Hot Teacher - TV Tropes
- ️Wed Jan 20 2010
Mrs. Lockhart: I graded your quizzes from yesterday. Most of you did well, but some of you I think could do better.
[holds up Chris's test paper]
Mrs. Lockhart: What do you see here, Chris?
Chris: [looking at her breasts] Two D's and an F.
The Hot Teacher is a young and attractive person who pursues a career in education. Because Beauty Equals Goodness, he is almost always also a Cool Teacher, though hentai series like to subvert this by making him evil or a sadist. He, or more likely she, often teaches health or science so the story can bring up human or animal reproduction. Spanish teachers are almost exclusively hot.
Male versions of this character tend towards wearing Stoic Spectacles, whereas female versions usually have a Hot Librarian appeal. While not exactly a teacher, the School Nurse also technically qualifies for this trope, being school staff and usually sharing a similar dynamic with the principal cast. School nurses, of course, tend to go for the Hospital Hottie look.
It should be noted that a Hot Teacher is not necessarily going for Teacher/Student Romance, though if the show does feature a student-teacher relationship, the elder party is very likely to be this trope. Similarly, many Hot Teachers find that quite a few of their opposite-sex students (or same, we're not picky)—sometimes even the entire student base—are indeed hot for them.
Please note that this applies to a character, not simply any hot actor playing a teacher, for the same reason Real Life examples are not listed here. Most actors are "hot" in the first place, so it usually goes unsaid. You can have an attractive teacher without their hotness being a plot element in the work—that would not fall under "Hot Teacher".
For other sexy professionals, see Sexy Priest, Good-Looking Privates, Fair Cop etcetera. Compare Sensei-chan.
See also and related to Sexy Mentor.
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Anime & Manga
- In Akatsuki no Aria, the piano teacher Shiroyuki is just as handsome as all the other guys in Aria's Unwanted Harem. Bad thing, not only he is Aria's teacher so he can't act on his feelings for her, but he's married to a very Delicate and Sickly woobie who is about to die. After his wife's death, he turns out to succumb to illness as well, then he dies too.
- Tooru Sayonaki
◊ from Aria the Scarlet Ammo.
- Irina Jelavic in Assassination Classroom is a buxom blue-eyed blonde. Justified, since she's a professional Femme Fatale assassin who uses her sex appeal to get close to her targets.
- Nyamo from Azumanga Daioh. Sorta fitting that a gym teacher would be in shape (and what a lovely shape, too...). Yukari too, though her personality can tend to turn people off. There's a scene where two male students discuss whether they like Nyamo or Yukari more; one wisely answers Yukari, the other laughs about how weird she is, and gets a drubbing for it.
- Call of the Night: Niko Hirata works as a teacher at a night school. Being a vampire, she pretty much invokes the trope both in and out of school. She explicitly points out that she loves it when her students develop a crush on her and return years later as grown adults, still having the hots for her. For Halloween she even goes as a sexy teacher who flirts with her own students. Yamori lampshades that she's barely wearing a costume at this point.
- Fujitaka Kinomoto, Yoshiyuki Terada and Kaho Mizuki (this one is a hot assistant teacher, and lampshaded by the whole class on her introduction) in Cardcaptor Sakura. All of them are involved to one degree or another in Teacher/Student Romance situations, whether played straight or subverted.
- While she goes more for the cuteness than the hotness, Sumiko Kobayashi from Case Closed is considered to be very pretty. It helps that she's an Identical Stranger to the Action Girl Sato, who is very beautiful and VERY popular with men.
- A Certain Magical Index plays with this, with Tsukuyomi Komoe, an Older Than They Look girl who looks to be, at most, 10 years old, yet teaches a class, drives, and drinks beer. Touma's delinquent friends, being lolicons (among other fetishes), see her as this.
- Claudine: The handsome Louis worked as Rosemarie's tutor during her childhood.
- Code Geass has Villetta Nu come R2, complete with stripperiffic outfits and at one point she poses in a skimpy bikini.
- Satsuki Shishio from Daytime Shooting Star is handsome, young and gentle, and many of his students love him.
- Mitsuka Yoshimine from DearS, Takeya's teacher, who has the kids practice english by reading erotic books she wrote and has her own section of home movies. She also falls under Hot for student as she believed that a study group was going to have an orgy, disappointed that she had dance classes.
- Domestic Girlfriend: Hina Tachibana is a (recently graduated) English teacher, and considered very beautiful by her students, especially by Natsuo.
- Nasujima-sensei from Durarara!! even though he lusts after teenage schoolgirls. In fact, if it weren't for his perversion, he'd actually have fangirls. He's an older example, but is an
◊ example
◊, nonetheless.
- Miho Amkata, the boys' faculty supervisor in Free! used to be a swimsuit model before becoming a teacher. She is deeply embarrassed by this, and gets supremely pissed off when Nasiga (semi-jokingly) suggests she wear a bikini to attract more members to the swim club.
- Exploited by Onizuka in Great Teacher Onizuka: the reason he became a teacher in the first place was to pick up high school girls, though he realizes pretty soon that it would be immoral. He is rather muscular, and has a few Shirtless Scenes, though these are often undermined by his awkwardness. Still, a few of his students, especially Urumi, have expressed attraction to him.
- Played straight with Azusa Fuyutsuki, who's hated by the girls in her class for being liked by the boys.
- GTO: The Early Years: Ayumi Murakoshi and Mariko Izumo, introduced in the first chapter, are 24 and look young enough to pass for college students. It's extremely awkward when it turns out the guys they almost hooked up with are their new students. Mariko never gets with Eikichi, but Ayumi is Ryuji's First Love and plays a major role in several arcs. Later on Nao Kadena joins the faculty and exploits her sex appeal to Save Our Students (she had a similar role in the anime of Great Teacher Onizuka, where she replaced the school nurse's character from the manga).
- Any of the 5 teachers in Happy Lesson who adopt Chitose as his "mama".
- Ichimoku Ren and Hone-Onna spend most of the third season of Hell Girl disguised as such.
- Mathematics and homeroom teacher Vera Collins from Heroman. The drill hair is a little odd, but you have to admit, she's still sexy. What makes her stand out in the anime category is the fact that she's an American.
- High School D×D: The gorgeous valkyrie Rossweisse, after being reincarnated as a Devil, becomes a teacher in Kuoh Academy, and of course joining Issei's harem in the process.
- Highschool of the Dead has Shizuka, a ditzy school nurse whom ironically enough serves as the adult figure for the main cast. She has extremely large constantly bouncing breasts which the series likes to show off a lot.
- How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?: Satomi Tachibana. Helped by the fact that she's subjected to Workout Fanservice rather often, and she also likes to cosplay professionally in secret.
- Jewelpet Sunshine: Jill Konia is an extremely attractive homeroom teacher at Sunshine Academy, being a tall, buxom blonde who shows quite a bit of cleavage and wields a riding crop that characters think gives her a dominatrix vibe even In-Universe. She serves as a Ms. Fanservice for the audience and as the Lust Object of Iruka, who has a major crush on her.
- Taken to ludicrous heights by Professor Aikuro Mikisugi in Kill la Kill, who has literally performed stripteases in front of his students.
- Azusa Kikukawa from Kurobara Alice would be this if she loosened up both in looks and attitude. Kouya still finds her beautiful.
- Waver Velvet is one in the Lord El-Melloi II Case Files with one of his students, Yvette, trying to get with him. He has gained several nicknames becoming known as "Great Big Ben London Star”, "Professor Charisma", and "Master V". He has been even named "the number one man female students would like to sleep with", among others.
- Yuuta's young and gorgeous homeroom teacher Nanase Tsukumo in Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions!, appropriately played by Kikuko Inoue.
- Kuniumi Maitake from Lovely★Complex (pictured) is tall, usually has a glow aura and good-looking and charming enough to get a legion of fangirls not long after he started teaching. Unfortunately them he's already engaged.
- Machiko from Miss Machiko, elementary school teacher who wears a revealing red mini-skirt and regularly finding herself in accidental sexual situations. Everyone is attracted to her at least a little bit, which is why no one stops her students' games. (That, and the very universe conspires to leave her denuded, so any such efforts would be futile.)
- My Hero Academia: Nemuri Kayama/Midnight. Even more considering that her hero costume is clearly designed to look like a dominatrix, and she's often seen with a whip in hand for good measure.
- Nurse Hitomi's Monster Infirmary: Hitomi herself is stacked and several male students have shown attraction to her. Tobita has a crush on Moji-sensei, and is jealous when he shaves his fur for swimming classes and everyone else sees he's ripped.
- Luhy Distone from Nyaruko: Crawling with Love! becomes this later on in the light novels. Bonus points for being a Moe Anthropomorphism of Cthulhi, the star-spawn of Cthulhu.
- Keiju Tabuki from Penguindrum is very goofy, (only not really), but he's also very good-looking and has a very nice voice.
- Mizuho Kazami is the title character from Please Teacher! Once they first see the young female teacher that they heard about, Hyosuke is the first one to comment, shouting that she's great. As the students walk home they all agree that she's good looking and Hyosuke says that she has that woman's charm.
- The Quintessential Quintuplets: Rena Nakano, the late mother of the titular sisters, was one back in her day. Her students admired her for her good looks, despite her stern and serious nature, and the fact that she could flip between being The Stoic and a Fiery Redhead depending on the situation.
- Hinako of Ranma ½... half of the time. While she was a child in the hospital, Happosai rearranged her metabolism to allow her to absorb the auras of others to increase her health by having her absorb their auras. Her body ages much more slowly than other people due to the altered metabolism, so she still has the body of a child despite being an adult. But, after absorbing a person's aura, her body becomes that of a tall and beautiful woman. She is a teacher hired by Principal Kuno for the purpose of disciplining Furinkan High's many delinquent students, particularly Ranma.
- Rosario + Vampire:
- Shizuka Nekonome that is a cute Cat Girl. An omake reveals she doesn't wear a bra.
- Kagome Ririko. A sexy Meganekko that usually wears a white v-neck shirt with a wide collar that reveals some of her cleavage and a dark skirt. However, when she's tutoring somebody, she adopt a Dominatrix look.
- Ayane "Ayanecchi" Tezuka from Rouge Noir is the very rare protagonist example.
- Nozomu Itoshiki of Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei who has the requisite Stoic Spectacles. And for a female example, Chie Arai, who pretty much fills the school nurse role mentioned above (technically she's a guidance councilor).
- The '90s Hentai manga series Secret Plot is about a pair of hot teachers, Saeko Yamaguchi (Mathematics, called Miki in the first issue) and Mayumi Hachiya (Physical Education), who are friends and both have voluptuous bodies that make them gain a lot of male fans between their students. And as a Hentai story, both have Extreme Libido and were involved with some of their students.
- Marie and Stein (in a... weird way) from Soul Eater.
- Sound! Euphonium has Noboru Taki, a handsome, thirty four year old Bishōnen. This has been pointed out by Hazuki— multiple times, to anyone who lends an ear to her.
- Yoko Littner briefly works as one after the timeskip in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Although her outfit is way more conservative than what she usually wears (bikini top and short shorts) some of the boys in her class immediately peg her as hot.
- To Love Ru has Tearju-sensei. She is currently a teacher at Sainan High and is one of the most physically curvaceous characters in the series, possibly only second to Mikado. In the first day she is immediately harassed by boys in the class, such as Saruyama, who asks her various questions, such as if she is single.
- We Never Learn: Mafuyu Kirisu. She has a curvaceous figure from being a former figure skater, and is often seen getting shower scenes or getting into situations that involve wearing sexy outfits. And on top of that, she gets to be one of the possible brides of Nariyuki.
- Kanamori from The Unforgiving Flowers Blossom in the Dead of Night, though that doesn't make him any less of a Smug Snake Sadist Teacher.
- Every teacher in Why the Hell Are You Here, Teacher!?, naturally.
- Akiko Aoshika of Wolf Guy - Wolfen Crest, who may be the most beautiful woman in the story. And it's quite the curse for her.
- In The World God Only Knows, Keima's homeroom teacher Nikaido. Also Jun, the student teacher that Keima had to court in order to capture the runaway spirit in her.
- Mr. Izumi from Zodiac P.I., who happens to be a Bishōnen teacher, very well liked by his pupils. Did I neglect to mention he also kidnaps his students?
Comic Books
- Archie Comics: One issue from The '70s features a young female substitute teacher so attractive that all of her male students are too distracted with the floating Heart Symbols above their heads to pay attention to their schoolwork. At the end of the issue, Principal Weatherbee fires her, telling her that teachers, like fine wine, get better with age. ...It was a different time.
- Batman: It doesn't come up much but Huntress is a schoolteacher on her off time. Don't mess with her students if you know what's good for you. The New 52 has her teach at a boarding school much more frequently.
- Cavewoman: Meriem becomes a Hot Teacher, before stripping off her Hot Librarian outfit to reveal her Fur Bikini, in the probably non-canon Cavewoman: Killing Dinos 101.
- Kunskapens Korridorer:
- Jörgen is very quick to comment on Pia's "nice legs".
- Then there is also a quick appearance from a very hot substitute teacher, Pernilla Jern. Micke is hardly even able to concentrate on what he's supposed to do, when he's going to interview her for the school paper.
- Nightwing: What do you get when you take Dick Grayson and make him a gym teacher for teenage girls? You can guess. They literally named his butt cheecks! Spyral, the organisation that Dick is working for and that runs the school, played with things by saying Dick was gay.
- Le Petit Spirou: Miss Claudia Chiffre, a buxom meganekko with a tendency to wear miniskirts. It tends to drive Spirou and his friends nuts.
- One strip shows that nearly every teacher in the school is one of these, with Spirou getting excellent grades in every subject taught by one of them (except gym class where the teacher is an unattractive and lazy man).
- Quantum Leap: In an issue of the Comic-Book Adaptation Sam leaps into a female teacher who tends towards very short skirts.
- X-Men: Young students have an hard time deciding who is hotter teacher:
- Storm looks like a goddess and is clearly shown to be gorgeous.
- Emma Frost dresses skimpily and has had cosmetic surgery. She doesn't change how she dresses while teaching at all.
- Kitty Pryde, a former student herself, became this when she got older.
- Psylocke is the resident psychic teacher... who just happens to be a Japanese ninja who wears a bathing suit everywhere.
- Later on, Magik gets in on this despite being about the same age as her students (extremely early twenties at best), and only biologically at that. She dresses like a slightly more modest Emma Frost, and Benjamin Deeds takes notice.
- Cyclops, being a Chick Magnet, also has this going. Eva Bell nursed a crush on him for a very long time.
- Gambit. Suave Cajun thief with an air of mystery and a bad boy rep? Yep, he's your teacher, enjoy.
Fan Works
- In My Huntsman Academia, Glynda Goodwitch is considered drop dead gorgeous like the rest of the women at Beacon Academy. Izuku blurts this out while rambling about her on the airship and she's the first person Toshinori thinks of when talking about how beautiful the women at Beacon are.
- In the Harry Potter/Twilight crossover fic The Secret Keeper, the sequel The Wisdom Seeker sees Professor McGonagall hire Esme Cullen as the new Muggle Studies professor after Voldemort's defeat in the hopes that having an attractive teacher will encourage students to take the subject and give Hogwarts a chance to undo the damage the Carrows may have done to the students’ views on muggles, without actually forcing the students to take it (Esme also arranges for Carlisle to assist a few of her lessons so that the female students don’t feel cheated).
- A few of the staff members at the eponymous school in Skyhold Academy Yearbook are regarded this way by students (and other adults). It's particularly regarded as being true of Cullen Rutherford and Michel de Chevin.
- In Lady Luck's Favor
, Desiree becomes the new history teacher at Casper High, due to Danny's wish to see her again, and takes the form of a very attractive young woman.
- Fire Emblem: Three Houses: Fifth Path: Byleth, of course. Despite her outfit apparently being toned down, she still "captured the hearts of more than half the academy’s student body" according to Seteth.
- The Bolt Chronicles: Dr. Vanderbilt is a new young physics teacher who all of Penny's classmates find extremely attractive in "The Teacher." Penny's chemistry lab partner friend describes him as "the perfect combo of genius smarty and biker hottie."
- Elizabeth in Bad Teacher, especially when she needs to raise money.
- Invoked by Satan (Elizabeth Hurley) in Bedazzled (2000) at an all-boys' school. The desk overflowing with apples says it all.
- Blue Is the Warmest Color: Adèle is a beautiful young woman who's also a school teacher in the second half of the film.
- Beth in The Descent mentions the fact that she is an English teacher.
- Mr. Kendall, the physics teacher in Detention, who gets a Sexy Soaked Shirt scene when Clapton accidentally sets off the sprinklers, which makes it really hard for Riley to keep her cool.
- Fright Night 2: New Blood: Gerri is a professor of history and art at a Bucharest college. Of course, she just uses this to lure in young male victims.
- Phil from The Hangover mixes this with Apathetic Teacher. You see him steal Field Trip money for his friend's bachelor party in Vegas and he seems to hate his students.
- The eponymous character from Indiana Jones has his fair share of Fangirls that attend the class he teaches at Barnett College, including one who wrote "love you" on her eyelids.
- Kick-Ass has sexual fantasies about his MILF-quality English teacher. She seems at least somewhat aware of him staring at her cleavage, but nothing comes of it.
- Loose Screws has Mona Lott, the French teacher that the four main male characters try to score with.
- Must Love Dogs: Sarah's younger coworker June is a pretty young woman who is lusted after by most of the dads of her students. Sarah herself Cleans Up Nicely after she gets over her bad divorce.
- Angie Dickinson in Sex Comedy / Black Comedy Pretty Maids All in a Row. She wears a Sexy Sweater Girl ensemble and tight skirts, and the protagonist (a sexually frustrated student) can't stop staring at her breasts. Later she's a Mrs. Robinson for him.
- School for Love: The handsome singing teacher Eric is the object of desire of much of the female student body at the academy (and it's suggested that some of the boys are attracted to him too).
- Many fans enjoyed Zachary Quinto's version of Spock rocking the black Starfleet Academy Instructor uniform in Star Trek (2009). No wonder he has a Teacher/Student Romance with Uhura.
- The main character from the Chilean movie Sexo con Amor ("Sex with Love") is Luisa (Sigrid Alegria), a very pretty elementary schoolteacher who has a romance with the father of one of the kids she teaches and now has to discuss how to teach them sex ed with the parents. In fact, the hot naked redhead who appears in the film's poster
? Yup, that's her.
- Wild Things: Sam Lombardo is seen as one in-universe. A lot of female students are shown to have the hots for him.
- X-Men Film Series
- Storm is an instructor at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, and Nightcrawler thinks she's beautiful. They have a Ship Tease in X2: X-Men United.
- Wolverine, who is the ultimate Chick Magnet of the franchise, joins the academy's staff in X-Men: The Last Stand. Revealed to be a history teacher in the new timeline created in X-Men: Days of Future Past.
- X-Men Origins: Wolverine: Kayla Silverfox, Logan's girlfriend, works at a children's school.
- X-Men: Apocalypse: Professor Charles Xavier apparently thinks it's okay for him to wear a translucent white shirt
while teaching a class filled with hormonal teenagers. It's the first time in the franchise where his character is mildly objectified, and it's a progression from his scientist days in X-Men: First Class.
- Abby Shipton, a visiting teacher from Hadley, Wisconsin in W.F. Miksch's The Addams Family Strike Back. Uncle Fester commented that he wished they'd had teachers like her when he was a kid.
- Mrs. Jeepers from the Bailey School Kids series. (It's gotta be the accent.)
- The Berenstain Bears Big Chapter Books: The Berenstain Bears and Queenie's Crazy Crush introduces Mr. Smock, who is rather attractive in the eyes of the girl cubs at least — especially Queenie, resulting in her getting a major crush on him.
- In A Brother's Price Jerin mentions having had a crush on his teacher. He notes that his younger brother now shows the first signs of also having a crush on her. As she came to the farm to tutor the boys, who weren't allowed in a regular school due to their Gender Rarity Value, she is the only non-related woman both of them saw frequently, which Jerin suspects is part of the reason why they all have a crush on her. As he expresses no surprise about having found her pretty, she is likely a Hot Teacher.
- While she's technically a student, Himeko, in Girls Kingdom, who is already very beautiful, takes the opportunity to dress up like a hot teacher when she's teaching Misaki and Kirara proper high class table manners for their upcoming salon struggle. Misaki notes that the tight white blouse, tight blue skirt, and Purely Aesthetic Glasses really do make her look like a sexy teacher.
- Harry Potter
- Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, the Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, is a narcissistic wizard celebrity admired by many, including Hermione Granger and Mrs. Weasley.
- Firenze's human features are very handsome, prompting Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown to put aside their grief over Trelawney being fired to swoon over him in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
- Mr. Kusakabe from HaruChika is this, to the point where Haruta and Chika are in a sort of Love Triangle to see which one confesses to him first.
- From Holes, we have Miss Katherine, whom many of the townsfolk desired.
- The Husky and His White Cat Shizun: Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun: Chu Wanning is the most attractive shizun in his sect and others. Two of his disciples Mo Ran and Shi Mei are romantically and sexually obsessed with him. The third one, Xue Meng platonically worships him.
- Ms. Honey in Matilda is apparently so lovely that she inspires Matilda to compose a poem about her on the first day of class.
- To say nothing of the English teacher Ellen
◊ from the New Horizon series of textbooks, who has become the subject of Memetic Mutation.
- Percy Jackson and the Olympians has an interesting example in Luke. He's the resident expert swordsman, so not exactly a typical teacher. One of the main cast's crush on him is practically a plot point and he tends to do things like pour entire bottles of water over himself while practicing with a bunch of hormonal teenagers.
- Mr. Whitman from The Ruby Red Trilogy. Nearly all the girls in his class are in love with him.
- Skippy Dies: Aurelie McIntyre is so gorgeous that she is able to garner enthusiasm from all her formerly apathetic teenage students, every single one of whom has a crush on her. A lot of the faculty have the hots for her as well, including Harold, whose attraction to her causes a decision that upends his life.
- When She Disappeared: Margo's high school was filled with girls lusting after her father, their teacher and basketball coach. Jessie went as far as seducing him while he was drunk just to be the one who finally succeeded in bedding him, and planned to use her resulting pregnancy to get around his refusal to have anything more to do with her and make him marry her after graduation.
Live-Action TV
- This is the opinion that much of the female student body has of Coach Brock in 15/Love. School president Bates is generally too feared and/or loathed to get this treatment, but he's not hard on the eyes either.
- The Andy Griffith Show has Opie's red-haired teacher, Helen Crump, who soon becomes Andy's girlfriend.
- There's substitute teacher Ms. French in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Teacher's Pet" who has all the boys drooling over her. Even Giles admits that she's "extremely well proportioned." Turns out she's taking virgin boys home, mating with them, and biting off their heads. Because she's actually a giant praying mantis.
- There's also Giles' love interest, Jenny Calender, the computer science teacher. Xander describes her as "reasonably dollsome, especially for someone in [Giles's] age bracket."
- Boy Meets World has an episode where Shawn says that their substitute health teacher is the real thing. Also that they're covering CPR and he's today's dummy. It turns out that they're on sex ed which she hopes that they can discuss in a mature way.
- Ximena in Carrusel. She may dress conservatively and comfortably, but more than one boy has a crush on her. Also add Susana and Rene, who were attractive and had plenty of student fans.
- Prof. Slater in Community. She was officially ranked the seventh most attractive faculty member by the Dean.
- Degrassi has Ms. Daphne Hatzilakos who several boys found visually appealing, referred to her as Ms. Hotsauce behind her back. J.T Yorke, one of her students, had a crush on her and was thrilled when she gave him a detention for mocking her by putting balloons under his shirt.
- In Doctor Who:
- The Tenth Doctor gets a stint at this when he's temporarily turned human in the two-parter "Human Nature"/"The Family of Blood", where he's a boarding school professor called John Smith.
- Ian's original character outline
(when he was still called "Cliff") was clearly written with an eye on this trope:
[H]e is physically perfect, strong and courageous, a gorgeous dish.
- Will Schuester on Glee, to the point where two girls went completely nuts over him and even followed him home to cook and clean up for him. Of course, one must admit he doesn't make it easier for his students by singing sexy songs on stage with them and accepting to play a role in a musical that requires him to be completely topless.
- Using Van Halen's "Hot For Teacher," the show also explores Puck's crush on Shelby Corcoran. Holly Holliday and the tenured Emma also count.
- The sweet Geraldine Titley in The '70s' nostalgia-fest comedy, The Grimleys.
- Jason Winkler from the first season of House of Anubis. The girls were delighted upon meeting him, and it's implied that Patricia and Amber both had small crushes on him.
- iCarly: Miss Ackerman. Turns up to the Shay apartment in a smoking hot red dress, that causes Carly to say Woah, you look hot, and then Freddie to practically drool all over the floor when he shows up after. This was season 1 Freddie, as in barely hit puberty Freddie. That's how hot she was.
- Leave It to Beaver had Beaver's teachers Ms. Canfield and Ms. Landers.
- Mr. Keith in the Lizzie Mcguire episode "The Greatest Crush of All". All the girls compete for his affection.
- The L Word:
- Jenny's creative writing instructor in Season 2 (played by real-life bisexual Sandra Bernhard) is pretty much the opposite of this.
- Bette becomes this trope in Season 4, when she joins the university faculty. It does not end well for her.
- My Roommate is a Gumiho: Woo-yeo's day job is a history professor on campus, and all the students swoon over him.
- Never Have I Ever: In season 4, Paxton works for the high school as assistant swim coach and realizes he likes influencing young minds. He decides to go back to school to study teaching for real. Devi says this is a good thing: students will be more willing to listen to him because he's attractive.
- Chance from Noah's Arc is this, having a student and teachers aide pursue him as well as being fanservice in his own right the few times we see him shirtless. Note that though he is the oldest of the main four cast, hes still quite young for a college professor in his position.
- Power Rangers: Dino Thunder: Tommy Oliver. To his embarrassment, several of his female students are Teacher/Student Romance. Oy.
- Ezra Fitz on Pretty Little Liars and later Ella Montgomery. Ella says to her daughter Aria (who she didn't know was dating Ezra) "You didn't mention how good-looking he was"
- Alice Johnson (Karen Valentine) in Room 222.
- In the season two premier of Smallville the characters meet their new biology teacher, extremely attractive Deriree Atkins, who is wearing very little and puts on a sex-education video. Clark tries to pay attention, but he keeps glancing at Ms. Atkins. Suddenly, the projector screen bursts into flames.
- Alaric Saltzman in The Vampire Diaries.
- A real-life example: Dr. Suzannah Lipscomb
◊, a former history lecturer who hosts various BBC historical documentaries, including the "Hidden Killers of the Home" series, and Witch Hunt: A Century of Murder.
- Miss McKenzie from the Busted song "What I Go to School For", based on one band member's dance teacher.
- "Hot For Teacher" by Van Halen.
- The Police song "Don't Stand So Close To Me" is actually a semi-autobiographical piece about from when lead singer Sting used to teach. "Young teacher/the subject/of schoolgirl fantasies", indeed.
- The Italo Disco song "Sexy Teacher" by Check Up Twins.
- "Mr Watson" by Kesha.
- "Abigail Beecher" by Freddy 'Boom Boom' Cannon.
- Pretty much the entire point of Rogue Traders' video for their song "Way to Go!"
- Vocaloid Kiyoteru Hiyama, who is a teacher and a massive Bishōnen.
- In Ondina's "Into The Night
" video, Petra Lundqvist portrays a sexy schoolteacher who turns her students into adults with pixie dust.
Newspaper Comics
- In a May 2016 story arc in Curtis, the protagonist is surprised when girls who were formerly well-behaved straight-A students start getting sent to the principal's office. It later turns out that Mr. Washington, the new principal, is such a hunk that they're getting in trouble on purpose just to see him. (Curtis himself admits he "looks like a movie-star athlete brain surgeon billionaire.")
- In Zits, Jeremy has an attractive guidance counselor, and often has some rather explicit fantasies about her. (Not by choice; in one strip where this happens, when she asks him what's on his mind, he asks, "Can't we just talk about my schedule instead?")
Video Games
- Manuela from Fire Emblem: Three Houses is an interesting example in that despite her great beauty most people don't really lust after her, they simply acknowledge her being attractive. Although she does have a few paired endings that result in her getting married.
- Chieri and Mamiko from Amorous Professor Cherry.
- Final Fantasy:
- Final Fantasy VIII's Quistis Trepe. It doesn't help that according to canon, she's eighteen years old - and started her SeeD career at fifteen and her teaching career at seventeen.
- Final Fantasy XIII-2, set a few years after the first game, has Serah Farron as a grade school teacher. She's also got quite the Fanservice Pack.
- Aiko Yumi from HuniePop. Just look at her
- In The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, a lot of her students do admit that Sara is indeed one of the hottest teachers at Thors. Of course, they also admit that she's one of the laziest and a slob when it comes to fixing her room. By Cold Steel III, one of her students, Rean, ends up becoming this trope where he becomes a teacher at the branch school. He's also joined by Randy and Michael according to their students.
- If she survives the events of Mass Effect 2, Jack becomes one of these by Mass Effect 3.
- Cyrus from Octopath Traveler is a Pretty Boy professor who routinely has women tripping all over him, including one of his own students. Not that he notices (and the other travelers routinely point out both his good looks and his obliviousness).
- Kyoko Minazuki from Rival Schools, who's both the school nurse and a chemistry teacher
- Touhou Project's Keine Kamishirasawa, Depending on the Artist.
- Yandere Simulator gives us Mida Rana, who's more or less a pastiche of this trope, since she's notorious for seducing pupils and she very frequently speaks in innuendos.
- Mirabel Garlick, Herbology teacher at Hogwarts in Hogwarts Legacy, is a beautiful redhead with an eternally cheerful and enthusiastic demeanor. She's also by far the youngest Hogwarts professor in the franchise's history, being in her early twenties whereas the rest of the faculty is at least in their late forties, which makes her stand out all the more among her colleagues.
- Like Dreamer gives us Vanilla Alice (real name: Shiratori Yayoi), who is an attractive school teacher with M-cup sized breasts and moonlights as an internet cosplayer wearing a Playboy Bunny outfit.
Visual Novels
- CLANNAD: Sanae used to be a teacher, but still remained hot. Kyou becomes one in After Story. Kouko also used to be a teacher.
- The School Nurse Kaori Shitou from Crescendo (JP) is attractive when you first see her, but looks a tad severe with her hair in a Prim and Proper Bun and while wearing glasses. When she lets her hair down (literally) and sheds the glasses, she's downright stunning.
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc: The Mastermind behind Monokuma, also known as the Ultimate Despair, Junko Enoshima, invokes this trope by putting on a pair of spectacles whenever they give a "lesson" to the surviving students. This is the most sexualized of their personae, showing the most of Junko's chest out of any of them, even the cutesy personality.
- John Rook in don't take it personally babe, it just ain't your story. The very fist comment to pop up on AmiConnect is Arianna's surprise that a teacher can look like that.
- Double Homework:
- Ms. Walsh, despite what she wears to teach her classes, fits the bill. And despite her prudish attitude, she can end up sleeping with the protagonist... more than once, in fact.
- Downplayed with Daniela, who teaches at the real summer school in addition to assisting Dr. Mosely/Zeta. Although she is attractive, her students generally refer to her as “cool” rather than “hot.”
- A somewhat unconventional example is Akira Amamiya from ef - a fairy tale of the two., who's got a very Bishōnen design but is also clearly much older than most other examples.
- Fate/stay night:
- According to supplementary materials, Lord El-Melloi II (aka Waver Velvet) has been voted by the female students of the Clock Tower as the teacher they most want to have sex with.
- Taiga is normally just a cute and goofy teacher, but there's a scene in Carnival Phantasm where she affects being a hot teacher, showing up in a short skirt suit with fishnet Zettai Ryouiki and glasses, and kissing the camera lens. It's a little hard to take seriously.
- Kazuaki Nanaki in Hatoful Boyfriend, once you get past the idea that he's a quail. His human-style portrait is a beautiful blonde man with droopy eyes and loooong eyelashes. Hitori Uzune is just as attractive, with darker feathers/hair but a similar enough appearance otherwise to steal the original Kazuaki's identity. An alternate timeline for Holiday Star suggests that if he hadn't, they both could have been teachers at St. Pigeonation's.
- Majikoi! Love Me Seriously! has Umeko-sensei, a sub-heroine with her own "ending".
- In Melody, the protagonist is this to the title character (and Sophia, if the player so chooses).
- Daisuke Ichijo from the visual novel and anime Resort Boin. He manages to sleep with six extremely beautiful women. Several times. Sometimes with multiple at once.
- Sable's Grimoire: Eris Monte is both Sable's homeroom teacher, and a voluptuous succubus who wears her blazer open enough to display her bra. Between her good looks and hypnotic powers, many of her students can't keep their eyes off her, though the ones who can are appalled by her apathetic teaching style.
- Ms. Benibara in SHUFFLE! is hot enough for the resident Handsome Lech to hit on her. As long as he doesn't know who she is.
- Yumi Matsumiya from True Love Junai Monogatari is an incredibly beautiful Meganekko with huge breasts, killer legs and a really cute face. This being an H-Game, she's one of the love interests to pursue. (Even if she's the hardest to romance)
- Eriko Takeda from YU-NO is this combined with Hospital Hottie, as she is the school nurse and Takuya's homeroom teacher.
Web Animation
- Glynda Goodwitch
◊ from RWBY is one of several professors at Beacon Academy, dedicated to teaching the Hunters of the future to protect Humankind from the Grimm, and she also happens to be a smoking hot bombshell whose main weapon is a riding crop.
- The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob!— We only see her doing her job occasionally, but Jean Poule teaches biology at the local community college.
When Jean is replaced with a substitute—
a student: "I want my prof in the tight shirt and jeans back!"
- In Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi, Sensei Jack. Yep, that Jack...
- In School Bites, Professor Seraphis is a history teacher. Even the the girl who likes Cherri was grinning.
Web Original
- Invoked by Marina Orlova's Hot For Words videos. She is a qualified English teacher and etymologist and combines lessons on the origins of words requested by viewers with Fanservice.
- Maddie Moate from the BBC's "Earth Unplugged"
science videos is a... subtler examplenote , but she has some very appreciative fans as well.
- Maddie Moate from the BBC's "Earth Unplugged"
- Kureno from Tsuki Desu is apparently quite popular with female students to his voice and 'bad boy' image. Unsurprisingly his little brother that shares a Strong Family Resemblance to him is also quite popular.
- Plenty of teachers at Whateley Academy in the Whateley Universe, since a lot of the teachers are retired superheroes and superheroines. The headmistress is really Lady Astarte, and she used to teach English. She currently looks like a thirty year old Hollywood starlet, only better built.
Western Animation
- Miss Jacobson from Bob's Burgers is frequently noted to be oddly pretty for a teacher. Bob notes this in "Two For Tina" and a drunk Linda calls her hot to her face.
Bob: Why is she a teacher? She should be, like, playing a teacher on TV.
- In Codename: Kids Next Door, Numbah Four gets a crush on his attractive teacher Ms. Thompson. Things get kind of weird later when she turns out to be the were-dog queen who was cursed with lycanthropy by her jealous ex-husband; but she gets better in end, mostly.
- Danny Phantom episode "My Brother's Keeper" introduces us to Penelope Spectra's human disguise. Okay, so she's technically a guidance counselor/psychiatrist, but she's hot and works in a school, so it's close enough.
- The Fairly OddParents!: Ms.Sunshine/Ms. Doombringer was perhaps the school's most attractive teacher, despite her evil intentions.
- Timmy's cruel babysitter Vicky in the live action sequel is this when she becomes a teacher.
- Ms. Lana Lockhart from Family Guy whom Chris falls in loves immediately. She is very busty and all of her clothes show off her sizable cleavage where she's constantly pulling things out of.
- Shego from Kim Possible had her degree in secondary education.
- Ms. DiMartino from The Loud House episode "Study Muffin" is so attractive that all of the boys fall for her and Lincoln keeps failing her class because he's distracted.
- Pepper Ann had in the episode "The Spanish Imposition" the introduction of the Spanish teacher preceded by some absolutely smitten male students to make clear she's one of those.
- One-shot characters Mr. Dude and Mr. E from Recess.
- Arguably, Miss Grotke, though "cute teacher" would be more like it.
- Apparently both Principal Prickly and Miss Finster were in the `60s.
- Then there was Miss Salamone, the music teacher in "The Voice".
- Edna Krabappel from The Simpsons. She was presented as Bart's attractive teacher mostly in seasons 2 and 3 (she tried to seduce Mr. Bergstrom; Homer finds a provocative picture of her and tells Bart that he's going to start going to Parents' Night), but eventually this characterization faded, as she became more sarcastic and bitter.
- Notably, Homer was singing a very different tune after her rendition of "Fever" in the faculty talent show.
Homer: You drive. I eat.
Lisa: Dad, you were supposed to pay for those snacks!
Homer: I saw Krabappel's butt, I paid! - Mr. Bergstrom counts. Edna Krabappel, aforementioned, tries to seduce him. Lisa develops a chaste, innocent crush on him almost immediately, and even remarks on his "Semitic good looks."
- Notably, Homer was singing a very different tune after her rendition of "Fever" in the faculty talent show.
- South Park:
- The episode "Tom's Rhinoplasty" has Ms. Ellen and all the boys in class find themselves inexplicably enamored with her.
- Also there's Ms. Stephenson from the episode "Miss Teaches Bangs a Boy", an episode about statutory rape.
- Peter Parker from Spider-Man: The Animated Series. Look at the episode Rocket Racer.
- The Trouble With Miss Switch: When one of the classes at Pepperdine Elementary School learn there's going to be a new teacher, the boys all assume she'll be another crotchety old meanie. Everyone is stunned on seeing she's tall, slender, and gorgeous. And it turns out she's not only a Cool Teacher but a witch!