Friendly Neighborhood Vampire - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Apr 24 2007
Friendly Neighborhood Vampire
(aka: Friendly Neighbourhood Vampires)
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Don't worry, she doesn't bite.
Rory: My parents won't let me download at home. They think the Internet is a bad influence.
Benny: You're already a soulless, undead creature of the night. How much worse can you get?
Rory: DUDE! If my mom knew I was a vampire, I'd be grounded for, like, a month!
Shows in which at least one vampire character (or any representative of an assumed-monstrous breed) is shown to truly, really be a good person at heart. Really.
Traditionally, vampires had to kill others to maintain their own extended lifespan, a supernatural Conservation of Energy law. Even victims who survived were permanently harmed. Some vampires might be charismatic monsters now, but they were Always Chaotic Evil, and likely to be Sealed Evil in a Can. They weren't even human in the original folklore and mythology, being either demons or demons possessing human corpses.
Authors moved on to exploring the effects this need to kill had on the vampires themselves and their relationship with humanity, as in the books by Anne Rice, the movies The Hunger and Near Dark, and the Tabletop Game Vampire: The Masquerade. Sometimes one of these vampires would be a Tragic Hero or Reluctant Monster. Many stories featured sympathetic vampires who still had the urge to feed on humans but didn't actually need to kill to survive, like Barnabas Collins or Detective Nick Knight.
Next, another wave of authors, such as Kathryn Rusch and Laurell K. Hamilton, choose to portray vampires (or "undead Americans", or "violator of personal neck-spaces") as a persecuted Token Minority, unusual cultural group, or just Star-Crossed Lovers. Since readers were unlikely to have much sympathy for beings who committed murder on a weekly basis, the necessity of killing had to go, as well as the constant urge to chow down on co-stars. In some fiction, vampirism is nothing more than a lifestyle choice; since these vampires get extended life, superhuman strength, and still have great sex from just a few drops of blood each night, it's difficult to understand why anyone stays human.
Apparently heroic vampires find their way into detective positions with statistically intriguing frequency. There might be something to this, in that they're already part of the Masquerade, and therefore better equipped to handle supernatural villains than the average detective. See Vampire Detective Series for a complete list of examples of this genre.
Compare to My Species Doth Protest Too Much. FNVs who actively fight for good are Monster Adventurers. See also Predator Turned Protector (where they choose to protect humans against other vampires), Vegetarian Vampire, Religious Vampire (if they are pious and good), Reluctant Monster, Monster Roommate, Monsters Anonymous, Vampire Refugee, Voluntary Vampire Victim, and Romantic Vampire Boy. These vampires are often on the friendliest end of the Sliding Scale of Vampire Friendliness.
Finally, yes, the trope name is based on "Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!"
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- Count Chocula, anyone? (In fact, in some commercials, he's afraid of ghosts!) Parodied by The Onion here.
Anime & Manga
- Caerula Sanguis from Battle Angel Alita: Last Order is somewhat friendly. Regardless of her personal disposition towards most people (usually rather aloof, though she's quite capable of being friendly) and her need to kill (about which she has few if any compunctions), she's rather fond of children, and is the guardian of humanity via Melchizedek. Being that Melchizedek is a device that manufactures the future based on the human condition, she watches over humans carefully. If their future would be beyond salvation, it is her duty to destroy Melchizedek and return humanity's future to the reins of chance.
- Misaki from Blood Alone is a young vampire whose "vampire self" hasn't awoken so she's pretty much the picture of innocence, with a touch of Clingy Jealous Girl towards former vampire hunter Kuroe. Sly hates Orphan (non-affiliated) vampires, having been turned by one, and Shigure has been nothing but helpful, although there are hints of Offstage Villainy.
- Blood+ has the Schiff, who aren't technically vampires but have vampire problems (sunlight is lethal, need to regularly drink blood). They're still nice people and ultimately Heel–Face Turn. The heroine and her servant match the trope perfectly, or would if they weren't even further from traditional vampires than the Schiff.
- King Batt XIII, in Build King, is an intimidating vampire lord...who just wants someone to repair his dilapidated castle. He appears to be on good terms with the villagers nearby too.
- Nazuna Nanakusa from Call of the Night is a charismatic, friendly vampire who bonds with main protagonist Kou Yamori, showing the young lad the wonders of the night and vowing to keep him safe from any hostile force. She tends to be quite flustered about the concept of love and enjoys drinking beer.
- There is an entire vampiric subculture in Dance in the Vampire Bund that take this trope a step further and pull their own fangs to help stave off their lust for human blood (feeding "normally" feels really good) and are held in contempt by most of their kind as a result. It turns out that one of Princess Mina's first actions in setting up the Bund was to gather these rejected souls to the underground city and encourage them to adopt one another as families.
- Mina is a borderline case. Playing politics with the surviving clan heads (that are only surviving because they killed all the others) while protecting her own followers makes morally questionable behavior almost mandatory.
- Mina's maids, however, play the trope comically and endearingly straight. Before their access to regular supplies of Stigma, Nelly survived solely on the blood of animals, Nella fed only upon the most vile examples of humanity, while Nero has never tasted human blood in her life—and she was born a vampire! While they can have deep affection for humans that don't threaten the Bund (like Yuki, whom they adore), make no mistake—cross their Princess, and they will end you.
- Pop up a lot in Future Card Buddyfight. It's a Mons series, where the mons run the gamut of popular races in Collectible Card Games. In particular, Asmodai is a Demon Lord, and also Ensemble Dark Horse Cool Big Bro. And in the second season, the heroes are being supervised by a literal Friendly neighborhood vampire, Count Dawn. In fact, both are Omni Lords, who made Yamigedou a Sealed Evil in a Can.
- Hellsing:
- Seras Victoria starts out as and stays a good girl, forming the moral center of the Hellsing Organization. Given the large number of antiheroes on this show, this is quite impressive. As a Reluctant Monster, she refuses to drink blood and is never shown to feed on humans; when she finally gives in and sucks her crush's blood in response to his dying wish, she is recognized by the other characters as being a true monster. She retains her perky and somewhat subservient disposition, despite impressive battle-lust. Additionally, in the anime series, she assumes the Vampire Detective role on several occasions.
- Her Master, Alucard, functions as a Friendly Neighborhood Vampire, but only because Integra's got him on a leash. He certainly has more moral standards than and openly opposes Millennium's vampires, anyway. Just don't get on his bad side or insult Integra. Indeed, Alucard doesn't actually dislike humans, in fact he admires them. That being said, when he's given the order to kill them he enjoys it as much as any other fight. There's a reason Alucard has hundreds of thousands of dead souls at his disposal.
- Gabriel from I'm Gonna Be an Angel!. He can survive on tomato juice instead of blood, but it's not his first choice.
- Hikari Takanashi from Interviews with Monster Girls. Even though she enjoys drinking blood and considers it a bit erotic, she only needs one pack of it a month and notes that some vampires can avoid doing it at all if they choose a very specific diet. She also can't convert other humans to vampires, and aside from being sensitive to heat and UV light, has no standout superhuman abilities apart from excellent senses. Because of this, she's fully capable of living an ordinary life, and appearance-wise, she's not much different from a regular fifteen-year-old aside from the pointy canines.
- Karin has an entire family of Friendly Neighborhood Vampires, the most obvious example of which is the title character
◊. They're so friendly, in fact, that being bitten by one is actually good for your health! Specifically, each vampire has a preferred affinity that draws their attention. When they suck blood, they suck this preferred affinity out temporarily. This is good for everyone when the trait is bad — for example, Karin's brother is attracted to stress, his "victims" are drained of all their tension and left relaxed and happy (he targets stressed out women because afterwards, they tend to be... appreciative); most of Karin's family has negative affinity (her mother's affinity is deceit, her father's is pride). This is bad when the trait is good. For example, Karin's grandmother Elda is attracted to love, her victims are drained of any feelings of love and caring, becoming hateful wretches, including her lover Alfred.
- Karin herself is an inverted "blood-maker" vampire, who rather than needing bloods produces too much, and once a month has to get rid of it by biting a human and injecting the excess blood. At the same time, she has an affinity of her own: unhappiness. So the "victim" winds up being both cheerful and energetic for the next month.
- Pachira from Magical Pokaan, who's really just looking for a boyfriend and a larger bust. She wants the boyfriend to let her bite him, but only with the best of intentions. Otherwise, her vampirism only shows up when it's plot-important. Pachira manages to subsist on tomato juice, and, in fact, donated blood when she sees a cute guy working at the blood donation clinic.
- The entirety of the titular group in Mayonaka Punch are friendly vampires whose only goal is to meet 1 million subscribers on NewTube. Expanded upon in the tenth episode, where Yuki reveals that on Mother's orders, she and Live exterminated the vampires who wished harm upon humans, creating an orderly world where humans and vampires could coexist in peace.
- Master of Mosquiton: In both his television and OVA depictions, the eponymous vampire is a Dogged Nice Guy who's at Inohue's beck and call... until he drinks blood, that is.
- Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood is a 4-koma manga and anime. The main character is Sophie, a sweet-natured vampire who lives by herself in a big mansion, drinks blood devivered from a blood bank, and wouldn't hurt anyone. Instead she's basically an otaku - sleeps all day, watches anime all night.
- My Monster Secret has Shiragami Youko, who first appears as (and tries to present herself as) an aloof beauty, but is actually a slightly dense Genki Girl with a Kansai dialect. She's also a half-vampire, meaning traditional weaknesses are mild inconveniences (sunlight makes her tan very easily, garlic makes her cry, and crucifixes annoy her), and she doesn't have to drink blood (which she says is extremely intimate). Her full-vampire father looks much more scary (and is 4 meter tall, incidentally) but turns out to be pretty nice himself (as well as the source of Youko's ditziness). When he's not flipping out over male protagonist Asahi being too close to his daughter.
- The manga does eventually go into their backstories and explains that the Shiragami family are outliers: Genjirou got disowned by his own father because he wanted to live peacefully among humans rather than acting "traditional" (read: living in a dank, isolated castle and treating humans like cattle). Unfortunately, just days shy of his high school graduation his vampiric nature went out of control, exposing him in front of his terrified classmates and destroying his life. Part of the reason for his overprotective nature is that he's afraid of the same thing happening to Youko, but the other part is that his wife Touko gave up her whole life (including all her friends and family) to stay with him, and he doesn't want Asahi to have to make that kind of sacrifice either. At the end of the series (and thanks to some time travel) the pair graduates successfully, Youko's human friends accept her for who she is, and Genjirou gladly gives them his permission to wed.
- Negima!:
- Evangeline A.K. McDowell from Negima! Magister Negi Magi is more of a Noble Demon and killed a lot of people in the past. The "friendly" part is majorly a result of having her powers sealed and being forced to live as a normal schoolgirl for fifteen years. Although, it seems mentoring Negi and his other students may be bringing out the good in her.
- Touta Konoe from UQ Holder!, being a Stock Shōnen Hero, tries to be friends with everyone. He's also the sire and adopted son of Evangeline.
- Shido from Nightwalker is a vampire detective who happens to be quite friendly although we learn via flashbacks that it was not always so. Also, later in the series Riho, once she is turned into a vampire. After a period of brooding she falls back to her Genki self thus making her the very definition of this trope.
- Rai, Seina, and Regice from Noblesse. The latter explicitly states that term "Noblesse Oblige" was created by their protection of human.
- Phantom Quest Corp.: In the first Incident File, Ayaka meets Bosco, an anemic vampire who runs a tea shop that specifically caters to late teen-20 something female clientele. What's more, he's trying to kick the habit, by exposing himself to crosses, garlic, and sunlight, though blood is the only thing he can't do without. Which is why Makiko had been offering her neck willingly to help with his problem (and he's been careful to limit himself to only feeding on her 4 times a year, at 200cc's per quarter).
- Reiri from Princess Resurrection: she only drinks blood from willing donors (usually female classmates), and then only small amounts at a time. She also makes sure no harm comes to her "little lambs".
- Rosario + Vampire:
- Moka Akashiya is not just friendly, she is head-over-heels in love with the series' Ordinary High-School Student. Also, she usually drinks canned tomato juice rather than blood (except if it's Tsukune's blood, which she sucks a bit every morning). Her Superpowered Evil Side is less friendly... but honestly, not by as much as you'd think.
- Her younger sister Kokoa Shuzen is rather less than friendly, being quite inclined to bash in the head of anyone who annoys her (which isn't difficult to do) with a giant mace (or whatever her pet bat can turn into). Her older sister Kahlua Shuzen is a mixed bag; she's downright Ax-Crazy, yet friendly at the same time. "Insane" isn't anywhere near sufficient to describe how messed up Kahlua is. Akua, while clearly having a dark intent going, cares a lot about her stepsister Moka.
- Moka's mom, Akasha Bloodriver, was one of these too, with the daughter's power-limited alter ego taking very much after her. Which doesn't stop her from being one hell of a badass when she needs to be, since she is a Shinso, the most powerful monster category in the manga's universe.
- Tsukune becomes a vampire by the end of the second manga, but he's still the same good guy as before.
- Kuro from Servamp. He'd rather spend his days peacefully lazing around, playing video games and eating potato chips, but unfortunately he gets caught up in a vampire war. While he can get pretty dangerous, he hates to fight and only does it when someone hurts Mahiru, and he doesn't need blood to survive - it just gives him strength to fight. He can also only drink Mahiru's blood, whom he's bound to by a contract.
- Bonus points for Kuro saying the exact same words to Mahiru when he met to him in episode 1. "I'm just a friendly neighbourhood vampire shut-in..."
- Inverted in Shiki. Most new vampires don't really want to bite and kill humans. But sooner or later the hunger just gets so great that hardly any of them can resist. At one point Natsuno notes that vampires do not have to kill their victims (humans only die after the fourth bite), but the vampire Tohru explains that it is against the nature of a vampire to simply let a human once bitten go again.
- Taxi Driver, a short story by Hojo Tsukasa, follows a hapless dork of a vampire who works as a taxi driver with the intention of feeding on clients, but is unable to make himself go through with it because he's just too much of a Nice Guy. The story is kicked off when he once again chickens out of draining his latest "victim" and in the process discovers she's a famous Idol Singer who recently went missing under suspicious circumstances, being too kindhearted to ignore the obvious Call to Adventure.
- Tokyo Ghoul centers around a group of Ghouls with this attitude taking in the protagonist after he's turned into a Half-Human Hybrid. These Ghouls attempt to live peacefully, avoiding direct conflict with humans and satisfying their Horror Hunger through scavenging victims of suicide or other violence. Their base of operations is a coffee shop that doubles as a Ghoul soup kitchen, providing meat to Ghouls unwilling or unable to hunt. Unfortunately, CCG doesn't acknowledge or particularly care that such peaceful Ghouls exist, as evidenced by Touka's backstory. Her father was nicknamed the "Corpse Collector" because he exclusively scavenged rather than hurt anyone, but was hunted down anyway. Afterwards, news about his true nature caused the neighbors that had adored him for his kindness to label him a monster and gossip that he was only pretending to be kind while plotting to kill them all. They immediately turned on his two young children, and handed them over to authorities to be killed.
- Abel Nightroad of Trinity Blood is basically a vampiric Vash the Stampede, and uses Obfuscating Stupidity to put on the front of a benevolent, somewhat comical priest. When he throws it off, he's still a hero, but merciless toward his opponents. That being said, he wasn't always so nice- according to the Manual, he killed millions of humans in the past before a loved one persuaded him to Heel–Face Turn.
- Not only Abel, but several vampires (or Methuselahs as they call themselves) of the New Human Empire of which they are the majority, Albion (even if they are the minority and face discrimination) and other places. While they are reasonably distrustful towards humans (who they call Terrans), majority of them don't want to restart the war again and thus they are careful as their human counterparts lead by the Vatican to facilitate the peace talks. The nicest one is being Shahrazad al-Rahman of the New Human Empire, so nice she was called "The Benevolent", who treat both her vampire and human servants equally.
- Professor Papaya, the English teacher from Trouble Chocolate, is not only a friendly vampire, but downright submissive and frail.
- The Vampire Dies in No Time initially gives the impression that the vampires are hostile, but very few instances are genuine. A lot of the vampires, even if they are quite quirky, are still somewhat on good terms with humans. One such example is the title vampire Draluc, who dies to pretty much everything and is a bit of a mischief-maker but despite this he does have a good heart.
- In Vampire Knight, all of the Night Class students take special tablets rather than drink blood, but Kuran Kaname is the only one who really fits this trope. Arguably, so does Zero and Yuuki
- Miyu from Vampire Princess Miyu is this in the TV series... to an extent. She goes to school, has normal school friends and a pet rabbit (well, a Shinma who looks like a rabbit) and keeps the balance between Shinma and humans - and has to struggle with her own identity issues and her dealings with humans more than once. In the original OAV series, while not above pitying humans once or twice, Miyu was more of a Creepy Child who, when confronted by Himiko, said her perspective on humanity changed completely once she became a vampire.
- Vlad Love is a series about a teenager named Mistsugu who encounters a vampire named Mai. After discovering that Mai refuses to hurt innocent people to get the blood her body requires, Mitsugu organizes a blood donation club at school to keep her fed.
Comic Books
- In Astro City, it is implied that the vampires who live in Shadow Hill all behave — or else.
- There's also The Confessor, whose superpowers are actually due to vampirism. But he is a hero, despite how hungry he gets.
- Alex Elder in Crimson is a young vampire fated to save the world from the upcoming apocalypse, who rebels against his nature and refuses to drink any blood, not even animal. His friend and mentor Joseph would have qualified as one for being a loyal and steadfast friend, if it wasn't for the fact he was a Fully-Embraced Fiend.
- DC Comics:
- Pearl Jones from American Vampire is shown to be the most sympathetic and nicest vampire in the series so far, along with being arguably the most human of her kind. She just wants to live her life in peace like everyone else and be with her beloved (and human) Henry. Though that doesn't stop her from becoming a very formidable killing machine when she has to.
- Batman Vampire is an Elseworld story showing what would have happened if Batman fought against Count Dracula and rose as a vampire himself. He attempts to live up to this trope by subsisting only on a serum that replaces the need for blood, as well as the Catwoman's touch, since The Power of Love keeps his dark side at bay. Also having not fed on real human blood grants him immunity to their common weaknesses until The Joker kills Catwoman, driving Batman to the edge and feeding on him.
- Andrew Bennet from I, Vampire wants to live in harmony with humanity. Unfortunately, his ex-girlfriend and her vampire army had different ideas.
- Possible subversion in Preacher. Cassidy likes to present himself as a decent guy who just happens to be a vampire. But, as the series goes on, he is shown to be selfish and destructive, hooking the women who love him on heroin and destroying their lives without a second thought. Drinking their blood would probably have been kinder.
- He doesn't do it out of (intentional) cruelty but because he's a weak and selfish character who can't resist temptation. This is what makes Cassidy such a great antagonist - his villainy has nothing to do with his being a vampire, though one can view him as a vampire metaphorically as well as physically. The people close to him get used up, turned into junkies or bag ladies. He doesn't try to take advantage of other people, it just sort of happens.
- Batman and the Outsiders: Looker is transformed into a vampire during a story arc about Geo-Force's country, Markovia, being overrun by vampires. Due to her metahuman physiology she bypasses some vampire weaknesses like vulnerability to sunlight. She remains a hero for a while before retiring and even becomes a talk show host. The New 52 depicts her as a former model who after becoming a vampire dedicates herself to protecting models from the predatory elements of the fashion industry.
- Josie from Ed the Happy Clown is this trope, at least to Ed himself (she doesn't get along very well with Ronald Reagan's head and averts the trope entirely with Chet.)
- J. M. DeMatteis's Greenberg the Vampire seems to be the same personality he was before his girlfriend bit him, just stuck with the physical weaknesses of vampirism (like a need for blood & an allergy to sunlight).
- In a Munden's Bar backup story in one issue of Grimjack Gordon the bartender serves the last vampire in the multiverse. As technology has advanced, more and more vampire fatal weaknesses crop up, including lima beans and tourbots. As he concludes his story a vampire hunter enters and kills him. An enraged Gordon kills the hunter in turn.
- Ragamuffin from Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl becomes this later in the comics, but only due to the fact that he's trapped in a toy and that he starts caring about Lenore. Initially, he was a cannibal.
- This is the whole point of Life Sucks. Although the vampires still feed (violently) on humans, the elder vampires run convenience stores and copy shops, and the main character refuses to feed on humans because he's a pacifist vegetarian.
- Marvel Comics:
- Hannibal King was one of the earliest examples of this trope, a vampire private detective. He fed only on the blood of animals or blood taken from donation centers, and never attacked a human. Because of this, when Doctor Strange cast the Montesi Formula spell that destroyed all vampires, King alone was spared. Although near destruction, Strange and several of his and King's friends were able to give the detective a full-blood transfusion (reminding the reader that Stephen Strange was a surgeon before he was a master of the mystic arts). This had the happy result of turning him back into a human.
- Blade is a Daywalker rather than a full-time vampire (his mother was bitten late in her pregnancy and Blade thus "inherited" some vampiric traits without being a full vampire himself), but he falls into the description of "vampiric good guy" nonetheless.
- Morbius the Living Vampire, despite all the harm his Horror Hunger causes, is ultimately a good guy who wants to help people. At one point he even ran a free clinic for the poor in New York.
- The Mortuus Invitus in The Tomb of Dracula was an order of vampires that resisted Dracula's rule and assisted Blade in a couple of occasions. Their name is supposed to mean "The Unwilling Dead", which means they were all turned against their will and dedicated themselves to hunting their twisted kind.
- Jubilee, of all people, became one. When she smiles, she does have some incredibly cute fangs
- The Forgiven
are a team of these, having chosen to put aside their desire for human blood, to turn away from their vampire nature, and be a force for good. They even helped Jubilee become a Vegetarian Vampire.
- Chastity from Chastity as published by Chaos! Comics and Dynamite Entertainment. Chastity is a protector of the innocent and does her best to avoid feeding on humans unless they're completely evil. This is a notable contrast to Purgatori, who is a full-on Villain Protagonist.
- The Brazilian series Monica's Gang has Vic Vampire or Zé Vampiro as he is know in his native language. While he tries to drink blood, he is very clumsy and tends to play tricks on others most of the times. He is still very much friendly, given this is a child-oriented work.
- Every vampire in My Very First Vampire Blood Drive seems to be perfectly friendly, but Velvet in particular is extremely kind and polite. Bunny describes her as "soft and achingly sweet-hearted."
- Count Boscoe from Ninja High School is a reformed vampire who subsists on pills supplied by some benefactor.
- Requiem in Requiem Vampire Knight stands out from the rest of other vampires and other denizens of Résurrection, who are all psychotic degenerates of varying degrees for being the only one who retains a conscience and being capable of genuine love. He is actually something of a freak among them for displaying qualities such as honor and chivalry. With that said, he is, at really best an Anti-Hero, who did a lot of reprehensible things in life since he used to be a Nazi which ultimately damned him to Hell in the first place. Admittedly, he genuinely regrets his past and agrees that he deserves to be punished for it.
- The comic book Scary Godmother features a family of friendly vampires, one of whom is the friend of the main character. Most of the monsters in the comic are actually quite friendly, making this an example of Dark Is Not Evil. Not to mention their son Orson is often considered a love interest to Hannah.
- Licorice Dust from Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose. She loves to party with her WereCat BFF Boo Cat, and doesn't kill unless that person really deserves it.
- Vampirella is notable for being one of the earliest examples of a vampire protagonist in modern fiction. She is depicted as a Human Alien space vampire who comes from the planet Drakulon where blood is naturally occurring or she's the daughter of Lilith sent to wipe out monsterkind. Either way, Vampirella is a Vegetarian Vampire who primarily feeds on a chemistry-created blood substitute and the occasional evil doer while working to protect humankind.
Fan Works
- Played for Laughs in and when darkness comes around
. Lamia, a batpony, asks for blood in the way a girl scout wants to sell cookies, much to the amusement of Eric, the resident human in Ponyville.
What a place! Even the bloodsuckers were nice!
- Blood of Beauty
, a Sonic the Hedgehog Paranormal Romance fanfic, stars Shadow, a vampire hedgehog. He starts out as a vampire who hunts and drinks blood from mortals frequently. After falling in love with Blaze, a mortal cat, he makes a Heel–Face Turn and decides to not feast on mortals anymore.
- Captain Midnight Blossom from Diaries of a Madman is dedicated to helping others out in her role as captain of the Night Guard.
- Equestria Girls: Friendship Souls: Scootaloo's Bount clan is this, doing their best to only take small amounts of spirit energy from souls, not enough to harm them. When Scootaloo hears that not only are Screwball and Screwloose willing to "donate", Discord is working on other solutions rather than feeding on souls directly, she's relieved and happy about it.
- Friendship Is Monsters: Sunset and her adoptive mother Celestia are both vampires and more or less benign beings who won't harm another human. However, the latter wasn't always this way, and slaughtered humans without mercy.
- Harry Potter and the Deadly Heller
: Ginny is in the middle of slaughtering her way through the dozens to hundreds of vampires that Voldemort has created to distract her from opposing him, when she comes across a vampire-run brothel. To her consternation, it's all consensual and mostly safe (they give juice and Gatorade to departing clients!), and predates Voldemort's campaign. The owner is even willing to share information about the operation that Voldemort has set up, since it's not only competition, it's an outright danger both directly (through aggressive recruitment) and indirectly (through drawing attention). Ginny isn't thrilled about the place existing, but doesn't feel like she should wipe them out, either.
- The vampires of The Twilight Saga retelling Luminosity run the gamut. In the happy yellow FNV corner, we have the Cullens and Bella, 'vegetarian' vampires who feed off animals. In the 'humans are prey' blood-red corner we have most of the rest of the vampires. It's expanded further in the sequel, Radiance, where the Masquerade is gradually lifted, as more and more vampires and hybrids are present in the community with strict laws against killing humans.
- In Nosflutteratu, we learn that Fluttershy has been one all along, and all of Ponyville is in on it.
- In the Pony POV Series, a few Changelings (whose vampire-like nature is played up a bit) have done this. Bon Bon's 'twin sister' Moth turns out to be one. Weaver and her brothers invoked this trope to prove the Changelings could be this.
- The Return features friendly neighbourhood Succubae. They only kill and eat really bad guys, honest.
- The Rigel Black Chronicles: The two vampire covens living in the Lower Alleys are not especially friendly, but they coexist mostly peacefully — albeit usually at arm's length — with their neighbours. The Alleys' medical clinic even runs a regular blood drive to help support them.
Harry: People donate blood to vampires?
Leo: The vampires pay a handsome tithe. Their privacy and safety during the day is valuable to their way of life. This money goes to feeding and housing those who fall on hard times in the alleys. It goes to infrastructure such as waste removal, public Floo facilities, and wards for privacy and protection around businesses of a less than strictly legal nature. It benefits the community at large to have rich covens in our alleys, and as long as they don't cause trouble, they're welcome. - In Your Human And You, Primrose, one of the guards assigned to watch Max, turns out to be one.
Films — Animation
- Dracula and his daughter Mavis turn out to be nice "people" in the Hotel Transylvania series. In the extended 'not limited to vampires' version of this trope, the only monster character seen who doesn't fall here is Quasimodo, the villain of the first movie, (who wants to make food out of Jonathan). With the rest (including Dracula and Mavis) it is mostly a matter of fearing the humans, and understandably so.
- The animated children's movie The Ketchup Vampires featured...well, vampires who drink ketchup instead of blood.
- The vampire quartet in The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Films — Live-Action
- The sequel to 30 Days of Night Dark Days shows the vampire Dane. He was able to retain some of his humanity for unknown reasons when he was turned into a vampire. He himself suspects that it is because only a slight injury triggered the transformation, and therefore not much of the other vampire was transferred to him. In this universe, however, a vampire like him is an absolute exception.
- Blade Trilogy: Not often, with the majority of vampires killing even when they don’t have to, but Blade himself is a heroic exception (see his comic page). The first movie has a few vampire elders rebuking Deacon Frost for his nightclubs with blood feasts and humans to feed on (although that may have been Pragmatic Villainy) and several in the second movie who have an Enemy Mine situation with Blade and argue that due to being born vampires, they never had a choice. The spinoff TV series also features a handful of Vegetarian Vampires.
- The vampire in Cronos is a kindly grandfather who fits this trope.
- Daybreakers: While the vampire controlled society is a Dystopia there are plenty of vampires (including at least one US Senator, and The Hero, a scientist working on a blood substitute) arguing for humans to be used as more than cattle and trying to find a good way for them to coexist, and some vampires turned against their will who refuse to drink any blood but their own (which has the unfortunate side effect of turning them into feral monsters). It's also claimed that it was the humans who forced a war in the first place when the vampires wanted peace and were willing to subside on blood donations.
- Vlad in Dracula Untold, who only agrees to become a vampire in the first place to protect his family and his people and must not feast on blood at all costs for three days, or else, he will be forever damned. Even when he does so, its to retain the necessary power to save his son and remains noble and heroic all the way through.
- Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person sums up main character Sasha's crux in its title.
- Anne Parillaud's vampire from Innocent Blood. At least she was very strict about feeding only from really bad guys and the film ends with her and Anthony LaPaglia giving a relationship a go.
- John Carpenter's Vampires:
- Zoey in Los Muertos is a heroic vampire, unlike all other vampires that were usually soulless monsters.
- Sang from the third movie The Turning is a even straighter example, since she belongs to a Asian breed of vampires that vowed to never feed on humans and try to live peacefully among them. Unfortunately, she is inadvertently responsible for creating a very evil breed of vampires that kill for pleasure and seeks to sacrifice herself in a Eclipse ritual to exterminate them and atone for her deeds.
- Kiss of the Damned: Djuna and the other vampires living in Connecticut seem overall nice, only drinking blood from animals. She and the leader, Xenia, break this but only after being very tempted.
- Let the Right One In:
- Eli fits this trope. Eli does feed on people, but is only driven to it by hunger, rather than a desire to hurt anyone. She's -literally- Oskar's neighbour when they first meet and she's supposedly the only real friend he's ever had. She shows genuine affection for him, gives him advice on how to deal with the bullies who torment him, and saves his life at the end when the bullies are trying to drown him in the swimming pool. Is it any wonder that Oskar chooses to leave town at the end of the film and start a new life with Eli?
- Word of God states that Oskar's fate is that he'll be turned into a vampire as well, so there'll be two of them, wherever they end up living.
- She only avoided feeding on people herself because she didn't want to be caught. She sent her slave out every night to kill a person and drain their blood for her to feed on. She was nice to Oskar, but not to anyone else.
- The Librarian: Curse of the Judas Chalice gives us Simone, a downright perky 403-year-old vampire who's been hanging out in New Orleans for the past 200 years guarding a clue to the titular artifact in order to keep it out of the hands of eviler vampires (and also because she figures it'll eventually attract the vampire who turned her, who she wants vengeance on). Despite Simone protecting him and trying her best to allay his concerns, Flynn still noticeably guards his neck once he figures out she's a vampire, and in a later scene surreptitiously pumps her for information on how to kill her, which she is mildly offended by when she realizes what he's doing.
- Jeremy and Modoc from My Best Friend is a Vampire, both of whom drink pig's blood bought from the local butcher.
- In Perfect Creature, vampires are members of the clergy and humans go to churches to donate blood. Naturally, the vampire protagonist has to deal with the loner who prefers to think of humans as food instead of a symbiotic partner species.
- The 1989 Cult Classic Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat features a whole town of these, as the heroes. They are led by David Carradine Jozek Mardulak who turns out to be Count Dracula after a Heel–Face Turn. He works to make the vampire townspeople forgo human blood, proving that the premise of True Blood and The Twilight Saga is Older than You Think. He feeds them with a less-tasty blood substitute made by his team of chemists and spruced up by the local diner staff, while working on mass production to keep up with the demand. Some in the town express a wistfulness towards feeding, like in the old days, with one man secretly building an army of petty criminals and such turned outside of town to wipe out Mardulak and all who support him. When he does lead his forces against the town however, armed with wooden-stake bullets, only one of the local vampires rallies to his cause, while the rest remain firm in their path, which gets most of them killed, although in the climax, the survivors are saved when the human family brought in to help with the plant raise a homemade cross. While Holy Burns Evil and wipes out the evil vampires, Mardulak and his surviving people are left untouched, as a sign that their efforts have made a difference in saving their souls.
- Tales from the Hood 2: For a given value of "friendly", but the vampiresses in "Date Night" do their best to target only the worst offenders they can ensnare.
- Theresa & Allison: Theresa feels guilty at having killed when feeding on humans, and agrees readily to sign up for a program which provides donated blood. She's disturbed by how okay vampire society is with killing them (aside from a few rules for practicality), including her lover Allison who assures her how the guilt will fade. Theresa's even more appalled upon realizing many vampires regularly kill humans at parties, often preceded with torture. Some pick humans to kill just for some minor slights (e.g. a sales clerk being rude at a store). Others rape them beforehand too. She increasingly realizes most vampires, aside from Miranda, are unrepentant rapists and murderers. In some cases, like Paisley, they were already this way prior to turning. Near the end, she's lured into killing a bound human woman along with Allison.
- Sang-hyun from Thirst (2009) does his best not to kill anyone. He takes blood from a comatose patient he believes would have given his blood freely to the hungry. He also provides peaceful suicides.
- The Nordic Coven in Underworld: Blood Wars. While most vampires in the series can be described as cold, distant and detached including the main heroine Selene, the Nordic vampires are characterized as peaceful and friendly, living distantly from civilization (and therefore not being a threat to mankind), and yet grant sanctuary to outsiders without problem. Their leader Vidar and his daughter Lena are also very nice in person.
- Vamps: The protagonists, along with the group they're part of, "Sanguines Anonymous", who abstain from drinking human blood (only wild animals) and live peacefully hidden.
- In We Are the Night the three female vampires Louise, Charlotte and Nora claim that this is their lifestyle. However, the heroine Lena quickly realizes the truth. The hunting instinct and the desire to fight are simply too strong in vampires to live safely in the vicinity of humans, not to mention the hunger. What is worse is that a vampire can survive on blood bags and animal blood in an emergency, but can only really get fed up from living humans.
- Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter: The titular hero is trained in his vocation by ethical-bloodsucker Henry Sturges, who makes a point of only feeding on bad people, or those so old or ill they're about to die anyway. Furthermore, Henry certainly doesn't favor the evil vampires' plan to conquer America with the aid of their slave-holding Confederate allies.
- Anita Blake: Vampires have successfully earned legal US citizenship and have to obey all the same laws that ordinary humans do. Doesn't stop a lot of them from breaking those laws whenever it suits them, and still running their personal fiefdoms through intimidation, terror, and outright murder of each other. Some vampires are definitely "friendlier" than others, but practically none of them are just "people with fangs."
- Anno Dracula: Vampires are just regular people with some extra powers and an unusual dietary requirement. Of course, if you give regular people superpowers and a reason to prey on their fellow humans, many of them will turn out to be sadistic monsters. Not all of them, though, and possibly not even most of them. The most notable "good guy" vamps are Kate Reed and Geneviève Dieudonné. (For more on Gené, or at least an alternate universe counterpart, see below under Tabletop Games.)
- Black Dagger Brotherhood: They live peaceably (for the most part) as the Token Minority within human society and conventions, and don't need human blood to survive.
- Blood Books: Vampires are pretty much just like they were in life, only now they live forever and drink blood. The main vampire character in the series is a romance novelist.
- Marianne Mancusi's Blood Coven: Vampires do feed from humans, but the humans in question are voluntary participants, are not killed, and are well-paid for their trouble. (They're also carefully screened before being chosen, as these vampires are still susceptible to blood-borne pathogens.) Furthermore, any turnings are done with the knowledge and consent of the one turned. (There was an involuntary turning once, but it was a case of Mistaken Identity: The protagonist was meant to be turned, but her identical twin sister ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. The vampire responsible promptly apologized for the mistake and dropped everything to help cure her.)
- Bloodsucking Fiends and its sequel You Suck: Jody turns her boyfriend Tommy into a vampire at the end of the first book, and he spends most of the second book trying to cope with it. Vampires in this setting have Super-Senses to the point of being able to detect people with terminal diseases, so if they want to avoid hurting people it's easy for them to avoid people who have long, full lives ahead of them. Coping with the change is hard for Jody and Tommy, but that's just because of the "bursting into flames in sunlight" thing.
- Bunnicula ruthlessly drinks the life juices from its victims, which he requires to live (he's greatly weakened when Chester the cat uses garlic to prevent him from attacking anyone). Subversion? Heck, no. Bunnicula is a vampire rabbit, and sucks the juice out of vegetables. Toward the human members of the family and other pets, he's quiet and nonviolent, Chester's paranoia notwithstanding.
- Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's Chronicles of Saint-Germain has an early example of this trope in modern literature. The titular character takes blood from willing or sleeping victims, with care not to take so much that they might become vampires themselves (unless they agree to this). Honorable, and not prone to violence unless he or those under his protection are attacked. Madeleine and Olivia, two other vampires who are book protagonists, also qualify.
- Cruel Illusions: Roman is a vampire, but doesn't prey on humans like others of his kind. He only takes blood that he buys from willing hosts and also hunts both vampires who hurt people and other magicians who are using their powers to abuse others.
- Den of Shadows: SingleEarth is a peaceful coalition of vampires, shapeshifters, witches, etc. Vampires in this group tend to feed only on animals or willing human donors.
- Andre from Mercedes Lackey's Diana Tregarde novels is decidedly this trope. When good witch Diana first encounters him, she thrusts a crucifix in his face. His response is to look at her sadly, take the cross from her hand and kiss it reverently. He and Diana become allies and lovers as the story progresses.
- The Discworld has the Black Ribbon Society, a group of vampires who sign a pledge not to drink human blood and who hold regular meetings for mutual reinforcement. Some vampires continue to drink some blood, but only from uncooked meat or other "stand-ins"; however, in order to prevent themselves from relapsing, the Black Ribboners must often focus single-mindedly on some other hobby or activity.
- In Monstrous Regiment, Maladict or should we say Maladicta is addicted to coffee. When he runs out of coffee everyone becomes very, very nervous.note
- In The Truth, Otto Chriek devotes himself entirely to researching light and color and becomes the Ankh-Morpork Times's "iconographer.". He deliberately cultivates a stereotypical yet humorous vampiric appearance in order not to be taken seriously — and thus, not feared. Until he gets to de Worde's father, of course.
- Acknowledged, subverted, and averted in Carpe Jugulum. The Magpyr Family don't go on rampages of terror or paint the town red. They are (with one minor exception) polite and civilised, with only the slight drawback of overusing their mental powers to take over places (but still doing it peacefully...ish). They also set up communities where villages "willingly" donate blood to Vampires whenever they want it. Subverted with the character of the Old Count Magpyr, who was very much of the old school of vampiring; living in an ominous mountainside castle (named Dontgonearthe Castle) and so forth. This was actually a clever move in the long run because the Count realised that the fastest way to avoid being killed permanently was by giving people a fighting chance in order to level the playing field. This takes the form of deliberately leaving holy water in his own castle, having lots of ornaments which can be bent into religious symbols and big wide windows for letting the sunshine in. This method worked much better, so much so that the Old Count was actually respected and liked by the locals despite technically being a stereotypical monster vampire - it might also help that as the locals pointed out, no one minded him, as he never gave them more than a nip and was easy enough to ward off if you took basic precautions, and he didn't expect anyone to like him for it. Which is more or less why they did.
- He was apparently given to telling his Igor, point blank and apparently unprovoked, that the day vampires won every time would be the day they truly died. Granny charges him to "teach [the Magpyr children] to be stupid" as a result - he knew when to indulge in Contractual Genre Blindness.
- The Old Count also acknowledged the villagers as people, even considering some of his past "killers" to be Worthy Opponents, commending their descendants - even Granny Weatherwax, to her utter shock, revealing that Alison Weatherwax, her grandmother, had passed through about 50 years back and staked him and cut his head off. Granny, who had worried about going bad, and that her grandmother had gone bad, is left notably flatfooted - as opposed to the current generation who wanted to treat them like cattle.
- Angua is a friendly neighbourhood werewolf. Well. Not so friendly to criminals. However, unlike the rest of her family, she isn't prone to hunting and eating people.
- Some of the regulars at Biers, a pub for the undead, are good people. When a nice old woman who also comes there is beaten and robbed, the items are discretely returned and the thugs are later found drained of all blood in an alleyway.
- Dracula in Fred Saberhagen's novels The Dracula Tape, And Old Friend of the Family and The Holmes/Dracula File is occasionally menacing, but ultimately honorable and quite willing to defend those to whom he has pledged his protection.
- Dragaera: Sethra Lavode, and thus Kiera by extension.
- Thomas Raith in The Dresden Files is an empathic vampire of the White Court who feeds on life-force via touch. Rather than drain people through sex, which would be typical of his kind but is dangerous and addictive to the victims, he at one point ran a hair salon, getting his sustenance a little at a time while handling women's heads and talking with them.
- In Dead Beat, the Horror Hunger Thomas experiences is explored, with Thomas giving Harry a quite blunt explanation on how it feels to limit how much energy he takes from others. He makes Harry run a race with him down a beach, kicking sand into his face, and the race eventually makes Harry gasping, tired, and incredibly thirsty for water. Harry takes a single gulp of water from his bottle, knowing that one gulp won't be enough, and then Thomas knocks it out of his hand before he can take another sip. That is how it feels, he explains, to limit yourself to what you can feed on as a vampire - especially when Warm Blood Bags Are Everywhere. He later finds a workaround, with his girlfriend, Justine, becoming something of a dietician. For context, if someone has sex with someone else they're in love with - though a similarly intimate Act of True Love between equals is hinted to work - they burn a White Court vampire on touch, as does any artefact related to that love. This meant that Thomas couldn't be with her... until she figured out a loophole. She'd have sex with another woman, who she picked up from a club (to prevent the addiction risk), undo the protection, then they'd all have sex, rinse and repeat. The dietician part is because she brings home someone different each time in response to his mood. This means he's also fully fed, without harming anyone. Harry Dresden, his half-brother, is deeply jealous. Thomas is smug.
- He is however pretty much a huge exception to the rule as the Black Court are straight up Always Chaotic Evil, the Red Court are likewise horrific monsters that put on a veneer of civilization, and only the White Court has even the option of being anything other than monstrous. Lampshaded in a Friendly Enemy conversation Harry has with the Punch-Clock Villain Binder, in which Binder points out that people who think that Vampires have the same motivations and needs as humans hasn't ever watched one disembowel another as bizarre sexual foreplay. It's worth noticing that in the entire timeline of the Dresden Files, there are three known White Court vampires who are confirmed to be actively trying to not kill people (Thomas himself, his younger sister Inari who was able to stop herself from fully turning and is implied to have killed off her Hunger/vampiric side, and Connie Barrowill, who did fully turn but was fortunate in that her boyfriend, the first person she Fed on, was the Half-Human Hybrid son of a Bigfoot, who had so much life force that she didn't kill him).
- Earth's Scariest Monsters!: Vorigan tries to be this way centuries after his and Morgana's plot to Take Over the World fails. He no longer wants to attack humans and decides to get blood by hunting animals. Additionally, he wants to atone for all of his past transgressions and forgive himself.
- Family Bites by Lisa Williams, features Friendly Neighbourhood Werewolves who look and act like big, friendly dogs, and Friendly Neighbourhood Vampires who drink animal blood ...except for the younger son, The Casanova who drinks from consenting women.
- Count Herbert Willborough is the friendly, neighborhood vampire in Fancy Apartments; being pudgy, a bibliophile, and with a complete lack of interest in 'normal' vampire habits makes him an easy clincher for the title.
- In Freshman, Tabitha is a vampire, and it basically is a lifestyle choice. Apparently, a hundred years ago, it was the "in" thing to do, with such luminaries as the Rockefellers becoming vampires. (They hired doubles for photos). She considers biting people "too tacky for words" and uses a syringe instead.
- In the Yuri Schoolgirl Series Girls Kingdom of all places, we have Lady Angelica, who gets all the blood she needs from her family's blood bank business and has no desire to harm or control any of the students on campus, despite her sheer power, as shown when a vampire hunter comes to town, and she has to deal with it. Most people avoid her instinctively due to her powerful aura, however, a fact that bugs her to no end.
- While it's never said outright, Silas seems to fit this trope in The Graveyard Book. It's said several times that he belongs to neither the living nor the dead, and near the end of the book he confesses to having a monstrous past in which he did much worse things than the Jacks have done. In the present he's Bod's fierce protector.
- A vampire, Sanguini, appears briefly in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Judging by his "agent" Eldred Worple's comments and the book he wrote, vampires are not necessarily Chaotic Evil, just secretive from wizards. However, centaurs and merpeople actually opted out of being classified as "beings", because they didn't want to be associated with creatures such as vampires and hags. And there is a moment when Sanguini starts eyeing a group of girls a little too hungrily and has to be called away by Worple. So, although he's not currently going on a murderous rampage, there's no guarantee he won't start one at any moment.
- Vampires in Heretical Edge run the gauntlet, morally. There's absolute monsters, sure, but there's also Asenath, who is probably the most morally upright character thus far and spends her immortality helping anyone who needs it.
- Vampires in The Hollows come in two forms: living and undead. Living vampires are basically just humans with some of the vampire benefits and the craving for blood; most of them are friendly. Undead vampires lack a soul, a conscience and all forms of compassion: they most certainly don't qualify. For now. Based on the general trends of the series and the revelation that undead vampires feed to make a tentative, temporary connection to their missing souls, they're clearly being set up for more sympathetic characterization down the line. Whether this will ever affect their relationship to regular people is much less certain.
- In Johannes Cabal as well as the later books, Cabal's brother Horst is a vampire and a really nice, charming guy-far more squeamish about killing someone than his human brother. In the fourth book, those who meet him think that he's actually kind of a rubbish vampire-until they make him mad and he decides to be a bit threatening.
- The Institute for Singular Antiquities: In Fury from the Tomb:
- Yong Wu's parents have become jiangshi but because of their paternal love for their young son, they avoid hunting people they have no beef with and either hunt animals outside or await meals of blood collected from a train kitchen that Yong Wu works at. Mr. and Mrs. Wu stay out of trouble by staying inside the bottom of a coal cart when they need to sleep.
- Rojo is a necrofagos, a Mexican ghoul, who defected from his bandit band when his legs were burnt off by their boss. He becomes rather friendly with the protagonists due to being a rather personable ghoul with some decent traits and a grudge against the mummy sorcerer Amun Odji-Kek.
- Kitty Norville suggests that her various listeners aim for this on her Midnight Hour radio show. In practice, it's been a mixed bunch: Rick, Alette, and the Washington D.C. shapeshifters are nice, if slightly isolationist, folk who just happen to be afflicted with a common chronic disease and immortality. Kitty and Ben are pretty much the same way, although more aggressive in dealing with Unfriendly Neighborhood Vampires. The neighborhood part seems to be attached to the friendly one, as vampires or werewolves that don't have some normal civilized life to focus on end up Always Chaotic Evil.
- The Laundry Files: Subverted. Vampires in this universe cannot feed without killing. Vampirism in this universe is caused by a human mind merging with an extradimensional parasite that grants longevity and all the usual vampiric benefits, along with some heavy-duty magical abilities. It will also attempt to use the vampire's mind as a conduit to enter our universe, materializing inside the vampire's brain and causing holes in the brain reminiscent of what is seen in patients with "mad cow"-disease. The only way around this is for the vampire to take some blood from another human, effectively creating a magical link that will transfer the deleterious effects to someone else, who will inevitably die. A vampire keeping their activities to an absolute minimum might be able to feed as rarely as once a month, a vampire throwing around serious combat magic might need to feed every hour. This means that even relatively benevolent vampires like Mhari, who feeds exclusively on the already dying, is still the kind of psychopathic Serial Killer who is comfortable with killing twelve people a year if it means they can be immortal and powerful.
- In The Little Vampire, a young, oft-bullied boy becomes friends with a vampire child named Rüdiger (Rudolph). The whole thing's rather adorable. The series has a dark twist in the seventh book, when Tony (the boy) reads a local newspaper and learns that seven people have recently died of "fatigue due to gradual blood loss". So Rudolph's family are still killers, even though they try to be a little subtle about it.
- Daetrin Haal of The Madness Season fought the Tyr until the bitter end when Earth was first invaded by them. Later, on Vichy Earth, he continued to teach future generations of humanity what life was like before the Tyr were in control, at great risk to himself. And, thanks to the wonders of modern chemistry, he was able to synthesize the chemicals necessary to keep him alive without needing to drink blood.
- Subversion: The various creatures of the night in Mercy Thompson have aimed an entire public relations branch toward looking like Friendly Neighborhood Faeries and Friendly Neighborhood Werewolves, with Friendly Neighborhood Vampires waiting around the corner for their own chance. Since we're talking groups that include child-eating versions of The Fair Folk, lupine monsters with giant claws and major anger management issues, and Always Chaotic Evil killers who at best Shoot the Dog and at worst cross the Moral Event Horizon, respectively, the public relations team has a lot of work cut out in front of them. Stefan is the closest thing there is to a non-evil vampire in the series. He doesn't kill the humans he feeds on, and treats them well. He's a very nice guy, and, among other things, has painted his bus to look like the Mystery Van and is a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Most importantly, he clearly cares about Mercy. However, his care for her and his flock does not extend to all humanity, and he does not hesitate to kill two innocent humans in order to protect Mercy.
- In the Myth Adventures series, most vampires (such as team member Vic) are harmless, keeping to their own dimension, feeding off the blood of livestock, and throwing great parties. This isn't the case everywhere, though — a different group of vampires enslaved the entire dimension of Kowtow.
- In Nathaniel Keene, the titular character is a dorky, socially-awkward vampire with a fondness for insects. According to his friend, Dimitri:
"He's the nicest bloodsucking demon you'll ever meet!"
- Inverted in Necroscope. There vampirism is caused by some kind of extraterrestrial parasite. Some of the parasite-infested humans try to fight back for a while, like Turgo Zolte or Lady Karen, but ultimately the vampire parasite is just too strong and overwhelms the human mind. This is discussed in more detail in the volume in which Harry Keogh is obsessed with such a parasite. Mentally he transforms himself more and more into a monster, until he decides to travel to the homeworld of the vampires in order to no longer pose a threat to the humans in his world.
- Most of the vampires from New Amsterdam Books fit this trope to one degree or another. While they do require human blood, they don't require all the blood of any individual human. Established vampires have "courts" so that they can spread the bloodletting among several humans; less established vampires visit underground clubs where (usually) willing humans offer their blood in exchange for cash or thrills. Vampires in general actually frown on murdering humans, although less from kindness than from a desire to avoid negative publicity.
- In the Night Huntress books, vampires do not need to kill their victims, so they can be good or evil. Bones especially fits this trope, since he hunts down other vampires who murder, rape and use humans. Vampires in that world are a significant minority of the population (along with ghouls) that behave just like humans with special powers; either good or bad. In addition to Bones, Spade, Dave, Juan, Tate, Rodney, and Annette are all quite friendly for undead. Mencheres isn't bad, if a bit cryptic sometimes.
- Vampires in the Night Watch (Series) books, despite being inherently Dark, generally strive to be good people. Anton's neighbours are a family of vampires, yet he had no idea they were anything other than decent human beings until after he was recruited by the Night Watch; after he gets over the initial shock, their relationship becomes strained, though they remain on good terms. Also, vampires invented blood transfusion technology so they'd have a way to feed without having to kill people; the fact that it saves human lives is just a fortunate side-effect. Unfortunately, they do have to suck blood straight from the neck on occasion, which can cause problems.
- The Parasol Protectorate takes place in an Alternate History version of Victorian England considered progressive for integrating vampires and werewolves into society, whereas other countries, especially Italy and America, have a... less accepting attitude. Most werewolves serve in the military, while vampires are employed as political advisors, and while the vampires tend to have their own agendas, some (like Lord Akeldama) are more benign.
- The default in Podatek, where vampires don't really need to drink blood (they still get the teeth and the resulting Fang Thpeak, and some nifty powers, but that's it) and how evil they are is entirely down to them.
- John Cook from The Preternatural Chronicles. An Anti-Hero who munches on bad guys and regularly saves the mortal plane from otherworldly threats.
- Subverted in Daniel Gonzalez’s Ravencraft with Lucilla. She is an agent of the Raven Corporation (thus a traitor vampire that helps hunting vampires) but is generally presented as selfish and psychopathic. She is the only “good” vampire in the book (werewolves on the other hand are equally divided among good and bad, like people).
- In the Ravenloft novel Vampire of the Mists by Christie Golden, the elf Jander Sunstar, in what is apparently a unique case, retains his essentially good character after becoming a vampire. He feeds from animals and on rare and non-lethal occasion the hopelessly insane, and goes on to oppose Ravenloft's most famous villain, fellow vampire Count Strahd Von Zarovich. Unfortunately, We learn from later Ravenloft sourcebooks that his suicide-by-sunlight at the end didn't stick, due to the Dark Powers not wanting to lose such a wonderful toy, and that due to the nature of Ravenloft, The Dark Side trumps any amount of Heroic Willpower given enough time. The several centuries he's been stuck there managed to corrupt him from actually heroic Chaotic Good to a Well-Intentioned Extremist variant of Chaotic Evil.
- Vampires in The Saga of Darren Shan are brave, follow a strict moral code, and don't kill the people they feed on. The Vampaneze, on the other hand, cannot be definitively labelled as 'friendly' or 'otherwise'.
- The character of Mandy Karkofsky becomes one of these in The Secrets of Supervillainy. Notably, she was anything but upon her transformation as it turned her into a vicious violent killer until her husband managed to recover her soul ala Buffy.
- Scathach and sister Aoife of the Shadows from The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel are both vampires, though they feed off human emotions rather than blood. They're definitely both Blood Knights, though. They might be on the right side, but that doesn't mean they're averse to killing.
- The Shadowhunter Chronicles shows that vampires have made a pact with the shadowhunters that implies that they display this behavior. In fact, many of them still kill people if they think they will go undetected. The agreement with the shadowhunters stipulates that every human or shadowhunter who forcibly gains access to their hiding place is a fair game. But they are not allowed to kill people they happen to meet on the street.
- In some cases humans offer their blood to a vampire, voluntarily or for money. But vampires who actively hunt humans and feed on them, but do not kill them, are mostly not pursued by the shadowhunters, since a vampire bite does no harm to a person and, strangely enough, even makes them stronger.
- Simon Lewis was an example of a truly human-friendly vampire. That is, until one day his thirst became too strong.
- Lilly Chen is most likely to qualify, but she has a certain sexual hunger for male humans.
- Skulduggery Pleasant plays with this. Vampires otherwise seem human, albeit stronger and faster turn into monstrous killing machines at night that can only be controlled by a specific serum, and are generally not shown to be better or worse than anyone else, with it being noted that if anything, they're a bit cold emotionally. However, they're prone to obsessions (which can be unfortunate if it is romantic or a violent grudge), and in their monstrous form, they're some of the most efficient killers on the planet. The curious thing, though, is the more human a vampire is/is acting, the worse they tend to be. ** Some vampires explicitly try this routine, such as Caelan, who locks himself up at night, and then gets unfortunately obsessive over Valkyrie after tasting some of her blood for her to figure out what was up with it, after another, older, vampire had indicated there was something very strange about it. This was a spectacularly bad decision, thanks to the whole obsession thing, and he warned her repeatedly that it could go very, very badly. And it did. Separately, Moloch, the head of Dublin's vampires, more or less runs a Council Estate, exchanging donations of blood for protection, and is depicted more or less as a superpowered gang leader, with the vampirism being more or less incidental, and the 'friendly' part being limited.
- Finally, Dusk, occasionally The Heavy for several villains with a grudge against Valkyrie (which eventually wears off) and a group of other vampires purposefully suggest a variant of this to China, offering their services as her tame vampires in the newly expanded Roarhaven, as it not only gives her instant muscle, but also an instant reputational boost, as no one else has ever managed it. The last, so far, seems to be working.
- Mr. Quinlan in The Strain as well as the live action tv-show. Unlike other vampires in the show, Quinlan retains his higher brain functions, independent thought and emotions, is incapable of turning his victims and he is not hurt by sunlight. He was created by the Master when he bit Quinlan's mother while he was still in the womb and turned him into a special vampire.
- In the urban fantasy Strange Roads, Mark Valentine is a vampire, but apparently uninterested in making more of his kind, and less an unlucky monster than an immortal, somewhat amoral superhuman bodyguard (suiting his former living job as one of the Praetorian Guard.) He also doesn't kill to feed and appears to rely on his girlfriend for blood. On the other hand, Mikelis and his sidekick are definitely not friendly, and while it's not clear if they need to kill to feed, it's a safe bet they don't care if they do.
- Prince Garrid from Tales of the Frog Princess. He seemed to be cunning, cold, and even something of an asshole before he and Li'l fell in love. After that, he's shown to be funny, Tall, Dark, and Snarky, and a pretty nice guy in general.
- Tough Love (gelefant): Ambrosia is a Goth vampiress who, despite her long string of bad luck with men and subsequent cynicism towards and disillusionment with them, cares about others and always tries to stand up for what she believes in.
- Edward Cullen from Stephenie Meyer's The Twilight Saga, who battles for the heart of Bella Swan against the other friendly minority Jacob Black, a werewolf. At least he's a Surly Neighborhood Vampire— the rest of his 'family' fit this trope pretty well too, like Carlisle, vampire doctor and upstanding member of the community, and his wife and their 'kids'. Aside from the Cullens, Vampires are shown to be evil. Even among the Cullens, some of them still struggle to varying degrees with the hunger. In fact, that struggle is a major plot point.
- In Under a Velvet Cloak, the vampire colony obtains small quantities of blood from local livestock about every week or two. Their major interaction with unconverted humans is for sexual activity.
- The United States of Monsters has a Downplayed Trope example with Peter Stone as he's a fairly decent fellow who tries (and fails) to make a life as a Vegetarian Vampire. His loyalty is ultimately with the vampire race, though, rather than humanity and he tears into anyone who tries to hurt them. The concept is also played with as this is the image vampires want to project to the world even though it's a lie.
- In Vampirates, despite being widely feared by humans, the Vampires are kind, treating their donors gently and seeing them as friends. Lorcan's affection for Grace is particularly sweet.
- Louis in The Vampire Chronicles tries to do this for several years, surviving on rats and chickens. It doesn't last. In the third book he's called out on being the most merciless of them all, actually.
- Many of the vampires in P.N.Elrod's books are this way. There's PI Jack Fleming in The Vampire Files series (though he's a gruff, hard-boiled type) and Richard Dunn in the Keeper of the King trilogy. Another series focuses on a 'Gentleman' vampire.
- Samantha Moon of the Vampire for Hire series clings to her humanity, taking in most of her blood from butcher's shops and insisting on continuing to maintain a semblance of normality, dropping her kids off to school in the morning and picking them up afterwards.
- The main characters of the Vampire Island children's series by Adele Griffin are a family of fruit bat hybrids who don't drink blood at all.
- Alexander Sterling, from Vampire Kisses is another vampire boyfriend, who has to protect his girlfriend from vampires of the not-so-friendly type.
- Originally, all vampires in the Vampire Memories series by Barb Hendee were this; their laws forbade them from ever killing to feed, and their telepathic abilities enabled them to alter their victims' memories so that they would not remember being fed upon by a vampire. Then a vampire got created who had no telepathy....Fearing that the other vampires would kill him for breaking their laws, he struck first and killed every vampire who knew of the laws or of telepathy, leaving only a handful of survivors, who proceeded to kill to feed for centuries. Cut to the present, where the story begins with one of the few surviving vampires, one of Julian's own progeny, in fact, rediscovering telepathy. Said vampiress, Eleisha, proceeds to become one of these, and to try to convince other vampires to become this as well. She has some success.
- Vampires: A Collection of Original Stories by Jane Yolen and Martin H. Greenberg rarely has a story of a vampire that hurts innocent people out of the thirteen tales. In one a girl who feeds on bad guys calls vampirism the Gift of living forever and never getting sick while another story called it a curse of not being able to stay dead and craving liver.
- This is Older Than They Think; a French sequel to Polidori's original The Vampyre (now readable in English as ''The Vampire Lord Ruthwen''
) Published in 1820 features Bettina, a female Vampire who's essentially a Messianic Archetype.
- Regis from The Witcher. He's a higher vampire, and in his younger days he was a hellion among vampires, becoming thoroughly addicted to the intoxicating taste of blood. But after one exceedingly drunken night of blood-imbibing debauchery that ended with him getting a little bit dismembered and staked (turns out it takes way more than that to kill a true higher vampire), he sobered up once he finished regenerating, swore off blood, and because an herbalist and healer. He eventually joins Geralt's eclectic group on their quest to save Ciri, where his various vampiric powers, such as flight, invisibility, and immunity to fire made him an invaluable ally.
Live-Action TV
- Kicking off with a non-vampire example, Rev Bem of Andromeda is a member of a cannibalistic world-swarming race called the Magog. He is also something of a vegetarian, a peaceful preacher-type and a pacifist intellectual who has never been shown fighting and/or killing, except against his own kind in self-defense. And even then, he felt bad about it afterwards.
- Being Human:
- The series features not only a Friendly Neighborhood Vampire, but also a Friendly Neighborhood Werewolf (locking himself away during transformations) and a Friendly Neighborhood Ghost (who only scared people because she was confused about what happened to her).
- Mitchell is a dark deconstruction of the Friendly Neighbourhood Vampire. He honestly hates all the killing and doesn't want to hurt people, but it takes him three series to realise that the entire idea of the FNV is ludicrous: his addiction (blood isn't necessary for a vampire's survival in the Being Human universe: instead, it's a psychological addiction and Mitchell is trying to get clean) will never go away, he's constantly being tempted, and being immortal means that sooner or later he'll fall off the wagon again. By the end of series 3, he knows the only solution is to die.
- Hal from season four succeeds in this far more than Mitchell does. He goes to enormous lengths to do so, though, such as basing his entire existence around routine and order. With the help of his own Friendly Neighborhood werewolf and ghost, he's developed a system of life that (while driving him to become obsessive-compulsive to the extreme) does work. Whether this will last is unclear, but we can all hope, right?
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Usually averted due to most vampires being explicitly soulless, but there are a few memorable exceptions.
- Spike most famously after he fell in love with Buffy, especially after he got his soul. He usually seems like a jerk with a penchant for mean snark, but deep down he has a really good heart.
- Season five Bit Character Sandy only seems to drink a harmless amount of blood from people while being honest about her vampiric status and who consent to let her drink from them.
- Last but not least Angel, the original friendly neighborhood vampire in this verse (though only when he has his human soul— you don't want to see him without it). Probably not the most approachable guy out there either, what with his sometimes bad choices and his particularly dark past, but his heart's always in the right place.
- In the comics, Harmony introduces Refom Vampirism. Vampires are allowed to feed on humans, but not kill them or create new vampires. In fact, many vampires due to their nature, do not adhere to it and accidentally kill someone who has offered them their blood. Towards the end of the plot, Reformed vampirism is almost smashed and dissolved.
- Gunn also becomes a vampire in the comics. Even as a vampire, he fights against demons and other vampires. As such, however, he has a terrible logic. If he saves ten people, but on another occasion kills two people to calm down the inner beast and satisfy his hunger, he will still be in the black with his good deeds.
- Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows, one of the earliest (1966) sympathetic (though not actually good) vampires. He killed a lot of people in his initial appearance and was intended to be a temporary character, but was kept on because he was so popular, and turned into a tragic figure rather than an outright monster.
- A Discovery of Witches:
- Matthew. He appears to refrain from drinking human blood at all, and is never anything less than a kind man who's a proper English gentleman.
- His vampire "son" Marcus is also very social and enjoys being around humans, which other vampires tend to avoid so as to not draw attention to themselves.
- Nicholas DeBrabant, also known as Nick Knight of Forever Knight, followed in these footsteps as a good vampire. He "repaid humanity for his sins" in many roles since his becoming a vampire during the crusades, all the while seeking to become human again. In the end, it didn't work.
- Various other vampires, such as Janette, Vachon, Erica, the angel, Screed, The Inca, Aristotle, Jody, Feliks, Serena and Urs also coexist well with the humans in the present day (or at least try to), although several of them happily partook in vicious killings in the past, making them literal Retired Monsters, and a good half of the vampires who appear on the show (even ones who were good people as humans) don’t even manage to achieve that much.
- First Kill: Juliette Fairmont is an awkward dork who wants little to do with her vampiric brethren and tries to maintain a normal life. She highly respects all forms of life, even down to bugs she finds on someone's shoulder. She also hates her vampiric nature on some level, as it mandates her to kill someone after turning 16. She tries to stave it off with blood pills and only commits her first kill to defend her best friend and love interest.
- Her immediate family also counts, though, to varying degrees, not quite as much. Like most vampires, it's majorly to keep up appearances in public, but the Fairmont family is typically more genuinely compassionate than other vampires (Elinor being the only exception).
- On Good Eats, a vampire named "Vlad" asks Alton to help him get over a fear of garlic, because he's finding that women these days want men who can cook and so many different dishes involve garlic in some capacity. Though he may not have been so friendly after all, suggesting he'd come to Alton for his usual favorite meal. Unfortunately for Vlad, Alton "accidentally" opens a window at the wrong time and ends up disintegrating him.
- Heartbeat: Woo-hyul and his circle of vampire friends. Vampires need only small amounts of human blood and don't need to kill, and most, including Woo-hyul, avoid doing so. Some vampires get blood delivered. Vampires can also get along on animal blood; Woo-hyul gets ox blood from a butcher. Woo-hyul at one point remarks that he actively discourages feeding on humans as he doesn't want to encourage the return of the vampire hunters that came after him and other Korean vampires back in the day.
- Lemuel Bridger is literally this on Midnight, Texas. A century after becoming a vampire to escape slavery he realizes he is still enslaved, by his bloodlust, and vows to stop killing. In the series finale as part of a Batman Gambit to save the town from dark witches he turns Olivia and promises he will help her keep her bloodlust at bay.
- Mick St.John of Moonlight (2007) also desired to make up for his vampirism through benevolence.
- Grandpa from The Munsters is as friendly as vampires get. Lily is pretty much the same.
- Nikola Tesla as he appears in Sanctuary (2007) skirts the border of this trope. After a villainous first appearance, he spends most of the series as a helpful (if insufferably arrogant) ally to the protagonists.
- The Count from Sesame Street is a very fine example of a friendly neighborhood vampire. Perhaps too friendly.note However, the Count can be pushed a little too far, as shown in a sketch where he was being served by Grover the waiter, and lost his temper due to Grover's screw-ups. Even so, he didn't hurt Grover, but just hypnotized him to do his job with ridiculous speed and efficiency. Also, while staying over at Bert and Ernie's, he kept Ernie up all night with his counting sheep, resulting in a humorously traumatized Ernie. The Count's actual "vampirism" is more or less an Informed Ability. He has the stereotypical accent and title, those sure look like fangs, and a strange compulsion to count things is a vampiric trait in some legends, but it's not like Sesame Street actually ever shows him stalking the night to Suck the Felt of the Living.
- The vampires on Split consider attacking a human and sucking their blood an offence punishable by death.
- Supernatural:
- There was a group of friendly vampires back in season two. The Winchesters seem to have forgotten about them, and currently decapitate any vampire they find. The leader of the vampires, Lenore, returns in the episode "Mommy Dearest" and we find out what happened to her and her group. Because Supernatural is the ultimate Crapsack World, all of them have gotten back to killing people, unable to resist it, and Castiel kills Lenore to put her out of her misery.
- Benny in season 8. After Dean gets him out of Purgatory, he makes a promise not to drink from living humans, instead living off blood bags taken from hospitals. He seems to be doing all right, even associating with humans regularly (under the guise of an ordinary human) and getting a job in a diner... at least until the midseason finale. He had been shown to have mild struggles with varying degrees of bloodlust around fresh wounds in previous episodes, despite always being able to keep it under control, although the end of "Citizen Fang" is ambiguous as to whether Benny actually snapped and killed Martin (although the circumstances are very suspicious).
- The Tales from the Crypt story "The Reluctant Vampire" involves a vampire who shies away from directly drinking blood from humans, rather getting it during his night watchman duty at a blood bank.
- In Teen Wolf, Derek's pack counts as the werewolf equivalent. Scott, too.
- The premise of True Blood is that the invention of artificial blood has allowed vampires to step into society to become these. The transition from being a race of blood-sucking killers to Friendly Neighborhood Vampires does have its difficulties, however, which provides most of the conflict for the show. Godric is probably the best example. He is genuinely nice to humans. He doesn't treat them as inferiors, unlike most vampires. In the present day, he only killed one human on screen, and it was in defense of a third party. The human was trying to rape Sookie.
- The Vampire Diaries:
- Stefan Salvatore. Although a vampire, he is described to be caring, compassionate, kind and empathetic individual who much prefers saving and helping others then killing others. If Stefan harms or kills someone, he will feel extreme guilt and remorse for his actions. Several other vampires feed on blood from a blood bank, or feed on humans but only rarely and lightly from any individual in a deliberate attempt to avoid endangering them. Most vampires who do so do it out of prudence (leaving bodies lying around all over the place would endanger the Masquerade) rather than humanitarianism.
- Caroline Forbes becomes this in season two.
- Juliet van Heusen, from Wizards of Waverly Place. Her parents, not so much. This may result from Juliet's parents giving her a soul.
- The X-Files: The episode "Bad Blood" has a vampiric clan travelling the country in an RV caravan and generally being lawful citizens (they even pay taxes, as one of them points out). The villain of the episode is actually the only one of them who has trouble keeping a low profile and their representative apologizes for his behavior before they disappear into the night, leaving Mulder and Scully drugged but otherwise unharmed.
- This is what Vlad from Young Dracula wants his family to be. While they're never exactly friendly he does manage to stop them from killing their neighbors. There's a casual mention of them going through postmen extremely fast, but it's not clear whether they're actually dying, and the only human explicitly killed by them was Will, who they kept around as a vampire.
Pro Wrestling
- The Blackheart, later known as Gangrel Vampire Warrior and Billy Blade, though the latter can be a real asshole he tries to be a good person.
- Vampiro, whom CMLL bookers gave The Gimmick as a joke because they thought he looked funny and he had a very limited in ring repertoire. It turned out the young women in the arenas thought he looked like a rock star and did not really care about his other issues.
- Vampireza and Reina Vampira, resident tecnicas of Monterrey promotions such as LLF. Vampireza did go for the blood of tag team partner Shira when they were forced into a hair vs mask match though.
Podcasts & Radio
- Ede Valley: Lucius Marcell is largely able to subsist of rats and other vermin, and is usually in control of himself enough to be around humans, even acting as a history teacher at the local high school.
- Intergalactical Magical Radio: The Audio Adaptation of The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald (it only had a major distribution through United Airlines' in-flight radio) features a friendly vampire in the track "Do Monsters Know How to Rock and Roll?" who contacts Ronald and friends just to teach them a dance called the Zombie Lurch.
Tabletop Games
- In the d20 Modern Sourcebook D20 Future, there are mutants. Given the various available mutations, it is perfectly reasonable to have a mutant with fangs and a physiological need for fresh blood. While such a vampire needs to drink blood, or suffer a slow death by constitution damage, even if he/she inflicts maximum damage against his/her target, it's not enough to kill a level 2 ordinary, let alone a Player Character. And the blood don't even need to be human in origin. So it's possible to play a Mutant/Vegetarian Vampire/Super-Soldier fighting for the universe's greater good.
- In Exalted it is entirely possible to play an Abyssal character this way... For a given definition of 'friendly', of course.
- Sorin Markov of Magic: The Gathering, a vampire Planeswalker who shows that, while being under the color Black may mean that you're selfish and/or ambitious, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're evil. In fact, he spends most of his time helping to save various planes from destruction, using his powers to seal the Eldrazi and to create Avacyn.
- A Deconstructed Trope in the Mutants & Masterminds fan setting The World In The Aftermath, with Benedict Nichols
. Nichols sees himself as a good man, but he has no practical alternative to draining a human of blood every night (and he's searched for one) so he instead preys on those who have committed terrible crimes. Unfortunately, there aren't that many people who've committed terrible crimes, and the worst ones are more powerful than he is, so he's developed a more flexible definition of "terrible". Notably, while some characters are categorised as villain-shading-to-neutral (often with a footnote saying "I'm complicated, okay?"), Nichols is just listed as a villain; he's really not that complicated.
- Ravenloft generally averts this:
- One of the sourcebooks has an adventure featuring a carefree Vistani youth that has been newly-turned against his will. The PCs can, with care, convince him curb his new appetite and help save the rest of his family from the vampire that bit him. The epilogue text implies he will eventually give in to his blood hunger, though.
- There is also the case of Jander Sunstar, as described in Literature above.
- Van Richten's Guide to Vampires mentions a case where a man of good alignment was transformed and enslaved by a vampire. After his master was destroyed and he had his free will again, he decided to make up for the wicked acts of himself and his master and became the secret protector and benefactor of his hometown. Unfortunately, over a decade or so he grew dissatisfied with what he perceived as a lack of sufficient gratitude on the townsfolk's part and began demanding greater and greater rewards for his efforts until they finally refused to pay anymore. He quickly became a scourge upon the town instead, until he was destroyed.
- In Shadowrun, sufferers of Human-Metahuman Vampiric Virus or HMHVV (The Virus that creates The Undead) come in three classes. Class II and III sufferers suffer from a Horror Hunger that forces them to exclusively eat the flesh, bones, blood or organs of their former species, but they don't really care where said meat comes from as long as it's fresh enough to be edible, and can therefore become this trope (if not a very pleasant case) by feeding on corpses or medical waste. Class I suffers, meanwhile, have Horror Hunger and need to drain Essence from living victims to survive, and Essence loss is permanent (well, mostly; modern medical techniques such as DNA rejuvenation can restore lost Essence, but it sure as hell ain't cheap) and also deeply psychologically scarring. Red, one of the 'nicer' vampires in the setting (vampires being class I sufferers), describes himself as basically a rapist of the soul and feeds through vigilantism and access to death row inmates.
- Vampire: The Masquerade:
- Unsurprisingly, a number of players will play these, ranging from Red Cross employees (cut out the middleman; bitten humans are going to get transfusions anyway if properly diagnosed) to energetic geeks who play too much DDR ("Pale? Of course I'm pale. Ahh, curs'd daystar, bane of my existence!"). Some storytellers claim this is becoming almost as tired a cliche as the Obviously Evil ones or the brooders. Many others disagree, for few things are as giggle-worthy as a room of black-clad vampires playing Mario Kart and asking for one part blood, three parts Mountain Dew. Requiem carries on the tradition - it's easy to imagine a vampire who leaves her Carthian Movement meeting and hits the all-night arcade.
- It's also perfectly possible for vampires in both games (well, only the younger vampires in Requiem for the most part) to get their required sustenance by feeding on animals. While it's more humane, individual animals don't carry much, it doesn't taste quite as good, and you'll be looked at funny because the two dominant vampire religious bodies say that you're a divine predator meant to cull the human herd. In Requiem, it should be noted that as Blood Potency goes up, your diet becomes more restricted — animals quickly fall out as an option, and eventually humans do too. That said, the Ordo Dracul's Coils of the Dragon can eliminate this. Also, rules-wise you are not required to gain Blood Potency as you age, though it does give you certain advantages like being able to use more blood to power your powers, and Blood Potency can be dropped by entering torpor.
- However, you can end up doing horrible things during Frenzy whether you want to or not. Also, it's specifically mentioned that some vampires take it upon themselves to break others of excessive humanity, considering holding yourself to a high standard a naive impediment. Therefore in some ways Masquerade can still actually be more forgiving — although frenzy is still an issue, you can feed on anything no matter how powerful you are, and other vampires are less likely to attempt to sabotage and manipulate you into monstrous behavior for the hell of it. Doing it because it advances their own goals, on the other hand...
- The Tzimisce Clanbook has a template for a vampire who has appointed himself Voivode of a section of ghetto. Of course he demands obedience and respect, but as long as he gets it, he fulfills the responsibilities of a lord by providing protection and otherwise seeing to the well-being of his domain.
- In Warhammer 40,000, the Blood Angels chapter and their successors are among the noblest of the Space Marines, inheriting their Primarch Sanguinius's kind hearted soul. However, there is a serious possibility that in battle, they will experience a flaw in their gene-seed where they relive Sanguinius's death at the hands of his brother Horus, causing them to become raving maniacs and develop vampiric tendencies.
- Warhammer has Geneviève Dieudonné, who is quite likely the only example of this trope in the entire setting (or at least the only one who's managed to survive more than a few years without being killed by fanatical vampire hunters or disgusted fellow vampires, or simply succumbing to their baser, monstrous instincts); she's even considered a hero of the Empire for her role in killing Constant Drachenfels, the Great Enchanter, not once but twice. Unfortunately, since this is Warhammer we're talking about, even this is not a good thing; indeed, one of the main reasons they don't try that hard to kill her is that she's the best PR coup that vampires have had for centuries, if not millennia, and, well... she is the only really friendly one...
- In Warhammer, vampirism doesn't per se make you evil, it just inflames your natural personality traits. A proud warrior becoming a vampire becomes a Blood Knight, a greedy noble becoming a vampire becomes an insane hedonist, and theoretically a good person becoming a vampire would be a paragon. Vampirism feeds virtue as well as vice. Unfortunately, Warhammer IS a Crapsack World, so vice is what most people tend to have in spades.
- Downplayed with Abhorash, founder of the Blood Dragons. He was the Token Good Teammate in Neferata's Decadent Court who advocated not invading its neighbors so that they wouldn't invade them. They didn't listen and that is exactly what happened and in the first opportunity he got, he deserted his mistress to start his own order of vampire knights. Abhorash told his followers to not feed on innocent blood and instead seek out the strongest warriors to prey upon. While one could be led to believe they'd prey only on the perverse and wicked, their eating habit also includes brave and valiant heroes even though they don't deserve to die, all because they are physically powerful. So at really best, Abhorash is a Noble Demon who avoids feeding on the innocent, but heroic warriors are fair game. Just to add a wrinkle Abhorqsh himself doesn't feed on anyone anymore after defeating and feeding from a dragon, which permanently quenched his thirst; part of his followers' motivation is getting their own skill up to the point they can match this feat.
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Cado Ezechiar, the Hollow King, is a vampire who feeds exclusively on the mortal followers of Chaos — and since Chaos had been the dominant force in the Mortal Realms until fairly recently, they're not that hard to find. He's not the nicest hero, and his main motivation is getting Revenge on the Tzeentchian Sorceress who destroyed his kingdom in the past, but he has a very strict moral code that he refuses to break, and most stories about him have him begrudingly agreeing to save the latest group of endangered innocents he's run across.
- In the Yu-Gi-Oh! game, there's Ghostrick Alucard
, who seems tbe the leader of the Ghostricks, a bunch of goofy, silly, and not-so-evil monsters. Being from a Konami brand, he's an intentional Shout-Out to their long-running video game series, as mentioned below.
- The LEGO Minifigures Vampire is a friendly fellow who loves throwing parties and drinks fruit smoothies instead of blood.
- Draculaura from Monster High qualifies, but it's worth noting that she wasn't always this way. Though we, as of yet, do not know what caused this change, just that she's very committed to it. She is perhaps the first truly vegan vampire, as she faints at the sight of blood and mostly eats salad and vitamin supplements.
Video Games
- In Arknights, vampires are a subrace of the larger Sarkaz race, which have motifs based off monsters and demons. Rhodes Island has several vampire Operators as part of their staff. They include:
- Midnight, a vampire man who was a former party host before he was infected with Oripathy and generally just likes to party and have a good time and be sexy.
- Warfarin, a vampire woman who is one of the doctors and combat Medics. Being a vampire, she has an appropriate understanding of blood and is the company's resident hematologist. She is generally professional enough to separate "work and food", so RI's staff doesn't need to worry about her eating them. What they do fear, however, is that she's a Mad Scientist who likes to randomly experiment on people. She also starts acting weird when she encounters someone with unusual blood, such as being admonished for "unladylike behavior" around the Doctor and trying to drug Skadi with enough sedatives to knock out two hundred people just to get a chance to study her biology.
- Closure, the engineer who runs the Rhodes Island landship. While friendly and cheerful, she also has an unabashed love of money and runs the shops used to buy items and is always pushing the Doctor to spend cash. She is also implied to not drink blood but oil.
- Baldur's Gate III: Astarion plays with this. He's a vampire spawn (lesser vampire turned by a true vampire and enslaved to their sire; can become true vampires by drinking their sire's blood but few true vampires will ever allow a spawn to slip their leash like that) and while he is something of an asshole, he has a big-time Freudian Excuse (being a vampire's immortal slave sucks both literally and figuratively) and is more self-interested and cynical than outright evil. The player can determine how his Character Development goes; he matures into an Anti-Hero who's still murdery but more restrained and caring for his friends if you convince him out of hijacking Cazador's Vampire Ascendant ritual (or render it impossible to complete) and so remains a vampire spawn, but he can also dive off the slippery slope and become an abusive asshole no better than his sire if he does become the Vampire Ascendant. That being said, all full vampires in the game (three of them; Velioth as a Posthumous Character, Cazador, and Ascended Astarion) are bastards to the last, and 5e lore states that vampires are always evil and incapable of positive emotions, so it's likely that while you can have Friendly Neighborhood Vampire Spawn, full-on Friendly Neighborhood Vampires aren't a thing.
- The friendly part's debatable, but Bloodrayne's title character is basically a vampire who kills Nazis and later her abhorrent father and his evil cult. And while she has negative views towards humanity, she acts civil to innocent ones, cherishes the memories of her human mother and her maternal family, and will rather want humanity to occupy the world rather than the supernatural taking over.
- Rachel Alucard from BlazBlue prefers snarking and tea to blood-draining. In fact, she's only had one victim, and even he didn't die.
- O.D. from Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is aloof, friendly, and has no interest whatsoever in harming or attacking humans or demons alike. It's implied he's so ancient and so powerful that he just isn't interested in the comparably petty quarrels of either group and would rather just politely run his library and offer books to anyone who comes looking for one, and will even offer extra little bits of help to anyone who asks for it. Pretty much the only thing that will make him turn aggressive is to try and steal a book, even accidentally: when he tells you he's running a library, not a bookshop, he means it.
- Castlevania:
- Dracula's rebellious son Alucard (actually half-vampire), although he's a bit of a grump and prefers being alone, he's an ally of the force of Good, and is pretty friendly with humans.
- His Lords of Shadow counterpart follows suit and expands on his niceness in the backstory. Supplementary material reveals he served as a guardian and guide for Castlevania City, helping and protecting lost travelers and missing children. His exploits became the subject of a romantic movie called "Alucard the Vampire" where he seduced ladies and would drink from them without killing them.
- Soma Cruz from Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow duology, if he is actually a vampire, being a reincarnation of Dracula. Though he ought to be a normal human, he can benefit from a Soul that lets him drink blood from enemies to restore health.
- Downplayed with Dracula in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 who becomes an Anti-Hero as he goes from a Death Seeker to the Guardian of Earth by killing off Satan and Zobek. He's still a child-killing Blood Knight, but comes to regret his previous actions and takes steps to save the city's survivors, reconnecting with his estranged family in the process.
- Champions of Norrath has Sylea, a Dark Elf vampire maiden encountered by the Player Character in Lord Vanarhost's lair. She turns out to be friendly and hates her current condition, preferring to eat a special plant as substitute for blood. She sends you on a mission to fetch said plant for her and in exchange she saves the PC from the vampire lord by backstabbing him. Sadly, we found in the second game that she has been sentenced to Hell for helping the player.
- Cookie Run has Vampire Cookie, who's really more of a wine cookie than anything. He's only ever seen drinking 'grape juice', and is generally pretty friendly, if lazy and constantly drunk.
- Jericho Cross in Dark Watch can be played as one, since he fights other undead, cures those infected by sucking out their tainted blood and exorcises Lazarus' victims. He's no weaker than he would if played as evil, since he gains the ability to wield several holy powers despite being a vampire.
- Despite being Succubi, Darkstalkers' Morrigan Aensland and Lilith Aensland aren't evil, as the former usually travels to the mortal world to look for excitement, and is actually a very moral and ethical person at her core who helps those in need, and the latter is naive and innocent.
- Discworld Noir: The vampire pianist Samael, probably a black ribboner.
- Valvatorez from Disgaea 4 is one of these. He doesn't drink human blood because of a "certain incident" and instead feeds on the blood of sardines. He also seems to genuinely care for the Prinnies in his squad, hates injustice, and will never, ever go back on a promise, no matter how small it is, or how ridiculous the lengths he needs to go to in order to fulfill it are.
- In Drawn to Life, there is a vampire who drinks tomato juice instead of blood.
- Played with in Dwarf Fortress. In Fortress Mode, vampires act like normal citizens of your fort... who just occasionally drain dwarves to death, which can be avoided if you trap them somewhere alone. In Adventure Mode, you can turn your character into a vampire, but you retain control and can act as heroic as you want (you need to drink blood, but don't have to make it fatal).
- The Elder Scrolls: This is rare, given that vampires were initially created by Molag Bal specifically to dominate and corrupt others (and to piss off Arkay, the god of death, by being immortal), but by no means impossible. Many infected vampires (and a few purebloods) hate Molag Bal just like anyone else, and some remain pro-human. Some seek to be cured, but others think they're Cursed with Awesome.
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind doesn't have any NPCs that fit this trope, but other than not being able to talk to most people outside of the Mages' Guild and Great House Telvanni, there's not much stopping you from playing one. Most notably, one Vampire-exclusive quest has you convincing a young Redoran noble not to try to become a vampire himself.
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion:
- This game's vampires are generally chaotic evil in the fashion of bandits and goblins, but Janus Hassildor, Count of Skingrad, just makes sure never to go out in the sunlight — otherwise, he's a benevolent, if slightly ill-tempered ruler, and actually saves your dumbass avatar's life on a few occasions. Also, if you yourself become afflicted and decide the cure quest is too annoying to bother with, it's not necessarily your cue to join the Dark Brotherhood: simply (non-fatally!) suck the blood of a homeless person every few days, or just carefully time your excursions to avoid sunlight, and you too may enjoy a whole host of nifty spells and skill-boosts. (Unfortunately, the only way to get the best bonuses from being a vampire is to deliberately go without feeding... but the longer you go, the uglier you become even as the bonuses increase, to the point where people may attack or flee at the sight of you. That can remedied by a dose of Charm spells.)
- There are also vampires sealed in a cave who turn out to be holy warriors of Azura who contracted vampirism while hunting vampires, and sealed themselves in for fear of becoming mindless killers. When the player finds them, they have in fact become mindless killers, but only because they refused to feed at all, and lost their minds. Azura sends the player to slay them as a mercy for their sacrifice.
- Lord Lovidicus was actually like this, at first. He was very truly and deeply in love with his mistress (who did not realise he was a vampire), and when she became pregnant he loved and cared very much for their unborn son, but despite everything, she immediately turned on him when he told her he was a vampire. Her betrayal utterly enraged him and drove him to madness. The fact that he was trapped in his room for at least two decades and starved of blood after she locked him in didn't help any, and by the time the player character stumbled upon him, his mind was so far gone that he could only think to kill and feed. He swore he would hunt her down if he was freed, but she had already died by the time that actually happened.
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim:
- Skyrim has a different example in that has friendly neighborhood werewolves in the form of the Companions, the local equivalent of the Fighters' Guild. Not all of them, just the inner circle, but still. After their questline is done, two of them will wish to cure themselves of Lycanthropy.
- As for actual vampires they also have Sybille Stentor, Court Mage of Solitude. She is rather affable and helpful if a bit curt, has been part of the court long enough to have been the late King Toryg's babysitter, and still grieves for him. It's all but stated everyone in the castle is in the know about it to some degree, but are apparently willing to live with her because she's found ways to be one without endangering anyone (it's implied that she feeds upon the prisoners in the dungeons). Granted, if you complete the Vampire questline of Dawnguard DLC and gain the ability to temporarily block out the sun, she'll be incredibly jubilant and start proclaiming that the vampire's time is now.
- And of course, should the player become a vampire or werewolf themselves, they can choose to be a kinder, gentler version and never prey on the innocent... but where's the fun in that?
- Given that feeding is completely harmless to NPCs, a vampire Dragonborn is kinda this by default unless you deliberately massacre entire towns. Vampires are a menace because a lot of them tend to go frenzied with bloodlust and actively attack cities and needlessly rip their prey to shreds. Or try to blot out the sun forever. One popular mod named Sacrosanct allows a vampire Dragonborn to avert this trope harder by draining sleepers, killing them instantly and giving the player character a slight boost in all stats along with a chance to unlock Blood Magic spells.
- Serana from the Dawnguard DLC, possibly the nicest vampire encountered in the game, who forms an Odd Friendship with the Dragonborn, (even bordering on slight Ship Tease), despite the fact they are potentially a member of the Dawnguard. In fact, she more-or-less joins the Dawnguard if you do.
- The Elder Scrolls Online:
- Verandis Ravenwatch and his entourage are a group of vampires like these. They pay people for their blood and cares well for them. He explains he wants to live in peace with the mortals, not to feast upon them.
- Downplayed with Lamae Bal from the backstory. She and her brood are fundamentally opposed to Molag Bal for turning her into a monster, but she also wants revenge against Arkay for turning his back on her. If it was not for Bal's threat, she would have been a villain.
- The Tenarr Zalviit are a group of Khajiit vampires, who peacefully coexist with the people surrounding them and take care of a burial crypt in exchange for blood offerings. Lately, however, their current leader has been encouraging the clan to go in a more predatory direction, while another one of them has been trying to convince them otherwise.
- A sort of mutant cult called the Family appears in Fallout 3, led by a guy named Vance. They are cannibalistic, though they only drink human blood and in other ways act out Vampire myths, kind of like a Hannibal Lecter LARP party. The blood-drinking and deliberate invocation of vampiric tropes keeps their cannibalism under control, as it's otherwise an incurable addiction (at least, according to Vance; elsewhere in this universe, there are examples of successfully shaking off this craving, such as New Vegas' White Gloves). They're otherwise fairly benign; Vance serves as something of a grief counsellor for a young man who murdered his parents to eat their flesh and was wracked with guilt, an example of how bad it can get if it were not for cult's pragmatic practices. Meanwhile, it is possible for the player to convince them to take regular blood donations from the people of Arefu in exchange for (A) otherwise leaving them alone or (B) offering an exchange of protection services for occasional donations, changing the Family's association with Arefu from parasitic to symbiotic, which actually makes them even more of an example of the Friendly Neighborhood Vampire trope. The Lone Wanderer can also become one themselves.
- Forum Community/MMORPG Gaia Online has no less than three NPC Friendly Neighborhood Vampires. Ian and Moira, both of whom were shopkeepers prior to the events of the Vampire Arc (Though Moira was turned on Halloween to save her life) and Louie, who was introduced by the plot. By the end of the Arc, all three of them turn down the opportunity to be cured, and choose to live life as Vampires. Interestingly enough, life as a vampire is not much different that life as a human, as they never seem to drink blood, and have no aversion to sunlight. In fact, the only results of becoming a vampire for either of them appears to be a change of Hair Style and instantly learning kung fu, which makes you wonder why a cure was even developed in the first place. Louie was shown drinking blood from a transfusion pack in the Olympics arc, and also in one of those awful animated shorts.
- In Gems of War, Sapphira says that vampires have lived peacefully in Whitehelm for years, and it's only recently that she has come under attack by religious authorities. If she was once "friendly", though, she's not now.
- Slayer, from Guilty Gear, may have been one of the founding members of the Assassins' Guild, but also sought its destruction when it became corrupt. His overall demeanor is friendly and polite: when he fights, he's capable of decking other powerful characters across the cosmos while still holding back to be a good sport. It also helps that his wife, Sharon, is immortal, thus, he's never needed to hunt others for blood: she can regenerate all of her blood even after being completely drained.
- Subverted with Cole in Infamous: Festival of Blood when he is turned into a vampire by Bloody Mary, he seeks to cure himself before sunrise. However, his karma meter is locked into evil and the game encourages you to snack on any innocent civilians to regain health.
- The King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne remake subverts the hell out of having to kill the vampire in the original game by having said vampire turn out to be your ally once Graham is able to prove that he's helped out Caldaur's wife and granddaughter and does a Fetch Quest.
- Legacy of Kain: He may be a several-millennia-old blood sucker, but when compared to the rest of the vamps, Janos Audron is practically cuddly.
- Batreaux from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is a demon with vampirish traits. He's friendly though, to the point of playing games with little girls, and his one true desire is to become a human and live peacefully among them. In his demon form he unwillingly releases an evil aura that makes the resident cats go crazy at night however.
- Limbus Company has Don Quixote, aka, Sancho. While she isn't aware she's a Bloodfiend (this world's version of vampires), and an extremely old and powerful one at that due to a combination of Laser-Guided Amnesia and a Power Limiter, she's an extremely friendly Genki Girl and Wide-Eyed Idealist. When Rocinante comes off, her real, dour personality returns...and she remains just as polite and kind, revealing part of the reason she even did that to herself was to somehow leave her Dark and Troubled Past behind and become her sire, the original Don Quixote's ideal of Bloodfiends living in peace with humans. Bitterly deconstructed with that Don Quixote's dream, as he tried to enforce it with the other Bloodfiends of his line...without actually developing a system to deal with the Horror Hunger, causing a brutal collapse of his "utopia" of La Manchaland when its vampiric employees turned on its guests in desperation.
- Played with in Loop Hero, where Vampires have a symbiotic relationship with human villages where they offer their protection in exchange for blood. While Vampires are typically enemies you encounter, placing a village near a Vampire Mansion will lead to the village being ransacked (causing it to spawn ghouls) for two loops before turning it into the Count's Lands, which is effectively an upgraded version of a regular Village tile.
- Mortal Kombat: Nitara may be a vampire from Outworld, and she may rely on her uncanny ability to manipulate people whom she then leaves behind without fulfilling her promises to them (see also Reptile), but her goals are altruistic: as she is motivated to liberate her broken realm, which was conquered by Shao Kahn a long time ago. She is closer to a Guile Heroine than a Femme Fatale.
- Revenant vampires in Nexus Clash are morally unaligned and not inherently evil, and have the potential to be downright saintly and only focus their deadly powers upon evildoers. Their spellcasting counterpart the Lich has a harder time of it, being morally bound to the behavior of their ravenous, combative undead minions.
- One of the scenarios in Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! 2 involves helping Gorou Ookami (which translates as "fifth son of the wolf", appropriately enough), a Wolf Man who transforms when he sees something that so much as looks like the full moon, control his transformation while on a date with a human girl. When he reveals his true nature to the girl at the end of the stage, if you've done well enough, she decides she likes him that way.
- Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare: Count Chompula and Vampire Flower are two heroic vampiric Plants. It helps that they have Zombies to feast on and suck the life out of without anyone else complaining.
- Quest for Glory IV has Katrina and Tanya.
- Tanya is an otherwise normal little girl who just happens to be a vampire. She's sweet, kind, loves to dance, and misses her real mommy and daddy, whom the Hero must reunite her with.
- Katrina is a much more interesting take. She's actually the Big Bad of the game, but her sense of good and evil is a bit... unusual, and falls much more into Well-Intentioned Extremist territory than true villainy. She doesn't want the Hero as a puppet, which she could easily do by biting him or using her magic on him, but wants him to help and love her by his own free will. Katrina turned Tanya because she genuinely thought it was the right thing to do, it's suggested she leaves the town in peace in part because she believes the residents to be her subjects and she is their benevolent ruler, she likely saved Boris's life by giving him shelter and a job at the castle as gatekeeper when she found him wandering the forest alone at night, and thinks she can sufficiently control Avoozl to prevent the death and destruction it would bring if allowed into the world. In fact she doesn't even want to release it to use as a weapon for destroying or conquering the world, she only wants the "endless night" it would usher in because she's terrified of the helplessness of being a vampire in the daytime: anyone could stake her during the day and she can't do anything about it. The only two characters she is explicitly known to have bitten and turned are Ad Avis and Tanya. The former was a Smug Snake who pretty much deserved it, and as mentioned above she genuinely thought it was the right thing to do to Tanya. Otherwise the game is unclear over whether vampires in the Quest for Glory universe must feed on human blood, how much, and how often.
- Tanya's white skin and blue lips imply that in her two years as a vampire, she had never drunk blood, human or otherwise.
- Valentine siblings in the Shadow Hearts series are vampires, who all join the party on their journey.
- Keith from the first game protects a village that happens to be near his castle from supernatural threats, and teams up with the party to save the world.
- Joachim from Covenant takes it further, and explicitly states that he will "fight all evil-doers". He also dons a mask to become the superhero Grand Papillon and protect the village he stays in.
- Hilda in From the New World aspires to be some kind of Magical Girl heroine whom all children can look up to... and saving the world seems like a good place to start!
- The Sims:
- The Nightlife expansion for The Sims 2 introduces vampires who can add non-vampire Sims to their ranks. These vampire Sims fit the trope as they do not require blood to survive and can continue their lives (so to speak) as normal...except for an incredible intolerance for sunlight.
- Likewise in The Sims 3. Literally, if the sim in question has the Friendly trait. They do need blood to live this time (but don't kill Sims when they take it), but being a Vegetarian Vampire is also possible.
- Natch for The Sims 4 with the Vampires game pack installed, especially if your Sim has the Good Vampire aspiration and/or the Good trait.
- Skylanders: There are three heroic playable vampires, as members of the Undead element. The franchise notably has zero examples of any evil vampires.
- In Sticky Business, one of your regular customers is a vampire named Robert Frey. He doesn't mean any harm and he orders plant stickers from you to cope with working in an abusive workplace. He then uses his stickers to count down the days until his resignation and goes to Scotland for vacation before starting his new job as a gardener.
- Sierra of Suikoden II is a rather friendly example of this trope and only too happy to help kill Neclord (who's decidedly not an example of this trope), before becoming attracted to one of the characters.
- Touhou Project:
- Remilia Scarlet is not exactly "good" per se, being a bit of a Magnificent Bastard on the side of her usual kiddy behaviour. However, it's generally not her style to hurt people that don't mess with her, the blood she drinks is usually served to her by a maid who gets it fully legally at a human village (and even when she sucks it directly she doesn't cause lasting harm because she's "a light eater"), she prefers talking and engaging in verbal sparring with humans anyway, and she cares really deeply for the people under her care, particularly her sister Flandre (also a vampire). And she seems to have developed a peculiar friendship with the main character, Reimu Hakurei.
- The aforementioned Flandre plays with the trope. On the surface, she is not friendly. She is mentally unbalanced, breaks all her toys and occasionally breaks people, and pretty much nobody who visits the Scarlet Devil Mansion ever wants to meet her. Even her power is the most destructive in the series - it's literally to destroy absolutely anything. Yet at the same time, all the characters to have met her were able to have a perfectly-by-the-rules danmaku duel with her, and while she is usually locked in the house, it seems to be of her own free will, implying she has no real desire to go out and destroy everybody.
- Many minor characters are wild yokai who would be capable of eating humans, but either enjoy their company or are too afraid of Reimu to attempt to kill anyone.
- The popular Touhou fangame The Last Comer features Corin Charite, a vampire who dislikes drinking blood from humans and is able to subsist on a very small quantity of blood.
- In Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Velvet Velour is either entirely friendly or very, very good at pretending to be. She gives you a couple of quests to preserve the Masquerade, and makes it very clear she doesn't want innocents killed on her account. She also appears to feel guilt about the people who do have to die to uphold it (one being a vampire hunter who wanted to kill her and the other a traitorous clanless who was trying to leak info on vampiric society to a human).
- It's also surprisingly easy to play one yourself! Feed and kill only in self defense and take the Masquerade hits if needed to save lives.
- Defied by Jack, however, who says there's no such thing as vampire "good guys", just A Lighter Shade of Black where retaining Humanity is the only way to hold back The Beast. As such, killing innocent people is frowned on, but no more than killing cows for fun.
- Vampyr (2018):
- The main protagonist Dr. Jonathan Reid is a doctor turned into a vampire during a time when London was being ravaged by The Spanish Flu. He has the option of being played this way by refusing to kill a single NPC for their blood, which prevents him unlocking of more vampire powers and makes the game itself more difficult. On the other hand, healthy NPCs offer more nourishment, as do characters he knows more about, so Reid appearing friendly and offering treatment to someone may not be so nice as it seems. With that said, he can still bite enemies in combat without penalty, so Good Is Not Soft is at play.
- Lady Ashbury, who funds Pembroke hospital to help the downtrodden in the East End and is financing the administrator's research into a cure, but in the meantime she uses terminal patients as a means to slake her thirst, though she takes no pleasure in doing this. She is genuinely friendly to Jonathan and a loving mother to her adoptive human daughter.
- Zig-Zagging Trope with Father Hampton, who is turned into a Skal (ghoulish vampires), but retains some sense of control over himself that he intends on keeping guard of the asylum offering sanctuary to both humans and vampires under his wing, even though this is a horrible idea and he is clearly an imminent danger to others. If you believe his words that he can be controlled and return to the asylum later, you will find out he succumbed to his condition and became a monster. However, under the right circumstances, this trope can be played straight if Jonathan turns Hampton into a proper vampire by offering his blood. From then on, he will only feed on rats and his district will be safe.
- Heavily implied to be the case with William Marshal, the previous vampire champion before Jonathan who states that he used to drink only from the throats of the unworthy, and was regarded as a hero by most people who knew him. He is established to be genuinely devout, believing his vampirism to be a divine gift and the holy cross has no effect on him like other vampires since he wears a crucifix around his neck.
- A Vampyre Story, a comedic point-and-click adventure game, features protagonist Mona, kidnapped, killed and turned into a vampire by Butt-Monkey antagonist Shrowdy Von Keifer. She is perhaps the nicest person in the whole game, refuses to accept that's blood she's drinking from wine bottles, and when she finally does bite people, the only effect it has on them is that they're knocked out cold with no memory of the event. Repeated drainings can leave people anaemic, however, though that's still not that bad.
- Loue from A Witch's Tale definitely qualifies. He doesn't even feed on humans; he likes tomatoes!
- The Witcher video game has a friendly neighborhood werewolf, who hunts down and eliminates Vizima's most dangerous criminals because he is actually Vincent Meis, the captain of the city guard. If Geralt discovers his identity and reunites him with his lover, he can be actually cured of lycanthropy through The Power of Love.
- In an expansion to the third game Regis from the Literature section above reappears, significantly less dead than believed and still trying to help.
- Player character Worgen in World of Warcraft are another werewolf example. Some Undead could be seen like this to the Horde as well. At least compared to the actual Scourge and the Lich King's forces.
- Warlock demons could also count, being 'pets' while most any other Demon in the game is an enemy of some sort.
Visual Novels
- Diego Escalona in Havenfall Is for Lovers is Havenfall's doctor and a potential Love Interest for the player character. He went into medicine as a form of atonement for his past misdeeds as a soldier in the invasion of Mexico led by Hernan Cortes, and spends a lot of his time making house calls. He keeps a (presumably more or less ethically obtained) supply of blood stored at Razi's bowling alley rather than feeding on living humans.
- Havenfall also has a whole family of Friendly Neighborhood Werewolves, the Hunts. Mackenzie Hunt is Havenfall's current sheriff and another potential love interest.
- The Nasuverse tends to go with more terrifying vampires, on the whole (and some supremely weird ones, at that), but there's a few examples of this trope across the franchise.
- Tsukihime's Arcueid Brunestud is a millenia-old vampire, and essentially a living weapon who could kill any living thing in the time it takes a human to blink. She's also an extremely pleasant person, to the extent that her response to a crazed assailant hacking her to pieces is simply confusion and curiosity at his ability to actually harm her rather than any sort of anger or desire for revenge (and she proceeds to befriend, and possibly fall in love with, said assailant).
- Supplementary materials mention a handful of other vampires who refuse, for various reasons, to prey on humanity: Zelretch, Van-Fem (he's non-hostile, anyway), Enhance, Merem (sorta), and Sion manages to retain her human morality after being fully turned in the Melty Blood sequels (the bizarre nature of her sire might have had something to do with that).
- Sacchin also qualifies to an extent, despite being more of a Tragic Monster in the original Tsukihime, in the Melty Blood series. In Act Cadenza's arcade mode she tells Nero Chaos to GTFO on behalf of Misaki City, and is shown to be trying to drink blood as infrequently as possible. On the other hand, her end battle quotes occasionally show off a hidden Yandere side.
- Fate/stay night: Rider, meanwhile, plays with the trope somewhat; firstly, while she is technically undead, and she does survive primarily off of drinking blood by biting people's necks, she is not technically a vampire by the rules of the Nasuverse, which are somewhat more specific on the topic than that. Secondly, she's more of a Broken Bird than traditionally friendly, and she's an outright antagonist (and a fairly brutal one) in two out of three routes (along with a chunk of the third). One of the big twists of the Heaven's Feel route, however, is that Shinji Matou is not actually her Master, his sister Sakura is. And Rider absolutely fucking hates Shinji, hates everything he asks her to do, and turns out to be perfectly pleasant, if somewhat socially awkward and homicidally devoted to her true Master, the moment Shinji no longer has her leash. She's essentially an example of this trope being forced to serve as an attack dog for a horrible person, rather than a villain in and of herself.
- Tavern Talk: Despite his forgetfulness, Kyle's polite towards anyone he meets, only being ditzy towards them at most, so long as he doesn't scare them off by asking to suck their blood.
Web Animation
- Nikiciy: Valkia the Hungry Vampire would much rather feed on junk food than blood and has become overweight. As long he doesn't get too hungry, he is a perfectly friendly and pretty adorable guy. In one video he uses his powers to rescue an Idol Singer from some Loony Fans.
- Initially very much averted in All Roses Have Thorns, but as time goes on, by the 19th century the vampires have to start providing helpful services and incentive to the townsfolk in order to prevent them from being killed in their sleep.
- Chipz from Ascension Academy is as typical a friendly vampire as you can get. He is outgoing and jovial, if a bit slow to trust others. He has often shown himself to be one of the most human characters in the Academy, despite having lost his humanity when he was around ten years old.
- Liz from Blip, by her own admission, used to be evil, but she's turned her life around and hasn't killed anyone in centuries. She gets her fix from raw meat and large quantities of animal blood stashed in her basement.
- In Bram & Vlad, all vampires to date are this, but only some of them are really friendly (like Bessie, Vlad - for a certain value of 'friendly' - and Martin). Most of them are forced to be friendly
by the Vampire Hunter Association and his very competent members
- This is mostly avoided in Charby the Vampirate though when one of the vampire hunters girlfriends is turned she seems to be able to keep her humanity due to him supplying her with blood, he does wonder if she is just pretending and staying with him for the free food. Charby himself finds this difficult after promising not to kill any more humans since he can't really control his bloodlust, eventually slipping up and killing a teenager without even any intent to feed on her due to his strength.
- The King of Dalv in Chess Piece, who has a demonic appearance has to drink a quart of blood a month to survive, due to a Deal with the Devil he made to save his son. He's a childish, generally laid back man who Sleeps in the Nude. Hmm...
- Dreamscape: Vampire Lord is a pretty chill guy unless you piss him off.
- Nina Delacroix in Eerie Cuties; she was born on Easter, and thus needs chocolate instead of blood... and she even feels bad about "killing" a chocolate bunny. The rest of her family drinks blood, but they don't kill the people they feed on. Subverted to an extent, when it's revealed quite a few vampires in the past were VERY evil, and they aren't 'nice'.
- Erfworld; Vinny Doombats is a pretty nice guy, at least by Erfworld standards.
- The rest of Transylvito... maybe not so much. In fairness, it may just be that most of the few Transylvitans who get much screen time happen to be those that come across as arrogant jerks, rather than it being a racial/national thing. When King Don finally gets an extended arc, it turns out that he regards King Slately of Jetstone as a close personal friend. He is willing to all but bankrupt Transylvito trying to save Slately, and appears genuinely remorseful when he eventually decides/is convinced he can't empty Transylvito's treasury to loan Jetstone the funds they need (which probably won't do anything but delay the inevitable anyway).
- Find Chaos
: Fragile is matriarch to a huge human extended family
that's been taking in the disadvantaged for over 140 years. Good Is Not Soft, however, and Vampire Hunters or other ill-wishers will find themselves looking down the business end of a gun. And don't call her family a gang.
- Conrad in Hanna Is Not a Boy's Name is something like this: he doesn't kill people, but not because he's trying to be all good and humanitarian. Actually, he's just so neurotic that the thought of putting his mouth on a stranger's neck makes him ill.
- Kanaya Maryam, Back from the Dead in Homestuck. Friendly outside of extreme circumstances, most obviously her Roaring Rampage of Revenge, during which she only dealt lethally with a known multiple-offense murderer (Who was responsible for her death). Much later, it is revealed that the pre-scratch incarnation of her ancestor, Porrim is also one. Later when John messes with the time-stream he meets the Dolorosa who displays similar fangs and glowing eyes, he later refers to her as a vampire.
- Technically, they're Friendly Paradox Space Rainbow Drinkers, not vampires. Among the differences: they glow in the dark and, unlike most Trolls, can stand and actually like bright sunlight.
- Addison Constance Loveworth from IronGate definitely fits in here, she's a dainty little 19th century vampire lady: always trying to help while being unfailingly polite, disliking violence and only sipping bovine blood from fine china.
- Secret from Keychain of Creation. She's a cute, sweet, demure Broken Bird... and a Death Knight, with the constant influence of her godlike master to ravage all of Creation weighing on her soul.
- Various vampires from The Kingfisher see themselves as moral, with varying degrees of truth. The youngest remaining vampires - Jack, Darren, and Tristan - are essentially human, unless in a blood frenzy. Vitus is the preachiest nice-guy character in the comic.
- The plot of Last Blood revolves around the last human survivors of a Zombie Apocalypse and the vampires who need to keep them alive to avoid starvation.
- Last Res0rt has Jigsaw Forte, a Cute Bruiser who not only happens to be a vampire, but a furry one at that.
- In Life Sketch, vampires are so commonplace that it came as a huge shock when one of them started attacking humans. And even then, it wasn't a real vampire. They even serve blood in restaurants like the O.K. Cafe, where Spike, Edward and Loue frequently hang out.
- Gin from Minion in a Friendly Neighborhood Werewolf, the whole "minion of a dark-witch-for-hire" thing notwithstanding. He's a Friend to All Children and pretty much the only way to make him mad is to threaten a child in front of him... but if you do do that, you're hosed.
- Orange Marmalade centers around a vampire who is trying to fit into human society. Vampires in this setting, after a near extermination of their species, now survive off of pigs blood, under heavy regulation by the government and the slightest of crimes can get them arrested or worse. Society and people for the most part despise and fear vampires, wanting and desiring nothing more than to see them wiped out. As such, Ma-ri, the female protagonist pretends to be human as best as she can and does her best not to reveal her secret.
- The Order of the Stick defies this trope.
- While Malack is a vampire and Affably Evil, he is not this, and has dark designs for the Western Continent.
- When Durkon is turned into a vampire, he lets the rest of the Order believe he is this, when in reality the vampire is a dark spirit holding Durkon's soul prisoner, and working for Hel (Northern Goddess of Death), to bring the world to ruin.
- Patrik from Patrik the Vampire, although just how friendly depends on how his day is going.
- Edwin Colin from Sam & Fuzzy is pretentious, has No Social Skills, slightly physically repulsive and overly romanticised to the degree that he believes Stalking is Love. For all that, however, he isn't bad, just terribly ignorant and a little dumb. It also helps that his universes' vampires don't drink blood directly from humans and only bite in self-defence.
- Later arcs would show that vampires in Sam and Fuzzy universe themselves are, in their current state, more or less entirely harmless given that they gave up on drinking human blood decades ago (being living beings that only increase their numbers like humans do helps). Once they're revealed to humanity they're given much the same treatment as a protected minority. Taken to extremes with Tats Palegaardsen, who is a thoroughly Nice Guy trying to dedicate his life to making humans accept vampires.
- In Sluggy Freelance, Sam is a parody of these; he attempts to be brooding and angsty, but often switches right back to the sleazy, upbeat guy he was pre-vampirization. One arc had him walking right into a Buffy parody.
- It's worth noting that Sam is NOT a Vegetarian Vampire; though he is generally a good guy and avoids killing people, he has no problem hypnotizing people and drinking their blood, and when a group of evil vampires tricked him into thinking he had killed one of his victims while blackout drunk, his reaction was "oh, well".
- Pat from Sorcery 101 gets pig's blood from the local butcher shop and is currently searching for a cure so he can become human again. He's not friendly by human standards, but compared to the other vampires we've seen (and especially the other vampire main character)...
- Triquetra Cats introduced Circe SinClaire, a friendly jovial vampire sorceress, who survives on clone blood, who acts as surrogate mother to a young kitsune.
- In that setting, ordinary run-of-the-mill vampires don't seem to have much problems fitting into society, and so tend to be this; it's when you get to the variant types that you get problems, though we've seen two friendly cases so far: there's Ryu, one of the main heroines' boyfriend and a vampyre who's been prevented by judicious applications of phlebotinum from losing his mind and becoming an animalistic predator as a result of his contamination, and Kazumi, a miko who, although she was turned into a "Hand of the Dragon" vampire (Always Chaotic Evil on account of their vampirism being mixed with demon/oni blood), who switched to the good guys' side as soon as she could because even decades of being a monster enslaved to other monsters wasn't enough to put a dent in her inner incorruptibility (as a bonus, it's thanks to her magic powers and knowledge that Ryu above managed to remain human in mind and spirit). If non-vampires count, we can also add Vyolet the half-demon, who, despite Black Eyes of Evil (well, more like deep purple) and regular access to an Amplifier Artifact that boosts the user's demonic essence exponentially, is still just a nice teenage girl personality-wise.
- Derek, from TRU-Life Adventures
is a bit grumpy, but still makes for a fine worker on the toy store's overnight shift.
- Vampires in unTouchable have evolved to integrate into modern society. They can quietly absorb Life Energy by touch to sustain themselves and on the whole are regular people trying to get by.
- Levana, the titular Vampire Girl: Her chronic depression aside, she still wishes to be a contributing member of society, and even takes up a job as a babysitter as a means to an end that allows her to travel only by night.
- Harvey in Wolfhunt. He's a Muggle Born of Mages who got turned when he was young, so he has access to a Power Limiter that keeps him "mostly human." Other vampires in this setting are apparently much less human in their appearance or personality.
- Zebra Girl: Walter, the resident ghoul of Sandra's hometown, is quite nice, and a "wonderful conversationalist"
. Sandra ends up liking him quite a bit.
Web Original
- The podcast The Alexandria Archives has Gore the vampire. Sure, he needs to drink human blood once in a while to live, but he doesn't drain anyone to death. Unless it's brought up, you almost forget that he's a vampire.
- Cody from Angel of Death is a lich, not a vampire, and eats human souls instead of drinking human blood. Other than that though, he fits this perfectly.
- Subverted in the CollegeHumor sketch, "The Six Monsters You'll Have for Roommates." The "vampire" isn't actually a vampire, just a Gothy college kid who happens to share some traits with them: he stays out all night, has an aversion to sunlight (because he is Not a Morning Person, probably because he's out partying all night), is never seen eating (or at least doesn't eat garlic bread), and has no trouble hooking up with several different girls.
- Vampires on Elcenia
have adapted to feeding on others only with consent, which is now a core tenet of their religion. Historically this wasn't always true, then there was a blood plague that had minor effects on the carriers but was fatal for any vampires who fed on them. The vampires who accepted their prophet and coexisted peacefully were able to find willing clean donors, and mostly pulled through. The others had to take their chances, and mostly died out.
- Snowball the vampire from Minilife TV is more curious than he is malicious and only ever drinks blood from rats his friends Chris and Ian find for him.
- Count LeShoc of Transylvania Television isn't exactly friendly, but he doesn't kill the people and monsters in his employ, either. At the same time, most of his employees are undead...
- Ben the main character of Walking in the Dark is this. He tries his best to make sure no one falls prey to evil supernatural beings (especially if it concerns Ian, the Big Bad of the comic), helps out the law enforcement when needed, and carries around a flask of blood to keep his hunger in check.
- Warning! Readers Advisory! features the Nachzehrer. He lives under a desk, chews on his burial shroud, and asks everyone he sees if they'll be friends with him.
Western Animation
- Played with (like so many other things) in Adventure Time. Marceline doesn't need to feed on blood, just the color red; on the other hand, whether she's "friendly" depends on how entertaining she finds you. Her alignment early on in the series seemed to balance out at Chaotic Neutral, with her only being an antagonist in her introductory episode, kicking Finn and Jake out of their treehouse because she was the previous owner and just wanted it back on a whim. Even as early as her second appearance, most of her seemingly evil actions turn out to be unambiguously good, and by the end of the series, she is firmly in this trope (with it being revealed that she was a protector of humanity from ill-intentioned vampires in her youth).
- In the ChalkZone episode "Draw and Let Draw", one of the sidewalk chalk drawings angry at Rudy for modifying them before they were erased into ChalkZone is a vampire who got his fangs corked because Rudy assumed he was going to bite the puppy he's holding. In truth, the vampire intended to use his fangs to open a can of dog food so he could feed his pet.
- In his first major appearance, Count Spankulot in Codename: Kids Next Door tries to become one of these, albeit by scaring the KND into letting him join them. He fails. Hard.
- The Comic Strip: There were two human kids in Camp Mini-Mon (Mini-Monsters), but Dracula's kid hasn't attacked them even once.
- Count Duckula is very friendly... much to the chagrin of his butler Igor, who wants him to go back to the business of sucking blood and being scary. Being resurrected with a ritual where ketchup was accidentally substituted for blood, Count Duckula has an easier time being friendly as the world's first Vegetarian Vampire. Interesting in that he WAS evil, but became good after his "death". Of course, Doctor Von Goosewing is convinced beyond a doubt that Duckula is a murdering fiend and continually tries to destroy him.
- Canine vampire Dingbat, from Ruby-Spears' Dingbat & the Creeps, hires himself and his crew out to do various tasks as Odd Jobs Inc. His Verbal Tic is pronouncing words starting with "b" as "bl."
- This trope is discussed
on Family Guy where Peter asks Brian about this while watching Sesame Street.
Peter: Is the Count a vampire?
Brian: What's that?
Peter: Well he's got those big fangs. Have they ever shown him do somebody in, then feed on him?
Brian: You're asking if they've done a Sesame Street in which the Count kills somebody, then sucks their blood for sustenance?
Peter: Yeah.
Brian: No, they've never done that. - The Flintstones lived next door to The Gruesomes, a family of Munsters-inspired monster-like creatures, who were otherwise just as normal as anyone else in that show.
- Vinnie from Gravedale High may be a friendly vampire, but he's still the bad boy of the school.
- The version of Dracula seen on The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy is kind of a downplayed example—calling him "friendly" is definitely pushing it, but he's portrayed as a senile senior citizen who can't do much (intentional) harm, if any, in his old age—and he initially lives in a retirement for old movie monsters. He later moves into Billy and Mandy's neighborhood after we find out that Irwin is his grandson. Based on the previous statement, Irwin, definitely counts as well.
- Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi featured a rock band of vampires called the Talent Suckers (individually known as Vladimir, Nicolai, and Mitch). While they tried to suck Ami and Yumi's talent in their debut episode, their subsequent appearances showed them to be on better terms with the Japanese rock duo.
- The I Am Weasel episode "I Am Vampire" had I. M. Weasel and I. R. Baboon taking the roles of friendly vampires who only drink canned blood and offer to help some men find women to dance with. Unfortunately, vampire hunter Van Smellsing (the Red Guy) is convinced that all vampires are evil, bloodsucking fiends... until he gets converted into a vampire himself after Weasel bites him to teach him a lesson about prejudice.
- The Count of Mina and The Count. Hanging out with said Mina (a seven-year-old little girl) has made him One of the Kids, so he's not really a danger to anyone now.
- Played with in Mona the Vampire. The titular Mona only pretends to be a vampire and the actual supernatural threat of the episode is purely in the imaginations of her and her friends (there's always a completely rational explanation for what the "threat" actually was, though several episodes imply that the supernatural elements may actually be real), but within the realms of her imagination she's a vampire who is friendly and heroic.
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
- "Kevin" the changeling, who showed up at Cranky and Matilda's wedding and has since been released as a Friend-Class card in the official card game. While changelings are closer to succubi than traditional vampires, they're still vampirish enough to count.
- "The Times They Are a Changeling" brings us Thorax, a misfit changeling who rejects his kind's love-stealing ways and ends up becoming friends with Spike. In the season six finale Thorax convinces the rest of the changelings to overthrow Queen Chrysalis and learn to share love instead of stealing and hoarding it, and even becomes the new ruler of the (now reformed) changelings!
- The Real Ghostbusters episode "Transylvanian Homesick Blues" also presents a good vampire who was being framed by a Van Helsing expy as the author of some giant bat attacks on the nearest village. The Ghostbusters even side with him and protect him from danger.
- Spoofed in Robot Chicken, where The Count from Sesame Street turns out to be Not So Harmless.
Newcomer: [sees all the other Sesame Street figures with fangs, feasting on blood] The Count turned you all into the undead!
The Count: If you thought I was a vampire in every way but that one, then I count one, one dumb motherfucker. - Sibella Dracula from Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School is just the cutest thing. Even if she was at the school to become actually scary.
- The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries gives this treatment to Count Blood Count in the episode "Fangs for the Memories". He is the episode's client rather than the antagonist, enlisting Granny's help to find who stole his coffin, and is shown as being very friendly to Granny and her pets.
- In Vampirina, Vee and her family are all Transylvanian vampires adapting to life in Pennsylvania, and are all friendly to their neighbors.
- In Welcome to the Wayne, Andrei is a good friend of Team Timbers and he is very friendly and calm sometimes even when he is in danger, but after being exposed to "Rainbow Gas also called "Beam" which power-ups vampires but with the side effect of turning them aggressive and making them lose control, he eventually becomes less dangerous but he's not completely cured until his friends find the antidote.
Loving, Bloodstained Night
Juliette finally catches her first body by defending her best friend and her crush from a rogue hunter.