Match Cut - TV Tropes

  • ️Thu Jun 14 2007

Match Cut (trope)

Well, this is the strangest Animorphs cover we've ever seen.

A cut or dissolve that matches an object in the first shot with an object in the second shot. The objects must be similar in size and position within the shot. Can be used to add harmony and continuity to a sudden shift in time or place. James Cameron seems especially fond of this technique, as it appears in almost every one of his films.

Also see Age Cut, Body Wipe, Flashback Echo, and Picture-Perfect Presentation. See Twisted Echo Cut for when it's done with dialogue.

When everything stays the same except for one element, it's a Stop Trick.


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  • A Coca-Cola commercial advertising how its containers are recycled has several instances of people pitching empty bottles juxtaposed with filled ones coming out of vending machine. To hammer this juxtaposition home, one bottle is only partially in the recycle bin, resulting in a bottle stuck in the vending machine until the first one is pushed down.
  • The Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice shows Aristaeus intruding on Orpheus by matching shots of Eurydice kissing him with shots of Aristaeus kissing him and switching between the two.
  • The reveal trailer for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet cuts from a docked Nintendo Switch in the player's bedroom in-game, to a real one in the live-action footage.

Anime & Manga 

  • Azumanga Daioh uses it to humorous effect, cutting from a close-up shot of Miss Yukari's horrified eye (having been awoken by Osaka carrying a knife) to a fried egg on a plate being covered in ketchup, briefly faking the viewers out.
  • The opening credits for Baccano! did this for (in order) a wad of bills, some bottles, a thrown dart (matched with a knife), an explosion (matched with exploding flash powder), and a playing card.
  • Chainsaw Man does this a lot, thanks to the author's love of movies and using cinematic techniques in his work. By far the most chillingly effective is a jaw-dropping two-panel transition between the skyscraper-sized hand of the Hell Devil appearing out of the sky, fingers open and ready to drag an entire shopping mall into Hell in the first panel, to an identical hand, severed from the wrist and lying on a grassy field in Hell, being eaten apart by ants.
  • The Doraemon movie, Doraemon: Nobita's the Legend of the Sun King opens with the villainess, Ledina casting a spell on the kingdom of Mayana in her forest lair, before match-cutting to another forest... which turns out to be a fake prop in Tokyo, created by Doraemon's illusion light for Nobita and friends whom are rehearsing a scene in Snow White (specifically, Shizuka as Snow White meeting the witch as played by Suneo in the forest).
  • In Dragon Ball Z, just after Trunks has destroyed Future 17 and 18, there's a very creative cut in which a close up of his eye and eyebrow fade into a shot of a tree branch which the sun partially hidden behind it.
  • Durarara!! (by the same studio and author as Baccano above) does similar match cuts with objects, such as a cellphone, vending machine, and soda can. The second opening has some rather creative ones such as a ladle to a street mirror, and Scary Shiny Glasses to the moon.
  • Fushigi Yuugi does a rather nice one too. Miaka briefly imagines a benign, smiling Tamahome; the image then fades into evil Tamahome, whose facial expression makes him look very different as he finishes up shredding his letter to Miaka.
  • Grave of the Fireflies uses this to great effect depicting how hard times have fallen for Seita and Setsuko. In a flashback to before the war, we see falling Sakura petals where Seita, Setsuko and their parents are at a summer outing, before it cuts to falling grains of rice into a bottle, earned by Seita selling his deceased mother's leftover silk clothing for food because they're in the middle of a war.
  • In Millennium Actress, many transitions to and between flashbacks are done by matching the heroine's face from one setting to another.
  • One Piece:
    • In the anime's first opening, Luffy spinning his straw hat on his finger seamlessly transitions to a flashback of Shanks wearing it.
    • When Luffy first meets Usopp and tells him how he knows his father, we fade from an apple Luffy is holding to another apple Yasopp was using for target practice.
    • After Luffy successfully obtains Franky's speedo, we see a shot of the Gally-La Company flag waving triumphantly in the background, then a shot of Luffy triumphantly holding up the speedo.
  • Shiawase Tori-mingu: When Suzu goes birdwatching by herself, she follows the advice of Tori-san, a girl who makes Youtube videos about bird facts in a full-sized bird costume. Then Suzu notices the location in the footage seems very familiar. She lowers the phone, and we see the exact same spot, except her friend Tsubasa (who, unbeknownst to Suzu, is actually Tori-san) is kneeling where Tori-san once stood.
  • The opening for the second season of Spice and Wolf matches leaves flying in the wind to feathers floating in a room.
  • The☆Ultraman has a shot in the OP where a bullet fired by Hikari transistions into the exit of a hangar... for a jet plane piloted by Hikari.


  • Rene Magritte's painting Euclidean Promenades depicts an upper-story view of a town in which the shape of a conical spire is exactly matched by the shape of a road receding in perspective to the horizon.

Comic Books 

  • The Avengers: The frontispiece of The Avengers (2018) #1 shows the 1,000,000 BC Avengers in the same pose as the current team on the cover, matching Agamotto to Strange; Odin to Thor; Starbrand to Hulk; the Rider to Ghost Rider; Black Panther to Black Panther; Phoenix to Captain Marvel; and Iron Fist to Captain America. Only Iron Man doesn't get a counterpart.
  • ElfQuest: Ten thousand years of elfin evolution in two panels from the very first issue.
  • Batman: The Killing Joke pulls this off, as the flashback sequences that depict the Joker's origin story (the one he's currently remembering at the time of the story) have a tendency of cutting into the current situation with one of these. It's really effective in creating a sequential atmosphere. Just call it an Alan Moore thing.
  • Prince of Persia: The Graphic Novel: The comic jumps several times from the royal palace as it stood in the 9th century to the same angle of its ruins in the 13th century.
  • Watchmen: The comic, although in a print-based medium, pulls it off. And keeps doing it.
    • Notable examples include the memories of Rorschach (interlaced with the Rorschach blot) and Laurie (the reflection of her face in the snow globe is echoed). Laurie's reflection in the snowglobe has another purpose: It highlights her eyes, which are the same as The Comedian's.
    • The Minutemen photo is also prone to this, but the various characters' memories of the Comedian are the best examples. Often overlaps with Two Scenes, One Dialogue.

Films — Animated 

  • Spielberg's motion capture movie The Adventures of Tintin does this several times and outstandingly well in his transitions, turning the ocean into a small puddle or a handshake into a sand dune for example.
  • Aladdin (1992, Disney): The ending has Genie, now freed, launching himself into the skies in daytime, cutting to a fireworks display at night.
  • An American Tail: Fievel Goes West: After a hawk snatches Feivel and flies off with him while doing a Full Moon Silhouette, a head of cauliflower that's being fed to Tiger is shown, matching the shape and color of the moon.
  • Three times near the end of Atlantis: The Lost Empire, first with a crystallized Kida having fused with the Heart of Atlantis being forced into a metal crate by Rourke and his mercenaries, resulting in Milo calling out Vinny, Audrey, Cookie, Packard, and Mole (Dr. Sweet is too busy suddenly realizing that Rourke's injury on the King was proven to be fatal), causing them to finally come to the senses and turn against Rourke and Helga and side with Milo and the Atlanteans instead, and at the end everyone gets their photo taken before the explorers return to the surface, while Milo chooses to remain in Atlantis with Kida, followed by those explorers back in Whitmore's mansion, all dressed in formal attire. Then, Whitmore receives a crystal necklace from Milo after his teammates have returned from their journey; the scene cuts to the crystal necklace worn by Kida, newly made the Queen as she takes it off and kisses it to make a stone face representing her late father, Kashekhim Nedakh, causing it fly away into the sky.
  • Back to the Outback:
    • When Chaz tells Chazzie a bedtime story, the camera focuses on the scary snake figurine on the table, and then fades into Maddie looking forlorn at Jackie's empty cage.
    • After Chaz gets a biker gang to join him and Chazzie in chasing the animals, the camera zooms out to show them driving down the trail before fading into some mites crawling up Zoe's back the same way.
  • Near the end of Balto, the main body of the movie ends with a shot of the aurora borealis, which then fades into a present-day live-action scene of the granddaughter's dog.
  • When the Beast transforms back into a human at the end of Beauty and the Beast, he twirls Belle around, and Belle's blue peasant dress actually turns into her gold ballroom gown, leading up to the finale.
  • Big Hero 6: When the group decides to become superheroes, this is visualized with a couple of such transitions:
    • The first through a change of focus, from Fred's superhero figurines to Gogo, Wasabi, Fred and Honey reflected on the glass pane in the same position.
    • The second one with an actual cut between a painting of six superheroes to the whole group standing in the same spots while Hiro scans them.
  • Happens several times in the song "Worthless" from The Brave Little Toaster, as it cuts back and forth between the junkyard and the Master's house. At one point, the Car Crusher's blades turn into the TV, and another point a crushed cube turns into the TV again.
  • There's at least one in Cars, when Lightning McQueen agrees to accompany Mater on some unspecified trip, then cutting to Lighting at night in the field, as the tractor-tipping scene begins.
    • There are several more in Cars 3, during the "Kings Highway" sequence, which features multiple cuts showing Mack driving through different places as he transports Lightning, Luigi, and Guido to the Rust-Eze Racing Center in Florida.
  • In Chicken Run, at the end of the pie machine scene, Mrs Tweedy picks up a pie and aims to hit Mr Tweedy in the face with it. Before the pie makes contact, the scene cuts to Ginger sticking up the Mrs Tweedy's Chicken Pies sticker on a wall for everyone to see.
  • A dream sequence in Cinderella II: Dreams Come True has the figurines on Anastasia's music box morph into Anastasia and the baker.
  • Coco: Whenever Miguel recognizes a dead family member of his, the view briefly snaps from a shot of them to their photo on the ofrenda in the same position as they are.
  • In Coraline, When Coraline feeling disgusted over her father's cooking - The scene begins to transform, Starting from she tilting backward in her chair then falls into her bed.note 
  • Done in The Emperor's New Groove with Kuzco's real head cutting to a stone bust about to be smashed by Yzma, and Kronk's block-like torso matching some architecture.
  • At the very beginning of Finding Nemo, just right after Marlin finds out that his son Nemo's egg is the only egg that had survived the barracuda attack (though with a large crack in the eggshell), the scene immediately cuts from the egg to the sun reflected in the water, leading to the film's opening credits (and Nemo himself already hatched from the egg).
  • There's a version of this in Frozen, fading Anna from outside to walking down a hall. It happens a few seconds later when we see Elsa huddling against her door, then fading to Anna on the other side, in the exact same pose and place in the shot.
  • In A Goofy Movie, Goofy suffers a Heroic BSoD and has him lying on the water bed with a depressed look on his face. It then dissolves to him driving the next day with that same depressed look.
  • In How to Train Your Dragon, this trope is used to show how Hiccup uses what he learned interacting with Toothless to disable the training dragons, most notably with the dragonnip grass.
  • In the transition between the songs "Heaven's Light" and "Hellfire" in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, a bell clapper dissolves into a swinging censer.
  • Klaus (2019) is a fan of these cuts:
    • From Mrs. Krum dangling the toy frog by the string to the giant hanging jawbone of a whale in town.
    • From the kids piling weapons on the ground they collected from house exteriors to falling piling up letters from a mailbag Jesper is emptying.
    • From Jesper marking a chalk line to his letter delivering goal to the coin surface of Alva's savings.
    • From Jesper entering the doorway of Klaus' workshop to Jesper walking through the doorway of an alley.
  • At the end of The Little Mermaid, when Ariel and Eric kiss after the former has been turned back into a human, Ariel's sparkly dress and Eric's sailor suit actually turn into a wedding dress and a royal admiral suit when we see their wedding, respectively.
  • The Loud House Movie:
    • At the end of Lucille's backstory, she turns to the front of the camera as the ship sails away from Scotland after a brainwashed Lolo drives her family away. The scene then fades into the present, with Lucille's ghost being in the exact position she was in the flashback.
    • At the end of Aggie's flashback, she laughs maniacally after using the Dragon Gem to hypnotize Lolo into taking the Duke's crown. The scene then fades into the present, with Morag in her position, laughing the same way after retrieving the Dragon Gem from Aggie's journal.
  • Mulan:
    • During the scene when Mulan decides to take over her father's place in the army, a shot of a dragon sculpture outdoors match-cuts to a mural depicting a dragon indoors just as Mulan takes the conscription notice.
    • During the song "A Girl Worth Fighting For", part of a Disney Acid Sequence seen about halfway through the song actually turns into a Mount Rushmoresque-rock sculpture seen in the background.
  • In the sequel Mulan II, another cut leads from Yao flexing his muscles to a toy gorilla in the exact same pose. Shortly after, a close-up on a stuffed panda's nose cuts to a similarly-shaped store sign, and at the end of the scene a view of the moon dissolves to... the same moon, now reflected on water.
  • My Little Pony: Equestria Girls:
    • In the first movie, after Twilight mistakenly walks into the boys' restroom, the "man" logo on the door fades to Twilight standing in the hallway on the same spot.
    • In My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks, toward the end of the song "Let's Have a Battle (of the Bands)", we see several students in a succession of Hard Cuts (Trixie, Thunderbass, Snips, Octavia, Watermelody, Normal Norman and Diamond Tiara), each in a position matching the preceding one, thus giving the impression of one continuous movement.
    • My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Friendship Games:
      • After the opening credits, a close-up on Twilight's just-finished device slowly fades out to be replaced by the round dome of Canterlot High's library.
      • A couple during the CHS Rally song: First, DJ Pon-3's portable turntable segues into the top of the marching band hat Rainbow Dash is wearing. Then, Rainbow throws said hat in the air, and it turns into the majorette's twirling baton.
  • Peter Pan:
    • As Hook tells the children about the Time Bomb he laid in Pan's hideout, the scene focuses on the clock attached to the bomb, then it dissolves to Smee describing the clock with his arms in the same position as its "arms".
    • At the end, after Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, the Darling children, and the Lost Boys return to London from Neverland by making Captain Hook's ship fly away into the sky, we see a full moon turn into the Big Ben clock tower, which turns into a grandfather clock inside the Darling family residence.
  • Near the end of the song "Colors of the Wind" from Pocahontas, an overhead shot of Pocahontas and John Smith lying on a round patch of grass cuts to the eye of one of two hawks they both let go into the sky. There's a shot of the hawks on the tree, then they fly up to cut back to Pocahontas and Smith.
  • Shrek:
    • Shrek has a number of match dissolves combined with a moving POV, which are obviously easier to achieve in CGI than in live action. Most notably, the "Broken Hallelujah" song is composed nearly entirely of Match Cuts bouncing back and forth between Shrek and Fiona. Another memorable one is after Fiona sings a bird to death: she looks in its nest and sees three eggs; cut to three eggs frying on a rock.
    • In Shrek 2, Shrek is embarrassed as he and Fiona are presented to the king and queen outside the castle. Shrek's expression changes from embarrassed to exhausted as the scene changes to the dining room.
  • In Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, when The Prowler is chasing Miles down an alleyway, there is a cut-on-action when Miles turns at a corner, in which Miles is used as an anchor at the center of the screen for the cut. Not only does Miles keep his center position and roughly the same pose, but even the camera's movement is consistent between shots.
  • The opening sequence in Disney's Tarzan contains many in a row, cutting between the human and gorilla family to show their similarities. The final one features the sun in an Establishing Shot matching with one of the eyes in a close-up of a leopard; the other eye matches the moon in the next shot.
  • Toy Story:
    • Twice in Toy Story 2:
      • Buzz's rousing speech to the toys has the environment around Buzz fade to the American flag waving behind him. He then exits off-screen, before the flag becomes black and white and the camera pulls back to reveal it was a television sign-off on Al's TV. The picture then goes to static. Internationally, the film has the flag replaced by a globe spinning with fireworks exploding.
      • A variation comes after the scene where Woody is repaired and restored. Al proclaims, "He's just like new!" Then it immediately cuts to a sign reading "NEW!" at Al's Toy Barn as Buzz is searching for Woody.
    • In Toy Story 3, when Chuckles talks about how Lotso became evil, the scene fades from him looking sad to him looking happy in the Flashback.
  • Treasure Planet's scene "I'm Still Here" has this with Jim looking to the ship's skyline into the Benbow Inn's windows, and then Time Skip from his flashback to present. Another part was after Jim looked at Silver as his longboat descended, the sun below the galleon matches the morning sun before his dad left.
  • In Turning Red, the shot of Mei (in her red panda form) curled up into a ball on her bed fades to a shot of the full moon.
  • At the end of the opening sequence of Up, we see Carl sitting lonely inside the church at Ellie's funeral. He then starts up the steps toward the coffin and it fades to Carl walking up his front porch.
  • Waltz with Bashir does this at the end of a short montage where Frenkel describes the strange morning routine for IDF soldiers in coastal Lebanon. First we see a soldier sitting in his underpants on the beach, next to a backgammon board and a football, eating fried meat and eggs for breakfast. He receives a phonecall from his superiors, puts down his breakfast, and gets up. As he stands up the movie suddenly match-cuts, and now he's in full gear in an orchard, hunting terrorists.

Films — Live-Action 

  • The most recognizable match cut might be from the opening of 2001: A Space Odyssey. A bone tossed into the air by a primitive hominid is matched with a satellite in orbit over 21st century Earth. Here. Even more of a match when you know that Word of God says that the satellite is a weapons platform — the earliest weapon to the latest and greatest. Word of God also noted that there was no evolutionary difference between the hominid and modern humans despite the leap in technology.
  • Alfred Hitchcock's 1935 version of The 39 Steps features a sound match cut; Hannay's landlady screams upon discovering Miss Smith's dead body, and the picture cuts to a train coming out of a tunnel while the scream dissolves into the sound of the train's whistle.
  • The first scene of Aliens cuts from Ripley's face to a beautiful view of Earth.
  • The story-time sequences in Bedtime Stories (2008) are brought in with prominent match cuts, such as having horses appear to ride out of a painting going into the Western story, or a spinning basketball becoming a space station in the sci-fi story. The finale, where Skeeter races across town to stop the demolition of the school, cuts rapidly between the story universes and real life using match cuts.
  • This trope dates at least as far back as Alfred Hitchcock's 1929 talking debut Blackmail. The heroine, who has just killed a man, screams when she sees a bum lying in the street in a similar position; cut to the murder victim's landlady discovering him, with her standing in the same position and relationship to the male figure lying down.
  • The climax of Body Weapon; the heroine scores a Groin Attack to the main villain, and the shot cuts to an egg breaking.
  • Born To Defense has a massive war sequence in the prologue which ends with the hero, Jet, throwing a grenade at some Japanese soldiers. The exploding grenade then match-cuts to... exploding firecrackers. Turns out the next scene is a Time Skip to the war ending months later, with Jet surviving and returning home.
  • In Bram Stoker's Dracula (the Coppola movie):
    • The post-staking decapitation of the vampirized Lucy sends her head flying through the air (against a black background)— and cuts straight into Van Helsing plopping a rare, bloody roast beef on a table, preparing to carve it for a meal.
    • Other examples from the same film include the eye of a peacock feather becoming the mouth of a train tunnel, and the famous drawing of the titular Count sitting at a table surrounded by impaled corpses fading perfectly into a shot of the man himself sitting at a dinner table in the same pose.
  • Special effects in Brotherhood of the Wolf are used to match a naked woman's upper torso with a hill-line. Scenery Porn indeed.
  • The short film The Burgling uses this to go from day to night, with a light-switch sound effect.
  • The opening of 2001: A Space Odyssey is a Shout-Out to Powell and Pressburger's 1944 film A Canterbury Tale in which a medieval pilgrim's hawk is matched with a Hurricane fighter.
  • Carry On Constable: Used when Benson proposes his plan to catch shoplifters, with a shot of himself which dissolves to being disguised in drag.
  • A Christmas Story cuts from Randy opening the toilet to the boys' mother opening a pot of dinner.
  • Citizen Kane uses this to amazing effect. The entire opening sequence is one long, dissolving match cut. The intro consists of several shots of Kane's mansion Xanadu from different angles dissolving into each other. Only one of the windows is illuminated, and despite the many different camera angles, it remains in the same location in the frame.
  • In City Girl there is a shot of a wheat farmer slicing up a loaf of bread that he made himself, going all the way back to growing and harvesting the wheat. The film then cuts to a machine at an urban diner slicing up another loaf of bread, emphasizing the removal between the source of food and its consumption in a city.
  • City of the Dead cuts from the coven conducting a Human Sacrifice with the sacrificial dagger descending on Nan to Sue cutting the cake at her birthday party.
  • Crime Doctor's Man Hunt: A scene cuts from Natalie lighting the gas fire in her apartment to a waiter lighting the burner under a crêpes Suzette in a restaurant.
  • The first two Death Note live-action films retain the sun from the center of the Nippon Television Network Corporation logo while the rest of the logo fades; in the first, it becomes the sun in the first shot of the film, and in the second it becomes the moon.
  • Deewaar: When the family moves to Bombay, the movie cuts from a shot of a photograph of a Bombay street on the wall to a shot of the same street with the characters walking there.
  • Drive, He Said has one between Hector shooting a basketball on the court and one player tossing a grapefruit to another in the cafeteria.
  • Enter the Void has several of these, as transitions from present to childhood, e.g. Oscar and his sister lying in bed as adults, cut to them in the same position as little kids.
  • The Fall has some particularly beautiful examples, including a butterfly fading into a reef and island, and a priest's face and collar fading into a desert landscape. The last one is so well done it provides the page-image.
  • In Fate of a Man, Sokolov the Russian soldier throws a phonograph record down on the ground because he can't stand listening to German songs. It shatters. Cut to an explosion as a shell lands on the Eastern Front.
  • Final Destination 3 uses this to cut from Ashley and Ashlyn's burning tanning beds at their death scene to their coffins at their funeral.
  • Forrest Gump: Forrest flinches when trying to remember his first pair of shoes, and so the first flashback starts with himself as a child, flinching while the doctor puts his braces on for the first time.
  • The Fountain has a cut from Tom stroking the bark of his tree which fades to Izzie's skin as Tommy gives her a bath.
  • The first shot of Getting Straight is of the Earth as seen from the Moon. The Earth turns red, and then turns into an apple that one student tosses to another.
  • In Harper, the Lady Drunk is staggering around a bar, thoroughly plastered. She swoons—and there is a smooth cut to her collapsing onto her couch at home.
  • Home Alone 2: Lost in New York has a memorable match fade where we transition from The Grinch making his famous Slasher Smile, to Mr. Hector pulling one of his own.
  • Used in the travelling montage in Hot Fuzz.
  • The Hours uses match cuts to transition between the three periods of time.
  • Subverted in Idiocracy as it was a pile of garbage the whole time, but at first, when the sun is behind it, it looks like a mountain. This trope applies because the "mountain" is in tune with the world as we know it, while the revelation that it's actually garbage is there to show us just how bad the world gets.
  • Frequently used in the first half of the 1967 film version of In Cold Blood as we cut back and forth between the killers and their pursuers.
  • The Incredible Mr. Limpet. Limpet's fantasy of being a hero ends with a shot of the YB-49 Flying Wing, which then dissolves into a manta ray that knocks Limpet's eyeglasses off.
  • Another well-known one is the dissolve from the Paramount logo to the mountain in all of the Indiana Jones movies.
  • Kingsman: The Golden Circle absolutely loves this kind of slow transition: a zoom to bag of weed turns into the Cambodian jungle, a hole in the bowling wall becomes the ruins of Eggsy's flat, a bottle of whiskey cut to the Stateman's factory (whose main tower is shaped like a bottle), etc.
  • In Lawrence of Arabia, the title hero blows out a match, and we cut to the sun rising over the desert. Notable for being a literal match cut, and also for being one of the most famous and revered shots in cinema history. Spielberg has said this one shot inspired him to enter film making.
  • Layer Cake uses frequent match cuts, but most notably to book end the assassination sequence with a Kubrick Stare.
  • In Limelight, when the hero (played by Charlie Chaplin) dreams of himself performing the flee circus act, it ends with a close-up on his face looking devastated at the empty seats in the theatre. The shot slowly dissolve to him looking the same way sitting up in his bed.
  • The opening scene of The Lost World: Jurassic Park cuts from a woman on a tropical island shrieking to Jeff Goldblum yawning in front of a picture of a tropical island.
  • Max Payne uses this particular technique with the main character: a scene ends showing a flashback three years in the past, and as the camera revolves around Max, the scene slowly changes to the much darker present time, until we've gone from looking over his shoulder, around him to his face, and back over his shoulder again.
  • In Modern Times, a shot of cows running in a field fades into many people exiting a subway.
  • Monty Python's The Meaning of Life had one where the camera zooms in on Biggs' face at the end of the Boys Vs. Masters rugby match then cuts to a fully-grown Biggs avoiding flying shells in a war.
  • More Dead Than Alive: The scene cuts from an oil lantern in the barbershop in the small town of Las Rainas to a gas lamp in the modern city of Prescott. A later scene cuts from Ruffalo dropping a handful of coins to Billy dropping a handful of shells.
  • In Murder!, Alfred Hitchcock transitions from a theater curtain rising to the cover over a prison cell observation window being pulled up.
  • In National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets, there is a dissolve from the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral in London to the Capitol Dome in Washington D.C. The west towers of St. Paul's are also matched by a similar-looking pair of towers in Washington, though it's not clear if they were added in CGI.
  • North By Northwest ends with a match cut. Kendall is hanging on to the mountain by her fingertips. Thornhill reaches down to pull her up, at which point the scene cuts to him pulling her—now the new Mrs. Thornhill—into an upper berth on a train, which enters a tunnel.
  • On the Buses: When Jack is in bed with Betty, the film cuts from him sucking on her neck to Stan back in the bus sucking on an orange.
  • Only the Brave has an overhead shot of the fire bear running through a burning forest which cuts to the crew picking their way through the blackened aftermath of a fire.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest: Tia Dalma throws several crab claws onto a table to divine the location of the Flying Dutchman, which cuts to a cluster of rocks in the sea with the same formation as where the claws landed.
  • Psycho: in the shower scene, the bathtub drain and Marion's eye.
  • Psych-Out cuts from a furry yellow blanket to a field of wheat and back again.
  • In The Red Sea Diving Resort, a shot of Ari's daughter playing with a model Pan-Am jet cuts to a shot of an actual Pan-Am jet in flight.
  • Used the most in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, with many scene transitions using a match cut, such as switching from night to day with Wallace on the bed, or from day to night with the house.
  • A "match dissolve" in Seven Chances. The hero gets in his car to drive to his girlfriend's house. Instead of showing him driving, he gets in the car, and there's a match dissolve to Buster in the exact same position in front of his girlfriend's house. When he leaves, there's an identical, reversed match dissolve to show him in the same position back at the country club.
  • Short Cuts features multiple examples as it cuts back and forth across its nine subplots.
    • After Casey Finnigan is hit by Doreen Piggot's car, his mother Ann puts him to bed and brings him a glass of milk - only to find he has slipped into a coma. As she frantically tries to wake him, the camera zooms in on the glass of milk, and we cut to a TV image of an almost identical glass of milk being knocked over being watched by Doreen and her husband Earl as a voiceover declares, "Accidents happen every day. Fortunately, most are harmless, but some are very serious."
    • When adulterous highway patrolman Gene Shepard tells his wife Sherri an obvious lie about the woman whose phone number she found in his pocket, she bursts out laughing. We immediately cut to a picture of Sherri laughing painted by her sister Marian.
    • A shot of fishermen Stuart Kane, Gordon Johnson, and Vern Miller tying the dead body of a girl they found in their fishing spot to the river bank so that she does not float away cuts to a shot of Honey Bush looking through the glass of a fish tank in her neighbours' apartment. As her scene ends, the camera follows a fish as it swims through the water, and we cut to a shot of a trout being hooked by one of the fishermen.
    • When Stuart brings the biggest trout he has caught to dinner with Marian and her husband Ralph, the latter misunderstands the cooking directions and the fish is burned to ashes on the grill. The scene in which the trout's charred remains are discovered is bookended by shots of smoke pouring out of the grill, and either side of this scene there are shots of car exhaust smoke filling the garage of Zoe Trainer as she commits suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Singin' in the Rain:
    • "The Broadway Melody" transitions back into reality by fading from Gene Kelly smiling to the viewers, to Don (also played by Kelly) talking to RF.
    • During "You Are My Lucky Star", the last number, the film fades from Don singing to Kathy in profile, to a drawing of his profile, then zooms out to reveal a billboard for a movie starring both Don and Kathy, also titled Singin' in the Rain.
  • Sirens has a blasphemous Norman Lindsay painting which includes a Rasputin-like figure; which cuts to the inspiration of that figure, the stationmaster in the town where the artist resides.
  • In Song of the South, when Uncle Remus begins to tell Johnny the second part of the Tar Baby story, the scene crossfades from Johnny to the animated Brer Rabbit when he is trapped in tar and at Brer Fox's mercy.
  • In The Sound of Music, we see a bell triumphantly tolling at Captain von Trapp and Maria's wedding, and then fade to another bell tolling more solemnly, a Time Skip to after the Anschluss, as Nazi Germany takes over Austria.
  • Spider-Man has the debris from a Green Goblin-caused explosion becoming the thrown hats at Peter Parker's graduation.
  • Creepy example in Star Trek: Insurrection. Picard is wrestling with his conscience over what to do as the Federation has teamed up with some unpleasant aliens who are stealing some innocents' Fountain of Youth — in the meantime, the aliens try to keep themselves going with Body Horror operations. The match cut is between Picard taking off his rank pips and putting them on his desk — and one of the aliens having their teeth operated on.
  • Sully: As Sully is out running he sees an F-4 Phantom on display and flashes back to an incident where he landed a crippled F-4. After he gets it on the ground, his old plane flashes back to the one he's looking at.
  • This happens in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) when April O'Neil is narrating their temporary stay on her farm. Specifically, it happens with various pictures she draws.
  • The ending of Taegukgi sees Lee Jin-tae's Heroic Sacrifice in the Korean War, shot by enemy soldiers while covering his brother Jin-Seok's retreat. After his death, comes a match-cut to Jin-tae's skeleton in the present-day, excavated from where he died several decades ago and still in the same posture, which leads to the film's biggest Tear Jerker where a now-elderly Jin-Seok reunites with his brother's skeleton and begs for Jin-tae to speak to him.
  • Thor: After Darcy sees Thor's shadow in an image of the anomaly (the Bifrost sending him to Earth), the scene cuts from his outline to Thor himself strapped to a hospital bed.
  • Titanic features two notable match cuts: one transitioning from young to old Rose, and the other transitioning from the Titanic at sea in 1912 to the Titanic sunken in 1997.
  • Tower of London: When Richard and Sir Ratcliffe murder the young princes in their bed, the camera pans down to show the puppet being held in Prince Richard's hand, which goes limp as he dies. There is then a Match Cut to the same puppet being held in Richard's hand in his chambers as he studies it after the murder.
  • In Werewolf by Night (2022), there's a scene transition from Verussa explaining the rules of the Game Between Heirs to a skull vessel surrounded by candles on a table. The skull is in the same spot of the frame where Verussa's head was.
  • When Time Got Louder cuts from Tish pouring water to make hot chocolate to Abbie and Jen pouring drinks at a party.
  • In Baz Luhrmann's '90s adaptation William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet: Mercutio's death scene ends with a long view of the old theater arch... which fades into the next scene, where Juliet is sitting on her bed talking innocently about her hopes for that night. The arch frames her, showing that she's on stage despite her solitude. The scene ends with another match-cut where her smiling hopeful face lines up with the angry screaming face of the husband she waits for, just before he kills her cousin and destroys their ability to have the happiness she's been pining for.
  • Used throughout The World's End, such as cutting between a shot of an empty glass in one pub to a full glass in another pub.
  • In the opening titles for X-Men Origins: Wolverine, a series of match cut transitions are used to change the time period for each war Logan and Victor are shown fighting in. This starts with the young Logan and Victor running through the woods becoming their adults selves charging during the Civil War. Logan is then struck by a cannonball, which ends with him hitting a trench wall in World War I. Afterwards, the camera zooms in on Logan's face, and zooms out with him on a boat in World War II. Victor then storms a German bunker, firing a heavy machine gun at the troops inside. The camera pans around the front of the gun, and when the move finishes, the gun, with Victor still firing, is now mounted to a helicopter in Vietnam. The camera then pans around the tail of the helicopter, and the end of the pan shows the helicopter on the ground in a village.


  • Guard of Honor: Nathaniel and Amanda's alcohol-fueled emotional chat ends with them embracing passionately. They're about to have sex, and she says "But could you put that light out first?" Cut to General Beal, in his office (the setting is an Army base in 1943 Florida), telling one of his junior officers "Put that light out if you like, Collins. Right by the door."
  • Thief of Time has several scene changes which come as close to this as you can with text. Most strikingly when Lu-Tze prepares to chop a yeti's head off to demonstrate how they come back to life, and we cut to a guillotine victim in Quirm who almost certainly won't.
  • Star Wars: Thrawn: Alliances uses this at least once to seamlessly transition between the current time setting (Darth Vader and Thrawn investigating the planet Batuu) and the past, during Thrawn's first encounter with Anakin Skywalker. For example, the third chapter ends with Thrawn telling Vader "The warrior's path lies before us," at a cantina, and the following chapter then begins with him saying the same thing to Anakin at that very cantina during the Clone Wars.

Live-Action TV 

  • In the Alias Pilot Episode "Truth Be Told", Sydney is tied to a chair, watching a door that is about to open and reveal her torturer. Cut to another door opening and her literature professor walking into a classroom, months before the previous scene.
  • Frequently done with the Flashbacks in Arrow, usually with Ollie's back, but sometimes more elaborate ones like matching Robert Queen's headstone in Starling with the wooden cross Ollie put over his actual grave on the island.
  • The Barrier: A flash-back shows two friends cutting their trip to a reservoir lake short because one of them is having his first child being born one month earlier than expected. The transition to the present day is done via a still shot of the lake changing into a version in which the lake itself is dried up and the surrounding infrastructure is showing visible signs of neglect.
  • Blackadder Goes Forth ends with a famous Drama Bomb Finale when the characters go "over the top" into almost certain death in a battle of World War I. The final shot of the hellish crater-stewn battlefield fades into the field as seen in the present day, aflower with poppies.
  • Breaking Bad uses a few cuts like this, such as in "Box Cutter", when it cuts from Walt mopping up a puddle of blood in the underground meth lab to a man stirring a French fry in a splotch of ketchup at a Denny's diner.
  • In the Charlie's Angels episode "Night of the Strangler," Jill looks at a medal her dinner date gave her as her date goes off to make a phone call. The image dissolves from the medal to a pocketwatch as Jill wonders what's taking him so long.
  • Cosmos:
    • A Personal Voyage starts with a match cut of Sagan letting a dandelion fly, which transitions to the similarly-shaped Ship of the Imagination in the stars.
    • The opening credits of A Spacetime Odyssey includes several: from a crater to the iris of a human eye, a spiral galaxy to the spiral of a nautilus shell, etc.
  • Doctor Who:
    • In "The Enemy of the World", the villain closely resembles the Doctor, and the Doctor is persuaded to impersonate him. Episode 4 begins with the villain learning that he has an imposter on the loose; the scene ends with a close-up of the villain's face, which dissolves into a close-up of the Doctor's face that begins the next scene.
    • Episode 3 of "The Wheel in Space" has a closeup of the Second Doctor's face as he says he's sure something's wrong but doesn't know what, which dissolves to the face of a Cyberman elsewhere.
    • "The Vampires of Venice" has a Cold Open where a screaming girl is about to be attacked by a vampire, then cuts to a screaming Rory at his stag party shouting into the phone.
    • In "Resolution" a policewoman screams on seeing alien tentacles sprout from the woman who just killed her partner. Cut to the siren screaming on her squad car as the Meat Puppet drives off in it, leaving the policewoman's stripped corpse behind.
  • Game of Thrones:
    • The first episode in season 7 has a long montage of match cuts between Sam emptying chamber pots and being served brownish gruel that looks almost identical to the contents of the pots.
    • The second episode of season 7 has Sam cutting into the crusty greyscale of Jorah's shoulder, causing white pus to ooze out, match-cutted to a shot of a spoon cutting through the crust of a pot pie, causing white cream to ooze out.
  • In one episode of The George Lopez Show during a flashback George as a child gets jealous of Benny's boyfriend and has a smuggish look on his face. It then goes to the present and George has that same smuggish look.
  • The Get Smart episode "Don't Look Back'' has a cut from Max pounding his fist on a table to a judge banging his gavel.
  • The Haunting of Hill House (2018) uses match cuts to transition between time periods, usually involving the same character in both times, and in many cases, they're doing the same thing in both periods as well. The series is quite clever about it too, hiding the match cut in such a way that it takes a moment to realize that the viewer is watching a younger (or older) version of the character finishing the action that the previous version started. It also helps that many of the cuts take place in similar locations (such as kitchens, bedrooms etc.), allowing the action to flow seamlessly.
  • The Honey West opening sequence contains a dissolve from Bruce the ocelot's face to Honey's.
  • House of the Dragon: The scene of the murder of Unwanted Spouse Rhea Royce by her husband Daemon Targaryen cuts right when he's about to bludgeon her head with a rock into a fish's head being cut off by a fisherman.
  • The opening shot of the first episode of The IT Crowd ("Yesterday's Jam") depicts Reynholm Industries CEO Denholm Reynholm seated behind his office desk, in stone-faced tableau. The shot then pulls wide to reveal that this is actually a framed photo...But also that Reynholm is currently sitting in the exact same position, with the original shot being something that apparently happened at some point previous.
  • Monty Python's Flying Circus includes a parody of the 2001 match cut, where the satellite drops out of the sky and lands on the caveman.
  • Done more than a few times in Spaced, including a reference to the famous 2001: A Space Odyssey Match Cut — a rolled-up newspaper thrown into the air becomes a model of a spaceship in the comics shop.
  • The intro to Stargate Atlantis has a scene in which the head of a Wraith is cut to a view of the main Tower of the City of Atlantis... which has the same size as the head, the same general direction of movement and, to top it all, two lightened windows where the eyes of the Wraith were.
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The end of the episode "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" has an instance, probably parodying the 2001 example, with a thrown baseball matching the station.
  • Star Trek: Picard: In "Remembrance", the two circles that form the pendant of Dahj's necklace Dissolve into two rings of interstellar gas that glow bright green, possibly the remains of the Romulan star.
  • Stranger Things has a rather hilarious example of the "sound bridge between scenes" version in Season 2, when Jonathan and Nancy making out cuts to Lucas' little sister playing with her dolls and making kissing noises.
  • The Sympathizer: A common transition between scenes is for one object to fade into another similarly-shaped/colored one. For example, Bon lighting a cigarette becomes an explosive being fired at the airfield; a rotary phone becomes a tire wheel; a halved boiled egg becomes a white plastic bag with a yellow smiley face logo, and so on.
  • This is very common in Ugly Betty, which gets away with it because of the slightly bizarre (i.e. stylish) design of the sets - weird objects intruding into the frame to become odd shapes in the next shot don't seem at all out of place when all the windows in the office are circular.
  • Walking with Beasts: The end of the last episode does this with a Cro-Magnon woman carving a little woolly mammoth figurine 30,000 years ago, to that same figurine now sitting as a museum exhibit in the present day.
  • Walt Disney Presents "Tricks of our Trade", in a scene where Walt Disney shows a painting of ballerinas, it dissolves to an ballet dancer doing the same pose as the painting itself which can be seen here around 24:54 minutes in.
  • War and Peace: Alexander I is having a ball in a Vilna Palace when he gets word that Napoleon has crossed the Russian Border. An overhead shot of the bright ballroom, full of dancing partygoers, dissolves into an empty, darkened room a day later, visited by Napoleon.
  • The opening credits in The Wire utilise this technique.

Music Videos 

  • In the David Bowie video "As the World Falls Down" (from the film Labyrinth), the female protagonist is staring at a photograph of Bowie. The camera zooms in on her left eye. A blink, and now it's Bowie's left eye (with its permanently dilated pupil) the viewer sees as the camera pulls back.
  • Done near the end of "Indestructible" by Disturbed, showing the warriors throughout the ages running towards the camera.
  • The music video for "Too Much Love Will Kill You" from Queen has a series of match-cuts featuring a number of different masks that takes up the entire screen.
  • In the Animated Music Video for Nomico's cover of the Touhou Gensokyo ~ Lotus Land Story track "Bad Apple!!", nearly every transition is a match cut. Pens turning into wings, flames turning into distant sunlight, girl running turning into girl diving, etc.
  • These make up most of the cuts in "Pressure and Time" by Rival Sons, with the band performing in around a dozen different locales, cutting between each one.
  • Starlight Brigade: Young Strive is shown with his arm raised over his head as we Time Skip to adult Strive in the same pose.
  • Several of Lindsey Stirling's videos jump locations whilst having her choreography match in each shot, but "Minimal Beat" takes the cake. It features 17 countries from her time on tour, and the camera will cut between all of them in just a few seconds. In each, she wears a different outfit, but will be walking across the screen or turning her head in perfect time in order to make a smooth video. The behind-the-scenes video explains that it took many hours of editing and careful positioning to make this work.
  • Done amazingly in Switchfoot's video for "We Are One Tonight". Seriously, just watch it.
  • Tears for Fears: In the "Pale Shelter" music video, a shot of an iron being pressed on to clothing immediately switches to a large iron-shaped imprint on a runway with jets of steam emanating from the ground.
  • The ENTIRE music video for Vampire Weekend's "Cousins" makes full use of match cuts to transition small sections of props or swap band members around.

Tabletop Games 

  • The "flip" and newer "transform" cards from Magic: The Gathering often imitate this effect. For examples, see Tormented Pariah and Gatstaf Shepherd.


  • City of Angels does this several times when transitioning out of the Show Within a Show. Mallory undoing Stone's tie segues to Donna tying Stine's tie; Irwin S. Irving's body on a gurney segues to Buddy (played by the same actor) on a massage table; and Oolie getting into bed segues to Stine lying in bed with Donna (played by the same actress).

Video Games 

  • BioShock Infinite has a variation on this. The first time Elizabeth uses a tear, she opens it right in front of a painting of the Eiffel Tower, and the tear leads to a view of Paris in the 1980s with the Eiffel Tower in the background. The second time, it's in front of a poster of the Songbird, and leads to... a nondescript-looking window with a flower box outside. Which then gets assailed by the Songbird. The match cut occurs when she closes it again just in time.
  • Used in the opening video of Civilization: Call to Power each time there's a change of era (for example, a flag flying over a castle gatehouse to the same flag over a 20th-century building; then the building being destroyed by tanks to its ruins surrounded by futuristic tower blocks).
  • The opening scene of the Danger Girl video game begins with a ritual going haywire in the 16th century, where numerous cultists are killed by divine powers gone wrong. One cultist falls and is match-cut to a skeleton 400 years later, still lying in the same spot, before Major Maxim steps into view.
  • Daemon Summoner begins with an FMV of your character narrating the backstory, how vampires killed your son and turns your wife into one of their members, while a photo of you and your still-human wife fills up the foreground. It segues into your wife, now a vampire, emerging from her photo and leaping towards the camera.
  • God of War Ragnarök gets away with cutting away from Kratos while keeping the whole game in one continuous camera angle by having Kratos do something like punch a wall and then cutting to another character punching a similar wall before following them around for a bit.
  • Halo 2 starts by showing the trial of an Elite who is ultimately blamed for the destruction of the Halo from the first game. After one of the Prophets announcing his sentence delivers the final words in the scene, it cuts from the circular emblem on said Prophet's headwear to the moon in orbit around Earth.
  • Heroine's Quest uses this when using the portal to Svartalfheim.
  • The central gameplay mechanic of IMMORTALITY (2022). You are given a collection of raw footage and behind-the-scenes clips from three unreleased movies and tasked with figuring out why they were never released (or, in the case of two of the movies, never finished), as well as what happened to their mysterious lead actress. However, upon attempting to view a clip for the first time, the software glitches, and all but one clip is removed from your menu. You must unlock the missing clips one-by-one through match cutting. By cicking on an object or person in a scene, you'll be taken to another scene featuing the same (or a similar) object or person. As mentioned, the three films share a lead actress, and also share similar themes, so clicking on something or someone in a scene may very well take you to a scene from a different movie.
  • A cutscene of Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II has Kyle holding up the disk with his father's message which morphs to one of the moons around his home planet.
  • Used frequently in Max Payne 3 to transition, for example, from a shot of a ceiling fan to helicopter blades, or from a wide shot of a river to a close-up of a glass filled with liquor. Several of these cuts use Max himself in order to start or end a flashback.
  • The opening scene of Shadow Generations is a flashback of the first time Shadow is awakened by Gerald and Maria, 50 years ago. The camera focuses on Shadow's face and as he opens his eyes it cuts to current time, with Shadow standing in that very same room, now completely abandoned.
  • In the introduction of Space Quest VI: Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier, a jockstrap thrown up into the air in a parody of 2001 transitions to a jockstrap-shaped spaceship.
  • Another homage to 2001: A Space Odyssey takes place at the start of the third SPY Fox game, where the titular character's car runs over a monkey's fruit stand during a Car Chase. The monkey then angrily tosses a banana into the air, which then transforms into the Big Bad's aerosol space station.
  • Startopia includes a parody of the 2001 transition, where the bone and the satellite are replaced by a...donut and a donut-shaped space station. Where does a hominid get a donut, you ask me? Why, from a massive, black, featureless, monolithic donut dispenser. Duh.
  • The intro of System Shock 2 begins with a narration recapping the previous game, with SHODAN's face fading into the lights of Earth as the narrator says, "SHODAN saw herself as a goddess, destined to inherit the Earth."
  • The first scene of Xenogears after the intro shows a village in flames, and then it cuts to an abstract painting of flames that Fei, the protagonist, is working on.

Web Animation 

  • Battle for BFDI: Every single episode starts the Intro with someone raising their left arm (Or leg if armless like in Spongy’s case).



  • The GURPS Discworld fansite Discworld Bye Nighte. The "title page" for every section has a circle (usually the sun) in the upper left and a tall structure on the right. Clicking through them, you can see the Tower of Art dissolve into the Diamond Castle in Genua, Don'tgonearthe Castle in Überwald (with the sun becoming a full moon), a volcanic island, and so on. The "Bye the Waye" section even has the three main components labeled: "Circle", "Peaks" and "Horizon".

Web Videos 

  • In Bronies React, pointing out references in the watched show to another is common within any episode, but for the My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Friendship Games reaction this goes one step further. The similarities between Applejack releasing her arrow in slow-motion and Merida doing the same in Brave is demonstrated with a transition from the former to the latter. Indeed, the images match perfectly.
  • The Fan Vid Fan.tasia includes a very large number of these, such as a series of rapid cuts matching different characters dancing in the middle of the screen, a similar series of cuts matching various couples, a cut matching a sword with a pillar of light, and a montage of flowers, leaves, dandelion seeds and fireflies moving through the air which is mostly composed of match cuts and immediately followed by even more match cuts.

Western Animation 

  • Occurs in 101 Dalmatians: The Series in the first episode. After Roger announces that they're moving from their home in the city to the country, Lucky says, "Let me make myself perfectly clear: We. Are not. Moving." and we see a closeup of his angry face. The scene dissolves into Lucky on the Dalmatian bus with everyone else, still with the same face.
  • The Adventure Time episode "Do No Harm" uses several of these when transitioning between scenes of Finn working in the hospital and scenes of Grass Finn off on an adventure with Jake; all of these cuts visually match Finn with Grass Finn. These cuts serve to emphasize how similar the characters' problems are while they try to fill roles which don't quite suit them, as well as Grass Finn's status as a no-longer-identical copy of Finn.
  • The Animaniacs episode "Hercule Yakko" has a eerily seamless example. When Yakko asks Wakko to inspect a room for clues, and put them in a bag, Wakko stuffs the whole backdrop of the room in the bag. This leaves behind a blank blue background, which Wakko exits. Without so much as a fade, the blue background then becomes the door to Slappy's room. The extreme close-up of Yakko's hand knocking the door looks at first like a giant hand tapping the background.
  • Arcane: The episode "Oil and Water" features a a quiet closeup of Vi's face in Caitlyn's bedroom, which becomes a very unquiet closeup of a near-dead Jinx writhing while being injected with massive amounts of Shimmer by Singed.
  • The opening of Batman: The Animated Series match cuts between the WB logo and the Gotham PD's airship.
  • In the Betty Boop cartoon "I'll Be Glad When You're Dead You Rascal You", which was scored by Louis Armstrong and his band, a scene of a cannibal stirring a boiling pot fades to a live-action scene of a drummer in Armstrong's band before fading back to the animation.
  • The Busy World of Richard Scarry (an animated series by Cinar that Paramount co-produced) copies the Logo Joke from the Indiana Jones movies during the title sequence.
  • Futurama:
    • The episode "Luck of the Fryish" did this in-between the current time period (the future) and Flashback sequences. A particularly funny example is when they arrive at the dilapidated ruins of Fry's childhood home (with Bender commenting on how "Father Time sure took a bat to this place"), which is revealed to be in the exact same state of disrepair in the flashback.
    • And they did it again in both "Jurassic Bark" (Fry running dissolves into his dog running) and "Bender's Big Score".
  • In the new employee training episode of Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law a shot of a helicopter faded into a shot of Phil Ken Sebben with a similarly shaped pipe in his mouth.
  • Hazbin Hotel: In the "ADDICT" music video, a puddle of Angel's tears on the floor cuts to a puddle of rainwater on the ground outside, in which the reflection of Cherri's former associate can be seen for a second before she runs through it.
  • Ice Merchants: A man living on a glacier looks at the thermometer that hangs on the outside of his cabin, and sees the little red ball of mercury sitting at the bottom of the thermometer. Cut to the red ball of the sun, peeking out of the mountains at sunrise on the other side of the valley.
  • Megas XLR "Battle Royale" cuts between Kiva battling brutes in station and Coop using similar moves to fight opponents in the ring.
  • Molly of Denali: In "Wise Raven and Old Crow," a closeup of Molly scraping a hide cuts to a flashback scene of Grandma Catherine doing the same thing.
  • My Little Pony:
    • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic uses this technique a lot:
      • In the episode "Friendship is Magic, part 2", Twilight reads about the location of the sixth Element of Harmony. When she and her new friends realize it's in the Everfree Forest, the background fades from the library to said forest with the Mane Six kept in the foreground.
      • A few of these occur in succession with Applejack in "The Best Night Ever", coupled with Time-Passes Montage.
      • During the Villain Song in "A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2", the shot of the impostor Princess Cadance's eye dissolves to a shot of a similarly-shaped rock formation in the crystal caves where the real Princess Cadance has been imprisoned.
      • In "The Mean 6", when Chrysalis is once again vowing revenge after the Mane Six's evil clones were destroyed by the Tree of Harmony, the close-up of her face dissolves to a similar close-up of Twilight with almost the same expression as hers, when she sees the destroyed campsite.
    • My Little Pony: Make Your Mark: In "The Jinxie Games", a headline image of Zipp and Pipp with Queen Haven fades to the former two hiding behind the tree in the same position as in the image.
  • The Owl House: In the Grand Finale, "Watching And Dreaming", Luz poses on a cliffside in her Good Witch Azura costume while holding her staff outward and we then fade into a Time Skip with a close-up of Luz's Good Witch Azura figurine in a similar pose, just before Luz packs it in a box for college.
  • In the Silly Symphonies short "Three Little Wolves", the three wolves are imitating the three pigs dancing and singing "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf", followed by the scene dissolving to the two giddy pigs dancing the same way.
  • In the Steven Universe episode "Rose's Scabbard", the Crystal Gems and Lion stand in a star formation on the battlefield while Garnet and Pearl tell Steven about the Gem War. As it cuts to the next scene, the shot makes them all line up with the star on the Crystal Temple's door.
  • Storm Hawks: In "Storm Warning", Piper is shown sleeping with a leecher crystal next to her. It zooms in on the crystal as it absorbs power, then fades to another leecher under a glass cover onboard Ravess' ship.
  • At the end of Tokyo Mater when Kabuto finds out that he had lost the race to Tokyo Tower to Mater, the scene immediately cuts to Kabuto having all of his modifications being pulled off his body and being laughed at by the other cars.
  • The season 3 opening to The Transformers has several of these in a sequence. It begins with Metroplex spinning Trypticon around, which becomes the rings of Saturn with Blurr and Wheelie driving on it. Wheelie's wheel becomes Galvatron's Arm Cannon, pointed directly at the viewer. Galvatron's Decepticon insignia then becomes Blaster's Autobot insignia. Blaster then transforms into boombox mode, producing a sound wave that becomes ripples in a pool of water, from which a Sharkticon emerges and eats the camera.