Hybrid Monster - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Nov 18 2008

Hybrid Monster (trope)

"I'm sorry, no, I won't take it. If we accept orc zombies, then we open the gate to all kinds of crap. What's next? Centaur dragons? How about demon fairies? Maybe buffalo elves? Heck, why not whale vultures? I'm going to make a stand for plausible monsters everywhere. Who's with me?"

The logical conclusion of Half-Human Hybrid, Monster Mash and Mix-and-Match Critters. A Hybrid Monster is a creature made up of two or more mythological, alien, monster, or fantasy creatures... or all of the above! It's common for these creatures to be more powerful than the separate component creatures.

While the particular possible combinations are essentially infinite, most come about through one of a few basic causes:

  • Natural Breeding: Two creatures, perhaps themselves once human or Half Human Hybrids, or completely different species (never mind races) get it on and produce a child. Maligned Mixed Marriage optional. Most of the time, these types tend to resemble an even mixture of the two parents; Mix-and-Match Critters are possible, but usually not the case. These can then go on to have children of their own, either with one of their parent species, which will usually make Uneven Hybrids; with one another, potentially establishing a self-sustaining new species; or with other species or hybrids, potentially reslulting in rather unusual Heinz Hybrids.
  • Transformation: An already non-human creature gets an incomplete Forced Transformation, is infected with The Virus, bitten by a werewolf, or grafted with cybernetics or subjected to genetic engineering. What happens here is you have a "common" base type which gets superseded by a second one. The vast majority of these are undead of some description, as zombies, skeletons, vampires, liches, and so on are typically depicted as transformed states that any being can achieve or be cursed with rather than species per se. Cyborgs, werecreatures, and mutants of other species also turn up for the same reason. Mixes of these, such as vampire liches or undead werewolves or cyborg zombies, however, are much rarer. These variants usually look like whatever the base form is, but corpse-like, skeletal, with metal bits in, or whatever else.
  • Fusion Dance: Two already existing creatures become one already existing creature. These often result from a spell Gone Horribly Wrong, a merging accident, or a Teleporter Accident. These can include almost any variant of things in almost any visual combination.
  • Artificial Creation: Someone — a god, a wizard, a mad scientist, or whoever — decided to create a new species of beings with the traits of other species through magic, genetic engineering, flesh-sculpting or some other means. Perhaps they needed a new species of soldiers, or wanted a culture to worship them, or just felt like it. These are more likely to resemble an actually chimeric mix of things than previous cases.
  • They Just Exist: Perhaps, from the setting's own perspective, these aren't "hybrid" beings at all. Sometimes, reptile-bodied centaurs with dragon wings, merelves, elemental unicorns, or whatever else are just things that are part of the regular order, have existed about as long as anything else, and are not really perceived as "mixtures" of things in the first place.

Subtrope to Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot; this trope exclusively deals with the merger of nonhuman/non-normal-animal creatures.

Supertrope to:

See also Non-Human Humanoid Hybrid. Compare Liminal Being, Shape Shifter Mashup, Power-Upgrading Deformation and Partial Transformation. May lead to authors using Hybrid-Overkill Avoidance to limit this.


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Anime & Manga 

  • Bakugan: The Hybrid Bakugan were created from the collision of two elemental planes. As a result, all six of them are sort of cruel mockeries of their combined elements with personalities to match. Heck, even Tayghen gives a whole new definition to Vagina Dentata.
  • Bleach: Ayon is a chimeric Hollow created by the sacrificed arms of the three Arrancar subordinates of Tier Harribel whose animal bases are a deer, lion, and snake respectively, which almost makes it one-to-one for the actual Chimera. Ayon is also much stronger than the sum of its parts, capable of pounding on enemies even all three of them working together in their Ressurreccion can't. The only problem is that Ayon is The Berserker who doesn't even listen to them half the time and usually just rampages (and if actually injured just gets angrier and rampages harder), so they only resort to summoning it when they have no other option.
  • Digimon Adventure 02: Quite a few hybrids are featured here — it started with Chimeramon (and by extension, its evolved form Millenniummon from the WonderSwan games), then proceeded to feature more with Fusion Dance for Paildramon and Silphymon.
  • Dragon Ball Z: Cell is a biological chimera made from the DNA of most of the major heroes and villains up to that point, making him a hybrid of Saiyan, Human, Namekian, and Frieza's unnamed race. He looks like a giant bug person, hinting at even more creatures in the mix.
  • Itadaki! Seieki♥: The main female character, Mari Setogaya, is a half-Vampire, half-Succubus.
  • Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's: The Darkness of the Book of Darkness is likely a result of the Wolkenritter collecting Mana from alien magic beasts. Its body includes the black wings and upper torso of Reinforce, the rocky protrusions and and metal plates of the giant turtle-like beasts, and the tentacles of the Sand Worms, along with other parts like giant red horns and spider-like legs it got from who-knows-where.
  • Negima! Magister Negi Magi: The Griffin Dragon is a hybrid with Griffon and Dragon traits that Yue Ayase takes down with a ceremonial dagger.
  • WXIII: Patlabor The Movie 3: The monster is part human, part alien & later absorbs a Humongous Mecha as well. It also inexplicably has fish & lobster bits.
  • Ranma ½: Pantyhose Taro's cursed form, in his first appearanc, is a Yeti/Bull/Crane/Eel hybrid. By his second appearance, he has also added Octopus.
  • Pokémon:
    • In Pokémon Adventures:
      • There is a stone statue in Eterna City that features a cross between Dialga and Palkia. This is later explained as people once thought the two beings as one.
      • There's also a chimera created by Team Rocket by fusing the bodies of the three Legendary Pokémon, Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno into Thu-Fi-Zer.
    • An early episode of Pokémon: The Original Series has Venustoise, an illusory fusion of Venusaur and Blastoise.
  • The Twelve Kingdoms: The Nyokai are animal hybrids; the more varied animal parts they have, the better. Special mention goes to Taiki's own, Haku Sanshi: she has the head and torso of a white-haired girl, the eyes of a fish, the tail of a lizard, and the lower body of a leopard. Even her personality is Hybrid. The transfer to Wa (Neo-Japan) changes her mode of thinking from gentle mama-tiger to homicidal guardian who knows how to cause car accidents. Somehow, the demon lord that guards Taiki (don't ask) doesn't seem to care...


  • Fredrik K. T. Andersson (creator of the webcomic PAWN) loves this trope, though most of his pictures are NSFW. Said dragontaur even shows up with a potential daughter in law in one of those pictures: Click here (NSFW)

Card Games 

  • Magic: The Gathering: It is fairly easy for such creatures to crop up, as the various creature types that define the nature of each creature card can be mixed and matched in any theoretical combination (indeed, doing such things is the only way to add adjectival modifiers to individual creature types, although the extra types are usually professions like Barbarian, Soldier, Wizard or suchlike). Specific examples include:
    • Non-Human Undead are very common, to begin with — undeath is the domain of Black Mana, and Black is at its core pragmatic and unconcerned with arbitrary rules. If a centaur, griffon, mermaid or dragon would make a useful zombie or skeletal servant, why not raise them?
    • Gaea's Skyfolk are Elf Merfolk that can fly for some reason, despite neither parent species being able to do that.
    • Razorfin Hunter, a Merfolk Goblin. It's notable that no-one in-universe actually knows where these things came from.
    • Malfegor isn't the best, but he sure as hell qualifies, what with being a half-demon, half-dragon... thing.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh!: Fusion Monsters are usually like this, but not always. For example, every Fusion that involves Elemental Hero Wildheart looks like Wildheart wearing a version of the other monster's armor or costume, so the Trope fits. However, some Fusion Monsters don't fit the Trope at all. (Musician King is a good example. A Fusion of Witch of the Black Forest and Lady of Faith? What the...

Comic Books 

  • Marvel Zombies: Just about every Marvel Comics hero and villain turn into a zombie, which was the result of a space virus. We'll let you ponder the ramifications of Zombie Wolverine, Zombie Human Torch, and Zombie Hulk for yourself.
    • One of its titles crossed over with Army of Darkness Ash, it ends the comic with him escaping to a world where all the heroes are infected with lycanthropy.
    • The third book had Morbius, a Zombie Vampire (or a "Vambie" as he states).
  • Disregarding the whole "space alien" backstory thing, Two-Edge from ElfQuest would technically qualify, being half-elf, half-troll.
  • Monster Plus:
    • The titular character is a one-man Monster Mash — he's a vampire werewolf Frankenstein's monster zombie mummy witch doctor. Originally, he was just a Frankenstein's Monster, but when you get into the kind of scrapes he does, you pick up some unique skillsets and/or bite marks.
    • Arguably, his enemies Hitlerfist and Supermane also count as hybrids; Hitlerfist is the monster with Hitlers for hands, while Supermane is, well, Superman with a lion head.
  • Nina Price, Vampire by Night, a Marvel Comics character created by Jeff Parker and Federica Manfredi in the anthology book Amazing Fantasy, and subsequently appearing in Howling Commandos, is the niece of Jack Russell, Werewolf by Night, who inherited the family curse, and then got bitten by a vampire. She's human during the day, a vampire by night, and a white wolf at full moon.
  • PS238: Malphast is the child of a demon and an angel.
  • Wonder Woman foe Slaughter is a big, blue, 12-armed red-eyed cyclops centaur.
  • Zombillénium: The story concerns an horror-themed amusement park run by actual monsters. Due to managers disagreeing which ride he needs to be stationed to on his first day (a werewolf and a vampire who were both short-staffed and kept biting him alternately), the hero ends up looking like a traditional Big Red Devil.

Fan Works 

Films — Animated 

  • Beauty and the Beast: The eponymous Beast is a mashup of several animals (buffalo, gorilla, cow, bear, lion, and wolf), albeit on a humanoid frame.
  • Shrek 2: The Dronkeys are talking-donkey/dragon hybrids, the result of Donkey getting together with the Dragon from the first movie. Though as they're all fluffy little foals, they're hard to qualify as monsters.

Films — Live-Action 

  • Alien:
    • The Predalien in Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, although he is technically an alien born from a predator body and not a pure hybrid.
    • Technically, the warrior aliens we are so used to seeing in the Alien series would be a alien-human hybrid (The Newborn from Alien: Resurrection also would count), and the creature from Alien³ would be an alien-dog hybrid.
    • By that logic, The Proto-Xenomorph "the Deacon" in Prometheus would count as well, being an alien born from an Engineer.
  • The Fly (1986): Quantum physicist Seth Brundle suffers a matter transporter accident where he is genetically fused with a housefly. What follows is a slow yet very graphic transformation as Seth turns into Brundlefly, a six-foot man/fly hybrid that weighs 185 pounds and spews acid.
  • Jurassic Park:
    • The Indominus rex from Jurassic World is a hybrid dinosaur created by mashing up the DNA of various carnivorous dinosaurs. Its body is mostly based off of a Tyrannosaurus, but its stealthiness is owed to its Velociraptor genes, as is its ability to dominate the pack mentality of Owen Grady's raptor squad. According to Word of God, it even has some amount of human genes, which may explain its dexterous hands, high intelligence, and sadism.
    • The Indoraptor from Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is a smaller, more compact, version of the Indominus rex. It has a higher amount of Velociraptor DNA, making it much more adept at hunting, as it was geared to become a military animal, unlike the Indominus rex that was created to become an attraction.
  • The Monster Club: Vampires, werewolves and ghouls can all mate together. These hybrids can then mate to produce further hybrids.
  • The Omen: Damien, the film series' The Antichrist, looks human, but he doesn't qualify as one at all. His father is the Devil and his mother was a jackal.
  • Splice: Dren is a female creature that is part human, and any number of other animals, depending on how many 'plug and play' samples were inserted into her DNA at the time of her conception.
  • Underworld:
    • This is the driving force behind the plot of Underworld (2003), Lucian wants to create a hybrid of the (biological) vampires and werewolves so he can finally win the war between both species in his (the werewolves) favor.
    • Underworld: Evolution gets interesting in this regard. While Michael is a Werewolf-Vampire hybrid, Marcus becomes a Vampire-Werewolf hybrid (which means he gets wings, but is still nocturnal). Selene herself gets "hybridized" with Alexander's blood, making her not so much a Vampire-??? as pure badass, as well as immune to sunlight.
    • Underworld: Awakening features Selene and Michael's daughter who was conceived after they had both become hybrids themselves, so she was born as a hybrid of two hybrid species. The Dragon to that film's Big Bad was also a hybrid of sorts, being a werewolf whose DNA had been spliced with something that made his wolf form twice the size of a normal werewolf and made him immune to most of the traditional werewolf weaknesses.


  • After The End Serenity: Applies to many creatures, especially those found in Dungeons. This also technically applies to Serenity.
  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: An Older Than Radio example; in addition to the Gryphon, there's the Mock Turtle, a turtle with a calf's head, hooves, and tail. (This is likely because mock turtle soup, which the Queen of Hearts says is made from mock turtles, was once made from the discarded parts of a calf, much like the discarded parts of cows are used to make low-grade hamburger in modern times.)
  • Animorphs: Book #35 deals with Marco's stress from his father marrying his math teacher; when he tries to morph into an animal he chooses, it ends up with him mixing with another. An osprey crossed with a lobster, a trout with the arms of a gorilla, a wolf spider crossed with a skunk, and finally a poodle and a polar bear.
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: Although the White Witch claimed to have at least partial human ancestry, she was actually a hybrid of giant and jinn (genie).
  • The City of Dreaming Books: Harpyrs are a cross between a harpy and a vampire.
  • Harry Potter: The Ministry of Magic has explicitly outlawed experimental cross-breeding of magical species. Not that this prevented Hagrid from breeding Manticores with Fire Crabs to produce Blast-Ended Skrewts, giant scorpion-like creatures. His attempt to use them as a year-long caretaking project for his Care of Magical Creatures class doesn't go well, because they're so vicious that they all end up killing each other, leaving only one left by the end of the year.
  • Heart of Steel: Alistair's second (and ultimately much less disastrous) gift to Julia is a creature assembled from the torso and arms of a gorilla and the everything else of a pony. After a bit of trepidation, Julia ultimately names it Cuddles.
  • The Magic of Oz: A boy and the Nome King (using a magic word that lets the user shape-shift anyone however they want) transform themselves into Li-Mon-Eags—"creatures with the heads of lions, the bodies of monkeys, and the wings of eagles as well as having" ball-shaped tails.
  • No Need for a Core?: Hybrid creatures are plentiful thanks to the powers of dungeon magic. Most of them are adorable little abominations of nature, as one teenager phrased it In-Universe.
  • A Song of Ice and Fire: According to The World of Ice & Fire, it's possible that dragons are the result of two separate creatures, the firewyrms and wyverns, mixed together. Firewyrms are wingless reptiles which inhabited Valyria long before the hatchling of the first dragons, which are small at birth but can grow very large and breathe fire. Wyverns, meanwhile, are winged reptilian creatures from Sothoryos. Bloodmages might have brought wyverns to Valyria and bred them with the firewyrms, creating reptilian creatures who can fly and breathe fire.
  • A Wizard in Rhyme:
    • There's a dracogriff who is half-griffin, half-dragon. Unfortunately, this is not quite as awesome as it sounds, since griffins and dragons are bitter enemies and he's hated by both.
    • In another book, the Ministry has take into custody a fire-breathing chicken.
  • Xanth: The book series abounds with this, due to the magical love springs which created the world's Half Human Hybrids in the first place.

Live-Action TV 

  • Grimm: One episode features a hybrid-Wesen, created after a Genio Innocuo mother felt they were too passive-aggressive and spliced her son's genes with that of a Lowen. Unfortunately, this created a Jekyll & Hyde situation as since the Genio Innocuo are naturally competetive, the Lowen side would manifest to murder their competition.
  • Kamen Rider: More than a few monsters have been hybrid creatures. Among the major villains, Mezool from Kamen Rider OOO once accidentally turned herself into one via absorbing one of her fellow Greeed, a load of Cell Medals and two Core Medals from a third Greeed. In her new hybrid Mega Greeed form, with mixed traits of aquatic animals and heavy land animals, she lost all control of herself until Kamen Riders OOO and Birth destroyed her physical body (her personality Core Medal survived, allowing her to be restored to her normal form later).
  • Power Rangers Mystic Force: Phineas was a Troblin, a creature that is half-troll, half-goblin. Surprisingly nice guy, all things considered.
  • Power Rangers Wild Force: The Mut-Orgs are three orgs who were originally sealed in stone in the far future. Ransik found them, and, after he freed them, they all copied his mutant DNA and turned themselves into these. And thanks to Hybrid Power, they're virtually immune to anything the Time Force and Wild Force Rangers can throw at them. It takes Ransik destroying their mutant halves for there to be any effect at all.
  • Star Trek: Besides the aforementioned Tuvix, Star Trek: The Next Generation featured at least one half-klingon half-romulan. Also, of most species featured in the Borg's species registry, there exists (or existed) a cyborg-zombie variant. The only exception is the Kazon, the only species ever deemed by the Borg to be unworthy of assimilation. In a universe with thousands of species, that's a major burn.
  • Supernatural: Eve, the Mother of all supernatural monsters, is finally released from Purgatory and spent some time combining various monster traits. Dean calls them Jefferson Starships, because they're horrible and hard to kill.
  • Teen Wolf: Hybrid supernatural creatures are called "chimeras", and are the main subject of the first half of Season 5.
  • Tensou Sentai Goseiger: The series' Big Bad, Burajira, uses these as his MOTWs. Examples include an Ortaurus (Orthus + Taurus) and a Uniberus (Unicorn + Cerberus).
  • Ultra Series: There's quite a few hybrid monsters, but they're never portrayed as easy opponents for the Ultra heroes.


  • Deadpool (Stern): The Megakrakolodonus, created from Deadpool's collection of prehistoric teeth, is a hybrid of a Tyrannosaurus rex, a kraken, and a megalodon.
  • Paragon: A lion/eagle/lizard hybrid griffon is prominently featured on both the backglass and playfield.


  • Equestrian Legends: The Kirin are a race of creatures that are half pony, half dragon. On a larger note, it's implied that dragons really sleep around and use life-altering magic to make sure the babies survive.

Tabletop Games 

  • Deadlands: Hell on Earth The main handbook features vampire werewolves.
  • Dungeons & Dragons: The tabletop series loves this trope:
    • The gorgimera, a chimera except goat head is replaced with a gorgon's. Just to be clear, gorgon in this case is not a woman with snakes for hair (those are called medusas in D&D), but an iron-skinned bull with petrifying breath.
    • Players can become this with some effort, for example, one can become a half-celestial minotaur werebear lich via templates added to your character. Certain hybridization are however impossible; for instance, a half-celestial cannot become a vampire, and one type of undead cannot become another.
    • The monster sourcebooks contain lots of hybrid monsters, like the drider, which is like a centaur but with a dark elf top half and giant spider bottom half.
    • d20 uses "templates" which graft part of one monster type onto any existing one. This can be used to make half-dragon wolves or half-angel kobolds. Templates can even be stacked, to make stuff like half-fiendish half-troll half-elemental pseudonatural vampiric werecrocodile goblins. There's an essay exploring the possibility of a vampire werewolf, with one of the major points of contention being whether the undead nature of the vampiric template would override the lycanthrope's shapeshifting ability. Of course this requires the templates to be applied in the proper order, as lycanthropy is a disease and undead are immune to all disease, so a vampire cannot contract lycanthropy.
    • The 3.5 sourcebook Bastards and Bloodlines (from Green Ronin) contains over 30 different half-breeds, from the believable (Mergs [human/merfolk]) to the silly (elf/giant eagle, halfling/blink dog). They also provide the option of creating your own, if you find the options unappealing.
    • Perhaps the least dangerous of all is the duckbunny. It's created by apprentice mages who want to practice making ridiculous hybrids without risk of being eaten by the result. (Obviously, Wizards of the Coast was having a little fun with the idea when they came up with this one.)
    • The thessalhydra, thessalmera, thessalgorgon and thessaltrice are particularly bizarre; hybrids between the hydra, chimera, gorgon, and cockatrice (two of which are already Mix-and-Match Critters) and a reptilian, lamprey-like creature called a thessalmonster. Actual thessalmonsters don't appear in the game, though, because they've been hybridised out of existence.
    • Dragon #170: The article "Crossing Dragons with Everything" describes a number of creatures created through the crossbreeding of chromatic dragons with various other monsters — mantidrakes, dracimeras and wyvern drakes. They generally resemble their other parent with a draconic cast to their appearance; their hybrid nature is enough to give them Breath Weapons and to make them vulnerable to weapons and spells designed to harm reptiles, but they're not innately magical enough to be target by explicitly anti-dragon magic. They may be born through either natural hybridization, in which case they're usually restricted to pairings of dragons and non-dragons that typically share habitats, or through sorcerous experimentation, which can result in any number of bizarre pairings.
  • Exalted: There's a lot of detailed rules and suggestions for generating whatever sort of giant amalgam of monsters you want.
  • Feng Shui: Abominations occur when all kind of demons and supernatural beasts or monsters are turned into cyborgs by fascist Mad Scientists from THE FUTURE!. They even serialized the production of Jiangshi, the Chinese hopping vampires, calling the cyborg version "Bouncing Benjys." If you use your Arcanowave gear too much, you run the risk of becoming one of these things yourself!
  • Games Workshop:
    • Warhammer has, among other things, Dragon Ogres (which, confusingly enough, are not related to normal Dragons or Ogres at all), Skeleton Giants (which may or may not include any Giant bones — really they're just oversized bone golems), Zombie Dragons, Chaos Dwarf Bull Centaurs and Chaos-corrupted versions of just about anything. Chaos at least includes a kind of Hybrid-Overkill Avoidance in that anything with too many mutations devolves into a shapeless Chaos Spawn.
    • Warhammer 40,000 has the Soul Grinder, a Cyborg Daemon.
  • New World of Darkness: Hybridization is largely impossible as being one type of supernatural creature cuts off the chance of being another type. Werewolves are immune to the static effects of vampire blood because they're shapeshifters (though they can still be addicted to it...), mages are killed if you try to Embrace them, Prometheans don't retain any supernatural qualities of the body used to make them, and so forth. There are some examples, however. Magath are spirits that, in the dog-eat-dog-and-also-whatever-dogs-normally-eat world of spirits, have consumed a spirit that is not a part of their nature (e.g., a cat spirit eating a typewriter spirit), producing a hybrid that embodies both concepts and is quite mad as a result.
  • Old World of Darkness: This happened rarely — it was more common in the early editions, but then the writers decided that such a thing was too gimpy. There were some exceptions, such as the Abominations (werecreatures who'd been Embraced, forced to live out a hollow and torturous existence as the natural world rejected them utterly) and the infamous case of Samuel Haight, the Kinfolk turned werewolf with vampiric Disciplines and Awakened magic (who eventually got killed and turned into an ashtray).
  • Pathfinder:
    • Manticores are capable of breeding with almost any leonine creature, including lions, dire lions, chimeras and lamias. The result tends to be a hybrid resembling the species of the other parent with a manticore's spiked tail.
    • The dragons' ability to produce hybrids with other species extends beyond humanoids, and half-dragons can come from a great variety of species: notable examples include dracolisks — a now self-perpetuating species created from the crossbreeding of dragons and basilisks, with a basilisk's petrifying gaze and a dragon's Breath Weapon — and Tintavex, a half-dragon griffon created when a teleportation mishap accidentally fused a griffon egg with that of a cloud dragon, the resulting egg hatching to reveal a dragon with feathered wings, a feathered tail and the front talons of an eagle.


  • Monster High: The Freaky Fusion special introduces four hybrid characters and the Fright-Mares line, which consist of dream-spawned centaurs who are crossed with the monster type of their dreamer.

Video Games 

  • AdventureQuest A major theme has Fur Against Fang in the Darkovia region. There are also a few Werepyres running around. Then someone had the bright idea to take a Werepyre and add some Dragon to the mix, creating Nightbane the Dracopyre. His bite also infuses ordinary Vampires and Werewolves with some draconic traits.
  • Borderlands 2: One quest chain for Dr. Zed has you collect body parts from rakk, skags, and spiderants. The former two are made into flying skags called "skrakks" and the latter is combined with parts from a psycho to make a "spycho". Hilariously, when you go on the third quest, Zed tells you that it's technically your fault since you agreed to get the parts for him.
  • Castlevania: Whilst the series uses a lot of mythological monsters, it also creates its own, like a monster which is half zombie skull half butterfly, and a half naked chick half dinosaur.
  • Dark Devotion: Chimera the King's Steed is a white-furred beast with the body of a lion and the head, tail, and fiery breath of a dragon. It howls and snarls like a wolf as well.
  • Dark Souls: The Sanctuary Guardian is a white lion with ram horns, four bird wings and a scorpion tail. In other words, almost a textbook manticore.
  • Doom II: There are certain demon hybrids featured in this game: Mancubi are demons with guns for hands and robot legs; Arachnotrons are giant brains with robotic spider bodies; and Cyberdemons (also present in the original game) have a rocket launcher for an arm, one robotic leg each, and wires for a midriff. They aren't really hybrids, but more like a demonic Hollywood Cyborg. Doom³ did include a few, though: The Cherubs (half-infant-half-insect), and the Vagary (half-lady-half-spider).
  • Final Fantasy:
    • Final Fantasy VI had the Skull Dragon, a skeleton dragon who is an optional boss that you have to defeat to get the Crusader magicite and the powerful Meltdown spell.
    • Final Fantasy XII and Vagrant Story also had skeletal dragons, and the latter threw undead variants of ogres and minotaurs into the mix as well.
    • Final Fantasy XIII gives us, at the very least, cyborg wolves and Behemoths (with Tron lines, no less!); however, as well as "recognisable" hybrids, the game also treats us to a whole menagerie of weird and wonderful mash-up monsters that defy description.
  • Goosebumps: Escape from Horrorland has terrifying crab-slug hybrids lurking within the labyrinths found inside the park's trash cans. It's never explained what exactly they are or how they came to be; even the name of their species is only found in the manual.
  • Hytale: If their mohawk-esque hairstyles and orkish physical builds are any indication, the Trorks are a cross between trolls and orks. The portmanteau name only helps.
  • Jade Cocoon: The entire mechanic of the game revolved around capturing Mons and fusing them to try and pass on strong traits, spells, and techniques while weeding out the weak and less desirable ones. Then of course you can fuse your fused monsters again and again and again as much as you like.
  • Mass Effect: Many of the husks are this as the Reapers like to experiment. Scions are basically three organics mashed together with a big gun, Cannibals are batarians crossed with humans and the Brutes are a krogan crossed with a turian. The last is probably the worst as those two species aren't even biochemically compatible.
  • Monster Rancher: The game features monster hybridization as the main monster differentiation. In any one game there'll be 20-25 base breeds. Main/Sub is the most common shorthand i.e. Golem/Golem for a Main Golem/Sub-breed Golem "purebreed." If you mix it with a Hare/Hare you might get a Hare/Golem or Golem/Hare.
  • Mortal Kombat X: The Alien is a Xenomorph/Tarkatan hybrid, possessing the strengths of the Xenomorph (acidic blood, prehensile barbed tail, durable chitinous hide, deadly second jaw) with the physical build and arm-blades of a Tarkatan.
  • Painkiller: Belial, the protagonist of Painkiller Overdose, was fathered by an angel and born from a demon, making him a half-angel half-demon. Which he will constantly remind you of just in case you happen to forget.
  • Pokémon:
    • Pokémon Black 2 and White 2: Black Kyurem and White Kyurem are the result of combining Kyurem with either Zekrom or Reshiram, respectively. However, Unovan legend states that the three were originally one being, so this might be a case of the creature being incomplete rather than a hybrid. (And no, you cannot combine all three if you own all three Pokemon.)
    • Pokémon Uranium, a fan game, has Gargryph, a griffin-shaped gargoyle.
  • RuneScape: A Wyrd is created when a human with Icyene ancestry it turned into a vampyre.
  • Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey: The crew of the Red Sprite find a demon in Mitra's palace being tortured by the other demons. An examination reveals it's made with equal parts demon and human DNA. Jiminez, showing a softer side for the first time in the game, saves its life by adding it to his Demonica and names it "Bugaboo" (the only word it can say).
  • Skylanders: A few of the titular Skylanders are different types of hybrid monsters — among them are Sunburn, who is a phoenix/dragon hybrid and is directly stated to be the only being like this, and Whirlwind, who is a unicorn/dragon hybrid.
  • StarCraft: The Zerg and Protoss Hybrids are part of a major story arc. It started in the secret mission of Brood War with Zeratul finding them in cryo-suspension on a remote dark moon, and by StarCraft II it has been confirmed that not only are they spread throughout the Galaxy, but they are waking up and will bring forth the end of the Universe under the command of the Fallen One.
  • Suikoden: Zombie unicorns are recurring monsters.
  • Super Snail by QCplay Limited has the children of one of your friends Lee Gi-na. She's a ghost-like spirit originated from a zither in Cathay while her ex-boyfriend and baby daddy is a Tauren-like beastman princeling. So her kids are the Minorinos which are blue, legless bull-headed floating things that are classified as mutants, while Lee Gi-na's species is classified as a fairy.
  • Total War: Warhammer II: Rakarth's Breeding Program skill allows his faction's hydras to use the kharybdisses' Abyssal Howl and its kharybdisses to use the hydras' Breath Weapon, suggested in the skill's description to be due to literal hybridization of the two monster species.
  • Touhou Project: Keine is a were-hakutaku. Umm... a hakutaku is something like a giant lion with extra eyes and horns. In practice, this really means that on nights of the full moon, Keine grows horns, a tail, changes in power and hair color, and gains new superpowers. Because people don't really know what a hakutaku is, much less a were-hakutaku, fan jokes lean towards portraying her as a cow.
  • Tsukihime: Technically, Nero Chaos started out as a human but now shares his identity with 665 other creatures, so the actual humanity he has left is essentially negligible. Capable of some degree of shape shifting between forms and also something of an ultimate killing form that isn't described very well. His body includes dogs, tigers, at least one doorshark, bears, dragons, unicorns, a blue crow, one vampire, some jaguars, giant crab monsters, stags, wolves and who knows what else.
  • World of Warcraft: The game features cyborg demons, zombie giants, skeleton dragons, vampire elves, 10 feet tall zombie vikings and many more. Druids can shapeshift into a moonkin, a combination of the wisest (owl) and strongest (bear) animals.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles X: The Lifehold generates a group of creatures known as chimerae as a defense mechanism. Unfortunately, it's also malfunctioning, so what it creates are twisted amalgamations of multiple Earth creatures, resulting in... things that resemble lizards with three tails, a triple-split mouth, eyes in their shoulders, and other extremely creepy attributes. And that's not even getting into what it does to Lao and Luxaar...


  • 8-Bit Theater: Black Mage expresses dislike for this sort of monster (for those who are confused as to why the whale vulture is a whale with robot limbs, the vutlure part comes from a battlemech called a vulture).
  • El Goonish Shive:
    • The Uryuom "eggs" that mix more or less any critters and produce viable offspring shapeshifting between parent species' forms. Uryuom is not necessarily a part of this. One of main characters is Human/squirrel/Uryuom/another-alien-creature combining forms at will.

      William: The current known record for number of parents to a single child is twelve, and only nine of those were Uryuoms.

    • Mr Verres and Mr Raven both have pet hedgecats, which appear to be normal cats apart from the hedgehog spines. Their origin has not yet been revealed.
  • Fairy Dust: Hybrids are very common in this setting; any humanoid can breed with almost any other. Some particular cases happen:
    • Incubae's traits are exclusively found on the Y chromosome. An incubus's daughter is not an incubus (or a succubus). The race can only reproduce with a female from another race. The typical incubus is such a genetic patchwork that it's hard to tell what his family tree looked like.
    • Tiny elves hybrids are great elves, the genetic defect making them tiny, sickly, and obligatory cannibals being corrected by outsider blood.
  • George the Dragon: The offspring between the titular George and the Loch Ness monster are dragon/loch ness hybrids. Plus a lobster, for no explainable reason.
  • The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob!: Molly the Monster is a "genetic chimera thingie" combining the DNA of many different creatures, including human.
  • Last Res0rt: The Celeste's default forms are monstrous hybrids; literally, they're made up of all sorts of different species, to the point that there's no such thing as a "purebred" Celeste, and they seem capable of mating with any (sentient) species.
  • The Order of the Stick:
    • Malack, the lizard(or rather, snake) person-vampire, and now Durkon, the dwarf-vampire.
    • The tragic backstory of Durkon's father involves his party attacking a troll that they didn't know was also a half-dragon. A Half-red dragon, meaning it was Immune to Fire, the most common way to counter a troll's regeneration.
  • Planescape Survival Guide: Frd'gl'fn'd'pq'zter (he goes by "Fred") is an orange dragon — not the kind you'd find in an expansion book or 3rd party package, but rather the crossbreed of a male red and a female gold.
  • White Dark Life: Though most of Tori's related family(excluding Boar) are effectively this, she deserves special mention as her transformed state has the physical characteristics of a nekomata, but also possesses the power to raise the dead like a bakeneko.

Web Original 

  • Momo: The titular Momo is a combination of a human and bird, with her arms being birdlike in appearance.

Western Animation 

  • Adventure Time: Marceline is revealed to be a demon/human hybrid who then was turned into a vampire at some point. It's left unclear which of her powers come from which source. The Vamps mini-arc reveals that most of her powers are technically from her vampire side, though she doesn't have to be a vampire to have these powers; she gains them through her sole demon power, soul sucking. Absorbing the essence of vampires also absorbed their powers; she only became a vampire due to a survival gambit by the Vampire King, who ironically is a hybrid monster himself.
  • Captain Planet and the Planeteers: In the episode "Planeteers Under Glass", there is one futuristic flying cyborg-demon among the Mix-and-Match Critters that only appears in the virtual planet... for a short while anyway, all while the Apocalypse Class is getting spiked up to Class 6!
  • The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy: The nerdy Irwin turns out to be half-mummy and one-quarter vampire.
    • He also gets transformed into a werewolf in one episode, although it's later reverted.
    • He really shows off his talents in the Underfist Halloween special.
  • The Real Ghostbusters: "No One Comes to Lupusville", an episode with a Fur Against Fang theme, asks the question, "what happens when werewolves and vampires bite each other?" They wisely don't stick around to find out.