Forging Scene - TV Tropes

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Forging Scene (trope)

The Forge of Vulcan by Luca Giordano

"Arms for a hero forge; arms that require
Your force, your speed, and all your forming fire."

Vulcan, The Aeneidnote 

The hero needs a weapon. Maybe his ancestral sword was broken by the villain and needs to be repaired. Or maybe the weapon he has just isn't good enough. At any rate, he needs not just any sword, but the right sword.

And the right sword must be custom forged.

Thus, we get a Forging Scene. A skilled blacksmith, perhaps a magical smith or even the hero himself will take red hot iron (Thunderbolt or otherwise) and hammer it into a war-worthy weapon with his own two hands, making sure you see how much effort is going into making it and how beautiful the end product is.

All sorts of Artistic License is taken when depicting the process in visual media, usually by conflating steps that are actually supposed to be done in a very specific order. For example, you will often see a smith at his anvil hammering on a sword or piece of armor that is practically finished already—perhaps already fitted with a hilt if it's a sword—when in reality this kind of rough shaping is done before you grind or polish the piece and would ruin your work if you tried it afterwards. This liberty is probably taken to make sure that the viewer recognizes it as a weapon, rather than a scale-covered piece of iron. A more egregious example of such license is that sometimes a steel sword is shown being cast by pouring molten metal into a mold, when this technique was only used for making bronze swords. In general, as long as the process gives the artist an opportunity to depict flickering firelight and shadows and splashes of brilliant color—which is a major reason for having one of these scenes—the creators and audience will not over-think these details.

The heat of the forge is also conducive to Fanservice. Though female smiths are not unknown, the vast majority of these sequences will be conducted by some brawny male figure, largely due to the popularity of Hot Men at Work — and despite the obvious danger from spurting flames and shooting sparks, such a scene will often (as in the page picture) be conducted as a Shirtless Scene, as well. Can occasionally appear in a Hard-Work Montage because what can be more manly than burly men hitting hot metal?

See also Creation Sequence, the Super-Trope.


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  • Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: At the end of The Great Rescue episode 20, Sparky, having been brought to a forging room, takes up a hammer and forges armor for himself. He wraps a bandage onto his hand as he does so, a direct Shout-Out to the Marvel Cinematic Universe's first Iron Man movie which has a similar scene.

Anime & Manga 

  • In Berserk, Guts has maintenance done on his Dragonslayer via this.
  • Bleach has when Nimaiya Ouetsu reforges Ichigo's sword.
  • City Hunter has a variant: Ryo carefully melting a gold coin to make a special tip for a .500 Nitro Express round, as he needed a weaker bullet than the standard elephant killer for what he had in mind.
  • Queen's Blade: the female Fanservicey version done by Cattleya, less so by Ymir.
  • In Sakura Wars, after Sakura breaks her sword, it had to be reforged back. No shirtless men, since they are mostly elderly.
  • The anime of Shangri-La Frontier has a forging sequence including tempering the weapon in intense flames, slamming on it with a hammer that produces magic sigils which imbue into the weapon with each strike, and singing a song with lyrics dedicated to the work of blacksmiths to create great weapons.

Audio Plays 

Comic Books 

  • In Ashbringer, there is a scene where King Magni Bronzebeard forges the legendary weapon from the purified crystal shard of evil.
  • Though it doesn't quite meet the fanservice aspect of this trope, the Guardian Ganthet is shown forging his own ring in this fashion when he decides to become a Green Lantern in Blackest Night.
  • Batman and Robin (2011): The Hellbat suit is the pinnacle of the Justice League’s weaponry and was forged by the combined efforts of each hero, serving both as a symbol of the team’s bond and as a means to protect Batman in situations where his lack of superhuman abilities put him at a severe disadvantage. In issue 33, the process that led to its creation is shown: Superman forged it in the Sun, it was energized by Green Lantern’s battery and the Flash’s speed, subjected to extreme underwater pressure by Aquaman, and touched up by Cyborg and Wonder Woman (with Hephaestus’ assistance).
  • When Doctor Strange needs to rescue an ally who is very far away, he learns the art of forging magical tools from the dwarven Ultimate Blacksmith Eoffren. He is shown forging a magical sword capable of cutting through dimensions, a sword he dubs the Scalpel of Strange. This is notably the very first magical artifact that bears Strange's own name, signifying his growth as a Sorcerer Supreme.
  • The Incredible Hulk: Planet Hulk ends with the Hulk and Hiroim forging the sword Hulk would go on to use in World War Hulk. This is done with the Book Ends narration "This is the story of the Hulk... and how he finally came home." over a shot of the Hulk pointing his still cooling sword at an image of Earth on the screen.
  • Weirdly enough, Judge Dredd found room for one of these during the Judge Cal saga. Justice Department may have super-advanced handguns, infallible lie detectors and interplanetary spacecraft, but they also keep a blacksmith on the payroll for making badges.
  • Throughout the early issues of Walt Simonson's run on The Mighty Thor, we get the occasional one-page shot of a mysterious being forging a sword... with the sound effect DOOM! every time the hammer comes down. It's Surtur preparing for Ragnarok.
  • Steel usually does this every time he makes a new suit of armor. Especially in Grant Morrison's JLA, since Morrison saw him as the Hephasteus of the League's pantheon, and therefore would rather show him sweating over a forge than adjusting servomotors with a screwdriver.
  • Usagi Yojimbo: The comic has a segue about a Japanese swordsmith making a katana, beginning with a forging scene with a team of strikers that is as much religious ritual as it is craftsmanship.
  • Wonder Woman: Ares watches Io forge a sword from the shadows during a period while Themyscira is blessed so that conventional weapons cannot harm those present there. He then emerges from the shadows to commend her workmanship and exempt the blade from the blessing on the island. Io (much) later uses it to stab Ares and it is able to harm him due to his own interference in its making.

Fan Works 

  • Black As Night features this as the first step to helping Hiccup adapt to his blindness after a training accident as Astrid helps him with his offer to re-forge her axe. He accomplishes this through his natural knowledge of where everything is in the forge, some visual input from Astrid to determine the condition of the metal based on its colour, and his own use of a glove made from the hide of a Monstrous Nightmare so that he can feel the condition of the weapon.
  • Harry Is A Dragon, And That's Okay and it means he can shape metal with his own breath and bare paws. The sword he makes for Neville is judged by Nearly Headless Nick to be a decent first attempt, though with plenty of room for improvement.
  • In Memento Vivere, a Final Fantasy X fanfiction, Rikku creates augmented armor and weaponry for the protagonists in Macalania’s Cloister of Trials.

Films — Animated 

Films — Live-Action 

  • Aquaman features an interesting villainous version, in which David Kane, one of the smaller villains, is given a series of high-tech items and weapons by Orm. Despite these weapons being extremely deadly and advanced in their current state, we get a scene of Kane pulling the technology apart, redesigning it, coating it in black spray-paint, and even being forced to design the helmet larger to accommodate the laser function he took out of the plasma gun and placed in the helmet lenses. And thus we get Black Manta.
  • Conan the Barbarian starts with the forging of the Father's Sword. It dramatically but anachronistically depicts a steel sword being made by pouring liquid metal into a mold before hammering it on an anvil.
  • In The Day the Earth Froze (an partial adaptation of The Kalevala), Wicked Witch Louhi kidnaps Annikki in order to force her brother, Ultimate Blacksmith Ilmarinen, into forging a Sampo (a magic mill that can produce endless grain, gold, and salt) for her. This inevitably leads to a scene where he does exactly that, creating the Sampo from barley grains, swan feathers, sheep's wool, and the fire of the northern sky (which Louhi has been hoarding). Later in the film, when Louhi steals the sun from the sky over Kalevala, we get a second forging scene as the villagers donate their metal jewellery to Ilmarinen to be melted down into strings for kantele (zither-like instruments) to be used in the fight against Louhi and her trolls.
  • Dragonslayer. The title weapon was forged before the events of the film by the village blacksmith, but hidden because the kingdom decided to appease the dragon instead. But, while it is a nasty spear, the main character is pretty sure it's not good enough, so he uses his magic to heat the blade to a temperature greater than a forge can reach. The original smith starts hammering the heated blade again, and in the next scene it's an Infinity Plus One Spear.
  • Evil Dead:
  • In Hannie Caulder, the scenes of Hannie's strength training (part of her gunfighter training) are interspersed with scenes of the master gunsmith Bailey forging her custom firearm.
  • Highlander III: The Sorcerer film has Connor's sword shattering, so he goes home to Scotland to reforge it and rebuild his strength.
  • The female blacksmith of A Knight's Tale notices that the main character wears armor that wasn't made for him. She volunteers to make him some that's so light-weight he wouldn't know he was wearing it. After she is finished the knight is presented with a suit of shiny new armour.
  • The Lord of the Rings:
    • The forging of the One Ring by Sauron in the first film's prologue.
    • The mass-production of the Uruk-hai's ugly but effective weapons and armor emphasizes the Industrialized Evil of Isengard.
    • The reforging of Narsil into Andúril is much more dramatic, and features Arwen reciting parts of the poem that serves as Aragorn's Trust Password in the books.
  • There is a scene in The Mad Magician where Gallico (a young and surprisingly buff Vincent Price) is working at the forge in his workshop; his shirt open to the waist. His ex-wife Claire (Eva Gabor) finds the sight quite a turn-on.
  • Mandy, being a Dark Heroic Fantasy epic transplanted to '80s California, naturally features one of these where the Mighty Lumberjack Barbarian Hero Red forges a massive battleaxe.
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe:
    • Iron Man Films:
      • In the first film, there is the scene of Tony Stark, hammering away on a metal sheet, sweating in the forge-light... which makes the women (and some of the men) in the audience go weak at the knees.
      • The second movie has Ivan Vanko making his own arc reactor and suit, and later Tony creating a new element to power his arc reactor in his lab.
    • Avengers: Infinity War has the forging of Stormbreaker. Because the original star-forge was badly damaged by Thanos after the Infinity Gauntlet was forged there so that the forge couldn't be used against him, it takes a team effort to forge the axe-hammer. Thor and Rocket use Rocket's pod to pull the satellite rings in position to reignite the star at the heart of it. When they discover that the forge's iris can't remain open long enough to heat the uru metal, Thor holds it open, exposing himself to the full force of a star. Unfortunately, he is only able to hold it open long enough to forge the axe and hammer heads of Stormbreaker and not the handle. Groot, realizing that Thor is dying and needs the Stormbreaker's power to restore himself, completes the weapon by using his own arm as the handle.
  • Naked Lunch: Played with, as it's done with a typewriter instead of a sword. Lee's writing machine is taken back at gunpoint by the guy he borrowed it from and his old one gets smashed to pieces. Kiki then takes him to a blacksmith who uses the old pieces to forge a new one.
  • Siegfried forges a sword (starting at 2:20) in the first part of Fritz Lang's Die Nibelungen (1924).
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street has a more sinister subversion of this trope, as the first scene shows Freddy Kreuger assembling his iconic bladed glove.
  • Rambo:
    • Rambo III had a scene where the eponymous hero forges his new battleknife, but it was cut from the final version.
    • Since the previous movie didn't have one, the fourth movie makes up for it by having such a scene. It's more plausible than the one from III, as his knife in that film was large, ornate bowie designed by master knifesmith Gil Hibben and looks it, where the one Rambo forges here is a much cruder machete made from a salvaged truck leaf spring; the sort of thing you'd expect someone to literally hammer out overnight in a backyard forge.
  • The movie version of Sharpe's Sword has a brilliant three-way cut-scene between Harper reforging a sword with appropriate hammering, grinding, and sparks flying, "Lass" displaying hitherto unsuspected Combat Medic skills in doctoring a dying man, complete with mournful flute music — and the bad guy stitching up his own wound.
  • Steel has a scene with the forging of the hero's armor, despite the fact that it takes place in modern day.
  • In The Wolfman, when the village brings their silver to be forged into bullets for protection.


  • The Blasted Lands Series: In Seven Forges, Andover Lashk is required to forge his own weapon in order to become an ambassador to the Sa'ba Taalor. Being a former blacksmith's apprentice rather than a warrior, he forges a customized hammer.
  • In the Discworld, policeman Sam Vimes reflects that there is nothing like a Dwarf for forging things.
    • Thud! deals with the forging of an artefact which is absolutely central to Dwarf culture on the Discworld, and if it is lost, civil war will ensue.
    • The illustration of the forge god rebuilding the Kite in The Last Hero.
  • Emperor: The Field of Swords has a scene in which Cavallo, a Spanish blacksmith, shows the Roman smiths how to use charcoal to make a gladius of steel rather than iron. Renius watches, since he has become curious about how the swords he uses every day are actually made.
  • His Dark Materials: There's one in The Amber Spyglass, when the gang reforges the Subtle Knife. In an interesting variation, the blacksmith is a bear.
  • Older Than Feudalism: An entire chapter of The Iliad is devoted to the creation of Achilles' new armor by Hephaestus. For some reason most of the text is about ornamental designs engraved on the shield while the rest of the armor gets made in a couple paragraphs. Shamelessly ripped off by some upstart in The Aeneid.
  • Inheritance Cycle: In Brisingr, Rhunön swore an oath to never forge another sword after the fall of the Dragon Riders. Thus, when Eragon shows up with the metal used to forge Riders' swords and asks for one, she can't make him one. What she is able to do, however, is puppet him into making most of it for her, which she is able to do in record time, until the oaths she swore no longer bind her from polishing or dressing it up. Thus, we get to see how Riders' swords are made through Eragon's eyes, and it's almost entirely based on how real-life swordsmiths crafted their weapons, as Paolini had dove deep into books on swordsmithing in preparation to write this book.
  • Happens in the Finnish epic The Kalevala quite a lot. Rune IX is noteworthy because it is the origin of iron.
  • Oddly averted in The Lord of the Rings, in which the re-forging of Andúril is mentioned, but not emphasized and not given its own separate scene.
  • Magic 2.0: Played for laughs in An Unwelcome Quest. The blacksmith who forges the Mobius Blade is a video game character programmed by the Todd. He forces the heroes to watch the forging scene, and certain aspects are performed in great, dramatic detail, with a lot of showboating. Others are done with generic hand-waving motions. The protagonists note that Todd must have only done partial research on the process of forging weapons and only bothered scripting the parts he found interesting.
  • In Phoenix Rising: When the Spiritsmith sets out to create armour and a sword for Kyri, though a lot of it is delivered as an explanation for why he intends to accomplish, why he does things, and why she has to help.
  • Frequently done when badgers are involved in Redwall, most notably Boar the Fighter reforging Martin the Warrior's sword with Meteoric Iron.
  • Romance of the Three Kingdoms has the forging of the three brothers signature weapons: Zhang Fei's long spear, Guan Yu's hefty pole arm, and Liu Bei's double swords.
  • The forging of Gram, sword of the hero Sigurd, by the smith Regin, in the Völsunga saga and the Poetic Edda — fairly short but effective.
  • Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time:
    • The Dragon Reborn: Perrin assists a blacksmith for a while, who lets him keep the hammer, which he wears alongside his axe and represents his desire to stop being a warrior and be a man of peace who creates.
    • Perrin gets another Forging Scene in Towers of Midnight, when he and the Asha'man Neald forge Mah'alleinir, Perrin's new Shadowspawn-smiting warhammer and the first Power-wrought weapon in three thousand years.
  • Forging scenes such as making swords and a rune-carved chain, appear frequently in Michael Scott Rohan's The Winter of the World series, as the main protagonist, Elof is a master blacksmith who surpasses even his dwarven mentors (he's actually the mortal reincarnation of the creator god).

Live-Action TV 

  • In the 90's, the UK satellite channel UK Gold, which focused on older BBC and ITV programs (now known as GOLD and dedicated to comedy) had an entire ident set based around this, from 1994 to 1997. It concerned the UK Gold logo forged on a gold brick, as a man labored to do it.
  • Doctor Who:
    • "The Woman Who Fell to Earth", introducing Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor, has a scene where she makes a new sonic screwdriver from scratch in a Sheffield workshop, including forging the casing out of teaspoons.

      The Doctor: Swiss-army sonic. Now with added Sheffield steel.

    • Given a Dark Reprise in "Resolution" when the Dalek-controlled Lin rebuilds its casing in a farm smithy.
  • The Reality Show competition Forged in Fire is basically nothing but these scenes.
  • Fort Boyard: The intro to the 30th anniversary season includes a scene of Père Fouras having the 9 keys of the treasure room forged.
  • Game of Thrones:
    • The fourth season opens with Lord Tywin Lannister watching (with just a touch of villainous smugness) as Ice, the Ancestral Weapon of House Stark, is melted down into two smaller swords for the use of his own family. At this stage in the war, House Lannister has apparently triumphed over all their enemies. Just to emphasize this point, Tywin throws the wolfskin scabbard (the wolf being the sigil of House Stark) into the fire.
    • Before that, we have Gendry forging a sword, Shirtless, while Arya watches on.
  • How It's Made, which is basically a half-hour of these. Similar titles include Factory Made, How Do They Do It?, and inversion, Deconstructed.
  • Villain example in Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger: Bandora's goons and a kidnapped child named Shigeru forge Durandal for Dora Knight. The sword will not harm its maker, making the Zyurangers have to bring Shigeru aboard Daizyujin in order to win the battle.
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power:
    • In "Partings", Halbrand finally gets to show off his blacksmith skills, depicting the process step by step by forging swords for the Númenoreans, impressing the very people that doubted his skills and refused him earlier for not having the smith guild crest.
    • Halbrand gets another forging scene in "Alloyed". He sweet talks his way into Celebrimbor's new forgery, and helps Celembribor and Elrond to find a way to harness mythril's properties and use it to tap into the powers of the Seen and Unseen World. He secretly plans to forge two rings, for him and Galadriel, but he cannot carry out his plans to the end because Galadriel finds his true identity.
    • After Halbrand's sudden departure, Galadriel proposes for three rings to be forged in order to balance their powers, and we finally get to see the forging of the Three Elven Rings: Nenya, Narya and Vilya.
    • After Annatar reveals himself to Celebrimbor in the second season, the two set about to forge the seven dwarven rings of power and the nine human rings of power, with multiple forging scenes throughout the season.
  • Sharpe: In "Sharpe's Sword", after the title character's sword is broken and he is grievously wounded, Harper convinces a priest (who was quite a swordsman, in his day) to give him one of the priest's collection of old swords, so he can fix it up into a proper replacement.
  • Star Wars:
    • The Mandalorian: The Armorer forges new armor for the title character with the beskar he earned hunting bounties, with the forging inter-cut with flashes to the Mandalorian's childhood.
    • The Book of Boba Fett:
      • The same Armorer melts the head of the beskar spear to forge a small chainmail vest destined to Grogu, on the Mandalorian's request.
      • There's an extended scene of Boba carving his own gaderffii stick from the branch he found while on a vision quest. Unlike most forging scenes, this involves more woodwork than metal-forging — which is only used for the spear tip and bracing collars.


  • The Grave Digger song "Sword", from the Rheingold album, depicts such a scene.

    Steel by steel
    The hammer falls
    Shaping me — a deadly sword
    With fire and power — I do well
    I curse it with a magic spell!

Music Videos 

  • Dio has a new sword forged for him in the Holy Diver video.
  • The Korpiklaani song Rauta is all about this. It's about the smith Ilmarinen from the Finnish national epic The Kalevala forging three swords. It also has an English version called The Steel.
  • In the middle of the epic half-hour Manowar song, Achilles, Agony and Ecstacy in Eight Parts, there's a five-minute-long drum solo called "Armor of the Gods", which represents Hephaestus forging Achilles' armor. It's awesome.
  • The Wind Rose cover for "Diggy Diggy Hole" is inter-cut, in its beginning, with short forging scenes, illustrating typical dwarven activities. Of note, it isn't a sword or an ax being forged, but a simple shovel... to dig a hole, naturally.

Myths & Religion 

  • The Prose Edda has one for the forging of three magical items by the dwarf Sindri, culminating in the creation of Thor's hammer Mjölnir. Loki tries to interfere with each of them, but at his best managed a partial success with the third.


  • In Der Freischütz, seven magic bullets are forged one-at-a-time, each more terrifying than the last.
  • The opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games featured the transformation of green fields into smoking industry and the founding of the olympic rings in (simulated) molten steel.
  • In Richard Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung opera tetralogy:
    • As the gods descend into the realm of the nibelung dwarves in the first opera, we hear a percussion extravaganza of eighteen anvils, beating in rhythm with the music.
    • Siegfried's EPIC forging of Nothung in Siegfried. "NOTHUNG, NOTHUNG! Neidliches Schwert!!"
  • This is the context for the famous Anvil Chorus from Verdi's Il trovatore.

Video Games 

  • A critical sequence in Chrono Trigger has the Masamune being reforged; Lucca can even pitch in and help out.
  • Cross of the Dutchman has a forging cutscene after Pier seeks The Blacksmith, Geart, to craft a new sword powerful enough for his quest. Complete with epic narration.

    With endless strokes of his hammer, Geart crafted his masterpiece. Pier held the sword and knew that the blade was truly special...

  • Deltarune parodies the trope, as The Blacksmith is Malius, a squeaky toy hammer. You can ask them to fix items, broken cakes, or even your party. In all cases, they utilise their head, to repeatedly bash the objects/characters, squeaking each time, after which the narration comedically states that they've been "fixed beyond recognition."
  • In Dragon Age: Origins, whichever Paragon you side with at the end of the Orzammar quest chain will forge a crown for whoever you choose to be the new king of Orzammar. It's kind of weird awesome seeing a huge steel golem do this if you choose Caridin.
  • The opening of Drakensang has the narrator (a cyclops) start to make a weapon for the hero prophesized to defeat the ancient evil. You get to pick up the finished product near the end of the game.
  • The opening cutscene of Dwarf Fortress has a forging scene, rendered in glorious ASCII Art.
  • In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, any time the player goes to work at a smithing station, an animation will play of the character doing various smithing tasks in the background while you're putting together or upgrading the armor, weapon, or jewelry in question. There are different animations for different stations, be they a forge, a grindstone, smelting in a furnace, making leather on a tanning rack, or hammering plates of armor on a workbench.
  • Every time you hire the Nailsmith to upgrade your nail in Hollow Knight, you're treated to a brief cutscene of him hammering at the nail as it glows.
  • The opening cinematic of Infinity Blade III is interspersed with scenes of the Worker of Secrets forging the eponymous blade as he muses on the events that have led up to the present.
  • The player character invokes a forging scene every single time he has to create or temper a sword in Legend of Mana. This gets very, very tedious fast.
  • The Legend of Zelda
    • In A Link to the Past, the dwarven smiths can be asked to improve your sword, which leads to a Forging Scene.
    • Parodied in Oracle of Ages: In order to reforge the broken sword, you have to win a minigame which has very much nothing to do with the forging itself but amusement for the smith. It doesn't help that the smith usually refers to this minigame as an important ritual which must be completed.
    • Ocarina of Time features the infamous forging-subquest for the Awesome, but Impractical two-handed Biggoron-Sword.
    • Plot necessary in Minish Cap. Before Link can begin infusing the Picori Blade with the elements that will turn it into the Four Sword, he has to help Minish elder Melari reforge the broken blade.
    • In Phantom Hourglass you need to forge the Phantom Sword.
    • Skyward Sword as a whole is in many ways an extended forging scene. Though there's no forging in the traditional sense, at several points Link bathes his sword in divine fire to make it stronger.
  • The Blacksmiths' Guild in Loom is a big forging scene, with smiths hammering something on their anvils everywhere. Special mention goes to a blacksmith named Edgewise, who is sharpening the ultimate sword for evil Bishop Mandible: the protagonist need to halt the forging process by using the Sharpening draft backwards on the sword.
  • Muramasa: The Demon Blade has the same one each time you commission a new sword from Muramasa. Since there 108 swords in the game, you'll see this cutscene a lot. Fortunately it's skippable.
  • Monster Hunter: The introduction videos of Monster Hunter Freedom 2 and its Unite rerelease take care to show the weapons and armor being forged in loving detail. The surprising part is that unlike many of the other works that simply use forging scenes for drama, these scenes show the loving amount of work required to make the works of art that you as the hunter who collected the materials to get them. The game even takes it a step further to show the fantastic side of the process by showing how the parts of the creatures will factor in the creation like pouring molten metal on a Rathalos Tail spine to fill in the gaps of the tail grooves.
  • Neverwinter Nights:
    • The cinematic when you start up the game also shows shots of a man forging a sword, interspersed with shots of the man fighting a minotaur. This is apparently meant to be Nasher Alagondar before he became Lord of Neverwinter.
    • In the Hordes of the Underdark expansion, there is a blacksmith who can enchant your sword. The first time he does it, it plays an animation accompanied with Awesome Music.
  • Whenever you forge a new weapon in Overlord, you are treated to a short smelting animation. Preceded by possibly hundreds of your minions happily jumping into the smelter.
  • In Star Wars: The Old Republic, the Jedi Knight's tutorial quest ends with the construction of their lightsaber.
  • Summon Night Swordcraft Story, both 1 and 2, have brief forging scenes whenever you create a new weapon.
  • The opening cinematic of Vagrant Story has one of these, in between shots of dragons and a dancing girl with a sword balanced on her head.


Web Videos 

Western Animation 

  • Sokka's "Space Sword" forging in season 3 of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
  • The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes:
    • The season 1 finale features a forging scene with Iron Man making new armor for himself. Also works as a shout-out to the live-action movie.
    • In season 2 "The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill" the fire demon Surtur is seen re-forging his sword.
  • The second intro to Iron Man: The Animated Series features one of these, courtesy of Tony Stark himself. Most other versions have a slightly different kind of montage, but that one has the scene complete with hammering. The result is so ridiculously manly that viewing it carries a risk of spontaneous chest-hair growth.
  • In Justice League, Superman, finding himself thousands of years in the future against giant mutant animals and without his powers, forges a blade using road flares, a sledgehammer, and a metal rod. It is pretty epic.
  • Samurai Jack:
    • The episode "Seasons of Death": the winter vignette is a forging sequence by a tribe of mountain giants using all the resources of their civilization, including dragon fire, lightning, and eldritch magic, to create the ultimate Blade of Doom, which Jack destroys without trouble.
    • On the other side of spectrum is the scene where some immense monk-like beings forge Jack's own sword (for his father initially), using the man's Spark as the workpiece, and gods heating it with their divine power.
  • The Simpsons:
    • Parodied when a big burly blacksmith is shown hauling molten metal and clanging away with large tools, in order to build... a tiny key that unlocks Bart's chains.
    • The commercial for the Krusty Burger Ribwich.
  • An episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles features Leonardo recovering his confidence after a brutal battle by forging new swords for himself.

Real Life