LOL, 69 - TV Tropes

  • ️Sat Dec 22 2018

LOL, 69 (trope)

The first two answers are boring, the third is a reference... Pick the one that is unrelated to the question.

The number 69 is slang for a particular sex act where two participants perform oral sex on each other at the same time, which is why it's often used for jokes. It's also a good source of Demographically Inappropriate Humor since most children won't get it. If the number is mentioned by a character, the other character is likely to react with Heh Heh, You Said "X".

The origin of 69 being used as shorthand for this kind of thing in particular is a translation of the Kama Sutra that numbered the various 'positions' listed, number 69, of course, being the Congress of the Crow. As knowledge of this factoid become more well-known, wags soon noticed that the number used was amusingly self-demonstrating (that it, the "6" and a "9" look like the same thing, turned in opposite directions and pressed together), and thus the jokes about it self-perpetuated.

Not to be confused with 6 Is 9.

Compare with 420, Blaze It, Pun with "π", Calculator Spelling and more generally with Inherently Funny Words.


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Anime & Manga 

  • The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You:
    • Chapter 69 introduces a girlfriend with a fetish for groping women's chests.
    • When Kusuri is being introduced, the first of her drugs we see her demonstrate temporarily turns a human into a magnet. A person who consumes it drug's opposite pole will be pulled to the first person. If someone drinks the same pole as another they'll be pulled into the first person, but also turned upside down in the process. The anime dub's version of this scene has Rentarou claim he has 69 problems with that outcome.
  • Toujou Nozomi, the washi washi master from Love Live!, has June 9th (6/9) as her birthday.
  • In the episode "Game Gone Bad" of the dub of Case Closed, Richard is handed a coat check key marked "96" and idly remarks, "That's almost my favorite number."
  • In Destiny of the Shrine Maiden, Corona, one of the Necks of Orochi, is ranked 69th on the idol rankings, and being reminded of that rank is a sore spot for her. Considering that Corona was forced to prostitute herself just to get that far, the sexual connotations of the number 69 may not have been a coincidence.
  • This is used as a Stealth Pun in Kaguya-sama: Love Is War. At the start of the series, Shirogane is the president of the 67th administration and becomes president of the 68th when he wins his reelection campaign. So naturally, when resident Covert Pervert Iino succeeds him in the following election, that would make her...
  • Used for Black Comedy and Foreshadowing in Metamorphosis; Saki Yoshida is part of the 69th class to graduate from her middle school. Her life goes downhill from there as she is repeatedly taken advantage of and spirals into a self-destructive life of prostitution.


  • George Carlin alluded to this in his final stand-up special after his 70th birthday; he likes being 70, he claims, but not as much as he liked being 69.

    I guess now I'm 69 with 1 finger up my ass!

Fan Works 

  • B'Elannarella. When the title character challenges Anna Seven to a butt-naked bed-wrestling contest, Anna warns B'Elannarella that she is "...a student of the ancient French martial art of Soixante Neuf."
  • Captain Proton and the Planet of Lesbians starts at Chapter 69, after Previously on… cliffhanger for a non-existent Chapter 68.
  • In Plan 7 of 9 from Outer Space, Captain Proton has to fend off the amorous advances of an ILUV-69 Sex Bot.
  • In "The Killer Dame" (a Parody Fic of the Star Trek: Voyager episode "The Killing Game"), Seven of Nine is a female French Resistance fighter called Sioxante Neuf.

    Janeway: Well that name sounds very...French.

  • In the Star Trek: Voyager Parody Fic The Alternative Factor, a lesbian alien with an Overly Long Tongue introduces herself as "...the Kunni Lingus of Tribade Sixty-Nine."
  • Learning and Sburbing's Chapter "69 lmao". The author then has to explain herself on the AN for chapter 71.
  • The Kedabory Verse:
  • Naruto Veangance Revelaitons, a fic full of explicit sexual content, had exactly 69 chapters, and the author apparently chose the number due to what it meant.
  • The Nutdealer Expanded Universe: "Nude Alert", the closest the series comes to anything sexual, has a wordcount of exactly 69.
  • This untitled Zootopia fan comic plays with this and other common number gags: Nick and Judy come across a road sign with a 69 mph speed limit. They think it's hilarious, as well they do a 420 address number, and even when they go to the store and get charged $6.66 for supplies.
  • Exploited Trope in the XCOM: RWBY Within sequel XCOM: Remnant Unknown. A combat engineer from XCOM, whom everyone knows for his dirty jokes, when separated from the rest of XCOM, broadcasts a coded distress signal. Another XCOM radio tech easily picks up on this, telling his CO that said signal "looks like a cock and balls sir. Centered on the 69 megahertz bandwidth".
  • Surprisingly averted in the My Hero Academia fanfic Here We Go Loopty Loo. Aizawa awoke into the sixty-ninth loop expecting someone to invoke this, only for the yell heard to be one of fright from Bakugo. Turns out in this particular Loop Izuku actually tried to commit suicide only for a time-stopping Quirk to manifest at pretty much the last second.
  • In Infinity Train: Seeker of Crocus, Todd of the Aepx wants to boast that his number, compared to Ryu's (who is The Mole for his group Elipzo), is bigger. His number is 69. A few of the older kids are snickering at the joke. (For reference, Ryu has a five-digit number)
  • Total Drama Legacy: In "No Business Like Show Business", when Chef announces that the combined total of all the points the Classic Cobras earned in the talent show is 69 points, Marlin says "Nice." and he and Carter laugh.
  • In Confinement, the O5 Council all unanimously say "Nice" whenever Site-69 is mentioned.

    O5-1: It has come to my attention that Site-69 — nice!
    O5 Council: Nice!

  • Collector Hero: Synthesis: Camie, Toru, and Shoji are all amused upon learning Camie got 69 internship offers after the Sports Festival.
  • In The Case of the Ghost Biker, Fred and Daphne are an Official Couple. What room are they staying in? Room 69.
  • Geometry Dash Episodes: In GDE: The Cookie Shop, the "Funny Room" of the Tower of Idiots is revealed to be on Floor 69. Apparently, it was confused for being on Floor 420 instead.
  • Duran and Kiyohime's Omake Theater: A My-HiME fanfic set after the series proper, there is a Running Gag that Shizuru will find some way to "interpret" her fortune from her Chinese takeout as an excuse to drag her girlfriend Natsuki to bed...if they get that far. This becomes the central theme of Chapter 69, as Natsuki tries to hide her fortune from Shizuru, and Shizuru pounces on her and tickles her until she obtains the scrap of paper with the fortune on it. But then Natsuki reverses the position, ending up on top of Shizuru, who realizes she was tricked.

    Shizuru: Ara, Natsuki, you—oooh!—baited me with all this—mmmm—talk of me ravishing you just so you could trap me, didn't you

    Natsuki: Hey, I know how Chinese take-out always ends up. Do you think I'd have brought it home if I didn't want the inevitable to happen?

  • Cryptid: The joker "Nice" gives +420 Chips if you play a hand with both a 6 and a 9 in it.

Films — Animation 

  • Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe: After coming to the year 2022 by a wormhole, Beavis initially sees the year in a Texas BBQ Festival sign when Butt-Head points the number out, but he was actually pointing to the "69th Annual" portion and they both start laughing.
  • King Dick is an adult animated film from the 1970s that proves the joke has been around for quite a while as the premise involves a witch trying to achieve 69 orgasms in order to break the curse that turned her ugly in the first place and become beautiful again.
  • Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa: Skipper mentions to Alex that repairing the wrecked plane will take between 6 to 9 months, but Alex hears "69 months". The joke is revisited later when Kowalski, working on the plane with the chimps, states that they are behind by 6 to 9 years, and Skipper misinterprets it as "69 years".

Films — Live-Action 

  • Anarchy TV airs on Public Access channel 69.
  • Avengers: Endgame: After the five-year timeskip, Thor, Korg, and Miek are playing Fortnite against what's implied to be a pre-teen boy who has dubbed himself NoobMaster69. And they're losing.
  • Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure: Bill and Ted seem to have an affinity for this number.
  • This exchange from Goon (2011), discussing jersey numbers:

    Rollie: What number you wanna wear?
    Ryan: 69! Take the number 69! It's hilarious!
    Doug: Is that number taken?

  • In 30 Minutes or Less, the code to shut down the bomb vest the protagonist is trapped in is 69-69-69. Dwayne (the Big Bad) says that it's his favorite sex position as a justification for that.
  • Billy Madison: Miss Vaughn's entire third-grade class giggles when she announces that they will be reading from a story called "My Friend Fanny." Idiot Hero Billy is the only one still laughing when she then instructs them to open their books to page 69.
  • Mastizaade: Laila, the movie's Ms. Fanservice and a sex addict, has her hotel number be 69.
  • One of the many Star Trek Parallel Porn Titles included Deep Space Sixty-Nine.
  • The Suicide Squad: General Suarez is torturing Harley Quinn to find out how many other members of the Suicide Squad have landed on the island. Harley replies "Sixty-nine", and the General is quite alarmed until his torturer Silent Whispers an explanation in his ear; he's not amused and shock-prods Harley until she passes out.
  • In Ray, as the blind Ray Charles is escorted to his room by his latest fling, she asks for his room number. He sleazily tells her "69", (it isn't, BTW) causing her to squeal in delight.
  • M*A*S*H: During the football game between the 4077th and the 325th Evac hospital, a player with the jersey #69 says something which causes an opposing player to attack him and chase him down the fieldnote . Seeing this as an opportunity to boost the team's morale, Major Houlihan leads the other cheerleaders in chanting "Sixty-Nine is divine!", apparently oblivious to the Double Entendre.
  • Strictly Ballroom: "Ballroom King" and reigning champion Ken Railings is always assigned this number in ballroom dance competitions.


  • The 2069 trilogy of scifi gay erotica written by Larry Townsend in The '70s.
  • Ready Player One: Students attending school within the OASIS aren't allowed to display their avatar's name while on school grounds so the teachers don't have to call them by silly names. An example Wade provides of the alternative is a teacher asking a student called BigWang69 to stand up and give a book report.
  • Ryu Murakami's Sixty-Nine has the Double Entendre right in the title. The story is set in 1969, but the main plot revolves around a bunch of teenage Japanese Delinquents who are fond of boasting about their nonexistent sex lives.

Live-Action TV 

  • Agatha All Along: Ralph Bohner, who already has an Embarrassing Last Name, apparently goes by the handle "Bohneriffic69" on Reddit.
  • Whilst collecting the Netherlands' points during the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest, their spokesperson offered Sakis Rouvas (the host of the contest) his phone number, which Rouvas said "I bet it's 696969."
    • In the same show the following year, Ukrainian Andriy Danilko's drag queen persona Verka Serduchka wore a number 69 on their back, and went on to place 2nd.
  • On the American version of Family Feud, two contestants misunderstood the question "Name a number that men exaggerate", after the first contestant said "100" the rather innocent second contestant said "69" much to the audience's mirth and Steve Harvey's chagrin.
  • On a French version of Family Feud, a contestant responded to the question "Name a dangerous number [performed] at the circus" with "69".
  • According to the show's creators, Agent 99 from Get Smart was originally supposed to be Agent 69, but they couldn't get it past the censors.
  • The Good Place: In "Best Self", when the cast is discussing which iterations of them from the hundreds of Groundhog Day Loops were the best people, Jason suggests it could have been the 69th or the 420th (itself another inherently funny number). Eleanor high-fives him for it.
  • On How I Met Your Mother, the gang discovers that Robin was on a children's educational show at the height of her pop star career. It's also discovered the show has a number of inappropriate moments. At one point, Robin and her co-host have to solve simple math problems to travel through time. The third one is "twenty-three times three", but Barney shuts it off before we hear the answer.
  • Interview with the Vampire (2022): During the poker game in the series premiere, there's a subtle visual gag when Louis de Pointe du Lac holds both the 6 of Clubs and the 9 of Hearts next to each other, so together they form "69." Lestat de Lioncourt was ogling at Louis earlier while taking a long drag of his cigarette (which is a phallic symbol, and the cigarette holder makes it look thicker and longer), so it's easy to imagine what the dirty-minded Lestat was fantasizing about doing with Louis...
  • On The Last Man on Earth, Mike is able to guess that the combination to his brother's safe is 6969.
  • A Late Night with Conan O'Brien bit had Conan interviewing Bill Clinton (actually, Robert Smigel's lips superimposed over Clinton's face). While discussing his appearance on 60 Minutes, Clinton said he wanted to add 9 minutes to the show.
  • Lucifer:
    • In "Love Handles", the police are tracing an e-mail account the Killer of the Week uses to send his threats. Said account, which turns out to belong to a grad student and part-time library worker named Matthew Hoffing (whom Chloe and Lucifer catch watching porn at work), is apparently "dman69".

      Lucifer: That's a very clever play on words, by the way. Was "nevergetslaidno1" taken?

    • In "Welcome Back, Charlotte Richards", Chloe notices that Lucifer is distracted by something and tries to get his attention by telling him they have to find a lead who's currently on "Stage 69" of a film studio. When Lucifer doesn't react to the number she starts demanding answers.

      Chloe: Lucifer, I know you're not listening to me. "Creepy flasher"? "Stage 69"?
      Lucifer: 69? What...where?!

    • In "All About Eve", while undercover at an auction, Lucifer uses a paddle with 69 on it.
  • Mystery Science Theater 3000:
    • In the episode Red Zone Cuba, Mike and the bots are playing bingo when number 69 is called. Crow looks straight at the camera and says under his breath "69! Hehehe!"
    • Another episode, Riding With Death, has a mechanical readout clicking upwards past 68.

    Tom: Hey, my favorite number!
    Mike: ...70?
    Tom: Yeah, I love 70.

  • In North of 60, Teevee secretly records Sarah and Eric having sex, then proceeds to air an advertisement promoting the obscene footage that he plans to air through Lynx River's satellite TV system. He advertises the showing of "Naked Gun 69 1/2" to be released soon if the whole town tunes in to watch.
  • In The Office (US), Kevin Malone's favorite number is 69.
    • In the episode "Michael's Birthday", Jim and Pam buy Kevin 69 containers of cup ramen, because "it's his favorite number."
    • In "Dwight's Speech", the three accountants keep adjusting the thermostat. Oscar lowers it, Angela raises it, Kevin sets it to 69 degrees for the sake of it.
    • In "Last Day in Florida", he says he wants to be "wined and dined and sixty-nined".
  • In Orange Is the New Black, Red sends Piper a message via a The Book Cipher variant (circling letters to spell). Piper's cellmate tells her to check that page.

    Beth: Try page 69. They're always putting it there, think they're so tricky. Lame.

    • Nicky sends Red a message the same way, and it as well is on Page 69.
  • In Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin, Imogen is able to guess Tyler's phone password because he's a douchebag who'd have it be 69-69.
  • Immature contestants on The Price Is Right have inevitably used $69 or prices otherwise ending in 69 as bids on Contestants' Row. One of the first such incidents under then-new host Drew Carey was taken in stride, and there was one instance when someone who bid $69 got on stage because everyone else overbid.
  • VIP No. 4 from Squid Game bets on Player 069 entirely because of this innuendo, and gets pissed off when Player 069 kills himself after his victory over his wife in the marbles game resulted in her death. He decides to bet on Player 096 for the next game, simply because it's the closest he can get to 69 now. Player 096 is the first player to die in that game.
  • One sketch on The Tom Green Show had Tom trolling a bunch of people playing Bingo and one of the (actual) numbers called was "0-69", which he then tongue-in-cheek repeats as, "Ohh, sixty-nine!"
  • On Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Kimmy takes a career aptitude test and it tells her to consider the career with job code 69. Ever the innocent, her reaction is "I know that's funny, but I don't know why."
  • Referenced on WKRP in Cincinnati when Bailey notes that the average married couple makes love 2.96 times a week.

    Johnny: I wonder how they do the '96' part.

  • In season 2 of Jay Leno's You Bet Your Life, when the Secret Word is sponsored by Bingo Blitz, its accompanying graphics include a rolling O-69 bingo ball.


  • Bowling for Soup: The very end of the song "99 Biker Friends", which has nothing to do with anything sexual, contains the repeated background line "Just wanna mention this, 69 lesbians..." as Jaret continues to sing the actual song.
  • "Summer of '69" by Bryan Adams gives a double euphemism whenever he sings about the year 1969. Bryan Adams' cowriter Jim Vallance (who was 17 in the summer of 1969) insists "Summer of '69" is an innocent reference to the year. Adams himself (who was just 9 years old in summer 1969, not a teenager as the song implies) claims just as strongly that it's a deliberate Double Entendre. It doesn't help that Adams managed to sneak in the line "Me and my baby in a ’69" at the end.
  • Rapper Daniel Hernandez's stage name, 6ix9ine (or Tekashi69), reflecting his vulgar style. He also has over 200 tattoos of the number 69 on his body. 
  • Ninja Sex Party:
    • They have a ten minute song — called "6969" — where Danny and Brian take a time machine to the year 6969, thinking it'll be "a billion person orgy in an ocean of whipped cream". Subverted in that the year is actually a Dystopia, where sex and human touch in general has been outlawed, but played straight after they free everyone from their oppressors.
    • It's also mentioned in the lyrics of "Orgy for One" (which is about nobody showing up to Danny's orgy so he ends up having a glorified "self-love" session instead).

      Sixty-nine without the nine

  • Jossed by Question Mark (of Question Mark and the Mysterians), when he said that his group's hit "96 Tears" was NOT intended to be called "69 Tears" but changed because of the sex reference.
  • R.E.M.'s "Star 69" has a double double-entendre, the "Star" is according to Word of God intended to be understood in the same way as in "Star Me Kitten".
  • Rick James had a song called "She Blew My Mind (69 Times)", including the lyric "You turn my head around, you turn me upside down".
  • "Little 69" by the Rubettes is a car, and nothing else — but today you can't hear the lyrics without snickering. Especially the "little"...
  • On tool's album Undertow, there are 59 blank tracks in order to make the last song ("Disgustipated") be track 69.
  • Ministry did the same for a few of their albums: Dark Side Of The Spoon, Houses Of The Mole' and The Cover Up all have a Hidden Track on track 69. There's also the song "Psalm 69", which primarily a Religion Rant Song but uses some blatant sexual references to allude to sex scandals within organized religion and/or the idea that religious leaders will try to manipulate you and literally "screw you over".
  • Surprisingly also Jossed with 69 Love Songs. Magnetic Fields' frontman Stephen Merritt said any innuendo implied by the title was unintentional and the number was chosen just because it was fun to draw for the cover.
  • Ariana Grande has "34+35" off the album positions. Do the math.

    Can you stay up all night? / Fuck me 'til the daylight / Thirty-four, thirty-five

  • Rocket 69 by Connie Allen and Todd Rhodes is full of double entendres, the titular rocket being just one of them.
  • Butthole Surfers' first two EPs shared a Credits Gag where the label claimed the record was to be played at "69 RPM" (as a play on the conventional record speeds of 33 1/3 or 45 RPM). As a result, some listeners at the time probably were confused about the speed at which to actually play the records - knowing the band's sense of humor that may have been part of the joke too.
  • House / Techno DJ Partiboi69 themes himself around this number significantly. As he puts it, "Always keep it 69 and unprotected"
  • Penis Music Collective:
    • The (fake) cost of VOL. 16 in its announcement video is $420.69.
    • "PENIS NEWS 4", the intro track of VOL. 11, has a newscaster mention that the building was loaned for "69 doomaringadingos" with a laughter sound playing afterwards.


  • The Adventure Zone: Balance:
    • Numerous times in the live show episodes. Taako once refused to allow Merle to heal him, because he had exactly 69 hitpoints left.
    • The Balance Arc concluded with Episode 69, much to the amusement of the boys.
  • Dungeons & Daddies also concludes its first season, Odyssey, at 69 episodes, but it arguably averts this as the season finale is numbered "Episode 68, Part 2" in deference to The Adventure Zone: Balance, which had come before.
  • Chilluminati: Episode 69 of the show is all about mysteries and conspiracies related to sex, which was later repeated for 169 about sexual encounters with aliens.
  • On True Anon's episode 169, Brace initially celebrates this as a milestone. Liz reminds him that 169 isn't the sex number, to which Brace responds that the 1 is a guy watching.

Pro Wrestling 

  • In WCW, Rocco Rock of The Public Enemy had "00" on the back of his gear and Johnny Grunge had "69," sometimes with the words "Naughty Macdaddy." (Rocco's would read "Violent Macdaddy.")
  • Meanwhile, in WWE, D-Generation X, befitting their "Suck It" catchphrase, had sports jerseys they wore and sold around 99-2000 with 69 being the number designation and the name saying "Suck It!"


  • In Sandi Toksvig's first series of hosting The News Quiz, a discussion of the moon landings led to her correcting Andy Hamilton saying they happened in 1968 with "'69" then adding that it just stuck in her head for some reason. Andy replied with a mock outraged "Now, Simon Hoggart never made jokes like that."


  • Rather constantly invoked by former NFL tight-end/wide-receiver Rob Gronkowski of the New England Patriots and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who will never turn down any opportunity to use the number in question, including asking his coach to wear it, giggling whenever someone mentions it, and even contriving a mention or two in casual conversation so he can giggle. When asked how much he'd pay to be allowed to have 69 as his jersey number, his answer? $69,000. His old high school basketball coach even recounted a story about how Gronk deliberately missed a free throw in a home game just to keep the score at 69.
  • The aptly named Woody Peoples was an NFL guard who wore the number 69.
  • 69 and 97 are the only numbers not worn by any members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. 43 was down there with them until 2019, when Troy Polamalu (#43 on the Steelers) was inducted.
  • No player in NBA history has worn 69. Dennis Rodman tried when he signed with Dallas in 1999, but the league office prevented him, forcing him to wear the number 70.
  • World Rally Championship driver Kalle Rovanperä cheekily explained in an interview that he chose the number 69 as it looks the same even if his car gets turtled in an accident during a rally, after journalists questioned him in a press conference in light of the number's risqué connotations. Though it seems clear that he is going for this trope as a rather puerile gag in a similar manner to Valentino Rossi's on-track antics e.g. the "WLF" badge.
  • 69 became a Running Gag on NASCAR driver Greg Biffle's Twitter account after he left Roush Fenway Racing (now RFK Racing). When Biffle joined the Superstar Racing Experience as a special guest entry, he picked 69 as his driver number. The fact that he was born in 1969 is presumably unrelated.
  • During the 2012-13 NHL lockout, Washington Capitals center Nicklas Backstrom played for the KHL's Dynamo Moscow. Initially, he wore the number 99, but after a backlash as the number is considered off limits due to it being Wayne Gretzky's number, he had the number changed to 69. (Some theorize he did it to spite Dynamo, who forced him to use 99 in the first place.)

Tabletop Games 

  • Gay Monopoly, an unauthorized 1983 Monopoly knockoff themed after gay culture, has numerous cards that can cause a player to gain or lose $69.


Video Games 

  • The Binding of Isaac: The Sausage item added in Repentance, which is already a rather blatant Double Entendre, increases the chance of finding a Devil/Angel room and Planetarium by 6.9% each. Its internal ID is also 669 and its costume sprite (which has Isaac winking with his tongue out) is called "costume_069x_sosig.png.". Subtle.
  • Bomb Rush Cyberfunk: Performing a 69-second manual nets you the achievement "NICE".
  • Borderlands 3: When you do 69 damage to an enemy, your character will let out a small giggle.
  • The NSFW Floraverse game Cherry Kisses costs $6.90 on Steam.
  • Clarence's Big Chance: It's revealed at the date that Clarence named his dating profile "StudMuffin69".
  • Crusader Kings III has descriptors for your five main attributes, ranging from "Terrible" (lowest) to "Excellent" (highest). If you manage to boost any attribute all the way up to 69, the description will read "Nice" instead of "Excellent" — it reverts back to "Excellent" if you go up to 70.
  • Subverted in Disco Elysium, where saying to the Man in Sunglasses that you're from Precinct 69 causes everyone present, including Kim, to stare blankly at you.

    Even the howling wind outside sounds a bit embarrassed.

  • Parodied in Disorderly, where you fight a Dual Boss who's a BDSM-loving elderly couple, aged 96 and 69.
  • Donkey Kong 64: In one room in Frantic Factory, there is a panel made up of sixteen numbered buttons, albeit not in numerical order. Also, due to a fixed camera angle, the numbers appear to be upside-down. In one corner of the panel, the 6 and 9 buttons are positioned next to each other. The "69" is easy to notice amongst all the other inverted numbers. This was probably intentional, as Rare would later go on to produce a certain other game.
  • Duke Nukem Forever starts from the 69th floor of the Damn It's Late studio building and ends with Duke campaigning to become the 69th President Of The United States. Additionally, the Devastator has a maximum ammo capacity of 69.
    • Duke Nukem Time to Kill did this long before DNF, as the third level of the game is called "Miner 69er".
  • Epic Battle Fantasy 5: Summoning the Beholder, which uses a censored attack involving Naughty Tentacles, costs 69 SP. It also has 2169 base HP, though you won't know that unless you look it up on a wiki or in the game's files.
  • Fallout:
    • As described in the "Fallout Bible" from the original games, there exists Vaults 68 and 69. The social experiment of Vault 68 is 1 woman living among 999 men, whereas Vault 69 is 1 man living among 999 women.
    • Fallout 4 features the aforementioned song Rocket 69. Travis Miles, the radio DJ in the game, struggles to hold back his laughter whenever he announces it as the next song he's playing.
  • The Formula: The "Nice." goal is completed by reaching 69 A-Power and making n(t)>=6e9, "How Nice of You!" by making b(B)>=69, and "Nice Goal #420" by making n(t)>=1e6969.
  • Genshin Impact: Lisa, one of the most fanservicey characters in a game known for its fanservice, has her birthday on June 9th, (6/9).
  • Going Under: The Succubi and Incubi dungeon, Winkydink, has pillows with 69 on them, drawn in a way to look like the Cancer astrological sign.
  • Grand Theft Auto LOVES this trope.
    • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
      • The airstrips have the number at the end of them.
      • There are 69 pictures of UFOs at the Lil' Probe Inn.
      • The military base is named "Area 69".
      • The San Fierro 69ers, an obvious parody of the San Francisco 49ers.
    • Subverted in Grand Theft Auto V as an area resembling Route 66 was named Route 69 in the beta but was renamed to Route 68 in the finished product. The game still does include the fashion brand Sessanta Nove.
  • A Running Gag in the games from Halfbrick Studios created by one of its teams, "The Ninja Pack", is an achievement related to the number.
    • Fruit Ninja has an achievement titled "TEE HEE HEE" which is earned for getting exactly 69 points in one game.
    • As a Call-Back, Jetpack Joyride gives you the achievement "TEE HEE TWO" if you earn 69 coins in one game.
    • Fish Out of Water gives you "Tee Hee Three" for making a fish skip 69 times in one throw.
    • In Bears vs. Art, "Tee Hee Four" is given for completing level 69.
  • Horizon Forbidden West: Aloy has a lead on a possible copy of GAIA at what turns out to be a Far Zenith facility, and she finds out that the only reason they had one is because they stole it. She tracks down their ill-gotten gains anyway and finds the backup, which is booted up as "GAIA Version 6.9" right before it reveals itself to be a logic bomb from Travis Tate who saw right through Far Zenith's attempt to steal GAIA.
  • House Party (2017): Vicky Vixen (an in-universe porn star) has the phone number of 555-6969.
  • The Impossible Quiz is the Trope Namer.
    • In the first game, question 69 asks "Are you enjoying the quiz?" The correct answer is "LOL, 69".
    • In the second game, question 69 asks "69-67=?" Surprisingly, the answer is not "LOL", but clicking 2 on the bomb.
    • In the second game, the final question is randomly selected from eleven different prompts, and each one offers every number from 1 to 100 as possible answers. One prompt simply reads "LOL", and the answer is of course 69.
    • In Chapter 2 of Book, question 69 simply says "LOL 69" with an arrow pointing to the question number to signify this even further. The question number must be pressed 69 times to proceed.
  • The Jackbox Party Pack: The original price of The Jackbox Naughty Pack, a mini-pack of three Hotter and Sexier games, is $21.69.
  • Leisure Suit Larry:
  • In Mass Effect 3's Citadel DLC, you can throw parties of varying styles with any and all previous surviving companions. During the final phase of an energetic party, several of them are simultaneously dancing and chatting in the kitchen, with one conversation having Tali and Traynor taking turns listing the elements in order. When Tali says "Sixty-nine-" Jack calls out "In your dreams!" None of the aliens get the joke, Traynor says she'll explain later, and Garrus will chime in and say that it's Thulium for anyone who cares before Tali calls him a nerd.
  • The Milestone Tree: The 69th milestone is marked as "69th Milestone lol" in the tab.
  • Muck: The maximum stack count for all items is 69.
  • The Multitree: Coal Upgrade 13 costs 69 coal and says "Nice".
  • NGU IDLE gives you a Steam achievement entitled "How Immature" if you have a full set of equipment leveled up exactly to 69.
  • Oscar displays "Take 69" on film director's equipment before starting the level. ProJared and The Angry Video Game Nerd certainly noticed it in their reviews of the game.
  • In Palworld, the 69th Pal to be registered in the Paldex is Lovander, and for good reason; it's noted to assault Pals and humans alike for nights of debauchery, even going as far as to occasionally raid your base en-masse.
  • In Paper Mario: The Origami King, of all places, one of the treasures that can be found in the game is a statue of the Desert Towers, which is located in a hotel suite and resembles a very tall Toad. It also bears a phallic-looking resemblance to something else. It is listed as No.69 of the collectable treasures.
  • In Pump It Up XX, the Cosmetic Award title "Lovers" is unlocked by playing 69 co-operative routine charts.
  • Putt-Putt and Pep's Balloon-o-Rama's level 69 has pink balloons arranged in the shape of a heart, which soon fills up with white balloons.
  • Succubus Lilith from Rabi-Ribi has an attack that stuns Erina before she closes in on her and the screen fades to black. Whatever she does to Erina, it deals 3 hits for 69 damage each.
  • Saints Row: The Third has the F-69 VTOL jet. While there's nothing particularly erotic about the plane, sticking a random sex joke in a vehicle's name fits perfectly with the game's sense of humor.
  • Shin Megami Tensei II: Mara, a giant penis monster on a chariot with blades, appears as a boss at level 69.
  • Shipwrecked 64: As an Easter Egg, attempting to type "6969" into one of the game's numerous numeric keypads will make the four-digit display say "STFU". Needless to say, it isn't the correct solution to any of them.
  • The StepMania theme "Simply Love" has an easter egg that lists "Nice!" (and in some versions, plays a voice clip of someone saying "Nice") if your score or any of the judgment counts contain the number 69. And then there was a moment in UK Sight Reading Tournament X where someone scored 69.69% on a song, to the amusement and cheers of the audience.
  • Synergism:
    • The achievement "The coolest of numbers" is earned for having a constant of 6.9e21.
    • Research 6x9 has "lol" next to it and states it's the funny number. It makes you gain a +0.69% bonus to blessing level per level.
  • In Terraria, the Jungle Mimic, which only drops joke items such as poo, coal and master bait, drops exactly 69 sparkle slime balloons on death.
  • The Tree of Life:
    • The clickable button in the Achievements tab shows "69 nice" when you've clicked it that many times.
    • Plants XII costs 69 Plants and increases make exponent to .69.
  • TRON: Solar Sailer for the Intellivision prominently displays "01000101" (69 in binary) during Attract Mode because one of the programmers was feeling mischievous.
  • In Warframe, a group of particularly enthusiastic Warframe players have dedicated themselves to maintaining the Fortuna 69 instance of the map, keeping their characters logged in to ensure that it never goes away.
  • You Don't Know Jack:
    • While we never visit Floor 69 of The Ride, Floor 169 is themed around fetishes.
    • In 2011, the animated opening to question nine has two nines nine rolling down a hill, briefly resembling a number 69. In episode 69, it's slowed down to make the joke painfully obvious to those who missed it before.

Visual Novels 

  • The Monster Prom games like to feature the number 69. This even extends to Steam sales — the original game is often at exactly 69% off.

Web Animation 

  • Dayum: The ignorant man who thinks the flu is more dangerous than COVID in “Types of People During a Pandemic Portrayed by Minecraft” is named Dayum69.
  • Deep Space 69 is a comedic and incredibly NSFW web animation.
  • Red and Blue from Overly Sarcastic Productions mention on their companion podcast that the amount of people they follow on Twitter / X is intentionally permanently at 69, or as Blue calls it "The funny number". They go to great lengths to keep it this way by shuffling anyone they follow around to maintain the follower count.


Web Originals 

Web Videos 

  • The Angry Video Game Nerd points out that he went through a total of 69 games for the month of November 2020, after finishing his reviews of The Legend of Kage on the NES and the two Taito Legends compilations on PS2 which combined make up 68 games total.

    "68 games over those two discs. And if you count Legend of Kage on NES, that was 69 games reviewed this month. 69, dudes!"

  • Atop the Fourth Wall
    • In the episode dealing with Zero Hour: Crisis in Time!, Linkara, upon noting the caption box reading "Gotham City. 69 Hours Ago.", replies "Now we know what time it is. Nnnice time."
    • In an episode reviewing the comic book adaptation of Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith, Linkara speculates on what would happen if static had interrupted Palpatine's Order 66 by imitating a clone saying, "Noice."
    • The video about the second half of the original The Transformers (Marvel) run plays with this for the infamous reveal of the Body Horror-laden fusion of Megatron and Ratchet — which happened in issue 69, with Linkara commenting "this is not nice!"
    • For his retrospective of The Sandman (1989), he says about issue 69, "It is nice — depending on your point of view," likely referring to it being the last issue of the penultimate arc, "The Kindly Ones", and the issue where Morpheus dies.
  • Channel Awesome's Twitch channel has an alert for someone donating 69 bits: a clip from The Nostalgia Critic's review of Wonder Woman where Malcolm (in drag) winks at the camera.
  • CollegeHumor / Dropout:
  • Critical Role:
    • On the episode of Talks Machina discussing campaign 2, episode 64, it's pointed out that in 4 episodes it will be the 69th episode of the campaign. Taliesin Jaffe and Matthew Mercer both nod, exclaim "Oh!" and then "Nice." at the same time, causing Lore Keeper Dani Carr to start laughing, and then Taliesin and Matt start laughing as host Brian Wayne Foster melts into a Face Palm.
    • Upon being asked her age, Nott says it's somewhere between 6 and 9.
    • Characters in the Nordverse includes BlackWillow69, Commodore69, and TechnoSpice69.
    • Episode 69 of Campaign 3 is called "Nice".
  • Dragon Ball Z Abridged:
    • The series alluded to this via Astonishingly Appropriate Interruption with Bulma gushing over how hot Zarbon is:

      Bulma: I just wanna grab him and —
      [smash cut to Goku doing ab crunches elsewhere]
      Goku: Sixty-nine, seventy...

    • On another occasion, Goku gets his numbers mixed up:

      Goku: Good thing I got there when I did! Cell was about to 69 ya!
      Gohan: 86, Dad. Eighty-six.
      Goku: I'm not good with numbers.

  • Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] Abridged: Rin reveals she set up 68 magical booby traps to try to kill Shirou. A few seconds later, she grudgingly admits it was 69 traps, but she didn't want to sound crass.
  • In Kollok 1991 They use this as the answer to 'what's the temperature, so they can be sure they haven't been replaced.
  • Linus Tech Tips:
  • Lucahjin has a tendency for some of her Let's Plays to end on the 69th episode.Which ones?
  • MrBeast and his crew like to draw attention to 69 whenever it pops up in a video. For instance, when Chris is doing push-ups as a punishment, the video will slow the time lapse just so he can call it out to Jimmy. Occasionally paired with 420, Blaze It.
  • This Numberphile video explains how 69! is the biggest integer factorial that most calculators are capable of approximating. (70! is bigger than a googol.)
  • For their 69th episode, OSW Review covered Sunny Side Up, a porno starring Tammy Lynn Sytch. Although, it made the boys more sad for Sunny than aroused.
  • Party Crashers: In "Mario Party but the NICEST Score Wins", the winner goes to whoever gets their coin count closest to 69 at the end of the game.
  • PIMPNITE seems to like the number 69:
    • Several of his Pokémon have nicknames that include the number 69: he has used a Cosmoem named "69MillionKG", a Drampa named "69 Years Old", a Duralodon named "69 Floors" and a Solrock named "69 Degrees".
    • At least one of his videos features a level 69 Roggenrola.
    • In the Gen VIII games, his jersey number is 69.
  • The Real Time Fan Dub of Sonic Adventure 2 has Shadow use this as a gag Social Security number. The password is the equally surreal 'eatmyasshole'.

    Hot Shot: Awwwwww, that's not an actual passwooooooord...!

  • Screen Rant Pitch Meetings: The Screenwriter says that The Suicide Squad being R-rated means they can show lots of gore and say things like "69" and "splooge", to which the Producer brightly responds, "69, that's the funny number! And the other stuff is gross! Very fun!"
  • Whenever Cody in Some More News has reason to say "69" (or even "six to nine"), he appends it with "Nice!"
  • In Sword Art Online Abridged, Klein named his character BallsDeep69, claiming that it was just a goof to get used to the game and he would make a more serious character later. Too bad for him he (and everyone else) winds up trapped in the game, and despite his best efforts everyone continues to call him by his Atrocious Alias.
  • Tolarian Community College:
    • In one video, he notes that the price of Jeweled Lotus has fallen a lot. Since the current price contains the number 69, he makes sure to say it's "far from nice" if you picked it up at a higher price.
    • In "The Commander Deck Of The Future...Today!", he says "nice" after mentioning that a creature might get the statline 6/9.
  • A Downplayed (as his videos are educational in nature and generally avoid lowbrow humor) and accidental example from Tom Scott's video about the results of a poll that ranked a list of 7,188 items to figure out which is the best — the highest-ranked item related to sex was "orgasm", which came in at 69th place. Tom swears he isn't making that up.
  • In the Tony Zaret skit "Is This Video BAIT?", Tony comedically bleeps out the number in the internet handle "RageFarmer69".
  • Whenever Triple Jump plays an NFL or NBA game, the team picked will be the San Francisco 49ers or Philadelphia 76ers, throughout referred to as "69ers". They also never fail to mention how anything that ranks number 69 on a list or rates score of 69% is "nice."

Western Animation 

  • American Dad!:
    • One episode had Camp Gay news anchors Greg Corbin and Terry Bates comment on a recent economic recession by saying that the numbers are so low they could only do a 68 last night.
    • In "Funnyish Games", Hayley is pleased because she scored 69 on a test, but Steve points out she actually got a 96. She's initially disappointed because 96 would be "feet to butt", then decides that'd be hot too.
  • Beavis and Butt-Head, of course, laugh incessantly whenever they see or hear 69, just like they do with everything else that sounds remotely sexual.
  • Big Mouth: During the sci-fi skit in "The Planned Parenthood Show," the misogynistic alien Jay accuses the space captain Missy of violating "Bilzerian Space Law 69, but only on the guy."
  • Bob's Burgers: In "Now We're Not Cooking With Gas", Bob gets frustrated when he can't start the oven to cook his Thanksgiving turkey, and he wonders if they forgot to pay the gas bill. Linda says that she remembers paying the bill because "The check number ended in 69, and we high-fived."
  • Courage the Cowardly Dog: A subtle example in "Hothead": "What's 414 divided by 6?" note 
  • The Fairly OddParents!: In the episode "Smarty Pants", during the quiz bee, after AJ answers "gluteus maximus", the number point hovers from a "69" to a "70".
  • The Great North: "Sexi Moose Adventure": Alyson and Beef flirt when she points out that the total of his purchase ends with sixty-nine cents, which results in a back and forth routine where she pretends to correct herself and he asks for confirmation to make her say it again. His kids, who are watching, find the experience more than a trifle awkward.

    Beef: How much is it? Tell me again. Was it sixty-eight? Or seventy?
    Ham: They keep going back between the numbers.
    Alyson: It was sixty-nine on the dot and you know it!
    Beef: God help me.

  • Harley Quinn: In "The Line", Kite Man's apartment number is "66", but he turned the second 6 upside down to turn it into a 9 and laughs about it.
  • The Powerpuff Girls (1998): In "Something's a Ms.", Ms. Bellum's home address is revealed to be "69 Yodelinda Valley".
  • The Simpsons: In "The Saga of Carl", Homer's number contribution to a lottery pool is 69, because it makes people laugh (though he himself doesn't know why).

Real Life 

  • One of the oldest known European examples of 69 being referenced this way is the French slang soixante-neuf, the earliest known reference of which dates back to the 1790s.
  • The annual Shinto Kanamara Matsuri (かなまら祭り, "Festival of the Steel Phallus") of Japan was started in 1969.
  • Street sign theft is a constant problem for this and some other numbers, notably 420 and 666. According to That Other Wiki, Route 69 in New Jersey was renumbered Route 31 (a number which, ironically enough, carries sexual connotations in Turkey) in 1967. State Highway 69 in Texas was renumbered to 112 in 1992, and State Route 69 in Utah became State Route 38 in 1994. Interstate 69 and US-Highway 69 have not (yet) been changed. The state of Colorado has replaced the 69 mile markers with signs that read 68.99 instead.
  • In England, there is the M69 from Leicester to Coventry. Occasionally signs have been stolen, and it is a running joke amongst lorry drivers that there are times you don't mind being sent to Coventry...
  • In 2019, the spacecraft New Horizons flew past the distant Kuiper belt object 2014 MU69, and since, as one of the crew put it, "Anything is better than MU69", they settled on "Ultima Thule" as a convenient nickname. Unfortunately, that provoked an even worse reaction, since "Thule", the farthest northern island in Greek cartography, had been co-opted by Nazis as the mythic homeland of the Nordic people. Thankfully, the team eventually resolved the issue by naming the object "Arrokoth", the Powhatan word for "sky."
  • In the days when defamation actions in Britain still had juries, there was a slander case (Wraith v. Wraith) in which David Wraith sued his estranged wife Shirley Wraith for claiming that he had given her a sexually-transmitted disease that he had caught from a sex worker in Amsterdam. The jury grudgingly accepted that the husband had technically proved his case but were unimpressed that the case was worthwhile, and gave the husband damages of £69. They explained this figure to the judge as their understanding of the cost of a glass of sparkling wine in an Amsterdam clip joint.
  • In honor of what would have been Robin Williams's 69th birthday, his daughter Zelda donated $69.69 to as many homeless shelters as she could.
  • UK bingo callers have a habit of calling the number 69 "a favourite of mine".
  • The Industrial Workers of the World, an international labor organization seeking to organize all forms of labor, classifies their Sex Worker's Union under the designation of IU 690
  • There was a conspiracy theory about The British Royal Family actively defying this trope. In late 2021, Queen Elizabeth II went suspiciously incommunicado for an extended period of time, and people began to wonder if perhaps she had died — and if so, why this information was being suppressed. Ideas abound, but one of the more whimsical ones is that if she had died at this time, this would set the record for longest-reigning British monarch — likely permanently, since her most plausible successors are all too old to break it — at 69 years. The 69th year of her reign ended in February 2022, and the rumor naturally died down when nothing in particular ended up happening at that time; she ended up sticking around until 8 September 2022, just a few months after reaching 70 years on the throne.
  • There's a Fun T-Shirt saying: 68. You Owe Me One.
  • The now-defunct California-based Boys' Love Genre-themed convention Yaoi-Con had a strip bingo event as one of its main events. Every time "O-69" was called out, the game would stop as staff, models, and the audience/players alike went up in raucous cheers and fanfare, even if that number did not produce a winner.
  • A Delaware based seafood restaurant known as Crabby Dicks had a deal where you could get 69 crab balls for $50. This had to be intentional given that the restaurant is known for is Double Entendre laden menu, mechandise and advertising.
