Good Luck Charm - TV Tropes
- ️Mon May 13 2013
"Find a penny, pick it up, and all that day you'll have good luck."
— Old saying
A good luck charm is an item that brings you good luck or is believed to do so. These are very common in folklore; the most common examples are a four-leaved clover, a rabbit's foot, and a horseshoe (hung upside down so that the luck won't pour out). In video games, expect an item like this to improve your Luck Stat.
Supertrope of Four-Leaf Clover and Lucky Rabbit's Foot. Contrast with Bad Luck Charm.
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Anime and Manga
- Rebuild World: Akira is often concerned about his luck, and buys something to serve as this from the Friendly Shop Keeper Shizuka. There’s also the bullet he used as a paperweight for the message he left anonymously for Elena and Sara when he first encountered them, that Sara made into a necklace charm and gives him. Akira loses both of these, but considers any equipment he buys from Shizuka’s shop to be good luck in general.
- Discussed in The Zashiki Warashi of Intellectual Village. The titular character Yukari is a type of spirit said to bring good luck to any house where it dwells. Conversely losing a zashiki warashi is said to bring bad luck to the house. However it's explained that Yukari doesn't bring good or bad luck; rather she seeks out households experiencing good fortune and dwells there until they begin to decline, at which time she departs.
Comic Books
- Disney Ducks Comic Universe:
- Some writers portray Scrooge McDuck's #1 Dime as a good luck charm. Scrooge does not approve.
- Gladstone Gander, Donald's supernaturally lucky cousin, is often shown carrying around or collecting good-luck charms. The most common is a four-leaf clover, usually tucked into the lapel of his shirt.
- Spirou & Fantasio: One story set in New York opens with a depiction of the stock market, where a Chinese vendor waits at the entrance selling good luck charms. At the end of the day, he moves his cart to the exit and starts selling revolvers.
Fan Works
- In the Discworld tale by A.A. Pessimal, The Price of Flight, a group of pilots are discussing the nature of flyers' superstitions and the lucky charms they take into the air with them. Irena Politek explains about the religious icon she wears at her neck and expresses her conviction that if she ever takes to the air without it, she's going to crash. As she is also a Witch on the Discworld, this can only be taken literally. In a later continuation story
, she runs into trouble in the air and reaches for her charm - only to have an icy sinking feeling that this is the one occasion she has not put it on. note . Irena survives the consequent crash. She walks away from it and then takes the matter up with her aircrew member for the night - Corporal Nobby Nobbs..
Films - Animated
- Doraemon Film Series:
- Doraemon: Nobita and the Animal Planet has the food version of this trope; when Nobita has to embark on a solo mission to the Nimuge world, Doraemon helps out by offering Nobita a "Lunar Luck" Charm Moon Cake. It works best on people whom are prone to misfortune, so when Nobita eats it, it works miracles.
- Gusuke from Doraemon: Nobita and the Winged Braves have that silver feather of his, which brings him luck wherever he goes. It's actually a feather from his biological father - the legendary Bird-Man hero Icarus.
- Hachi from Doraemon: Nobita in the Wan-Nyan Spacetime Odyssey always carries his kendama necklace everywhere he goes, an artifact he's wearing when his adoptive mother finds him as a Moses in the Bulrushes. As a child, Hachi scoffs at the notion of the necklace being truly magical, until it unexpectedly saves him from a rampaging Killer Robot.
- Spirited Away: The purple hairband Chihiro receives from Zeniba, made by Zeniba, Boh, No-Face and the Yu-Bird, is one of these. Zeniba claims its a protective talisman made by the bonds from friends Chihiro made during her brief stopover in the Spirit World, and it turns out to be really effective; for most of the film poor Chihiro was practically shoved into a meatgrinder on repeat, getting Trapped in Another World through her parents' fault, running into a wall, Made a Slave by an evil witch, nearly drowning in sludge, narrowly avoiding falling to her death from a tower (only to land on her head after stepping through a window with a steep fall on the other side) and chased by hostile spirits, to the point where Chihiro is breaking into tears after reaching her Despair Event Horizon (under the impression that her efforts are All for Nothing, her parents and new friend, Haku, will be dead soon). Literally three seconds after she puts on the purple hairband, Haku arrives, alive and well, and everything goes north for Chihiro from that point onward.
Films - Live-Action
- Ace Ventura: The reason why the abduction of Snowflake the Dolphin (the mascot of the Miami Dolphins) is such a huge deal (otherwise team owner Roger Podacter could not care less) is that the Dolphins team is full of superstitious players and this is a huge blow in their psyche. The thief, Ray Finkle, knows this perfectly well because he is a former player of the Dolphins and a pretty superstitious man himself — and as a matter of fact, the reason he believes he failed the Super Bowl kick that ruined his life is because Dan Marino screwed up Finkle's luck ritual ("laces out!").
- Angels in the Outfield (1994):
- Early on, it's shown that several Angels players tap a structural pole in their clubhouse for good luck — one of the players ruefully notes that after 15 straight losses maybe they should find something else to do.
- Once the manager Knox starts taking on Roger and J.P. and the Angels start winning due to Roger being able to see the angels and pointing out who's going to be blessed, Knox himself isn't sure whether he buys the divine intervention explanation but he keeps them around because it isn't like he had anything better to go with. His cover explanation to Angels management as to why he wanted those two kids to have front row seats near his dugout is that he considers them lucky charms (which, to be fair, isn't that much of a stretch).
- The Dead Pool: Quan's tattoos, which his grandfather insisted he get after hearing he was Harry Callahan's partner. Harry tells him a bulletproof vest would be more practical. Fortunately Quan's grandfather also told him, "When your partner gives you advice, take it." The vest saves Quan's life.
- Deewaar: Vijay's dockworker identification badge. His badge number is 786, which one of his co-workers points out is a lucky number in Islam as it represents Bismillah
("In the name of God"). The badge saves Vijay's life twice (First, it saves him by stopping the bullet when he's shot by one of Samant's men while stealing the gold back. Later, it saves him when Samant's men try to assassinate him. Anita notices that he left it on the bar counter, and rushes after him to return it. She drops it and they both go to pick it up right when Samant's men fire, causing the shots to miss them both.), and when he eventually loses it, he dies shortly thereafter.
- Grease: When Kenickie is getting ready to race at Thunder Road (the L.A. River), Jan finds a penny on the ground, giving the Trope Quote. Marty takes it from her and tries passing it to him, saying it's for Good Luck. However, he drops it and when he bends down to get it, Doody opens the car door, banging him in the head. Guess it didn't work.
- Kangaroo Jack: Louis's red jacket is a zigzagged example. On the one hand, Charlie points that he and Louis have had nothing but misfortune befall them in all the time Louis has been wearing the jacket. But then it is revealed that the money Charlie and Louis were supposed to deliver to Smith was payment for their execution on Sal's orders. Charlie has a complete turnaround regarding the jacket at the end, saying that if Louis hadn't put the money in the jacket and then put the jacket on the kangaroo, they would have delivered the money to Smith without incident and been killed by him as Sal wanted.
- Memphis Belle. One of the waist gunners on the Belle starts to freak out after losing his good luck charm, so another crewman placates him by putting a rubber band over the man's arm and claiming that it's his “lucky rubber band.”
- Space Jam: After agreeing to play for the Tune Squad, Michael tells them they need to bring his gear from home, including his North Carolina shorts — "They're lucky. I wore them under my Bulls uniform every game." (After they react with disgust, he assures the toons that he also washed them every time.) The shorts prove to be the hardest item to acquire, as they need the help of Michael's children to get them away from his Angry Guard Dog.)
- Swing Time: "Lucky" Garnett's lucky quarter. His friend "Pop" seems to take it more seriously than Lucky himself does since Lucky is willing to have it changed so Pop can buy cigarettes.
- Ultraman Tiga: The Final Odyssey: Deputy Captain Seichi Munakata has a Costa Rican necklace coin, which he gives to his superior, Captain Iruma, as she has been sent on a perilous mission to R'lyeh. This turns out to be a Chekhov's Gun as Iruma later uses this necklace to help her grab and out-of-reach detonator.
- Uncut Gems: The uncut black opal that drives the plot is suggested to be one by Kevin Garnett. The movie leaves it ambiguous if the gem is really magical or not; nothing explicitly supernatural happens, but Garnett plays the best basketball games of his life while he has it, while Howard has some incredible luck before selling it. And the second he does sell it, his newest scheme blows up in his face in the worst way possible.
- Big Nate: It's left ambiguous whether the charm, a broken-off foot from an action figure, is genuine or a combination of psychosomatics and coincidence.
- In The Cinderella Murder, Susan owned a gold necklace with a little horseshoe charm pendant, which she believed was lucky; her parents gifted it to her on her fifteenth birthday and the next day she won the part of Sandy in a high school production of Grease. Ever since, she was rarely without it. The necklace was found near her body, with the chain broken in the struggle with her killer. It turns out the necklace played a role in the events leading up to Susan's death and is vital to figuring out who killed her.
- Isaac Asimov's "Does a Bee Care?": Thornton Hammer considers Kane a good-luck charm, unaware of how he manages to be inspired by the man's presence. Kane has a Psychic Power that he uses intuitively to get the people around him to advance their science far enough to design a spacecraft.
- Felix Felicis potion from the Harry Potter series, though Harry's experience after drinking it suggests that it works less by manipulating probability than by suggesting a course of action that will benefit the imbiber.
- The First Casualty by Ben Elton. Inspector Kingsley needs to examine a bullet fired from a revolver, but it's now used by a front line officer who refuses to relinquish his 'lucky' weapon. Kingsley is forced to take part in a trench raid and wait till it's fired at a German, then dig the bullet out of the corpse.
- In Skies Unbroken there's an entire religion venerating Lady Luck, of which the protagonist is a follower. He carries a coin as his Good Luck Charm, as is the custom. Also, northern Ossporians believe a ship needs a good-luck cat, which Kor considers rubbish.
Live-Action TV
- Grimm: In a world of Were-Beastmen, there's an old myth about tearing off the foot of some humble were-rabbit and using it as an extremely potent fertility charm. Unfortunately, the rich couple who sponsored the mercenary to hunt down innocent were-rabbits and hacksaw their feet didn't realize that he proceeded to murder them violently soon after.
- In Robot Wars, Diotoir was a robot known for being coated in red and black polka dot fur. Strips of this fur would often be seen tacked onto other robots as lucky charms, either as Battle Trophies or as gifts from the team (Team Diotoir were known for assisting other teams with their own mechanical problems). Diotoir itself wasn't always so lucky.
- In Supernatural Sam Winchester finds a lucky rabbit's foot that endows its owner with good luck until the owner loses it (and they always lose it). At which point they get lethally bad luck.
- Devin's headband in The Kicks. Her team back in Connecticut got it for her after an injury and she made a quick recovery. In "Head Games", she loses it and The Kicks get her a new one, which she decides is just as lucky.
- Played with in one episode of How I Met Your Mother in which Ted describes a series of Disaster Dominoes all tracing back to when he stopped to pick up a "lucky" penny and culminating in missing the interview for an amazing dream job. Seems like the trope has been subverted but he concludes in the narration that since that dream job would have required moving to another city a few months later, it would have prevented him from meeting the titular mother, so it really was a pretty lucky penny after all!
- The Partridge Family: In "Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex... but Couldn't Pronounce," the three youngest kids each give Keith a good luck charm the morning before he takes a test that will determine if he'll be allowed to graduate or not.
- Shadow and Bone: Nikolai has a lucky compass. He bequeaths it to Alina when she tells him she's leaving to go find the Firebird, and then to Mal when he takes on the Stormhund name.
- The Army Game: In "Snudge and Jimmy O'Goblin", Dooley buys a good luck charm called Jimmy O'Goblin. After Snudge confiscates, he experiences a run of good luck, so Hut 29 embark on scheme to make Snudge believe that he is cursed so he will get rid of Jimmy O'Goblin so Dooley can reclaim it.
- Young Sheldon: In "A Slump, a Cross and Roadside Gravel", Missy tries to use her cross as one, but Mary stops her.
- The West Wing: President Bartlet tells Charlie that he wants to wear his "lucky tie" for the debate against his Republican rival, unaware that the tie was accidentally destroyed by the dry cleaners. Charlie considers giving him an identical tie as a replacement, but worries that will make it into the "bad luck tie". He eventually decides to just admit to Bartlet that the tie is gone and they'll have to use a different one.
- In Marginal #4, L has his "omamori marimo
", which he's quick to talk about in interviews and other supplementary material. Atom has his lucky underwear. When they discovered that Rui has a stuffed animal in his room in the anime, they thought this might be the reason, but it turns out not to be the case.
Tabletop Games
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Genuine lucky charms are single-use items that let a character reroll a test or No-Sell one successful attack against them. The trick is in distinguishing the real thing from the fake trinkets.
- Dungeons & Dragons:
- The Luckstone grants a minimal bonus to saving throws and to ability and skill checks. Its primary advantages are that it doesn't occupy an equipment slot and that its "luck bonus" stacks with most other protective equipment and enhancements.
- The Luck Blade is a magic shortsword that, among other features, grants a minimal "luck bonus" to saving throws and allows the bearer to reroll one die roll per day.
Video Games
- In Coffee Talk, Jorji believes that his late grandfather's lighter is a lucky charm because when he drops it after his first visit in Episode 2, he gets into a string of unlucky events. He often keeps on losing it whenever he leaves the café.
- In Darkest Dungeon, the Highwayman can give his "lucky coin" to a teammate to reduce their stress. Given that he can do this, potentially, in every Medium or longer dungeon he goes to, it's likely that he's just pretending it has some significance, in order to cheer up his allies.
- In Dragon Age: Inquisition, ex-Templar Cullen shows a romanced female Inquisitor a coin given to him as a good-luck charm by his brother when he left to join the Templars - the only thing his brother had in his pocket at the time, Cullen recalls wryly. Although Templars are not allowed to carry such charms, since they're expected to rely entirely on their faith, he nevertheless kept the coin with him through all of his experiences in the previous two games and muses that for whatever reason he survived when he should have died twice over. He then attempts to give the coin to the Inquisitor, if she'll accept it.
- Eternal Darkness has Peter Jacob carrying a Lucky Penny with him which seems to just be a Useless Item. Until he needs to jury-rig a replacement fuse to restore power to the cathedral. Alex later uses the same coin in the Roivas mansion's circuit box to bring electricity back to the upstairs bathroom.
- The Legend of Kyrandia also has a horseshoe as lucky charm (and magnet) which is a component in one of the potions.
- Kunihiko Maeda of Parasite Eve (1998) gives protagonist Aya Brea three different trinkets — specifically a hamaya arrow, a mayoke amulet and a narita amulet — over the course of the story for general protection and luck. They serve no actual function in gameplay, and Aya's partner Daniel even gets fed up with Maeda over them which prevents him from passing along a genuinely useful item when Aya really needs it.
- Resident Evil:
- Resident Evil 2 has Sherry's gold locket which subverts the crap out of this trope. It secretly contains a sample of the G Virus, which is the reason the Tyrant T-103 Type is hunting her down.
- Jim Chapman begins his Resident Evil: Outbreak scenarios with a lucky coin, which he can take a moment to flip; succeeding gives him a 15% boost to his critical hit rate, and this can stack up to three times if you're really lucky. File #2 gives him a second coin which boosts crit rates just by being in his inventory, as well as enhancing melee weapon durability. File #2 also gives a lucky charm to Yoko Suzuki, which passively boosts her stats and reduces damage from One-Hit Kill moves so they just leave her in Danger status.
- Roots of Pacha: When Vuak was 15 summers old, he gave his crush Maeri a bracelet as a gift for her before she left to study astrology. Maeri held onto it dearly for luck, and whenever she encountered other men, she'd always think of Vuak and his gift for her.
- In Star Ocean: The Second Story, being the Born Unlucky character of the cast, Ashton Anchors likes to collect lucky charms, especially after having been possessed the two dragons on his back.
- In A Short Hike, one of the first sidequests you find involves a track runner who lost her lucky headband. A local champion offers his own, which she accepts on grounds that if he's a champion, then his headband must be luckier than her old one.
- In Super Mario 64 DS, this is the in-game justification for Mario taking more damage without his hat. One of the toads mentions that Mario's hat is special, and bad luck will befall him should he lose it.
- In A Tale of Two Kingdoms, to win a gambling game you need to find a horseshoe for luck first.
- Tales of Symphonia: As seen in this official screenshot
Colette: It's a charm. A Flanoir snow bunny. They say it brings good luck.
- Terraria: Has an item called the Lucky Horseshoe which looks like a traditional good luck charm. However, instead of affecting luck in the game, it negates fall damage.
- In Thief: The Dark Project, in the Cragscleft Prison level, one of the objectives is to retrieve Garrett's lucky Hand of Glory from the corpse of Issyt the Beggar, who managed to smuggle it in (Garrett would rather not think about exactly how). While folklore ascribes numerous abilities to the Hand of Glory, many of which would be quite useful in a Stealth-Based Game, Garrett's lacks any special power, being merely this trope.
Visual Novels
- In Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Vera Misham was given by Kristoph Gavin a bottle of nail polish she considers as a good luck charm and a Security Blanket. However, he had ulterior motives in making her that gift: as she made a forgery for him and he planned to Leave No Witnesses, he put poison in the bottle knowing that, whenever she feels nervous, such as getting out of her home, she instinctively bit her nails and thus would ingest the poison.
- In Ikemen Sengoku, Nobunaga Oda becomes convinced that the female main character is a good luck charm after she saves him from an assassination attempt and he gives her a job at his castle to keep her by his side. The MC, for her part, is not too happy about being treated as a lucky charm since it often involves her being forced to accompany Nobunaga and his other warlords to battles.
- Mindmistress: Mindmistress designed but never built this luck charm. When it is colorful, it brings good luck, but if it goes gray... it brings bad luck. She refused to make it because she could not stop it from flipping modes. However her design was stolen and used. The user had massive good luck, till it turned gray. He kept wearing it for a full month, casing a massive bad luck storm for him. Page where she explains it.
- Outsider: Played with. The diral-seii is part of a coming of age ceremony in some Loroi cultures. It is a talisman meant to give good luck to the True Companions of the person who bears it... by taking the luck from the bearer. The bearer will eventually die since they don't have enough luck, at which point it is passed on to the next in line and the process repeats. When this is explained to Alex Jardin, the human main character, the tactical analyst Beryl is quick to dismiss this as a minor cultural holdover from more primitive days, and tells him that the Loroi from the planet where this is a custom are hardline tradionalists even by Loroi standards.
- Swords: The Sword of Good Fortune
grants good luck and prosperity to its wielder. It seems to gravitate away from those who are extremely lucky and towards those who truly need good luck, screwing over its wielder at times.
- War and Peas: Double Subverted in "Lucky Penny". A man bends over to pick up a lucky penny, rips his pants in the process, and instantly draws a crowd who laughs at his exposed butt. But then a woman comes to compliment him on his butt, and said woman becomes his future wife.
Web Video
- A minor plot device in Fallout: Nuka Break is a red bottle cap with a star painted on it that some people in the Wasteland believe is a mystical talisman. The Ranger never gets it to do anything special, but has an unusual string of good luck while it's in his possession.
Western Animation
- Molly of Denali: In "Dream Tube", Trini finds a rock, which she adopts as her "lucky rock". It later turns out to be an agate, which the kids sell to Auntie Midge for $30, meaning they now have enough money to buy a tube.
- Kaeloo: Violasse wards off her bad luck with a personal good luck charm, a balloon with Quack-Quack's face painted on it. The balloon has actually saved Violasse from dying several times, which means that it actually works.
- Hoota & Snoz: Snoz's catchphrase good luck
- In the Ready Jet Go! episode “Magnet, PI", it is revealed that Mitchell has a lucky magnet hidden under his jacket.