In a Single Bound - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Aug 23 2007
He sticks the landing, too.
Aku: You can fly?!
Jack: No. Jump good.
The act of jumping with impossible feats. A subtrope of Not Quite Flight.
It's also apparently a power you can get through martial arts — see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon for theatrical tree-hopping (not to mention balancing on the tips of branches that couldn't support a squirrel). This trope is based on an actual technique for jumping higher employed in some martial arts, although not to the extent usually shown in media (you attach weights to your legs, get used to jumping to your current normal height with the weights, then take the weights off).
This tends to appear less in modern times; superpowered characters who want to, say, surmount tall buildings are more likely to be capable of true flight. However, the earlier ages of Comic Books and even some new characters often feature high jumping as opposed to flight. After all, any character with Super-Strength should have this as a bonus, assuming the surface they launch from doesn't crumble under the sudden downward force. Some super-strong characters do, some don't (or haven't figured out yet that they can). Superman himself was a jumper before flying became an iconic feature of his. If you're an anime character, however, you'll be able to do this effortlessly without any training, most of the time.
See also: Bouncing Battler, Roof Hopping, Goomba Stomp, Jump Physics, and Spring Coil. Also related to, and may be used to attain, the high ground. Contrast with Le Parkour, which relies on a combination of climbing and running to achieve the same results, Ground-Shattering Landing, which involves landing really hard (and may even be invoked by this trope), and Stepping Stones in the Sky.
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Anime & Manga
- From Beyblade we have Mystel who appears to flow in the air when he jumps. Also Kai is called out by Kenny in the manga because of his crazy jumping ability.
- Somewhat weird example: Pinoco from Black Jack has frequently demonstrated the ability to leap more than 3 times her own height — which is, of course, necessary for her to properly Glomp the titular character. It gets stranger considering that her body is mostly artificial, making her a good deal heavier than a normal person (to the point of sinking like a rock in water), and while being partially cybernetic would generally be a justification, Black Jack generally treats replacement limbs with a decent degree of realism. When she was a parasitic twin, she was telepathic — maybe her Psychic Powers just changed in effect.
- In Blue Exorcist the resident Anti-Anti-Christ Rin appears to be fond of using this, going off like a rocket. It most likely is a family trait, since his half-brother (and full demon) Amaimon has been shown doing crazy jumps himself.
- In Brave10, all the Ninja characters can leap massive distances using tiny perching points in between.
- In Cardcaptor Sakura, the titular heroine is able to do this thanks to the Jump Card. Li Xiaolang is also shown to do this often, albeit without much explanation other than vague martial arts skills. And, to be fair, he also has magical abilities.
- A Certain Magical Index: Accelerator can do this, either by amplifying his vertical motion vector... or by simply cancelling gravity's effect on himself. He can fly too, but jumping really high is a lot simpler (flight involves mini-tornadoes and lots of complex wind vector calculations).
- Ellis from El Cazador de la Bruja does this a lot, usually leaving her bodyguard, Nadie, in the dust.
- The titular warriors from Claymore can jump really, really high. Clare, who's supposedly the weakest of all, can do some serious Roof Hopping, whereas Teresa, supposedly the strongest, can jump several kilometers in one leap. They can also, inexplicably, have extended conversations while hanging in the air.
- In the Darker than Black manga adaptation, one contractor gets super strong legs. She immediately demonstrates this trope. She also can kick people apart.
- DearS: Justified in that the DearS have gravity-manipulation abilities.
- In Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, as once stated by Zenitsu himself that the basis of all Thunder Breathing starts with the user's legs, originally as a mean to exert super speed but Zenitsu adapted the formula towards jumping power as well, for his original variations of the Thunderclap and Flash where he applies jumping in-between his dashes, called folds; the most notorious display of Zenitsu's jumping prowess is how the anime, as per usual, chooses to greatly embellish how a finisher attack transitioned from manga to anime, in this case the Thunderclap and Flash: Godspeed which in the manga functions like a jagged stronger and faster version of the base 1st Form, in the anime it turns into a monumental skyward forward jumping dash, where Zenitsu crossed almost an entire district in a single bound, it is so outrageous that some anime viewers could mistake it as Zenitsu flying instead.
- Dragon Ball:
- This sort of thing was commonplace in Dragon Ball before they introduced actual flying to the series.
- To show how much Goku and Krillin have improved after the 8 month long training, the Muten Roshi tells them to jump with all their might without the weighted shells on their back. The two kids jump so high in the air that they think they're flying. This would later become a minimum standard for future battles when the characters aren't flying.
- Nam from the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai can jump similar heights, which he needs to do to use his Finishing Move. Unfortunately for him, Goku can still jump higher than him, and the two battle while falling from the sky.
- During the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai, in order for Goku to survive the Kikouhou, Tenshinhan tells him to dodge the attack because he is aiming to only destroy the entire ring. Tenshinhan is already levitating very high in the air to make use of his technique, and Goku manages to dodge the attack by jumping even higher in the air than Tenshinhan is. Tenshinhan actually has to fly up to the clouds to find Goku.
- In Dragon Ball Super's Tournament of Power, the Flying Technique is forbidden and cannot be used, which means all aerial battles in the tournament are done by jumping. The characters in this tournament are so strong that their jumping aerial battles look just like the normal ones where the Flying Technique is the norm.
- Even Fullmetal Alchemist doesn't avert this trope. It's especially apparent with the Xingese characters who are physically more capable of than other human characters due to their martial arts/ninja training.
- Fushigi Yuugi exhibits this trope, from Tamahome (who leaps up to the top of a very high palace wall and even leaps over cars in heavy traffic), to Tasuki (who chases the person they first believed to be Chiriko but is really the Seiryuu Seishi Amiboshi in disguise across the city from roof to roof with Tamahome), to Kutou spies.
- The Twilight of Gangsta. love to show off how badass they are through this trope.
- The dogs from Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin have jumped over plenty of gorges, usually succeeding with one leap. Just see how stunned they looked when they see a puppy fly over the gorge!
- Gin's son Weed does this too in Ginga Densetsu Weed. Old Man Smith almost fails this, but he gets saved by Ken and Kagetora just in time.
- The girls from Gunslinger Girl can jump very high, as exemplified by both Henrietta and Triela. Henrietta actually performs this feat most impressively to chase someone on a scooter after he steals her purse.
- In the first episode of Heroic Age, Belcross jumps from the ground into orbit to attack a Bronze tribe hive ship. In a nod to the physics that would actually be involved in something like this, Belcross kicks a crater probably a kilometer wide into the ground when he jumps.
- Hunter × Hunter:
- Professional Hunter Tsezguerra demonstrates his ability to jump extreme heights in front of Gon and Killua, saying that in order to reach such height, they need a lot of tremendous training. However, since the two rookie Hunters have been training the entire arc, they far surpass his record like nothing in the very same scene. He would then lie to them that he can actually jump even higher. This scene combined with his injury during the dodgeball game against Razor's team makes him admit to himself that he has gone rusty and needs to do basic training again, especially since the two kids are doing better than him right now despite their lack of experience.
- Neferpitou is the only one of the Chimera Ant Royal Guards who can't fly (the other two either have wings or can grow wings via shapeshifting). Neferpitou instead uses her insanely powerful leg strength to launch herself to where she wants to be.
- In I Got My Wish and Reincarnated as the Villainess (Last Boss)!: By 14, Elizabeth can leap through 4 "keylometres" (kilometers) in a single leap and battle even in the air.
- Inuyasha and Ranma ½. In both shows, many characters hop onto a roof like it's no big deal. The title character of Inuyasha makes huge jumps that rise and fall so slowly he appears to be lifted by an updraft and gliding down (which would explain the gust of wind whenever he does this). Justified for InuYasha in that he is a Half-Human Hybrid who's the son of a dog youkai who was capable of flight. It's observed in-universe that he runs like he's flying. In other words, he's not so much jumping as gliding (because gliding is a way of being half-way between running or jumping and flying).
- In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Jotaro sometimes uses the leg power of his Stand to propel himself into the air, which works almost as well as flight.
- Like all good superheroes without flight but with super strength and speed, Kiddy Grade's Éclair can do this too.
- Kuroko's Basketball: A much more realistic example is Taiga Kagami, whose main talent is his ability to jump really high, something that his opponents all take note of. He later demonstrates the skill "air walking", which means he can still be in the air while a much taller player who jumps later than him falls down first. At the end of the series, when Kagami's in the Zone, he can jump so high that his feet are at the level of the hoop, which means he can jump up to three meters when he's at his best.
- Fate of Lyrical Nanoha. As revealed in a dodgeball game in the second season's supplementary manga, her "normal", non-magical jump reaches many times her height and has excellent hang-time. Unfortunately, all of that made her an airborne sitting duck for Suzuka's return throw.
- My Hero Academia:
- All Might is regularly seen employing huge jumps to get around. This naturally means that, Izuku Midoriya, who inherited his Quirk, One For All, is also capable of this, although he can't jump as far since he's still working his way up to being able to handle One for All's full power. In addition because the Super-Strength power of One For All is strong enough to create powerful blasts of wind, both of them are able to achieve Not Quite Flight by punching or kicking while in the air and allowing the momentum of the blast to propel them in the opposite direction.
- Tsuyu Asui is a frog girl thanks to her Quirk, and she naturally has the trope as part of her abilities.
- Kazuho Haneyama in the spinoff series My Hero Academia: Vigilantes has this as her quirk, being able to leap great distances as long as she has a solid surface to jump off of.
- In Naruto, this is especially noticeable when characters are leaping through the treetops. As this is usually a prime opportunity for exposition, a character can remain airbound in a mostly horizontal leap for upwards of ten seconds before touching down on another branch.
- Seen in Negima! Magister Negi Magi combined with Roof Hopping. Setsuna taught Asuna how to do it sometime before the School Festival. It can apparently reach levels similar to Flight.
- Also seen when combined with a Flash Step and a Wall Jump to let Kaede travel 750 meters (750 m = 820 yd) in a single bound, in less than the time it takes Mana to work the bolt.
- Neon Genesis Evangelion, where the Eva units make some mighty impressive leaps. Example: Eva Unit 2 jumping from ship to ship.
- Just try the Evangelion mod for UT2004, I dare you. Specifically, the "Racing" power mode.
- Ninku, Aicho is the sky captain but often has to use his amazing leap talents for ferrying people on his back when they need to cover major ground.
- One Piece:
- An honorable mention must go to Action Girl Nami, who does a series of long jumps over city building to reach to her captain, who is stuck between two buildings, while a storm is impending.
- Chopper has his Jump Point, a form exclusively used to jump great heights. It's one of his least used forms, however, and is never used after the Time Skip.
- Brook. Having died once and come back as a skeleton, Brook has all of the strength he did before, but without the mass of those pesky muscles, organs, and skin weighing him down; this results in him having amazing speed, the ability to run on water and, more importantly for this trope, the ability to jump distances that are impressive even by One Piece standards. One of his earlier scenes has him getting thrown from near the top of a fairly tall building, only to jump right back up to play Big Damn Heroes to Robin and Franky.
- Pedro and Carrot, two members of the Mink tribe are able to jump huge distances; Carrot can even change her direction mid-jump, almost to the point of gliding. Pedro in particular earned his Red Baron "Pedro of the Treetops" thanks to the trope, as he often perches himself in tall places to scout the area.
- One-Punch Man: Saitama might not be able to fly, but his preposterous Super-Strength allows him jumps that more than make up for it. Like the time he literally got punched to the Moon, and just jumped back to Earth.
- Pokémon the Series tends to leave implausible acrobatics to the non-human characters, but one episode
in particular has Ash make what has to be a five-story jump into Team Rocket's balloon, which looked exactly as ridiculous as it sounds
. The weird part is the character of the day had a Metagross that had to help him down with telekinesis. Why didn't they just have it toss him up there in the first place?
- To varying extents in Pretty Cure. Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash★Star managed to justify it as a reasonable effect of the girls' powers. Yes! Pretty Cure 5 actually established that the Cures on that show, at least, have an upper limit, and need assistance to get any higher.
- Speaking of Pretty Cure, there's also the yearly Running Gag tradition of the lead Cure having no idea that they can jump incredibly high and getting shocked at how high she can actually jump in Cure form shortly after their first transformation.
- In fact, Cure Happy's secondary ability in Smile PreCure! is centered around this.
- In The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World, Red can leap 30 meters as Kizuna Red, and can leap even further and faster with the help of his Turbo Engine, covering a half day's travel by wyvern in two hours. During this time, he's moving so fast that he doesn't even notice that he flew right through three giant flying monsters, covering Idola in their guts.
- Rurouni Kenshin: Kenshin - and many other characters in the series - can jump so high in a single bound they leave the vision of mere mortals. At least once Kenshin saves a character from falling off a cliff by jumping down after them, overtaking them, grabbing them and leaping back up from the bottom of the cliff.
- Sailor Moon: Yep, occasionally you can see the Sailor Senshi do this. Minako is particularly notable, as she once pulled it without transforming, with Usagi's Dull Surprise implying it's a somewhat common occurrence.
- In Samurai 7, the samurai express improbable leaping prowess necessary to enable them to take down Nobuserai the size of houses.
- A number of characters in Symphogear are improbably athletic, but Hibiki stands out a bit in that her jumps are mechanically assisted. When she needs to jump higher or further, her Symphogear can grow a set of boot-mounted pistons that send her flying with much greater force.
- Both Wild Tiger and Barnaby of Tiger & Bunny have this as part of their Hundred Power repertoire.
- The Tokyo Mew Mew anime takes it to ridiculous extents. Besides incredible jumping abilities, sometimes the girls are actually given hovering powers so they can keep up with their flight-capable enemies. This makes one wonder where this leaves Mew Mint, the only member of the team that is supposed to be able to fly.
- Yona of the Dawn: Whoever holds the power of the Green Dragon will have a scaly, green, right leg with incredible strength that allows them to jump vast distances and almost appear to be flying. They also can apparently enlarge their legs, however it has never been shown, but in battle Green Dragons typically use their power to kick their enemies, traverse the battlefield or jump onto their opponents. The current Dragon, Jae-ha, frequently uses this power in combination with throwing knives to rain blades from the sky. Unfortunately, in the past, the Green Dragon village was attacked by people seeking the power, so to prevent the knowledge from spreading, Green Dragons were chained up and the previous Dragons would be tasked with preventing their successors from escaping. This was not good for them emotionally due to the nature of their power. Jae-ha was even abused by his predecessor for the majority of his childhood until he finally escaped.
Comic Books
- Aquaman: Due to being fully adapted to live in the pressure of the deepest sea trenches, Aquaman and Mera, while on the surface, are both able to leap miles at times through the air, with Hulk-like jumps.
- Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew!: Being a rabbit, Captain Carrot has giant jumps as one of his basic abilities.
- Superman:
- The Ur-Example, had "leaping tall buildings in a single bound" among his original powers. In the first comic, Superman's leaping distance was stated to be an eighth of a mile (660 ft or 201 m (201 m = 220 yd)) when he started out: he only got stronger with time. It became straight-up Flight when Max and Dave Fleischer found it more impressive animated when making their Superman Theatrical Cartoons, especially since it was basically treated as flight anyway.
- However, it's worth mentioning that the boy in blue still has this power separate from his flight ability.
- Kryptonite Nevermore: After losing most of his power, Superman has to resort to jump to get around. Fortunately he "can cover dozens of miles with a good, hearty jump" and leap over a mountain.
- In Grant Morrison's run on Action Comics (2011), when Clark first started off as Superman, he had yet to learn how to fly, and is still simply leaping tall buildings in a single bound.
- In DC One Million, Superman's future descendant Kal Kent, who has more advanced powers, is able to leap from world to world in a single bound.
- Doomsday can do this, in a manner similar to the Hulk.
- Supergirl can also do this, although she nearly always sticks to flying. In Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade, Kara leaps above several buildings in order to run away from a mob of reporters. She resorted to jumping high until she mastered flight.
- Jonathan Samuel Kent, the most recent incarnation of Superboy also uses this power, since he hasn't learned how to fly yet. Lampshaded mercilessly by Damian.
Damian: I can't believe you still can't fly yet.
- Wonder Woman Vol 1:
- Earth-Two: Lillie Heyday can leap across a pair of rooms in a single jump when the doors are properly lined up and out a third story window with no concern. She also leaps atop a running horse while visiting the Bar-L Ranch.
- Earth-One: "Glitch" is less than a foot tall but can jump high enough to kick a twelve foot tall opponent in the face or leap handily to the top of a two story building with ease. They are under no delusions that a straight fall from this height would be safe for them regardless of their alien physiology and are quite thankful to Steve Trevor and Wonder Woman for catching them when they miscalculate or knowingly put themselves in danger this way.
- Fantastic Four: Averted with The Thing. His rock-like body gives him Super-Strength, but also makes him too heavy to be able to use this trope.
- The Incredible Hulk: The Hulk's primary method of getting from place to place is using his immense strength to leap miles at at time through the air. He is stated to be able to leap 3 miles, typically in an arc so low that it often looks like he's flying in transit in some panels. But then, the guy can also throw tanks.
- Hulk can also jump to the moon.
- Given that Hulk's super leaping is a simple application of his strength, and his strength is inherently variable based on how angry he is at the moment, piss him off enough and he can jump as far as he feels like.
- Which is quite clever if you think about it. The further Hulk gets from the thing that makes him angry, the calmer he'll be. So he'll be jumping less and less distance each time. Then the army or SHIELD or whoever is chasing him will catch up, piss him off again, and the whole cycle repeats.
- Hulk can also jump to the moon.
- Marvel Mystery Comics has the original Human Torch (no, not that one) who demonstrates the ability to leap large buildings and small mountains from the first issue. Arguably, Namor can do the same due to his massive strength, but since he can also fly, it's a bit hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.
- Spider-Man: Spider-Man leaps through the air like a spider can.
- X-Men:
- Toad possesses superhuman leg strength. Once, that was the only power he had, and it was about as useful against Eye Beams, Psychic Powers, Super-Strength and the like as you'd expect - not very much. He's since gotten a major beef-up.
- Wolverine also displays this power in the 2008 video game.
- Check out the GLX (Great Lakes X-Men) Christmas Special to see what happens when you have this power and don't really pay attention to maximum height, especially when you don't have protection against vacuum or re-entry.
Other Publishers and Continuities:
- Empowered lampshades this by having Ninjette, not Emp, being good at this. Its justified in that 'Jette is, as her name suggests, a ninja. When Emp flails wildly during a training period with 'Jette, demolishing a number of trees and branches, she is not amused.
Emp: You ninjas always make this treehopping crap look so easy in the damn anime...!"
- The original version of Paperinik, Donald Duck's superhero alias in Italian Disney comics, uses special boots with springs in them to jump tall buildings etc. It is basically his "signature gadget". The Red Bat too.
- Slingers: Prodigy had this as one of his powers, using his cape to help his glide...somehow. It was mentioned at least once that people weren't sure whether he was flying or leaping.
- In Alan Moore's Supreme, one of the older versions of Supreme can't fly, but "has these incredible leaps", since they're all just expies of different versions of Superman.
- Parodied by The Tick in both his name and lack of flight.
- The Transformers (Marvel):
- Springer does this, where it's listed one of his abilities—it's mentioned in his official bio, even. It's a bit strange that they make such a big deal of it when he also has the ability to transform into a helicopter, though.
- Kickback the Insecticon also has this power, though given that he can fly in both insect and robot modes, it's even less useful than it is for Springer.
Comic Strips
- The Anti-Gravity "jumping belts" in Buck Rogers.
Fan Works
- Abraxas (Hrodvitnon): In this Godzilla MonsterVerse fanfiction, Monster X is capable of propelling their body through the air via electrical pulses in their legs.
- The Sailor Moon fanfic Tacky Yellow No-Name
includes a showdown between Tuxedo Mask and Kunzite, the latter wanting to become a Mysterious Protector now too. They try to best each other at the ability to jump onto increasingly high and difficult locations while spouting odd and mysterious bits of wisdom. About the time that it devolves to "Never run with scissors!" Kunzite makes the unfortunate decision about where to jump:
Tuxedo Mask: Impaled your foot on the weathervane, eh? Amateur.
- Child of the Storm:
- In the first book, Harry, having undergone a temporary Plot-Relevant Age-Up, does this by accident, ending up about a quarter of a mile up. Thankfully, the strength came with durability, so he was fine. Just a little rattled.
- In Chaos Reigns, the two shot spinoff of Book I, Thomas Raith leaps sixty feet to pounce on one of the N'Garai. It ends very badly for the N'Garai.
- In Kyon: Big Damn Hero, Kyon gains this power as part of a set of upgrades.
- Paul in With Strings Attached can jump like a champ. At low power, putting some effort into it, he can jump at least 50 feet straight up. At high power, without putting much effort into it, he can jump at least a quarter of a mile.
- Commenting on Paul, Jeft notes that he had to work out how to scale down Paul's strength lest he be completely incapable of moving without causing massive chaos. Hence, he cannot leap nearly as far as his level of strength would indicate. Otherwise, a simple step that might have taken him, say, two feet as a normal person would take him over 4,000 feet at full power.
- Unlike most fictional big jumpers, Paul also (more or less) obeys the laws of physics, in that he makes a mess when he jumps as well as when he lands. He and John scream at each other about Paul's reluctance to power-jump off a ledge where a bridge had been, on the grounds that the inhabitants might want to rebuild the bridge someday and will need that ledge.
- Blood and Honor: As a Force user, Sanguis is able to leap long distances, in one case jumping from a platform onto a walker which is some twenty feet away.
- In Hop to It, this is one of the powers of the Rabbit Miraculous.
- In Neither a Bird nor a Plane, it's Deku!, Izuku can leap hundreds of meters at a time and high above the treetops of the forest beneath Mt. Fuji. This is especially notable since he was worried about what would happen if he let go of All Might's leg while the latter accomplished a similar feat just a chapter ago. Izuku ditches this for outright Flight after he's blasted off Mt. Fuji by the Ultra-Humanite, but he still ends up having the farthest long jump score by a landslide.
- In Amazing Fantasy, the formerly powerless Izuku is shocked when he instinctively leaps clear over a ten-foot fence and lands gracefully on the other side while fleeing from school. Not long afterward, he jumps twenty feet into the air to dodge an oncoming truck, only his landing isn't nearly as graceful when he slams almost face-first into a wall.
- Zim the Warlord: Irken Reversion: Following his Reversion, Zim's new triple-jointed legs are strong enough that he can leap at least a full story into the air.
- Realistic Pokémon: RJ's explanation for Dragonite's flying abilities, seeing as its "wings" are too short to carry its bulk.
- Remnant Inferis: DOOM: While the Doom Slayer is much stronger and faster than most of the Aura users of Remnant, they can jump a lot higher than him. At one point, the party has to get to a balcony. Everybody else gets there with one jump, while the Doom Slayer has to do a bit of parkour to get up there. The Doom Slayer gets a bit miffed about this and tells himself he'll have to find a way to rectify this.
- Their Hero Academia: Rise of the New Generation: This is a standard maneuver for Toshinori Midoriya, as his Quirk allows him to decrease or even negate gravity's pull on his own body. He can also use it to increase his weight, so he'll land with massive force on whoever he's trying to fight and have the durability to take the impact.
Films — Animation
- Averted in Brother Bear as Denahi attempts this, even grabbing ahold of a dangling log, only for the log to collapse causing them both to plummet towards a river below.
- In Epic (2013) Nod can really jump. MK finds that all miniature humans can jump high lengths after a little practice.
- The Land Before Time: Sharptooth jumps on top of a large cliff in attempt to kill the kids, who are trying to push a boulder on him. They still kill him anyways with the boulder. Before that, he was able to leap on top of Littlefoot's mother and kill her.
- Francœur from A Monster in Paris. Justified though, since he's a giant flea.
- Pooh's Grand Adventure: Tigger attempts to do this in the first act to save Piglet but finds he can't quite reach the mark, which requires reaching the top of Piglet's house in a single bound. By the end of the movie, he ends up pulling it off to reach the eye of the skull with a leap of faith.
- Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: The Prowler's rocket-thruster equipped boots give him enhanced leaping ability.
- In Tarzan (1999), during the sequence where he attempts to Le Parkour away from henchmen on a ship, he performs an incredibly long jump towards the ship's funnel from atop a mast that even left his pursuers staring in awe, despite winding up getting captured moments later. The jump itself would be impossible for a normal human being to pull off considering the distance and circumstances, though it's partially justified in that the creators wanted Tarzan to be able to pull off stunts no actor could replicate in real life.
- In Turning Red, the explosive "poof" of Mei's transformation, while instantaneous, can still be focused into a propulsive force. First she learns how to use it to jump very high. Later she realizes she can use it to propel her in any direction, not just upward.
Films — Live-Action
- Aleta: Vampire Mistress: When one of the robbers of the Halloween Party at the beginning of the movie decides to make a break for it, he runs around the swimming pool. Aleta simply catches up to him by jumping over it
- The Hulk in The Avengers is capable of leaping towards a quinjet hovering several hundred meters away, and leaping from building to building to "smash" Chitauri soldiers.
- In Beauty and the Beast (2017), the confrontation between the Beast and Gaston shows that the Beast can jump a few distances on the rooftop of his castle. Even with a gunshot to the back, the Beast slips a little but he can still jump around without much problem. Later, he makes a jump that Belle initially thought was too far.
- This seems to be the preferred method of travel for the "Predator" alien in Code Red: the Rubicon Conspiracy.
- Standard in the Wuxia genre, such as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
- DC Extended Universe:
- In Man of Steel, before Superman (and then Zod) learned to fly, he practiced really long and high, John Carter-like leaps. Perhaps a nod to the fact that Superman couldn't fly, but only leap in early issues of the comic and installments of the '40s cartoons.
- Wonder Woman has this as a power rather than Flight, though Wonder Woman proves she can do something close to flight for at least short periods.
- Also, like in the comics, Doomsday has this power, jumping up to the top of a skyscraper in one leap, and easily being able to catch up to the Batplane in a few superhuman leaps.
- Godzilla:
- Terror of Mechagodzilla: Titanosaurus made an impressive leap reaching to sky level to let a fighter jet hit his face.
- Godzilla 2000: Orga may looked grounded due to his size, and Giant Hands of Doom but he can somehow leap somewhere between 100 to 300 meters. Even Godzilla looked up in confusion by his sudden agility.
- See below for MonsterVerse examples.
- In Ang Lee's Hulk, the Hulk leaps great distances that appear to be miles at a time.
- The eponymous John Carter is capable of this on Mars/Barsoom, due to being a Heavy Worlder (Earth has more than twice the gravity of Mars)
- Krampus: Krampus easily leaps from the roof of one house to another across the street from a standing start.
- The Matrix: Anyone inside the Matrix or any simulation program that replicates it can jump like this. However, when he first tries to jump between two skyscrapers as part of his training, he fails miserably due to not truly having the confidence and certainty he can do it (and this happens to everyone else on their first time). Upon plummeting onto the floor and realizing that the wounds are also reflected in the real world, he learns about the dangers of dying in the Matrix. By the end of the movie, Neo realizes his true potential and can not only perform large leaps but also fly.
- MonsterVerse:
- Seeing Kong leap across vast distances is a sight to see.
- In Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), as Ghidorah sadistically flies after the Argo with numerous humans inside of it, Godzilla literally jumps at the chance, by lunging out of the ocean (with his 99,634-ton body) and collides into him while he was airborne. Godzilla must've been swimming at ridiculous speeds to use both his mass and momentum, just to knock Ghidorah into the depths.
- Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight II: Being infected with black alien goo grants Zosia this power, as she demonstrates in one scene when she leaps out of the woods to attack the group.
- In Princess of Mars, John Carter is capable of this on Mars, due to being a Heavy Worlder (Earth has more than twice the gravity of Mars).
- The youngest brother in Shaolin Soccer is capable of jumping at high altitudes despite being overweight.
- In Star Trek Into Darkness, Khan is able to leap from the ravaged bridge of the Vengeance to the slanted area of the ship's saucer section with barely a scratch. Sulu's absolutely floored by such an ability.
- Star Wars: Jedi and Sith can use the Force to augment their natural leaping ability. Shown to be one of the most basic Force abilities. Jedi do this semi-regularly in the Star Wars movies. It's much, much more common in the animated series and video games, for obvious reasons. In the original series this quickly became one of Luke's signature moves, using it at least three times to dodge traps or elude Vader.
- Turkish Star Wars. By the third act, the protagonist seems to spend entire fight scenes jumping over his enemies.
- Adam pulls this off with the help of inverse matter in Upside Down.
- In The Wolfman (2010), Lawrence quite impressively clears a police blockade in a single leap, much to Aberline's dismay.
- In X-Men, Toad jumps to Le Parkour levels.
- In Dale Brown books, Tin Men need compressed-air jumpjets to do this, while CIDs are apparently just that good that they can do so without external assistance.
- Done on occasion by earthcrafters and incompetent windcrafters in Codex Alera, the former by massively boosting their strength and the latter by attempting to fly and not quite manage it.
- Domina: Akane's Super-Speed lets her do this. It seems to have something to do with stacking inertia or something, but she doesn't worry about the details too much. She just says that physics get "bendy" when she uses her power.
- John Carter of Mars has this power, due to being on Mars, which has less than half the gravity of Earth. Granted, he jumps a lot higher than 0.376 g (just over a third of Earth's gravity) should allow for, but A Princess of Mars was written in 1912, and we didn't know as much about the red planet back then.
- Journey to the West: Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, learned the ability to travel 108,000 li (approximately 54,000 kilometers) in a single somersault. This may sound like some arbitrarily huge number (it isn't), but worth noting that the Equator is a little over 40,000 km long. Later on, he would jump from the Buddha's palm all the way to the EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE.
- Mistborn: One of the powers of allomancy is to push on any piece of metal. Lighter metals are pushed away from you, heavier metals push you away. "Coinshots" (so called due to their habit of shooting money at people) are often employed as couriers due to their habit of bounding across the city by pushing off of metal buildings and the like.
- In Super Powereds and Corpies, this is how strongmen Supers move around, when they need to get somewhere quickly and collateral damage is not an issue. It takes lots of practice to do this reliably, since, once off the ground, they are, pretty much, incapable of adjusting their trajectory. In later books, Vince learns to use his kinetic absorption and projection to do the same trick, although in one case, he accidentally blows off his own shoes on take-off. He also has to be doubly careful, since his body can't take any more damage than a normal person. He has to be ready to re-absorb the kinetic energy at the moment of impact. When he and Roy make the jump during a trial, Roy jumps first to clear out Vince's landing area.
- In Renegades, the Sentinel can leap incredible distances (two stories straight up), thanks to Adrian tattooing springs onto the soles of his feet.
- In Shadow of the Conqueror, this is one of the powers granted by Lifebinding. By augmenting their mass and strength and then returning the former to normal in the moment before leaping, they can launch themselves through the air with much more energy than they could otherwise muster, enabling them to leap to the top of buildings with ease.
Live-Action TV
- Angel does this occasionally in the later seasons. The Beast did this to a much more dramatic degree, making his exit from scenes by launching himself high into the night sky Superman-fashion.
- In Better Call Saul, cartel boss Eduardo "Lalo" Salamanca inexplicably displays this ability. He manages to leap up into a ceiling completely silently, crawl ten feet, then jump out and land on the floor in a standing position. Later on, he jumps from a ten-foot cliff to land on a wrecked car without shattering his legs. How a very tough but otherwise normal human is capable of this is unclear.
- Birds of Prey (2002) often has Huntress display this power, but there is a particularly egregious example in the final episode, where two other characters jump to the second story, one of whom is paraplegic.
- Blade: The Series has vampires jump fairly high. The pilot has Krista try to kill Marcus van Sciver with a silver bullet fired from a sniper rifle atop a tall building. Van Sciver's Number Two knocks Krista out by coming from above (there are no taller buildings in the vicinity). The Grand Finale also shows Van Sciver and Blade having a sword fight at a big meeting hall by jumping all over the place.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer did this on occasion. In an early episode she jumped over a gate twice her height without a running start, and in a later one jumped her way onto to the top of a clock tower (although this did take more than one jump).
- In The Electric Company (1971), Letterman is able to leap Capital T in a single bound. (Shown as a gargantuan capital T.)
- Jessica Jones (2015): Jessica and Luke are out on a date after they find out that the other has powers. Luke asks Jessica if she's capable of flight, but she replies that she can jump... pretty high. It comes in handy for getting to the balconies of tall buildings, which she does often in the series.
- Kamen Rider has featured it more sporadically, yet one prominent example is Kamen Rider Kuuga's Dragon Form. He typically uses it to get to the tops of buildings and switches to a more appropriate form upon arrival. Kamen Rider OOO's Batta/Grasshopper Medal allows him to do this.
- All vampires can do this in Moonlight (2007), although their leaps are weak by comparison to someone like Superman. Mick's limit appears to be 5 stories. An old vampire is shown to be able to easily jump down from a high-rise without problems (also, without ruining his shoes). It's also implied that he got that to the balcony by jumping.
- The Most Extreme had an episode called "Jumpers", which featured the top 10 jumpers of the animal kingdom.
- Mother Goose Treasury has "Jack be nimble/Jack be quick" and of course he jumps over a candlestick. Two people try to prove there's one he can't jump over, but Jack even manages to clear one that's at least two stories high.
- The father in No Ordinary Family has this. It's even lampshaded.
George: [to Jim, after he tries to fly and falls off a building] YOU CAN'T FLY! ...But you can jump!
- In The Orville, Alara is a Xelayan, a Heavy Worlder race. Besides Super-Strength, she also demonstrates this trope in the pilot, when she casually leaps several dozen meters between the research center and the shuttle.
- In Smallville, Clark can't fly (until the final episode), but can jump high and far, starting with his first real super-leap in the episode "Insurgence", leaping from the Daily Planet building to LuthorCorp Tower. His super-leaps become more powerful as the series progresses. It's hinted at during the run of the series that he possesses the ability to fly before the last episode, but just can't for some reason. (In reality, it was the "No Tights, No Flights" rule.) There are numerous incidences in the show of Clark being under various mental states (like red kryptonite) in which he is able to fly, yet once he returns to normal, he can't (and frequently can't even remember doing so). He can't seem to imagine himself having the ability of flight.
- The heroes from Super Sentai and its adaptation Power Rangers have been leaping hundreds of feet into the air since the very beginning. Most of the time, this ability is used to jump into the cockpit of their Humongous Mecha.
- Wonder Woman (1975): Wonder Woman used her iconic invisible jet to fly. This incarnation of the character could run almost the speed of sound (700+ mph in "Death in Disguise") and jump superheroic heights over trees, up buildings and so on. There were very few episodes in which she didn't jump with superhuman ability.
- Xena: Warrior Princess did this frequently. In "The Debt", for example, she enters a palace by leaping from the moat to the top of the wall.
Mythology & Religion
- The Victorian-Era urban legend named Spring-Heeled Jack was known for jumping impossible distances and terrorizing many residents of England.
Tabletop Games
- In Exalted, everyone can do this trope according to the tables. Then you can get an even more super version of the power for really high jumps.
- Specifically, distances are measured in yards. You can jump your Strength + Athletics in yards vertically, and twice that horizontally. Even the least combat-oriented, freshly-Exalted (since up until the point of Exaltation you are a mere mortal) scholars and diplomats can jump abnormal distances. A yard is 3 feet and roughly 0.9 meters (0.9 m = 35.4 in), for those unfamiliar with it. The other more combat-oriented Exalts truly can leap considerable distances in a single bound.
- The Solar Athletics Charm Mountain-Crossing Leap allows one to jump (Essence x 5) miles in a matter of minutes. The minimum Essence for this skill is 4, so 20 mile jumps are the standard for this specific Charm.
- Air-Aspected Terrestrial Exalts can channel their inborn magical powers to triple the base height and distance of all of their leaps - without Charms - and take no damage from falls of any height besides.
- "Boots of jumping" are magical artifacts which turn up in many computer and role-playing games, and let characters demonstrate this trope. The idea probably started with Dungeons & Dragons, although D&D called them "boots of striding and springing".
- Dungeons & Dragons' Third Edition also gave the monk the ability Leap of the Clouds, making your jump distance dependent only on the Jump check, not any other factors. 3.5 removed it, but then also removed all restrictions on how far you could jump based on anything other than the jump check. Since Jump was dependent on your Strength, it was presumably reasoned that if you had superhuman strength you deserved to jump really high.
- The Jump check is also dependent on how many skill points are invested in the skill, which is limited by character level. The skill also receives bonuses based on the character's running speed. If a player really wants to, it's not terribly difficult to get a thirty-foot vertical standing jump at mid-to-high levels.
- The Pathfinder RPG (based on D&D 3.5) has monks that gain a bonus equal to their level to their jump checks. Plus the bonus they get for having a high speed. Plus their ranks in the Acrobatics skill (based on DEX rather than STR). Plus the bonus for it being a class skill. Plus they don't take a penalty for not having a running start. Oh, and they can spend a Ki Point to get an instant +20 to the check. This boils down to a 5th level Monk being able to make a 10' vertical leap, from a standstill, when they roll a 1 on the die. That's not jumping up to grab the ledge 10' above you either, that's landing on it with your feet. Bigger leaps get easier as they get more skilled and faster, and gain magical equipment.
- Pathfinder's take on the Tarrasque gave it the Powerful Leaper ability, which let it use Strength instead of Dexterity to jump and gave it a natural +24 bonus on top of that. This means that the Tarrasque can easily manage a fifty-foot long jump... and if it uses its Sprint ability, which gives it a total bonus of +87, it can clear a hundred. The main use of this is countering the usual "Fly, Acid Arrow until dead" strategy. Many a caster has suffered a nasty surprise when instead of hopping up and down futilely, the Tarrasque jumped eighty feet into the air and swallowed them.
- Dungeons & Dragons' Third Edition also gave the monk the ability Leap of the Clouds, making your jump distance dependent only on the Jump check, not any other factors. 3.5 removed it, but then also removed all restrictions on how far you could jump based on anything other than the jump check. Since Jump was dependent on your Strength, it was presumably reasoned that if you had superhuman strength you deserved to jump really high.
- GURPS has the Super Jump advantage, which doubles jump distance with each level. For skill-based jumps, you can choose the jumping skill, the half of which can replace the usual number used for jumping distance. And there is also flying leap, which triples both the distance of the jump and the damage you deal if you use it as part of an attack. This is balanced by only allowing it to those with the Trained By A Master or Weapon Master advantage.
- Champions has always had a characters' base jumping distance based on strength. But to really invoke this trope, add extra leaping distance and a non-combat multiplier. And you can take an accuracy advantage, so the character never misses their chosen landing spot.
- Feng Shui's Path of the Leaping Storm fu path is all about emulating the classic Wuxia swordsman, and the first two powers of the path are Prodigious Leap and Abundant Leap, both of which allow a character to do crazy flying wuxia leaps.
- Mutants & Masterminds offers the Leaping power which multiplies your leaping distance by rank. You start at 2 times your normal jumping distance. Rank 10 is 2000 times your normal jumping distance... and there's no upper limit, although longer distances mean you may take a while to get to your destination. Flight is faster, but not always as cool as being able to jump to the moon.
- A clarification from the game creator indicated that the bonus to jumping given by the Acrobatics skill applies before the multiplier, so with a few fancy flips, you may be able to travel a few miles further...
- Games Workshop games:
- In Blood Bowl, the Leap skill allows a player to make great jumps over the heads of opposition players. The skill is popular with high Speed and Agility, low Strength and Armour players, especially elves, as it allows them to bypass the opponent’s defensive line and rush for a touchdown.
- In Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, the monstrous Spawn Scyla Anfingrimm of the Bloodbound Warhordes is able to make great leaps that take him over the heads of the enemy. Scyla uses this Bestial Leap ability to bypass weaker troops so that he can engage the strongest heroes for the greater glory of Khorne.
Video Games
- Most fighting games involve implausible jumping skills involving characters who can, from a standing position, reach vertical displacements of several times their height and great distances forward. Bushido Blade notably averted this, allowing the players to barely manage to jump their height, and that only with the lighter characters wielding smaller weapons.
- Probably the most extreme are some of Capcom's Versus games where you could literally jump to heights around 50 times the height of your standard character. Even more impressive for the miniscule Servbot, who is jumping at least 200 times his height.
- Asura's Wrath: This is Asura's usual method of jumping to really high distances. Being a Demigod, it would be strange if jumping long distances wasn't part of his abilities.
- Baldur's Gate III: The githyanki race have the psionic jump ability they can use once per long rest. This is key to many Speedrun and Sequence Breaking strategies.
- Banjo-Tooie has the Springy Step Shoes, and also the Leg Spring ability learned by Kazooie solo.
- In BlazBlue, this is surprisingly performed by resident Mighty Glacier Iron Tager. In his Genesic Emerald Tager Buster Distortion Drive, he throws the victim into the air at least five times his considerable height, then jumps after him/her/it without apparent assistance and catches the victim for a Meteor Move. It hurts as much as you'd think it does. His Astral Heat involves him jumping into SPESS and pile-driving them.
- BloodRayne: Rayne can jump insanely high (maybe ten stories or so) and land lightly on her feet, probably because she's a half-vampire. Oddly, most of the first game is set indoors, so the crazy jumping powers aren't usually necessary. They do make it convenient to get around, though.
- Canabalt is all about jumping higher then physically possible.
- The Super Jumping powerset in City of Heroes gives you this. Even characters without jump-related super powers can leap over chain-link fences as tall as themselves.
- The Agent in Crackdown initially can't jump higher than a normal person, but can max out his agility to leap fifty feet in the air. At that point driving a car to get around the city is optional as the Agent can leap across rooftops.
- In the first Dark Cloud, every single human in Matataki Village and Seda have this ability, though it's usually just vertical. Goro is the best at it until he suffers from the Law of NPC Relativity upon joining your party. Monica Raybrandt in the second combines the horizontal and vertical aspects. Gaspard isn't quite as impressive, but flipping over Monica could qualify.
- Artorias in the DLC for Dark Souls is capable of launching himself across the arena in which you fight him. Bonus points for seemingly hanging in the air for a split second after the jump before rocketing toward you sword first.
- Slave Knight Gael manages some ridiculous leaps in Dark Souls III DLC, which generally end with his sword being brought into close proximity with your all too fragile internal organs. In another world, dude could have had a great basketball career.
- Deadlock (2024): The Majestic Leap item gives heroes a jump that outright launches them into the air, which can be cancelled for a quick drop back to the earth. It has a cooldown and you can't use it if you're under fire, but when you need to switch lanes in a hurry or punch one of the flying heroes in the neck, it's invaluable. Plus, any hero can buy it; watching someone like Abrams or Lash come flying across the map to barge into their 1v1 is sure to be a startle for the unfortunate enemy.
- Both averted and played straight in Deus Ex. By default J.C. can't even jump as high as a normal human being could, but with the right nanotech implant and upgrades he can jump absurdly high.
- The Heat Spear from Dragon Project allows the wielder to pull off its special attack, Skyfall, by moving a cursor on the Behemoth to jump high up into the sky and impale said Behemoth with massive elemental damage. To get the best damage, the Heat meter must be full before the wielder activates Skyfall.
- In the Earth and Sky series, the earthsuit gives its wearer a collection of strength-related powers, including enhanced jumping. In "Another Earth, Another Sky", he circumnavigates a planet in four leaps — admittedly it's quite a small planet, but that's still impressive.
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind:
- A maxed out Acrobatics skill will allow the player to jump about 2 stories straight up into the air. One's jumping ability can also be augmented with a "Jump" spell, further increasing it.
- Spoofed when it comes to the enchanter Tarhiel and his Scrolls of Icarian Flight. Not far from Seyda Neen, you may witness him plummet from the sky and die upon impact with the ground. (It is possible to save him by casting a Slowfall spell on him, but he'll only say "I don't want to talk about it..." and you can't get the scrolls unless you then kill him.) You'll find his journal and his three remaining scrolls on his body. Reading his journal, you'll find that he sought to create the ultimate Jump spell, allowing one to travel hundreds of miles in a single bound. And he succeeded. Unfortunately, the spell only lasts 7 seconds, which means you no longer have the power to safely landnote . The scrolls are Not Completely Useless though, as you can survive the jumps by using another scroll before landing, casting a Slowfall spell, casting a Levitate spell, or by landing in a deep enough body of water.
- The Goliath in Evolve can make massive leaps to cover ground quickly through a combination of the physics fuckery innate to the monsters and raw physical power.
- The cyberjump ability in E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy ramps up your prosthetic legs' muscles, allowing you to vault several meters into the air. Leveling up the agility stat and buying improved cyberlegs allows you to jump several stories into the air, useful for Goomba Stomping enemies.
- Many Final Fantasy games have a Jump command, traditionally having you jump high enough to avoid any friendly or hostile attacks or spells, then landing pointy-end-down on a foe; typically, the Jump attack does double damage, but only if you're using a spear. If the game in question has job classes, like Final Fantasy XI, the Dragoon/Lancer/Dragon Knight class will always have this ability. If the game doesn't have specified job classes, such as Final Fantasy X, then the ability will belong only to characters who wield a spear of some sort, which is the weapon of choice for, yep, Dragoons and their kin. It's never really explained as to how these characters can survive such leaps and falls, however.note It is Final Fantasy, though...
- In the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, particularly the later installments including Advent Children, Crisis Core, and Dirge of Cerberus, where nearly every notable character seems to be able do this to a degree. Hardly surprising, given the BioAugmented nature of Shinra's various Super Soldiers.
- The most notable examples are in Advent Children. First, in the battle with Bahamut SIN, where the entire party (Except for Barret) leaps into the sky to be used as stepping stones for Cloud to go after Bahamaut SIN. Second, the climatic fight between Cloud and Sephiroth, with Cloud leaping all over the ruins of Midgar and the Shinra Building.
- In the first instance, with exceptions for the genetic experiment (Vincent) and lifelong ninja (Yuffie), a popular fanon theory is that Barret is throwing them.
- In Crisis Core, the cutscene involving the 'play' duel between Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal, in which all three make improbably high jumps.
- This is displayed even out of battle in Final Fantasy IX wherein the game's two dragon knights, Freya Crescent and Fratley Irontail, easily leap from rooftop to rooftop and leap four to five times their body height from a complete standstill. Even the most athletic members of the party can't keep up. (Although this could be somewhat explained by the fact that the dragon knights are a non-human race of rat people with supposedly much greater leg strength than humans.)
- Both played straight and subverted in Final Fantasy X-2, where the three protagonists have no qualms about jumping hundreds of feet into and out of huge gaping holes down to the core of the Fayth, yet in one cutscene, as Yuna prepares to jump off a cliff in the Mi'ihen Highroad to save some civilians, Payne stops her and forces you to take a long windy path down to the bottom of said cliff.
- In the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, particularly the later installments including Advent Children, Crisis Core, and Dirge of Cerberus, where nearly every notable character seems to be able do this to a degree. Hardly surprising, given the BioAugmented nature of Shinra's various Super Soldiers.
- The high jump power-up from Ghostrunner lets you rocket maybe forty feet up in the air and launch forward with almost as much force. You only get one high jump per power-up though, and you only have a few seconds to use it. It is mainly used in platforming sections for some variety, but it also appears in a few battles to let you get the jump on enemies picking you off from the opposite side of the field.
- In inFAMOUS 2, Cole gains the ability to leap high by boosting off of the tops of cars. If he gains Kuo's ice powers, he can jump higher still by leaping off of a column of ice created at his feet.
- Jet Force Gemini: Lupus can use the Jet Packs equipped in his paws to hover across wide pitfalls, such as the one located near the end of the Chasm level of Mizar's Palace and the one found in the midpoint of the Interior level of Goldwood (which leads to the Rim level).
- In Killer7, this is a supernatural ability of Coyote Smith, one of the Killer7 assassins.
- The Hi-Jump ability allows Kirby to pull off one of these, which he can also use as a means of tackling enemies.
- Krazy Ivan has a robot boss, Thunderfoot, who despite being a Top-Heavy Guy (two skinny, dinky robot legs carrying a broad upper body containing dozens and dozens of shoulder-mounted turret) can jump effortlessly all over the area, hopping over you to avoid your attacks.
- Pantheon from League of Legends is famous for his ultimate, Grand Skyfall, where he jumps and a few seconds later, lands with a giant shockwave that deals massive damage and slowing enemies caught in the radius. He can jump as far as half the whole map, and before it was nerfed for Competitive Balance, he can jump to anywhere on the map.
- Rean Schwarzer in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel jumps really high whenever he uses his Superpowered Evil Side to boost his jumping power. It only happens in cutscenes however.
- The heroes of The Legend of Kage and its Spiritual Successor, Demon Sword can jump nearly the height of the screen.
- The titular hero of The Legend of Tian-ding can scale entire floors by jumping with his chi. When used in tandem with the Double Jump he can clear rooftops easily. Then again, the game is heavily inspired by wuxia.
- In Legend of Success Joe, the ruffian and Harimao can jump high enough to clear the screen. Yet the player has no jumping ability, which is odd for a video game.
- Ditto for Low G Man who, when fully powered-up, can jump up to 20 times his own height.
- Appears as the hilarious result of a Good Bad Bug in Major League Baseball 2K6, where an outfielder can rob someone of a home run
heading over the 35-foot-high Green Monster at Fenway Park.
- Zigzagged in Mass Effect. Most of the time anyone ever makes any kind of implausible jump, even in cutscenes, is while escaping a spacecraft in a high parking orbit where the gravity is pretty darned weak, but played straight with Geth Hoppers in the first game and Saren's One-Winged Angel form, which can leap many times their own height and stick to walls.
- Omnipresent in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Even generic mooks can jump their own height or more and custom cyborgs like Raiden and the Winds of Destruction can do much better.
- Metroid: The original game and various sequels have the Space Jump Boots and/or the Screw Attack, which allow you to jump off of thin air once and/or many times. Combined with Samus' ability to jump several yards already, this makes for some impressive heights.
- In Mini Mario & Friends: amiibo Challenge, while most of the Mini toys can only jump up steps that are one block high, some have special abilities that let them jump higher.
- Mini Luigi's regular jump is the only one out of all the Minis that goes up two blocks instead of just one.
- Mini Rosalina has an ability called Lunar Launch, in which she rockets into the sky when she encounters a wall she can't pass. It's much higher than Mini Luigi's jump, but it also only goes straight up, making it primarily useful if there is a platform she can pass through directly above her.
- Some of the Sub Bosses in Odin Sphere have Mario-like jumping ability. The mains aren't far off, although at least two of them are wholly or partially capable of flight.
- The Pokedex entry for Blaziken in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire says that it can "easily clear a thirty-story building in one leap". Wow. Unfortunately, in the actual games (with the exception of Sky Uppercut, which can hit Pokémon whilst they're using Fly), the ability is never actually used.
- Doduo and its evolution Dodrio are flightless birds, but can learn Fly. One of the only possible explanations is that it can jump really well.
- The Gen IV Pokedex notes that a sufficiently powerful Magikarp can Splash over a mountain.. .and that it's still worthless.
- Surprisingly, in the pokeatholon, Charizard has one of the best jump stats of the fully evolved starters. Consequently his other stats are middling or, in the case of speed, below average.
- Alex Mercer from [PROTOTYPE] can jump incredibly well, with the ability maxed out and fully charged giving him nearly a hundred foot jump. It naturally leads to Roof Hopping given the city environs.
- James Heller from [PROTOTYPE 2] is able to jump even higher.
- Raw Footage: Whenever the monster you're tracking leaves the game map, it jumps straight up at high speeds.
- Implemented poorly like everything else in Red Ninja: End of Honor. You have a high jump scroll that makes you do...high jumps. It however does not specify that you can actually jump anywhere except straight up, and they mean "high" as in "comparatively higher than your normal jump". Considering the titular character can simply use her grappling hook to launch her onto rooftops, one wonders why this thing is even in the game at all...
- Rogue Legacy 2: Heroes with the "IIb Muscle Fibers" trait gain massively increased jump height, being able to jump to the ceiling of a normal-sized room from ground level with a single button press.
- Saga of Sins allows you to jump extra-high by using the Air-Dashing move while aiming your character upwards.
- Characters in Saints Row IV can jump at least four stories upwards. And run UP the side of building to take a running leap off the top. And glide to descend. It all adds up to functional flight, at least insofar as traversing a single city is concerned.
- In Slime Rancher 2, the rabbit-like cotton slimes can easily jump over the highest corral walls, so you'll need to buy an air net to keep them contained.
- Sonic '06 though a very bad game, and it's never used in a real game unless its done using springs, in one cutscene, Sonic leaps from a ship crashing and leaps clear across an entire ocean! He almost misses his mark had it not been for the explosion, he'd be dead.
- Sonic had always had the ability to jump in great height and distance. It's included with his Super-Speed.
- Zangief from the Street Fighter games can jump several times his height during a Final Atomic Buster, with the crowning moment of glory/nonsense being when he jumps into friggin' orbit in EX 2.
- In his ending in SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos, Akuma leaves the tournament unsatisfied by his weak mortal opponents. So what does he do? Simple. He jumps into heaven to challenge Kami-sama.
- Super Mario Bros.: Practically everybody. Mario in particular is Famed in Story as the best jumper in the Mushroom Kingdom, despite Luigi's jumps being visibly higher.
- In addition to its original effect of Super-Speed, the Bunny Hood item in the Super Smash Bros. series greatly increasing the jumping ability of its wearer. In the case of characters like Luigi and Falco who already jump extremely high as it is, it'll make them go flying off the top of the screen on a small level (which fortunately isn't fatal).
- Superman can jump really, really high in the NES Superman game. The perfectly ordinary Clark Kent can jump just as high.
- Jumping as Superman in that particular NES game, if you were right next to a building, would trigger a "Leap tall buildings in a single bound" cutscene and put you on a different part of the city
- In Sword of Rapier, Katharine can leap into the air to pursue launched enemies with either her rapier or spells with launching properties, and she can continue continue to pursue launched enemies each time they are launched upwards as much as their MP can allow.
- Tales of Symphonia gives all characters a jump in battle mode that easily lets them leap over grown men's heads. This makes a certain amount of sense for the athletic fighters among the cast; not so much for purportedly frail magicians like Genis. Even the anime adaptation, not bound by the game engine, has Genis avoid a monster's attack with a skillful backflip.
- Most people in Tales of Symphonia can't do this, but the protagonists wear Ex Spheres, which are explicitly made to enhance one's physical capabilities beyond normal limits... although Genis can do it before he actually starts wearing his. Maybe because he's a wizard?
- Judith from Tales of Vesperia also invokes this trope. Her entire battle style is aerial, she can easily jump as high as the battlefield reaches as well as can stay in midair for ridiculous amounts of time.
- Lara Croft in the early Tomb Raider games, though more recent installments have toned down her jumping ability to a more realistic level.
- Ultimate Spider-Man (2005): Venom cannot webswing. However, he doesn't have to since the button for webswinging while playing as Spider-Man is changed to a super jump that easily lets Venom clear a ten story building and a couple city blocks.
- ULTRAKILL: Whether by accident or design, there are several ways to exploit the game's physics engine to enable V1 to jump impossible distances even without the assistance of explosions.
- Unreal, Unreal Tournament and Unreal Tournament III have AntiGrav Boots which will enhance your next three jumps, allowing you to catapult yourself to the top of a level. While walking, you won't boot-jump, just regular-jump.
- The monsters in War of the Monsters have some impressive reach for Kaijus that can easily knock buildings down with little trouble. Though somewhat justified for Preytor and Raptros, as they do propel themselves with their wings in the animation.
- XCOM: Enemy Unknown:
- Thin Men and Chryssalids ignore height changes, and often their movements consist of leaping over high ground. Enemy Within adds the Muscle Fiber Density gene mod, which is unlocked after performing an Alien Autopsy on the Thin Man and allows your soldiers to do the same; MEC Troopers get in on the action at Lieutenant rank and above with Jetboot Modules. However, leaping only covers vertical differences – there's no horizontal jumping, so the grappling hook of the Skeleton Suit and Ghost Armor still has good use.
Visual Novels
- Magical Warrior Diamond Heart: The Crystal Warriors all have the ability to jump incredibly high. Valerie leaps clear over the town skyline when she transforms for the first time. Alex uses this ability in episode 13 to leap across buildings in order to safely carry her home when the roads are blocked during a snowstorm, as does Valerie to carry Chandra home in her version of the same day.
- 8-Bit Theater has a Dragoon with the ability to make insanely high jumps... so long as there is someone to land on. It is a jump attack, after all. In keeping with the series, Black Mage is the usual landing spot. It also seems that he needs his spear, as after it accidentally got teleported away (it was stuck through Black Mage at the time), he hasn't jumped even once. He also commented "I needed that spear".
- In The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, Bruce Lee leaps to the Moon from the Earth and becomes a permanent guest at Dracula's moon base. After meeting with him to learn the technique, Doc manages a similar feat.
- In DeathSitter, after Mary eats the souls of Ferris and Ferrand she thinks it made her strong enough to attempt a massive jump like this off the roof of a skyscraper. It works, but she pukes the souls up midflight, and promptly plummets to the ground.
- Muko's legs in Furry Fight Chronicles are strong enough to leap over a bunch of bodyguards trying to detain her in the second chapter. She weaponizes her jumping strength when performing the dropkick that Cookie taught her.
- James Eglamore
from Gunnerkrigg Court.
- Kill Six Billion Demons: In the Ring of Power, after Allison puts on Cio's mask and the two enter a shared-body Super Mode via consensual Demonic Possession, they jump up with such strength that they shatter the platform they were standing on and go right through the giant dome above.
- The Non-Adventures of Wonderella: Wonderella can totally jump hella high. One time when demonstrating this ability, she hits a blimp above an Olympic stadium, causing it to crash on the stadium, and thereby accidentally makes it to Islamic terrorist heaven.
- In The Order of the Stick, Belkar's Ring of Jumping +20 magically grants him incredible leaping ability. At one point, due to the D&D based nature the OOTS universe and likely a Shout-Out to Final Fantasy Jump attacks as well, Belkar jumps out of the panel and stays up for a couple of panels before landing to delivery stabbity death on an enemy.
- All three outsiders in Project 0 have had at least one. Owen is the only one without a cool landing to go with it.
- Sailor Ranko, which actually shows Ranma jumping over a tall building when he tests out his new Senshi abilities.
- Sidekicks: Supublics can't fly, but every supublic is capable of doing a high jump, a super jump and a free fall. There are similar skills but only the unique superpower of Flight allows one to fly freely in the air.
- Sluggy Freelance: Lord Horribus can do this due to Super-Strength; he's used it for Roof Hopping. He's so heavy he risks just falling through when he lands, though.
- Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff shows The Big Man in a dream sequence.
"but it turns out to be CRAZY what kind of dunks this guy has. Im teling you.... air like that is UNREAL, it doens't even HAPPEN. most of the time"
- Most fighters, especially Fishermen in Tower of God. Explained with Shinsu reinforcement. In the anime, it happens more from the start and can't be explained like that.
- In "Name Hunt Station", Edin Dan demonstrates that his Super-Speed also allows him to leap quite a distance over treetops. (That's not something everyone can do, at least not on his level.)
- "Floor of Death", When Yuri Jahad loses the ability to fly thanks to her (flying) opponent controlling all the Shinsu in the area, she jumps what looks like something like a hundred metres into the air to attack him. Without being able to use Shinsu reinforcement either, apparently.
Web Originals
- Dreamscape: Soya can jump super high in the air using a lightning bolt as a kind of spring.
- DSBT InsaniT: ???'s Tyrannomon can leap straight up through the air in a form of Villain Teleportation.
- In Entirely Presenting You, it's Blank Face main method of getting around the rooftops of the city.
- Chaka and Bladedancer of the Whateley Universe can both do this through manipulation of Ki, doing all the light-foot Kung Fu tricks, like leaping up walls and balancing on tiny branches up in trees.
- In Worm, Shadow Stalker can use her shadow form to jump extra long distances, and several other characters (e.g. Lung and Newter) have enhanced physical abilities which allow them to do so as well.
Western Animation
- The titular bears from Adventures of the Gummi Bears use their gummi berry juice to attain this power.
- Avatar: The Last Airbender:
- Justified for the protagonist Aang, as airbenders are able to leap high and far distances by conjuring gusts of wind and cushions of air. Earthbenders are similarly able to catapult themselves into the air and soften the earth for safe landings.
- As noticed by many fans, the justification is pretty much out the window for Fire Nation characters, who are portrayed to have the second biggest leaps in the series for no apparent reason. In "The Boiling Rock", Azula demonstrates a technique that can best be described as the firebending equivalent of a rocket jump. The funny thing is that this is still shorter than how high non-bender Ty Lee can jump normally.
- Under the influence of Sozin's comet, skilled firebenders can use rocket-feet to fly. This was alluded to as early as "The Southern Air Temple": Aang reasons that the air temples could not have been violated because they're completely inaccessible from the ground...
- Ben 10: Four Arms' leg muscles give him some fairly impressive jump height. Omniverse newcomers Crashhopper and Bullfrag can also jump real high. Since the former is a giant grasshopper and the latter an anthropomorphic frog, this doesn't come as much of a surprise.
- Sara Spencer from Dinosaucers can leap into high and far distances when she uses her Secret Scout Ring.
- He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983): One such scene in one of the animated series has He-Man and Battle Cat leaping over a lake of lava and landing in the coolest way possible. If you were to have seen it, you'd probably wonder why he even keeps Battle Cat around.
- The Jackie Chan Adventures episode "The Return of the Pussycat" has Spring-Heeled Jack as the Monster of the Week. He's represented as a troll-like being with springs on his shoes that let him jump incredible distances.
- Justice League:
- Post-mutation, General Eiling becomes capable of this in "Patriot Act", shown jumping stories into the air away from the Cadmus facility and, at the end of the episode, leaving by leap-frogging off city buildings.
- Batman cracks this line as a joke to Superman in "Destroyer".
Batman: Don't you have a tall building to go leap?
- Kim Possible: Kim, apparently thanks to cheerleading. Monkey Fist and the members of Team Go can pull this off as well.
- Miraculous Ladybug:
- Ladybug and Cat Noir can jump higher and further than most normal humans, though not to the extent of leaping over entire buildings. They combine this with their yo-yo and staff, respectively, to bounce around the Parisian rooftops with ease.
- Rena Rouge, on the other hand, jumps much higher and can, in fact, leap from the street to the rooftops under her own power. It's her primary way of getting around, while the other heroes use their weapons to propel or pull them.
- Samurai Jack devoted an entire episode to justifying this, with Jack going through Training from Hell to massively boost his leg strength and match the incredible jumping skills of a tribe of monkeys (and in return he teaches them how to fight with bamboo poles and make traps so they can defend themselves from marauding gorillas). As quoted above, the episode ends with his showing off his new skills. And it shows up again in a later episode, where Jack beats the Scotsman at jumping (among other feats).
- In Skyland, Seijins use their telekinetic powers in a similar fashion.
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Where to begin? Almost every character appears to have supernatural jumping powers. For the Jedi and Sith, this is justified. (See Star Wars above). But when young Boba Fett manages to jump high enough to kick an enemy a foot or so taller than him in the head, there is no excuse. This might have been the problem of reusing bits from battles in other seasons. Most likely they simply forgot to check it over with reality.
- In one particular instance from "Dangerous Debt", Ahsoka credits one superpowered leap right over the heads of the Martez sisters, who don't know she's a Force-user, as that she's "more athletic" than she looks. Rafa can be heard voicing skepticism, but they don't have time to question it with guards closing in on them.
- Storm Hawks: Characters are seen performing some truly gravity-defying leaps, Aerrow being foremost among them. Given what the series is like, it fits perfectly.
- In Superfriends, the "Junior Superfriends" Wendy, Marvin, and Wonderdog don't really have any superpowers as we know them. However, Marvin has an ambiguous ability to do "super leaps".
- Teen Titans (2003): Red Star is shown doing this. Robin and Red X — both Badass Normals — are perfectly capable of performing unassisted jumps that would be completely impossible in Real Life.
- Xiaolin Showdown: The first Sheng Gong Wu shown in the series, the Mantis Flip Coin, grants the user enhanced jumping skills that allows them to jump and flip with extreme height, skill, and agility.
- In Young Justice (2010), Superboy can't fly like Superman, and when he realizes this, he almost goes into a Heroic BSoD. He can still jump at impressive distances, though. Kid Flash even uses the "Leap tall buildings in a single bound" line.
Real Life
- Cats jump several times their height/length routinely. A mountain lion can jump up to 25 feet. Your average housecat can jump probably 6 or 7 feet high. The caracal, an African cat roughly the size of a collie dog, is a specialist at leaping up to snatch birds in flight, and can jump 10' into the air from a crouching start.
- Then there's fleas, which can jump many times their height, and grasshoppers and crickets, which have specialized back legs specifically for jumping. And frogs. And kangaroo rats. And real kangaroos. And ...
- This is an application of the Square-Cube Law, since the relative jumping strength goes as the square of the size and relative weight goes as the cube; in fact, all else being equal, the actual (not relative) jump height is constant with regard to the scale. In other words, if you made a human (who could jump maybe 2 feet) 5 times bigger, it would only be able to jump 2 feet still, despite being 30 feet tall. Consider that a cat, 1/10 the size of a human, can jump heights/lengths comparable (within a factor of 2) of a human's. Consider that one of those crazy tropical jumping spiders (~1 inch) and your common everyday flea (~1/50? inch) can jump about the same height, which isn't even all that different from the jumping height of a human despite the thousand-fold difference in size. Of course, if all else ISN'T equal (say, the animal is particularly good at jumping due to evolution: kangaroo, cat, etc, or particularly bad: elephantnote , rhino, hippo), the jump can be several times bigger or smaller.
- It also helps that most jumping insects and spiders don't use muscle contractions themselves to jump. They compress or extend elastic material, or use the hydraulic pressure of their blood in the case of spiders, in their legs over several seconds. This potential energy is then released all at once and they go flying off like an arrow from a bow.
- The arowana, a ribbon-shaped freshwater fish that specializes in snatching insects or small birds from overhanging tree branches, can do this without legs.
- Powerisers can't quite give you this ability, but they come close, with a maximum jump height of around seven feet for those sufficiently good at using them.
- Kien Lieu
. In particular, 1:17.
- Wuxia films were inspired by real life monks who wear weights all the time while training, making them capable of things that look impossible, but are really just at the high end of normal. See also: professional basketball players and Olympic jumpers.
- All the different times Michael Jordan took off from the
free throw line to dunk.