Fashionable Asymmetry - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Jun 14 2007
Symmetry is supposed to be a natural attractive feature, and any deviation is seen as ugly. Apparently, no-one told these guys, or their fans. They take Impossibly Cool Clothes to a whole new level. Why constrain yourself to pant legs of one length, or stockings that match, when you can wear one short and one long? It must be kept in mind, of course, that fashion is a fickle thing, and largely a matter of perspective. For every outfit listed here, some will fight to the death to say it looks cool, while others think it looks, in the words of Simon Cowell, atrocious.
Some medieval armour was actually asymmetric, often to lend extra protection to the body's dominant side, or to leave off armour for the side of the body that was already protected by a large shield. Ironically this had the effect of balancing the armour by making the heavy side weigh the same as the lighter side plus the shield.
One would expect cybernetic eyes to come in pairs, but as often as not a character will only have one cyber-eye (usually glowing), while the other one is still organic. This makes sense if the cyborg equipment replaces body parts lost to injury or disease — if you only lost one eye (or arm or whatever), why replace both of them?
Take this trope too far, and you can run into Rummage Sale Reject. And applying this to 2D games results in Ambidextrous Sprite 99% of the time. Applied to text or things outside of clothing, this trope becomes Unconventional Formatting.
For extra bonus points, why not have mismatched body parts? Nothing says Evil like a hook hand, a horn on one side of your head, or an angel with one wing! And it doesn't have to be that complicated: both good and evil can enjoy the duality that heterochromia implies. Often the result of a Duality Motif.
Contrast with Creepy Asymmetry where asymmetrical elements signify that something is off about a character, and are often not a conscious choice in-universe.
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Anime & Manga
- Lind from Ah! My Goddess has asymmetric hair which is longer on one side than it is on the other.
- Both of the top-level angels from Angel Sanctuary, Alexiel and Rosiel, have three wings. This is explained in the manga, as being twins the 6 wings of angels their level would usually have were split evenly between them — i.e., 3 wings each.
- Mira, the Token Girl of Bakugan: New Vestroia, wears a Spy Catsuit that goes halfway past the knee on the left side and barely past the waist on the right. This explains a lot about why they usually show her from the right side when not showing her from the front.
- Iceman Hotty from Basquash! wears shirts and pants with sleeves and legs of different lengths and a glove on one hand. The shirt and glove may be to hide his cybernetic left arm.
- The title character of Birdy the Mighty tends to employ this in her outfits (most notably seen in the original manga and OVA where her right boot goes to her knee, while the left one goes to the thigh), barring her Decode uniform and in the original manga and OVA, her bangs tends to be spikier on one side (usually what side isn't facing the camera) than the other.
- Bleach:
- A lot of shinigami accessorise their uniforms according to this trope. The king of this trope is Yumichika (both before and after the time-skip), but also included are (before the time-skip) Byakuya, Chojiro, Isane, Renji (in bankai), Nanao. After the time skip: Rukia, Ikkaku, Shinji.
- Several arrancar display this as well, but mostly in mask-fragments. Justified with Ulquiorra, who has something you could call bangs above his left eye, because of that stupid half-helmet he wears.
- Uryuu's Quincy Final Form, Justified insofar as that costume appeared to be based on traditional kyuudo uniforms, which leave one side of the body bare to avoid fabric tangling the bowstring. Also, post-time-skip, his fringe is arranged asymmetrically to fall long on the right side of his face.
- Several of Sakura's outfits in Cardcaptor Sakura have one short and one long stocking.
- Digimon:
- Angewomon. The asymmetry of one glove has a reason, though; it forms the bow of her Celestial Arrow attack.
- Most Digimons' design in general become asymmetric as they evolve especially at the ultimate level e.g. Zudomon's fur on one hand and not the other. But is averted by MegaKabuterimon and Lilimon.
- In Dragon Ball, Cooler's troops all wear a single shoulder pad on their left side.
- Fairy Tail: Lucy's clothes are also pretty normal, but she mostly has that side-bun thing going on.
- Food Wars!: Alice Nakiri wears her hair short with a longer bang going down her left temple. As the story advances she grows it even longer, making it even more noticeable.
- Gintama has a few exemples, more or less blatant depending of the character. Some are simple, like Otsu side-ponytail, other are more obvious
- Gintoki only wears one sleeve of his Kimono, a part of what makes his Iconic Outfit distinguishable. Kagura Lampshades it in a episode when she ask why he does this.
- Sa-chan has a mole under her right eye, and some kind of protection cup on her left breast. She also has a red sock on her left foot.
- Takasugi has a bandaged left eye. Kyuubei is also missing her left eye, and in her case it is covered by an eyepatch.
- Tsukuyo has the scars in the left of her forehead and under her left eye, and her outfit exposes her right shoulders and right leg.
- Chin Pirako let down the right arm of her kimono, exposing her arm and part of her torso (she wears a Sarashi underneath).
- Gintoki's Evil Knockoff Sakata Kintoki dons a similar outfit and thus also wears only one sleeve of his kimono.
- Obi Hajime has a scar and a red cybernetic right eye that glows when he is in Brainwashed and Crazy mode. He also has a mechanical right arm, but it is usually hidden by his clothes.
- Asaemon Ikeda wears stockings and wristbands of different lengths. In addition to the skull mask on the left of her head.
- Manami of Glass Maiden/Crystal Blaze has two outfits where one sock comes up to her thigh and the other only to her knee.
- Haruhi Suzumiya: The poster for The Extravaganza of Haruhi Suzumiya, featuring all the cast in fantasy outfits, shows Mikuru wearing one fishnet stocking and Haruhi wearing two fishnet stockings of two different lengths — one that goes far enough up to disappear under her skirt and the other ending just below her knee. Haruhi's gloves are also different lengths.
- Hello! Sandybell: The titular character wears mismatched socks - both are yellow, but the right side has pink stripes at the top and the left one has blue ones.
- Raphael in I'm Gonna Be an Angel! is a single-winged angel.
- Kisara from Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple wears jeans with one leg cut off. Maybe somewhat justified, because her fighting style revolves around high kicks that would probably split her jeans constantly... but the real reason is pretty obvious.
- Éclair from Kiddy Grade usually wears one legging. She also wears one cross-shaped earring.
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (2005): Ghanti can be seen wearing two different armored cuffs around her wrists, and has a star-shaped marking just under her left eye.
- Lyrical Nanoha:
- Post-A's, Nanoha fashions her hair in a side-ponytail.
- The belt-covered, body-marked Reinforce Eins. As the cute, purified Reinforce Zwei, the high and low stockings even switch places.
- Naruto:
- Karin has hair that is long and straight on her left side, but short and unkempt on the other.
- Killer Bee has a mark like an ox horn on his left cheek, mirroring the Eight-Tailed Ox that he is host to, which is missing the end of its left horn.
- Temari wears two stockings: before the Time Skip the right one goes up from her sandals and ends just below her knee, and the left one goes from above her knee into her skirt. After the Time Skip, however, she starts wearing matching ones.
- Kurenai's regular ninja outfit pre-timeskip has only one sleeve.
- Sai has one sleeve on his crop top that's longer than the other.
- The title character has that functionless spiral tie thing his pre-Time Skip outfit has on the left shoulder.
- Guren (anime only) of the Three-Tailed Beast arc wore a green Badass Long Coat with a long left sleeve and a short right sleeve. Probably due to the fact that she was (from what the troper can gather) predominately right-handed and the Crystal Style Jutsu she used would have torn up the clothing she wore when she activated Crystal-Arm-Blade-Mode.
- The standard uniforms for two of the five main ninja villages also feature this trope; Hidden Cloud flak jackets only have one shoulder strap, while most Hidden Rock shinobi only have a sleeve on their left arm.
- Negima! Magister Negi Magi:
- She may wear essentially normal clothing, but one has to wonder how long it takes Setsuna to get her hair to look like that. Even after Chao takes her hairband away her hair still doesn't match!
- Ku Fei gets this when she takes one glove off her party outfit.
- Many characters from One Piece, including the main casts have significant bits on their left side which range from minor things like earrings, combovers and tattoos to a Hook Hand. Permanent asymmetries through all of the series are noteworthily Luffy's scar, Zoro's earrings (and scar after the Time Skip), Nami's lock of hair in the left side of her face as well as her tattoo, Usopp's wristband, Sanji's exposed eye (changes from right to left side over the Time Skip) and Chopper's left antler.
- Outlaw Star: Melfina wears a single gold bangle around her left ankle, as a part of her standard attire. Which accentuates her femininity by drawing attention to her legs.
- Galko from Please Tell Me! Galko-chan has an asymmetric hairstyle: one side is done up in a bun, the other has a ponytail held with a blue scrunchie.
- Kei's Knight of Light outfit in the anime version of Prétear is asymmetrical beyond description.
- Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Sayaka's Magical Girl outfit has a diagonal cut on her skirt. Her hair is also done in an asymmetry, her hair longer on her right side, while her skirt is longer on the left side. Word of God says it's deliberately done by herself to make fighting easier.
- Puella Magi Oriko Magica has Kirika, who's regular outfit has very little that's symmetrical. Her Magical Girl outfit is mostly symmetrical, but picks up an Eyepatch of Power.
- Nanael of Queen's Blade has one full-sized wing and one half-sized one. This isn't commonplace for angels in that series, it's more an indicator she's The Ditz.
- Several of the Cloths in Saint Seiya, most notably the Aquila Cloth, whose upper body has an armored (left) and unarmored (right) side.
- Chiri Kitsu of Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei, who has naturally curly hair, but straightens it and panics if it's off by a hair.
- Lain of Serial Experiments Lain has hair cut to a jagged ear length, except for a left bang that is neck long.
- In The Seven Deadly Sins, Elizabeth only wears one stocking and her shoes are different colors.
- The flight suits worn by the Simoun Sibylla feature one bare shoulder and a large off-center gem.
- Kaori Kanzaki, A Certain Magical Index's resident Action Girl, has a pair of jeans that go all the way down on the right side and stop just below her waist on the left side. Justified, though, because the spells she uses apparently require the asymmetry.
- In Soul Eater, Death The Kid has a fetishistic preoccupation with symmetry, to the point of OCD, making his naturally asymmetrical hair (which he's stated he was unable to dye) all the funnier.
- Luluco, Alpha Omega Nova, and Midori of Space Patrol Luluco all have something on the left side of their hair (a Girlish Pigtail, Idiot Hair, and a third eye respectively). Their space helmets also have holes to let them through.
- Yoko from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann has one normal fingerless glove and one elbow-length one.
- Variable Geo: The skirt of Satomi's waitress uniform falls just below her knees. But the skirt she wears for her combat attire is fashioned into a sarong, with the split-seam reaching up to her right hip, partially exposing her panties (SFW link
- Voltes V: Prince Heinel wears a white sash style belt that has a ruffle hanging from the right side. See here
- Maximilian Pegasus from Yu-Gi-Oh!, with the left side of his face covered by his hair, which hides another asymmetric fashion in the form of his Millennium Eye.
- Nefertiti Bust: The missing left iris gives the bust an allure it wouldn't have had with it. It makes it more mysterious and makes the queen all the more divine in nature as it borders on uncanny valley.
Comic Books
- Brexinfoyle of Copperhead wears a single spiked shoulderpad and armguard to protect his dominant arm in a physical struggle.
- The DCU:
- Batman: Two-Face generally feeds his obsession by wearing a suit split in two down the middle. Mostly it's just different colours but some interpretations use a different take, like clean/burned or normal/eye-hurting.
- Deathstroke the Terminator with his mask split between black and orange. Underneath, one eye is missing. The blacked-out section was intended as a professional boast: his mask was just orange until he was blinded in one eye, after which he decided to black out the half of the mask over the blind eye instead of hiding it.
- Looker is known for her asymmetrical first costume.
- Cyborg Superman's perpetual exposed Terminator look.
- Teen Titans: Plain Cyborg, with a metal plate on one side of his head.
- It is a comicbook tradition for characters who can take on the properties of various elements to strike poses changing body parts into as many different samples at once. Say, Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man. Ones like Metamorpho have it as their base look.
- Green Lantern Two-Six wears only one sleeve.
- The Weird has a largely black costume with asymmetric red highlights, including a knee-length left boot, an ankle-length right boot, a wrist-length left glove and an elbow-length right glove.
- The far-future version of Wonder Woman in DC One Million has a huge red star on her right shoulder, while her left shoulder is bare. The version briefly seen in Earth 2 has the traditional Wonder Woman bracelet on her right wrist, and a filigreed bracer covering her entire left forearm.
- In Wonder Woman (1987) Circe's two recurring outfits are both green ensembles with a single sleeve. One is a slinky dress with a Navel-Deep Neckline and slits up the sides and the other is a bodysuit with skull embellishments.
- In the Dutch series Franka by Henk Kuijpers, former minor villain, now supporting character Uschi Undsoweiter (Gratuitous German for "and so on") always dresses and does her hair asymetrically, frequently by assembling her clothes from parts of two or more different sets. But then she is an artist who now works for fashion mogul Laura Lava.
- Hellboy: Hellboy's massive right hand of stone.
- Judge Dredd: The Judge outfits, featuring one shoulder pad as an Eagle and the other as large armor. This extends to the Dark Judges as well: dead pterodactyl and bony/holy shoulder pad, and the Brit-Cit Judges, who replace the eagle with a lion. Finally there's Mean Machine, one cyborg arm, one stump, and half his face as machinery.
- Magog from Kingdom Come has a single shoulder pad, a scarred right eye, and a gold/metallic left arm. He was originally imagined as an unflattering pastiche of Rob Liefeld characters like Cable and Youngblood (Image Comics), who were (in)famous for their hideously cluttered and asymetrical costumes. Surprisingly, artist Alex Ross ultimately decided that he rather liked Magog's design, and the character went on to get his own series.
- Marvel Universe:
- X-Men's Psylocke's best-known outfit with its varyingly placed strips, though this can depend on who's drawing her.
- Cable has one techno-organic arm and eye. His outfit tended to be a shifting mishmash of shoulder pads, pouches, and bandoleros.
- His dad Cyclops' drifts in and out of this trope; while his original and X-Factor costumes, and Astonishing and post were symmetrical, some of his costumes, such as the early 90s one, had asymmetrical straps.
- Shatterstar... oh dear gods, Shatterstar. One oversized shoulderpad, one eye with a starburst design around it... oy.
- The Incredible Hulk: The Hulk's Planet Hulk and World War Hulk getup.
- Fad Super the 3D-Man has one half of his costume red and the other green. The red side has a green glove and boot, as well as half his trunks and goggles, and vice vera. His sucessor, Triathalon, wore a very similar outfit, but with a black centre between the red and green halves, 3D-Man's triangle Chest Insignia turned into a white and yellow yoke, and green goggles. Triathalon later switched to a symmetrical version (green yoke on red), before taking the 3D-Man name and costume, but with yellow goggles.
- Every other character in Image's Cyberforce.
- Velocity wears an asymmetrical costume completed by a lightning tattoo over one eye.
- Her sister Ballistic has one cybernetic arm and one glowing red eye.
- Stryker has three cybernetic arms on one side of his body to go with his glowing, red, cybernetic eye.
- The Sandman (1989):
- Mazikeen has half her face simply missing. Whether this is cool or not is a matter of perspective. However, on Earth, she wears a half-mask to cover this up, and the intent is very much that people will think "oh, she's just a normal woman in a funky outfit."
- To say nothing of Delirium.
- It's eventually established that fashion has nothing to do with it. When she finds her face "fixed" Mazikeen swears vengeance on the good Samaritan.
- All versions of Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt wear a costume with an asymmetric color scheme. The original design was apparently borrowed from the Golden Age superhero Daredevil, who was one inspiration for the character.
- Several characters in Strontium Dog. Johnny has a big pad one one shoulder, to which is attached his blasterbelt that goes across his chest to his over hip. Wulf has the same arrangement, and in an early strip starts also wearing a Gronk's skin across the other shoulder. Middenface has a big tartan pad over one shoulder. Evans' mutation means that one of his arms is in the right place, but the other is attached directly to the side of his head.
- Spider Jerusalem of Transmetropolitan has asymmetric Cool Shades — a green rectangle on his right, and a red circle on his left. The machine that made them was stoned on mechadrugs.
Comic Strips
- In the late 1960s, when skirt lengths went from barely decent to ankle length and everything in between, a comic strip fashion designer (Winnie Winkle?) announced that her newest design would be a mini, a midi, and a maxi. The "ponchetta" was essentially a poncho worn as a dress; its point in front meant that the skirt length varied along the diagonal. Asymmetric hemlines of a similar sort were briefly popular many years later.
Film — Animation
- Violet from The Incredibles has long hair that is parted to the left. This is more noticeable after she keeps her hair out of her eyes.
- Wyldstyle from The LEGO Movie and its sequel has a side-tail on the left side of her head, as well as a couple of dyed locks on the right side.
- My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks: The Rainbooms' costumes for the climax have leggings of two different colors on each leg. Rainbow Dash's also has a lightning bolt motif over the left side, and Applejack's an epaulette on the right shoulder.
- Spider-Gwen in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has shoulder-length hair on one side, and short-cropped hair on the other side, due to Miles' issues figuring out his powers.
- In Turning Red, Aaron T's overalls are missing one strap.
- Ralph in Wreck-It Ralph is missing one strap on his dungarees. Likewise, Vanellope's stockings don't match. Appropriately, the race car they make together is similarly asymmetrical.
Film — Live-Action
- One piece of Alex's attire in A Clockwork Orange is a set of fake lashes on one eye.
- In Highlander, the Kurgan often wears a leather jacket with only one sleeve. The unsleeved arm happens to be his sword arm, so it does make some sense.
- Done subtly with the Joker's make-up in Joker (2019): his smile is much higher on the right side of his face, while his blue eye make-up extends lower under his left eye, evoking a teardrop. A case of Rule of Symbolism as it makes the two sides of his face resemble the masks of Comedy and Tragedy, symbolising his depressed past life and the exhilaration he's found in his new identity.
- Uncle Yu, the mentor to the heroes and resident Cool Old Guy in the final battle of Legendary Weapons of China, wears a red oriental robe with only the left sleeve intact.
- Max in Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior has a one-sleeve leather jacket.
- Marvel Cinematic Universe: Loki's Asgardian outfits, except for his formal armor during the first Thor film, are always asymmetrical.
- In Serenity, River wears a dress that has one very long, poofy sleeve on one side, and no sleeve on the other. Its not made clear whether this is how the dress is supposed to look or if its a modification she made herself, but it looks pretty nifty.
- Star Wars:
- Twi'lek Jedi Aayla Secura, a background character from the prequel trilogy, does the long sleeve/no sleeve variant.
- Standard Stormtrooper armour has mismatched knees.
- Luke Skywalker's single black glove in Return of the Jedi, as a result of his prosthesis getting shot on Jabba's sail barge and him not having the time to repair/replace the burned-off synth skin.
- One of C-3PO's shins is silver rather than gold, likely as a repair.
- A sharp-eyed viewer will note that the Tron Lines of some of the characters in TRON: Legacy are deliberately non-symmetrical for no apparent purpose other than aesthetics. Quorra has asymmetrical Tron Lines, and an asymmetrical outfit and haircut.
- In X-Men: Days of Future Past, both Magneto's capes are shorter on one side than on the other.
- The HyperCard talking picture book, Bob, was about a man named Bob who became more and more unsymmetrical until he made hatred of symmetry a popular cause... until someone noticed that "Bob" is a palindrome and an angry mob descended on him.
- In R.A. Salvatore's The Cleric Quintet a young evil magician Bogo Rath shaves one side of his head while keeping long hair on the other. He believes it's fashionable, and also enjoys how it annoys the older magicians.
- The first line of every Dorrie the Little Witch ends with telling us her socks never match, which is reflected in the art.
- In Horus Heresy, Fulgrim's armour is the most notable with its asymmetry - while one pauldron is a typical dome, the other is decorated with a fancy golden wing as tall as his head. He abandons it when he ascends and turns into snake daemon-person, as he stops wearing armour altogethernote .
- Mickey McDonald from I'm Ok (2018) wears socks with pom-poms on the back of them. One is green, and the other is yellow.
- In Larry Niven's Known Space stories, asymmetrical beards are cultivated by upper-class Wunderlanders as a fashion statement (specifically, the statement "I have the free time and money to cultivate this bit of elaborate grooming").
- In The Mote in God's Eye, moties are described as being incredibly asymmetric. They have one large arm with a three-fingered "gripping hand" on one side and two smaller arms with five-fingered hands on the other for fine manipulation. The rest of their bodies are asymmetric to accomodate the design, including a much larger shoulder and no ear on the "gripping" side. The Gripping Hand is also the name of the sequel.
- Pippi Longstocking wears a pair of mismatched stockings.
- Reign of the Seven Spellblades: Tullio Rossi tends to wear his school uniform coat with only the left arm through the sleeve and the rest of the jacket hanging off him, befitting his jaunty, cocky image.
- In Talon of the Silver Hawk, in The Riftwar Cycle, Tal spends a few pages mentally mocking high fashion in the kingdom of Roldem, which, at the moment, includes a jacket specially designed to be worn on one side and slung over the shoulder like a cape on the other. He, quite frankly, thinks it's ridiculous... but not half as ridiculous as some of the other things he's seen there, like a woman whose only upper body garment was a necklace so huge it very nearly kept her completely covered. Truth in Television since some 19th century Hussar uniforms included a jacket of this style.
- The Stormlight Archive: In the Vorin religion, women are expected to keep their left hands (or "safehands") covered. For commoner women, the result is one glove, while noblewomen have dresses with one sleeve longer than the other that buttons shut.
- Played for Laughs in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn: a character with a horrible burn scar on one arm consistently wins masquerade-ball costume competitions because while all the women's dresses are provocatively cut, hers always have one long sleeve, which the judges think symbolizes "something."
- High-ranking Seanchan servants in The Wheel of Time series shave the hair off half their heads, then braid the other half. This symbolizes their dual nature (lower-class people have full heads of hair; nobles have mohawks or shaven heads).
Live-Action TV
- Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor has two piercings in her left ear, an earring and cuff connected by a chain, and seemingly none in her right.
- Kamen Rider:
- Kamen Rider Kabuto: Another example would be Sou Yagaruma. He even gets some good old fashioned badass-styled insanity to go with his asymmetry, and nifty psychological reasons behind it! Daisuke pulls this too, while transformed into Kamen Rider Drake at least, with a single giant dragonfly wing on his chest.
- Kamen Rider Double is all about this as the show's premise but special mentioned goes to the Cyclone form, which has a gray muffler on the right shoulder.
- Kamen Rider OOO: Ankh's shirt has one red sleeve on the arm where his Red Right Hand is.
- Kamen Rider Gaim: The Banana, Ichigo, and Kiwi Lockseeds produce armor with uneven shoulders, Kiwi less so than the others. Each of the four Energy Lockseeds, when used on their own in a Genesis Driver, produces a suit of armor with one shoulderpad.
- Kamen Rider Drive: Drive's different forms have tires mounted in different places, and most of them are asymmetric. His most common Type Speed form and a few others have it diagonally across the chest as a sort of sash. Kamen Rider Mach is also asymmetric, having a circular signboard on his right shoulder and a scarf off the back of his left. The Dead Heat upgrade, which is a mix of both Riders' powers, has both Drive's "sash" tire and Mach's signboard. And then there's Mashin Chaser, who has a bunch of mechanical parts sticking out in odd places.
- Kamen Rider Build follows in Double's mismatched footsteps with the half and half forms. Sento Kiryu, Kamen Rider Build himself, wears mismatched sneakers (one blue, one red) because he is just extra like that.
- Kamen Rider Zero-One: Kamen Riders Vulcan and Valkyrie have white base suits, but in their default forms the armor on their right sides is colored and slightly more elaborate. On a smaller note, members of MetsuboJinrai.NET, Horobi and Jin, both wear mismatched shoes - one brown, one black that come from two same pairs.
- Kamen Rider Saber: Due to how the Seiken Swordriver works, Kamen Riders Saber and Espada only have additional armour on their right and left in their base forms.
- Kamen Rider Geats takes notes from Double and Build, only this time, the half and half forms are split horizantally. In addition, the Desire Driver's Revolve function allows Riders to switch the halves for alternate abilities.
- The eponymous Punky Brewster, mainly in the first two seasons. She has on a pink vest over a blue shirt over a red shirt, a bandana tied to one leg, a yellow shoe on her left foot and a red shoe on her right. Her pants leg is rolled up on her left.
- In an episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Sabrina changes the color of one Libby's knee-high socks from black to yellow in an attempt to embarrass her. Libby avoids embarrassment by turning mismatched socks into a fashion trend amongst her friends.
- In Saturday Night Live, the art dealer Nuni Schoener (Maya Rudolph) wears outfits that each look like as if someone sewed the left half of one outfit to the right half of a different outfit.
- Space: 1999: Crew uniforms were mostly white, but with the left arm's sleeve in an accent color corresponding to their service role.
- Star Trek has several examples of this:
- Star Trek: The Original Series:
- The episode "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" gave us the Cheron people, who are all white on one side and black on the other... and get into a genocidal civil war over which side.
- It was also a frequent feature of Bill Theiss's costume design, with a bare leg to match the bare arm.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine:
- Judging from General Martok, missing eyes seem to be the badass asymmetry of choice.
- Deep Space Nine's final season introduces the Breen ships, which use asymmetry in their design to look as alien as possible.
- Weyoun frequently wears an assymetrical tunic.
- Downplayed example in Star Trek: Discovery, which for some reason has Starfleet uniform tunics that aren't quite symmetric: the 23rd century tunic has a front seam that's noticably to the right of centre and a wider collar on the left side (this also applies to the Enterprise crew's uniforms, which otherwise are modelled closely on TOS), and the 32nd century version has a stripe running down the right side (originally of the division colour against grey, then black against the division colour), and the left side of the tunic slightly longer than the right.
- Borg drones typically have an eyepiece on either their left or right eye, and some drones have cybernetic prostheses on either their left or right arm.
- Star Trek: The Original Series:
- Super Sentai often has asymmetrical aspects on the Ranger suits. This also goes for their Power Rangers counterparts. Some series with more extreme asymmetry include:
- Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger/Power Rangers Wild Force: Gold stripes from the neck to under the right arm.
- Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger/Power Rangers S.P.D.: The Rangers have large black numbers taking up the entire left sides of the torso so they're about 2/3rds colored and 1/3rd black overall.
- Also, Emperor Gruumm has one horn, though it was revealed that he originally had two until Da Chief hacked one off in battle in his younger days. In his final appearance, Da Chief (now a Sixth Ranger) fights him again, and is poised to kill him... but instead cuts off his remaining horn, quipping "Now they match."
- Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger/Power Rangers Dino Charge: A yellow-and-silver sash pattern going from the left shoulder to under the right arm, plus a left-side shoulderpad that together make the image of a dinosaur head. Summoning weapons also adds armor plates to the right arm.
- Shuriken Sentai Ninninger/Power Rangers Ninja Steel: Has a sash as well, but the Red ranger also has an asymmetric visor.
- Uchu Sentai Kyuranger: Has an off-center star design as well as several asymmetric visor designs on the Red, Orange, Blue, Silver, Pink, and Green rangers.
- Discussed on The Big Bang Theory episode "The Bow Tie Asymmetry". Sheldon, getting ready for his wedding, has trouble keeping his bowtie straight. Amy tells him that some people consider asymmetry fashionable. As he recalls this later, he gets an "Eureka!" Moment, and quickly comes up with the concept of Super Asymmetry, which eventually will get him a Nobel Prize.
- Ultra Series:
- The Kyrieloids from Ultraman Tiga have asymmetrical bone-like growths covering their bodies, with an orange eye over their left chest. Hudra from the Final Odyssey has asymmetrical body patterns and a protector that covers more of his left, complete with the Drafork, a fork attached to his right forearm.
- Alien Chern Left and Right from Ultraman Dyna have one half of their bodies completely black; Left's right side is black and vice versa for Right.
- Ultraman Nice has an asymmetrical body pattern that evokes the letter N and his Colour Timer is located on his left chest instead of the middle.
- Ultraman Trigger: New Generation Tiga: As an Expy of Hudra and the Kyrieloids above, Hudram has an asymmetrical design, with a tornado-like decoration on his right shoulder and a dagger attached to his right forearm, as well as a Colour Timer on his left chest.
- Ziggy Stardust. Happens quite a bit with David Bowie's stage outfits from the period - striped unitard with one short leg and one long leg, anyone? Plus the pseudo-heterochromia. From getting punched in the eye.
- Freddy Mercury's black and white unitard.
- Michael Jackson's glove.
- And before him, Enrico Caruso. After a serious kidney injury (which finally killed him) he had either a mild stroke or paralyzed a nerve in his arm by lying on it while unconscious. He had limited use of that hand for a while, so he started wearing a glove. He joked that it would attract attention and publicity.
- The StingRay
. While things like the Moderne and X-Plorer tried to invoke this, the StingRay was the only one of the offbeat designs to not change the shape of the guitar itself, and to use asymmetricaly as an intentional aesthetic choice.
- Love (Band) front-man Arthur Lee was said to have invoked this trope in an attempt to get recognized in the Los Angeles scene of the 1960s, walking in with a different shoe on each foot and sunglasses which had different colors on each side.
- When Jack Casady auditioned for bass in Jefferson Airplane, he was told he could get the job if he shaved off his facial hair. Moments later, he came back with only half of the side of his face shaved, saying he could use that half for performances.
- Many of Lady Gaga's outfits invoke this trope.
- Some Vocaloid designs have this, such as Luka's cut-on-only-one-side skirt and IA's mismatched stockings.
- Lindsey Stirling does this with odd socks.
- Bernd Wand of Fraktus lets his long black hair hang down from the top of his head to his right. In contrast, large areas on the left of his head are shaved smooth.
- While working at his parents' optician's shop, he actually tries to convince a customer of Fashionable Asymmetry and sell him a pair of glasses with an asymmetrical frame.
- Prince's Gemini character from "Batdance" wears half of a Joker outfit and half of a made-up Batman costume.
- Punk band X Ray Spex on their cover art for "Germfree Adolescents".
- Ava Max has hair that is half shoulder length and half waist length.
Pro Wrestling
- Before the 1990s when she she came to the WWF, Luna Vachon wrestled in Florida with one side of her head shaved.
- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper painted his body half white and half black for his WrestleMania VI match with Bad News Brown. It looked awful.
- IWRG and later, CMLL dual sword wielding Luchador Sable had one one eye hole for his mask a smirk carved into it.
- WWE's Zack Ryder wore one-legged tights in his ECW run. He has since reverted to traditional trunks.
- WWE wrestler JTG often wrestles in baggy jeans with one leg cut off at the knee.
- Several other wrestlers have elbow pads or wrist bands only on of their arms, usually for practical purposes as that's the arm they usually attack with.
- Many American Football quarterbacks wear a glove on one hand and use the other to throw the ball.
- Kickers and punters have mismatched shoes, with the kicking shoe very tight and the top of it contoured for the best contact with the ball.
- Speaking of American Football, the Pittsburgh Steelers are notable as the only NFL team with a logo on only one side of their helmet. This was originally meant to be a test to see how the logo looked on the helmet, but its popularity lead to it being kept permanently.
- Baseball players, apart from wearing the fielding glove on only one hand, will often have asymmetrical gear when batting. Earflaps on the helmet, ankle and shin protectors, wristbands and batting gloves will often be on only one side.
- If cars can count, the British American Racing Team in the 1999 Formula One Season. Initially the team's two cars had entirely different liveries (one for each sponsor), which was deemed illegal by the FIA. After a failed arbitration process, the team opted to have each their cars sporting one sponsor livery on one side and the other sponsor livery on the other side, resulting in the famous livery with blue on the right side and red-white on the left side. This was dropped next season in favor of the red-and-white livery (when the sponsor for the blue color was let go).
- Former Benetton driver Alexander Wurz used to wear mismatching colored shoes when racing. Reportedly they were good luck charms.
- Track star Florence Griffith-Joyner and her one-legged track suits.
- The steel shoes worn by speedway and flat-track riders.
- Asymmetrically diagonal lines began showing up in some NHL uniforms as they hit their peak of ostentatiousness in the mid-'90s (such as these
◊ or these
◊), in contrast to the strictly symmetrical look that had dominated hockey sweaters until then.
- The Great One himself, Wayne Gretzky, is hockey's best-known trope codifier, as he played with the right side of his jersey tucked in. This stemmed from his days in youth hockey where his jersey was too big for his size and would interfere with his shot.
Tabletop Games
- Beyblade has been using this increasingly with Shogun Steel and Burst, the former of which has no perfectly symmetrical Warrior Wheel, and the later of which has none for its Dual Layer parts.
- Invoked by Moha shamans in The Dark Eye. They dress and paint themselves completely assymetrical during rituals, to symbolize that they are part of both the world of the living and of the spirits.
- Dungeons & Dragons:
- The Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Player's Handbook uses asymmetrical outfits for the iconic characters representing the Bard, the Paladin, the Ranger, and particularly the Sorcerer.
- Agents of the Order of the Emerald Claw in Eberron wear half-helms as part of their uniform that cover the right half of their faces, leaving only an eye-hole.
- Warhammer 40,000: T'au Fire Warriors have an asymmetric helmet with a slightly off-centre lens, while Crisis suit helmets have different antennae and eye sizes. The former also wear a large sode-style pauldron on their left arm.
- Chaos Marines have typically given up on standardisation at some point in their anywhere up to ten thousand years in the home of mad gods and rampant mutations, meaning that it's not uncommon for them to have asymmetric arrangements of limbs, to say nothing of their armour.
- For Susan Hilferty, the costume designer in the Broadway musical Wicked, this was one of the guiding principles for designing for the chorus, intended to give an otherworldly feel to the outfits of the Ozians. In contrast, Elphaba, Glinda and the main characters have symmetrical outfits that make it easier for audience to follow them on stage. It helped win her a Tony Award for Best Costume Design.
- Most of McFarlane Toys' original character designs fall under this trope. One particularly notable example is their obsession with peg legs; for a few years it seemed like every other figure they produced had one.
- Mantax, the Toa Hordika, the Piraka, and two of the Toa Mahri, Matoro and Hewkii, from BIONICLE, had one arm shorter than the other. Lariska, a character not released as a set, had a mechanical arm as the result of punishment from The Shadowed One.
- In the 2015 reboot, Pohatu and the Protector of Stone wear gunmetal-silver armor on their left arms, and Stone-elemental-brown on the right, with varying degrees of aesthetic enhancements like bony spikes or extra armor. Really evokes a desert-punk sort of feel to the pair.
- Bionicle's successor, Hero Factory, seems to have this as one of its signature traits, especially in the early 2011 sets. Nitroblast
◊ is the zenith of this trait, with Drilldozer a close second.
- Playskool's Dressy Kids toys exhibit this. The boy has pants that have a pocket on the right side only. The shoes have a lace on the left shoe and a buckle on the right one. The girl has a shirt with a button on the left side and a pocket on the other. The shoes have a buckle on one side and velcro on the other.
Video Games
- "Solo Wing" Pixy's signature paintjob in Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War. After losing his F-15's right wing and managing to fly it back to base (inspired by a real incident), he decided to paint his plane's right wing red (both the F-15 he uses while being your wingman, and the ADFX-02 Morgan) to celebrate it.
- Advanced V.G.: Satomi's in-game character sprite makes her skirt appear to be even length, with the hem being just above her knees. But as seen in her character ending, it's more like a sarong
, with the hem being much lower, just as in her OVA depiction.
- Assassin's Creed:
- Ezio Auditore da Firenze, protagonist of Assassin's Creed II, has a comparatively subtle example with his assassin attire. Over his left shoulder he wears a half-cape, with the opposite shoulder not similarly covered. His left hand, meanwhile, is bare; his right is gloved. It goes even further than that; the bracer of the first blade is on his left arm, decorated with the Assassin crest, and worn over the sleeve. In Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, the blade on his left arm is silver and with a finish that makes it look like a feather. The second hidden blade's bracer is concealed under the sleeve on his left arm — unless you buy armour — and the blade has a black finish.
- It's worth mentioning that capes like that were in-fashion at the time for people of Ezio's social standing. It's also sensible for someone who does a lot of sword-fighting with his right hand — it keeps the hand protected and the arm free.
- In Brotherhood, Machiavelli's outermost garment is missing a right sleeve.
- Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy: Ryza's default outfit in this game has her wearing a knee-high boot and thigh-high stocking on her right leg only, while her left leg gets just a regular ankle-height boot.
- Baten Kaitos:
- Kalas: born with only one (swan-like) wing, so his grandfather made him a mechanical one to go with it.
- Not to mention Savyna, who wears one thigh-high boot and one regular boot.
- Dr. Steinman from BioShock takes this to a very unsettling extreme with his patients.
- Mad Moxxi from Borderlands is "ragdoll sexy" in her asymmetrical attire, most notably her stockings: one fishnet, one striped.
- Character designer Scott Kester loves asymmetry
in Borderlands character design, leading to Handsome Jack's heterochromia (link contains Borderlands 2 spoilers), and this is particularly obvious in the Vault Hunter designs from 2. Axton has a bandoleer and a rank tattoo to break up any symmetry, Gaige has a variety of punk bits and pieces as well as a bionic arm and knife, Maya has a bare arm to show off her Siren tattoos, Salvador has mismatched ammo belts and holes, and Krieg's arms are different sizes and one is covered in crude metal plates. Even Zer0, a silent, coldly professional killer who's mostly pretty symmetrical, has a "0" painted on his chest in his default skin.
- Character designer Scott Kester loves asymmetry
- DanMachi: Memoria Freese: Many of the event-related Bell outfits are asymmetrical sets of armor. These include Honor Succession Bell
, Outlaw Rabbit Bell
◊, and Sword Unleashed Bell
- At least in Dark Forces Saga: Jedi Outcast, the big bad's apprentice Tavion (seen here being force-choked by the protagonist
◊) wears some sort of leotard with one pant leg.
- Protagonist Kyle Katarn
◊ himself has consistently featured a single reinforced protective pad on his right shoulder (presumably to absorb recoil from the various BFGs he uses and reduce the strain on his firing shoulder, which is also his sword arm) ever since the games went 3D. Manages to look reasonable rather than distracting, probably thanks to averting Shoulders of Doom.
- Protagonist Kyle Katarn
- The flagship Elite Knight Armor from Dark Souls has the left shoulder covered by a metal pauldron, while the right shoulder is covered only by cloth. The gloves are different, with the right one being made of leather and the left one being made of steel.
- Dark Souls III: Some gear is symmetrical, some isn't. For example, the Undead Legion set puts more armour on the left arm than on the right, because the Legion combat style has a parrying dagger in that hand and as such it's going to be in harm's way more often than the one holding the six-foot greatsword. Plenty of other sets have similar philosophies for armouring, with large pauldrons or metal plates on an otherwise low-metal, leather-heavy design, or have a cape that's hung primarily over one shoulder but not the other.
- Dawn: Ash wears a mask that has one horn longer than the other.
- After Dante acquired his Devil Trigger ability in Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening and grabbed Vergil's katana with his bare hand, the next mission's cutscene shows him tearing off half his coat's right sleeve since it had been ripped in the prior fight.
- Dragon Age:
- Armour is asymmetric in the one way that actually makes sense. The left, or shield, side is heavier (more armour plates, bigger pauldron) to facilitate defense, and the right is lighter to increase mobility and make attacking easier but has a heavier gauntlet since the forearm would be vulnerable while striking.
- A look that is inspired by armor for a jouster. Ferelden not exactly being horse country the look is still rather impractical.
- Morrigan's outfit is probably patched together from junk she found in her swamp, but you do have to wonder why she didn't even try to make her skirt an even length.
- Isabela in the second game has light armour on her left arm while her right arm is mostly bare.
- The Champion Armor for the Mage!PC has Hawke's right arm completely unarmored. This allows for full motion for casting spells.
- Armour is asymmetric in the one way that actually makes sense. The left, or shield, side is heavier (more armour plates, bigger pauldron) to facilitate defense, and the right is lighter to increase mobility and make attacking easier but has a heavier gauntlet since the forearm would be vulnerable while striking.
- Dragon Quest IV:
- The female version of the hero wears one left glove, sleeve, and pant leg, while her right arm and leg are bare (aside from a bracelet and her symmetrical boots).
- Nara (or Meena, translation depending) also wears a dress covering only one shoulder.
- Psaro wears only one spiked pauldron on his left shoulder.
- Realistic example in Drakan: Order of the Flame - Two of Rinn's armor, the Chainmail and the Plate Mail, had the left arm armored while the right (sword) arm was unprotected.
- Bao Sanniang
◊ in Dynasty Warriors 7.
- The Elder Scrolls:
- Throughout the series, you can choose to invoke this for the Player Character by intentionally wearing mismatched armor sets.
- Morrowind:
- Morrowind gives you the freedom to equip mismatching pauldrons and handgear, often allowing for some truly egragious results.
- Vivec, the Tribunal deity, is asymmetrical down to his skin, which is the gold of the ancient Chimer on one side and the gray of the modern Dunmer on the other, representing the race's Marked Change thousands of years ago. He also wears mismatched pauldrons, and has a bracer on one arm and the Wraithguard gauntlet on the other (at least until he gives it to the Nerevarine).
- Oblivion:
- Oblivion changes gauntles/gloves to sets while making pauldrons part of the cuirass, Downplaying the options with this trope from its predecessor in terms of armor.
- In the Shivering Isles expansion, Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness, wears a crazy purple-and-yellow suit with twisting designs
so complex it would take another page to describe. This fits in quite nicely with his role as God of Madness. One half seems to represent Dementia (dark, morbid insanity), the other Mania (crazy, cheerful madness). A female version
, seen if a female Champion of Cyrodiil replaces Sheogorath, is less blatant, but has differing patterns on each side of the skirt and different bracers, again representing Dementia and Mania. Later, in Skyrim, it's modified with the gold on one side and the purple on the other
- Skyrim:
- Skyrim downplays it even further than Oblivion, combining more armor pieces while encouraging the player to wear matching armor pieces with perks that increase the effectiveness of a matching set of armor.
- In a few cases, some armor sets are designed to look this way by default, such as the Forsworn and Daedric armor sets
- In Ensemble Stars!, a few of the unit outfits match this (Trickstar's costume features one short pant leg and one long one, while Akatsuki naturally draws from the look of a samurai with one arm out of his robe), but Nazuna is the most obvious case in that he evokes this with his hairstyle - the right side goes down past his chin, but on the left side it's cropped short. Apparently, he cut it this way because his girly appearance made Shuu want to treat him like a doll and was very controlling towards him, so Nazuna cut off part of his hair so he wouldn't fit that image anymore.
- Eternal Sonata:
- Allegretto also has one epaulet.
- Claves wears only one stocking (on her right leg), as well as sporting a claw-like gauntlet on her right arm.
- Extended to ship designs in EVE Online. Very few of the ships are symmetrical, though the amount of asymmetry varies widely, with most Amarr ships being largely symmetrical while Caldari and Gallente designs look like modern art sculptures. A Flame War was started when the developers went back to some of the more outrageously asymmetrical designs and toned them down, such as the Caldari Scorpion being made more like its namesake by mirroring the front fuselage.
- Fallout. One-sleeved leather jackets (Mad Max-style) seems to be the norm. When you finally do find a jacket with both sleeves still on, the game remarks that you might make a fashion statement with that one....
- It's become so deeply associated with Final Fantasy that fashionable asymmetry is now considered the norm with JRPG's. Their outfits tend to be so busy (see picture), you can't help but wonder how long it takes to get into or out of them. How does Lulu go to the bathroom? While people seem to think pretty much entirely Tetsuya Nomura's fault, Yoshitaka Amano's clothing was never big on symmetry either. People blame Nomura because his were the first designs to keep their details in the games. Despite Final Fantasy getting so much flak for this, it's something of a Dead Unicorn Trope, as most Final Fantasy games have perfectly symmetrical clothing. Only FF10 and FF7 have much asymetry, and FF7 doesn't have much, mostly armored bits and shields. Final Fantasy VIII, curiously, tends to avert this, as everyone's clothes are generally practical and symmetrical.
- In Advent Children, Cloud new outfit looks like he's wearing half of a trenchcoat over his uniform — which includes a loose-fitting sleeve over his left arm. Justified in-universe: Cloud's sick with Geostigma, and the sleeve's hiding the sores caused by the infection.
- A few of the sword-wielders in the Fire Emblem games, particularly Ike from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Chrom from Fire Emblem: Awakening, have a single pauldron or gauntlet on their left side, but not on their right. As mentioned earlier, as medieval swordsmen, this has a practical purpose of keeping the sword-arm free while still protecting the off-hand, but in Chrom's case it also shows off the Mark of Naga on his right shoulder.
- Freedom Planet largely opts for ambidextrous sprites instead, but averts that trope and plays this one straight with Milla Basset; she wears a green bracelet and orange anklet on her right side, while wearing an orange bracelet and green anklet on her left (although given she's almost always slightly facing the camera, her right side is her sprite's left side, and vice versa). Special care was given to ensure this asymmetry is consistent for all her sprites, regardless of which direction she's facing.
- Guilty Gear:
- Dizzy has one white and one black wing.
- Also Venom's robe, Testament's coat and Slayer's handker-cape thing.
- Quite a number of characters in Heroes of Mana dress like this.
- In Hidden City, Mr. Black
◊'s outer coat has an extra layer that covers only his left side. It gives his uniform a fancier look, and distinguishes him as the Head of the Security Service and the de facto ruler of the Upper City.
- In all Jak and Daxter games, Jak from wears a single plate of armor on his left shoulder. It presumably protects him from having his friend-turned-ottsel digging his claws into his flesh, though he wore it prior to having a passenger in the parrot pet position. Also almost always part of his outfit are a three-strap bag and uneven goggles.
- Hero, the, uh, hero of Jitsu Squad wears a single golden earring on the tip of his left ear. None on the right.
- In Kingdom Hearts, Terra and Ventus each have a single armored pauldron on their left shoulder. In Terra's case, it also comes with bits of an armored gauntlet, and fingerless gloves. It's functional, though: hitting the pauldron allows them to summon the rest of their armor, which is symmetrical, so it's simply a matter of travelling light, as it were. Aqua has bits of armor on both arms, instead, although hers seem to be holding up disconnected sleeves.
- David Nassau, Marquis of Athlum wears a coat like this in The Last Remnant. One side is green while the other is red, representing the colours of Calapeleis, Athlum's sovereign city.
- In Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja, the title character's tights are full-length on the left, short on the right. There's no apparent reason for this, but there doesn't really have to be — Izuna isn't the type to put much thought into things.
- Kid Icarus: Lady Palutena wears only one stocking, and her left leg wrap is more intricate that her right one.
- The King of Fighters:
- K', protagonist of the NESTS Chronicles, constantly wears a single red glove on his right hand to keep his pyrokinetic abilities in check.
- K9999, who appeared in 2001 and 2002 before essentially getting blacklisted from the series, has a similar single blue glove on his right arm - which is prone to mutating à la Tetsuo Shima. Krohnen in XV appears to have the exact same blue glove, as its paint is now flaking off. This is not a coincidence.
- K9999's Contrasting Replacement Character Nameless, who debuted in 2002: Unlimited Match as a stand-in for his copyright-infringing predecessor, also wears mismatched gloves. The glove on his right arm is black, whereas the one on his left is silver.
- Shun'ei, protagonist of his titular arc, only rolls up the left leg of his jeans. His designated rival Isla also has it - in her case, she wears mismatched socks.
- The Legend of Dragoon:
- The Divine Dragon has 7 wings (3 pairs and a single wing with a stump opposite it). The asymmetry carries into Dart's Divine Dragoon form, and actually gets worse since one arm takes on a likeness of the Divine Dragon's head and neck (this is used for the form's strongest attack).
- Rose's outfit, which shows some leg on one side and Zettai Ryouiki on the other.
- There's also Dart's normal outfit: A suit of chest armor with a fully-armored left arm and hand while he wears nothing more than a simple glove on his right. However, this is a practical norm for medieval swordsman, who would often employ their offhand in some form of defense while leaving their sword-arm free and completely flexible.
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel has Rean and Alisa wearing only one fingerless glove (Rean has it on his right hand while Alisa has it on her left hand) during the summer in-game. The one-shot manga "Link of Hearts case:A.R." reveals that Alisa gave Rean one glove and kept the other as a symbol of their friendship.
- The Legend of Zelda:
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword: Ghirahim's normal form has one Pointy Ear, with the normal rounded ear hidden under his asymmetrical haircut.
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Pikango leaves his left arm and pecs uncovered.
- The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: Thanks to getting a Badass Transplant replacing his right arm with one that has magic powers, Link keeps his right arm, or at least his right hand, uncovered regardless of outfit.
- Maglam Lord has some examples, like Female Killizerk having differently colored stockings and in different lengths (one leg having a visible garterbelt, too) and the Hero Darius only wearing one metal gauntlet while his other hand and sleeve is unarmored.
- Mass Effect has quite a fair bit of this with Shepard's armour. Most notably, a large red stripe traveling down their right arm, a sign that they're an N7. In the first game, the left shoulderpad on a
◊ fair
◊ number
◊ of human
◊ armours
◊ is usually a lot larger than the right.
- Most art of Mega Man (Classic) (and X, Volnutt, etc.) shows him with just one hand in Arm Cannon form. This isn't inherent asymmetry, as he can do it with either hand or even both at once, but he seems to prefer one at a time.
- BowlMan from Mega Man Battle Network 3: White and Blue has a left arm that seems to be composed of bowling balls and a right arm styled after a giant bowling pin.
- In the Metroid series, Samus's Power Suit has a normal left arm, but a permanent Arm Cannon on the right.
- Monster Hunter:
- The gunner armor. Most have heavy armor on the left side, and little to no armor on the right side. Justified in that fighting a giant, fireball spitting wyvern, one would want to protect the side facing the monster, while the little armor on the other side justifies Gunner armor's universally lower defense.
- Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate has Chaotic Gore Magala, a ferocious variant of the original Gore Magala whose process of molting into a Shagaru Magala got interrupted halfway through. As a result, half of its body exhibits Shagaru-like traits while the other half remains unevolved. The armor created from its parts, naturally, evokes the same asymmetry, being divided into two color schemes representing both "halves" of this monster.
- In Nefarious, the armor Crow uses has asymmetric gloves - a normal-sized one on his left hand, and a colossal power glove that shoots grenades on his right hand.
- Pokémon
- The protagonist
◊ of Pokémon Colosseum. Partly justified, as that is actually the machine used to snag shadow Pokémon on his arm.
- This even extends to many species, such as Absol, which has a horn jutting out of the right side of its head, and Sneasel, which has a feather growing instead of its left ear and fangs showing on one side. Some fans dislike the latter's evolution Weavile precisely because it loses the asymmetry.
- The protagonist
- In following with the tradition set in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, all Breen ships in Star Trek Online are asymmetric.
- Jessica from Resident Evil: Revelations wears a wetsuit that leaves her right leg exposed. It looks as impractical as it sounds.
- Mortal Kombat brings us Kano, who has one normal eye and one infrared eye with metal "skin" surrounding it.
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: Big Boss/Punished Snake is shown in trailers and screenshots wearing a fingerless glove on his right hand, while his red prosthetic left hand is constantly left uncovered.
- The Dahaka in Prince of Persia: The Warrior Within seems symmetrical at first, but if you look closely, his horns are twisted in opposite directions. This makes him look even more unnatural and scary.
- In Project × Zone, Original Generation character Mii wears a dress with one shoulder strap. A number of characters comment on it. What's particularly funny is that the strap has fallen off in a couple of her conversation poses, so whenever she talks for any length of time, the strap alternates on and off randomly.
- Puyo Puyo and Madou Monogatari: Arle Nadja's iconic outfit includes the accessory that connects her pauldron on her left shoulder and the breastplate on her left breast. Averted in several Madou games, Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon, Puyo Puyo~n, and 20th Anniversary onward, which typically uses armor that covers both shoulders and/or her entire chest.
- RiME: The boy's outfit is very asymmetrical, with a tunic that only goes over one shoulder and mismatched arm braces and sandals. This is probably because, at the time the boy died, he was wearing a red raincoat, and while he was falling overboard, his father tried to save him—but only managed to grab one of his raincoat sleeves that ended up torn off in the process, leaving his clothes asymmetrical.
- In Roots of Pacha, Jukk's a fashion designer who wears an earring only on his right ear, but it doesn't detract from his style.
- Maeda Keiji from Sengoku Basara, who is rather eccentric to say the least, wears an almost completely asymmetrical outfit
◊ that would make any Final Fantasy character proud.
- Skies of Arcadia largely averts this; almost every outfit in the game is symmetrical. The only major exceptions are Vyse and Drachma's eyepatches, Drachma's (weaponized) bionic arm, and Aika's left-hand glove, which she uses to prevent her giant boomerang from taking her arm off when it returns.
- Soul Series:
- Nightmare/Siegfried reaches new heights of this in Soul Calibur 2; one of his alternate costumes is his partially corrupted self, missing most of the armor but still having the giant monster-arm, one gold (pupiless) eye and one blue eye, and having a raised arc of flesh identical to the arm across his shoulders. Note that one arm is bigger than the other because that's the arm Soul Edge possessed, which is why it's different from the rest of his body. Ditto with the eye. It's not fashion, it's plot-related!
- Certain costumes from Talim and Xianghua include leggings of different lengths.
- The fifth patch for Spore has allowed asymmetrical creatures, costumes, and vehicles. Whether the creations are fashionable depends on the viewer.
- Velvet from Tales of Berseria, with one armoured leg, the other almost completely bare, and mummy wrappings on her left arm but not her right.
- Rita from Tales of Vesperia has one a long boot and white stocking on one leg, and a short boot with a red-and-yellow striped sock on the other leg. She even gets a costume where she wears a long black pantaloon-thing (held up by what appears to be half a garter belt) on one leg and merely a shin-high red stocking under normal black shoes on the other. The really asymmetrical part, though, is that her pantaloon is on the leg that's usually bare, and her bare leg is the leg that's usually covered by her long stocking. It's honestly kind of disorienting if you've been using her original costume all game.
- Team Fortress 2: Engineer wears one welding glove on his right hand, unless the player is using the Gunslinger or Short Circuit, which replaces the glove with a mechanical hand. Sniper also wears just one fingerless glove on his left hand.
- In the pre-release beta-designs, the Engineer, the Spy, and the Medic all wore their class symbols on an armband on their left arms.
- Starting with Tekken 6, Devil Jin wears one black shoe and one red shoe to match the flame design on his pants.
- Evan Bernard from Time Crisis 4 wears only one glove and a jacket with no shirt underneath.
- Touhou Project:
- Nue Houjuu has her wings. Her right ones are red and look metallic, and her left ones are blue and look more like tails.
- Prior to her, Reiuji Utsuho was rocking her control-rod-right-arm and concrete-encased foot.
- In The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, Javíer gives Clementine a new haircut, with a single ponytail pulled to one side rather than the two symmetrical ponytails she sported before. She has the option of criticizing the style, but keeps it throughout The Final Season.
- Warframe: While Kuva Liches have their general appearance at the whims of the game's generation, they'll always have be wearing a pauldron on their left shoulder that their right shoulder lacks. This pauldron is actually a helmet... the helmet of the Warframe that created them.
- Wells: George M. Wells wears a shoulder pad on his right side.
- The Kilrathi in the Wing Commander series are noted for their disinterest in symmetry and aesthetics in general. This is carried over subtly with their ship design, especially after Armada was released.note
- In A Witch's Tale, Liddell wears one striped stocking and one purple one with holes in it.
- The (now removed) Herod of the Scarlet Monastery dungeon from World of Warcraft was quite memorable in design for three reasons - a Spin Attack accompanied by him yelling "Blades of Light!", inexplicably not wearing a shirt while otherwise being fully-armored in mail armour and a full-face helmet, and wearing an enormous shoulder-pad on his right-side
◊. Since that time, the model for Herod's one-sided shoulder guard has been re-used as a piece of heirloom gear you can buy for your alts, and at least one single-shoulder piece of leather armor has been added that players can purchase in Pandaria.
Visual Novels
- Galaxy Angel: Forte wears her hair cut diagonally, making it slightly longer on the left side.
- Katawa Shoujo's Hanako wears her hair to cover just the scarred side of her face.
- SHUFFLE! has Asa, who has one long lock of hair on her left side which she ties together with a brown band.
- Tavern Talk:
- Zephir wears black fingerless gloves on both hands, but he also wears a fishnet glove on his right hand and dark gray armbands on his right upper arm. They just add more to their roguish look.
- Quasar's right pauldron is of a lighter shade of green than the rest of his armor, but it adds more to his chiseled appearance.
- Trapped with Jester: As can be seen here
, the right side of Jester's hat, sleeve and pant leg is red, while the opposite half of each is blue. His right sleeve end is black and lacks a cuff, while his left sleeve has a white cuff. The left half of his vest is red and longer than that of the blue right half, and they're adorned with black and white diamonds, but only in the upper-right and bottom-left quarters of his vest. The red and blue pieces that dangle from his shoulders are longer on the right side than the left.
- Several characters from Consolers. Nintendo wears a side ponytail, Capcom wears a gi with one ripped-off sleeve, and Square Enix has non-symmetrical belts and zippers all over.
- Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures: Regina
has one skeletal wing which she hasn't regrown because she thinks it "looks cool"; Clan Leader Taun
's ceremonial armour covers her left arm completely, but leaves her right arm completely bare; Quoar
and Abel
are heterochromatic, considered a good omen; and Cindy
has a third eye on the palm of one hand, apparently as a result of her parents being exposed to too much magic.
- Ashley of El Goonish Shive typically wears her hair in an off-center ponytail.
This helps establish her as a bit of a quirky oddball.
- Robin of Eureka Seven: Paradox Makers, wears a hi-tech combat suit that is blue on the left side and red on the right side. It represents water and fire, two elements that oppose one another.
- Maxim, the Bishōnen Jäger from Girl Genius, wears a glove and a spiked shoulderpad on one side.
- In Gunnerkrigg Court, Sir Eglamore's armor
has a single, very large shoulder plate, with an attached cape.
- Kevin, of Kevin & Kell, has one ear that flops down and one that remains vertical (he's a rabbit). A theory was given in the strip that it had to do with having one parent with each ear type. However, his sister Danielle does not have this oddity (both her ears are straight). It also varies as to which ear does which (explained by the cartoonist in the FAQ as being based on which looks better in that panel).
- Last Res0rt:
- Daisy Archanis and her one bionic leg.
- And in bonus material (and at least one commission), Jigsaw has at least one outfit that's long-sleeved on one side... and a series of askew straps on the other. Points for color-coordination, though.
- Magick Chicks: Part of the Artemis students' uniform includes an asymmetric breastplate, which is likely a homage to the goddess of the hunt, for whom their school is named.
- MS Paint Adventures:
- The Demimonde Semigoddess of Problem Sleuth.
- Homestuck's Sollux Captor
. He even has heterochromia to match his shades.
- Equius, Vriska, and Kanaya all have mismatched horns (although Equius' ones were once symmetrical, as a flashback shows). Vriska also counts thanks to her robotic arm and Eyepatch of Power.
- Fefetasprite and Erisolsprite don't just have mismatched horns, they also have mismatched cheeks. They're both fusions of an aquatic troll and a non-aquatic troll, and as a result have one horn from each troll and a gill structure on their right temple but not their left.
- Our Little Adventure example: The uniforms for the followers of Angelo's Kids look this way. Angelo himself wears a pimped out version that makes him look like a mashup of Super Dave, Michael Jackson, and someone from Kingdom Hearts.
- In The Order of the Stick, Pompey is a half-elf. This is represented by his having one Pointy Ear (and no ear visible on the other side, since elves are the only characters drawn with ears).
Web Original
- Hallritt of Fragaria Memories wears a white left boot with red laces, and a red right boot with white laces and a golden bow.
- In Noob, Nostariat's first dress is entirely black on one side and yellow on the other.
- Many of the characters in RWBY go for this look. Just with protagonist examples, Yang has mismatched socks and a one-sided Lady Legionnaire Wear, Weiss wears a long ponytail off to her right side, and Blake has a detached sleeve on one arm and a ribbon wrapped around the other. Justified by the explanation that Remnant's culture is quite big on individualistic fashion quirks; this is also why people are named after colours.
- Alador from Wolf Song: The Movie has his fur bilaterally split down the middle, with one side black and the other moderate grey, as well as 3 patches of the opposite colour on each side of his face under the eyes. He is also the most kindhearted character in the entire movie
Western Animation
- Arcane: Characters from the Undercity wear more eclectic outfits, clearly cobbled together in sharp contrast to the neat symmetry of topside Piltover.
- Avatar: The Last Airbender:
- Halfway into book three, Aang salvages his damaged robes into an over-one-shoulder look, and even his belt is off to one side.
- Jet has a larger piece of armor on one shoulder than the other.
- The Mechanist has several marks in one eyebrow and High-Class Glass on the other.
- Molly Coddle from Bump in the Night wears only one stocking, has mismatched arms, and lacks eyelashes on one of her eyes.
- Code Lyoko: Yumi's Lyoko avatar in season 4 is a bit asymmetrical, with a shorter sleeve on one side, a buckler-like bracer, one stocking different from the other, and sakura petals on her thigh.
- On another continent, Venger from Dungeons & Dragons (1983) has the one-horn thing going.
- In the late-1990s/early-2000s French animated series Fantômette, this is the civil fashion of the citizens of a futuristic Paris. For instance, the mayor wears half of a normal suit, sleeveless on its left side; the heroine's Secret-Keeper journalist friend wears a blue bowtie and a large burgundy necktie across the left side of his white shirt.
- Wilt, of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, has one wonky eye, and one arm waaaay shorter than the other. This is explained in the season four TV movie, and in the pilot he mentions it may freak people out.
- As was the case with his trading card, Split Kit from the Garbage Pail Kids Cartoon wears asymmetrical clothing to go with being Two-Faced and having good and bad halves. His good side wears a blue and white striped shirt, a yellow jacket, blue jeans, and a sneaker, while his bad side wears a tattered black shirt with red spots, a leather jacket with a patch depicting a red skull on the shoulder, black pants with a hole in the knee, and a black boot that has cleats.
- The Snake Armour from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2002), though "fashionable" is arguable; it looked daft. Given it was armour, one has to wonder why half of it appears to be missing...
- Many of the fashions in Jem and the Holograms are this way, especially for the Misfits. You can blame the '80s.
- Kim Possible:
- Shego's supervillain outfit is a harlequin-dazzle pattern of black and green. Her heroic Team Go brothers wear similar outfits, with blue, violet, or red instead of green.
- Kim herself originally sported a belt with a pouch on her right side. In Season Four, when she updated her mission clothes, she added a utility pouch strapped to her right leg.
- Betty Director of JG wears an eyepatch over one eye. Not because she lost an eye (on occasion she has lifted her eyepatch, revealing an undamaged eye) but because it looks cool.
- Auriana from LoliRock with her huge side ponytail. Several of her outfits also have asymmetrical sleeves, often leaving one shoulder covered and the other exposed, and her Minidress of Power has one strap on the right and two straps on the left.
- Discord from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic features body parts that can be identified as being from many different animals, all to go along with his general theme of chaos and, you guessed it, discord.
- The Trishas from Rated A for Awesome are identical except for the fact that they're mirror images of each other. One has a single earring on her left ear and her hair parts to the right, while the other has a single earring on her right ear and her hair parts to the left.
- Star Trek: Lower Decks: In "Cupid's Errant Arrow", when Ensign Brad Boimler requests that the computer analyze the coolest people in Earth history and replicate an outfit based on that criteria, the jacket it generates is half bomber jacket, half leather jacket, and he also gets a pink boot for his right foot and a green shoe for his left.
- Star Wars Rebels:
- Quite a few characters dress like this. Kanan wears duelling armour that covers one arm and shoulder. Sabine's armour has an asymmetrical paintjob, particularly the pauldrons. Chopper's legs are different shapes and colours, as one has been replaced with the wrong model. Ezra has a guard on one leg, a wrist unit on one arm, and later scars on one cheek.
- The wardrobe changes the main characters received in Season 3, however, changed some of this — Kanan and Ezra's new outfits are now symmetrical, save for Ezra's previously established wrist comlink and their weapon belts.
- Garnet of Steven Universe has some level of asymmetry in all of her different outfits as part of her Duality Motif. Through every form she has three eyes, each a different color:
- For her first one we see, her right leg and left shoulder are crimson, while her left leg and waist are brown (which leads to less crimson appearing on her lower body overall); furthermore, her star symbol (which manifests on all of the Crystal Gems' clothes) makes up the right half of her chest, with the remaining portion spilling onto her right shoulder.
- Her second makes the pants divided vertically, but still different color tones. Eventually she starts wearing a differently colored ring on each hand, which are her component parts' wedding rings, and stay with future forms.
- Back when Greg met Rose, her outfit was mostly symmetrical, but had a zigzag/partial star pattern on her shirt.
- Garnet when Ruby and Sapphire first fused—she's a mishmash of blue, red, pink, and purple, with odd holes and totally asymmetric patterns manifesting on her clothes. Even her hair isn't evenly split—the right half is pure blue, while the left is mostly pink with splashes of blue throughout.
- Her form at the end of the series is almost entirely symmetrical except for her waist cincher being different colors on the left and right.
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: In the 2000s animated series, the Shredder's wrist-worn blades are on one hand only.
- Teen Titans (2003) villain Slade wears a mask that is black on one side and orange on the other, and has only one eye (because Slade himself is missing an eye, in an incident only detailed in the comics).
- Grune from both ThunderCats series is an anthropomorphic saber-toothed cat with only one fang.
- A number of Transformers have transformations that give them asymmetrical robot modes, but some are asymmetrical just to be stylish even though their transformation does nothing to prevent symmetry, including all of the Transmetals 2 from Transformers: Beast Wars.
Real Life
- This has shown up from time to time in world fashions, periodically disappearing and reappearing in different forms. Examples follow:
- In Europe and America during the 1870s it became common for skirts to drape asymmetrically. Note that the silhouette was still symmetrical, but the details were not — for example, there might be an upper layer of skirt that hangs more to one side than the other, but the skirt itself was the same width and length on either side.
- Even today, slit skirts and evening gowns are generally slit on one side only, ensuring they stay close around the legs.
- Asymmetry was very popular in the later years of The Roaring '20s and in part of the early Thirties. These styles included uneven hemlines like the handkerchief hem, which zigzags from long to short, and skirts that ranged from knee to mid-calf length at the front and ankle to floor length at the back; both of these skirt styles were to mask the recessive hemlines that would mark the silhouette of The '30s. (These "handkerchief" and "high-low/waterfall/mullet" skirts in some ways were re-popularized during the late 2000s and early 2010s.)
- Aside from skirts, hats on one side, necklines that plunge from turtleneck to navel deep territory, and waistlines via bias cut were all the rage in 1930s silhouettes.
- From 2010 to 2012, asymmetrical styles were in vogue for both everyday and formal wear, which included single-sleeved tops and skirts with uneven hems (either longer on one side than the other, or longer in the back than the front). This has affected both everyday fashions and evening dress, primarily in the demographic of women and girls age preteen to mid-twenties. By 2013 onwards, asymmetrical fashions, save for waterfall skirts, were pushed back to only cocktail and evening wear before disappearing in 2015; asymmetry also focused on hairstyle as some fashionable women donned sidecuts. Asymmetrical fashions made a resurgence in 2018 with one-shoulder blouses popping up in the spring.
- Doublet sleeves and stockings of different color were common in medieval and Renaissance periods (well, at least for those who could afford such clothes)— the style was called "mi-parti". The colors of city or ruler's arms were sometimes reflected in the coloring of guards' livery. With two colors involved, the whole livery could be divided along the longer axis of the body, or the livery could be cross-colored (i.e. right arm and left leg in one color, left arm and right leg in the other).
- In the first half of the 17th century, it was fashionable for upper-class English and French men to wear a 'cloak' resembling a jacket draped over one shoulder, as can be seen in this
◊ engraving of a fashionable man from behind.
- A lot of cultural clothing (e.g. in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa) tends to be asymmetrical, due to being made of one piece of cloth that is wrapped or tied around the body.
- Side-ponytails, single earrings, etc. are all examples of this trope.
- Side-parted hairstyles invariably are this trope.
- Any garment with an odd number of pockets will play this trope straight, as placing the unpaired pocket at the midline of the body is awkward in front and inaccessible in back.
- In Europe and America during the 1870s it became common for skirts to drape asymmetrically. Note that the silhouette was still symmetrical, but the details were not — for example, there might be an upper layer of skirt that hangs more to one side than the other, but the skirt itself was the same width and length on either side.
- Hallmark of fashionable ladies' eveningwear throughout the Noughties — from about 2000 to 2010 the red carpet showed gowns with some sort of asymmetric neckline- draped over one shoulder, one diagonal strap, one sleeve, etc.. The 2011 Oscars were the first in years not to feature this heavily, but the styles in stores still have this trend going strong.
- Monocles, which as their name indicates are worn over only one eye.
- Sometimes there are more practical reasons for asymmetry, since the object worn is actually a tool rather than simply an accessory of article of clothing, so having more than one is unnecessary:
- Wristwatches. One is fashionably asymmetric, two will net you weird looks. Three would be overkill.
- Often, people with mobile phones or similar devices have cases with clips on them, allowing them to attach the phone case to their belt or pocket. More often than not, people clip their phones on the left/right side and nothing on the other side. Unless they have two phones for some reason.
- The Loupe
, essentially a wearable magnifying glass worn on one eye like the Monocle, used for precision work, often associated with jewelers and watchmakers.
- Clip- or strap-attached canteens, first aid kits, snakebite kits or fire-starters are commonly worn on one side of a hiker's belt or backpack.
- Very much the norm for belts in periods before pockets, as few people would carry more than one belt knife or pouch at a time.
- Many people have clothing of unusual cuts or asymmetrical patterns to hide physical deformities. Hairstyles can apply for facial (or back-of-the-neck) coverage. Of course, many don't bother.
- Some gangs wear their identifiers on one side of their body. For example, the People Nation identify on the left. They might wear earrings on their left ear or roll up their left pant leg.
- Urban bikers (and the Hipsters that imitate them) will roll up one pant leg to keep bicycle grease from accidentally getting on their jeans.
- Mounted combatants' armor often had asymmetrical pauldrons, which helped them brace lances. Whether or not this is fashionable is left as an exercise to the reader.
- Further, lots of styles where one uses different weapons in each hand (sword + shield for instance) would have the armor or protective elements take the weight and defense needs into account. For example, Roman legionnaries would only wear a shin plate on the left shin, as that would be the one exposed to the enemy.
- Archers have one shooting glove for their string arm to keep their fingers from getting cut by the bowstring when they draw, and a bracer for their bow arm to keep it from getting cut by the bowstring when they release.
- Modern fencing apparel includes a padded "plastron" to protect the armpit and ribs on the dominant side, and a single glove on the sword hand, while some jackets are also made to an asymmetric design. Add the fact that fencers tend to be asymmetrically built for extra effect.
- Spartans who displayed cowardice in battle were marked by having half of their beard shaved. It was legal to beat up any man you found with a half beard.
- Little Miss Matched.
- Automotive designer Luc Donckerwolke loves to include a bit of asymmetry his cars, most notably in the Lamborghini Murcielago which features a larger than normal intake for its oil cooler on the left side (compared to the smaller brake duct on the right) as well as an asymmetrically designed dashboard.
- The AMC Pacer used to have asymmetric doors. The left door was longer than the right door.
- The 2nd and 3rd generation Nissan Cubes have an asymmetric rear window that wraps around one side of the car but not the other. (It might be an attempt to minimize the driver's blind spot.)
- Minivans used to have only one rear door, to save on production costs.
- Scion's original concept for their second-generation xB had two "suicide" doors on the left and a single sliding door (as in, front passenger door) on the right.
- Lady Fiddler crabs find male crabs that have ONE claw much, much larger than the other one to be fashionable as the males use them to compete for females, by waving in the air and fighting with them.
- One species of Japanese snake feeds exclusively on snails, which requires an asymmetrical mouth. One of its curved lower jawbones has peg-like teeth to grip snail shells, while the other has hook-like teeth to penetrate inside and drag out the tasty contents.
- Flounders, plaice, and similar bottom-lying flatfish start out life symmetrical, but become asymmetrical as they grow up. One side of the fish becomes smooth and colorless, the other textured with camouflage-patterns, and one of its eyes shifts from the plain side (which normally rests on the seabed) to the colorful side.
- The wrybill is a small shorebird from New Zealand with a distinctive beak that curves to the right. This adaptation is believed to let them extract aquatic invertebrates from beneath stones more easily.
- Tattoos. People that get a tattoo on a shoulder, arm, or leg usually don't get a tattoo on the other side. Or they get a different one on the part. Not to mention yakuza tattoos are amazing works of art that may not match on both sides as part of the design.
- Along the same lines, jewelry. Aside from earrings, it rarely comes in matched pairs. Wearing identical bracelets on both arms is actually more common in cartoons and video games (where symmetrical character designs mean one less thing for animators to keep track of, and allows for shots or cels to be recycled by flipping them) than real life, at least nowadays.
- Subverted by the Blohm & Voss BV 141, a World War II German tactical reconnaissance aircraft. It is notable for its uncommon structural asymmetry. Although the Blohm & Voss BV 141 performed well, it was never ordered into full scale production, for reasons that included the unavailability of the preferred engine and competition from another tactical reconnaissance aircraft, the Focke-Wulf Fw 189. But mostly because it was just too … asymmetrical.
- Another airplane example, the Rotan Boomerang
, was actually designed the way it was to avert asymmetry, namely thrust asymmetry after the loss of one engine.
- Inverted by the extinct Devonian plant taxon of zosterophylls, which had stems, leaves, sporangia, and internal vascular structures that were always bilaterally symmetrical. All other known plants are asymmetrical, sprouting off branches, roots, and leaves either in non-symmetric patterns or in whichever direction they can collect more water or sunlight.
- Gucci, an Italian high fashion house, has many sneaker designs with asymmetric coloring on the back. Some are red on the left, green on the right
, and others are red on the left, blue on the right
- Uniforms, such as those worn by soldiers or policemen, may be mostly symmetrical, but the insignia and decorations on them will often not be, with certain types of insignia typically having specific places they are required to be worn. For example, on the US Air Force uniform, it's common for any occupational or qualification badges to be worn on the left side of the uniform, along with any decorations or medals, while the right side will typically only have their nametag. Unless of course, they are a unit commander, in which case they will have a special insignia worn over their nametag.
- Ship design typically favors symmetry, with a ship's superstructure and weapons typically lined up with the center of the ship. For most weapons systems, this means being able to engage enemies to either side of the ship with equal ease. One very common exception is the Aircraft Carrier. Launching and recovering aircraft is easier with a wide open flat flight deck running the length of the ship. Coordinating flight deck operations, as well as operating the ship, is easier with a command center in an elevated position which can see the entire ship. Hence, aircraft carriers will almost always feature the ship's superstructure sitting along one edge of the ship. On many designs, even the flight deck is asymmetrical
, with the runway itself being offset to allow aircraft to land while other aircraft are staged for takeoff without being in the way.