Making a Splash - TV Tropes
- ️Sun Apr 05 2009
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How a water mage waves hello.
"There is nothing softer and weaker than water,
And yet there is nothing better for attacking hard and strong things.
For this reason there is no substitute for it."
— Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Ch. 78
For this Sub-Trope of Elemental Powers, you attack with the stuff that makes up 60% of your body mass, covers 70% of the Earth's surface, and falls from the sky on a regular basis: water. Just plain old reliable water. It may not scream "explosive devastation" like fire and lightning do, but you can't trump water's versatility and availability. Flood 'em, drown 'em, frost 'em, steam 'em, wash 'em, whatever. And no, we don't use that water to heal someone, that's for the White Mage. Use it to kill someone! (Although in many cases, water is used as a healing element.)
An alternative term for this kind of power is either "hydrokinesis" or "aquakinesis."
Many philosophers, like Lao Tzu above, wax poetic far beyond Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness about how nothing in the world is weaker and more malleable than water, and yet water wears away the hard and strong. Water extinguishes fire, smothers air, and erodes earth. The mountain stands tall and proud, but the sea will eventually grind it to sand. Water always, always, always wins.
Combined with the other elements, water has additional effects: fire can boil or steam, earth can create mudslides, and air can create mists, dew, or storms.
A water controller's biggest weakness is that they usually must be in the vicinity of water to be effective. Not a problem in a modern city if they can affect underground plumbing, but if it's not raining and they're nowhere near a source of water, they might be screwed. It's very rarely addressed that they could just sap the water directly from a person's body, killing or weakening them instantly, but this could be an issue of dramatic license since that would result in some very short and uninteresting fight scenes.
There are also beings like Marvel Comics' Hydro-Man and Darkwing Duck's Liquidator, who are sentient masses of water. Beating them can be tough as bullets and fists can simply punch through them to no effect while energy weapons' beams can be scattered through the substance. Furthermore, they usually change their shape at will, pass through anything that is not watertight and hit with concentrated blasts of their own mass. However, there are ways of defeating them: you can freeze or boil them, you can evaporate them, you can make them lose cohesion by hitting them with electricity to induce electrolysis,note or you can contaminate their bodies with a solidifying material, like cement or bake mix, to immobilize them.
Water is also required for Super Drowning Skills and Hazardous Water.
In most cases, this power beats Playing with Fire. A Sub-Trope of sorts is An Ice Person; both can be very dangerous indeed, if the two are combined. See Kill It with Water for cases where this is super effective; Soft Water may still be in effect — you just drown 'em. On the other hand, Heal It with Water is for cases when water is presented as a force of healing. Often, Water Is Blue. May also appear as part of Fire, Water, Wind. A Casting a Shadow user might use similar techniques if their specific form of shadow is Liquid Darkness.
If you came here looking for Splash Damage tropes, you might want to go to Splash Damage Abuse, and to Shockwave Stomp for situations where the stomp isn't purely decorative.
May overlap with Elemental Shapeshifter.
In a Four-Temperament Ensemble, such a character is normally Phlegmatic (except in the case of a Power Stereotype Flip). When it overlaps with Classical Elements Ensemble, the bearer is normally female.
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Anime & Manga
- 3×3 Eyes:
- Hua She is a demon who can invoke floods. As Yoko Ayanokoji she's able to control and manipulate water in many fashions, though at first (when she's still in the dark about her true nature) she causes water-related incidents around herself.
- Downplayed with the water-related monster Avank: he can turn himself into mist and speed up water cells inside others to make them combust to death.
- Koko is an half-demon who obtained the powers of the Water General in Nepal and can use the caustic poisonous water to melt his enemies or make a giant monster body for himself.
- A Certain Magical Index:
- Archangel Gabriel's dominion is water, first shown when it accidentally falls down from heaven due to an accidental spellcasting. Later on, we are introduced to Acqua of the Back of God's Right Seat, who is aligned to Archangel Gabriel and thus the most powerful water magician in the series.
- Misaki Shokuhou's level 5 Mental Out is typically described as telepathy, but turns out to be liquid control to such a specialized and incredibly precise degree that she can read and edit someone's thoughts by manipulating the fluids in their brain. This is also why sufficiently powerful electromasters and hydrokinetics can defeat her powers. She has, on rare occasions, demonstrated the ability to manipulate external fluids, even freezing a hallway once.
- Air Gear has Om the Water Queen and Orca, both of whom use water in the form of bubbles.
- The Hayagami of Yorunami from Arata: The Legend uses water as its primary power.
- In Battle Angel Alita, one of the enemies Alita fights uses a molecule-thin stream of water fired at supersonic speeds. It cuts through steel with shocking ease.
- Berserk:
- Kelpies can manipulate water making missiles, beams of water and even water shields. Ironically they're one of the less threatening monsters in Berserk.
- Schierke can summon the Lady of the Deep Water who wash away monsters attacking Enoch village, Schierke also uses the Lady to wash away some of the horrific monstrosities in Casca's mind.
- Water is one of the four main magic attributes in Black Clover:
- Noelle has Water Magic and tries to use it effectively if it weren't for her inability to aim properly. Over time, she gains control of her magic and learns to form barriers and blasts of water.
- Noelle's siblings Solid and Nebra use Water Magic as well, though the latter specifically uses Mist Magic. Nozel meanwhile uses Mercury Magic, though it is still a "liquid".
- Lolopechka has this magic empowered by the water spirit Undine. She is able to water her kingdom's forests and even form a gigantic dome of water in the air.
- Bleach:
- According to the video games, Jushiro Ukitake's Zanpakutou is water-based (the only power it was ever shown using in the actual series is absorbing and redirecting energy attacks). Whether it is actually water-based is unknown, but its release command ("All waves, rise now and become my shield! Lightning, strike now and become my blade!") and translated name ("Law of the Twin Fish") strongly suggests that it is. His former lieutenant Kaien Shiba's Zanpakuto, Nejibana, is 100% water-based.
- Some Bount twins in the anime arc use water-based dolls. In a twist that one expects to happen more, they usually create masses of water around the target's head to drown them instead of, say, sweep them away with a torrent. And just to make things as difficult as possible for Ichigo and the others, it's raining when the twins attack, neutralizing the Elemental Baggage and taking the threat level up to eleven.
- In the Fake Karukura Town arc, Lieutenant Hisagi fought against a Fracción, Findorr Carias, that used high-pressure water to attack.
- Also, the Third Espada, Tier Harribel, when she uses Resurrección.
- Tenjirō Kirinji can control the water from his hot spring. It drains reiatsu and is scalding hot.
- In Brave10, Rokuro is the Brave of Water. However, his use of water is quite uncommon, as he mixes it with shouts to create sonic waves that incapacitate his enemies.
- In Cap Revolution Bottleman, Hokari Ryo's Bottleman, Aquasports, shoots bottle caps that have water gushing out of them. One of them is based on the trident of Poseidon, using three bottle caps at once to copy the three prongs on a trident.
- Cardcaptor Sakura: The Watery, one of the elemental cards whose capture is necessary so Kero regains his true form. There's another card called The Rain (though the main threat presented by it is that it was making The Wood grow out of control. It could still chase you around and drench you, though). Also, the antagonist of the first movie utilizes water-based powers.
- Dragon Ball Z:
- Arqua from the Other World Tournament has a "Flooding Technique" where he turns the area into a giant cube of water where he has the advantage, using it to briefly give Goku an aquatic beatdown before he is knocked out of the water.
- Goku has been shown using his telekinesis to move water when testing his abilities but hasn't used it in combat.
- Fairy Tail
- Juvia Lockser has water powers as an Element Four member. She can turn her body into water and prevent physical attacks and initially had rain surrounding her constantly, which she can heat up and scald you when she gets angry.
- Erza and Mirajane are also able to manipulate water. Lucy too when she summons Aquarius and Yukino when she summons her Pisces.
- Come the Tartaros arc, Lucy is forced to break Aquarius' key to summon the Celestial Spirit King, resulting in her being unable to summon her. As compensation, Lucy is granted Aquarius' water magic.
- Torafuzar can use his Curse to summon an lake's worth of Grimy Water.
- In Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest, the first of the Dragon Gods the team encounters is the Water Dragon God Mercphobia, who has the power to split the ocean apart, potentially cause The Great Flood, lift all the water that's submerging his flooded city of Elmina into the sky while keeping anymore from flowing in and turning it into massive water vortexes, and coat his body in a protective water covering. And he does all of this while suffering from Power Incontinence brought on by having his powers restricted and/or running on maddened brainwashed instinct, not once having brought his full power to bear.
- In Flame of Recca, Mikagami Tokiya uses a water sword, which he can form whenever there's a water source. His water-based power works well against Recca's flame powers, but during the rematch, Recca amplified his flame powers so that the water boiled to steam, nullifying the effect. Note that the water around the sword is finite (meaning he needs another water source to "recharge"), while Recca's flame is infinite. He can make his sword even stronger simply by absorbing more water. Hell, before one early battle, he absorbs all the water from an entire Olympic-sized swimming pool, for crying out loud. At one point, when his sword had its water removed or something, he used his own blood to reactivate it.
- Fullmetal Alchemist:
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood's first episode introduced (and promptly killed) Isaac MacDougall, the Freezing Alchemist. Don't let his title fool you, though. The Freezer uses water for everything, from ice-based weaponry to high-pressure cutting tools, and can kill you by either flash freezing or boiling all the water in your body. His last-ditch technique is using his own blood as a weapon. This is a guy who definitely knows how to Kill It with Water.
- The 2003 anime goes one step further, introducing a version of Sloth who is made of water. And she demonstrated how deadly her powers could be.
- Goblin Slayer weaponizes a portal scroll in this fashion against an Ogre early on in Volume 1. By linking its exit point to the bottom of the sea, he essentially turns it into a water jet cutter that slices the ogre apart. And to add insult to further injury, he was originally going to use it to clear out the goblin nest.
- Haruhi Suzumiya: With Haruhi subconsciously blurring the line between reality and her movie, one of the devastating abilities Mikuru's toy guns take on is firing terrifically-powerful blasts of water without recoil.
- Eisen in Harukanaru Toki no Naka de has water-based powers.
- Hoshin Engi:
- Koyuken, One of the enemies that Taikobo faces has a paope (magic artifact) that controls water. He uses it to summon a megatsunami in the desert, create a sticky water dome and waterspouts, and try to drow Taikobo by creating a permanent, inescapable water bubble just large enough to engulf his head. Specifically, the paope Kongenju (Primordial Chaos Orb) is actually composed of two spheres, one of which is constantly floating on the ocean of Kingo, allowing the user to call the seawater to the orb he wields. The detail that the water he uses is seawater means that the water bubble he uses to drown his victims can't just be drunk safely.
- Ryukitsu Koshu, one of the strongest Sennin of Konrong, wields the paope Kenkon Muromo (Universal Net of Mist and Dew), consisting of a massive formation of icy water she can use to form impregnable barriers to protect herself, but can also attack with water tendrils cold enough to turn magma into stone in a handful of seconds and able to pierce her opponents like lances if needed.
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:
- Phantom Blood: Jonathan's Hamon technique Turquoise Blue Overdrive involves him sending waves of Hamon-infused water towards his enemies.
- Battle Tendency: In Lisa Lisa's debut scene, not only does she Walk on Water like a true Hamon master, she uses her Hamon to create two pillars of water to hold an oar up for her to use it as a high beam.
- Stardust Crusaders: N'Doul's Stand, Geb, which takes the form of a small puddle of water capable of moving at high speeds, allowing it to slice through humans like it's nothing. This is rather ironic, considering it's named after the Egyptian Earth god.
- Diamond is Unbreakable: Serial Killer Anjuro "Angelo" Katagiri has the Stand, Aqua Necklace, which can travel through any body of water, even if it's vaporized.
- Stone Ocean: F.F. can travel through bodies of water almost instantaneously. They use this offensively by dragging opponents along for the ride, drowning them in the process.
- Steel Ball Run: Blackmore's Catch the Rainbow is an especially versatile version of this, allowing him to manipulate rainwater, freeze raindrops into platforms or blades, merge into the rain, or use rainwater to patch otherwise mortal wounds. The catch? Catch the Rainbow only works with rainwater, and cannot actually be used to make it rain in the first place.
- The JoJoLands: Jodio's November Rain can create drops of water that fall down with massive force. Moreover, Jodio can selectively decide how the drops will affect different objects; for instance, he can make it so that the rain will soak a carpet like normal water, but destroy the concrete floor underneath.
- In Jōjū Senjin!! Mushibugyō, Jinpachi Nezu of the Sanada Ten Top Insects was reborn as a giant water bug insect man. While in his base form he's merely faster and stronger underwater, in his true form he can manipulate the surrounding water currents, to either pull enemies towards his claws (Water God March) or to send devastating jets of water against his opponents (Water God Ferocious Army).
- In Kirby: Right Back at Ya!, Kirby can become Water Kirby, who can blast water out of his mouth. Water Kirby went on to become an ability in Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Kirby Star Allies.
- The final Jewel Seeds in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha created giant waterspouts that Fate and Arf tried to fight off.
- Umi Ryuuzaki of Magic Knight Rayearth uses mostly water magic, although her ultimate one is ice.
- Elma from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid is a Sea Serpent with powerful water magic. While she's never seen using it in the present day (unless you count her flash freezing a lava plume during the anime version of her reconciliation with Tohru), they played a large role in her backstory where she used them to bring peace among humans in the other world by ensuring bountiful harvests.
- My Hero Academia has a few characters with water-based Quirks. Backdraft, Waterhose, Waterhose's son Kota, and an unnamed villain from the USJ arc all possessed varying levels of water manipulation. Interestingly, the Unnamed Villain seems to be the most powerful, having cleaved a ship in half with a single blow, as compared to Backdraft — who's mostly restricted to a support role — and Kota, who's barely able to generate a light splash. That being said, we've only seen a few images of Waterhose in flashback, during which time they were able to gouge out Muscular's eye.
- In Naruto, several ninja are capable of using water-based jutsus, with experts only needing their own spiritual energy to produce a lake's worth of water out of thin air; the Hidden Mist Village, in particular, is renowned for producing shinobi who specialize in water techniques (such as Zabuza Momochi and Kisame Hoshigaki), but other villages have also produced Water Release masters, most notably the Hidden Leaf's Second Hokage. Water chakra can also be combined with Wind to create Ice, Fire to create acidic Mist, Lightning to make Storm (a quasi-Light attack), and Earth to make Wood. Special mention goes to Suigetsu Hozuki, who can apply his power to turn his body into water in all sorts of creative ways; it's a special ability of his clan.
- One-half of Fate Averruncus' abilities in Negima! Magister Negi Magi. Also the stated elemental abilities of the newly appeared Sextum.
- Lala Lu's power with water in Now and Then, Here and There may not be offensive per se, but she certainly uses it that way.
- Shizuku from Omamori Himari. Seeing as how her family of mizuchi was worshiped as water gods before their extermination and their traditional depictions, it makes sense.
- One Piece:
- The Superpower Lottery that the Devil Fruits provide can give literally any power you can think of EXCEPT this; the price for eating a Devil Fruit is acquiring Super Drowning Skills for the rest of your life. You won't be able to so much as wade knee-deep in the water without losing your strength, so there's no chance of directly manipulating it. And in a world where the vast majority of the planet's surface is water (hundreds of islands and only one continent, which is essentially an equator), that can be dangerous. Of course, this only applies to water in its natural liquid form; Devil Fruits that allow the manipulation of ice or snow do exist. The closest thing we've seen to manipulating water via Devil Fruit is in One Piece: Strong World, where Shiki's fruit lets him levitate anything he touches. He showed that this extends to water when he entrapped Luffy in a ball of water to incapacitate him.
- Perhaps to make up for this, we have the Fishmen, who have the ability to manipulate water the old fashion way — by hand. It is the principle of Fishman Karate: by controlling all the water around them, as well in the atmosphere and even in the bodies of living things. Arlong could fling water with the force of a bullet or "shotgun blast" as Sanji attests, while his archerfish underling Chew could spit water with the power of a cannon or the speed of a machine gun. Standing above both of them is the whale shark Jimbei, whose mastery of Fishman Karate lets him manipulate water like cloth, manually throwing waves or lances of water that can blast through battleships at his opponents. It has been revealed that humans can learn how to use Fishman Karate, but just how much power they can gain is unknown as of yet.
- Merfolk have their own version of Fishman Karate called Merman Combat, although its full abilities have yet to be shown in the series.
- Nami using her Clima-Tact can create water via artificial clouds, at one point she takes a shower using a Personal Raincloud. She can also make fogs using water vapor.
- Whitebeard uses his quake powers to trigger two giant tidal waves.
- From the second movie, Honey Queen ate a Logia Devil Fruit that lets her turn into an unspecified pink liquid, and she always takes her clothes off when doing so.
- Big Mom uses her Soul Devil Fruit to turn a massive wave into a Soul Jar that nearly sinks the crew.
- Our Home's Fox Deity has Kou, a miko whose impressive hydrokinetic powers are a result of a water dragon god ("Mizuchi"} sealed within her body.
- Morino Mizuki from Popcorn Avatar, the incarnation of the Water Deva Varna, gives her avatar and close friend Sanae water-based abilities.
- Hajime, the Leafe Knight of Water, from Prétear; and it's just water — the reason he doesn't have powers over ice is because these are handled by his buddy, Mannen.
- Ranma ½: In the "Big Trouble in Nekonron, China" movie, Ranma is able to punch the water spurts coming from the geysers around them in order to create steaming hot water projectiles that can hit his opponent, no matter what his defenses. Earlier on, Cologne is able to blast seawater at Ranma in the shape of a great white shark after effortlessly whirling her staff while underwater to create a massive waterspout.
- Sailor Moon:
- Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury and Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune, though Mercury occasionally dabbles in ice to differentiate the two, while Neptune's powers are stated to be Sea-based rather than plain water. Villainess Berthier is another example, she can cast water spells (To match Mercury's) and in the manga is stated than even when killed, her spells can't be stopped.
- Anime-only villainess Thetis could control water, making huge columns of it that have enough pressure to break metal.
- One of the Daimons, Dovlin, also had this ability, being created after a Daimon seed entered some pool water. She can also make water become hard to trap people.
- In The Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent, Jude is a magic potion researcher with an affinity towards Water magic. This comes in especially helpful with brewing quality potions as he's able to conveniently and reliably produce large amounts of clean water.
- Saint Seiya:
- The Sea Mariners Baian. The Rising Billows, his strongest attack, was a powerful rising tidal wave capable of sending the enemy from the depths of the seas all the way to its surface.
- Naturally Poseidon, as God of the Sea, controls all of the oceans in the world to its will and rain, causing widespread flooding.
- Mew Lettuce of Tokyo Mew Mew can control water and breathe underwater. She doesn't use the latter ability much, however.
- In Umi Monogatari, Marin's power is to control water.
- X/1999:
- In the manga/anime, Dragon of Earth Yuto Kigai is a water master, able to summon floods and hurl water bolts.
- In The Movie, he lacks this power, and Shogo Asagi has this ability who can even cut with water.
- The Water Orb of Suijin grants you this power. Also, Rain the Water Demon. She can easily give lessons on how to Kill It with Water.
- In Yes! Pretty Cure 5, Karen becomes Cure Aqua. Guess what she uses to fight. Go on, guess.
- Yu-Gi-Oh!:
- Yu-Gi-Oh!:
- Mako uses a water deck, and he actually uses the water fields to cover his monsters inside them just because he can.
- Gansley uses Reptile monsters more than water monsters, but he uses them enough that it's notable.
- Crump of The Big 5 uses a Penguin deck, all of them being water monsters. His Deck Master Nightmare Penguin buffs all WATER monsters he controls.
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX:
- Misawa's second deck uses Water Dragon as one of his ace monsters, a monster made by two Hydrogeddon's and one Oxygeddon whose presence alone depowers FIRE monsters.
- Admiral, a Villain of the Week, used a WATER deck.
- Princess Rose uses the Frog archetype, composed purely of WATER monsters.
- Adrian Gecko used the Cloudian archetype in his first deck, most of which are WATER monsters.
- Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL:
- Shark uses a Shark deck, a deck comprised of WATER Fish-Type monsters and he has access to several powerful WATER Xyz Monsters. He proudly claims to be the best WATER duelist.
- Rio, Shark's twin sister, uses an Ice deck, which is full of ice birds and has access to ice lady Xyz Monsters. All of her monsters are WATER monsters.
- Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V:
- Sawatari's second deck is a WATER deck focusing on Mobius the Frost Monarch and Mobius the Mega Monarch.
- Ayu uses an Aquaactress deck, a deck full of WATER Aqua-Type monsters resembling fishes and it contains Aquarium Spell Cards.
- Teppei uses a deck focusing on The Legendary Fisherman, an infamous WATER monster.
- Yu-Gi-Oh!:
- Mitarai "Seaman" Kiyoshi of YuYu Hakusho has the ability to animate water to attack people by mixing his blood in it. It's also very enduring, to the point Kuwabara only manages to break free by empowering his energy sword to dimension-breaking levels.
- Patie/Penny from Zatch Bell!, Stalker with a Crush for Zatch at first quickly becomes infuriated when Zatch doesn't remember her. And unlike the usual circumstances, Zatch's powers are the ones that are completely useless in their fight, Penny using her water powers to absorb his lightning and deflect it back.
Asian Animation
- Flower Angel: In Season 5, Xiaoai and Eric come across a man who can control water and cause it to rain with his umbrella. He also has blue hair to fit.
- In Happy Friends, the Guling Supermen have different elemental-themed powers, with Sad S. having water powers that manifest themselves through her weaponizing her crying.
Comic Books
- Hydroman, a Golden Age superhero from Eastern Color Publishing, was the first superhero with the ability to transform his body into water. He was revived in Project Superpowers, using the nickname Hydro.
- Aquaman: The titular character himself doesn't have any abilities that influence water itself, per se, but his wife, Mera, could control it to the point of it being a Swiss-Army Superpower, as could the destructive denizen of Sub Diego, the Eel. There's also his little buddy Aqualad, currently Tempest, whose magic powers grant him elemental control over water.
- The Tangent Comics version of Aquaman was a Diabolical Mastermind turned sentient ocean, as well.
- In the Filmation Aquaman cartoon, Aquaman did have the ability to gather seawater into a hard ball and hurl it at his underwater foes. It could knock them off their seahorses. Aquaman, when equipped with the Hand of the Waterbearer, had some fairly high-level hydrokinesis abilities.
- Modern Age newcomer Aqualad; Kaldur'ahm has hydrokinetic capacities controlled and directed through his water bearers, though to a less refined degree than Mera.
- New 52 Ocean Master has a helmet that allows him control over water.
- Also in New 52 continuum Aquaman has recently ascertained a fabled Relic of an "Old Monarch" which wields the power of the storm itself, including controlling water.
- Elementals: Fathom can shoot, control, turn into, or breathe water (and the vampires of that 'Verse were the water-killed variety too).
- Fathom: A common power of all Elite Blue/assorted other factions and the Black, the ability to control water and transform into water. Aspen raises the level using her unique biological traits/heritage, intellect, and personal outlook to maximize her abilities beyond all known limits. If Aspen wants to move all the oceans and alter the weather simultaneously, it happens!
- Firestorm: Mashenka Medviedenko aka Rusalka is a Russian metahuman whose control over water extends even to bodily fluids. Her moniker is a reference to the Ruasalka, a creature of Slavic myth that is often associated with water.
- Ghost Rider: Water Wizard/Aqueduct can control liquid in any form. Despite his big-league powers, Water Wizard is an Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain who was once spared a gruesome death when his Volkswagen's tire blew out and later surrendered to the police because he was afraid of a vigilante targeting losers like him.
- Global Guardians: Sujatmi Sunowaparti is an Indonesian woman whose metagene was activated while she was working at a factory that became a battle site for two warring factions. She gained the ability to transform her body into water and control water in vast amounts.
- The Outsiders: New Wave of the Masters of Disasters can transform her body into any form of water, including steam and acid rain.
- Robin: Monsoon II nearly drowned Tim when she used her abilities to suddenly move several pools worth of water into a Bludhaven alleyway, he'd have died if he hadn't been accompanied by magic using allies at the time.
- Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW): Kitsunami "Kit" the Fennec uses water stored in his backpack to form Combat Tentacles and, when agitated, can even freeze it. He can replenish his water supply by absorbing moisture from the air, lest he run out and be rendered powerless.
- Spider-Man: Morris Bench aka Hydro-Man (who is basically made of water in a similar way to Sandman with sand and usually uses his powers to produce flash floods). Hydro-Man is one of the harder rogues Spidey has to deal with since his liquid composition makes him insanely versatile and Nigh-Invulnerable (unless you can freeze or electrocute him). Spider-Man once had to get Hydro-Man into a wide enough space so he couldn’t reform himself. Also fortunately for Peter Hydro-Manis textbook Strong, but Unskilled thus is never as dangerous as he could be if he was creative with his powers.
- Sub-Mariner: Namor has displayed water-controlling abilities. Namor once summoned a tsunami to sink New York but was stopped by the 1940s Human Torch. However, Wakanda isn't so lucky in Avengers vs. X-Men as the Phoenix Force powered-Namor drowns most Wankadans with a massive wave.
- Wonder Woman:
- Holding Poseidon's trident enables the villain Queen Clea to manipulate the ocean.
- Wonder Woman (1942): Solo of Neptunia can control water though a focus, which he generally uses as a water whip.
- Wonder Woman (1987): "The Witch and the Warrior" features a fight between New Wave, Tsunami, and Cascade, three superpowered individuals with the ability to control water. They flood a fair portion of Manhattan and nearly drown some of their respective allies. Another fight from the same issue features Rusalka, a Russian metahuman whose control over water extends to bodily fluids.
- X-Men:
Fan Works
- Destiny Intertwined: Water is the youngest hybrid element, having originated from the crossing of Fire and Ice. Its breath form manifests as a stream of water that batters targets or, at very high mastery, can outright pressure-cut, while its manipulation allows for the creation of shields of water around oneself or others. Water dragons who live mainly underwater tends to develop manipulation first and the breath second, in an inversion of how other dragons manifest these powers, and use their manipulation to control existing water around themselves.
- Dragon Boy: As a water nymph, Brook can control water.
- Just Add Water (Akela_Victoire): One of Mirabel's abilities is hydrokinesis, even being able to freeze it on command.
- Keepers of the Elements: Bridgette has this as a power, along with ice.
- KibblesTasty: Sea Soul Sorcerers have heritages related to elemental water, allowing them to use water-related spells and abilities.
- A Leaf of the Tree: Takeo's affinity is Water Release, and has a wide variety of jutsu to complement this. He can summon a giant wave with the Exploding Water Colliding Wave Jutsu, create Water Clones of himself, can coat a battlefield in a Syrup Field, and much more. His sensei, Sugishi, is the Water Release specialist of Konoha, and taught him most of his expansive arsenal.
- In the Turning Red/Futari wa Pretty Cure crossover fic Maple Sugar Pretty Cure, Tyler's Cure form, Cure Fresh, has water powers.
- Oversaturated World: Oversaturation: "Light": Sea Serpent magic filtered through humans results in wave generation, at least:
Mr. Magnet, the drama teacher, had bodysurfed in on a wave of his own making, looking like the human seapony from that one Whinny movie.
- Pokémon Reset Bloodlines: Misty, like other Water Heart bloodliners, can use Water-type Pokémon moves. Water Heart bloodliners can also swim very well, breathe underwater, and withstand inhuman pressures. To top it all off, they can communicate with Water Pokémon and even control their minds.
- Pretty Cure Jungle Trip
: Discussed; Lala is impressed that Setsuna is such a good diver despite not having water powers. She is promptly shown up by an actual water-based Cure, Laura.
- Princess Tales: Ariel, in two consecutive chapters.
- In "Bully Hunter," Ariel summons a spiraling stream of water to wash away one of Jermaine's bullies.
- In "Battle of Royals," Ariel sends a massive wave of water crashing down on the villains after entering her Super Mode.
- Raindancer: Izuku's Quirk, "Liquid Body", allows him to produce, manipulate, and become water at will.
- Rise of the Galeforces gives us David Squall/Splashdown. It helps to remember that he is essentially an Expy of Aquaman.
- somanyrobots: Tidebringer Barbarians have gained the power of the seas, giving them several boons to use water-related powers while in a rage.
- Take a Stand: Regina Lowell got the power to create water and control it from the Purple Sky incident in The Broken Mirror.
- Touhou Galaxy: Juvia, Aquarius, Nitori, Demyx and F.L.U.D.D. all have this ability, though Aquarius does so reluctantly (at best!) due to tending to be summoned when she's in the middle of something.
- Utopia Unmade: Cure Marine has mild control over water, being able to sense it underground. She's also able to directly control it and drown people in it, as Kumojacky found out the hard way.
- Vow of Nudity: Water Genasi can control any water in their immediate environment or generate new water from thin air.
- In With Strings Attached, John gains complete control over water, thanks to the magical Kansael that embedded itself in his chest. Being an Actual Pacifist, he doesn't do much more than play with it (though he did some pretty heavy-duty undead ass-kicking in the Plains of Death), but in several places, it's implied that he could be incredibly scary if he did some of the things the Kansael suggested to him. He seems to have some degree of control over the weather as well.
Films — Animation
- Any water-talent fairy in Disney Fairies can do this. Rani and Silvermist are the two best known.
- Doraemon: Nobita and The Space Heroes have the gang gaining superpowers thanks to Doraemon's Upgrade Light, where their powers reflect their personalities and interest. Shizuka, being a Bathing Beauty, gains the ability to shoot high-powered jets of water from her hands, and can even create liquid tornadoes to trap her opponents... or just use her powers to take a late-night shower.
- King Triton from The Little Mermaid (1989) can lift himself out of the water with a wave and hold that position channeling and funneling the water.
- In Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf - Mission Incredible: Adventures on the Dragon's Trail film, one of Xiao Shen Long's powers, the Gushing Faucet, has him creating a huge dragon out of water.
Films — Live-Action
- The Abyss: The underwater aliens had the ability to control water, from a harmless water tentacle to making continent destroying tidal waves all over the planet.
- The Mermaids from Aquamarine can manipulate water.
- Brahmāstra: Part One – Shiva: The Jalastra wielded by Shiva's mother Amrita gives one power of water.
- In Carrie (1976), Norma Watson (P.J. Soles) is killed when a fire hose, controlled by the title character, hits her in the face, breaking her neck with the pressure.
- DC Extended Universe: Arthur Curry aka Aquaman can stop water with his trident. Mera (his Love Interest) magically weaponizes water in all manner of ways and as seen when she creates air bubbles, sucks water out of bodies or impales Atlantean soldiers with wine stalactites. They demonstrate these powers in Justice League and Aquaman with Mera even pulling the blood out of Steppenwolf’s body in the director’s cut of the former film.
- Harry Potter:
- Marvel Cinematic Universe
- In Iron Man 2, Tony Stark's lab features a waterjet cutting machine, though we never see him use it.
- Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings features a Chinese inspired dragon as the Great Protector, which fittingly uses water-based powers instead of the usual more common fire. She draws water from a lake as she is fighting.
- In Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Namor and the other Talokans (the MCU versions of the Atlanteans) use Hydrobombs to drown their opponents and seeming are able to manipulate water enough to make it explode out of the ground and flood Wakanda.
- The Mermaid has the mermaid elder, who can create tidal waves using her tail. For most of the film she appears as a benevolent, harmless elderly mer-woman, until the climax when Ruolan's mercenaries raids the mer-people's hideout, at which point the elder reveals her abilities and blast the armed mooks all over the place with a few swishes from her tail.
- The Mighty One: The warrior Hsiang Kuei, whose Red Baron title is the Water Knight, proves that he lives up to his name when he chugs a mouthful of wine and spits it into the faces of three mooks, resulting in all three getting their facial skin shredded off. Somehow.
- Controlling sand apparently isn't enough for Imhotep in The Mummy Returns as he makes a giant wave
to attack Rick and others when they are trying to chase him down.
- Space Jam: A New Legacy has a Goon Squad player called Wet-Fire (a parody of Klay Thompson), whose powers are a mix of fire and water.
- Wadatuzin the alien from Ultra Q The Movie: Legend of the Stars can manipulate water and turn liquid solid, creating "water bullets" and using them to silently assasinate various CEO and project managers responsible for Okinawa's over-development. Her projectiles turns back into water particles, leaving the authorities baffled at the mysterious murders.
- Water is the totem (and weapon) of Translucent of the Apprentice Adept series.
- The Fantasy trilogy Chronicles of the Raven has a wonderful example where three-dimensional mages open a gate to a dimension made entirely of water and use it to flood a whole valley of invaders.
- Watercrafters in Codex Alera may be better known for being healers and Empaths, but they can also drown you on dry land if you piss them off. They can also control water, though not to the same dramatic effect as earthcrafters or firecrafters with their respective elements. They also look much younger than they really are, as a side effect of their healing prowess, and specialist watercrafters known as "witchmen" also use their talents to keep powerful ocean beasts from detecting their ships as they pass over.
- A Court of Thorns and Roses: Tarquin has the power of controlling and creating water.
- Discharge!: Marina has water powers.
- In the Dresden Files, Warden Carlos Ramirez is one of the few water mages who takes advantage of water's ability to dissolve and erode. His shielding spell turns a hail of bullets into lead powder (and turns a ghoul that tries to force its way through into ghoul-ade) and his primary offense is a blast of disintegrating green light.
- Dungeon of Undeath: In the RPG Mechanics 'Verse, Lydia is a Hydro Wizard with, naturally, the Water affinity, giving her a wide selection of water spells from which she can choose her daily skills. She's seen conjuring water into forms like lances, barriers, Geo Effects, and even grabbing implements, making her a versatile Dungeon Crawling party member.
- Element Bots: Aquaria and Melusine have water powers.
- The Elemental Masters series by Mercedes Lackey has several Water Masters/mages, the main ones being Peter Scott (The Serpent's Shadow), Lord Peter Almsley (Unnatural Issue and The Serpent's Shadow), Marina Roeswood (The Gates of Sleep) and Mari Prothero (Home from the Sea).
- Waterworkers of The Empirium Trilogy are people who can manipulate water.
- In Grimm Tales, Zane Grimm is a powerful user of water magic. Many of his water spells focus on concussive force, and when used at close range, can end a fight in a hurry.
- The Aguamenti Spell from Harry Potter is a great and useful spell for making a splash, though if used incorrectly it can be quite hazardous as Seamus Finnigan shows when he accidentally shot a powerful stream that knocked Professor Flitwick away, ending with him having to write lines in detention. Dumbledore uses it to give Voldermort a thrashing during their climactic fight in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It doesn't work on Fiendfyre however, just evaporating in the air.
- Her Spell That Binds Me: Water can be summoned up, most often as a counterspell to fire spells.
- Inkmistress: Asra conjures a huge horse made from water up in a river when she and Hal are cornered, which spirits them away from the Nightswifts, by a spell from her shed blood dripping into its waters.
- Lost Voices: While the mermaid Luce practices singing, trying to train her voice to do something besides kill people, she discovers that when she sings a certain way, she can make waves rise out of the water and move the way she wants. Catarina says that she's never seen anyone with that gift except for Marina, who was Catarina's queen when she lived off the coast of Russia. Luce uses her power in battle against both humans and other mermaids, and to conjure up currents to carry herself along when she's exhausted. Conventional wisdom is that controlling water is a gift that only a small number of mermaids have, but Luce is convinced that anyone could learn with practice. She's proven right in The Twice Lost, when she teaches hundreds of mermaids to conjure waves.
- Both Melusine and her son Maelstrom in The New Humans.
- Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Percy Jackson is born with this ability, being the son of Poseidon, the god of the sea (who is presented in a much more favorable light in the books than the myths, but then, so are most people). Even throughout the other instalments of The Camp Half-Blood Series he stands out in this regard.
- The genius loci Rivers from Rivers of London can control the flow of their respective watercourses, sometimes causing floods when they're angry or upset.
- The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel has the twins learn this Magic in the third book from Gilgamesh and it is the first element that they both learn together. Excalibur also gets upgraded to the sword of Ice/Water.
- Renegades has Tsunami, one of the OG Renegades, who can both create and control water in large quantities.
- Salamandra: Adalia gains the ability to control water as one of her powers.
- Shadow Grail has Adalaide Lake, a water witch and a close friend of the protagonist
- In Shadow Ops, hydromancers can control water. They can also either heat up or cool down water, allowing them to generate ice or steam as needed, which makes them useful as medics for burn victims, or as breachers for knocking down doors or walls.
- The Silerian Trilogy: The waterlords, whose magic lets them control this, with the most powerful of them able to make an entire river fold back on itself and starve a city dry.
- In the Star Trek Novel 'Verse, the aquatic Alonis do not possess opposable digits. In order to build a civilization, they instead use their limited but effective telekinetic control over water. They essentially "shape" the water into "tools". The exact limit on the ability has not been determined (yet) but, possibly, it depends on the individual.
- Stories of Nypre has mages of the four main elements. The water mages tend to use water in combat.
- In The Syrena Legacy, the Gift of Triton allows a Syrena to create waves with a scream. In Of Triton, Rayna develops a mysterious voice ailment that turns out to be her developing Gift. Once she gains control of her powers, she uses them to flood the island of Kanton in order to rescue two Syrena who are being held captive by humans there.
- In the Tempest (2011) trilogy, this is one of the merman Sabyn's powers. In Tempest Unleashed, he forms a whirlpool around Tempest, trapping her in place and moving water over her gills so quickly that she can't breathe.
- Mia Rinaldi from Vampire Academy, is a water magic user who manages to temporarily incapacitate a Strigoi by drowning him.
- In The Vazula Chronicles, Princess Kiana of Kyona has this power. She demonstrates it for a group of Valorian visitors by making water rise out of the pitchers on the table, shaping it into a giant, floating flower, and dropping it back into the pitchers without spilling a drop.
- There's a short Sci-Fi story where a worker at a salvage yard uses a portable water jet cutter
to dismember his attacker.
- Whateley Universe examples: Riptide, the girlfriend of protagonist Chaka, and Aquamaster of the West Coast League. Fleuve Noire is a hydrokinetic and water manifestor. Tidestriker (Vic Rivera) is another hydrokinetic who, like Riptide, relies on ambient water. He also hosts a neotriton spirit.
- Wild Cards: Water Lily, aka Jane Doe, can control water in lethal ways. In one scene, she sucks out the water out of a person.
- The Witch of Knightcharm: Amira Chadid, a rookie witch at an evil Wizarding School and a member of Lily's cruel clique, specializes in water magic. The protagonist Emily learns this when Amira pulls water out of her canteens and wraps it around her (Emily's) face so she can't breathe, then leaves her to die.
- The World of Ice & Fire: The wizards of the Rhoynar specialized in raising waterspouts and "walls of water". They expected this to be an adequate countermeasure against Valyrian dragons, and it worked as such for a long while until the Valyrians overwhelmed them with hundreds of dragons at once.
- In Worm, Leviathan has this ability on a terrifying scale, capable of causing tsunamis and sinking islands.
- Wrong Time for Dragons has the Water Clan, one of the four Elemental clans in the Middle World, whose mages are very adept at using water magic in a deadly manner. In their first appearance, they ambush and kill several experienced Air mages during their Hour of Power (each Element has a time of day when it's the strongest). Two are killed when the Water mages begin to manipulate the water in the Air mages' bodies, and one is killed by a water whip, which slices him in half. They can also create water golems that cannot be stopped by conventional means (steel weapons simply pass through the water, while rusting and crumbling). It's not a surprise that the Water Clan is the most powerful at the time the story takes place. They also use it for peaceful means, especially in their capital city of Hundred Fields, which is full of beautiful fountains, canals, and water mirrors.
Live-Action TV
- Charmed (1998): In the backstory of, Patty Halliwell (the protagonists' mother) was drowned decades earlier by a water demon. The demon itself appears as a Monster of the Week in the second season; aside from controlling water, it can transform fully into water and jump inside people, animating corpses or (as in Patty's case) drowning its victims on dry land. It is defeated when Patty's former whitelighter Sam lets it drown him while holding a set of jumper cables, electrocuting them both.
- Doctor Who: In "The Waters of Mars", a flood of water-controlling parasites from the planet Mars infect the water supply of a human base. In a rare example, they can take over a human's body, making them akin to zombies.
"Water is patient... water just waits. Wears down the cliff tops, the mountains. The whole of the world. Water always wins."
- Aisha from Fate: The Winx Saga is a pretty powerful Water Fairy and she is able to both control and generate significant amounts of water (although, ironically, she has a harder time in manipulating the minimal amounts of it, as seen in the third episode).
- H₂O: Just Add Water:
- Although the three girls have powers over water, Cleo is the only one who can actually control it and manipulate it. Emma's power is freezing things while Rikki's is boiling things.
- Charlotte, the Big Bad of season 2 has this and the other two's powers as well.
- Mako Mermaids: An H₂O Adventure: In the spinoff series, all natural-born merpeople have this power to varying degrees. Evie gains this ability when she becomes a human mermaid.
- In Heroes, Tracy gains this power after coming Back from the Dead during the Volume 4 finale.
- Kamen Rider has had a few water users in its history, including Kiva's Basshaa Form, Abyss, and OOO ShaUTa Combo, Wizard Water Style, Zero-One Biting Shark, and Blades.
- The Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nóg: Ivar, with his Barbed Trident ("water around me!")
- Nowhere Boys: Andy and Jesse.
- Super Sentai has featured a few heroes who can manipulate water — chiefly the Blue Rangers of each team. Examples include the Gingaman, Hurricangers, Magirangers, Shinkengers, and Goseigers. Driven home by Milestone Celebration installment Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, where GokaiBlue uses a finishing move referencing said Blues against a Monster of the Week.
- Tidelands (Netflix): The hybrids have the ability to manipulate water somewhat. Also blood, which is implied to be because that's mostly water too. They usually do this with water in people's bodies, whether to harm or heal them.
- A Monster of the Week in Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger / Power Rangers S.P.D. turned out to be using this power to cut through things like steel and stone. And opponents; you will feel it even through a Ranger suit, in the same episode where we find a Ranger can causally lift and toss a car, proving just how strong those suits are. Water could be fired with that kind of razor precision. And it turns out it's Truth in Television. Water jet cutters
really are a thing. Mind you, abrasives of some sort are often mixed in, but not always.
- Not common in the Ultra Series but it shows up here and there:
- Ultraman Gaia: While Ultraman Agul doesn't have any obviously water-based powers, his life energy is drawn from the sea itself, so he can be considered an example.
- Ultraman R/B's Ultraman Blu uses water-based abilities by default, in contrast to his brother's fire-based ones. He can switch powers with Ultraman Rosso though if needed.
- A number of kaiju as well.
- Seamons and Seagorath from Return of Ultraman are a mated pair of Sea Monsters who can use their combined powers to summon tsunamis and cause massive rainstorms.
- The Gilas Brothers of Ultraman Leo possess many of the same powers as Seamons and Seagorath above, which Alien Magma uses to devastate coastal cities and even sink an entire island.
- Mizunoeryu from Ultraman Gaia is the Dragon God of Water, thus possesses a wide range of water-based powers, including Weather Manipulation, create shields or orbs of water, and change the consistency and color of water.
- Maga-Jappa from Ultraman Orb is the King Demon Beast of Water. Resembling a seahorse mixed with an octopus, it fouls up bodies of water with its presence, rendering them unbearably smelly, and is able to shoot jets of polluted water from its snout.
DJ the S' "Disciple of the Water" is a compilation remix of Water-based themes from video games.
Myths & Religion
- Various deities and spirits in Aboriginal Australian Myths (fitting, as most of the continent is arid so some water is appreciated):
- In the Gunwinggu sphere Ngalyod is the Lord of the Ocean and the Yawkyawk the various sea gods which can control the waves and weather.
- The Wandjina from the "Wandjina-Wungurr" cultural complex in Kimberley bring in the rains. Wungurr is the Life Force, represented by water.
- Similarly, Yurlungur is a serpent deity associated with water in Yolngu lore.
- The Gamilaraay have Birrangulu, a goddess that brings in floods. The Garriya is a water snake monster; the famous Bunyip is associated with water in modern times, but traditionally its just a term for any dark spirit.
- Wagyl is the Noongar Fertility God, bringing in the rains.
- Ironically the Yuin, the Australian Aboriginal culture that were the best navigators and fishermen, don't seem to have sea deities.
- The Bible:
- Jesus. Not only can he control the entire ocean and all its storms, he can also walk on water or turn it into wine.
- Moses split the Red Sea to allow his people safe passage out of Egypt.
- When the forces of the demon Mara attack Buddha, calling him unworthy of calling himself enlightened, the latter calmly summons the Earth to be the witness of his enlightenment. The Earth appears in the form of the goddess Dharani, who promptly generates a flood tide from her hair, symbolizing the amount of Buddha's merits, and washes the demons away.
- Flood myths are pretty common. Gilgamesh goes to find the survivors of the Flood, who has been granted immortality.
- In Greek Mythology, Poseidon is the hot-tempered god of the sea. Incidentally, he's also a god of earthquakes. So he doesn't just kill you with water.
- Many other gods, obviously, both of the sea and freshwater bodies. Examples include Oceanus (also from Classical Mythology), Mannan Mac Lir, Njörðr, Sobek, and Atabey as well as the many kinds of nymphs and fairies and the like.
- Eastern dragons are frequently Nature Spirits attuned to water.
- Chel/Summer from Sequinox can summon large waves thanks to her beach theme, usually in the form of her Misirlou Beach Blast attack. In the monster world from the Gemini Arc, Winter's ice powers are replaced by murky seawater.
Tabletop Games
- 50 Fathoms: Magic in Caribdus is element-based. Since the world is mostly ocean (and getting more so all the time, thanks to an ongoing curse), specialising in water is a pretty solid choice.
- Aberrant: Splash is a well-respected member of Team Tomorrow with the ability to control water and transform her body into water. And the powers are available to player characters.
- Anima: Beyond Fantasy: One can specialize in Water-based magic, which allows both for the control of water and ice.
- Bakugan: The Aquos attribute is that series' water element.
- Blue Rose has "water shaping" as one arcanum adepts can learn. It's rather less dramatic than usual for this trope, letting you do things like raise or lower the surface of a body of water with a few feet.
- Demon: The Fallen: The Lore of Storm practiced by the Defilers is, despite what its name implies, mostly about controlling water.
- Dungeons & Dragons: A few monsters and prestige classes get in on this, particularly water elementals, water-based Elemental Savants, and Wavekeepers. There's also a species of aberration in the Pathfinder setting that's damaged by saltwater.
- Exalted: Water elementals, deities associated with water and Water Aspect Dragon-Bloods can do this a bit, and their equivalents, the Water Ryuujin from the shard Burn Legend, do this virtually all the time, to the extent of getting damage and clash bonuses when near a full bathtub, fire sprinkler, or other sources of water.
- Magic: The Gathering: Multiple:
- Nobilis: take Water, Floods, Rivers, Streams, Oceans or anything along those lines as your Estate, then buy the rest of your Familia some floaties.
- Pathfinder:
- Kineticists with the water element, which also crosses over with An Ice Person. Their abilities start at blasting enemies with high-pressure bolts of water and upgrade into manipulating mist and fog, general hydrokinesis, walking on water, and creating Deflector Shields out of water or ice, with the element's ultimate wild talent summoning a Giant Wall of Watery Doom.
- Some class archetypes also revolve around controlling water, including the Water Elementalist (Wizard), Sea Singer (Bard), and Ocean Druid (Druid).
- Rifts features an optional (and somewhat underwhelming) Psychic Character class called the Soaker, a character with hydrokinetic powers.
- RuneQuest: Water was the second element to form, emerging from the depths of Darkness when the universe was still in its earliest period of emergence. Spells that use the Water rune do things such as permitting air-breathers to breathe water or the reverse, protecting against fire-based damage and spells, calming turbulent or storm-tossed waters, removing impurities from water, calling aquatic steeds, fish, or friendly dolphins or nereids, creating floods, tidal waves, waterspouts or whirlpools, and summoning sea monsters. Combined with the Storm rune, it can be used to predict weather and create rain.
- The Water Element in BIONICLE. One example of use is Gali, a Toa of Water, who literally killed the realm of Karzahni with a massive flood attack after evacuating all the traumatized Matoran. Ironically, her actual target, the Makuta of Karzahni known as Icarax, survived the flood.
Video Games
- Kira Daidouji in Arcana Heart has the default Arcana of Water.
- Alani from Battleborn uses water to either attack or heal.
- Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon: When Cereza and Cheshire find and destroy the Water Core, Cheshire gains the power of water, with this he can shoot a beam of water or shoot 3 beams at once, trap a faerie in a bubble with an uppercut, and swim in bodies of water.
- The Undertow Vigor from BioShock Infinite, while it causes painful-looking suction cups and barnacles to appear on Booker's arms, allows the player to repel enemies with jets of high-pressure water or pull them towards you. It's especially useful since Columbia is a Floating Continent you can (and will) use Undertow to punt enemies off the edge with water jets. It's also useful against projectiles allowing for Catch and Return.
- In BoxxyQuest: The Gathering Storm, Cornelia’s Megahax is a sweeping tidal wave called “Digital Sea.” It’s one of the strongest offensive spells in the game, and can only be cast once per battle.
- The Bubble Bobble games have water-filled bubbles that can be used to rinse down enemies. It can also stun the protagonists while they're being pulled with the current.
- Chrono Trigger:
- Frog. Being, well, a frog, Spekkio gave him Water magic.
- Ice is not considered its own element in the game, and so all ice attacks do water damage (which means that Marle, who is the healer/ice user of the team, is given a water element).
- The blue innate in Chrono Cross encompasses both water and ice, similar to Chrono Trigger. Any character can equip blue Elements to use in battle. Irenes, a mermaid, is the only character who uses water in her special attacks.
- City of Heroes: The Water Blast ranged set's abilities mostly inflict a combination of Smashing and Cold (essentially ice) damage, but the final powers are steam-themed and inflicted Fire damage. There's also a "Tidal Power" gimmick that's increased by certain moves and depleted by others to increase their secondary effects.
- Lots of dams get destroyed over the course of the Command & Conquer: Generals campaigns. Half the time, you're the one doing it, half the time, you... umm... get wet.
- Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex introduces Wa-Wa, the Elemental Mask of Water who can create tsunamis and snowstorms.
- DC Universe Online: The Water power allows characters to manipulate water in many unique ways, such as creating Water Constructs and Healing allies.
- In the Earth and Sky series, one of the new supersuits introduced in the final chapter has a water-themed powerset.
- Dragon Quest: Water has appeared sparingly throughout the series history typically in the form of tidal waves, sea storm attacks, and high-pressure water jets, although more often than not, they were lumped in with wind or ice-based attacks since water did not have a dedicated element.
- Dragon Quest VI introduced the Tidal Wave skill which can be learned by Sages and a handful of aquatic monsters. Unfortunately, its usage is quite limited, since the main characters cannot use it when they're underwater or indoors.
- Dragon Quest VII has a strong nautical theme throughout the game and introduces the Jolly Rager and Maelstrom skills, both of which can be learned by Pirates.
- Dragon Quest Monsters: In the Joker series of games, water skills deal ice-elemental damage to enemies. It wasn't until Joker 3 that a dedicated water element was introduced, along with Splish, the first water-elemental spells in the series. Many aquatic monsters in the series are capable of using both ice and water abilities.
- Dragon Quest Treasures: This spinoff game is the first to be released outside of Japan that utilizes the water element. All of the skills that previously used wind and ice to calculate damage were now water elemental.
- In EarthBound, the Demonic Petunia of the Deep Darkness can spray a huge blast of water that does heavy damage to all party members. Oddly enough, this attack is identical in all but Flavor Text to PSI Fire γ or Jeff's flamethrower. ("Petunia" is also a localization-induced misnomer, as it's actually a Rafflesia.)
- Argagarg from Fantasy Strike manipulates water to "attack" his opponent. "Attack" is in quotation marks because unlike most examples, the water does no damage at all except for his poisoned projectile. However, it still can make the opponent flinch or push them away to keep them from hurting Argagarg while the aforementioned poison chips away at their health.
- Final Fantasy:
- Final Fantasy IV: Cagnazzo the Drowned King. When he gathers water for his Tsunami attack, he can absorb ice attacks (but zap him with a Thunder spell and he won't be able to use it). In the DS version, Tsunami has a chance of killing your party members instantly, regardless of HP. Oh, and you can get said Tsunami as an Augment move after beating the boss. Notably, only the DS version has an actual water element. In the other versions, Cagnazzo's Tsunami and the Leviathan summon are Non-Elemental while Edge's Flood ability is ice-elemental.
- Final Fantasy VI: The Bismarck summon deals water damage to all enemies. Strago can deal water damage using his Aqua Breath and Tsunami lores while Mog's Water Harmony dance can deal water damage with En Nino and Acid Rain. The Advance and iOS versions also have Leviathan, a second water-elemental summon that also gives the player access to the Flood spell.
- In later installments, player characters can learn various water spells, from the high-pressure Aqua Breath to the Tsunami and Clean Sweep spells and even one or more Spell Levels of Water; Summoners can even call Leviathan and other summoned monsters to deliver such water-elemental attacks.
- Water is a Black Magic spell in Final Fantasy XII, but its higher Spell Levels are enemy-exclusive abilities. It's called Aqua in the Updated Re-release. There's also the water Esper Famfrit, who uses Briny Cannonade as a standard ability and Tsunami as a Limit Break, as well as Waterja as a Desperation Attack when fought as a boss.
- In addition to his full suite of ice magic, Snow of Final Fantasy XIII is also the only character to learn all three Water spells as a Ravager. For physical damage, Lightning, Snow, and Fang can all learn Aquastrike. Depending on the character, Synergists can also bestow the water element on the Commando and Saboteur's abilities with the Enwater spell or reduce incoming water damage with Barwater. Sazh and Hope can do both.
- There are a handful of Water spells in Final Fantasy Tactics A2, spread widely across the various classes, most of which have unique side effects. For instance, the Viking class learns Tsunami as one of its only spells (the rest being the Thunder family); Tsunami floods a very large area, damaging both health and MP, but can only be cast if the Viking is standing in water.
- In Fire Emblem Fates, Azura has water-based powers, which she uses in some points. Also, the Avatar's dragon form is associated with water. The Avatar gets it from their father, Anankos, the mad king of Valla and the Big Bad in Revelation.
- From Dust allows the player to pull water from the sea, lakes, rivers or even puddles, morph it into a ball, and hurl it about. Whether you're using it to install a water feature, combat a forest fire, or flood a village is up to you, however...
- Genshin Impact: anyone with a Hydro vision. These characters tend to have powers that require higher hit point totals. The catalyst users, Barbara and Kokomi, splash water with all their attacks and are excellent healers.
- Mercury Adepts in Golden Sun are both this and the White Mage version in one handy package. Most of their later moves seem to involve encasing their opponents in ice. Mia is a classical White Magician Girl and Piers is a much more offensive version. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn includes Mia's son, Rief, as a Staff Dude and Alex's son, Amiti, as a Magic Knight. Mia's daughter also makes an appearance and is stated to share her family's element.
- Kraken from Heroes of Newerth uses this trope: his abilities include tsunami-powered running, summoning whirlpools, and actually making a splash, with which he delivers splash damage to everyone around his target.
- Inazuma Eleven: Some of the hissatsu techniques used for soccer incorporate elemental powers, including water. Tsunami from the first series can summon tsunamis and typhoons. Hamano from GO has the dribbling technique Naminori Piero which allows him to create a whirlpool that turns into a wave. Norika from Ares has three catch hissatsu techniques that allow her to manipulate water. Interestingly, all three of them have a water-related hobby, with Tsunami being a surfer, Hamano fishing in his free time and Norika having a mother whose business involves the ocean.
- Kameo: Elements of Power has the water-themed Elemental Warriors Deep Blue (a sea creature who can swim easily, spray water while on land and melt into a pool) and Flex (a tentacled Warrior who can skate over water). There are also the Water Trolls, who are composed of water, and require being drenched with Deep Blue to be solidified.
- Kingdom Hearts:
- One of the summons from the first game is Dumbo, who flies around and sprays water from his trunk. He returns as summon in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.
- In addition to Dumbo, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories has the Aqua Splash sleight which sprays melted ice from Sora's keyblade while he levitates around.
- The Musical Assassin Demyx from Kingdom Hearts II is Organization XIII's water user. If he ever utters "Dance, water, dance!", you're in trouble. He also creates geysers and massive blobs of water to attack with.
- Aqua, as well, though she's a subtle example. Unlike Terra and Ventus, her only spell that actually fits her name is her initial shotlock; instead, she's cross-trained in Blizzard and Fire spells, gaining advanced versions of both that only she can use. And what do you get when you mix the two?
- Water is finally treated as its own element in Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance], though it can only be inflicted by Water-Dream Eater links. The "Balloon" line of spells are commonly mistaken to be Water as well due to confusion stemming from the bonus it gives to Dream Eaters (it adds Water resistance) but a quick glance at a Dream Eater's movelist that can use Balloon suggests it is neutral instead.
- Kingdom Hearts III finally introduces a full line of water spells to go with Sora's standard Fire, Ice, Lightning magic. Ariel also shows up as a water summon and the Wheel of Fate Keyblade's Finishing Move pummels nearby enemies with tentacles made of water.
- Kingdom Hearts III: Re𝄌Mind: The Secret Boss normally uses entirely Sci-Fi themed weapons, but has a move that steals Sora's Keyblade for a short period of time. During that phase, the boss becomes capable of using powerful water attacks.
- Bubble Kirby from the Kirby series and later Water Kirby. Also, there's the Water Galboros mid-boss, who only appears so far in Return to Dream Land, as well as the Water Galbo enemies. Star Allies introduces Driblee, a tadpole enemy who also provides the Water ability. The Magolor Epilogue mode in Return to Dream Land Deluxe has Hydriath, a water-themed version of Goriath. He has water versions of Goriath's moves and can teleport as well to surprise Magolor.
- The Legend of Zelda games:
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has Morpha, the boss of the Water Temple. Morpha is a giant amoeba that can create tentacles with the water it resides in. These tentacles are capable of striking and even grabbing and throwing Link. Though Navi does mention that the "water" Morpha inhabits is not normal water.
- In Hyrule Warriors, water-elemental weapons include Link's Great Fairy, Impa's Giant Blade, Lana's Spear, Ruto's Zora Scale, Tetra's Cutlass, King Daphnes's Sail, and Marin's Bell. Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity has Mipha, who can control water at will to create torrents imbued with healing power to aid allies.
- In Lineage 2 the Hydro Screw and Hydro Blast skills, used by a summon and Spell Singer class, respectively.
- One of the more powerful attacks for the flamethrower in Makai Kingdom is a torrent of water that also pushes the victim a long distance.
- Mega Man:
- Robot Masters Wave Man, Bubble Man and Aqua Man from the Mega Man (Classic) series. Toad Man summons a screen-filling acid rain attack. Pump Man creates a shield out of globes of water and can throw them out. Oddly enough, Splash Woman doesn't fit this, as her weapon is the armor-piercing Laser Trident.
- Stardroid Neptune from Mega Man V yields the Salt Water weapon, allowing Mega Man to short out and corrode robots with globs of ionized saline solution.
- From the Mega Man X series, we have Bubble Crab from X2, Rainy Turtloid from X6, and Splash Warfly from X7. Launch Octopus and Jet Stingray also utilize whirlpools to suck X (and Zero for the latter) in.
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty: Metal Gear Ray can shoot a high-pressure stream of water from it's "mouth", and it's a devastating attack that even looks like a laser.
- Mike Shadow: I Paid for It!: Water attacks. Lv.1 is a tidal wave. Lv.2 is a huge spinning typhoon of water that turns into a larger tidal wave. Lv.3 has Mike surf on what is the largest tidal wave that swamps the machine.
- Monster Hunter:
- Monster Hunter (2004): Plesioth is a large Piscine Wyvern that can shoot a laser-like water stream at the hunter, be it while standing on land or while swimming in a moat. The Updated Re-release Monster Hunter G adds the subspecies Green Plesioth, whose water shots are stronger.
- Monster Hunter 2 (dos): Daimyo Hermitaur and Shogun Ceanataur are a pair of large Carapaceons (Giant Enemy Crabs), serving as the respective King Mooks of the Hermitaur and Ceanataur, capable of attacking hunters and preys with powerful, pressurized water streams. The main difference is that Daimyo shoots it from its mouth (and, in higher-rank quests, moves sideways while doing so to cover a greater territory for a higher chance to harm its enemies), while Shogun shoots it from the mouth of its shell (namely a claimed Gravios shell) and prefers to do it while hanging from the ceilings. They gain subspecies in Monster Hunter Freedom Unite: Plum Daimyo Hermitaur (which moves in a curved sideway pattern while shooting the water stream to make it even harder for hunters to dodge it) and Terra Shogun Ceanataur (which can shoot water while climbing to the ceilings).
- Monster Hunter 3 (Tri):
- Royal Ludroth is a spongy yellow Leviathan that attacks its enemies by shooting water globules, be it while standing still and aiming at different angles or while walking from one spot to another (and often turning back to repeat the attack).
- Gobul is an enormous Leviathan modeled like an anglerfish that is adapted to fight underwater as well as on land, and has a wide array of attacks (such as paralizying opponents with its spikes or stunning nearby hunters and small monsters with an intense flash from its lamp); however, the only water-based attack is has is creating an enormous suction torrent while swimming to swallow preys and inflict serious damage to the hunters caught with it
- Ceadeus is a gigantic whale-like Elder Dragon that can absorb a large amount of water to expel it as a massive torrent to attack hunters. It can do it either while looking frontward or from above after rising to the highest spot of the Underwater Ruins. The Updated Re-release 3 Ultimate introduces a bioluminiscent, gold-colored subspecies in G Rank whose water shots are far stronger.
- Monster Hunter Portable 3rd: Amatsu is a large Elder Dragon that floats in the air thanks to the dense wind currents it creates around. Wherever it goes, rains and downpours ensue, which makes it a major natural threat. Within its vast repertoire of attacks, there's the strong water streams it can shoot from its mouth, and do so while it looks from down to up. When it's enraged, it can shoot a bigger stream from afar in the skies.
- Monster Hunter 4:
- Kecha Wacha is a lemur-like Fanged Beast that can attack by shooting water globules from its trunk. The Seltas Queen and (in 4 Ultimate) her desert-dwelling subspecies have both a similar attack, though they only perform it when they're very angry (and the desert subspecies tends to shoot their male partners as well in the process).
- In the Updated Re-release 4 Ultimate, due to inhabiting deserts instead of icy coasts (unlike its parent species), Tigerstripe Zamtrios shoots warm water (be it through a succession of globules while it's inflated, or as a powerful stream that instantly puts it back into its usual shark form) instead of ice or cold water.
- 4 Ultimate also introduces Tidal Najarala, a subspecies adapted to live in cold waters like those of the Frozen Seaway (though some specimens are shown to also live in warmer water bodies located in forests, much like the standard Najarala); it replaces the sound-sensitive scales of its cousins with scales capable of redirecting the water globules the monster shoots so it can hit unsuspecting hunters (who manage to dodge them the first time) from behind.
- Monster Hunter Generations: Mizutsune, one of the Fated Four, is a beautiful Leviathan with purple-and-pink fur that can shoot a thin, yet powerful water stream from its mouth, and cover a wide area as it turns around while performing the shot. The monster is also unique in that it unleashes big bubbles capable of impairing a hunter's movement, though some of the bubbles have colors that signal additional properties (for example, the green ones slightly heal a hunter who bursts it upon contact).
- Monster Hunter: World Iceborne:
- Coral Pukei-Pukei is a subspecies that replaces the poisonous attacks of its standard cousin with water-based ones. It uses its tail to absorb a large volume of water from the spongy plants that grow in Coral Highlands. During battle, the stored water can be shot at hunters as powerful jets, or also as globules from its mouth (similar to Kecha Wacha).
- Namielle is a mysterious Elder Dragon that combines traits from aquatic animals like jellyfish and manta rays. It is capable of absorbing and then manipulating large amounts of water, and use it during battle in conjunction with electricity produced from its body to inflict a mix of water and electric damage.
- Monster Hunter: Rise: Though Tetranadon favors using melee attacks (often based on those of sumo wrestling), it can also shoot water globules from its mouth when it's in inflated form, similar to Tigerstripe Zamtrios.
- Mortal Kombat: In Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, to round out their roster of Palette Swap ninjas, the water-manipulating Rain is introduced (he was purple). Later installments expanded upon his water-controlling abilities, and he made a reappearance in the Mortal Kombat 9 as DLC. In the Mortal Kombat X comic Rain shows he can manipulate the clouds as well.
- Tyurru, the young wizard from Ninety-Nine Nights, who drowns people in bubbles.
- Ōkami has Nuregami, a snake goddess who gives Amaterasu the Waterspout brush technique. With it, she can take control of water, allowing her to solve puzzles where this element is required as well as extinguish fire. Certain sidequests unlock extra abilities with this technique, such as enabling the Mermaid Spring Portals and casting powerful rains.
- Many Youkai in Onmyōji (2016), especially those who live underwater. Special mentions go to Ame-onna who either shoots water at enemies or summons a rain that lowers the enemies' speed as she cries, and Aragawa-no-aruji who shoots water missiles similar to Ame-onna above or creates a whirlpool that deals great damage to one of the enemies.
- Paper Mario: The Origami King: The Water Vellumental rules over liquid matter, and can summon and direct vortexes and large waves of water.
- The Persona 2 duology are the only games in the Shin Megami Tensei franchise to feature Water magic (the Aqua line of spells) while keeping the traditional Bufu line (ice) as a separate element. Eikichi, in particular, specializes in this, but several other characters also have similar skills.
- Ova Magica: One aspect of the Storm type is water. All aquatic blobs are Storm-type, and its skills include Water Ball and Water Pillar.
- Plantasia has a non-fighting example with Holly's rainstorm spell, which can be used to water every plant on the field.
- Pokémon:
- Water-type Pokémon, with attacks like Water Gun, Surf, and Hydro Pump. In keeping with the frequent sub-trope of water-based attackers also being able to use ice-based attacks, almost all Water-type Pokémon can also learn Ice-type attacks like Ice Beam and Blizzard.
- Water-type specialty Trainers include Gym Leader Misty of Cerulean City in Kanto, Wallace and Juan of Sootopolis City in Hoennnote , Gym Leader Crasher Wake of Pastoria City in Sinnoh, Gym Leaders Cress of Striaton City and Marlon of Humilau City in Unova, Kalos Elite Four member Siebold, Trial Captain Lana of Brooklet Hill in Alola, Gym Leader Nessa of Hulbery in Galar, and Gym Leader Kofu of Cascarrafa in Paldea. Uniquely, of these Trainers, Unova has two Water-type Gym Leadersnote , while Wallace of Hoenn serves as both the Sootopolis City Gym Leader and a member of the Elite Four.
- One of the available starters for any generation of Pokémon games is always a Water-type, with the other two being a Grass- and Fire-type, and picking a Water-type starter usually results in your rival taking the Grass-type starters, while taking a Fire-type has the rival picking a Water-type. They are generally very useful in the in-game due to their resilient and powerful nature (excluding Greninja, who instead focuses on abusing its speed and offensive power), the good coverage of Water attacks, and the expansive movepool they usually have to abuse their huge offensive stats. There is a reason picking the water starter is commonly considered the easy mode.
- Legendary Water-Types include Suicune, a qilin-like quadruped and one of Johto's Legendary Beasts; Kyogre, a whale-like behemoth said to have created the oceans and one of Hoenn's Creation Trio; Palkia, a theropod-like dragon and the lord of space and dimensions; Manaphy, a Mythical nymph said to be prince of the seas; Keldeo, a colt-like unicorn from Unova who serves as the D'artagnan to Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion's Three Musketeers; and Tapu Fini, one of Alola's four guardians who presides over Poni Island.
- Carlo Belfrond, Psychiccer of Water from Psychic Force 2 and second-in-command of the Psychiccer of Ice, Keith.
- In Psychonauts 2, Maligula was a powerful Hydrokineticist who was responsible for causing a massive flood that killed countless innocent people in the Eastern European nation of Grulovia. Not only does this make her a Man of Kryptonite for Raz (whose family was literally cursed with Super Drowning Skills) but she's the one considered responsible for the curse in the first place. Of course, the truth is a lot more complicated. It's also implied that Raz and his family are actually capable of Hydrokinesis and that the "Hand of Galochio" that represents their curse is actually a manifestation of said ability affected by their aquaphobia.
- Water is the element of the Shadow Hearts characters Margarete (first game), Anastasia (Covenant), and Mao (From the New World). This applies more to their physical attacks than their magic, due to the second two games using Powers as Programs.
- Shantae (2002): The octopus-like boss of the Dribble Fountain can flood the area with water.
- In Skies of Arcadia, the Blue Moon has both this and wind as its elements. Because of the combo, the attack spells resemble something like a tornado made of water. Drachma can learn this magic more quickly than the other party members, but it doesn't wholly matter because he has the weakest magic in the game and makes up for it with raw attack power.
- This is one of the eight original elements in the Skylanders series. While many do generally use water in its base form or are forms of aquatic life like crabs, whales, squids, and dolphins; this element does also link partially to electricity, as Zap was adopted by electric eels and made a special harness to fit in while Punk Shock is an electric eel princess; ice with Slam Bam, Chill, Freeze Blade, and King Pen; and steam in the form of Lob-Star, who can go into a "steamed mode" to increase his speed and attack strength. In the Elemental Rock–Paper–Scissors, it beats Fire but loses against Life.
- In Spirit Hunter: NG, the Urashima Woman's cause of death was drowning, and so as a spirit she's gained some control over water. She can make her victims feel like they're drowning even without water present, she can control the water in Akira's pipes when she haunts his apartment, and Seiji theorizes that she can teleport herself to any location that has water, such as bathrooms, lakes, sewers, etc.
- Sonic the Hedgehog:
- Chaos is more or less a water elemental, ranging from a humanoid to a gigantic Tentacle Monster.
- And Marine the Raccoon is like Blaze the Cat, only with water. It was kept a secret until the end of the one game the character appears in, though it's hard to tell if it's a water or energy blast.
- In Stella Glow, the Water Witch Lisette can attack with torrents of water. Later skills allow her to attack with ice as well, though ice in this game is still treated as a water-type attribute gameplay-wise.
- Water is one of the staple elements in the Tales Series. Two of its most commonly seen spells are Splash, which dumps a torrent of water on the target, and Tidal Wave, which either drenches the entire battlefield with a wave, or summons a swirling vortex that hits most of, if not all of the battlefield depending on the game.
- Tales of Legendia deserves specific mention — the game does indeed make a differentiation between "Water" and "Ice" like a lot of them, but in the Elemental Rock–Paper–Scissors, a player will notice that there is actually no "light" element, and that Water spells are actually effective against Curse-aligned enemies, and that similarly, Curse is strong against Sea enemies. Since in the context of the game, the sea is holy, this means that traditional light spells like Brilliant Lance, Ray, and Judgment are considered "Sea"...but this also means that traditional water spells like Spread, Aqua Laser, Maelstrom, and Tidal Wave are technically holy spells.
- The Water-type in Temtem mainly consists of aquatic creatures, with techniques are themed around high-pressure water, ice, or cleansing.
- Touhou Project:
- Captain Murasa uses water for some of her spellcards, fitting her sailor theme. There's also resident kappa Nitori Kawashiro, with the power to control water.
- There's also Patchouli Knowledge, who has it as one of the 7 elements she uses, and Suwako Moriya, who has a few water-based attacks (mainly in the fighting games, which is why the term spellcard is not used — she has a water-based spellcard in her first appearance, though.)
- Twisted-Wonderland: Kalim's unique magic "Oasis Maker" allows him to summon massive amounts of water, which is more than other magicians are capable of and enough to irrigate a large desert area.
- Warframe:
- Hydroid was the first water-based Warframe to be released. He is a pirate Warframe who can order a rain of explosive water cannonballs and turn himself into a rushing wave. He can also summon a Tentacle Swarm. Because the game doesn't have water as an element, his abilities instead do Corrosive damage, representing the corroding power of sea water.
- Yareli was the second Warframe to use water. She can throw out bubbles that suspend enemies in place, create an Orbiting Particle Shield of Aquablades, and form a Riptide that acts as a Corralling Vacuum. She also has Merulina, a sea creature that functions as a Hover Board, giving her a surfer theme.
- In A Witch's Tale, Aquell's doll ability is to cast a powerful Supra spell.
- Both Erik and Captain Kidd in the World Heroes series are respectively a Viking and a pirate, and as such they're associated with water. This is reflected in their projectiles: Erik uses a tidal wave, Kidd throws watery Ghost Ships and sharks.
- Frost Mages in World of Warcraft have the ability to summon water elementals (not ice, for some reason) to fight by their side for a little while. Shamans also use water to restore their mana and help them heal. The graphic of their final healing spell, Riptide, looks like you just dumped a bucket of water on the target. They were the Summon Magic of Alliance Mages in WarCraft III and of Conjurers in WarCraft: Orcs & Humans. Ice elementals are also extremely rare, being the result of conflict between the elemental lords of air and water. Also, a few select NPCs are also able to cast Waterbolts, Tsunamis, or water geysers that hurl the opponent into the air.
- Wrath Unleashed: Aenna, the Hero Unit of the Light Order army, has power over water.
Visual Novels
- The spell Conjure Water in Tyrion Cuthbert: Attorney of the Arcane.
Spell description: Causes water to magically flow out of the caster's hand. This water will flow so long as the caster maintains concentration on the spell.
Web Animation
- Dreamscape:
- Anjren can shoot blasts of water by creating clouds of various sizes.
- Jenna can create a ball of water by combining a ball of ice and a ball of lava.
- DSBT InsaniT:
- Given what she is the goddess of, Waterfall Girl has this trope in the bag. She can even drop a waterfall on you.
- Tide can create water spouts and such.
- While not involving water directly, Corla can create spikes of coral.
- Calamity of No Evil can control water with the aid of Tlaloc's magical tuning fork. Her real name, Chalchiutlique, is that of an Aztec goddess of water.
- Water-Human. He can attack people with masses of water, apparently has a propensity for sitting in water for no reason, and may very well be an Elemental Embodiment, actually (his skin is revealed to actually be blue in the final episode).
- In Agents of the Realm, Jordan's element is Water.
- In Air Ride Adventures, Blue Kirby can use Teal Dolphin's Sea to make water appear out of thin air. He creates hydrogen atoms to do it.
- In Beyond the Canopy, Cascadian foot soldiers are trained in this. Which is odd, because they live in a desert. They carry water — with explosive fish inside — on their shoulders to shape into weapons.
- Seaweed's power set in Gloomverse.
- As the goddess of all water in all worlds, in Nixvir, Lady Aqua has this kind of power. We see this when she conjures up a huge tidal wave in order to prevent the centaurs and the Lapiths from killing each other after Erik emotionally manipulates her.
- In Pacificators, Larima is an Elite-ranked Pacificator of water (the rank Elite is the highest possible). She's so good at her power of water, she's also An Ice Person. note The renegade Tiamat is one as well.
- Panthera: Onca Aquae, Jaguar of Water.
- Phantomarine: Cheth is the god of Death and of Water, and has the ability to manipulate water in all forms.
- Sleepless Domain's protagonist Undine Wells has this power as Alchemical Water. She's a member of Team Alchemical, a Magical Girl group with powers based on the four classical elements (plus Tessa, their leader, as Aether).
- In Suihira, Wahida seems to have developed water multiplying powers after her talk with Akia.
- Wayward Sons: Saiden. He can control its state of matter too, allowing him to form his weapon of choice, a trident, out of ice. He can even move a fleet of ships around, though he runs the risk of passing out from exhaustion when he does so.
Web Original
- In Elemental
, the element of water goes to Nachtis, symbolized by internal shifting and change, just like his element.
- Strangely, only Sabella in Trinton Chronicles has any water-based powers. She also has one ability that she tends to mix with her hydroblasts to make them especially deadly. Aside from her liquid control, she also has the added gift of freezing water.
Web Videos
- Feather Adventures: Sploshey, the aquatic version of Sqaishey, has hydrokinetic powers which work even in the Nether dimension, where water usually evaporates instantly. However, they only have this ability if they have their trident.
- In Noob, water elementalists are healing-oriented, but their token non-healing spells fit the trope. The one among the protagonists has been shown using the classic water jet and having some control over bodies of water in the comic. The Coconut Superpowers-laden web series that demotes the former to light particles had her mention the possibility of generating an ice shield.
Western Animation
- In Aquaman, since the censors wouldn't let him punch people, Aquaman can toss high-pressure concussive water balls, a power which has since been adapted into several animated, live-action, and comics versions of the character. His wife Mera also retains this power from the comics.
- Avatar: The Last Airbender:
- Waterbenders tend both toward this and the White Mage version. Water can be used for healing along with manipulation of chi flow, but in its attack forms, it's used as a malleable weapon (wall-of-water ram, razor-whip, ensnaring tendrils, etc.). Waterbending also involves solidifying shapes as ice, and certain waterbenders can leech water from surrounding plants, manipulate plants through the water inside them, and physically manipulate other beings through their blood. Extremely exceptional waterbenders such as Amon/Noatak can use bloodbending to take away others' bending abilities.
- Ming-Hua from The Legend of Korra deserves special mention, as she has the fine control to manipulate water without any arms. Indeed, being able to have water for arms makes her far more versatile and dangerous with the element than most.
- Like the other bending styles Waterbending is based on a martial art. Specifically, it's based on t'ai chi ch'uan, a style that features slow movements and elegant forms that evoke the feel of flowing water.
- Ben 10:
- Ben 10: Ultimate Alien:
- The Orishans have this as their main ability. Both Bivalvan and Water Hazard display the ability to breathe underwater and shoot out pressurized water blasts. Water Hazard takes this even further by being able to manipulate the density of his water blasts and being able to manipulate and absorb the moisture in the air.
- Aggregor, after absorbing Bivalvan, also displays this ability, though he mostly uses it to create a bubble shield capable of withstanding missiles.
- Ben 10 (2016):
- Overflow can do most of what Water Hazard can and can even redirect streams of water thrown his way.
- Kevin's take on Overflow, dubbed Undertow, is capable of similar hydrokinetic abilities, though his water looks like it came right out of a swamp.
- Ben 10: Ultimate Alien:
- Gi of Captain Planet and the Planeteers has Water as her element, whether from any body of water, a faucet and the like.
- Castlevania: Sypha's magic allows her to summon and control water, though mostly in the form of ice.
- Darkwing Duck: The villain Liquidator can not only manipulate water, but also heat it, chill it, or turn it into hard water.
- Dragons: Riders of Berk: Scauldrons are aquatic dragons that spit super-heated water at their prey.
- Justice League: Downpour, from Justice League Unlimited, uses is water powers to try to drown Max Lord, sweep a few dozen lava monsters off an oil rig, and turn himself into a tsunami. And then he tries to drown Aquaman.
Aquaman: King of the Seas, remember?
- Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts: In practice, Tad Mulholland can come off as a water elemental. He manipulates water and can even create certain figures of water to fight.
- My Little Pony 'n Friends: In "Flight to Cloud Castle", one of the castle's guardians is a merman who can control water, mostly in the form of blasts of it that he shoots at the heroes.
- Ninjago: Kai's sister Nya is revealed in Season 5 to be the Elemental Master of Water. After undergoing training, Nya can shoot jets of water at the enemy, make it rain, and manipulate existing sources of water, which allows her to defeat the Preeminent. She can also become the very embodiment of the ocean by merging with the Endless Sea, though doing so comes at the cost of her humanity and forces her to say goodbye to her friends until they are able to restore her by temporarily taking away her powers.
- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Mermista has control over water. She derives her powers from the Pearl.
- Sky Dancers: A variation: Breeze is able to conjure rain clouds torrential enough to flood a room.
- Static Shock: Aquamaria takes on the living water being form. She actually does well against Static (he's prone to shorts) until he realizes, hey, electrolysis!
- Steven Universe: Lapis Lazuli can manipulate water and create copies of her opponents. In one of the most dramatic shows of this power onscreen, she controls the entire ocean at the same time and shapes it into a huge tower. By extension, Malachite, a fusion formed between Lapis and Jasper, also retains this ability.
- Teen Titans (2003): Aqualad has these sorts of powers, which don't seem to work while he's UNDER water for some reason.
- Winx Club:
- Double Subverted. While Aisha comes from an ocean-based realm, and has water/ocean based magic, her main power is morphix (which she herself mentions is the rearrangement of water molecules), which appears as shiny pink clay that can be molded in a variety of forms. This is very evident in season 4 when, twice, the girls had to stop a housefire and Aisha could not use her powers to douse it, although she was able to prevent it from spreading. Although, the subversion comes into play albeit subtle as she does a Food Slap to an angry girl (S2) and two guys (S5), both times involved drinks being splashed in their faces (without Aisha physically doing so). Bonus points in S2 as she also creates bubbles in a nightclub. S3 and S5 shows her being able to create a protective aura allowing herself and the other winx to breath underwater and withstand the cold/pressure of the ocean.
- Played straight (traditionally) in season 6, S7, S8, and World of Winx, which sees her directly produce and manipulate regular water.
- Weather Manipulation: Usually creates tidal waves and floods, but also rain, clouds, a miniature hurricane, and one occasion a hailstorm.
- W.I.T.C.H. (2004): Irma Lair can control water, as well as create it seemingly from nowhere.
- Young Justice (2010): Aqualad can telekinetically control water and turn it into weapons like a sword or hammer. It's later shown that this is the standard for Atlantean magic and that the powers Aqualad wields are actually a far simpler version. Atlanteans with fuller training have demonstrated making different shapes out of water, like manta rays as shields, octopi to make use of combat tentacles, and even an eel, to electrocute enemies. Though it's no longer her exclusive ability, Mera is definitely a lot more powerful than the others by a few orders of magnitude.
Water Kirby
The Water ability made its debut in episode 97 of the Kirby anime, and his primary method of attack is spewing a geyser from his mouth, as demonstrated here. It eventually made its way into the games starting with Kirby's Return to Dream Land.