Gentle Giant - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Jun 14 2007
"He has to be nice, he's a giant! If he wasn't nice, he'd have villagers coming after him with torches!"
He's big, muscular, and angry-looking. He might even be an actual monster. People are often fearful of him. But he's got a heart of gold. He loves children and puppies and frequently abhors unnecessary violence. He is often rather intelligent, level-headed, and analytical, a voice of reason in the group. He probably has a few unexpected hobbies. He's the Gentle Giant. However, when push comes to shove, he's great to have on your side in battle.
This is a reversal that has become an archetype in its own right. We are all used to thinking of big people and giant creatures as frightening and mean. But the seven-foot shambling hulk of a man may just as well be gentle inside and misunderstood by society at large.
This archetype is so common it's probably more surprising for the musclebound hulk to turn out to be an irreconcilable jerk or bloodthirsty killer. The old subversion has become the new norm.
Two out of three examples of The Big Guy from the Five-Man Band are likely to be this type; he is their Class 2. (The other is usually a Genius Bruiser.) Sometimes has a much smaller friend and companion, possibly romantic in nature.
The typical Gentle Giant is quiet and, while not "book smart" (and sometimes outright stupid), is usually closer to Earth. An occasional subversion of this is to make him the most intelligent member of the group, either as a scientist and tech guy or a cynic. He may also like things that other guys will think of as "un-manly", which is one good reason not to push him too far. He will push back.
Gentle Giants will commonly deal with an unwanted version of Tall Is Intimidating, and have to overcome it for people to see their gentle side.
Opposite trope of Depraved Dwarf. Also compare The Grotesque. Contrast The Napoleon and Killer Rabbit. See also Bruiser with a Soft Center, for which being tough and badass is the default, and the sensitivity may be a Hidden Depth. Frequently overlaps with Face of a Thug and sometimes Lovable Jock, as well as Big Fun if the 'giant' part comes from too many dinners rather than too much time at the gym. Not to be confused with the British progressive rock band.
This trope can also go well with Big Good, even if the two aren't necessarily the same thing. May also overlap with Gentle Giant Sauropod and Pear-Shaped Gentle Giant.
Its most possible Evil Counterpart would be, of course, Evil Is Bigger.
Example subpages:
- Anime & Manga
- Films — Animation
- Films — Live-Action
- Literature
- Live-Action TV
- Video Games
- Western Animation
Other examples:
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- The Jolly Green Giant, the mascot of B&G Foods and an icon of veggie commercials. True to his name, he is a smiling, jovial giant who bellows a happy "Ho ho ho!" as part of his jingle.
- According to this commercial
, Flo from Progressive is one.
- Frankenberry of the Monster Cereals is a huge and hulking Frankenstein's Monster. He is also bright pink, has a light British accent that doesn't fit his size, and is the most gentle and sensitive of the monsters.
- Beast Fables: The Shastasaurus merman in "Paleontology Influenced Merfolk"
, based on the largest known marine reptile, is described as a peaceful nomad.
Asian Animation
- On his good days, Coldygury of Noonbory and the Super 7 is a dopey but docile fellow who is content to lumber around Winter.
Audio Plays
- Benjamin the Elephant: Benjamin is the nicest talking elephant you'll ever meet. He'll go out of his way to help anyone who needs it. Unfortunately, thanks to his immense frame combined with his klutziness, something (most often doors or escalators) usually breaks while he does so.
Card Games
- In the Magic: The Gathering storyline, Karn the Silver Golem was so physically powerful he could kill a giant with his bare hands... and suffered a Freak Out! after the first time he beat a man to death, after which point he became a pacifist (the kind that refuses to harm any other living thing, and "fights" by grabbing people and holding them still without so much as a bruise... not that other kind of pacifist). Except against Phyrexians. Those he annihilates with extreme prejudice, but they're an evil mix of Undead Cyborgs and other horrors, so that's OK.
- Pete Holmes often notes his large size, standing 6'6, in contrast to his sweet and wholesome personality, saying that this is the only universe where he didn't become a youth pastor.
- Gary Gulman stands 6'6 and often notes that he is very athletic but far too timid for physical confrontation. He was heavily scouted for football in school but quit because of the violence. He much preferred basketball, which punishes you for so much as touching another player by forcing you to watch him make free-throws while you think about what you've done.
- During the run of Californias Gold, numerous comedians lampooned host Huell Howser for the way the burly, 6'4 former Marine would display childish enthusiasm for visiting obscure landmarks, learning about the locals, and viewing folk art. Imitations of him typically hinged on his penchant for exclaiming, "Wow! That is amazing!" at even the most banal of attractions.
Comic Books
- Some comic book characters are gentle giants by necessity. Captain Britain is constantly aware that a slip-up could turn a handshake into a crushed hand.
- Sam Simeon, the ape of Angel and the Ape, is a 249 kg talking gorilla, but he's more of a thinker than a fighter and would rather just draw comic books anyway; his lovely partner Angel O'Day is a crack shot who can take care of herself.
- Marmaduke "Moose" Mason from Archie Comics. Unless he thinks someone's messing with his girlfriend.
- Obelix from the Asterix comics is huge, has superhuman strength, and terrifies all the bad guys. He's also a sweetie that often gets described as "a big kid." Sure, he always beats up Romans, but he sees it as a game and is surprised because they don't seem to like it. Don't hurt his dog or imply anything about his weight; you'll be fine. And don't touch the wimpy blonde kid he's trying to train to be a great warrior, or he will enter Papa Wolf mode and will wipe the floor with your entire village, even if Vikings are "Much more fun than the Romans! We should invite them to invade our village sometime!". Essentially, don't threaten anyone he likes or is protecting because he will mess you up.
- Nuklon/Atom Smasher in The DCU started out this way... until he did a brief Face–Heel Turn and helped Black Adam invade Khandaq, murdering a bunch of people along the way, frequently by stomping on them. He's back on the right track, though.
- Calibretto, the bird-loving War Golem from the comic Battle Chasers.
- Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, is also this. Sure, he's a Super-Soldier and a One-Man Army, but he's possibly the biggest Nice Guy in the Marvel Universe.
- Deadpool even shows this trope. He's a 6' 2" unkillable mercenary, but despite his psychopathic nature and all-around nutty behavior, he's very sweet to people who aren't his targets (especially children).
- Fantastic Four: Ben Grimm, a.k.a. The Thing, is a hulking rock monster capable of lifting tanks with one hand... and the sweetest guy you're ever likely to meet, and a great uncle to boot. Even before his transformation he counted (albeit in a less extreme way). He's not called "the Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing" for nothing.
- Stumbo the Giant from Harvey Comics, probably the most literal of this trope if not the most famous. Not only was he a very friendly, good-natured guy, but he had to take special care to do simple things (eating, yawning, sneezing, playing ball, etc.) as gently as possible because he didn't want to disturb his friends in Tinytown below with loud noise and earthquakes.
- Incandescence: 750-pound crocodile woman Mari is soft-spoken and kind when saving a family from a zombie attack, letting them ride on her back while the kids poke her eyes. Later on, she even apologizes to a zombie while putting her back to rest in her grave.
- The Incredible Hulk can sometimes be the epitome of this trope. Sometimes. He can be very innocent, loyal, and well-intentioned.
- His Distaff Counterpart She-Hulk is this trope too, possibly even more so than the Hulk.
- Kuga the Lion Killer from Jack Kirby's Satan's Six. The name might be off-putting, but he secretly loves animals far too much to harm them or let any harm come to them.
- Martian Manhunter is very strong, tall, and creepy-looking, but it is sweet and warm on the inside.
- In Alejandro Jodorowsky's Megalex, Ram generally has a kind and compassionate personality, but he is capable of violence when necessary.
- The Mighty Thor:
- Thor — terrible enemy in battle, great guy outside of it, and Friend to All Children.
- Volstagg is gigantic and formidable, if not quite the God-Mode Sue as his Large Ham boasts would cast him as, but he's also a loving father and even more of a Friend to All Children than Thor.
- Supergirl, muscular, inhumanly strong, short-tempered... and she's also a kind-hearted, compassionate, and optimistic Friend to All Children.
- Superman has the strength of a god, can fly through stars without breaking a sweat, can block bullets with his bare skin, can fly across galaxies... and he'd rather give you a hug than a punch if he can help it. There's a reason one of his nicknames is The Big Blue Boy Scout, he's just that nice. And that is a great thing for everyone. As both a Physical God and an All-Loving Hero, Supes is undeniably this. Many incarnations of Clark Kent have this reputation as well, his "mild-mannered" affect standing in contrast to his 6'3, 220 lb, heavily muscled physique.
- Transformers (2019): Leviathan, a massive bot who prefers spending her time in her alt mode, an ore-harvesting machine of colossal proportions, slowly drives across the metal surface of Cybertron, harvesting the metals by which new Transformers are forged. When some members of the Rise (the terrorist group that would become the Decepticons) decided that her peaceful nature made her harmless, she showed them just how bad an idea it is to pick a fight with someone large enough to manhandle you as if you were an action figure.
- Wonder Woman:
- Diana may be Amazonian in every respect and has been known to kill in the past, but she is still quite possibly the most loving heroine in the DC pantheon, to the point where she would prefer diplomacy, will rarely give up on a friend turned enemy, and also communicates with animals.
- Wonder Woman (1987): Io is the tallest and most muscular of the Amazons, but she's also the one who most strongly resists creating weapons of modern war to defend themselves, citing their pacifistic oaths, and is generally the sweetest their people, without the rough edges that most carry. She also grabs a sword and fights Ares when he comes for the child in her charge and earns his respect with her skill.
- Guido Carosella a.k.a. Strong Guy from X-Factor. Overbulging with muscles due to malfunctioning superpowers. Has to sit on the floor a lot because he's just too tall to function in most rooms. Brainwashing had him kill a man, and he took it badly until the victim's own wife forgives him. Like the others in this sub-list, nice and sweet until innocents/his friends are threatened, and then things get smashed. He's also in pain most of the time but conceals it by joking around so people won't take pity on him.
- X-Men:
- Hank "The Beast" McCoy is a good example of the super-intelligent giant subversion.
- Similarly, Piotr "Colossus" Rasputin is a young mountain of a man even before he turns into steel, but at heart is a gentle-souled artist unless brain-damaged or provoked.
- The shapeshifting Hulkling of the Young Avengers is more often than not a big guy and is generally the nicest, sweetest person on the team. Unless you hurt and/or threaten his boyfriend.
Comic Strips
- In Luann, there's Oxford ("Ox" for short), a really big, muscular kid who's a friendly guy who hates bullies and defends students like Gunther from them.
- Mandrake the Magician: In one story, Mandrake encounters Qork, a giant almost as big as a moon but who means no harm and is very nice. He is dying of thirst and would like to drink water from the Earth's ocean, but he refuses to endanger any people and prefers to sacrifice his own life.
- Georgie The Giant from Popeye. He is a benign being who lives alone on a small island because he does not want to accidentally hurt anyone around him. Popeye has to fight him once when he is under the control of an evil sorceress.
- The skinhead (no Nazi, though) Bully from Rudi.
- Big Stoop from Terry and the Pirates.
- Henry, the Wizard's pet dragon in The Wizard of Id; he wouldn't hurt a fly. (Well, at least not on purpose.)
Eastern Animation
- Shumadan from Qumi-Qumi. He's still young, but his other tribemates treat him like a formidable and strong adult thanks to his size...when he's the kindest and most innocent member of his short and short-tempered colleagues.
- Vízipók-Csodapók: The crayfish dwarfs every other bug in the pond, and yet has the personality of a kind elderly man. The frog, while initially angry that the spiders play catch with her eggs, also gets friendly once the spiders apologize.
Fan Works
- A New Chance Series: A New Chance for Adventure: Skailyn, a one hundred foot long black Rayquaza with a mouth full red, sharp teeth. She is described as very kind and peaceful and tries to act as discreetly as possible... until she sees a horrible injustice done to Pokémon.
- The Bridge (MLP):
- Godzilla Junior is this so long as lives aren't in jeopardy, in sharp contrast to his father and grandfather. This was because he was raised with love by Azusa and then mentored by the likewise human-loving Kong.
- Mothra Lea is as Mothra, her being this when not in combat is a given.
- Mike Van Garrett from Ebott's Wake is a muscled giant who has broken a man's femur with a single punch. However, he prefers to downplay his strength and cultivate his appearance more in favor of the Genius side than the Bruiser side. Not that this stops him from being able to look appropriately threatening when the situation calls for it.
- In Worm crossover Echoes of Yesterday, Kara is over six foot tall, superhumanly strong, and the nicest and most empathetic person in the setting. Even someone as jaded and cynical as Taylor Hebert is astonished at how "she didn't seem to have a mean bone in her body."
- In Eleutherophobia, Tom is a 6 foot 4 jock who spent his late teens possessed by a murderous alien, but his biggest priorities in life are watching out for his little brother and helping anyone else who was hurt by the Yeerks.
- Epic Unicorn History The Beards Of Harmony: Hushbeard is a large pony who wouldn't hurt a fly.
- Greenfire: Greenfire is that giant, but he's easily taller than most ponies. He's also one of the nicest dragons out there.
- GS-260: Rini, who has grown into a six-story tall girl, is helpful to people and uses her size for good.
- It's not the Raptor DNA has Elise the Indominus rex, especially after she finds out she loves entertaining children, whom she decrees she shall never scare or hurt. She is gentle enough that her threat level is lowered from red (Very High) to green (Low). Just don't make her angry; she is part T. rex and Velociraptor.
- Kaiju Revolution:
- Mothra, her larvae, and Titanosaurus are fairly peaceful for kaiju, while Baragon and Anguirus are downplayed examples. Their aggression is listed as medium, and they typically won't seek out conflict but are very violent if provoked. Some of the large herbivorous creatures of Skull Island also qualify.
- While the Watchuka aren't kaiju, they are large when compared to humans, as they can reach heights up to 12 feet and are a race of peaceful monks.
- Kong, while ferocious in combat, is actually an empathetic being who avoids unnecessary harm. It's mentioned that he went out of his way back to Skull Island to avoid heavily populated areas.
- Frankenstein is a timid and curious creature that only lashes out when attacked.
- Mendacity: The Bugul Noz is a towering, monstrously powerful being, but is also very restrained in how he uses his powers and personable towards strangers.
- Optimus on Earth: While Optimus was always careful when interacting with/handling humans, he learned how fragile life on Earth was when he saw a deer (one he'd interacted with only a short while ago) hit by a car. Since then, he's always cautious around living things.
- In Our New Sister, Chickpea is huge compared to her adopted siblings, but is the most gentle and reserved of them.
- Pony POV Series:
- Fauna Luster's true form is so huge that she's larger than the universe...and Empathy Personified and loves every living thing. Just don't do something to legitimately tick her off.
- Dark World!Spike is a fully grown dragon, and as massive as that implies, but he's still Spike and one of the most gentle dragons on the planet. He's more than willing to fight for a good cause and dangerous if he does, but he'd prefer just being a good friend.
- Raphael's Big Mistake: Taylor slowly realizes that the Turtles are this; while they are capable of hurting others (and will hurt their enemies), on the whole they're good kids who never want innocent people to get hurt. Taylor realizing that Raphael is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold is what starts her on the path to forgiving him for kidnapping her.
- Skyhold Academy Yearbook has Coach Bull, who is this for his students and fellow teachers. For those who get on his bad side, not so much. This makes perfect sense, given that he's the human version of the Iron Bull from Dragon Age: Inquisition.
- Total Drama Legacy: Link. He's the tallest camper at 7'0" and has a somewhat monstrous appearance (what with his tail, sharp teeth, and shoulder spikes). However, he's one of the most affable campers, especially towards his girlfriend Katherine (whom he loves with all his heart).
- The Unexpected Rookie: Zig-zagged. The Autobots tower over the residents of the world of robot form. In their alt-modes, they are roughly the same size as most of the world's denizens. No matter their form, though, they are as kind and polite as can be with the Radiator Springs crew (unless someone makes Prowl or Ratchet mad).
- The Victors Project: Orchus won the 3rd Hunger Games by standing around and doing nothing but staring at butterflies that passed until his final competitor charged him and he shoved her back reflexively into a Pit Trap. A few years later he keeps Ahenobarbus from killing an Avvox during a knife-throwing contest and is implied to have become a Friend to All Children in his old age.
- We Must Be Killers: Odin is one of the burliest Victors, but since his Games, mostly just gardens and acts like a grandfather to everyone in his Master-Apprentice Chain (although he does still enjoy the occasional good-natured fight).
- From They Might Be Giants' "Particle Man": "Universe Man, Universe Man, size of the entire universe man. He's usually kind to smaller man..."
- The British Progressive Rock band Gentle Giant took their name from this trope. Talk about A Good Name for a Rock Band. Appropriately, their first album cover depicts a gentle giant.
- Not a song, but a performer: Barry White. The Walrus of Love was a huge guy but as easygoing and loving as you could find. His first album I've Got So Much to Give features him on the cover
◊ as a literal Gentle Giant.
- Gorillaz has Russel, who, despite being very large (and growing to enormous size after ingesting large amounts of nuclear waste), is a good person.
- In "Down Under" by Men at Work, the narrator meets a man who's "six foot four, and full of muscle," who befriends him. (Leading to the song's most famous line, "He just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich."
- UTAU's Ruko Yokune is an Amazon compared to the other Vippers (even Tei) but has a deredere personality. Doesn't help her from being decapitated in "Circle You, Circle You" though.
- In a way, in Holst’s “The Planets,” Jupiter can be portrayed as this. Even though Jupiter is the biggest planet, it has one of the piece's most calming and gentle songs.
Music Videos
- Buttzilla from the Bubble Butt music video is a flying Giant Woman who goes around the world bestowing tiny-bottomed women bigger butts and spreading fun by turning boring apartments into dance clubs complete with Back Up Dancers.
- Miserable by Lit: Pamela/Val, the Giant Woman comes off this way. Throughout the video she lets the guys in the band walk all over and perform on different parts of her body as she lounges around. While they do this, rather than get upset, she just smiles at them, waves, and generally comes off as very flirty towards them. It's all just a ruse, however. She's really just pretending to be friendly and playing the flirt to get the guys' trust. As soon as one gets too close to her mouth she eats him, then proceeds to toy with and devour the other guys as well.
Mythology & Religion
- Older Than Print: According to the Golden Legend (c. 1260 A.D.), Saint Christopher
became one of these after years of being an arrogant Genius Bruiser who swore he'd only serve the greatest king ever. His perspective changes a bit when he decides that the greatest king ever is Jesus, specifically Baby Jesus.
- Most depictions of Santa Claus... but some of them no one's entirely sure.
- Bigfoot and its kin are sometimes thought of as this, though with creatures like the Yeti or the Yowie it's often a lot more debatable. With Bigfoot at least, it's very rare to hear about eyewitness reports where it gets violent — indeed, many reports end with the creature being just as afraid of the witness as the other way around!
- Despite their imposing size, the Basanajauc note of Basque mythology are represented as very gentle beings; However, the stories of the wicked basejaun are not unheard of.
- In the Book of Job, Job is told of two Kaiju named Behemoth and Leviathan. Whereas Leviathan is a ferocious sea serpent to be feared by man, the Behemothnote spends its days peacefully in the fields and swamps, eating grass as the smaller beasts play around it.
Professional Wrestling
- Surprisingly, this has been used on occasion in pro wrestling. When André the Giant got older and couldn't wrestle anymore because of his gigantism, he became this trope. Also, the Oddities (Golga, Kurrgan, and the Giant Silva) from the late 90s WWF were pretty much this trope after their Heel–Face Turn from a Circus of Fear to a bunch of happy-go-lucky lets-have-fun dudes. This ultimately led to Badass Decay and Redemption Demotion.
- The Great Khali post-face turn. You still wouldn't want to fight him, though.
- Even The Big Show has dabbled into this trope whenever he's teamed with the smallest guys on the roster such as Spike Dudley or Rey Mysterio. Harshly adverted as a heel. Played straight in real life, however. Just witness him bawling during the announcement of Eddie Guerrero's death or his interaction with Randy Orton's daughter en route to the ring.
- While Giant González, the tallest professional wrestler to ever live, portrayed a vicious monster, he was one of the nicest guys in the business, to the point where it hindered his ability to be a "mean heel" type.
- Big John Studd was said by Bobby Heenan to be "too nice for the business."
- Yokozuna was a 6'3" behemoth Evil Foreigner Fat Bastard on screen, but in real life, he has been described as one of the nicest, most caring people in the business. Just ask his real-life best friend The Undertaker, who himself qualifies for this trope out of character, playing the role of Team Dad and A Father to His Men backstage.
- The Rock. 6'5", muscled like a comic book superhero; and impossibly charming and friendly, widely considered one of the nicest guys in show business.
- John Cena. About on par with the Rock in terms of Heroic Build and even stronger in his prime (he once lifted Edge and the Big Show onto his shoulders at the same time); and he's famously a Friend to All Children and just about as friendly with grownup fans.
- Braun Strowman. Massive even by the WWE's standards and endearingly good-humored, dorky and cute when out of character.
- Tor Johnson was known for his role as a Heel and for his immense size before his B-movie career, having been six feet and three inches tall, and weighing 440 pounds. Those who knew him in person describe him as incredibly friendly, with actress Valda Hansen characterizing him as a "big sugar bun."
Puppet Shows
- Junior Gorg from Fraggle Rock.
- Sweetums from The Muppet Show is one of the show's larger characters, standing at about 8 feet, with angry-looking yellow eyes, but ultimately lives up to his name as he's incredibly friendly and eager to please. He also has an Odd Friendship with Kermit's nephew, Robin. Subverted, however in his original appearance, Tales from Muppetland: The Frog Prince, where he is Fluffy the Terrible.
- Big Bird on Sesame Street. His foreign counterparts also play the trope straight, including:
- Abelardo from Plaza Sesamo (Mexico and Latin-America in general)
- Pino — Big Bird's blue cousin — from Sesamstraat (Netherlands)
- Moshe the giant meerkat from Takalani Sesame (South Africa)
- Kippi Ben Kippod the hedgehog from Rechov Sumsum (Israel)
- Boombah the lion from Galli Galli Sim Sim (India)
- Two bears: Samson the Brown Bear from Sesamstraße (Germany) and Basil the Polar Bear from Sesame Park (Canada; the character showed up in segments on the earlier Sesame Street Canadanote in its last few years)
- Big Bird's friend, Mr. Snuffleupagus counts, too.
- Bear from Bear in the Big Blue House is an easygoing Friend to All Children. He's also the largest character on the show (being a bear and all).
- Snook from Itsa Big Big World is similar to Bear, very laid-back, easygoing, and the show's largest character.
- Both Magellan and the Giant from Eureeka's Castle. Magellan, a dragon, towers over everyone, but he's also the nicest character of the show and essentially the kid of the group. The Giant is even larger and often watches in amusement as his friends in the castle get into crazy antics.
- Heath The Thesarus from Between the Lions.
- Don't Eat the Neighbours: Bear is a polite and affable fellow, but everyone besides Lucy are too terrified of his size to appreciate his hospitality.
- Dawn of a New Age: Oldport Blues:
- At 6'2", Ivan is the tallest of the teenage cast and one of the most gaunt-looking. He's also one of the most quiet and patient, and is shown to be a conscientious guy with a sense of humour about his vocal disability.
- Benjy was transformed by his superpower into a giant bug monster- 9'8" in its humanoid form, and even bigger when he hulks out. When he's not driven into a rage, however, he retains his gentle and kind-hearted personality from when he was a human.
- In The Gamer's Alliance, Daven and Ismail, despite their size, are quite gentle guys outside combat.
- Marcus Roddy of Survival of the Fittest — he is massive, yet wouldn't hurt a fly. However, due to various exceptions, it's easier to say that when dealing with very large characters in Survival of the Fittest, roughly half are subversions of this trope, and the other half are played straight. Vesa Turunen started as straddling the border between playing this straight and subverting it but eventually turned into a Blood Knight and Death Seeker.
- Craig Hoyle in season four of Survival Of the Fittest also certainly counts. He's one of the tallest students at Bayview High and probably the heaviest, at 6'7" and well over 300 pounds. His main interest? Drawing. Craig joined the football team, but only because he wanted to be more popular; to boot, he's horrible at any part of the game besides being a wall of meat.
Tabletop Games
- Changeling: The Dreaming: Seelie Trolls often turn out the same way. Built on dreams of honor, they're both the most accomplished warriors of fae kind and some of its most noble, gentle protectors. Break an oath to one of them, though...
- Changeling: The Lost: While the Ogre Seeming has the reputation of being violent, they can some times simply be gruff.
- Dungeons & Dragons:
- Cloud giants are literal Gentle Giants who mostly care about philosophy and the arts, but woe to the evildoer who pisses one off. Well, the half of the race that's good-aligned counts, anyway. The half who are evil? Yeah, there's nothing gentle about them at all.
- Except for 4th Edition, storm giants are generally very pleasant people in most settings. They're also the most powerful of the main giant races (cloud giants come in second).
- Metallic dragons, particularly silver and gold dragons, tend to be this. They're certainly ferocious fighters when provoked, but they prefer nonviolence and will often attempt to find diplomatic solutions to problems. Golds are famous for being among the largest and most steadfastly virtuous beings in existence, and the stereotypical ancient gold dragon is basically a kindly grandpa/grandma who just so happens to be the size of a mountain and the owner of several dozen doctorates in philosophy.
- RuneQuest: Maidstone archers are huge and immensely strong, but also had no native concept of warfare until it was taught to them by humans in the Second Age and are still reluctant to take intelligent lives.
- Shadowrun 3rd ed. states that trolls are less likely to be violent than other races simply because most people try to avoid Bullying a Dragon.
- Splicers :
- Behemoths are War Mounts that resemble enormous alien rhinoceroses with six bio-organic artillery cannons and multiple bio-rocket launchers mounted on their bodies, serving as living tanks for the human resistance. They're described as having the personalities of a very loyal and affectionate dog, and are fiercely protective of humans. In return, most resistance fighters tend to adore them.
- Goliaths are War Mounts designed to resemble gigantic bears with Vibro Blade talons and multiple biological chainsaws inset into their torsos, allowing them to simultaneously crush and eviscerate enemy machines by embracing them. This has earned them the in-universe nickname of "Grisly Bears". Despite this bloody fighting style, they're actually described as very docile and patient when not on the battlefield, requiring considerable effort to provoke.
- Warhammer 40,000:
- The Salamanders Space Marines. As with all marines they tower over an unmodified human. Unlike other marines, they have literal coal-black skin and bright red eyes due to their Father Primarch Vulkan and the radiation of his home planet of Nocturne. Their use of flame weapons and fearsome looks stopped more than one rebellion before it started. Despite this, they and their Primarch have a lot of empathy and compassion towards normal humans and will butt heads with other marines, such as the Space Wolves if innocent lives are threatened. All of these qualities stem from Vulkan himself.
- You don't get to see it often, given the nature of the setting, but the backstory says that Ogryns, when not in combat, are generally this. Particularly ones that have been assigned to protect an Imperial Guard officer.
- Despite being powerful enough to fight Giant Mecha hand-to-hand, Vorgh are peaceful begins when others aren't hostile towards them.
- Hercules Mulligan in Hamilton was an Irish American war revolutionary played by the tall, imposing-looking, buff, and deep-voiced Okieriete Onaodowan. He swears, drinks, and raps about sex with women. But he's also a Tailor's apprentice and was the flower man at his best friend Alexander Hamilton and Eliza Schuyler's wedding.
- The remarkable brawn of Jean Valjean in Les Misérables becomes a significant plot point when he single-handedly lifts a crashed cart off an injured man and Javert recognizes him as a result, remarking that he's only known one man capable of such a feat of strength. But despite being a desperate escaped criminal, the most violent thing he ever does is threaten to fight back against Javert if he tries to prevent him from saving Cosette... after which he runs away instead.
- McCarthy in The Time of Your Life:
"I'm a longshoreman. And an idealist. I'm a man with too much brawn to be an intellectual, exclusively. I married a small, sensitive, cultured woman so that my kids would be sissies instead of suckers. A strong man with any sensibility has no choice in this world but to be a heel, or a worker. I haven't the heart to be a heel, so I'm a worker."
Visual Novels
- Will Powers from the Ace Attorney series. When people first meet him, they look at his face and presume he's guilty. After spending five minutes with him, they'll insist he's innocent. He took his job as a suit actor in a henshin hero show to use his impressive physique while hiding his face so that he'll make children happy.
- And Terry Fawles from the third game. Despite his stature and scarred face, he's a childlike, sensitive man who happens to be Dahlia Hawthorne's ex-boyfriend. When he's Driven to Suicide, you will shed a tear.
- Muriel from The Arcana is a 6'10, scarred, muscle-bound former gladiator who hates violence, loves animals, and is very shy around people.
- Danganronpa:
- Sakura Ogami of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc towers over her fellow students, is bulky and muscular with the Face of a Thug and encyclopedic knowledge of how to beat someone down (due to being a martial artist), and is one of the most polite, kind, and noble souls in the school. Down to her suicide to protect her friends, as she'd rather die herself than be forced by the Mastermind to kill another.
- Nekomaru Nidai from Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair is tied with Gonta as the tallest character in the series at 1.98 meters, and is also a massive sweetie who doesn't have a mean bone in his body and is always helping others out. In Chapter 3 he uses his own body as a shield to prevent Akane Owari, who had broken a rule, from being killed by Monokuma. Surprisingly he survives, and has his kindness rewarded by being placed in a robotic body that prevents him from dying from his incurable illness, only to die in Chapter 4 in another Heroic Sacrifice where he and Gundham fight to the death to prevent the rest of the group from starving to death.
- Gonta Gokuhara from Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony comes off as intimidating at first (and can be quite scary when angry), but in reality, he's very friendly, and would never use his strength to hurt others, but he's also rather gullible. Since he's been disconnected from civilization up until high school, he tries to make himself a "perfect gentleman" to fit in with society. Unfortunately, the "Gentle" part gets averted in Chapter 4 when he murders Miu, but he apologizes while killing her and the circumstances of the murder make him a Sympathetic Murderer.
- Little Busters! has Masato, who is big and tall and always working on his huge muscles, but also one of the kindest, most innocent, and most friendly characters in the whole series.
- Minotaur Hotel: Once he fully recovers, Asterion is a tall half-bull person whose appearance scares off most people. However, once you get to know him, he's a deeply kind and considerate man who wouldn't hurt a fly if given a choice.
- Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors has Seven, a hulk of a man who is the largest character outside of Ace and easily the strongest. While he has a bit of a temper, Seven frequently acts as the voice of reason for the main eight, is one of the most concerned whenever anyone dies as a result of the Nonary Game, and his backstory was actually as a detective trying to save the kids from the previous iteration of the Nonary Game.
- In Tavern Talk, Clay is a giant Earth Echo with a soft spot for animals, and also cares deeply about his friends, especially Tia. He also doesn't like getting angry because he fears destroying everything he loves in a reckless fit of rage and regretting it later.
Web Animation
- Slushi from Chikn Nuggit is taller than most other characters, but is a cheerful and friendly Otaku who isn't as wacky as the rest of the cast.
- If the Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device has Rogal Dorn and Vulkan. The former wears Centurion power armor (usually power armor over power armor), acted as the Emperor's teddy bear, and (as horribly blunt as he is) does speak up for the common citizen (such as Boy, the vox-serf) whenever anyone bad mouths them. The latter is considered by his father as " too fucking nice" and it's true: he's constantly going on about friendship, loving his friends, and giving hugs to all his friends even Magnus but the problem is he's huge and he's strong. Many of his sons have had their backs broken after being given one of his spine-breaking hugs and Magnus winds up killing him again after having his already broken back being hugged for a little too long. He got better in quick order but still.
- Strong Mad from Homestar Runner. He is big, he is muscular, and he is hostile, but he nevertheless has a soft side and a big heart. He is especially gentle towards his best friend, The Cheat, of whom he is quite protective and he loves arts and crafts. Also, despite being the oldest of the Strong brothers, Strong Mad is also the most childish and naive, and a bit of a Cloudcuckoolander.
- Helluva Boss: Stolas is the Goetic prince of Hell, and is very tall and imposing. Despite this, he's one of the most affable and least malevolent demons in all of Hell. His hobbies include pajama movie nights with Blitzo, bonding with Moxxie, bringing coffee to I.M.P., and generally being incredibly nice to everyone around him. He's also very carefree about shrugging off robbery, kidnapping and murder attempts from random imps at a carnival, who he doesn't even lift a finger against, so long as he gets to spend time with Blitzo. Even Charlie is quicker to resort to violence than Stolas. Just don't mess with his daughter.
- There's also Vortex, a large and intimidating hellhound who's around two heads taller than Loona, a fellow hellhound far from miniscule herself. Despite this, he's a surprisingly chill and friendly guy.
- Boyfriends.: Jock/Kevin is one of the tallest characters with a muscular build to match and is a patient and kind-hearted young man who always cares for his three boyfriends.
- Tuesday Titans: The majority of Titans we've seen have all been allies and defenders of humanity fighting against outside threats. They seem to share close, personal connections with their human partners, and even when Excel is going all out against the Autocarrier, she tries to avoid causing unnecessary destruction.
- Five Nights at Freddy's: Lost Souls: The animatronics tower over the humans, but they're all friendly and would never intentionally hurt someone. Though it's implied it wasn't always that way.
- Bob and George: Nate and Chadling are devils in the vein of the Yellow Devil from the Mega Man (Classic) series (Nate is actually yellow, while Chadling is purple), taking the form of a giant demon or changeable size in battle while actually being nice guys (especially Nate).
- Bronze Skin Inc. Some giantesses fall in this trope, but not all!
- Camp Counselor Jason: Famed slasher villain Jason Voorhees is reimagined as a hulking yet kind camp counselor in this comic. Sure, he's still prone to scare people (albeit unintentionally) and often forgets how strong he is but he has no murderous bone in his body and all he wants is to pet animals and make everyone feel safe and happy as he can.
- Curse Quest: Mogarth, when not in battle, is very much this. In his first conversation with Walrus and Requiem he zoned out and acted like a dork.
- Daughter of the Lilies: The mercenary leader Orrig is this. He's a scary looking orc berserker, but a perfectly nice employer who considers it his job to take care of his employees. Ironically, he is way more mature and sensible than the half-orc and the elf in his team, both of whom have short tempers and are prone to violent outbursts.
- EVIL: Kahn is easily the biggest and strongest character, but also the nicest.
- El Goonish Shive:
- Justin, from Rhoda's point of view. She's normally scared of people bigger than her (and his 6' to her 5' is quite a difference), but also knows that he's friends with Nanase, and that Nanase wouldn't be friends with anyone bad.
- Greg is 6'10 and a martial arts master, but he has never been shown to be violent.
- Faux Pas: A giant by comparison to his companions, the Wallaroo Brisbane is one of the most laid-back characters of the strip.
- Freefall: Sawtooth Rivergrinder is a construction droid who's very laid back most of the time, but gets a bit incensed when robots try to disassemble other robots. Not overly cautious about damaging buildings, although this is probably because, as a construction droid, he can repair most of the damage he'd be likely to do.
- Girl Genius: Adam (also known as Punch) is a mute Frankenstein's Monster style creature, often depicted as a lumbering moron in plays and stories. People who know him however describe him as a wise and gentle soul who spent his spare time making toys for orphan children.
- Glorianna: Gith the bodyguard is a scary-looking brute, but turns out to be kind and friendly, if a bit shy.
- Goud: Vincent is a massive ex-soldier with a heart of gold and a face like dog meat.
- Here U Are: Li Huan stands at 196 cm at age 18, is pretty docile and quiet young man unless someone decided to mess with Yu Yang.
- High School Lessons: The Westpoint cheerleaders are built like tanks and can catch-and-release nuclear warheads, but enjoy doing regular cheerleader stuff.
- Homestuck:
- Equius is one of the strongest of trolls on Alternia. Even gently patting his beloved lusus — one of the strongest creatures on his planet — will leave a bruise. While he has a racist attitude, Equius speaks in a polite, formal tone and loves his moirail Nepeta (a Cute Bruiser) more than anyone else. It's interesting to note that he is also one of the less violent trolls, and only spars with his robots.
- Gamzee is this before his freakout. A stoner Love Freak who by himself did more damage to the Black King than anyone else on his team with the exception of the God-Tier Vriska. He's also commonly depicted as the tallest of the trolls in fanart as no one has a canon length.
- Manly Guys Doing Manly Things: Mr. Fish is even bigger and stronger than the average Gyarados thanks to Jared feeding him well, but he's as docile as a well-trained dog. Though he does still make occasional attempts to eat other Pokemon.
- morphE: Malloy has a sprite so tall that it almost breaks the top of the frame and he certainly looks like he could hold himself well in brawl. Despite his imposing structure he is the only member of the cast to take pity on Asia for her inability to cast magic and actually plays a fatherly role to her, trying to get her adjusted to her new environment.
- The Order of the Stick: The "Monster in the Darkness" is a gentle giant played straight. Terribly powerful and scary, but turns out to be a nice guy. When challenged to a game of "hit the other person as lightly as you can", it earnestly tries (not realizing that its opponent was only trying to hit it with her sword)... and loses. How he loses? He hits his opponent and her horse straight through a stone wall and several hundred feet away.
- Out-of-Placers:
- Isher is a towering, saurian woman with claws and a horn.She's quite intimidating, something that House Ivenmoth uses to their advantage for her job as a city guard. However, she's actually a hopeless romantic, a Caring Gardener, and all-around self-conscious dork that would love nothing more than to find someone who sees beyond her appearance.
- The baxxid are a race of gigantic insectoid snakes with scythes for hands. Despite that, they're extremely intelligent and abhor violence to the point that they see any physical labour as shameful. That doesn't mean they're not dangerous, though: Kalgkur miscalculating his turning speed ended up slicing a man clean in half. They take efforts to prevent such incidents, to keep their good relationship with humans.
- Outsider: The Barsam average 2.3 meters in height and are built like grizzly bears with horned faces, but are a peaceful and aesthetic race who routinely engage in missionary work and value peace, cooperation and brotherhood above all other things.
- Princess Princess (2012): The ogre is big and fearsome looking. He destroyed a village, but it was accidental. Actually he just wants to dance!
- Questionable Content: Elliott is huge, muscular, and works as a bouncer... but he hates having to bounce anyone (he can definitely do it, though). Beyond that, he's very anxious, is compulsively considerate, is passionately devoted to the craft of breadmaking, wouldn't hurt a fly, and has crushes on two of the other characters for years (at least in real time) before he works up the nerve to do anything about it. It's implied that some of this may be atonement for having hung around with/tolerated Jerk Jocks in high school.
- Scandinavia and the World: Norway is the largest of the Nordics, by a margin of at least half a head, but has the mellowest personality and is so in tune with nature that he can get butterflies to land on his finger.
- Schlock Mercenary: There exist flying tanks and low-profile armor that turns even the smallest grunt into a Flying Brick, size isn't as important as one might think. Nonetheless, there are examples:
- Corporal Elizabeth, a gorilla like alien about the size of an elephant, is usually depicted as one of the kinder souls among her peers, and has been described as "like a kitten, really." Of course, when it comes time to fight, she knows how to throw her weight around at least as well as anyone else, even when it's just her fists against foes with firearms and Power Armor.
- Burt Nicholson, even without armor, is the size of a shed and can safely deliver a punch that would shatter every bone in a 21st-century boxer's arm. He's also one of the few unambiguously good people in the entire series, is well-meaning and loyal, and once dove off a platform to rescue a falling enemy spy who'd been playing him like a cheap record up to that point, simply because she'd been rendered unconscious and couldn't save herself.
- Jeffy "Brad" Bradley started out relatively scrawny, but a chain of events involving his own decapitation revealed that without deliberate stunting he would turn into the eight-foot mountain of muscle he spent the rest of his time as, but he never really lost the respectful habits he developed while smaller than a house. His eventual death comes about when he blows up a crashing tank with improvised explosives rather than risk it crashing into a place it could inflict serious damage, hurling him out to freefall into the side of a building without functional armour.
- Scurry: Umf the rat. The mice accept him as a member of their colony mostly due to his gentle, affable nature, despite being huge even by rat standards.
- Slightly Damned: Sahne is a mixture of this and Big Fun. Unlike most Earth demons in the story, she's a kind, fun-loving demon who easily makes friends with the main protagonists and defected from Hell so she could start a family with an angel woman named Kinako and a water demon named Lakritz. She also positively adores her stepson, Tirol (Kinako's mute son).
- Skin Horse: In the "Unsinkable" storyline, Rhodey the Sea Serpent turns out to be this. It seems to be in battle with the setting's superhero team, but it's only defending itself, and it turns out AG-I waited until the nationwide Weirdness Censor kicked in before attacking it because otherwise the nearby town would have been horrified that someone was trying to take out their beloved town mascot.
- The Strongest Florist Jaehoo has the Face of a Thug, an incredibly menacing air, is built like a tank and has good fighting skills— but all he wants is to open up a flower shop.
- Suitor Armor: The protagonist Lucia is falling for a suit of Animated Armor that is protecting her. Modeus has a rather frightening appearance, but is very gentle unless you threaten Lucia, in which case he turns lethal very quickly.
- Unsounded: Uaid, a giant enchanted frog-man-cyborg He,sorrowfully regrets
destroying the home of some squirrels, and then he eats them, and then they fall out of his chest unharmed. He's generally very non-confrontational, but threatening Matty will make him really angry.
Sette: A stoopendous mountain ogre with giant green feets and its arse out! S'orright for pedestration but don't got much fight in it.
- The World in Deeper Inspection: Bronx is significantly taller and broader than the rest of the main cast, but he has a very laid-back attitude and is an enthusiastic cat-lover.
Web Original
- Bosun's Journal: The rippers are hulking Super Soldiers strong enough to tear a human in half, capable of shrugging off small arms fire, and prone to berserk rages. They're also surprisingly peaceful beings when not in the throes of their genetically engineered blood crazes, are extremely gentle towards others of their kind, and prefer to keep to themselves when not driven into waging war.
- Caseoh is a plus sized man who is actually very nice and optimistic. Contrary to his Character Catchphrase for whenever someone makes a fat joke, he doesn't actually ban anyone for doing so, resorting to that when they genuinely break the rules too often.
- Kittisaurus:
- DD is the largest of all the cats. He's also a very calm and patient cat compared to some of the others. He took care of a sick TT when they were both kittens and has been a Parental Substitute for all the cats that have followed; most notably newcomers Toto and Dodo to the point where he is sometimes referred to as a "daDDy."
- Toto has grown to rival DD in size, but he can be just as patient and gentle, often caring for TT and generally getting along with the other cats {well, apart from his brother Dodo, who he has a tendency to be a bit mean to on occasion.)
- raocow said in one video that he's 6'5". Yet he has such a gentle, easygoing personality (among other things, he's a Kindhearted Cat Lover and frequently promotes a positive attitude).
- SCP Foundation: SCP-516
is a sapient T-55 battle tank. A picture was taken of it by SCP-978 (a polaroid camera that produces a picture of the target doing whatever they want to do) and it produced an image of 516 in a meadow, underneath some trees, with birds perched on its main gun and flowers growing all over it. In other words, 516 dreams of a world where tanks don't need to exist. It has never attacked an unarmed being, and only fires upon people who fire at it with weapons that can harm it first, with only one notable exception:
Testing Log: 516-01j
Target: Two (2) D-class personnel (D-101, D-521) handcuffed together. 2kg of C4 plastic explosive strapped to D-101, instructed to approach SCP-516 and detonate explosive. D-101 fitted with 'dead man's switch' to induce explosion if D-101 killed.
Result: As Dr. ██████ detailed instructions to D-101, SCP-516 [DATA EXPUNGED] - There was a meme perpetuating the stereotype of big muscular men being aggressive, specifically showing an image of Bodybuilder Søren Falby and a taunt involving him slapping mothers. Having heard that his photo has been used in the meme, Søren Falby hit back at the stereotype by using a photo of him with his mother, saying that he doesn't hit women and his mother would be angry at him if he does so.
- Stephen Georg is a staggering 6'6", and is also one of the most chipper people you'll ever meet; not to mention Happily Married to Mal.
- Caduceus Clay from Critical Role is a firbolg, and as such stands at about 7 feet tall, towering over the rest of the Mighty Nein. He's also by far the most moral person in the group, leads with kindness in nearly every interaction he has with others, and is the first person the rest of the Nein go to when they need spiritual or life advice. He rarely, if ever, raises his voice, and it takes a lot to get him angry. It's telling that out of all the shady figures the Nein have encountered, the only one Caduceus has ever openly despised is Trent Ikithon, the man who tortured and abused a teenaged Caleb for years and is later confirmed to be psychologically incapable of feeling empathy.