Law of Chromatic Superiority - TV Tropes

  • ️Mon Jan 14 2008

Law of Chromatic Superiority (trope)

"Why do the Head Gunners with red paint get extra guns?!"

Boom: I would be psyched if I were the Red Ranger!
Jack: You'd be psyched if you were the Pink Ranger.
Boom: (chuckles) ...True. But Red is the big cheese. Head honcho! Large and in charge! I mean, you get to tell the others what to do, and then they do it!

Which colors are better depends on what you're doing. For instance, let's say that you want to make some really good toast. But all you have is a crappy plastic toaster with a handle that sticks down. You don't have enough money to buy a new toaster, so how do you get the perfect toast you want?

Simple: paint the toaster red. The resulting toast will be three times better than normal toast. Red also makes every video game enemy three times stronger. The Red Shirt can be a case of some colors being worse: they go down faster.

While red is one of the most common colors to receive this treatment, it isn't the only one. It's generally held that the rarest color in a work will be the "best" one. A guy dressed all in black will always defeat opponents clad in lesser colors. Gold is always better than silver (unless you're dealing with werewolves), and silver is always better than bronze. Since bronze and gold are sometimes the same color, it makes for a complicated hierarchy.

Related to Colour-Coded for Your Convenience, Chromatic Arrangement, Power Glows and Color-Coded Item Tiers. For tropes concerning specific colors being better, see Red Ones Go Faster, Red Is Heroic, Blue Is Heroic and Primary-Color Champion, Golden Super Mode, Purple Is Powerful, Emerald Power, Gold-Colored Superiority and Gold and White Are Divine. For when colors are worse, see Red and Black and Evil All Over, White Shirt of Death, and potentially Red Shirt.


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Anime & Manga 

  • Very widely known to Gundam fans as the "Char Custom Rule", nearly every entry in the series uses this in spades:
    • While certainly not the origin of the overall trope, it was neatly codified by Mobile Suit Gundam, which featured legendary Ace Pilot Char Aznable, whose customized Humongous Mecha was said to be three times faster than normal versions of its type (this was later ret conned to the more reasonable 30% faster and being very good at kicking off ships to go faster and preserve fuel). The only observable difference between his Mecha and normal models was that his was painted red.

      This has been used to comedic effect outside the series: The Bandai Hobby Center in Shizuoka, Japan has a "Char Custom" forklift, painted to look like Char's MS-06 Zaku, which is held by the staff to be three times more forklift-y than an ordinary forklift and the GE Consumer Finance Char Custom credit card receives three times as many bonus points per 1000 yen spent compared to their other Gundam-related credit cards. There's even a Char's Custom PSP and Char's Custom 3DS (as bundled with SD Gundam G Generation 3D), though whether they load three times faster has yet to be tested.

      And then Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn unveiled the Sinanju, which really IS three times faster than its accompanying Geara Zulus; it's even piloted by Char's clone. Three guesses as to what its color is.

    • The Char Custom Rule should also be given the Quattro Bajeena Corrollary: if red is not enough to emphasize its awesome, the mecha should be colored Gold (best example being the Hyaku-Shiki, Harry Ord's SUMO and the Akatsuki Gundam).
    • It is worth noting that the primarily-white Gundam is referred to by its enemies (the Principality of Zeon) as "the white mobile suit" and is usually recognized as such ("It's the white one! Fall back!"), the off-white GMs are superior to almost all of their Zeonic counterparts, and most other ace pilots have their mobile suits colored a certain color as well; Anavel Gato's blue-and-green Gelgoog, Johnny Ridden's red-and-black suits (similar enough to Char's colors that his being commonly mistaken for Char is a Running Gag, with "I'm not Char!" practically being his catchphrase, even moreso in fanon), the suits of the Black Tri-Stars, and the most skilled (and least-famous) ace pilot, Shin Matsunaga, who piloted the only other white mobile suits in the series other than the Gundam and actually outperformed Char in the battle that made him famous (and, by having the sense to retire after the One Year War rather than getting dragged into the next half-dozen conflicts, is the one who survives the longest).
    • There is also the Ramba Ral Corollary to the Char Custom Rule. If a machine is already red, you must paint it blue to show it has been changed. Gundam Airmaster Burst and Gundam Heavyarms Custom are instances of this.
    • Chromatic superiority is invoked - sort of - in one SD Gundam skit. The Gundams convince a bunch of Zakus to get drunk on sake so they'll turn red and go faster. Ends up being a subversion, as the drunken Zakus can barely move in a straight line, let alone at speed. It's deliberately invoked in the character creation quiz for Gundam Assault Survive, where one of the random questions the player can be asked is what color they'd choose for their custom machine. Red is described as "speedy" while blue is described as "strong" (the third choice is black, which is said to represent good teamwork, referring to the Black Tri-Stars).
    • The Gamecube game Gashapon Wars has a stage where the player fights Char in all his distinctive red mobile suits. When he runs out of official models, he grabs the Strike Rouge from Gundam SEED, saying that since it's red it still counts. After the Rouge is defeated, he appears in the gold-colored Akatsuki from SEED Destiny and remarks that gold is his color too.
    • In SD Gundam Force, the Zakos are little more than Mooks and Plucky Comic Relief, often defeated with a single hit. Zako Red, however, is cunning, sly, and effective. There is a good reason for this, however: Zako Red is a dummy body remotely controlled by Dark Axis leader Sazabi, as seen when Red goes inert after handing Captain Gundam's stolen Soul Drive to Sazabi.
    • Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny have the elite ZAFT redcoats, who are better than ordinary greencoat soldiers, despite sharing or even being of a lower rank than the green coats. Elite pilots can also have their units and pilot suits colored to their custom colors. Also, the Strike Rouge's red/pink color scheme is explained by it having a higher power output than the original Strike Gundam although nothing stops the Strike Rouge from being coloured the same as the original Strike in Destiny when Kira pilots it.
    • In Gundam 00, which otherwise has surprisingly little references to older series (especially compared to SEED), the Gundams unlock a hidden Super Mode which causes them to become three times faster... and red.
    • As Gundam 00 Turns Red, Gundam F91 is the same.
  • In DNA2, hero Junta has dark red hair, which gets progressively lighter (and spikier) the stronger he gets, with his Twinkle Junta self being a lighter shade and the Mega Playboy himself having incredibly bright hair, colored a neon-magenta in most manga illustrations.
  • In Layzner Ru Kain's Zakarl generates a red energy when using the fullest extent of its' V-Max. It also helps that his unit is painted gold compared to the rest of the empire.
  • In Naruto, red, yellow, or orange = powerful. Think about it. Who has those colors? Naruto, Kushina, Minato, Sakura, Gamabunta, Hashirama, Kurama, Jiraiya, everyone with the Sharingan, Gaara, A, Nagato, Deidara, Sasori, Choji, and Choza. The more of these colors is present, the more powerful the character. While many characters that do not have these colors are still quite dangerous, these are the ones that it is a truly bad idea to mess with.
  • Dilandau's guymelef in The Vision of Escaflowne only differs from the mooks' in that his is red, while theirs are purple. Similarly, his armour is red, while his subordinates' are blue.
  • In Saint Seiya, the Gold Saints are the strongest warriors of all, because they wear the shiniest clothes of all (Gold). This does get turned on its head a little as the series goes on, since the Five-Man Band of main characters technically remain low-level Bronze Saints, though their clothes develop a habit of subverting the hierarchy altogether.
  • This tradition has been carried on by many other non-Gundam Humongous Mecha series, where the most technically skilled pilot (but very seldomly The Hero himself) has a red mech: Ace Pilot Asuka's Unit-02 in Neon Genesis Evangelion, squad leader Ryoko's red Aestivalis in Martian Successor Nadesico, Hot-Blooded Ace Pilot Kamina's Gurren in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Milia Fallyna Jenius' VF-1J Valkyrie in Macross (though she's only the second most skilled pilot; the most skilled is her husband, Max Jenius, who pilots a blue version of the same craft), Death Seeker Stalker with a Crush Gauron and Blood Knight Psycho for Hire Gates' Plan-1058 Codarl-i in Full Metal Panic!, Kallen Stadtfeld's Guren Mk-II / Kashoushiki / SEITEN in Code Geass (though it was a unique model), and Elvy Hadhiyat's Alpha V-1 Vermillion in RahXephon (her Vermillion is the only one colored red; all others are either grey or black).
  • Also, the Red Lion in GoLion; Isamu Kurogane was the pilot of the ship that brought the Go Lion team to Altea and is generally considered the best pilot. Akira, despite piloting the Black Lion, wears a red uniform (much to the confusion of American viewers watching the Voltron translation). This is because the team is essentially a Super Sentai Five-Man Band wearing the uniforms they would be wearing in a regular Sentai. The lions just happen to not match their pilot's colors.
  • Bleach, during a Filler episode, both paid homage to and parodied the trope by having several local kids form a Sentai squad; they then spent most of the episode arguing over who got to be the Red Ranger. They ended up both taking red, and then Don Kanonji took gold.
  • Speed Racer: the Mach 5 is mostly white, but has red trimmings.
  • Lately, Haruhi Suzumiya has been affiliating the Five-Man Band with their own colors. Guess what color Haruhi has? Note that she put on a Red Armband of Leadership when she founded the SOS-Brigade.
  • Princess Tutu: Rue is the star dancer of the school and wears a red leotard in contrast to the blue ones of other students. Inversely, Ahiru is a complete clutz just barely keeping herself out of the probationary class and wears a white leotard.
  • Berserk has the Artifacts of Doom called Behelit that give the owner a chance to perform a Deal with the Devil upon hitting their worst moment and get turned into an Apostle. And then there is the Crimson Behelit, which is a Behelit that only appears every 216 years in the hands of the person destined to become a new member of the God Hand.
  • According to the unofficial "Laws of Super Robot Anime", regarding the application of this trope: If it's green and glows, it's raw evolution, incredible power, great destruction, or all three; if it's red and has a command antenna, it moves three times faster; if it's orange, it's about to be destroyed; if it's gold, you're fucked.
  • Inverted in My-Otome. The first years, who are meant to be the weakest in both power and skill, wear a red dress, the second years wear dark grey and the graduated Meisters run the gamut of colours. Lena Sayers, said by Word of God to be the most powerful ever, wears blue.
  • In Fullmetal Alchemist, Ed attempts to invoke this trope. When asked about his trademark red jacket, he explains that it's a "manly color that gets the blood flowing!"
  • Lampshaded in Special Duty Combat Unit Shinesman: the protagonist ends up with red as his costume color because his little brother pointed out that the red one is always the leader.
  • The anime of Sengoku Basara offers an inversion to this, as red clad Sanada Yukimura was bested in one of his fights by blue clad Date Masamune (though only because Yukimura wasn't quite paying attention).
  • In Yu-Gi-Oh! R, the top-ranked Card Professor uses a special black Duel Disk. It even gets compared to a black belt in martial arts in that while it isn't inherently any different from the other Disks aside from its color, it's a sign that the one wearing it is not someone you want to mess with.
  • Pokémon: Genesect and the Legend Awakened features a group of five Genesect, four normal colored and one Shiny, with the Shiny one leading the troupe. The color of a Shiny Genesect? Red, of course.
  • The Pretty Cure series is an odd one. There are red-colored Cures, but the pink Cures are the leaders. The first series to feature a team, Yes! Pretty Cure 5, had an early episode where Natts wanted to know who the leader was for the team. Nozomi decided it should be Karen, since she was the smarter of the five. However, Karen decided it should be Nozomi, since she was the one who got them all together and the others agreed.
  • The Korean Webtoon Hello Hellper mostly takes place in the afterlife and it's Splash of Color-coding has red common ghosts at the bottom and mysterious purple godlike beings(? we've only met one so far who's later revealed as Satan) at the top, with tough yellow ogres, insanely strong green guardians, and terrifying blue Grim Reapers in between. Our hero has the ability to "take" colors: he's already got a boon of purple power from Satan and the powerful feet of a yellow-blooded ogre chief — the fact that he was able to integrate the different colored blood was a literally one-in-a-million chance. He also has the ability to "give" colors: He smacked some red onto the first Reaper he defeated; said reaper was the son of the aforementioned ogre chief's daughter and Sun Wukong The Monkey King.
    • There seems to be a similar thing going on in the living world in the late main character's gang— er, group of protectors: Their regular patch is a black dog with three giant bottom teeth (like a boar) on a red background while violent, deadly "hunters" trained by an gangster to get revenge on the gang who threw him out use a dog with three giant fangs on a green background.
  • Double Subverted in Aldnoah.Zero, where Inaho uses a bright-orange KG-6 Sleipnir where everyone else in the Earth forces uses the military-green KG-7 Areion. The Sleipnir actually has lower specs than the Areion, as it's a training unit for beginning pilots, yet through careful tactics and his outstanding knowledge of physics, Inaho is able to take down Martian Kataphrakts on a regular basis. However, when asked why he doesn't upgrade to using an Areion when given the chance, Inaho notes that the one area where the Sleipnir excels over the Areion is speed. Because the Areion's marginally-better armor doesn't really protect against the weapons of Martian Kataphrakts anyway, Inaho prefers the Sleipnir's higher maneuverability, making it the superior choice after all.
  • DARLING in the FRANXX applies this to the pilot rather than the machine - though Zero Two and Strelizia are synonymous to her co-pilot anyway. Zero Two wears a distinctive red uniform, and a very eye-catching bright red Latex Space Suit for flight. She and her machine are so high-performance she's notorious for burning out her partners after only a few sorties. Once she gets a partner who can keep up with her, she transitions to more sedate white-with-stripes livery, though she keeps the red dress. And sure enough, Strelizia gets a bright red Super Mode later on, and a Golden Super Mode in the Grand Finale.
  • Cross Ange both double-subverts it and plays this straight. Hilda's Arquebus is primarily red-colored and she is by far the most aggressive and active pilot amongst the usual Norma people that pilot Arquebus... but that pales compared to other Ragna-Mails, which are black colored... except when Hilda gets one herself (Theodora), its Super Mode paints the Ragna-Mail red. On the other hand, the DRAGONs are led by Salamandinay, who rides the primarily red-colored Enryugo and by far the best DRAGON pilot, aside of being the race's princess. The two of them lampshade this trope when they appear in Super Robot Wars during save-quit scenes.

Card Games 

  • Magic: The Gathering:
    • In the early metagames, people built up their mana base in the first few turns or drew plenty of cards to get out a combo. Red does not win that way. Red wins by killing you while you're doing that. Fans of red often name their decks things like "Red Deck Wins". Of course, if a red deck fails in these turns, it's practically defenseless from then on. Blue, however, is the color most known for Game Breakers.
    • There is also the matter of expansion symbols, which (starting with Exodus) are colored in accordance to the card's rarity. Black for common and basic land, silver for uncommon, and gold for rare. When the game added the Mythic rarity, it wound up as a sort of bronze color, in a weird sort of aversion of this trope.

Comic Books 

  • In Zodiac Starforce, Emma is the leader, and has a uniform that is mostly pink and red compared to the mostly light-blue uniforms of her teammates.
  • In a Futurama/Simpsons crossover comic, the Simpsons and the Planet Express crew are running away from enemy saucers in their ship. In order to outrun them, Homer and Fry have the idea to paint racing stripes on the Planet Express Ship to make it go faster.

    Bender: Lightning bolts? I thought we were doin' flames!
    Homer: Why not both?
    Fry: Yeah, then the ship'll go twice as fast!

  • In Paperinik New Adventures, this is the case with the Evronians: the low-ranked grunts and soldiers are light purple in color, while researchers such as Zoster or Gorthan are dark purple, and commanders like Zondag are black. At the top sit the Emperor-type Evronians, who look more monstrous and have red skin, giving them a demonic look.
  • In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, when April and the Turtles are tasked with using the Rangers’ powers after Shredder locks them out of them, Raphael wants the brothers to keep their normal colors, meaning he gets to be the Red Ranger, a role he is not ready for.

Comic Strips 

  • In The Perishers, Cloudcuckoolander Marlon is firmly convinced his soapbox cart goes faster with a red stripe on it. At one point, he tells his "mechanic", Wellington, that it needs a thicker stripe.

Fan Works 

  • In The Keys Stand Alone: The Soft World, the chromatic jump gems are the most common. The rarest ones are black, white, silver, gold, and clear, in that order, though Mattagandas mentions the Full Spectrum Jump Gem as the rarest of all.
  • Almost entirely averted by Luke, the Red Ranger in Power Rangers Take Flight — unlike his counterpart from Choujin Sentai Jetman (which the fic adapts), he doesn't even drive the team's BFG around, and otherwise has no special weaponry, Zords or anything else denoting his status as the leader. But just like his Jetman counterpart, he's also the only one on the team with any sort of actual combat training (from both his time in the Air Force and Project: Jetman) and it falls to him to give the others a crash course in such matters.

Films — Animation 

  • In the opening of Lilo & Stitch, Stitch escapes from his confines and steals one of the police cruisers — specifically, as an observer notes with more than a hint of concern, "the red one". Secondary material, possibly that month's issue of Disney Adventures Magazine, explained that the red one was the fastest, hence while the officers chasing him in the other pods couldn't catch him.
  • The "Beauty Divine" potion from Shrek 2 can turn it's drinker into their most idealized and beautiful self, has a special shelf in the Fairy Godmother's vault, and has a shimmering blue color that no other potion has.
  • In The Super Mario Bros. Movie, the Koopas have green shells like in the games, except for the Koopa General who has a blue shell to designate him as the squadron's leader.

Films — Live-Action 

  • In Star Wars, Red Squadron (the survivors of which later became Rogue Squadron, keeping the red coloring—notably, their counterpart, Renegade Squadron, didn't have red and didn't last) was considered the best starfighter squadron.
    • Similarly, in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, their elite Empire counterparts, the 181st, painted their TIE Interceptors with red stripes. Given that (outside of video games) no other Imperial TIE squadron has any visible markings at all, this makes the 181st's simple but noticeable markings very intimidating to their enemies.
    • In Alan Dean Foster's novelization of Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope (Colon Cancer, anyone?), Luke is, in fact, Blue 5, not Red 5. It was changed to red because blue markings were affected by the Blue Screen technology at the time. If you look, there are no blue markings on any ship in the first movie.
    • Concerning the lightsabers, it's interesting (though probably entirely coincidental) to note that until Revenge of the Sith, no one ever officially won a lightsaber battle using a blue lightsaber in any of the movies. In The Phantom Menace, for example, Darth Maul has Obi-Wan on the ropes until Obi-Wan takes up Qui-Gon's green saber. Or in Attack of the Clones, Anakin manages to hold his own against Dooku until his green blade is destroyed, leaving him with only a blue one. He then loses an arm. Likewise, notice how much better Luke does against Vader in Return of the Jedi with his green saber than he did in The Empire Strikes Back with his previous blue one.
    • And in Revenge of the Sith, Anakin beats Dooku by taking his red lightsaber away from him.
    • Mace Windu, the most skilled Jedi in combat (Yoda is the most powerful in general), uses a purple lightsaber, which is one of a kind.
    • Four Jedi, including Mace, went out to arrest Sidious. The one Jedi using blue is the first to die.
    • More generally, if someone is wearing red armor in any Star Wars work (including the Emperor's bodyguards), they are definitely Elite Mooks. In Knights of the Old Republic, for instance, Sith Commandos wear red instead of the usual shining silver.
    • Subverted with Booster Terrik's captured Star Destroyer, the Errant Venture. It ends up painted red like he'd always wanted, but it's still the same maintenance nightmare as always and does not lose the tendency to be The Alleged Starship. While he eventually makes modifications that give it firepower far beyond a normal Star Destroyer (which is powerful in its own right), there's still the problem of having less than a tenth the crew a Star Destroyer is designed for. And an ISD is one of the least automated warships to be found in the Star Wars verse.
    • In The Force Awakens, Captain Phasma, the commander of all First Order Stormtroopers is clad with literal chrome armor, a golden blaster and a long cape. According to Word of God, the chromatic material was salvaged from Palpatine's yacht in Naboo. Subverted however in her actual abilities where, like your typical Imperial and First Order officer, she talks a big game but is a subpar fighter at best who will surrender without a fight if it means saving her own skin and eventually falls in battle to her former subordinate Finn who takes her down with considerable ease.
  • The kung-fu film, Heroes Two, have the two titular character defeating most enemies without a sweat, until the final battle when the Big Bad unveils his Elite Mook legion, expert fighters in red and black. And actually puts up one hell of a fight before they expire.
  • Desirability of being associated with a favorable color is the reason why the boss in Reservoir Dogs chooses the pseudonyms of his employees.

    Mr. Pink: Why can't we pick our own colors?
    Joe: No way, no way. Tried it once, doesn't work. You got four guys all fighting over who's gonna be Mr. Black, but they don't know each other, so nobody wants to back down. No way. I pick. You're Mr. Pink. Be thankful you're not Mr. Yellow.

    • Ironically, Mr Pink, the man stuck with the least desirable color, is the only one who survives the film.
  • Reversed in the Clash of the Titans remake. The soldiers are all clad in red and all die like in the original, but odd-man-out, Perseus, wears a drab green fisherman's tunic and survives.
  • The Red Drones from The Last Sentinel wears... well, red, and are the most powerful drones in the movie, compared to the common black drones which the heroes can kill en masse. They actually pose enough trouble for the otherwise invincible protagonist.
  • In TRON, all "bad guys" have red light as their theme, and even when they don't win, they're still badass.
  • Subverted in Curse of the Golden Flower. The golden army is defeated by the silver army in the end, though the Empress' red-clad Royal Guards are able to beat the Emperor's ninjas.
  • In the 2012 version of Total Recall (2012) the police synthetics are mostly white and black like stormtroopers. The all-black one seems to be superior to his brethren.
  • In Cinderella (2015), Ella's ballroom dress is a vivid shade of blue that's almost absent from the rest of the film. This is especially notable at the Royal Ball, which depicts hundreds of women wearing Pimped-Out Dresses, yet all of the other blue ones are significantly darker or less saturated than Ella's. The only other time Ella's blue appears is on the uniforms of the Royal Guard as they search the kingdom for whoever can wear the glass slipper.


  • This is the entire basis of Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde. The caste society in the novel is stratified by color; what color you can see and how much of it indicates your social standing and a host of other factors. Oh, and it's genetic.
  • In the Nick Pollotta novel Illegal Aliens, the speed at which you travel through hyperspace is a function of what color your ship is. When an alien engineer is asked to explain this, his Babel Fish translates the explanation that gold is fastest. The "Great Golden Ones" have the best ships precisely because they enforce a monopoly on that color.
  • Older Than Print: Haft Paykar, the epic poem of Ancient Persia (modern Iran). The prince marries seven princesses from different countries and visits them each to learn their wisdom. Each princess is a Color Coded Character. In order of 'enlightenment': Black, Yellow, Green, Red, Blue, Brown, and, finally, White, for the most pious princess, whom he visits on Friday, the holy day of Islam.
  • The concept is played straight in Dragon Rider, but the norms are subverted—the golden dragon is the main villain and the good guys are silver. There was some sort of prophecy about "when silver will be worth more than gold".
  • The Chosen in The Seventh Tower have a complicated caste system based around the colors of the rainbow. The closer you get to violet, the higher your social status. The various levels of their Castle are color coded and dictate where you may live—members of a certain color generally live on their own color; travel between colors isn't forbidden, but people apparently don't do it a lot. Some people have no color and are even lower ranked than red, and are, for all intents and purposes, slaves. Magic-users can't do magic with light of a color higher than their own.
  • And, of course, there's always Lu Bu's horse, Red Hare, in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which was reputedly supreme among horses in the day; the original term used was "thousand-li horse," denoting... well, a horse that could run a thousand li (about 500 kilometers, or over 300 miles) without stopping.
  • In Fred Saberhagen's Berserker story "Wings Out of Shadow". When the AI personality construct asks for its spaceship to be painted red, it's your first clue that the musician who "kept getting thrown from his horse" is actually Manfred von Richtofen, THE Red Baron.
  • The Wind Singer has a nation with a colour-based caste system. Members of each caste could only wear that colour and had to live in the ring of the city painted with that colour.
  • Pit Dragon Chronicles: Dark red dragons are especially valued as fighters due to their reputation for ferocity.
  • Elynne Mitchell's The Silver Brumby series is rife with this trope. The first and most obvious example is Thowra, the eponymous "silver brumby". As a result of his coat colour—ordinarily cream coloured, but turning a paler 'silver' sheen in winter—Thowra finds himself the envy of rival stallions and hunted by humans who desire such a handsome horse. Given that your average brumby can be varying shades of brown, grey and black, Thowra is a VERY rare horse indeed. Other protagonists (and other important characters) of the series also have special attention given to their coats—notably, Thowra's own daughter, Kunama, who is also 'silver'; Socks, a black brumby with four white feet, and the brumbies of the night, who are milk-white with red eyes.
  • In A Song of Ice and Fire, black dragons are apparently always the strongest. Balerion the Black Dread is the largest dragon in Westerosi history. Daenerys owns three dragons, who are each a different color. Drogon, the strongest and biggest of the three, is black with red accents.
  • In Dragonriders of Pern, dragons and fire lizards have a clear-cut color hierarchy. From top to bottom: gold (female), bronze, brown, blue, green (infertile female).
  • In The Unexplored Summon://Blood-Sign, the Unexplored-Class Materials are all associated with a particular colour. The Red-Eyed Lady, Wicked Green Woman and Spirit of the Fluttering Yellow Gills are more powerful than most of the rest, while the White Queen is orders of magnitude more powerful still. The White Queen is a double example, as she's the same entity as the Black Maw. Played with in the case of the Colorless Little Girl, an artificial Unexplored-Class designed specifically to combat the White Queen. The Colorless Little Girl is uniquely capable of defeating the White Queen singlehandedly, but would lose to any other Unexplored-Class.
  • The people in Red Rising who are born Golds (golden irises, blonde hair, genetically superior physical traits) are at the top of the societal pyramid of power, with "Bronzie" being a nickname for the lower stock. The next tier of the pyramid are the Silvers (money managers), Whites (priesthood), and Coppers (bureaucrats). Beneath them are Oranges (mechanics), Yellows, (doctors), Greens (programmers), Blues (navigators), and Violets (artists). The fourth tier of the pyramid are the Grays (police), who are considered to be above the Browns (servants), Obsidians (brute force soldiers), and Pinks (sex workers). Reds (manual labor) form the base of the pyramid.
  • In The Dragon Knights Beloved, a dragon's power and rarity can be perceived by how close its scales are to "sky" colours. From strongest to weakest, they are; blue, white, lightning-violet, green, and amber. Melissa notes that a Dragon Knight's strength is far less important militarily than the colour of the steed that chooses him...not that it really matters, because all Dragon Knights are adored by the people.
  • The Finder's Stone Trilogy: Normal wyverns are noted to have brown or grey scales, but the special wyvern that Giogi Wyvernspur can transform into has red scales. It's also much larger than a typical wyvern and has an immunity to hostile magic, something which wyverns don't normally possess.
  • Skandar Series: Silver unicorns are the strongest—so strong that their riders suffer Power Incontinence. Other than that, colour doesn't matter.

Live-Action TV 

In General:

  • Toku shows are very strongly affected by this, because, in Japan, red is thought of as a heroic color. To wit:
    • Most Heisei (2000-onwards) Kamen Riders are either red to begin with or gain a red Super Mode. Played with by Kamen Rider Agitonote , Kamen Rider Bladenote , Kamen Rider Decadenote , Kamen Rider Doublenote , Kamen Rider OOOnote , and Kamen Rider Fourze.note 
    • Reportedly the show's staff had to fight Executive Meddling tooth and nail for Double to not be primarily red and used the original Kamen Rider as part of their argument in favor of green and black. In the end, the suits got their red Rider with Accel, but even he has a blue Mid-Season Upgrade and a gold, movie-exclusive Super Mode.
    • Similarly, in Super Sentai and Power Rangers, the Red Ranger is almost always The Hero and/or The Leader. As such, the Red Ranger is usually privy to somewhat better, if predictable, characterization, a "Battlizer" that grants a unique Super Mode (at least in the US adaptations), and, in some cases, even a unique motorcycle or mecha.
      • J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai was, for a long time, the sole exception with Big One, who has a primarily white suit with accents of the other four heroes' colors and who manages to take over complete leadership from Red Ranger Spade Ace, which includes field leadership and all of the attention.
      • Oddly enough, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers would mirror this situation when Breakout Character Tommy gained the White Ranger powers and took over leadership from Jason (though part of that was because Jason was in the process of being written out anyway, and it didn't make sense for the replacement Red Ranger to automatically be placed in charge).
      • Another similar situation happens in Ninja Sentai Kakuranger and Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers where the female White Ranger on both teams was the leader rather than their Red Rangers. Despite this, the Red Ranger on each team was still usually center stage in role calls.
      • Another rare case of the red ranger not being the leader also happens in Denji Sentai Megaranger. Megared is the central character, but the leader is Megablack, due to being the most responsible member of the team, in contrast to Megared, who is a big slacker. This is not the case in the adaption, Power Rangers in Space.
      • Mirai Sentai Timeranger and its Power Rangers counterpart Power Rangers Time Force is another exception, though in an odd way - while the Red Ranger got top billing, the leader was the Pink Ranger, as this was a case of Rookie Red Ranger by means of Time Travel. Both shows also featured a second Red Ranger in Time Fire or the Quantum Ranger, who when it came to the US version got a Battlizer as well.
      • Two Red Rangers also appear in Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger and Power Rangers Ninja Storm: Hurricane Red / Red Wind Ranger and Kabuto Raiger / Crimson Thunder Ranger. Both were their subteam's leaders, with Red pulling rank when they eventually teamed up together; Ninja Storm gave Red the usual Battlizer and Crimson instead got an equally impressive Cool Bike.
      • This is taken furthest with Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger and Power Rangers: Dino Thunder; where not only did the Red Ranger get the same Super Mode as the rest of the group, he got a Sixth Ranger-style upgrade with its own weaponry and Zord (Abare Max / Triassic Ranger), and then Dino Thunder added a Battlizer on top of that!
      • Another one that plays with the formula is Uchu Sentai Kyuranger. The actual leader of the team is the Violet Ranger Ryu Violet, who joins the team as the tenth Ranger, but does not take the spotlight away from the Red Ranger Shishi Red. Shishi Red also uses super modes more often than the other Rangers, although the first few he uses are not unique to him and can be used by other Rangers, even when a second Red Ranger Houou Soldier joins the team. Shishi Red does have his own unique Super Mode which changes his color to white.
      • Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger provides the first complete aversion of this since J.A.K.Q and the first time it was averted since the start of the show, with the main character being the White Ranger Zenkaizer and the Red Ranger ZenkaiJuran being The Lancer. However it's still worth noting that Zenkaizer's suit still predominantly features a large amount of red. His Super Mode changes his suit to predominantly black and green. In a pair of bonus episodes, a red version of Zenkaizer shows up and tries to take over the Zenkaigers, but it turns out to be a scheme by the villains to strip the Zenkaigers of their powers. Zenkaizer then has a vision of several past white rangers reassuring him that it is ok for him to be leader even if he isn't red.
    • Another exception is Juukou B-Fighter, which became the first Beetleborgs series, in which the blue warrior rather than the red one is the leader who gains a unique powerup halfway through the series. Most likely because the red warrior is a girl. The followup B-Fighter Kabuto which was used for Beetleborgs Metallix has the leader in gold.

By Series:

  • Doctor Who: The Dalek hierarchy is fond of this. In the classic series, the higher-ranking Daleks would be red or blue, with the Supreme Dalek being white or black. Started again in "Doomsday" when Dalek Sec of the Cult of Skaro was clad in black, continuing with the Supreme Dalek following him in "The Stolen Earth"/"Journey's End", which was decked out in red. The Supreme Dalek of the New Dalek Paradigm is coloured white, with red now actually denoting the lowest rank, the Drones; but in "Asylum of the Daleks", the red Drones were seen acting as officers (or NCOs) to the bronze-colored originals. "The Magician's Apprentice"/"The Witch's Familiar" brought back the red Supreme Dalek, by which time the unpopular Paradigms had been quietly shooed off of the show.
  • The American DVDs of House all have shiny, colorful covers—except the fifth season, which has a gray cover. Now take a guess which season is considered to be the worst by most people.
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation had the Command Track departments wear a "Wine Red" uniform. This is a departure from the original Star Trek where the Command was Gold (actually a Lime Green that turned gold under the stage lights and film stock) and the engineering and security detail was red, hence the infamy of the Red Shirts and it's speculated the change was to avoid that tropenote . Red became exclusively command track, while gold was changed to Operations/Engineering and Security, while Blue has remained the medical and scientific departments throughout the franchise. Star Trek is unique in that there is significant division between the departments in terms of responsibility, but less so in terms of rank. Blue and Gold uniformed officers can reach lieutenant commander and remain in those colors (commanders - with the exceptions of Dr Crusher and Counsellor Troi - consistently wear Red uniforms, as that means they are on command tracks), while in the first season Worf and Geordi wore red and had the comparatively low ranks of Lieutenant Junior Grade. In the second season both were promoted to full Lieutenant and wore Gold, Worf was Head of Security and Geordi Chief Engineer.
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: A special group of elite cadets Starfleet Academy called Red Squad consists of high-performing and outstanding cadets who get special training and great respect from their peers.
  • Happens a lot on Survivor. The tribes are always color coded. But everytime there's a red colored tribe, they tend to dominate the season and eventually have a member win the game (with others in the top four or five!). This happened in the All-Stars (Chapera), Vanuatu (Lopevi), Cook Islands (Aitutaki), China (Fei Long), Tocantins (Jalapao), and Heroes vs Villains (Villains) seasons. Played straighter in the Amazon, Guatemala, and Nicaragua seasons for having a red-colored merged tribe. Subverted by Bob Crowley from Gabon. Despite not being part of the red tribe Fang before the merge, he won the game by defeating former Fang members Susie Smith and Sugar Kiper. Sophie Clarke in South Pacific and Ethan Zohn in Africa also subverted it by winning even though they weren't part of the Savaii and Samburu tribes, respectively.

Myths & Religion 

  • In Lakota religion, the directions are represented by colors; note that, unlike Westerners, Lakota also consider above, below, and center to be directions.
    • West is represented by black. Though younger than North, he is invoked first.
    • North is represented by white. Though cruel, he can also be quite generous.
    • East is represented by yellow. East is generally lazy.
    • South is represented by red. South is notable for marrying Wohpe, the goddess of peace, thus invoking this trope. South is also the model of masculinity. Did we mention that the color red is associated with fertility?
    • Above is represented by blue. Is not one of the brothers.
    • Below is represented by green. Also is not related to the brothers, and is represented as female.
    • The center, half-brother to the first four, is the youngest and, in fact, eternally a child, and is associated with the Power of Love. And whirlwinds.
  • Many Christian churches and religious orders assign different colors to ranks in the clerical hierarchy:
    • In the Roman Catholic church, bishops wear purple vestments, cardinals wear red, and the Pope, of course, wears white.
    • In Anglican churches, black cassocks (or sarums) are the norm—but to denote rank, Bishops can wear purple piping and Canons can wear red piping.
  • In Judaism, a dark blue dye (called tekhelet, whose exact source is uncertain and may have been a kind of snail) was traditionally used for the prayer shawls worn by observant Jews throughout the day. Today, most Jews don't wear the tallit at all times, but blue stripes still appear on them and the flag of Israel was inspired by its design.
  • In Islam, green is the preferred color and often shows up in the heraldry of Islamic countries or organizations. Other significant colors include black, red, and white, which derive from the flags of various Islamic dynasties (the Abbasids, Umayyids, etc).
  • Many printings of The Bible use this: Jesus' words in red. Plus, he's always portrayed in purple robes.

Pro Wrestling 

  • WWE Superstar Kane is known as "The Big Red Machine" or "The Big Red Monster". However, Kane usually loses to his brother, The Undertaker, who is usually dressed in black, blue, purple or grey.
  • WWE RAW, the flagship of the promotion, is known as the "red brand", while ''WWE SmackDown!' is blue. In theory they're of equal status, but Smackdown was originally the B Show, always reverts to such when the brands combine, typically runs for an hour less than Raw even when they are separate and is always pre taped rather than live, just to cement it's B show status.
    • As of mid-late October 2019, it's supposedly been flipped. The network provider FOX invested in WWE to get a show on their network, and they chose Smack Down, renamed it to WWE SmackDown!Live, and moved their biggest stars and their most important title there. RAW is now functionally the B show, or maybe even the C show, based on how you view NXT .

Tabletop Games 

  • Warhammer 40,000, being a game about collecting and painting armies of miniatures, naturally uses this:
    • As noted previously, the Orks have such a firm belief in the idea that red-painted vehicles go faster, their unconscious, gestalt psychic field makes it happen. This is not just fluff, but an actual rule—a Red Paint Job can be purchased for Ork vehicles (if they're actually painted red, that is) and will let them move an extra inch. Orks also associate blue with good luck, yellow with flashiness and/or dakka, black with hardiness, and hold that "green iz best", though currently, there aren't any rules regarding these colors. Fanon adds purple or orange as a "sneaky" color (Have you ever seen a seven-foot-tall green-skinned killing machine covered in bright purple and orange paint? Of course not! That's how sneaky it makes them).
    • Other armies' high-speed variants—the Eldar jetbikers of Saim-Hann, the jetpack-equipped and overcharged-engined Space Marines of the Blood Angels, and the battlesuit-focused Farsight Enclaves of the Tau—happen to have red color schemes. Purely coincidental, of course...
    • Space Marines attach certain colors to specific ranks: Librarians usually wear blue, Chaplains wear black with a bone-colored skull mask, Techmarines wear red (and have big mechanical arms), Apothecaries frequently have white armor, and Captains and Chapter Masters are likely to be encrusted with golden Bling of War. Squad leaders, if they aren't going bareheaded, tend to have a contrasting helmet color from their standard uniform. The system used by the Ultramarines has sergeants wear red helmets instead of blue, company veterans with white helms, and champions in gold.
    • If you see an all-gold uniform—whether it be on the Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard, the Adeptus Custodes, or the Emperor Himself—you're dealing with a serious badass.
  • Arimaa subverts this trope quite a bit. While Gold does have the first move, Silver can see Gold's layout and react accordingly, making them more or less equal.
  • Dungeons & Dragons:
    • The series has done this for ages with their dragons. Strongest of the "metallic" (good) dragons? Gold, with silver just after it. Strongest of the "chromatic" (evil) dragons? Red, with blue just behind it. Black is the second weakest, only stronger than white. And, of course, the god of metallic dragons is platinum.
    • So strongly do gamers adhere to this tradition that many decried the Dungeons & Dragons movie, sight unseen, merely upon hearing rumors that its red dragons would be more powerful than its gold ones. (After it came out, of course, they had plenty of other offenses to bitch about.) Presumably, the red ones were older than the gold, as age trumps color where a D&D dragon's power is concerned.
    • It's traditional for artists to depict Tiamat, the game's five-headed goddess of evil dragonkind, with her red head in the middle and larger than the other four. Artwork that dares to do otherwise has been lambasted for "getting it wrong", even though her descriptions don't specify which head goes where, and Tiamat logically ought to be as capable of changing her appearance as any other goddess.
    • This is averted with the various "Chromatic" and "Prismatic" spells, though. Prismatic spells in whatever form (spray, projectile, weaponry, walls, etc.) have different effects based on affecting color, and are typically rated in power (measured in amounts of damage, defensive capability 1 or special effects like insanity or petrification) based in a strict rainbow order...meaning red is almost invariably the weakest color.
  • In Paranoia, the ranking system is based on color, with infrared (or black) being the lowest and going up through red and the rest of the rainbow all the way to ultraviolet (white). All things painted a certain color—files, walls, floor tiles—can be assumed to be restricted to those ranks and should be absolutely avoided by lower ranks. Therefore, one of the most restricted commodities of all is paint, and the infrared market trade is fast and furious...
  • Shadowrun: Played straight and invoked with the Red Samurai security division of the Renraku Computer Systems MegaCorp; not only are they a highly trained security force devoted to protecting their company, they even wear red-colored classic samurai armor to complete their look in order to show that they're not to be trifled with.


  • In BIONICLE, the colors red and gold tended to be affiliated with characters and items of bigger importance. Tahu, Vakama, Jaller, Lhikan, Dume, Antroz, Raanu and Ackar were all leaders wearing red, Lhikan even having gold as his secondary color. Large and expensive sets also came in red more often than not. Golden Masks were more powerful in-story than regular ones, and the Golden Armor (worn by the red Tahu) played a big role in defeating the Big Bad, and was also the last big collectible item of the toyline. Two other ultra-powerful masks, the Mask of Life and Mask of Time were golden as well. Light-themed characters likewise used gold as their standard color. Mata Nui, a godlike being in the story, was released as a gold-colored exclusive set too. Although some years subverted the rule (the promos of 2006 and 2007 notably focused more on white and blue), these two colors remained fairly important throughout the line's run, and rarely were characters wearing them pushed to the back.

Video Games 

  • Arm Champs: The final opponent, a Cyborg named Specks, comes in the colors Blue, Purple, Green and Red. Naturally, the red one is the strongest of them all.
  • Blinx: Most of the enemies return in later levels with a different color scheme and more health.
  • Bloody Spell has a Recurring Boss, the Bloodthirster demon, who keeps coming back - the fourth return onwards, it's red-furred and far more powerful than the previous grey Bloodthirsters. There's also the priestess enemies who wears a vareity of colours ranging from cyan to green to yellow - and their boss, the High Priestess, who wears blood-red.
  • Bungo to Alchemist: The rarity of writers is referred to as the color of each writer's background when they are summoned. In descending order: Rainbow → Gold → Silver → Beige. Enemies are also color-coded based on their difficulty.
  • Robots in The Crown of Wu mostly use melee attacks, but be wary if there are enemies whose swords or spears emits a red glow; these enemies have Sword Beam abilities and can spam ranged attacks at you from a distance.
  • An interesting case in Street Fighter happens with the Shotoclones (Ryu, Ken, and Akuma). Ryu wears white and is the most average out of them, having a well-rounded playstyle. Ken wears red, and his playstyle is much more fast-paced and aggressive than Ryu's. Akuma wears black (or dark blue, depending on the artist) and is the most technical of them all. His playstyle is even MORE aggressive than Ken's or Ryu's, but he can play much better mind games than both of them combined. To balance this, his health is extremely low.
  • Crusader: The cream-of-the-crop, "Silencers", such as the main character, wear red armor. The next-best level of soldiers, "Elites," wear black.
  • Diablo II:
    • The weakest of the creatures known as fallen ones are red, the stronger version known as "carver" are blue, the strongest (called "Dark ones") are black (not counting a very special purple version).
    • The Balrog-type demons go, from the weakest to strongest, through Balrog (pale red), Pit Lord (bluish-black), and Venom Lord (olive green).
    • Diablo himself goes from Normal (red) to Nightmare (yellow) to Hell (black).
    • The series also introduced the colouring of items that has since become standard in many RPGs. In the first game, white was normal, blue magic and yellow unique. Diablo 2 added yellow for rare and green for set items, changing unique to gold. Diablo 3 uses red for legendary (replacing unique and set items in the previous game). While the details vary, the core white-blue-yellow progression can be seen in many games. Ironically, it's actually somewhat subverted in Diablo 2 since although rare items had more modifiers, regular magic items could have larger ones, so the weapon with the highest possible damage was actually blue, but then the best weapons are unique or runeworded anyway.
  • The Assault Alien Captain in Duke Nukem 3D wears red gear to contrast with the Assault Trooper's green, and also have the unique ability to teleport in and out to both dodge your fire and try to ambush you. Both Assault Aliens are in effect a single enemy type, with the color you assign to them in the Build engine determining whether they're a Captain (only the red palette enables teleporting) or a Trooper.
  • Puzzle Pirates: Black clothes (and furniture, and houses...) are the sign of a truly superior pirate. Why? Because black ink costs a fortune on the in-game market, so only an extremely talented pirate would be able to pillage up enough gold to waste that much on decorating. Of course, some consider black to be pretentious and showy. These people cannot afford it.
  • Total War: Warhammer: Regiments of Renown — unique, more powerful variants of regular units — are typically distinguished from their common counterparts by more vivid color schemes. Examples include da Big 'Un (black and green to the common Rogue Idols' brownish color), the Shredder of Lustria (purple highlights on the regular Dread Saurians' green) and the Spirit of Tepok (rainbow-colored plumage instead of the common Coatls' blue).
  • Guild Wars:
    • Black dye is ridiculously more expensive than any other color, due to supply and demand; black dye "drops" from slain enemies more rarely than any other color. It's quite helpful in forming parties, actually; all-black armor tells the world you'll go to the ends of the Earth to shop at Hot Topic and probably aren't too fun to party with.
    • In fact, many players prefer to save the more valuable dyes (black and white especially, but also blue, red, and silver) as sources of ready cash in the in-game economy. White dye generally goes for about half the price of black dye, and blue, red, and silver dye are, while still much more expensive than the other colors (orange, green, brown, yellow, purple, and gray), cheap by comparison.
    • Additionally, items themselves are color-coded to identify relative quality. A white item has only basic stats, while blue items have additional, weaker modifiers added. Purple items have better modifiers and gold have the best natural modifiers. None of these items are guaranteed to have the best modifiers, but green items do.
  • Guild Wars 2 greatly expands on the color-coding of item quality to include eight categories. In ascending order of quality and rarity they are gray, white, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, and purple. Also, three enemy types have special colored borders for their name indicating their difficulty. There are silver elites, gold champions, and purple legendaries. Weaker enemies have standard frames while the unique world bosses have a unique frame.
  • Played straight in the Guilty Gear series, with resident badass Sol Badguy dressed in red, black, and gold.
  • In Horizon Zero Dawn the “Corrupted” Machines sprout glowing red tendrils, and the super-tough “Daemonic” Machines have purple, while player-controlled Machines grow blue rein-like ones. In Horizon Forbidden West, “Apex” Machines swap out the brown synthetic skin and white armor plating with orange markings of regular Machines for purple skin and black armor with gold trim.
  • The Black Spathi Squadron in Star Control supposedly dedicated themselves to wandering space and "performing brave and hostile deeds" and painted their ships black with bright red stripes in order to distinguish themselves from the normal Spathi (their species' normal hat is being extremely cowardly).
  • Spyborgs have The Goomba, Carrions and Reapers, who comes in brown or grey. And late in the game, comes their upgraded variants, Carrion EX and Reaper EX which are either shiny-golden or red-and-black, who puts up a far better fight.
  • In the Touhou Project series, the Yakumo "family" of youkai display this. Yukari Yakumo, whose first name translates to "Violet", is one of the most powerful characters in the entire series. Her shikigami, Ran Yakumo ("Indigo"), is a short step below, and both are Extra Stage bosses, with Yukari being a Phantasm Stage boss. Down the spectrum is Chen ("Orange")—Ran's own shikigami—who is both a Second Stage boss and Extra Stage midboss.
  • Turns up quite a bit in the Ace Combat series:
    • Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War has Solo Wing Pixy who, before he defects to A World With No Boundaries and becomes the final boss, flies an F-15C with a portion of the right wing painted red, representing the time that he had lost a wing during combat, but fought on, finished the mission, and landed safely; you can also unlock this custom paint job for your own F-15. Otherwise averted for Cipher, however - his "official" plane is also an F-15C, this time with blue wings.
    • Averted in Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies, where Yellow Squadron is the most badass bunch of mofos, and Red Squadron is one of the generic Mook squadrons.
    • Ace Combat 2 has the Z.O.E. squadron: five unmanned aircraft painted entirely red, the last of which appears as the most dangerous enemy in the final mission, flying one of the series' very first superfighters. Like with Zero, Scarface One inverts this - his official plane in this game is the Su-35, which has a paint scheme primarily consisting of the color blue; his teammates likewise tend towards green planes.
    • Z.O.E makes a comeback in the Video Game Remake of AC2, Assault Horizon Legacy. However, Scarface One's planes are now (by default) gray, rather than blue camouflage.
    • Ace Combat Infinity included "Moby Dick Pursuit" Boss Battle missions in which the players cooperate to take down Ace Combat 6's Aigaion. The improved version seen in the second such mission is painted red, and the rarest and most dangerous is gold. After an update, these were replaced with similarly-colored versions of the Stonehenge turret network from 04.
  • World of Warcraft color-codes items by rarity. Its item coloring standard has been used by several RPG games:
    • Poor quality items, colored grey. More often than not they are low-quality equipment or Joke Items.
    • Ordinary quality items are colored white. More often than not they are quest items, crafting reagents or consumable items. White equippable items exist, but they are practically nonexistent after early levels (those that exist tend to be profession items).
    • Uncommon items are colored green. They are most seen as equippable items that give a modest increase to player character's stats, and are often quest rewards. Rare crafting reagents and profession items may be considered Uncommon in the game.
    • Rare items are colored blue. They tend to be equippable items given at the end of a quest line, obtained through somewhat costly profession recipes, or at low-difficulty dungeons. Some valuable crafting reagents are considered Rare by the game.
    • Epic items are colored purple. They tend to make the bulk of items that can be obtained in raids and high-difficulty dungeons. Epic equippable items are often separated by "tiers" (indicated by their item level) as epic items introduced later into an expansion are better than the ones introduced beforehand.
    • Legendary items are colored orange. With the exception of Legion, there tends to be an extremely scarse amount of legendary weapons introduced per expansion. If they need to be crafted, they require special crafting reagents that are often Legendary as well (and cannot be used to craft anything else).
    • Artifact items are colored gold. Since their introduction in Legion, they are extremely powerful, one-of-a-kind items that make the main mechanic of an expansion and are handed out in early, major storyline quests. Artifact power can be obtained through various means to power them up. In Legion, every specialization had their own artifact weapons, whereas in Battle for Azeroth they all use the Heart of Azeroth neck item.
    • Heirloom items are colored light blue. Meant to be used to level up alternate characters, they are account-bound items that scale with the character's level. In terms of strength, they are comparable to Rare quality items, though Heirlooms have the unique trait to increase experience gains.
  • Too Human also has color-coding of items by quality; the order is grey (trash), green, blue, purple, orange, red (epic). These colors are only used for the item's inventory icon, and its actual color can be customized.
  • Katina Trask of Super Robot Wars, specifically in Original Generations, has special battle comments when fighting red mecha; one is essentially "the red ones do triple damage!". She, herself, pilots a red Gespenst. Also, any and everything that Ratsel canonically pilots is painted black with red and gold trim. And named Trombe. And Sleigh Presty with her 'always number 1' rants. Having her and Char Aznable (originator of Sleigh's nickname) face off against each other in Alpha 2 is a memorable moment.
  • In Super Mario Bros., this goes for nearly every game with the enemies (though it varies all over the place). Red Koopa Troopas won't walk off cliffs, red Venus Fire Traps/Fire Piranha Plants shoot 2 fireballs, regular Paragoombas fly and drop Micro Goombas, while the Red Paragoombas can only hop. Inverted in Super Mario Bros. 2, in which the red Shy Guys and Snifits (well, the only one, at least) walk off cliffs and the red Beezos fly in a straight line. The red Pansers, though, don't walk off cliffs because they, unlike the other Pansers, don't move.
  • In the Heroes of Might and Magic series, red units almost always upgrade into blue units.
    • In the second game, green dragons upgraded to red dragons, which upgraded to black dragons.
    • In the third game, green dragons upgrade to gold dragons and red dragons upgrade to black ones. The black dragons are more powerful overall due to tradition, but the gold ones are faster. Many other units establish a color hierarchy as well: four out of seven basic units from the Inferno faction are coloured yellow or pink, but wind up red when upgraded.
  • In the Meet the Team videos for Team Fortress 2, the RED team version of the character class the video is named for is always used and is shown beating the hell out of the other team. Truth in Television in a way, as the game's developers track various game-related statistics, and RED tends to have a higher chance of winning.
  • In the Time Crisis series, there are the red soldiers. They take just about as many hits as the regular Mooks, but, unlike the regular ones whose bullets went for you about once in 30 times, these guys will almost always aim straight for you. Considering that you're downed in 3 to 5 hits, its easy to see why these guys cause many players a lot of frustration.
  • Knights of the Old Republic plays this one straight. The normal Sith Troopers at the beginning of the game wear dark Shiny armor, but by the end of the game, in their place, you fight the higher level elite ones that look exactly the same, except with shiny red armor instead.
  • In the Halo games, Covenant ranks are primarily differentiated by color, though later games added more visual variety that wasn't color-based. While the specifics vary depending on the game, the basic rules of thumb are: Grunts go from orange to red to black to white, and Elites go from blue to red to black/violet to white to gold (with Halo: Reach adding in maroon as the highest rank). Jackal Minors always have blue shields, but the shield color of Majors changes depending on the game. Also, Skirmishers go from grey to red to green to gold. And none of this is going into specialist units.
    • In Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST, most of the color differences between Brute ranks consisted of slightly different shades of blue, with some gold, red, and black thrown in. Fortunately, the more important rank differences could be discerned by helmet shape alone.
    • ODST split the basic Drone into progressively stronger green, blue, and silver ranks, and added red and gold leaders with energy shields. In Reach, Drones go from yellow-green to red to blue.
    • After 343 Industries took over the franchise, the Covenant have mostly averted this trope, since each individual rank now appears in a variety of colors, with the only exception being Elite Warriors and Zealots, who wear armor painted respectively in gold and maroon.
    • Halo 2: Standard Forerunner Aggressor Sentinels were silver and fired orange beams, while the stronger versions were gold and fired blue beams.
    • Halo 5: Guardians: This is how most REQ variants of Covenant weapons and vehicles are segregated, although whether the best one is gold or red (or silver, if you're talking vehicles) tends to vary.
  • Hollow Knight: The sentries of the City of Tears are mostly blue, but the largest and most powerful variant, the great husk sentries, are colored red instead.
  • Kingdom Hearts:
    • In Kingdom Hearts II, Sora gains a speed boost when in the red-colored Valor Form.
    • The Eliminator in Kingdom Hearts coded is a red re-skin of the Defender Heartless. It's also one of the most dangerous non-boss enemies in the game, being able to inflict any Status Effect at random with its powerful attacks and has a large amount of HP.
  • Demon's Souls has a similar effect, occasionally with black world tendency, you can encounter "Black Phantom" NPC enemies. Despite the name, they appear a glowing red with black cracks running through them and tend to be much stronger and harder to kill.
  • Dusty Raging Fist have the giant ram enemies, who comes in two colours; light blue for the common, easily-defeated ones, and red for stronger ones which can deal heavier damage and absorb more hits.
  • In BlazBlue, the Distortion Drives that take only 50% Heat and don't guarantee a kill have a blue background, while the sure-kill, 100% Heat Astral Heats use a black background with the character's crest overlaying in red briefly.
  • Machine Hunter does this with the giant alien grubs. The first encountered types are purple and actually easier to kill (Averting Purple Is Powerful); you later encounter red grubs which are stronger and can set you on fire.
  • In Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable: The Battle of Aces, Nanoha's more powerful Evil Twin, Material-S, has a mainly black-and-red barrier jacket, compared to Nanoha's own white-and-blue one.
  • Amorphous+ has the Queen. It's the only red gloople in the game and its dual-wielded claws are gold. Unsurprisingly, it's the game's regular boss enemy.
  • Pokémon
    • In later generations, the color of your trainer card changes as you meet certain achievements and gain stars. While the number and colors have varied a bit, it always begins as red and ends with black. Of course, the main things that come with this change are a few bits of dialogue change and bragging rights.
    • Shiny Pokémon are off-color and rare (at one point 1 in 8192 per encounter) variants of normal ones. Their abilities aren't different from their normal cousins, but they're sought after just for being rare. Interestingly, the shiny sprite or model of a Pokémon is sometimes an inversion of this rule: Trading black for blue, or red for green. Other times it is played straight, with a famous example being Gyarados.
  • Planescape: Torment toys with the idea of chromatic superiority in the description for the spell Chromatic Orb.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Several games use this to denote enemy strength, with progressively stronger variants of a basic enemy family coming in distinct colors.
    • The Legend of Zelda: If a monster has a red or orange version and a blue version, the blue version is generally tougher. The only exception is the Blue Bubbles, which are far less annoying than the red versions. On the other side, if a beneficial item has a red and a blue version, the red is better — red potions have two doses, the red ring's protection is twice as strong as the blue ring, and the red candle has infinite use whereas the blue candle has one use per screen. The Magical Sword (red hilt) does more damage than the White Sword (blue hilt).
    • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: Just like in the first game, an enemy's color indicates its strength; orange is the weakest, then red, and finally blue is the strongest version of that enemy. When Link is under the influence of the Shield spell, his tunic and cap change from green to red.
    • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past continues this with the blue and red armor, the blue and red boomerangs, and arguably the ice rod (blue) and the fire rod (red). The Cane of Byrna (blue) and Cane of Somaria (red) may also qualify, since the latter is required to progress in the game where the former is completely optional. Averted with the potions, where the blue potion is the best because it has the combined abilities of the red and green potions. In many cases, the red/blue coding of enemies is changed up somewhat to take advantage of the Super NES's ability to display far more colors on-screen than the NES, i.e., Eyegores and Goriyas are green/red and Leevers are green/purple. In all three examples, green is the weakest.
    • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword: Link's Loftwing is "special" because it's red, the implication being that it's faster than the others. Pipit, during the prologue, won the Wing Ceremony last year, but thanks his lucky stars Link's "red terror" wasn't involved.
    • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild:
      • Most enemy types are colour-coded based on how tough they are. In order of weakest to strongest, they go red → blue → black → silver. In Master Mode (in the first DLC pack), red-coloured enemies are removed, with each enemy type being moved up a step in colour (red in Normal Mode becomes blue in Master Mode, blue becomes black, etc.), and a new class of gold-coloured enemies become the strongest ones.
      • The three tiers of Lynel weaponry are color-coded to mark their increasing strength. Basic Lynel gear has bronze or copper bindings and details, which become silver in Mighty Lynel gear and golden in Savage Lynel gear.
      • Horses with solid-colored coats have consistently better strength, stamina and speed than horses with white patterns. This scales with the amount of white present — horses with extensive white patterning have worse stats than ones with smaller marks such as socks or blazes, while horses with completely solid coats have the best stats of all.
      • The game's sequel, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom once again follows this, though the returning enemies (Bokoblins, Moblins, Lizalfos, Hinoxes, and Lynels) now have new horns, with the new enemies (Boss Bokoblins and Horriblins) also following suit.
    • The Soldier enemies follow this pattern in every game they appear in, despite those games not doing this for other enemies. Green-armored Soldiers are the weakest kind, blue ones are stronger, red ones stronger still, and gold and grey ones strongest of all. This convention mirrors the green/blue/red progression of the rings/armor Link finds as protective gear, since they are human warriors wearing armor rather than monsters, though The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds's version of the Soldier enemies are full time monsters made by Yuga.
    • Rupees, Hyrule's currency, follow a similar pattern. The three basic denominations are green (flashing yellow/blue in the NES game due to technical limitations, one rupee), blue (5 rupees), and red (20 rupees), mirroring the progression of Link's power-ups.
  • The World Ends with You: Played with in the post-end bonus chapter. The characters form a Sentai Five-Man Band. The leader is Red, Neku is first Black-n-Blue but later "demoted" to just Blue so someone else can be Black (Black is The Mole, by the way), and Joshua first wants to be Pink, but then says he should actually be Gold and later gets "upgraded" to Rainbow. (No, really.)
  • Dragon Quest: She-Slimes are the stronger version of normal Slimes, and they are females in some of the adaptions. Dragon Quest X also introduces little jester creatures riding Rockbomb monsters. (For example, Pantomines are jester creatures riding Bombboulders, while Indojesters ride Rockbombs using their grey coloration from Dragon Quest VII and other spinoff appearances)
  • Armored Core has Nineball. Amazigh and Hari from 4 and for Answer are red but they are a subversion since you can make the same NEXT they use and play the same way they can, if not better. In the Armored Core for Answer the NEXT, White Glint is this due to it moving so fast all you see is a "white glint" and has completely custom NEXT parts...until you get your own.
  • In Ōkami, Orochi has eight heads, each with a different colored hat. The head with the red hat is the dominant one, getting to say all of Orochi's lines and gets the character portrait. In addition, the villain Crimson Helm has a face and hat that is identical to Orochi's dominant head, though this is because Crimson Helm was born from Orochi's remains.
  • In Elite II: Frontier, the tonnage of the ship that is attacking you is shown by different colours on the scanner. The ships you don't want to meet in combat? Imperial Courier (White), Asp (Yellow), Cobra III (Orange), and Viper (Red).
  • Dirty Bomb: Loadout cards are rated in color from basic Standard cards to Lead, which introduces augments, Iron, which has two augments over Lead's one, and finally Bronze, which fills out the augment slots. There are higher tiers, but the sole advantage they have is different coloration or special patterns in the case of event loadouts, and the ones available are the same across every rank (An iron loadout with the same first two augments as a gold one will have the exact same weapons) except Standard.
  • In The Tower of Druaga, the best and most important items are blue (exception: the Ruby Mace is superior to the Sapphire Mace).
  • Space Panic and Mr. Do!'s Castle invert the conventional priority by having the red enemies be the weakest. Green enemies are stronger, and blue enemies are the strongest.
  • Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap uses a red-green-blue enemy progression.
  • Sword of the Stars plays with this. Drives increase in power from fission (orange) to fusion (yellow) to antimatter (purple). Lasers go red, green, purple, blue, gold. Plasma is green, yellow, purple.
  • Dogyuun: Subverted by the gold robot. It's golden in colour, it's set up to be the Big Bad or The Dragon, it gets screentime in the intro... and it's only the second of ten bosses.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog: Knuckles the Echidna is a bright red whereas the rest of his tribe is tan.
  • The Final Fantasy Legend appears to have a subversion where Silver armor is more expensive and powerful than Gold armor. However, Silver is really a mistranslation of Mythril. The sequel gets around this by changing Bronze, Gold, and Mythril to Bronze, Silver, and Gold in the English translation.
  • LEGO Island: In the racing minigames, vehicles whose colors don't clash are faster than ones with clashing colors. Also discussed at length by mechanic Nubby Stevens outside the gas station, with a red and blue race car acting out his theories in a Funny Background Event:

    Nubby: I wonder if a red car is faster than a blue car? (race cars drive by) I wonder if the colors run, does it make it faster? (cars drive by again) Or if the colors clash, will the car crash? (cars collide head-on and bounce out of the frame) Or...

  • Raptor: Call of the Shadows:
    • The game has many red-coloured units that appear only in the third and final episode called Outer Regions. They have a huge amount of armour and firepower, making them Demonic Spiders in and of themselves. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use the most powerful weaponry that your money can buy, namely the Twin Laser.
    • Tango Sector (the second episode) has red-coloured helicopters that first appear in the fourth level and make recurring appearances up to the sixth level. They fire big salvos of missiles, but their pattern is predictable enough that you can easily dodge their fire and blast them apart with your weapon of choice (namely the Laser Turret or the Twin Laser).
  • The Disgaea series of games features a number of differently colored versions of each class and monster (except unique characters), each with progressively better stats as you move up the chain. Subverted in that each class has its own color arrangement rather than all following the one pattern.
  • Alien Shooter:
    • The first game has this with monsters and vaguely handwaves it by noting that they were mutated by chemicals in the secret lab. Normal cannon fodder aliens are greenish, yellow = slightly faster, stronger and tougher, red = Lightning Bruiser, rare blue = Damage-Sponge Boss.
    • Also applies to your body armor, which absorbs a percentage of damage received. Green flak vests absorb 50% and have 100 HP, yellow combat suits are twice as durable and absorb about 75%, and red Powered Armor absorbs 90% while boasting 300 HP.
  • In Valkyria Chronicles, leaders and aces wear red (Or are painted red in the case of tanks). Certain super-strong enemies wear black.
  • Ingress items are color-coded based on strength and rarity:
    • Weapons, Resonators, Portal levels, and Power Cubes: yellow (L1) →→ red (L4) →→ purple (L8)
    • Portal Mods: green (Common) → purple (Rare) → pink (Very Rare)
  • The very first Mook that you encounter in Descent 3, known as the Gyro, shoots incredibly weak laser bolts in bursts of four and flees when outnumbered. The Gyro has a red counterpart, called the Flame Gyro, that is faster and much more aggressive, circling and attacking targets with a constant spray of napalm that does enormous damage over time as well as refusing to flee even when it is outgunned.

    Gyro: Freeze!
    Flame Gyro: BURN.

  • Elite Mooks in Elona are Palette Swaps of normal mooks. What color they are varies, but as general it's red for a warrior or Dire Beast, blue for a mage, black for King Mook, or Color-Coded Elements if the enemy has elemental affinity.
  • In Resident Evil 4 the higher-ranking Los Illuminados cultists wear red robes instead of the standard black.
  • Urbanoids: The enemy's role and power are determined by their color: household (red), maintenance (yellow), construction (green), law enforcement (blue) and military (black). Once any of them is under your control, it turns white.
  • Pac-Man 99: Regular Jammer Pac-Man are mini-sized and white colored. They slow down Pac-Man on contact but otherwise do not harm Pac-Man, and can be killed by picking up a Power Pellet. Later in the round, red Jammer Pac-Man begin appearing, which are full-size and much slower compared to the white Jammers, but have the same kill power as a Ghost and are far more persistent; Power Pellets only freeze them in place, and only picking up a Bonus Fruit can kill red Jammers.
  • A telltale sign that an enemy is an Elite Mook in Night Fire is an article of clothing of theirs that is red. They can take and dish out more damage than their regular peers.
  • The Mecha-Mooks in Robokill come in four difficulty tiers following the stereotypical tier color sequence: green, blue, red, and yellow.
  • Arknights lets you distinguish its Elite Mooks as they are almost always red Palette Swaps of regular ones.
  • Joust has, in ascending order of points earned and aggressiveness, Bounders (red), Hunters (grey), and Shadow Lords (blue.)
  • Balloon Fight, a Nintendo-produced game which takes heavy inspiration from Joust, has white-balloon enemies, cyan-balloon enemies, and yellow-balloon enemies, in order of difficulty and points earned.
  • Galaxy Champions TV uses this several times. The final stage has golden flooring, and is also full of golden recolors of all the enemies, who are faster and more aggresive than thier non chrome counterparts, when you fully upgrade a weapon future pickups of that weapon will be golden, and the Galatic Champion is decked out in golden armour
  • In Metroid Dread, of course the last EMMI is red. But then it's subverted as just as it attacks Samus, the Metroid absorption powers kick on overdrive, and she stops its charge with just one grab.
  • Grounded:
    • There are three types of ants you come across in the backyard: Red ants, Black ants, and Fire Ants. Red ants are the weakest, which won't attack you unless you give them a good reason to, and you can even get them to ignore you by wearing Red Ant Armor. Black ants are stronger, and wearing armor made out of their comrades won't fool them, but the workers won't deliberately attack you, unless you're in one particular area. Fire ants are outright hostile, and will attack on sight, regardless of circumstance.
    • Stinkbugs are aggressive, constantly leaking out a poisonous gas that can only be nullified by wearing a gas mask. Green shield bugs have a much more potent stench, which can overwhelm a gas mask if given the chance.
    • Ladybugs are neutral towards you, and won't attack unless you provoke them. Ladybirds, however, are a lot meaner, and will attack without hesitation.
    • Both Larvae and Ladybird Larvae will attack on sight, but the Ladybird Larva has the added bonus of inflicting Sizzle on their targets, and they can hop backwards to escape from retaliation.

Web Animation 

  • In Red vs. Blue Reconstruction, Red defeats Blue by default, by erasing all the Blue' records. At least that's how Sarge sees it.
  • Played with in If the Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device, with Kitten suggesting that Salamanders are worse and Orks keep on losing because both are green, while the Ultramarines' blue being superior. The Emperor dismisses this, as to him all colors are equally inferior before gold.
  • RWBY: Silver in relation to eyes is stated to be an extremely rare color. The heroine, Ruby, has these very rare silver eyes and, if the legends are true, is destined to be a great huntress. A person born with silver eyes possesses a mysterious magical ability to produce white light from their eyes that can defeat the Grimm in a range of ways: freezing them to stone, blinding them, or disintegrating them to dust. The power comes from the God of Light, who also possessed silver eyes that can slay the Grimm with white light. The God of Light himself is a being of golden light, superior to his younger brother who is the God of Darkness, a being of dark purple tones and who can produce powerful purple attacks in his own right. He does feel very inferior to his older brother, however, which makes their relationship tense.


  • Subverted in this Sluggy Freelance Bikini Suicide Frisbee Days.
  • The trolls of Homestuck, whose "hemospectrum" goes from purple and blue at the top to yellow and rusty-brownish red at the bottom and Karkat's mutated bright red blood being off the scale. Being of a lower blood color might give you psychic powers (see Aradia or Sollux), but it also means you are subject to Fantastic Racism and ensures that you'll be the first one to feel the Vast Glub. Trolls with higher blood also live longer: trolls with red or yellow blood are unlikely to meet the next generation, while trolls with purple blood often live for centuries.
  • The Flying Carpet given to the heroes in The Order of the Stick invokes this trope.

    Tarquin: This is my fastest flying carpet, Elan. You'll note both its red color as well as its racing stripes.

  • In Tower of God, Yeon completely busts and chars the motor of their boat, and tries to pretend that it goes faster because it is black now.

Web Original 

  • Black computers obviously run faster. That's why the old boring beige ones died out.

Western Animation 

  • In the Tex Avery cartoon Bad Luck Blackie, a black cat is hired by a white kitten to stop a bulldog by crossing his path and causing him bad luck (i.e., something heavy falls on him). The bulldog eventually stops the black cat by painting him white, thus negating the bad luck. The kitten comes to the rescue by painting himself black and crossing the dog's path, causing the dog to get hit by the obligatory kitchen sink.
  • In the Futurama episode "The Route of All Evil", Cubert slaps a flame decal on the side of his home-built spacecraft, claiming it'll "make the ship go faster".

    Leela: What's your scientific basis for thinking that?
    Cubert: I'm twelve.

  • Danny Phantom: Though never confirmed in canon, there seems to be a Chromatic Superiority scheme amongst the ecto-energy. Four colors appear in the series — green, blue, purple, red. By some loose estimates, it seems that that's also the order from weakest to strongest. Red reigns supreme in ecto-energy.
  • Lilo & Stitch: The Series also featured Experiment 627 ("Evil!") who was designed to be better than Stitch in every way. He looked very much like Stitch save for a cone-shaped head and, of course, a red color scheme rather than a blue one.
  • In The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Iron Man becomes the first superhero to lead the Avengers. As people who read Iron Man's comics and/or saw his movies would expect, he mostly uses red and gold armor in this show. This incarnation even wears red as Tony Stark.
  • In Exo Squad, enemy Neosapien ace Neo-Frame pilot Thrax pilots a red Neo-Frame, whereas other Neosapiens pilot purple and gold craft. Sure enough, Thrax turns out to be one of the best fighters that Able Squad goes up against.

Real Life 

  • Manfred von Richthofen, a.k.a the original Red Baron, considered by many to be the greatest air combat pilot in the world, piloted (of course) a red triplane. He, in all likelihood, was the one to popularize this trope. Following his example, his squadron-mates started their aeroplanes up in funky colors as well so he wouldn't stand out quite so much. Richthofen's squadron ended up being so colorful that its actual name, "Jagdgeschwader 1", gave way to the nickname "Flying Circus"note . Before long, practically the entire Imperial German Air Service was trying out the Law of Chromatic Superiority. German pilots found that, while red paint didn't make their fighters fly any faster, it did make them easy to distinguish from the universally khaki-colored British aircraft in the middle of a dogfight.
  • The Tuskegee Airmen were the first black World War II fighter pilots and were credited with never losing a plane under their protection to enemy action. The famous color of their plane tails? Red. The Tuskegees' signature was inverted twice over with the 352nd Fighter Group. Became so famous that the Germans started calling them the Blue-Nosed Bastards of Bodney (Bodney being the city they operated out of). The inversion comes with the obvious blue nose.
  • Some experimental high-performance Luftwaffe aircraft that were being put through initial combat trials received distinctive paint-jobs, such as the all-red ME-163 Komet prototype V41 belonging to Wolfgang Spate.
  • During WW2, the Luftwaffe often painted parts of their fighter aircraft in bright colours, especially yellow, for easy recognition, e. g., during the Battle of Britain, so that they would not be fired on by trigger-happy tail-gunners of the bombers they were escorting. These colours, e. g. on the propeller spinner, engine cowl or tailfin, were also used to set apart sub-units of a Jagdgeschwader (fighter wing) or as a common mark of fighters serving in a particular theatre of war (e. g. white for North Africa). This ended up leading to the belief among Allied pilots that the Luftwaffe distinguished their pilots in WW2 by the color of their propeller spinner. Yellow-nosed aircraft, it was thought, had pilots with 30 kills or more (in actual fact, e. g. the Luftwaffe's top-scoring pilot Erich Hartmann (352 kills) had a black one, and Hans-Joachim Marseille, the top-scoring pilot against Western Allies (158) had a white one). This proved to be a danger to some German pilots after the arrival of long-ranged Allied fighters on the Western Front: American pilots, confident in their superior numbers and ability to dive out of a bad situation to escape, frequently picked fights with yellow-nosed enemy aircraft in preference to lesser ones. There is an apocryphal story that some American pilots in the Pacific theater would paint their propellers a different color before every battle so Japanese pilots would think they were facing different fighter squadrons each time, creating the illusion that the Americans had massively superior numbers. Apocryphal because the Americans didn't need to create an illusion of what they actually had.
  • Linguistic comparison studies have shown that, almost universally, the first color split off from white/warm/light and black/cool/dark when a language adds in a third color red. Yes, that's right, even among colors themselves, red is chromatically superior. note 
  • Studies show that "gamers have more of a chance of being on the winning side if they choose to play as a red team member as opposed to blue". The same applies to athletes all the way up to the professional and Olympic level, according to Discover Magazine. The caveat being that they are action games, such as CoD and Halo. In thinking games, such as Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, colors like blue have the advantage due to encouraging long-term thinking, creativity, and being able to see the bigger picture.
  • Real Life studies have shown that players in sports who wear red are more likely to win in competitions over other colors, like blue. Is this because putting on red somehow ups their performance? No, it's because wearing red seems to have some kind of intimidation factor on the opponents. So wearing red doesn't make you better, it just makes everyone else worse.
  • The "black tax" levied on computers. A previous generation of Apple MacBooks came in two colors: white and black. There was a $200 difference in price between the two (black being more expensive). The functional difference? The BlackBook has a 90-gigabyte larger hard drive (perhaps a $50 value, if you're feeling very, very generous). With the other $150, you're paying for the privilege of owning a chromatically superior computer. A similar price difference exists with chrome or stainless steel kitchen appliances over plain white enamel. Black enamel usually costs more than white, but less than silver. Invoked for the "white is coming" ad campaign for the white Sony PSP in the Netherlands, featuring a black model and a white model fighting, which spawned a predictable response.
  • The Chevy Volt's very Everything Is an iPod in the Future dashboard center stack comes in "Ceramic White" or "Dark". The former is the only one available with the standard cloth interior, "Dark" requires one of the $1000 leather interiors.
  • The X-Box 360 "Elite" is, of course, black. And the 'Special Resident Evil Edition' of the Elite is red.
  • The red cameras take better pictures? Not to be confused with the RED cameras, which take better (motion) pictures and are colored black.
  • The infamous Playboy Bunnies outfits are ranked this way, with the black-colored bunny outfit signifying the highest rank of bunny. This system has largely fallen out of use lately for the various locations of the Playboy Club (mostly for aesthetic reasons), but still occasionally plays the trope straight.
  • Practitioners of martial arts such as judo or karate wear belts of various colors to denote their skill level. And, of course, the white belt is the one novices carry, a black belt symbolizes a high expertise, and the red belt is reserved for the instructors no less. It works really well in Judo, with the belts going from white to black and the red belt being reserved for people of fifth dan and above. That is, people that can do stuff you wouldn't expect in a movie. The apocryphal basis for the color-belt system lends the Law a touch of faux - Truth in Television-originally, a practitioner merely received A belt, period, when he began. A pristine white belt which, unlike the rest of the uniform, was never washed, so that the sweat, dirt, and what have you else would slowly make the belt progressively darker. So if you saw a guy with a black belt, it meant he'd been studying his particular style for a long time and was probably capable of kicking your ass before you even knew you were about to fight him. Sadly, this explanation isn't actually true - it was invented by a California dojo in the mid-20th century specifically to invoke the trope.
  • In the Cheezic Federation of Tang Soo Doo, you start off as white, go to orange (instead of yellow in other schools), then blue, then green (which are three degrees), then red (three degrees again), then Apprentice Black (either have red and black belt, or you wear the Black Belt Gi with a red belt, then First Degree Black. You either get white or RED tape when you increase in degrees.
  • American Express cards in order of exclusivity: green, gold, platinum, black, etc.
  • Ii Naomasa, one of Tokugawa Ieyasu's Four Guardians, inspired by the awesome red color of Yamagata Masakage's unit when he was a kid, formed a unit dressed entirely in red armor nicknamed the Red Devils. Dressing in red, of course, made them so fast that they drew first blood in the Battle of Sekigahara. At this point, no matter what color the Tokugawa wears in any media adaptation, if there's Naomasa, he'll always be portrayed with red armor.
  • Scientific studies show that people view members of the opposite sex more favorably depending on the color of their clothes. Women view men with the appropriate color as more powerful and successful, while men see women with said color as more sexy and interesting. And what color may that be? Red.
  • There have also been studies of packaging where identical detergent is put into different colored boxes and then sent out to be used by consumers. Red and yellow boxed detergents were almost always identified as more effective.
  • Purple, in some societies, came to be associated with royalty because it was expensive to produce. Sometimes, it was even illegal for commoners to possess it. It's made out of a mucus secretion of sea snails. In the West, purple is the color of royalty. In Asia, it's usually yellow (saffron-based dyes being extremely expensive). At certain points in Chinese history, anyone caught wearing yellow clothes (or using the emperor's surname) was not only executed, but so was their extended family up to three degrees of relatedness. So your clan is dead if you accidentally offend the emperor.
  • In Chinese culture, red is considered a lucky colour and red envelopes containing money are often given out at special occasions like Chinese New Year. Naturally, this led to some clashes when Communism was adopted as the official ideology of China (since red was already its colour, naturally). Also note that black is not necessarily a forbidding or mournful colour, but white is and is used at funerals.
  • In Russia red is considered a strong or preferred color, dating long before the Communist days. The Russian word for red, krassnyy shares the same root as the Russian word for beautiful, prekrassnyy.
  • Inverted with stars:
    • The blue ones are brighter. They also "go faster", as in, have a shorter lifespan.
    • Red Dwarf stars win the endurance race, lasting longer than any other star type. A Red Dwarf can burn for longer than the current age of the universe (13 billion years).
    • Red supergiants are the largest stars known, however they're outshone by their smaller blue counterparts. The largest known star (VY C Ma) is as wide as the ORBIT of Jupiter, and as bright as 270 thousand Suns, but the brightest known star (R136a 1) is as bright as eight million suns.
  • Even nature gets in on the act. Drab colors are used to blend in with the environment, whereas bright colors (red especially) are used to warn predators of poison (or are used by nonpoisonous creatures to bluff). Unless it's a fruit, in which case red indicates ripeness.
  • Everyone in the universe knows that gold, silver, and bronze mean first, second, and third best, respectively. Unless you introduce platinum. Platinum beats gold. This, of course, is based on the chemical purity (ie. lack of reactivity) and economic value of the metals for which the colours were named.
  • Inverted in US military officer ranks. Silver is always higher rank than gold. For example, a major wears gold oak leaves, while a lieutenant colonel has silver oak leaves, supposedly because the "gold" is usually brass, and the ranks are sorted based on the value of the metal used rather than color. This is done in Venturing (part of the Boy Scouts of America) recognition. Silver is higher than Gold and only second to Ranger.
    • Inverted for all western military powers, period. It's not because of the value of the metal, but because of heraldic reasons where the virtues represented by silver (truth, loyalty, purity) are generally valued higher than those represented by gold (obedience, glory, faith). For example military bodyguard regiments (like the Royal Life Guards of the United Kingdom or Livgardet in Sweden) almost always use silver buttons on their uniforms while other lesser elite regiments use gold buttons.
  • Yellow cars are better. They're more visible, especially at night, and have fewer accidents. Similarly, some fire trucks are painted yellow or lime green in the interest of safety; these colors are much more visible to the human eye than red. Red cars, on the other hand, get pulled over for speeding more often. Because they look faster, cops are more likely to check their speed and catch them breaking the law even by a few miles per hour over the limit.
  • This idea is actually implicit in the very nature of colour: colour is determined by which wavelengths of light bounce of an object. Light with longer wavelengths is closer to red, while the blue end of the spectrum has shorter wavelengths. Shorter wavelengths mean more energy is packed into a smaller space, so blue and purple light has the most energy while red has the least. Referenced in this Physics Of Science Fiction video, where it's pointed out that although purple lasers would be the strongest, there are other, higher energy, types of electromagnetic radiation, but lasers made from them would be invisible since they're outside the visible spectrum.
  • Windows editions go from white to green to blue to black in increasing order of superiority.
    • Windows XP: Home (green), Professional (blue)
    • Windows Vista/7: Starter (white/pale green), Home Basic (green), Home Premium (dark green), Business/Professional (blue), Enterprise (navy blue), Ultimate (black)
    • Windows 8: Vanilla (white), Pro (black)
    • Windows 10: Home (blue), Professional (purple)
  • In many military organizations, the color of one's hat or beret is synonymous with where they sit on the hierarchy. Traditionally, this is either a black or red beret, signifying airborne or special forces groups (in many instances, wearing a beret at all is a mark of a special unit, so these are super special) in many nations. The U.S Army has an interesting inversion of this. The standard beret color for most of its troops is black, with red being used for airborne troopers. The most "badass" colors though are the comparatively droll tan and green. Tan berets are for members of the 75th Ranger Regiment, where the green ones are for U.S Army Special Forces.
  • At launch, the Wii U had two different models, each with an associated bundle. The white model was billed as the basic version, with only 8 gigabytes of storage and the absolute bare minimum of peripherals necessary to use the system. The black model, on the other hand, was sold as part of a deluxe bundle, coming with 32 gigabytes of storage and all the peripherals from the basic bundle, plus stands for the console and gamepad, a sensor bar for Wii controllers, and a copy of Nintendo Land, albeit for a higher price ($300 versus $350 in the US). Japan later got a white version of the deluxe bundle, and the price of the deluxe bundle eventually dropped to match the basic bundle, but the black version remained the clear favorite, getting promotional bundles with New Super Mario Bros. U, Mario Kart 8, and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD; the Wind Waker bundle even got a special gamepad with gold designs on the front.
  • The patriarch in a troop of gorillas is called a "silverback" due to the distinctive patch of silver fur that male gorillas develop upon reaching adulthood.