Locomotive Level - TV Tropes
- ️Thu Dec 31 2009
Gordon: New Yorkers talk like they're all big and bad, but I bet they don't deal with half this shit on the subway!
[soldiers continue shooting at him, he returns fire]
Gordon: The next time I hear someone complain about their commute again, I think I'm just going to punch them in the face.
It's very common for our protagonists to find their way onto a train. After all, it's a prime location for adventure. You're stuck in a confined space, and you're unable to leave once the train is moving. You may have to show your ticket or passport, you may be held up by a bunch of robbers, you never know who you're going to meet, and nobody is ever completely sure if that strange-looking toilet door is correctly shut.
After you've run around on the train for long enough, the only way left to go is up, often leading to a Traintop Battle. Other potential goals/dangers include low-hanging signals and tunnels, coupling or decoupling cars, encounters with other vehicles (other trains, aircraft, Humongous Mecha, etc.) moving behind or alongside/above the train to drop off enemies or attack the player (or the train itself), or a time limit before the train reaches its destination (stopping optional).
The music for such stages will often have a galloping or chugging rhythm.
Not to be confused with Rail Shooter. Thriller on the Express is the non videogame version of this trope. See also Levels Take Flight when the locomotive is an airship.
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- The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, as the name suggests, has some of these.
- In Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time, the last segment of Aku City has Jack traversing through a train with various foes up to a battle with the Clenches.
- Not quite a strict Locomotive Level per se, but the Macbeth mission in Star Fox 64 features a train which the team is trying to destroy. If one successfully flips all eight paddles and then manages to shoot the switcher-lever, the result is the gratifying spectacle of the enemy locomotive smashing into the supply depot, destroying the whole thing. If one doesn't manage to do so, then the locomotive, which tows a heavily armed "kite" mech, serves as the level's boss.
- Uncharted:
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves has a few levels that take place around a train going up toward Shangri-La.
- The final level of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy takes place on a train carrying a nuclear warhead headed towards an Indian village.
- Mirror's Edge, where Faith surfs the train, in addition to one Train Escape.
- Poptropica: You spend most of Mystery Train Island riding on a train and talking to various historical figures to uncover clues and find out who stole some inventions. You can meet the various staff and engineers of the train, and investigate cabins.
- One level of Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation features an extensive fight from one end of a cargo train to the other, often forcing Lara to precariously cling to the side of a car in order to advance.
- Spider-Man (2000) on PlayStation featured a level where Spidey must survive an unlimited hoard of lizard men set upon him by Venom. Falling off the very narrow platform is an instant death, but Spidey can knock his enemies off the train too. The goal of the level is to survive until the train icon at the bottom of the screen reaches the end.
- One of the Doc Ock fights in the Spider-Man 2 game took place on a train, and by proxy a portion of the film of the same name did as well.
- A mission in Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner involves chasing a train before it can deliver a deadly payload to the Redshirt Army. But since you have to destroy said train, it plays more like a Battleship Raid.
- Every once in a while, the LEGO Adaptation Game series likes to include a segment where you have to move through and/or across trains, taking advantage of the limited area movement on a speeding vehicle as part of the puzzles:
- LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures has the Secret Level based on Young Indy's first adventure, where the second half involves first traveling atop the roofs then through a train car to escape Fedora and his men.
- LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes has one level in a subway, which of course ends on a Runaway Train that Batman and Superman need to reach the front of in order to stop.
- LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 features the starter level for Prisoners of Azkaban, where Harry and co. have to make their way through the Hogwarts Express while dealing with Dementors.
- The LEGO Movie Videogame has the "Escape from Flatbush" level in the Wild West, where Emmet and co. have to travel across several trains in an effort to escape Bad Cop.
- LEGO Marvel's Avengers:
- The final part of the "Rail Hydra" level adapts the scene from The First Avenger where Captain America and Bucky infiltrate a Hydra train to capture Arnim Zola.
- Half of the "Korea Prospects" level adapts the scene in Age of Ultron where Captain America and Scarlet Witch try to stop a Runaway Train.
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 has a Wild West level where the second half has Star-Lord needing help from Kid Colt in order to rescue some of his Guardians friends from a villain-commandeered train.
- LEGO The Incredibles has the "Hover Train Hijinx" level, where Elastigirl and He-Lectrix need to chase after then travel across a Runaway Train to stop the brainwashed driver.
- LEGO DC Super-Villains has the end of one level involve Batman and Catwoman running atop a speeding train in order to catch up to Steppenwolf after he captured the Rookie.
- Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars has one; it Bait And Switches a Traintop Battle, only to have you climb back down into another carriage to stop a gunman shooting Nico.
- In Henry Stickmin - Completing The Mission, some routes have Henry sneaking onto The Toppat's train to get into their jungle base or steal their train loot.
- Hiveswap: Much of Act 2 focuses on getting onto the train, from whence the rest of the act focuses on solving puzzles and progressing along the length of the train.
- Episode 3 of The Walking Dead: Season One first had the group getting a locomotive up and running, then using it to get to the coast.
- World's End Club: The level "Fork in the Road" occurs on a train the Go-Getters use to reach Tokyo, with a boss battle against Pielope, and another choice decision moment.
Beat Em' Up
- Bloody Zombies have the level in the London Metro where you must fight your way through a train infested with undead. One section have you finding a shortcut by climbing on top of the moving train, but must deal with the Low Clearance ahead.
- The Legend of Tian-ding have you outsmarting Colonel Matsumoto and successfully boarding a train, only to realize the train is filled with enemy mooks. You then spend the next stage fighting through enemies on a moving train.
- Slaps and Beans have the first stage, set in a Western town, where Bud and Terence fights their way through mooks on an old-timey steam locomotive.
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time has the "Bury My Shell At Wounded Knee" level, set in a Western-timed train.
- The Batman Returns licenced SNES game has the sixth level that takes place aboard the Red Triangle Circus train. The boss is the ringleader of the circus, the creepy Organ Grinder.
- Final Fight:
- One level in Final Fight 1 takes place in a metro train as well as station.
- Final Fight 2 has the fourth stage that takes place aboard the R&B Circus train. The boss is Philippe, quintessential Monster Clown and ringmaster that has been using the circus to smuggle illegal items for the Mad Gear Gang.
- Train Crasher, like the name states, is set entirely on a subway train. Players move from one carriage to another, beating up every mook in their way until reaching the front of each train with a boss waiting for them.
First-Person Shooter
- Blood:
- E1L3 in the original Blood takes place on the Phantom Express train owned by the Cabal. Caleb navigates it from the very front of the locomotive to the caboose and back again. before overloading the engine and causing it to crash.
- Blood II: The Chosen adores this type of level, as three of them take place in identical moving subway trains; the first two are identical to each other save for the enemies present, including both ending by your train crashing into another one and derailing, while the third has you jump from one train to the other right in front.
- The majority of chapter 5 of Cry of Fear takes place on a train.
- Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project has the start of one of the levels on the roof of a train and later (possibly in the same level) there is a boss fight on top of a much shorter train.
- Dusty Revenge have the stage, "Mid-day Ride", set in a locomotive filled with feline, mongoose and weasel enemies. Which leads to an inevitable Traintop Battle.
- In Fashion Police Squad, the first half of mission 7 takes place in a subway train. It starts off as fairly normal looking train albeit with golden decorations. The further the player makes it through the train, the more lavish the wagons get. Some have luxurious toilets and two wagons even have two-floor spas, complete with waterfall, bar and chandeliers.
- James Bond:
- GoldenEye (1997), imaginatively titled "Train," which has Bond battling through a converted missile train in order to save Natalya.
- 007: From Russia with Love had a level that began on a train and led to a station - also titled "Train".
- In one level in Everything or Nothing, Bond catches up to a moving train on a bike, leaps off the bike onto the train, then fights his way through the train, eventually encountering Jaws, and battling him.
- The House of the Dead: OVERKILL (and by proxy the spin-off Typing of the Dead Overkill} has a level called Scream Train, a possibly reference to Resident Evil 0, it features a large double story over-night sleeper filled with zom-er, mutants.
- Level 3 in Outlaws takes place on a train.
- In Half-Life, Gordon Freeman spends a lot of time on trains, although rarely during active gameplay.
- Half-Life famously starts with him in a long ride on an elevated tram. The "On A Rail"
chapter of the original game is the only time in the series where Gordon actively pilots the rail vehicle.
- Half-Life 2 has him arrive in City 17 on a train; and in Episode One, he and Alyx hitch a ride on a Combine train, and later use a rebel-operated train to escape from the city. In both cases, the ride is essentially a cutscene by the game's standards.
- Half-Life famously starts with him in a long ride on an elevated tram. The "On A Rail"
- Medal of Honor series:
- The final stage of Medal of Honor: Underground, aptly titled "The End of the Line". Manon infiltrates a train filled with Germans, preventing their last-ditch attempt to win the war by crashing a train filled with enough explosives to level Paris.
- Medal of Honor: Frontline has a level in which you must fight your way through a Nazi armoured train to reach the Big Bad at the far end. You can also use its mounted guns to blow up other trains as they pull alongside.
- PAYDAY 2 has two train-related heists. The first, named Transport: Train Heist, sees the player stealing a turret (a level 1 RED sentry gun from Team Fortress 2) and its ammo in a train that is currently stopped on a railway bridge. The second is a part of the Biker Heist, and sees the heister boarding a freight train and stealing a BCI helmet.
- Red Steel 2 has a train level which involved lots of working your way through carriages then finding the way is blocked and having to go up on the roof, then finding that way is blocked and going down through the carriages again. Interestingly your movement is hampered by the constantly swaying train.
- The Stalin Subway features this trope as a selling point, proudly featuring Moscow Metro in its promotional materials. In gameplay, there are several levels where you get to travel between stations filled with enemy agents, taking on enemies from the train's back to its front, and often there are areas where you (or unfortunate mooks) might fall off the train on the railway tracks.
- Team Fortress 2, as with any Source engine game, has loads of community created content and maps, one of which is a map called ctf_convoy that, inspired by the UT2004 map of the same name, takes place on two massive missile carriers careening through a canyon.
- TimeSplitters Future Perfect features a train level in the 1960s.
- Ubersoldier has the stage where you infiltrate Chimaera, a Nazi-owned armored train, to uncover its T-9 supply and killing plenty of mooks along the way. You even cling on the Chimaera's sides to infiltrate different carriages.
- Unreal series:
- Unreal Tournament has AS-HiSpeed, where the attackers drop from a helicopter onto the rear of a cargo train and have to fight their way to the front and override the controls.
- Spiritual successor AS-Convoy in Unreal Tournament 2004 is of a similar concept, albeit with a Base on Wheels and its attendant vehicles crossing a desert rather than a train.
Light-Gun Game
- Confidential Mission: The second stage takes place on a train traveling through a mountain region, where your mission is to rescue a kidnapped programmer. You fight through passenger cabins and dining cars, occasionally hopping onto the roof.
- Gunfighter: The Legend of Jesse James, being set in the Wild West, has its fourth level set on a locomotive, where players controlling Jesse have to go from the back of the train to its front, killing every mook hindering his way in the process, to force the train to stop before it squashes his girlfriend, the Damsel in Distress Zee who is Chained to a Railway.
- Lethal Enforcers II: Gun Fighters have the fourth stage, the Train Robbery, where your sheriff hero arrives at a train only to find out it's filled with hostile bandidos. Cue a chase scene-shootout, with you on horseback against the villains.
- Time Crisis:
- Time Crisis 2 has a level where the heroes try to stop a train transporting missiles for Ernesto Diaz's satellite weapon, with Diaz's lead mercenary, the Scary Black Man Buff Bryant, serving as the boss at the end.
- In the third game the heroes sneak onboard a similar train to enter General Zott's base, and have to contend with Zott's army as well as several clawmen guarding the train. Players get to battle Garrett, the clawmen leader, and several Elite Mook clawmen at the end of the stage.
- The Addams Family Licensed Game has the Train Room, where Gomez is shrunk down and rides his toy train for a change instead of blowing it up, while dodging the floating spiked balls scattered around the room, a Rail Enthusiast's dream come true.
- In the Animaniacs video game for the Sega Genesis, in the second half of the Western Level, the Warner Siblings travel aboard a train. The boss of the stage is Ralph the Guard. During the first encounter, the Warner siblings must toss pies at him from an oven in the bakery car, while he tries to do vice-versa to them while riding a rail-mounted segway. In their second encounter, the Warners reach the engine. They must fill it with coal so it can outrun Ralph.
- One level of Ape Escape 3 took place partially in/around a train.
- Azure Striker Gunvolt: The second half of the intro stage takes place on a train where Joule is being held.
- One of the Boss Battles in Banjo-Tooie takes place on board Chuffy the locomotive.
- In Batman: Return of the Joker, Stage 4-1 takes place on a freight train.
- In Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind, the first halves of "Chapter 7: The Good, the Bad, and the Woolies", "Chapter 8: A Fistful of Yarn", and "Chapter 9: Dances With Woolies" take place on a train travelling through the desert.
- The eighth level of Cool Spot is entitled "Loco Motive", and given Spot's diminutive size, takes place on an electric train set.
- Contra
- Contra: Hard Corps had this as one of its stages, ending with a Humongous Mecha boss that catches the train, forcing you to fight it. The Game Boy Advance port of Contra III: The Alien Wars even imported this level.
- Contra: Shattered Soldier also had a train top stage with a Humongous Mecha as the boss, in an obvious homage to Hard Corps.
- The fourth level of The Flintstones Licensed Game for the Sega Genesis takes place on the Dino Express, where Fred looks for Betty's missing ribbon. When Fred reaches the engine, it is revealed to be powered by a running dinosaur.
- One level of Gunbrella has the protagonist hitch a ride on a cargo train to reach a processing plant and has to fight a few enemies on it before the train arrives.
- Stage 3 of Patched Plains and Stage 5 of Rhythm Route from Kirby: Planet Robobot take place in the trains of the Haltmann Works Company. The former was a literal locomotive, while the latter is more of a modern-day subway train.
- Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament: The second stage takes place on the "Northern Express", a train owned by Garlen, with Klonoa being required to make it to the front of the train to complete the stage.
- The Legendary Starfy: Some levels of Planet Bunnera take place inside the Cosmic Express. These areas have normal gravity comparable to the Bunnera Castle; apparently this is due to the material that the train is constructed out of.
- In Little Nemo: The Dream Master, in the "House of Toys" level, Nemo rides a toy train whilst dodging enemies and hazards.
- LooneyTunes games:
- In Sylvester and Tweety in Cagey Capers for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, the "Mayhem Express" level takes place onboard a train.
- Desert Demolition Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote, also for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, has a level like this, entitled, Choo Choo Terrain.
- Road Runner's Death Valley Rally for the SNES has a circus train level, entitled, Train Runnery, with various circus animals either helping or hindering your progress.
- Jean-Bison's trainyard in Sly 2: Band of Thieves features several Train Job missions.
- McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive has a circus train in the first half of the second world.
- Several levels in the Mega Man series:
- Charge Man's stage from Mega Man 5. It's worth mentioning that Charge Man himself is an anthropomorphic train.
- Slash Beast's stage from Mega Man X4, appropriately called Military Train. Partway through the level there's mooks who destroy the train couplings, and the miniboss is a killer robot train car that attacks with extendable spikes.
- One of the earliest stages in Mega Man Zero involves boarding a train to recover a special Cyber-Elf, with the boss being the train engine itself that's also a robot hybrid trying to kill Zero.
- Panter Flauclaws' stage in Mega Man Zero 2 involves boarding a train to steal valuable cargo for the war effort, with the boss pulling up at the end on another train to duke it out with Zero.
- Buckfire's level in Mega Man ZX Advent, which is also significant as this is the first stage past the tutorial and the one where Grey/Ashe receive Biometal Model A. The train specifically was a Hunter's train they were using to transport the Biometal to Legion before the Mavericks attacked with the intent of taking the Biometal (and in Grey's scenario, finish off the "Defective" escapee). In the aftermath of the attack, the train is damaged to the point of being grounded, which prompts the Sage Trinity to give Grey/Ashe the mission of repairing the train to finish the journey. Returning to the train before doing so shows it still broken-down, and after repairing it you can either get on the train again and go through the level before it transitions you to the Legion train-station, or just talk to the guy near the train to skip straight to the other train-station.
- Mega Man Legends has level to protect a train in a battle with the Calinca.
- Miku Monogatari ~Yume to Taisetsu na Mono~: Stage 2 - 1 takes place on a train on a some wacky, unsafe route. The cars and the goal platform are the only solid place to stand on: getting knocked out of the train is an instant death.
- Prison City: The intro stage takes place on a train where player traverses the cars to fight a tech engine at the end.
- Puppeteer (2013): One section of a level is a race agaist General Bull and Horse (General Horse transforms into a train) across a desert landscape. There are sections where you must board and cross the roof of the train to damage General Horse.
- One level of Rocket Knight Adventures has your jetpack-wearing armor-clad laser-sword-wielding possum riding a little hand-car-thingie along the rails as he tries to catch up to the evil robot train with ray guns and clawed arms. Best boss ever.
- Sackboy: A Big Adventure has various levels taking place on a train through several themed settings.
- Super Mario Bros.:
- Super Mario Galaxy: The first planet encountered in the "Toy Time Galaxy" level has a large model train on it.
- Super Mario 3D World has three train levels: two military trains captained by Pom Pom, and one made of gold that is a bonus level.
- Mario Party 2: Western Land has a train named Steamer, who travels along the tracks. He moves from one station to another either when a player pays five coins to ride him, or when they land on a happening space. If a player is on the tracks and is in Steamer's path, Steamer will knock them back to Start.
- Mario Party 8: The board Shy Guy's Perplex Express takes place inside a long train with five standard wagons, and whose goal for the characters is to navigate from the mini-wagon at the very end to the front part where the driver awaits to sell a Star for 20 Coins. Besides the linear path and star obtainment methos, the main gimmick is that a Magikoopa sometimes comes by and scrambles the order of the cars, shifting the board and everyone's positions.
- Mario Party DS: The minigame Track Star has three characters fleeing from a train that is being driven by the fourth, who in turn has to run over them. Prior to reaching a fork, both the train driver and each of the running characters have three seconds to decide whether to go to the left or the right. If a running character runs onto a path different from the one chosen by the train, they'll be safe until the converge point; if the train driver chooses the same path as a running character, then the latter has to press two randomly-designated buttons repeatedly during five seconds to run faster and avoid getting caught, while the driver has to press the A button repeatedly during the same period to speed up the train. When the driver and any remaining characters(s) reach a unified track, the process is repeated. In the event two or three running characters survive and end up choosing different paths on the third fork, the train driver will automatically lose, as there won't be a way they can get rid of all characters no matter what.
- Several of the stages of Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker take place on a moving train, requiring the player to explore inside, outside, and on top of the cars.
- Sunset Express in Paper Mario: Color Splash is a train with a western motif.
- Princess Peach: Showtime!: The level "Cowgirl at Dusk" consists of chasing after the Sour Bunch's train on a horse, then jumping off of a ramp to board the train itself in order to stop it.
- Sonic the Hedgehog:
- Sunset Park Act 3 from Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble. The boss is the engine itself, which fires spiked cannonballs at the player.
- In Sonic Adventure, in the middle of E-102 Gamma's Hot Shelter level, Gamma must travel across a pair of high-speed cargo trains, the rightmost of which is loaded with badniks. When he hits the switch on the rightmost engine, it will take him to the center of the base, where an upgraded E-105 Zeta is waiting for him.
- In Sonic Shuffle, the fourth board, Riot Train, is set on a runaway train. Occasionally, freight cars would couple to or uncouple from the train, and the final mini-game involves Sonic and his friends pushing the train back to stop it from falling off a cliff.
- In Sonic Heroes, either Rail Canyon or Bullet Station had this as part of the level.
- Radical Train in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). In Sonic and Shadow's story, they have to catch up to the train before it gets blown up or escapes. Silver's level is more linear.
- In Sonic Mania, at one point in Sonic and Tails' Mirage Saloon Act 1, you'll drop from the Tornado and onto a train driven by Dr. Eggman.
- Sunset Riders, being a Wild West themed game, had two train levels. The first one, which was the second level of the game, had you riding horses alongside a train while shooting bandits that were riding up to it or were already on board. The second train level had you getting aboard the caboose and having to shoot your way to the engine.
- Super Catboy have the stage where you infiltrate a locomotive en route to Dr. Ungefog's hideout, moving from one cabin full of enemies to another. Which inevitably leads to a Traintop Battle.
- Tiny Toon Adventures games:
- Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose! for the SNES has this in the second half of the Western-themed level.
- Hamton's Auto-Scrolling Level in Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in Wackyland for the NES, which also has a Traintop Battle against Arnold the Pit Bull.
- Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big Break for the Game Boy has a train in the middle of the second stage.
- Level 2 of Vectorman has the titular character morph into a train to battle Warhead on a set of levitating tracks.
- Stage 7-1 of the NES game Vice: Project Doom.
- The original Viewtiful Joe has a train sequence in the latter half of the 5th world.
- Wario Land:
- There are two in Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 that double as Auto Scrolling Levels.
- Two levels in Wario Land II (one of which is underground).
- Wreck Train and Derailed Express in Wario Land: Shake It!
- Yoshi's Crafted World:
- "Rail-Yard Run" (part of Sunshine Station) involves Kamek disassembling a steam engine, and Yoshi must find the three missing pieces to reassemble it. When he does, the train will take him to the goal.
- "Whistlestop Rails" from Big Paper Peak is another locomotive level, this time with the better part of the level spent riding trains through fields and caves and dodging Fangs.
- "Jungle Tour Challenge" from Rumble Jungle involves Yoshi riding on a train as he shoots eggs at the animal targets.
- "Gator Train Attacks!" is a Traintop Battle against the titular Gator Train, which rides on rails parallel to Yoshi's.
- A good chunk of Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box takes place on the Molentary Express, the most luxurious train in the world.
Role-Playing Games
- In BoxxyQuest: The Gathering Storm, the first half of Chapter 6 is set on the luxury Hype Train as it travels from one site to another. Predictably, it turns into a murder mystery scenario almost as soon as you get onboard.
- Final Fantasy:
- The ghostly Phantom Train of which last destination is the afterlife from Final Fantasy VI, which is a boss in itself (and can be suplexed).
- Final Fantasy VII has the team take a train, only for the guards to catch up with them, leaving our heroes to make a dash for it. There also is a haunted area named the Train Graveyard, full of derelict trains.
- In Final Fantasy VIII there's the Timber Owls SEED mission (plus a bossfight) that takes place on two separate trains.
- In the Endwalker expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, the beginning of the Tower of Babil dungeon involves fighting several Mecha-Mooks on a supply train on its way to the tower itself.
- Dissidia Final Fantasy has the Phantom Train from Final Fantasy VI as a level. The characters fight inside one of the cars and the seats are breakable. It's easily the most confined arena in the game, but it more or less works since the walls become partially transparent whenever doing otherwise would interfere with the camera.
- Fullmetal Alchemist games:
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Stray Rondo: The first proper dungeon is a train that was attacked by Bald and his men (again, judging by Ed' exasperated reaction). The level serves to introduce a new character, Cony, who was taken hostage by them.
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Sonata of Memories: The brothers' train is once again attacked by Bald, again serving as the first real dungeon. Al even introduces Bald to Winry as the guy with a train robbing hobby.
- The Game Boy Color adaptation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone has a level set on the Hogwarts Express. Harry meets Ron at the back of the last coach and there's a boss fight with Draco Malfoy, but not much else aside from a lot of other students to talk to.
- In Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance], the Solar Sailer in The Grid takes on an appearance similar to a freight train.
- Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar and Cybeast Falzar had the Link Navi mission with ChargeMan.EXE in the Gregar version. Said Navi offers his services to transport NPCs to various areas of the Net in a minigame where he tries to go from Point A to Point B without losing his passengers.
- Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door: Chapter 6 takes place mostly on a very posh train called the Excess Express, in a loose parody of Murder on the Orient Express and, more broadly, a pastiche of whodunnit stories. Likewise, a Traintop Battle occurs near the end of the chapter.
- The first boss of Persona 3, Priestess, hijacks a train S.E.E.S. is investigating, also a Time-Limit Boss.
- Pokémon:
- The Battle Subway in Pokémon Black and White and the sequels functions as the Battle Tower of Unova, where you fight several Trainers in succession until facing Emmet and Ingo.
- Outskirt Stand is where the main story begins in Pokémon Colosseum and the location later returns in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. In these games the locomotive is broken down in the middle of the desert and has since been converted into a restaurant and bar.
- Part of one of the final dungeons in Secret of Mana takes place on an undead-infested metro train.
- Shining Force III had a whole chapter about sneaking onto a train, people talking about trains, fighting in the train and then a big fight on top of the train for good measure.
- Skies of Arcadia has a train sequence, while the heroes escape from the Big Bad slowly walking towards them.
- Star Wars: The Old Republic has the Crisis on Umbara flashpoint, the first half of which takes place both on top of and inside a moving hovertrain.
- The first real dungeon in Tales of Xillia 2 is a train being raided by terrorists.
- Wild ARMs 4: The party boards Silver Star Express in order to rescue Jude's mother, being held there. Or, more accurately, Jude does the boarding by Racing the Train on a bike using his Super-Speed - the rest of the party just kind of shows up. On your way through it you have to fight a tank and jump across a series of decoupling flatcars. In the end, the party is prevented from reaching their goal by being trapped in a decoupled car that's sent off the cliff.
- World of Warcraft has the Grimrail Depot 5-man dungeon, where the players attack a train depot, board a freight train, and fight through the enemies until they reach the boss. After killing the boss, they sabotage the engine and cause the train to wreck and explode.
- There is also the Blackrock Foundry, where the players fight Operator Thogar in the middle of a railway depot. Trains come through during the fight on the different rail lines, and if they hit a player, they deal most of the player's health in damage.
- In You Are Not The Hero, Petula boards a haunted train on her journey.
Simulation Game
- In Mini Motorways, London, Mumbai, and New York City have train stations as additional destinations for cars. In these levels, a train moves along the railway, blocking cars along the way, and momentarily stops at each station. Trains cannot be removed, so further planning is needed in building roads that cross railways.
Survival Horror
- Resident Evil:
- Resident Evil 0 starts out on a train infested with leeches, OH and the undead. Then it crashes into a mansion full of the things. Talk about a lousy trip.
- The climactic battle with William Birkin in Resident Evil 2 takes place aboard an escape train fleeing the (naturally) self-destructing Umbrella lab.
- In Silent Hill 3, the second level takes place in the Bergen Street Sinister Subway station. At the end of it, an empty subway train shows up and, when Heather enters it, the doors close and trap her inside. What follows is a sequence of cars that she has to cross, some of which are dark and/or full of enemies, until Heather reaches a car that stops at an "unknown station" and her only exit is through a sewer underpass. During the ride, you can exit out the back door at any time, but it always leads to the rearmost door even if you just crossed to the next car... and once you reach the final car and check the front door, there's no locomotive or conductor to be seen.
- Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow has a level where Sam Fisher has to infiltrate and interrogate someone on a high speed train in France. He inevitably ends up on top of the train, and the sides, and the bottom.
- One level in Commandos 3: Destination Berlin, where the team has to recover works of art stolen by the Germans.
- The final stage of Hitman 3 is a No-Gear Level set on a train, which Agent 47 boards as a Trojan Prisoner and then has to make his way to the front to finally confront The Constant. You can choose to either sneak through each car or climb around on the outside, and the front car can of course be decoupled from the rest of the train once you get there. On top of being an unusual level for its linear layout, it's also the only level where you can kill indiscriminately, since everyone there is a Providence member, therefore a valid target.
Third-Person Shooter
- The climax of Gears of War has you work your way up a train, fighting off every kind of Mook and Miniboss the game can throw at you, before the confrontation with the Final Boss.
- Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion has the Deepsea Metro, a Sinister Subway that serves as the game's main Hub Level.
Wide-Open Sandbox
- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has three: CJ hitches a ride on a train and steal its cargo, he's on a motorcycle keeping up alongside the train, the last is on a jetpack flying around the train. There are side-missions where he can drive a train, but nothing interesting happens at all, unless the train is intentionally crashed.
- You find yourself amidst a Train Job in Red Dead Revolver while going to Brimstone.
- Red Dead Redemption has two such missions, both of which have the player manning a gatling gun on one of the cars to fend off enemies attacking the train.
- Assassin's Creed Syndicate features a train as the protagonist's Home Base. Also, unsurprisingly given the time period, trains play a big part in the game and several missions revolve around hijacking, protecting, reaching and escaping on moving trains.
- The NES game Cowboy Kid has one before the battle with Slash Joe.
- Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy has a level where you have to disarm a bomb on a crowded train, then fight your way along the train to the lead car, so you can stop the bad guys from ramming it into the station.
- The Last Express was set entirely on a train. The Orient Express, to be precise.
- The Egypt stage in the NES version of Strider begins with a train ride to the pyramid in question.
- Sector 3 of Jumper Two features Ogmo thrown on a train by the Conductor. Of course, the train was designed for a very luxurious travel.
- The first level of Victoria's world in LittleBigPlanet 2 takes place on a train.
- Shadows of the Empire has the Ord Mantell Junkyard level.
- Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament has this for the second area.
- Alice: Madness Returns has the Infernal Train level.
- In Th 3 Plan, a heist game, one of the first stages is on a train going through a very long tunnel.
- Distorted Travesty has one, of course. It then parodies it by having the train's interior be an Absurdly Spacious Sewer.
- The Data East arcade game Western Express (released as Express Raider in North America) is another game that takes place entirely on train themed levels. It also has a western theme.
- The Taito arcade game called Wild Western involves protecting a train from bandits.
- In The Matrix: Path of Neo this is what the second Sinister Subway level turns into. It's filled with Ominous Visual Glitches and A Glitch in the Matrix.
- Grimrail Depot in World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor.
- Before the final showdown in Yo! Joe! Beat the Ghosts, the player has to pass through a metro train ridden with enemies. For obvious reasons, this level is much shorter and simpler than any other.
- Metal Slug 2's third stage is a train battle that includes having to jump onto a second train in the middle of it.
- Zapper's eighth level, Voodoo Choo Choo, combines this with Halloweentown. Zapper has to work his way to the front of a train guarded by firebreathing jack-o-lanterns, cowboy Bedsheet Ghosts, whistles whose steam can strip Zapper to the bone, and monstrous hands reaching out of some of the coaches. The secret areas are coaches with skeletal passengers, the coal car is a barbecue grill for some reason, and the engine has a giant eye that can be zapped repeatedly to get a few extra lives.
- Iron Meat has third level, "The Train", where, in an effort to chase The Dragon, Vadim jumps on a train speeding into the unknown. Unfortunately, it's infested with Meat monsters. Things get from 0 to 100 when the boss of the level is revealed to be the train itself, or, rather, it's locomotive, remolded by the Meat into a horrific steel serpent and dubbed Carrionvoy.