor.
- Isa, from Only Echoes Remain, is preternaturally pale and beautiful, with extremely long and lustrous ebony hair. Despite her protests, the look does suit her, as she is a spirit being specifically designed as a (relatively minor) manifestation of darkness and death.
- Dr. Maura Isles of the Rizzoli & Isles series is described as having pale skin and jet black hair. The eeriness is heightened by the fact that she's a coroner.
- Magiere from The Saga of the Noble Dead straddles the line between this and Undeathly Pallor. At her most normal, she has a chalk-white complexion (impossible given the amount of time she spends outdoors) and blood red highlights in her otherwise black hair (when her Superpowered Evil Side comes out, so do the fangs). Oddly enough, she had a rough childhood and developed a thing about superstitious peasantry.
- The Scholomance: Liu's minor use of Black Magic is implied to have had this effect. When she's healed of its influence, characters notice that highlights appear in her black hair and her complexion gets more tan (and less undead).
- Holland of Shades of Magic, especially in contrast to his redheaded counterpart Kell - the general washed-out look that comes with being born and bred in White London doesn't help matters. He's unsettling enough that he's commonly known as 'Hollow', but only ever behind his back.
- The Eubian Aristos in Catherine Asaro's Skolian Saga are an entire race of these with red eyes added for flavor. They are also mind-raping slavers.
- While Snow White in the original fairy tale is far too nice to be this, her colouring has inspired several writers to depict her as a vampire, for example, Tanith Lee in Red as Blood and Neil Gaiman in Snow, Glass, Apples.
- Both Coira and Arpazia in the "Snow White" retelling White as Snow alternate between this and Raven Hair, Ivory Skin depending on how creepy they are at the moment. Both women are acknowledged to be very beautiful—Arpazia before she somehow becomes a thirty-year-old crone and Coira after she turns eighteen and comes into her own—but the mother's flares of temper and the daughter's talent for complete stillness and silence frighten people to the point that their beauty almost isn't worth it.
- A Song of Ice and Fire:
- Ashara Dayne is almost always described as a "haunting" woman with dark hair and violet eyes.
- Littlefinger apparently thinks he is one of these, as his only response when Tyrion threatens to send him to the Night's Watch, was to complain that the black uniform would only enhance this.
- Seems to be a genetic trait of House Bolton, as well. Their freakishly pale, milky eyes combine with this to make them about as scary looking as they really should be.
- Xanatos, Manipulative Bastard and Big Bad of the Jedi Apprentice novels in the Star Wars EU, is more or less described as looking like a vampire.
- The sinister Odd Sisters of A Tale of... adopt this look: their hair is naturally black with the odd white streak, styled into ringlets, but they use white makeup on their faces. With their red, red lips, they get compared to Creepy Dolls more than once.
- Tales of the Ketty Jay. Pirate Girl Trinica Dracken has white hair but otherwise plays this straight; her white skin and hair contrasted with her black clothing and contact lenses gives her an Undeathly Pallor that strikes fear into her crew, let alone her enemies. It's an Invoked Trope as she was once a great beauty, but having clawed her way up from being a Sex Slave Trinica thinks she's So Beautiful, It's a Curse, and would rather be The Dreaded.
- Louis of The Vampire Chronicles has jet-black hair and piercing green eyes, and his skin became white with the transformation into a vampire. He's the narrator of the first book, and the narrator of most of the rest has a big soft spot for him, so he tends to come off as more pitiable than creepy to the reader, but in-universe he's certainly this— especially to mortals.
- In Villainess Level 99, Yumiella's black hair and pale skin are part of her design as a villainess in a video game and user of dark magic. However, after a Gamer Chick transmigrated as her, she becomes more stoic and odd rather than eerie.
- Villains by Necessity: Valerie, who's from a dark elf-like race, is an evil sorceress with pitch black hair and pure white skin, as her kind lived in the subterranean underdark, while also being a cannibal/man eater as is the norm for her people. Her appearance adds to her creepiness.
- Gregor Vorbarra from the Vorkosigan Saga is described as being like this - as well as being tall and thin and dressed in dark clothing - so it shouldn't be surprising that he's The Emperor of a multi-planetary, extremely militaristic empire. Except that he's also one of the good guys.
Live-Action TV
- The Addams Family: Morticia Addams fits the physical description, but is a very nice person. She just has some unusual hobbies and a slightly odd outlook on life. Same thing with her husband and daughter.
Cosmetics Saleswoman: What kind of powder does your mummy use?
Wednesday: Baking powder.
Cosmetics Saleswoman: No, honey, I mean on her face.
Wednesday: ...Baking powder.
- Alex Rider (2020): Kyra, with overtones of punk. Her look is clearly meant to contrast with blond, tan, clean-cut Alex.
- Merton J. Dingle from Big Wolf on Campus, since he's a goth.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
- Willow at the end of season 6. Justified in that, by that point, she's become completely taken over by grief, revenge lust, and black magic. She gets better.
- Drusilla - a Mad Oracle who Angelus put through every variation on Break the Cutie before making her immortal so she'd suffer forever. This doesn't stop her from being as dangerous as the rest of the Fanged Four.
- Sasha from Bunheads is a very contemporary example. She's not really goth or other-worldly but does fit the trope as the resident Troubled Teen.
- Zoe Graystone from Caprica has very dark (nearly black) hair and very light (as close to white as possible without albinism) skin. Particularly noticeable in the ads, in which she is stark-naked and holding a bright-red apple with a bite taken out of it.
- In season 2 of Dexter, Dexter's girlfriend Lila is a pale-skinned brunette. Because they're all in sun-filled Miami, this leads Deb to speculate that she's "a gross English titty vampire". And when Lila turns out to be nuts, Deb describes her to the other cops as "pale as a fucking corpse."
- Doctor Who:
- The Fourth Doctor Looks Like Cesare and behaves in an extremely alien manner.
- The Seventh Doctor also Looks Like Cesare and is an enigmatic Magnificent Bastard hidden under the veneer of an eccentric old dodderer.
- The Eighth Doctor - less in his live-action media and more in the Expanded Universe novels, where he Forgets to Eat and borders on The Ophelia.
- The Ninth Doctor. Christopher Eccleston dyed his hair black to invoke this trope. Notably, his most basic personality is Northern and chirpy, so the eerie appearance reminds the audience that he isn't human at all.
- The alternate-continuity Ninth Doctor, who has a Perky Goth-influenced look - complete with dramatic cape.
- River Tam of Firefly. Kinda justified on the pale-skinned part, as she doesn't leave the ship much. And she's pretty eerie.
- Janette in Forever Knight, although most of her relationship stuff with Nick was in flashbacks. Justified since she’s a vampire.
- Game of Thrones:
- Northerners are known for their dark, almost black hair and pale skin and have a grim reputation among southerners.
- Lyanna Stark as an adult. Oberyn Martell even describes her in the Blu-ray lore as a "pale northern girl with ice running in her veins like all her people". Though beautiful, she comes off as eerie.
- Arya Stark has the Stark look, including fair skin and brown hair. Due to having the slightly unnervingly pale skin and dark hair of Northerners, she is regarded as less attractive than her red-haired sister, Sansa. However, with time, her appearance becomes the least eerie thing about her, as her behavior verges on Creepy Child territory, as she keeps a list of those who have wronged her and takes a sadistic pleasure in causing their deaths.
- Myranda, Ramsey Bolton's lover, has dark brown hair, is very pale and very crazy and sadistic.
- Oswald Cobblepot from Gotham. He Looks Like Cesare with his chalky-pale skin and greasy black hair, and is undeniably eerie-looking, but is still mostly Creepy Cute in a weird way.
- The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power has Adar, a Corrupted Elf of the First Age. His physical features, having raven hair, Facial Horror and being sickly pale, are a testimony of what Morgoth did with the enslaved Elves of Beleriand. They were turned into Orcs.
- Kenzi from Lost Girl is very pale, has long, black hair, and bright blue eyes. Not very "eerie" as much as "comical", though.
- The loyal warlock Merlin and the king's ward Morgana, from the BBC's Merlin. Though Morgana is a better fit for this trope than Merlin, since she's definitely paler-skinned (Merlin doesn't really have that "ghostly" complexion), as well as conveniently turning into a near-psychopathic villainess hellbent on dramatic angst and sorcerous revenge.
- Lily Munster of The Munsters also looks like this and would probably get along very well with Morticia if they met.
- Red Riding Hood, better known as Red, having dark hair in Once Upon a Time (2011) is a contrast from the original storybook version. The change makes sense, because Red is also The Big Bad Wolf that has been terrorizing the town.
- In Penny Dreadful, one of the main characters, Vanessa Ives, carries this trope along with its associated dualities.
- In the series finale of Poirot ("Curtain"), Stephen Norton is a bird-watcher with raven-black hair and a quiet disposition. If this, along with his pale, white skin, doesn't sound eerie, then his Manipulative Bastardry and Mind over Matter techniques that can cause people to kill each other add to his eerieness and creepiness. In fact, this is an Adaptation Dye-Job of the original novel Curtain, where Norton has grayish silver hair, but with a black heart.
- Riverdale has Jughead Jones. He has light skin, dark hair and dark circles under his eyes to suit his loner attitude.
- The Sandman: The protagonist, Morpheus, is a supernatural Anthropomorphic Personification who usually appears as a pale-skinned young man with untidy black hair.
- Star Trek:
- Lt. Cmdr. Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation was designed to be a bit eerie on purpose to keep him on the left side of the Uncanny Valley. Amusingly, some aliens think he's just a weird-looking human. In homage to Kirk's "rice-picker" in The Original Series and Blatant Lie regarding Spock in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, they tell some past humans in "Time's Arrow" that he's a "Frenchman". In at least one holodeck episode, he passes himself off as South American.
- Spock and most Vulcans (barring Tuvok and the reddish-haired T'Pol) in general fit this trope.
- Weyoun of DS9, or every Vorta, for that matter.
- Supernatural:
- While haunting a hospital as a spirit, Dean meets a beautiful, black-haired, pale-skinned female spirit named Tessa, who turns out to be a grim reaper.
- The angry spirit who attacks a philandering professor in "Tall Tales" is this.
- The episode "Bedtime Stories" gives us two: the Monster of the Week Callie, and the latest vessel of recurring villain the Crossroads Demon.
- Ruby 2.0 and Meg 2.0 are both demons, occupying pale-skinned, dark-haired female vessels.
- Jade from Victorious seems to be invoking this trope as part of her gothic persona. She has pale skin, black hair, and a creepy, hostile attitude.
- Märchen from the Sound Horizon Rock Opera of the same name. Being dead might have something to do with it.
- Annie Clark
◊, better known as St. Vincent. Before the release of Strange Mercy, she was just Raven Hair, Ivory Skin, but since then she has shifted hard into this trope.
- Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance is this by default with his natural paleness and accord with the supernatural, and has played it up further by usually dyeing his hair an even deeper blacknote .
- Tarja Turunen, Lacey Sturm, Sharon den Adel, Vibeke Stene, Anette Olzon, Manuela Kraller*... needless to say, they're everywhere in gothic and symphonic metal.
- Alice Cooper, who also inspired thousands of imitators and influenced Goth and Industrial fashion aesthetic.
- Amy Winehouse also had this look throughout her short and troubled life.
- This is Robert Smith's trademark look.
- David Vanian from The Damned.
- The Aquabats! describe an entire subculture built around this look in their song "Fashion Zombies!".
And this horror-like production
Takes total dedication
Of black clothes and pale complexions
Rock jet black hair to match their makeup - Trent Reznor, especially during the Broken/The Downward Spiral eras. The manic stage presence, macabre lyrics and penchant for blood-curdling screams accentuates the effect.
- Amy Lee is a particularly striking example - her wild raven locks are offset by ghostly-pale skin and startling blue eyes. Her operatic style of vocals, gothic-influenced style choices and fascination with death definitely help.
- This is Matt Bellamy's default appearance. With his gaunt, pale features, spindly frame, unruly black hair, piercing tenor voice and an affinity for the theatrical and doom-laden, he can often be downright banshee-like.
- Speaking of banshees, Siouxsie Sioux, with her natural raven hair and porcelain skin, perfected and, arguably, innovated the modern Goth look.
Professional Wrestling
- The default appearance of the Scream Queens, though as a goth, Daffney's appearance is always subject to change. Prior to the team, WCW often used Daffney as the crazy screaming obsessive but also put her in fanservice roles too. MsChif more so enforced the trope just through raw abrasiveness. Draculletta and White Magic, Wrestlicious's Ghouls Gone Wild, are an even straighter case.
- Harriet from Dawn of a New Age: Oldport Blues has ratty black hair, pasty white skin, and deep bags under her eyes to mark her as unwell and depressed.
Stand-Up Comedy
- Bill Engvall has a bit where he meets his daughter's Goth friend Lucy who exemplifies this trope and considers holding her down and squirting Coppertone Insta-Tan on her face. He then imagines the reactions of everybody at school the next day:
"Did you hear what happened to Lucy? *gasps* She got color!"
Tabletop Games
- Moon elves, or Silver elves, in Forgotten Realms usually have black to blue hair and pale to icy-blue skin. At least one novel even lampshaded that the subrace visually is a perfect contrast to dark-skinned blond drow. They look the weirdest of whole elvenkind (except Avariel), but tend to be the most human-like mentally (approachable, curious, and active) and the least decadent.
- Ubiquitous in Old World of Darkness with its Gothic aesthetic design. Open a rule book and you will see this trope.
- Due to flaws in various implants of Warhammer 40,000, all Raven Guards have dark hair and pale skin, regardless of what they looked like pre-surgery.
- Night Haunter also looked like this, as did his legion, being recruited from a world in perpetual darkness.
- Dark Eldar look like this. Again, justified: they live in another dimension where there is apparently no sun. They're also space vampires.
- Dark Elves in Warhammer Fantasy are almost all pale and black-haired, though no actual reason is given. Perhaps that was just a major dominant trait among the Nagarytheans.
- Nothing in official books, but various pieces of fluff and the occasional Word of God in articles and video-game material state that, yes, Nagarytheans tended towards this aspect. That, and millennia of using dark magic probably hasn't helped matters any...
- The title character of Elisabeth, who was a real person with black hair in braids that fall to her waist, and pallor because she was royalty.
- Laurence Olivier played Shakespeare's Richard III as one of these onstage
◊; when he recreated his performance for film, the makeup was toned down and Richard's skin tone was Olivier's own. (Ironically, the real Richard was, according to his surviving portraits, of middling complexion and with light brown hair.)
- The Japanese production of Tanz Der Vampire made Herbert von Krolock into one of these
. Western productions tend to go the other route and gives him white hair.
- In The Musical version of Wicked, Nessarose is almost always one of these, no matter the actress (the exceptions being when she is played as a washed-out-looking dishwater blonde or the actress is simply not of an ethnicity that makes this feasible). It makes sense, considering that she's fairly sickly and, being crippled, is confined to bed, and also sees the world in terms of black and white. Later, when she turns evil, she exchanges her blue-and-white outfit for a black one.
Video Games
- Viola Cadaverini from the Ace Attorney series. She's meant to be creepy and sickly looking, and it works.
- Bayonetta, to go along with the rest of her great looks package.
- BioWare franchises:
- Bastila from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Her physical appearance definitely works when she joins The Dark Side. Satele Shan, Bastila's descendant who appears in The Old Republic, also fits this trope.
- As well as Morrigan from Dragon Age: Origins and Miranda from Mass Effect 2. BioWare seems to have a thing for this trope.
- Also, Dragon Age II's Merrill. Serves to support her All the Other Reindeer story that the rest of the nomadic Dalish are mostly dark-skinned blondes (or just dark-skinned in general) whilst she is this trope.
- Eleanor Lamb from BioShock 2. Living in an underwater city will probably do that to one's complexion.
- In Castle of Illusion, Mizrabel's transformed form is a haughty, evil sorceress who looks like the Evil Queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow:
- Dracula has pale white skin and dark brown hair that is almost black. He's feared by practically every character in the setting, including The Devil himself, and for very good reason.
- Satan is also an example. He's as pale as Dracula, has long onyx black hair, and dark veins covering his body. In the sequel, it gets even worse, where he becomes an eight-foot tall hulking brute of an angel riddled with scars.
- Satan's daughter, Raisa Volkova, takes after her father with pale skin, dark hair, and a disturbing appearance.
- Death in Darksiders II has skin so pale it's only a few shades darker than his own White Mask of Doom, and depending on the lightning it actually looks like his skin is changing color.
- As the resident Friendly Neighborhood Vampire of Disgaea 4, Valvatorez naturally has this hair color and complexion.
- Fear & Hunger: Termina:
- Samarie has extremely dark hair coupled with a sickly pale skintone. She is also an obsessively devoted Stalker with a Crush and potential murderer, albeit she quickly regrets it.
- Caligura also sports a rather pale skintone and quite dark, if graying hair. He's the More Hateable Minor Villain who almost immediately decides to participate in Termina by murdering anyone he can get his hands on, and is not above committing sexual violence as well.
- Final Fantasy:
- Final Fantasy VII: Vincent Valentine fits this trope quite well, although more in the Anti-Hero sense. This doesn't stop people from thinking of him as The Vamp, though...
- Apparently, Kuja in Final Fantasy IX was originally envisioned to be of this trope, but it was changed to make him look like a mini-Sephiroth.
- Fire Emblem:
- Soren from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. He's one of the protagonists, but his cynicism and utter lack of idealism occasionally puts off his allies.
- Noticeably, Karla of Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade is the only (female) ally with black hair in the entire game. Mind, this is a series with a tradition of having at least thirty-odd characters on the allies' side alone, and they are all very pale. Upon supporting, her personality is revealed to be an equal mix of Cloud Cuckoo Lander and Lady of War. Strangely for female characters in this trope, she is an undefeated fighter known as the Princess of Swords as well as The Rival to Bartre the Fighter, and there are absolutely no allusions to her being sickly or weak, though she does die of an illness years after the game ends. In the previous game, her daughter Fir continues the trait of having dark hair along with a few others—though, for some strange reason, Fir's hair is purple.
- Morphs all have dark hair, pale skin, and golden eyes. This unnatural appearance highlights their status as artificial beings.
- Fire Emblem: Awakening: Tharja is a Dark Mage with dark hair, who loves to dabble in curses and actively stalks the Avatar (regardless of the Avatar's gender). She is said (in the American version anyway) to have the darkest thoughts. Bonus points for having the pale skin despite hailing from a desert nation. Her daughter Noire can qualify thanks to her negative outlook on life and her Blood Knight split personality, but only if she has a dark-haired father, as her hair color's determined by the father.
- Fire Emblem Fates:
- On the Conquest side of things, there's Nyx, a shaman cursed into a child's body. She prefers living by herself and acts aloof to distance herself from people. Her backstory reveals that the reason she's cursed is that she was quite an Enfante Terrible in her childhood.
- On the Birthright side of things, there's Hayato's daughter Rhajat, a Dark Mage fond of curses and actively stalks the Avatar (regardless of gender, unless she's her mother). She's said (in the American version anyway) to have the darkest thoughts. If you noticed the similarities to Tharja, that's not a coincidence. Rhajat and Tharja are hinted to be part of the same reincarnation cycle, though who reincarnates into who is up for debate. Like Noire, though, she only qualifies if she has a dark-haired mother, as her hair color is determined by her mother. And yes, Tharja's hair color is an option, but only on the Revelation route where Nyx can marry Hayato. Her 'default' appearance (and the one she uses in Fire Emblem Heroes) also has dark hair.
- In Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, Hubert is the main instance of this trope. Depending on the route and game taken he can be an enemy, ally, or playable character, but he will always play up other's perception of him as this trope for his own amusement. That said, he does make a note to drop the act around some allies, such as Bernadetta. In Three Hopes, Monica suggests his conformity to this trope gives him "the complexion of a coffin dweller."
- The Big Bad of First Encounter Assault Recon, Alma Wade, is firmly in this territory. Through her powerful psychic projections of herself she appears to the player in different forms throughout the series, from a Creepy Child, to a fully grown but emaciated Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl, to a Sexier Alter Ego, but all of them are pale, dark-haired and off-putting. Yes, even the last one. (Maybe especially the last one.) Given that she was kept in an isolated facility and experimented on her whole life, her paleness and scary, uncanny appearance and demeanor are perfectly understandable, though the conditions making her that way have also made her extremely dangerous and volatile.
- Though heavily downplayed in the games themselves because we never see his face, the Halo novels describe the Master Chief as this. As a consequence of spending most of their time in their armor, the Spartan- IIs are described as almost painfully pale, and John himself happens to have brown hair. Completing Halo 4 on Legendary provides our one and only glimpse at an adult John's face, although only the area around his eyes are visible.
- Vanitas from Kingdom Hearts, once you finally see his face. He looks like a pale Sora with darker hair and gold eyes, due to their mutual connection with Ventus.
- Ashei from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess fits this trope physically, with her black braided hair and almost paper-white skin (complete with under-eye dark circles). She's one of the good guys, however.
- In Mary Skelter 2, Jack gains access to the form of "Ripper Jack" after becoming a Nightmare, and while that way, it turns his eye bright pink ala the Blood Maidens' eyes, while the leaves on his hear turn white and all the vines/beanstalks all over him turn black. However, at the end of the game, Jack ends up creating a Marchen copy of his original Blood Youth form so that the Blood Team, and especially the Alice they have, still have a Jack to protect them while he teams up with the original Alice, now also a Nightmare, and when it goes into Ripper Mode, it becomes a far straighter example of this trope.
- Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi: All Vampires who aren't monstrous and don't look like Orlok have this look.
- In Path of Exile the Witch has this look and is the most mystically inclined of the characters, levitating in her selection screen where the rest flaunt weapons. She's almost the most sinister and prone to use spells that involve draining life force, cursing enemies, and summoning undead minions.
- Alex Mercer from [PROTOTYPE] fits the trope well enough, though the only time you can really tell he has brown hair is when you see old pictures of him.
- In Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan turns white as a ghost and gets sunken, bloodshot eyes after his tuberculosis enters the later stages. Eventually the lung infection ends up killing him.
- Resident Evil:
- Eveline in Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, prior to her Rapid Aging.
- Billy Coen from Resident Evil 0.
- Glory in the Dragonfall campaign of Shadowrun Returns is this to a T. Long black hair, sickly pale skin, red-rimmed eyes... giant metal arms equipped with razor sharp claws... Fortunately, she's on your side.
- Stardew Valley: Abigail has pale skin and dark purple hair, and she has an interest in the occult and a possible connection to magic.
- The Suikoden series has a rather memorable example in the fifth numbered sequel. Zerase is altogether too happy to deride the hero for his quote-unquote "idiocy" while deliberately withholding useful information. For extra tropaliciousness, her pale skin is even commented on in a hidden Furo Scene, which implies that she may or may not be undead, per the page heading.
- More like Eerie Pale-Skinned Dark Redhead: Elaine Marley-Threepwood from Tales of Monkey Island, from the time that she willingly becomes LeChuck's demon bride up to the time that Guybrush manages to shrink La Esponja Grande.
- Tekken: Sergei Dragunov combines this trope with Icy Blue Eyes and Covered with Scars, and is regarded as a cold and calculating figure that creeps out both enemies and allies alike. His nickname is "The White Angel of Death", likely referencing his pale complexion and incredible skills at hand-to-hand combat.
- Morgana and Abigail in Witches' Legacy both are this with pale skin, dark hair and being powerful witches (albeit ultimately on opposite sides).
- Higashizawa Youdai of The World Ends with You is, considering the rarity of even Big Guys crossing over with this trope, most likely the only Brute example of a Pale-Skinned Brunette in existence.
- There's another example and that is Shiki's true self.
Visual Novels
- Taira no Yukiri from Six Rules's Raven Hair, Ivory Skin beauty turns into this when she is revealed to be a cold-hearted Creepy Child who has been planning the death of the protagonist since the beginning. And she's ten years old.
- Shiki from Togainu no Chi has skin that's practically white and black hair. Were it not for his red eyes, in fact, he would have a very monochromatic appearance since he wears black all the time.
- Yo-Jin-Bo's Bo has dark navy blue hair and the palest skintone in the game besides Hatsuhime.
- There are a number of pale brunette undead characters in Charby the Vampirate including the vampires Charby, Zerlocke and Adria and the zombies Mye and Hex.
- Four out of the six members of the Mouryou family from Contemplating Reiko are this. Reiko herself, two of her sisters, Shihoka and Shinobu, and her mother Fumiko.
- Toru Akujin from Demon King, emphasis on the eerie. His dad too, as well as Pit the demon hunter and the human form of the demon Marchosias.
- Julian from The Guide to a Healthy Relationship has long black hair and is very pale due to generally working on the night shift and not going out at day unless it's strictly necessary. Being mentally ill and permanently sleepless doesn't help a healthy impression, either.
- The Guy Upstairs: As attractive as Adam is, one can’t help but feel there’s simply something off about him due to his black hair and eyes.
- This is part of the basic vampire template in Hanna Is Not a Boy's Name, along with Red Eyes, Take Warning (except for Casimiro). None of the specific vampires we've met are actually all that eerie, though. Well, maybe Finas.
- Kit of Miamaska is very pale
compared to other Alodian citizens.
- Raizel in Noblesse and any Noblesse with black hair fits this because they are mostly centuries-old vampires.
- Umbria/Zaedalkaah from Our Little Adventure is a paler and darker haired version of Julie.
- Levana, the titular Vampire Girl, is a brunette with pale skin.
- Edwina, from Various Happenings, whose coloration is completely black and white when compared to the blonde and bronze Cassandra. Her sudden, unannounced appearance
and intense interest in Cassandra don't help matters.
Web Original
- Jeff the Killer has pure white skin and black hair. Combined with his unnaturally wide open eyes, lack of a nose, and Glasgow Grin, he is very creepy. He's also a serial killer.
- The Music Freaks: Combined with her speaking in a Creepy Monotone voice, most of Rosemeadow High is afraid of Sadie.
- Raven Branwen from RWBY, something that became clearer as the show's animation evolved. While there are plenty of light-skinned and dark-haired characters, Raven's not merely pale but paper-white. She's also one of the most dangerous and enigmatic people on the show, with even her own family being wary of her, and has mysterious and frightening powers.
- Phase (Ayla Goodkind) at the Super Hero School Whateley Academy in the Whateley Universe. Her hair is jet-black (it was a sandy blond back when she was a boy before she mutated). She's quite pale (some wavelength of light may be passing through her). She's also very rich and highly educated, which fits the trope too. But she's one of the good guys. A lot of mutants don't believe that, because her family are the most notorious mutant-haters anywhere.
Western Animation
- In Adventure Time, Marceline the Vampire Queen is pale-skinned and black-haired.
- Avatar: The Last Airbender:
- This appears to be a Fire Nation royal family thing, along with the Supernatural Gold Eyes. True to form, they tend to be Royally Screwed Up.
- Mai — also from a prominent family in the Fire Nation, though not the royal dynasty — looks like this too, in keeping with her gothic Emotionless Girl aesthetic.
- The fearsome Bounty Hunter June.
- Toph Beifong also appears like this when Aang first sees her in a mysterious vision, but when he actually meets her, she turns out to be a tomboyish and non-eerie Little Miss Badass.
- The Legend of Korra — the Sequel Series — subverted this once again with Asami Sato. The creators were initially going for the aesthetic of a mysterious Femme Fatale, but they ultimately decided to make her a permanent addition to the True Companions once she became popular among the fans. Asami then became a Love Interest for Mako and finally for Korra herself.
- Kevin from Ben 10 starts out this way and is quite psychotic. When he joins the team in the sequel, his skin tone is almost the same as the Tennysons.
- The Incredibles has Violet Parr who is depicted as gloomy, uncertain and socially withdrawn — preferring to hide behind her long raven hair.
- Dib from Invader Zim is a male example. His sister Gaz comes close, except that she has dark purple hair.
- Shego from Kim Possible was designed with this in mind. Her green highlights make her seem poisonous. Oddly (given the suggestion above), she's often seen on a beach, or a tanning bed, with no apparent effects; maybe she wants to differentiate herself from her heroic brothers who follow a similar scheme.
- Creepy Suzie, the Goth "Clubhouse Kid" from The Oblongs.
- Invoked by Lilith Clawthorne from The Owl House as per Word of God. She started out with the skin-tone, but dyed and straightened the curly red-brown mop she had as a teenager (along with ditching her spectacles) for the express purpose of looking more imposing and matching the raven theme of the Emperor's Coven.
- Ready Jet Go!: Mitchell has the palest skin of the entire cast, and has dark brown hair. And he's definitely more than a little off his rocker.
- Boris and Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle have pale white skin and black hair.
- Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated has comments about Velma's pale complexion, but it's very much an Informed Attribute.
- Master Cyclonis from Storm Hawks, which makes sense since not only does she spend most of her time indoors in a dark room working on her next world-conquering plot, Terra Cyclonia itself seems to be perpetually shrouded in stormy red clouds with sunlight rarely appearing.
- Raven from Teen Titans (2003). She's pale as a ghost and half-demon.
- Gwen from various Total Drama titles, considering on what her name means.
- Triana Orpheus of The Venture Brothers, a bit of a Perky Goth subversion.
Dream of the Endless
The lord of sleep, personification of dreams and nightmares, and ruler of the Dreaming, he has spent over a hundred years trapped on the mortal plane. After finally escaping, he begins to seek out the items of his power and rebuild his realm after it was abandoned by its residents in his absence.