Hurricane of Puns - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Jun 14 2007

Hurricane of Puns (trope)

He's not picking on you or anything.

"Well... I had an Uncle Richard that tried to bring nude theater to a festival in Waterdeep... Exposure is usually good for an actor's career, but even so, a cold reception for the play caused the cast to shrink steadily. Blackballed, my uncle tried to recruit from the thieves' guild, but they wouldn't let their nick-ers go. 'Just bare with me,' he would say, but they were afraid of being stripped of their dignity. He gave up the lead to attract new members, and eventually, the production's genius was uncovered, even with his part left out."

A sudden, protracted volley of puns. Approach this technique with caution, as viewer nausea (or a lynch mob) may be a side-effect.

In a Sitcom, a Hurricane of Puns often appears after one or two characters have done something embarrassing and decide to not talk about it. Naturally, every conversation they have is rife with unintentional puns and Freudian Slips that go unnoticed by others but drive them to sheer panic.

On the other hand, sometimes these storms approach from the opposite direction... One person cracks a pun, another feels the urge to one-up it, and so it goes until the ammunition is exhausted and the puns fall silent.

Rarely, someone will just rattle off a string of puns for the hell of it.

Puns are a dangerous form of comedy, and it takes a good hand to make them into something that won't incite a mass groan of disapproval. Doing this repeatedly is even riskier, as it requires an amazing level of ability to play straight on most television aimed at mature viewers.

In anime, the Gag Series is also famous for using the Hurricane of Puns. Japanese comedy is quite fond of puns and malapropisms, because of how certain words and names in the Japanese language can be misquoted or alternatively written. This is one reason why many a Quirky Work don't translate into other languages very well or get treated to a Gag Dub instead. Puns that must be explained usually end up not being funny. (Woolseyism is when it does work out, usually with the dub replacing the jokes with more local ones that are the same in spirit instead of sticking to a literal translation.)

This is a subtrope of Rapid-Fire Comedy. Compare Hurricane of Euphemisms. See also Cliché Storm. For a person who loves making puns, see Pungeon Master. Has nothing to do with Tornado Move. Volleying Insults are prone to feature these.


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  • A recent Seventh Generation detergent commercial with Maya Rudolph in which she makes a pun with every vegetable she picks up.
  • The Hungarian TV ads for the Discovery Channel. When they are not exact translations of the original English narration, they are either filled with a tremendous amount of puns (mostly based on whatever is on the screen at the moment), but some ads top it off by being written in verse! There are ads which fail to give you even a general idea of what the show it's supposed to advertise is about. For example, according to these, MythBusters is a show about two men that can't do a damn thing right. Though to be fair, some people may find these ads rather amusing.
  • Ivar's Restaurants in Seattle are just as famous for their rapid-fire puns in their menu and advertising (company slogan "Keep Clam") as they are for the chowder. Such a tradition traces back to their company founder who crammed everything from his ad copy to his protest letters to City Hall with as many puns as he could manage.
  • This ad for Duck brand duct tape contains plenty of duck-related puns.
  • OPI nail polish loves puns and Punny Names. From the 2015 Venice collection: A Great Opera-tunity, It's a Piazza Cake, Worth A Pretty Penne, Tiramisu for Two, Gimme a Lido Kiss, Be There in a Prosecco, I Cannoli wear OPI, Baroque... But Still Shopping, St. Mark's the Spot
    • From the 2016 Fall collection for Essie nail polish: Kimono-over, Playing Koi, Maki Me Happy, Now and Zen, Udon Know Me
  • Sexual Violence with the Birds and the Bees: While the videos have a few bird and bee puns, one movie-style poster takes the idea and runs with it — every credit and achievement is a pun, and it sports an MPA-style rating of "B" for "Buzzworthy".
  • Australian Bush Barbie condom ad.

Anime & Manga 

  • The post-opening intro of the English dub of Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt features one of these related to going Number 2.
    • The same goes for Yakitate!! Japan, which fits this trope like a glove. One chapter was even entitled "Bald Jokes Never Get Old!"
    • Dotto! Koni-chan was the same. The Latin-America dubbers opted by using local slang and a very enthusiastic voice cast that had lots of fun with their roles. It worked
  • Pokémon the Series:
    • The Team Rocket trio has a tendency to launch into these, occasionally to the point of being physically 'pun'-ished by other characters, including themselves. While normally kept to a humorous minimum, this reached extremely irritating levels in the English dub of Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl.
      • The song "Lucky Lucky" is liberally sprinkled with puns using the original Japanese names of at least thirty-three Generation 1 Pokémon.note 
    • The German version actually manages to make it WORSE and even more annoying at times, by trying to translate every single English pun into German and even inventing new ones where there were none before, etc.
    • Also, almost every single Pokémon on the list has a Punny Name, often spanning languages.
    • The 4Kids dub had a lot of punny lines ("I'll use my frying pan as a drying pan!") and episode titles (like "Beauty and the Beach" and "Tanks a Lot"). Admittedly, the puns did lessen as the dub went on, but they didn't completely go away..
    • After TPCI took over, they seemed to be either doing it less or stopping altogether as of Pokémon the Series: Black & White.
    • Samson Oak in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon loves his Pokémon-related puns.
  • The opening credits of Galaxy Angel are exercises in advanced punnery, in English, Japanese, and what's being shown on the screen.
  • In the Record of Lodoss War TV series omake, they spoof the warrior training that King Kashew gives Parn by replacing it with lessons in how to pun properly. This is the same omake where the wise and level-headed sorcerer is played as a Dirty Old Man, and the skilled and just knight is portrayed as a clueless kid. (Let's not forget the high-elf-turned-ditz.)
  • Used in the manga sequence of episode 1 of FLCL. Some of it even made it through in translation.
  • Izumi in Martian Successor Nadesico tends to use about half of her dialogue to make puns. In a late episode, when someone else cracks a pun, the camera cuts to her rating him. She's apparently a harsh judge.

    From the Christmas episode: Izumi: I told Evelyn to marry my friend Chris. Marry Chris, Miss Eve.
    Izumi: I ran out of tea strainers, so I had to use this old copy of Shakespeare. Now I've got The Tempest in a teapot. That's trouble brewing.

In one case, her puns get so obscure (and reliant on Japanese) that one of the other characters decides to break the Fourth Wall to explain them.

Megumi: Who knew this show could be so educational?

  • Gintama utilizes a lot of Japanese puns, some of which are more or less translatable. One notable exception was a mix-up between bank transactions and throwing rice, which was even brought to attention in the official English translation.
    • Similarly, Akazukin Chacha, the main character randomly makes puns whenever she can. This personality trait is the reason why most of her spells tend to fail, she's always thinking of an alternate meaning for the word she just used, such as summoning spiders instead of clouds in the first episode. (In Japanese the words are the same)
  • Kirby: Right Back at Ya!: The English dub is full of these, usually through King Dedede and his right-hand snail Escargoon. This habit of Dedede's, combined with his Southern accent and trademark laugh, is what makes him so entertaining despite his Adaptational Villainy.
  • The official Naruto is a bit more subtle about its puns, and you won't notice if you don't speak Japanese/know Japanese mythology, but nearly every single name, be it for a place, a jutsu or a person, is a pun on something else. Jiraiya plays this more blatantly, using frog puns whenever he can.note  Especially this flashback:

    Jiraiya: These are called frog cards. They're red on the front and white on the back, and you can flip them over, like this! *flips card and waits for reaction* ...Anyway, set your card to red when you come home, and flip them to white before you leave. By the way, the picture of the frog on the card means you'll be home soon! *waits for reaction*
    Yahiko: Why do you keep doing that? Quit pushing your frogs on us! We only tolerate it because you're the frog sage!

  • The 4Kids dub of One Piece. Almost unarguably, one of the reasons it was such an appalling failure was the fact that it was essentially a nonstop hurricane of puns. Even with the most serious villains and in the most desperate situations, every time a character spoke, it delivered yet another horrible pun. The worst part and the main deviation from the original as described a couple of entries below was that most of them made no sense.
    • Of course, the character hit the hardest by this almost assuredly Mr. 3. In the Japanese series, he was depicted as somewhat cowardly and weak, but also clever and sneaky enough to accomplish tasks that much stronger characters couldn't manage, such as bringing down two giants. 4Kids showed him only once, having him spend the whole time delivering pathetic jokes for no particular reason.
    • But even in its original glory, One Piece has always had a love of terrible puns, often related to the way words and phrases are written in kanji. One particularly shining example is the fight between Zoro and Kaku in Enies Lobby, where almost every line is a pun on either "giraffe", "nose", or "square". Black Maria was funny too, putting her name in every attack she did.
    • Used in the 7th movie for the clues leading to the end of a prophecy about finding a treasure.
    • Favourably used in the flying fish riders filler arc who continually use the term "formation", in conjunction with other pun words. The catch being that formation in Japanese can sound like "pervert" which Franky thinks is always referring to him.
  • Ranma ½ has a decent amount of punning, most of it coming from Kasumi, although Genma and Soun are always willing to help.
  • The creator of Sailor Moon is said to love puns. Tsukino Usagi, read the last name first as Japanese people read names, also sounds like "rabbit of the moon", which is a (universal) reference to the bunny-shaped shape one can detect when looking at the moon. This is the case for all of the Inners, as their surnames, all end in "no".
  • In Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger, one of the later episodes has Ippo visit with the family of the gym's new rookie, Itagaki... only to find out that the entire family is addicted to bad puns. During the supper, they let fly with such a multi-directional hurricane of terrible, terrible puns, that even Ippo - an experienced boxer known for his inhuman toughness - is up against the ropes, desperately searching for any subject - ANYTHING - that will allow him to stop the barrage... Takamura later acknowledges Itagaki's father as the better one when it comes to bad puns, evidenced by him calling Mr. Itagaki "master."
  • The Prince of Tennis: Hikaru "Dabide" Amane from the Rokkaku team is absolutely crazy for puns and does his best to crack them at the smallest chance. His doubles partner and sempai Kurobane aka "Bane-san" is always ready to play Straight Man and kick him on the head.
  • The 4Kids dub of Yu-Gi-Oh! has dinosaur puns between Joey and Rex Raptor, dog puns aimed at Joey by Kaiba, and music puns between Yami and Johnny Steps.
    • During the KC Grand Championship arc, various duelists make job-related puns.

      Dr. Richard Goat: (duelling Leon Wilson) Draw five cards and call me in the morning.
      Abe the Monkey Boy: (duelling Rebecca Hawkins) If you wanna be top banana, you gotta stop monkeying around!
      Det. Paul McGregor: (duelling Balfry Ginger) I'm clued into your strategy, Balfry...(lights suddenly go out) but this is a mystery!

  • The dubs of Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 played this a bit along with other styles of humor, but occurred less often for Tamers and Frontier. Being that the second-last Big Bad of Adventure was a clown, he was dubbed as one that put the entire rest of the series put together to shame.
  • Being a story about three boys with talking sentient penises, Chintsubu is saturated with penis-based puns, and to make it worse, events happen such as the characters going to a restaurant with a name based on a penis-related pun.
  • Excel♡Saga: Excel. There was absolutely no way she would've worked as anything but.
  • Yet another 4Kids example is their dub of Ultimate Muscle, also known as Kinnikuman Nisei. In this case, though, the puns (along with the goofy and over-the-top voice acting) actually work to the show's advantage, thanks to the Kinnikuman series itself being an action-comedy. Thus, despite it getting the usual treatment that 4Kids is known for implementing, Ultimate Muscle is still considered one of their better dubs.
  • The Slice of Life manga Mitsuboshi Colors stars three little girls frolicking around Ueno Park and unloading one metric ton of puns per volume, to the merit of the scanlators.

Comic Books 

  • The Asterix comics probably have one of the highest pun to panel ratio known to man. Naturally, all translations require intense Woolseyism, which the translators thankfully deliver. Probably the best example comes from the English translation of the very first book, Asterix the Gaul, after a potion causes the Romans' hair and beards to grow uncontrollably:

    Caius Bonus: You're making fun of me, Gaul. But I have to talk to you.
    Asterix: Talk away, then! Let's not split any hairs.
    Asterix: Well, if you will beard us in our own tent...
    Caius Bonus: No, don't go!
    Asterix: All right, keep your hair on! Or this talk will bristle with difficulties. Go on!
    Caius Bonus: I give in! Give me the antidote and you can go free!
    Getafix: Try a hair of the dog?
    Asterix: Getafix may not remember the antidote... He's a bit hare-brained sometimes!

  • Iznogoud, by the same writer as Asterix, has an even higher pun-to-panel ratio, starting with the title of the comic (and main character). That's only the tip of the iceberg; the comic is full of puns in almost every page, which is often lampshaded by Iznogoud, who cannot stand them.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics):
    • In one comic, sensing that the story was going to turn into a Hurricane of Tree Puns anyway, Sonic decides to stop the comic for a couple of panels just to get them all out of the way, so the reader wouldn't have to sit through any more of them.

      Sonic: I don't want to go out on a limb, but I wood like to get to the root of Sally's problem! I'd be a sap if I wanted to leaf! As forest that's concerned, I'll try to cedar through this thing fir sure! If knot, I'll be pine-ing and weeping! I'd much rather take a bough! Oak-k?

    • In issue 233's Off-Panel, Antoine tries to prevent one of these from happening before a serious trial by banning all puns based on Stock Legal Phrases (no food "order in the court" jokes, no commenting on the fact two kangaroos are the judges, etc.). Geoffrey then stands on his seat, pointing out that he's on the stand. Cue Antoine's rage.
  • In The Goodies Annual of 1974, a comic inside it had Bill ordering a fish dinner.

    "Are you the cod, sir?"
    "I'm the hungry sole with the empty plaice waiting for someone to fillet. Get your skates on, squid - I'm starving!"

  • Most dreams in Alan Moore's Swamp Thing are loaded with puns, many of them in the art.
  • A specialty of Brian Azzarello. The showdown between Milo and Lono in 100 Bullets #36.
  • Batman & Superman: World's Finest (1999): This exchange between Superman and The Penguin in Issue #3:

    Penguin: Egad! You're no strangeduck! You're that rare bird - the real thing! Foul, I say! Foul!
    Superman: That's what jailbirds always say, Penguin!

  • Rhonda's fruit salad love story in Amelia Rules!: The Tweenage Guide to Not Being Unpopular. A sample:

    "You're the apple of my eye", he stated with a plum. "Well, we do make quite a pear", she replied.

  • STAR Comics Madballs. Every character speaks in puns, every issue, not just to the point they themselves frequently mention that they do, but some characters actually use puns as a legitimate superpower. Actually, this series likely owns this trope.
  • Paperinik New Adventures: The Raider, a time-traveling thief, loves making puns about time, and Xadhoom is a close second with her energy-based puns. None of us would dare to mock them for it.
  • Groucho from Dylan Dog will unleash them at a moment's notice — or even without notice. He has saved the day more than once with his puns, and brought Bloch out of a coma by telling him puns until he woke up just to scream somebody took him away.
  • Between Baal and Baphomet, Kieron Gillen's love of puns is already well-catered to in The Wicked + The Divine. The interstitial for issue 29 however, is groan-worthy.
  • Disney Kingdoms comic Figment has a literal brainstorm, musical creatures imprisoning our heroes in the "bass-ment"...Blarion, as the Straight Man, groans at these, but the rest of his cast likes to make them.
  • It happens in Who Took the Super out of Superman? during a battle between Superman and two of his foes, Mr. Mxyzptlk and Lex Luthor. When Mxyzptlk's magic makes Superman's head vanish, Luthor quips: "Turn around and face some real trouble". After knocking them out, Superman's body returns to normal, and he mutters smiling: "These super-villains are easily dealt with— long as I keep my head."
  • New Avengers (2015): Roberto plus a fake funeral. He naturally takes the opportunity to crack as many terrible puns as he can.
  • In The Amazing Screw-On Head:

    Lincoln: "Groin's just looking out for your behind, Head, you can't keep him at arm's length!"

Comic Strips 

  • Pearls Before Swine :
    • In a Running Gag the entire comic is a setup for one of these, immediately followed by Rat berating the author for it. ("Do you think you can tempt me with amenities like anime, Annie Mae, my sea anemone enemy?")
    • Pig is trying to watch Gone with the Wind, but it keeps getting interrupted by a car ad, and the salesman is Chinese, likes the Hoover Dam, and is recovering from a drug problem. The punch line is "Frank Lee's car lot... High? Don't give a dam." The next panel has Rat saying that it's "Frankly, my dear." (And the implication that the author [avatar] knew that, but went for the pun anyway.)
    • In another, Zebra introduces his dog, Ike, who he says can point, saw through a block of ice, and jump on a Kurdish man's head. To demonstrate, Pigs says "Ike, aim!" and Ike points. Goat points to a block of ice and says "Ice, saw!" and Ike saws through the ice. Rat points to a Kurdish fellow who appeared nearby and says "Ike, on Kurd!" There's a beat panel where Rat realizes what was just said, and the final panel is Rat standing next to Pastis, holding a shovel, and saying "I come to bury Pastis, not to praise him."
  • Frank and Ernest, especially the Sunday strips.
  • Brewster Rockit once featured a plotline with an alien race that looked eggzactly like eggs. There were a hurricane of puns in every strip.
  • The Family Circus dives into this all of the time, especially in the Sunday strips in which Billy takes over.
  • Smokey Stover absolutely lived for these.
  • An early strip of Dilbert showed Dogbert and Dilbert getting involved in a "pun war" about horses, which Dogbert eventually wins.
  • One strip of FoxTrot has Jason make a list of "American holidays that didn't make the cut", all of which are puns based on "Independence Day".

Fan Works 

  • Cupcakes (Sergeant Sprinkles): All of them organ-related.
  • In Twilight finds a book of puns, Twilight Sparkle finds, well, a book of puns. And having read it, can't stop making them. Hilarity Ensues.
  • In episode 30, Part 3 of Dragon Ball Z Abridged, after Frieza cuts himself in half, Goku unleashes one of these on him:

    Goku: "Wow Freezer, I guess you really were a cut above the rest, but too bad you didn't make the cut, I guess you could call this a slice of life!"
    Freeza: "Please stop!"
    Goku: "Okay. I'll cut you a break. I'm gonna split."

    • Pretty much every other line of dialogue in Plan To Eradicate Christmas is a Christmas pun of some kind, with more than one lampshading in last third or so.

      Goku: And now he's Feliz Navi-dead.
      Gohan: And that's the last Christmas pun!

  • The G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero fic Honey Coated Ninja has a very grumpy Storm Shadow return to the JOE base, after a mission where he ended up covered in honey. When they see him, Clutch and all the other JOEs in attendance can't help themselves.
  • Jericho (MLP) contains a particularly weird example, in that the puns are in German. The entire 41st chapter is dedicated to a pun-tastic monologue the narrator gives.

    Lastly, this chapter's name, Los, is something of a pun. In Spanish 'los' is the masculine form of the word 'those'. In German it can mean -less (as in, the suffix, like helpsLESS), off or loose (as an adjective), or “Go!” (as a command) ... Basically, Jericho was saying “go!” as well as remarking upon his loose (or, more accurately, lack thereof) morals. Though the line “Ich bin Gott...los!” can either mean “I am God. Go!”, or “I am Godless”, or even “I am free from God”, that last one possibly also meaning “I am free of morality” or “I have no morals”. Whereas the spell “Es wurde zeit...los!” can mean “It became timeless” or “It was time, go!” And finally, Jericho's remark “Ich bin los” can be interpreted to mean “I am -less” or “I am off!”, and “I am off” can further be interpreted multiples ways, either as “I'm off [to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz]” or “I'm crazy”. Basically, Jericho just made a storm of puns in only a few words. Nifty, eh?

  • More than half of the stuff Link says in the Paper Mario X series. It gets on the others' nerves rather quickly.
  • The review sections of most Miraculous Ladybug fanfics are filled with puns, often many for reviews, as a homage to the character Chat Noir.
  • The author of Juxtapose is a fan of these, providing a particularly large one after the shock and horror of Izuku cutting Shigaraki's hands off.

    "Speaking of themes, how do you like the handsy theme? Am I being too heavy-handed with these puns? You have to hand it to me, I'm pretty good at dropping them! Not that it's an effort, I actually have my hands full handling all these hand puns! Somebody give me a hand in carrying them! Oh, Shiggy, you want to give me a hand? Sure, I hope you don't get your hands bloody in doing so. Blood is a pain to clean out of the floor, and not all of us have Minor Banishment like Izuku. Wait, you didn't know that Izuku has Minor Banishment? Oops, now you do, but things have gone out of hand!"

  • The Bolt Chronicles:
    • In "The Coyote," Bolt and Mittens engage in a music-based pun war, though Bolt is the more enthusiastic participant. Composer names, music terms, and musical instrument names are all included.
    • In "The Protection Payment," pigeons Vinny, Joey, and Bobby engage in a string of rear-end based puns when their friend Kelvin gets stuck in a dumpster with just his bottom showing.
  • Nemesis (BeaconHill): Bumblebee makes every bee related pun imaginable whenever she's on the clock. Even as Taylor, the opportunity sometimes arises, such as a schoolmate jokingly accusing her of bee-trayal.

    Taylor: Throwing down a bee pun, my friend? Oh, you have bumbled into serious trouble — you just went for the queen bee. Now sit down and beehave if you don't want to buzz off, or you'll bee left beewildered and beefuddled, absolutely beeside yourself as I beerate you, beecause you, my friend, have just beeen beeat.

  • In When the Thunder Breaks Hermione asks if there're wasps in the Dursleys' attic and Harry says he isn't sure.

    Hermione: Then we'll just have to be careful. Get it? Bee careful?
    Harry: I understood. But that was a terrible pun, Hermione. It stings my sensibilities that you'd use one so weak.
    Hermione: Really? Stings my sensibilities? Now who's crawling around the truth? That really bugs me, Harry.
    Harry: And for my nest trick... Shedding some light on this situation.
    Hermione: You've really got me in a box here, Harry. Some real attictude.
    Harry: These are awful. Can we just shelve this?
    Hermione: Only if you're ready to admit defeat. I've got this in the bag.
    Harry: Sorry, your pun was trunk-ated.

  • In One Wizarding Summer Harry slips a dose of Muggle laxative into Sirius' after-dinner treacle tart as retaliation. At breakfast, Sirius is understandably wary.

    Cedric: Harry, I don't like to complain, but aren't the eggs a bit...runny this morning?
    Remus: Oh, I disagree, Cedric. I think the eggs are fine, as always. Of course, I've been looking through the paper for any...explosive news this morning.
    Moody: Anything worth mentioning, Lupin?
    Remus: Nothing more than a few spurts of interest here and there. Just the same old...drips and dribbles.

  • Demon Spawn:

    Seamus: How are we to have a chance at the birds now, Harry?
    Harry: Oh, that's just 'fowl', Seamus. But if you're intent on it, I suppose you might find some by the lake.
    Seamus: Think you earned a 'feather' in your cap for that, don't you?
    Harry: No, that would be you, Finnegan, getting 'down' with your bad self!

  • In Awake My Soul Harry and Daphne become ghosts during the Final Battle and Daphne invites Harry to accompany her.

    Harry: Not like I have anything better to do.
    Daphne: That's the spirit, Potter.
    Harry: With puns like that maybe I can find something better to do.
    Daphne: I guess I shouldn't have ex-specter'ed you to understand how funny I am in the first place.
    Harry: Oh, God please stop it.
    Daphne: Why, are my puns making you wraith?

  • Princess Maniacs: Much to Dr. Scratchansniff's ire, the princesses do this during their sessions with him.

Films — Animation 

  • In Dumbo, the song "When I See an Elephant Fly" is basically nothing but this:

    I seen a peanut stand, heard a rubber band
    I seen a needle dat winked its eye
    But I be done seen about everything
    When I see an elephant fly

  • The Lion King (1994):
    • Zazu's "morning report" is a dumping ground for all sorts of animal puns:

      Zazu: Well, the buzz from the bees is that the leopards are in a bit of a spot. And the baboons are going ape over this. Of course, the giraffes are acting like they're above it all... The tick birds are pecking on the elephants. I told the elephants to forget it, but they can't... The cheetahs are hard up, but I always say, cheetahs never prosper...

    • In the Musical and the Extended Edition the Morning Report becomes its own song.

      Zazu: Chimps are going ape, giraffes remain above it all
      Elephants remember, though just what I can't recall.
      Crocodiles are snapping up fresh offers from the bank
      Showed interest in my nest egg, but I quickly said no thanks!
      We haven't paid the hornbills, and the vultures have a hunch
      Not everyone invited will be coming back from lunch!

    • Also, after finishing his report and getting pounced by Simba, a groundhog pops up to deliver "news from the underground".
    • The Lion King also has the hyenas' puns when threatening to eat Simba.

      Banzai: We'll have anything that's lion around!
      Shenzi: I got, I got one! Make mine a cub sandwich!
      Ed: [babbles]
      Shenzi: What, Ed, what?
      Banzai: Hey, did we order this dinner to go?
      Shenzi: No. Why?
      Banzai: Because THERE IT GOES!!!!

  • Aladdin (1992, Disney): Jafar randomly starts shrieking out puns during his final battle with the title protagonist.

    Jafar: Ha ha, princess, your TIME IS UP! (traps Jasmine in an hourglass)
    Jafar: Don't TOY WITH ME! (turns Abu into a Cymbal-Banging Monkey)
    Jafar: Things are UNRAVELING fast now, boy! (unravels the magic carpet)
    Jafar: Get the POINT?! (swords fall down around Aladdin)
    Jafar: I'm just getting WARMED UP! (breathes fire)
    Jafar: Perhaps you'd like to see how SNAKELIKE I CAN BE?! (turns into a giant snake)

    Genie: Oh, it's Ceasar and Cleopatra and they're bringing a salad, how wonderful.

    Genie: Oh, no, the crowd is parting, who's coming? It's Moses!

    Genie: And your name is?

    Viking: I'm Thor.

    Genie: You're Thor?

  • Yellow Submarine is one long string of puns, and is all the better for it.
  • Whenever the main villain in Penguins of Madagascar gives orders to his minions, it always results in a celebrity name pun, for example: "Nicholas...Cage them!", "Hugh, Jack, man the machines!"
  • Disney's Alice in Wonderland offers a hurricane of creatures with punny names when Alice finds the talking flowers. We have the rocking-horse fly, the bread-and-butterflies note , dog and caterpillars, tiger lilies in love with dande-lions, get-up-in-the-morning glories, and lazy daisies.
  • Animalympics, both verbal and visual. Half the fun is catching them.
  • James and the Giant Peach has an underwater scene with our heroes trying to steal a compass, and for really no reason almost all the characters make puns here. Some excerpts:

    Ms. Spider: Hey tailors, looking for some CHIC? (kicks them in the cheeks)
    Centipede: Polly want a smacker?
    Inchworm: How come skeletons never play music in church? 'Cause they got no organs!

  • The first two Austin Powers movies had Austin spew a volley of these when he dispatched of villains in some gruesome way. This parodied the James Bond movies, where James would always have a nifty Bond One-Liner ready for such occasions.
    • The ending of the second movie does this after Dr. Evil's spaceship escapes, leading random characters to shout a Hurricane of Euphemisms for his... uniquely-shaped ship.
    • It was done in the first movie as well, for a different shape. Eventually, after a suitable length of time had passed, Austin's 'love-interest-du-jour' would end up saying something along the lines of 'Okay, we've given the villain enough time to get away by punning', leading to a general agreement and a quick exit.
    • And again in the third where it even gets lampshaded by Ozzy Osbourne saying they did the exact same joke the previous two movies. Further parodied in that he used the words everyone else was deliberately avoiding ("Boobs!") but in a non-mammalian context. The joke is that they're all out of context. The satellite was shaped like a pair of breasts (Boobs), and Ozzy was bitching about how everyone doing the joke is stupid.
  • Attack of the Clones features a lengthy battle sequence wherein comic relief robot C- 3 PO finds his head accidentally placed on a battle droid's body and a battle droid head placed on his body. Many painful puns about being "quite beside myself" ensue. "She seems to be on top of things." Attack of the Clones turned Obi-Wan into a Deadpan Snarker.
  • In Wild Wild West, whenever Jim West (Will Smith) and the Big Bad (who lost his legs in the Civil War) meet, their verbal spars generally devolve into a string of black and half-man puns.
  • Scary Movie 2 has this exchange between Hanson (the caretaker with a deformed hand) and Dwight Hartman (Who is in a wheelchair):

    Dwight: Okay, thanks, "Handyman".
    Hanson: I'm actually the caretaker. Oh, aren't those cool new skates? Now you be careful with those, you don't want to fall and break something.
    Dwight: Oh, that's funny, that's real funny. Um, let me give you a "hand." [starts clapping hands]
    Hanson: Why, that's awful kind of you. Why don't you give me a "standing ovation?"
    Dwight: Why don't you "lift me up?"
    Hanson: Ha, ok, I see where you're going with this one. You look familiar to me. Were you in "STOMP"?
    Dwight: Hey you can kiss my grits!
    Hanson: I think I'll be the bigger man, now, and walk away. "Walk" away.

  • Much of the humor in the Marx Brothers movies is based on puns.
    • Here's one example from Horse Feathers, where Chico is keeping people from entering a speakeasy without the password (which is "swordfish"), and Groucho is guessing fish names:

      Wagstaff: I got it! Haddock!
      Baravelli: 'At's-a funny, I gotta haddock too.
      Wagstaff: What do you take for a haddock?
      Baravelli: Well now, sometimes I take aspirin, sometimes I take a calomel.
      Wagstaff: I'd walk a mile for a calomel.
      Baravelli: You mean chocolate calomel. I like that too, but you no guess it.

    • And then there's Groucho's big speech as Captain Spaulding in Animal Crackers: "We tried to remove the tusks, but they were embedded so firmly we couldn't budge them. Of course, in Alabama the Tuscaloosa, but that is entirely ir-elephant to what I was talking about. We took some pictures of the native girls, but they weren't developed."
    • The trial scene in Duck Soup gave us:

      Groucho: Look at Chicolini, he sits there alone, an abject figure.
      Chicolini: I abject!
      Groucho: Look at Chicolini, he sits there alone, a pitiable object....let's see you get out of that one.

    • A fan favorite scene from the same movie was when Groucho launched into:

      Groucho: You can leave in a taxi. If you can't get a taxi, you can leave in a huff. If that's too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff.

    • The "Viaduct" scene in The Cocoanuts is jammed with puns about everything from Jewish neighborhoods and poultry to radio stations and cemetaries.

      Hammer: I say that's a viaduct.
      Chico: All right, why a duck? Why no chicken?

  • This infamous exchange in Batman: The Movie:

    Commissioner Gordon: Could be any one of them, but which one- Which ones?!
    Batman: Pretty fishy what happened to me on that ladder.
    Commissioner Gordon: You mean where there's a fish, there could be a penguin!
    Robin: But wait! It happened at sea! See? C for Catwoman!
    Batman: Yet, an exploding shark was pulling my leg!
    Commissioner Gordon: The Joker!
    Chief O'Hara: It all adds up to a sinister riddle... Riddle-er. Riddler?!

  • Nearly every single line spoken by Mr. Freeze in Batman & Robin amounts to a part of an extensive amount of ice-based puns.
    • And he finishes it off with a doctor joke when Batman asks for his cure for a rare disease:

      Freeze: (after pulling out a pair of vials) "Take two of these and call me in the morning."

    • Poison Ivy, the movie's other main villain was not above a few puns herself; after she breaks Mr. Freeze out of jail he tells her that he needs more diamonds to power his freeze suit, and she gives us this groaner:

      Poison Ivy: "I'll help you grab your rocks."

  • Airplane! is fond of this trope.

    "Surely you can't be serious."
    "I am serious, and don't call me Shirley."

  • The whole point of the Sphinx in Mystery Men.
  • A healthy portion of the dialogue between Dwayne Johnson and Stephen Merchant in Tooth Fairy is pun-based. Were you aware that a movie could open with a Hurricane of Puns?

    "And that's the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth!"

  • The scene in Love & Other Drugs when Maggie finds out about Viagra and proceeds to batter Jamie with a hurricane of stiff puns.
  • Judge Dredd. All of them having to do with law/police terms. "I'll be the judge of that", "Court's adjourned" and so forth.
  • A song from the film version of On the Town ("You Can Count on Me") ends each verse with a really bad pun. The characters even groan at the first one!

    Chip: As the adding machine once said, you can count on me.
    *cast groans and looks embarrassed*

  • The Hoover Dam tour guide from Vegas Vacation is dam fond of puns.
  • In 7 Zwerge, everything Pinocchio says is a wood-related pun.
  • Murder Party has all of the killers having a great time during the spaced out phase of the party, by telling puns during the truth serum scene. Even their ostensible victim Chris has some fun with this.
  • The Return of Captain Invincible has "Name your poison", a song entirely composed of alcohol puns.
  • One scene in Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme has Gordon Goose annoyed by Humpty Dumpty incessantly making egg-related puns.
  • Some Guy Who Kills People: Arriving at the first crime scene, where the victim has a hatchet buried in his skull, Sheriff Fuller makes a comment about having 'a splitting headache'. Thinking the sheriff as making a pun, his Clueless Deputy Ernie proceeds to make a Hurricane Of Puns about axes, to the sheriff's growing bewilderment.


  • In John Dies at the End, John distracts a roomful of vengeful, trans-dimensional monsters by hitting them with chairs, while spouting out numerous chair-related puns unabashedly.
  • Robert L. Fish's ridiculously pun-packed Schlock Homes stories...where to begin...
    • Some titles of stories: "The Adventure of the Printer's Inc.", "The Adventure of the Spectacled Band" (there is a Holmes adventure of the speckled band), "The Adventure of the Snared Drummer", "The Adventure of the Perforated Ulster", "The Adventure of the Dog in the Knight", "The Adventure of the Artist's Mottle"
    • Watney's first paragraph of "The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarters":

      "My notes for the early part of the year '65 contain several instances of more than passing interest for those who follow the adventures of my friend Mr. Schlock Homes. There was, for example, his brilliant solution to the mysterious gunning down of a retired boilermaker, a case which I find listed as The Adventure of the Shot and the Bier; and there is also reference to the intriguing business of the hitchhiking young actress, noted in my journal as The Adventure of the Ingénue's Thumb.note 

    • More, from "The Adventure of the Great Train Robbery":

      "...Homes had been exceptionally busy those early months of '68, first with the problem of the championship kittens stolen just hours prior to an international show, a case I find referred to as The Adventure of the Purloined Litter, following which my friend went on to resolve the curious puzzle of a punch-drunk prize-fighter, a case I later chronicled as The Adventure of the Rapped Expression. ..."

  • Piers Anthony's Xanth series of books, which is one example after another. The original first chapter of Crewel Lye actually had to be removed because of pun-density. He also regularly publishes a list in the back of his book, thanking the people that took the time to write in with their puns. This wasn't always the case; early Xanth novels were relatively more serious, and the first two books had only a handful of puns between them. As the series got more comedic, puns became more and more common. Then came the unending flood of user-submitted puns.

    Sim: Do you think the puns will ever run out?
    Che: If they do, Xanth will dissolve into chaos. It is mostly made of puns.

  • Spider Robinson loves these, usually devoting large portions of his Callahan's Crosstime Saloon books to punning contests.
    • In fact, Tuesday night is known as Punday night at Callahans - with the winner's tab being on the house. It's gotten so bad, that "Folks who come into the place for the first time on a Tuesday evening have been known to flee screaming into the night, leaving full pitchers of beer behind in their haste to be elsewhere."
    • In one story, "Did You Hear The One About..." we meet Josie Bauer, a "humor groupie", who had taken to going home (and having sex) with whoever won Punday Night or Tall Tale Thursday. She turns out to be a time-cop and arrests a charlatan who claimed to be an Intergalactic Traveling Salesman. She then let it slip that her father was science fiction writer Philip José Farmer, turning the story into the ultimate "Did You Hear The One About The Traveling Salesman And The Farmer's Daughter?" joke.
    • Lady Slings the Booze features a sexual encounter between a prostitute and a private detective described in explicit detail using nothing but courtroom-themed puns.

      ... the prostitution rested.

  • The Phantom Tollbooth was filled with these, many of which the book's intended target audience is unlikely to get—although probably not as many as some adults might think since the children most likely to read and enjoy the book are intellectual-type kids with an appreciation for puns and wordplay.
  • The Clue book series often has characters engage in themed pun-filled dialog with each other, often referring to whatever the guests are trying to steal. Occasionally the puns even contain clues to help solve the mystery.
  • In the Sir Apropos of Nothing series, Peter David managed to put the trope in map form. Look at the maps in the beginning of each book, and you'll get it. (Example: In the third book, "Tong Lashing", the rivers on the map (in a Japanese-like land) are named "Lai-See", "Crimea", "Olmun", and "Mün".)
    • Angela Thirkell did this back in the 1940s and 50s, in her Barsetshire series: Towns and villages in the Barsetshire district include Fleece, Worsted, Winter Overcotes, and Winter Underclose. The main watercourse in the area is the Rising River. There's more on the endpaper maps if you can find any of the books.
  • Finnegans Wake is written entirely in multi-lingual puns- including dead languages- a revelation that makes reading it even more painful.
  • The Discworld series: When one of the wizards becomes infected with Music With Rocks in Soul Music, he holds an impromptu drum session, using pots, pans, and general kitchen tools. What follows is a food-pun fest that irritates Ridcully.
  • "The Mock Turtle's Story" in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland consists mainly of puns.
  • L. Frank Baum, author of the Oz series, was very fond of puns. An example, from The Emerald City of Oz:

    "I'd like to smooth this thing over, in some way," said a flatiron, earnestly. "We are supposed to be useful to mankind, you know."
    "But the girl isn't mankind! She's womankind!" yelled a corkscrew.
    "What do you know about it?" inquired the King.
    "I'm a lawyer," said the corkscrew, proudly. "I am accustomed to appear at the bar."
    "But you're crooked," retorted the King, "and that debars you. You may be a corking good lawyer, Mr. Popp, but I must ask you to withdraw your remarks."
    "Very well," said the corkscrew, sadly; "I see I haven't any pull at this court."
    "Permit me," continued the flatiron, "to press my suit, your Majesty. I do not wish to gloss over any fault the prisoner may have committed if such a fault exists; but we owe her some consideration, and that's flat!"

  • Robert Asprin's Myth Adventures is this:
    • Titles include:

      Another Fine Myth
      Little Myth Marker
      Myth-nomers and Imp-pervections (the second one is double since Imper is the dimension where Imps come from and Perv is the dimension of the Pervects.)
      M.Y.T.H., Inc Link

    • Various in-universe lines and such, which are made even better because the main character rarely gets them, include
      • When the co-star is introduced:

        Aahz: My name's Aahz.
        Skeeve: Oz?
        Aahz: No relation.
        * cue a very confused Skeeve*

      • Devils (pronounced Deveels) are from the dimension of Deva
      • Pervects (they get angry if you call them Perverts) come from Perv
      • Humans come from the dimension of Klah and are called Klahds.
      • The dimension of Trolla is home to the Trolls (males) and the Trollops (females).
      • One of the main characters of the series is a Trollop named Tananda, often shortened to Tanda, i.e. T and A.
  • Welkin Weasels is loaded down with Shout Out-based puns. See the dreaded Manless Horsehead of Sleepless Hallow (the ghostly disembodied head of a riderless horse), the bandit known as Batch Cussidy "on account of I'm always using swear words in bunches", the vampiric Nosfuratoo, and a non-Shout-Out sequence of puns in the form of the conversation about guns which leads to Spindrick Sylver's downfall when he goes hunting for the "steam-driven pistol" invented by William Jott. As it turns out, Jott actually invented a form of mining equipment; "Blasting guns with steam-driven pistons - not pistols - which drive a wheel a thousand revolutions - not rounds - a minute." Also, the Who's on First? sequence with Spindrick as The Weasel Who Is Tuesday, and Scirf barely escaping attack by a bear, which doesn't bear thinking about.
  • Several definitions from The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce are like this, but his poems take the cake.
  • How to tell the birds from the flowers. A manual of flornithology for beginners by R.W.Wood. It was made of this trope, with pictures "illustrating" the text (and a mockery of bad schoolbooks of those times). A later edition also added "...and other Wood-cuts" to its name.
  • The final chapters of Cynthia Ozick's first novel, Trust, succumb to a whirlwind of puns on "purse."
  • The last page of every Uncle John's Bathroom Reader (a humor/reference book) has always included the following:

    Fellow bathroom readers: The fight for good bathroom reading should never be taken loosely — we must do our duty and sit firmly for what we believe in, even while the rest of the world is taking potshots at us. We'll be brief. Now that we've proven we're not simply a flush-in-the-pan, we invite you to take the plunge: Sit Down and Be Counted! Become a member of the Bathroom Readers' Institute[?]Well, we're out of space, and when you've gotta go, you'e gotta go. Tanks for all your support. Hope to hear from you soon. Meanwhile, remember: Go with the flow!

  • Joe's World is more or less built on this trope; to offer a typical example, nearly every city and kingdom on the subcontinent of Grotum is named after some unpleasant body part or affliction.
  • Paul Jennings, Ted Greenwood and Terry Denton, have several books full of these, including Spooner Or Later and Freeze A Crowd.
    • Freeze A Crowd includes some punny reviews on the back:


    • Freeze A Crowd has a whole two-page spread of puns on Ted Greenwood's first name.
  • "Little Poly Nomial" (also called "Polynomials") is a hurricane of math puns. The moral of this sad story:

    If you want to keep your expressions convergent, never allow them a single degree of freedom.

  • The Samurai Cat Goes To Hell has a three-page war of puns that keeps going until a listener threatens the punsters with an axe.

    Shiro: "Pax Mongolica my ass."

  • Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next books, being intensely meta (set as they are in a world of literary crimes where the heroine travels inside books and becomes a police officer in books as well as for books) are so full of puns that it can be painful at times.
  • In X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar, Red Flight meets regularly with a reporter who wears a recording unit on her shoulder that looks like the head of a protocol droid, making her appear to have two heads. Once, she complained that it was malfunctioning and she couldn't seem to fix the problem.

    Janson grinned at her. "Some days make you just want to beat your heads against a wall, don't they?"
    Hobbie said, "Maybe not. The young lady might not have her heads on straight, after all."
    Tycho said, "Still, I think she ought to get her heads examined."
    Wedge looked at them, appalled.

    • Wes Janson in general. To the point that in the same book, he was positively incensed when Hobbie beat him to the punch on one.

      Tomer: The refresher. You'll be dealing with unfamiliar plumbing, which you'll probably think of as backworld stuff, so I'll need to show you how the devices work.
      Hobbie: A refresher course.
      Janson: You beat me to it.

  • Anything by Thomas Pynchon tends to have this.
  • Bill Allen's The Journals of Myrth series, beginning with How to Slay a Dragon, is full of these, with many chapter names poking fun at protagonist Greg Hart's last name (substituting it for "heart" in heart-related expressions), along with plenty of character names such as the similarly-named Greatheart, a friend of Greg named Lucky Day (who has a father named Sonny Day), a prophet named Simon Sez, and so forth.
  • Barefoot Boy With Cheek by Max Shulman offers this string of puns, among others:

    As you know, organic chemistry is the study of organs, like the Wurlitzer, the Hammond Electric, and the Novachord. Inorganic chemistry is the study of the insides of organs.

  • Although there is wordplay throughout Paradise Lost, Satan and Belial have the most impressive example of this when they make a long series of puns about their new cannons, pretending they are talking about negotiation but using terms that also have artillery-related meanings. Perhaps most cringe-worthy is the use of "understand" both in its normal meaning and as if it meant "to stand under..." the ammunition. The bad taste is almost certainly deliberate.
  • The Neverending Story: A disturbing example when Atreyu introduces himself to Gmork as 'Nobody.' They then use that name as a disturbing and serious play on words regarding the hopelessness of the situation.

    Atreyu: "I mean that I once had a name. It can't be named anymore. That makes me Nobody."
    Gmork: "If that's the case, then Nobody has heard me and Nobody has come to me, and Nobody is speaking to me in my last hour."
    Atreyu: "Can Nobody free you from your chain?"
    Gmork: You'd really do that? You'd really set a hungry werewolf free? Do you know what that means? Nobody would be safe from me."
    Atreyu: "I know. But I'm Nobody. Why should I be afraid of you?"

  • One Knight's Tour puzzle*, when solved correctly, yielded the following tongue-in-cheek poem by Howard Staunton:

The man that hath no love of Chess
Is, truth to say, a sorry wight,
Disloyal to his King and Queen,
A faithless and ungallant Knight.
He hateth our good mother church,
And sneereth at the Bishop's lawn,
May ill luck force him soon to place
His Castles and estates in Pawn!

  • The Sillymarillion is a parody of The Silmarillion where everyone has a Punny Name. Now imagine what the part listing all the characters in the different family lines sounds like...
  • Almost A Fantasy: Chapter Three, being a shout-out to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, is basically a non-stop sequence of puns; for example, the fishing Ant only speaks in puns based on fish names, and the menu of the Tavern of Astonishment is based on food puns.
  • The Sonic the Hedgehog Joke Book, published in the 90s, is a collection of all the most groan-worthy puns that can possibly be wrung out of any words distantly related to the Sonic franchise. Just one sample will serve for all:

    Knuckles: I’ve just chased Sonic three miles across Mobius!

    Eggman: You must be EGGS-hausted!

  • Occultic;Nine: While discussing a Mummy in the mansion case, one of the commenters keeps making "wraps" and "mommy" jokes.
  • In the last season of Beakman's World (the one with Phoebe), most segments would devolve into at least one example on the subject matter at hand. Example: Lester describes his breakup with Wanda the Cow: "That honeyMOOOOOOOOOOn is over! I milked the relationship for all it was worth! I don't know what her beef was! One day she just put me out to pasture! The whole thing was an udder disaster!" (And this is tame compared to some of the other ones...)
  • In at least two episodes of JAG, a case is presented with a series of puns of varying quality.
    • In "Flight Risk", Lt. Colonel MacKenzie (Catherine Bell) has a case that is used strictly only for the puns and we're not really told whether the case reaches the courtroom, is plead out or is dismissed. Commander Rabb (David James Elliott) and Lt. Roberts (Patrick Labyorteaux) toss out various puns, trying Mac's patience, until Admiral Chegwidden (John M. Jackson) puts a stop to it, though first getting one of his own in.

    Mac: Three Navy divers stole eighty lobsters from underwater traps. One of Singer's cases. She's out sick.

    Rabb: Sounds tough. Hope you crack it.

    Roberts: Have you tried buttering up the judge, ma'am?

    Mac: One more word from either of you, I'm bringing you both up on charges.

    Rabb: Oh, she's reaching her boiling point!

    Mac: (to Chegwidden, who has just come near them) Sir, it's gonna be justifiable homicide.

    Chegwidden: (to Rabb and Roberts) Gentlemen, we maintain a harassment-free workplace. (to Mac) Colonel, I expect a Marine to have a tougher shell.

    • In "Dream Team", Mac's case with the sailor who tried to free some Navy dolphins is an actual courtroom case with guest stars for the defendant, the judge and witnesses. But, like the lobster case, the dolphin case gives Roberts and Rabb an opportunity for a sequence of puns, with Lt. Vukovic (Chris Beetem) joining in at the end instead of Chegwidden. Also, they're sitting at a table in the chow hall this time, and Mac joins in a little.

    Mac: I'm representing Seaman Apprentice Charles Bander. He released two Navy dolphins from a marine mammal deployment center.

    Rabb: Why?

    Roberts: They think he did it on porpoise, sir.

    Mac: He felt he owed them a debt.

    Roberts: You know, kind of like a squid pro quo, sir.

    Mac: He was caught by one of the trainers in the dolphins' pen with a bucket of fish.

    Roberts: Red herring, probably. You know, trying to avoid pursuit.

    Mac: One more fish joke, and I'll have you filleted.

    Rabb: What happened to the dolphins?

    Mac: Well, they, um, came back on their own.

    Roberts: (to Rabb) What would you charge him with, sir?

    Rabb: Well, there's, um, Article 96 [of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)], releasing a prisoner without otter-ization.note 

    Mac: You enjoying yourselves?

    Vukovic: [about to sit down at the table] Room for one more?

    Mac: Yeah, if you promise no fish jokes.

    Vukovic: Oh, not even one, just for the halibut?

  • In the early days of Smallville, Clark would crack a joke every now and then, possibly a reference to the comic book fuel of the show. Somewhere along the lines, the writers decided it'd be for the best to have just about every character we come across spew tedious, long-winded puns, even within the most out-of-place situations.
  • Mock the Week
    • Featured in a story about vegetables. Lines such as 'This plan is half-baked!', 'We shall launch a Spud missile' and many others that are forgotten featured.
    • Dara's opening monologue, about a police officer who was caught attempting to join in on a dogging session, would be an example of this being directly scripted, rather than emergent amongst the panel.
    • Dara: "Try not to make a million puns, or any about [David] Blunket being blind.". Cue stream of puns about Blunket being blind, ending with Dara saying he's "lost focus".
  • The "Mastermind" sketch from The Two Ronnies (first appearing on radio show The Burkiss Way, itself a punfest) is a premium example of this, whereby staggering the question-and-answer process, every line becomes a pun

    Q: "And so to our first contender. Good evening and can I have your name, please?"
    A: "Ah, good evening."
    Q: "Your chosen subject was answering questions before they were asked. This time you have chosen to answer the question before last, correct?"
    A: "Charlie Smithers."
    Q: "And your time starts now. What is paleontology?"
    A: "Yes, absolutely correct."
    Q: "What is the name of the directory that lists members of the peerage?"
    A: "A study of old fossils."
    Q: "Correct. Who are Len Murray and Sir Geoffrey Howe?"
    A: "Burke's." (And so on...)

  • The "wood" scene from The Big Bang Theory:

    Sheldon: I want to build a road... but I need wood. Either of you fellas have wood?
    * Howard and Raj giggle*
    Sheldon: I don't understand the laughter. The object of Settlers of Katan is to build roads and settlements - to do so requires wood. Now, I have sheep, but I need wood. *beat* Who has wood for my sheep?

    *Howard and Raj crack up*
    * Then, a little later:*
    Sheldon: Well, where were we? Oh, yes - does anyone have any wood?
    * Howard and Raj crack up some more*
    Sheldon: Oh, come on! I just want wood! Why are you making it so hard?
    * Howard and Raj completely lose it*
    * Again, later:*
    Sheldon: And now that I have some wood, I'm going to begin the erection of my settlement.
    Raj: He's got to be doing this on purpose.
    * Still later:*
    Sheldon: Now, back to our game....
    Raj: Where you were in the middle of an erection?
    Sheldon: Oh, of course! It's right here in my hand.

  • In Are You Being Served?
    • In the episode "Mrs. Slocombe Expects", Mr. Rumbold says three terrible puns about cats when Mrs. Slocombe tells him about the possibility of her kittens being born - he says puns like a 'cat-tastrophe' and a 'pussy-bility'.
    • In the episode "The Hero," this is the entire conversation in the canteen as the staff discuss Captain Peacock's "misfortune." To summarize, he quickly became the butt of jokes!
  • The Doctor Who First Doctor story The Romans features the Doctor employ a series of puns about him possibly being eaten by lions in the arena if Nero has his way (he's not there at the time)- "Go down well", "palatable", "roaring performance".
    • "The Unicorn and the Wasp" features dozens of Agatha Christie puns including Murder at the Vicar's Rage.
    • Season 9 has the highwayman Sam Swift delay his hanging by throwing puns at the watching crowd, assisted by the Doctor.
  • How It's Made has done this with every product they have shown (more than 350 products). Just pay attention to what the narrator says.
  • The Crypt Keeper used these a lot for his opening bits in Tales from the Crypt.
  • Flabber from Beetleborgs used these on a regular basis- and most of them were literal ones too ala Beetlejuice.
  • The narrator on MythBusters delivers dozens of puns per episode with a folksy twang.note  The Mythbusters teams occasionally do this themselves.
  • Richard Dean Anderson's character on Stargate SG-1 was written as a sarcastic soldier-type; inevitably, this turned him into a wisecracking cynic, which served to increase the overall appeal of the character.
    • One post-Anderson episode features the SGC scouring the galaxy to round up clones of Ba'al. Much mirth ensues.

      (As Dr. Lee is at a map with points indicating Ba'al clones)
      "Those are the Ba'als?"
      "Well, more like dots, really."
      (After rounding up their third clone on their second mission)
      "We've got a full count, sergeant. Two strikes, three Ba'als."
      (And said to General Landry with an absolutely straight face')
      "I heard you've got some extra Ba'als, general."

    • There's also Lord Yu, which generally averted the trope.

      Daniel: And then there's Yu.
      Elizabeth Weir: Yu?
      Daniel: Don't. Every joke, every pun, done to death. Seriously.
      Weir: No, it's just, didn't I read that he's gone senile?

  • One two-part episode of The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. featured The Professor creating a lighter-than-air airship. References included being financed by some German investor, Count von Zeppelin, who wanted it retrofitted with armaments and metal plating. "A lead zeppelin, huh? Could be your stairway to heaven." "If I sell just one of these, it'll be a good year!"
  • Power Rangers Mystic Force:
    • There is one episode where the Green Ranger overdoes it with a combination of his earth-based powers and a friend's perfection potion and ends up slowly turning into a tree over the course of the episode. When the other Rangers initially notice this, they feel the need to get out the obligatory greenery-based puns ('leaf him alone', 'knock on wood', etc.) before finally trying to help with the issue. Way back in Power Rangers Zeo, when Rocky was turning into a plant, he made a pass at Kat using plant-based pick-up lines.
    • The Monsters of the Week usually drop puns every few minutes based on their theme (monkey puns for a monkey monster, jail puns for a cage monster, etc).
  • Night Court availed itself of all sorts of silliness, including puns.

    "Your Honor, this is the third time the defendant has been caught breaking into the butcher shop."
    "So, we meat again! Although I would have thought by now he'd have loined his lesson! But I guess you don't really understand what's at steak here!"
    (Court audience groans)
    "Aw, come on, guys, this is prime stuff!"

  • The episode of Friends where Joey gets to be Al Pacino's body double for a naked shower scene is an unrelenting barrage of puns. Most memorable from that episode is the following exchange:

    Joey: ...I'm his butt double. 'Kay? I play Al Pacino's butt. Alright? He goes into the shower, and then- I'm his butt.
    Monica: (trying not to laugh) Oh my God.
    Joey: C'mon, you guys. This is a real movie, and Al Pacino's in it, and that's big!
    Chandler: Oh no, it's terrific, it's- it's- y'know, you deserve this, after all your years of struggling, you've finally been able to crack your way into show business.
    Joey: Okay, okay, fine! Make jokes, I don't care! This is a big break for me!
    Ross: You're right, you're right, it is...So you gonna invite us all to the big opening?

  • Time Warp uses these and frequently lampshades it.
  • Gilmore Girls has at least one of these in almost every single episode.
  • Hawkeye of M*A*S*H had a propensity for these. For instance, one episode has him contemplating a Korean family's ox and talking about great ox-related movies ("The Ox-Bow Incident...A Yank At Oxford....The Wizard of Ox...Cow Green Was My Valley...nah, that's cheap.")
    • Sometimes another character, such as B.J., would join him for a little back-and-forth punmanship.

      Col. Potter: Let's all try to get along.
      B.J.: (singing) Get along, little dogie...
      Hawkeye: I had a long, little doggie once. He was a dachshund.
      B.J.: Oh, a little hot dog. What happened to him?
      Hawkeye: He got mustered out.
      B.J.: I relish these conversations.
      Hawkeye: HAAAW HAAAW HAAAW...

    • One episode has Hawkeye and B.J. rattling off one groaner Shakespeare pun after another - when Major Winchester comments, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy", Hawkeye mutters, "I can't stand a guy who butchers Shakespeare."
    • Even Winchester gets into it (if not intentionally so) during the heat-wave episode, when he is staying up all night reviewing the Winchester family finances, because the family's accountant has been arrested for, among other things, "countless counts concerning accounts for which he cannot...account".
  • "This" sketch from Saturday Night Live, and Colonel Angus.
    • The "Best of Jimmy Fallon" DVD has his "Weekend Update" camera test, part of which is one of these (about a drive-thru strip club) as he and Tina Fey try to one-up each other.
  • Sabrina the Teenage Witch had an episode where Harvey was transformed into a spy and the villain's main reason for wanting to kill him specifically to stop the puns.
  • The episode of Scrubs "My Blind Date" has Elliot pulling one bad pun after another in the hope of impressing Dr. Cox.
  • LA 7 when Jo and Rachel end up playing singing teeth in a toothpaste commercial. The rest of the band do not hold back...

    Paul: What's the matter? Flost your sense of humour?
    Jon: Well I think you both looked really polished.
    Hannah: Come on, we always have supper together. You know the drill.
    Bradley: Before you go to bed, don't forget to brush yourselves.

  • One episode of Ashes to Ashes (2008) sees everyone in the office suddenly start talking in the names of boy bands yet to come into existence, much to Alex's despair.
  • This sketch by the Cambridge Footlights, read by a young Stephen Fry.
  • The writers at The Daily Show are unabashed pun-lovers. Example? For Jon' piece of the election debacle in Iran: "Sham-Wow!"
    • They took a moment to demonstrate to newspeople that overusing puns makes you into that friend who describes a nice night at home with the cat as purrrfect.

      Jon: Do we put puns on this show? Yes. Yes! ...Always up in the corner, never out loud.

    • The Onion News Network did a similar piece, with a VT report about legalizing weed featuring more and more strained puns, with the studio anchor responding with a much straighter- yes slightly punny- comment, which goes straight over the head over the reporter.
  • Garth Marenghis Darkplace, first episode:

    Thornton Reed: (about Dagless, Garth's character) I hope he heeds my words about dealing with this in an orthodox manner.
    Dr. Lucien Sanchez: He will. He's the best damn doctor on the wing or any other wing for that matter.
    Reed: He's a wild card.
    Sanchez: But I'm glad he's in our deck.
    Reed: Let's hope he plays a fair hand.
    Sanchez: He'll come up trumps.
    Reed: If there's not a joker in the pack, and sometimes there is!

    • "You have now entered Garth Marenghi's darkplace."
  • The Big Breakfast had a regular feature called "The Pun Down", which listed the best headline puns from that day's newspapers.
  • Frasier:
    • Season 5 Ep 11. Daphne (whom Niles secretly loves) is concerned that if Martin marries Sherry, who's "never liked" her, she may lose her job. Niles has this to say:

      Even if by some chance that were to happen, Daphne, I could always use you.
      I, I would know of a position you could take... that you could perform.
      I would know of an opening...

    • In a later season, Daphne gives Niles a photo, one he wrongfully assumes to be her nipple. It turns out to be his father Martin's nipple in the picture, and the immediate dialogue from Martin includes considering chicken breast or rack of lamb for dinner, and a comment that the weather is nippy.
  • Almost any clue for a word on the Game Show version of Scrabble. ("It'll make a sucker out of you" for "Popsicle," for instance).
  • Also done on the Pyramid game show (e.g. $25,000 Pyramid) for the categories, moreso on the Donny Osmond revival in 2002-2004 (e.g. "Going to Israel? Tel Aviv I said hi").
  • While we're on the subject of game shows, Minute to Win It. The name of every single game is some pun or another.
  • In the Swedish game show På Spåret ("On the Track"), contestants embark on virtual train journeys to various cities around the world, attempting to guess the name of the destination while the hosts describe it using history, culture, and other trivia, as well as riddles and lots of puns. The closer they get to the destination, the less clever and more obvious the puns get, while the riddles and trivia regress into even more puns, with the final pun usually stating the name itself.
  • Paul McDermott gets at least one of these in every episode of Good News Week.
  • A reoccurring skit in the German comedy show Bullyparade has three men in black suits, fedoras, and sunglasses in front of a white wall, who have an extremely silly conversation that consists entirely of puns and mondegreens, at quite considerable speed for about three minutes without interruptions. You have to keep from laughing, or you'll miss a great deal of the puns.
  • Monk
    • Monk is delighted to get revenge on someone who bullied him in middle school. During the interrogation, he unleashes a slew of toilet and swirly-related puns.
    • The entire episode Mr. Monk and the Genius, in which Monk takes on a grandmaster at chess. Said grandmaster nearly makes one chess pun per sentence. At the end of the episode, Monk even chews him out for it...before declaring checkmate.
  • How I Met Your Mother is fond of this. In one episode, they discuss Robin's first love and ask through a series of puns if she lost her virginity to him. Narrator Ted comments that it went on for several hours, only showing us the spectacular and terrible ones.
  • Blankety Blanks (not the U.K. and Australian versions of Match Game) was a short-lived ABC game show from 1975 in which whatever team solved a word puzzle then had to answer a riddle with the missing words a terrible pun (e.g.: "The deer spent a lot of money at the dentist because he had buck teeth").
  • The Whitest Kids U' Know did a sketch that was just a minute and a half of puns based around promotions and demotions in the military. And another that consisted mainly of saying punny strip club names, ultimately subverting Drop the Cow to turn into literally just listing potential punny strip club names.
  • Scared Weird Little Guys run a citrus-themed hurricane, and finish by lampshading its groan-worthiness:

    I thought the audience would find this segment more appealing.

  • Israeli sitcom Shemesh had an episode where Marcus opened a modeling agency to attract beautiful women so the place would be cooler. The first woman to show up is beautiful... except for her big nose. While Shemesh tries to turn her down, the word 'af' (Hebrew for nose, among other things) is heard about 7 times in 20-30 seconds of conversation.
  • James May's Man Lab had an episode where he was launching buns off a tall building into a crowded square; naturally the whole episode was loaded with baker related puns, all delivered completely dead pan.
  • The commentators on World's Dumbest... do this a lot, often with a counter to keep track, and with appropriate sound effects after each one. Sometimes, the narrator gets into the act.
  • Madam Secretary: One of Liz's staffers writes a speech on fisheries that, from the snippets we hear, seems to consist of nothing but a string of ocean-related puns. About five puns in the other staffers tell him to knock it off.
  • A staple of Angie Tribeca. These can pile up so quickly in certain scenes that you're likely to miss one because you're still laughing (or groaning) at the previous one.
  • The Late Show with Stephen Colbert:
    • Colbert makes one when calling on all Americans to eat 3 extra pounds of cheese to get rid of the oversupply of cheese made by American dairy farmers:

      There comes a time when every generation is asked to serve their country. So I'm calling on all Americans to fight the gouda fight. We don't do this because it is easy cheese, but because it is havarti. We must walk softly and carry a big mozzarella stick. We must boldly asiago where no manchego has gone briefore and if we do, if we do, we will become cheddar than all the rest. So dig deep and find that extra gruyere, get in the calzone and join me, because I'm feta-up to here and if you think I can do this provalone, you ricotta be kidding me. We must come together and slay the munster. Just fondue it! Jarlsburg ready for swiss?

    • After MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes called Bernie Sanders "Bernie Sandwiches", Stephen went into roughly a solid minute of sandwich puns (starting at 6:50 in the linked video), mentioning eleven sandwiches (in italics), which he actually proceeded to bring out:

      Bernie Sandwiches, a name everyone can get behind because he’s not a member of the old boys’ club; he fights the rich guys on behalf of the po’ boys. He’s someone with a trusting, open face and will surely win Florida by appealing to Cubans and... he is Au Jus-ish candidate. Plus, he has a long history of supporting the LGBLT community. Sure, the Democratic establishment may have a beef with him now because he’s been Reuben them the wrong way. And I know it may sound hoagie, and he doesn’t have it all wrapped up yet, but in times like these, his supporters believe we need a hero.

    • The first segment on the Steele dossier, needless to say, had very nearly two full minutes of pee jokes, mostly starting at around 2:40. (There are a few additional ones in the video description, specifically "despite the torrent of PEOTUS stories flooding the country" - "PEOTUS", one may note, stands for "president-elect of the United States", but in this case, there's a clear second meaning. There are a few scattered puns elsewhere in the video as well.)

      Everyone admits this report is unverified, and the man is about to be President of the United States, so I’m not going to validate that report by sharing the most salacious details from it. Even the detail everyone’s talking about; you might call it the Number One detail. I think this is just an unfortunate leak that’s making a huge mess. And I know I’m being a wet blanket, but reporting on this is the worst kind of yellow journalism. And even though jokes about this story are a golden opportunity, I won’t do it. Not to stay the story didn’t make a huge splash; it did. It flooded Twitter. We’ll keep you up to date as facts trickle in. We have our best researcher working on it; she’s a real whiz. One thing is for sure: the President-Elect is a Goldwater Republican who truly believes in trickle-down. He has the respect of our emergency service workers who gave his plane a water salute. Trump has even denied allegations like this before, in the strongest of terms: "No pee pee." So no, no. I’m not going to make any jokes, not even a wee one. So I’m cutting it off now; I’m finished. Wait, a little more is coming out. Happens sometimes. But after eight years of listening to Trump make unsubstantiated claims about Obama’s birth certificate, I don’t think it matters if this is true or not, because the fact is, it’s out there, and that means, Mr. Trump, you’re in trouble.

  • The Great British Bake Off: The hosts spend much of their time coming up with ways to pun on the theme of the episode.
  • In one episode of Three's Company, Jack begs Mr. Furley to not tell his roommates that he saw Jack posing nude for an art class. Mr. Furley agrees but can't resist having fun slipping in as many nudity-related puns as possible into his conversation with the roommates, telling them that he met Jack "in the flesh" and thought after seeing "all" of Jack's art that he had "never seen so much raw talent" and "saw a side of Jack that [he'd] never seen before".
  • "We Tapped That Ass" from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is a gleefully dirty song about Rebecca reliving all her memories of Making Love in All the Wrong Places with her exes, filled to the brim with silly double entendres:

    Josh: On the table, you were willing and able!
    Greg: On the ottoman, you took a lotta man!
    Josh: And on the safe in the closet, I made a deposit!

    • There's also "The Math of Love Triangles" which is ostensibly about how to use geometry to resolve a Love Triangle, but due to the Marilyn Monroe homage's The Ditz personality, is actually just an excuse to boast about her situation and make a lot of triangle puns:

      Math Teachers: This triangle's scalene.
      Rebecca: That's astute! I need to decide which man's more acute!
      Math Teachers: Pythagoras' theorem.
      Rebecca: Will this help me choose? If not I'll be hanging from a hypotenuse!
      Math Teachers: Let's take a look at what this line bisects.
      Rebecca: Is that spelled B-I-S-E-X?
      Math Teachers: Those are good puns but please pay attention.
      Rebecca: Oh no, professors, am I facing suspension? *a swing drops from the ceiling* Whee, a swing! It's literal suspension!

  • The Previously on… segment of The Apprentice UK is always accompanied by a hurricane of puns on whatever the previous week's task was.
  • The Office (UK):
    • In "Downsize", Tim has encased Gareth's stapler in jelly for the third time:

    Tim: Gareth, it's a trifling matter.
    Ricky: You should put him in custard-y.

    • In "Work Experience" the Dude Magnet new intern arrives and all the men are smitten, but David warns them that her dad is a policeman. Cue the puns:

    Jamie: I've got something she can take down in evidence.
    Keith: Would you like to receive some swollen goods?


  • A LOT of rap music. Mainstream examples of note include Kanye West, Lil Wayne, and Nicki Minaj.

    Kanye West: Add this, we blazin' — Nicki, what you think? / We got two white Russians but we also need some drinks

    • Kanye's verse on Estelle's "American Boy" is this in spades. It works.
    • Lil Wayne is the man who did "Lollipop" and "Mrs. Officer". Enough said.
    • Eminem rarely used puns in the 2000s, but starting from 2010 he began to use them more heavily with every successive project, citing Lil Wayne as his competition. This has generated mixed reactions.
  • Many modern classical, ambient/drone and experimental musicians have quite a bit of fun with the names of their pieces. Some examples:
  • The video of "A Little Respect" by Erasure definitely qualifies, with the word "soul" at three points leading to inserts of the capital of South Korea, flatfish, and the bottom of a shoe.
  • The video of "Cake by the Ocean" by band DNCE has an opening in which three journalists do successive puns about cake.
  • Relient K's "May the Horse Be With You" is full of these. And, actually, so are a LOT of their other songs.
  • AC/DC's "Big Balls". It's about ballroom dancing, but the innuendo is painful to listen to.
  • Voltaire has many, but Cannibal Buffet is easily the punniest. Featuring an entire song's worth of body part-related puns.

    Oh, trouble was afoot - they were eatin' mine
    Toein' the party line,
    I was startin' to feel, "these guys are heels"
    But, the truth be told, these cannibals have got sole
    Hey, numbskull, look at me, I got a bone to pick with thee
    You ain't humerus, stop ribbin' me
    Have a spine, bone up on settin' me free

  • "Weird Al" Yankovic's "Party at the Leper Colony" is just one leper pun after another, and it is GLORIOUS.
  • Skyclad has a lot of punny songs. Sometimes you can already see where it's going from names like 'Vintage Whine'.
  • The Barenaked Ladies do this a lot, but one song, "Adrift", manages to make a laundry list of surreal puns go hand in hand with its wistful, dreamlike tone. Choice lyrics include: "Crescent moon sings me to sleep / The birches' bark, the willows weep / But I lie awake / I'm adrift without a snowflake."
  • 1914 popular song "The War In Snider's Grocery Store" is literally nothing but a massive pun typhoon. The first half of the chorus goes like this:

    There were egg-shells bursting near and far
    Above the Russian caviar
    A Bismark herring, by itself
    Was pushing all the French peas off the shelf
    An Irish potato started to cry
    When a Spanish onion hit its eye
    Frankfurters fighting all over the floor
    Howling and growling
    "We're the dogs of war!"

  • In the 1980s, comedian Kip Addotta recorded "Wet Dream", which is one long stream of fish puns, and "Life in the Slaw Lane", which does the same for plants. And as a bonus, the videos linked here punctuate the wordplay with additional visual puns.

    Well, the place was crowded. We were packed in like sardines. They were all there to hear the Big Band sounds of Tommy Dorsel. What sole. Tommy was rocking the place with that very popular tuna "Salmon-chanted Evening," and the stage was surrounded by screaming groupers. Probably there to see the bass player.

  • "Vader Boy", a parody song detailing the events of Revenge of the Sith, is one long string of puns, ranging from Anakin "unhanding" Count Dooku, "taking [Padme's] breath away", and later being "into metal". Lampshaded at one point after a particularly, ahem, grievous instance.
  • Rockapella's ending theme to Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego is both a geography lesson and this.
  • The spoken word piece Australiana. Incomprehensible to non-natives, painfully funny to non-natives with a working knowledge of the country, just painful to natives.
  • Sold: The Grundy County Auction Incident by John Michael Montgomery is a huge line of livestock auction puns.
  • Sabaton's Metal Crüe has lyrics made up almost entirely of names of classic metal bands.
  • The Cheer Up, Charlie Daniels song "Yeast Infection" is one of these in regards to bread. And/or money.
  • "The Philosophical Zombie Slayer" by Peter Chiykowski is one long hurricane of philosophy-based puns. Seriously, look at the info and read the lyrics. Here's one he didn't realize he'd forgotten until after he recorded the song.
  • Every song of Bo Burnham's is rife with this.
  • "Rival", a Pokémon fan song by Ken Ashcorp centered around a Stock Shōnen Hero challenging a Stock Shōnen Rival includes a plethora of Pokemon puns, some more obvious than others, especially in the first verse.
  • Owl City's music is full of this. Special mentions go to "Dental Care" and "Rugs From Me to You".
  • The Rutles, being a parody band, were quite fond of puns, including this batch from "The Knicker Elastic King" note :

    His rubber business kept expanding
    But then disaster
    (Ee bah gum)
    The price of raw materials coupled with inflation
    Squeezed his global holdings
    His liquid assets bottomed out
    And shrank his retail outlet operation

  • The Paul and Storm song "The Captain's Wife's Lament" ends in a Hurricane of Pun. That's right, it repeats the same pun over and over again. Gets away with it due to Refuge in Audacity (it's not really Safe For Work if you hadn't guessed).
  • Negativland's "Drink It Up" (on Dispepsi, 1997) is a spoof commercial jingle that's mainly based around puns on brand names of beverages. Written and sung/recited by Richard Lyons (1959-2016), one of the group's original founders, who gave us the "Nesbitt's Lime Soda Song" (1987).

    When Samuel Adams makes me ail
    Dr. Pepper's not around
    when Sweet Success has let me fail
    I crave a flavor most profound
    and my mind just turns to Pepsi
    when I look, I see, I buy
    My Crystal Light has just burned out
    and Canada's gone dry
    my Yoo-hoo will not call to me
    I am a loyal endorsee
    ...of Pepsi, drink it up

  • Many Jellyfish lyric sheets are full of puns. There's also "Nothing" by short-lived Jellyfish splinter group, The Grays.
  • They Might Be Giants. Lampshaded in the song "The World's Address" where the title (which plays on "address" versus "a dress") is rhymed with "a sad pun that reflects a sadder mess."
  • And then there's Nuclear Bubble Wrap's ''Draining the Lizard on a Dead Gay Wizard', which is full of pun after pun of pee-related humor, many of them impressively Harry Potter themed. After the first chorus, you just can't help but drown in it.
  • P.D.Q. Bach's vocal works often involve bad puns, e.g. the arias "Bide thy thyme" and "Summer is a cumin seed" from The Seasonings, and the Monk's Aria from Hansel and Gretel and Ted and Alice.
  • Old-school crooner Perry Como performs a song called What Did Della Wear, boys?, which shoe-horns the names of quite a few of the fifty states into the lyrics through a string of excruciating puns. Each block of punning lyrics is introduced by a countdown, once in English, once in Spanish, once in German, once in French. He only gets to, at most, twenty-five states, but the achievement is quite impressive.

    And what did Della wear?
    It turned out to be a brand new jersey. Everyone groan, now...

  • "Take Me To Your Leader" by the Newsboys starts off with this verse:

    Isabella is a belly-dancer with a kleptomaniac's restraint
    Tried stealin' Helena's handbasket, made a fast getaway, but McQueen she ain't
    At the courtroom Joshua judges her ruthlessly on account of Ruth walkin' out on him
    In the big house Isabella is a'tellin' all to the chaplain who's become her friend.

  • "Julian the Onion" by mewithoutYou, in which the entire second verse is made up of puns about the titular onion boy.
  • There's the following line from K.T. Oslin's sex song, "Hey Bobby":

    Hey Bobby, would you like to go for a ride
    In the country with me?

  • Particularly after 2009, any given film score composed by Michael Giacchino will feature some truly awful puns in the track listing, particularly when riffing off the scenes themselves. There's a Twitter account called Giacchino Cue Titles. For instance, Star Trek Into Darkness has tracks names such as 'Meld-Merizing', 'The Kronos Wartet' and 'Warp Core Values'. Even when Rogue One forced him to give regular titles, the liner notes contain Giacchino providing a punny tracklist, culminating in "Live and Let Jedi".
  • Marco Beltrami also likes to do this. For instance, the Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines has "Hooked on Multiphonics" and "Termina-Tricks".
  • Dan Bull's "John Lennon" is full of puns on John Lennon and The Beatles' song titles.
  • The Stupendium:
  • Nearly every song title by the metal band Slugdge is a pun based on molluscs, slugs, or other invertebrates, generally using other metal songs as its source, but not always; there are puns around Pink Floyd, "Unchained Melody" (best known in the Righteous Brothers' version), and "thug life". Even the band's name is a pun.
  • Every song and album title by Cannabis Corpse is a weed-themed pun based around another Death Metal song or album. For their first couple of albums, they used puns based almost entirely around Cannibal Corpse song titles, but later on, they branched out to other bands like Gorguts, Morbid Angel, Deicide, Nile, Bolt Thrower, Death, Suffocation, and Entombed. Obviously, their name is also a pun. This article has you covered on the sources of their song titles (note that some of the album covers they're parodying are very, very NSFW, however, and they're shown in the article).
  • Malinda Kathleen Reese once wrote a song entirely made up of horrible puns, followed by a sponsor segment also made up of bad puns. The chorus itself said it best:

    Puns are just like paper, they're tear-able
    Oh make it stop, they're unbearable

  • Given that it is rap, comedic and Britishnote , all of Unknown P's music is practically guaranteed to be this.
  • The description for Machine Girl's RePorpoised Phantasies. Even the album name is a pun!

    A deep dive (hehe) into the depths of my hard drive. I fished (LOL) out some cool ravey little gems that have laid dormant for the last year or two. I reeled in (xD) the mixes and made them nice n bumpin' for ya.

  • The Dutch Jazz band Animal Crackers like their wordplay and their song Faisah, about a caravan crossing a desert to visit the song's namesake, a beautiful woman, is especially mostly an excuse to cram as many sand and desert-related puns into one song as possible. The song is seven minutes long, so they get quite a few in.
  • "I Lobster But Never Flounder", originally by Pinkard and Bowden, about a love triangle between a cook at a seafood cafe, his waitress, and the "little shrimp" who "lured her away".

    I said, "Just squid and leave me then
    For that piano tuna
    If you want to trout salmon new."
    She was the bass I ever had.
    Now my life has no porpoise.
    Oh, my cod, I love her, yes, I do.
    But I lobster and I never flounder.
    He wrapped his line around her.
    And they drove off in his carp.
    I lobster and never flounder.
    I octopus his face in.
    Eel only break her heart.

  • A pun delivered as the result of a product: When John Lennon recorded "Happiness Is a Warm Gun" for The Beatles' White Album, it was described as the most avant garde song John ever made. George would quip "Avant garde a clue!" (The group was quite quick on puns.)
  • In Spike Jones' "Teenage Brain Surgeon" the singer states that his patients are left in stitches and when he was in grade school he never got past the appendix of any book he read, then mentions a dance where the band was playing "I've Got You Under My Skin" and he scared a man half to death by asking if he could cut in. He also refers to himself as the sharpest operator in town.


  • Bally's Dr. Dude is jammed with countless Totally Radical puns and gags all over the backglass and playfield.
  • Monster Bash is filled with puns and groaners involving monsters and/or rock and roll.
  • The Crypt Keeper in Data East Pinball's Tales from the Crypt delivers a nonstop litany of horror-themed puns throughout the game.

    The Crypt Keeper: "Two deads are better than one!"


  • In The Monster Hunters, Roy will keep going for as long as he can until someone shuts him down. On defeating a vampire:

    Roy: He's certainly out for the count. [beat] We can count on never seeing him again. [beat] We've... closed his ac-count?
    Lorrimer: Please, stop it.

  • A great favorite of Andy Zaltzmann on The Bugle podcast (where they are called "Pun Runs"). One of his most impressive is 22 puns about North Korea, but perhaps his crowning achievement was a truly staggering run of fish puns; he actually timed himself and delivered 53 puns in three minutes and 28 seconds, not even counting a handful of repeats.
  • Rod of The Black Guy Who Tips loves reacting to stories with every pun he can think of, complete with "YEAH!" stinger. His wife/co-host, Karen, while not as prolific with the puns, will chip in to keep the string going, and occasionally kill the whole gag with a particularly bad one.
  • Podcaster Andy Zaltzman of The Bugle repeatedly uses this technique, often driving his cohost (and some listeners) to the brink of tears.
  • The bovine puns fly when The Brian & Jill Show reads a story about a teenager having to marry a cow in their third episode.
  • A frequent occurrance in The Lucky Die.

Pro Wrestling 

  • Dear lord the Wrestlicious commentator. In a show filled with Camp characters, he has a LOT of material to work with...

    About Paige Webb: "She's turning my floppy disk into a hard drive."
    About Autumn Frost: "She's so cold, part of her outfit has turned blue."
    About Sierra Sheraton: "She has a black belt in shopping."
    About Kandi Kisses: "The fans must remember her singing because she is about as popular as Congress right now"

  • One time while being colour commentator on NXT, William Regal did a short monologue where he referenced over 15 different The Smiths songs within the space of a minute.

Puppet Shows 

  • This trope was a constant on The Muppet Show, with some sketches simply being an excuse for the puns to fly. Inverted in the Tony Randall episode. Tony had accidentally turned Miss Piggy into a statue, and when everyone found out, an orchestra member had about three pages of jokes. Kermit requests that they be burned, so he lights a match on the Miss Piggy statue.
  • Sesame Street: In most versions of "People in Your Neighborhood", the Muppet job holders feel the need to keep making puns related to their jobs. The biggest example might be the florist and electrician version, where they try to squeeze in as many puns as they can even after the song is over.


  • Abbott and Costello Full stop. It was the basis of most of their routines.
  • Most sitcoms on BBC Radio 4 depend heavily on puns and wordplay. I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue (a Panel Game) has a whole game dedicated to these, in which contestants are told to come up with new definitions for words. Here's one which is technically broadcastable but utterly, utterly filthy:

    Stephen Fry: Countryside: to kill Piers Morgan.note 

    • The game on I'm Sorry... is called "Uxbridge English Dictionary", itself a play on The Oxford English Dictionary, Oxbridge and the similarly named unremarkable town of Uxbridge.
    • Sound Charades often qualify as well, especially when Barry and Graeme are being Hamish and Dougal. The Hamish and Dougal Spin-Off series is even worse.
    • Several of the answers from these rounds were later released in book form.
    • There's another round called Film Club/Book Club/Songbook, in which the teams construct puns based on a profession. In "Cheesemonger's Songbook", Graeme Garden blew everyone away with "Que cheddar cheddar, whatever will brie will brie, the feta's not ours to see".
  • That Gosh Darn Hippie Show: DJ Hippie lets out a barrage of puns while taunting Anthony.

    Anthony: You're boring! You're a bad DJ!
    DJ Hippie: Ouch! Shot through the heart!
    Anthony: And that was a bad reference!
    DJ Hippie: Don't be cruel!
    Anthony: One more wisecrack out of you and you're going to the cornfield!
    DJ Hippie: You know, most folks try to "live and let live", but you seem more like a "Live and Let Die" kind of person.

  • Every episode of The Very World of Milton Jones is one of these:

    Angel: I heard that you had an attachment?
    Milton: Yes, it was a polythene hood I could put on the back of my cape.
    Angel: No, no, I meant you had a romantic interest.
    Milton: Oh yes. It was the terrible dictator's daughter, Rose.
    (scene change)
    Milton: Rose, I have to tell you. Your father is a cruel and terrible man.
    Rose: (gasp) That is a falsehood!
    Milton: No, it's just made of polythene. Listen...

  • Hello Cheeky was mostly made up out of puns and quick sketches, with some parody songs thrown in for good measure.

    Tim: Waiter, this steak's off!
    Barry: I'll get its hat and coat, sir.
    Tim: I want the manager!
    Barry: You shouldn't bother with him, he tastes even worse.

  • François Pérusse's Les 2 Minutes du Peuple sketches. (One "Sexe Conseil" segment includes thirteen cigarette-related puns in just under a minute.)
  • Pretty much every episode of Land of the Lost (1943) was a nonstop downpour of puns, with the ones involving Animate Inanimate Objects being by far the worst offenders.
  • Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo's film review radio show was once home to a pun-based running joke, which Kermode describes as follows in his book The Good, the Bad and the Multiplex:

    The best joke I ever heard about the Saw series was from a listener to my Radio 5 Live film review show who had gone to a 7 p.m. multiplex screening of the fifth installment [...] and had taken great delight in being able to stride up to the ticket office and demand: "One to see Saw Five in Six at Seven." This began a long-running theme that found listeners seemingly planning their entire evening's entertainment on the basis of a numerical pun such as "One to 3-D Thor in Five at Six", which I found ludicrously entertaining.

  • Lo Zoo Di 105: Most notably jokes involving sex.
  • The Wacky Musical Adventures of Ronald McDonald: Intergalactical Magical Radio has this happen in the song "Eggs-actly What's Inside", where Birdie the Early Bird tries to get a strange egg the gang found to hatch and Ronald makes several egg-related puns while speculating on what could be inside the egg.


  • Austen Tayshus's "Australiana" is over 4 minutes with no more than 6 seconds between puns. Most are Australia-specific including puns about locations, wildlife and even sheep breeds. He claims it's based on a true story with only the names changed to make it funnier. Then again he admits to spinning yarns.
  • On the album, Boyish Girl Interrupted, Tig Notaro talks about the sounds that people make when they laugh. When she talks about the pig snort that some people make, she mentions how it's her dream that one night, after a show, the lights will come up and reveal an actual pig in the audience that was making the sound all along. She goes on to mimic a conversation the pig would have with her, in which the pig would declare itself to be a "pig fan". She apologizes to the audience for the pun, saying that she's just being a "ham". She apologizes again, realizing that too many puns eventually becomes a "boar".

Tabletop Games 

  • Munchkin:
    • Fire arms? They're arms on fire. The Two-Handed Sword is a sword with two hands. They only get worse from here, like the "stoned golem".
    • Super Munchkin (the superhero-themed version) has some of the most groan-worthy monsters released for Munchkin. How about the Punster ("He Punishes you!"), or the Office supplies man ("A staple of comic fiction!" Oh, and he has staples for arms...)?
    • Munchkin Cthulhu has a string of punny derivatives of the Necronomicon, such as the Necrocomicon and the Necrotelecom.
    • The classic Running Gag in Munchkin is "You start out as a Level 1 human with no Class (hehe)." Munchkin Fu got to improve on this, with "You start out with no Class and no Style."
  • Games Workshop and their entire Lizardman range. Tuini-Huini, the Slann Mage-Lord Chilipepa, the Skinks Copaqetl and Huezigon and the infamous Lustrian crater named Guacamole (holy guacamole). With Tiqtaq-to, it moved right into Pun territory.
    • Later, they added Kroq-Gar and his Carnosaur Grymloq (Later magazine articles also added heroes riding dinosaurs named Slaq and Zwup),
    • "Forgotten Skaven Trope-things? Quick quick! Bring out the Ratling Guns worthless slaves!"
  • The Horror game Don't Rest Your Head is quite fond of giving punny names to monsters. The Paperboys and the Ladies in Hating come to mind. Despite the lame puns, these are incredibly creepy horrors.
    • A sizeable amount of the content in the Don't Rest Your Head supplement Don't Lose Your Mind. Most of the book is devoted to an A to M and a Z to N list of insanity powers, each and every one of which has at least one pun in the "What Are You Becoming" section. The puns are pretty bad, Agony Ant and Yes Man, but the monsters they belong to are incredibly creepy, when not downright scary, plus, since the character is turning into these things, there's an added layer of body horror.
    • It also comes up outside of names for Nightmares. For instance, there's the High School — which is literally high, being housed in the Mad City's tallest buildings — and is a finishing school — in that anyone who ends up there is pretty well finished, either turning into one of the aforementioned Ladies In Hating, or just disappearing. Meanwhile, Mother When has a yardstick which she uses to cut students down to size when they don't measure up. It's creepier in context.


  • You won't find a William Shakespeare play that doesn't seriously overindulge in puns, regardless of genre, although many of the puns do not translate to a modern audience unless you read the annotated plays, since they rely on outdated slang (much of it sexual) and Forgotten Tropes.
    • Some of William Shakespeare's best examples include the scenes between Petruchio and Katherina in The Taming of the Shrew and between Benedick and Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing.
    • The opening of Romeo and Juliet is riddled with puns, and it's all downhill after that.
    • Even Othello, for all that it's a deeply gloomy play about jealousy, madness and prejudice, is full of this sort of stuff. Iago tends to be the worst offender, including the whole "'tis a common thing" speech, which gets a whole lot more Married... with Children when you know that 'thing' was a semi-vulgar slang term for vagina. The film version with Kenneth Branagh just ups the ridiculousness, with a pun about trifles (again genital-related) that's punctuated by Branagh's face suddenly appearing in close-up as he bellows "A TRIFLE!".
    • And apparently, the accent, too.
  • In Kiss Me, Kate, most of the lyrics of "Brush Up Your Shakespeare" are based on puns on titles of William Shakespeare plays.
  • Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street: The number "A Little Priest" is a wickedly funny string of allusions to personalities and flavors as the title character and Mrs. Lovett figure out how they'll dispose of Pirelli's body and make a tidy profit out of future customers, at the expense of the rival pie shop across the way.
  • Don Juan and Miguel, a pair of famous Renaissance Faire actors and swordfighters, make dozens of puns during their shows. Most of them are good, but a lot of them are just cheesy.
  • Gilbert and Sullivan's "Magnet Hung in a Hardware Store" from Patience has a whole verse of relentless hardware related puns about such things as needles opening their eyes in surprise and the nails going off their heads.
  • In Of Thee I Sing, the revelation that Wintergreen is about to be a father leads to the song "Posterity Is Just Around The Corner" (a play on a famous remark of then-President Herbert Hoover). The song's lyrics contain a few more infantile puns:

    Posterity is here and will continue!
    We really didn't know you had it in you!
    Is in its infancy!

  • The Transformers: Animated/Transformers: TransTech script-reading play "Bee in the City" had puns regarding Isaac Sumdac's Bi-directional Unified Transit Terminal. Bumblebee at some point notices this.
  • Harvard's Hasty Pudding Society's annual Theatrical always has one of these in front of the curtain. It's usually during a scene change, but even if there's no change, there's still the hurricane.
  • Evil Dead: The Musical, features this after Ash chainsaws his possessed hand off. His Deadite sister then starts mocking him with a barrage of ridiculous Puns on 'hands'.
  • Older Than Feudalism: Ancient Greeks loved puns. Aristophanes regularly threw hurricanes into his comedies, notably The Wasps. It's up to the translator how many make it through and in what form. Most puns depend not just on the language, but also people, places, and events known to the audience. A good translator can still pun the shit out of a scene when it's called for.
  • In Long Joan Silver, as they are searching through the sea chest for the treasure map, Doctor Livesy pulls out various items, with the dialogue:

    DR. LIVESY: Old sea boots.
    SQUIRE TRELAWNEY: Old boots? Something's afoot!
    DR. LIVESY: The remains of a scallop -
    SQUIRE TRELAWNEY: What, the shell?
    DR. LIVESY: A lead line with no weight on it...
    SQUIRE TRELAWNEY: Unfathomable.
    DR. LIVESY: And a broken spyglass.
    SQUIRE TRELAWNEY: I don’t see how that could work.
    DR. LIVESY: I’l look into it.
    SQUIRE TRELAWNEY: It’s beyond my scope.
    MRS. HAWKINS: Gentlemen! You must focus!

  • In Finian's Rainbow, Sharon tries to explain to Woody (who has just arrived) that Rawkins just turned black right in front of her eyes, and Woody says:

    "Forget it. Happens to him every time a Negro passes by. He sees red, turns purple with rage, and yells himself black in the face. The yellow dog."

  • The Dutch comedian Herman Finkers is made of this trope. Many of his skits are full of puns and other forms of language-play.
  • Starkid's Holy Musical B@man! certainly applies. All of the villains make long strings of puns based on their theme. There's so many of them that they go from puny to just funny. Except for Two-Face. Sweet Tooth takes it to a whole new level with his candy-themed puns. Every time he makes a candy pun, he pulls the type of candy he was referencing out of his jacket. The correct one. Every single time. Without fail. The man makes pun-making into an art.
  • Six has puns everywhere, especially relating to history, royalty, and music. If you did a drinking game where you took a shot every time there was a pun, you'd be completely wasted by the halfway point.

    Tonight, we're gonna do ourselves justice,
    because we're taking you to court!
    But every Tudor rose has its thorns,
    and you're gonna hear 'em live...
    in consort.

  • In Matilda, the "School Song" is a series of alphabetical puns, from A to Z:

    So you think you're A-ble
    To survive this mess by B-ing a prince or a princess
    You will soon C
    There's no escaping trage-D
    And E-ven
    If you put in heaps of F-fort
    You're just wasting ener-G
    Cause your life as you know it is H-ent history
    I have suffered in this J-l
    I've been trapped inside this K-ge for ages
    This living L
    But if I try I can rem-Mber
    Back before my life had Nded
    Before my happy days were Over
    Before I first heard the P-ling of the bell
    Like you I was Q-rious
    So innocent I Rsked a thousand questions
    But unlS you want to suffer, listen up and I will Tch you a thing or two
    U, listen here you'll be punished so seVrely if you step out of line
    And if you cry it will be W should stay out of trouble
    And remember to be Xtremely careful
    Y? Why didn't you hear what he said?
    Just you wait for Phys-Zed!

Theme Parks 

  • The Jungle Cruise at the Disney Theme Parks is famous for this. One example of such occurs when the ride's skipper talks about a local shrunken head salesman.

    This is Trader Sam - he's our head salesman here in the Jungle. Business has been really shrinking lately due to some large overhead but there's a special deal going on—two of his heads for one of yours. Any way you slice it or dice it, he comes out ahead. Ya know how Trader Sam lives? One step ahead of the next guy. I was actually invited over to his house one evening for dinner (his wife makes a pretty good stew), but I got there a little late so all he gave me was the cold shoulder. (beat) Seriously, I just told you 10 puns in a row trying to make you guys laugh, but no pun in ten did.

Video Games 

  • Expect a lot of wordplay on "bee" in APICO. There's Nana Beelia telling you to "bee safe", your grandpa giving you a "freebee" named Beeatrice in his guidebook, etc.
  • The protagonist of Daughter for Dessert jokes about Blake’s anal prolapse when Blake is serving Heidi and him on a date. There’s no indication that Blake catches onto any of them.
  • Team Fortress 2: Most of the achievement names are this. The Class-specific ones in particular contain a slew of puns referencing their national backgrounds. For instance, Heavy achievements include "Marxman", "Communist Mani-Fisto", "Stalin the Cart", "Pushkin the Cart", "Lenin a Hand", and "Red Oktoberfest".
  • Similarly common among the responses of heroes in another Valve game, Dota 2. Tiny makes rock puns, Lich and Crystal Maiden make ice puns, Lina makes fire puns...and so on and so forth.
  • Featured several times in the comic MMORPG Kingdom of Loathing. Several encounters and item descriptions tend to degenerate into these. For example, the description for Gazpacho's Glacial Grimoire is loaded with plays on names of brands of refrigerator. Lampshaded in the confrontation with the Big Bad:

    "On the dais? On the dais? Rock me, on the DAIS?"

  • Ask any BEMANI fan about GETIT?! It's enough to give a guy a headache.
  • Discworld and Discworld II have these in abundance. The first game, in particular, has a couple of quick-fire conversations that absolutely epitomize this trope, cramming in an absolutely staggering number of puns, frequently all about the same thing.
  • Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando has a one-shot superhero/wrestler character named "The Mathematician", who spoke in nothing but math puns:

    Mathematician: Nobody - I MEAN NOBODY - can solve The Mathematician!
    Ratchet: I guess all the good names were taken?
    Mathematician: Watch yer mouth, zero... before The Mathematician SUBTRACTS YOUR HEAD FROM YOUR SHOULDERS!

  • The World Ends with You has this line from Sho Minamimoto.

    Sho: "You zetta sons of digits!"

  • The Quest for Glory series of adventure/rpg games loves these. Keapon Laffin from the sequel has an entire dialogue made of this.
  • A regular feature of all of Artix Entertainment's games:
    • Every single quest includes at least one pun (or at least a reference to some other movie/game/book/whatever) and every single knight in Oaklore Keep (except for Sir Baumbard, who says that he was never officially a knight there because "Sir" didn't work with his name) has a pun in their name (Sir Prize, Sir Charge, Sir Lee, Sir Vivor...) describing their personality. There's even a joke on a joke when Ash Dragonblade, a young boy in the town of Falconreach, laments that he'll never become a knight because his name isn't even a bad pun.
    • Besides Oaklore, there's the Mill quest (basically a Multi-Mook Melee followed by a really mind-scarring string of puns relating to trees), the Sand Witch (as bad as it sounds), and the names of half the quests and 75% of the weapons. If it's in DragonFable and it's not a pun, it's probably a Shout-Out.
    • Their love of puns is lampshaded in a special voiced quest when George Lowe (Yes, the voice actor) complains about the over-use and transforms into... Lowe-viathian, a Hulk-like monster. In ArchKnight, a necromancer starts yelling at Ash for an especially dreadful string of puns.
    • AdventureQuest did it first and is just as bad; the monster description for the Dark Knight is:

      It sure is (*coughs*) dark at night. (This is why Demento does not let me write descriptions)

    • MechQuest is a Hurricane of Puns With Mecha And More Anime References!
  • Ace Attorney:
    • The series in general has a buttload of these instances, considering how the entirety of the population of Japanifornia (and Khura'in) have Punny Names, the most obvious being Apollo Justice before every case (and sometimes in between): "Here comes Justice!"
    • Moe also has a good number of puns in his speech in Justice for All, but it's mostly justified, being that he's a clown — though it's also partially played straight, as if you really get Moe going during testimony, the judge will punish you for doing it.
    • In Investigations 2, there's a rookie prosecutor who's deluded into thinking he's the best and his name is Sebastian Debeste. Go figure.
    • Uendo Toneiro from Spirit of Justice does this the entire time he's on-screen. Unlike Moe, most of his puns and antics are received positively.
  • Shin Megami Tensei:
    • The main series in general, especially when Mara is around, provoking a storm of rapid-fire innuendos due to its form.
    • Shuji Ikutsuki of Persona 3 performs one of these just for the hell of it in one of the "secret" recordings you can find in FES.
    • In Persona 4 Teddie deals out unBEARably bad puns.
  • Plants vs. Zombies: Almost every name of the plants is a pun on something. Even when it's simply the actual name of the plant. The Sunflowers? Produce sun. Squash? They squash zombies. Also, there's the Zomboni.
  • Sven T. Uncommon, the boss of Chapter 3 in Popful Mail (Working Designs' Sega CD translation) spouts off a bunch of references to Arnold Schwarzenegger movies during the gang's first encounter with him:
  • Doctor Morris in Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, all bad. He makes a decent joke in the epilogue, to the surprise of Will.
  • In The Dig (1995), the protagonist discovers a "light bridge." Cue a storm of light puns, including light snack, light beer, and lighthouse.
  • Every single boo (save King Boo) in Luigi's Mansion has a name-based pun. Yes, all fifty of them. Same with every single Boo in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. As well as at least 99% of the Scare Scraper bosses (which use terrible puns based on themes like sports, clothing, and animals).
  • There is a truly horrific/hilarious sex scene in Tsukihime that's completely made up of seafood (in the original Japanese) or Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Flavors (in the English translation) metaphors.
  • Dragon Quest has been leaning this way in its modern English releases, to the point of becoming part of the series' charm. Dragon Quest VIII began the trend, and it's been carried on by Dragon Quest IX, the DS remakes of Dragon Quest IV, Dragon Quest V and Dragon Quest VI, as well as Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime. All of them contain many, many puns, particularly when it comes to monster names.
  • Super Smash Bros. has the following trophy for Eggplant Pit from Kid Icarus:

    Let's squash a misconception right now - there is nothing worse than being turned into an eggplant. Just lettuce tell you, being hit by an eggplant bomb is humiliating. It leafs you without mushroom to maneuver and also makes you the laughing stalk of your friends.

  • Every single death in Sierra's King's Quest series. For all seven games.
  • The amount of hand-related puns in Runescape is just out of hand.
  • Konami's American manuals during the NES and SNES days were pretty notorious for this, especially with the names of the enemy characters. For example, the Dancing Spectres in Super Castlevania IV are named "Paula Abghoul" and "Fred Askare", while the bad guy of Snake's Revenge is identified as "Higharolla Kockamamie". Konami's Japanese manual for Parodius: The Octopus Saves the Earth describes an Excuse Plot consisting mainly of puns.
  • In Castlevania, the ending to the original game hits you with doubtless the worst hurricane of punny names in the history of the WORLD: Boris Karloffice, Christopher Bee, Trans Fisher, etc.
  • Many teams in the original Backyard Soccer have names that are puns.
  • Many of the parts in Spore have punny names, such as Pb Zeppelin.
  • In Final Fantasy X a trend started that whenever a character used an attack for the first time in battle they'd use some witty pun related to the attack. Except for Yuna, Auron and Kimahri though.

    Tidus: (using "Delay Attack") Take a number, buddy.
    Wakka: (using "Sleep Attack") Lights out, buster!

    Lulu: (using Bio) This might help your complexion.

    • Even more so in Final Fantasy X-2 where the YRP rattle off a load of puns usually in every battle.

      Rikku: (Spherechanges into a Samurai) Crouching tiger, hidden Rikku.
      Yuna: (Spherechanges into Floral Fallal) Flower power!
      Paine: (Using Blizzard) Ice, Ice, baby!

  • The English quest names in Final Fantasy XIV are absolutely full of puns, and so are the achievements and the field events. Many less serious enemies also have pun names for their attacks.
  • StarCraft II had as a joke character the Tauren Marine who spouted a mentally damaging number of puns, have a look. His pundecessor in this regard was the Pandarean Brewmaster from Warcraft III.
  • Every Player Character in World of Warcraft is a master punster - See for yourself.
    • Other than making a whole bunch of puns when fighting the player(s) and Thrall, Trade Prince Gallywix's attacks all make puns on business jargon; namely he has a fire DoT attack called "You're Fired", a poison DoT attack called "Toxic Assets", and a debuff called "Downsizing". In comparison the player, while piloting a shredder mech intended for the goblins' sport "footbomb" has attacks with football puns; a melee hit called "Illegal Contact", a ranged fire attack called "Field Goal", and a charge attack called "Blitz".
  • Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors has many of these, particularly from mundane items. In mortal danger, no less.
    • From repeatedly examining the ladder by the bunk bed with the blue suitcase:

      Junpei: (So, ladder, we meet again)
      Junpei: (Once again, I gaze upon this stately ladder.) "Ladder? I don't even know her!"
      Junpei: (Most. Original. Joke. Ever.)
      Junpei: (As I gaze into the ladder, the ladder gazes into me.) "Hey, so did you hear what that shopkeeper said after his ladder got stolen?" "No, what'd he say?" "Further steps will be taken."
      Junpei: (...And that's why I have no friends.)
      Junpei: (The ladder watches me. I sense that it finds me...wanting.) "So this friend of mine fell all the way down a 15-foot ladder." "Wow, that's pretty bad. How's he doing?" "Oh, he's all right, but he's feeling pretty rung out by the whole experience."
      Junpei: (I should be writing these down... They're comedy gold!)
      Junpei: (I think the ladder is following me.) "Trying to keep up with all the latest stiles has me all rung out..." "Well, if it's a choice between being a step for someone else, and being a real social climber, I'll take the ladder!"
      Junpei: "What do you call a secondary ladder covered in people?" "A full B-ladder!" (Okay, I need to stop doing these before I hurt myself.)

  • Dead Rising 2 has Chef Antoine who will not stop making terrible cooking puns. He has at least one tied to each and every attack.

    Antoine: "So sit, relax, Antoine will make you... DINNER!"

  • The original Brøderbund Software manual for Choplifter! mentions special keys called Francis Scott Key, Boris Spasskey and Albuquerkey.
  • The Japanese version of Uninvited for the NES assaults the player with a deluge of homonyms and puns on the word "kumo" (spider) when looking around the servant's room - not so subtly alluding to the solution of a puzzle found in that very room.
  • In the beginning of Mother 3 as you're moving toward the Magypsies with Flint, Alec gets pun-tastic as he leads you through this cave. Some of the lame puns he makes are along the lines "There's a vine around here, we have to 'vined' it." and "Vines go up because they're 'divine'".
  • When buying Cat Quest, one might expect the game to be loaded with countless cat puns. One would, of course, be completely right.
  • Audience example: Don't even mention the word "Gorn" on zone chat in Star Trek Online unless you're prepared for an ungodly flood of puns related to the word. "Gorn to be wild" and "Gorn away" are two of the more common ones.
  • The intro to the clown-dunking game in Learning Voyage: Sand Trapped! is full of water-based puns (for example, "Don't try this at home; this clown is a drained professional!").
  • The Japanese version of Rhythm Heaven Fever featured the endless game "Manzai", which features a bird comedian rattling off Japanese puns such as "Ume wa umee na" ("The plum was delicious"), "Suika wa yasui ka?" ("Is watermelon cheap?"), and "Futon ga futtonda" ("The blanket blew away").
  • There's a stage in Namco × Capcom where every character is making lame puns. All of the puns are highlighted in red, to boot.
  • The first day of Firewatch features a thunderstorm. If Henry tells Delilah he's worried about getting hit by lightning, she mocks him by spouting off a long list of electricity-themed puns. The more Henry complains, the more she provides.
  • Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine: Each and every one of the Badniks take turns dueling you and assaulting you verbally with lame puns which have mostly to do with your opponent's looks and nature.
  • In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the Jaws of Hakkon DLC ends with you passing judgment on Storvacker, which tasks you with bearing the responsibility of what should happen to...well, the bear. You can bear her embearessment or recruit her for a mission that is dubbed Too Grizzly to Bear which can result in a roaring success.
    • The vanilla game allows you to obtain the Wedge of Destiny, which is a cheese wheel that for some reason serves as a pretty powerful shield. Its description consists almost exclusively of cheese puns, and was submitted with notes from the writer to the editors to make sure all of them got through.
  • Not a cutscene or party banter can go by in World of Final Fantasy without Lann cracking off at least one pun, which unless it's particularly groan-worthy, Tama usually echoes - often without even understanding the joke. You know things are off kilter when even Reynn rarely joins in the joke.
  • In The Darkside Detective, McQueen encounters a collection of flyers advertising local businesses, all of which have names which are puns on musical groups: Haulin' Oats, Deaf Leopards, Fleetwool Macs, ...
    • In The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark, McQueen visits a pub where the beers available on tap all have punny names such as Budsmarter.
    • Later in A Fumble in the Dark, there is a bookshelf full of books like "Predicting the Future by Claire Voyant".
  • In the "Ryujinmaru's Secret" DLC stage of Super Robot Wars X, Ryujinmaru pulls out a whole lot of them.
  • Offbeat in Tempo: Arthur names the make-shift weapons he creates with titles based on wordplay. He then compounds the puns by adding more puns when explaining the weapons.
  • Companions Of Xanth, just like the novels it's based on, is filled to the brim with puns, which the game often lampshades or outright references. Even worse, sometimes the puns will actually form part of the gameplay (for instance, while traversing a labyrinth, you reach a part with a door that's ajar. You cannot open or close the door, but if you decide to pick it up it will turn into a jar. Because THE DOOR IS AJAR. GET IT?), which can cause severe problems while playing if English isn't the player's first language.
  • Octopath Traveler: Expect lots of puns when characters begin reclassing and using various elemental attacks with such classics as "Don't play with fire!" (fire) and "Cool off!" (ice).
  • Max Blaster and Doris de Lightning Against the Parrot Creatures of Venus: The Xavian hideout contains a lot of bird-related puns.
    • All the articles in Newsbeak magazine are loaded with bird jokes.
    • Checking the Xavian's storeroom boxes also results in this:

      >examine boxes
      You can faintly make out the Xavian lettering* beneath the dust. The boxes are all labeled "Catering Supplies".
      * And man, the handwriting is terrible. Talk about chicken scratches.
      >open boxes
      The boxes are firmly taped shut*. Figures.
      * This being Xavia, I need hardly mention that it's duck tape.

    • If Doris tries to jump out of the launching port, the game warns against it, saying that she might become addicted to jumping. Then, she'll be "chowing down on jumping beans, jumpropes twined around your body and stalking the streets looking for shuttles to jump-start."
  • Paper Mario: Color Splash: You need a bone to satisfy Iggy's Chain Chomp in the Battle Royal. The Shy Guy screening you uses a lot of expressions with the term "bone" to clue you in on this.

    Shy Guy: Are you bad to the bone? [...] Would you say you have a bone to pick with your enemies? Have you boned up on various battle techniques? Can you feel it in your bones?

  • In Stuff of Legend after village idiot Ichabod Stuff loses his job, he discusses his ideas for new employment with the daughter of the farmer whose family he sometimes stays with.

    Ichabod: If I learned to make shoes from the skins of fruits, I could be an apple cobbler.
    Annabelle: I don't think your shoes would last very long.
    Ichabod: If I got a job aboard a ship, then acted like a mischievous child, I could be a sea urchin.
    Annabelle: You are quite childish... but we are nowhere near the sea.
    Ichabod: I though about a job in medicine but I have no sense of humors.
    Annabelle: I agree, especially with puns like that.
    Ichabod: I like to complain in high pitched tones, so maybe I could be a whine-maker.
    Annabelle: I doubt anyone would want to pay for your services.
    Ichabod: I could keep an eye on the heroes of our realm and call myself a knight watchman.
    [After further thought, he decides to drop the watchman bit and become a knight.]

  • Every match of The Finals inevitably becomes one of these, as Scotty and June, the show's commentators, will frequently make puns based on the names of the competing teams.
  • In Shinrai: Broken Beyond Despair, after Raiko, the protagonist and POV character, sees her friend Rie in a zombie costume, her Inner Monologue makes a long series of death-related puns.

    It seemed as though Zombie-Rie was "dead" serious about devouring Taiko's heart. Unfortunately, her get-up had one fatal flaw.
    And for a zombie with such unusual aspirations, this must have been a "grave" concern.
    So in other words... the face paint was "killing" her, huh?
    She was really "dead"-set on seducing Taiko, wasn't she?
    Apparently, she was really "dying" to take that shower.

Web Animation 

  • DEATH BATTLE!: Boomstick has a thing for making puns about the battle after each of them, and if it stretches on a bit, it becomes this.
    • In Joker VS Sweet Tooth, following the Joker's victory over Needles Kane, Boomstick can't resist throwing down some puns.

      Boomstick: Joker wasn't clowning around in this gas of a fight that had us on pins, and needles.
      Wiz: ... We should really put you on a limit.
      Boomstick: Ah, come on, Wiz! Those puns were sweet!

    • This happens again at the ends of Ben 10 VS Green Lantern, Ganondorf VS Dracula and All Might VS Might Guy.
    • Ben 10 VS Green Lantern

      Boomstick: Guess you could say Hal was definitely the ringer for this fight.(Wiz groans in response) Aw don't be green with envy Wiz, that pun was ten out of ben.

    • Ganondorf VS Dracula

      Boomstick: Of all the ways to go that must have sucked, the big pig's chances were slim to Ga-none.

    • All Might VS Might Guy

      Boomstick: Looks like All Might might not be all right.
      Boomstick: It was a Mighty tough battle for all, but All Might wasn't a match for one powerful Guy.

    • The closing lines of Gaara VS Toph are a classic.

      Boomstick Garra couldn't sand up to Toph. [nervous laughter] I know you're floored, I really ground that one in, didn't I? What can I say? It's my earthly delight.
      Wiz: [groans] The winner is Toph Beifong.
      Boomstick: No need to gravel about it. Can't we just bury the hatchet? I'm out!

    • Boomstick actually gets heckled by Shao Khan, when he and Wiz are discussing Khan's arrogance often becoming problematic for the character.

      Boomstick: He really does love to hear himself talk, even when it leaves him totally open. I guess he doesn't Khansider the Khansequences of his Khanstant taunting.
      Shao Khan: Is that your best?
      Boomstick: I- I thought it was funny.
      Shao Khan: You suck!

  • Vinesauce's The Blue Shell Incident has an early scene where Luigi, Mario, and Wario volley pasta-themed puns.


Web Original 

  • One scene in the web fiction serial Dimension Heroes has Rob, the Pungeon Master, trying to out-pun an ice Creturian. The pun war escalates until Tami finally shouts, "All right, already! Stop!"
  • Comments on Failblog almost always fall into one of these at some point. Comments of So Much Pun always fall into this.
  • This Gaming in the Clinton Years review of Final Doom has so many Doom puns.
  • A lot of threads degrade into this. In particular, there is a user by the name of StopArrestingMe who fills his brilliant troll posts with puns on a particular theme, such as this post. The theme of the first part is bands with female frontmen (frontpersons?), the theme of the second part is seventies TV shows.
  • This thread. For extra fun, see how long you can read it with a straight face.
  • The authors of Cake Wrecks just love to do this.
  • Facepunch, good god, Facepunch. Go to the "In the News" sub-section under General Discussion, click on any thread, and expect to read at least half a dozen posts that are nothing but bad puns before you get a serious post. Depending on the news article, it can border on Black Comedy and Dude, Not Funny!. It's also a bannable offense when the Moderators aren't making bad puns themselves.
  • On a similar note, this (NSFW) TheOnion article in an incredibly Black Comedy example of this trope, where the story is a sickening, horrifying, and tragic one about some poor sod getting mauled and fucking raped to death by a great big grizzly bear, but the reporter just won’t stop making puns that even Freddy Krueger and the Cryptkeeper would find both too cornily hackneyed and too tastelessly offensive. The reason that links to somebody’s blog is that the original article was taken down because, while the joke is exactly that it’s so so nasty - it’s 'supposed' to be utterly horrible, intentionally unfunny, and ''beyond'' tasteless, and you’re ''supposed'' to see the story’s supposed ”journalist” as a complete sick fuck with a disgusting sense of humour, the Onion staff thought that the existence of this article, the propensity of the internet to repost things stripped of context, and the existence of Poe's Law might give some people a wrong and rather embarrassing impression of their style of humour, since this a case where even those who know that The Onion satire might not get it. So they deleted it. They have mostly been successful in burying that particular aspect of their past, but occasionally it does reposted (well, obviously, otherwise this page couldn’t link to it), and usually people will actually get the joke, but still worrying often people will get offended at the ‘making light of such a serious topic’ or, worse still, actually find it funny on an unironic surface level. Anyway, it’s obvious it’s not supposed to be taken at face value if you’re familiar with the ‘lighter side’ or ‘gag pages’ stories from various local papers, which is what supposed to be being parodied here, but increasingly few people have because, well, Print Is Dead, after all.
  • This series of Facebook comments regarding geographical puns.
  • The comments section in this page of Fail Blog is full of contraceptive puns.
  • Watt a tragedy.
  • Cracked:
    • On the forums' "Mirth Canal" (where people post funny and interesting links to other sites), almost every new post descended into post after post of puns and dick jokes. The puns aren't as prevalent anymore, but the dick jokes rage on.
    • On the site itself, many articles will have a punny comment that inspires a deluge of replies on the same vein.
  • Naturally, TV Tropes has plenty of examples. Just read the Punny Trope Names page. The Sorting Algorithm of Tropes index also qualifies, although the puns will likely slip under your radar if you don't have a computer science background.
  • There's this hurricane of chemistry puns. Who says scientists have no sense of humour?
  • Brazilian blog/ Tumblr Microcontoscos made a parody "Squads of The World Cup". Puns on the country name (Cameroon lists shrimp), the country's specialty (Chile lists Chilean wines, Japan includes "Hello Kitty, Haikai, Tamagochi, Sudoku, and Wasabi"), Punny Names sometimes based on what the country has (South Korea has "Kim Sam-Sung, Kia, Hy Un-Dai e Kun Gui-Fu") and sometimes not (Slovakia: "Swarowský, Bratislavský, Hondačívik and Robotnik"), it has everything, including phonetic puns that only work in Portuguese (Germany has "Weissfüder", which in English would be something like "Gofükurself").
  • "The Pun Rap".
  • This thread on the Bay 12 Games forums consists mainly of tree and rock puns.
  • Sometimes, the comment threads on Kotaku turn into this. Especially if started by the commenters "Jesus Christ" or "Michael Dukakis".
  • Whateley Universe: In Jade 7: Over The Top, Jinn, who's been playing with Breast Expansion, interrupts Thuban with a string of puns while he's trying to be serious.

    Jinn looked down at her grapefruit-sized bosoms and giggled, bouncing twice on her toes to get a feel for her new self. "Wow. If I hadn't just made the trip through absurd-ville, I would have thought this size was officially labeled, 'Gigantically, freakishly huge.'"
    "Thanks ever so much," Demona replied through gritted teeth. "So what would you call it now?"
    Jinn bounced again, getting a feel for herself, as well as a feel for how the male eyes followed her. "Really really confident," she admitted.
    Demona's scowl slowly turned to a smile. "Hey, that was almost like an actual compliment."
    At this point, Thuban spoke up. "Well... so far the meeting seems to be dominated by the topic of... er... mammal issues," he pointed out.
    "Yes," Jinn agreed wryly. "We've been keeping abreast of the issue."
    Thuban continued. "And whenever that topic comes up—"
    "It's not a matter of 'coming up' so much as raising good points, or simply being upfront about the issue," Jinn joked.
    "—when that topic comes around, then, of course, you—"
    "Of course Demona is held up as a swell example. Heck, the girls all want her support. And I'm sure she hates to let them down, but I guess her motto must be, 'Always keep them in suspense!'"
    Straining somewhat, Thuban plowed through to the finish "—so of course Demona sometimes end up as the butt of the joke."
    One finger raised in the air, Demona stood there for a moment with her mouth open. Then, with visible effort, she closed her mouth. "No," she said gamely. "I'm not going there. This conversation has already gone too far. Far too far. You two go. Mingle. Jinn, live in my world for an evening. I’m going to go and take the weight off my ... feet." She turned and escaped.

  • Uncyclopedia on puns, Self-Demonstrating Article indeed, be prepared to groan at least a few dozen times as you read through the article.
  • Comments on video game humor site Halolz often start with a pun and snowball from there.
  • Reader responses to Darwin Award winners sometimes fall into this category. One winner who was stuck in traffic and had to go to the bathroom, so he hopped out onto the shoulder only to discover he was going over the guardrail on a bridge, elicited the remarks, "Guess he was dying to go," and, "Apparently it was just his time to go."
  • Practically any British website with a comment section will feature a pun thread. See B3ta or Rock Paper Shotgun for examples. Any article will do.
  • The Cat Girl Without Salad soundtrack is full of cat puns. The track with dog sfx in the background is "You've Gotta Be Kitten Me..."
  • Everything about the Elkish from Ask King Sombra. They've got names like Elkrond, Arwelk, Elkolas, Galadrielk. They live in Rivendelk. Their king is Thranduelk. Who is immortelk. Lampshaded by their Prince, who states they prefer to use their titles instead of names because their names are all "terrible elk puns".
  • The I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue Facebook group is basically thread after thread of these, with memberes pushing the boundaries of good taste, both in subject matter and actual comedy.
  • The comment sections on F My often turn into these.

Web Videos 

Western Animation 

  • Drawn Together:
    • Captain Hero, when fighting his giant, intelluctually disabled son at a petting zoo, uses a sexual entendre for every animal that the giant throws at him, which includes beavers, a donkey, kittens, and a rooster. He specifically makes it obvious with the rooster, proudly exclaiming, "I'll wrap my hands around this cock and squeeze it until it explodes way too early and rolls over and falls asleep...leaving me unsatisfied and alone." Also an example of Metaphorgotten.
    • In the episode where Xander, Clara, and Foxy Love manage to stop Strawberry Shortcake parody Strawberry Sweetcake's genocidal rampage, it leads to this pun-filled moment:

      Xander (to Strawberry Sweetcake): "You're gonna be spending a CHOCO-LOTTA time locked up behind candy bars!"
      Clara (whispering bitterly): "Goddammit, I hate you."

  • Beetlejuice: the Animated Series built entire sequences around puns that became somewhat surreal. The lead character successfully performed a short series of tasks, proclaim that he was 'on a roll'... and his feet flew out from under him as a huge buttered roll appeared. Hell, the show could be called "Puns, the Animated Series". You're hard pressed to find a line that isn't punny. Usually, Beetlejuice did this on purpose except for one episode with a situation where BJ's puns became uncontrollable literal metaphors until it was resolved. Example: in this situation, "coming apart at the seams" isn't a good thing to say.
  • Inside Job (2021), "Blue Bloods":
    • At one point, Reptoid identities are shown on screens in the background, and their names are all reptile-themed plays on celebrity names.
    • When a doctor is reading out to Andre all the STIs he caught, almost all of them are plays on actual STI names, but with a reptile theme.
  • Kim Possible used a bucket load of math puns for the math-based villain the Mathter in "Mathter and Fervent." Examples include: Hego yelling "Fore!" right before the Mathter throws the number four at Kim, the Mathter's minions being called Coefficients, and this:

    Mathter: Oh why don't you just relax and have some Pi! [throws Pi weapon at Kim]
    Ron: Kim!
    Mathter: Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Now it's your turn to feel the full wrath of my math.
    Ron: Okay, um, sure could use, I don't know, a hero right about now.
    Mathter: Now prepare to be subtracted entirely because-
    Ron: Because what? My number's up?
    Mathter: Oh. Yes.

    • Lampshaded later in that episode:

      Kim: Agghh! Okay, one more lame-o math reference, and I am going to LOSE IT!

  • There is an entire episode of The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack concerned with the "Stormalong Harbor Pun-off."
    • Lampshaded with Punsy McKale.
    • When Punsy gets serious

      Punsy: (As his face changes colors) You think this is a joke?! Well, I've got somethin' in store for you! I'm about to open up a new chapter in Rhyme and Punishment! You think you're RED-y for my rhymes? You'll soon be GREEN as envious limes! I see you're not YELLOW, fellow, but I don't want to make you BLUE! So get a clue! And PUR-pull the plug before ya play! Or I'll "ORANGE" a RAINBOW ON YOUR PARADE!

  • Codename: Kids Next Door: The puntastic Numbuh Two gets one of his own in "Operation B.U.T.T.".
  • Wallace & Gromit often uses puns: many characters have Punny Names. There's puns scattered across the entire series, though they seem to be more noticeable in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit and A Matter of Loaf and Death. (In the latter the BBC announcers warned of puns and even did a few themselves.)
  • The kings of puns by the truckload in Western Animation are most likely the Jay Ward-produced cartoons Rocky and Bullwinkle and George of the Jungle.
  • In The Fairly OddParents! movie Abra-Catastrophe!, Timmy accidentally finds himself in a world where apes are the dominant species. Everything ends up an ape pun, like "Chimpsdale" as opposed to Dimmsdale. AJ lampshades it:

    Crocker: And that, class, is how the founding alpha males signed the Declar-ape-tion of Independence forming the United Apes of America.
    AJ: You know, if it weren't for the fact that what he's saying is historically accurate, I would say that's a horrible pun.

    • Lampshaded again when Timmy discovers Chimpsdale.

      Timmy: When this is over, I'm wishing for a world without puns.

  • The Simpsons
    • One of these actually saves what could have been another weak jab in the Treehouse of Horror XIX segment "It's the Grand Pumpkin, Milhouse", parodying It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. While making the original religious subtext much more explicit in his defense of his belief in the Great Pumpkin, Milhouse suddenly recites a doctored Apostle's Creed that turns into a nonstop (and hilarious) torrent of vegetable puns:

      Milhouse: But it's not necessary. I believe in the Grand Pumpkin, almighty gourd, who was crustified over Pontius Pie-Plate and ascended into oven. He will come again to judge the filling and the bread... (sigh)

    • In "Mr. Plow", Homer listens to a couple of Dumbass DJs when driving drunk through a snowstorm.

    DJ 1: Yes, folks, it's snow picnic out there!
    DJ 2: I snow what you mean!
    DJ 1: (laughs sarcastically) You're dead weight, Marty.

    • Here's a string from "Ice Cream of Margie (With the Light Blue Hair)", where Homer became an ice cream truck driver: "Our marriage is like soft-serve ice cream. And trust is the hard chocolate shell that keeps it from melting onto our carpet. In cone-clusion, here's the scoop: I love you."
    • In the "Bartman Begins" story from the episode "Revenge is a Dish Best Served Three Times" (2007), The Serpent (Snake Jailbird) makes a string of four snake-related puns while stealing some jewels. Krusty lampshades this ("Puns are lazy writing!") and is shot for his efforts.
    • In "I'm With Cupid", when Apu and Elton John watch Homer fight Skywriter Dan at the airport.

      Elton: That maniac nearly killed us!
      Apu: Shall I... "take you to the pilot"? Hah! You see, because that is "your song"...
      Elton: I heard you.
      Apu: Yes, because... "someone saved your life tonight". (laughs)
      Elton: (annoyed) Cut it out!
      Apu: Well, well, "the bitch is back". (laughs again)
      Elton: (irritated) Ugh!

  • Animaniacs:
    • The Warner siblings often rely on this, especially when dealing with Dr. Scratchansniff.
    • As the title suggests, the Film Noir spoof short "This Pun For Hire" is loaded with puns.
  • The Scooby-Doo made-for-TV movies were loaded with monster-related puns. It will drive an adult to insanity.
  • Sheep in the Big City - The. Whole. Damn. Thing.
  • Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Also the whole damn thing.
  • Characters in Batman: The Animated Series had a habit of using a few either on purpose or unintentionally (probably the producers not realizing). Joker uses several in "The Laughing Fish", Penguin uses one or two in "Almost Got 'Im" and Riddler's episodes are littered with them, to avoid an accidental pun, to the point even characters get annoyed with them. Notably after the pun "Losers ahead" ("Loser's a head"), Batman mutters he's unsure what's worse, the traps or the puns.
    • The entire schtick of the Condiment King is to make awful condiment puns while committing crimes. When Batman confronts him, he utters this hurricane of puns:

      Condiment King:Ah, the big bad Bat-Guy. I knew you'd "ketchup" to me sooner or later. How I've "relished" this meeting. You, the dynamic Dark Knight, versus me, the conceptual Condiment King! Come Batman, let's see if you can "cut the mustard".

  • SpongeBob SquarePants: SpongeBob and Patrick get into a fight with some invisibility paint, and fire back-and-forth puns relating to their vanishing body parts. The narrator lampshades this with a title card saying, "Several bad puns later".
  • Captain Planet and the Planeteers: Saving the planet with terrible puns.
  • The Incredible Crash Dummies. So many puns. Also has a very high concentration of dismemberment related puns.
  • Van-Pires is notable for the impressive number of car and vampire puns they cram into every episode. It's really quite something.
  • He-Man and She-Ra love doing this to their enemies:
  • Cat City. The original Hungarian is basically a 90-minute-long hurricane, continued in the sequel for another 90.
  • Anything that Xavier: Renegade Angel says. Most of the supporting cast frequently fit as well, in addition to visual puns in the background. Repeated viewings are required to catch every single one.
  • The Powerpuff Girls (1998) is known for delivering a lot of puns, but they're mostly said by the narrator.
    • In "The Mane Event", Blossom makes a series of hair-related puns while distracting an eye monster with her Gag Haircut.

      Blossom: What do you think? Toupee, or not toupee?

    • The episode "I See A Funny Cartoon In Your Future", is a Shout-Out to the works of Jay Ward. Consequentially, all the narrator's dialogue and half the plot points are puns.

      "And so, once again the day is saved, thanks to the Powerpuff grill!"

  • In the Dexter's Laboratory episode, "Dyno-Myte", most everything that Dyno Mutt says is a pun.
  • At the end of every episode of Peabody's Improbable History, Peabody tells a lame pun to Sherman.
  • Danger Mouse delivers on some juicy puns, such as: "Has Danger Mouse taken to handlebars because he must dash? ('Must dash?' 'Moustache?' Get it?)"
    • A non-stop stream of electrical puns occurs in "Mechanised Mayhem":

    Telephone: (leading a mechanical revolt) Let me give you the lead. We must show these humans watt's watt.
    DM: There's only one way to keep that thing from plugging its points...sock-et! Come on!
    Penfold: I wish I hadn't asked...I'd rather be going ohm!
    Telephone: Look out! Amp-ere them all you can!
    Vacuums: (chasing Penfold) Okay! Charge!
    DM: (capturing the phone) So sorry, you've been...cut off!
    Vacuums: Ha! This one's in the bag!
    DM: Don't get taken in, Penfold!
    Penfold: Any more jokes like that and it'd be almost worth it!
    DM: (to phone) Call them off or I'll disconnect you!
    Penfold: Thanks, chief. Ho, he must be the ringleader.
    DM: (stifling a laugh) "Ringleader!" You complain about the jokes?!

  • Phineas and Ferb:
    • Parodied in "Ain't No Kiddie Ride", as Dr. Doofenshmirtz fights Perry the Platypus with a giant remote-controlled hand:

      Doofenshmirtz: Hey, nice move, Perry the Platypus, I gotta hand it to you. Here, let me give you a hand. Hey, hey—I'm gonna crush you with my big mechanical hand! Ha! Well-- (Aside Glance) I guess that one was just literal.

    • Dr. Doofenshmirtz did it again in "Cheers for Fears", while Perry is hanging upside-down:

      Doofenshmirtz: Oh, I guess you'll just have to hang around! Ha ha ha! Oh, wait, this one's better. I'll just leave you here because you're all tied up! Ha ha ha! W-W-Wait, one last one, you're gonna love it: See ya later because it isn't my tail that's upside down! (beat) No? No, no, I shoulda stuck with the first two, you're right.

    • In "Remains of the Platypus", Buford's assignment is literally to just think up cheese-related puns. Examples include, "Can't get any cheddar than this", "Sounds Gouda to me", "That's Swiss-picious". By the day's end, he's fulfilled his quota of one hundred.
  • Every episode of Birdz was up to its beak in avian puns.
  • The Mega Man TV series by Ruby Spears is loaded with puns being volleyed back and forth between the characters during the battle scenes.
  • In the American Dad! episode "Wife Insurance", Roger and Steve, roleplaying as Wheels and the Legman, lay out several fish-related puns while interrogating Klaus.

    Klaus: You proud of that? You PROUD of that sentence you just said?

  • Pound Puppies (2010). The first episode ALONE opens up with managing to dish out THREE dog-related puns in a row, all in less than half a minute. Heck, are these puns or just words related to dogs slapped in there?!:

    Lucky: Hey, little guy, what's wrong? Feeling a little down in the muzzle?
    Yipper: I'm a little rough around the collar.
    Lucky: Aw, Ketchum may seem rough, but he's not so bad once you get him trained.

  • Milo Murphy's Law: The song Chop Away at My Heart is an avalanche of tree, and nature in general, puns. In part:
    • "I know you're pining"
    • "But every cloud has got a silver lining"
    • "The leaves are parting now the sun is shining..."
    • Then there's Doctor Zone, a Show Within a Show that seems to be 90% Time Travel puns.
  • The extended theme for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, also known as "Horse Puns the TV Show" featured tons of puns here. They included the following;
    • "When danger makes me want to hide, you'll Rainbow Dash to my side, "
    • "Once smitten, twice Fluttershy"
    • "You are the Applejack of my eye."
    • "A heart that shines so beautiful, a Rarity to come by "
    • "You all make fun and laughter as easy as Pinkie Pie!"
    • The series, in general, could be called Horse Puns: The Show.
  • While the average MGM cartoon directed by Tex Avery contained plenty of puns, Symphony in Slang, is practically nothing but puns, as the angels in heaven try vainly to make sense of the life story of a newly-deceased hipster. Examples (with literal interpretations in parentheses):
    • "One day, at the crack of dawn..." (the night sky cracks and then shatters like a window, revealing the sky turning to day)
    • "[Mary] looked mighty pretty with her hair done up in a bun." (Mary's hair is placed between two hamburger buns)
    • "I had a cocktail and Mary had a Moscow Mule." (the narrator's cocktail is a rooster's tailfeathers in a glass and Mary's "Moscow Mule" is an actual mule sitting on a mug with thick Josef Stalin-type eyebrows and mustache)
    • "The proprietor drew a gun on me, but I gave him the slip and hid in the foothills." (the proprietor draws a picture of a gun on the narrator's shirt, the narrator gives the proprietor a slip (as in a lady's undergarment) and then runs into a bunch of hills with pairs of feet sticking out of them upside-down)
    • "I was up against it and felt myself going to pot." (the narrator backs himself up against the word "IT" and his stomach takes on the shape of a pot)
    • "I went down to Joe's Malt Shop where a bunch of the boys were hanging around." (the boys are literally hanging around above the entrance to the malt shop, including one in a noose)
    • "I was feeling mighty blue, and everything looked black." (the sad narrator turns completely blue in color, clothes and all, and then the whole screen turns black except for his eyes)
    • "Why, Mary... Mary had a bunch of little ones." (the narrator notices Mary has become the mother of several crying number 1s)
    • "It was all so funny, that I died laughing!" (Two morticians come in and carry him off while he's laughing.)
    • And twice, he asks if a cat's got someone's tongue. (In both instances, a nearby cat actually has the subject's tongue. Including the ending, where it's an angel cat with St. Peter's tongue.)
  • SheZow has a habit of using as many puns as it can with the word "She", such as "She-riffic" or the character's Spider-Sense equivalent as "SheSP".
  • In the Tiny Toon Adventures episode "Her Wacky Highness," Wackyland is one long rapid-fire series of visual puns. Babs escapes to Wackyland and finds all these puns amusing, but she starts getting seriously annoyed by them by the third act.
  • Beany and Cecil lived for puns, both verbal and visual.
  • Sabrina and The Groovie Goolies existed only for this purpose, any plot was purely coincidental.
  • A Robot Chicken sketch involves Kim Possible being dangled over a crocodile pit by Kim Jong-un and the two getting into a pun war over the word "Kim". It gets to the point where even the crocodiles get sick of it.

    Croc 1: Jeez, these two should just bang and get it over with.
    Croc 2: Yeah, he should Kim-pregnate her.
    Croc 1: (beat) You're dead to me, David.

  • ChalkZone is filled with tons of visual puns. Some of them including cowboys that are actually centaur-like creatures that are half boy, half cow, flowers known as "two-lips", and literal "toilet trees" (toiletries). The TV movie even features a literal "praying" mantis.
  • Steven Universe: After accidentally turning into an amalgam of cat-heads in "Cat Fingers", Steven manages to get back to normal, and the episode ends with him cracking a series of increasingly painful cat puns to the Crystal Gems.

    Steven: Wait, I've been coming up with cat jokes all morning! You guys, I'm feline fine! Everything's purr-fect! Aw, c'mon, I'm just kitten around...

  • The Amazing World of Gumball:
    • In "The Roots", the Wattersons think Darwin the goldfish misses the ocean, Gumball suggests they "use words he can understand." This is the result:

      Richard: "Ray" there buddy, what's going "prawn"?
      Darwin: What?
      Gumball: "Minnow", you've been giving us a lot of "carp" about this whole fish thing, and I "eel" you, no "trout". I'm your "sole" brother after all, know what I "brine"? note 
      Nicole: We don't want you to feel "orca-ward", we're just trying to "kelp" you.
      Darwin: I have literally no idea what any of you are talking about.
      Gumball: We just hate to "sea" you like this, know what I'm "salmon"?
      Anais: We "cod" do "batter" if you let us "fry". Here's some whale song to make you "reel" at home.
      Darwin: Aah! Look, can you please just get out? I've "haddock" up to here, I mean I've had it up to- Aah, just get out!

    • They get even more literal in "The Menu".

      Darwin: There's only so many names it could be. We just need to figure out which one.
      Gumball: You mean figure out sandwhich one!
      Darwin: Dude, stop with the puns.
      Gumball: I can't! I've fallen down the pun hole! I've gone so deep I'm pundergound! What a punfortunate turn of events! I've pundermined any respect you had for me! I don't punderstand why I- [Darwin hits him in annoyance] Ow! Dude, I know it was annoying, but it didn't warrant a punch! [Darwin hits him again] Oww! That wasn't even a pun! That's just what that word is!!!

    • In "The Father", Richard tells his kids about his Disappeared Dad while eating at Joyful Burger, and Larry announcing parts of the order perfectly ties into what he's saying.

      Richard: I mean, I don't have any real…
      Larry: Beef.
      Richard: …with my dad. Sure, he's made mis—
      Larry: Steaks.
      Richard: But now, there's too much time to…
      Larry: Ketchup.
      Richard: And all this has left me in a…
      Larry: Bit of a pickle.
      Richard: While he's gone on to make a…
      Larry: Hash brown.
      Richard: …of his life. It's so hard when a parent…
      Larry: Desserts.
      Richard: …you. And now I…
      Larry: Doughnut.
      Richard: …know what to do. Every night…
      Larry: Ice cream.
      Richard: …inside. I just feel so…
      Larry: Waffle.
      Richard: I ought to tell him how I feel, but I guess I'm too much of a…
      Waitress: BONELESS CHICKEN!
      Richard: And comfort eating is not going to make me any happier.

  • A Running Gag in a few Mickey Mouse Works shorts wherein Mickey, Donald and Goofy operate various small, niche business, always recited by Goofy. For example, in "Locksmiths," Goofy searches his keychain for their office key:

    Goofy: Let's see here...we got a car key, piano key, skeleton key, keyboard, key to the city, keyhole, key lime pie, key to my heart (gawrsh!), Florida Keys, high key, low key, on key, off key, tricky, okie-dokie, artichokey, Don Quixote (Oh, now that's a stretch; get rid of that one!), smokey, hokey, pokey, bar key, Cherokee, malarky, Frankie, cranky, Spanky, hankie-pankie, monkey, donkey, parakeet, and, get ready...Mickey!

    Mickey: That accomplished absolutely nothing!

  • The one-time Death Dealer villain Hoyle of Jackie Chan Adventures always had card puns at the ready when speaking, much to the annoyance of his boss.

    Dr. Necrosis: We could take it down a notch with the card puns.

  • In the My Life as a Teenage Robot episode "Designing Woman", when Vexus obtained Jenny's schematics and gained full knowledge of her fighting style, allowing her to predict and counter all of the latter's attacks:

    Jenny: How could you possibly know all this?
    Vexus: Insider information, dearie. I know all about your insides, your outsides, your frontsides, [phases under the floor and resurfaces behind Jenny to hit her with Eye Beams] and your backsides. I know your funny bone, [punches her in the navel] your trick knee, [kicks her in the leg] tennis elbow, [punches her in the arm] sweet tooth, [slides her a piece of cake that explodes in her face] and glass jaw! [uppercuts her, sending her flying out of the building]

  • In "Refuse Service", of Beavis And Butthead, a featured video the duo provide commentary over its an unboxing video of real human skulls. They can't help but find the person speaking a little too lighthearted, and mention how if they were unboxing skulls, they'd act like the Crypt Keeper. This results in puns-a-plenty.

    Beavis: You start out like, "N'yah-ha-ha-ha!" Like that Crypt Keeper dude, you know, like how he's always making puns, you know? "Mmmm welcome, boils and ghouls!"
    Butt-head: "If you are watching, you just might get ahead."
    Beavis: "Ah, what have we here? This is to remind you to stay in skull."
    Butt-head: Breaking news: police have just arrested a man known as "the dumbass who shows off his skulls on YouTube" killer. Neighbors said, "he seems like a serial killer, and he's got a bunch of skulls in his apartment."
    Beavis: Neighbors said he would show off his skulls, and say 'Meet my new tombmate!' N'yah-ha-ha-ha!"
    Butt-head: Yeah. "Would you like to come into my apartment and take a wizz in the bathtomb?"
    Beavis: He's like, "N'yah-ha-ha-ha! These skulls give me a boner!" You know... 'Cause the bone is like, you know, a skull? It's like a bone, you know...
    Butt-head: Uh, yes, I get it Beavis. Don't run it into the ground. Uh-huh-huh-huh-huuuh...
    Beavis: But I'm getting grave reviews! N'yah-ha-ha-ha!
    Butt-head: I'm going to kick your ass. Now shut up!
    Beavis: Oh yeah... wait a second, uh, I don't think I get that one.

  • Family Guy: In the episode "Brian Sings and Swings", a Cutaway Gag shows film critic Gene Shalit holding Peter at gunpoint and demanding his wallet while spouting a series of film puns:
  • Molly of Denali: "The Funny Face Competition" is about a competition where you try not to laugh at each other’s funny faces. As each contestant falls to Merna's funny faces, Nat makes a joke that incorporates the contestant's occupation.

    (About Daniel, the librarian) [Merna] closed the book on that one!

    (About Layla, the pilot) Our pilot never got off the ground.

    (About Walter, the wilderness guide) Oh, someone send help, our wilderness guide is lost.

Real Life 

  • The U.S. legal system provides some unusual examples. When judges get snarky, they often get punny:
    • Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association v. Clark, 482 F.2d 325 (5th Cir. 1973) (Brown, C.J., concurring)

      "As Proctor of this dispute...the decision represents a Gamble since we risk a Cascade of criticism from an increasing Tide of ecology-minded citizens."

    • In the Matter of Charlotte K., 102 Misc.2d 848, 427 N.Y.S.2d 370 (NY Fam. Ct. 1980)

      "Is a girdle a burglar's tool or is that stretching the plain meaning of section 140.35 of the Penal Law?... Corporation Counsel argues that respondent used her girdle as a kangaroo does her pouch, thus adapting it beyond its maiden form. The Law Guardian snaps back charging that with this artificial expansion of Sec. 140.35's meaning, the foundation of Corporation Counsel's argument plainly sags... The Court must also wonder whether such a contrary decision would not create a spate of unreasonable bulges that would let loose the floodgates of stop-and-frisk cases, with the result of putting the squeeze on court resources already overextended in this era of trim governmental budgets."

    • Post v. Annand, 798 F.Supp. 189 (S.D. New York 1992)

      "In this dog eat dog world, anything is fair game for litigation in the federal courts. While it may not be news when a dog bites a man, it is notable when a dog bites a female minister. As compensation for her injuries, plaintiff seeks to take a bite out of the defendants' pocketbooks...[she] obviously has a bone to pick as her injuries required substantial medical care, and Rocky is clearly in the doghouse. In dogged pursuit of damages for her trauma..."

    • Stambovsky v. Ackley, 169 AD 2d 254 (NY, Appellate Division 1991) (A case famous because the judge declared that "as a matter of law" a house was haunted)

      While I agree with Supreme Court that the real estate broker, as agent for the seller, is under no duty to disclose to a potential buyer the phantasmal reputation of the premises and that, in his pursuit of a legal remedy for fraudulent misrepresentation against the seller, plaintiff hasn't a ghost of a chance, I am nevertheless moved by the spirit of equity to allow the buyer to seek rescission of the contract of sale and recovery of his down payment...From the perspective of a person in the position of plaintiff herein, a very practical problem arises with respect to the discovery of a paranormal phenomenon: "Who you gonna call?" as a title song to the movie "Ghostbusters" asks. Applying the strict rule of caveat emptor to a contract involving a house possessed by poltergeists conjures up visions of a psychic or medium routinely accompanying the structural engineer and Terminix man on an inspection of every home subject to a contract of sale. It portends that the prudent attorney will establish an escrow account lest the subject of the transaction come back to haunt him and his client — or pray that his malpractice insurance coverage extends to supernatural disasters. In the interest of avoiding such untenable consequences, the notion that a haunting is a condition which can and should be ascertained upon reasonable inspection of the premises is a hobgoblin which should be exorcised from the body of legal precedent and laid quietly to rest.

    • Never, ever try to ask for dismissal of your burglary charges by pleading "As the Beetles said, 'Let it Be.'" Especially if the judge is a Beatles fan. This happens.
    • To be fair, this is not necessarily a judge handing someone a tall steaming mug of snark. Law is an odd profession; you have to be fairly intelligent to get into it, and quite intelligent to be good at it, but it's also filled with stupid plodding mundane tedium. Punning and other clever language in briefs and arguments is a game that keeps intelligent people in a state of something vaguely resembling sanity.
  • PUNdit Keith Olbermann's coverage of the so-called "teabagging" protests in the United States on April 15 (the day taxes are due) will either leave you in stitches or itching for a shoe to throw. If you don't get it, look up "teabagging" on Urban Dictionary.
    • Also Rachel Maddow and guest Ana Marie Cox in the two/three days leading up to the protests.
      • They'll need a Dick Armey for that kind of protest.
    • Still not as funny as the faux pas about the Obamas "fisting" in front of the White House.
  • This trope is the basis for several classic jokes on the World Famous Jungle Cruise at Disneyland. The most famous is in reference to the headhunter near the end of the ride ("Trader Sam's the head salesman around these parts, but business has been shrinking lately, so to cut down on his overhead, he's offering a killer deal: two of his heads for just one of yours. Any way you slice it, you're sure to come out ahead."), but there are several more floating around, including the complete menu to the Cannibal Cafe (elbow macaroni, rump roast, ladyfingers, and so on), a joke which name-checks every single amusement park in Southern California and lasts for about two minutes, and a joke which name-checks dozens of clothing retailers and lasts for twice as long. That's four minutes of puns.
    • Interested tropers are directed to Spider Robinson's "The Blacksmith's Tale", in which one character describes going through the Disneyland with a Star Wars fan. After taking the aforementioned Jungle Cruise and nearing the end, said fan comments, "Now you're getting to see the dock side of the farce." This, of course, is merely part of the setup for the worst pun of the entire story.
  • Stand-up comedian Tim Vine is this trope. As are Stewart Francis and the above mentioned Milton Jones.
  • It is also a staple of The Firesign Theatre material.
  • Swami Beyondananda, in both stand-up and books, has a way with it as well: "If you're a sucker for a seer, and what the seer sees sucks, you can redress your grievance in a seersucker suit."
  • German philosopher Martin Heidegger wrote like this in his later days. The Das Land der Dichter und Denker had become Land der Richter und Henker during the Nazi regime. (Richter = judge, Henker = hangman)
  • Several pick up lines, including this one: "I'm like DNA helicase - I unzip your genes." jeans
  • This thread on the Gallifrey Base forums about the Doctor Who episode featuring a Space Whale seems to have been created just for the halibut.
  • This news story about a statue of Michael Jackson erected at Craven Cottage Football Stadium in Fulham, England.
  • The AUK is a nationally-administered academic quiz (think University Challenge, but for younger competitors) that can be completed by groups of students who don't mind all of the horrid auk-related puns. "You're AUKcellent", indeed...
  • Gerard Depardieu allegedly urinated on a plane. In response, Anderson Cooper let loose this stream of puns.
  • Neil Cavuto of Fox news hears about President Obama at Disney World and immediately has this to say.
  • The success of NY Knicks (now Houston Rockets) player Jeremy Lin has resulted in several puns based on his name, most notably "Linsanity." For example, see here.
    • This isn't an uncommon occurrence in sport and is certainly not restricted to superstars. When baseball's San Diego Padres picked up minor-league pitcher Mark Hamburger, this happened.
    • There's even a Tumblr dedicated to the headlines. Maybe they're paid by the pun.
  • Chief Meteorologist Greg Fishel of WRAL-TV did this on an almost nightly occurrence. As long as the news story right before him isn't drop-dead serious, he'll make a pun out of it. Without any knowledge of what the story was before he went on to the set.
  • As if being the former page image for Inconsistent Spelling isn't enough, Hayden Panettiere has had to put up with lots of cracks about the similarity between her last name and female underwear (as she says in this video), plus the whole Hayden Planetarium thing. And as for "Panettiere" being Italian for "breadmaker"...
  • Carl Azuz on CNN student news loves this. Every broadcast is ended with a deliberate example.
  • The Transperth website (the public transportation service in Perth, Western Australia) uses this when issuing notices for upcoming concerts. From the Music/P!nk concert in 2013:

    If you want to Get The Party Started and not have to worry about traffic, take Transperth to the Pink Concert. Then Raise Your Glass because public transport is included in your ticket and Perth Arena is only a short walk from Perth Station.

  • Late Seattle businessman Ivar Haglund was notorious for these. His restaurant's ads are still loaded with cheap puns regarding fish and seafood (he was listed as "flounder" of the chain, and the company motto is "Keep Clam"), and when the Seattle Building Department protested to a windsock he flew from the top of the Smith Tower (at the time, one of the tallest buildings in the city), he wrote them protest pun-loaded poetry.
  • 24 Terribly Awesome Puns.
  • This thread on the BattleTech forums got very cheesy, very fast...
  • The USENET group alt.humor.puns exists until today.
  • Once a road collapses near Hell, CA, you can't report without punning about said forsaken place.

    Person 1: Great! We've blown away the competition!

  • Following the release of The Force Awakens, the number of Rey puns exploded—especially after Daisy Ridley herself egged it on.
  • Channel 5 meteorologist Sian Welby ran with this after the movie came out ("If you Luke father west, you will be seeing a glimmer of sunshine if you're Wookiee..."), and again with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ("So it's harley coincidence... and rain will Affleck northern Ireland and western Scotland").
  • Many users of Reddit have a tradition called the "pun thread". For pun-loving people, it can be quite amusing.
  • This article about an inappropriate Spider-Man statue being taken down.
  • This sign put up by Transport for London.