Magical Species Transformation - TV Tropes

  • ️Mon Aug 29 2022

Magical Species Transformation (trope)

This is why you need to be careful not to mix-up your transport and transform spells.

A type of transformation where a character permanently and physically changes from their current species, typically a human, into a magical/mythical species. This is not merely the character learning to use magic, but also their physical characteristics changing, like growing fangs, wings, etc. It also includes when a character is a species hybrid, but something causes the previously unexpressed characteristics to appear.

These transformations are often used as a plot device on human protagonists in magical worlds: the protag begins as human, making the character more relatable to the audience and allows the author to introduce the magical world through their eyes. As the story progresses, the protag transforms into the magical race, giving them the abilities to defeat the Big Bad as well as fully initiating them into the magical world.

If the character is awake for the transformation, it's often a physically painful process. However, frequently the character falls unconscious out of shock as the transformation begins. The changes can also reflect the character's personality, be it their virtues or flaws, resulting in a Karmic Transformation. This may result from a Physical Attribute Swap if it involves two characters "trading" species, or a Viral Transformation if it spreads.

After the transformation, the character might take time to adjust to their new form and abilities. They might initially experience Freakiness Shame with their new abilities or be clumsy as they underestimate their own strength. They could also be pleased with the transformation, particularly if the magical species is attractive and powerful, or it can be a case of Forced Transformation which is received less gracefully.

If it first seems unclear that a character used to be human, often looking horrifying and inhuman, then that's a case of Was Once a Man. And as these transformations are permanent, a character having the ability to temporarily transform falls under either Super Mode or Shapeshifting.

Often the subject of Transformation Fiction.

Inverse trope is Humanity Ensues. Compare undead characters who may stay mostly human, even with the advent of being supernatural.

Very common for this trope are characters becoming a vampire, lycanthrope, or mermaid. Can also occur with Angelic Transformation, Demon of Human Origin, and Deity of Human Origin.


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Anime & Manga 

  • Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demons in this universe are humans who have been permanently turned into flesh-eating monsters that prey on other humans at night. The series is kickstarted by one of the Kamado siblings, Nezuko, being bitten by and transformed into a demon, with her brother Tanjiro now seeking a way to turn her back into a human. Other demons meanwhile are forever locked into their cursed forms, with only death being a definite release from their suffering.
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: DIO is introduced in the first arc of the series as Jonathan Joestar's evil adopted brother. And then things get worse by DIO attaching an ancient stone mask to himself and becoming a vampire, becoming not only forever young but also a superhuman menace that can tank gunfire and suck blood from people. He revels in his newfound power by becomingly increasingly cruel and inhuman.

Fan Works 

  • Lighting Candles: The Big Hero 6/Rise of the Guardians crossover has Tadashi Hamada become a fire kitsune and Guardian candidate after his canonical death, in a similar manner as Jack's transformation to a winter spirit at the beginning of Rise of the Guardians. The difference is, Tadashi remembers being human and was a scientist in life, so adjusting to being a magical creature is a lot for him. His humanoid form gains fangs and gold eyes, and he wields fire powers, flight, the ability to transform into a full kitsune form, and the ability to go into others' dreams.
  • In the The Simpsons fanfiction Of Hexes And Horses, as in the episode it is based onnote , Lisa is transformed into a centaur by a Gypsy Curse.
  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
    • Delusions is about how Celestia and Luna ascended from magicless mules to quasi-immortal alicorns as a reward from an ancient unicorn for ending Discord's reign of terror.
    • Pandemic features an epidemic of flu whose carrier virus was infected by a transformation spell, causing a strain of the disease where, after the original symptoms have run their course, the patient gradually transforms into a pony, trading their human shape for the ability to use magic. By the time the epidemic is brought under control, a significant number of humans — including a quarter of the United States' population — have been transformed in this manner.
    • Starscribe's fanfiction tends to focus on humans experiencing permanent transformations into ponies or other magical beings from the show. Depending on the story, the change is typically either completely irreversible, it's theoretically undoable but outside of the characters' means to do so, or the transformed human decides they prefer living in their new form. The Ponies After People setting is a particularly extreme example, as all humans on Earth are permanently and irreversibly transformed in this manner at the same time. The Fine Print/Forbidden Places duo instead features gates that transform humans who pass through them into a random quadruped or equine native to Equestria (on-page results include transformations into bat ponies, changelings, kirin, seaponies and hippogryphs); the change is reversible at first by just going back the other way, but spending too much time in Equestria or using too much magic will render it permanent.
    • In To Serve In Hell, any pegasi that swear their loyalty to Nightmare Moon are turned into Thestrals, i.e. batponies. They are considered her favored children, and the view on them varies depending on how one views their mistress; Her supporters consider them a Master Race with all the Fantastic Racism that implies, while her opponents see them as traitors to their kin, one character even comparing becoming a thestral to selling your soul. Rainbow Dash is in the difficult position of having become a thestral for survival (she was in fact either one of the first, or the first thestral overall), but holds no love for Nightmare Moon. By the time the fic starts, she's deep in a self-loathing pit. She gets her pegasus wings back and something more when she ascends to alicornhood at the climax.
  • The Portal has protagonist Thomas Smith who, after passing through the titular portal to the Dragon Realms, is transformed into a blue dragon. Later, his best friend, Alex also passes through the portal and becomes a yellow dragon.
    • In the sequel, Hard Choices, Thomas' parents, John and Sarah, also pass through the portal, resulting in them becoming dragons too, with John becoming a dark red dragon and Sarah becoming a dark green dragoness.
  • In the Spooky Month fanfic A Sweet Outcome, Kevin accidentally sends the void creature Cee into a feeding frenzy; after he begs for his life, Cee decides to instead convert Kevin into a void like itself, putting him under hypnosis as shadows consume his very being. Said hypnosis leads to Kevin not caring once it's over, only wondering how he's going to explain his new state to his family. Cee tells him not to worry about it.
  • Transcendence AU: A popular Gravity Falls alternate universe trope wherein Dipper and Mabel's attempts to foil Bill's plans in "Weirdmageddon" results in Dipper gaining Bill's demon powers, becoming a demon known as Alcor. His transformation was discomforting enough, but on top of that only Mabel was able to see him at first, since he became trapped on the demon plane.

Films — Animation 

  • Aladdin (1992, Disney): In the climax of the film, Jafar uses the magical lamp to turn himself into a genie, granting himself an insurmountable level of power. This all turns out to be a Batman Gambit by Aladdin who uses the lamp to seal Jafar away forever; Jafar is a genie now after all.
  • Bartok the Magnificent: Towards the end of the film, Ludmilla drinks the magical potion given to Bartok by Baba Yaga, assuming it will make her more beautiful. Instead she is transformed into a dragon.
  • A variation in Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022), where Fred Flintstone is transformed into Bigfoot from A Goofy Movie via Sweet Pete's bootlegging machine.
  • Rise of the Guardians: It's revealed late in the film that Jack Frost was once an ordinary human, who became a winter spirit and a Guardian candidate after he died saving his sister. This turned his hair and skin white and gave him ice powers, as well as the power of flight and creating blizzards. Unfortunately, he also can't be seen by anyone alive unless they believe in him.
  • Shrek: Fiona was cursed to turn into an ogre every night for years, and once she kisses her true love Shrek, she becomes an ogre permanently and appreciates being this way because it lets her live without fear of hiding parts of her that others would shun.

Films — Live-Action 

  • In Dark Shadows, Barnabus Collins, who was once a human, becomes a vampire when he falls off a cliff. Then, when he bites his girlfriend at the end of the film, she turns into one too.
  • Jumanji: The Next Level: Cyclone is a player character in the Jumanji game, who happens to be a pegasus. Milo Walker, who only has months left to live as a human, decides to stay in the game and live out the rest of his life as Cyclone.

    Mouse Finbar/Fridge: (translating for Milo) He's 75 years old and he just learned to fly.

  • Stardust: When Tristan reaches old age and his kingdom has been safely passed down, he is transformed into a star in order to live with his star wife Yvaine forever.
  • The Thirteenth Year is about a teenage boy named Cody who finds himself slowly transforming into a merman due to his merfolk heritage. This manifests first whenever Cody touches water, causing fins and scales to appear on his body, until the very end of the film where he's become a full-blown merman. This is stated to be a completely normal part of merperson adolescence.


  • In Angelology, Evangeline experiences this as her Nephilim traits are expressed, growing wings, effectively becoming an angel.
  • Dracula, a classic vampire example, Lucy experiences a subtle version of this, gaining fangs.
  • In I Don't Want to be the Hive Queen, Marcus is killed in a mugging... and wakes up in a Standard Fantasy Setting, having been reincarnated in the body of a Vex Hive Queen. The series follows his adventures as he figures out his new body and all the powers that come with it while also learning to navigate the world of Aos.
  • In Eragon, Eragon's transformation into a half-elf serves as this. Besides growing Pointy Ears, his scars healing, and becoming more attractive, he also gains Super-Senses. His lifespan was also greatly extended; not quite to full elf levels, but long enough to make a romance with Arya plausible.
  • At the end of The Hour of the Gate, Jon Tom attempts to turn Pog the bat into a falcon as thanks for his role in saving the day. Since Jon Tom's magic is... unpredictable, the effect instead turns Pog into a phoenix, which he fortunately thinks is even better.
  • In Tamora Pierce's The Immortals quartet, certain powerful mages can shapeshift into animals, but if they choose the form of any of the magical creatures known in the setting as Immortals, they'll never be able to become human again and won't be able to access human magic, or hold human titles. Daine would have liked to try dragon shape but not at the cost of her humanity.
    • This property is exploited with Ozorne, the seeming Big Bad, in Emperor Mage. He's given a metal feather to use in his hour of need, which he's told will carry him from his enemies as if on wings of steel and take him beyond the reach of death forever. At the end of the book he's cornered and told to choose between abdicating and being killed - Ozorne takes a third option and uses the feather, which transforms him into a Stormwing. This also means he's no longer Emperor or a human-style mage, as he's told before being Chased Off into the Sunset. Unfortunately, he's a bit of an Instant Expert and this isn't the end of him.
    • Tortall: A Spy's Guide says that any Stormwing feather has this property. Considering that Stormwing feathers are razor sharp and can be used to make Mage Killer arrows that suggests people end up like this now and then.
  • The Magicians: Niffins are creatures of pure wild magical energy, the result of human magicians failing to maintain a clear mind while controlling a spell and becoming consumed by the magic. It is considered a kind of death for the magician, as they lose their human soul during the transformation. This was the fate of Charlie Quinn prior to the series, and briefly became the fate of his sister Alice, though she was later restored by being reunited with her soul.
  • Princesses of the Pizza Parlor: Some half-elf Half-Human Hybrid fetuses were initially full-human. Their transformation in the womb was a blessing on their mother from a full-elf.
  • So I'm a Spider, So What? has an interesting variation of this. The plot involves an entire classroom being killed and reincarnated into an RPG-fantasy adventure. The main protagonist, as the title suggests, winds up as an ordinary spider in this world, so she decides to train herself up to evolve into an Arachne for a better means of survival. She gets what she bargained for, although it turns out that's exactly what the demon Ariel intended.
  • That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime:
    • The very premise of the title is how Satoru Mikami dies on Earth and reincarnates as a slime in another world and having to come to terms with his new slime and magical being's senses, as well as regaining various senses via absorbing other beings' traits.
    • It's possible for humans (usually those with magical potential) to become majin, gaining various advantages such increased physical and magical powers alongside longer lifespans, though this can also come at cost of gaining a majin's weaknesses (greater vulnerability to Anti-Magic as well as reduced capacity to have children). Myulan was once a human witch who made a deal with the Demon Lord Clayman near the end of her lifespan to become a majin. Shizue Izawa is notable for having the potential to become a majin but refusing due to personal hang-ups about herself despite the fact doing so would save and extend her already failing lifespan.
  • In The Twilight Saga, Bella undergoes this. The transformation is painful and lasts three days. It results in red or gold eyes, sharp teeth, stone-like skin, enhanced strength, constant thirst for blood, increased physical attractiveness, and occasionally specific superpowers.
  • Tolkien's Legendarium: In The Silmarillion, Tuor, a Man and the grandfather of Elrond, great-grandfather of Arwen and distant ancestor of Aragorn, is said to have successfully sailed to the Undying Lands with his Elven wife, Idril, and been transformed into an Elf (or at least had his nature changed in a one-off exception so that his soul would be eternally tied to the world like the Elves', rather than departing the physical universe like that of a Man; an inversion of the change of fate granted to Arwen and Lúthien).

Live-Action TV 

  • Once Upon a Time (2011): In "That Still Small Voice", Jiminy Cricket is revealed to have once been a human who accidentally let a young boy's parents get turned into puppets in an attempt to get rid of his own Abusive Parents. He begs the Blue Fairy for the ability to help and guide the boy, and she turns him into a talking cricket. The boy is revealed to be Geppetto.

Myths & Religion 

  • Medusa was once a beautiful human woman and a priestess worshipping Athena, but a traumatic encounter between her and Poseidon resulted in Athena transforming Medusa into a gorgon. She'd then for years go mad stuck alone on an isolated island, turning anyone who looked at her face into stone.

Tabletop Games 

  • Dungeons & Dragons:
    • The Reincarnate spell involves creating a new body for a dead humanoid. Provided that the human or humanoid has been dead no longer than 10 days, the spell forms a new adult body for it and then calls the soul to enter that body. If the spell succeeds, the magic fashions a new body for the creature to inhabit, which likely causes the creature's race to change, depending on the GM's choice or roll of the dice. This may result in a formerly human character reincarnating as a magical creature, such as elf, dragonborn, or one of the many other magical player races. Depending on the edition, it could even result in the reincarnated individual turning into a Talking Animal.
    • The 3rd Edition sourcebook Savage Species had a ritual that let a creature permanently change its species to a different one, with the time, XP, and resources required depending on the difference in power between the two. The character gained the physical attributes of an average member of the new species (in other words, the strength, dexterity, and constitution scores given in the creature's entry in the Monster Manual) but their mental abilities remained the same. For this reason, it was much better to go from being a smart but weak species such as a gnome to being a strong but dumb species like a troll than the opposite direction. Gnome-to-troll resulted in a Genius Bruiser, troll-to-gnome resulted in a weak idiot.
  • Shadowrun: An important part of the background timeline. When the level of background magic rose to a sufficient point for the return of these metahuman subspecies in early 2021, seemingly normal humans suddenly and painfully began to transform into orks and trolls in an event that would become known as "Goblinization". Around 10% of the world's population acquiring monstrous features like tusks and horns caused widespread panic and outbursts of violence against the newly transformed and was one of the main catalysts for the descent into chaos, anarchy and eventually megacorporate rule that marked the next few decades. In the game's current day, humans suddenly turning into orks or trolls still happens in rare cases, most often to those born to at least one metahuman parent but looking like regular baseline humans until puberty.
  • Warhammer 40,000:
    • Although still rare, some background mentions that psykers are being born more often, possibly indicating humanity will become an all-psychic race. This is less than a good thing given the Blessed with Suck fate of psykers (undergoing Mind Rape to prevent them from turning to Chaos, sacrificed to allow FTL Travel if they aren't strong enough for that, or turning to Chaos and/or exploding into a demonic portal).
    • In 40K and Warhammer Fantasy, those who receive boons from the gods of Chaos without the willpower to handle them (not just physical mutations like limbs, eyes and mouths but extra senses, magic, etc.) may turn into Chaos Spawn, Perpetually Protean monstrosities that aren't so much servants of Chaos as pointed in the general direction of Chaos' enemies.

Video Games 

  • Baldur's Gate III has Mizora, Wyll's infernal patron, turn him from a human into a devil as punishment for violating the terms of their pact and refusing to kill Karlach. In gameplay, however, it is merely a cosmetic change and he is regarded as human for all mechanical purposes.
  • Bloodborne: The city of Yharnam is afflicted by the "Scourge of the Beast", an ailment that slowly transforms the residents into lycanthropic monsters the more they're exposed to the Old Blood. The change is seemingly irreversible and erases the victim's identity, replacing it with beastial hunger and violence. Other inhuman species exist too, like the Vilebloods, the game's most overt take on vampires, and the aquatic monstrosities of the Fishing Hamlet, who are all an homage to The Shadow over Innsmouth.
  • Dark Souls III: Oceiros, the "Consumed King", transformed into a grotesque and malformed dragon after tapping into the research of Seath the Scaleless, who is Dark Souls' epitome of amoral Mad Scientist. Ocerios, now blind and weakened, saunters alone in an abandoned archive, tending to what he believes to be his invisible child, Ocelotte.
  • Dislyte centers around Espers, humans that have undergone a transformation into superpowered beings. Espers are all associated with a mythological figure, so their transformation reflects their host in some way. This can mean some remain mostly the same appearance-wise, while others might grow new body parts, turn into furries, gain unnatural coloration, and so on.
  • Escaped Chasm and Dweller's Empty Path: This can happen to people who get into another world. For example, the main character of the first game turned into a semi-intelligent wolf.
  • Final Fantasy XIV:
    • People exposed to exceptionally concentrated amounts of aether will be transformed into hideous beasts as their bodies are mutated by the shift in the aetheric balance. This can be inflicted by primals upon their thralls as a punishment or a blessing. This is most prominent in the Hard version of Sastasha, in which Leviathan punishes Captain Madison by turning him and all of his captives and men into Fish People. Voidsent and the sin eaters of the First are also the result of this process, having been twisted into their current forms by exposure to the Flood of Darkness and the Flood of Light respectively.
    • In addition to being summoned as a separate entity, people can transform themselves into primals with sufficient amounts of aether and a powerful image of what they want to summon. But without the Echo, these individuals would eventually have their personalities subsumed by the summoned primal. Louisoix was transformed into the primal Phoenix by Eorzea's collective hopes for salvation, Ysayle summons Shiva into herself to battle Ishgardian forces, and Yotsuyu transforms into the primal Tsukuyomi. The most powerful primals of all, Hydaelyn and Zodiark, were formed from the sacrifices of countless members of the Benevolent Precursors in the wake of the Final Days.
    • The heretics fighting Ishgard in the Dragonsong War are able to consume the blood of dragons to transform into dragons themselves. In truth, all Ishgardians possess this ability, as their forefathers betrayed the great wyrm Ratatoskr and murdered her to devour her eyes for power.
  • Fire Emblem Engage: This is why Alear has contrasting red and blue hair to begin with. They were born as a Fell Dragon, represented by their red hair, but eventually, they were taken in by Queen Lumera. When Alear went into their 1000 year slumber, Lumera would use that time to transfer her power over to them. This would partially turn them into a Divine Dragon like she is, hence why they now have blue hair. Eventually after Alear's Disney Death, they would get revived as an Emblem, which also turned them completely into a Divine Dragon, turning their hair completely blue.
  • Guilty Gear: Gears, a species of artificial magic beings treated as bio-weapons, are created by fusing organic life with magic, including humans. These "humanoid-type" gears inhabit part of the playable cast such as Sol (the titular "Guilty Gear"), Testament, and later Ky — a partial gear.
  • League of Legends:
    • The Ascended are a species of humans that achieved godlike power by making contact with the mythical Sun Disk, transforming into powerful animal-like forms resembling Egyptian gods. Nasus, Renekton, and Azir are the classic examples, resembling the gods Anubis, Sobek and Ra respectively. There are also "failed" ascended known as "Baccai" who have much more twisted and inhuman forms, like Xerath who's a being made of pure magic contained in a sarcophagus. Then there are the Darkin, a group of ascended corrupted by the void and turned into flesh-eating monsters, looking more demonic in nature; this includes Aatrox, Rhaast, Varus, and many more (usually with two a's in their name).
    • Brand was once an ordinary man from the Freljord. But after making contact with the World Runes (Runeterra's magic doomsday stones), he was transformed into a wild and emaciated fire elemental, searching hungrily for more sources of magic ever since.
    • Cassiopeia attempted to rob the tomb of the ascended for magical artifacts as a power bid. Instead she was bitten by one of the tomb's guardians and slowly transformed into a lamia, one with deadly poison and the ability to petrify people ala Medusa.
    • Ivern was once a cruel and vicious warlord from the Freljord who journeyed to Ionia to seek the God-Willow, a tree that can magically spring life wherever it touches. After cutting down the tree, his dying body became the host of the God-Willow's remnants, and with it, he experienced a massive epiphany as he saw firsthand the beauty of life, death, and rebirth. He now wanders Runeterra as a whimsical treant, a complete one-eighty from his original self.
    • The Ursine are a species of humans turned into often grotesque bear hybrids due to the influence of Volibear. Like him, they all have some degree of electrokinesis and are extremely savage warriors, their new forms being treated like some kind of eldritch awakening.
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker: When Ganondorf escaped his prison and Link wasn't around to defeat him, the gods decided to flood all of Hyrule to thwart the evil sorcerer. While the human-like Hylians were told to travel to the mountaintops to be safe, two species had to undergo permanent magical transformations instead. The Zora, an aquatic race, became the birdlike Rito, while the Kokiri, a group of childlike elves, changed into the Koroks, tiny tree-human hybrids with leaf-mask faces.
  • Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne begins with the protagonist, an Ordinary High-School Student, being implanted with a Magatama to transform him into a demon known as the Demi-Fiend. He gains the ability to use magic and converse with demons to sway them to his side. Eventually, he can grow so powerful that he can overthrow the Top God of the setting to become the new ruler of the universe.
  • The Sims: Starting with The Sims 2, characters can, under certain circumstances, transform into werewolves, vampires, zombie, ghosts, or plant-like beings. Downplayed, as most of these states are reversible.


  • El Goonish Shive: The Magickal Gatherings card "Fish of Metamorphosis" can change the species of what it affects, like a human into a goblin.
  • Gunnerkrigg Court: Alistair Kershaw's parents decided that they wanted to move into the Gillitie Forest. While they technically gave him a choice about whether or not to come with them, his mother asked while he was distracted by a game he was playing. This leads to him briefly transferring into the Court for a week while everything is prepared, becoming Star-Crossed Lovers with Kat while trying to keep her from learning the truth about why he's at the school.
  • Heartstopper: A guest comic shows this happening to Nick's character in a game of Dungeons & Dragons the Paris Squad are playing when Charlie's wizard player character screws up a teleportation spell and turns Nick into a Draconic Humanoid.
  • Homestuck:
    • Sburb players can become immortal gods, but for this they need to die in a certain place and in certain circumstances. A lot of the main characters actually do it.
    • Sprites are game constructs provided by Sburb, resembling floating ghosts. Sprites are initially generated as a glowing orb known as the Kernelsprite, which is meant to be given form by the player; this is achieved by "prototyping" an object, or putting an object into the sprite. If the Sprite is prototyped with dead bodies or their remains, including ashes, the dead character gets a new life as a mystical adviser who knows many secrets of the game. Sprites can also combine several characters, creating a new unique personality. Many characters, including but not limited to Equius, Nepeta and Tavros, are given new life in this form.
    • Sprite prototyping affects creatures inside the Sburb game, directly determining the appearance and abilities of those who wear the royal rings. The most striking example of this influence is the transformation of Jack Noir into an almost omnipotent demon with wings, tentacles and (later) a dog's head. He became the most powerful and scary antagonist of the webcomic before we met Doc Scratch.
    • Played with in the case of the Draconian Dignitary. For a while, he gets the Queen's ring, making readers wait with interest and horror for his transformation. However, due to the specifics of the gaming session, it is impossible for him to get physical changes. He still gets almost infinite power though.
    • Trolls can become blood-drinking creatures, Rainbow Drinkers. This is what happens to Kanaya and Porrim.
    • Many deceased players have become ghosts, who continue to communicate after death, have to use the toilet and may die a second time.
    • Played with and Inverted in the case of cherubim. While the normal life cycle of cherubim includes transformation into winged creatures and temporary transformation into giant snakes, Caliborn in one universe and Calliope in another become omnipotent beings, but at the same time lose the ability to transform. The life phases of Caliborn themselves can be considered as such, since they mean gaining more and more power and are accompanied by enormous physical and mental changes. One of the most significant moments of the webcomic is the transformation of Doc Scratch into Lord English, which differ from each other so much that it is even difficult to consider them as the same person.
  • Out-of-Placers: An unfortunate encounter with an enchanted object turns the human young man Kassen into a female Yinglet, a species of magical creature that looks something like a cross between a bird and a rat.
  • The Selfish Beast and the Selfless Maiden has Drak who was transformed into a Dragon after he stole a ring from a pile of treasure belonging to the evil wizard that he was sent to kill. In his rage, he burns down whole villages and devours livestock until he captures the titular maiden who also becomes a dragon after she takes a dagger from his treasure horde, thus resulting in the 2 of them falling in love with each other and starting their own family of dragons.
  • Skin Deep has humans that revert to their mythical creature form, with the only effect is that they need time to adapt. They were already mythical creatures, only kept hidden through magic, and reverting once they have a transformation trinket allows them to shift between forms. Only harpies tend to have a permanent transformation, due to the wizards not creating trinkets for them.
  • Zebra Girl is about a young woman who is transformed into a demon after an accident with a tome of magic.

Western Animation 

  • Aladdin: The Series: In one episode, Mirage tricks Jasmine into applying a lotion that will supposedly make her more beautiful, only for it to slowly transform her into a naga. A race to Find the Cure! follows, which culminates in Aladdin choosing to use the lotion himself when it appears she can't be cured. This act of love helps restore the source of the antidote, allowing them to reverse their transformations.
  • Centaurworld: Downplayed. The longer Horse, an ordinary horse, stays in Centaurworld, the more she becomes like the magical centaurs who live there. While she still looks like a horse, she takes on a more squishy, fluffy appearance and gains the ability to use magic, eventually graduating to a Shaman.
  • Hilda: In the season 2 finale Hilda is transformed into a troll. Her motive for most of the following The Mountain King movie is figuring out how to change back.
  • The Owl House: Season 2 reveals that Emperor Belos used to be Philip Wittebane, a human who was transported to the Demon Realm just like the protagonist Luz. Over the years, he slowly grafted magic runes onto his body that turned him into a magical abomination that lives off the essence of a species of familiars. While he can maintain a human form briefly, his true appearance is a lanky and emaciated monster that barely resembles his original look.
  • Treehouse of Horror: In the first segment of Treehouse of Horror XII, “Hex and the City”, Homer accidentally trashes a fortune teller's office, as a result she places a curse on Homer saying that he will “bring bad luck to everyone he loves”. As a result of the curse Lisa is transformed (possibly permanently) into a Centaur.