Killer Rabbit - TV Tropes
- ️Fri Aug 03 2007
Killer Rabbit
(aka: Killer Bunny)
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"That's no ordinary rabbit! That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!"
They're small. They're fluffy. They're adorable. But if you get on their bad side, your death will be swift and painful. Beware the cute ones.
Related to but distinct from Fluffy the Terrible, as well as being sort of a subtrope to Our Monsters Are Weird, the Killer Rabbit is any monster that's far more dangerous than they look. Maybe they're strong for their size, poisonous on a massive level, have flesh-rending pointy bits that aren't readily apparent, or can just turn into something far more dangerous. Particularly devastating ones can even be Instakill Mooks. Either way, it can make a person wary of picking on small, defenseless animals, much like the Old Master can make a person more eager to respect their elders. In many cases, the creature isn't even all that harmful unless you actually mess with them, whether intentionally or not.
This trope takes its name from the "Dread Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog" in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, who seems to be a completely ordinary bunny rabbit, with the notably unusual ability to leap through the air at high speed and tear out people's throats.
This creature is also known as a "Vorpal Bunny", a name which comes from the monster of that name in the original Wizardry game from 1981, possibly inspired by the Monty Python movie and is named after "The Vorpal Blade", a fictional sword used to decapitate the title creature in the Lewis Carroll poem "Jabberwocky". The name also spread (via Dungeons & Dragons) to other games such as Quest for Glory and Ultima Online.
There's enough truth behind this that one of the first things many children are taught is "don't try to play with any animal until you know that they're friendly." (Another lesson, learned later in life by many, sometimes too late, is: "Animals can become unfriendly pretty damn fast.")
Specific types of Killer Rabbits include Evil Girl Scouts and Ridiculously Cute Critters that are secretly evil. Civilizations that are more dangerous than they look are Superweapon Surprises. Killer Rabbits are the most notable subversion of What Measure Is a Non-Cute?, which is pervasive enough for everyone to assume that cute animals are friendly by default.
This trope is pervasive enough that if any of the Standard Fantasy Races in games seems to be cute and harmless, they would by definition have to be occasional Killer Rabbits to make them viable to play.
For cases where the Killer Rabbit is a literal rabbit, see Hair-Raising Hare.
Psycho Poodle is another subtrope of this.
If someone has a scary name, but not a scary demeanor, it's Deathbringer the Adorable. If they're scary-looking but innocent, they might be a Cute Monster.
Compare: Happy Fun Ball, Beware the Nice Ones, Pint-Sized Powerhouse, The Catfish, Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass, Cute, but Cacophonic, Badass Adorable, Super-Fun Happy Thing of Doom, Cute Creature, Creepy Mouth, and The Not-So-Harmless Punishment. If the video game character becomes a Killer Rabbit only when you hamper them, then they're Savage Setpiece.
Contrast Paper Tiger, which looks menacing but is virtually harmless.
Not to be confused with Kill da Wabbit.
Example subpages:
Other examples:
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- Laser Kiwi flag: The flag features an adorable kiwi that would be assumed harmless. However, this kiwi is shown to be a major threat due to the lasers it shoots from its eyes.
- Hamster's Paradise has the Harmsters, a race of sapient rodents that look like adorable long-tailed Ewoks— who also revel in war, genocide and cannibalism and are an entire race of sadistic, sociopathic psychos who take great joy in the act of killing.
Comic Strips
- Knights of the Dinner Table. There was the 'squirrel as a fifth level monster' from the strip "The Most Dangerous (Small) Game". Also, llamas in B.A.'s campaign have horns and gore people.
- Twisted Toyfare Theatre usually brings in unpopular characters in order to gruesomely kill them for a Take That!. The Ewoks, however, instead became a race of vicious, psychopathic Killer Rabbits who dismember, kill, and eat anything that crosses them. Mostly because they are little carnivores with no regards for intelligent life, from the original canon.
Fan Works
- The Fluffy Folio
- The Bloody Berry looks like a tiny living tomato. It's pure evil, and the fact that its CR is 2 means it would likely able to kill your average person in a fight.
- The Wurms as a whole are rather cute snakelike creatures, but their shared trait is a debilitating poison.
- KibblesTasty: The Fleshsmith's Adorable Critter is normal tiny, (presumably) cute, and harmless, with the only thing really going for it being its unusual durability... unless the Fleshsmith has taken the Perfection of Creation, which allows the Critter to attack, with further Perfection-exclusive upgrades allowing it to create acid and grow to be much larger in size.
- In Naruto Genkyouien
, the Kyuubi no Kitsune is revealed to be the kitsune version of a five year old, named Higashiyama Sayuri. An adorable girl, the youngest daughter of a large family of many sisters and nieces, who wouldn't have become a Kyuubi if it wasn't for Kitsune Poker Night. The rampage of destruction and the attack on Konoha? She discovered her giant fox form and chased her tails. However, she also happens to be really, really good with fire. Meaning she tends to set everything on fire or blow them up. And then there's the Pwetty Beam... She's still a little girl of course. Just a very powerful one. And clumsy...
- In a literal example from the same author as Naruto Genkyouien
. The Tamers Forever Series does a very convincing job of showing BlackTerriermon to be a far more competent fighter than one would assume given his harmless-looking appearence.
- Then there's the original Terriermon going toe to toe with Daemon during the second to last chapter.
- In Ranma ½ Fan Fic Girl Days, Nabiki got morphed into a literal bunny girl during an arc. And she was not happy about it. She rambled over killing the idiot had turned her into that, and fetched a lot of firearms to do right that. The author even reinforces the trope:
Here the author inserts an explanation. Most people think of rabbits as cute peaceful creatures— unless they have read Watership Down.
DOMESTIC rabbits may be that way, but wild rabbits can be quite belligerent, fight ruthlessly, and are pretty tough for something on their link of the food chain.
And Nabiki, who would normally stay back and say that it's not her problem, was at the moment in full blown berserk wild rabbit mode.
- Author Appeal: Kenko seems fond of this trope. In another fic of his, Paragon
, Ranma describes rabbits like "Tough critters in the wild, you know, real fighters."
- Author Appeal: Kenko seems fond of this trope. In another fic of his, Paragon
- Almost every spinoff of the Nuzlocke Challenge ends up with an adorable, harmless-looking, low-tier Pokemon that dishes out disproportionate amounts of hurt. A classic example is Petty's Butterfree, Lulu, who gleefully curbstomps two of Kanto's Elite Four under her own power.
- In The Black Bunny
Voldemort's animagus form is a fluffy black bunny.
- In The Lion King Adventures, the wild Mambo beasts are deceptively cute critters who hunger for animal flesh.
Simba: You can't just kill them. That's way too mean!
Haiba: You've gotta be kidding me! They're wild Mambo beasts! They're vicious killers with a hunger for the fleshy... flesh of cubs like us. - A Growing Affection has Sol, Hinata's preferred familiar. She is a three-foot long albino squirrel. Unlike many of the other ninja animal clans, the squirrels are more trackers, scouts, and messengers than fighters. Sol is an outcast among her (normally black furred) clan because her albinism causes her to stand out. As a result, she is even more timid and apologetic than her contractor. She also helped Hinata seal the Two-Tails Cat (to be fair, her brother, Neji, and Tenten also helped) and when her Berserk Button was pressed went toe-to-toe with an Impure World Resurrection version of Tayuya.
- In Fallout: Equestria, Angel Bunny becomes this, becoming known as "DoomBunny" to the Zebras. He even invents and regularly uses Stampede, the equivalent to Slasher.
- In The Sorting Hat's Stand
one of the creatures Harry populates his mindscape with as a defensive measure is a vorpal bunny.
- In Harry Potter, Unexpected Animagus
Luna's animagus form is a Very Carnivorous Rabbit.
- In Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path
Harry manages to find Luna a Crumple-Horned Snorkack, which turns out to be an adorable, docile sheep-like creature that likes to lick people. During the Final Battle the very same animal kills several of Voldemort's minions by tearing their throats out.
- We never see the battle against it, but in Sword Art Online Abridged, one of the floor bosses is "Sheeptar the Sheep King," a wall-crawling, acid-spitting nightmare.
Kirito: We're still talking about a sheep, right? Not, like, a fluffy xenomorph?
Asuna: It's a really stupid boss!
Kirito: Apparently not that stupid if it killed seven of you...
Asuna: (sigh) Twelve now, actually. - Pokémon Reset Bloodlines makes it clear that cute/small Pokémon should not be underestimated:
- In the Argenta Interlude, the title character's Pachirisu begins its day defeating a Garchomp, and later does the same to 398 more opponents in a row.
- The Iris Gaiden mentions Dr. Julius Garonte, whose Sylveon (nicknamed "Princess Sparky Eyes") is confirmed to have mauled seventeen people to death.
- In Step back in time
a potion mishap creates an unspecified number of vampire rabbits.
- In Deductive Thought
a bunny in the Triwizard Tournament maze bites Harry on the finger when he tries petting it, then proceeds to rip open a blast-ended skrewt.
- Ruby Pair: As part of the chapter's parade of Shout Outs to Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the Beast King of "Gaols & Ghouls" turns out to be a fluffy white rabbit which is quickly revealed to be the deadliest fighter in the whole game world.
- Boldores And Boomsticks has Zwei. A cute adorable corgi from Remnant who meets Absol looking down from a pile of Grimm he'd just killed.
Absol: Are you... sure you aren't, like, a Corgion or something?
- Voyages of the Wild Sea Horse has Shampoo, who was already a Badass Adorable, eat a Zoan-type Devil Fruit that merges with her original Jusenkyo curse to turn her into a adorable little cat-rabbit. It also amplified her Super-Strength and Super-Speed, allowing the "sweet little bunny-kitty" to dodge bullets and kick its way through the hull of a battleship.
- Ad-Owo-ble from The Arama Archives is themed around this trope. Kitcat and its army of OwOs are all themed around a "cute" emoticon and have appearances to match, but are incredibly dangerous to the point of staging a full-on invasion with massive damage dealt.
- In Chapter 31 of He's Not Dead Yet
, which is a cheerfully deranged Crack Fic mashup of Harry Potter and Monty Python, a killer rabbit the Death Eaters refer to as the Beast of Caerbannog munches its way through quite a few of Wombat!Voldemort's followers. Luna is a rabbit animagus with no apparent qualms about chowing down on terrorists.
Films — Animation
- Big Hero 6: Hiro's "Megabot" in the beginning of the movie appears to be a very cheaply-made robot made of three bulky segments, stumbles around and has a smiley face, which almost instantly gets shredded by the Bot Fight champion. It's an act to up the prize pot, as Hiro then reveals it's a killer Lightning Bruiser he designed which not only magnetically reattaches itself together, it's capable of Detachment Combat where it snakes around the champion and completely dismantles it. It even looks like it has rabbit ears.
- Epic (2013): Small creatures like mice for the Leafmen and presumably others like them. Also chipmunks, apparently.
- After the end credits of Finding Nemo, an anglerfish approaches a tiny fish... which then opens its jaws wide enough to swallow the angler in one gulp.
- How to Train Your Dragon (2010):
- The Terrible Terror: A character commented how small it was only to have his face and nose nearly ripped off by one of them. Only one while they usualy live in flocks as it can be seen later.
- Toothless himself also qualifies. He's among the smaller species of dragon, and lacks the spines, armored skin, or long fangs or claws of species like Gronkles, Nadders, Zipplebacks, or Monstrous Nightmares, but is actually the most dangerous of all of them due to his stealth, speed, and long-ranged explosive Breath Weapon. Light furies from the third movie have all the same plus actually can become invisible and look even more cute.
- Kung Fu Panda 2: Lord Shen. He's a peacock, not something you'd expect to be a villain, but he is a genocidal would-be conqueror eager to kill anyone standing in his way and he is terrifying in personal combat.
- Lilo & Stitch: Stitch is a three foot tall, fluffy blue creature who can pass for a dog or koala (although most human characters besides Lilo consider him to be a very odd-looking one). Even when he isn't hiding his antennae and extra pair of arms, he doesn't look particularly dangerous. He's actually a genetically engineered alien superweapon designed to destroy cities, and is strong enough to stop a semi truck with his bare hands, extremely intelligent, and nearly impervious to most known forms of attack.
- Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted has a group of dancing dogs in adorable outfits... that will attack anyone if they are called "cute".
- Momotaro's Sea Eagles and its sequel Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors are military propaganda films made by Imperial Japan during World War II. They're targeted towards children, so the main characters are mostly adorable cartoon animals. The climaxes of both films involve said animals shooting, stabbing, and bayoneting Caucasian-looking, English-speaking demons. When you think about how real-life Japanese forces behaved during World War II, it becomes even more chilling.
- The title character in Rikki Tikki Tavi. Awww... he's so cute and fuzzy... HOLY SHIT LOOK WHAT HE DID TO THAT COBRA! However, Riki Tiki Tavi isn't malevolent. He's actually trying to kill the cobras because they're harming the humans, so this is a more traditional example of Reptiles Are Abhorrent and possibly also What Measure Is a Non-Cute?. He does display slight sociopathic tendencies; it was justified to kill the cobra and his eggs to protect his owner, but it is a little dark to outright gloat about it to his widow's face (especially since preserving her family was the whole point of their attack). Then again, the taunt is as much about drawing her away from the human family as anything else.
"And Nag was dead before the big man blew him up! I killed Nag! Come and fight with me, Nagaina!"
- A downplayed example with the Pest in Rocket Saves the Day. He isn't deadly, but he is a Ridiculously Cute Critter whose potential for mayhem is about as great as it gets for an animated movie targeted towards preschoolers.
- Strange Magic: Since the main characters are tiny fairies, even a small lizard is a kaiju to them.
- The main villain of Toy Story 3 is Lotso Huggin Bear; an adorable pink teddy bear who smells of strawberries who rules over Sunnyside Daycare with an iron paw and is perfectly willing to let the protagonists die in an incinerator.
- Turning Red: Fluffy and cuddly though the red panda form may be, there are several instances that remind the viewer that the form was granted to the Lee family line to be a weapon during wartime, specifically Mei nearly maiming Tyler after he pushes her too far and Ming turning into a kaiju-sized red panda and nearly levelling a stadium in the climax.
- Zootopia: Judy Hopps might be a cute little bunny (just don't call her that) and is generally nice, but she is capable of knocking out a rhino during her Training Montage. She is also willing to use blackmail to gain the assistence of a reluctant witness.
Films — Live-Action
- ABCs of Death 2: The badger in "B is for Badger". In Real Life, badgers can be dangerous, but not that dangerous. They are certainly not capable of ripping a grown man in half.
- Early in Barbarella, the title character is similarly menaced by a group of dolls whose mouths show very pointy teeth. Later in the movie, she is nearly killed by vicious killer budgies (parakeets).
- The Vampire Pomeranian in Blade: Trinity named Pac-Man. It appears to have the split-mouth of a Reaper.
Hannibal King: You made a goddamn vampire... Pomeranian?!?
- Bullitt: The mob hitman is a grey-haired man in plain clothes. His driver looks like a middle-aged accountant, but Bullitt has to work hard to keep up with him in the car chase.
- The gopher in Caddyshack.
- Captain Marvel: The sweet, innocent kitty Goose is later revealed to be a Flerken, an extremely dangerous creature with a Pocket Dimension full of Combat Tentacles in her mouth. It's also the real reason Nick Fury only has one eye now.
- Cats & Dogs has the antagonist Mr. Tinkles — the cute cat who's also a Diabolical Mastermind.
- Chucky from the original Child's Play films (before his Frankenstein makeover).
- The Dark Crystal:
- Fizzgig looks a cute furball until he opens his wide mouth and reveals four rows of serrated teeth.
- Furthermore, the animals in the Skeksis' laboratory use their combined cute fluffiness to escape and savagely maul the Scientist down into the furnace, saving Kira.
- In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1973), Jekyll tests his formula on a rabbit, which makes it aggressive enough to chew up his cane.
- Given a Lampshade Hanging in Galaxy Quest: while the rest of the crew is Squeeing about how adorable the child-like alien miners are, the very Genre Savvy Guy worries, "Oh, sure, they're cute now. But in a second they're going to get mean. And they're going to get ugly somehow. And there's going to be a million more of them." Moments later, he's proven right.
- The Mogwai in Gremlins, except the original Gizmo; fluffy and adorable, they are cruel tricksters who eventually turn into hideous (yet still somewhat cute) monsters which go on a deadly rampage. Indeed, every imaginable variant on this trope seems to run through most, if not all, Gremlin folklore.
- The Gillymuck: The titular creature looks like a stuffed E.T. doll, and becomes VICIOUS when mocked. Just ask the three mean girls.
- Played with in Gozu. You'll never know if the cute Chihuahua in fact was a trained Yakuza attack dog.
- Sam in Happy Accidents is terrified of tiny dogs.
- Jurassic Park:
- In Jurassic Park (1993), Dennis Nedry gets killed by a fairly harmless-looking Dilophosaurus... after it spits poison in his face, then ambushes him when he tries to get back to his truck. It should be noted that the real Dilophosaurus probably couldn't do that. Then again, we really have no way of knowing, but they certainly did not have those nifty-looking frills. Also, the real Dilophosaurus was much bigger than the one in the movie.
- Furthermore, there are small, harmless-near-cute-looking Procompsognathus/Compsognathus in The Lost World: Jurassic Park, whose packs are enough to turn a healthy adult male into...
"Did you find him?"
"...Just the parts they didn't like." - The baby Pteranodons in Jurassic Park III, which attack in swarms and have sharp vicious beaks.
- The Dimorphodons in Jurassic World, though they're not exactly cute or cuddly looking before they start mauling people.
- The Stygimoloch in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom looks arguably adorable, even when attempting to ram her way through Owen and later doing the same to several others after she's set loose.
- The Lystrosaurus and the Moros in Jurassic World Dominion. The first being a tiny herbivore doesn't mean it won't bite, especially not when it's armed with a pair of sharp fang-like tusks. While the second is a tiny feathered relative of Tyrannosaurus rex, and certainly looks like a Goofy Feathered Dinosaur, it's also shown to be more than capable of taking down small prey. In the film, it is shown killing a mouse with ease.
- The title character in the Leprechaun series.
- A whole colony in The Lone Ranger (2013). It's rather creepy too.
- In Mom and Dad Save the World, Dick Nelson encounters a group of cute mushroom-like creatures which appear to be friendly... until he tries to pet one. It opens a huge mouth with sharklike teeth and almost takes off his hand.
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail:
- The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog is the Trope Namer. Ironically, Arthur and his knights are warned repeatedly by Tim the Enchanter about the power of the rabbit. They don't listen, and he laments how no-one listens to him because "it's just a harmless little bunny!" After being Instantly Proven Wrong in thinking they can take it on as a group, with a few more knights killed in the process, they resort to using a Holy Hand Grenade to finally slay the beast.
"Look at the bones!"
- An implied example in the same movie would be the Vicious Chicken of Bristol which Sir Robin nearly stood up to, though given that it's Sir Robin, the Chicken might be a case of Deathbringer the Adorable (though he's never shown cowering and running away from anything harmless-looking in the movie).
- The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog is the Trope Namer. Ironically, Arthur and his knights are warned repeatedly by Tim the Enchanter about the power of the rabbit. They don't listen, and he laments how no-one listens to him because "it's just a harmless little bunny!" After being Instantly Proven Wrong in thinking they can take it on as a group, with a few more knights killed in the process, they resort to using a Holy Hand Grenade to finally slay the beast.
- Night of the Lepus, a movie about Giant Killer Bunny Rabbits. It's intended as a horror film. Meat-eating rabbits that hunt and kill horses at one point. Three scientists grab the Idiot Ball hard to make it happen.
- Let's not forget Screamers with the Deliberately Cute Child Killer Robot. "Can I come with you?"
- Serenity (2005): On the good ship Serenity, who's the most dangerous crewman? Is it the wily and wary captain Malcolm Reynolds? The calm, stoic, and deadly first mate Zoe? The giant, burly Jayne with enough weapons to outfit a revolution? Nope. Look behind them. Not at the pilot, or the preacher, though they're deadly enough in their own right. Not at the mechanic, and not the doctor or the Companion. Yeah, There. That teenage girl in the back, with the unwashed hair, pale skin, glazed and distracted eyes, who's mumbling something about hummingbirds? Her name is River. Get on her bad side, and she will fucking end you.
- Star Wars:
- Ewoks. Yes, they're cute. Yes, they're fuzzy and huggable and all that. Yes, they're adorable miniature bears. Think about that one. Miniature bears! With astonishing engineering skill for a neolithic materials base, extensive knowledge of sophisticated warfare, and a willingness to kill and eat other sapient beings. Think of them as armed, sapient, and highly sophisticated sociopathic bipedal giant koalas who regard you as potential food, and you'll start to understand exactly why the Ewoks qualify for this trope. Still don't believe us? Go read Apocalypse Endor (Star Wars Tales 14). That's right — Endor is The Empire's 'Nam.
- Yoda is the cute little floppy-eared goblin that talks funny. Even Luke and R2-D2 thought he was harmless when they met him. In actuality, he is a badass Jedi that can pull a triple backflip and chop off your head before you blink. He's undoubtedly one of the strongest and most skilled Jedi in the history of the galaxy too - almost an even match for Darth Sidious, one of the deadliest Dark Siders ever.
- In The Last Jedi, he is able to summon a giant bolt of lightning from the skies... as a Force Ghost!
- This Spanish student film
uses this trope quite deliberately with its genetically altered Death Rabbit.
- The Suicide Squad. While infiltrating Jotunheim, King Shark is distracted by an aquarium filled with colourful octopus-like creatures who follow his movements and copy his outline. King Shark is overjoyed by his new friends, but when an explosion breaks the aquarium and frees the creatures, they reveal rings of ridiculously sharp teeth on their undersides and swarm over King Shark like piranhas, almost killing him.
Live-Action TV
- In The Amazing Extraordinary Friends, the most dangerous of the Carnival of Killers Renfield hired to take out Captain X turned out to be the Easter Bunny; a man in a rather sorry-looking rabbit costume.
- An America's Funniest Home Videos episode features a rabbit fighting a snake. The rabbit kicks the snake's proverbial ass, forcing the reptile to retreat up a low-hanging tree, despite the rabbit attempting to yank the snake down for more
- The Boys (2019): In "Glorious Five Year Plan", the Russian facility where Soldier Boy is being held in cryo also contains a hamster infused with Compound V, which makes brutal short work of a guard.
- Doctor Who:
- The Adipose in "Partners in Crime". They're adorable little blobs... of human fat. They're usually harmless since they just quietly leave while the taker of a special pill is asleep and leaves them better off as a result. However, if threatened naturally or artificially via a special signal, they undergo Emergency Parthogenesis where they freak out and use everything in the human body they're currently in to make more Adipose. The "Turn Left" timeline had millions of Americans dissolved this way.
- The Cybermats in "The Wheel in Space". At least one of their victims actually begs them gently to come closer because he isn't going to hurt them before they do, and hurt him.
- The Pting in "The Tsuranga Conundrum" is a plump little blobby thing that looks incredibly cute despite its sharp teeth. It's also a ferocious, fast-moving Extreme Omnivore that is Made of Iron, has a lethally-toxic touch, and nearly destroys an entire spaceship by eating parts of it.
- On Good Eats episode "It's a Pan! It's a Dish! It's Paella!", Alton is prepping a paella recipe that commonly calls for rabbit meat. But, because of how rabbits are typically viewed in most of the Western world, he has to persuade the audience that rabbits are a viable food option. He does so by referencing the horror film Night of the Lepus before a plush rabbit attacks him, which shows that they're not as cutesy as people think they are. (However, he does still suggest using chicken — especially the thighs — as an alternative, for people who still aren't convinced that rabbits can be food, or who can't eat rabbit meat for religious reasons.)
- A killer koala guards the entrance to the shrine of the mountain god in The Hero Yoshihiko and the Devil King's Castle. It's described as "a ferocious beast that kills anyone who steps near it."
Luckily, it quickly gets tired.
- In an episode of Honey, I Shrunk the Kids called "Honey, the Bunny Bit It", Nick Szalinski revives the school mascot à la Frankenstein, and chaos ensues as it runs amok.
- Kamen Rider Drive: Kamen Rider Mach's Signal Danger power allows him to summon a CG creature that looks like a mix between a bullet and a shark; while this might sound scary, it's only about a foot long and has a cute nervous expression on its face. And then it plays the trope straight by growing ten times its normal size and mauling Monsters of the Week.
- Life of Riley: When Maddy goes round to an old woman's house to feed her cat while she's in hospital, it suddenly and abruptly turns into a scene from an Alfred Hitchcock movie. Eventually, all she can do to get out of there in one piece is to open a can of cat food and shove it through the letter box, almost losing a finger in the process. You can imagine her reaction when she was then asked to go back and change the litter tray.
- Lucifer (2016) mentions Azrael, the Angel of Death. She actually lives up to the title, abilities-wise, but when she shows up for an episode, she's essentially an adorkable young girl with glasses and a bob haircut who looks like she's late for chess club. She's also really clingy and needy and wants to hang out with people, rather than the disassociated being you'd expect from a reaper of souls.
- The Mandalorian: Jawas are half the size of a human, dressed in cheap robes, and armed mostly with sharp pieces of scrap. In most Star Wars media, they are portrayed as nothing but pests. They are still pests in this series, but dangerous ones. The Mandalorian discovers them stripping his ship for parts, and while he kills quite a few, their sandcrawler is completely impervious to his weapons, and their sheer numbers are able to overwhelm him. In the end, after a humiliating defeat, he's forced to negotiate in order to get his parts back.
- The Child is an infant of the same species as Yoda, able to charm young children and hardened mercenaries alike and use the Force to heal mortal wounds. He can also use those same powers to suspend a charging beast in mid-air or crush the throat of anyone he thinks is threatening his guardian.
- The title creature in "Bunny Therapy", a fourth season episode of The Middle, eventually takes over one of the Heck's bathrooms.
- Misfits: A smackhead with a power to materialize his hallucinations does acid while switching through shows about rabbits, golf and assassins. He ends up conjuring a rabbit-headed assassin with a golf club.
- The Furbie-esque Nubbins in Sanctuary are a variant of this — they're only dangerous in large groups and when being directly attacked, but their extremely high reproductive rate and lack of predators outside their natural environment make them potentially highly destructive to the ecosystem. Unfortunately, they're a Hive Mind far brighter than they seem, and are more than willing to sacrifice individual lives to escape and spread. Look what happens to the large, vicious wolf-like abnormal the team sends after the nubbins. Look at the bones, indeed.
- An episode of Sliders has an Earth with literal (and giant) carnivorous rabbits. They stay there very briefly.
- Star Trek: Picard:
- A bunnicorn looks like a cute bunny rabbit with a small horn on its forehead like a unicorn, but it carries venom sacs. Anyone who ingests its toxin will vomit black bile and die.
- One of the top-secret projects at Daystrom Station is a tribble (an otherwise inoffensive furball) that's been modified into an attack creature.
- Buster Machine RH-03's rabbit mode in Tokumei Sentai Go Busters, able to send the Monster of the Week flying into the distance with a single kick.
- The Ultra Series have at least two examples...
- Lunatyx from Ultraman Ace, a rabbit-based choju hailing from the moon. As it turns out, the moon used to be populated by a race of Human Aliens... until Lunatyx attacks and turns it into the barrel wasteland everyone is familiar with.
- King Molerat from Ultraman Tiga, a behemoth-sized hybrid between a hare and a guinea pig, whose huge, fluffy ears are it's most prominent features. Although it's a benevolent example, preferring to spend it's days sleeping instead of going on a rampage, and is one of the few monsters spared by Tiga during the show.
- In one episode of Xena: Warrior Princess, sidekick Gabrielle must fend off a vicious attack by what is essentially the Rabbit of Caerbannog.
- The X-Files: The Monsters of the Week in "Teso Dos Bichos" responsible for killing several people are revealed to be household cats (or more like sewer cats).
Mythology and Religion
- The Ur-Examples are marginalia in illuminated medieval manuscripts, depicting knights running away from rabbits as - yes - a sign of cowardice.
- Valak from the Ars Goetia manifests in the form of a small, innocent-looking child with wings, yet he is the Grand President of Hell.
- The Al-mi'raj
, from Islamic poetry is a literal version of this... Maybe. It was given as a gift to Iskander - That is, the Arabic name for Alexander the Great - As a gift for slaying a goddamn dragon, and it was said to cause all other animals to flee on sight. This implies the Al-Mi'Raj is a very dangerous animal, but it's never actually described as fighting anything, so who knows, it might just have a defense mechanism that repulses other animals and not actually be all that dangerous after all.
- The Jackelope is another quite literal example. It looks like a jack rabbit with a tiny pair of deer antlers but eats the hearts of predators that normally eat rabbits.
- Greek Mythology had sheep with wool that shined like the sun. They were also partially carnivorous and venomous.
- Aztec Mythology's Huitzilopochtli is their god of war, conquest and sun who defeated his 400 other brothers and sisters after birth and the main reason for the religion's infamous Human Sacrifice. He's also strongly associated with the diminuitive hummingbirds — indeed, his very name means something to the effect of "Hummingbird's South/Left" — and hummingbirds on the Earth were said to be the Reincarnations of fallen warriors. The association comes from the hummingbird's energy, metabolism, and aggressive behavior defending its territory being in common with Huitzilopochtli's constant defence of his mother which required the Human Sacrifices to give him strength.
- The Leapers in Scared Stiff, which resemble frogs but sport Lamprey Mouths and Eat the Camera when provoked.
- Krypto the Super Dog may be a cute white puppy, but as Plumbing the Death Star spins it, he's also an invincible, lightning-fast alien monster with the strength of a locomotive and no capacity. If anyone upset him, there'd be no way to calm him down before the amoral hound ripped out their jugular. There's a reason he gets voted the third most horrifying hero ahead of the likes of Wolverine.
- Pokémon World Tour: United: Rose's Togepi, Scramble, is as cute as any baby Pokemon could ever hope to be. It rides in Rose's backpack, acts as her secretary and keeps things organized, and is an overall Cheerful Child. However, its primary attack, Metronome, has an unsettling tendency to call upon the powers of large, imposing, and/or Legendary Pokemon. Over the course of the first act it uses attacks specific to Giratina, Mewtwo, Rayquaza, and Zygarde. Rose loves her little Scramble and sees her as an angel. Anyone else who's seen Scramble in action is just a little afraid of the power she can throw around.
Puppet Shows
- The Muppet Show: In the Alan Arkin episode, some bunnies drink Dr. Honeydew's Jekyll-Hyde potion and turn into vicious little critters that attack people.
- Fizgigg from The Dark Crystal. If a tribble and a bear trap had a baby....
- "HI, I'M A BUNNY!" This is a subversion. You don't need to be a genius to realize how dangerous Carl is...especially if you fit in his mouth.
- Bleak Expectations: A pack of under-water squirrels, who are capable of biting arms off, and chase Pip Bin, and his aunt, across the length of Britain for revenge after Pip ate several of them.
- Subverted with the killer sloth ("Nature's deadliest and slowest assassin!"), who is expected to violently kill Pip, his sister Pippa and best friend Harry Biscuit... only for it to remain asleep, even with the assistance of coffee. It then gets blown up along with the building it and the protagonists were in.
- In the the radio show Old Harry's Game, Satan finds the most evil being in the world is a Dolphin. Called Chuckles.
- In one episode of A Prairie Home Companion, cowboys Dusty and Lefty come across "The Free-Range Chicken", which they then engage, and nearly lose to, in a gunfight.
- In The Gamer's Alliance, Plushiebunny's first form looks like a cute and harmless black rabbit. It couldn't be further from the truth as he quickly reveals that he is indeed one of the God of Beasts's deadliest creations. There are also the monsters of the woods who turn out to be pink and fluffy bunnies; they are so vicious and terrifying that they make even an archmage and a demigod flee in terror.
- The South Sydney Rabbitohs have won more premierships than any other Rugby League team in Australia. note
- The Pittsburgh Penguins. Penguins are not exactly known for their toughness.
- The Youngstown State Penguins were the dominant team of The '90s on the I-AA/FCS level of Collegiate American Football.
- How exactly the Saints (New Orleans, St Kilda, Southampton) pull off a appropriately-tough brand and team image when their chosen name evokes beatific serenity, patience, and long suffering for their beliefs, is a tricky question. A few American colleges (Aquinas in Michigan, Saint Francis in Illinois, Santa Fe in Florida) even go a step further in this direction by using Saints, then having their mascot be that paragon of cuddly, Gentle Giant heroism, the Saint Bernard.
- The battle for "most kawaii college sports mascot" comes down to the Cal State Monterey Bay Sea Otters versus the Columbia College (of South Carolina) Koalas (Columbia's sports logo
tries to avert High Koala-ty Cuteness, though).
- The Werebears toys were seemingly adorable teddy bears with reversible heads and paws that would reveal their "nasty" face when turned inside out.
- Aurora's Monster Scenes line of model kits featured a very fearsome-looking "sabre tooth rabbit" in a large jar as part of the Mad Scientist Laboratory kit "Gruesome Goodies."
- Fiesty Pets
, which look like harmlessly cute animals at first, but when you squeeze their backs they bare their fangs and scowl.
Visual Novels
- After playing Hatoful Boyfriend to completion, Chukar partridges feel like singly terrifying little fluffy heretics. Thanks to the other characters, the "Bad Boys Love" route, and the sequel Holiday Star, fantail pigeons and king quail are not far behind on the list of adorable birds that you will fear forever. Bad Boys Love reveals Yuuya and "Kazuaki" to be murderers, and Holiday Star ultimately reveals what happened to the real Nanaki Kazuaki.
- Umineko: When They Cry has the Chiester Sisters, very cute and innocent-looking rabbit girls… who can detect you, lock you on and shoot you dead with absolute precision from a kilometer away. Their arrows are homing and armor-piercing, so hiding is useless.
Web Animation
- The Bunnykill
web animation series. A liberal exercise in the trope of Killer Rabbitry (and Katanas Are Just Better).
- Foof from the concept series Fuwa Fuwa Foof
is a variant in that while she has a cutesy appearance that doesn't give away her past experience as a vicious criminal, she's been doing her best to be a genuinely nice person ever since she retired. Plus, she didn't try to look cute back when she was active in crime, wearing a biker outfit with skull symbols (one of which is humanly realistic rabbit skull, on the back of the jacket and used as her signature criminal symbol) and menacing-looking shades.
- Happy Tree Friends has several small animals that are for some reason vicious. Whistle, the man-eating puppy, a man-eating baby turtle, and a flock of man-eating ducks have all appeared. Plus, well, most of the cast.
- The Metal Gear Solid short "Crab Battle!"
, where Naked Snake gets his ass handed to him by a Kenyan Mangrove Crab.
- Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Puppy Bot
, the friendly, child-sized, bulletproof axe murderer. If you survive, be sure to check out the man-eating ponies in his van.
- This short animated film Red
where Little Red Riding Hood refuses the advances of the wolf (who looks like a slightly feral child wearing a wolf costume) after spilling the cakes she was going to bring to her grandmother. After leaving brokenhearted, Red encounters a unicorn-horned rabbit, which she hugs (not noticing the evil toothed grin it makes before mutating into a bear-sized horned monster that was ready to devour Red before the wolf comes back in time to save the day.
- Sock is an adorable ever-smiling hamster. He is also a demon that destroys an entire city with his army of monsters from hell.
- The series True Tail includes a small rabbit girl named Melody the Bard. Not only does she have a lute, she has a whole plethora of ninja daggers!
- Cracked:
- "5 Adorable Animals That Are Turning to the Dark Side
- "The 6 Cutest Animals That Can Still Destroy You"
. Two-thirds are Australian, of course.
- "5 Adorable Animals That Are Turning to the Dark Side
- Devilbunnies
are an entire web community of people writing stories based on the idea that cute fluffy bunnies are taking over the entire world and making it cute and fluffy for their own nefarious purposes.
- Not physically dangerous, but the subjects of the website Disapproving Rabbits
can cause a severe feeling of inferiority. Especially this one
- The "Evil Animals
" contest on got a handful of such things, including literal as a pair of "bad rabbits
- Killerbunnies: Yes, they are literal killer bunny girls of varying ages, and straddle the lines between cute, horrifying, and utmostly creepy. Some of them are rather cute or Ugly Cute and wouldn't seem like a threat, that is, until one learns the hard way.
- Of course, this seems to be played to a hilt with Jeanne, in that while Creepy Cute, a normal person wouldn't suspect that she's dangerous, especially since some either think she is a doll or a little girl. In that vein, Valeriemissy is not someone would think twice of, until it is too late. However, that depends on whether or not she says something that one may find unsettling.
- Reverie doesn't look too dangerous, actually, she kind of verges on being rather Creepy Cute, even with the Exotic Eye Designs and whatnot, however, she wears a biohazard symbol for a reason, as she is some kind of Plaguemaster. To top it off, her backstory mentions her as being the apparent Patient Zero in a sudden rabies outbreak. What doesn't help this is that, according to her profile, she likes hugging.
- Despite Mortasheen's inherent emphasis on all things ugly and disgusting, from simply distasteful little critters to nightmarish Eldritch Abominations, a good number of the monsters are cute enough (relatively speaking) to pass as these. For example, the Chainsaw Kid
is about as cute as a creature with a chainsaw on its face can get, but piss it off for any reason whatsoever and your internal organs will invariably end up getting rearranged.
- On the website Muse Blog, run far, far away if you see a Hot Pink Bunny. They are out to rule the world, can turn people into zombies, and can survive atomic blasts. This may or may not be where their powers come from.
- From Not Always Right, this guy's
last tetanus shot was from being bitten by a duck.
- Reddit: This
is a HFY thread that describes humans as a race of Killer Rabbits, and the galaxy knows it. It's even lampshaded multiple times. Basically, humanity goes out into the stars and the galaxy goes "Aw, they're adorable". This trope also gets deconstructed in that humanity, while very clearly taking offense to this reaction, the general reaction is to swallow their pride and shamelessly put both the "Killer" and "Rabbit" parts to good use.
- SCP Foundation:
- As a general rule, messageboards such as generally agree that the sillier a character is, the more dangerous they are because they are not bound by the laws of reality and able to do things like shrug off nuclear explosions and swallow man-sized creatures whole. If a "wacky cartoon" character appears in Real Life, it would be considered, as an entity above and beyond the laws of physics, an Eldritch Abomination that will shatter all science but simply taking A Form You Are Comfortable With. As a result, the higher they place on a Cool Versus Awesome combat tier, and folks such as Bugs Bunny and Kirby are described as being able to Curb-Stomp Battle more (relatively) "realistic" characters like Space Marines, Jedi or Master Chief.
Web Videos
- In Epic NPC Man, Ben is taken down by a cute little mouse in the "Danger Music" episode. In one of the Muggers' segments, the Honeywood muggers trick their rivals into mugging a chicken, inciting all the other chickens in town to dogpile the rivals and take them apart.
- "Honey badger don't care. Honey badger don't give a shit
- According to this video
, mocking the pug of Tess Masazza of the Italian Web Series Insopportabilmente Donna is a bad idea and immediately leads to a Disproportionate Retribution.
- Left POOR Dead: In this case Mr Snuffles who counts as a Killer Teddy Bear.
- Origins SMP: On the surface, Tubbo is perhaps one of the most innocent-looking members of the server, as his Origin is a Bumblebee, and his initial skin put him in a striped sweater, dungarees with a bee on the front, and fluffy bee slippers (at least, before his Evil Costume Switch in Season 3). However, Tubbo regularly kills people for fun, and has plans to become the server's main villain.
- Wild Life SMP: While Day 3's Immortal Snails are deadly enough to dish out a One-Hit Kill, several players also find them very cute or goofy, as they're all effectively cosplaying as their assigned target. Pearl even states that she'll sort of miss them in the next session, and calls her episode "If Not Friend, Why Friend Shaped?".
- The unofficial mascot "Commie Bunny" for China's armed forces is a rabbit, because Tǔgòng (土共; "Rural Communists") can be seen as a pun of tù, "rabbit" (兔). There has been a web series on China's modern history Call of the Rabbit: Modern Communism which depicts China as a rabbit while all other countries used more traditional animal stereotypes.
- Chickens. Despite being cute, domesticated animals, they are ferocious fighters - in some places they have been used for cockfighting before they were even used for food. Roosters have long and sharp spurs - long enough to reach arteries of an unlucky human. In fact, chikens are the smallest animals, that have rarely but regularly killed humans (including adults) with force (and not with poison, venom, infection or an allergy).
- Squirrels were almost universally considered harmless, most often adorable rodents that went nuts over nuts and other plant matter only... until a study in 2024
observed ground squirrels in the US actively hunting and eating voles (another species of rodents). None of the scientists involved could quite believe what they were seeing, and the exact reasons for this unexpected change in the squirrels' diet remain under investigation.
"Aaaaaawwwwww, look at the cute little AAAAH OH GOD MY ARM IT ATE MY ARM OH GOD THE PAIN!"
Pecking Rabbid
A cute baby chick starts attacking a Rabbid over his pretzel, and when the Rabbid seemingly manages to bond with the chick, the tiny jerk just continues to attack him for more food.
Example of:
Feathered Fiend