Foreign Cuss Word - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Jun 14 2007

Foreign Cuss Word (trope)

Stop being such ​​eine Zicke, Asuka.

Chandler: I walk into a room, and he won't even talk to me. He just mumbles something in Italian. And I know he only knows the bad words.
Joey: [later to Chandler] Va fa Napoli, ah! translation

The use of foreign curses that, in their country of origin, would be considered much more offensive to use on television or outright censored. Sometimes the pronunciation is deliberately mangled to obscure it even more.

Compare Pardon My Klingon, Insulting from Behind the Language Barrier, Unusual Euphemism, Did Not Do the Bloody Research, and Foreign-Language Tirade. Sometimes an adjunct of Poirot Speak. Often a way of Getting Crap Past the Radar. May occur during an Emotional Language Shift.


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Anime & Manga 

Japanese media likes to use Gratuitous English, including gratuitous English swearing, because it sounds cool to Japanese ears — even though the swearing can sometimes be rather strong to English ears. Sometimes they even use English swearing gestures like Flipping the Bird as an expression of general displeasure, even in works for younger audiences. Localizers, knowing that wouldn't fly in the Anglophone world, will often edit the fingers out, which is understandable.

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion:
    • Asuka, being German (kinda), gets a few German words, many of them curses. In the manga (both in Japanese in English), the first word out of her mouth is "Scheiße!" Her English voice actress speaks German with some degree of fluency, giving her even more German lines in the dub that are periodically peppered with German swearing.
    • The eighth episode's Japanese voice track has the antagonistic UN admiral saying a clearly audible English "shit" to his second-in-command before continuing in Japanese. It's present in the German subtitles as well.
  • Zatch Bell!: Ensemble Dark Horse Victoream regularly uses the phrase "very shit" on a show generally targeted at a younger age group. It's generally translated for American audiences as "very bad".
  • Hetalia: Axis Powers is about Nations as People, who sometimes get frustrated in their native languages. It's even more prominent in the dub than in the original Japanese.
    • Early in the series, Italy is sent back to Germany in a box with "Fuck" written on it. The ones who sent him in that box were America and England.
    • Romano (South Italy) has thrown out an occasional "Che palle!"
    • The first line of The Movie is Iceland saying "Oh skít"
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:
    • Joseph Joestar's favorite English lines are a Big "OMG!", a big "holy shit!", and a big "son of a bitch!" To be fair, he is actually American.
    • Koichi's Stand Echoes ACT3 has a few English swears in its repertoire:
    • The English dub of Golden Wind, being set in Italy, includes a wide selection of Italian profanity.
  • Genshiken has a scene where an Occidental Otaku compliments Ogiue on her Yaoi doujinshi in English — and in graphic detail. The manga blurred out the words, but the anime had outright English dialogue about how awesome it was when the guys started butt-fucking.
  • In the Japanese Sonic X episode 2, Sonic shouts "Shit! Let's go!" when he is detected by security in the top-secret military base Area 99. Right in front of Cream, no less. The English dub obviously changed the line.
  • GaoGaiGar episode 26, Mic Sounders the 13th lets out a "Shit!" while dodging missiles.
  • In Girls und Panzer der Film, after being stalled and stymied, Kay (leader of the American themed team) pushes her periscope away with a loud cry of "Shit!" in English.
  • Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt uses this trope quite liberally:

    You fatherfucker!

  • In Black Lagoon, Revy is a total Cluster F-Bomb, despite not being bilingual — she just thinks the English "fuck" sounds cool. She tends to say it more when she's upset than when she's actually trying to curse (those tend to be onomatopeiae).
  • Oreshura has Fuyuumi's Secret Diary, read aloud for the audience in her voice, in which she curses with "Shit!" several times. She never actually says it out loud, though.
  • Michiko of Michiko & Hatchin has a foul mouth, but given the setting, a stylized version of Brazil, the dub has her occasionally swear in Brazilian Portuguese (such as calling a stripper a puta or "whore").
  • Lt. Surge, an American character, cursed in English in both Pokémon Zensho and the Japanese version of Pokémon: The Original Series, the latter of which gave him a loud "Goddamn!".
  • Dragon Ball Z:
    • In the German dub, Perfect Cell lets out a very well-pronounced "OH SHIT!" when about to get hit with Vegeta's Final Flash.
    • The Danish dub used "shit" a lot, including in the aforementioned scene. Hercule/Mr Satan also says "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" when he thinks Majin Buu is going to kill him.
  • Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: Tohru calls Takiya a "stultus" — Latin for "idiot" or thereabout — for trying to seduce Kobayashi (or at least that's what Tohru thinks).
  • My Hero Academia: One of All Might's first lines of Gratuitous English is "shit". Strangely, he's also fond of dramatically shouting "Oh my goodness!".
  • In Chio's School Road, Chio gets a message from an English-speaking opponent in a video game. Turns out it's the C-word. She doesn't know what it means, and has to run it through a translator before going ballistic. Oddly, both the original word and the translation are shown on screen, sort of defeating the purpose.
  • 3×3 Eyes has Mei Xing, a Chinese girl, using her mother language to deliver an insult back at an older classmate for her previous racial slur.

    Morgan: Well? Say something!!
    Mei Xing: (smiling) Uhm... Hundan! ("Asshole!")
    Morgan: What?
    Mei Xing: Uh, nothing...

  • Gina Boyd in How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift? is Russian, and often swears in her native tongue when frustrated about something. A specially common one is "Blyat!" which is roughly the equivalent of "Fuck!" in English.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh!: Pegasus in the Japanese version uses a lot of Gratuitous English, and during his duel against Yugi in the Duelist Kingdom finals, he says "Shit!" and "Goddamn!" when the latter is gaining the upper hand against him.
  • Chainsaw Man: When the young girl Nayuta is upset over Public Safety briefly kidnapping her, she demands Denji tell the man responsible "fuck you/fakkyū". The English version makes her line "eff off".


  • Played With in a sketch by German comedian Didi Hallervorden, in a prisoner gets a visit from his wife (or girlfriend) while Didi plays a chaperone who will honk a horn and take away points any time they get too lovey-dovey or obscene. This gets pretty ridiculous, and the prisoner protests. Then:

    Didi: What's your name, anyway?
    Prisoner: Slotchkovsky!
    (Didi honks twice and takes four points)
    Prisoner: What was that for now?!
    Didi: Do you think I don't understand Polish?!

Comic Books 

  • During the early run of New Mutants, Sunspot got away with swearing by doing it in Portuguese. This continued in the original run of X-Force, both for Sunspot (in Portuguese) and his teammate Rictor (in Spanish).
  • Colossus from the X-Men would sometimes swear in Russian in his early appearances. The word would even be written in Cyrillic characters to obscure it further. His favorite was "chyort vozmee...!", a relatively mild "the Devil take...!" Nightcrawler would similarly sometimes shout "zum Teufel!" ("to the Devil!"), but often with hilarious misspellings.
  • Victor of Runaways once used the Spanish curse word cabrón and when he was turned to speaking binary, the first thing he said was "WTF"?
  • Characters in Nikolai Dante frequently exclaim "Diavolo!" when surprised or annoyed.
  • In Maus, at one point, Art and his father Vladek are speaking in Polish with English subtitles. Art's father swears, and the Polish contains the actual word (choleranote ) but the English subtitle simply says "@#%$!"
  • Julie Doucet's best-known comic, Dirty Plotte, has a strong French swear word (the French equivalent to the C-word) right in the title.
  • In one issue of The Simpsons comic, Homer starts swearing while trying to repaint a room and gets wrapped in wallpaper. His kids notice that he's running out of curses, and throw him a Chinese phrase guide, whereupon he starts cursing in Chinese characters.
  • Played with in Asterix: the Speech Bubbles never show anything dirtier than Symbol Swearing, but footnotes sometimes explain which ancient language this is supposed to represent, like "Gaulish insults we refuse to translate" (though there is at least one instance of "owl swear words"note ).
  • In The Magicians: Alice's Story, the legendarily crass Professor Mayakovsky uses far more Russian expletives than he did in the original novel: in his introduction alone, he dismisses the student magicians' achievements with "eto vsyo huynya!" note  and calls Quentin a "mudak." note  For good measure, he caps off his... introduction to the dreaded final exam by remarking "eto mnye do huya." note 
  • The Boys has Stormfront call The Female "Fotze", which is the German equivalent to the c-word.
  • Laika: As Mikhail's friends leave him and go off to play somewhere else because he exploded at them, they mutter, "Zhopa!" and "Sobakin sin!" (Russian for "ass" and "son of a dog").
  • Legion Of Superheroes: During The Great Darkness Saga, Jacques Foccart at one point says "merde", which is French for "shit".

Fan Works 

  • In The Bridge: Humanity's Stand, Sasha and Alexis Kardainovsky call the kaiju Agon “Pizda!” note  as Cherno Alpha punches it in the face.
  • The CSI: NY fic "Wrong Place, Wrong Time" has Mac overhearing Stella swearing in Greek after she was slightly injured and the hospital wanted to keep her overnight for observation.
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion fanfic writers love to make Asuka swear in German:

    "Gott damn you, you snotty fucking blue-haired prig!"

    • In Advice and Trust — for example, in chapter 6, when she is unfairly detained and put in solitary confinement, to which she expresses her displeasure very, very loudly:

    "Verfluchtes Arschloch! Kommandant Ikari ist eine Idiot! Ich werde mit meiner EVA auf seinem Haus herumtanzen! Zum Teufel mit euch allen!" ("Damned asshole! Commander Ikari is an idiot! I'm going to dance with my EVA on top of his house! To hell with you all!")

    • In The Child of Love, at the end of the first chapter –- and at other times — Asuka exclaims "Scheisse!" ("Shit!").
    • In Children of an Elder God, Asuka resorts to swearing in her native tongue when she gets angry:
      • In episode 4, an Angel rips off her robot's hand (and Asuka feels it as if it was her own hand). Her answer?


      • In an omake, an Asuka action figure says "Gott in Himmel!" if you squeeze her chest.
    • In Evangelion 303, Asuka uses them every so often. "Scheisse" is a popular one, although she used a variant in chapter 3 ("Heilige Scheisse").
    • In HERZ, Asuka swears in German a lot. "Scheisse" is fairly often used.
    • In The One I Love Is..., Asuka and Rei are having a very heated argument, and at one point Asuka yells: "Du... du Hure!"
    • In Neon Metathesis Evangelion: Gottverdammt, Verfickt, Arschloch, zur Hölle, and everything else.
  • Red Fire, Red Planet:
    • Chapter two has Ensign Kate McMillan's fiance, who's from Quebec, drop a "Merde" when his supervisor interrupts their video call to demand he get back to work.
    • When the listening post spots the Bird-of-Prey IKS Hegh’QeDp after it destroys the shuttle, Crewman Sherazi's remark is "Kiopek oghlu", Azerbaijani for "son of a bitch".
  • The Discworld fics by A.A. Pessimal do this a lot. Characters from Rimlands Howondaland use voetsaak!, among other things, when grievously provoked. Zlobenians use Govno! almost for punctuation. Quirmians resort to Merde alors! when feeling a need. And so it goes... the author appears to take a delightfully scatalogical glee in getting round FanFiction.Net's restriction on profanity by putting most of it in foreign.
  • "Aen'rhien Vailiuri" has Lieutenant Commander Jaleh Khoroushi cuss out her CO, Morgan t'Thavrau, in Farsi after she kills an unarmed Kazon prisoner. According to this, her "Kire asbe abi too koonet!" translates to "hippo's cock in your ass". There's also "lanat bar sheyan", an equivalent of "Oh, my God".
  • Irishman Chet Kelly uses a string of what his colleagues realize are Gaelic swears in the Emergency! fic "O is for Outdoors" when he finds out his temporary replacement at Station 51 was a lot more of a dirtbag than he first realized. Chet says he learned the words from his immigrant grandmother.
  • A Good Compromise features swears in Ukrainian ("povna sraka radoshchiv", literally meaning "ass full of joy" and equivalent to "clusterfuck") and Spanish (the all-purpose insult "pendejo", as well as "Que puta tu madre!"note ).
  • Jones from Twelve Red Lines being a Canadian, often utters sacre when she gets stressed. Her favourite swears are Merde, Tabarnak and Osti d'épais de marde.
  • Don't Say Goodbye, Farewell has a couple instances of Finnish swears from Eleya's friend Captain Jarkko Mäkinen.

    Eleya: Keep [the Orions] off me, Jarkko!
    Jarkko: (over radio) Don't tell me how to do my job, El! You focus on that helvetin huoranote , let me deal with the little vitutnote !

    • And later, after Jarkko gets a medal:

    Jarkko: Tämä on perseestänote , isn’t this typical. I get two medals because I’m too dumb to dodge properly, and you save the day and get reassigned to someplace behind God’s back.

  • In I've Got Your Back, Marina curses a blue streak in Octarian when Pearl tries to disinfect a gash on her chest with hydrogen peroxide, with the implication that the pain was terrible enough to drive Marina to swear.
  • As Kara puts it in Supergirl (2015) fic Future Shock, Kryptonian curses are just better.
  • In Dynamite for the Quarry, Gina loses her temper with 'Arry and Bert and proceeds to give them a scathing Italian rant filled with profanity, although she refuses to tell Percy just what she said.
  • A Song of Silk and Saplings: Rosha, an Africanized honey bee originally from what used to be Brazil, swears liberally in Portuguese.
  • A Taste of Magic:

    Parvati: Like you're little miss perfect! One time she mixed the salt and the sugar and our gulab jamun were salt balls!
    Padma: You're the one that used all the strings for the dolls and Papa and the uncles couldn't restring any of their instruments!
    Parvati: You didn't stop me and those were our dolls, you kutiyanote !

  • The Dragon and the Butterfly:

    Mirabel: Our family is incomplete without him. Hiccup is a wonderful boy, in so many ways. If you can’t see that…then…then vete a la mierdanote !

Films — Animation 

Films — Live-Action 

  • The Bourne Identity: Marie says "Scheiße" (German for "shit") often, usually when she gets caught in the crossfire between Bourne and the CIA.
  • In an old 1950's war film, The Thousand Bomber Raid, an American actor playing a British pilot calls a friend "toss-pot". While the word's original meaning was "drunken idiot" and might still have been used in that sense in the 1940's, in modern times it is more often employed as a variation of "tosser", so it was probably an "under the radar" word for the scriptwriter.
  • In The Matrix Reloaded, The Merovingian likes to swear in French, claiming "It's like wiping your ass with silk." What he says to demonstrate this is "Nom de Dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé de ta mère", which literally translates to "name of God of the whore of the whorehouse of shit of sluttery of an idiot of (someone receiving anal) of your mother", which might be Woolseyised to something like holy damned bullshity fucking motherfucking shitting son of a bitch. French allows you to just tack on curse word after curse word with no real grammar involved — it works particularly well for French Canadian swearing.
  • In The Shape of Water, Elisa boldly signs "Fuck you" to Strickland, knowing that he can't read sign language. When he starts angrily asking Zelda what Elisa is saying, Zelda translates it as “Thank you” so Elisa won’t get in trouble.
  • This bit from the Jesus from The Big Lebowski, used in a This Is for Emphasis, Bitch! sort of way: "Let me tell you something, pendejo."
  • Young Frankenstein. "He would have an enormous schwanzstucker!" "Schwanzstueck", literally means "tailpiece" in German and doesn't mean anything itself; "Schwanz" on its own is a slang term meaning "penis," similar to "dick."
  • Similarly, Johann Krauss' "Suck my ectoplasmic schwanzstucker!" at the end of Hellboy II: The Golden Army.
  • Titanic:
    • Some of the background characters swear in Swedish. "Jävla helvete, det är vatten på golvet!" ("Bloody hell, there's water on the floor!")
    • Fabrizio swears in Italian several times.
  • Bon Cop, Bad Cop has a little lesson about the usage of the word "tabarnak".
  • Peter Stormare delivers a line of curse words in Swedish in The Lost World: Jurassic Park. "Helvete. Helvete Jävlar. Fan!" Translates to something like "Hell. Bloody hell. Damn!"
  • In Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Napoleon attempts bowling. When he rolls a gutterball (the force pitching him onto his face), he repeatedly shouts, "Merde! Merde merde merde merde merde merde!" which is helpfully subtitled, "Shit! Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit!"
  • Austin Powers:
  • Every French Canadian remembers Justin Timberlake's highly unsuccessful attempt to say "tabarnak" in The Love Guru.
  • In the Get Smart film, the Russian farmer who goes to check on who crashed into his barn is swearing pretty profusely. In fact, most of the Russian phrases were ad-libbed by the actors. On the other hand, the farmer couple who sees Max and 99 in a Ferrari do not say "holy shit", as the subtitles suggest but merely blin (literally "pancake"; as a cuss word, close to "darn"), which is pretty mild.
  • The Hispanic agent in Balls of Fury calls a bad guy a pendejo.
  • In JFK, during the scene when Willie O'Keefe recalls the night David Ferrie explained the plan to assassinate Kennedy after a party, one of the exiled Cubans calls Khrushchev hijo de la gran puta (son of the Great Whore). Arguably, the worst insult one can say in Spanish. Yet, some official hearing-impaired subtitles tone it down, translating it as "bastard".
  • Tuco shouts two similar Spanish curses in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. First, when being carried tied-up into town, he shouts out "¡Hijo de puta que te parió!" ("Son of the bitch who whelped you!"). Then, when Blondie abandons Tuco in the desert, Tuco yells the big one: "¡Hijo de una gran puta!" ("You son of a big whore!").
  • Subverted in the 1948 film I Remember Mama. Little cousin Arne, the son of Aunt Sigrid, is in the hospital after surgery for a fractured kneecap. When Uncle Chris comes in to visit, he teaches Arne what he says is a Norwegian swear word: "dumme gjet." (His explanation is that the swearing helps ease the pain. Off the back of some recent research, that's Truth in Television.) When a shocked nurse upbraids him for teaching a kid to swear, he informs her that "dumme gjet" actually means "stupid old goat."
  • In Bunraku, Yoshi says the Japanese equivalent of "shit" when he realizes he's surrounded in the bar. Unlike the rest of the Japanese in the movie, it's not subtitled.
  • In the Bedazzled remake, Brendan Fraser's character's first wish is to be powerful and married to his Love Interest. The Devil, being a Literal Genie makes him a Colombian drug lord. Besides suddenly speaking in Spanish, he also finds out that his character speaks Russian when dealing with some Russian dealers. When he figures that out, he curses in Russian.
  • In The Bobo, Peter Sellers' wandering musician character, looking for his big break, plays a song to an unenthusiastic theater owner, who critiques him with "As they say in France — merde."
  • The Swedish film Fucking Åmål (also known by its English title Show Me Love) has a pretty obvious English cussword in its title.
  • In the first National Treasure movie, Diane Kruger plays a character of Saxony German origin (a nod to the actress' own nationality). When she is kidnapped by the heroes after they steal the Declaration of Independence, we get this exchange:

    Ben: We did everything we could to keep [the Declaration] safe.
    Abigail: Verdammt!note  Give me that!
    Ben: You know something? You're shouting again.
    Riley: Pretty sure she was swearing, too.
    Ben: Well, we probably deserved that.

  • Used several times in Scarface (1983):
    • "'Cause you've got your head up your culo [Spanish for buttocks], that's why."
    • "Coño" (Spanish for cunt) is said 15 times.
    • "Last chance, pendejo [Spanish for motherfucker]!"
    • "Maricón" (Spanish for faggot) is said twice.
    • "I'm no fucking criminal. I'm no puto [male prostitute] or thief."
    • "¡Quieto! ¡No te muevas, cabroncito!" (Spanish for "Stop! Don't move, you little motherfucker!")
  • In The Secret of Roan Inish, Grandfather tells Fiona the story of his great-grandfather, Sean Michael, which is depicted on screen. At one point, the schoolmaster publicly humiliates Sean Michael for speaking Irish in school, so Sean Michael attacks him while screaming at him in Irish. The viewer never learns what exactly he said (and unlike some examples of this trope, it's not something most viewers would recognize), but judging by Grandmother's reaction, it wasn't something Grandfather should have been repeating in front of a child.
  • Surprisingly, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets revealed that Parseltongue included one such phrase—specifically, its word for "open" sounds exactly like the Maltese for "he fucked a lettuce leaf". No kidding.
  • According to the cast of The Hobbit, most of the Khuzdul they learned consisted of curses to throw at their enemies. None of which are subtitled.
  • In Easy A Olive is suspended from her California high school for saying a British swear word. She doesn't want to tell her parents in front of her little brother, so she spells it out in Alpha-Bits (t-w-a-t).
  • In Paws Samantha tries to solve Alex's clue to where the money is hidden, which seemingly involves Gratuitous French. When she deduces that it's referring to the racetrack, where everyone else is involved in a Hostage for MacGuffin exchange, she says, "Merde!"
  • In Color Me Perfect, Dina studies French from a tape. When her cassette player starts acting up, she mutters, "Merde."
  • In Lost & Found (1999), Lila angrily throws her ex-boyfriend out of her apartment, yelling"Connard!" (French for "motherfucker", "shit head ", or "asshole"), after coming out of her bathroom and finding him stark naked in her living room (she dumped him and moved to California because of his frequent cheating).
  • In Robin Hood (2010), in the middle of a conversation in English, King Philip of France cuts himself opening an oyster and promptly reverts to French for swearing. His French is not subtitled at this point, whereas a polite exchange in French the very next minute is.


  • In The Alice Network, Lili mostly curses in French.
  • A minor (but suitably irritating) character in Joseph Heller's Catch-22 is named Scheisskopf (his wife being the lovely Mrs. Scheisskopf). At several points later in the book, the name is translated directly back to "Shithead" (although a word meaning literal shithead does not exist in German).
  • It used to be common for translators of bawdy works in Latin or other romance languages to leave steamier passages in the original language, so that they could only be read by "gentlemen":
    • Older Than Radio: Stephen Jay Gould reported that the only reason his father mentioned to study Latin was to translate the passages in Kraft-Ebbing's Psychopathia Sexualis (1886).
    • A bit later, the Loeb edition of Suetonius's Twelve Caesars had a page or two of his biography of Tiberius left untranslated. They were the pages about his rumoured debauchery on the island of Capri. This was corrected in later printings, since newer translations generally include the passage.
    • Latin has an astonishing variety of dirty words, and being a highly inflected tongue, this makes it uniquely suited for invective (insult-comedy) poetry, at which Catullus was legendary. Catullus 16 is so explicit that it wasn't fully translated into English until relatively recently; the opening line loosely translates as "I'll jam it up your ass and down your throat", but any translation loses the true flavor of the original. (Though one interpretation, "I'll sodomize and Clintonize you", does rise to the level of a decent Woolseyism.)
    • Liddell and Scott's Liddell and Scott Greek-English Lexicon (first published 1819, still the standard dictionary for Classical Greek) frequently gives sexual meanings in Latin. One of the great joys of taking Latin is to read literary masters call their critics or rivals "donkey-brained shitheads".
  • There's a book about Japanese street slang and insults with the title Zakennayo — while you might hear it on TV sometimes, it's not something you'd display prominently in a bookstore. Translations range from "Don't screw with me!" to "Fuck off!" Japanese swearing is weird; while the literal translation is simply "Don't joke with me", the original phrase is "Fuzakeruna yo!", which says the phrase in the least polite way possible, and mangling the pronounciation makes it even ruder. It's that kind of language.
  • Dave Barry's column "Europe on Five Vowels a Day" gives three "idiomatic expressions" commonly used by foreigners, with translations. "Ach du lieber!" and "Caramba!" are both translated as "Darn it!", which in the first instance is actually a subversion (the phrase is innocuous, translating as "Oh you dear", and would really require a masculine noun at the end to be complete). The French phrase "Zut alors!", however, is translated as, "Look! A lors!"
  • Vivian Vande Velde's Companions of the Night has its leading man muttering "merde" several times under his breath. Several times all in a row.
  • Dale Brown is fond of making characters drop into untranslated, say, Gratuitous Russian oaths.
  • Ernest Hemingway made extensive use of this in For Whom the Bell Tolls. The Spanish-speaking characters have their dialogue written in awkwardly literal English, but expletives appear as "muck" and "befoul" and even "obscenity" ("Go and obscenity thyself"). However, when the Spanish is left untranslated, it's "mierda" (shit — noun), "cagar" (shit — verb, as in "take a shit") and "joder" (fuck — both the verb and the interjection) all the way. A particular favorite is along the lines of "Me cago en la leche de tu puta madre": "I shit in the milk of your whore of a mother". Pretty forceful — although the snowclones leave something to be desired. ("I shit in the milk of their airplanes!")
  • The Dark Elf Trilogy: Done in-universe by Drizzt Do'Urden, when he taunts some stone giants by saying "Mangura bok woklok" which is "Stupid blockhead" in stone-giant language.
  • Played with in The Ship Who Sang: one character, angry with another, spends a straight ten minutes yelling angrily at him in Russian. After he's left the room, suitably cowed, she admits that what she's really been doing was just reciting one of her grandmother's recipes... in Russian.
  • Maya's Notebook: The driver coming to pick up Maya overhears her yell Fucking dog!. Since he doesn't know English, he assumes she is calling out to her dog, not trying to shoo away a friendly stray, and tells her that there is room in the truck for her dog, "Fákin". Maya just brings the dog with her and Fákin ends up becoming her Canine Companion.
  • Discworld:
    • A character from Far Überwald (Discworld's "Slavonic" countries) shrieks Bodrozvachski zhaltziet! at a time of great stress. Terry invented this as a piece of pseudo-Slokian which means nothing in any known Slavonic language, but which conveys all the sulphurous intensity of real Polish or Russian swearing. In fact, the Czech translator of his books left the cod-Slavonic in place, but went so far as to make the character voicing this oath into an explicit Russian, adding the explanatory footnote that cultured Czech readers would instantly know that only one race on this planet swears like that.
    • Rincewind the Lovable Coward... er, Wizzard, is known to have a command of Latatian (Latin to us Roundworlders), and once when urged to come up with a battle cry, used "Stercus, Stercus, Stercus, Morituri Sum", or "Shit, shit, shit, I'm gonna die."
    • The Fifth Elephant has an In-Universe example with the Dwarfish slur "Ha'ak". An exact translation is not given, but it seems to be an extremely offensive word for openly female dwarfs. Case in point, when a dwarf says the word to Cheeri Littlebottom, Sergeant Detritus points the Piecemaker at the offender and declares that he does not want to hear that word again.
  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Life, the Universe and Everything has a joke about an award being given for the "Most Gratuitous Use of the Word "Fuck" in a Serious Screenplay". For the US edition, though, the censors didn't want such an explicit "fuck", so Douglas Adams adapted a bit from the radio series about "Belgium" being the single most offensive word in the Universe — allowing him to throw another jab at Earth for being so ignorant that it named a country after it.
  • In The Quantum Thief Mieli swears like a sailor at times, in the author's native tongue, Finnish.
  • In I Can Get It For You Wholesale by Jerome Weidman, Harry confides to Meyer that "Teddy Ast is a big schvantz." ("Schvantz" is Yiddish for "cock.")
  • Star Trek: Federation has Jean Luc-Picard remark, "Sacre merde" ("Holy shit") upon finding out that the chunk of Borg ship they just acquired from the Romulans has an artifact of the Preservers inside it.
  • The Dresden Files: Storm Front has a bit in Bob the Skull's introductory scene where Bob grumbles something in Old French, "though I got lost when he got to the anatomical improbabilities of bullfrogs."
  • Zoe Durant, born in Montreal, occasionally busts out a torrieu in the Ahriman Trilogy.
  • In The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, the banditos tell the protagonists: "Badges, to god-damned hell with badges! We have no badges. In fact, we don't need badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges, you god-damned cabrón (bastard) and ching' tu madre (fuck your mother)! Come out there from that shit-hole of yours. I have to speak to you." Most of this tirade was famously reused in the film version, but not the cussing in either language.
  • Harry Turtledove often uses these in his books, mostly in Yiddish. This is interesting, considering that the English words in his stories include Cluster F-Bombs, the C-word, and racial slurs that include the n-word.
  • Sard Harker, set in South America, includes characters saying some pretty hair-raising things in Spanish, which remain untranslated even when the rest of the conversation is rendered in English.
  • A minced version in Small Medium with necromancer Vaffanculo. While his name is recognized by native Chase as swearing (or rather, she doesn't realize that Thomasi isn't swearing when calling for him), it's implied that out of universe, it was meant to get by the censors by sounding like a generic fantasy name.

Live-Action TV 

  • An episode of the words-and-numbers game Countdown saw a contestant assembling a seven-letter word out of an unpromising letter selection. The word spelt voetsak was accepted by adjudicator Suzie Dent, who explained it's a loan-word from Afrikaans which has entered South African English[note  and means, roughly, something like "Go Away!" or "Buzz off!". Viewers pointed out she was perfectly correct, the phrase almost means "Go Away!" or "Buzz off!".
  • A Small Light: A stressful moment has Otto Frank yelling out Scheiße, which is German for shit.
  • Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters features Kendall saying "Oh, shit!" in English on two occasions (the 17th and 22nd episodes, specifically).
  • Firefly has extensive (and generally mispronounced) swearing in Mandarin. One wonders if the surreal effect this must have on native speakers of Mandarin is responsible for the show being completely unheard of there. Whoever wrote the DVD subtitles didn't even recognize it as Mandarin: anything more than a few words is rendered as [SPEAKS GALACTIC LANGUAGE].
    • The novelization for the film actually translates the swears in footnotes.
  • British curses abound in Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
    • Giles often uses obscure British slang terms, whose true meanings few Americans would know, but which generally sound like insults in context. Some of these have highly vulgar origins; for instance, Giles uses "berk" as an insult, which comes from the Cockney rhyming slang "Berkshire Hunt".
    • Spike often used less-than-polite British slang, including the memorable "We band of buggered" (parodying the St. Crispin's Day speech "we band of brothers") as well as frequent "bloody"s and "sod off"s. A shot of him giving the two-fingered British "up yours" gesture in one episode actually ended up as part of the Title Montage in later seasons.
  • Desi Arnaz, on I Love Lucy, using the French (not even his native Spanish) equivalent of "pregnant" (enceinte) when the English word was unacceptable for broadcast.
  • Star Trek:
    • Captain Picard of Star Trek: The Next Generation has let slip a "merde" at least twice, in "The Last Outpost" and "Elementary, Dear Data." He also swore up a storm in Klingon in one episode. Even the visiting Klingon passenger was impressed (swearing being something of a respected art-form among Klingons).
    • Star Trek: Voyager: In "Scorpion", the holographic Leonardo da Vinci says "Che chazzo", which translates to "What the fuck?" in Italian.
    • On Star Trek: Picard, Captain Rios tends to curse in Spanish, saying things like "malparido" (bastard) and "puta madre" (son of a bitch).
  • Leverage
    • In the pilot, Sophie calls Nate a "wanker" when he shoots her after she shot him when he tried to arrest her. Not a problem on American TV, but not a word that can be broadcast on British television before the watershed. The literal meaning is "someone who masturbates", although it's more generally used in Britain to mean a stupid or unpleasant man.
    • In "The Two Live Crew Job" the Israeli muscle for the opposing team throws out a quick "Kus shel ha ima shelha" at the team leader. Generally used as a "Fuck you" equivalent in Israel, the literal translation is "Your mothers cunt".
  • In the pilot episode of Lost, Sawyer (a Southern redneck) accuses Sayid (an Iraqi) of having caused the plane to crash. During the ensuing fight and argument, Sayid calls Sawyer "Ibn al-Kalb", which is Arabic for son of a bitch.
  • One episode of Stargate SG-1 features a very surprised Russian soldier saying "Bozhe moi," which is (inaccurately) translated by the DVD closed captioning— not the subtitles— as "Holy shit." SG-1 is notable for being a show that wasn't afraid to take advantage of its cable heritage and let a "shit" hit the fans now and again.
    • For reference, the actual translation is "My God." Same basic exclamation as in English.
    • In Stargate Atlantis, Dr. Radek Zelenka is played by David Nykl, a Czech Canadian who speaks fluent Czech. (The character was originally supposed to be Russian, but when Nykl auditioned and told the creators he could speak Czech, they quickly changed the character's background to match the actor's, more or less.) Word of God says only about half of Zelenka's Czech lines are scripted, and Czech fans have confirmed that not only is there a lot of uncensored swearing, he sometimes breaks the fourth wall.
  • LeBeau of Hogan's Heroes occasionally speaks French (it helps that the actor actually is French). What he says then is not particularly offensive; it's mostly colloquial French, with a dose of argot, but there are one or two expressions that would not have been aired on 1960s French TV.
  • Late Night with David Letterman did a bit where a woman shouted out obscenities in Finnish. On stage. Uncensored. In reality, however, none of what she said was actually obscene, but relatively mild insults delivered in a tone that suggested very offensive content. Apparently they would have still had to bleep the bad words out had there been any, so they settled for what they could get away with.
  • In Cutie Honey: THE LIVE, the character Duke Watari is noticeably fond of screaming out "SHIT!" whenever he gets upset about something.
    • Similarly in Soul Eater Free sometimes yells "GODDAMN SHIT" after messing up.
    • Swing Girls has a cute high school girl shouting "Shit!" as she misses her stop on the subway. In subtitled anime, the Japanese word for 'shit' (kuso) is often translated as 'damn' for American audiences because of the similar usage.
  • Married... with Children's Peggy comes from Wanker County, Wisconsin (IIRC).
    • It's also her maiden name. In one episode she meets an old classmate or similar, who even goes so far as to greet her as "Peggy Wanker, no need to thank her".
  • In the last episode of the first season of Heroes (and then again in the first episode of the second season), Hiro says something in Japanese that is subtitled only as "&%#* ".
  • Subverted in Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide — in "Guide to-Bad Habits", Moze tries trash-talking he volleyball opponents in Dutch (but not really) to avoid getting penalized for foul language. The referee turns out to be Dutch (wearing wooden shoes in a school gym!) and penalizes her anyway.
  • Air Crash Investigation: In "Pilot vs. Plane", the pilot audibly shouts "Merde!" right before he crashes his plane into a forest.
  • Botched regularly in Friends, by Joey. He says "Va fa Napoli!" (which roughly means "Go to Naples!", in Italian), when he actually he meant to say "Vai a fare in culo" ("Go do it in the ass", or, less literally "Go get fucked in the ass").
  • Malcolm in the Middle has Lois' ambiguously foreign co-worker shouting "chaluzmerack!" when the store is held up.
  • In the Russian medical show Interny ("Interns"), the American intern Phil Richards speaks Russian very well but will occasionally swear in English. Of course, most Russian know what "shit" means but don't consider it to be as offensive as equivalent Russian swears.
  • Top Gear (UK) is fond of letting non-English speakers express themselves. The best example was probably the Top Gear vs. D-Motor challenge, where the Germans were cursing with great passion. English subtitles were provided that made them sound like an English granny in a very mild snit.
  • In the Covert Affairs episode "Begin the Begin", Annie has to protect an Estonian asset, who, upon getting shot at during a car chase, launches into a string of what are presumably profanities in Estonian, given that Annie responds, "You have some mouth on you."
  • In the fifth season premiere of Mad Men, Megan, Don's new French Canadian wife drops a rather brilliant "... calisse." Any French Canadian will immediately recognise this as an absolutely perfect Precision F-Strike as well.
  • An August 1973 telecast of Match Game '73 had the question "Jack's ________ fell asleep at the movies." Bert Convy's response was "arse." Richard Dawson took Convy's response card and tore it up.
  • Played for Laughs in the Korean drama Faith (aka The Great Doctor). The titular doctor gets angry at an aristocrat and insults in English.note  Later, he gets sick, and they think she put a curse on him. It gets so prevalent that her saying "Red Cross" is enough to get three fully armed men to back off.
  • There's at least one season one CSI: NY episode where Stella was apparently cursing in Greek, although there's no translation given. Also, an antiquities smuggler cursed at her in Greek while attacking her in a subway stairwell in "The Cost of Living." No translation is given there either.
  • Burn Notice:
    • In "Old Friends", Michael says something in Czech to a Czech assassin sent to kill him after punching the guy in the throat. The subtitles translate it as "WELCOME TO MIAMI ASS***".
    • One of the series' minor running gags is the fact that despite being born and raised in Miami, Michael doesn't speak Spanish. Twice in "Enemies Closer" he has to have text messages in Spanish from a dead Latin gangster's phone translated for him, resulting in first Larry, then Fiona telling him, "He called him a pendejo. That's like 'idiot' but ruder."
  • On My Name Is Earl, Earl persuades Catalina to visit Joy in the Camden County Jail. The two women quickly get to trash-talking each others' appearances. Catalina remarks on the scar on Joy's belly, thinking it's a C-section scar. Joy tells Catalina it's not a C-section scar, it's where her prom date stabbed her which he was paid to do by Liberty, Joy's half-sister and lifelong rival, and that she birthed both of her children naturally. Catalina replies, "Then I guess your gatito is as saggy as your breasts!"
    • On the other hand: In two episodes, Catalina flings a tirade at Joy, seemingly cussing her out in Spanish, but really thanking bilingual viewers for watching.
  • The Wire: The Greeks call Ziggy Sobotka "malaka"—Greek for "wanker." At first he doesn't understand what it means, but he quickly figures it out, and he comes to hate it.
  • In the Murder, She Wrote episode "A Death in Hong Kong", Emma (France Nuyen) is driving and has a near miss when a bus driver tries to cut in front of her, causing her to exclaim "Puk gai ya!" She says it's an "obscure dialect". It's actually Cantonese for "shit", "asshole/bastard", or "go to hell!" depending on the context.
  • One episode of Law & Order: SVU has a gang banger say "I'm no maricón" when Stabler insinuates that he was having a same-sex relationship with the Victim of the Week. Maricón is Spanish slang meaning "faggot".
  • In the Inside No. 9 episode "La Couchette", Jorg drunkenly yells "verpiss dich!" ("fuck off" in German) at Kath and Les when they tell him to get out of Les's assigned bed.
  • Interview with the Vampire (2022):
  • In the German show Mama ist unmöglich, one kid says "This is shit" in English, but is interrupted when she attempts to give a German translation.
  • The second episode of Documentary Now! chronicles the efforts of several teams of journalists at an organization parodying VICE media to find a Mexican drug kingpin known as El Chingon—"The Motherfucker" (albeit in a complimentary way) in Mexican Spanish.

Multiple Media 

  • BIONICLE: "Go to Karzahni" is commonly heard.
  • On the LP Monty Python: Live From Drury Lane, the Cocktail Bar sketch has four businessmen. John Cleese is reading the Times:

    Cleese: I say, it was in page 8...Nixon's had an arse hole transplant.

    Michael Palin: Y'see they stopped press there. The arse hole rejected him.


  • Richie Kavanagh's song "Aon Focal Eile" — a hybrid English-Irish song about a teacher teaching Irish. She said 'Aon focal, dá focal, trúir focal, eile' — and I not knowin' no focal at all. Translated to English means, She said 'One word, two words, three words, another' — and I not knowin no word at all. The humour is from the fact that "Focal" (an Irish word meaning "word") is pronounced "Fuckal". Sing along, children.
  • Many of Korean rapper PSY's singles are epitome of this. Just listen to his debut single Bird again.
  • Frank Zappa's "Stick It Out" has a section in German that's absolutely full of curse words. It's a rather aggressive solicitation for sex (with some ... unusual phrases, such as "magische Schwein"note ) followed by an English rendition.
  • As Eminem was not able to do his signature raised middle finger on most of his TV appearances, he liked to substitute it with the British obscene V-Sign - not considered obscene in America, but just as rude in the Commonwealth. On his Commonwealth TV appearances, where he couldn't do either, he would substitute it sometimes with the metal horns or a peace sign.

Professional Wrestling 

  • Many televised airings of professional wrestling have the wrestlers get away with stuff in promos simply because it is in a foreign language, such as Homicide in TNA or Bullet Club in New Japan. The former even got this turned into an angle when it turned out Dixie Carter was unaware of the type of language he'd been using. However, the World Wrestling League bleeped out foreign cuss words on their program from the very start, even when not accompanied by subtitles.
  • Germany based westside Xtreme wrestling likes English cuss words, though the fans are more often offenders than the wrestlers.


  • One memorable example comes from the musical version of The Producers, in the number "You Never Say Good Luck in Opening Night," which features the phrases "Merde" and "Vaffanculo", which are swear words in French and Italian, respectively.
  • In the play "A Gulag Mouse" the Russian characters all speak English - except for the curse words, which are all in Russian.
  • The "Vaffanculo" variant "Fongool" is used by Rizzo in Grease in the song "Look At Me, I'm Sandra Dee". The 2016 remake replaces it with "Be cool".
  • In Hamilton, the Marquis de La Fayette says "Tell the King 'Casse toi!'" "Casse toi" is a French expression roughly equivalent to "fuck off." "Casse toi" also addresses the king as a peer, not as an authority figure.
  • In The Cat and the Fiddle, Odette and Victor swear in French when in a rage.

Video Games 

  • In God Hand, Elvis is inherently fond of swearing in Spanish in a regular basis. Most notable in the battle quotes, "Time to play, pendejo!"note  "¡No hablo inglés, cabrón!"note 
  • In Resident Evil 4, the Spanish-speaking Ganados use strong language often, and since they are untranslated the ESRB didn't address them for the game's rating in the original Nintendo GameCube version (they did in subsequent ports). In fact, the first words said by the first Ganado Leon meets roughly translate to "What the fuck are you doing here? Get out of here, asshole!"
  • Funny variation in the first Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Parts of Manella's dialogue is internet slang and leetspeak, and he therefore gets away with exclaiming "WTF!".
  • Scarface: The World Is Yours has Tony and some of his enemies liberally dish out the Spanish. They have no problems with using English as well, though.
  • In the Wii Punch-Out!!, various boxers who are walking national stereotypes speak foreign languages. Great Tiger tells Little Mac (in Hindi) to do what translates to suggesting he go back to his mommy's milk, while Bald Bull asks (in Turkish) if Louis (Mac's Trainer) is teaching Mac how to get spanked.
  • Gratuitous English-loving Date Masamune of Sengoku Basara shouts words like "shit" and "goddamn" quite often in-game.
  • In Team Fortress 2, the Spy has "Oh, merde!" (shit) as one of his angry one-liners. The Medic will also call his enemies "Schweinehunds" (pig-dog; generally equivalent to "bastard" or "mongrel", though the plural form is "Schweinehunde").
  • Grunty, the German mercenary from Jagged Alliance, often exclaims "Scheisse" (Shit) when he spots an enemy. Another mercenary, Ivan, also swears in Russian. (Then again, in the first two games, he only speaks Russian.)
  • Final Fantasy XIV of all things seems to love doing this; the Gridanians have been effing and blinding with British expletives. Bollocks, arse, shite... In voice acted scenes, characters are given vaguely to strong British accents as well.
  • Tear, the fairy half of Recettear's main Odd Couple, mumbles "merde" whenever she gets exasperated.
  • Soul Series:
    • In Soul Calibur II, Yoshimitsu says a few Japanese curse words, which are also used in the original Japanese version... Only when directly translated, however. Due to Japan's lack of common curse words, it's just as take in Japan.
    • In Soul Calibur V, when Ezio fails a throw, he sometimes mutters "Cazzo" (basic Italian swearword, literally meaning "dick").
  • In the 2005 game The Warriors (based, of course, on the 1970s cult classic film), while the New York "tough-guy" characters cuss a blue streak anyway (just as in the movie), there is also some untranslated Spanish when the characters take a side trip to Spanish Harlem, and some of the Puerto Rican expressions would be even more offensive than what is normally heard in the game were they to be rendered in English. Two examples are "Me cago in tus madres" ("I shit on your mothers") and "puto" (used repeatedly, and a very offensive name to call any male, since its connotation is somewhere between "bitch" and "faggot.") Note
  • Used frequently in the Grand Theft Auto games which feature communities foreign to America: they (mostly Hispanic) swear in their home language (it's easier to hear whenever you cause a traffic accident), but other languages are not exempt (Portuguese-speaking players are guaranteed to get a laugh in Grand Theft Auto IV when they hear a driver — very rare thoughnote  — yelling "vai tomar no cu, filho da puta!", which means "get fucked in the ass, son of a bitch!").
  • Interesting case in Tales of the Abyss: Asch often calls Luke "dreck" as a placeholder title and insult. The word is indeed uncommon, but not completely unheard of in North American English and it was likely brought over from the German language where it carries the meaning of "trash" or "inferior goods", hence Asch's usage of the phrase. However, the original Yiddish version of the word, predating the German use, is much stronger and harsher.
  • Assassin's Creed
  • In the Telenet Japan game Sa-Zi-Ri (only a Japanese version of which was released), one of the bosses yells "Shit!" when defeated.
  • In Max Payne 3, most of the Enemy Chatter consists of Portguese cuss words. You can expect to hear "Filho da puta!" —which roughly translates to "Son of a bitch!" — quite a lot.
  • Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater has EVA say "Fuck you" in English to Volgin in the original Japanese. The English dub, having to contend with three syllables of lip-flap, toned it down to 'go to hell'.
  • In the Japanese release of MOTHER 2, one skater dude in Fourside who offers you items will say "Goddam!" to you in katakana if you refuse to buy. This was predictably, though bizarrely, Bowdlerised in the EarthBound (1994) localization to "Mod-boy Jerk!"
  • Wind Child Black gives us two - Alexia, a gypsy girl, occasionally drops 'nenorocutule' note . And then there's Ecchi, an immortal snake woman who speaks what is basically Portuguese, and is INCREDIBLY fond of dropping 'maldito' and 'foda-me' note .
  • The various Triad characters in Sleeping Dogs (2012) are quite fond of "puk gai". The subtitles translate this as "asshole", which is not a literal translation but gets the intent across.
  • The Secret World:
    • Normally preferring to speak English peppered with Latin quotes, Arturo Castiglione reverts to his native Italian when he loses his temper, screaming "che cazzo!?" note  over the course of a frustrating phone call.
    • Dr Anton Aldini frequently lapses back into Swedish in moments of excitement, at one point demanding to know what you've sent him with "Nämen vafaan?" note , and later referring to Mary Shelley as a "Förbannade horan!" note 
  • Control (2019) has the Finnish Almighty Janitor Ahti. His English isn't particularly clear either but his Finnish lines are on a whole other level of filthy.
  • In the western versions of Mario Party and Mario Party 2, Wario exclaims "SO EIN MIST!" (roughly "Oh, Crap!") when something bad happens to him. The Japanese versions simply had him (and Luigi) say "Oh my god!" in the same situations.
  • Paradise Killer has Grand Marshall Akiko 14, who spends a large portion of the game insulting Lady Love Dies in Romanian.
  • The third male voice for The Boss in Saints Row 2 will sometimes curse in spanish. Particularily, if using the Flipping the Bird taunt he will yell "Chíngate!" note 
  • Arknights: In the English version of Guide Ahead, an incensed Fiametta yells "Pedicabo ego te et irrumabo" during her final confrontation with Andoain. This phrase, taken from an infamously vulgar ancient Roman poem, translates from Latin as "I will sodomize and skullfuck you". Earlier in the same conversation she also tells him to "I in malam crucem", or to crucify himself.
  • Far Cry:
    • In Far Cry 4, many NPCs, from civilians to the Golden Path and Royal Army, can be heard swearing in Hindi/Urdu profanity, including "kutti" (bitch) and "maderchod" (motherfucker).
    • Far Cry 6 features a variety of Spanish profanities, but is especially fond of "comemierda" (shit-eater).
  • Dragon Age: Origins: Sten is a Qunari — member of a non-human species not native to Ferelden — and so occasionally intersperses his speech with Qunlat (the Qunari language) interjections. For instance, if you add him to the roster from the party selection screen, he'll acknowledge it in Common (read: English), but if you then remove him again, he'll react with an irritated "Vashedan!" — Qunlat for "crap", a common expletive.
  • Red Dead Redemption 2: When Bronte is cornered and his gun malfunctions, he yells out "Oh, cazzo!" ("Oh, fuck!" in Italian) before throwing it at John.

Visual Novels 

  • In Aviary Attorney, one can encounter such obsceneties as "merde" and "fils de pute" instead of "shit" and "son of a bitch". Which is somewhat strange, considering that the events take place in Paris and the characters are supposed to speak French the whole time.
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice combines this with Pardon My Klingon. The language of the fictional Asian country, The Kingdom of Khura'in, has a word "Pohlkunan". According to Maya, it's used to refer to people who are "a real piece of work, so to speak". It's used constantly throughout the game, including the entire Khura'inese courtroom gallery chanting it at Phoenix.
  • While not a proper curse, the title to the English-language visual novel Katawa Shoujo is similar. "Katawa" is considered a derogatory term in Japan.
  • A Little Lily Princess: If the route of Sara's French maid Mariette in the one followed in the post Riches to Rags part of the story, Mariette turns out to still be in London, allowing for a few encounters. Upon discovering that Sara was Made a Slave in all but name by her former Boarding School, Mariette responds with a bunch of French words that, according to the narration, Sara can't directly translate but can easily guess the general meaning of.


  • The Dreadful: Erin's final words are "Leck mich."note 
  • The Drow of Drowtales use every normal English swear word, from the F's all the way to the B's and C's, but they most frequently use the insulting 'Mother-killer'; their culture places heavy importance on matriarchy, so someone who kills their own mother is seen as the worst kind of person.
  • Girls Next Door:
    • This is only one example, as Christine uses these more or less regularly, as does Javert and occasionally Erik. Less flowery things like "Merde" are trademark of the French characters in mother series Roommates too.
  • The mostly sweet-natured French-Canadian DiDi of Ménage à 3 rarely resorts to vulgarity in either of the languages she mixes quite freely, but at one point she loses it completely at the frustrating Yuki, and specifies exactly why she wants to borrow Yuki's boyfriend Gary, in French.
  • Appears constantly in Polandball comics. There's not really a censoring board for them, but their use of non-English curses alternates between getting some fairly insensitve terms past the radar and for simple authenticity—it only makes sense to expect Polandball to use Polish vulgarities, Finlandball to use Finnish vulgarities, and so on.
  • Lost in translation with Sandra and Woo, as the comic is in German, one strip has Yuna and her mother stopping a crime and Yuna saying, "Freedom for the peoples of Burma, motherfuckers." The next strip has her asking her mother what "Motherfucker" means, to which she calmly explains is a really offensive word... And Yuna apologizes to the audience.
  • When Lavali of Sandra on the Rocks breaks up with her girlfriend Claire, they sling a couple of French insults at each other that might have endangered the strip's PG-13 rating if they'd been translated.
  • Scandinavia and the World: Finland says "Perkele" a lot. (In fact, it's almost the only thing he ever says.) In fact, given his normally mute nature and his Cluster F-Bomb when he lost at hockey, it may actually outweigh every other word he's ever said, ever.
  • Stand Still, Stay Silent: The very few times there has been swearing in the comic, Translation Convention was dropped in favor of the language the character is actually speaking, creating an effect similar to the trope.
  • TwoKinds: What Flora says when she breaks her foot is apparently "untranslatable".
  • Unsounded: Subverted when Sette calls a pair of war criminals trying to rape her friends by a slur for them in Tainish, it's translated and shown in brackets. The author later confirmed that she yelled "Padopa!" at the soldiers in their native language rather than "Pissmop" as shown.

Web Original 

  • Quebecois Let's Player raocow does his LP's in English, but when frustrated will sometimes start swearing in Canadian French. One several occasions he's even gone into a full-blown Foreign-Language Tirade.
  • Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie will sometimes go full on Swedish Tirade (or even his girlfriend's language, Italian) in some of his videos, much more so when he's playing rage games.

    Captions: Oh but that fucking laser in hell for the fucking dawn vagina dick...

  • In Sonic Bastardized, Knuckles exclaims "Kuso!" (Japanese roughly equivalent to "Shit!") at one point. Knuckles's voice actor, Rittz, is fluent in Japanese.
  • Kizuna Ai: Kizuna will sometimes start swearing in English, usually "Oh my god!" or similar, during games. Usually it's played for laughs due to the dissonance between such language and her usual demeanor as The Cutie. Perhaps her most famous moment was a Cluster F-Bomb when playing Resident Evil 7, which became a big meme among her fans:

    Clancy: Fuck you!
    Kizuna Ai: Fuck you! Fuck you fuck you! FUCK YOU! Mo owatta yonote !

  • Protectors of the Plot Continuum have sometimes uttered uncensored profanity in languages like Russian, Greek, and Old English.
  • Gaijin Goombah’s recent videos have him resorting to this on occasion in order to avoid having his videos demonetized for mature content. Such as in his Which Ninja video on Murasaki, where co-host Little G uses the Japanese words for “sex” and “erotic magazine” respectively instead of just saying them in English.
  • Life of Boris: Boris' first language isn't English, therefore he's prone to cussing in Russian while speaking to viewers in English. A lot.

    Boris: Vadim, blyat! Having party at Monday night...

  • SMPLive: Angel calls Senzu a "pendejo" when he tries to get Ty to listen to Stal again.
  • The "Bumboclaat!" meme consists of someone absent-mindedly doing something foolish, then Big Word Shouting "bumboclaat!" in dismay. "Bumboclaat" is a Jamacan slang word for toilet paper; roughly equivalent to "asswipe."
  • In many scambaiter and similar videos, that aim to frustrate international conversation partners, due to Youtube's detection mechanisms the makers censor out english swears by the participants, but leave their native language swears intact.

Western Animation 

  • The Simpsons:
    • "Wanker" and "shite", which are considered quite rude in British English, are apparently exotic enough that they can be used without anyone batting an eye.
    • The German version of the enraged cook's cry against Homer when he criticizes the lasagna he made in Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner includes Italian swearing; the bestemmia (blasphemy) "Porco Dio!". The words will get you instantly banned from any show on Italian TV, as actors and local Big Brother contestants found out at their own expenses, despite it being one of the most common utterances in Real Life Italy.
  • A single episode of Daria has the English characternote  saying "wankers", "tossers", and a few lesser swears. When aired in Britain, the character's scenes were so heavily edited that they made little or no sense.
  • Dora the Explorer: In "Dora's World Adventure!", Fifi the skunk, Swiper's French counterpart, mutters "Alors, zut!" (her equivalent of Swiper's "Oh, man!" phrase) when Dora, Swiper and Amelie manage to prevent her from swiping the friendship bracelets. Said phrase literally translates to "So, damn!".
  • Oglethorpe, the Austrian-sounding Plutonian alien from Aqua Teen Hunger Force once called someone Scheißkopf, a German word that literally translates to "shithead".
  • In American Dad! Klaus uses some German words that sound extremely dirty, and knowing that the show, like Family Guy and The Cleveland Show, was created by Seth MacFarlane, they probably are.
  • Mas y Menos in the Teen Titans animated series got away with at least one and possibly more questionable phrases (including "Este viejo nos está jodiendo" — "This old man is fucking us over!") part from the Spanish and part from their rapid-fire speech.
  • On Phineas and Ferb, Dr. Doofenshmirtz tells Perry the Platypus, "You scared the scheiße out of me!"
  • One Nazi in Der Fuehrer's Face calls Donald Duck a "schweinehundnote  (pig-dog)" the German equivalent of "son of a bitch".
  • In the Total Drama World Tour episode "Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles", after Cody stole first place in the race, the scene cuts to Alejandro cursing in the Confession Cam.

    Alejandro: Mala suerte, mierda!Translation

  • Coach Steve from Big Mouth apparently gets called pendejo (a strong Spanish swear word) by the staff at a sports bar in Queens where he "bartends" (actually he just hangs behind the bar, despite management constantly telling him to leave). He thinks it's just a cool nickname, and he actually calls himself "DJ Pendejo" when he deejays at a party a few episodes later.
  • In the original French version of The Crumpets, Aunt Harried sometimes uses "shit."

Real Life 

  • In an international-level fencing championship, one fencer made a mistake and swore in Swahili. An elderly member of the audience stood up and informed the referee that he'd done so, and the offender was penalized.
  • Some anatomical references sound not only more polite but sexier when spoken in French. Take, for instance, "derrière" or (to quote Christopher Buckley):

    There was another phrase much in Suzy's repertoire then: "belle poitrine." As in, "Mrs. Buckley, of the belle poitrine." For years, I laughed along with it; then, one day in French class, we got to body parts, and I discovered it meant "great tits."note 

  • A football game for Euro 2000 where a young David Beckham tripped a striker from the opposing side (Greece). The striker's response as he was sitting on the grass? "Ante gamisou, re malaka" (ie. Fuck you, you wanker.) The referee did not catch it, but Greek viewers laughed their asses off. (Eventually, they lost, however)
    • When the Scottish note  curling team was tipped for gold medal at the winter Olympics and naturally attracted great Press interest, American TV was dismayed to point microphones at them during play only to capture lots of inventive Caledonian invective. The American TV people asked the team to tone it down a little so as not to offend American viewers. The Scots, who always talked like that and had freely done so since the days when TV crews only pointed cameras at them, saw no reason to stop now and suggested if American TV wanted to avoid offence, it should turn the fucking microphones off, do you fucking get that, Jimmy?
  • This actually happens a lot in the Netherlands, where people love to over-use English swear words. They aren't considered as bad as they would be in English. For example, part of "Uncle Fucka" from the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut was once shown, uncensored, on the evening news during an item about bleeping out swear words on United States television.
    • A reference in this Dutch ad (NSFW language).
    • It's pretty common for the Dutch to understand English swearing, but find it quaint and amusing rather than offensive. And conversely, literally translated Dutch swearing can be amusing to native English speakers; you get why it's offensive, but it's so out of left field that the amusement outweighs the offense. For example, one Dutch insult translates as "cancer monkey".
  • Fairly frequent in Quebec, with "fuck" and "shit" being seen as overall quite mild (and perfectly acceptable on prime-time television), compared to Quebec's vast array of liturgy-based swearwords. The borrowed adjective fucké (broken, ruined) is a good example — it's just slang, not really offensive at all, as it sounds identical to two other French words, "phoque" (meaning "seal") and "faque" (a synonym of "alors" and "donc", both of which basically mean "well then", "so", or "anyway").
    • Conversely, European French-speaking people have a nasty habit of finding Quebec's religious-based curses terribly amusing and grossly overusing them, or just not connecting with the fact that profanity is different from what they're used to. Can lead to hilarious situations.
  • In Canada in general—or at least on the CBC—swearing isn't as heavily censored as in certain other places one might name. The 6 o'clock news, for example, won't bleep anything but an F-bomb. Individual networks vary on other matters.
    • In the 1970s, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (a native French speaker) told a group of striking truck drivers to "mange[r] de la merde".note 
  • A coffee shop chain in southeastern Massachusetts named Marylou's (known to some as "Hooters of the morning" from its baristas' usual uniform of tight T-shirts and daisy dukes) has a featured drink called the "Funky Fanabla". Demangled into standard Italian, it comes out to "va fa Napoli", which means, more or less, "go to hell", and literally something along the lines of "go do it like they do in Naples".note  The drink itself is some kind of iced coffee something or other.
  • Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanova took French lessons, and her instructor told once told her to underline any words she didn't know and ask him. Reading Les Misérables, at one point, she saw the word "merde (shit)", and since the tutor wasn't around she went to find her father and ask him. Cue awkwardness when the Tsar asked the tutor why she was learning that word.
  • Might be a very group-specific thing, but on some chats and forums that blot out all the common English swear words, people will use the most horrific profanities from their native language. For example, using the Finnish profanity "perkele" (basically a harsher version of "fuck") in a sentence "pretty perkeleen big" ("pretty fucking big"). This can lead to some comedy when people who don't speak the language try to use the same words, especially if the language requires inflection (because most people will use the words in the context-sensitive right form anyway.)
  • On CNN, when discussing President Obama's "looking for 'whose ass to kick'" statement in regards to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Ed Henry, not wishing to say the actual word himself, substituted it with 'arse'. (This was after he'd been teased for earlier replacing it with 'butt'.) Naturally, Obama's and Henry's words were set to music as a Voice Clip Song by Schmohoyo.
  • Most swear words in modern Hebrew are actually loanwords from Arabic or Russian that were a lot stronger in the original. Hence, you'll have people throwing around things like kibinimat (Russian, from k yebeni materi, which means "[go] to [your] fucked mother") and kuss ummak (Arabic, meaning "your mother's cunt", implying either that the insultee should return there or that the insulter had done something with it) a bit more freely than in the source languages.
    • "Yob tvoyu mat'" (Russian, meaning "fuck your mother") gets thrown around a lot too.
  • A lot of the videos of the 2013 meteor that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia have people reacting by saying "Yebyat!" ... "Fuck!" in Russian.
  • In Ethiopia most people learn about American culture through movies and music videos. This results in small kids trying to impress foreigners by shouting out "fuck you". The "Fuck You" capital lies around Shashamane and Awassa where kids say it the most, and is incredibly funny when they instead shout out "fuck me", and then wonder why the Americans are laughing at them.
  • In Germany most people don't consider the English curse words to be big deal. Especially "shit" has about the same level as "Mist", which translates as crap. But Germans are generally lax about the use of swear words.
    • Especially when it comes to swear words that combine religion with vulgarities. "Herrgottsack!" ("By the Balls of God, the Lord and Saviour!") is pretty common and perfectly acceptable when you just accidentally hit your finger with a hammer, or did something similar.
      • The more common form (and where this rare, shorter former originally derives from) is "Herr Gott Sakrament" — which follows the same idea as French Canadian of using religious terms as curses. In this case its closest translation is "Sacrament (of the) Lord (and) God".
    • Notably inverted with the english word "bitch" though, which, due to a correlation of the phrases "son of a bitch" and "Hurensohn", is wrongfully perceived to have the meaning of slut or whore, and is considered a much stronger insult.
  • In Norway, some people love to use the word shit liberally, although as it is completely homophonous with the harmless Norwegian word "skitt" (dirt), it's hard to tell which they are using. Dirt, meanwhile, derives from the Norwegian word "drit", which today is considered vulgar. They've also got the dialectal "skit", which does mean "shit" but still isn't too vulgar for normal informal conversation.
    • Norwegian swear words are very context sensitive. Politicians and celebrities can sit on talk shows all day talking about how fucking well they got their shit together without anyone batting an eyelid, but the moment they call someone a fucking idiot, they can expect bunch of nasty headlines in tomorrow's papers. The issue isn't with the words themselves, but their potential as insults.
  • The Washington, DC DMV issued a Vanity License Plate reading "MERDE" without realizing what it meant.
  • 419 Scam baiters use these a lot. One scammer was left standing at Amsterdam airport holding a sign reading "Kontneuker" (Dutch for "ass-fucker"), under the mistaken assumption that it was the surname of his contact.
  • Amusingly, the Merovingian's famous French quote, when exposed to an internet translator actually came up with "Damn fucking fucking fucking shit asshole motherfucker of." Brilliant.
  • Swedish people typically know a few Finnish curse words and sometimes use them when their own ones aren't enough — and vice versa.
  • An antiquated Austrian pejorative word for Italians is "Katzelmacher", which sounds oddly harmless ("Katzel" sounds like "little cat"); however, it actually arose from the Italian slang word "cazzo" (literally, "dick"), that the Italians throw around a lot.
  • Finnish people will often say "fuck", "shit" or "scheisse" when they want to swear without sounding like they're swearing.
  • Similarly, Bulgarians use "fuck" a bit more casually than the native equivalent, "deba". "Shit" is also used, but as a noun, to mean "something that's fucked up". A derivative word, "shitnya", takes on the meaning of "shit" in English as a derogatory term for "stuff". Turkish ay siktir ("go fuck yourself") is also used and considered less vulgar.
    • Pretty much the same applies to their neighbours the Serbs: "šit" and "fak" (shit and fuck as transcribed phonetically) are frequently thrown around by the local youth, and nobody considers these words rude. The local equivalent, "jebati" is however a much stronger curse, though nowhere as strong as "mamu ti jebem" ("fuck your mother in the cunt") or "mrš u pičku materinu" ("go back up your mom's cunt" - which literally means unborn yourself).
  • The Japanese absolutely love the English word "fuck" (something about the way it looks is aesthetically pleasing to them), so it's often found on T-shirts and the like that are sold in stores in Japan.
  • A context-specific example, possibly involving Values Dissonance: Nordic Noir dramas shown on British TV, such as "The Bridge" and Borgen, are shown in the native language with English subs. The BBC often prefaces them with an advisory about bad language. This is a warning that there will be the occassional "fuck" or "shit" in the dialogue. But in the native Norwegian/Swedish/Danish, these words generally carry less charge than in English and might be represented in the subtitles with "bloody", "damn" or "bugger". The really shocking language might be "Go to Hell" and similar - which in Nordic languages carries the same charge as "Fuck you!" but which is often literally translated in the subs, thus losing its charge for English-speaking listeners whilst remaining shocking to native speakers.
  • The USAAF B-17E bomber named Honi Kuu Okole at the Pacific theater in World War II. note 
  • Bung Moktar bin Radin, a Malaysian politician and a member of the Dewan Rakyatnote , gave a definitive inversion of this trope. On 7 August, 2018, he called out another member of the parliament for stating that he had visited a casino in Malay, and then switched to English to deliver two Precision F-Strikes in front of the whole parliament. And this was all caught on Malaysian television. Uncensored. Needless to say, this has spawned a handful of memes in Malaysia.

    Bung Moktar: What is this? [You are] rude and ill-mannered. He'd better retract it, he's really rude, Mr. Speaker! YBnote  does not deserve to sit here! Gangster, what [do] you want? You want to fight with me? Now is the time! Fuck you!
    Other members: Enough, please sit down, sit down!
    Bung Moktar: FUCK YOU!