Hypocrite Has a Point - TV Tropes

  • ️Tue Jan 17 2017

Hypocrite Has a Point (trope)

"Let's compromise; you can carry me on your back instead."

"...Yeah, so when the pot calls the kettle black, the kettle's still fuckin' black."

If there's anything people agree on, it's that being a Hypocrite is bad. The most negative of spotlights are trained on those who do not practice what they preach. If someone is a hypocrite, they are assumed to be rightly contemptible and completely wrong.

If only things were that simple.

Even if a person is a hypocrite, their critiques aren't necessarily incorrect or irrelevant. If Bob The Alcoholic criticizes Tom for drinking away his pain, he still raises the point that Tom could find a better way of solving his issues. If high school dropout Alice chastises Sammy for failing college, she could then say that Sammy shouldn't lose sight of her future. This goes double if Alice is Sammy’s mother. - In real life, this is represented by the well-known logical fallacy called tu quoque, or the appeal to hypocrisy. The logical fallacy is believing that someone is wrong just because they are a hypocrite, whereas in fact, at least philosophically, they are actually at least as authoritative as anyone else on the subject, and usually even more likely to be correct because they probably have had a negative experience — for instance, an unrepentant drug addict is quite possibly one of the best people to listen to when they tell you not to do drugs, or that some drug laws are bad and unfairly affect minorities, or even that certain drugs aren't even so bad. Nevertheless, politicians continue to be denounced as hypocrites by their adversaries and anyone else who wants to win an argument, not least of which because it is also, sadly, a very successful tactic. It is also often known as "whataboutism", especially when politicians and state actors fallaciously call one another out on hypocrisy rather than admitting their own faults.

Just to clarify, this trope refers to people in-universe recognizing the fallacy and rising above it. No Real Life Examples, Please! (And yes, we do appreciate the hypocrisy of telling you not to add real life examples after explaining what hypocrisy is in real life.)

See also Hypocrisy Nod, Ad Hominem, At Least I Admit It.

Full sibling to Jerkass Has a Point (where a detestable person (or someone acting detestably) is right), Villain Has a Point (where the bad guy is right), and Dumbass Has a Point (where a character the other characters regard as stupid is right).

Half-sib to Strawman Has a Point, where it's the audience, rather than another character who says "Wait, that character is being presented as though he's wrong, but he's not, at least not entirely."

Compare Jacob Marley Warning, when someone warns another person against making the same life choices they did, justified because they can offer the perspective of having experienced how it will turn out badly. Can sometimes overlap with Hypocrisy Excuse if the hypocrite tries to justify or excuse the hypocrisy.

Contrast Psychological Projection, where the character's accusations are based entirely on their own faults.


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Anime & Manga 

  • In Aggretsuko, Retsuko's mother fervently tries to set up matchmaking dates for Retsuko against her will, even though she herself reveals that she married Retsuko's father because she followed her heart and didn't need any matchmaking to decide that for her. Despite this, it's because of her mother's zealous efforts to find her a husband that Retsuko eventually realizes that getting married and having a family is something she wants, though on her own terms.
  • Dragon Ball
    • Dragon Ball Z:
      • Chi-Chi is an Education Mama towards Gohan, insisting he study and not fight, despite the fact that she herself was a fighter as a child. However, other characters like Krillin and Bulma actually agree with her throughout the series about how children (Gohan, Goten, and Trunks) shouldn't even be fighting and engaging in dangerous activities in the first place. Also, Chi-Chi was twelve when she began fighting, while Gohan was four.
      • During the Cell Saga, Goku is taken aback when Gohan deliberately prolongs his Curb-Stomp Battle with Cell solely because he wanted to humiliate him and make him suffer as much as possible for his crimes, and literally screams at Gohan to finish him off to no avail. While Goku himself had previously done the exact same thing to Frieza for the exact same reason, considering the fact that he barely escaped Namek's explosion as a result of his anger and need for vengeance, Goku makes a valid point and has clearly learned from his mistake. He's proven right when Gohan's actions lead Cell to Freak Out and try to self-destruct, taking the Earth with him; Goku is forced to pull off a Heroic Sacrifice to save the world from the blast, and Gohan knows it's very much his fault for not listening to Goku's warnings.
      • Piccolo himself has a moment during the Cell Saga when he gives Goku a What the Hell, Hero? speech over his decision to throw Gohan into battle with Cell, pointing out that Gohan doesn't share Goku's Blood Knight attitude and is Just a Kid. Before his Character Development, Piccolo himself had done just that during the Saiyan Saga, putting Gohan through Training from Hell for a year and angrily chewing him out for failing to follow through with a team attack on Nappa, whereas Krillin had to point out to Piccolo that Gohan was only five, had never been in a real battle before, and shouldn't even be fighting in the first place. Nonetheless, Piccolo makes a very valid point, especially since Goku never once bothered to tell anyone about his plan to beat Cell until the minute he threw Gohan into the ring. Gohan may have been the only one strong enough to beat Cell, but he wasn't mentally ready for the responsibility, didn't even want to fight, and found no pleasure in being beaten senseless by Cell while his father simply stood there and watched it happen. Goku immediately has a My God, What Have I Done? moment.
      • During the Buu Saga, Bulma chews out the rest of the heroes for being so casual about Goten and Trunks fighting Majin Buu. However, she never had any qualms about Goku going off on dangerous adventures when he was a kid, nor did she have issues with Gohan traveling to Namek or fighting the Androids, who was also a kid at the time. That being said, she does have a point about them being so relaxed about the possibility of children dying, especially because she knows the Dragon Balls can only bring people back to life for so long.
    • Dragon Ball Super:
      • Zamasu's idea of dealing with the constant violence and division among mortals is to wipe them all out, and he's firmly convinced that The Gods Must Be Lazy for letting it go on. There are indeed many mortal characters, including Frieza and the Babarians, who were able to continue their destructive actions because of the gods' non-intervention policy. His master Gowasu agrees that there is much evil in the hearts of mortals, but he also believes that they have the potential to grow and learn from their mistakes. Zamasu finds the latter idea to be incomprehensible.
      • While Beerus doesn't really have the right to blame Shin for Universe 7's low mortal level given that he didn't really do his job either, even making the Supreme Kai's life harder by destroying planets for petty reasons, he is somewhat correct that Shin should really be more proactive in the development of mortal life, such as either stopping any threats to the development of his universe himself or training the Z-Fighters to have them prepare for beings such as Frieza or Cell while maintaining his hands-off approach in aiding mortal life. Given his inexperience, perhaps he should probably consult the Kais from the other worlds for some advice on how to develop mortal life better.
  • Future Diary: Despite having been forced to kill people in self-defense, Yuki is horrified by Yuno's murderous nature. He is later called out on this by Marco, who reminds Yuki that he's been relying on Yuno for protection since they met and even now is trying to keep his hands clean. Even so, Yuki is as scared of Yuno as anyone else in the setting and is rightly disturbed by Yuno's tendency to kill people when it's not necessary to their survival.
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: One of the things Envy most enjoys laughing at humans for, is their tendency to let their own emotions get the better of them and make impulsive decisions, but Envy themselves are so sadistic that they cannot resist the urge to boast about the atrocities they've committed, even in situations where doing so is really not a good idea. That said, Envy's point is far from invalid, considering that: the Elric brothers' backstory involved them trying to go against the laws of the universe itself and bring their mother Back from the Dead, with predictably disastrous results; Scar goes on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against all State Alchemists after enduring a horrific genocide against his people, ignoring whether a State Alchemist was actually involved in the genocide or not; and Shou Tucker let his desperation to achieve fame and fortune through impressive alchemy to override any form of common sense and fuse his own wife and daughter with animals, turning them into chimeras, which led to his getting found out, house-arrest and death at the hands of the aforementioned Scar. A significant part of Character Development for the Elric brothers and Scar involves them striving to overcome their impulses.
  • In the anime/manga of The Heroic Legend of Arslan, Etoile calls out a young Arslan for claiming that Pars is culturally enlightened when the kingdom is built upon slavery and treats them unequally, despite the fact that Etoile's kingdom of Lusitania also treats people unequally, especially anyone who doesn't share their faith. Regardless, Etoile's words makes Arslan realize that slavery is wrong and it motivates him to abolish slavery and improve the kingdom for the better.
  • Pokémon the Series:
    • Paul was extremely hypocritical when he criticized Ash for using Grotle, a Grass type, in an Ice-type gym (yet Paul himself used Chimchar against Roark). He did, however, have a point, considering that Ash has made this mistake many times and half of the time the battles don’t turn out in Ash’s favor.
    • As hypocritical as Iris can be with her catchphrase, she is correct that Ash can engage in such childish and idiotic antics (like only relying on one Pokémon against Elesa).
  • School Days' Shun Hazama mixes this with Start X to Stop X; he takes up womanizing to protect his targets from Tomaru Sawagoe, who is an even worse womanizer, a total sociopath, and an incestuous rapist.
  • Tokyo Ghoul: Touka berates and assaults Kaneki for his selfish actions, but conveniently chooses to ignore that her obsession with getting revenge on the CCG for the deaths of Hinami's parents resulted in the organization turning their attentions to the 20th ward, eventually resulting in the destruction of Anteiku. While Touka's retribution against the CCG was personal and proven to be disastrous for Anteiku in the long run, she makes a valid point. After suffering a brutal defeat at Arima's hands, Kaneki admits to the fact that he was really trying to protect himself from being alone after the death of his mother.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh!:
    • In the dub, Yami Yugi criticizes Johnny Steps for not coming up with a valid theme for his deck. Although Yami himself uses many different monster types in his deck at this point with little direct synchronicity with each other, Johnny is indeed focused more on the aesthetics of his cards and forfeits the match shortly after Yami destroys his flagship monster. Yami also later ends up taking his own advice, narrowing his deck's focus to specific sets of monsters that work better towards specific strategies and end goals more.
    • In his duel Gozabaru Kaiba, Seto Kaiba calls him out for relying too much on Exodia Necross. Since Kaiba only manages to go one duel without using his Blue Eyes White Dragons note  and has relied on Obelisk the Tormentor in every duel he took part in when he has the card available, he is the last person to be calling out someone for relying too much on a single monster, especially given how much he brags about the aforementioned cards. Nonetheless, Seto is proven correct in his criticism as Gozaburo’s entire strategy revolves around a single monster card and he does not use any other cards for the rest of the duel because he is certain Exodia Necross is invincible, leading to his defeat.
  • In Yuri is My Job!, Sumika Chibana is well aware that Kanoko Mamiya has unrequited feelings for the latter's best friend Hime Shiraki, and Kanoko is intensely jealous of Mitsuki Yano, who also has feelings for Hime and is the only other person Hime regards as a friend. Sumika then insists that Kanoko get over her jealousy of Mitsuki, lest it damage her relationship with Mitsuki. This is good advice, but Sumika comes off as hypocritical when flashbacks reveal she was similarly hostile toward Yoko Gotou, who was once in a relationship with Sumika's friend Nene Nishidera (Sumika may have had feelings for Nene without realizing it), and later becomes jealous of Hime for having Kanoko's love. However, the fact that Sumika's hostility toward Yoko caused friction between Sumika and Nene proves Sumika's point(although since Yoko is a terrible person, Sumika doesn't regret the way she acted toward Yoko). Hime is also shown to be the kind of person who's unhappy about Mitsuki and Kanoko not getting along; she was sad to hear Mitsuki confess to being jealous of Kanoko, and later asked Kanoko about why she was avoiding Hime.

Comic Books 

  • Arguably part of the point of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac is that Nny is a hypocrite and absolutely not someone you should respect or admire, often times killing and torturing people for slights as petty as "Called him wacky" or "Made fun of him". However many of his victims genuinely are assholes, though whether they deserved being horrifically tortured for being assholes is....well...
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Smuggler's Code: Small-time gunrunner and informant Brick Thomor warns Obi-Wan against his companion Rook Pryce by saying he needs to know who he's dealing with even as she's selling him false information that will lead him into a trap, but Rook is indeed that untrustworthy, as everyone else they encounter can attest to and Rook's own actions prove.

Fan Works 


  • AWE Arcadia Bay (Rogue_Demon): While Emily points out that she isn't one to talk (having allegedly pined for Dr. Darling in the past), Underhill is right that Emily's blatant crush on Jesse is both unprofessional and problematic.
  • Infinity Train: Blossomverse: A common element of several large stories in the verse, such as Infinity Train: Blossoming Trail and Infinity Train: Seeker of Crocus is the fact that both Goh and Chloe share many of the same faults and foibles: avoiding their problems instead of confronting them, reacting badly to past events, shutting themselves off from others, assuming the worst of people, etc. But this never changes the fact that what they accuse the other of is something that they both share and need to address in order to better themselves.
  • A Man of Iron: At one point, Cersei describes Petyr Baelish as "a vain creature who isn't nearly as smart as he thinks he is." That sentence is true of both Baelish and Cersei. Even despite Baelish's major case of Adaptational Badass.
  • A Phantom's Love and Courage: Played for Laughs when Danny mocks Tuxedo Mask's Atrocious Alias, as Tuxedo Mask fires back that all Danny did was change the first syllable of his surname.
  • Raise Your Voice Against Liars: Ms. Kawakami rips into Ms. Bustier at the climax of the Hawaii trip, calling her out on her poor leadership and misuse of her authority. Kawakami fully acknowledges that she's far from perfect herself, having started as an Apathetic Teacher, but is disgusted at Bustier for her refusal to do anything about the bullies in her class beyond ordering the victims to 'set a good example' by forgiving their abusers.
  • Those Obnoxious Ghosts: Lum Invader is an alien princess who fell in love with Danny Fenton because she misinterpreted him proposing to her; unfortunately, she is entirely selfish and has no respect for Danny’s boundaries, resorting to blackmailing him into a relationship. After she lied to her ex-boyfriend Rei that she was pregnant with Danny’s baby, causing him to fight Danny, Danny lost his patience and furiously told Lum that he didn't want anything to do with her nor did he care about her blackmail anymore. Eventually, she teamed up with Vlad Masters, Danny’s Arch-Enemy. When Lum complains how Danny was "uncooperative" with her and Rei is an idiot, Vlad is disgusted with her. Vlad also thinks it ironic that Lum is complaining about being harassed by her ex-boyfriend while doing the same thing with Danny. While Vlad is hypocritical in that he’s similarly obsessed with Danny’s mom, Maddie, and won’t take no for an answer while whining about not getting the love of his life to justify his villainy, he is right on the money about Lum, and how she's ultimately a whiny spoiled pest for Danny to deal with.


  • A Moth to a Flame: When Marcy reveals that she's willingly joined King Andrias, Sasha calls her out on how she ripped them away from their families and lives back on Earth and has thrown her lot in with a bad guy in the name of conquest. The fact that Sasha herself joined Grime doesn't undermine the rest of her point.

Danny Phantom

  • Danny Phantom: Stranded
    • Colette Bevier
      • Despite her obliviousness to her own hypocrisy, Colette is right that Paulina is pathetic for single-mindedly chasing after Danny Phantom, especially since he had no interest in her even before he started dating Starlight Spirit. Plus, from Colette's point of view, the ghost boy is even more unattainable for Paulina than Danny Fenton is for her.
      • While Colette is a much worse Abhorrent Admirer and stalker to Danny than Misty ever was, she is correct that Misty is still a stalker to Danny.
      • While she’s just as much of a brat as Donovan Loadman, her criticisms about him being an irritating pest that will never be boyfriend material and doesn’t even have his family’s wealth going for him anymore are 100% accurate.

The Ghost and Molly McGee

The Loud House

  • What is a Person Worth?:
    • While Luna admits that she was just as at fault as the rest of her family for driving Lincoln away, she still rightly calls them out on how nobody cared about how badly they were treating him until he hit his Rage Breaking Point.
    • When Rita thinks about how she wouldn't trade her son for anything in the world, she acknowledges how hypocritical that sounds, but reminds herself that they're trying to make amends.
    • In Chapter 22, Lynn rips Ronnie a new one for being tricked into believing Lincoln was cheating on her. While she also admits that she hasn't been the best about this, she still asserts the importance of not assuming the worst of your loved ones.

Miraculous Ladybug

  • Feralnette AU: During the Birds of a Feather arc, Alya scolds Marinette for jumping onstage to deal with an akuma. Marinette was already exhausted and injured before trying to intervene; however, the point Alya's attempting to make is heavily undermined by her tendency to throw herself in harms' way while Going for the Big Scoop.

    Marinette: Sure, let's have this conversation now. So it's fine when you, the blogger, run off to follow dangerous akuma for social media, but if I run off to try and help people, it's time for me to be lectured?

  • lies of attrition: Argos is completely correct in warning Ladybug that lying to Chat Noir about the Wish and Gabriel Agreste's Heroic Sacrifice is a bad idea... it's just a shame about the whole "posing as Adrien and giving the Miracle Box to Papillombre" business.
  • The One to Make It Stay: Unwilling to accept that Marinette has given up on Adrien and is happily dating Luka instead, Alya decides to stage an Operation: Jealousy by trying to set him up with Lila... without letting Lila in on her plan. Meaning Lila thinks Alya is sincerely trying to help her romantic prospects. After discovering the truth, Lila takes this as evidence that Alya is just like her: a False Friend who treats others as her Unwitting Pawns without caring one whit for their feelings.

My Hero Academia

  • In Pro Hero Metal Bat. One of All Might's reasons for not choosing Izuku as a successor is that Izuku's Quirklessness means he has no experience using a Quirk. Toshinori himself was a Quirkless boy given One for All; however, in canon, Izuku's lack of experience is a major reason why he hurts himself so much.
  • Sleeper Hit AU: When Aizawa reveals that he sent the Hamada Institute an endorsement for Izuku despite having just expelled him, he claims that he believed it would be a more suitable learning environment for him. Given everything the story reveals about Hamada's strict policies against Quirk discrimination, it's hard to deny that Izuku would have been better off applying there in the first place. But this doesn't change the fact that the only teacher at UA shown to be guilty of that kind of discrimination is Aizawa himself, as proven by him tampering with the test he used to justify the expulsion.

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

  • In Loved and Lost, Vivian serves Prince Jewelius in his every depraved course of action. When she faces Rainbow Dash in the climax, she admonishes the Element of Loyalty for blindly supporting the impostor Cadance (a complete stranger) to the point of outright abandoning her friend Twilight Sparkle during the course of "A Canterlot Wedding". Dash chooses to admit how correct Vivian's criticism is before she points out the hypocrisy.
  • Sunlight: Near the end, Sunset attempts to convince Sci-Twi that they need to let themselves be turned back into a human, as the power's messing with their head. They bluntly reply "Hello, pot, I'm kettle." Sunset concedes the point, but continues to insist that they were fine just the way they were before.


  • Black Flames Dance in the Wind: Rise of Naruto: Naruto warns Hinata against holding onto her hatred over Kiba committing suicide lest it poison her memories of him, acknowledging that his own refusal to do so means he can barely remember his childhood friend because of how much he's obsessed over getting revenge on her murderers.

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Persona Franchise

  • Hours 'Verse: Despite Yaldabaoth abusing his power to rig events in his own favor, he does have a point when he says that the attendants of the Velvet Room are biased towards their guests.


  • We Won't Tell You to Heel: Despite Gert pointing out that the Runaways are all criminals, Nico's point about them stealing the dog still stands because none of their crimes up until now were this blatant; theft is probably easier to prosecute than squatting in an abandoned subterranean building.

A Song of Ice and Fire

  • In Purple Days, Joffrey Baratheon has transcended into The Good King of Westeros via "Groundhog Day" Loop. However, the system that allowed him to go back is broken, leaving him with one final chance of stopping the Long Night. When examining his plans for Daenerys Targaryen, he's forced to admit to himself that she has become a villain in his story and that for Westeros to stand united in the face of winter, he can't possibly afford such a volatile factor to run unchecked, especially with the risks her dragons present. Feeling like a hypocrite, he reluctantly orders her assassination.

Star Wars

  • Dominoes combines this with Jerkass Has a Point while deconstructing it. Hevy points out that while Slick is totally correct about how the clones are enslaved by the Republic, he completely undermined his own cause by siding with the Separatists. Ultimately, all he achieved was getting a lot of clones killed and eroding sympathy others might have for them.


  • Mr. Fixit (Rorschach's Blot): Greg bans Amy from attending Endbringer fights except to help out with the aftermath, insisting that she'll save more people in the long run by not pushing beyond her limits and burning out. While's he's horrible at taking his own advice, as he outright refuses to eat or sleep while running search and rescue operations during said battles, he also isn't wrong about her needing to take better care of herself.

Films — Animation 

  • Aladdin (1992, Disney): Jafar calls Aladdin a liar and a conman, though both of these accusations can easily be applied to him the way he exploits his position as Vizer to take the throne for himself. For his part, Aladdin accepts this description of him and resolves to make up for it by ending Jafar's reign of terror.
  • Cars: Both Doc Hudson and Lightning McQueen bring up good points when confronting each other about Doc's past. Lightning's attempts to claim he's not like the guys who made Doc quit makes him ask Lightning about the last time he was selfless and cared for anyone besides himself. While Doc is correct and leads to Lightning's Jerkass Realization, he retorts that Doc really shouldn't be talking since he's been lying to the people of Radiator Springs for years about his past as the Hudson Hornet. Indeed this leads to Doc's own much later realization that ultimately results in him becoming his last-minute crew chief, paint and all.
  • Coco: While Héctor is being hypocritical for Miguel lying to him about not having any other family aside from Ernesto despite also lying (something Miguel notes), Héctor wasn't wrong in calling out Miguel for risking both of their lives.
  • Frozen: Elsa doesn't really have the right to call out Anna for being too sheltered to know about love to the point of marrying a guy she just met given her own self-imposed isolation, but she's nevertheless correct about it considering Kristoff later calls her out on this and that Hans is manipulating Anna just so that he can claim the kingdom for himself. Upon realizing this, Anna herself even acknowledges that she doesn't really know about love.
  • The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea: While Ariel follows in her father's example of forbidding Melody in the ocean and all talks of Mermaids and Mermen, Triton did so out of xenophobia against humans. Ariel, who is shown to still love the ocean and misses her father and her family, does so due to Morgana, Ursula's sister, making active threats against her daughter. Ariel also planned to eventually tell Melody everything when she was old enough to understand, but Melody ran away the same night that Ariel decided it was time.
  • Wreck-It Ralph: King Candy chastises Ralph for "going Turbo" and abandoning his game. While King Candy himself game-jumped in the past, with his true identity even being Turbo, the character the phrase is based on, Ralph's absence from his game nearly leads to it being shut down and thrown out.

Films — Live-Action 

  • During the Kangaroo Court "trial" of Lavrentiy Beria in The Death of Stalin, he desperately condemns his accusers for being just as guilty as him. He may be the worst of all of them, but he's not wrong that they propped up the same dictatorship he did.
  • In The English Teacher, Linda Sinclair reads her former student Jason the riot act for fooling around with an underaged student. While he's right she's reacting the way she is out of jealousy, having previously slept with Jason, he's still a 20 something fooling around with a minor.
  • Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019): During one early scene, Mark Russell judges his ex-wife Emma for putting commitment to her work studying monsters before her own mental health and consideration of their family in the aftermath of their son's death. Whilst Mark himself has put the bottom of a bottle and shutting everyone else out before his own mental health, and he's done it when his family really needed him to be strong, it turns out that Emma is a lot worse off than him: whereas Mark simply professes hatred of the Kaiju and pushes his remaining loved ones away, Emma is planning to manipulate the Kaiju to cause potentially billions of casualties on a global scale because of her unprocessed grief, and because of her discovery that humanity are responsible for the Kaiju's awakening.
  • Joker (2019) sees this with Murray Franklin as while he did mock Arthur on TV, he is right in pointing out that people, as a whole, are not as bad as Arthur thinks they are.
  • Scarface (1983):
    • While Tony rages at Gina for going to the same nightclub he goes to, he did do her a favor as she was about to have unprotected sex with a drug dealer.
    • It's not like Elvira would be together with Frank or marry Tony if they weren't rich and powerful like a drug lord, but she's not wrong when she points out what an asshole Tony has become as time as gone on.
  • The Wolverine: Shortly after sleeping with Mariko, Logan becomes enraged once he learns that her fiancé Noburo is cheating on her with prostitutes. Logan had earlier learned that Mariko had been forced into accepting an Arranged Marriage with Noburo, who is privy to a conspiracy to kill her for money. His adultery, in Logan's eyes, is the tipping point of his betrayal.


  • An old joke has a kid coming home with a terrible report card, but digging up his dad's old report card and pointing out that their grades are pretty much the same. The dad replies "that's true, so I guess the only fair thing is to give you the same punishment my parents gave me."


  • The Berenstain Bears: In Get the Gimmies, Papa Bear despairs over the increasingly bratty behavior of Brother and Sister, who keep wanting all manner of toys and trinkets. Later, his own parents gently remind him that he acted much the same way when he was a cub. Nonetheless, they understand his fear of his children becoming Spoiled Brats and help him curb their behavior by suggesting he use the same method they used to fix his bad attitude.
  • The Berenstain Bears Big Chapter Books: In The Berenstain Bears and the School Scandal Sheet, the cubs who are working on the titular scandal sheet are clearly breaking the rules and doing things that upset and even harm the school staff, but said school staff basically ignored any and all of their desires when it came to writing for the school newspaper with such actions as forcing one of Brother's agemates to review books for first-graders and write a poem with a word that's nearly impossible to rhyme and ignoring Ferdy's suggestions for the science section. The cubs only went with the unauthorized newspaper because they felt ignored, something the adults admit was wrong of them.
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid:
    • Greg's consistent description of Rodrick as a Jerkass is rather hypocritical in light of his own behavior and his treatment of Rowley. But it's also completely truthful, seeing as how Rodrick is a Big Brother Bully with a penchant for crass jokes and petty schemes.
    • In The Ugly Truth, Greg's relatives have put sticky notes on Gammie's stuff so they can claim it when she dies. Greg rightfully points out that it's disrespectful before admitting that he did the exact same thing himself.
  • In the The Supervillainy Saga series, book The Tournament of Supervillainy: Gary Karkofsky calls out the heroine Guinevere. He mentions all of her abuses of power, beating of criminals, and freedom from consequence doesn't make her any better than the actual thieves. This is despite the fact he's an Antivillain Card-Carrying Villain who commits all manner of crimes. He says the heroes are supposed to be better than the bad guys even if he's one of them.
  • Raven Quest: Kraa forbids Tok from getting close to the nestlings because ravens are known for robbing nests and stealing chicks from other birds. Tok feels upset because crows do exactly the same thing.
  • Warrior Cats: In Power of Three and Omen of the Stars, Brambleclaw is heartbroken upon learning that Squirrelflight lied to him about the Three being his biological children, chastises her for not trusting him with the secret, breaks up with her for about two years, and is cold, dismissive, and occasionally outright hostile toward her whenever they interact before eventually forgiving and getting back with her. He's somewhat hypocritical about it since he's also kept a secret from Squirrelflight: he trained in the Dark Forest with his father Tigerstar and half-brother Hawkfrost. Yet Brambleclaw's reaction to Squirrelflight's deception is understandable and justified. While Squirrelflight did have good intentions, agreeing to adopt her medicine cat sister's kittens without his knowledge or consent and then lying to him while planning never to tell him the truth was a massive violation of Brambleclaw's trust in her.

Live-Action TV 

  • Arrowverse:
    • Arrow: Oliver criticizes Thea for partying as a way of coping with the disappearance of her father and brother. He himself was just as much a party animal before getting stranded on an island, but he is completely right that Thea's "activities" aren't helping her mental state at all.
    • The Flash (2014):
      • Despite having traveled through time with the full intention of changing history, Eobard Thawne tries to tell off Barry Allen/The Flash for using Time Travel. History is a very delicate thing in the setting, and Thawne is careful enough to not summon the Time Wraiths by making too many changes.
      • This trope is one of Iris West's defining traits. She dispenses good advice and was completely in the right by calling Barry out for hiding his secret identity from her and sending XS to the future without her input. She turns out to be terrible at taking her own advice, namely by hiding Wally from their father and going to the future to find XS without Barry's input. Moreover, her future self is essentially responsible for many of XS' issues by hiding her father's secret identity from her, the very thing she called Barry out on years before.
  • Bar Rescue: Jon Taffer himself becomes this in "All Blaze, No Glory". He complains that the bar owner was spreading germs by sharing bottles with the guests after he drank from them. He was 100% right, but that night he used notorious anti-vaxxer Jenny McCarthy as his recon.
  • ER:
    • After a patient dies because he slept with a paramedic on duty, Dave is fired by Kerry for irresponsibility. Although Kerry, as Dave's supervisor, should have kept a closer eye on him, Dave's behavior is indeed completely unbefitting of that of a doctor.
  • In Friends, Paul disapproved of Ross's dating of his daughter due to their Age-Gap Romance, despite Paul also dating Rachel, who is considerably younger than him, at the same time. But Paul had a point that he was never Rachel's professor, which in most schools and universities, is forbidden regardless of any age difference.
  • Game of Thrones:
    • During their travels from King's Landing to the North, Arya and the Hound benefit from the hospitality of a single farmer and his one daughter. After they leave the house in the morning, Arya discovers that the Hound, who had earlier told her that he would never stoop to theft, has taken the farmer's silver stash, and calls him out on this. He responds that the farmer and his daughter are too weak to protect themselves adequately and will both be dead by winter. Later developments in the series suggest this is a sound assessment, though stealing from them probably didn't help (and he feels guilty nonetheless on finding their bodies).
    • Tywin Lannister
      • He justifies his hand in the Red Wedding by questioning how it is more "noble" to kill ten thousand men in battle than a dozen at dinner. He's conveniently leaving out that most of Robb's soldiers were also killed at the Red Wedding, and that the Red Wedding broke the laws of Sacred Hospitality, an extremely taboo not to mention cowardly act. That said Tyrion's Stunned Silence indicates he was thinking of the countless soldiers he killed during the Battle of Blackwater Bay, meaning he picks up on the fact that he has no real room to speak either.
      • He rightly calls out Joffrey's decision to execute Ned Stark as a dumbass move that destroyed the already fragile relationship with the North. This doesn't stop him from arranging the Red Wedding two years later and having Robb Stark and his men murdered in a despicable violation of Westerosi tradition which Tywin takes great pride in, seeing it as victory and a definitive ending to the war. showing exactly the kind of shortsightedness and focus on making an example of an enemy and refusing to consider the problems it will make later on. However Tywin made sure to pin the thing on Walder Frey and the Boltons, whilst Joffrey had no such scapegoats when having Ned killed, even if pretty much no one believes they acted without Tywin's knowledge and approval.
    • Joffrey Baratheon is a Dirty Coward himself, but he's not wrong when he accuses Tywin of being one during Robert's Rebellion by staying out of the war until it was all but decided. Judging by Tywin's reaction, he may be completely correct.
  • How I Met Your Mother: In "The Best Burger In New York" Marshall reveals that he ended up taking a corporate job at Goliath National Bank, even though his dream job is to become an environmental lawyer and he has already experienced the negatives of working in a corporation. However, at that point, he had failed so many job interviews that he became too depressed to put on pants. At the very least, he now had a job to help with his financial needs, and he now had a reason to get up in the morning and put on pants.
  • In Law & Order, Detective Curtis is going through some marriage troubles after an act of infidelity. Detective Briscoe gives him some advice about how, despite his guilt, he shouldn't constantly martyr himself in order to try and get back into his wife's good graces. Curtis snarks that Briscoe is twice-divorced, and thus not the greatest person to be giving marriage advice. Briscoe immediately retorts that this just means he knows what doesn't work when trying to rescue a marriage.
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe:
    • Jessica Jones (2015): Jessica finds out that Malcolm is using a dating app to sleep around. She's disgusted by it and implies he's a sex addict. Some people find one night stands distasteful, sure, but Jessica has one night stands all the time. That said, the first time that Jessica sees a strange woman in Malcolm's apartment, back in one of the early episodes of the season, her reply is "glass house here, throwing no stones," admitting that she, of all people, has no right to be judgmental about someone else's sex life.
    • The Defenders: Jessica Jones gets on Matt's case for keeping his personal connection to Elektra a secret from her, Luke and Danny. She does have a point that Matt's secret-keeping almost got them killed since he broke away from them at the Royal Dragon to fight Elektra one-on-one, and this secrecy had cost Matt his relationships with Karen and Foggy during Daredevil season 2. Where it becomes hypocritical for Jessica is when in season 2 of her own show, set after The Defenders, she keeps the fact that the IGH killer is her own mother a complete secret from Trish and Malcolm until she's forced to admit the truth to them, and burns her bridges with them.
    • In The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, John Walker (aka. Captain America II) calls out the Dora Milaje, the Wakandan royal guard, for going on missions in Latvia without permission from the Latvian government, while he himself is an American agent doing off-the-books missions in foreign territories. Hypocritical, yes, but that just means they are both violating Latvian sovereignty.
  • In Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, Phryne tells Jack in the episode "Murder Most Scandalous" that he can't let personal relations get in the way of considering someone a suspect. She herself often sticks up for her friends and believes they are innocent even if Jack has perfectly justified reasons for suspecting them. Of course, her point is still completely valid.
  • In Oz, Simon Adebisi sees fit to call Ryan O'Reily a "sick motherfucker." This isn't actually too far off from what Ryan really is: a manipulative schemer who will happily murder his associates and throw anyone under the bus for personal gain.
  • In The Sandman (2022), Desire claims the reason that they and Despair like "playing games" with Dream is because he thinks of himself as self-important and of need of some humbling. While it is true Pride is a Fatal Flaw of Dream, Desire themself is selfish and vindicative by nature.
  • Scrubs: In the episode "My Inconvenient Truth", Elliot complains about hypocrisy at the hospital, such as a doctor telling a patient to reduce stress then yelling at an intern, and a doctor who smokes telling a patient that his smoking is killing him. Dr Cox then accuses Elliot of being hypocritical about accusing other doctors of being hypocrites — she is treating a patient with an eating disorder while herself being underweight and having body image problems. Elliot initially offers to make changes along with the patient, but Cox makes the point that doctors can't make the treatment they recommend dependent on their own lifestyles. The patient needs to change her eating habits, whether telling her that is hypocritical or not.

    Carla: It's human to want the best for your patients, even if you can't follow your own advice.

  • The Walking Dead:
    • In Season 2 as the search for Sophia goes on, Shane reminds Rick that after 72 hours, they as cops should instead be looking for Sophia's body as she's surely not survived by this point. Shane continues to build festering resentment towards Rick's softer approach culminating in his leading the barn massacre of the undead family and friends of the Greene farm. Cold and cruel, yes, but Hershel desperately needed the wake-up call, and Sophia turns out to indeed already be dead and one of the walkers. That said, Shane cannot bring himself to put her down, and Rick is the one who does it, shooting quite a bit of Shane's bluster about Rick being too weak to lead the group in the foot.
    • In the final season premiere, Negan joins a mission to reclaim Meridian, but when nobody steps in to help Negan fend off a walker, he loses his temper and accurately calls out that Maggie only allowed him to come along because she wants the opportunity to kill him when his back is turned, and isn't putting the group's best interests at heart by leading them through a subway tunnel. However, it's pointed out that Negan mostly joined the mission because he's trying to get everyone to forgive him for his crimes as the Big Bad of Seasons 6-8, something other characters had previously called him out for. It takes the rest of the season for Negan to finally start to do altruistic things out of the goodness of his heart and not because he expects a reward in return. That said, Negan is correct that she's so obsessed with revenge on Negan that she may not be in the right headspace to be leading the group.
  • The Wire: When cross-examining Omar at Bird's trial in Season 2, Levy notes Omar's extensive criminal history and suggests that for all his protestations of nobility in not targeting those not in the game, his admitted occupation of robbing drug dealers is really just a way of profiting off the drug trade, an evil enterprise that destroys a lot of lives. Omar turns it right back around on Levy, who is, after all, defending a gang member he knows is guilty:

    Omar: Just like you, man. I got the shotgun. You got the briefcase. 's all in the game, though, right?


  • In The Bible, Jesus' primary antagonists are The Pharisees, who he often decries as hypocrites. Yet at the same time, Jesus told his followers to do as they are told rather than as the Pharisees do.

    Matthew 23:3 So practice and observe everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.

  • A quite common Christian-critical criticism that tends to pop up in regards to "Thou Shall Not Kill" is that the God of The Bible has a confirmed personal killcount ranging in the millions, as well as the fact that the chapter immediately following the one in which He gives Moses The Ten Commandments has Him give Moses rules on how to own and punish slaves, which includes the rule "When a man strikes his slave, male or female, with a rod and the slave dies under his hand, he shall be avenged. But if the slave survives a day or two, he is not to be avenged, for the slave is his money." The vast majority of these people do agree that you really, really shouldn't kill, though.

Newspaper Comics 

  • Calvin and Hobbes:
    • Hobbes admonishes Calvin for doing such things as upsetting Susie with insults and stealing her doll to hold for ransom, but has nothing against insulting/bullying Calvin and stealing his comics (and once defaced them) respectively. With Calvin almost always being the one to face the brunt of punishment and Hobbes taking the moral high ground the most of the two, it's a given. Despite the hypocrisy, Hobbes isn't wrong, and Calvin often ends up apologizing or suffering the consequences of his actions.
    • Calvin is rightfully upset about adults polluting but is often blind to his own bad habits. Pictured above is Calvin complaining about global warming when he makes his mom drive him everywhere, and during the Mars arc, Hobbes calling Calvin out on littering a candy wrapper forces Calvin to realize that humans need to change their habits on Earth before they pollute other planets.
    • During plotlines where Rosalyn comes to babysit, Calvin always denounces her as a sadist or similar things. While he's not entirely off-mark (case in point, she once locked him in the garage for a long time and is prone to yelling at or harshly threatening him), this is the same kid who acts like a little terror on days ending in "Y". For what it's worth, Rosalyn eventually manages to make agreeable terms by offering to play a game with him, resulting in the only situation where they genuinely enjoy each others' company.
  • Jon: In the June 17, 1976 strip, Garfield reads a letter that involves violent methods from an owner trying curing their cat's cold. He is disturbed and calls out the owner, before saying that the real way to cure the cold is to put a lit cherry bomb up the cat's nose. However, given that said methods include wagging the cat by its tail, putting a plastic bag on the cat's head, and squeezing the cat's neck - ways that could possible kill their cat, Garfield is correct for saying the owner doesn't know the first thing about cat care.

Professional Wrestling 

  • The three veterans of Decade were all hypocrites to some degree. The group was formed in protest to wrestlers leaving Ring of Honor for larger companies, especially when they were "celebrated" for it while BJ Whitmer, Jimmy Jacobs and Roderick Strong were supposedly unrewarded for being loyal to ROH for a decade. It's hard to believe Whitmer or Jacobs really cared that much about ROH, given Whitmer joined The Prophecy for petty reasons and Jacobs was a founding member of SCUM, two groups that wanted to destroy ROH. However, even though Strong did himself leave ROH for larger companies, he also lost his job with at least one of them because of his continued loyalty to ROH. While not the only wrestler to show such dedication, no one else of such status got any crap from Strong, at least not concerning Decade's "mission" (Jacobs would ironically join this "club" well after Decade had disbanded). When Decade started targeting rookies as well, for the supposed crime of not being loyal enough, Strong openly discussed his own early misdeeds in Generation Next but argued that since the veterans of his day had the patience to beat "respect" into him it was only right to honor them by doing the same to men like Cedric Alexander.
  • During Drew Gulak's Campaign For A Better Combat Zone he talked at length about the lack of respect officials of CZW got while his campaign members gleefully distracted and undermined referees whenever matches started to poorly for them. Even taking into account that the Gulak Campaign was part of the problem, Drew was right when he pointed out being a CZW referee was one of the most thankless jobs in professional wrestling. Even baby faces such as John Zandig, Masada (whom the campaign had a special disdain for) and Sami Callihan routinely disregarded their commands. Also, while Gulak was prone to character filibusters worthy of a congressional politician, he was also justified in shutting Kimber Lee up when she got her hands on the microphone. Whether it was to spare the audience or simply prevent a subordinate from talking more than himself, Gulak was at least aware that the audience was inclined to disagree with him and needed to be persuaded, Lee not so much.
  • While Allysin Kay constantly proves she's not the Proper Lady she claims to be and attacks Jessicka Havok for standards Havok never claimed to live up to, she did have unintended points in their SHINE feud. Despite being a horrible friend to Havok, fans who watched WSU, Queens Of Combat and or nCw Femme Fatales would know Kay and Havok had drifted apart because of Havok, who had only recently become nicer. Despite being part of Valkyrie, who were openly out to undermine the SHINE promotion, and despite being directly responsible for bringing out the monster in Havok after she was finally being brought under control, Kay was right about Havok being a monster who caused pointless destruction. The only reason for Havok's Heel–Face Turn was Valkyrie's leader Rain happening to target her. If Rain was scared of Havok, she was justified since Havok had been purposefully trying to cripple everyone she wrestled after their match, including the people she liked. Furthermore, if one watched WSU one would know it was a dish served cold after Havok turned on Rain's Army.

Video Games 

  • Dustborn:
    • Theo suggests having Ophelia go to Nova Scotia to get her Vocal powers removed, since she can't control them. Sol calls him out for using similar rhetoric to the Puritans regarding their desire to censor Anomals. However, Eli's Optimist ending has Ophelia agree to this procedure, showing that there is merit to Theo's suggestion.
    • In Issue 8, when Pax tells Noam that they both need to stop manipulating people and each other, the latter says the former is in no position to talk because of how she uses her Vox. However, in Issue 10, Noam admits that Pax is right and that becoming more honest with each other is necessary to rekindle their relationship.
  • In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, during Felix and Dimitri's A support, Felix calls Dimitri out for using the dead as justification for his actions - in Dimitri's case, his obsessive quest for vengeance against the perpetrators of the Tragedy of Duscur, which resulted in the deaths of his father, Felix's older brother Glenn and many others. The hypocritical part comes when you consider that Felix was similarly affected by Glenn's death, which led to his obsession with getting stronger. If Dimitri finds Felix's argument hypocritical, he doesn't say so, but thanks Felix for telling him what he needs to hear.
  • Kingdom Hearts III: When Ansem, Seeker of Darkness forces the real Ansem the Wise to accompany him to Twilight Town so he can find his data on the mysterious Subject X, he calls out his former teacher for the way he treated Subject X, Roxas, and Naminé as test subjects and disposable pawns, which is hypocritical coming from someone who carried out his own diabolical experiments on numerous people, possessed Riku just to get a body back, and how both incarnations of the Organization have no qualms with treating people like tools to be thrown away if they are no longer useful (and even scouted Roxas as a vessel and ended up using Xion). That being said, Ansem the Wise doesn't refute these accusations, admitting that the only reason he still lives is so he can atone for what he's done to the people he wronged.
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III has Rean calling out his students that they stole military equipment and went AWOL just to follow Rean and his friends and that if they were military officials, they would have been in court-martial at that point. Rean's friends point out that they've also broken military rules like the climax of Cold Steel I where they engaged against a Panzer Soldat on foot. While Rean does acknowledge the hypocrisy, he's still right in that what new Class VII did is much worse and that as their instructor, he can't let it slide no matter what.
  • Manafinder: Frederick often accuses Starkas of being a reckless hothead, which is true because the latter dreams of invading Manahill and overthrowing King Vikar, who has more power and resources than the Settlement. In turn, Starkas points out that Frederick's goal of excavating the dangerous Tuonela is also a suicide mission, since the powerful manastones within mutated all life in the abyss into unstoppable beings, and anyone who dies in there will be turned into a zombie. The Oracle acknowledges both of their plans as incredibly unlikely to succeed, though he doesn't entirely rule them out due to the desperate situation the Settlement is in.
  • Mortal Kombat 11 has a very succinct one in a match intro between Spawn and Kotal: Kotal is a Redeeming Replacement to Shao Kahn but still a conqueror, and Spawn is a former CIA agent whose part in immoral operations sent to Hell:

    Kotal Kahn: I was a just and compassionate emperor.
    Spawn: You massacred entire tribes.
    Kotal: And how did you end up in Hell?

  • Persona 5:
    • The game starts with the main character being told by a cop that one must take full responsibility for their actions. Said cop and his partners had been beating and drugging him, confident that they won't get in trouble in spite of the surveillance camera in the room. It's also implied that The Conspiracy was planning to use the protagonist as a scapegoat to blame for all of their crimes. However, these words have always been important in previous entries of the franchise, just that this instance is a darker spin on them.
    • The Hierophant Confidant has Futaba's Evil Uncle, Youji Isshiki, try to take her back from Sojiro's care. Although he isn't in a position to judge Sojiro, since he reportedly mistreated her by refusing to provide for her basic needs, he does bring up how bad the situation looks from the outside, as Futaba remains holed up in her room all day and doesn't even go to schoolnote . When he follows through on his threat to report Sojiro to the family court out of spite, two investigators pay Sojiro a visit, and may not have decided in his favor if Futaba and the protagonist hadn't vouched for him.
  • Radiant Arc: Derek calls out Linky for being rude to Lexie whenever they discuss the Radiant Arc. While he has a point that Linky should treat Lexie better, Derek has been a Jerkass and bully to both of them for all 5 years of their stay in Dewhill. Linky seems to realize the truth behind Derek's words and feels bad for yelling at Lexie, though he refuses to apologize about dissing the Radiant Arc.
  • Rise of the Third Power: Emperor Norasokv points out that the Sages of Peren Desh aren't all knowing, which the sages themselves admit. He uses this point to reject Gage's legitimacy as ruler after the Kingsflame is lit for him, but one of his soldiers points out that if they were to ignore the Kingsflame validating Gage, they should ignore the previous Kingsflame that validated him.
  • In Tales of Symphonia, Lloyd is furious when Governor-General Dorr, the head of the city of Palmacosta(the only city that apparently openly resists the Desians) collaborates with the Desians, paying them money and plotting to lead Colette into a trap to restore his wife to normal, pointing out that his desire to save his wife doesn't justify betraying and endangering his people. Lloyd realizes that he came off as a hypocrite back then when he refuses to sacrifice Colette in order to restore prosperity to his world of Sylvarant(albeit temporarily and at the cost of putting the other world, Tethe'alla into the same position). However, Lloyd was by no means wrong to say what he did to Dorr, who suffered a Heel Realization and did what he could to make amends before dying, realizing that he was in the wrong.

Visual Novels 

  • Riki, the protagonist of Little Busters!, tries to help Komari get over the death of her older brother, yet her route takes place before Refrain, meaning at this point, Riki hasn't fully confronted his own issues with the death of his parents. However, because he has similar issues with his parents, Riki knows what he's talking about and is able to help Komari confront her issues.
  • Tavern Talk: When Zephir warns Melli not to run off to take on dangerous quests without telling anyone, she's quick to point out their hypocrisy on that. The Innkeep can side with Zephir and say that he's got a point, even though he's guilty of it himself.

Web Animation 

  • Helluva Boss: One of Striker's defining traits is a burning hatred for Hell's nobles, who he claims took everything from him, referring to them as stuck up elitists who trample over Hell's lower classes without a care. While this point of view isn't exactly incorrect as a good majority of Hell's upper class is shown to be as cruel as Striker claims, he willingly works for a noble who happens to fit Striker's view of the upper class to a T while also displaying some rather elitist views himself, such as calling Blitzo and Fizzarolli race traitors for their relationships with Stolas and Asmodeus respectively. The latter even directly calls Striker out on this.

Web Original 

Western Animation 

  • Amphibia: In "True Colors", Sasha rightfully calls out Marcy on betraying her and Anne, not only separating them from their families and livelihoods but also endangering their lives in the process, even if Sasha was just as guilty of this herself. Even Marcy herself agrees with her on it, calling her own actions "super dumb" later on.
  • Beast Wars: Megatron cannot stand treachery — or at least treachery being done incompetently. In the Predacon ranks, treason is almost a prerequisite to ruling, for if the current leader is unable to deal with being betrayed, who's to say they should still be in charge? Over half his lieutenants have tried to stab him in the back, and he's far from happy about it, yet his backstory shows he got to where he was in the show thanks to stabbing his own mentor in the back. Yet he's not wrong when he says this line:

    Megatron: I can suffer your treachery, lieutenant, but not your incompetence! Treachery requires no mistakes.

  • DuckTales (2017): Huey, Dewey, and Louie's mother, Della Duck, was separated from her children since before they were hatched after her thrill-seeking overrode her good sense and caused her to be stranded far from home for ten years. She manages to return to her family in season 2 and, in "Timephoon!", she chews out Louie for a get-rich-quick scheme that endangered everyone without considering the problems it might cause. Despite Louie pointing out the similarities to her own actions, the story treats her as in the right, as Mrs. Beakley praises her for putting her foot down. Though "hypocrite" might be a bit of a stretch here, as Della didn't try to deny his below remark, even stopping Beakley from telling him off over it, but still asserts that Louie nearly destroyed space and time and separated their family for a "get rich quick" scheme and grounds him.

    Della: You took off in that contraption without thinking of the consequences or the people you would hurt!
    Louie: [bitterly] I wonder who I got that from.

  • Ed, Edd n Eddy: Double D routinely pontificates over Eddy's scams. Eddy frequently snaps back Double D has no right to talk since he is often in on said scams and even building the means to act them out, leading Double D to often retort that his contribution was relatively more harmless until Eddy tampered with it out of greed. Double D is hardly an inactive saint in terms of their scheming, but he is right that Eddy is often the one who straight up resorts to Villain Balls about it.

    Double D: You and your nefarious scams!!!
    Eddy: Like you were picking daisies! *shoves Double D* YOU BUILT THE STUPID THING!!!
    Double D: If you had paid attention to what I said, *shoves Eddy back* and NOT PUSHED THE RED BUTTON—

  • Family Guy: Brian Griffin and Glenn Quagmire's rivalry pretty much revolves around how on-the-dot they are about the other's deflecting of what terrible hypocritical people are:
    • He calls out Brian for, among other things, dating only bimbos, lusting after the married Lois, and not looking after his kid. Although Quagmire himself has these flaws too and is aware of it, Brian doesn't have a single retort to "The Reason You Suck" Speech that he has just received.
    • It's also turned around on him. As he routinely points out, Brian is sleazy, self-important, and completely hypocritical, but he's often on the dot when he claims Quagmire is as much a self-contradicting egotist as he is. In "Quagmire's Mom" for example, he calls out Quagmire blaming all his life choices on his mother's upbringing is total bullshit, especially from someone who claimed his true redeeming function over Brian is at least being honest about being sleazy. When both Stewie and Quagmire immediately rebut that an athiest who never visits his own son has no right criticising Quagmire over his Christian mother, Brian merely chuckles those are factors for Quagmire to ponder over in jail, since the Judge similarly told Quagmire that his bad upbringing is not an excuse for his actions.
    • Also doubled around back on Brian, since even in later spats like "Tiegs for Two" and "Adam West High", where Brian has a lot more ammo to fire back at Quagmire over calling the kettle black, Quagmire is quick to retort that Brian is still a bigger fraud who only has a beef with Quagmire whenever he won't be his friend or stroke his ego. Quagmire can be twice as abrasive and sanctimonious as Brian, but he at least isn't as fair-weathered about it.

      Brian: [snide] Hey, if you guys are so close, maybe Jillian should know that you teach a class in picking up women?!
      Quagmire: [equally snide] And Cheryl should know that you took that class!

    • And doubled around again on Quagmire. For all of Brian's attention-seeking moral crusades, Quagmire, for someone who continuously claims he wants nothing to do with Brian, tends to make as much of a hobby out of pontificating over him, to the point that the large reason Brian requitted the vendetta is because Quagmire wouldn't stop aggressing him with barely any provocation. In "The Bird Reich", after Quagmire heckles Brian for being pretentious at his book signing, an annoyed Brian asks why he's even there in the first place if he hates him.
  • The Legend of Korra:
    • A recurring theme for much of Korra's era and its Big Bads:
    • Amon rails against the prevalence of bending and advocates its destruction for fear of oppression of non-benders. Amon is revealed to have the ability to strip away bending by using his unique bloodbending, but those with bending capabilities do in fact have more opportunities and honors than those who do not. This eventually leads to Republic City supporting diversity while still rejecting Amon's fanaticism, such as doing away with the Council that was composed entirely of benders, and electing a non-Bending president.
    • Unalaq advocates for the unity of the spirit and human worlds and is very justified when calling Korra on her chaotic behavior, points that she takes to heart for the rest of the series. Pity he's a worshipper of the embodiment of chaos itself that used him to control the spirits.
    • Notably averted with both Zaheer and the Earth Queen, one is a proper hypocrite (the Queen, who terrorizes her people out of a delusional narcissim), the other has a proper point (Zaheer and his members of the Red Lotus preach freedom and chaos, and are willing to stand by that belief unto death if need be).
    • Crops up again with Kuvira, who promises order and protection yet is every bit the tyrant that the Earth Queen was, sending undesirables off to re-education camps and attacking peaceful neighboring nations like the United Republic and Zaofu because of old claims to the Earth Kingdom (now Empire). She may have a point that the rampant lawlessness following the death of the Earth Queen needs to end, but her iron-fisted rule is not a perfect solution to the mess either.
  • Metalocalypse: In "Rehabklok" Pickles gets called out on his alcoholism and sent to rehab by the rest of the band despite their own drinking habits, even nursing several bottles during said discussion. They're not wrong though as it's seen throughout the series that Pickles is prone to drinking to the point of being nearly non-functional while the rest have enough restraint that they never reach the point that Pickles often does during his drinking.
    • The inciting incident of the episode was a technical malfunction that Pickles caused while inebriated. The band called him out on this while claiming they never cause that kind of trouble, which is proven as Blatant Lies with a montage of antics they got up to while drunk. They're still right in calling out Pickles because he was drunk during a show and they haven't caused problems like that while performing when drunk.
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
    • In "Ponyville Confidential", Rarity calls out Sweetie Belle for taking part in a gossip column with her friends and invading everyone's privacy, while also pointing out how she probably didn't like it when she did it herself twice before. This, along with an Armor-Piercing Question, is enough to give Sweetie second thoughts.
    • Played with in episode "No Second Prances". Twilight Sparkle encourages her ex-bad guy-turned-student Starlight Glimmer to make a new friend but quickly backpedals on it when Starlight ends up befriending the rather sketchy Trixie, who Twilight has a rocky history with. Twilight is naturally worried that Starlight will fall prey to Toxic Friend Influence and she has a point, except she was perfectly willing to easily forgive Starlight Glimmer for far worse evil beyond whatever jerkish pettiness Trixie ever did (Trixie was just a once in a while antagonist, while Starlight Glimmer was a Season Wide Big Bad who enslaved a village and went out of her way to nearly destroy the world in order to get revenge on Twilight), and even told Starlight that all Friendships are important to talk her into a Heel–Face Turn, but she is still very distrustful and begrudging of Trixie (if for the fair reason that she kept a lot more of her Jerkass qualities than Starlight did). Starlight even calls her out on this. Twilight is proven to be correct to an extent when Trixie inadvertently reveals that she only became friends with Starlight just to show Twilight up, causing her friendship with Starlight to break apart, causing a heartbroken Trixie (who really did want to be Starlight's friend) to realize how badly she messed up. Twilight herself also realizes her own hypocrisy and aspires to make things up between the three of them.
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars might have had it be said by a fallen Jedi, Barriss was still quite right in pointing out that the war has corrupted the Republic and Jedi alike.
    • While Anakin Skywalker definitely needs lessons in honesty, his anger towards Obi-Wan for faking his death and deliberately not telling him is justified. No matter what the reason, it was still a rather cold-hearted and manipulative act for Obi-Wan to do to someone he considered a brother, especially as he's well aware of Anakin's attachment issues.
  • Tangled: The Series: The episode "Plus Est en Vous" has Zhan Tiri make the extremely hypocritical but completely correct point that Cassandra and Mother Gothel were felled by their own egos.
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012): In "Enemy of My Enemy", Karai attempts to form an Enemy Mine with the Turtles against the Kraang, only for the Turtles to take advantage of it to attempt to assassinate the Shredder, Karai's father; Karai is furious and chews Leo out for it, while ignoring that she had previously double-crossed the Turtles herself in "The Alien Agenda," all while mocking Leo to his face for trusting her. That being said, she's not wrong; Karai was nothing but honest about being untrustworthy in "The Alien Agenda", agreeing with Raph rather than Leo about being "bad news". She never made Leo any promises not to betray their alliance, while Leo did with her. Also, it should be noted that after all of the discussion about whether or not to trust Karai, the Turtles are the ones who double-crossed her this time, not the other way around.
  • Total Drama: Dave is annoyed at his whole team other than Sky for being useless, while he complains more than lending a helping hand, but he is right. This is best shown in the first challenge in the episode "So, Uh, This Is My Team?" where each member of Waneyihtam Maskwak mess up in getting someone to help build their own shelter. Shawn grabs soup instead of something useful, Ella found a bucket of glitter, and when Dave draws Chef's fire while Beardo makes a run for more supplies, Beardo runs in slow-motion but ends up getting hit by a tennis ball, and Leonards just suggests they all build a wizard tower, to which everyone agrees but Dave. While Sky was the most useful in this challenge, even she agrees to build the tower, mostly because the team voted and she felt building something was better than nothing. When building the tower failed and it was time to vote someone off, an annoyed Dave asks if he can vote off four people.