Kryptonite-Proof Suit - TV Tropes
- ️Fri Dec 31 2010
Turns out vampires just get killer sunburns.
Weaksauce Weaknesses are great to exploit, but suck to have. However, clever and enterprising creatures of the night, aliens, mutants, robots, or what-have-you's can create a limited resistance or immunity by counteracting its effects. Vulnerable to fire? Asbestos-fiber suit! Holy objects repel? Wear a Darwin-fish necklace!note Does water dissolve you? Coat yourself in water-proof paste! This doesn't even need to be limited to clothing, a sun-blocking satellite and a Protective Charm are among many possibilities to counter their weaknesses.
Usually this resistance is limited in some way, it may be bulky or conspicuous, only works once, or rubs off over time. It's also possible for an enemy to somehow nullify the resistance with a counter... unless they have a counter to that counter.
Commonly used in response to the Kryptonite Factor when Kryptonite Is Everywhere. Speaking of Kryptonite, it certainly helps when you're trying to fight it off. Contrast Flaw Exploitation. Not to be confused with Removed Achilles' Heel, which involves someone developing a permanent way to rid themselves of a weakness rather than use an external protection. In some rare cases, this can also crossover with Powered Armor, sometimes it doesn't hurt to have your suit that's able to nullify your weakness to also have a few tricks up its sleeve.
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- The page image is of an ad from supermarket chain ALDI, advertising lower-cost sunscreen with an ad of a sunbathing vampire
at the beach.
Anime & Manga
- Pokémon the Series:
- One episode has a girl cover her Onix (weak against water-elemental Pokémon) in water-repellent wax.
- Multiple episodes have Jesse, James, and Meowth either wear suits insulated against Pikachu's electric attacks or build that feature into whatever Humongous Mecha they've built for their latest scheme — only to learn the hard way that Ash and his friends have plenty of other tricks up their sleeves.
- Ranma ½: "Waterproof soap" protects the wearer from having their Jusenkyō curse triggered... until it wears off.
- Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase: Friendly vampire Hazuki constructs a sun-protection suit (which is more like a big cat suit) in order to go outside during the day so she can visit Kouhei at the hospital. She thinks far enough ahead that she doesn't include eyeholes to avoid letting sunlight in, however it never occurred to her that not having eyeholes would make it impossible to see...
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vampires and Pillar Men are killed by sunlight, but the latter are capable of using Voluntary Shapeshifting to crawl into people and use their bodies as sunlight-proof Living Bodysuits. One of those Pillar Men, Wamuu, takes it a step further by realizing he can use his unique air powers to form a light-bending suit of wind around his body, which also comes with the advantage of Invisibility, though it takes a lot of energy to maintain so he likes to use it for surprise attacks before dashing back to the safety of shadowed areas to rest up for the next use.
- Monster Musume:
- My Monster Secret: It comes up when Youko is trying to deal with the sun's rays. Asahi remarks that it's too bad she can't just use sunscreen...except it turns out she can, she just never thought of it before because she's a ditz.
Comic Books
- Shazam!: In Whiz Comics #68 "The Laugh Lotion", Dr. Sivana has come up with his own formula for laughing gas, which makes Captain Marvel unable to stop or capture him because he is unable to do anything other than rolling with laughter. After several failed attempts to catch Sivana, Marvel realizes the obvious solution and puts on a gas mask.
- Superman:
- Superman typically beats up Metallo and other Kryptonite-powered enemies by wearing a lead suit. Sadly, it tends to tear when he exerts his full Flying Brick package.
- The Boy of Steel vs. the Thing of Steel: Subverted. Superboy builds an armor suit out of lead to handle a Kryptonite meteorite, but his armor becomes useless when Bizarro accidentally opens a tear.
- In the Heroic Fantasy Elseworld League of Justice, the Sovereign had golden armour to protect himself from the Crypton powerstone powering the Green Knight's ring — thereby combining "dense metal" (Kryptonite) with "yellow" (Green Lantern ring).
- In Kryptonite Nevermore, a Kryptonite power engine is tested. In case Professor Bolden couldn't control the kryptonite chain reaction, Superman made a lead-coated shield to fit over the energy unit.
- In Justice, Superman wears one during the final battle. As a subversion, it turns out to be Captain Marvel in the Superman lead suit.
- In Action Comics #481 he also had a Supermobile, an enclosed craft that shielded him from kryptonite and red-sun radiation.
- In Who Took the Super out of Superman?, villain Xviar gaslights Superman by chemically treating his Clark Kent clothes so that they nullify his powers. A little later, Superman has to fight Kryptonite Man. Since Pre-Crisis Kryptonians were immune to Kryptonite radiation while being depowered, he puts on a chemically-treated suit under his Superman costume and decks the radioactive villain via a good punch.
- "Luthor Unleashed!": Superman shields himself from Lexor's red solar rays by coating his body with some kind of ultra-reflective transparent liquid sun-screen solution. However, the chemicals will wear off before long, so Superman has to end the battle soon.
- In Legion of Super-Heroes story arc The Great Darkness Saga, Brainiac 5 cooks up a micro-circuitry that, attached to Superboy's suit, lets him keep his powers even under Daxam's red sun. Unfortunately it gets broken when Superboy fights his clone.
- Supergirl also wears Kryptonite-proof suits every so often. In Elseworld's Finest: Supergirl & Batgirl, Supergirl wrapped herself up in Batgirl's cloak — which was made of lead-impregnated silk — to shield herself from Lex Luthor's Kryptonite traps as they explored his lair.
- Subverted in The Killers of Krypton. Kara dons a Kryptonite-proof spacesuit to explore Krypton's radioactive remains. Unfortunately, the intensity of the Kryptonite radiation is too strong to be completely filtered out by the suit, and it can only protect Kara for a short while.
Supergirl: I underestimated the potency of all the Kryptonite radiation here. The suit will filter out most of it.
- In Supergirl's Three Super Girl-Friends, Brainiac 5 gives Supergirl a force-field belt that shields her from Kryptonite radiation.
- The Condemned Legionnaires: After the death of Supergirl's evil duplicate, the Legion discover that her outfit is really an armor suit made of lead and painted to look like clothing, thus explaining how she could resist and handle Kryptonite.
- "Superman and Spider-Man": Superman improvises one when he goes into Doom's embassy and Doom greets him with a Kryptonite ray. Since Superman knows Doom has walls and floor lead-lined, he rips one chunk of floor, rolls himself up in it and spins at super-speed until the heat from air friction melts the lead into a skintight covering, and gets rid of the Kryptonite before Luthor can stop him.
- Wonder Woman (1987): As Daxamites are fatally vulnerable to lead when "Julia" of Daxam is next seen after helping abolish slavery in the Sangtee Empire she is wearing a power suit with a built-in personal force field to protect her in addition to her status as a Kryptonian level Flying Brick.
- X-Men:
- The Juggernaut has the sole weakness of being vulnerable to telepathy (otherwise he's completely invincible). To negate this, he typically wears an enormous helmet to block telepathic attacks. When he got sick of that being knocked off constantly, he started wearing a smaller, more compact skullcap that was harder to remove.
- Jubilee, when she became a vampire, used a special medallion to protect her from the sun.
Fan Works
- Abraxas (MonsterVerse): Apex Cybernetics are working on protective infantry gear designs designed for the new age of the Titans, and Ren Serizawa thinks about how they can be insulated against the radiation that Titans feed on and produce so that humans can safely tread through Titan territory. The Timeline reveals this new gear is finalized in 2022. In the ascended recursive fic Abraxas: The Clash of Silver, this gear is being worn by the Hollow Earth expedition.
- Btvs: Seasons Rewrite (Buffy the Vampire Slayer): Willow enchants special talismans in the form of necklaces to allow Angel and Spike to be active during the day. She later does the same for Oz, in order to suppress his werewolf side.
- In Book One of The Last Son Superman creates a space suit made of nanomachines for outer space missions. Starting in Book Two, he repurposes it so it can protect him from Kryptonite radiation.
- In To Hell and Back (Arrowverse), Barry Allen designs Kryptonite-proof clothes for Kara which allow her to use Kryptonite weapons against her rogue kin.
- The Warcrafter: At Christmas time, Adrian (shapeshifted into a reindeer) infiltrates Piggot's office and delivers enchanted Gnomish gadgets to the Protectorate and Wards that complement their parahuman powers.
- Vista, who had incredible Space Master powers but is in trouble if someone gets too close, gets a Shrink Ray to incapacitate those that do.
- Clockblocker has range issues with his Time Stop power (who wants to get close enough to tap Hookwolf on the shoulder?), so he gets a Freeze Ray (charged by his power, no less) to mimic it at range.
- Aegis can take a lot of damage before going down but doesn't actually heal any faster, so he gets a "Recombobulator belt" that can restore him to full health a few times a day. He also gets healing bandages and bracers to protect him from fire and ice (two of the most common sources of damage at the cellular level).
- Browbeat, who can manipulate his biology to grow muscles, gets a Magic Costume to fit.
- Gallant, under Adrian's assumption that his Emotion Bomb powers are based on the Intellect attribute, gets a pair of Intellect-boosting goggles. They not only enhance his emotion-sensing sight, but also dramatically increase the kinetic force of his emotion blasts.
- Kid Win gets a box of parts to Tinker with and a note telling him to "Think Modular".
- Velocity's strength and ability to affect the world decrease, the faster he goes, so he gets strength- and damage-boosting knuckle-dusters to boost his strength up to regular human levels at high speed... and superhuman levels at normal speed.
- Battery's power relies on her staying still in order to charge up her speed and strength — so she gets an Invisibility and Force Field belt to protect her while she is stationary.
- Miss Militia gets reusable special effect grenades, as well as a mundane backup gun.
- Armsmaster, who is normally limited to close quarters with his halberd, gets a pair of Rocket Boots (as well as the designs).
- Dauntless, whose enhancement touch is limited to his stamina, gets a stamina-boosting belt, so his items can grow much faster.
- Glory Girl also gets enhancements from Adrian — a headband to focus her Emotion Bomb aura into a spotlight (as well as preventing unwanted leakage, and a belt to fold her personal force field and give her more hits. Reverse-engineering the headband proves useful against the Simurgh.
- Hellsister Trilogy: During The Apokolips Agenda, Superman and Supergirl have a run-in with Kryptonite Man, which prompts Kara to wear a lead suit for the rest of the Darkseid War just in case she runs into him again.
- In Kara of Rokyn, Kryptonian scientist and reformed villain Shyla Kor-Onn develops an armored space suit that filters specific waves of radiation, letting Kryptonians retain their powers in red star systems.
About her, she wore a clear skin-tight armor that filtered out certain waves of radiation and let others through. It was something Shyla Kor-Onn had developed, and Kara was mighty glad she had. Because she saw the star which was the center of the system she was headed for, and its hue was red.
If she wasn’t wearing the armor, she’d have been powerless and dead within seconds. - In The Unfantastic Adventures of Bizarro No. 1, the Blue-Kryptonite Men invade Bizarro World once again. In the past, Bizarros developed lead armors to fight and drive the Blue-K Men away. Of course, being Bizarros, they'll not use it now PRECISELY because it'd be the smart thing to do.
- Nerve Damage: Samson covers his hair with strips of rawhide to make it harder for foes to cut it off and depower him. Moses covers his hair with a layer of bronze for further protection.
Films — Live-Action
- There's a pretty infamous scene in Blade (1998) where baddie Frost shows up in the sunlight because he put on sunblock (though it must be noted that he caked it on really thickly and stayed in the shade). In another scene, and again in the second and third movies, the vampires use full-body leather suits and motorcycle helmets when they want to go out in the sun.
- The vampires in Daybreakers have built a civilization around this with sun-proof cars, sub-walks, and UV-insulated excursion suits. One scene has a member of the human resistance standing guard in an open field in broad daylight, only to have a vampire soldier appear behind her in full body armour.
- The vampiric villains in the 1996 Vampirella movie also used full body suits to go around in the daylight.
- The Strangers in Dark City have created a world where it's always night, so they can experiment on people without being injured by sunlight.
- The Twins Effect, a Hong Kong vampire/action/romance film, has a similar gag to the one in Vampires Suck, though, in that film, the vampires evidently didn't know that sunblock existed, and ended up having to make their own. It worked for a while, and then smoke ensues.
- In Highlander: The Source, The Guardian wears a large piece of neck-armor that makes him immune to decapitation attacks, which is pretty useful seeing as how that's the only way to kill an immortal. The Spoony Experiment, in his review of the movie, admits that as ridiculous as the armor looks (making him look like a cross between Pyramid Head and a pelican), it's actually a very clever protective measure for the whole decapitation thing. Naturally, after defeating his first opponent using the advantage from the armor, the resulting Quickening inexplicably causes the armor to disappear and The Guardian never attempts to replace it.
- In Gremlins 2: The New Batch, the Brain Gremlin injects the Bat Gremlin with "Genetic Sunblock" which allows the latter to fly outside in the sunlight without dying.
- Seltzer and Friedberg's Vampires Suck parodies the famous Coppertone ad, as shown here
- The vampires in We Are the Night have "safe cars" with heavily tinted sun-proof windows and windshields, allowing them to drive around during the day.
- In Captain America: Civil War, this is the in-universe justification for Spider-Man's Expressive Mask — the eye windows have mechanical irises to help protect him from Sensory Overload when he goes into full "Spidey Mode".
- Oblivion (1994): Averted. In the sequel, Doc Valentine believes he's designed a limb for Stell that won't malfunction around dakonium. She is so happy when she crushes something in dakonium's presence with it on that she starts laughing with joy...until the hand won't unclench and shoots off her wrist. Maybe she should just move?
- Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat: Heavy sunblock and wide-brimmed hats let the vampire Monster Town citizens walk around in broad daylight, albeit not without some discomfort.
- Immortal Guardians: The older the Immortal, the higher their sun tolerance. For the youngest Immortals who can only tolerate mere minutes of sun exposure, the Network has created thick, head to toe rubber suits, similar to the kind used for diving, allowing them to participate in day time ops.
- The city-state of Tonzimmiel in The Quest of the Unaligned is surrounded by an energy field that rips the power from every mage that passes through it. It was created six hundred years before the book starts to insulate Tonzimmiel from The Magocracy that rules the surrounding country of Caederan, and it worked for a good long while. About a century ago, the Caederians figured out how to bypass the barrier's effects, and some of them have been living the masquerade in Tonzimmiel ever since.
- Thud!: Sally (a Classical Movie Vampire)'s daylight travel precautions don't go much further than shades and a big hat. The ones in Carpe Jugulum could more or less handle sunlight, but it required decades of training and self-improvement.
- In Claw & Warder, Hercule DuSang explains that sunlight used to be a problem for vampires. But now they have sunscreen and melanin treatments to deal with that.
- The Laundry Files: In The Rhesus Chart, one of the first things the newly-turned PHANGs decide to invest in is burqas. While they don't plan to go out in sunlight, they realize they'll need something to cover their skin if the building they work in catches fire - and being in London, a city of immigrants, people aren't going to pay people in burqas too much mind.
Live-Action TV
- In an early episode of Angel, there was a ring that gave the wearer immunity from sunlight. Angel wore it one day, then destroyed it. And in a much more crude DIY example, in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike had his car with all the windows blacked out and squinting through it to see where he is going. Later seasons had him covering himself in a blanket while trailing smoke and running like hell when he needed to get somewhere during the day.
- After taking over the LA branch of Wolfram & Hart, Angel and Spike both work out of a skyscraper office with special "Necro-Tempered" glass windows, which allows them both to enjoy full sunshine while working. Angel also is outfitted with an entire garage of fancy sports cars, all of which have had the same treatment.
- Raj in The Big Bang Theory can never get a girlfriend because he is unable to speak to women due to his selective mutism. He's able to get around this by getting drunk. Unfortunately, when he's drunk, he acts like a bit of a dick. In one episode, he signs up to try an experimental drug that would allow him to talk to women. The drug has strange side effects, like causing him to repeat actions over and over. In the end, it wears off just as a beautiful woman is expressing interest in him.
- In another episode, he tries different drug and is again capable to confidently talk to women. Until the side effects again kicks in and he began to strip naked in front of a girl he is talking to. Inside of a café.
- Kara's aunt Astra in Supergirl (2015) has a literal Kryptonite-Proof Suit. In season 2, Kara's allies pull it out of storage and modify it for use against Metallo.
- In The Adventures of Superboy, Superboy hastily puts together a suit of lead armor for a fight against Metallo. Unfortunately it's not super-strength proof, so Metallo tears it to shreds in a matter of seconds. The gloves did prove useful once Superboy managed to rip his kryptonite chunk out.
- A downplayed example in Moonlight, as these vampires are able to survive being in the sunlight, but it drains them quickly, making them thirsty for blood. So they tend to wear hats, sunglasses, and long coats and stick to the shadows during the daytime. Still, Mick was able to survive walking in the desert for hours without all that.
- Parodied in What We Do in the Shadows (2019) when Nadja and Jenna put on motorcycle helmets and thick jackets to see if they'll be protected from the sunlight, like in Blade (1998). It doesn't work.
Tabletop Games
- One group in Werewolf: The Apocalypse used high-grade protective suits to survive in a lake of liquid silver (a place in the Umbra, usually used as "cure-or-kill" treatment for badly corrupted individuals, where they were sent as punishment). This was one of their many bright ideas. There are also various Gifts that allow Garou to soak damage from silver.
- Vampire: The Masquerade: The Discipline of Fortitude grants a vampire Super-Toughness that allows them to resist even fire and sunlight, their most deadly vulnerabilities.
- In Mage: The Ascension, Mages can use Periapts to take a certain amount of Paradox in their stead, and sufficiently-skilled practitioners of Prime can "pay off" Paradox with Quintessence.
- In Dungeons & Dragons there are a couple of spells and magic items that can shield creatures from sunlight. Useful for vampires and a number of other sun-vulnerable creatures.
- d20 Modern sourcebook Urban Arcana has an even better one, due to its utter mundanity. So you're a drow elf and bright lights blind you because your eyes are so sensitive? Wear sunglasses or tinted visors!
- Tyranny of Dragons: Trespin the troll wears a flame-retardant cape to protect himself from fire damage, which can shut down his natural Healing Factor.
- Pathfinder: The low-level "Protective Penumbra" spell cloaks the target in shadows, protecting creatures who would otherwise be Weakened by the Light.
Video Games
- In the Punch-Out!! series, King Hippo is soundly beaten by Little Mac repeatedly punching him in the belly button. King Hippo learns from this the second time around and searches for things to use as armor, eventually deciding to place a steel sewer grate over his belly button. However, it doesn't help since he used probably the most realistic duct tape in video game history.
- In Fire Emblem, many units are weak to certain types of weaponry (ex. fliers are weak to bows, cavalry are weak to ridersbanes, and so on). However, there are rare items and skills capable of nullifying these weaknesses.
- The first and most famous one of these is Iote's Shield, primarily associated with King Michalis of Macedon. It's an item in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, and Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem and a skill in Fire Emblem: Awakening, Fire Emblem Heroes, and Fire Emblem Warriors. In Mystery and Warriors, it negates all of the bearer's weaknesses, while in the other games, it only works for fliers.
- In its first implementation, the Nihil skill in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. This skill has the same effect as other games, where it nullifies not just battle skills (though those skills like Astra, Luna, and Sol, are rare) but also negate critical hits. In that game, weaknesses like bows on fliers are considered critical hits, so when they have Nihil, they are no longer weak to bows. For example, Alec has Nihil so he is immune to the Knight Killer's anti-cavalry effect and he could pass it down to other children that are affected by their weaknesses. Like Michalis, Arion has Nihil to nullify his bow weakness.
- Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade and Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade have the Delphi Shield, an accessory that protects fliers from bows and wind magic. You can steal it from Narcian in The Binding Blade and get another one when you recruit him in Trial Map mode, while you can find it in a chest during "Battle Before Dawn" in The Blazing Blade.
- Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones has the Fili Shield, an accessory that also protects fliers from bows and wind magic. You can pry it off of Valter's corpse and get a second one when you recruit him during the Creature Campaign.
- Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance has the Full Guard, an accessory that protects any unit that equips it from bonus damage. It's also Dummied Out as a skill in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
- Fire Emblem: Awakening has the Conquest skill, which negates the wielder's armored and beast weaknesses. It is primarily associated with Walhart and also wielded by SpotPass Zephiel and DLC Ephraim. Walhart also retains the skill when you recruit him in Paralogue 19, and he can pass it down to Morgan if he fathers him.
- Fire Emblem Fates has the Winged Shield skill, which negates the wielder's flier weaknesses and allows them to benefit from terrain bonuses. It is primarily associated with Hinoka as an enemy on the Conquest route, who has the skill during both of her boss fights; it is also wielded by two generic Pegasus Knights in Chapter 11 on Lunatic. There's also the Dummied Out Armor Shield and Beast Shield skills, which respectively nullify the bearer's armored and beast weaknesses.
- Fire Emblem Heroes:
- Grani's Shield, wielded by Camus and Walhart, is an inheritable skill that nullifies the user's cavalry weakness.
- Svalinn Shield, wielded by Sheena, is an inheritable skill that nullifies the user's armored weakness. Ascended Idunn's Dew Dragonstone and Brave Hector's refined Maltet are both personal weapons that provide the same effect among other things.
- The recurring Iote's Shield skill is an inheritable skill that nullifies the user's flying weakness. Altina's Ashera's Chosen, Legendary Ryoma's Bushido II, Halloween Female Robin's Dragonscale, Legendary Female Robin's Dragonskin and Dragonskin II, Young Minerva's Dragoon Shield, Ashnard's Gurgurant, Hel's Hel's Reaper, and Spring Maria's Pastel Poleaxe are all personal weapons or skills that provide the same effect among other things, while Haar's Tempest's Claw protects him from anti-flier attacks at the cost of making him weak to blue tomes instead. Spring Myrrh's Harmonized Skill nullifies her flying weakness for one turn.
- Garon's Breath of Blight, Sothis' Sublime Surge, Winter Sothis' Snow's Grace, and Halloween Sothis' Eerie Scripture are all personal weapons that nullify the user's dragon weakness.
- Spring Idunn's Du Skill nullifies the armored and dragon weaknesses of her and any nearby allies for one turn.
- Fire Emblem: Three Houses has the Lampos Shield, Aurora Shieldnote and Kadmos Shield, which negate the weaknesses of cavalry, fliers and armored units respectively when equipped. Cindered Shadows adds the Chalice of Beginnings, obtainable as a clear bonus in the main game after completing the DLC sidestory, which nulls all weaknesses and allows the holder to counterattack regardless of range.
- In Pokémon, Elemental Rock–Paper–Scissors is a core element of the gameplay, and the battles are usually based around exploiting the enemy's type weaknesses; some of the items allow the fighters to bypass their weaknesses.
- Air Balloon lifts the user up in the air (and pops immediately after the user is attacked), giving it a temporary immunity for widespread Ground-type moves and entry hazards, and Heavy-Duty Boots prevent their user from any entry hazard damage at all. Assault Vest, which increases a Pokemon's Special Defense stat in exchange for forbidding it to use non-attacking moves is also a good variety of this trope for fighters with weak Special Defense who specialize in brute force.
- A variety of Berries can be used to weaken a single super-effective attack hitting a Pokemon. For fighters who have double weakness to a particular type, such as Whiscash, Togedemaru, Heatran, or Aurorus, this might be a lifesaver.
- In some way, abilities can be considered this trope, when they are passed to Pokemon temporarily by using Entrainment or Skill Swap. When such a situation happens, fighters with originally obvious Kryptonite Factor in their double weaknesses or crippling original abilities become much more potent: Slaking stops taking rests between hits, Archeops loses its fatalism and retains its power to the end, Parasect starts eating up Fire-type moves, and any Stone Wall who gets Magic Guard or Magic Bounce becomes immune to crippling and/or damage over time.
- Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver has a partial example, a vampiric empire that releases large amounts of smoke to reduce light levels.
- BloodRayne 2 had something similar in the form of 'the shroud' a blood-red cloud made up of ground-up people that blocks out sunlight, allowing vampires to walk around in the day and seriously warping the natural world.
- Remilia Scarlet of Touhou Project is a vampire, and thus is vulnerable to sunlight. Her solution to this problem is to cover Gensokyo in a blood-red mist to block sunlight, triggering the events of the sixth game, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. After being beaten by the heroines, she decided to simply use a parasol instead. Gets a Call-Back in the fighting games: Remilia can't participate in the daytime stages unless she's equipped with a parasol.
- Dracula's Castle in Castlevania has the power to block out the sun in a large area around it, creating a pocket of eternal night. Pretty handy for a vampire like Dracula. In pre-Lords of Shadow continuity, Dracula gained this power by claiming the Ebony Stone, one of two stones created by alchemy during experiments to create the Philosopher's Stone.
- In Splatoon, walking on ink of a color other than their own damages Inklings/Octolings and slows them to a crawl. To counteract this, there's the Ink Resistance ability which lowers the damage received while standing in enemy ink and decreases the movement penalty while moving through it.
- Rubicante, leader of the Four Fiends in Final Fantasy IV, has a cloak that lets him absorb the spells that would normally harm him, exploiting it in his boss battles. In Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, if certain requirements are met, he will give his cloak to his Worthy Opponent, Edge.
- Zombies and skeletons in Minecraft are allergic to sunlight but if they're spawned wearing a helmet, they'll be immune to it.
- In Lunar Knights, the vampires are protected from the sun's light by their "Casket Armor". In order to defeat them, Lucian and Aaron have to defeat them in battle and bring them to space to purify them with the Sunflower, a sun-powered Kill Sat, as the vampire's ParaSOL/Planet Eater Byron has rendered the sunlight on the surface too weak to purify a vampire.
- Might and Magic VIII explained that the vampires that could be recruited into the party (and your starting character if you were a vampire) had received a special amulet that protects against sunlight while also not interfering with the magic of any other amulets they might wear. As it was not logistically possible to provide amulets for the entire vampire population, the Necromancer's Guild of Shadowspire also looked into more regional solutions.
Web Animation
- DC Super Hero Girls sees Bumblebee's drones outfit a fallen Supergirl with such a suit (made of lead).
- Happy Tree Friends: In "Gems the Breaks", Splendid wears a hazmat suit to protect himself from the Krypto-Nut.
- Helluva Boss: In one of the shorts, Blitzo is hired to assassinate an Otaku and literal Nightmare Fetishist who posted an unpopular opinion on a fan forum. His attempt to kill her is at first thwarted, despite her enthusiasm, by a necklace she's wearing based on a holy artifact from an anime. Apparently even fictional holy items are effective against demons.
- In Supernormal Step, a vampire wears a full-body, skin-tight suit in order to go out in the sun.
- The Kingfisher has the vampire Theodore combine Properly Paranoid and Crazy-Prepared by going to sleep in asbestos pajamas. Comes in real handy when he's shot with incendiary rounds during the day.
- In The Order of the Stick, vampiric Minister Malack has researched a protection from daylight spell, which he casts on himself every day to function in public by day, and keeps an extra cast prepared and a staff with charges of the same, just in case it gets dispelled. After Malack uses his spare prepared cast on a newly converted minion, Nale disarms the staff and has Zz'dtri dispel the active spell, letting the desert sun destroys him.
Web Original
- In The Incredible Hero
, a continuing add-a-chapter-as-you-go story on a pre-HTTP message board, the eponymous hero was once attacked by Darth Vader. Luckily, he was wearing his dark-side-of-the-force-proof vest.
- In the first Carmilla stories of the Whateley Universe, she is vulnerable to sunlight. She goes to Superhero School Whateley Academy and wears a full-body latex-looking suit with school clothes over it.
Western Animation
- An episode of The Powerpuff Girls (1998) involves the head honcho of Things That Go "Bump" in the Night, The Boogie Man, launching a giant disco ball into space to block out the sun so all the monsters can come out during the day and party ALL NIGHT LONG!
- Invader Zim:
- Zim is burned by water, so he cooks up a paste-based film coating to protect himself.
- In another episode, Zim becomes paranoid that he'll become infected by Earthborn germs that he has no natural resistance to, so he creates a suit of germ-repellent SPACE MEAT!!!
- In the Futurama episode "A Tale Of Two Santas", Leela tries to destroy Robot Santa with a paradox. Unfortunately, Santa comes equipped with paradox-absorbing crumple zones.
- The plot of the Cuban animated feature Vampiros en la Habana revolves around the creation of a vampire sunscreen.
- Superman: The Animated Series introduced a lead-lined suit to protect Supes against Kryptonite radiation. It came in real handy during its debut episode against the Parasite. Thereafter it suffered The Worf Effect as every time it appeared it was torn or destroyed early into the battle (dipped in magma, ripped off by Krypto, freeze cracked, acid...) He had a much simpler (and weirder) solution to fighting Livewire and her electric powers along with Parasite. Supes pretty much just laminated himself in a thin layer of rubber, since it doesn't conduct electricity. It was a much better idea than wearing rubber gloves, but Livewire more or less compares it to wearing a giant condom.
- Super Friends:
- In "Terror from the Phantom Zone", the three evil Kryptonians Hul, Logar, and Rom-Lok wear lead suits to expose Superman to red kryptonite, which caused him to suffer Rapid Aging, without affecting themselves. Superman grabs the Idiot Ball when he attempts to attack them despite seeing them in the suits and carrying a lead-lined box.
- In "Super Friends: Rest in Peace", Apache Chief wears a lead suit in order to find and dispose of the Noxium Crystal, which acts as kryptonite to all superheroes.
- In "The Super Friends Meet Frankenstein", both Robin and a Frankenstein's Monster absorb powers from the rest of the show's heroes, including Superman. After battling to a stalemate, Robin uses a lead suit and a chunk of kryptonite to defeat the creature.
- As part of a one-off gag in Scooby-Doo! and the Reluctant Werewolf, Count Dracula claims to no longer fear sunlight thanks to sunscreen. The bottle he uses has an SPF of one million.
- An episode of Hercules: The Animated Series centers around Achilles. During the entire episode, he wears a piece of armor around his heel.
Real Life
- Some people with over-active senses or who are overwhelmed easily by certain stimuli can "protect" themselves in Boring, but Practical ways: Earplugs for hearing, noseplugs for smell, gloves for touch, and certain kinds of glasses or lenses for sight.
- Human life cannot go on in extremely cold temperatures. Guess what winter jackets do.
- Gas masks protect their wearers from all sorts of nasty chemicals, toxins, and substances in the air.
- Space suits guard against the vacuum of space.
- Those who sunburn easily can protect themselves with sunblock—you could very well think of it as anti-kryptonite lotion—or, more traditionally, by covering up every inch of their skin with long-sleeved clothes and hoods or hats. This is part of why desert-dwelling cultures such as the Bedouin are well-known for their long, billowy clothes and masks: before sunblock was developed, it was the best way to prevent both sunburns and protect from the biting, sand-filled winds of the open desert.
- Chlorine trifluoride, a substance that can ignite literally everything (including ashes and sand), can be stored in metal containers because of this trope. The initial reaction between the chlorine trifluoride and the metal creates a thin layer of metal fluoride, one of the few substances the chemical can't ignite. If anyone's stupid enough to scrub the layer off, on the other hand...