Gross-Out Show - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Jun 14 2007

Gross-Out Show (trope)

And this isn't even scratching the surface.

"Now was that funny or just disgusting? I don't know, I'm asking."

Animated show that relies heavily on ugly animation, displeasing concepts and extreme close-ups of things such as hairy, warty green tongues, stink-line-laden sewage sandwiches, and toilets that haven't been cleaned in a long time.

Pioneered by John Kricfalusi with The Ren & Stimpy Show, this type of show dominated children's animation in the early 1990s. The animation house Klasky-Csupo and the studio Spumco specialized in animation of this style. Many of these clones failed to realize, however, that the success of Ren and Stimpy was also due to excellent writing, not just the presence of icky, stinky things. However, most of these clones would eventually develop their own loyal followings thanks to their other unique concepts.

See also Animated Shock Comedy, for what happens when this kind of show grows up. (Or doesn't.)

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Anime & Manga 

  • There's a... charming series of shorts in Japan known "Burutabu-chan" AKA "Poop Genie". It's about, well, just read the title. Or watch it.
  • Chinyuki: Taro to Yukai na Nakama-tachi is based on the Chinese literature classic Journey to the West... but instead of Sun Wukong, there's Chinyuki, a very nasty man that murdered several people and pooped on their graves, before being cursed into an ugly baby-like form by a monk and travelling with him. How gross could it be? So gross that it was removed from Weekly Shonen Jump. It wasn't until the reboot Chinyuki 2, and a redesigned Chinyuki, that it could be printed on Weekly Shonen Jump again.
  • Crayon Shin-chan relies quite heavily on Toilet Humor.
  • Digimon even more so, which is hardly surprising considering that it began life as the trans-Pacific equivalent of the Garbage Pail Kids (opposite Tamagotchi's Cabbage Patch Kids). Remember, the original stable of Digital Monsters featured a giant lump of yellow feces with arms, a slug with big, veiny eyeballs and teeth whose special attack was throwing smaller lumps of feces, a Rat Fink lookalike that's actually made entirely out of pink brain tissue and a rotting carcass kept alive by crude bionics inspired in equal parts by Hideaki Anno's hideously melted movie version of the radioactive God Warrior, Hedorah the smog monster and Tetsuo. That kills people by puking on them.
  • Hen Zemi manages to do this while keeping most everyone and everything as Puni Plush as humanly possible; it's the things they talk about that make the viewer want to retch...
  • Ippatsu Kiki Musume, aka Miss Crisis Moment, is this trope in three-minute chunks. Kunyan survives each life-threatening situation by executing a preposterous escape plan that Crosses the Line Twice, often to the point of horror. If you watch this, you will be grossed out. You will also learn physics. (Check one out on YouTube if you dare...)
  • Kyoufu no Kyochan, a parody of Little Ghost Q-Taro written by the comedian Hitoshi Matsumoto. The series is about a kid and his ugly critter (with a strange likeness with Butthead). You better not hurt the kid or Kyochan will grow arms on his head and feet and tear out your guts!
  • Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt features monsters themed around poop, vomit, boogers, breast milk, and semen. The show literally kicks off with said poop monster and in episode 5 everyone picks their nose.
  • Earlier volumes of Pocket Monsters relied on this trope. The series has since lessened though, just becoming a Quirky Work.
  • Zo Zo Zombie, a manga which got a Japanese-Canadian-produced Web Animation adaptation, relies heavily on gross-out humor, starring the titular zombie whose ability to weaponize body parts puts him and his human friend in absurd adventures.

Asian Animation 

  • Larva has its larva characters get into rather gross Toilet Humor antics. Often.
  • Oddbods, specifically the one-minute shorts, has some surprisingly gross humor for its cute art style. These include topics like disgusting eating habits, bodily fluids, and even blood spurts in some episodes.

Comic Books 

  • Many of the comic strips featured in MAD Magazine. Probably the most infamous of these was 'The Zit'. Drawn by Tom Bunk (go figure), it resulted in a lot of letters to the editor's desk. It's carried over to MADtv (1995) as well.
  • Prison Pit pairs gross-out humor with extreme violence. Vomit, pimples and semen all have their moments.

Films — Live-Action 

  • American Pie does this from time to time, mainly with any scene involving Stifler. In the first movie, he drinks a glass of beer with cum in it. In the second, he gets peed on. In the third one, he eats dog shit.
  • Many reviews of The Benchwarmers criticized the film for its excessive use of Toilet Humor.
  • The Garbage Pail Kids Movie is based on the equally gross Garbage Pail Kids series, and with the amount of gross-out humor present throughout the film, it shows pretty blatantly.
  • Hanger, where almost all the characters look deformed, and there's things like profuse lactation, a coat hanger abortion, puppies microwaved and eaten, rape through a colostomy bag hole, tea made from used tampons, a dirty diaper fight, torture via unwashed vagina, force feeding of feces, and a penis roasting.
  • John Waters in the 1970's is practically the Trope Codifier. Female Trouble bragged about this review from Rex Reed: "Where do these people come from? Where do they go when the sun comes down? Isn't there a law?" Pink Flamingos is about two groups of people striving to be the filthiest people in the world. Enough said. Then there's Multiple Maniacs and Desperate Living.
  • Land of the Lost: Rather than being a kid's show as its source was, the film opted to go for a much more "adult" audience with sexual humor throughout. Described by Will Ferrell himself as being more of a parody of the original than an actual remake.
  • The Vomit Gore Trilogy. To quote one review:

    "Even hardcore horror fans might be inclined to take a break from their hobbies after watching a girl abused, vomited on, a spider sewn into her vagina, decapitated, then her hollow head used as a vomit glass. Other pleasantries included here are ejaculation of blood, an endless disemboweling, and Siamese twins cut apart with a saw."

  • Year One. A movie about two cavemen who randomly stumble into the Bible stories, but with numerous disgusting scenes, such as Jack Black eating poop, and Michael Cera peeing all over his face.


  • The Barf-O-Rama series of children's paperbacks was based on this trope.
  • The Australian children's novels The Bum Trilogy. The titles The Day My Bum Went Psycho (Butt in North America), Zombie Bums from Uranus, and Bumageddon: The Final Pongflict should be a dead giveaway. Its Animated Adaptation, The Day My Butt Went Psycho!, was likewise.
  • Captain Underpants, a series where just about 95% of the characters, plots, and events have something to do with Toilet Humour.
    • In the same vein, the spin-off Super Diaper Baby and its sequel follow this. The villain of the first book is transformed into Talking Poo and the villain of the second is transformed into a giant puddle of urine (because Mr. Krupp was so offended by the first book that he told George and Harold that they couldn’t joke about poop in this one). One of the sequel’s chapters is a parody of How the Grinch Stole Christmas! involving stealing all the toilets in the city.
    • Ook and Gluk is tamer than the other two, but it does make a Running Gag out of Lily the baby dinosaur vomiting every time she gets the slightest bit dizzy (including a Flip-O-Rama where she vomits into J. P. Goppernopper’s mouth).
  • Some of the illustrations and exaggerations of events in Dear Dumb Diary are little uncomfortable to look at or read, complete with characters portrayed as ugly and some Nightmare Fuel. Fortunately, this fades away in the later books.
  • Goosebumps: There are a few gross-out scenes in a few books that might be hard to read about, depending on how strong your stomach is. The Haunted Mask, Horrors of the Black Ring and Please Do Not Feed the Weirdo are good examples of this (i.e., in The Haunted Mask, Carly Beth ate a sandwich with a worm in it, in Horrors of the Black Ring, the protagonist eats a brownie with maggots in it and in Please Do Not Feed The Weirdo, there is a scene where Manny violently vomits a huge glob of orange slime).
  • Gravity's Rainbow, multiple shit eating scenes.
  • A fictional example: Since the Nightside is inimical to the Internet due to AI Being A Crapshoot and the prevalence of Haunted Technology, Rule 34 applies to television. One particular show, "The John Waters Celebrity Perversion Hour," made John Taylor hide behind the sofa like the Daleks were coming.
  • Peek-a-Boo Poo: The whole book, and its sequel, focuses on a toddler pooping in random places and other characters discovering the poop.
  • Although much, much more than a show or your average book, James Joyce's Ulysses make use of gross out comments with frightening normality. It's about all that happens in a life of a man for 24 hours, anyways.

    "The bard's noserag! A new art color for our Irish poets: snotgreen. You can almost taste it, can't you?"

Live-Action TV 

  • Dirty Jobs is all about the nastier occupations of life from maggot farming to fish gutting. Hey, someone's gotta do them.
  • Dr. Pimple Popper: The majority of the show involves Dr. Lee either draining and removing the oozing, smelly contents of some kind of cyst or wrestling with the removal of a solid fatty mass called a lipoma.
  • The Eric Andre Show, being a Cringe Comedy, delves into this a few times, especially during its Candid Camera Prank segments, mainly by way of (thankfully fake) graphic puke scenes (one episode has Eric slurp his own puke back up which almost makes the woman he's interviewing vomit for real).
  • Fear Factor, despite its name, is best known for having contestants eat things like live insects. In fact, part of the reason it was cancelled was because of an episode where contestants drank donkey urine and semen.
  • Hoarders is a reality show about compulsive hoarding, where professional cleaners help hoarders clean out their homes. In almost every episode, viewers get to see human and animal waste, rotten food, mold, etc.
  • Laura en América: One episode of this show is particularly infamous for this. Its name was "Lo haría todo por dinero" ("I'd do anything for the money"). People from the public were challenged to do the most disgusting things for money. Among the challenges there were: to stay naked in a bathtub with frogs (US$ 30), eat a whole habanero-like fruit (US$20), to kiss an unknown person (US$ 30), dress up like a baby and crawl (US$ 20). The most memorable part? Lick the armpits and feet of a bodybuilder who had not taken a shower in 48 hours.
  • The 2017 series Oh Yuck! revolves around the scientist Dr. Septico Yuck and who investigates the science behind all things nasty and repulsive, including parasites, fungus, boogers, and pimples. Side characters consist of his lab newly-joined partner (and a later revealed spy) Pristine, her robot "Durp-E", a giant nose named "Snotty", a living mass of dirty laundry, a flying toilet, and a talking presumably decapitated head in a jar.
  • Kids' show Round the Twist almost got banned for this, including inappropriate material such as death, nudity (including references to genitalia - an entire episode is built around one character gaining a "whirly willy" that functions like a propellor), underwear, incest (Kissing Under the Influence), mild sex references, and relying on your typical gross-out humor staples. There's even one episode where a gelato machine takes a human form and basically sneezes the stuff out, and another where two characters have their brains sucked out and shot halfway across town, forcing those brains to bounce their way back to the lab.
  • Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is what you get when you make a reduction of Gross-out Show and cannabis. The 11-minute pan sauce that remains is...unique.
  • Wonder Showzen is framed to resemble a children's show, but deals with plenty of gross topics such as sex, violence, etc.


  • Kakos Industries can't help but merge gag worthy comedy with its already raunchy sense of humor. One episode in particular includes a man being mutated into a giant penis and only being saved from his misery by being jacked off and cumming loudly all over the main character and recording studio. And that's just the first season.

Puppet Shows 

Tabletop Games 

  • F.A.T.A.L. most certainly falls under this category, intentionally or not. In no other Tabletop RPG will you have detailed rules for rape or a need to calculate orifice sizes.
  • About the only example of a Tabletop RPG in this genre: Low-Life, where among the playable races there are worms, roaches and walking piles of poo.


  • Flush Force follows the trend of gross collectibles with mutated objects and creatures that come up from water-activated toilets.
  • Earlier, the Garbage Pail Kids were created as a parody of Cabbage Patch Kids, featuring characters such as Valerie Vomit. They were ugly, gross, rude, and hugely popular.
  • From the creators of Poopsie, there's The Hangrees, a line of nauseous-looking pop culture parody figurines which are to be fed with parodies of popular food products and then squeezed to poop out slime, similar to Poopsie themselves. Think of Funko Pop! meets this trope.
  • A rare girls' toy example, we have Poopsie, a toy line that's main focus is on unicorn feces. From the creators of Lalaloopsy and Bratz, everyone!
  • The Trash Pack is a collectible figure series about gross critters and rotten food that came alive. The characters spit up slime, are moldy, and just overall gross. In a surprise to everyone, even to the creators, this series still managed to gain a sizable female fanbase. This would later continue with their successor, The Grossery Gang. For both of these franchises, their trading cards upped the ante on the gross materials.

Video Games 

  • Arcade America. Let's see, Joey often picks his nose or belly button, while climbing you see his butt-crack, cowpies can serve as ammo at one point. And the driving section can have you drive up a bear's anus. Also the good ending for the Oklahoma level has a cow take a dump.
  • The Binding of Isaac:
    • The game is very generous with this when not making Biblical references — giant mounds of poop are a common obstacle, there's a boss called Peep who spreads toxic urine everywhere, and pretty much anything involving Isaac's abusive mother is given a Gross-Up Close-Up.
    • The chibi-styled Thick-Line Animation of the game either makes things less horrifying and disgusting, or just makes everything else worse for how jarring the cute-style of animation is when used to depict the disturbing things in the game.
  • Boogerman is a platform game about a slovenly superhero with powers such as snot projectiles, killer burps, and rocket-powered flatulence.
  • Conker's Bad Fur Day has a level where you have to go into a poop factory, then go to a nearby farm where you have to prune three cows, so the factory will be filled with their diarrhea. Your next mission involves you rolling a ball of dung up a mountain made of dung, so you can break open an entrance to the boss (who is a singing pile of shit).
  • Don't Shit Your Pants: This game sure likes to make you crap yourself...
  • Don't Wet Your Pants: The whole game deals with pee.
  • Earthworm Jim. For starters, some of the levels (and the characters too) are made out of snot and intestine.
  • Engacho! is a very Japanese game where you can be killed by slobber, Nose Nuggets, hairy armpits or Dung Fu, all of which are rendered in detail.
  • Gobtron. You play as a huge pink monster whose weapons are his snot, spit, burps and farts. The "level select" screen shows an intestine with cysts as the upgrades section.
  • The 1997 PC game "Grossology", infamously known for Memetic Mutation phrases like "anal sphinctah" and "how do you say fart in Japanese?" and having Charles Martinet voice multiple characters.
  • The House of the Dead: OVERKILL has Varla Guns having her brain replaced with the brain of Clement's mother, causing her to vomit and then mutate into a giant, disgusting creature. After defeating her, Clement climbs inside her vagina and back into the womb (thankfully we don't see it). And then in the PS3-exclusive chapters, we have the boss of the strip club chapter, and the skinless zombies in the slaughterhouse chapter. And then there's the song One Night in Bayou...
  • Limbo of the Lost. It's very surprising to find such a macabre game that, in only its first half-hour of gameplay, throws worms pulled out of ears and snot at you as integral parts of puzzle solving.
  • Meat Boy and Super Meat Boy don't go as far as Isaac, but the games do revolve around a skinless boy who leaves trails of blood wherever he goes rescuing a girl made of gauze from an evil Mad Scientist fetus.
  • Postal 2 features plenty of pissing and vomiting. Three objectives actually require the player character to urinate.
  • The Song of Saya is this trope in the form of a depressing horror story, without an ounce of comedy at any point. Basically, the main character undergoes experimental brain surgery, which leads to his senses being warped in such a way that he perceives viscera covering every inch of the world. People appear to him as slimy, disgusting monsters, and the only being who looks human is actually something horrible in real life.
  • Stupid Invaders an adventure game based on Space Goofs that's even more gross than the show, with moments like Gorgious knocking out a redneck with a hammer made out of dung.

Web Animation 

  • The Annoying Orange wasn't this at first, but it gradually became one over the years. Jokes about burping and farting were already happening in early videos, but they weren't as common as it is nowadays, where Orange farting is now considered a Running Gag.
  • GoAnimate videos are often this, due to the majority of them being made by children, as well as featuring a vomiting animation. The "Punishment Day" videos, in addition to being sadistic, are particularly bad with this at times (one video features punishments like Boris removing Caillou's teeth and eating them, force-feeding him dirt and then BITING OFF THE SKIN ON HIS FACE.
  • Happy Tree Friends is all about cute little forest animals being slaughtered in the most disgusting fashions imaginable. Fliqpy and the Ants are the most notable offenders.
  • The Homestar Runner animation "In Search of the Yello Dello", mainly due to the Deranged Animation.
  • The Black Comedy French series Les Kassos is filled to the brim with, among other things, gore, violence, gross bodily fluids, comical deaths, and (sometimes censored) sex scenes, all in parodically gratuitous amounts.
  • The jokes in Living With Wario border on this quite a lot. In addition to the Deranged Animation, there's even a running joke where Wario farts at one point in each episode. This is courtesy of most of them being animated by one of The Stringini Bros..
  • The web animation iteration of Madballs, despite having its origins as an 80s gross franchise, somehow manages to up the ante of grossness from its progenitor, with jokes related to bodily fluids galore.
  • Melvin's Macabre: While less reliant on this style of humor than Meat Canyon's previous works, the show still is this, with incredibly gruesome imagery, frightening character designs, and no small amount of the Gross-Up Close-Up.
  • Normally, object shows aren't this, but then there's Object Terror. This rather twisted object show has a lot of gore and also has some vomiting and sex scenes.
  • The Scientifically Accurate series, which takes shows like Sonic the Hedgehog and DuckTales (1987) that use anthropomorphic animals, then tries to apply what the animals are actually like in real life to it. It's rarely pretty, and all fully animated. Their video on CatDog is a particularly nasty example.
  • Fazbear and Friends (ZAMination): In "Chica is SICK!?" the design of the contaminated pizzas is a bit realistic due to the green substance that is related to Chica's snot when she sneezes.


Web Original 

  • Encyclopedia Dramatica is/was a satire wiki that isn't afraid to delve into Squicky and horrors territory For the Lulz.
  • Mortasheen is more or less a gross parody of the Mon genre, with all manner of grotesque, ugly, deranged-looking monsters.
  • The DeviantArt group OvaryPuncher is specifically for this sort of thing.

Web Videos 

  • The Angry Video Game Nerd. Mostly, it's just the titular character talking about shit in great detail, but there are plenty of scenes with fake poop and vomit.
  • Brows Held High: His earlier reviews were mostly about letting us know about how sick some Arthouse films can be.
  • The Cinema Snob usually reviews these.
  • Don't Hug Me I'm Scared doesn't initially seem like this, but each video progressively gets gorier, darker and more violent until it abruptly stops.
  • Dr. Pimple Popper: A dermatologist, Dr. Sandra Lee (aka Dr. Pimple Popper), posts close-up videos of her work extracting yucky stuff out of peoples' skin.
  • Filthy Frank indulges in this often, with fake vomit and poop being commonplace, as well as other bodily fluids.
  • SuperMarioLogan sometimes ventures into this territory (particularly in later episodes). "Shrek's Crappy Wish", for example, has Mario being forced to drink Shrek's crap with a straw.
  • Much of the Tales From the Internet videos deal with extremely disgusting, grotesque, painful, and/or horrific Internet stories. There may be some videos that do not revolve around such topics and may even be fairly innocent, but most of them involve horrific and/or disgusting incidents. Most of the time, visuals are mercifully not shown, but the textual descriptions as narrated by Whang are still more than enough to do the job.