Intimate Lotion Application - TV Tropes
- ️Tue Sep 19 2023
"Gently, carefully, she rubbed the lotion all over my entire body. I shouldn't have enjoyed it. And yet I could not help myself. For a moment, I was spellbound."
Requesting someone to apply some kind of lotion on your body can be a relatively normal thing, particularly since certain areas, like the back, are challenging to reach independently. However, the act of physically touching another person's body through lotion application is inherently intimate and personal, and usually only done with close family and friends. As such, fiction often uses such situations in romantic and sexual plots such as causing Ship Tease, establishing romantic intimacy, creating sexual tension, or causing awkwardness and humor.
A character's request for someone to apply lotion is often portrayed as a flirtatious gesture, especially when done by The Tease, a Master of the Mixed Message, or a Femme Fatale, and usually via a Flirty Voice Ploy. They may even request lotion to be applied in areas they could reach on their own, making it clear the request is simply an excuse for physical contact. The person asking can also be completely clueless about the awkwardness of their request, be aware and really shy about it, or even be Mistaken for Flirting. The reaction from the character asked to perform the task usually ranges from enthusiasm to reluctance, but they may also outright refuse, especially if the one asking is an Abhorrent Admirer. They may even accept but be completely oblivious that they're being hit on.
A character may also volunteer to rub the lotion on another, and they're typically portrayed as either confident seducers or creepy perverts. Or they may be sincere in wanting to help but simply have No Sense of Personal Space or be clueless that they're causing awkwardness or discomfort with their offer.
Traditionally it will be a female character on whom the lotion is being applied, usually with her undoing her bikini top so she can expose her Toplessness from the Back to the other person, thus making the scene even more intimate.
Fan Disservice gags are a common form of subversion, usually with a character stuck rubbing the lotion / being rubbed on by someone elderly or unattractive. Another common gag is having a character accidentally squirt too much lotion from the bottle, as a visual innuendo to their arousal.
This scenario is most commonly done with sunscreen/sunblock application, usually in a Beach Episode or Pool Scene, especially if the character is Prone to Sunburn. However, it can also occur in other contexts involving different types of lotions, such as applying ointment or a healing potion to a hard-to-reach wound or injury, sometimes overlapping with Intimate Healing.
An Embarrassingly Painful Sunburn can be caused by a character being too awkward to ask this from others. See Suntan Stencil when characters use the opportunity to play a prank with Tan Lines. See Zip Me Up and Hands-On Approach for a similar Ship Tease plot involving requiring another's help. See also Intimate Haircut, Intimate Hair Brushing, Massage of Love, and Romantic Ride Sharing.
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Anime & Manga
- In the Ah! My Goddess OVA, the second episode has Keichi take Belldandy to the beach as part of a plan set up by Urd to bring the former two closer together. Urd gives Keichi a sunscreen that's infused with a Love Potion to put on Belldandy, and when he's about to, nervously, put some on her, Sayoko interrupts him and spills the bottle's contents.
- Anima Yell!: When the girls have to hike on the beach, they all need to apply sunscreen. Uki puts it on Kohane's back without issue, and the other girls all ask her to do the same. But when Hizumi offers to rub Kana's back, Kana gets extremely flustered about the idea of being touched by Hizumi due to having a crush on her, causing her to give a lame excuse and running off, much to Hizumi's confusion.
- Ayakashi Triangle: It's a Running Gag that Reo takes advantage of the fact Matsuri is now a girl in order to do questionable perverted things to his body without him complaining or noticing, such as her rubbing suntan oil on his breasts or applying ointment on his injuries while he's naked. Suzu always gets jealous when she learns about it.
- My Bride is a Mermaid: At the end of the manga, as Chimp is rubbing sun tan lotion on Kai's back the narration says they both "realized something" for each other, implying the experience has caused them to discover they're attracted to each other.
- A Certain Scientific Railgun: The anime original episode 13 has a Heat Wave hit the city and Kuroko gets outraged that Mikoto hasn't put any sunscreen in her body to protect herself. She quickly volunteers to do the task, but Mikoto can clearly see Kuroko also has perverted intentions in mind, and refuses to be touched in such a manner by her. Later when they pose as swimsuit models in a virtual room, it's a Running Gag to see Kuroko chasing after Mikoto to rub sunscreen on her in the background.
- A Couple of Cuckoos: When Erika and Nagi are at the convenience store buying things for the upcoming beach trip, he tries to buy the spray sunscreen, but she advises him to buy the cream type so that he has the chance of applying it on Hino at the beach. He gets excited at the thought for a moment, but then worries he'd give her an uneven tan, so he ends up buying both, though he never ends up having the chance to use it.
- Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro: When the cast first goes to the beach, Nagaroto sees Senpai is reluctant to be out in the sun and genuinely offers to "gently" apply sunscreen on his back, but he refuses because that's a thing that couples do and they're not dating. She gets offended at this remark and punishes him by kicking him to the floor, squirting him with the sunscreen, and then applying it by stepping on his back and rubbing him with her foot. Then Gamo-chan and Yoshi also end up joining her, much to Sentai's chagrin and Nagatoro's envy. They end up emptying the entire flask on him and he ends up entirely covered in sunscreen.
- Dragon Ball: During the "Piccolo Junior Saga", Bulma decides to sunbathe at Kame House and gets Puar to rub sun lotion on her back, as she trusts Puar not to try anything weird. Unfortunately, Oolong knocks out Puar and takes the lotion for himself, intending to rub it on Bulma in a perverted fashion... only to be foiled by Roshi who takes the lotion from Oolong, but clearly has the same perverted intentions. They both end up being caught by Launch, who proceeds to open fire on them for their perversion.
- My First Girlfriend Is a Gal: In episode 8, Yukana shyly asks Junichi to put lotion on her back, much to his perverted joy. But Ranko also decides to mess with him by asking the same but in a bolder fashion, even undoing her bikini top, causing Yukana to get jealous and do the same. When he does start rubbing their backs, Ranko purposedly starts making loud orgasmic sounds, which Junichi calls her out on.
- FLCL Progressive & Alternative:
- In "Stone Skipping", when the characters go to the beach, Haruko attempts to goad her students into putting oil on her back. Mori jumps at the chance, but the other hold him back to question him about his Girlfriend in Canada situation, to Haruko's disappointment. She then tries to get Hidomi and Jinyu to do it, but Jinyu only accepts so she can prank Haruko by pouring tanning oil on her instead.
- In "Pit-a-Pat", Haruko is acting like The Tease towards Sasaki all throughout the basketball game, in order to make Kana jealous and make her N.O. activate. At one point Sasaki accidentally falls on Haruko, and she takes the opportunity to pretend to have injured her inner thigh and guilts Sasaki into rubbing a lotion there for her, as an apology. He's extremely embarrassed while doing it, and Kana is fuming with jealousy as she watches it, just as Haruko intended.
- In "Shake It Off", during the swimming lesson, Sasaki applies sunscreen on Aida's back, and judging by Aida's Blush Sticker expression he's clearly enjoying it in a perverted manner, which is one of the many hints that Aida is into Sasaki.
- Haganai: When the group visits the beach, Kodaka applies sunscreen on his sisters and offers the same to the other girls. The perverted Rika quickly points out this is a "scandalous" thing for a boy to do to a girl, but the practical Kodaka ignores it and even asks Yukimura to do his own back. Sena is too shy to let Kodaka touch her, so she ends up getting Yozora to do it instead and Yozora ends up playing a mean prank on her by stepping on her and rubbing the lotion with her feet.
- High School D×D:
- In the "Going Sunbathing" OVA, the cast goes to the beach to sunbathe. Rias takes the opportunity to flirt with Issei by convincing him to rub sun lotion on her back, and he eagerly jumps at the chance. But this turns into an Accidental Pervert gag when he accidentally pours all the bottles at once and then ends up slipping on top of her while inadvertently groping her.
- In episode 7 of season 2, the characters are having fun at a pool, and one scene features Rias asking Issei to rub oil on her back in a provocative manner. As he does it, he can't help but stare at her large breasts, which she notices and teases him by asking him if he wants to rub oil there too. Issei notes in his internal dialogue she's been more aggressively flirtatious lately, likely due to jealousy over Akeno constantly teasing or trying to seduce him.
- Highschool of the Dead: Played With. After Rei injured her back in a fall, she needed to get some medicine applied to her bare back. Takashi naturally thinks Shizuka should be the one to do it since she's a girl and the School Nurse, but since Rei is a Tsundere, she gets offended and thinks he doesn't want to touch her instead, much to his confusion.
- Hyperdimension Neptunia the Animation: In episode 8 when the girls go to the beach, Vert rubs sunscreen on Nepgear's back in a rather lewd manner, and even ends it by groping Nepgear's breasts and offering to lotion there too, but this causes Nepgear to back off blushing and stammer that she can handle the rest herself.
- Itsudatte My Santa!: When Santa and Mai go to the beach, she produces a bottle of suntan oil and offers to rub it on his back, and he gets nervous at the prospect. The crowd who overhears this thinks they're being indecent, which causes Mai to conclude he was thinking perverted things and she beats him up for it.
- Love Hina: In volume 10, Mutsumi is sunbathing at the beach Mutsumi and asks Keitaro to rub suntan lotion on her back. Naru gets jealous when she sees it, assuming Mutsumi is flirting with him, so she asks him to do the same on her back. Keitaro manages to keep his nerve, but suddenly a sea cucumber crawls into her thigh, and she thinks it's his hand so she ends up pummeling before he can explain.
- Maken-ki!:
- During the "Summer Training Camp Arc", Aki asks Takeru if he can rub oil on her back, and since she's his Lust Object he almost literally jumps at the chance but doesn't get to do it since a jealous Haruko kicks him into submission for his perverted intentions
- In chapter 39, Takeru and Usui learn that Aki is a virgin, something that she's deeply embarrassed about, so she promises she'll do "anything" if they'll keep it a secret, and Takeru picks "rubbing oil on her body" since he never got to do it, and she reluctantly agrees. While he actually gets to touch her this time, he still ends up interrupted by a jealous Celia, who puts a stop to the whole thing and drags him off.
- Masamune-kun's Revenge: When the cast travels to the summer villa in Tsunade Island, Neko attempts to flirt with Masamune by asking him for help putting sunscreen on. He's tempted, but Aki (who's pretending to be Masamune's girlfriend) comes in between them and tells Neko to back off from flirting with her "boyfriend".
- Mayo Chiki!: During the beach scene in episode 7, Kanade all but forces Jiro to put sunscreen on her naked back while she sunbathes. And since she's both The Tease and The Gadfly, she decides to embarrass him by making a lot of loud erotic noises and suggestive remarks while he rubs her, which causes him to Nosebleed and makes other people at the beach think they're perverts.
Jiro: [interrupting Kanade's moans] Can you tone it down? I'm barely touching you.
Kanade: Oh you're done already? I thought you were writing dirty things in my back and I was supposed to guess them.
Jiro: Yeah, no thanks. Being here with you in public half-naked is embarrassing enough. - Minami-ke: When the cast goes to the beach, this is a problem for Makoto who is crossdressing as "Mako-chan" since the beach environment makes it hard to conceal his true gender from the others. One of the incidents includes Haruka (who doesn't know he's a boy) offering to rub sunscreen on him, and he can't think of a reason to refuse. The audience doesn't see the act itself, but when we next see Makoto he's flushing red and in a daze at having Haruka (who's a Ms. Fanservice that he has a Precocious Crush on) touch him in such an intimate manner.
- Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: The anime adds a sunblock-applying session to the Beach Episode, where Tohru sees a couple romantically rubbing sunscreen on each other and gets the idea to offer if Kobayashi needs sunscreen, but Kobayashi can see through her perverted intentions and pointedly refuses. Lucoa does genuinely ask Shouta to rub sunscreen on her back, but he's far too nervous and shy to do it. But he does accept when she offers to rub it on him, only that having her hands rub him so vigorously gets him so flustered that he runs away as soon as she's finished, accusing her of trying to seduce him.
- Nisekoi: When the cast goes to the beach in episode 18, Marika enjoys teasing Raku by undoing her bikini top and asking him (in her cutesy voice) if he could help rub sunscreen lotion on her back. Raku gets extremely tempted but refuses, but the fact he got tempted at all still makes Chitoge jealous, and she ends up punishing him by punching him into the sky. Amusingly, when it's pointed out why Marika just doesn't have her attendant Honda apply it for her, she gives an absurd lie about Honda having an "aversion to sunscreen".
- Outbreak Company: During the Beach Episode / Episode 9, Shinichi is both elated and nervous when Minori asks him to put sunscreen lotion on her back. While he does it, he can't seem to drag his eyes off her Sideboob, even when they start talking, and she eventually has to tell him to "Stop talking to my sideboob".
- Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt: In "If the Angels Wore Swimsuits", Panty exploits both Brief's crush on her and his nerves regarding sex by asking him to rub suntan oil on her topless back. This is an effort to distract him so he doesn't bother her or Stocking about doing their job, and it works, sending him into incoherent babbling.
- Played With in episode 3 of Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~, Ein visits the Scythe Master to report to him, and we get a creepy scene where she strips naked and allows him to rub a lotion all over her body, in a similar manner to how he oils and cleans his guns. While the scene has some creepy sexual connotations, it's also a metaphor for how he sees her as his "perfect" and most prized weapon.
- Ranma ½: During a field trip to Hawaii, the male students in class eat a hallucinogenic fruit that makes them all think Ranma is their newlywed wife, and one of the "romantic newlywed activities" they force Ranma to go through is holding her down so they can all rub suntan screen on her back, much to her distress. Later she finds one one of them pulled a Suntan Stencil and spelled "love" on her back.
- Rent-A-Girlfriend: When Kazuya and Ruka go to a public swimming pool for her birthday, Ruka also comes on to him by asking him to put sunscreen on her back since "it's a normal thing couples do", and even asks him to do her legs too, even though she can reach them. Kazuya being a perverted Nervous Wreck has a hard time doing it and ends up getting a reaction, which makes him quickly jump into the pool as soon as he's done so she won't notice it.
- Rune Soldier Louie: Episode 15 of the anime has the cast taking a break at Aila's family lake house. One scene has Aila sunbathing topless and coyly asking Louie to rub suntan lotion on her back, but he's so concentrated on fishing that he ignores her. Merrill offers to do it instead, and Aila dejectedly accepts, clearly disappointed it's not Louie doing it.
- The Quintessential Quintuplets: While visiting a water park during the "Summer Vacation Arc", Miku shyly asks Fuutarou to apply sunscreen on her, and gets disappointed when Itsuki is the one to do it instead.
- Seitokai Yakuindomo: One of the skits during a Beach Episode involves Aria asking Tsuda to put sun lotion on her back. He's very nervous about the idea of touching her, and decides to recite the pi numbers in his head to keep his mind out of the gutter while he applies the lotion... only this fails because he's not that smart and doesn't know how to recite the pi. When he somehow manages to finish the task, Aria returns the favor... by making him kneel while she rubs lotion on his back with her feet, which gets the attention of the perverted Shino.
- SSSS.GRIDMɅN: In Episode 5, before going to the beach Akane asks Rikka to put sunblock on her back and as the latter does so she comments admiringly on Akane's skin. After the back is done, Akane then asks Rikka to do her front, which startles and embarrasses Rikka but Akane soon laughs it off and admits she was just messing with her.
- To Love Ru: During chapter 113, the class goes to the beach accompanied by School Nurse Mikado, who doesn't waste the opportunity to tease Rito in a new environment by demanding him to rub suntan oil on her back, all while she seductively pours the oil on her cleavage. When he's too nervous to answer, she has Oshizu use her powers to force him to do it, while Saruyama watches on with envy.
- Why the Hell Are You Here, Teacher!?: When Ichiro finds his Hot Teacher Kana on the beach, he has a hard time interacting with her already due to seeing her in a bikini, and he only gets even more nervous when she requests him to rub sunscreen on her bare back. He does so apprehensively, wondering if she's being affectionate and flirty with him on purpose. Unfortunately for him, he says his thoughts out loud, which startles her and makes her turn around, causing him to both accidentally grope her breasts and get an eyeful of her topless. She promptly has a Naked Freak-Out and covers herself with her hands before dashing away mortified.
- Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs: During the vacation at the beach, a drunk and flirtatious Nonko asks Kogarashi to "gently" rub suntan oil on her back. When he asks why he instead of all the girls present, she admits that it's just because she likes seeing his flustered reaction. Oboro and Yuuna get jealous and he has to do it for them too, with Nonko faking orgasmic noises when Yuuna gets her turn.
Comic Books
- Cable & Deadpool:
- In Issue #20, Black Mamba uses her hypnotic powers that make people hallucinate their greatest fantasies in order to pacify Deadpool, and he ends up having an Awkwardly Gay Dream about applying suntan lotion to Cable (and oiling his Techno-Organic arm) on a sunny beach.
- In Issue #46, Deadpool is sent back to the past, right at the Baxter building. While the Fantastic Four think up a way to send him back to his time, he asks them if they could bring him to a childhood memory of his hot neighbor asking him to rub lotion on her back.
- The cover to issue 36 of Marvel Comics 1940's girls' comic Cindy series portrays protagonist Cindy Smith being smothered in suntan lotion by the love struck Chuck as hearts float above his head at the beach. She asks him "don't you think that's enough?" to which he replies "Heck, no!" and at his feet you can see a massive pile of empty sun tan bottles.
- Emma Frost: In Issue #4, Adrienne gets a stranger to apply sun lotion on her back with a snap of her fingers, and he's all too eager to comply.
- An early issue of Gen13 saw the virginal Roxy asking Sarah to apply some sunscreen to her back. After hearing Sarah enthuse about their teammate Caitlin and realizing that she's a lesbian, Roxy freaks out at the prospect that Sarah might have ulterior motives.
- Marvel Comics #1000: One joke panel features Domino, Rogue, and Psylocke in swimsuits trying to convince Deadpool to rub lotion on them for the next swimsuit special.
- Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Subverted in issue #6. Sabrina's Love Interest Harvey offers to rub lotion on her back, only to be puzzled and disappointed to discover she has already done so on her own. Since she's a witch, she did it via magic but has to lie to him by claiming she's double-jointed.
- Uncanny X-Men: In Issue #353, the X-Men go to hang out in a lake and Maggot offers a bikini-clad Storm if she'd like him to rub oil on her back for her sake, but she declines, pointing out she's immune to getting burned. Then he asks if she would still let him run oil on her anyway for his sake, and gets shot down again.
- X-Force (1991): In Issue #81, the team goes to Hawaii and Bobby convinces his girlfriend Tabitha to go surfing with her, but they both end up getting wiped out by the huge waves. Tabitha's narration says she'd much rather be lounging in a chair sunbathing at the beach while Bobby rubbed sun lotion on her.
- X-Statix: In issue #15, Henrietta Hunter is lounging on the deck of her yacht, while having one of her attendants rub sun lotion on her back, with her narration implying she has an affair with him, but the X-Statix team teleporting into the yacht puts an end to it. When she manages to talk the team out of killing her, she flirtatiously asks the boys if one of them wants to finish rubbing lotion on her legs. Cue Orphan looking tempted while Venus shoots him a Death Glare.
Comic Strips
- Luann: One strip has Tiffany trying to flirt with Quill (while his Love Interest Luann is right beside him) at the beach by offering to rub sunscreen on him, but he refuses. So she tries asking if he could put sunscreen on her, and he relents... but unbeknown to Tiffany it's Luann who ends up being the one that puts the sunscreen on her back.
Fan Works
- Danganronpa: Yakuza Arc: During the Beach Episode in Chapter 8 of Part 1, a bikini-clad Peko brings sunscreen with her and requests the assistance of someone to apply it on her back. Fuyuhiko volunteers, but the Nosebleed on his face betrays his intentions and Natsumi intervenes and shoots him down, then drags Peko away so they can apply it on each other.
- The Harem King's Honeymoons: Chapter 3 has Issei doing this for Kuroka, whose honeymoon destination was a tropical deserted island. To tease him even more, she uses her tails to remove her bikini, so she's completely naked when he rubs the lotion on her. She then proceeds to empty the rest of the bottle on herself, and uses her entire body to apply it on him.
- Lelouch of the Wings of Rebellion: During the Beach Episode, Shirley says that if Lelouch is going to apply sunscreen on one of the girls' backs, he'd have to do it for all of them so nobody has to fight. She doesn't realize she said this out aloud until she notices the Stunned Silence from the others. Karen protests against the idea (due to her jealousy) but eventually relents and Lelouch goes through with it.
- Naru-Hina Chronicles: Chapter 43 begins with Kakashi and Anko relaxing at the beach. The former is reading a book, while the latter asks him if he's going to read during the entirety of their vacation. Kakashi replies he'll read until the next chapter. Anko then tells him he should hurry up given that her back needs more lotion on it. Slightly blushing, Kakashi immediately closes his book and says he's done.
- The New Adventures of Invader Zim: In the fourth entry of the non-canon spinoff New Adventures: Mature Edition, when Team Save Earth are taking a camping trip to a lake, a bikini-clad Viera decides to act on her and Dib's UST by asking him to rub lotion on her back while she sunbathes. A flustered Dib complies, leading to a mixture of awkwardness and pleasure for both of them... which then ends quite suddenly as a ship full of alien rat people suddenly crash-lands nearby, catching their attention.
- Pokémon Reset Bloodlines: At the start of Mewtwo Strikes Back Part 1, when Ash and his female companions are relaxing at the beach, Anabel and Iris come over to him so that he can rub suntan lotion on them. Pikachu prevents him from escaping, and then Iris tries suggesting that Ash rub the lotion onto their fronts as well as their backs. Anabel has to remind her that doing that is seen as creepy, but her own inner thoughts reveal that she wouldn't mind that much. Meanwhile, Ash is torn between feeling embarrassed and actually enjoying rubbing the lotion on the girls, to the point that he wishes he had whatever age he was in the old timeline so that he wouldn't get distracted by their bodies.
- Total Command: In chapter 29, Izuku runs into Mitsuki Bakugo sunbathing on the beach, and she doesn't miss the opportunity to tease him by asking him to put lotion on her back. Izuko points out that due to her quirk, she likely doesn't even need lotion to protect herself from the sun, and she admonishes him for bringing logic to her teasing.
Films — Animation
- A Bug's Life: At the end of the film, the Ant Queen flirts with her advisor Cornelius (who is holding a leaf to shade her from the sun) by telling him that he can rub lotion on her later, which prompts him to react with a "hubba-hubba".
- Clockwork Island Adventure: The movie opens with the crew relaxing at a beach, with Sanji all too happily volunteering to rub suntan lotion on Nami's back, which she passively accepts. Later in the movie, he even brags about the event to taunt the villain King Bear (who kidnapped Nami to marry her), making him so jealous that he orders Sanji to be executed.
Films — Live-Action
- About Time: Soon after Tim discovers he has the power to travel in time, his sister's boyfriend's hot cousin Charlotte comes to stay for the whole summer. The first time Charlotte asks him to apply lotion to her back while sunbathing, he eagerly rushes over, but accidentally squirts half the bottle all over her. Embarrassed, he immediately redoes the whole event, trying to play it cool this time, and Charlotte compliments him. It is implied he continues to do this for Charlotte the entire rest of the summer, only for him to get rejected by her when he asks her out on the last day of the vacation (and when he goes back in time a month to try it then).
Tim: It was the summer of suntan and torture.
- Aliens in the Attic: When Ricky and Bethany are hanging out by the pool, he comes on to her by taking out his shirt and asks her help to rub lotion on him. She's clearly into him, but her little brother who's watching in the bushes isn't, and opens fire on Ricky with a paintball gun.
- American Honey: As Krystal gives Star a dressing down due to her low sales, she also cruelly makes Star's crush Jake intimately lather tanning lotion on her legs, not only to make Star jealous but also to demonstrate her dominance over both of them.
- Austin Powers: In The Spy Who Shagged Me, Felicity asks Austin to give her a Massage of Love, which first involves rubbing her back with scented oils. Since Austin has recently lost his mojo (the part of him that makes him so confident and skilled with women), he approaches the act with awkwardness and nervousness, and when she shows her bare back to him he ends up squeezing the bottle so hard the oil spills out.
- Bad Girls from Mars: One scene features TJ and Myra by the poolside discussing the film, with him rubbing lotion on her back at her request., which he's clearly enjoying. As they finish the conversation, she flirtatiously asks him to also do her "lower area".
- The Babymakers: Paul has an Erotic Dream about his Lust Object Audrey involving her wearing a tiny bikini in a pool and seductively asking him to rub lotion on her. Once he finishes lotioning her back, she then asks if he can rub her bottom too but the dream comes to a halt before he can do it.
- Boat Trip: Nick takes advantage of the fact he's been Mistaken for Gay to get close to the sexy Swedish models on the ship and convinces them to let him rub sunblock into their bare backs as they sunbathe topless on the deck.
- By The Sea: The son tries to apply sun lotion to his girlfriend, on the beach. When he looks away, a pink beach parasol falls over her, and he starts applying the lotion to the parasol instead. After moving the parasol away, he tries to apply the lotion to her, but his hands are slippery, and he does it very clumsily, until she slaps him.
- Deadly Illusions: When Grace happens to walk into Mary sunbathing at the pool, Mary innocently asks if Grace could help her by putting suntan lotion on her back. Grace obliges, and lathers the lotion on her back in a rather intimate fashion, with Mary enjoying it more than she expected and the scene is used to increase their sexual tension.
- Dirty Grandpa: Parodied. At the beach, Dick offers to run sunscreen on Lenore's back and she flirts back by telling him "Only if you do my front first". But then he just jokingly spills the sunscreen on her chest in an allusion to premature ejaculation.
Dick: [after squeezing too much sun cream onto Lenore's chest] Whoops. That never usually happens.
Lenore: [unfazed] Really? It happens to me all the time. - Dumb and Dumber: Subverted and Played for Laughs. At the end of the movie, Harry and Lloyd comically stumble into a boy's fantasy scenario: a bus filled with supermodels going to a bikini competition who flirtatiously tell the pair they need to hire two guys to be in charge of rubbing oil into all of them, clearly offering the job to them. At first, it seems like they are giddy at the ludicrous opportunity, but then they simply give the women instructions on how to get to the nearest town where they'll be able to hire the men, much to the astonishment of the women who clearly did not expect anyone to refuse their offer.
- Extract: As part of a Zany Scheme gone wrong, Joel hires a gigolo to pose as his pool cleaner and seduce his wife Suzie. Brad (the gigolo) succeeds, but all we see is a flashback of him as a pool boy offering to rub lotion on Suzie's back and her coyly accepting it, with the flashback ending as soon as he undoes her bikini top.
- Juwanna Mann: Michelle asks Juwanna (who unknown to her is actually Jamal Disguised in Drag) for help rubbing some lotion on her shoulders, and "she" is all too happy to oblige, both to keep the disguise and for perverted reasons.
Michelle: [as he rubs the lotion] I just get so stiff sometimes after the game. Do you?
Juwanna: I'm starting to. - I Think I Love My Wife: Nikki coyly asks the married Richard to put lotion on her back while she's clad in only her underwear, as an obvious prelude to their affair. He gets so distracted by the task that he ends up gripping the bottle too hard and accidentally causing it to squirt, much to her amusement.
- Kick-Ass: After he gets Mistaken for Gay, Dave's crush Katie befriends him as she always wanted a Gay Best Friend. Dave goes along with this so he can be close to her. In one scene, Katie allows Dave to rub self-tanner on her body, and he fully takes advantage, with her somehow missing how nervous and distracted he is during the process.
- Mannequin: When Jonathan and Emmy and pretending to be on the beach at the mall, she flirts with him by saying the "sun is hot" and how nice would it be to have someone rub lotion on her back (which is possible since she's wearing a Sexy Backless Outfit). He takes the hint and gets some lotion, and it doesn't take long until they drop the pretense and just start making out.
Emmy: The sun feels pretty strong. I could use some suntan lotion...
[she turns to lay on her stomach, exposing her bare back to him]
Emmy: [in a breathy voice] If only someone were willing to rub it on...
Jonathan: Well, It's a dirty job...
[he picks up a sunscreen bottle and casually flips it upside down]
Jonathan: But somebody's gotta do it. - One Day: When Emma and Dexter go to the beach together, he offers to rub sunscreen on her back, and while she accepts, it's clear the act makes them both feel the sexual tension between them despite their agreement to go on the trip as friends.
- The Opposite of Sex: When Dedee is trying to seduce her brother's boyfriend by the poolside, she asks him to rub sun lotion on her back, which he does without issue. But then she takes off her bikini top and turns to face him, silently asking him to put it on her bare chest. He tells her she can reach there herself, but she taunts him by claiming he's just afraid that if he'll touch her he'll get aroused and realize he's not gay, much to his annoyance.
- Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise: While Sunny is sunbathing at the beach, she asks Lewis to rub lotion on her back. He complies but confesses to her he's nervous and finds it weird that a Dude Magnet like her would ask him that of him of all people.
- Splitting Heirs: When Tommy visits the newlywed Henry and Kitty (whom Tommy wanted for himself) he's shown to still be very envious when he has to watch Henry apply lotion on Kitty's legs in an intimate manner.
- Summer Rental: After Jack gets burned, his wife Sandy applies lotion to his burns. Then he convinces her to apply lotion to a place "down there" that was not burned as the scene cuts away suggestively.
- Think Like A Man Too: While staying at the pool at the Las Vegas hotel, Bennet's friends are trying to convince him to abide by the "happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" mentality, which includes cheating on his girlfriend if he has the chance. And just as they're talking about it, a bikini-clad girl walks up to him and provocatively asks him for help in applying sun lotion on her, and gets very offended when he refuses, as do his friends.
- Tristan and Isolde: One scene has Isolde rubbing an ointment into Tristan's chest wound in an intimate fashion, and she's embarrassed when Bragne walks in on them, instantly pulling back her hand from his chest.
- View from the Top: While Ted gives Donna and Christine a boat ride, Christine comes on to him hard by asking him to rub suntan oil on her back and shoulders. He obliges, much to Donna's annoyance, though to Christine's annoyance just he keeps talking to Donna while rubbing oil on her, showing she's the one he's truly interested in.
- Youth in Revolt: While sunbathing, flirtatious Sheeni asks her Hormone-Addled Teenager friend Nick to apply sunscreen on her. He does so while straddling her back, but he gets so into it that he can't help but get aroused, causing her to joke about how men get "turned on easily" when she "feels it" on her back. But she doesn't get offended and even turns and asks him to do her "front", to which he awkwardly but eagerly obliges.
- Alex Rider: Eagle Strike: The opening scene has Alex and his girlfriend Sabina at the beach together. She has been repeatedly making him apply sunscreen to her back as an obvious excuse to have him touch her.
- And You Thought There Is Never a Girl Online?: When Kyou invites the cast to her family's private beach, she notices Rusian is the only one who hasn't applied sunscreen yet, and when she offers to help him he nervously declines. Not taking no for an answer, Kyou gets the help of Ako and Akane, and all three girls hold him down while rubbing sunscreen all over his body, much to his embarrassment and it's implied he gets so overstimulated he has an "accident" and comically acts like he's been Defiled Forever after.
- Date A Live: During the Beach Episode focusing on the Yamai twins, a nervous Shido has to apply sunscreen on both their backs simultaneously thanks to them specifically asking him to do it, although Kaguya does it in a roundabout manner thanks to her preference for speaking in fancy Antiquated Linguistics. Rubbing the sunscreen on them makes them experience The Immodest Orgasm.
Kaguya: [holding a sunscreen bottle towards Shido] I permit you to equip my epidermis with this holy-sky-beam-stopping veil of darkness!
- Eromanga Sensei: When Elf takes Masamune to the beach for "date collection", the first of the "staple events" she experiments with is asking him to rub sunscreen on her, and she does so by taking off her bikini top right in front of him. He naturally reacts with great embarrassment and points out that the girl is usually lying down on her stomach so she doesn't expose herself while the lotion is being applied and demands her to do the same. When Masamune finally gets to do it properly, he feels even more awkward when he realizes Elf's older brother Chris was watching him the whole time.
- Hundred: When the core group goes for a trip to the beach, both Liddy and Erica fight over the "privilege" of rubbing sunscreen on Claire's back, with Erica even offering to rub her front too.
- Infinite Stratos: During the Beach Episode, Cecilia all but demands Ichika to apply suntan oil on her bare back, causing the other girls to get envious at the boldness of her request. Ichika nervously complies but is very uncomfortable doing it, especially since she starts suggestively moaning while he rubs her. Rin gets so jealous that she eventually stops Ichika, takes the suntan oil, and finishes rubbing Cecilia herself, but is much rougher about it. This causes Cecilia to stand up to complain, forgetting she has untied her bikini top and thus giving Ichika and everyone else an eyeful of her chest. Once she notices it, she has a Naked Freak-Out that is followed by her punching Ichika in the face with her IS arm (Which materializes out of nowhere).
- In The Irregular at Magic High School, Miyuki sees a couple applying sunblock on a beach — a sight she has a lot of complicated feelings about because she's just entering puberty. It contrasts greatly with her behaviour a few years later, when she calmly enjoys the same thing with her Love Interest.
- She Is The One: When the gang is hanging out at the pool in Craig's place, Kayla asks Jack (with a side of bedroom eyes) to help put sunscreen on, and naturally Jack agrees. Then Belle, who's annoyed Joe isn't paying attention to her, decides to make him jealous by asking if Jack will help her too, "in the same voice with the same eyes." It works, and even Jack sees what she's doing and agrees just to mess with Joe.
- My Sister, My Writer: During the Beach Episode, Ahegao W Peace Sensei approaches Yuu and offers to have him rub sunscreen on his back, with the excuse he has to "gather data on a stable fanservice scene". But the other girls get jealous and demand he do it with all of them, which we see via a montage. He's at his most awkward when he has to do it in his sister though, especially since Ahegao W Peace Sensei starts making an obscene narration out of it.
- Student Council's Discretion: Ken's Imagine Spot about his version of the novel the council is trying to make involves all girls being part of his harem while he gets into various cliche fanservice situations with them. In Chizuru's case, it has her being dressed in a tiny bikini while flirtatiously asking him to rub suntan lotion on both her back and her front.
- My Sweet Audrina: When Audrina, Vera, and Arden are hanging out by a lake, Vera takes the opportunity to lie down to sunbathe, and coyly asks Arden to rub sun lotion on her back. Arden is unable to refuse, which naturally makes his Love Interest Audrina very jealous and insecure, which is exactly what Vera is going for.
- Vampire Academy: The first book opens with Rose being awoken by Lissa having a nightmare (which Rose shares thanks to their Psychic Link), interrupting what Rose describes as an Erotic Dream where a hot guy was rubbing suntan oil on her at a beach.
- When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace: Before the cast goes on a trip to the beach, Hatoko reads a girl's magazine with tips on how to win over boys at the beach, and one of the hints is to have the girl ask the boy to apply sunscreen on her, but this plan fails when she brings a lotion bottle that is already empty.
- Youth in Revolt: When Sheeni and Nick are hanging out on the beach early on, she asks him to tanning lotion on her "exposed areas", which Nick describes as an "arduous task" for his Hormone-Addled Teenager self. But not only does he spend far too long rubbing her legs, but he ends up getting an unwanted erection, which he fails to hide, prompting her to tease him for it. After he's done he hopes she offers to apply it on him, but she doesn't and he's too awkward to ask it and ends up getting a sunburn.
Live-Action TV
- 1000 Ways to Die: "D-Parted" features a woman acting coy towards some construction workers, including flirtatiously asking them to rub sun lotion on her back. This prompts one worker to get Distracted by the Sexy and cause the accident that kills her.
- Baywatch: In "Freefall", a girl catches Hobie's eye at the beach, and his friends all dare him to approach her. When he does, she flirtatiously asks him if he could apply lotion on her back. He complies but is so nervous about it that he only touches her with his fingertips, causing her to tease him about it. He starts doing it with his hands, but then the scene fades away and we learn that he was daydreaming the whole thing and has actually been rubbing his friend's legs instead.
- Beverly Hills, 90210: "Shooting Star/American in Paris": At the cabana, Dylan helps Kelly rub sun lotion on her back while she rubs her front, which is a sign of their newfound intimacy, and they discuss their romantic plans for the night while doing this. David arrives and catches them in the act and feels very awkward about intruding.
- Black Scorpion: In the episode "Wave Goodbye", Darcy and Steve are undercover investigating a beach, and Darcy decides to sunbathe and asks Steve to rub sun lotion on her back and legs. He reluctantly complies, which only increases their Unresolved Sexual Tension.
- The Brady Bunch: In "Pass The Tabu", Greg attempts to flirt with a pretty girl at the beach by passing himself off as a Hawaiian local who "advises" her to use a lot of suntan lotion and volunteers himself to rub her back. The girl innocently accepts, but then suddenly Bobby and Peter arrive and inertly ruin Greg's intentions by innocently volunteering to help the girl rub her back themselves, which they quickly do, much to Greg's annoyance.
- Camp: In "The Mixer", Marina gets revenge on the Girl Posse antagonizing her by heavily flirting with the guy they're after at the pier, strolling by him in a bathing suit and asking him to rub suntan lotion on her back, and he all but jumps at the chance to do it, leaving all the other girls pissed.
- Castle: In "Suicide Squeeze", when Castle thinks he and Beckett are going to Cuba, he jokes he'd be happy to rub lotion on her, bragging that he has "soft hands". She declines the idea.
Castle: Cuba! Good idea! I'll bring the mojitos, you get the beach towels.
Beckett: Oh, I don't know, Castle. Me in a swimsuit under the hot, blistering sun...
Castle: I'd be happy to rub lotion on you.
Beckett: That's okay. [suddenly serious] I was actually thinking of something a little bit more local. Like the man who arranged the entire trip to Cuba. Bobby Fox, his agent.
Castle: That's a good idea.
Castle: But the lotion offer still stands.
Beckett: [walking away] No, thank you.
Castle: I have very soft hands! - Dance Academy: In "Breaking Pointe", Tara hurts her back during coaching, so she needs to run cream on her back periodically. She doesn't find Grace or Sammy to help her, so she has to rely on Christian to do it, which is tense since they both have feelings for each other.
- Desperate Housewives: Played With in "If There's Anything I Can't Stand". Gabrielle discovers she has given Victor crabs, but doesn't want him to find out. So the next night she dresses up in a Naughty Nurse Outfit and roleplays a sexy nurse who's going to apply scented oil all over his body, while secretly she's actually applying actual medicine. At first, he's distracted by the strange smell and tingling sensation this supposed "oil" causes, but he forgets all about it once Gabrielle starts really starts rubbing her hands on him.
- Dynasty (1981): In "The Psychiatrist", Alexis tricks her ex-husband Blake into a "business" meeting at a poolside, and at one point coyly asks him to rub suntan oil on her back and shoulders, which Blake (being a horndog) complies. Unbeknown to him, Alexis has arranged for a Paparazzi to take photos of the scene, which are published in a tabloid the next day, making it look to the whole world that he's cheating on his wife with Alexis.
- Famous In Love: In "The Players", Davina makes her move on Rainer by asking him to rub lotion on her back while she's sunbathing at the poolside of their rehab club. And she doesn't ease off on the flirting once he starts doing it.
Davina: [about Rainer hands as he rubs back] You know, it's a little soft.
Rainer: Trust me, there's nothing soft about me right now.
Davina: Good, because I like a long hard [a staffer approaches them] ...massage. - Frasier:
- In "Liar Liar", Niles arrives at Frasier's apartment limping due to his back hurting, and Daphne offers to rub a lineament on his back to make him feel better. Having a crush on her, he eagerly accepts and even moans when she touches him. Unfortunately for him, the lineament is extra strong and ends up burning his back in no time, and he has a tough time hiding his discomfort.
- In one of the timelines in "Sliding Frasiers," Frasier is so excited about having a girlfriend again that he accidentally forgets to advise Daphne not to include an ingredient Niles is allergic to in the dinner she's preparing for them. This causes Niles to break out into terrible hives, which ends up canceling the vacation to Cancun he had planned for them, causing a lot of tension to flare up. Daphne frustratedly says "Great. Now I'll have to stay up all night rubbing lotion all over you." Then the two of them stop in their tracks, and Niles very sweetly says "I'm sorry I yelled at you."
- Friday Night Lights: In "Last Days of Summer", Tyra and Landry are talking by the pool when she suddenly asks him if he could put sun lotion on her back. The request leaves him dumbstruck for a moment, before awkwardly doing the task. He later confesses to Saracen that he felt very self-conscious about it, and wonders if she was flirting with him.
- Friends:
- In "The One Where Everybody Finds Out", during Chandler and Phoebe's fake Duel of Seduction, one of Phoebe's bluffs is to ask Chandler to strip off her clothes and rub lotion all over her body before they sleep together, which leaves him stammering.
- In "The One With Rachel's Sister", Monica grows frustrated with Chandler because he refuses to have sex with her while she is sick. As a final attempt to seduce him, she requests him to rub ointment on her bare chest. Though he declines, she proceeds to apply it herself, which manages to arouse him. The subplot concludes with Chandler excitedly running to their bedroom while Monica admires the ointment and whispers that it "worked like a charm".
- General Hospital: During the Ric / Sam / Jason Love Triangle, Sam is hanging out with Ric in a beach house after breaking up with Jason. She asks Ric to put lotion on her back, but then she starts enjoying his touch too much, and suddenly bolts out of the house, feeling guilty for being attracted to Ric.
- The Goldbergs: In "Daddy Daughter Day", Murray thinks he can handle talking to Erica about "girl stuff", but has a hard time with it and one of her anecdotes that seems to particularly disturb him is the one where her marine biologist boyfriend took her to the beach and rubbed lotion on her, even though it was nighttime. She seems unaware of the implications, but Murray isn't.
- Hidden Palms: In the pool club, Johnny takes his shirt off and asks pool attendant Eliza if she can help him rub sunscreen on his back. She's clearly distracted and nervous by having to touch him shirtless and admits she usually only does these things to old ladies.
- It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: In "Mac and Charlie: White Trash", while at the public pool, a shirtless Frank attempts to convince Dee to rub butter on his back, causing her to groan in disgust.
- L.A. Law: In "Gibbon Take", during a custody battle between a divorced couple, the husband's lawyer attempts to frame the wife as an unfit guardian by showing pictures of her sunbathing topless in her yard as her "lesbian lover" is rubbing sunscreen on her back. The wife explains that's just her roommate and the action is platonic, but the lawyer and the husband think that's an excuse, and push the image that she's a "debauched lesbian".
- The Love Boat: In "The Identical Problem", two twin sisters get into the boat pretending they're one person so they can only pay for one ticket. One of them flirts with Doc while she's sunbathing on the deck by asking him to rub lotion on her legs and back. He gladly accepts, but first goes to the bar to get them both drinks, but by the time he's back, the twins have switched, so when he suddenly starts rubbing lotion on her back, she thinks he's being a creep and slaps him, leaving him confused.
- Matlock: In "Dead Air", when Ben visits the house of one of the suspects, he finds her sunbathing in a bikini, and she tries to distract him from speaking about the case by asking him to rub suntan lotion on her back and legs. He's visibly uncomfortable during the whole exchange but manages to apply the lotion while keeping the conversation on track.
- Medium: In "Wicked Game (Part I)", Joe has an Erotic Dream involving a bikini model from a magazine he read before. She's "moon-tanning" in his yard, and flirtatiously asks him to put sunscreen on her back as she exposes her bare back to him, telling him his wife wouldn't mind what he does in his dreams.
- Miami Vice: In "Golden Triangle Part 1", Crockett is trying to find one of the hookers that are suckering male guests in a hotel, so he dresses up as a naive Stereotypical Nerd and hangs around at the pool. The moment a pretty woman comes up to him and asks him to rub lotion on her back, he knows he's found his target.
- My Name Is Earl: In "Mailbox", when Earl and Girl of the Week Wendy are lounging by the pool, she's slowly rubbing sunscreen on her body while Earl is Eating the Eye Candy. She can't quite reach her back, but doesn't ask for his help which the narration points out is a clear sight she's not into him and doesn't want him touching her and Earl does indeed offer to help with her back and she politely refuses.
Narrator Earl: Anytime a girl almost pulls her arms out of their sockets instead of asking a guy to help with the lotion, well, they're Just Friends.
- NCIS: Played for Laughs in "Moonlighting". One of the witnesses is a perpetual stoner who has welts on his back due to a henna tattoo, and he begs either Tony or Ziva to rub lotion on his back, with them desperately trying to dodge having to do the task, clearly disgusted by the prospect.
- Pretty Little Liars: In "No Stone Unturned", Emily's roommate Sara needs to apply an ointment to the new tattoo she got on her lower back, which Emily nervously offers to help with. Sara notably reacts to Emily's touch and the intimate moment fuels their Unresolved Sexual Tension.
- Revenge (2011):
- In "Secrecy", when Original Emily/Fake Amanda meets Daniel by the pool and becomes interested in him, she seizes the moment by casually throwing him a bottle of sunblock, and flirtatiously telling him to "make yourself useful".
- In "Meteor", Louise is trying to seduce Daniel while he works on her portfolio at the poolside. They get into a flirtatious business discussion that evolves with her undoing her bikini top, handing him a sunscreen bottle, and telling him she "needs to know you have my back". The scene ends with him starting to rub the sunscreen on her back as she smiles triumphantly.
- Saved by the Bell: In Saved by the Bell: Hawaiian Style, the Guy of the Week flirts with Kelly by offering to apply suntan lotion on her back while they have a romantic trip on a boat.
- Smallville: The opening of "Aqua" has Clark intimately rubbing sunscreen on Lana's back at Crate Laker. Once he's done, she tells him he missed a spot and points to her lips, prompting him to kiss her.
- Star Trek: Enterprise: A recurring scene in the series was the crew going through a Decontamination Chamber upon returning to the ship, which involved them stripping down to their skivvies and rubbing "decon gel" onto each other. It often provided fuel to T'Pol and Trip's sexual tension whenever they had to do it.
- Seinfeld: Played for Laughs In "The Hamptons". While the cast is sunbathing in a beach house, Kramer asks Jerry to rub sun lotion on his back. Jerry refuses, disturbed by the prospect of getting his hands on Kramer. Kramer offers to return the favor, but that disturbs Jerry even more.
Kramer: Come on, I'll rub some on you!
Jerry: That's not sweetening the deal. - That '70s Show: In "Eric's Hot Cousin", Eric's cousin Penny comes to visit and gets all the guys chasing after her. When she talks about how she needs to moisturize her skin, all of the boys promptly offer to "help", with Fez even materializing a bottle of lotion on the spot.
- Two and a Half Men:
- In "Camel Filters And Pheromones", Bertha's 16-year-old granddaughter Prudence is staying at the house, which greatly upsets Charlie and Alan due to her being very flirty and attractive. One scene has her try to convince Alan to rub sunscreen on her back, which he's quick to refuse.
Prudence: [holding a sunscreen bottle] Can you put some of this on my back?
Alan: No.
Prudence: If you don't, I'll burn.
Alan:If I do, I will. - In "Humiliation Is a Visual Medium", one scene has Charlie rubbing sunscreen on Mia's back and he's shown to be so distracted by the task that he almost misses the fact she's trying to talk to him.
- In "Kissing Abraham Lincoln", Charlie attempts to convince his bossy girlfriend Lydia to stop fighting with Berta while she's sunbathing on the deck, but Lydia easily manages to manipulate and seduce him by asking him to rub lotion on her, as he is unable to maintain the conversation while he has his hands on her.
- In "You Know What The Lollipop Is For", Missi flirts with Walden by asking him to run sunscreen on her back, even though she has spray lotion, which confuses him.
- In "Camel Filters And Pheromones", Bertha's 16-year-old granddaughter Prudence is staying at the house, which greatly upsets Charlie and Alan due to her being very flirty and attractive. One scene has her try to convince Alan to rub sunscreen on her back, which he's quick to refuse.
- The Vampire Diaries: In "The End of the Affair", Damon is on the phone with Katherine, trying to find out in what "exotic" place she's staying, and she jokingly accuses him of wanting to find her so he can rub sunscreen on her back.
- Wilfred: In "Sacrifice", Girl of the Week Cinzia flirts with Ryan by asking him to apply lotion on her back shortly after meeting him on the beach, which is what quickstarts their fling.
- Will & Grace: Played for Laughs in the season 5 Season Finale. While they're traveling on the boat going to the place where they'll throw Stan's ashes, Will and Jack are on the deck sunbathing. Will moves to rub sunscreen lotion on Jack's back, but the latter recoils and accuses Will of trying to seduce him and having planned the whole situation. Will gives him a sarcastic confession.
Jack: I see what you're up to. You planned this whole thing!
Will: What are you talking about?
Jack: This! The boat, the sun, the lotion. Getting me to take my blouse off. It was all a clever ruse on your part to get with me!
Will: Well, you caught me, Jack. It was all part of my master plan. First, I arranged to have Stan die so I could have him cremated and thrown from this boat, where I persuaded the sun to shine so I could lure you on deck and rub lotion on your creamy, 12-year-old-girl shoulders.
- Elle King: The music video from "Ex's & Oh's" features Elle seductively rubbing oil in the back of one of her lovers as he sunbathes, including her sneaking her hand under his swim trunks to rub his buttocks, which earns her a look from him.
- In the video for "Jacare" by Sofi Tukker, the flirtation between Sophie and Victoria begins with Victoria rubbing sunscreen onto Sophie's back.
- The protagonist of Billy “Crash” Craddock’s 1974 hit “Rub It In” asks his lover to, well…
Video Games
- Action Taimanin: One of Maika's intimacy scenes takes place on the beach, where she asks Fuuma to put sun oil on her back. Fuuma nervously accepts, even thinking in his head this is a "surreal situation that only happens in comics and anime". Due to Maika's Tsundere nature her mood during the interaction constantly swaps between teasing and flirtatious, irritable and demanding, or embarrassing and bashful. At one point she lets it slip that she got the idea from a girl's magazine.
- Apex Legends: Parodied in the Escape launch trailer (which as a whole is a parody of a Beach Episode) features Mirage sitting fully clothed on a beach chair, pouring sunscreen into his still gloved hand and asking Bangalore if she can rub his back, while she just ignores him and walks away.
- Army of Two: In the Across The Border comic, Salem and Rios are relaxing at a private pool club. Salem laments Alice couldn't be there with them, but Rios says it's for the best since if she was they'd both have to fight over the privilege of rubbing lotion on her back.
- Azur Lane: Surcouf enjoys being The Tease towards the Commander, and in her swimsuit skin has dialogue where she coyly asks him to rub lotion on her.
- Civilization: Call to Power: The cutscene for the "Sensorium" wonder shows an inhabitant of a dystopian future city entering a VR fantasy world where he's lounging on a beach. The clip ends with an unseen woman asking him to put lotion on her back.
- Fire Emblem Heroes: The 5-star quote of Dorothea's Solar Songstress skin has her flirtatiously requesting the protagonist to "lotion up (her) back".
- Galaxy Angel: In Chapter 4 of Galaxy Angel: Moonlit Lovers the Angels invite Tact to the Space Whale room and hang out at the beach and Forte flirtatiously asks Tact to put some sunscreen on her back, with Mint asking to be next, which causes Tact to get nervous.
- Granblue Fantasy:
- A Naoise / Scathacha Ship Tease event in the Summer episodes of Naoise makes use of this trope, where Scathacha adamantly tries to convince Naoise to let her apply sunscreen on him, but he declines the offer because he finds the idea immodest and embarrassing.
Scathacha: Oh, no you don't, Naoise! I'm putting this sunscreen on you one way or another!
Naoise: A lady should not so casually run her hands across the body of a man! You may be the true dragon, but you must act in a way befitting of your current form.
Scathacha: What's wrong with a little physical contact? Don't tell me you've forgotten how we bled all over each other!
Naoise: Enough! I can apply sunscreen on myself! - The end of the "Wanted! Repel Tactics!" summer event has Ms. Fanservice Rosetta requesting the Captain's assistance with applying sunscreen on her, something that narration describes as "the greatest privilege of all".
- A Naoise / Scathacha Ship Tease event in the Summer episodes of Naoise makes use of this trope, where Scathacha adamantly tries to convince Naoise to let her apply sunscreen on him, but he declines the offer because he finds the idea immodest and embarrassing.
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails To Azure: In a bonding event during some downtime at a beach, Cecile requests that Lloyd apply sunscreen to her and two of his lady friends — Elie and Rixia. The request completely catches him and the girls off guard, causing a Big "WHAT?!" reaction. If the player agrees to it, they also get a choice on who to apply it first. No matter which girl is picked, it will trigger a Ship Tease scene where he'll get distracted by the chosen girl's body and fall silent, prompting the girls to comment on it and causing Lloyd to get all flustered. This gets a Call-Back in Reverie with Lloyd and Elie getting embarrassed when they reminisce about the incident during the SSS beach event.
- Lonely Wolf Treat: In the fifth chapter, where Moxie invites Treat and Mochi to the beach together, there is an optional scene where Mochi innocently asks Treat to help her put sunscreen on her back, oblivious to the fact that Treat has a crush on Mochi and feels really nervous about touching her.
- Love Plus: One of the Dream Sequences involving Manaka has her laying down at the beach, and the player has to apply the lotion on her using the DS tactile screen.
- Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker: In Paz's 5th diary entry, she describes an incident where was sunbathing on the deck of the MSF base, when Dr. Strangelove walked up and started to apply sunscreen on her, supposedly out of concern for her skin's health, but Paz's narration makes it obvious Strangelove was doing it in a perverted and seductive fashion. And while Paz thinks the whole thing was sudden, strange, and inappropriate, she admits she enjoyed it. In her 6th diary entry, she gets sick and Strangelove shows up in her room with an Indian concoction that "works best if you rub it into your chest". This time Paz pointedly refuses the "offer".
- No More Heroes: When Travis goes to talk to Sylvia before the Holly Summers fight, she's sunbathing without a care at the Body Slam Beach. Being The Tease, she asks him to rub oil on her while she briefs him on the next mission and since Travis is extremely horny, he all but jumps at the opportunity to get his hands on his Lust Object. He even goes so far as to get his hands close to her inner thigh, but Sylvia shoves him off then, reminding him that she won't sleep with him until he's the number 1 assassin.
- Omega Strikers: The last part of Estelle's Summer Splash Visual Novel sidequest involves her requesting the player to apply sunscreen to her back, causing them to become extremely flustered by her request, to the point that she thinks the player is having a sunstroke.
- Poptropica: On Wimpy Boardwalk Island, a hairy, shirtless man requests that the player rub sunscreen on his back, and they are visibly uncomfortable while doing so.
- Shantae: Half-Genie Hero: Beach Mode's third summer safety tip nods at this on applying sunscreen:
Summer Safety Tips #3: "You could even get a friend or two to help out!"
"Maybe even draw fan art of the whole scene! I mean, why not?"
"Send a copy to "Sequin Land Safety" post office box number 8, care of Squid Baron."
Shantae: Ugh.
Moving on... - Street Fighter II: One of the artworks in SF25: The Art of Street Fighter has the entire Street Fighter II crew hanging out at the beach, where Blanka can be seen lecherously applying suntan lotion on Eliza while Ken stares in shock.
- Tales of Berseria: In a DLC skit about the swimsuit outfits, it's revealed Eleanor is Prone to Sunburn and thus carries sunblock with her. Velvet offers to apply it on her back later, but Magilou gets jealous and asks Velvet to promise to put sunscreen on her back too, to Velvet's annoyance.
- Tony Hawk's Underground: If the Player Character impresses the girls at the beach in the Hawaii level, they will flirt with them by offering the PC to rub lotion on their back.
Visual Novels
- My Candy Love: In episode 9 of "High School Life", the cast goes to the beach and if you do Nathaniel's route, he offers to rub sunscreen on Candy's back. The narration has Candy getting nervous at the possibility and gives the player the option to accept or decline. If the player accepts, they get a CG of Nathaniel rubbing the sunscreen on Candy's back, seemingly oblivious to her Crush Blush.
- Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair: When the cast has a beach party in the prologue, the perverted Teruteru brings some suntan lotion and asks the group if anyone would like him to rub them down. Everyone can see through his perverted intentions and refuses... except for Nekomaru, who innocently accepts the offer. At first, it looks like Teruteru won't want to do it on a man (for now, he's only acted as a pervert towards the girls), but then he accepts, claiming that "his tastes are pretty open", much to Mahiru's surprise.
- Endless Summer: A premium scene allows Taylor the option to have Jake, Sean, or both at the same time to apply lotion on his/her back. Picking the solo options gets a standard Ship Tease, but picking both ends up causing them to bicker on which is the best way to apply the sun cream, and they end up having some awkward sexual tension themselves because their hands keep accidentally touching.
- Harvest December: During the trip to Rokushiki Island in August, Moyori asks Kouhei to rub suntan lotion on her back, and when he finishes that, she turns on her back and provocatively asks him to rub her front as well and the scene Fades to Black with a message saying "The following has been censored for your protection" heavily implying a Sexy Discretion Shot.
- Tokimeki Memorial: Mira's Summer Date involves going on a beach date where she flirts with the Player Character by asking him to rub suntan oil on her back, with her boldly undoing her top so he can touch "cover every spot", which leaves the Player Character stammering. The scene gets a unique CG picture of her lying on her stomach while exposing her Toplessness from the Back.
Web Original
- Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse: During the pool party in "Perf Pool Party", Raquelle tries to flirt with Ken by asking him to put sunscreen on her back while batting her eyelashes at him, but he's too busy building an overly complex water slide to listen to her.
- Dragon Ball Z Abridged: In episode 59, Dende can't concentrate enough to see the fight. When Popo asks him what's "clouding his mind" we get Imagine Spot of Dende fantasizing that Gohan is asking Dende to rub lotion on him:
Western Animation
- American Dad!: In "Wife Insurance", Francine gets one of Stan's co-workers Jim to become her "backup husband". Stan learns this when he sees them both the poolside, with Francine seductively asking Jim to rub sun lotion on her back, knowing it will make Stan jealous.
- Celebrity Deathmatch: In "Nicky Jr.'s Birthday", Debbie interviews Anna Kournikova in the locker room while she's wearing nothing but a towel, and at the end Anna all but demands Debbie help her rub lotion all over her body, apparently just to provide In-Universe fanservice to the show, as we see slow-mo scenes of Debbie lotioning her up.
- Dan Vs. In "Dan Vs. The Beach", while at the beach, the bikini-clad Elise tries to pull away Chris from following Dan's schemes by flirtatiously asking him to rub lotion on her back. He almost does, but Dan drags him away. Later, Chris peeks at Elise through binoculars, and he's distressed and jealous to see that the hunky lifeguard seems to be rubbing lotion on her back instead (he's actually just building a sand castle behind her, but Chris' Forced Perspective doesn't show it). While he's stuck on an island, he even gets hallucinations of the lifeguard seducing Elise while rubbing lotion on her back. When he comes back, he's relieved to find that she has been asleep the whole time he was away and that she has a bad sunburn on her back, meaning nobody touched her, although she ends up pissed at him for her sunburn.
- Family Guy: In "Stew-Roids", Lois rubs sunscreen on Bonnie at a garden party after Bonnie requests it. Bonnie doesn't wear a bra and clearly enjoys Lois' rubbing until Lois' hands stray a little bit too down to Bonnie's panty. While this is happening, the pervy Quagmire cuts a hole in the fence to peep.
- Futurama: Subverted and Played for Laughs in "Six Million Dollar Mon". While in the locker rooms, a showering Leela and Amy ask for Fry's assistance in rubbing scented body oil on their naked bodies, but he's too busy eavesdropping on Hermes and Bender to pay attention to what they're offering.
- G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero: In "Nozone Conspiracy", the In-Universe ad for the Cobra-developed sunscreen named "Nozone" features Zarana in a swimsuit promoting the product while rubbing it on her skin in an intimate fashion, though she later complains about how rough his hands are.
- Rocko's Modern Life: In "Sand in Your Navel", while at the beach Gladys asks Rocko to help apply sunscreen on her back and he agrees, with both parties not having second intentions. But things get a turn from the awkward when the lotion makes the hippo slippery and Rocko winds up stuck between her huge breasts, much to her ire.
- SpongeBob SquarePants: In "SpongeGuard on Duty" one of the things cool lifeguard Larry does is rub sunscreen on a woman's back, and she's clearly into it. SpongeBob imitates it, but puts sunscreen on the back of an old man.
- Stōked: In "Will the Real Broseph Please Stand Up", one scene has an infatuated Fangirl flirt with the visiting Hollywood star Noah Little by asking him to rub suntan oil on her back. But because Noah is acting like Jerkass version of Broseph, he decides the "Broseph-thing" to do is to pour the suntan oil on her hair and walk away, much to the girl's distress.
- Teen Titans Go!: In "Hey Pizza!", Robin is torn between building a swimming pool or a senior center. One scene has Starfire flying up to Robin, asking if he would help her apply sunscreen if the pool gets built, and he gets very excited about the idea and wonders if the senior citizens would like a pool... but then he gets an Imagine Spot of him rubbing lotion on an elderly lady instead and pipes down.