Judgement of Paris - TV Tropes
- ️Sat Sep 18 2010
The Judgement of Paris is a popular topic for artists in classical and renaissance period. The story itself is part of the background of The Iliad and connected to the story of the original Apple of Discord. In order to not make the decision himself, Zeus gave the decision of whom to give the Apple of Discord to Paris. He had to choose out of Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.
This common scene is of the three goddesses, led to Paris by Hermes, trying to bribe Paris as he makes his decision. The artist normally gives each of the characters some signifying objects. Paris was a shepherd at the time, so he will have a shepherd's crook. In later artwork, he often wears a Phrygian cap due to being from there. Hermes, the messenger god, will have his caduceus and winged sandals. Hera was symbolised by the peacock and Athena was distinguished by her armour, including a shield bearing the head of Medusa. Many times the artist will depict the goddesses nude; if so it is one of the few times the chaste Athena will be depicted as such.
Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, love and lust, was the eventual winner. She won by bribing Paris with the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen (she was married to someone else, but surely that's not going to cause any long-term problems). Correspondingly, she is often shown being the happier of three (the other two will be looking away or standing apart) and she will be attended by her son Eros/Cupid. The apple may be in hers, Hermes or Paris's hand.
The appeal of this subject matter to the artists is simple: Tits. You were allowed to depict ancient Greek deities as nude, especially when they are trying to hit on a simple shepherd to win a prize. In a way, it's the "pizza delivery boy needs a tip" of high art. Ancient works would save bare breasts for just Aphrodite since the point was that she wasn't necessarily most beautiful, but the sluttiest—and they were all trying to bribe him, not give him a flash.
Has nothing do with the judicial system in a French city, with the Gay Paree trope, or with a 1976 blind taste test that saw California wines rated better than French ones in the same French city.
- Peter Paul Rubens was very fond of this one. He painted it in 1625, 1636 and 1639. In the earliest, Aphrodite gets a choir of angel like beings to adorn her as the winner. In all three at least one of the losers is turned away from the viewer which helps to show the dejection.
- Joachim Wtewael posed this with Paris sitting in the lap of luxury, giving Aphrodite her gift while a group of putti crown her, similar to Rubens' works. Hera is actually positioned with her hand raised out, head turning back to the viewer with an incredulous expression on her face. This scene seems to take place at the actual party into which the apple of discord was thrown with several naked people around a table in a background and a satyr carrying a barrel of wine.
- Jan Both and Cornelis van Poelenburgh collaborated on one. Van Poelenburgh did the figures while Both did the landscape. This may have influenced the decision to set the scene further from the viewer, giving Both's landscape more prominence. Thus, the figures are less detailed and have little to signify them as deities or specific individuals, though there is still one goddess turned away and a child clinging at Aphrodite's leg. Hermes is not apparent, though a crowned older bearded figure (presumably Zeus) is in the picture. Hera is also depicted as a more mature woman.
- Age of Bronze: In keeping with the de-mythificated nature of the work, the judgement is a dream Paris claims he had which he uses to justify his kidnapping Helen, and even then he only narrates it.
- One of the best-known songs in the operetta La Belle Helene is Paris recounting the episode
to the prophet Calchas. In this version the goddesses don't actively bribe him, instead putting forth her chastity (Minerva), her birth and pride (Juno), while Venus didn't say a thing... but got the apple anyway.
- The Golden Apple, being a Setting Update of the Greek legend, makes the Apple of Discord the prize in a pie-baking contest. Mrs. Juniper, Miss Minerva and Lovey Mars, the circa-1900 American versions of Hera, Athena and Aphrodite, each offer a bribe of their own to Paris (who is a Traveling Salesman here), and then (according to a stage direction) pose as in the classical paintings as he deliberates.
- In the Hercule Poirot novel Lord Edgware Dies (and, naturally, its Poirot episode), the Judgement of Paris was the key to unveiling the murderer. When a young playwright mentioned the subject, the widow of the murdered man mistakenly thought he was talking about the city's fashion. This struck him as odd, since at a dinner that took place during the murder, he had discussed Trojan myth with her at length. It turned out she had hired an actress to impersonate her at the dinner, giving her the opportunity to murder her husband.
- The Black Widowers story "To the Barest" is set in motion by Ralph Ottur, the late founder of the club, willing the current Widowers $25,000 on the condition they present a unique solution as to which of them best fits the titular statement. To hammer home the parallel, Ottur selected a lawyer surnamed Parris as executor.
- The starting fiction of Scion 2E has Donnie Rhodes, a Scion of Aphrodite, put in a position echoing the Judgement of Paris (Donnie realizes this, but only remembers vague details of the story), with the Apple of Discord changed to an Apple phone. Donnie goes off-script by picking himself.