Glamour - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Aug 24 2010
Beauty is in the lie to the beholder.
"Elves are wonderful. They provoke wonder.
Elves are marvellous. They cause marvels.
Elves are fantastic. They create fantasies.
Elves are glamorous. They project glamour.
Elves are enchanting. They weave enchantment.
Elves are terrific. They beget terror.
The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning.
No one ever said elves are nice.
Elves are bad."
Traditionally, The Fair Folk are reputed to have a powerful and subtle magic that disguises their true (and less than fair) form into one that is beautiful, beguiling and beatific. This was called a Glamour. It not only cast an illusion of physical perfection, but made any hapless viewer think of the fae as graceful, wise, a lifelong friend, and made them easily suggestible if not utterly enthralling them in More than Mind Control.
Now imagine a character who has this power, and can use it on crowds. We'll wait for you to stop shivering.
Characters with this power become the center of attention. Anyone who looks at the character will suffer effects similar to Love Is in the Air: they'll consider the character to be flawlessly beautiful, smart, funny, and fall over themselves to do whatever the character says.note While this isn't direct Mind Control or a Charm Person, it does affect people psychically by making them want to help the character. Sort of a cross between Mass Hypnosis and The Charmer. While weak glamours or strong-willed characters probably won't do unethical things or that go against their interests, they will act at least slightly out of character while under its effects: disliking the character will seem unnatural, arguing against them impossible, and attacking the character would be like committing blasphemy. When it's a powerful glamour (or a Weak-Willed victim) victims won't hesitate to obey any of the character's whims.
But as soon as they leave the room (or a certain amount of time passes) the former awestruck followers will get the psychic equivalent of a hangover and wonder what the heck happened. If the character has an especially powerful Glamour the effects may be permanent, require either special shielding to cut off, or the equivalent of Mind Control deprogramming to return victims to normal. If a character has God-Mode Sue class Glamour, nothing less than killing them will end the spell.
This is usually a borderline case of Bad Powers, Bad People. An ethical character that doesn't abuse those affected might actually accrue less Mind over Manners related squick than using straight Mind Control. As a power, it does have a certain degree of Blessed with Suck. If the glamour can't be turned off the character may very quickly despair at having no intelligent conversation since everyone agrees with them, no real love since anyone they meet will instantly love them, and otherwise having all the conflict leached out of their life.
When this power fails or comes into conflict with an equal and/or greater Glamour, sparks fly.
Often the explanation behind a Weirdness Censor or Invisible to Normals.
If dispelled, causes a Glamour Failure.
The term, incidentally, derives from "grammar". Like what you learn in school. But since "grammar" was the first of the liberal arts, it came to mean "book learning", and Rule of Cool demanded that it be used for the coolest form of book learning: magic.
Compare Artifact of Attraction and Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul. See also Appearance Is in the Eye of the Beholder, Lie to the Beholder and Shapeshifting Seducer.
Not to be confused with the American Fashion Magazine. Fashion magazines and the fashion world in general keeps using this word.
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Anime and Manga
- Code Geass: This was C.C.'s Geass before receiving immortality, due to the powers provided by the Geass being according to the user's biggest desire, and her biggest desire was to be loved (she was a slave). After a while she lost the control of her powers and the only person she cared about, was the nun that gave her the Geass, because she was the only person immune to her power.
- A character from March Story uses a scarecrow that has an effect similar to this (but only effects the Ill that he hunts) as bait. The scarecrow can take on the appearance of whoever the Ill viewing it most loves. It's not immune to reflective surfaces though.
- The Lie to the Beholder magic used by Buddhas to traverse the human world in the Namu Amida Butsu! -UTENA- anime functions as the inversion as it's meant to prevent attracting humans to their divine auras, but its first use by Taishakuten turns him into a celebrity and thus gathers around him a crowd of fans, arguably playing this trope straight.
- In Sailor Moon, the Sailor Senshi / Guardians / Scouts' magical transformations have a layer of Glamour on top, so that no one who sees the girls in and out of their Sailor forms will be able to recognize them. This comes up in the anime when Mina/ko (AKA: Sailor Venusnote ) joins the Senshi / Guardians / Scouts and then meets them in their civilian forms later; it takes a moment for Ami / Amy, Rei / Raye and Makoto / Lita to figure out that the blonde girl who just showed up at Rei / Raye's temple is Sailor Venus, and vice versa.
Comic Books
- In Angel (IDW) After the Fall event, Los Angeles has been literally sucked into Hell with demons on the attack. The first few issues have characters assuming the outside authorities are trying to help but somehow blocked or that Hell has spread to other parts of the world. One manages to call a friend in another city and is thrown when they have no idea what he's talking about as all they see on the news is another normal night in L.A. with police chases, celebrity events and ball games. As the man is stunned, Angel relates he already figured out the Senior Partners cast a spell, so the rest of the world doesn't find it odd all travel to and from L.A. has ceased and everything is normal. Thus, the city will remain Hell on Earth with the rest of the planet oblivious.
- Poison Ivy has this power in the Batman comics, but it's probably at its most noticeable in Batman & Robin, where every man she stands near becomes instantly attracted to her. Apparently, it's due to "plant pheromones" or something.
- The Runner from Marvel Comics has an undefined ability to make people enjoy his company. It doesn't prevent people from attacking him, which results in the occasional amusing fight scene.
- Black Orchid can do this in the ongoing series that followed Neil Gaiman's miniseries.
- This is Allure's power in Relative Heroes in The DCU.
- Gambit of the X-Men has a hypnotic charm, an ability to "charge" the kinetic energy within a person's brain, allowing a subtle influence over any sentient mind. This power allows Gambit to compel others to believe what he says and agree with anything he suggests.
- In Fables, any Fable who can't pass for human must buy one of these from a witch, or be arrested and taken to The Farm, a homestead out of town. Which, considering that most of these Fables are animals, isn't as bad as it could be.
- The prequel has several plot points revolving around glamour and its limitations, with a crucial plot point being about why a prostitute was hired to wear a glamour of Snow White and a witness who has been selling glamour prone to failing at increasing prices.
- The Fair Folk in The Sandman (1989) all wear Glamour to hide their true appearances. It's considered very rude to appear in public without it — it's the Fae equivalent of public nudity. Dream doesn't like Glamour in the Dreaming and had Nuala, the Fae girl sent to him as a gift that he cannot return, remove her beautiful illusory form (revealing her true mousey appearance). Queen Titania's Glamour is unique in that it is not solely done for vanity but also because it hides her true human appearance.
- Deconstructed Trope in Anno Dracula: Seven Days in Mayhem. Christina Light can cast a powerful glamour that makes men instantly fascinated with her ... but much to her annoyance, it doesn't mean they'll listen to her.
- Played with in Grandville: Nöel. A unicorn villain can turn their glamour on and off as they please. Off, they're still pretty convincing as they're a unicorn, but turning it on can induce anything from an awestruck trance to fanatical devotion. The effects are only undone in two ways: 1) knocking the subjected person unconscious, or 2) cutting off the horn. The badger detective LeBrock does the latter to stop the unicorn's cult... which causes everyone who had a fanatical devotion to then go completely opposite and pummel the unicorn to death in a mob.
- One Superman story would reveal that Clark Kenting works because he's unconsciously using low-level hypnotism to push people to believe there are physical differences when Clark is in disguise or not. Superman discovers this when he actively hypnotizes people into resisting further hypnotic suggestions to thwart a villain, and suddenly everyone sees him as Superman wearing Clark's clothes.
- Mister Miracle (2017): This series reveals that both Mister Miracle and his wife Big Barda are hoghly scared thanks to their upbringing by Granny Goodness and use some kind of magic to hide it and appear as handsome.
Fan Works
- The Roboutian Heresy: After becoming Slaanesh worshipper, the Blood Angels gained the power to make themselves look even more supernaturally handsome than they already were, to the point where enemy soldiers can't muster the will to attack them, and will stare in awe even as they have their blood drained. A powerful psyker or blank can see through this illusion, and a very powerful one can rip it off entirely and reveal their true forms to everyone: gaunt, hideous monsters... who then fly into a rage. Why? Because the Blood Angels themselves willingly let themselves be fooled by their own glamour, and hate being made to face the reality of what they've become.
- The Mass Effect/Sword of the Stars Fusion Fic Shepherd Of The Stars explains the Asari's universal attractiveness as just a lesser version of the psychic glamour the Morrigi use to make themselves seem more impressive or terrifying.
- In The First Saniwa, the kekkai trapping Hizamaru's team inside the Minamoto estate also has the effect of making their minds believe they're just chilling around in the Citadel in their own time rather than trapped on their mission as they actually are. It also causes them to perceive an enemy coming to take Higekiri and Hizamaru away as Nansen.
- This is mentioned as a known type of magic in the Pony POV Series, but a few characters have noticeable uses of it:
- General Admiral Makarov has this factor as part of his Charm Person power set, making others see him as beautiful and amazing. It turns out it goes even deeper, as his cervacorn form is disguising his true form that at one point fails completely when he has an extreme Villainous Breakdown.
- The Nameless Passenger/Nightmare Eclipse in Dark World has one that prevents those she's talking to from realizing The Voice in their head isn't supposed to be there. Her Good Counterpart has the same exact ability. Eventually Twilight breaks it by asking her who she is, forcing her to reveal herself.
- A number of Miraculous Ladybug fics justify the series' use of Clark Kenting by suggesting that there's a glamour preventing people from recognising Miraculous holders under their masks or otherwise identifying them from circumstantial evidence.
- In Nino Has Done Nothing To Deserve This,
the magical identity protection stops working on Nino and Alya. Two seconds later they've figured out Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities, because holy crap those idiots are bad at this.
Nino: I watched her duck behind a glass door to transform, Alya.
- In Powers of Invisibility, which eventually reveals that Juleka is immune to the glamour due to the same senses that make her ideal for the Turtle Miraculous.
- A fairly interesting case of this is What the Cat Dragged In, an MCU crossover: in this story, the glamour prevents others from making any determinations about the Miraculous users, not even how old they might be. However, it only works on a conscious level, not a sub-conscious one - Natasha is able to determine that Ladybug and Chat Noir are minors because Tony never made one suggestive comment about Ladybug's skin tight outfit; he may be The Casanova, but he'd never hit on a teenager.
Tony: Of course not! It'd... it'd be creepy...
Natasha: So even though the glamour prevented you from putting a specific age on Ladybug, it didn't change the fact that you knew she was underage by American standards – so you acted accordingly. - Hero Chat: The glamour is pretty subtle; it is possible to break through it just by adding all the facts together and coming to a logical deduction, but usually you need at least one big push to make the leap. Chloe figured out Adrien was Chat Noir because they've been friends forever, she figured out Marinette was Ladybug because Marinette once dropped Tiki (who pretended to be a toy) in front of Chloe, and from there it was easy to deduce everyone from the limited pool of "people Marinette trusts enough to give a Miraculous." Chloe and Kagami are able to take new hero identities despite still looking exactly the same as their old ones because the magic makes people just skip over the similarities—but their teachers still figured it out. Artificial Intelligence like Markov and Uncanny Valley are immune since they use various factors to identify humans that aren't covered like body language.
- In Crimson and Noire, the glamour concealing the identities is strong enough to keep anyone from connecting one's hero and civilian identities unless they know their Secret Identity. In chapter 33, Alya, believing that the Miraculous powers are genetic, thinks that the Fox Heroes Citrine Húlí and Foxglove are grandfather and grandson thanks to the illusion, despite their real identities as Master Fu and Nino Lahiffe looking nothing alike.
- In Nino Has Done Nothing To Deserve This,
- In Cuckoo Bird, Izuku (a half-elf, half-puca changeling) uses a glamour to pass as human.
- In Promises Kept, Elphaba uses glamour to hide her green skin.
- Metro: From "Metro 1: Chewing Through The Straps (Part 1),"
when talking about the titular person codenamed Metro, he has one that makes people afraid:
He also has some sort of glamour — one that disturbs the people around him, while failing to bother a few others.
- The Mountain and the Wolf: While in Winterfell, the Wolf starts laughing his ass off at one of his henchman trying to solicit Hot Witch Melisandre as though she were a prostitute. It turns out that he brought an Anti-Magic collar in preparation for the battle against the Night King, meaning he sees her as the wizened old crone she truly is.
- In the The Owl House fan comic Odalia's True Form
, Odalia is revealed to possess her own Concealment Stones like Edric and Emira. In an inversion of the usual trope, the stone hides breathtaking good looks while giving her a more homely and middle-aged appearance. She makes herself look less attractive because her real looks distract her husband from his work.
- Vow of Nudity: Kay'la the Sea Elf uses a glamour prism to hide her armor so she can claim to be "the world's first naked knight" while actually fully-protected in plate mail. Seducing, distracting, or unnerving her opponent with her 'nudity' is a regular trick in her playbook.
Films — Animated
- Storks: Hunter has a corporate version of it: he just offers to make someone the boss, and they bow to his every whim. Once Junior sees through this, Hunter is no longer able to use his persuasion power on him, but thanks to his Disney Villain Death, Junior ends up taking over anyway.
Films — Live-Action
- In Ghost Ship, the ghost of Francesca uses her sultry lounge singer appearance to seduce Greer in order to kill him. After he's disposed of, she immediately shifts back into the rotten corpse she has become.
- Thranduil the Elvenking from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug uses it in some way, though it's ambiguous how. Either it's to cover up the horrific burns on one side of his face and it fails when he loses control, or he used it to create fake burns to make a point.
- Djinn: Salama and Khalid settle into a remote apartment building that seems to be staffed by only one person and houses only one other family despite the spacious rooms available. Near the end she realizes that the whole thing is an illusion created by the djinn and the place is really abandoned.
- In The Craft, the witches teach themselves to use glamours which can convincingly change their appearance or surroundings. At first they use it for harmless things like changing their eye and hair color, but this then escalates into things like assuming someone else's appearance to trick people into sex and making Sarah believe her house has been infested with snakes, bugs and rats.
- As mentioned above, The Fair Folk were the Trope Codifiers of this power. In fact, the very name "faeries" is derived from Latin's "fata", meaning "enchantment", and the various euphemistical ways of referring to them is tied to keeping up appearances: If the faeries discovered that their glamour wasn't as convincing or absolute as they thought it was, if you didn't think they were fair once the effects of the glamour wore off, it was entirely your fault that you were living proof of the flaws and shortcomings of both them and their prized glamour, and so you'd need to be rectified... Yeah, better keep calling them "fair" even after the glamour has worn off.
- Some versions of King Arthur's origin say that Uther Pendragon seduced Igraine with the help of a glamour provided by Merlin, making him look like Igraine's husband and producing Arthur.
- Not limited to western folklore and faeries, this trope was also common in regards to the Japanese youkai:
- The Kitsune often disguised themselves as women who came across to those who saw them as supremely beautiful and nigh-omniscient. With this glamour, the Kitsune would often lure aristocrats with their wiles while they brought ruin upon the land around them. Only very powerful Onmyouji and/or Buddhist Monks could see through this glamour and realize who the true culprit was as well as her true nature. Dogs, however, were immune to the glamour and would instinctively chase the Kitsune if they caught sight of her, and if the Kitsune passed between a light source and a shoji paper screen, her shadow on the screen would reveal her true nature.
- Special mention goes to the youkai Nurarihyon, an old coot with a weirdly enlongated head, who was said to enter people's houses, drink their tea, eat their food and generally act like he owned the place. While some stories state that he did this only while the owners were away, thus only fooling neighbours into thinking the owners were home, some other stories have it that he could do this while the occupants were at home, too. Not only that, during his visit the owners of the house would think he was the master of their home, and not until he left on his own would anyone even think to ask the question "Who was that guy?"
- Morgan Locke, the protagonist of M.C.A. Hogarth's The Blood Ladders Trilogy is an elf who thought he was human due to a glamour that was placed on him when he was a baby left with a human family. However, the glamour draws upon his own magic, and its constant running for twenty years has effects resembling a terminal illness; he throws up at least once a day and has seizures and hallucinations. So he makes a deal with a sorcerer to remove it in the first book.
- In The Dark Tower series (and a lot of other books by Stephen King), there exists a (kinda) subtle type of magic, and along with it a type of Glamour. Used quite often to veil Eldritch Abominations from, well, everyone that doesn't want to Go Mad from the Revelation. Which is quite a lot of people.
- A classic trope example would be the elves of Discworld, who have this as their deadliest weapon.
"Elves are wonderful. They provoke wonder.
Elves are marvelous. They cause marvels.
Elves are fantastic. They create fantasies.
Elves are glamorous. They project glamour.
Elves are enchanting. They weave enchantment.
Elves are terrific. They beget terror."
The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning.
No one ever said elves are nice. Elves are bad. - The Dresden Files makes a few mentions of fae folk casting a glamour, and says that all those 'glamorous' actresses in the world wished they could look like the fae.
- In addition to The Fair Folk, there are the vampires of the White Court. Lara Raith has such a powerful glamour that when she turns it up, just being anywhere nearby could be mind-breaking.
- Mentioned in Eye of the Dragon; it would seem odd that Pia, a beautiful young woman who's a potions seller, would set up shop in the middle of a monster-infested dungeon, but according to her, she's actually a wizened old hag who uses her magic to disguise herself.
- In Faerie Winter the faerie folk have the ability to use glamour on humans as a way to control them. This is exploited by The Lady in order to punish the humans for the war.
- In The Fairy Chronicles, nonmagical people see fairies as their fairy spirits, ordinary insects or flowers.
- The Folk of the Air features glamour given that it's a series about The Fair Folk. The ability allows faeries to mind-control humans, or cast illusions for them, but special mention goes to the fact that Elfhame does have certain regulations to deal with mortals, and while there are humans who are glamoured into being treated as slaves while thinking they're somewhere else; most are treated better and usually in a one-time and being paid very generously for their services, they're just glamoured to not know who or where they were working with.
- In The Heartstrikers series all dragons have a non-mind control version of this that makes them appear as impossibly beautiful/handsome humans.
- Played With mercilessly in Heralds Of Rhimn. The Irongardhe claim that fey have the straight version of the trope, which makes them dangerous and means that knights have to carefully steel their empathy when dealing with them. This is pure propaganda. What Gadhian fey call “glamour” is actually a philosophy of misdirection that they use to keep themselves alive.
- Book Two reveals the existence of actual glamour enchantments, a recent magical development that some courts use to disguise themselves as humans.
- Ironically, one of the reasons why Atevia is able to realize that the propagandistic version of glamour doesn’t exist is because Meparik was so brutal to her during their first meeting — the fact that he doesn’t make a good impression makes it hard to believe that he was charming her to like and agree with him.
- Used the traditional way in Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell: As soon as the gentleman with the thistle-down hair, who used to look like a beautiful human male, is in death's clutches, he starts losing his Glamour and reverting back to his weird, ugly, animal-like true form.
- In Tom Holt's "J.W. Wells & Co." books, there is an entire department in the company devoted to glamour. It is run by the The Fey and their biggest, highest-paying clients are celebrities and politicians who are looking for more publicity. The Fey and their part-human descendants are particularly good at "effective magic" which affects the viewer's mind and perceptions, while other types of magical beings prefer "practical magic", which changes the physical structure of things.
- King of the Water Roads - "Seeming," as they call it, is the easiest kind of magic to learn, and one of the only scraps of magical talent usually still found in Markasia. It is a power entirely based on glamour, but if a sorcerer is powerful enough it seeps into Your Mind Makes It Real territory.
- The Kingston Cycle by C.L. Polk: Inverted by the Amaranthine, who are so inhumanly beautiful that their true form is dangerous to human minds. They use a magical Human Disguise that downgrades their looks to be "merely" handsome.
- The Laundry Files
- The series has a glamour as a spell any mildly-skilled sorcerer can cast. The usual ones are ranked on a scale of one to five, with one being "cover up minor imperfections," three being "make a humanoid entity look perfectly human," and five being "instill outright worship." At one point, Bob buys an iPhone and silently curses to himself that someone at Apple must be casting class five glamours over them. The Mandate seems to have a class 7 (or 8), describe by Mo as "You-gotta-believe-me field".
- Reverse glamour also exists, which is used as camouflage or for misdirection to hide things instead of making them look better. Very powerful ones can screw up visual identification by both electronics and human eyeballs (by making them want to vomit, making them have migraines, go into shock, or in some really bad cases, death from hemorrhage). These are extensively used by alfar military, given that their battle doctrine is "if you're seen you're dead".
- The Lunars in The Lunar Chronicles are descendants of a human moon colony who have evolved "Glamour", the ability to manipulate bioelectricity. The rich and powerful of the Lunars use their glamour to enhance their appearances and to Mind Control lower-class lunars and Earthens.
- In The Machineries of Empire, the Andan faction ability, enthrallment, allows them to hypnotize and mentally dominate anyone of lesser social status who happens to be nearby.
- The Marla Mason books feature the character of Joshua Kindler who is a "love talker" or Ganconer—a person with a rare innate magical talent that causes everyone around him to adore him and feel intense pleasure in his presence that becomes overwhelming with physical contact. It is not certain if this is a psychic effect, pheromones, or some other method of action. Like the mythical Gancanagh, sex with a love talker ruins you for anyone else and leaves you pining for the love talker's touch—only complete erasure of all memories of sexual experiences with the love talker can cure this. Many love talkers do not bother taking care of appearances or hygiene, and seduce people with their powers alone even when sloppily dressed. Joshua is an exception who is handsome even without his powers, in addition to being charming and fashion-conscious. Anyone even somewhat attracted to the male gender has their minds clouded with attraction and infatuation when around him, and those who are not attracted to the love talker's gender still have strong feelings of affection and protectiveness that seem parental or filial.
- In Mind Games, two of the main characters have their Charisma boosted to literally superhuman levels by a quirk of System Start mechanics. The first time someone meets them, they can be so dazzled that they zone out for a few seconds. Although they don't do it on purpose (Usually.) people tend to be really nice to them.
- Nettle & Bone: A stall at the Goblin Market sells magical disguises for nearly anything, animal, vegetable, or mineral. The protagonist buys one to make her skeletal Canine Companion look and feel like a living dog—sound would have been more expensive, as acoustics are tricky to fake.
- Ninth House has a rare human example of this trope. This is the primary ability of the secret society Manuscript. Manuscript uses this ability to enhance members' status, throw elaborate parties, and sometimes roofie outsiders.
- The Obsidian Chronicles: Arlian has spells cast to hide his true face and pass as someone else, which also make him come off as more charismatic so people will let him do things more.
- In October Daye, the fae cast and weave an illusion spell around them to make them appear as normal humans to any humans they may encounter in the normal world. This disguises the odder features that fae may possess such as pointed ears, whiskers, etc. This is to keep The Masquerade going that allows the fae to remain safe from human violence and prejudice.
- In Otherverse, the faeries make heavy use of this, a dust-like substance that they use to create objects that appear perfectly real, influence others, and change their shape, but which can be broken by crudity and disbelief. Glamour is, by definition, an illusion, and is fragile. Sharp physical shocks or someone challenging the illusion damages and may even break it. It's suggested that, as glamour is inherently deceptive, the faeries have even fooled themselves—they may well be simply magicians who have lied to themselves so well that they can't remember ever being human. Humans can learn to use glamour themselves, though as they cannot produce it, they need to either have it provided to them by a friendly faerie or take it from a faerie forcibly.
- Magical Girls in Oto × Maho innately have a form of this that conceals their identity from outsiders — not so much that they can't literally see them, but making it so that even if someone knows who Kanata is, they'll be unable to identify anything about him as such when he's transformed. This feature ends up foreshadowing a later reveal that Kanata's closest friend, President, is also a magical girl — for most of the series it just seemed like she's just been identified by a nickname, but when she directly presses the matter, only then does Kanata realize he has no idea what her given name is, which was indeed an intentional act to put herself Beneath Suspicion.
- Pale: The two major fae allies of the Kennet Witches both provide them with sources of glamour, with variations due to their different natures. Guilherme, of High Summer, is playing the role of a mentor to heroes and so his glamour is geared towards augmenting their abilities, giving Lucy the ability to enforce You Will Not Evade Me by creating a glamour arena that can't be broken until one combatant is beaten, and Avery the ability to reinforce the tendencies she wants to keep in herself using small amounts of glamour. Maricica of Dark Autumn, meanwhile, provides gifts that are versatile but often have hidden traps or downsides—her nettlewisp curse, which can blind or maim those that spy on the trio, grows out of control if it's never triggered and becomes a threat to everyone, while Verona's love of the ability Maricica granted her to turn into a cat is exploited such that Maricica can force Verona into cat form at will.
- All paranormals in Paranormalcy have some sort of glamour to hide their true features: vampire glamours look normal to hide their shrivelled corpses; werewolves use them to hide their Supernatural Gold Eyes and wolf form on the full moon; and faeries use them to tone down their unbelievable good looks.
- A Poison Dark and Drowning: In the case of this book, a glamour has been applied to a place. Ralph Strangewayes' house has a glamour placed around it to make it look like a sunken, overgrown hut out in the middle of nowhere. Only by using some Blood Magic and cutting through the illusion can the real appearance of the house be seen.
- Perfume, a novel about a troll-like man with a heightened sense of smell who is on a quest to create a perfume so beautiful that it will make all who smell it believe they are in heaven.
- In Camille DeAngelis' Petty Magic, beldames can cast a variety of glamour spells that let them disguise their true age, take on someone else's face, etc. The older, more experienced ones have learned that while it can sometimes be fun to look younger and more attractive, the most useful glamours achieve the reverse effect-making one seem bland, boring to look at, and completely inconspicuous, which is particularly useful for anyone doing government work or espionage.
- In the Rainbow Magic series, sometimes Jack Frost uses magic to hide the goblins' green skin.
- Retired Witches Mysteries: Some of the villains use this to disguise their true nature. The sea witch in book 2 is able to disguise her true features, even posing as a man at one point and pretending to be a witness to one of her own crimes, while book 3, Dorothy's father disguises himself so he can give her a cat (actually a shapeshifter) that he can hitch a ride on, allowing him access to the Fuller family castle when it's brought inside.
- In Return to Firetop Mountain, one of the many evil folks of Firetop Mountain is a Wicked Witch who uses her illusions to transform herself into a beautiful maiden, and lure unsuspecting adventurers into her room to drink with her. Any foolish warriors who accepted her offer will end up under her spell, and become her mindless slave thanks to her obedience collars. She has the ability to do this to her minions as well, turning her dog-headed mutant bodyguard into an ordinary young man posing as her butler.
- Riordanverse: The Mist, known as the Duat in The Kane Chronicles, distorts the eyes of mortals in regards to the supernatural. It can disguise supernatural weapons (for instance, Percy's sword, Riptide, appears as a rifle or baseball bat), monsters (like Laistrygonian giants appearing as normal, tall students, distorting the one eye of a cyclops to make it look like they have two, or comically, Percy's pet hellhound, Mrs. O'Leary, appearing as a poodle—she's a giant mastiff in her true form), or even other humans or demigods.
- In Shannara books, (namely the Sword of Shannara), a siren uses a glamour to appear as a beautiful woman sitting by a tree just before the tree eats a hapless traveler.
- The Shapeshifter series has illusions, persuasions and invisibility as types of glamour. A character not being vulnerable to two of these is a major plot point.
- Skulduggery Pleasant: Everyone who sees China Sorrows for the first time falls in love with her. As Skulduggery notes, the effect lessens significantly once you get to know her.
- A Sorceress Comes To Call: The Evil Sorceress antagonist doesn't jump straight to mind control magic to ensnare a suitor because wedding ceremonies break enchantments. Instead, she uses a light touch, making him more attentive to her words, drawing his eyes to her lips and breasts, and the like.
- In the Star Darlings franchise, Star Darlings and Starlings in general adapt human appearances on Earth, covering up their skin's natural sparkle and unnaturally-colored hair.
- Star Trek Expanded Universe:
- Star Trek: New Frontier: The Selelvian race has a form of Glamour that's called "The Knack". They claim it only makes a person do what they really want to do, but it is eventually shown that they can make others do what they want them to do. It doesn't work on nonbiological beings, so Morgan (a hologram) and Data (an android) are able to bust them, leading to an off-pages war.
- The Tzenkethi in the Star Trek Novel 'Verse are a mild example. Every non-Tzenkethi who sees one comments on their grace and ethereal beauty. They're frequently considered almost mesmerizing. The lower ranked Tzenkethi clearly experience a similar effect when in the presence of their betters.
- In the Sword of Truth books, Witch Women like Shota or Six do this unconsciously, and sometimes unintentionally, to those around them. It's considered rape by the Sisters of the Light if one uses this to seduce and have sex with a man, punishable by death or exile from the Palace of the Prophets (which is basically the same thing).
- Time Out of Time: Balor regularly disguises himself as a beautiful, bronze-skinned man with gold hair.
- The Tough Guide to Fantasyland: Enchantresses use magic which will make them seem more appealing to seduce men.
- In The Traitor Son Cycle, the Powers of the Wild can compel other Wild creatures to do their bidding with their mere presence.
- The True Game series by Sheri S. Tepper has certain characters who possess the talent of Beguilement, which makes the wielder seem more attractive and charismatic when it is used. Powerful Beguilers can make themselves seem irresistibly attractive even if their true bodies are deformed or disfigured.
- In Samit Basu's Turbulence Uzma Abidi starts out with this power. It makes people love her and want to help her in any way they can. As a young, pretty, aspiring actress trying to make it in the Bollywood film industry, there are many people who might otherwise harm or take advantage of her but instead they all want to protect her and make her happy, to the point where other characters unaware of her powers remark on how unlikely it is that these hardened, predatory film industry types all keep giving her things without expecting anything in return. This doesn't stop them from saying no when she asks for something that goes against their better judgement, like a film studio contract with blatant loopholes or housing in a place that normally does not rent to single people, but producers, landlords, and everyone else around her feel sad when they can't give her what she wants and will still want to make her happy as much as possible without jeopardizing themselves. Even other actresses who would normally see her as competition find themselves feeling nothing but goodwill toward her. As her powers grow, she eventually develops a Compelling Voice that lets her make people obey her commands with no resistance, regardless of how willing they are or whether it causes them harm.
- What The Hell Did I Just Read: A Novel of Cosmic Horror: The Fuckroaches and Larva. Not only do they change their appearance, but they can change people's memories to make their appearance more convincing. After John traps one of them under a glass case, it changes itself into his cellphone, and when he needs to make a phone call, he starts to open the case, having remembered putting his phone in the case for some reason.
- One of the original "Four Aces" in the Wild Cards series, Envoy, does this through pheromone control. HUAC finally makes him testify in a sealed booth.
- Wings of Fire: Darkstalker uses his animus powers to this effect, subtly influencing everyone around him to see him as likable and trustworthy.
- Worm has a whole category for people with these powers called Strangers. One particularly terrifying example is Nice Guy: whose power makes everyone think that he's a nice, if rather boring, guy who obviously isn't doing anything wrong. Even when he's in the middle of disemboweling someone.
- "Work Ethic": It's revealed that pixies only use the illusion of home repair instead of actually fixing anything.
Chester: Faerie repairs are always slipshod, Miss. Mostly glamour magic[.] They only work for a little while. Considering the size of the infestation, you'll be fortunate if this place doesn't come crashing down on your heads in a week once they're cleared.
Live-Action TV
- The 4400: When Graham Holt takes the Promicin shot, he gains the ability to make anyone who walks within a certain distance of him worship him and do anything he tells them to. Eventually, he has most of the city brainwashed, along with members of the army and the police force. He can make them do anything, including violate the law. Also, his control doesn't go away when the affected person leaves his vicinity. He's only stopped because Jordan Collier takes away his ability. (It's never explained why he doesn't fall under Graham's power himself.)
- Angel: Jasmine uses a high-intensity, visually transmitted and permanent Glamour to try and Take Over the World.
- It is implied that Time Lords possess this in Doctor Who:
- Even from the 1960s, the First Doctor makes a throwaway comment that his form is a kind of disguise.
- The Second Doctor seems to have an almost supernatural ability to make Wig, Dress, Accent perfectly convincing, which is exaggerated later by the character of the Master, whose evil powers are based around glamour.
- All the Time Lords in the novelisation of "Shada" are depicted using it on the humans to some extent — it seems to manifest as inhuman beauty for the conventionally beautiful Time Lords (Romana) and impossible charm and likeability for less conventionally beautiful ones (the Doctor and Chronotis). Chris cannot stop staring at Romana, thinking over and over that she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, even though he notices that he doesn't find her sexually attractive; and whenever Clare gets a scene with the Doctor she describes his appearance over and over again in her internal monologue, picking out mannerisms and features she finds irresistibly charming (like his smile, his voice, his nose, and things like how he runs and the particular way he reads a book) and finding herself driven to fill the 'companion' role by instinct, while at the same time well aware that she doesn't find him handsome and that it makes absolutely no sense for her to act that way or feel that way about him. Chronotis can get away with extreme rudeness, possible sinister intentions and the fact that he's been living at the university for centuries without visibly ageing by constantly projecting an air of harmlessness that makes everyone assume that he's such a nice person.
- Simon the Likable from the Get Smart episode "And Baby Makes Four". A vicious agent, when you look at him, you can't help liking him. This like is so powerful that no one can arrest, or even stop, him... at least, until he bumps into Agent 99's mother on her way to the pay phone (hey, it was the '60s) to make several calls about her new grandchild; as she had been bumped several times before, always dropping several hundred dollars' worth of change, she's not exactly receptive to Simon's charms here.
- This is implied in LazyTown — with one exception in "Defeeted", Robbie Rotten's disguises are always treated as whoever or whatever it is until they're removed no matter how obvious it is to the audience. This is especially prevalent when Robbie disguises himself as another character and they're flabbergasted at seeing themselves running around causing trouble.
- The Outer Limits (1995): The aliens in "Corner of the Eye" possess a technological version that makes them appear as normal humans.
- In the sixth season finale of Riverdale, Percival uses his dying magic to bring a huge comet on a collision course with Riverdale. When Kevin asks why the Internet isn't going crazy on an extinction-level event, he's informed that Percival's spell makes everyone outside Riverdale believe the comet is going to safely pass by Earth. It also means people (like Archie's mom and Alexandra Cabot) have no idea that heading into Riverdale leaves them trapped for the comet and no help is coming.
- In Stargate Atlantis, a man called Lucius Lavin is able to take over Atlantis through the use of a Glamour potion. Unfortunately for Lucius, the potion doesn't work on people who can't breathe through their noses, so Colonel Sheppard and his head cold end up saving the city. Then, McKay gets hold of the potion just in time for Sheppard (the only person not given the potion antidote) to get over his cold.
- Supernatural loves this trope for its many Monster of the Week stories. When Sam and Dean encounter a Siren and fall under its spell, you can see its true and horrific form in the mirror. Another episode features changeling children, which are revealed to be horrific-looking in mirrors as well. The Whore of Babylon is implied to be using some kind of spell to appear like an innocent pastor's daughter. The trope is, however, averted in the episode with actual faeries — the faeries appear to be ordinary-looking humans, albeit sometimes very tiny ones.
- V (2009): Anna, the leader of the Visitors, has a "Bliss" trance that she periodically puts her people into that makes them all unquestioningly loyal to her. It's not until the unintended series finale that she becomes able to do it to humans, pretty much ending the series with The Bad Guy Wins. It's not exactly like the fairy example (it's not Bliss that makes her look like Morena Baccarin) but it's very much an example of what happens if someone can make you find them graceful, wise, a lifelong friend, and make you easily suggestible if not utterly enthralling you in More than Mind Control, and can use it on crowds. And you should shiver.
- In the NBC version of The Wiz, a Kalidah attempts to steal the Silver Shoes from Dorothy by disguising as her deceased mama, and imploring her to help her get down from a tree. Fortunately, the Tin Man alerts Dorothy of the ruse before the Kalidah can claim the Shoes.
Tabletop Games
- In the Scion roleplaying-system, powers like these can be wielded by scions with high stats in Appearance (positive) and Charisma. Basically, they're either so unearthly beautiful that you cannot help but be smitten with them at first sight, or so incredibly charming that you'll be hanging on their every word. Having either of those stats maxed out (or, GM forbid, BOTH) puts you on a level where you can have this sort of effect on the very gods!
- A lot of splats in the The World of Darkness have some variation of this, ranging from "life of the party" to "so glorious even considering disagreement requires you to exert great willpower, let alone harming them". They included both of the Vampire gamelines, Demon, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Changeling: The Lost, and obviously Mage: The Ascension and Mage: The Awakening through Mind effects.
- Meanwhile, the crossover game Midnight Circus features all the forms of Glamour featured in the Old World of Darkness, plus one unique to the eponymous Circus: the Glamour Veil, a vast shroud of illusions and mental commands draped over the circus, preventing the customers from noticing anything suspicious about the place. This comes in particularly handy during Koba's Progressive Klown Show, which usually ends with a traitor in the clown troupe being eaten alive by an enslaved werebear: not only does the Glamour Veil prevent the audience from realizing that someone has just been murdered on stage, but any rescue attempts by the player will be interpreted as All Part of the Show - including the moment when Koba brings out a flamethrower and sets the stage on fire.
- Dungeons & Dragons: "Glamer" is one of the subcategories of Illusion magic, consisting of spells which make one thing appear as another. Some glamers act as a Status Buff that makes the caster more persuasive (such as friendly face, mask of the ideal and serene visage), which is much less effective than using Enchantment spells to manipulate peoples' minds directly, but also easier to pull off without getting caught.
- Exalted, oh Christ, Exalted. Let's just start with the fact that the Raksha outright call the abilities they use to appear as beautiful ravishers and demon-whores "Glamours." Then there are the various social powers of the Exalted, which range from "everyone in this social group finds this suddenly taboo" to "everyone who watches me dance falls utterly in love with me, regardless of sexual orientation" to "you find my words stir up shame and loathing within yourself." ... With special mention to "you rationalize my every action as being virtuous".
- Much like Scion which followed it, Novas in Aberrant with Mega-Charisma, Mega-Appearance (beauty), and/or Mega-Manipulation can provoke love at first sight or have a hypnotic voice, in addition to the bonuses they get on ordinary social tasks that anyone can attempt.
- In 7th Sea, the sorcery associated with Avalon IS called Glamour, with a few of its knacks able to make the sorcerer more beautiful for bonuses to social skill checks. Likewise, Scryers of Sophia's Daughters get for free the Above Average Appearance advantage (or reduce the cost for Stunning or Blessed Appearance advantages) as part of their sorcerous package. Also, the advantage "Dangerous Beauty" is specifically used for seduction attempts.
- Warhammer 40,000:
- In both 40K, Warhammer, and Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, Daemonettes use magic or Warp energy (depending on the setting) to appear like something their targets would find most attractive, lulling them into helplessness before cutting them down.
- The eldest Dark Eldar — fitting, given their own twisted relationship with Slaanesh — use their advanced technology to appear youthful and sexy. Psykers and daemons can see through their illusions, revealing the Dark Eldar for what they truly are: ancient decrepit monsters.
- The Emperor of Mankind's appearance changes depending on the beholder. The only ones who can see his true form are blanks, people with no Warp presence and what they see is an ordinary looking unremarkable man.
- The Faeries of Ars Magica all have their own Glamours, which are essentially their personal narrative, being that the Faerie Realm is the world of stories, change, and Clap Your Hands If You Believe. The stronger a faerie is, the more intricate and developed their story. A fae's Glamour informs their appearance, and they can do almost anything that's in line with their Glamour. But, the only way for faeries to make anything real or permanent is to use vis, the concentrated essence of magic.
- In Twice Charmed, Franco DiFortunato's most powerful magic is used to make Anastasia and Drizella graceful and beautiful.
Video Games
- Naminé in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories can rewrite people's memories so that they think she's their childhood friend and they're in love with her and so on, if that counts. It's not a sudden "as soon as she walks into a room everyone there is in love with her" kind of thing, but it does make her function in the story much the way a Mary Sue would in a fic, except that you're supposed to be thinking "wait who is this chick and why does Sora care so much about her all of a sudden". She can only use her powers on Sora or those who are close to his heart.
- Ciel from Tsukihime uses this at Shiki's school to hide her true origin, appearing as the always sexy, always beautiful senior girl in charge of the Tea Ceremony club.
- Male Morrigi from Sword of the Stars have a sort of psychic glamour, allowing them to project an impossibly beautiful image of whatever species they're currently engaged with. Those images all possess wings, so a human might see a beautiful angel, for example. As All There in the Manual reveals, Female Morrigi have an opposite functioning Glamour that makes them look more fearsome and dangerous than they really are.
- In Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, the Jedi Exile has this ability, pulling people in and getting them to do what they otherwise would not. It's much more pronounced if you use this power for evil, as your party members snap out of it after killing whoever you've set them against and react with horror.
- A non-superpower/magic example is the Living Infected in Survivalist. They're zombies that will eat your flesh and tackle you to the ground like any other, but they retain all their memories of being human, as well as their ability to speak coherently and use weapons. If someone in your group shows strong Blood Knight tendencies that don't seem to fit in well, don't be surprised if they turn out to be a Living Infected.
- Presumably this is how the move Attract works in Pokémon. If it hits an opponent of the opposite gender, they end up infatuated and may not be able to make a move. The effect wears off after the battle ends or the affected Pokémon is switched out.
- This is the chief power of traitor Goddess Drocilla during the Elder Wars in Lusternia. She's explicitly stated to be the most dangerous of the Twelve Traitors (which include Mad Scientist Raezon, the terrifying Morgfyre and their brilliant leader, Fain) because of this power. At the Traitors trial, she nearly manages to get them all set loose by seducing the rest of the Gods with her enchantments. Igaso manages to temporarily break the glamour by screaming "LIAR!" in Drocilla's face and declaring her a traitor to everything the Gods believed in, giving Jadice enough time to seal Drocilla's powers and banish her to the Void.
- In We Happy Few, Arthur is able to avoid suspicion by taking a seat and reading a newspaper. Even when trespassing in someone's house, the house owners won't pay any attention to the obvious stranger perusing the headlines on their living room sofa. One can only assume it has less to do with Arthur himself and more to do with the people of Wellington Wells and their liberal usage of Joy.
- In Mass Effect 2, Shepard can overhear a trio of co-workers (a turian, human, and salarian) watching an asari table dancer. At one point, each describes something about her that makes him claim that obviously asari look most like his own species, and can't understand why the other two would even think an asari looks like them. The salarian then makes the suggestion that asari might be influencing the minds of other species so that each species perceives them as attractive. This is especially in effect for salarians who, being amphibian-like creatures, don't typically experience sexual attraction.
- Divinity: Original Sin II: The Goddess Amadia first appears as the player character's mother in their childhood home, not by changing her appearance, but by Emotion Control — the PC soon realizes that the person they feel so strongly about doesn't look anything like their real mother.
- In Heart of the Woods, the residents of the town of Eysenfeld are unquestioningly loyal to their mayor, Evelyn Fischer, something that turns out to be the result of a spell. Evelyn is a fairy known as the Moonsick One, who is currently possessing Evelyn's body, and plans on stealing Morgan's body next, so she uses her magic to make the town loyal to her. In the good ending, Geladura, the fairy queen, says that with Evelyn's death, the spell has worn off and the townspeople will come to her senses.
- In League of Legends, yordles — the short, hamster-like humanoids that serve as the universe's equivalent to The Fair Folk — developed type of glamour charm that lets them work in the human world undetected. If the people around them don't expect to see anything supernatural, yordles end up beneath notice and are interpreted as merely short humans, it's only when people start paying close attention, fully expect their presence, or are Too Dumb to Fool do they get perceived as what they truly are.
- Vermintide II: Discussed regarding a painting of a Daemonette of Slaanesh, Chaos God of Desire:
Franz Lohner: I keep hearing how beautiful those daemonettes are, but I don't see it. Must creep over you when they get close, so I'm happier with them a long way off.
- Far Star Summer School: From beyond the border of the school grounds, Madame Karissa and several others look like humans.
- With focus, Madame Karissa is able to extend it’s effects to individuals who are within the school grounds.
- Falguni’s third eye can sense when such illusions are in place, and, if she wants, allows her to see through them.
- Grrl Power: Four-armed alien cyborg succubus Dabbler uses a glamour to appear human, freaking Sydney out when she discovers that her yellow orb gives her True Sight. It later turns out that there's a global glamour spell called "The Veil" which conceals supernatural creatures from humanity, but the Veil's creators weren't expecting superpowered humans and the Masquerade is slowly breaking down.
- Nixvir: In chapter XIX, Oriel puts herself and Erik in magical disguises so that she and Erik can slip into Vaizrun undetected. Turns out the ruler of the city has an adder stone and saw right through the disguise.
- Widdershins: The personification of Lust has a magnetic personality with a supernatural edge that blurs the line between The Charmer and this trope.
Henry: Bloody hell, I got out-flirted by a two-hundred-year-old dead bloke?
Web Original
- "The Thnikkaman" (AKA Bubs with sunglasses) in a few Strong Bad E-Mails. His very appearence, whilst doing nothing impressive, can pretty much lead to both character and plot derailment due to characters fawning over him. Did we mention that his catchphrase, which no one seems to mind, is "yeah, shut up kid"?
- Whateley Universe: This is a moderately common power, even for non-Faerie, and most of the Sidhe and other Faerie have some degree of it. The ones who have the most powerful Glamours are all beings whom you would expect to have such powers:
- Fey, who really is a queen of The Fair Folk, tries to keep it under control, but it still gets her a lot of unwanted attention.
- Most of the New Olympians, who are the reincarnations of the original Olympian Gods, have this, with Imperious (Zeus), Majestic (Hera), and Cytherea (Aphrodite) being both especially powerful and very prone to abuse it; Imperious on at least one occasion taking it to the level of Mind Rape. For her own part, Cytherea has been known to cause other students to (in Phase's words) 'pop their corks' when she's trying to get someone's interest. Conversely, some of the other New Olympians, such as Prism (Apollo) and Judicator (Athena) actively tone their glamours down for the same reasons Fey does.
- Carmilla is a devil who is related to Chthulu and rules her own Hell dimension (but is still a Nominal Hero in the series).
- SCP Foundation: Numerous SCPs have this ability, usually the more dangerous ones. Of note is SCP-953, the "Polymorphic Humanoid", a kumihonote who uses her human form and illusory magic to trick humans in to either doing horrible things for her own entertainment, or to lure them into a trap so she can eat their livers.note The photograph in her file reveals a glimpse of her true form: her human visage is blurred out (thanks to her magic) but six of her nine fox tails show up like a thermal image.
- SCP-247 is a man-eating Bengal tiger that appears to everyone who looks at it like a harmless house cat. It uses this illusion to lure unsuspecting people in so it can kill and eat them.
- Played with for SCP-053, a skip that looks like an ordinary 3-year-old girl...who triggers a homicidal hatred towards herself in anyone who spends more than ten minutes around her. It's strongly implied that she isn't a child or even a human,note but her glamour does not do enough to disguise her true nature. Whatever she is, people instinctively know she's wrong.
Western Animation
- Miraculous Ladybug: The Miraculouses seem to operate on this, changing their disguised form slightly based on whoever their holder is. This is best shown in "Reflekdoll": in camouflage mode, the Ladybug earrings take the form of a pair of black studs, while the Black Cat ring takes the form of a slightly squared ring. However, when Marinette and Adrien accidentally swap them, the Ladybug earrings become silver-colored, while the Black Cat ring slims down and becomes colored pink.
- In the New York special, it's explained that the Miraculous holders are able to avoid being recognized by use of "Quantum Masking" which presumably makes them appear just different enough for people to not make a connection to their civilian identities. It only works on living beings, though. Uncanny Valley, a robot, is able to see right through it.
- The Owl House:
- Edric and Emira Blight both use Concealment Stones to appear more well groomed than they actually are — without them, both are shown to have acne, and Edric also has a wispy moustache and wears glasses. They can also be used to take on another person's appearance, but to do so, you need to use them to scan said person you're trying to impersonate.
- Emperor Belos normally has a large band of green rot going across his face, but he uses a spell to make it disappear in the season 2 finale when he prepares to return to the Human Realm.
- Young Justice (2010): After faking her death, Artemis uses a Glamour Charm to disguise herself as the villain Tigress. The only ones who can see her true form are herself, Nightwing, Kaldur, and Wally.