Last Disrespects - TV Tropes

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Last Disrespects (trope)

"Owlson, help me up onto his casket so I can dance on it!"

A funeral is a service that allows a deceased's family and friends to congregate in one place to celebrate the deceased's life and pay their respects. To do so is considered common courtesy and practice. So what do some people do once the family is assembled?

How about doing the exact opposite of that by behaving in extremely tactless and inappropriate ways that would have the deceased rolling in their coffins if they knew?

Sometimes this disrespect comes in the form of discussions that are brought up around or even at the time the proceedings begin. Perhaps the deceased is an adult involved in one of the ends of an inheritance dispute. Maybe the deceased was survived by an illegitimate child or, even worse, a child that none of the relatives are completely willing to take custody of. In any event, the attendees of the funeral will be all too eager to talk about those matters rather than to mourn, not realizing that talking about them is putting their selfishness and spite out in the open.

For a villainous character, it can be a form of cowardice because they're using a corpse to show off. It shows them as lacking empathy towards the mourners and they are only doing it because a corpse can't fight back or dispute their claims. If the dead person was a villain in life, then it shows how much power they had over their victim since the victim only felt safe coming out in public when they were absolutely sure the person was dead and buried.

Other times, disrespect or lack of concern toward the matter at hand show in their actions. After all, attending the funeral in improper dress or fooling around with whatever device is in possession instead of paying attention to the pastor or the procession are a few of the best ways to show love and care to the dead.

And that's not touching on those who are much more direct about their scorn toward the deceased. If the deceased was a Jerkass or guilty of other negative qualities in life, then expect people to open up and gossip about their faults or spit on his coffin now that the deceased is no longer around to complain. Sometimes, the deceased's family won't even wait to express their views until the funeral, as they will expose them in the obituary as a bad person.

Many times, criminals who are guilty of (especially) the most heinous of acts will have private funerals, if they have one at all; that is, the funeral is open only to those explicitly invited, and often the funeral location will not be announced publicly. Other times, the obituary will run only after the funeral service and burial. This is to keep unwanted intruders from interrupting the service — for instance, the embittered victim who was personally (or had a close friend or family member) particularly harmed by said deceased criminal's actions from showing up and — in the process of screaming about how the decedent ruined his/her/others' lives — disrupting the service and disrespecting the religious traditions of a funeral. After all, even the most heinous (now-deceased) criminal still likely has family and/or friends who wish to, at the very least, mourn that person in peace and remember him/her how they wish to. In these cases, usually there will be an usher or a police officer standing by the door of the funeral location to stop anyone who does happen to show up uninvited.

Funeral scenes like these also come up — particularly in fiction — to show how the people the deceased thought they were close to truly care once they are gone. Either they never truly did or they only cared to a shallow degree; or the funeral is a way to release pent-up frustration, hate, contempt, and so forth toward the decedent, emotions that were held in for whatever reason while that person was still living. Other times, these scenes show what Jerkasses the family and "friends" can be in general once the deceased is no longer around to remind them when to filter out their open contempt toward the deceased, his family, and/or his life decisions.

In the worst case scenario, however, the funeral becomes the site of a bloodbath, where a rival family, embittered enemy, or Familial Foe comes armed and takes grieving members of their loved ones with them to the afterlife, seeing that the death of just one person does not suffice and the rest of them can join them in death. More often than not, there are additional bodies to bury in the wake of the massacre.

There are sometimes people who don't even have to misbehave. If you're attending a funeral for a free meal and other things for your own self-interest, then the dead would have every right to be pissed off at you.

The deceased isn't out of danger even after the funeral is over. After that, bitter peers can pay their disrespects by vandalizing, desecrating, or even destroying the grave. An Excrement Statement is often in play here, especially in more light-hearted (if disgusting) works.

This should not be confused with its Sister Trope, The "Fun" in "Funeral" (though overlap is possible). The latter involves wacky situations in a funeral played for humor that occur out of the characters' control or because of their idiocy, while this trope specifically involves rude, uncaring, spiteful, contemptuous, hateful or simply Jerkass behavior and statements about the deceased and/or his family made during what is supposed to be a solemn event. This can be done for either drama or comedy.

Compare and contrast Cheerful Funeral, where people act in a light-hearted and cheerful manner at a funeral of someone they loved, to celebrate their life and the joy they brought when they were alive.

This may also overlap with And There Was Much Rejoicing, depending on the context. See also Dishonored Dead, where the rites themselves are disrespectful or nonexistent, and Spiteful Will, where the deceased insults the living.

Contrast with Never Speak Ill of the Dead. Compare and contrast Bitter Wedding Speech.

As a Death Trope, this trope is Spoilered Rotten by nature, and many examples here will spoil a work unless the funeral is part of someone's backstory. Unmarked spoilers below.


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Anime & Manga 

  • Akame ga Kill!: In the manga, Bols' wife and daugther are raped and brutally murdered by Syura, Champ and Enshin of Wild Hunt in front of Bols' gravestone. Their deaths proved to be Wave's Rage Breaking Point who then beat the shit outta Syura in a fist fight. Thoroughly humilliated, Syura decided to turn the attention of Wild Hunt to Wave and the rest of Night Raid. The subsequent battles led to Wild Hunt's end in the most pathetic way possible.
  • Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest: Hiyama is mauled to death by the monsters after Nagumo (who was originally one of his bullying victims) kicked him off the courtyard as payback for seemingly killing Kaori earlier and his torn up dead body is later found by the rest of Nagumo's classmates, who would then unceremoniously bury him in a cheap "funeral" far from the capital and are finally relieved that he's gone for good.
  • In Bunny Drop, many of the family members attending Grandpa Souichi's funeral are shocked to learn that he recently had an illegitimate child, Rin, shortly before his death. Her presence at the funeral isn't particularly welcomed and they mostly ignore her. When the time comes for the family to talk about what to do with her, shortly after placing flowers within his coffin, the discussion quickly devolves into an outlet for expressing their anger toward the situation and talking about how odd they find Rin and her dubious origins.
  • In Death Note, a deleted scene shows L's funeral, and the rest of the Task Force giving him their last respects. Light stays longer than the others though, and once they are all gone he lets out an Evil Laugh and goes into Evil Gloating, saying how now everyone is out of his way and mocking his dead rival, shouting "I WIN!" on top of his grave.
  • Fruits Basket:
    • When Katsuya Honda passes away, his relatives' conversations during the funeral ceremony quickly devolve from the circumstances surrounding his death to expressing their disapproval of Kyoko by berating or gossiping about her, saying that Katsuya was better off single. In a separate recollection of the same funeral, Tohru's grandfather brings up how the relatives would say disparaging remarks toward Tohru right in her face, thinking she would not understand.
      • This trope is also averted in a different instance. Several months after Kyoko's death, Tohru and a few of her friends visit her grave, and talk about how Kyoko (positively) influenced their lives. Kyo asks if this is disrespectful, but Uotani- a genuine friend of Kyoko- replies that she wouldn't mind them acting so casually.
    • Kyo's biological father chooses his mother's funeral ceremony to start a scene/argument with Kyo, using the latter's inability to approach his mother's grave in front of the family as an excuse.
    • Presumably, the only people that mourned Kyoko's death were Tohru, Uotani, Hanajima, and Tohru's paternal grandfather, and going by Tohru's relatives' attitudes during the brief time Tohru came back to live with them, the people that may have come to Kyoko's funeral besides the aforementioned latter three probably didn't have very appropriate words either.
  • Gate: Zorzal is given a very disgraceful send-off after being assassinated by Tyuule: instead of being buried in a nobleman's funeral, his dead body is instead incinerated like the infamous war criminal he is. The rest of his family are more than happy to take potshots at Zorzal for his incompetence, war crimes, and pig-headed arrogance.
  • In Haru and Midori, when Midori's old friend Tsugumi dies, those attending Tsugumi's funeral gossip about her, particularly her getting pregnant as a teenager and her husband leaving her.
  • In Heat Guy J, Clair attempts to blow up his father's grave with a hand grenade, Laughing Madly about how the man loved fireworks. Giovanni and Mitchal wrestle the grenade from him and Mitchal accidentally blows up someone else's grave. In a later episode he stomps on his father's grave (although it doesn't do much damage, considering that Clair is a skinny young man wearing slippers.)
  • At the beginning of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood, 12-year-old Dio Brando spits on his abusive father's grave before he leaves for the Joestars' mansion.
  • March Comes in Like a Lion: Rather than attend his parents and sister's funeral just to mourn for them and comfort him, Rei's aunts and uncles use the occasion to argue over who takes over his grandfather's hospital in his father's place, with one aunt in particular expressing half-hearted sympathy and "promising" Rei that she will send him to a "nice" institution. Meanwhile, the rest of the family is gossiping about them. All this is punctuated when Kouda, a friend of his father's, glances toward his family and implicitly notes how none of them are paying attention and giving real comfort to Rei, before taking the initiative to take Rei in as his ward and student.
  • Subverted in One Piece by Kozuki Oden. He's first seen in person using the funeral pyre and bones of a friend to cook a pot of oden soup. This act outrages the late friend's family members, but Oden ignores them all, finishes his meal, thanks his late friend for the meal and promises that they will have the next meal together in the afterlife. It's clear that he's an iconoclast who doesn't care about societal norms, but genuinely has good intentions.
  • The final arc of Oshi no Ko ends with the death and funeral of main character Aqua Hoshino. Kana Arima, who loves Aqua, is so distraught over his death that she slaps Aqua's corpse when it is her turn to pay respects, an act that shocked everyone at the funeral and angered Miyako (Aqua's adoptive mother) so much that she slaps Kana in turn for it. In Kana's defense, she explains that she had promised Aqua that she will slap and curse him if he ever planned to throw his life away again.
  • During Yusuke's funeral at the start of YuYu Hakusho, while Kuwabara goes on a screaming fit about Yusuke dying, his outburst is an act of genuine mourning. In contrast, their school principal calls out some teachers who are at the funeral making snide comments about both Yusuke and Kuwabara's behavior.


  • Blue Collar Comedy Tour:
    • Bill Engvall and Jeff Foxworthy offer the following "You might be a redneck" jokes:

      Jeff: If you've ever worn a tube top to a funeral home, you might be a— [realizes Bill is cracking up] What, did you see that?
      Bill: No, I got one better. "If you've ever opened a beer during a eulogy, you might be a redneck."

    • And after Bill finished explaining this one (it was his uncle Jack), Larry, Ron, and Jeff improv'ed the following:

      Jeff: Mama looks good, don't she? [mimes drinking]
      Ron: That ain't Mama. [drinks]
      Larry: Naw, that's her, they just shaved her beard off!

Comic Books 

  • Only a handful of second-rate heroes are present at Booster Gold's funeral in 52, and even they make it clear that they are only there because they are being paid.
  • All-New Wolverine reveals that Old Man Logan's universe had a version of Laura Kinney, and she was killed by her reality's version of Gabby. Logan was deeply embittered by this, and a flashback shows him destroying Gabby's tombstone.
  • In The Boys, Billy Butcher visits his abusive father's funeral just so he can urinate on the corpse's face.
  • In Combat Kelly and his Deadly Dozen #4, the Dozen chose to leave the body of The Neidermeyer Captain Conner unburied on the battlefield as a mark of their loathing of him, but collect the bodies of their own fallen for burial with full honours.
  • The Death of Superman: A brawl broke out at Superman's funeral. Mostly because Rex Leech attempted to buy the rights to the last Superman photo from Jimmy Olsen, Jimmy punches him away, Rex's goons try to shoot him, only to be saved by Robin. Finding out about the guns causes people to flip out and panic.
  • In Fables, Mowgli comes back to the Farm to talk to Bagheera, and mentions wanting to dance on Shere Khan's grave. Bagheera informs him that Baloo had already done a song and dance revue performance for seven nights (plus a Sunday matinee) on it, and that Bagheera himself, not being much of a dancer, had contented himself with pissing all over it.
  • Green Lantern: During the Sinestro Corps War storyline, Superboy-Prime at one point comes across the grave of Bart Allen, who was killed by the Rogues at the end of The Flash: Fastest Man Alive, and proceeds to vandalize Bart's tombstone by using his heat vision to cross out the epitaph "Fastest Man Alive" and write in its place "Stupidest Boy Dead".
  • Captain Marvel: In The Life Of Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers visits her abusive father's grave for the first time since it went up and ends up destroying it out of spite.
  • In Sherwood, Texas, the Nobles motorcycle gang crash the funeral of the leader of their rival gang the Jesters and attempt to start a fight with the Jesters. A rumble is only prevented by the arrival of the sheriff.
  • In Transmetropolitan, after Alan Schact commits suicide upon being exposed as a pedophile by Spider Jerusalem, the news reports discovering a giant pile of shit on Schact's grave with traces of Spider's DNA in it.
  • In The Ultimates, Betty Ross is an unempathetic Alpha Bitch who thinks it appropriate to eagerly report to Nick how things are going with the team's approval rating following their battle with the Hulk at the funeral for the Hulk's victims. Even Nick, a known jerkass, is appalled by that one.

    Nick: What's the matter with you, Betty? You born without an off switch or something?

    Betty: Oh, sure. Like you were in there praying for all the itty-bitty children, soldier-boy?

Comic Strips 

Fan Works 

  • Between Dreams and Memories: Dream is the only person who doesn't show up to the Ending Memorial Service dressed in black, which the attendees of the funeral gossip about.

    'Can you believe Dream didn't even bother wearing black?'.
    'Do you really think he's the type to care about anyone but himself?'.
    'I'm surprised he showed up at all.'.

  • In episode 32 of Dragon Ball Z Abridged, Yamcha—who was resurrected from his death during the Vegeta saga—asked where he was buried. A cutaway shows his original body rotting in the crater made when he was blown up by a saibaman's suicide attack.
  • In Experimenting Fear, Nando thinks to himself that, when his abusive grandmother is dead, he will come to her grave and dance on it, then insult, yell, scream at and even spit on it as she has done to him.
  • In The Future yet To Come, Rhaenyra Targaryen refuses to place her father, Viserys's urn nest to her mother's memorial bust in the Targaryen family crypt and places it several meters away & refuses to to light a candle in his name or linger there any longer.
  • Heroes of the New World; the last time Whitebeard, Kaido, and Big Mom met on friendly terms was after the God Valley incident when they all took turns pissing on Rocks D. Xebec's final resting place.
  • In Let's Try Again, a large crowd throws rotten fruit and veggies at the platform on which Voldemort's body is being exhibited.
  • HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network: When Erend sees videos of cats and puppies, and realizes that Ted Faro prevented them from being reintroduced to the ecosystem (as a side effect of every other thing he did), he declares "I NEED TO FIND HIS GRAVE SO I CAN PISS ON IT." Much later, Aloy does, in fact, find his grave, and Erend tries to convince her to piss on it. In the non-canon omake, he mentions that she refused.
  • New Vegas Showtime: Joe Cobb was a one-note Starter Villain to the Courier who died in an unprovoked act of violence against Goodsprings. Unsurprisingly, his grave is marked with the insulting epitaph "nothing of value was lost that day".
  • Sorrowful and Immaculate Hearts: In "Wayne Manor", Thomas Wayne mentions that he sent off his abusive father by dumping the man's prized bottle of wine — a pure status symbol that had long since gone rotten — onto his grave in a mock Libation for the Dead.

    Thomas: My mother thought it was a sweet gesture.
    Pennyworth: They do say the best revenge is living well, sir.

  • In The Stalking Zuko Series, Ozai being crowned Fire Lord during the funeral of Azulon, his father and predecessor (whom he'd manipulated his wife Ursa into killing) is seen as extremely disrespectful and a break from Fire Nation tradition.
  • The My Hero Academia fic a word for 'bad miracle' has Hisashi Midoriya and his second wife Amane dying in a car crash and his estranged first wife and son being unwittingly invited to the funeral by Amane's mother. Amane's extended family are less-than-pleased to learn about Hisashi's past, with most of them pinning the blame on Inko for it coming out because she and Izuku chose to attend, and spend much of the funeral service gossiping about how "disrespectful" they're being. However, her mother Miori and her sister Yuzuki are among the few exceptions, with the former making a point of defending Inko's right to be there and shaming the family for their conduct. Izuku in turn has no respect for the father who abandoned him, but he does burn incense for Amane and expresses nothing but sympathy for Amane's nicer relatives, only snapping back at the gossips when one of them accuses Inko of wanting to bleed the family dry of compensation money: "We don't need a deadbeat's money."

Film — Animation 

Film — Live-Action 

  • In Amazon Women on the Moon, a man's funeral turns into a comedy roast.
  • In Blue Ruin, Dwight learns that Cleland Sr. has killed his father. When he finds Cleland Sr.'s grave behind the house, he goes inside, guzzles glasses of water, and then pisses on the grave stone as a gesture of revenge.
  • In Braveheart, Morrison spits on Lord Bottoms' corpse after killing him for invoking prima noctis upon his wife.
  • In all versions of Carrie, the final dream sequence in which Sue visits Carrie's grave has the reveal that someone graffitied the marker with the words "Carrie White burns in Hell!" of course, being a dream sequence, it's left in the air whether or not someone actually did.
  • In the Audrey Hepburn movie Charade, virtually the only people to attend the late Charles Lampert's funeral besides his widow are his three former partners in crime, who are mainly attending to see if he's Faking the Dead (the first tries to startle him by faking a sudden sneezing fit, the second holds a mirror under his nose to see if his breath condenses on it, and the third jabs him with a pin) and are more disgusted than sorry for his death.
  • At Brock's funeral in Cold Pursuit, Ahn's last act before leaving is to spit on his grave.
  • In The Death of Stalin, General Zhukov completes Beria's humiliation, following his Villainous Breakdown and summary execution at the hands of a Kangaroo Court, by soaking his corpse in petrol and setting it alight with a contemptuous Reusable Lighter Toss.
  • In The Dry, Grant takes the opportunity to insult Luke's memory at his funeral, and directly to the faces of his grieving parents.
  • In the Bruce Lee film Fist of Fury, when Huo Yuanjia, the Old Master of the Chinese Jing-Wu school in Japanese-occupied Shanghai suddenly dies, the students of a rival Japanese dojo drop by after the funeral with a "gift" — a sign saying "亚洲病夫"note . Of course (unbeknownst to the Chinese students at the time), the Japanese school were the ones who caused the death of Huo Yuanjia by poisoning him.
  • The Heroic Bloodshed gangster film, The Game Changer have the funeral procession of the heroes' godfather, Boss Tang, and one of the ceremony's guests being Boss Yeh, a rival gang lord who arrives with his minions to taunt and mock Boss Tang saying he brought his fate upon himself, even going to Speak Ill of the Dead in front of Tang's daughter and godchild, knowing fully well they're not allowed to draw firearms during a funeral.
  • The Gentlemen: After first telling him that he is going to piss on his grave, Dry Eye shoots Lord George dead and then pisses on his corpse.
  • The Godfather: Part II opens with the funeral of Vito's father Paolo. During the funeral, Vito's brother Paolo is murdered by the local Mafia enforcers and his corpse dumped into the funeral procession.
  • The Gravedancers: In a moment of Alcohol-Induced Idiocy, Harris, Kira and Sid decide to dance on the graves of the Dishonored Dead as a way of celebrating life. This turns out to be a really bad idea.
  • In Grim Prairie Tales, Colby finds an old Indian lying on burial platform in the Indian burial, and decides to mock him. Bad move.
  • In Gran Torino, the funeral of Walt Kowalski's wife had some disrespect shown from some attendees.
    • His granddaughter was dressed fairly inappropriately and is fiddling around on her cell phone during the service.
    • A grandson mocks the sign of the cross while standing at the casket. Instead of invoking the Holy Trinity, while going through the motions, he repeats the old joke, "Spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch."
    • Walt's sons start asking Walt if he wants to go to a "nice retirement place" so they could sell the house, and the same disrespectful granddaughter starts asking whether she could have some of the furniture and other things in the house.
  • King of Thieves (2018): During Lynne's wake, the thoughtless Danny starts doing a handstand to impress a group of young ladies, which Brian finds immensely disrespectful and goes over to sort him out.
  • In the Mexican film La Ley De Herodes, after the owner of the local brothel refuses to give Mayor Vargas free service as a bribe and hires a thug to beat him up and humiliate him by throwing him in her pigsty, Vargas tricks them into going outside the town and shoots them both. Later, Vargas stays behind after the funeral when everyone else has left to piss on her grave.
  • Mad Max: Fury Road: It takes about three seconds after Immortan Joe is killed for the nearest character to spit on the corpse. Later the body is dismembered by a crowd, though it's not entirely clear if the motivation is simply angry desecration or some form of prize-snatching (and whether the body parts might be desired in celebration of the death or to revere as sacred objects). Or maybe the crowd is just that hungry.
  • Messenger of Death: Garret is attending Willis Beecham's funeral when he becomes suspicious that Willis is Faking the Dead. He tests his theory by snatching a rifle off one of the Mormons and firing several shots into the coffin. He then walks over to the coffin and flips the lid open with the rifle barrel; revealing the coffin to be empty.
  • Film adaptations of A Christmas Carol usually go with And There Was Much Rejoicing, but The Muppet Christmas Carol, while not actually showing the funeral, had three pigs saying they'll only go to Scrooge's "if lunch is provided". That line (or a variation on it) shows up in the original novel.
    • The 1970 version and its 2022 remake really kick things up a notch. Forget dancing on Scrooge's grave, Tom Jenkins and some other townsfolk dance on Scrooge's freaking coffin as it's being hauled to the graveyard!
  • In Swallowed, Ben disposes of Rich (who is still alive but paralyzed from a larva bite) by dumping him into the cesspit of an outhouse. This scene is in direct contrast to the extremely tender and loving way that Ben lays his lover Dom to rest in the penultimate scene.
  • Tales from the Hood: When the corrupt cops visit their prior victim's grave, they take the opportunity to piss on the tombstone. The dead man rises from the grave to go on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge not long after.
  • In Theatre of Blood, Lionheart disrupts the funeral of his first victim Maxwell, by tying the body of his second victim Snipe to a horse and having it gallop into the funeral.
  • Coupled with Speak Ill of the Dead and Spiteful Spit in Tower of London. As Richard's body is dragged along after he's killed, every soldier spits at him and curses him for being a child murderer.
  • Trainwreck has Amy eulogizing her father by reminding people he was an alcoholic, bigoted jerk, before a touching end where she says people still liked him.
  • At the beginning of The Verdict, we see that the main character gets most of his cases by trolling strangers' funerals with his business card. He gets away with it once, but the second time, the dead man's son calls him out and has him removed.


  • A well-known joke has a memorial service for a particularly nasty person, and the vicar/rabbi/imam asking for somebody to share some pleasant memory of the deceased. There is then silence for some time, until a voice is heard saying "He wasn't as bad as his brother was". (This has been told as an anecdote about several real-life people, but is probably apocryphal.)
  • A joke in the military service, a Drill Sergeant Nasty tells a recruit who's being punished with pushups "You'll thank me later, even if you want to piss on my grave when I die". The recruit says that he wouldn't do that telling the Drill Sergeant Nasty "After I get out of the military I never want to stand in line again!"
  • A gravedigger sees a man pissing on a freshly-dug grave, a half-empty bottle of whiskey next to him.

    "Hey! What are you doing!"
    "Fulfilling an oath I made to my brother."
    "What, piss on his grave!?"
    "Oh no. Thirty years ago, when we were both poor and about to leave the country to find our fortune, we pooled our money to buy a bottle of the finest whiskey, and whichever died last would come home, open it and pour half on the other's grave."
    "And why are you pissing on his grave?"
    "Well it's been sitting in a bottle for years, I thought I'd better filter it through my kidneys first!"


  • American Gods opens with the protagonist "Shadow" being released from prison right after finding out that his wife Laura and his best friend Robbie died in a car accident. At the funeral parlour, Robbie's wife Audrey spits in Laura's face, then explains to Shadow that Laura and Robbie had carried on an affair during Shadow's prison sentence — in fact, Laura had been pleasuring Robbie from the passenger seat when they crashed.
  • Amoridere uses this trope, twice:
    • The first one, Resentment And Insanity, has Toki mentioning she was going to dance at Kaeda's funeral. When the time does come, she dances as the proceedings are getting underway and, while the funeral is going on, she laughs (though, in that instance, it's hard to tell if it's genuine laughter).
    • The second one happens in Sardonic Dance, where the subject (wearing more "red than black") attends the funeral (of someone she's not fond of) specifically to dance on the grave of the deceased. Later, after getting a kick out of that, she would go to dance on graves at future funerals of people she's not fond of.
  • At the end of the Babylon 5 novel ''Final Reckonings: The Fate of Bester", Garibaldi, whom Bester had mind-controlled into betraying Sheridan years ago, visited Bester's grave after his funeral and hammered a stake into the ground above his coffin.
  • The Cat Who... Series: Book #10 (The Cat Who Talked to Ghosts) frequently refers to the funeral of Ephraim Goodwinter, who had a record number of mourners accompanying the funeral procession; but the vast majority were there to celebrate his death, since Ephraim was one of the most hated men in town after indirectly causing the deaths of 42 miners.
  • A Christmas Carol: At the start of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come sequence, there's a scene where several London businessmen discuss the circumstances of Scrooge's death, including how it's likely no one will even show up to the funeral because he'd alienated everyone he'd ever known in life. One says he'll go... "if lunch is provided!"
  • In Cloture of Yellow, one of the main characters, Elluka Clockworker, attends the funeral of an "old friend" Leonheart Avadonia, apparently just to call him an idiot, and leaves.
  • The Curse of Chalion: After Dondo dy Jironal is killed by the Bastard's death magic, Royina Sara wears "festival gear from three holidays jumbled together, draped and spangled with what looked like half the jewels from her jewel case" to his funeral. And during official Court Mourning for the chancellor's brother, she made a point to wear the Bastard's whites instead of purple and black mourning garb despite-or-rather-due-to the use of death magic (if not the wielder) being public knowledge.
  • Discworld:
    • In Making Money, Topsy Lavish's funeral is attended by her relatives, a family of rich, selfish, squabbling assholes who do nothing but glare at each other throughout the ceremony, waiting for each other to start something. Nonetheless, Cosmo considered it a "decently dignified occasion" spoiled only by Hubert, Topsy' nephew and only living blood relative, who was the only one actually mourning.
    • In the short story "The Sea and Little Fishes", Granny Weatherwax finds herself worrying that this may be her fate, that people would attend her funeral only to make sure she was dead. Her attempts to be nicer to her neighbors cause them to fear something terrible is going to happen.
  • In Dragon Bones, the funeral of the protagonist's father is an occasion where almost no one is sad. The widow hums a little tune, not her fault, as she's The Ophelia, and fled to her own little world because her husband abused her. He brought it unto himself, so to speak. The protagonist, Ward, who has taken to Obfuscating Stupidity to protect himself from his abusive father, goes out of his way to act as inappropriately as possible. When his uncle explains to him, after his father has died, what just happened, he thinks for a moment before replying "I get his horse!". No one cries at the funeral, and the only ones present are family.
  • A Charles Exbrayat story has an important member of a French town's funeral attended by all the town's society, along with many lower class people. The two cops on his murder case overhear the conversations, and one quotes a Chinese proverb: "There is nothing lacking from a rich man's funeral, except someone to mourn him".
  • In the movie of The Godfather, Connie Corleone's anger at her brother Michael for the murder of her abusive husband Carlo lasts for years. In contrast, she gets over it quickly in the book, and even remarries before "the year of respect" is over.
  • This is Older Than Feudalism. In The Iliad, after killing the Trojan hero Hector, Achilles threads ropes through Hector's heels and drags the corpse behind his chariot, circling the walls of Troy, for twelve days, in vengeance for his lover Patroclus whom Hector killed earlier in the story. Apollo and Aphrodite preserve the body from damage and the other gods finally take pity and order Achilles to accept a ransom to return the remains to the Trojans.
  • In Jane Eyre, Jane notes that Aunt Reed’s funeral is remarkable for the number of family members and acquaintances of the deceased who choose not to make an appearance. Her eldest daughter, Eliza, may have attended, but only out of social obligation, as she has already discarded all emotional attachment to her mother. Her youngest child, Georgina, simply goes back to London to enjoy the rest of the social season, as grieving is inconvenient.
  • The Malloreon:
    • In Guardians of the West, the funeral of Ran Borune, Emperor of Tolnedra, is primarily attended by the rival families. Since Ran Borune died without a son (and his appointed heir isn't noble, oh my), all the talk is about who will vie for the throne next. Most of the attendees deliver paper-thin condolences to his daughter Ce'Nedra. The only thing keeping the insults from being overt is the presence of her husband Belgarion, King of Riva and Overlord of the West. Eventually, though, even his patience ran out and he boldly escorts Ce'Nedra out of the temple, but not before delivering an exquisite retort to all present: "The air in here has turned a trifle rancid."
    • In The Seeress of Kell, Urgit, new King of the Murgos, ultimately reveals he heaped the trope on his father, the late Taur Urgas. Urgit slit his throat ear to ear, drove a stake through his heart, buried him by himself seventeen feet deep head-first, and finally drove herds of horses over the burial site to make certain no one except him would ever know where Taur Urgas was buried.note 
  • Nick Velvet: In "The Theft of the Leather Coffin", Nick is attending a viewing, working out how he can steal the eponymous coffin, when the funeral parlour is stormed by armed thugs who steal the coffin at gunpoint.
  • In Stephen King's Pet Sematary, rather than quietly grieving, Irwin Goldman uses his grandson Gage's funeral as an excuse to start a fight with his son-in-law.
  • Redwall: Axtel Sturnclaw is a warrior mole who leaves the bodies of slain vermin in trees for scavengers, as he doesn't want to pollute the earth with their remains.
  • Agnis in The Shipping News urinates on her deceased brother's ashes. It's revealed that he raped her when she was a child.
  • In A Song of Ice and Fire, some of the people attending Tywin Lannister's funeral crack jokes about him dying in a privy. Cersei is understandably angry when she overhears them. After his death, the silent sisters should have performed the standard procedure by making his body presentable for his funeral, draining bodily fluids, removing organs and stuffing the thing with salts and herbs. Yet his rotting corpse gives off a stink so vile that his grandson runs vomiting from the sept. The list of people who would want to see the great Tywin Lannister suffer indignity in death is pretty high, especially considering that Tywin had sent Walderan Tarbeck's surviving daughters to the silent sisters as punishment for the Reyne-Tarbeck revolt all those years ago.
  • Starter Villain (2023) starts with Charlie getting asked to officiate at his estranged Uncle Jake's funeral. He finds out that everyone else there is there to make sure that Jake really is dead and to enact either this trope or The "Fun" in "Funeral".
  • The Tamuli: King Avin Wargunson's funeral devolves into general mirth, both because he had richly earned his 0% Approval Rating and because the manner of his death — being nailed into a barrel of wine — dyed him a comical shade of purple. People do mourn the loss... of the wine.
  • The Well at the World's End: Narrowly averted for Lord Gandolf of Utterbol, a tyrant with a 0% Approval Rating. After Bull assassinates him, Otter suggests that Bull feed him to his lion, but Bull refuses because the body of such an evil man would poison the lion.
  • In Xanth, ogres are supposed to be Designated Villains, so things like living in swamps, acting all mean and intimidating are considered desirable behavior. This even goes to their burial rites, where this trope is required to properly bury an ogre. Ogres prefer to be buried someplace nasty like a garbage dump; if something like that isn't handy, you need to curse the burial site you choose. That's how Smash managed to negotiate one of Good Magician Humphrey's obstacles in Ogre, Ogre: he convinced a gate made of ogre's bones to fall apart so he could bury them properly: which he does when he insults the bones after burying them.

Live-Action TV 

  • All My Children: After Michael Cambias rapes Bianca and is subsequently found dead, literally everyone in Pine Valley showed up at his funeral just to give eulogies on how much they hate him for what he did to Bianca, with Bianca's then-lover Lena going so far as to spit on his grave. On another note, his coffin was actually empty; before the funeral, Tad Martin, Aidan Devane, and Boyd Larraby broke into the funeral home and stole Michael's body just so they could bury it in the garbage dump.
  • On As the World Turns, the funeral of an Asshole Victim character was attended only by the five women he had terrorized throughout his time on the show. And it was clear that they wouldn't have come had his lawyer not sent invitations specifically requesting their presence. One woman went so far as to take a letter opener and stab his corpse through the heart to ensure that he would not be coming back from the dead—he had done so several times before—to harass them again. At this, one of other women snarked, "Well, if he wasn't dead before, he sure as hell is now."
  • Babylon 5: When Morden asks Vir what he wants, Vir has an answer along the lines of this trope:

    "I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price. I would look up at your lifeless eyes and wave... like this."
    [waggles fingers, smiling]
    "Can you and your associates arrange that for me, Mr. Morden?"

    • Later, Morden is killed and put on display in exactly the same manner as Vir described. Vir then proceeds to do the mocking wave he'd promised to do before.
  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Madeline Wuntch demands that Holt give her eulogy knowing that he wouldn't be able to resist insulting her, and thus making himself look bad in front of the brass. Holt does exactly what she expected, only to reveal that it was a staged funeral. When he gives the real eulogy, he actually acknowledges that she was a Worthy Opponent.
    • In the finale, Wuntch's grave is used as part of the scavenger hunt of the final heist. When the gang gets there, they find a balloon arch, which Holt states that he replaces every week.
  • In an episode of Cheers, when an old teammate dies, Coach is asked to give a eulogy; but when Coach finds out that the old friend had made a pass at his wife, he's mortified, and at first, intends to invoke this trope to tell him off. However, it is Subverted because he can't bring himself to do it, and delivers a touching eulogy. However, this leads to one of the guests saying he's almost ready to forgive the man, indicating that the deceased made a pass at his wife, and it is soon revealed that this is true for all the men attending. A double subversion is risked when they want to hang him in effigy, but Diane, ever the peacemaker, starts singing Amazing Grace, and the subversion stands.
  • The Community episode "Advanced Gay" sees the death of Pierce's abusive, racist Hate Sink father. At the funeral, Pierce delivers a scathing eulogy about what a hateful person he was.

    "...Well, I'm not scared of you anymore, because you're dead and I'm not. So, I win. You can suck it."

  • Elementary introduces its version of Inspector Lestrade by having him drunkenly gatecrash the funeral of a press baron who had bad-mouthed him in print, armed with a (fake) grenade to clear out the attendees, before saying he's going to fulfill a promise he had made and reaching for his fly. Although the show cuts away, it's pretty obvious he finishes up by pissing on the man's coffin. This gets him in very serious trouble, from which Sherlock grudgingly extricates him.
  • The Everybody Loves Raymond episode "I Wish I Were Gus" is built around several facets of this. First, Ray is given the duty of having to write a eulogy for a family member he rarely (if ever) spent any time with, and one that led an uneventful life as well, to which he decides to spend his time discussing the problems he's dealing with that day. Then, Marie and her sister renew decades-long disdain towards one another and make comments during the funeral. Also, Robert ends up making strange noises throughout and eventually leaves.
  • In The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, when Carl Robertson, Phillip Banks' mentor and political opponent dies, everyone save for Will attends his funeral primarily to check if he's really dead. When Will proclaims that he was the one that killed him (albeit through telling him to drop dead) as he attempts to call them out on it, the attendees give him a standing ovation. Phillip did have a complimentary eulogy prepared, but his wife Vivian forgot to bring it.
  • Friends of all shows references a real-life example of this trope in one episode where Chandler goes to Joey's parents' house. Joey mentions his grandmother is there, and that she was one of the first few people to spit on Mussolini's dead body.
  • Ghosts (US): After he overdosed, Trevor's fellow finance bros threw his body in the lake and fled. Eventually, one of the B&B's guests accidentally pulls up his skull while fishing.
  • The Golden Girls had an episode in which Rose finally tells off a very mean and bitter old woman to death. Eventually, while Rose organized a funeral out of guilt and to pay respects, nobody but an old woman shows up to pay her last respects. At first, the audience was treated to a beautiful eulogy, which was then subverted when the old woman realized that it was for the wrong woman. Once the speech giver was told who the funeral was for, she promptly turns around and kicks the coffin!
  • In the House, M.D. episode "Birthmarks", Dr. House is forcibly dragged to his estranged, abusive father's funeral and made to give the eulogy. He takes the opportunity to gather tissue for a long-awaited Daddy DNA Test.
  • Shortly after his inauguration as POTUS, Frank Underwood in House of Cards (US) visits his father's grave in Gaffney, ostensibly to pay his respects. When he is granted some "privacy" by the Secret Service and the media, he urinates on the headstone. They didn't get along.
  • How I Met Your Mother: Marshall visits the grave of his recently deceased father to have a private moment with him, but he's repeatedly interrupted by tagalongs and the event soon becomes a tailgate barbecue. Marshall is deeply offended when one of the partygoers uses Marshall's father's grave to pop the cap off a beer bottle. Ultimately, the trope is subverted when Marshall looks around at the tailgate barbecue and realizes how much his dad would have loved it.
  • MacGyver (1985): In "D.O.A: MacGyver", MacGyver discovers a bomb planted at a funeral, only to lose the memory after a head injury.
  • Mad Men makes a point of showing how an ad executive's memorial service is populated mainly by his clients, who are now up for grabs, and people from rival agencies who are there to size them up. Another time, at Roger's mother's funeral, Don shows up drunk, disrupts proceedings by throwing up, and has to leave, and Bob Benson (a new guy not important enough to be invited) later gets reprimanded by Ken for sending food in an inappropriate attempt to ingratiate himself.
  • After Fran's accidental death in Mama's Family, Thelma tries to give her a perfect funeral. However, it's ruined by such things as the coffin falling out the back of the hearse on the highway, Aunt Effie demanding the opal earrings Fran was buried in, and Thelma's grandson showing up at the house after his release from reform school, eating all the food, and then going on an emotional rant when he finds out he's been abandoned by his parents.

    Thelma: Well, Frannie, I tried, but your perfect day's gone to hell in a handbasket. I sure hope you haven't done the same. Amen.

  • Midsomer Murders: In "The Devil's Work", at their father's funeral, Ursula Shirewell gives Lucian a rose and tells him, “It's not too late to make your peace, Lucian.” Lucian stabs the stem of the rose into the top of the coffin, “May you rot in Hell!,” he yells. The crowd gasps.
  • At the start of Mussolini: Son of the Century, the title character does a Posthumous Narration where he suggests that the disrespect done to his corpse (shot, beaten and hung upside down) had less to do with the people celebrating the death of a tyrant than embarrassment over the adulation with which they once regarded him.
  • In the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode featuring Samson vs. the Vampire Women, Mike had the bots write letters to TV's Frank, who moved on to Second Banana Heaven. However, Servo and Crow don't take theirs seriously one bit, which Mike scolds them over as Frank treated them nicely.
  • One episode of Nash Bridges has recurring character Tony B fake his death. Most of the attendees at his funeral use the opportunity to insult him... even Nash.

    Nash: From what I hear, making love to Tony B was like opening a bottle of champagne. (simulates popping the cork off a bottle of champagne) Pop! It's over.

  • Chanel #2's funeral in Scream Queens. Chanel arranges her frenemy's funeral and even grants her last wishes (sending her ashes into space), but her eulogy is about how Chanel #2 was a backstabber, tried to put the moves on her boyfriend, and when Chanel wanted to walk around campus in a diamond formation, Chanel #2 would refuse to walk behind her, so they had to walk in a triangle formation. She ends her eulogy by saying that Chanel got what was coming to her. The other Chanels also give their last respects, but they amount to saying that they're going to take her clothes, or that they didn't know what ethnicity she was.
  • In the first episode of Sense8, Wolfgang's uncle suggests he go and visit his late father's grave while they're attending his grandfather's funeral. Since Wolfgang's father was an abusive drunk, who Wolfgang actually killed when he was 10, he has no love for the man and decides to urinate on the grave.
  • Deconstructed in The Sopranos episode "Proshai Livuashka". Upon Livia's death, Janice decides to throw a wake for her despite her own expressed wish not to have one. After many phony expressions of sympathy and mourning from all attendees, it finally takes Carmella to speak up that she was a horribly dysfunctional and manipulative woman who spread misery to everyone who spent time with her, and didn't want a funeral because she thought no-one would miss her. No one argues with this assessment, least of all Tony (she even gets a hear hear).
  • Two and a Half Men:
    • Charlie has a dream in which he attends his own funeral (as a ghost). At the funeral, women spit on his coffin, the eulogy is filled with derogatory jokes, and Alan ends the service by inviting the congregation back to his beach house for a wake/luau.
    • Charlie's actual funeral in the first episode of season 9 ends up being similar. Alan's eulogy was interrupted by Charlie's ex-girlfriends insulting the deceased, (they wanted to spit on him too, but his remains were not "spittable") and Evelyn used the occasion to remind everyone that Charlie's house is up for sale.
  • The Umbrella Academy (2019): The Hargreeves children try to scatter their abusive, estranged adoptive father's ashes in the rain. Instead, the ashes plop onto the ground in a heap (much reduced, since Klaus already spilled the urn and left a cigarette butt inside); Diego delivers a scathing "good riddance", then gets into a fight with Luther.


  • Clamavi de Profundis: After taking over Worldstone Keep, the evil creatures and demons go out of their way to defile the graves of the heroes buried there.
  • Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung: In one song, the undead narrator's relatives "have a calculator instead of a bible in their hand, to divide up the inheritance", but he gets the last laugh: he wasted his fortune before he died, and just left them his cognac, which they'll need.
  • Rammstein: The music video for song "Haifisch" is set at singer Till Lindemann's funeral. The rest of the band discuss in front of his coffin who to replace him with. And while it's not clear what killed him until the end, where it's revealed he faked his death, the others clearly had fantasized about killing him.
  • Siniestro Total: "Bailaré sobre tu tumba" ("I Will Dance on Your Grave") threatens an unnamed person the band seems to be targeting with killing them in a number of unorthodox ways, then dancing on their grave.
  • Taylor Swift: In "Anti-Hero", the narrator describes a nightmare where she was murdered by a family member, and all that her family cares about is the inheritance. The music video adds to this by showing said family members clearly uncaring about her death, and instead live-streaming the funeral and wearing her clothes for attention. Once it's then revealed that she only left them a total of 13 cents, they get into an argument on who capitalized off of her name the best, descending into a brawl in the same room as the casket.

    I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money
    She thinks I left them in the will
    The family gathers 'round and reads it and then someone screams out
    "She's laughing up at us from Hell!"

Video Games 

  • Enzo's first act in Bayonetta is pissing on someone's tombstone, and taunting Bayonetta about how no angels are going to be coming for "Eggman the Destroyer", culminating in him throwing his spent stogie onto the coffin. When the angels do arrive to Enzo's shock and disbelief, Bayonetta proceeds to kick their asses all over the place.
  • Borderlands 3 reveals that Typhon Deleon did this former partner Azlan Devega after the latter betrayed him. He returned to Devega's grave and apparently took a massive shit on it, calling him a 'putz' before heading to search for the Eridian homeworld.
  • At the end of Broforce, your character pays his last respects to Satan himself... by pissing on his grave.
  • Aunt Sarah's funeral in The Darkness 2 gets interrupted by cultists. Just adding insult is that a stray blast hits the coffin and the corpse comes spilling out.
  • In Final Fantasy XIV, Garlean Emperor Solus zos Galvus passes away during the 2.X patch cycle. After a civil war caused by his death is ended by the emperor's grandson Varis ascending to the throne, the emperor is finally given a proper funeral... And the player is presented a cutscene of Varis spitting on the casket.
  • Funeral attacks are done to both sides in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, after the Ballas attempt to assassinate key Grove Street members Sweet and Carl, they in turn return the favor.
  • In Grand Theft Auto IV, the funeral procession of the McReary family gets shot up by Albanian gangsters after the McRearys ruined their relationship with the Ancelotti family.
  • In Hitman 2, Zoe Washington will chastise Janus on his death bed, saying that she's glad he's dead. All the more satisfying when you kill her disguised as Janus.
  • Persona 3: during Shinjiro's service, you overhear two upperclassmen complaining about how they don't want to waste time sitting through it, and that he was probably 'just some punk'. One then asks your hero if he happened to know the guy, then dismisses the possibility, as you're just a junior.
  • In Persona 4, Mr. Morooka openly badmouths Saki after her death, suggesting that she was promiscuous. Not because she was, but because Morooka believes that all students, male or female, are.
  • In Persona 5, midway through the game, the principal of Shujin Academy suffers a mental breakdown, is hit by a truck and killed. Since most of the school hates him for keeping Kamoshida around and covering for his crimes, a lot of students badmouth him at the school assembly in which his death is announced.
  • PlanetSide Guild HMX-1 held a funeral for one of their own, Raider05, who had passed away due to a heart attack. HMX-1 Set the funeral up in an area where enemy players were banned from entering, however, another guild the Enclave, ostensibly members of the same faction (The Terran Republic) and therefore allowed into the zone, proceeded to carpet bomb the funeral. As no one in the funeral was armed, except 7 snipers (for the 21 gun salute), the Enclave managed to kill everyone.
  • In Saints Row 2, Shogo interrupts Aisha's funeral in an attempt to challenge Johnny Gat and The Boss to a fight. Johnny offers him one chance to walk away, which he mocks. The Boss and Johnny kill his henchmen, then chase him down once he runs, at which point Johnny delivers a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown before he's Buried Alive.
  • Similar to the above, in Saints Row: The Third, Killbane attacks the Saints at Johnny's funeral. Unlike the above, he isn't killed, though it does drive Shaundi berserk.
  • In The Witcher, Emhyr var Emreis the Emperor of Nilfgaard, once he reclaims his rightful throne, has all of the graves of the Usurper's fellow plotters disinterred and uses the remains and gravestones to pave his ballroom. An act that earns him the moniker The White Flame that Dances on the Barrows of his Enemies.
  • Yakuza:
    • In Yakuza, Chairman Sera's funeral turns into a brawl when Kiryu (an expelled, dishonored Clan member) is discovered to have crashed the wake.
    • In Yakuza 2, Chairman Terada's funeral is first crashed by Ryuji Goda, who mocks everyone present, and then further ruined by Shindo making a play for the Chairmanship.

Web Animation 


  • In the NSFW comic Moon Over June Summer (who had to be goaded into attending the funeral in the first place) is surprised to find out her siblings wish to pay this upon their father. As it turns out, they suffered as much under his toxic masculinity as she did, if not more, because she at least got sent to boarding school. (Examples: Berating the boys if they weren't tackling each other hard enough, ripping an earring out of River's ear, encouraging Leaf to be more of a bully, ripped up a poem Skyy wrote because 'poetry is for faggots', and scared Lake enough to stay in the closet about being trans.) When she expresses a desire to piss on his grave upon finding out, they tell her to not do that...because she doesn't have enough piss for it yet.

    Stone: Why do you think we're drinking Coors Light?
    Skyy: Maximize the ammo production without getting too drunk to aim it properly!

  • In Shortpacked!, Mike shows up to Blaine's funeral in a Hawaiian shirt and party hat, throws confetti when Amber reveals just how abusive Blaine was to her and her mother, and flips off Blaine's corpse, saying 'later jerkhole, I'm fucking your daughter'.
  • Ugly Hill had two of these.
    • Eli and Hastings' grandfather, who had been a racist, mean old bastard, but whom Hastings had begun to bond with shortly before his death. At the funeral, it turned out that he had a massive falling out with his children, which was the reason for why Eli and Hastings' mother (who was otherwise just as racist and nasty as her father) nearly disowned Hastings for visiting him. At the funeral itself, their uncle showed up and told them he'd been working on a loogie the whole way there just so he could spit epically on his father's corpse. The feeling was mutual, as the will revealed that the old man only let his house and 500.000 in credit card bills to his children.
    • When Eli and Hastings mother herself dies near the end of the strips run, there's a lot of mixed feelings. Hastings was always close to her and is devastated, while Eli hated her due to her racism, manipulative behavior and selfishness. When left alone in the funeral parlor, he prepares to beat up her corpse with a mallet.
  • Xinchub's funeral in Schlock Mercenary. Tagon issues party hats and noisemakers.

    Captain, I have studied more than a little bit of human culture. Nowhere have I found brightly colored, conical hats and inflatable noisemakers to be appropriate funeral attire.

Web Original 

Web Video 

  • On Being the Elite this happens twice during Joey Ryan's funeral:
    • First, Scorpio Sky of SCU begins their speech saying that "this is the worst funeral I have ever been in!".
    • Then, Arthur starts dissing Ryan himself in front of the entirety of The Elite sans "Hangman" Adam Page, who wasn't there, who were grieving Ryan.
  • In the Dark Simpsons episode "Bart Wets His Pants", this happens at Bart's funeral after he killed himself over being bullied by his potty accident, with Lenny joking about him one last time and everyone laughing over his joke.
  • Dream SMP:
    • Jschlatt's funeral involved having pictures of the man being shot off the walls around the cemetery or defaced with penises, people stealing his body parts (renamed items placed in a chest, as Minecraft corpses disappear upon death), and Tommy and Tubbo playing with his bones. But most egregiously of all, Quackity sang a horribly autotuned song while playing his untuned guitar about how Schlatt is burning in hell, and ate his heart (here's the footage for reference).
    • On a sadder note, after receiving the news that Tommy was brutally murdered by Dream, Bad, Ant and Punz (while Brainwashed and Crazy by the Egg) decide to celebrate by throwing a party in the victim's house, placing down a cake, and swapping out the floor from grass to a garish checkerboard pattern of yellow concrete and quartz. When Puffy finds them, tears into them and kicks them out, they decide to rent a room in Tommy's hotel instead to continue celebrating.
  • In Rainbow Dash Presents Bittersweet, at Pinkie's funeral, Rarity is too busy gloating that she called it that Pinkie would kill herself, Twilight expresses disbelief that Pinkie would die by diabetic ketoacidosis ('what is this, the dark ages, we have medicine!'), Applejack tries to be respectful but ends up concluding Pinkie died to spite everyone, and Rainbow Dash makes her eulogy all about her feelings of guilt about Pinkie's death. Fluttershy might have been the only respectful person at the funeral, but since she was drowned out by dubstep per Pinkie's last will and testament, we'll never know. What's more, when her spirit comes back to give the rest of the Mane Six closure, Dash is just confused while the others complain about it.

Western Animation 

  • The Boondocks:
    • "Wingmen": Robert Freeman's longtime "friend" Moe passes away, and he is then asked to read a pre-written eulogy. At first, everyone at the funeral acts as if Moe is the best at everything. He is being given credit for things Robert did in World War II, all the women swoon for him, etc. Robert finally breaks all the lies by announcing how much of a jerk Moe really was. Everyone else then starts agreeing and pointing out how he owed many of them money and other negative aspects about him.
    • "The Color Ruckus": Uncle Ruckus' father Mister Ruckus attends the funeral of his own mother Nelly Ruckus, not out of grief, but out of celebration (Nelly, Mister, and Uncle all hated each other).
  • Danny Phantom: While in the Bad Future created by that fatefull Nasty Burger explosion, Danny learns that his family and friends received a large Memorial Statue that reads "Gone But Not Forgotten". And then the camera pans out to a sightly crooked statue dedicated to Mr. Lancer that simple reads "Gone". Given he was at least responsible to some degree of the tragedy, this isn't exactly surprising.
  • Daria: In "Murder, She Snored", although his funeral occurs in Daria's dream, nobody really has anything nice to say about Kevin. Ms. Barch uses it as an excuse for another feminist rant, Mack's eulogy basically insults Kevin, and, to top it off, Daria and Jane wear Hawaiian shirts for the occasion note . The 3 J's even mimic the tests done by the men in Charade to make sure that Kevin is dead.
  • DuckTales (2017): At Scrooge's funeral in "The 87-Cent Solution!", his bitter rival Flintheart Glomgold shows up in a white sequined suit and starts dancing to DJ Khaled's "All I Do is Win" and making it rain dollar bills while everyone else stares in disgust. Extra diss points to Glomgold for twerking up against Scrooge's casket(!). He would have danced on the casket too, but an embarrassed Zan Owlson stops him. Scrooge is, in fact, just fine, but the disrespect on Glomgold's part was absolutely real.
  • Family Guy:
  • King of the Hill: Luanne's ex Buckley does not get a fitting send-off at his funeral. Dale throws up into his coffin after seeing his remains and Luanne, who was suppressing her emotions by becoming a Soapbox Sadie, raves about starving Irish kids by showing a picture of Bobby in his underwear. The only person who mourns him is Kahn, who had apparently befriended him offscreen because of how much he annoyed Hank. He was somewhat of an ass, but nowhere near deserving of having his corpse desecrated.
  • Pepper Ann: In one episode, P.A. is asked to give the eulogy at the funeral of a cranky neighbor no one liked. She's having a difficult time finding anything nice to say about her, but also realizes she can't just lie about her.
  • The Simpsons:
    • When Mr. Burns is thought to be dead, various dignitaries come to his funeral just to spit in his grave. So many in fact, that the grave has to be drained afterwards.
    • "Bart the General": Bart imagines what his funeral after being killed by Nelson would be like. Nelson takes a cupcake placed for Bart in the casket, then gives the body a few more punches "for the road". To a lesser extent, there's also Milhouse, who thanks Bart for dying since this means he didn't have to go to school for the day. Homer initially behaves the same ("yeah, and I got the day off from work!") but quickly switches to mournful via a nudge from Marge.
    • "The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace": Homer has an Imagine Spot of his funeral. In it, the few attendees decide to skip the eulogy and just toss Homer in the grave off a dump truck while Heckle and Jeckle call him "a real sack of crap".
    • "Mother Simpson": After Homer fakes his death to get off working as a garbage collector, Marge is visited by Patty and Selma, who quite gleefully try to gift Marge what they have been saving for ever since she married: a graveyard spot for Homer with accompanying tombstone that reads "Homer Simpson: we are richer for having lost him".

TUE- Back To The Past

Upon realizing that his younger self was trying to avert the Bad Future he created, Dark Danny sends Past Danny into the Ghost Zone while he (Dark Danny) goes back in time to ensure that the events the led to his creation still happen.

Example of:
Stable Time Loop