Invisibility Flicker - TV Tropes
- ️Mon Apr 16 2012
An Invisibility Flicker is when an Invisibility Cloak or other form of ability appears to drop momentarily, allowing the cloaked person to be seen for a split second. While Visible Invisibility is another common way to clue the audience in that there is something invisible around, it has issues with not giving much suspense due to the audience already knowing where it is. With an Invisibility Flicker, instead of having some flaw with the actual invisibility, the invisibility will just flicker on and off for a second or two, allowing both the audience and the characters to get a quick glimpse of something that wasn't there before.
The trope has the requirement that the flicker is in-universe even if nobody sees it. The most common form is when the invisible object gets hurt, is physically contacted in some way, or launches an attack itself. In action sequences, this often happens just before the invisible object does something awesome. Many times, it is also used as a form of balance. While this usage is especially common in games where it would be unfair for one party to be indefinitely invisible, it can also be seen in other mediums with handwaves such as the need to draw power away from the cloaking device to power the weapons.
See also Visible Invisibility. This is another method to See the Invisible.
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Anime & Manga
- The Tenchi Muyo! Spinoff Tenchi Muyo! GXP has an episode where Kiriko shows her stuff. She changes into a skintight battlesuit with a cloaking device, which seems to do the traveling blink right after every pirate she kills. This very nicely shows how much blood she's managed to get herself covered in, and just how damn scary her scowling face looks.
- This seems to happen to the Major a lot in the various Ghost in the Shell properties.
- Notably averted, however, in the first movie, where for a whole fight scene you only see ripples spreading on the water and the poor sod contorting in painful fashion from blows no one ever sees.
- In Soul Eater, Black Star, who is quite skilled at stealth, insists on making the biggest entrance possible, thus preventing his sneak attacks from working. On the other hand, when appropriately motivated, he is essentially composed of Badass and doesn't particularly need surprise.
- The Zaibach stealth-cloaked Guymelefs in The Vision of Escaflowne occasionally do this.
- The eponymous monster from the Predator series. Its cloak is shown crackling and sparking when the Predator is immersed in water, and it becomes slightly transparent instead of completely visible.
- The Id Monster from Forbidden Planet gets an early - and truly badass - blink during its climactic attack
- The Shadow in the film of the same name.
- Star Trek's Klingon and Romulan combat starships have cloaking fields that must be turned off in order to attack.
- The Klingons managing to overcome this technical difficulty is a major plot point of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country: the ship in question is only partially visible for a split second due to being backlit by the glowing torpedo it fires.
Valeris: We must inform Starfleet Command—
Scotty: Inform them of what? A new weapon that is invisible? Raving lunatics, that's what they'll call us! - A variation in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, where a Klingon cloak is just slightly flawed, and Kirk spots something is up when a star seems to shift position slightly as the cloaked ship passes in front of it.
- The Klingons managing to overcome this technical difficulty is a major plot point of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country: the ship in question is only partially visible for a split second due to being backlit by the glowing torpedo it fires.
- The Shrike in Dan Simmons' Hyperion Cantos series did this deliberately in order to intimidate people.
- The human eye is always moving, but the brain clips out parts of the movement to present a picture without motion blur. This is called saccadic masking. In Peter Watts's first contact novel Blindsight, aliens develop the disturbing ability to time their movements to human saccades, rendering themselves invisible. It takes the heroes a lot of careful video analysis to even realise they've made first contact. And these are really not the kind of aliens you want to discover dancing all around you...
- Cthulhu Mythos: Star Vampires. Invisible, chittering creatures, full of bloodsucking tentacles. Once they've drained a victim dry, they will momentarily become visible - and catching a glimpse of one during that moment is enough to drive most people mad.
- The Cardati Assassins from Eluki Bes Shahar's Hellflower Trilogy use cham-suits to sneak up on their prey and kill them with a quick, precise knife stoke.
- One of Molly Carpenter's favoured battle tactics in The Dresden Files. That and her patented 'One Woman Rave' spell.
- In Sandy Mitchell's Ciaphas Cain novel Duty Calls, the inability of a psyker assassin to prevent this is what lets Cain survive long enough for Jurgen's return. (And the cover story is that the flicker was what let him kill his assailant.)
- Inverted in A. Lee Martinez's novel Monster, in which the title character develops a different superpower every time he wakes from sleep. Partway through the story, he takes a nap and, upon waking, finds that he turns invisible whenever he closes his eyes. Yes, this means even blinking makes him succumb to Visibility Flicker.
- Harry Potter:
- In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry and Ron fly the car to Hogwarts, but the Invisibility Booster is faulty, causing the car to flicker in and out of sight, allowing them to be seen by Muggles, which gets them into trouble.
- In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry's cloak slips in Hogsmeade when he's throwing mud at Draco Malfoy, causing his head to be momentarily visible. His head does not have permission to be in Hogsmeade.
Live-Action TV
- Cloaking devices in Star Trek work on the same principle: you have to decloak, if only for a moment, if you want to open fire. Similarly, the Jem'Hadar on Deep Space 9 have a biological invisibility power that seems to deactivate when they attack. If they're capable of staying invisible while they strangle you (or slit your throat with one of the bladed weapons they favor), we never saw it.
- Subverted in Star Trek VI (see "Film") when General Chang develops a bird of prey that can fire while cloaked... proving over the course of the movie that it's good for more than just taking out enemies.
- Even here, we get a partial blink when Chang fires torpedoes and briefly lights up part of the hull.
- Subverted also in Star Trek: Nemesis with the Scimitar, which can fire while cloaked (the technology from Chang's Bird-of-Prey was no longer viable in the 24th century because sensors were better and could detect such a ship even when cloaked; in Nemesis the Remans had finally found a way to recreate the same effect with a modern cloaking device); there's a whole scene devoted to Picard figuring out how to counteract this.
- The Countdown comic (prequel to the Star Trek (2009) film) shows that this Scimitar was only the first of many. Apparently, the Remans have made at least two more. It is unknown if all of them are equipped with impenetrable cloaks that allow a ship to fire, engage shields, and enter warp without becoming visible. It can be assumed they lack the thalaron weapon, though.
- This becomes the plot point of an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, where Worf is on trial for destroying a Klingon transport ship. Worf was waiting for a Klingon Bird-of-Prey to do an Invisibility Flicker before raiding the convoy and fired at it as soon as he saw the blink, which turned out to be the transport decloaking. Of course, the Klingons set up an empty transport ship in order to set up Worf for murder, expecting his kneejerk reaction.
- Subverted in Star Trek VI (see "Film") when General Chang develops a bird of prey that can fire while cloaked... proving over the course of the movie that it's good for more than just taking out enemies.
- The Nox in the Stargate SG-1 episode "The Nox" turned invisible, but then would reappear when healing or resurrecting someone.
- Shadow battleships from Babylon 5 were not invisible but they phased in from hyperspace by shimmering into view (every other type of ship needs to open a GIANT glowing jump gate). Their common tactic is to emerge from hyperspace, shimmering into view and firing on their target before they could react.
Tabletop Games
- In most varieties of Dungeons & Dragons, "attacking" cancels out invisibility spells or items affecting a character. But not bashing inanimate objects with a club, stabbing a willing target, or opening a cage with dangerous things in it. It's apparently a very intelligent spell.
- Then there's greater invisibility, which subverts the trope - nothing makes it blink until its duration runs out. One gets the feeling a very bruised wizard looked at the invisibility spell in his spellbook, muttered, "Sod this!" and began to touch it up with a pencil. Of course, this version has a much shorter duration, but it's frequently worth it.
- Which is why some of the Fairy-type monsters are such godawful bastards to fight. Pixies have ungodly dexterity, NPC ones usually carry memory-erasing crossbow bolts, and they can use greater invisibility whenever they damn well feel like it. In fact, the 2nd edition "Book of humanoids" explained that a pixie was naturally invisible. It actually used magic to make itself visible when it needed to.
- Of course, by the time you get Greater Invisibility, you run into enemies, such as all Devils and Angels, who have true sight. This allows them to see through illusions, shapeshifting and, you guessed it, invisibility.
- The Psionic version of Invisibility in 3.5 D&D, Cloud Mind, works essentially by enforcing the Bystander Syndrome. It only works against a single target by default, but as long as you don't physically interact with the target, you can carry on a conversation with someone right next to him and he'll wonder why his friend is talking to empty air. The target is simply incapable of perceiving you because of the mental block you've put in his mind.
- There is also a spell in the Spell Compendium called Superior Invisibility, which removes almost all of the roundabout ways of detecting invisibility, as well as lasting minutes per level. You cannot be seen, heard, smelt, detected through heat signature, revealed through flour or like objects thrown around, or even picked up by magical detection or scrying. It even defeats see invisibility and other spells generally used to detect invisible creatures. true seeing, however, can still see through it. Of course, it's an eighth-level spell so by the time you're high enough level to cast it, a lot of creatures you should be facing at that level are capable of using true seeing at will.
- The 4th edition invisibility effect usually breaks when the attacker attacks, but even if it doesn't they can still be spotted. It's not true invisibility anymore.
- The Amber Diceless RPG complicates the issue by attempting to bring physics into this, postulating that as long as you're invisible, you are also blind, since light "bends around" you.
- BattleTech has Mimetic Armor for Battle Armor and the Chameleon Light Shield and Void Signature System for Battlemechs. In all three examples, the unit gains an active-camouflage ability that renders it extremely difficult to see or detect electronically. However, movement makes it less effective or possibly even negates the benefits entirely if moving fast enough.
- In the World Of Darkness lines - both new and old - many supernatural creatures, like vampires and mages, have the ability to turn themselves invisible by making onlookers ignore them, rather than actually erasing evidence of their presence. The usual drawback is that these abilities require the user to appear non-threatening - anything that draws attention to them, like drawing weapons, attacking, running, or shouting will break the mind fog effect.
Video Games
- The Gleipnir from Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception is explicitly said to need to decloak in order to fire its Shock Cannon, though you can still see a Predator-style shimmer if you're close enough - targeting it through the shimmer is necessary to beat its "first form" without losing any allies. Also subverted with the majority of stealth fighters you fight, as they fade from radar and remain untargetable even after they fire missiles, revealing themselves pretty much arbitrarily.
- In Battlefield 2142, the Recon soldiers use a very noisy cloaking device. It must be stowed away in order to use any other item and stops working when you climb a ladder or fall from a good height. The actual blinkery happens when the cloaker is struck with EMP: the cloaking continues, albeit with bright flashes of ultraviolet and static. Or, if a cloaking squad leader forgets to stash his perfectly visible helper drone.
- In BioShock you can get a "Natural Camouflage" plasmid by sufficiently researching a Houdini Splicer, which makes you completely invisible as long as you stand still. Moving or attacking cancels the cloaking, but even machines and cameras cease to see you and even Big Daddies can bump into you without noticing (not that they're really aggressive if you're not provoking them). So you can wait out a security bot alarm safely by just standing still (around 2:30 in the video)
. Is this awesome? (Y/N).
- In Bleach, one of Kaname Tosen's Bankai abilities is to prevent anyone within a certain vicinity from seeing him. This is interpreted in Bleach: Shattered Blade by him becoming invisible except when attacking, upon which he'll teleport right to the opponent to perform the attack. The dust kicked up by his footsteps, however, can still be seen, giving him away whenever he moves.
- In Blinx 2, players can play as the main antagonists of the first game, the Tom Toms, who have access to various gadgets. One of them is an Invisibility Cloak that players must move painfully slow to use effectively, as sudden moves generate shimmers that can quickly make them more visible than they were before using it.
- Stealth powers in City of Heroes work like this. But while the stealth ability is "suppressed" when you are attacking, taking damage, or interacting with objects, any other benefits the power has will still apply. The Stalker archetype even gets a massive 'sneak attack' damage bonus for initiating their assassin strike while stealthed, as well as a much higher chance to deal double damage with their other attacks.
- And any stealth power provides a general defensive bonus and leaves the character at least slightly translucent (vaguely useful against other players at range) even while "suppressed". There are also very few dirty tricks attack powers which, under the right conditions, don't break stealth and can be used repeatedly on non-players with little to no risk.
- In Civilization III, certain units are invisible—primarily submarines. On the relatively barren ocean-type tiles, the shortest path usually goes around them, and it's not a problem. But when the game inserted invisible land-based units, such as assassins, it quickly became clear that trying to move onto a space with an assassin would automatically start a fight, even declaring a war when there was none! (Normally in such cases you're given the option not to attack.)
- Another, worse, problem: The AI doesn't seem to mind declaring war in order to get a unit to wherever it wants as long as the AI SEES no one there. As a result, the AI can declare war because a submarine of his was where the AI decided to move a ship.
- This was fixed for Civ 4 because Civ 4 allows units from different factions to occupy the same square. Hostile ships float right over your submarine unless they can detect it.
- All stealth units in the Command & Conquer series had to uncloak to fire (except Pathfinders from Generals, who had to WALK for that instead). In the first Red Alert, submarines were handled as stealth units... Never mind that in Real Life, the first submarines did the perfect opposite: As they weren't equipped for prolonged periods underwater, they usually stayed afloat out of battle.
- In the FPS Command & Conquer: Renegade, this happens to stealth Black Hand units. Also, falling damage made them blink, too. Usually the people who use them bunny-hop away. Note that they're still revealed even when the "falling damage" is zero (i.e. falling from a jump). Also note that bunny hopping in that game isn't actually faster than running.
- That and stealthed units/buildings in Tiberian Dawn and Tiberian Sun can be revealed by getting a unit close enough that they would essentially be touching it. And the force attack (ctrl) command is your best friend for targeting cloaked buildings.
- Crysis: Even when you have full power, the instant you fire any weapon (or even throw a grenade) your invisibility is disabled. So much for using a sniper rifle with a silencer. Even with cheat mode on you still can't escape the Invisibility Flicker.
- Quickly flipping your suit mode to maximum armour, firing, and cloaking is a good way around this. It takes practice to pull off, though.
- The above was a pretty common tactic for hunting snipers in the online multiplayer part of the game. The counter-sniper could sit prone in stealth for minutes at a time. And this is pretty much true invisibility. So you go stealth, move onto a ridge or building where you can see where the sniper is shooting from, and wait until you find him. Once he fires, you zoom in on him, switch to armour mode, shoot, then back to stealth. You don't waste energy, it only takes 2 shots to kill the enemy sniper, and you are invisible again seconds later.
- The third game finally lets you defy this with the Assassin module.
- In DON'T LOOK AWAY, if the survivors shine a light at the Entity while it is invisible, it appears as a flickering shadow.
- Used in Dungeon Crawl to indicate your Invisibility spell is about to run out. Also, you can occasionally get a glimpse of where invisible creatures are while you're fighting them, and being invisible while standing in something that gets displaced (fog, water, etc.) reveals your position.
- In The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion there were two types of invisibility spells. One was called "invisibility" and made you invisible until you interacted with an object (Like a door), got in a fight, or the spell wore off. The other, called chameleon, made you translucent and refractive in what was probably the most badass effect in the game. However, chameleon worked as a percentage, so it was still possible for enemies to see you even at 99% chameleon. If you got 100% chameleon, however...
- 100% chameleon also had the effect of making you completely transparent. Much fun is to be had in cloaking to 100%, riding a horse around, and convincing friends that you had turned yourself into a horse.
- While Skyrim loses the Chameleon spell completely, the visual effect for the Invisibility spell is without a doubt just as kickass. Granted, by the time you build your Illusion skill high enough to use it, you may not need it for sneaking, but you can do the flickering effect over and over damn well with enough Magicka.
- Escape Velocity: Nova has this for the Wraith, every time they get close, they flicker a bit, same when they're angered and they attack you. The Polaris gets a cloaking organ but requires you to decloak in order to fire weapons, later in the specific storyline, the Scarab and Raven are upgraded to have a specially modified Polaron (multi-)torpedo tubes that allow you to fire while cloaked.
- In Eternal Darkness, a vampire-zombie-critter-thing with invisibility magic has this trait, which, combined with its complete lack of strategic ability, makes it pretty easy to defeat even without casting the Reveal Invisible spell.
- In Evolve, the medic Lazarus has a cloaking ability that flickers whenever he uses another ability.
- In Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage, the Chinese Stealth Armor's invisibility is only active when the user is crouched, and the McNinjas that wear it tend to stand up and blow their cover when attacking.
- In Final Fantasy XI, hitting something (or, if you use the spells unintelligently, being hit by something) cancels all stealth spells, and you must cancel Invisible status in particular if you wish to interact with anything, even doors. Similarly, in Final Fantasy Tactics and its spinoffs, as soon as invisible characters take any action at all other than moving, they become visible.
- Except for continuing to sing or dance if you were before turning invisible. A Dancer with high Brave and Sunken State is thus essentially unkillable unless the first hit kills her completely. Meanwhile, she can either be steadily chipping away every enemies HP, or, far more entertaining, turning them all into silenced, blinded, confused, poisoned, slowed, stopped, and sleeping frogs.
- For some reason, the Replica Assassins in F.E.A.R. can't seem to stay invisible and punch you at the same time. Although it's less of an invisibility flicker and more of a "pop into existence about 3 inches from your face before smacking you one".
- Still utterly terrifying, especially when engaging in ranged combat against them as it takes barely a moment after being shot for their cloaking to be restored, making it almost impossible to tell how many you're fighting sometimes as they quite literally seem to be everywhere.
- Interestingly enough, Bullet Time is capable of rendering them visible.
- Still utterly terrifying, especially when engaging in ranged combat against them as it takes barely a moment after being shot for their cloaking to be restored, making it almost impossible to tell how many you're fighting sometimes as they quite literally seem to be everywhere.
- This happens in Gauntlet when a player picks up the invisibility amulet.
- Ghost in the Shell has its fifth boss, who comes at you with a cloaking device allowing it to take potshots at you. But while doing so it visibly flickers and gives away its position so you can shoot back.
- In Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, the adaptive camo stops working when you're attacking, getting hit, sprinting, or standing tall.
- In Global Agenda, the Recon class pops out their stealth all the time when using their abilities or getting shot at.
- Halo
- Attacking while cloaked will cause your cloak to disappear, although ceasing your attack makes it reappear. Obviously, this is for gameplay balance reasons.
- As terrifyingly effective as cloaked Elites can be, they can be spotted by the ripple they leave in the air, which becomes more and more visible if they're moving. Also, using your flashlight helps as well, just be wary of any enemies equipped with deadly melee weapons...
- The Active Camouflage in games from Halo: Reach onward partially drops while the user is moving.
- K. Hawk: Survival Instinct ends with you battling the Colonel, who puts on a stealth-integrated armor to take you on. But you can spot him because he flickers a bit before attacking, allowing you to plug him a few times.
- League of Legends, champions under stealth "shimmer" upon taking damage, revealing a short after-image of the champion and their position upon taking a hit. Damage-over-time effects will really screw up an enemy's stealth as even though stealth may not technically be broken, the positional information can be enough to doom them.
- Mass Effect 2's Infiltrator class can cloak nearly perfectly until the first shot is fired. This works great with sniper rifles but leaves you exposed while both working the action on the notoriously slow weapons and waiting for the cloak to cool down for reuse. In Mass Effect 3, The cloaking ability is changed to add a slight flicker. Since enemies have an improved AI that allows them to notice you while cloaked instead of just standing stupidly until you're visible, this means that they can sometimes see that flicker if they're close enough and will start to shoot at where they think you are.
- Metal Gear has these for a couple of the main characters. Cyborg Ninja, being a lone ninja out for blood, seems to blink back into view whenever he does anything more exciting than strolling down a hallway. And sometimes even then.
- Solid Snake not only disrupts his cloaking device but outright wrecks it during the opening sequence of the second game. He casually tossed his rain jacket aside, lept off a bridge, and made a 10-point landing on the boat below; the cloak completely dies in a flurry of discharged electricity. This entrance also made it into Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
- Monster Hunter (PC) has the invisible Blob Monster enemies, who periodically reveal themselves with each step they take before turning invisible again so you know where to attack when they reappear. They'll also become visible when trying to devour you.
- Reptile from Mortal Kombat uses a cloak ability in later games.
- Using the Phase Cloak in Oni allows you to be briefly visible, but you reappear when you touch someone or fire a weapon.
- Perfect Dark follows this trope. Cloaking will temporarily deactivate when you or an enemy attack (which includes firing guns, pistol-whipping, punching, and throwing things) under the justification that sudden movement disrupts the cloaking field. Shields will also blink occasionally; useful for spotting shielded enemies and seeing the shield strength of allies, on account of shields being color-coded by how much power is left (bright-red for full and dark green for almost gone).
- The infiltration armor in both PlanetSide games is damn-near perfectly invisible when stationary, but the cloaking becomes less effective when standing or moving. Cloaking in the first game has zero restrictions - you can sprint, fire, hack, whatever - but it becomes nigh-useless when firing or sprinting due to it becoming much more visible. In the second, the standard cloaking device is time-limited and the user cannot do anything except move with it active - forcing players to flicker their cloaking device to regenerate shields or attack an enemy - in addition to flashlights causing them to light up like a Christmas tree, and any damage causing the cloaker's shields to flare up.
- PO'ed has an invisible alien enemy who turns visible by default when they're about to attack, allowing you to shoot back.
- In Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, there is an enemy who is invisible (but makes a very obvious metallic sound) until you hit them. This is unbalanced somewhat by the combat lock-on system still working even if the Prince can't see his enemy, so you can swipe your sword around in their direction until you hit them.
- In Resident Evil 4, the invisible Novistadors in the sewer de-cloak when attacking.
- In Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song, the "Lurk" and "Move Silently" abilities prevent enemies from seeing or hearing you, respectively...unless you run into one on your own, in which case a battle begins (Either in Melee; closer range and more BP) or you get the initiative (Attack First) and after you win the stealth abilities are no more.
- Happens all the time in the Spiral Knights pvp mini-game, Lockdown. In the game, the player can become a recon. You cannot see a stealthed enemy recon, but you will be alerted to their presence. Remaining near a stealthed opponent will lower your defense. Further, due to the game's mechanics, activating stealth immediately after attacking will cancel part of your attack animation and speed up your attack. So, a common tactic is to stealth near your enemy, lower their defenses, attack, and immediately restealth.
- Starcraft has various units (Ghosts, Wraiths, Scouts, Dark Templars, etc.) that are temporarily or permanently cloaked, i. e. invisible. You may catch a glimpse of an odd ripple where they are if you're lucky (many games, movies, and shows use this, in fact), but your units won't see 'em... unless they walk too close to a building or unit that is a Detector, which reveals them for all to see. (Using certain special abilities on the area also reveals them for a while.) Same goes, of course, for the cases when you're using them. Plenty of base defense tactics involve not leaving yourself vulnerable to cloaked attackers.
- Unusual in the Protoss Dark Templars are permanently cloaked and can attack (very effectively) without becoming visible. The Dark Templar hero is horrifyingly effective for just this reason, especially as he wields an Infinity +1 Sword. Oddly, in a midgame cinematic, Dark Templar hero Zeratul keeps blinking in and out of cloak while facing off against Zerg Queen Kerrigan.
- In Star Trek Online, there are some ships that come with an enhanced battle cloak. While it is active, the ship is invisible but has the standard shields offline effect and a modified weapons offline effect that allows the use of torpedoes and mines. Firing a torpedo or mine weapon while it is active briefly drops the invisibility.
- In Super Smash Bros. Melee, invisible characters (either by playing Invisible Melee or using a cloaking device item) will flicker visible whenever he or she is attacking.
- Team Fortress 2:
- The Spy cannot do anything while cloaked except moving and collecting pickups. As above, this is an obvious gameplay balance issue, as a fully cloaked spy is absolutely invisible (his model isn't rendered at all) so long as he does not bump into anybody, and being able to decloak and backstab behind an unaware foe is already a powerful ability. Decloaking also takes a second and has a very recognizable sound effect, so it's not wise to do so right behind an enemy unless they're distracted.
- While not quite the same, the Spy's disguise ability masks their presence to enemies much like the cloaking device, by making them appear to be someone on the enemy side. As soon as you attack the disguise immediately dissolves. Luckily, one hit should be all he needs.
- WarCraft III has the Wind Walk spell that turns a unit invisible until it runs out of time or attacks a target, upon which it (usually - you can alter the ability on custom maps) deals bonus damage. The Permanent Invisibility passive ability and other types of invisibility also break upon attacking or casting a spell, the former reasserting itself quickly when action ceases.
- In the custom map Defense of the Ancients there are a few heroes with variations on this:
- Rooftrellen's ability Nature's Guise grants invisibility that does not break when the target uses a spell, but it fades if the unit is not standing near a tree
- Lanaya's meld ability also grants invisibility, but it has no set duration. Instead, it is canceled whenever she moves.
- However, Slark's ultimate, Shadowdance, plays with this trope. It grants Slark invisibility for a period of time that is NOT broken by any actions at all, but it does leave a noticeable cloud of darkness wherever he is standing.
- Mordred the phantom assassin has the skill blur that renders her model transparent (but not technically invisible), making her look invisible. The only way to see her is to notice the faint blur or her shadow. Interestingly, actual invisibility and frost-based slow effects will reveal her full model (until the transparency is refreshed).
- Rikimaru, the aptly named stealth assassin has a literal version of this trope; he is permanently invisible, but whenever he attacks or uses a spell he is revealed for a period of time (that gets shorter as the ability is leveled up)
- In the custom map Defense of the Ancients there are a few heroes with variations on this:
- In Warframe, Ivara's Prowl ability is temporarily disrupted by attacking with audible weapons, and deactivates in response to sprinting, "Bullet Jumping", and other maneuvers. Averted by other Warframes' invisibility, though, which allow you to attack with impunity... though most abilities don't silence your weapons (Loki's can, with an optional augment) and enemies are smart enough to shoot at where your attacks are coming from.
- The Stealth ability in World of Warcraft makes you invisible until you interact with something (unless the interaction is Pick-Pocketing), or until you get too close to something that's looking right at you.
- It is possible to still be stealthed while someone is looking at you, usually an enemy mob will attack you right away but other players can be less quick. If you manage to run away before they can lock on to you, it can be funny to watch other players scurry about, shouting about a Rogue in stealth mode while you stand a safe distance away.
- One up on this is the mage's "Invisibility" spell, which makes you so invisible that you can't even see anyone else. Although once again the spell is canceled if the mage tries to do anything useful, like casting other spells. Not to mention that the mages actually have a spell called Blink.
- The Invisibility spell actually operates as more of a Phantom Zone situation than anything else; you can see other people who are themselves in your temporary "dimension". Invisibility seems to shift you to somewhere between the normal world and the ghost plane.
- Hunters received a Predator-style cloaking ability in Cataclysm, making them and their pet completely invisible when standing still. When moving (at half-speed while cloaked), the Hunter and pet make a rippled effect like the Predator that can be noticed by other players. The cloak also prevents lock-on for any direct attacks, but the Hunter can be hit by area-of-effect spells and abilities. Also, any aggressive action aside from planting traps will drop the cloak.
Web Videos
- Very, very downplayed in Critical Role: Exandria Unlimited: Calamity. Invisibility is a pretty basic spell that even junior wizards can learn, but they can't make themselves entirely invisible because otherwise light would pass right through their eyes and render them blind. So, even the most cloaked individual must still make a tiny portion of their pupils visible, which is more than sufficient camouflage against the vast majority of onlookers... except for the eisfuura Inquisitive Rogue, Senior Sightwarden Cerrit Agrupnin, who has trained to spot minute details like pairs of white dots smaller than grains of sand floating in mid-air.
Western Animation
- Inverted in Samurai Jack with an ultra-powerful robot that has a cloaking device that activates only whenever it is kicking ass.
Real Life
- The original USAF "Stealth Fighter"'s titular ability is a radar signature that's roughly comparable to that of a chicken launched through the air... most of the time. However, some time ago, they declassified a bunch of its details, including a definite Badass Blink: that radar signature reduction is heavily dependent on the unbroken lines of the aircraft's exterior, which require things like missiles to be stored inside. In order to actually fire its weapons, it has to open bomb-bay doors and stick a revolver-cartridge-like rotating magazine of missiles partially out the opening. Obviously, this thoroughly wrecks the carefully achieved "perfect stealth shape" of the aircraft, amplifying its radar signature dramatically. It's still stealthier than your typical jet fighter, but hardly undetectable to even moderately equipped modern militaries. Pilots are trained accordingly, planning out the details of their shots before they pop the doors, then opening them, firing, and getting them closed again, all as fast as they can, to minimize the blink.
- It's been said that while the B-2 has a very stealthy signature most of the time, as soon as the bomb-doors open, it shows up on radar the same size as the B-52. For the target, however, "as soon as the bomb-doors open" means it is about to receive 40,000 pounds of ordnance and it's too late to do anything about it.
- Also true of the F-22 and F-35. Not true of the Eurofighter, sadly.
- To further ameliorate this problem, standard tactics are to change heading before opening the bays, then change back after they're closed, so anything that spots you during the Invisibility Flicker sees you moving in a different direction.
- Not to mention that if the bomb or missile being launched isn't also a stealthed design, it will show up clear as day on enemy radar once revealed. In the case of a bomb, this isn't very significant because when dropped it'll be no more than a few seconds away from hitting its target anyway. Missiles on the other hand can be fired from dozens or in some cases even hundreds of miles away, making it far more important. As a result, stealthy missiles have also been designed; this of course has the downside of making a weapon that is by definition single-use a lot more expensive.
- Long before stealth aircraft, there were submarines. Modern subs (especially the non-nuclear ones) are holes in the water but in order to fire any of their weapons, they have to announce their presence. And "torpedo in the water!" is one giant Oh, Crap! blink.
- As long as the sub in question is using passive sonar, of course. If the target has passive sonar too, the sub doesn't need to fire, merely opening the torpedo launch tubes will freak out their opponent.
- A more mundane example comes from artillery in most modern engagements; it's relatively easy to hide a tube stuck to a mid-sized truck, until it starts shooting, which leads to most artillery being designed to fire quickly and then move somewhere else to avoid being counter-batteried (aka "shoot and scoot").
- Related: SAM sites during Vietnam were most easily detected with radar-detecting devices, meaning that you could only see them from the air when they were about to shoot you. This led to airplanes with crack pilots trying to make the enemy shoot at them and miss in order to give their compatriots a clean shot.