Endgame+ - TV Tropes
- ️Wed Jan 12 2011
"Congratulations! You have reached the ending of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. When you load this file, you will be in Tonfon, at the point just before your final battle at the Apollo Lens. You can now sail the eclipsed world, searching for the remaining secrets."
Bonus content in a Video Game (and RPGs in particular) that is available during the final chapter, but is not unlocked until you have defeated the Final Boss and watched the credits roll. These games will often prompt the player to update their save file after the end credits, often displaying a special icon with the file to indicate the game has been cleared.
This differs from a Playable Epilogue in that the Playable Epilogue is set after the final chapter has concluded, and acknowledges that you've saved the world; an Endgame Plus returns the player to the world as it looked during the final chapter, with the Big Bad still waiting for his ultimate plan to come to its final fruition, and the player standing just before the Point of No Return or outside The Very Definitely Final Dungeon to throw that critical Spanner in the Works and Save the World. Which makes it odd that you're going off and exploring postgame content at the climax of the big bad's plan.
This is distinct from games that unlock bonus content via an "Extras" option on its frontend menu; here, the bonus content is something accessible in-universe, like a bonus shop, minigame, or dungeon...or even just clothes. The exact bonuses may or may not be immediately obvious when the player reloads their completed save file — but hey, Take Your Time....
Note that games featuring a level select screen cannot exemplify this easily, because they allow the player to re-play any segment of the game at any time.
A form of Extended Gameplay. See also New Game Plus, where reloading the completed save file restarts the entire game over with added bonus features. Both of them are subtropes of Post-End Game Content.
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Action Games
- Chantelise: After beating the game, if you load a save made after the epilogue cutscene, you start at the point where the final level has been unlocked.
- A very early attempt at this was Intellivision's TRON: Solar Sailer. Once you defeated the datastream puzzle, you could either cash out and win or go double or nothing at level "insanity" for bragging rights.
Action Adventure Games
- Hollow Knight: Obtaining any ending boots the player back to the closest save point, with the Hunter's Journal entry for the relevant final boss(es) added to show completion. These are not required for maximum percent (112%) or the sidequest of "completing" the Hunter's Journal. The reason why there is no postgame is because every ending has the cause of the Infection either sealed or destroyed, which would eliminate most of the enemies in the game, while the player character themselves is either sealed or killed.
- In inFAMOUS 2, after completing the game, the timeline rewinds to just before the final mission so that you can continue playing in the sandbox and mopping up side missions and Blast Shards. After all, in one ending Cole is dead along with all the other Conduits and in the other Cole joins the Beast and destroys New Marais to activate all of the Conduits.
- The Legend of Zelda:
- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask: Defeating the final boss and then reloading your file is the only way for the Fierce Deity's Mask to carry over into future cycles. Unusually, you don't keep it with you if you just play the Song of Time after receiving it.
- The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap: Clearing the game reveals no obvious bonuses, but nonetheless unlocks a few collectible figurines for purchase, including those of the Final Boss. It also enables the player to acquire the Mirror Shield.
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Reloading the autosave after defeating the final boss will drop Link back outside the boss room, keeping the photos that might have been taken for the Compendium and marking the save file with a star icon. It also adds a counter to all three quest menus, showing how many in the world are left. The world map also gains a percentage completed counter showcasing how much of everything you found in the game.
- The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom takes the same approach as Breath of the Wild, reloading right outside the final boss chamber, marking the save file with a star, adding a counter to the quest menus, etc. It also adds a character profile for Ganondorf.
Action RPGs
- Downplayed in Cyberpunk 2077: If you reach the ending credits while connected to GOG, the game instructs you to reload your last save before the Point of No Return in order to claim a special reward for beating the game. Because said reward is tied to your GOG account, however, the saves themselves aren't modified and playing offline doesn't award you with anything. Aside from that you carry over all of the unique gear that you got from the endgame, including an access card lootable from the Final Boss that allows you to get into an otherwise inaccessible supply cache.
- The Kingdom Hearts team likes this.
- Kingdom Hearts Re:coded gives you access to a number of things, including new shop items, the last chunk of your stat matrix, and the various new System Sectors. You can replay everything anyway, but the game does count you as being at the end of the last world.
- Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories has a complex version of this, where after you finish Sora's story you unlock Riku's, and after finishing Riku's you can get two new cards: one for invincibility and one to reload premium cards.
- Clearing both stories in Kingdom Hearts 3D gives you access to rematches with every boss in the game, (all outfitted with enough HP to make Young Xehanort's eyes turn green), as well as providing access to Ultima Weapon and a battle with drumrrrrrroll: Julius! Yes, that Julius! The series' non-numbered titles have an unfortunate habit of keeping Ultima Weapon unavailable until after the Final Boss.
- Clearing the Final Mix edition of Kingdom Hearts II grants Sora his final Drive level upgrade and unlocks End Game Plus if the player saves a Clear file. End Game Plus allows the player full access to battle all members of Organization XIII at the Cavern of Remembrance, save those whose Absent Silhouette they haven't defeated yet. The remaining Mushrooms are unlocked, as is an Optional Boss from a portal in Disney Castle. In this version of the game, this is also when the full Jiminy Journal is unlocked, with question marks for those entries you haven't completed yet. In HD II.5 Remix, it also unlocks Theatre Mode.
- Muramasa: The Demon Blade: Once you beat the last boss and see an ending, you'll be taken to before the boss fight the next time you load, but additional features and weapons will unlock depending on which ending you viewed.
- In Persona 5 Strikers, beating the final boss drops you back right before you defeat them with a bunch of new sidequests, most of which involve fighting upgraded versions of previous bosses. Completing enough of the sidequests will unlock the Reaper, which upon defeat will unlock New Game Plus.
Eastern RPG
- After the credits roll in Breath of Fire IV the game creates a "Clear Game" file, which resumes your saved game with an added bonus shop (with rare items) run by two characters from Breath of Fire III. The Final Boss is still waiting for you to challenge him (and any items stolen off him during the final battle are yours to keep).
- Chrono Trigger (the DS version) allows you to access the dimensional vortexes. Beating all three of these gives you access to the True Final Boss, which is an "immature" form of the final boss in Chrono Cross.
- A staple of the Dragon Quest series is to unlock a Bonus Dungeon or two upon beating the final boss; beating it is necessary to get the Golden Ending in the games that have one.
- Final Fantasy
- The Game Boy Advance versions of Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy V, and Final Fantasy VI all have dungeons that open up after you beat the final boss. Within each dungeon is, among other things, the most powerful creatures in the game and the ultimate weapons for the characters. All three games allow you to defeat the final boss again with whatever new equipment and levels you gain from these as well.
- Final Fantasy IV opens up a bonus dungeon found on the surface of the moon, which features ramped-up versions of Rydia's monster summons, who you have to defeat to use, and an even more powerful version of the final boss, which also leads to the credits if you beat it.
- Final Fantasy V has a bonus dungeon that contains four brand new job classes never featured in previous versions to use and master. The classes themselves are quite powerful, and the abilities you earn from mastering them can be mix and matched with other job combinations, leading to some truly devastating combos against the final boss. For example, the Gladiator class has an ability that can result in 1 of three possibilities. You have a 1 in 3 chance of missing the target, 1 in 3 chance of dealing 3333 damage, and a 1 in 3 chance of hitting for 9999 damage regardless of the enemy's defenses.
- Final Fantasy VI's Advance version unlocks the Dragon's Den upon completion, which features ultimate weapons for all the characters, and the Czar Dragon, the most powerful enemy in the game. You have to split into 3 parties and switch between them to cover the various traps and puzzles. This is also a minor case of Guide Dang It!, as the dragons inside can be weak or strong against very specific abilities that only certain characters can have, so you need to strategize and choose your parties carefully.
- Final Fantasy IV: The After Years has End Chapter Plus - each of the nine character chapters is self-contained (in the Mobile and Wii versions, they even have their own credit rolls), but beating each one gives access to a Challenge Dungeon that gives you more things to level grind against and extra equipment. Since the final chapters pull data from the character chapters, this can be a huge boon. Each Challenge Dungeon can be entered at some point before the end of the respective chapter, plot-wise (significantly before in Yang's case), but you still must complete the chapter in order to access it.
- Final Fantasy XIII unlocks the last layer of the Crystarium for beating the final boss, but the story still rewinds to the point before your confrontation with him. You can then backtrace your steps to the beginning of the Very Definitely Final Dungeon and from there, to the locations you visited in chapters 11 and 12. This was probably done because Vanille and Fang are permanently crystallized at the end of the game, while the rest of the party are presumably de-powered, as they are no longer l'Cie.
- Final Fantasy XIII-2 allows you to "Lock" eras and replay the story from there (Required for 100% Completion in some instances). Plus, you unlock an era after the final boss (although the era in question is only really for fun).
- Final Fantasy XV gives you Chapter 15, which unlocks many new extra dungeons, a few sidequests, and the Regalia Type-F, the airship of the game.
- In Final Fantasy Tactics A2, beating the game unlocked certain missions and made is possible to unlock the last stage of Brightmoon Tor.
- The Game Boy Advance versions of Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy V, and Final Fantasy VI all have dungeons that open up after you beat the final boss. Within each dungeon is, among other things, the most powerful creatures in the game and the ultimate weapons for the characters. All three games allow you to defeat the final boss again with whatever new equipment and levels you gain from these as well.
- Golden Sun: Dark Dawn has Crossbone Isle accessible once you beat the final boss. It contains rare items, powerful monsters, and the ultimate Superboss, Dullahan.
- I Miss the Sunrise allows you to go back to before the Point of No Return after defeating the Final Boss. Interestingly, it also gives you the option to go a bit further back, before the final personality-altering decision, allowing you to make a different choice. You get access to some Post-End Game Content, too.
- Mega Man:
- The Mega Man Battle Network series does this in every game, following the trope description almost exactly, with the single exception of 4, which instead has New Game Plus and post game content on the 3rd playthrough. It also carried over to its pseudo-sequel series, Mega Man Star Force. One annoying thing about 4 and 6 in particular is that even after beating the game, the crisis music (which plays in the regular areas all the time during the last part of each game) doesn't stop. (Additionally, in 3, the entire internet is still drained of its color.)
- Mega Man X: Command Mission lets you replay the final chapter over and over again, which allows you to power level your characters and save any items you find each time. You can also revisit any level in the game as well as fully explore your headquarters; in fact, completing the game at least once is a requirement for facing Ninetails.
- Beating the final boss in MS Saga: A New Dawn unlocks the Bonus Dungeon. The game even provides a small Lampshade Hanging as The Hero complains that he's about five seconds away from the ultimate battle to save the world when Mission Control phones in and orders him to go conquer an irrelevant bonus instead.
- Beating the Final Boss in Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch allows you to restart from the point just before you began the fight. New quests are unlocked that allow you to earn all the stamp card bonuses, gold versions of the regular enemies spawn in certain locations, and they carry rare items that can be used in the most powerful Item Crafting recipes. The final round of tournaments in the coliseum is unlocked, with the reward of the most powerful mon in the game if you complete it, and a selection of Superbosses are available that will grant a Bragging Rights Reward if beaten.
- Nocturne: Rebirth: After defeating the Final Boss, the save file used for that battle will be updated so that the player's item glossary will track any items gained during that battle. If the player obtained the Brave Clear reward, they can visit the Developer's Room to fight several optional minibosses and the Cross of the World Team.
- Paper Mario games starting with Sticker Star employ this, compared to the Playable Epilogue of the previous games except the first one, allowing access to some last collectibles needed for 100% Completion and the ability to rewatch the credits without having to beat the Final Boss.
- In Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth, you can save your file after you beat the Final Boss. Selecting that file after gives you the choice of starting a New Game Plus (where you can also switch from the Gekkoukan side to the Yasogami side, or vice versa), or you can select that file again and you have access to an Optional Boss and an extra sidequest.
- Pokémon
- While the mainstream Pokémon games generally utilize a Playable Epilogue, in the original Pokémon Red and Blue titles, the rewards for becoming the Pokemon League Champion are limited to a "Hall of Fame" option on the PC and access to one Bonus Dungeon near Cerulean City; no one even acknowledges the fact that the player beat the Elite Four and The Rival.
- The non-mainstream Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness both use this trope: Defeating the final boss unlocks new areas, new sidequests, and other bonuses you'd expect in a postgame, but the NPCs refuse to acknowledge that you saved the world (You can refight the final bosses, with their stolen Shadow Pokémon mysteriously replaced). One must wonder why Eagun is excited to tell us about this Orre Colosseum right when we're supposed to be stopping the Big Bad...
- Defeating the Final Boss in Rogue Galaxy adds the game's Bonus Dungeon to the Galaxy Map; everything else (including the recap) is still as it was before defeating the Final Boss. An NPC within said dungeon even comments that the player has already beaten the game.
- DemiKids gave you three options after fighting the final boss, letting you do this, go to a Playable Epilogue, or a New Game Plus. The Endgame Plus option puts you directly before fighting the final boss, with a few extra bonuses. However, those bonuses are mostly there to help you kill time before choosing one of the other options, letting you restart the game or go to the true ending.
- Soma Union: Unlike the predecessor which had New Game Plus, this game drops you back at just before the final boss and unlocks several extra bosses. However, beating the final boss on a clear save will simply send the player back to the title screen, since there is nothing to be gained from winning again.
- Once you complete Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, a bunny will appear near the final save point, congratulating you for clearing the game and let you know the Bonus Dungeons are now accessible, and offer you to warp you back to Elicoor.
- The 2023 remake of Super Mario RPG features one where you can rematch some bosses, including Culex, who now becomes 3D after his wishes get granted. The game justifies this by portraying the first fight against Smithy as All Just a Dream once a completed save file is loaded.
- Tales of Xillia 2 unlocks the Bonus Dungeon of the game for loading a completed savefile, the ability to take on the Advanced rank of the battle arena and adds new requests to unlock, which includes the Cameo appearances. Said Bonus Dungeon also includes giving access to items required to craft the best weapons, unlocks the Cameo battle that includes a Gainax Ending to obtain for beating it and gives the player easier access to gaining money to pay off Ludger's debt and gain a Gainax Ending for that, too. Similar to the Final Fantasy example above, the point of return is necessary as the game ends with either protagonist Ludger or Elle dying. The game can be saved at any point and used for New Game Plus, at the same time.
- In the remake of Trials of Mana, upon beating the final boss going back to the save drops you right before the final boss, only this time you're given a new quest to unlock the final Class upgrades and tackle a brand new final boss who overrides the original one.
- Defeating the final boss in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 allows you to create a Cleared Save file after the credits. Reloading it gives you access to new quests, including those that allow you to recruit the Queens of Keves and Agnus, respectively.
Platform Games
- After beating Kirby & the Amazing Mirror, you can re-enter the Dimension Mirror to fight Dark Mind again, and Meta Knight's sword Galaxia is placed in the Hub Level. It can get past all obstacles, encouraging you to get any collectibles you missed.
- Mega Man 11 has this to a tee, allowing you to save your game post-credits and then replay any stage with the bosses appearing again. You get to keep all of your upgrades you've purchased over the course of the game, and even unlock a pair of items that separately give you infinite Double Gear usage and infinite Subweapon usage, allowing you to completely destroy all game balance on that save from then on as a bit of a Bragging Rights Reward for being a completionist.
- Mega Man ZX
- The first game (in normal or hard mode) allows you to get an extra Biometal after defeating the Superboss. Though you could also fight four bosses from Mega Man Zero 3 and 4 if you had spare copies of those games, and get the armor that way.
- Advent instead allows you to unlock a new room in the crashed Raider airship in the Oil Fields that (on certain months which can be cheesed by messing with the DS time settings), you can obtain unique equippable chips from.
- Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time lets you finally put an end to Lord Vorselon's tyranny, after collecting the rest of the Zoni, of course. At least when you defeat him you get to explore the Insomniac Museum.
- Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal has an aversion that is often played straight by way of the player: the ultimate Infernox armour is unlocked by visiting Mylon at the very end of the game... but the player is never told this and they'll often find out by continuing the save and returning to the Phoenix, or by entering Challenge Mode and finding it there.
Puzzle Games
- Deadly Rooms of Death: Secret rooms can be beaten during normal play, or by "restoring" after completing a hold (level set). Anything behind a Master Wall can only be accessed by restoring after completion.
- Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy: Every case (including the last one) has its own Endgame Plus. You can go back to the detective agency and return to solved cases at any time to look for puzzles, Hint Coins, or collectibles you missed (each screen even gains a counter showing how many puzzles or Hint Coins are still remaining to find). The story sets itself to just before you solved the case, so you can watch the case's ending again if you want.
Simulation Games
- The Burnable Garbage Day: In order to obtain the Golden Ending, you need to have obtained one of the two endings. After the game reloads, you'll be at the point before CR-999 decides to reactivate Pandora. However, this time around, there'll be an NPC at your base who can help you build a part for Pandora that will allow her to overcome her flawed recognition systems.
- Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (Special Edition) has a chapter after the game ends titled Heaven. The game sets things back the way they were in chapter 5 and the chapter doesn't end, unless you decide to start a new game.
Strategy Games
- Fire Emblem: Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates both utilize this. After beating the final chapters, your save file will be marked as complete, but you'll be able to leave the level and return to the world map/hub castle, free to continue level grinding or grabbing any support conversations you may have missed before.