Intersex Allure - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Aug 08 2024
"All you sexy hermaphrodite lady-man ladies
With your sexy lady-bits
And your sexy man-bits too,
Even you must be into you-hoo-hoo..."
In real life, intersexuality describes a wide variety of biological conditions in people whose bodies don't fit within the standard male/female dichotomy. Fictional depictions tend to play fast and loose with biology, on the other hand. The most common way this is depicted is where an intersex character has a combination of clearly defined male and female sexual traits, with few to no androgynous features. This also includes hermaphrodites, characters who have fully-functioning both male and female genitalia (something which has never been observed in real life humans).
Another common trait of fictional intersexual characters is that everyone finds them attractive. Oftentimes, it's explicitly because people are turned on by their intersexuality, which they consider fascinating and exotic. And it's not just Trans Chasers or Extreme Omnisexuals who are into them; even those who are otherwise attracted to only one sex may be willing to make an exception for them. Other creators may depict intersexual people as an Inhumanly Beautiful Race where all the members look like Pretty Boys or Bifauxnen, often with well-endowed both male and female traits.
Frequently overlaps with Otherworldly and Sexually Ambiguous, Non-Human Non-Binary, and/or Bizarre Alien Sexes, where their intersexuality is explained by them being non-human.
A subtrope of Ambiguous Gender. Compare Mr. and Ms. Fanservice, and Even the Guys Want Him/Even the Girls Want Her. For transgender or otherwise gender-nonconforming characters, see Attractive Bent-Gender. If being the subject of attraction gives them angst, see Intersex Tribulations. See also Shapeshifters Do It for a Change and Trans Equals Hypersexual for other cases of gender-nonconforming characters with out-there sexualities.
Note: This trope is for characters with both male and female traits. Examples about characters who appear androgynous or have no clear sex or gender should be put under Ambiguous Gender or No Biological Sex.
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Anime & Manga
- Boku no Futatsu no Tsubasa's title character, who looked like a boy as a child, but grew up to become a very gorgeous and buxom "woman." Turns out she's an alien and being intersex is normal for them.
- After School Nightmare: Mashiro (who was raised male, but is biologically female from the waist down) finds himself in a Bisexual Love Triangle between Broken Bird Kureha, who has a very strong aversion to men (due to being raped as a five-year-old) until she finds herself falling for Mashiro, and Kou, who is intent on trying to protect him after discovering his gender and is big on stalking and a small hint of rapist undertones.
- Angel Sanctuary:
- Adam Kadamon takes Angelic Beauty to its logical extreme, being regarded as the most beautiful entity in the entire universe, and is said that s/he literally "blinds both men and women alike" with his/her beauty. S/he's hermaphroditic, being created before God created males and females.
- Belial, too. S/he's physically female, but attempted to reject his/her gender with chemical suppressants. S/he gained the slim hips and flat chest of a man to complement his/her female genitalia, and has since had little trouble attracting a wide swath of partners.
- While his hermaphrodite body was treated as an oddity and a curse by his mother and many others, Richard III in Requiem of the Rose King obtains many love interests, both male and female. His retainer Catesby, Anne, Henry VI, Edward V, and especially The Duke of Buckingham have all taken to him at various points in the story, some even after learning the truth behind his body.
- The angel Crimvael, known as Crim to his friends, in Interspecies Reviewers, possesses both sets of genitalia, and is sufficiently adorable that both male and female side characters have expressed interest in him.
Comic Books
- Desire from The Sandman (1989), the literal embodiment of desire (including sexual desire), is implied to be every sex at once, possibly based on whatever the viewer wants to see. Other characters have trouble identifying what gender(s) they are at any given moment and frequently run into Pronoun Trouble trying to describe them.
- The chieri of Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover series. In addition to being Space Elves, they are also able to physically change from male to female, or be somewhere in-between. Naturally, as they are an Inhumanly Beautiful Race, most people do not bother to check their current genitalia before finding them attractive.
- Earth's Children: Intersex people (not that they're called that) are drawn to being mamuti (medicine people) statistically more than average, since they're already marked as "special" by the Great Earth Mother; and they're considered quite attractive by both sexes.
- The classical Swedish novel The Queen's Tiara by Carl Jonas Love Almquist (also made into a 1970 movie with the title Tintomara) is about a beautiful hermaphrodite, Azouras Lazuli Tintomara, who becomes involved in a love pentagon. It ends in death or madness for all involved.
- Vorkosigan Saga:
- Averted with Bel Thorne, the Betan hermaphrodite, who spends most of the books flirting with Miles; he never takes it up because he can't help seeing Bel Thorne as a man. Later in ther series, Miles briefly wonders if he shouldn't have taken Bel Thorne up on the offer at one point. The ship had definitely sailed, however, as both Miles and Bel are in their own committed monogamous relationships.
- The hermaphrodites are rather popular in general on Beta, where where all sexual identities and practices are tolerated as long as it's Safe, Sane, and Consensual. People on every world consider the Betans kind of bizarre on that front—not that it stops them from visiting Beta for Sex Tourism.
- The protagonist of Gary Jennings' novel Raptor is a hermaphrodite who lives as a male. Being a typical Jennings protagonist, he gets lots of action. Things get very interesting when he meets a female-identified hermaphrodite.
- In the Jacob's Ladder Trilogy, Mallory, the self-chosen hermaphrodite necromancer, invokes this when trying to seduce Rien by insinuating that it's more interesting with a partner who is both male and female in one.
- Sniper in Terra Ignota is an androgynous celebrity who is able to pose as both a man and a woman and deliberately keeps their gender secret as part of their appeal, selling sex dolls of themself of either sex. It goes so far that Sniper gets kidnapped occasionally by fans wanting more than just the doll. One character who does that during the story finds out that Sniper actually has both sexual organs and wonders if they were born like that or had had surgery to prevent disappointing fans, considering how Sniper is not above engaging in the oldest profession for fun.
Myths & Religion
- In Mesopotamian Mythology, there was Asu-shu-namir, an intersex person created by Ea, who was sent to the Underworld to rescue the goddess Ishtar. They succeeded in doing so by seducing Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Dead. Subverted in that Ereshkigal cursed gender non-binary people to be outcasts in retaliation, and double subverted in that Ishtar gave them the gifts of healing and prophecy to counterbalance this.
Tabletop Games
- In Dungeons & Dragons, invoked by Malcanthet, queen of Succubi, using a combination of shapeshifting, spells, and pheromones. Some people are aware that she is a hermaphrodite and seek her out because of it.
- This is one of the "gifts" that Slaanesh can apply to its followers in Warhammer 40,000. Heck, Slaanesh qualifies as well; alternately called "The Prince of Excess" and "She Who Thirsts", Slaanesh is either portrayed as half male/half female (split down the middle, with a female left half and male right half) or androgynous but stunningly beautiful. In truth, Slaanesh has no defined sex and takes a form their followers enjoy, or rather instantly fall in love with and are enthralled by.
Video Games
- In The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, the Dunmeri Tribunal deity Vivec claims that this is the case for himself. Though typically referred to as male, Vivec is a hermaphrodite. Thoughout his 36 Lessons of Vivec book series, he has sex with numerous men and women, as well as his fellow divine Tribunes (one male and one female), and even the technically genderless Daedric Prince of Domination, Corruption, and Rape, Molag Bal. That said, Vivec is a notoriously Unreliable Narrator and is known to bend the truth to serve his goals, so these claims should be taken with a grain of salt.
Web Original
- The late Doug Winger was famous for his "Girls", Pup and Pandora, as well as his Minevera Mink look-alike. He was seldom asked to draw single-sex characters because people like his hermaphrodites so much. This cartoon (titled "centaurporn" but absolutely worksafe — the website itself possibly not) almost certainly refers to his work.
- Chakona Space: Very, very common with the hermaphroditic Chakats and their lovers. Mono-gendered people tend to be briefly surprised at worst, but are otherwise okay with it. Possibly because of their mild empathic abilities.
- Whateley Universe:
- Phase externally looks like an attractive woman but has male privates. His first girlfriend (Vanessa "Vox" Jackson) was one of the most attractive girls at Whateley Academy, and even several guys from the school hit on him, much to his chagrin.
- Circuit Breaker has both sets of genitals, breasts, and looks like a girl. At one point, she manages to impress an entire tribe of werewolves by getting pantsed. Apparently, everyone liked what they saw.
Western Animation
- Futurama: Exaggerated in "Beast with a Billion Backs", which involves a massive extradimensional being named Yivo. "Shkle" has no gender and winds up in a relationship with every organic being in our universe at once.
- The Lloyd in Space episode "Neither Boy Nor Girl" centers around a new kid named Zoit whose species is nonbinary and choose what gender they want to be later. Zoit spends the episode confusing the main cast by how much they like gendered activities assigned to both boys and girls. In the end, they refuse to tell the other kids what gender they chose to be until they get a crush on one of them. The episode ends with all the boys and girls fighting over who Zoit will have a crush on, with everyone of both genders insisting they'll be the one.
- Steven Universe: When Steven and Connie first fuse into the nonbinary Stevonnie, all of the Beach City teens blush and stare at them, give them free stuff, and flirt with them. Stevonnie doesn't seem to understand why.