Fur Against Fang - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Jul 24 2008

Fur Against Fang (trope)

Crange: Werewolf don't look good on a resumé?
Utarefson: Not for vampires, dude! The vampire has always had an enemy in the lycanthrope.

In many ways, the legends of werewolves and vampires spring from similar sources, but modern popular fiction has fleshed them out, made them into species, and given them cultural traits.

These total opposites in personality despite their similarities made them a natural Foil to each other. Red Oni, Blue Oni, Slobs Versus Snobs, are commonly used contrasts.

Like Elves vs. Dwarves, Pirates vs. Ninjas, and Warrior vs. Sorcerer, they probably don't like each other. Wouldn't it be awesome if they fought each other?

And they did. And it was awesome.

Old World of Darkness popularized this trope, but there were some earlier examples. Compare Monster Mash, where they're cooperative, if not friendly. A subtrope of Cool Versus Awesome. In many cases, the most powerful vampires and werewolves could end up locked in an Arrogant God vs. Raging Monster rivalry.

May result in a Vampire-Werewolf Love Triangle, the result of which will be a Hybrid Monster... or a childless marriage. If such a work aims to appeal to the fantasies of those attracted to men, then further contrast is likely to be employed by making the werewolf a handsome hairy bear, while making the vampire a lithe Bishōnen pretty boy. If it's meant to appeal to those attracted to females, the vampire is likely to be The Beautiful Elite while the werewolf will probably be something like a Badass Biker or Amazonian Beauty, and likely to take wearing clothes more as a suggestion than a rule (because Shapeshifting Excludes Clothing is probably in effect). Both male and female extremes play into another pair of opposed stereotypes about the two groups, Vampires Are Rich and Working-Class Werewolves. This might be played as allegorical class struggle, with vampires as "The Man" keeping the werewolves "in their place."

As a whole, this trope might be Newer Than They Think. In many legends and folklore that mention both vampires and werewolves, the two are not only not antagonistic to one another, they are often connected or are one thing, such as one belief that an improperly-disposed-of werewolf would actually come back as a vampire. Even Dracula had many werewolfish traits, such as hairy palms and, well, the ability to turn into a wolf, and yes, we know werewolves have fangs too. We just like the alliteration. Plus, just as how you don't think "zebra" when you hear hoofbeats, you don't think "werewolf" when you hear "fang". Also, vampires may have fur depending on how bat-like they may be, but that's just stretching it at this point. Anyway, on to the examples...


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Individual Battles

Anime and Manga 

  • Digimon Adventure: Myotismon, the third Big Bad, is a vampire mon. The Lancer's partner evolves into a Wolf Man mon, WereGarurumon, at the Ultimate level. This was inevitable, and came to pass when the two clashed in "Out on the Town". It also plays straight the idea that vampires and werewolves are roughly equal in power. Whereas Myotismon soundly routs all the other Ultimate-level partner Digimon he faces later on up until his death, WereGarurumon successfully held his own in a single duel against Myotismon for quite a while. Then Angemon intervened.
  • Seras Victoria and The Captain fight from Hellsing.
  • The back-cover blurb for the first season of Rosario + Vampire observes that the "turf wars aren't between the jocks and the nerds but the werewolves and the vampires". The only vampires in the series so far are the Shuzen/Bloodriver family (comprised of Moka, her three half-sisters, and their collective parents [and before you ask, yes, Alucard counts on that last one] ), and Ginei] Morioka is yet the only werewolf in the series - and yet, as far as Moka and Koko are concerned, this trope has applied since season one chapter four.
    • The blurb could be true if irrelevant, supported by the scarce representation of these two groups within the school: while most of the students are just trying to pass for human with varying success, some are trying to pass as members of "cooler" monster types (which is a lot easier when everybody's already supposed to be hiding their species). Vampires and werewolves are at the top of this list, both being famous (and feared) as among the most powerful monster species. It wouldn't be odd if the school sometimes had unconvincing wannabe "vampire" and "werewolf" cliques in the background who think they're supposed to be fighting each other, steering clear of the very rare known actual vampire or werewolf student.
  • In the Soul Eater manga, Death The Kid (who, for bonus points, is a shinigami) teams up with the immortal werewolf Free to fight the bloodsucking Mosquito, who eventually takes on a very vampiric form. Subverted because, once Mosquito takes on this form, Free doesn't actively participate in the battle and it becomes a one-on-one fight.
  • While mostly averted in Dance in the Vampire Bund, where werewolves are elite bodyguards for the vampiric royal lines, Mina forces her Bodyguard Crush to fight her in a brutal hand-to-hand fight at the end of an early arc. And while in theory all werewolves, like all vampires, are loyal to the Tepes bloodline, this is a fairly recent condition with many remaining unburied grudges; while the entire species don't seem to have ever been at war there are a lot of clans and bloodlines rendered extinct within the last few centuries at each other's hands.
  • In Millennium Snow, Toya (a vampire) and Satsuki (a werewolf) are rivals for Chiyuki (the heroine). They also generally rub each other the wrong way personality-wise.
  • To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts: Hank Henriette, the main protagonist, is an Incarnate with the powers of a werewolf. His arch-enemy, Cain Madhouse, is an Incarnate with the powers and aristocratic bearing of a vampire.

Comic Books 

  • In 1974, the Dracula/Wolfman rivalry was present in Marvel Comics, and could be seen throughout The Tomb of Dracula #18 and Werewolf by Night #15. In Werewolf By Night v2 #6 a trio of vampires assault Jack and refer to him as 'dog', 'cur', and 'animal', but a fourth later apologizes for his friends' behavior. It's implied all this was part of a set-up, but due to the series being Cut Short the nature of the rivalry is never made entirely clear.
  • Many pre-The Comics Code horror comics (EC Comics included) used this trope— usually when the creatures were either competing for prey, or one trying to victimize what they thought was a mundane human...
  • Young Justice introduced the show Wendy the Werewolf Stalker to the DC universe. It later turns out that its creator, Joe Westin is a vampire, and is using the show to create anti-werewolf propaganda.

Fan Works 

Film — Live-Action 

  • The unmade 1940's Universal Horror film, Wolfman vs. Dracula, would have been possibly the first case of this in popular media. Unfortunately, in the script, the Wolfman and Dracula never actually fight each other in their respective werewolf and vampire forms. The Wolfman only briefly fights Dracula in his human form while Dracula is transformed into a giant bat.
  • The Wolfman first fought Dracula in visual media in the 1948 comedy Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein where the Wolf Man is depicted as a hero who rescues the titular duo.
  • The 1971 Spanish film La Noche De Walpurgis a.k.a. The Werewolf Versus The Vampire Woman has several ordinary people pursuing a story getting caught up in a battle between a rather compassionate and gentlemanly werewolf under a curse and a Satan-worshiping vampire witch. In the end, the humans win.
  • The 1991 direct-to-video film Howling VI: The Freaks has a werewolf protagonist fighting against a vampire villain.
  • Only a werewolf can kill Dracula in the 2004 movie Van Helsing, which the title character himself inadvertently becomes, briefly.
  • The final battle in Werewolf: The Beast Among Us is between Daniel, the werewolf, and Stephan, a vampire.
  • Parodied in What We Do in the Shadows with a local gang of werewolves the vampires often encounter being quick to jump at the slightest insult, and vice versa. They're friends by the end.
  • Sort of used in Trick 'r Treat; Principal Wilkins was wearing a vampire costume when he was eaten by the werewolf girls.
  • Underworld: The entire series is centered around a centuries-long secret war between vampires and Lycans. Much of the plot is uncovering who started the war and why, and how to end it, via creating a hybrid of both species.


  • Bruce Coville's Book of... Spinetinglers: The story What's a Little Fur Among Friends? features a specific werewolf fighting a specific group of vampires; a race war is not implied.
  • The Dresden Files features a group of college-age, amateur monster-hunters known as the "Alphas", who have learned how to turn themselves into enormous wolves. They use their abilities to protect Chicago's university district from various monster threats, including the occasional vampire attack. Later on, in Turn Coat, two of the Alphas fight a White Court vampire straight-up and manage to defeat her with repeated hit-and-run attacks.
  • In the first book of The Finishing School Series, there's a fight between werewolf Captain Niall and vampire Professor Braithwope. This is presented more as a matter of necessity (Niall is at his most dangerous werewolf phase, and Braithwope is the only one who can fight him off to protect the school) than of deep hatred.
  • In the Tolkien's Legendarium, wolves and vampires don't get along at all. In Beren and Lúthien, Lúthien disguises herself as a vampire and her lover as a werewolf in order to infiltrate Angband. The door is guarded by the werewolf Carcharoth, and despite the fact that werewolves and vampires both serve Morgoth, Carcharoth threatens to torture and kill Lúthien as soon as he sees her, growling he does not like her "kin", and wondering why a werewolf is associating with one of them.
  • Averted or justified in Sheep's Clothing, depending on your interpretation. Wolf Cowrie is hunting down Alexandre Russeau with the intent to kill him for stealing away Wolf's wife-to-be. It just so happens that Wolf is a werewolf and Russeau is a vampire.
  • The Supernaturals Series: In book 2 (A Nice Quiet Town), main character Daniel Price is a werewolf who fights several vampires at the climax of the novel.
  • Generally averted in V Wars, as shapeshifters are generally seen as just other varieties of vampires. However, it's definitely played straight with the Romanian scientist, who ends up becoming a lupine (or vulpine) creature with an innate hatred of vampires. When she's brought into a newly-established Parisian coven in the catacombs, with most of the vampires there being of the sun-fearing type, she turns and slaughters most of them in a matter of minutes. Her grandfather, a Romanian folklore professor, explains that her ancestors fought vampires during the last outbreak of the I1V1 virus, which activated "junk" DNA. On a sad note, she accidentally exposes her boyfriend to I1V1, but he turns into a vampire, so she can never see him again, lest her instinct causes her to kill him on the spot. Her grandfather also becomes like her.

Live-Action TV 

  • In season five of Angel our hero fights and kills a werewolf. Though there isn't any indication of a general rivalry between vampires and werewolves, and Angel also briefly dates a werewolf (who'd been turned by the one he killed).
  • In Big Wolf on Campus, a couple of episodes feature vampires who Tommy has to defeat.
  • In the Community episode "Horror Fiction In Seven Spooky Steps", Annie's story ends with her turning into a werewolf and devouring vampire Jeff.
  • Averted in the episode of Deadliest Warrior where they pit Vampires against... zombies.
  • Kamen Rider Kiva has it, though it's more of a part of the larger case of Everything Against Fang. The vampiric Fangire race hunts and kills the other 12 Demon Races as well as humans, which includes their killing all but one of the Wolfen, Merman, and Franken races. Thus the last Wolfen, Garulu (AKA Jiro) has a well-justified hatred for Fangire and is all too eager to battle them in 1986 with the prototype IXA System. He mellows out later on and makes a blood oath to watch over his friend Otoya's son, resulting in the eponymous Kiva being able to call upon Garulu's power in battle.
  • Season three of Penny Dreadful pits werewolves Ethan Chandler and Kaetenay against Dracula and his nest of vampires.
    • Dracula states outright that the Wolf of God (Ethan) "is foretold as my singular enemy."
  • Two episodes of Tales from the Crypt had this as a twist ending, with opposing conclusions:
    • In the episode "The Secret", an orphan is adopted by a wealthy, childless couple, who turn out to be vampires. After they hunt him down at the end, the child reveals he's a werewolf and promptly kills them.
    • In the episode "Werewolf Concerto", a group of guests at a secluded hotel suspect one of them is a werewolf. In the end, the guest played by Timothy Dalton turns out to be the lycanthrope but is killed by another guest, Beverly D'Angelo, who turns out to be a vampire.
  • Two Sentence Horror Stories: In "Teeth'' the werewolves from the gas station attack the cabin because Olivia (a vampire) passes through their territory. Olivia ends up killing them all to protect Cara.
  • In The Vampire Diaries Most vampires are unaware that werewolves even exist, but they're the preferred targets for werewolves when they turn.
  • Wizards of Waverly Place: In "Wizards vs. Werewolves", Justin's vampire girlfriend Juliet gets in a fight with Alex's werewolf boyfriend Mason. She ends up biting him, and he ends up scratching her. This causes Mason to turn into a regular wolf and Juliet to lose her vampire powers, turning her into her real elderly age.
  • In Young Dracula, Count Dracula hates werewolves; but only because his wife ran off with one.


  • An article in Pyramid role-playing magazine combines this with the "Ninjas vs Pirates" internet meme, and indeed Ninja Pirate Robot Zombie. Yes, it's Werewolf Pirates versus Vampire Ninjas!

Tabletop Games 

  • One Night Ultimate Werewolf has an expansion called One Night Ultimate Vampire and the two can be combined. (There's also an expansion called One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak which adds additional werewolf roles. This can also be combined with Vampire.) The combination can result in a werewolf-against-vampire battle with human villagers caught in the middle. The general rule is that the werewolf or vampire side wins if all their members survive while the villagers win if a werewolf and vampire are killed.

Video Games 

  • One playable team in Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night includes the vampire Remillia Scarlet, and Keine Kamishirasawa (who is a werehakutaku) is the stage 3 boss. Keine's got more of an initial issue with Remilia's human partner, but Remilia loves to play the heel...
  • Seeing as both are playable in Darkstalkers you can set this up between Dimitri and Jon. To a lesser extent, this could also apply to Morrigan and Felicia.
    • A notable subversion of this trope existed in the game's backstory between Dimitri and Baraba Kreutz (Jon Talbain's father); Dimitri considered Baraba his greatest rival in life, finding the Wolf Lord's fighting style beautiful.
  • In World of Warcraft, the human nation of Gilneas is invaded by the Forsaken, a playable race of undead/zombies aligned with The Horde. Problem is, most of the population of Gilneas has been bitten by Worgen and are turning into werewolves. This leads to Victorian Gentleman Werewolf Terrorists using guerilla tactics to fight back against the Forsaken.
  • Actually subverted in Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten. Fenrich the werewolf works underneath Valvatorez the vampire... and is completely and utterly loyal to him.
  • While generally averted in the series' lore, it is possible for the Player Character to invoke it in both Morrowind's Bloodmoon expansion and Skyrim's Dawnguard expansion. In Bloodmoon, it is possible to become a vampire and then take on Hircine's werewolf hordes. It is also possible to become a werewolf, then return to Vvardenfell and attack the three vampire clans. In Dawnguard, it is possible to join the titular Dawnguard as a werewolf and then help to wipe out Skyrim's Volkihar vampire clan.
  • Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness fits this trope nicely. It not only has a higher-than-usual number of vampires, but lead character Cornell is a werewolf.
  • In Darkest Dungeon, with the Crimson Court expansion this can be invoked by taking the Abomination against the Bloodsuckers of the titular Crimson Court. While his human form's blighting abilities are only somewhat useful against the Bloodsuckers, his stunning abilities are very effective against most of the creatures, and his beast form is quite effective at dealing direct damage.
  • Killer Instinct allows players to set up matches between Sabrewulf (a pseudo-alchemical werewolf) and Mira (a former demon hunter turned vampire.) They even have special dialogue in the Shadow Lords campaign mode against each other showing quite the mutual dislike for one another.

Web Animation 

  • The Vampair: Vampires and werewolves are at war, as seen in "A Good Song Never Dies", where Artemis leads vampires in an attack on a bunch of werewolves. When the werewolves realize the vampires are stalking them, they immediately transform and go on the attack.


  • Cry 'Havoc' features a short battle between a platoon of zombies and a vampire against a squad of werewolves. The werewolves win easily thanks to a combination of heavy weapons and body armor.
  • The webcomic Shifters includes a deadly rivalry between were-creatures and vampires and reveals what many consider an abomination as the protagonist finds herself a hybrid of the two as she's attacked by a vampire and infected triggering her latent lycanthropy.
  • Both played straight AND subverted - albeit in a fictional space - in an arc of El Goonish Shive. Sarah has entered a random-draw Magic: The Gathering tournament, and the theme of the relevant expansion pack is basically 'Vampires and Werewolves' - so she's planning to make a themed 'Werewolves riding flying unicorns' deck. However, she winds up with a large collection of vampires, including a ludicrously overpowered 'Legendary' vampire, and finds herself wondering if she should discard her original 'theme' in favor of building a vampire-centric deck that might actually enable her to WIN the tournament, or at least put in a damn good showing. Cue a mental debate between her 'Vampiric' side and her 'Werewolf' side, that eventually turns violent... even as she realizes that she could make a NEW themed deck based around vampire-werewolf COOPERATION!
    • In the main story, vampires and werewolves technically exist. However, Pandora's crusade against them has left them near-extinctnote , leaving them without the numbers to form grudges.

Web Video 

  • The Monster Management series on has a very silly comedic example. A chatty old Dracula and a young hipster werewolf are stuck in the waiting room. Dracula tries to engage in some friendly conversation about pop culture when the werewolf clearly just wants his book. Dracula becomes frustrated with the werewolf's lack of interest in pop culture and this conversation. So he decides not to talk to him anymore. But they later find some common ground when talking about Facebook and how it sucks that it keeps changing every 5 minutes.

Western Animation 

  • J. Michael Straczynski wrote an episode of The Real Ghostbusters, "No One Comes to Lupusville" (they never come to Lupusville), in which a group of vampires lure the Ghostbusters to an isolated town filled with odd but friendly people. Once they realize what's going on, the Ghostbusters free the captured townsfolk, only to find them more than eager to take on the vampires themselves. Angry and now under a full moon, they transform into werewolves and proceed to kick vampire ass. The 'busters do the rational thing and get the hell out of Dodge, breaking up a dam to direct a river under the only bridge out of town on the way (imprisoning the were-vamps, as anything vampiric could not cross running water). Hilariously, as the two sides fight, whenever any combatant from any side bites an enemy, said enemy instantly becomes the other type of critter.

    Egon: Think about it, Peter. When a vampire bites someone, he becomes a vampire, right?
    Peter: Right...
    Ray: And when a werewolf bites someone, he becomes a werewolf, too!
    Egon: Precisely, so what happens when a werewolf bites a vampire, and a vampire bites a werewolf? (shows EXACTLY what happens)
    Winston: Man, talk about democracy in action!
    Peter: I'm hip! But guys! Don't you want to stick around to see who wins?
    Egon, Ray, and Winston: NO.

  • The SuperMansion episode "Sympathy for Black Saturn" has Black Saturn learning that he is destined to end an eternal war between a clan of vampires called the Dracuvlads and one of werewolves called the Wolfenlykes, with the Dracuvlads and the Wolfenlykes both trying to convince Black Saturn to side with either of them.

Fantastic Racism

Asian Animation 

  • In the donghua version of All Saints Street, vampire Ira has it out for local werewolf Vladmir/Da Mao. Averted in the original comic, where they get along no better than the rest of the apartment's tenants, and where vampires hate all other races on principle (except Ira).

Audio Plays 

Comic Books 

  • The comic Werewolves on the Moon: Versus Vampires, seriously.
  • Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose has a were-cat named Boo Cat in a sexual relationship with a vampire named Liquorice Dust. At least 3 of the vampire's friends don't mind and have joined in. However, the same issue had a werewolf who had very different ideas on inter-species romances. It also featured an Anvilicious speech, a Stripperiffic Little Red Riding Hood costume, and an example of why you shouldn't try to force your tongue down the throat of an angry were-creature.
  • Subverted as a joke in the comic Supernatural Law. The receptionist for the titular law firm is dismayed to realize that she's booked appointments for a werewolf and a vampire at the same time: "You know what happens when they meet. You can't pull 'em apart..." Cut to the two merrily exchanging jokes. "...when they're into their shop talk."
  • Played for laughs in Minimonsters. We have Victor Von Piro (An elitist vampire) and Lupo (A narcoleptic werewolf who is poor). They always fight, and they openly show their dislike for one another. However, it's subverted because they are in the same gang, so they're considered more of a "frenemies" relationship.
  • A Love Like Blood: The Sangrael (vampires) and Luperci (werewolves) are at war with each other, with Fantastic Racism on both sides. Then a male vampire and female werewolf fall in love.
  • In Realm Of The Damned, it is mentioned in the Backstory that vampires wiped out the majority of werewolves decades ago. The last few werewolves don't seem to hate vampires as a race so much as Madam Petrova's leadership... but then Balaur kills them all.
  • In the comic book Young Justice, Wendy the Werewolf Stalker's creator, Joe Westin is revealed to be a vampire and is writing the show so that people will hate werewolves.

Fan Works 

Film — Live-Action 

  • This is the premise of Bloodz vs. Wolvez, wherein two rival gangs—one made up of vampires and one made up of werewolves—are involved in a turf war.
  • The Underworld (2003) movies, which had a vampire and a recently turned werewolf pursuing a star-crossed love in the middle of a vampire/werewolf war. The reason for the feud in that case was originally rooted in forbidden love between a vampire and a werewolf. Ironically, the progenitors of the two races were twin brothers who retained a strong sibling bond even after their transformations.
  • Parodied in What We Do in the Shadows, where even though the vampires and werewolves are shown to be easily capable of killing each other, their rivalry is mostly treated with the seriousness of two groups of drunken clubgoers mocking each other (which they are). At the end, the vampires' Token Human friend is turned into a werewolf, uniting the two groups.


  • In Almost Night, the vampires and werewolves are a very uneasy treaty and on the brink of a gang war.
  • Generally, the vampires in Anita Blake novels view shapeshifters as animals, or at best moderately useful tools. Jean-Claude is very rare among vampires in that he has alliances with many of the local were-groups. This is so unusual that he says at one point that other vampires with an eye toward conquering his territory will think him weaker than he is because they won't view as relevant any weregroups other than his "animal to call" (animal with which he has magical affinity — in Jean-Claude's case, this is wolves and werewolves). Then again you can't entirely blame them for thinking that, since different were-animal groups usually can't even get along with each other, much less anybody else. Going back, in this setting weres and vampires may come from the same origin. Or not. Things get inconsistent once you go back before homo sapiens, and it's unclear whether the indecision is in the author's mind, in-setting in historical record, or in-setting in the past actually becoming amorphous at that point.
  • Vampires and werewolves just don't get along with each other in Tom Holt's Barking. However, out-and-out war has been replaced by competition between law firms.
  • In the book series Dark Hunters, the Were Hunters and the Dark Hunters tolerate each other. But just barely. The Dark-Hunters are mostly faux-vamps though. However, the Were-Hunters do have a rather complicated relationship with the more vampiric Daimons. Even though they are related races, Daimons will eat the souls of Weres, and the Weres will kick Daimon butt.
  • This comes up a lot in the Discworld novels. Clear rivalries exist in The Fifth Elephant and Thud!. The antagonism is said to come from the fact that werewolves are jealous of vampires being thought of as suave and sophisticatednote , while vampires are jealous of werewolves being able to fit more easily into human society (when in human form, obviously).
  • The Dragonlance spinoff A Practical Guide To Vampires briefly references the idea, explaining that the two races don't really hate each other but individuals or even clans will sometimes clash when they both want the same thing. It also breaks down a Who Would Win scenario: werewolves are stronger, vampires are faster, both have about the same intelligence; vampires have a huge advantage around cliffs or forests due to climbing ability but werewolves gain just as big of an advantage during a full moon.
  • Werewolf/vampire antagonism comes up a lot in the Kitty Norville books, but there's no actual rivalry because werewolves are greatly outmatched. Werewolves are as vulnerable to vampires' hypnotic powers as normal humans are, so when Kitty goes vampire hunting she relies on the traditional weapons like stakes and crosses. It's stated that when the two groups exist in any numbers in an area the werewolves are often subservient to the vampires.
  • In The Last Werewolf, vampires and werewolves are sickened by each other's presence and tend to keep their distance. And then the vampires realize that werewolf bites confer resistance to the sun.
  • In the erotic werewolf novel Master of Wolves, werewolves were created by the same wizard who'd created vampires, and tasked to monitor the vampires' behavior while concealing their own existence. If the vampires ever stepped out of line and enslaved humanity, it'd be the werewolves' job to take them down.
  • The Mortal Instruments:
    • The vampires and werewolves do not get on well; this is because the two demon species which originally infected humans, giving rise to the vampires and werewolves, were rivalling species who hated one another.
    • In City of Ashes, werewolf Maia Roberts dislikes Simon at first. Very much. Until they both end up being captured by Valentine.
  • In the Horror-tropes dimension Skeeve visited in one of the Myth Adventures novels, vampires are city folk and look down on werewolves as country bumpkins (who likewise look down on vampires as shallow yuppies).
  • In L. A. Banks' Neteru series this takes the form of political rivalry as the two races are the two strongest demon factions in Hell. The vampires have been on top for millennia.
  • New Amsterdam Books: In Seven for a Secret, the main character, a vampire, implies that he had a hand in the extinction of werewolves.
  • Vampires and werewolves in The Parasol Protectorate don't get along very well, but because the novels are set in Victorian England they tend to keep the matter private or fight their battles in a more civil way. Vampires, for example, have a lot of fun promoting fashion trends that the naturally scruffy (and often nude) werewolves find annoying. Neither race can produce more of their kind either reliably or often, and there's a decent probability of mutual extinction if they actually did go to war. (And technology has given rise to far more interesting common enemies.)
  • Red Moon Rising (Moore): There are centuries of animosity between the socially elite Vampyres and lower-class Werewulves, though in the books setting it manifests as a class struggle rather than outright war.
  • The vampires and werecreatures in The Sookie Stackhouse Mysteries don't like each other either. Of course, the vampires consider themselves superior to everybody else, including humans; and even werewolves look down on all werecreatures who don't turn into wolves.
  • Subverted in Super Werewolf, vampires and werewolves are only portrayed as rivals within in universe pop culture, whereas they are often brought together as teammates by monster tamers in order to fight monster slayers as a common foe. A few werewolves continue to bring up society's view that vampires should be treated as enemies rather than allies, but this is portrayed as a sign of their arrogance temporarily getting in the way of their logical thinking. Also, one of the werewolves has a sister who is a vampire, implying that the groups aren't even as distinct as others in their society might think they are.
  • In the J. R. R. Tolkien Middle-Earth universe, both vampires and werewolves work for the same masters -Dark Lords Morgoth and Sauron-, but they can not stand each other. Werewolves despised vampires, considering them “rats with wings” and vampires regarded wolves like big bullies. It is not so evident in The Silmarillion, but when you read the Lay of Beren and Luthien and the meeting with Carcharoth, the text makes clear that Carcharoth is shocked of seeing a vampire and wolf together and wolves hate vampires.
    • It's worth noting that these creatures were also VERY different from their modern interpretations: werewolves are simply giant evil wolves possessed by evil spirits, and vampires seem to be some kind of giant bat race. Neither are even humanoid.
  • In The Twilight Saga, werewolves have actually been created exclusively to fight vampires — the tribe members get shapeshifting abilities only when a vampire is in the area, and it appears that most vampires and werewolves harbor prejudice towards each other, at least to a level. They each have their own racial slurs, such as "leech" and "dog". Then it's revealed they weren't real werewolves at all, just shapeshifters that happened to become wolves, and the vampires mistreated them whether they knew it or not (although this does explain why the ancient vampires who did know what a real werewolf looked like weren't afraid of Jacob).
  • In Void City, werewolves and vampires don't get along. One of the reasons is that most werewolves in the setting are highly religious, believing that God gave them lycanthropy so they would have the strength to destroy other monsters. They have their own church, the Lycan Diocese, which manufactures holy water in bulk; this is something vampires tend to disapprove of.

Live-Action TV 

  • In Being Human, vampires loathe werewolves, for whatever reason: they're called "freaks" and "dogs" to their faces, and vampires are seen to beat up and even murder werewolves with no provocation. Probably because a transformed werewolf can rip apart a vampire like they’re nothing, but outside the full moon they’re as vulnerable as a normal human. What werewolves as a whole think of vampires isn't really known - especially since werewolves seem to be extremely rare and don't really operate in groups the way vampires do - but apparently they just steer clear of the "psychotic bastards" whenever possible. Averted in Mitchell and George's incredibly rare case: they're BFFs against all odds.
  • In Being Human (US), this conflict is made infinitely creepier just by a slight change in the way it's carried out. Josh, the main werewolf, is never treated remotely like a human being (so to speak) by any of the vampires, save for his best friend, Aidan. Not even the grudging almost-respect Herrick gave George in the original is preserved. For example, the "dog fight" episode, which in the U.K. version was played primarily for the danger it posed to the characters, instead emphasizes how dehumanizing and humiliating the experience is.
  • Happens in CSI of all shows during a Halloween episode where a Lycanthrope is beaten to death by Sanguinarians. Turns out he used to be a Sanguinarian and when he decided to change things up both groups got pissed and killed him.
  • Hemlock Grove features a Snobs Vs Slobs dynamic between the aristocratic Godfrey (vampire) and the lower class Rumancek (werewolf) families. A lot of antagonism and mutual resentment, but no open conflict by and large. Also notable for its curious bromance/frenemy relationship between the two leads Roman and Peter.
  • Kamen Rider Kiva has 16 demon races, most of which bear a severe grudge against the Fangire because they've hunted the others to near-extinction. Of course, this includes the Wolfen, whose last survivor Jiro/Garulu really despises the Fangire in general and Rook, the one who actually did the job, in particular.
  • As in the books, vampire and werewolves in Shadowhunters hate each other. Though they eventually agree to an uneasy alliance to stop Valentine, who wants to kill all Downworlders.
  • In True Blood, the first few encounters between vampires and werewolves (starting with Bill and some weres in Season 3) are what we modern folk expect—seemingly standard Fur Against Fang encounters. But then the situation is subverted because all of the werewolves are under the control of a vampire, which is one of the first clues about Russell Edgington's awesome level of power. It's still not clear whether the standard version of the trope would be in effect if not for that, but it seems to be implied, since Edgington's control seems to be based on the vampire blood he's giving the wolves, which makes it like a drug addiction.
  • The Vampire Diaries has introduced the idea of an instinctive rivalry between the two groups, in the second season. A (transformed) werewolf's bite is fatal to a vampire (causing nasty sickness and Sanity Slippage before their inevitable death), while vampires were created specifically to be able to kill werewolves.

Myths & Religion 

  • As noted above, this trope is way Newer Than They Think, originating from the Old World of Darkness in the 1990s. In Slavic folk religion, vampires and werewolves were seen as flipsides of the same creature, with werewolves becoming vampires after death.
  • The Krsnik is a Vampire Hunter from Slavic mythology, whose spirit leaves the body and takes the form of an animal when hunting vampires.
  • A downplayed version is found in Albanian folklore, where wolves hate and fear vampires and will kill them if they get the chance.

Tabletop Games 

  • Bleak World: There is an organization of werewolves that hunt vampires called "The hunters of the dead." It is unknown why exactly they want to do so, as there is no vampire equivalent to this organization and werebeasts are generally a lot stronger than vampires so they have no reason to fear them.
  • Dungeons & Dragons: In the old Basic/Expert/etc system, powerful vampires could use their ability to control wolves, rats, and bats to control their lycanthropic equivalents as well. Not surprisingly, this made the not-yet-controlled werewolves, wererats, and werebats extremely leery of vampires, though they weren't openly at war with them.
  • Pathfinder: Played with. Werecreatures as a general category have no greater or lesser beef with vampires and related undead than anybody else. However, werebats intensely dislike vampires both out of a general territoriality and because other people tend to mistake them for the undead, and often work to oppose them.
  • Tech Infantry, since it has roots as a fan-made expansion of the Old World of Darkness, carries over the hatred between vampires and werewolves. Once the Earth Federation was established, all werecreatures (wolves, tigers, rhinos, etc.) are drafted into the Tech Infantry Space Marines to fight the alien Arachnids. Since the bugs threaten them too, the Vampire Kingdom of Enoch sends occasional ghouls and low-level vampires to join the Tech Infantry, and they do work together surprisingly well. But for the most part, vampires are hated and hunted throughout the Earth Federation and later the Middle Kingdom.
  • The World of Darkness:
    • Old World of Darkness: Even though the setting has a reputation for popularizing this trope, this reputation is vastly overstated, as the two sides have a mutual attitude of "Don't start none, there won't be none." For starters, the rivalry is one-sided. Werewolves view all undead as an affront to their spiritual nature,note  but they acknowledge that vampires tend to have greater numbers and resources, so werewolves don't actively hunt them without good reason. Meanwhile, vampires have no collective opinion on werewolves or other shapeshifters beyond having little desire to make an enemy that often physically outclasses them. However, all but the most fundamentalist of werewolves will tolerate a Friendly Neighborhood Vampire and even work with one if their interests align, and it's an Open Secret that certain werewolf tribes like the Glass Walkers, Shadow Lords, and Uktena maintain Camarilla contacts. And the werewolves' Evil Counterpart tribe the Black Spiral Dancers will happily work with the Sabbat when the price is right. But otherwise, Kindred and Garou are usually content to avoid each other.
    • Werewolf: The Forsaken: This is largely absent, with some exceptions:
      • One of the first books in the line, Hunting Grounds: the Rockies, parodies the trope with Black Moon Extreme, a pack of young cubs who decide the best way to aid Denver is to hunt down vampires and look cool while doing it. While some pack members have good reason to hate vampires — and Denver has had a bad history with the bloodsuckers — the pack's alpha is basically just doing it for an ego trip, and a lot of the other packs think they're posers who are going to do something hideously stupid one day.
      • There is a Forsaken tribe (the Iron Masters) who specialize in hunting vampires. However, from werewolves, this is actually a mark of respect (there's also a Forsaken tribe who specialize in hunting other werewolves).
      • Played straighter in Lodges: The Splintered and its Lodge of the Willow Branch, a Polish werewolf lodge dedicated to destroying vampires because it believes they are walking rifts in the Gauntlet that bring negative spirits swarming into the real world in their wake.

Theme Parks 

Video Games 

  • The online game AdventureQuest borrows much from the Underworld movies, and the Vampire/Werewolf conflict consumes most of the Hammer Horror section known as Darkovia. And then there are the Werepyres. And then they added DRACOpyres: a mix of vampire, werewolf and dragon.
  • Darkovia in AdventureQuest Worlds was locked in a conflict between the vampires led by their queen Safiria and the Lycans led by the Werewolf King (the title of which changed hands when the player arrived!). The player was sent there in order to get support for both sides against the Chaos Lord Wolfwing, a Werepyre who has been chaorrupted by the game's Big Bad Drakath, who created an army of werepyres and chaorrupted certain werewolves and vampires and sent them against their respective opposing faction, culminating in having a dragon captured and turning it into a Dracowerepyre, the Chaos Beast of that particular saga. There was even a war that went down where the players threw in with either the Vampires or the Lycans and tried to beat the other faction to 100%. The Lycans won the war.
  • Monster Hunter: Rise: Introduced in the Sunbreak expansion, Malzeno (which has a vampire motif) and Lunagaron (which has a werewolf motif) are natural enemies and engage on violent turf wars when their paths cross. This isn't a coincidence, as they're part of a trifecta of large monsters based on classical horror stories known as the Three Lords (the remaining monster is Garangolm, which is based on Frankenstein's monster).
  • Operation Darkness has werewolf Allies fighting vampire-aided Hitler and his Ghostapo. Which is kind of ironic, since in real life the Nazis had a division called the "Werewolves" (not actually shapeshifters, as far as we know), and the Americans have a Vampire Squadron.
  • In Fatal Hearts, the vampires and the werewolves each think the others are soulless murderers who must be destroyed at all costs, and woe to anyone who gets in their way.
  • BiteFight, Game Forge's browser-based RPG, is just that.
  • The King's Quest II Fan Remake uses this to great effect. In the original game, the monk gives you a key to the vampire's castle, you trick your way into the castle, stake the vampire, and grab the key. The remake version subverts the hell out of it. The "friendly" monk at the local church is leader of a werewolf pack that has been mercilessly hunting down the ruler's family. In fact, THEY were the ones responsible for turning the count of Kolyma into a vampire in the first place. It also turns out that the grandma and Little Red Riding Hood expies are the Countess and the Count's granddaughter, forced to flee for their lives due to the persecution.
  • Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is the above (tabletop) Old World of Darkness example in a video game. In the game, the rivalry/hatred/fear of werewolves is mentioned. The PC faces a werewolf, who is terrifying, immune to the PC's attacks, and unkillable except through a good, old-fashioned Guide Dang It! strategy.
  • While generally averted in the The Elder Scrolls series as noted below, in Skyrim, Lord Harkon, leader of the Volhikar vampire clan, is outright disdainful of werewolves, offering his own vampiric blood to cleanse the "filth" from a werewolf Player Character if they choose.

    Harkon: Yes, I can smell it on you. The power of my blood will purge that filth and make you whole again.

  • Downplayed in Golden Krone Hotel, as most of the conflict is focused on humans vs vampires. However, you can find a potion of Luna that lets you temporarily become a werewolf that both sides will attack on sight.


Western Animation 

  • Monster High: Vampires and werewolves don't like each other much, though Draculaura and Clawdeen are best friends. The TV special 'Fright on!' revolves around this.


Anime and Manga 

  • Sengoku Night Blood has vampires and werewolves fighting each other in the Sengoku Era, and rather than races the conflict is between armies.
  • This is the main premise of Tenrou Sirius the Jaeger as it has the theme of Werewolves vs Vampires surrounding the show. However, the only known werewolves in this anime as for now is Yuliy. Who tries to avenge his clans after being eradicated by the Vampires.
  • Tokimeki Tonight has the parents of the main character, a vampire and werewolf, fighting quite frequently, and their children treat it like an ordinary occurrence. Despite this, they very much love each other. They have been married 500 years, so some arguments are bound to happen.

Comic Books 

  • The first couple of times Morbius the Living Vampire and Werewolf by Night's paths cross, they end up fighting, but it's not anything personal: Morbius is subject to Horror Hunger and the werewolf will attack anything that moves when it's a full moon. Over the years they grow to be best friends, although the occasional fighting is not something they get rid of entirely.
  • Requiem Vampire Knight: The vampires and werewolves are hostile towards each other, but that's because ALL supernatural races are that way in Resurrection. They're just as likely (probably even moreso) to punch in the face of a zombie or ghoul, which are lower on the general food chain than they are. Interestingly, vampires are the reincarnation of people who knowingly committed acts of evil for their own gratification. Werewolves are the reincarnation of people who did evil in the name of good. Lady Claudia Demona even uses a mind-controlled Torquemada (yes, he of Inquisitorial infamy, currently the biggest werewolf on the planet) as a mount and a sex toy.
  • A short story from a horror anthology comic had the protagonist narrating how his people had fought back against the vampires and driven them to the brink of extinction, with him currently racing against time to stake the last vampire in his coffin before the sun sets and he wakes up. After successfully staking the vampire, the full moon rises and the protagonist reveals himself to be a werewolf—his people had only been fighting the vampires to eliminate the competition.

Fan Works 

  • Subverted in the fanfic "Being Human". Shinji is a werewolf and Asuka a vampire, and sometimes they argue, but they really like each other.
  • Some Harry Potter fics subvert or avert this.
    • Harry Potter and the Magic of the Beasts: According to Harry, the only werewolf who keeps the rivalry going is Fenrir Greyback and his most loyal followers, as the Vampire-Werewolf feud was mostly done away with. Elora and Nadine, however, do have a rivalry with him when it comes to flirting.
    • No Competition: Averted in Little Whinging. Due to Harry's aura being the darkest, as well as the wild magic being well-rooted in the ground, vampires and werewolves do not fight each other and focus on protecting Harry. Notable as it would be played straight in the Wizarding World.

Film — Animated 

  • Averted in the Hotel Transylvania series—not only are Wayne the Wolfman and Dracula friends, but there's also clear Puppy Love (heh-heh) between Wayne's daughter Winnie and Dracula's grandson, Dennis. Dennis, incidentally, is also a vampire.


  • Averted in The Saga of Darren Shan. Vampires-Vampaneze and wolves are in fact from the very same bloodline, and wolves are rather friendly with Vampires. However, they really hate Vampaneze and are more than happy to battle them.
    • Zig-zagged in Book 2 The Vampire's Assistant, when the Cirque du Freak's werewolf got loose and attacked Darren and his friend Sam. Darren tried very hard to fight it, but he was easily defeated, due to being severely weakened by his long-lasting refusal to drink blood. Then Mr. Crepsley showed up in the last moment and effortlessly beat up the werewolf with his bare hands so badly, that Mr. Tall thought it was actually killed.
  • Averted in the books of Mary Janice Davidson because neither race believes in the existence of the other.
  • Averted in Sergey Lukyanenko's Night Watch (Series), where vampires and werewolves make up the lowest rung on the Other hierarchy. Specifically, they're Dark Others, whose nature seems to change a little from book to book. As such, they have more in common with one another than with the rest of the Others and are universally loathed by both the Light and the Dark ones. As part of maintaining the Treaty, the Night Watch (i.e. Light Others) are required to give out hunting licenses to vampires and werewolves, picking humans at random. While vampires don't technically have to drain those they feed on, most do. Hunting without a license is punishable by dematerialization.
  • Averted in The Pardoner's Tale. Nick (werewolf) and Alex (vampire) fight, snark, and antagonize each other, but it's got nothing to do with their supernatural states, and more to do with the fact that Nick thinks Alex is an idiot.
  • Averted in Vampire Hunter D: The werewolf Mashira is on friendly terms with the vampire Mayerling.
  • Averted in Family Bites; Ben Rivers, the patriarch of the werewolf family, who has never met a vampire before, says you can't trust them, but everything he knows he got from his grandfather, whose vampiric business partner ran off with the money. As it turns out, the Riverses and Alfonzes get on fine.
  • Notably inverted in the original Dracula, where Drac can control wolves as well as all creatures of the night, and even turns into a wolf as a slightly less conspicuous way of breaching the English shore.

Live-Action TV 

  • Inverted in House of Frankenstein (1997) where it's mentioned that vampires love lycanthropes, treating them like beloved pets. "Their own little animal—you know what men are like."
  • Averted in the Buffyverse, where the two species share no particular relationship with each other, be it animosity or otherwise. When Angelus and werewolf Oz stand face to face, they merely growl at each other until Angelus backs off. (Of course, Oz does occasionally stake vampires, but that's because he's a Scooby, not because he's a werewolf.) Angel even dates a newly turned werewolf for a while in his own show, but neither the relationship nor the breakup has anything to do with her lycanthropy.
  • Averted in Sanctuary. While there are plenty of issues between different species of Abnormals, vampires and HAPs don't seem to have any particular animosity. Tesla's interactions with Henry do manage to have a bit of this, though, but that's because Tesla is a bit of a misanthrope and thinks everyone who's not a vampire or Helen Magnus is an idiot compared to him.
  • Averted in The Munsters, vampires and werewolves are not only friendly, they're family.
  • In The Vampire Diaries although not everyone involved likes it.
  • Inverted in Beetleborgs, where Count Fangula and Wolfgang are close friends who have known each other for a long time. In fact, Fangula is always the one who translates for Wolfgang, who only speaks wolf-language.

Tabletop Games 

Video Games 

  • Battlefield Heroes just recently added vampire skins for the Nationals and werewolf skins for the Royals.
  • Averted entirely in BlazBlue. Valkenhayn R. Hellsing, a werewolf, is the faithful butler of Rachel Alucard, a vampire.
  • Played with in Free Realms. Both races show up for the Halloween event, and they do have a rivalry with each other (with players encouraged to choose sides)... but this is a family-friendly game, so they settle things with dance-offs.
  • The Sims Social on Facebook once advertised a "Werewolves vs Vampires Week".
  • The Elder Scrolls series generally averts this trope. Outside of a very few specific examples, vampires and werewolves don't really care about each other. Interestingly, both have similar origins: Both are creations of Daedric Princes - Molag Bal, Prince of Domination and Corruption created the vampires, while Hircine, Prince of the Hunt, created the Werewolves. Both are diseases which can be spread through any wound inflicted by an infected individual. Both offer Ideal Illness Immunity, making them mutually exclusive to one another canonically (barring exploits or Game Mods). However, thematically vampirism and lycanthropy are vastly different, as vampirism is all about overpowering, dominating, and consuming others, while lycanthropy is about the shifting nature of hunter and prey and how the two roles can be interchanged. Additionally, in Online, it is revealed that Vampires and Werewolves were once allied against the living in a massive military campaign called the Grey Host
  • A natural result of the AI in Dwarf Fortress, whose latest release added vampire immigrants and wandering werecreatures. One player found a random peasant in a cage trap, and when the full moon rolled around and he turned into a werepanda he was introduced to one of the resident vampires. They did not get along.
  • Bloodborne could be one of the most roundabout versions of this trope yet. The terms for werewolves and vampires are never used, but there are nevertheless strong undertones of lycanthropy and vampirism in the setting. The people of Yharnam use blood for medicinal purposes, intoxication, and even as a substitute for sex, and the Scourge of Beasts that is afflicting them irreversibly transforms people into ravenous wolf-like monstrosities called Beasts. And it's the job of the player, clad in gothic attire that wouldn't look out of place on Count Dracula, to kill the Beasts after receiving a transfusion of Yharnam blood that gives them all manner of supernatural abilities.
  • In Splatoon 2, the theme of the October 2017 Splatfest for North America and Oceania was "Vampires vs. Werewolves".
  • In Vampyr, "werewolves" are actually a subspecies of vampires known as Vulkods, and some of them are feral monsters referred to as "sewer beasts" due to the Blood of Hate. Like most other vampires afflicted by the Blood of Hate, they are enemies that Jonathan has to fight while traversing the streets of London.
  • In City of Heroes, rival fascist groups the Fifth Column and the Council both field hulking Warwolves, only the Council creates the Vampyri, which are products of a Super-Soldier program that takes a year to complete.


  • Last Res0rt recently revealed that Jason Spades (vampire protagonist Jigsaw's main rival) is actually a werewolf, or at least for what passes as the alien version of a werewolf — but this all has next to nothing to do with the real problem between the two, i.e. Daisy and her continued existence.
  • Averted in Bite Me!, since Luther is a good friend of some of the vampires. However, in terms of personal style/appearance, the comic plays the Slobs Versus Snobs of werewolves and vampires pretty straight.
  • Averted in Fangs and Frights, where the two main characters are Nathan and Lyne, a pair of friends who are a vampire and a werewolf, respectively. When transformed, Lyne is even aware enough to let Nathan drink from the deer that she's about to eat. Aww.
  • Modern MoGal: Vampire Dad and Jennifer (a werewolf) don't like each other, but don't openly act on it because their respective children, Carmilla and Wendy, are friends. Vampire Dad doesn't like werewolves because he thinks they bite people and urinate everywhere, and is annoyed vampires always get compared to them. Jennifer, meanwhile, doesn't like vampires because she thinks they suck out your blood and getting bitten by one turns you into one. Eventually, Vampire Dad comes around to respect Jennifer's family, after Leo, Jennifer's lawyer husband, defends Carmilla when she's suspected of biting another kid.
  • The webcomic Fangs completely inverts this, having Elsie the vampire and Jimmy the werewolf in a relationship.

Web Original 

  • In The Adventure Zone: Dust, a major plot point is the feud between the Blackwell family (vampires) and the Mathis family (werewolves). However, this takes place in a town populated equally by humans, vampires, and werewolves, all of whom live more or less hospitably. The aforementioned feud is treated as more of a Hatfields-and-McCoys affair than anything racially-fueled.
  • The Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency: Averted, the site explains that vampires and werewolves not only do not compete for the same prey but also do not share the same ecosystems.
  • The theme for 2023's Artfight was Vampire versus Werewolf, encouraging users to draw their own OCs in the species of the team they chose.

Western Animation 

  • Inverted in Gravedale High; Vinny (a vampire) and Reggie (a werewolf) are actually friends. Vinny even defends Reggie from a gargoyle bully.
  • In The Loud House episode "Homespun", the kids reminisce on how one time, Lucy started reading a werewolf book series and gets a crush on the main character, but this makes her fear that she's cheating on Edwin, a vampire character from her favorite television show that she has a crush on. The rest of the family ends up overhearing this because of the thin walls in their house, and they started a debate on whether Lucy should be with the werewolf or the vampire.

    Lisa: I still fail to grasp your dilemma, seeing as both would-be suitors are mythological beings.

  • A major Running Gag in Monster Loving Maniacs. Edith and Ernest are vampire and werewolf fans respectively, so they often argue which monster would win (Edith insists a vampire can just wait for a night without a full moon to attack the werewolf). That said, when they do befriend a werewolf named Wolfchefski, they do call upon his help to fight vampires on a few occasions, including Count Dracula himself.