Mechanically Unusual Fighter - TV Tropes

  • ️Fri Jan 10 2014

"Meta Knight doesn't do 'standard attacks.'"

While Fighting Game characters often have different attacks and playstyles, they usually still share the same basic commands. Pressing A results in a light melee attack, back results in blocking, double forward results in a dash, and so on... Except for this character. This character has bizarre mechanics going on compared to other fighters. Maybe this character levitates instead of dashing. Maybe this character's crouching actually makes her taller. Maybe this character uses a separate or all together different Mana Meter as a resource. Whatever it is, playing this character won't be anything like playing the others. Mastering these gimmicks is a major part of this character.

A good way to determine if a character fits this trope is to ask, "If the character lost his gimmick, would he still play similarly or very differently?" If the answer is the latter, then it is this trope.

The result of this weird control scheme can vary. Sometimes it makes the character a difficult to learn but very satisfying to master one, and sometimes it makes the character nigh-impossible to play instead.

This character often uses variations of Confusion Fu. May invoke Damn You, Muscle Memory! if one is too used to other characters.

Different from Fighting Clown, which is about the character's wacky appearance rather than the actual mechanics (although the two may overlap). Different from Joke Character, Lethal Joke Character or not, as this character is intended to be a viable option without resorting to an obscure tactic.

If a work makes use of a Character Class System or similar one, then those would belong to Mechanically Unusual Class, the more RPG-like sister.

Examples by order of genre:

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  • Some characters and vehicles in Batman: Arkham Knight have unique quirks and abilities: Harley Quinn cannot get to vantage points unless they are low enough for her to jump on and can't perform silent takedowns (only loud takedowns, which alert nearby enemies). She can however, turn berserk and dodge bullets once she knocks out enough enemies, and can perform up to 4 special takedowns before the effect ends.
  • Nobody Saves the World: Ghost and Horse have rather unique signature attacks compared to other forms. Ghost's attack is an area of effect and has a cooldown, while Horse's attack is directed backwards.

Beat 'Em Up/Hack & Slash 

  • Devil May Cry 4:
    • This game marks the debut of Nero, the first playable character in the series who has an emphasis on new mechanics never seen in the prior games, such as the ability to enhance his swordplay on-demand (Exceed), he's also the first true grappler archetype of the series thanks to his Buster mechanic, and his Devil Trigger functions differently as it supplements his attacks with extra strikes instead of directly boosting his damage.
    • For a series that places much emphasis on stylish melee combos, Lady in the Special Edition stands out for being the only playable character who's primarily focused around ranged attacks and combos; she has a grand total of three melee abilities (one basic ground combo, one air combo, and one Helm Breaker-style attack) and no Devil Trigger (her Devil Trigger gauge instead powers a Combo Breaker that involves throwing several grenades around herself), but boasts a vast array of ranged abilities that allow her to keep crowds of enemies at bay and empower her guns to levels never before seen in the series.
  • In Devil May Cry 5, V is basically the Devil May Cry equivalent of a Puppet Fighter, a la Zato-1/Eddie. Most of his attacks are done by summoning familiars, and the only direct attack he does himself is a finishing blow with his cane. His Devil Trigger gauge doesn't directly grant him Super Mode, but is instead used to either power up Shadow and Griffon, or to summon Nightmare, a massive beast capable of devastating attacks. V also doesn't have the straightforward Regenerating Health mechanic of the other playable characters while in Devil Trigger mode. Instead, Nightmare's presence increases the chance for enemies to drop Green Orbs.
  • The Creator class in Dungeon Fighter Online dumps the common keyboard or game controller-based beat-em-up controls for first person shooter-style keyboard plus mouse (to the extent of redefining a hotbar to free up the 'WASD' keys for movement). In practice, you control your body like a puppet with the keyboard and fight independently with the mouse cursor. Anything you can click on you can hit with telekinetic strikes or by gating in various energies, and while your body is subject to status effects, nothing short of death can interfere with your spellcasting. While the class does have weaknesses, there's a reason it isn't available for PvP.
  • Hyrule Warriors:
    • The DLC character Young Link functions a bit differently. Much like the aforementioned example of Gabranth in Dissidia Final Fantasy, his strength and range leave a lot to be desired in his normal form. However, he does have the ability to sacrifice his special attack gauge for magic, and when he enters Focus Spirit mode, he turns into the Fierce Deity, becoming much deadlier. The trick when playing as him is to enter Focus Spirit mode as soon as possible, and stay in it as long as possible.
    • While every character has a gimmick of some sort, Zant's is notable because it forces the player to pay attention to it. All of his combos end with an opportunity to mash the attack button to hit multiple times, which fills up his meter. If you try to do this when the meter is full, or just mash the button one too many times, Zant will fall over with an empty meter and end up vulnerable for several seconds. When his meter is full, you can either hold onto it for a damage boost (while trying not to forget and accidentally overfill it) or switch into berserk mode for several seconds where Zant becomes stronger, harder to control, and has only two attacks. On top of all this, nearly all of Zant's attacks leave him open for a few moments, forcing the player to choose his attacks carefully. The game never explains any of this, so most players are left wondering why Zant can't go five seconds without falling over.
  • In the Video Game Remake of The Ninja Warriors Again, we have Raiden, a 4-meter, 32-ton Transforming Mecha that dwarfs almost every other character in the game. He has Super Armor against most enemy attacks, a hold-based charged ground punch unlike the other characters, a special command to turn around thanks to his slow speed and size, and plays more like a beat 'em up boss than a player character. Furthermore, Raiden is also the only character with two separate modes, a melee-based humanoid form, and a ranged walker mode. The walker mode has some powerful ranged weaponry that consumes his energy meter, and he can only regenerate energy in his humanoid form.
  • Mercedes in Odin Sphere. While other characters use melee attacks to varying degrees, Mercedes wields a crossbow and is purely a ranged character. Being a fairy allows her to fly around indefinitely, and instead of a POW meter that acts as the character's stamina, depleting as you attack, but recharging if you idle long enough, she instead has an Ammo meter that can't be recharged until it's completely empty, and requires the player to manually reload (though absorbing Phozons still recharges it like they do for the POW meter.)
  • In Shinobi (2002), you play as Hotsuma, a fast and agile ninja who must rush through each level as fast as possible, continuously killing enemies to feed his sword so that it won't start draining his health. Moritsune, the first secret character, is basically "Hotsuma but more": faster and stronger, but frailer and a worse life drain. Then there's the other secret character, Joe Musashi, which goes in a completely different direction: he's a Mighty Glacier with decent power, devastatingly powerful magic, infinite shurikens, and no life drain mechanic... But he's by far the slowest character, and his shuriken don't stun enemies. If you play as Joe, you must play carefully, keep your distance from the enemies, and avoid being surrounded unless you can afford nuking the area with a rare magic scroll or you're very good at dodging.
  • In Transformers: Devastation, Grimlock's Dino mode plays very different from the Vehicle modes of the other characters. He can get to full speed quickly by mashing one of the buttons, he doesn't have access to the upgraded Rush Attack, his ranged weapon is a short ranged fire breath, and he can actually use melee attacks as a T-Rex.
  • Alastor in the first Viewtiful Joe. Characters normally start out in their Henshin form, but revert to human form if they use up all their VFX and have to wait until the VFX gauge refills to transform automatically. Alastor, on the other hand, starts out in his human form and has to manually activate his Devil Trigger to transform, at which point his VFX gradually decreases until he reverts back to normal, making playing Alastor a game of finding the right time to transform and lay the smackdown in Devil Trigger form. He's also the only character who can Double Jump in his human form, and carries a sword to increase his melee range.
  • Almond in Noitu Love 2 is unable to directly attack enemies, instead requiring the player themselves to attack enemies in the style of a mouse-aimed light gun game. He can also shield himself from projectiles at will by ducking, and can be picked up and carried around with the mouse cursor.
  • Honkai Impact 3rd:
    • Several of Bronya's battlesuits, such as Yamabuki Armor, put up a block rather than evading when the evade button is pressed. Ultimate Evasion in this case is executed by dropping the block at the precise moment, triggering a Counter-Attack.
    • Fu Hua's battlesuits use what is normally the ultimate button as a second basic attack buttons, unlike other characters who only have the one, and instead of only have two combos - one that involves solely tapping the attack button and one that incorporates holding the button - can vary the inputs for multiple combos.
    • Several other characters' battlesuits have unique resources or meters of their own that, when filled appropriately, enable or change moves and need to be exploited effectively to bring out their full potential. Swallowtail Phantasm's Veil and Valkyrie Gloria's Resolve are examples of this.

First-Person/Hero Shooters 

  • Battleborn:
    • In a world filled with ninja snakes, robot sniper butlers, insane AI, and douchebag rocket falcons, Oscar Mike stands out for being the closest to an actual FPS character. While Overwatch and Paladins have had the 'generic FPS hero to ease COD or BF players into Hero Shooters' role, Battleborn leaned far harder into the MOBA aspects than either game, and as such, sticks out precisely for playing so traditionally.
  • Brawl Stars:
    • Both Chuck and Sam are the only Brawlers in the game who start the match with their Super already charged, and can also quickly get it back without even damaging an enemy by either waiting five seconds (Chuck) or picking up an object from the ground (Sam). This means that they can potentially spend the whole match using their Super much more than their main attack, a feat no other Brawler can reliably pull off.
    • Stu is the only Brawler who can charge his Super with only one projectile, as his gameplay mainly revolves around him constantly dashing with the use of his Super to hunt his enemies and evade attacks.
    • While there are a handful of Brawlers who only posses a single ammo bar, Hank is the only one whose ammo bar also serves as an aim meter, as aiming with him will also charge his attack to become bigger and more powerful until the ammo bar depletes, at which point he can only hold it for a bit before it goes off by itself.
    • Speaking of Brawlers with a single ammo bar, Amber stands out due to her ammo bar doubling as an Overheating meter that allows her to continuously fire a barrage of projectiles without any unload time as long as she has ammo stored, possessing a whopping 40 projectiles (more than ten times the average Brawler) and the longest recharging time in the game as a "cooldown" meter.
  • Marvel Rivals:
    • Groot is the only character who creates barriers that are physical constructs, in his case his Thornlash Wall and Ironwood Wall abilities. Both of them are not only essential to his playstyle, in being a highly defensive character, but they're just as capable of hindering his allies as they are his enemies.
    • Hulk is the only character with three different forms, and thus three different ultimates. He starts as Bruce Banner, where he has the lowest health in the game and only a basic pistol that shoots gamma energy, and his ultimate Puny Banner is literally him transforming into the Hulk. From there, he has a second ultimate called Monster Hulk where he turns into an even tankier version of himself, and has a third ultimate called World Breaker where he delivers a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown on any enemy caught up in it. Finally, if defeated as the Hulk, he'll revert back into being Banner rather than dying, forcing the player to defeat him again to truly finish him off while giving him an opportunity to recover and turn back into the Hulk.
    • Thor has a unique Mana Meter system called "Thorforce". He has up to three Thorforce points at a time. He can use one point for Hammer Throw (where he throws Mjolnir forward at his enemies) and one point for Storm Surge (where he dashes forward using Mjolnir and dealing knockback to enemies caught in the way). Because they're tied to Thorforce, they don't have actual cooldowns, and so each can be used up to three times in a row before needing to replenish. He can also cash in all three points to initiate his Super Mode Awakened Rune, where he becomes a highly damaging, projectile-based character that shoots lightning for five seconds. Thorforce doesn't regenerate on its own. Instead, the player must be in direct combat and hit enemies with his main attack Mjolnir Bash to restore it, or use his Lightning Realm ability which summons lightning down and restores Thorforce based on the number of enemies hit (notably, this is the only ability with a traditional cooldown). All of this makes his gameplay heavily devoted to resource management and creates a risk vs. reward factor in how his abilities are used
    • Iron Man and Storm are the only characters in the game who move by passively flying rather than moving on the ground. As such, they have a much more vertical playstyle, can freely access most of the map (provided there aren't physical or invisible barriers), and they aren't able to use gravity lifts because that would be redundant. Because of this, playing Iron Man and Storm is quite different by default than anyone else in the game.
    • Storm is unique within the Duelist (DPS) class even aside from her default movement, in that she has a Stance System called Weather Control that directly aids her allies, much in the way a Strategist (support) would. Tornado will grant allies a movement boost, while Thunder will grant allies a damage boost. As such, a good Storm player will also aid allies like a Strategist while fighting like a Duelist.
    • Mister Fantastic is officially a Duelist yet functions like a cross between a Duelist and a Vanguard. To begin with, he has by far the largest default health of any non-Vanguard hero in the game at 350, but that's just the beginning. What really sets him apart is his Elasticity Mana Meter system, which charges with the use of his abilities, and when filled he can unleashed Elastic Strength, that bulks him up into a Top-Heavy Guy and effectively turns him into a full-blown Vanguard for a duration. Gameplay wise, Mister Fantastic is quite distinct as a Duelist in that he's less oriented on outright damage (outside of his Elastic Strength and his Ultimate), and much more focused on both defense and crowd control, attributes that are odd for his official class, yet make perfect sense for a Vanguard, further cementing his status as a hybrid between two classes.
    • Adam Warlock has a single ability that makes him fundamentally different from everyone else in the roster: Regenerative Cocoon. When he dies, he's not actually out of the game. Instead, Adam will appear as a ghost, can float around the vicinity, and with the press of a button, can revive himself back into the game at the spot the player chose. This ghost is visible to everyone, allies and enemies alike, and if cornered the player can cancel out of it and respawn normally. This ability makes Adam unlike any other characters. He can even completely undo a Total Party Kill by reviving himself with Regenerative Cocoon, and then reviving the rest of his team with his ultimate Karmic Revival. When activated, it also features by far one of the heftiest cooldown of any ability in the game: Two minutes. And unlike other cooldowns, it doesn't reset upon death and it carries over to the next round. Also of note is that when Adam is paired up with Star-Lord and/or Mantis, they gain this ability too with Soul Perseverance, which has all of the exact same mechanics and the hefty cooldown of Adam's Regenerative Cocoon.
    • Cloak & Dagger are literally two characters counted as one, and so they have a tag team dynamic that no other character has in the game, while playing them requires mastering two different characters and knowing when to use which character depending on the situation. Cloak has offense and misdirection-based abilities, while Dagger is all about healing. The player will be a traditional Strategist as Dagger, but more of a Duelist as Cloak. The catch is that neither are the best at their specific roles, but pairing them together can make them extremely versatile. Since no other character has this sort of "dynamic", this type of gameplay is completely unique to Cloak & Dagger.
    • Mantis has most of her abilities tied to a Mana Meter called "Life Orbs". She has up to four Life Orbs at a time, and as long as she has a Life Orb she can use her abilities as much as she likes. With the Life Orbs, she can heal and damage boost allies, or give herself a damage boost, all of which passively heals herself in the process. Life Orbs replenish quickly when they're not being used, but can easily be taxed during intense firefights. Only one ability has a traditional cooldown: Spore Slumber, which will knock out any enemy that's hit by it. Overall, Mantis is quite different from most other characters who have standard cooldowns on their abilities (aside from the aforementioned Thor, though their respective Mana Meter systems and their respective abilities still work very differently), and her gameplay is much more focused on resource management.
  • Overwatch:
    • D.Va is the only character who remains in the game after being eliminated. Instead of instantly dying, she ejects from her mech suit and runs around as a completely different character, a Fragile Speedster. If she can survive long enough in this mode to build up her Ultimate, she can summon a new mech and return to her original state at full health.
    • Sombra is the only character with a true stealth option, with a playstyle built around picking off low-health targets and disabling the abilities of others to make kills easier for her team, as opposed to simply outplaying said abilities and getting the kills herself.
    • Wrecking Ball, being a mech piloted by a super-intelligent hamster, rolls around with the aid of a grapple instead of just running and jumping, and can be accelerated with thrusters. A massive part of playing the character well is figuring out how to control his movement.
    • Doomfist is practically a transplant from a fighting game, with abilities designed to combo-well together and a kit based around melee in what is primarily a shooter. Unlike the other two melee-focused heroes (Reinhardt and Brigitte) he doesn't have a shield and instead needs to use his rocket punches as a pseudo-movement ability to avoid danger.
  • Paladins:
    • Koga and Saati are the only Champions who doesn't have cooldowns for their Abilities, instead consuming a resource that automatically regenerates over time. Koga has 3 bars of Energy, and his Abilities each use one bar, while Saati has 8 Pips and each Ability consumes between 2 and 4.
    • Yagorath. When taking on the Calamity update show, the developers stated she was designed to provide "a completely different experience". Safe to say, they were not kidding around. She's the only Champion who can't use mounts, she her two forms with different abilities that make her almost two champions in one. Her kit is very Crowd Control focused, with her spit slowing enemies and poisoning them, Yagorath is "immune" to various kinds of Crowd Control when in planted form (Immune in the sense that most get converted into stuns), and even in rolling formation, she can be The Juggernaut, almost completely ignoring defenses to flank the enemy.
    • Octavia is the only Champion who can choose a Passive ability that affects the entire team. At the start of the match, before choosing her Talent and Loadout, she gets an additional menu where she can select reduced Cooldowns, increased Ultimate charge, bonus Credits for the whole team every 6 kills, or granting a shield when respawning.
  • Rainbow Six Siege:
    • Dokkaebi being in a match makes it so that the defending team will drop their phones upon death. If Dokkaebi gets ahold of one, she can hack it to give the attacking team full access to the defense's cameras.
    • Any Operator can drop down through a hatch after it's been opened, but Oryx is the only one strong enough to jump up through one without the help of a gadget (though some modes give this ability to everybody).
    • Skopós, or rather the robots she operates, cannot be healed. She can switch between operating one robot or the other, with the other kneeling and deploying a shield and camera when not in operation.


  • Old School RuneScape has its unique (that is, not in RS3) spellbook in the Arceuus spellbook. Unlike the other three, which focus on general use, combat, and non-combat spells, this one focuses on the deceased and necromancy. This includes teleports to graveyards, freeing trapped souls to lay them to rest, reviving deceased plants, gaining special attack meter after killing something, and summoning undead thralls to assist you in combat, amongst other things. The only things that break this are the Degrime spell, which degrimes herbs, and the demonbane spells, which are theoreticallynote  super effective against demons.
  • Star Trek Online: Most ships either have equal numbers of forward and aft weapon slots to encourage trading broadsides, or more in the front than the back to encourage Chasing Your Tail tactics. The Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser bizarrely has three in the front and five in the back, the complete opposite of how ships are usually made. That said, it has decent stats for a ship of its type and comes with frigate-class hangar pets, so in the hands of a reasonably experienced build designer it's Difficult, but Awesome to play: you're generally recommended to put all dual beams in the front, and a mix of omnidirectional beams and Space Mines in the rear.
  • Temtem: Once most Temtem are knocked out, the only way to revive them is with an item, and they can't change their traits mid-battle. Galios' traits, Protostar and Supernova, inflict it with the doom status upon entering battle, but if the doom status knocks it out, it revives and switches to its other trait.

Miscellaneous Games 

  • In Bloons TD 6, hero towers have at least two active abilities on a cooldown and have some kind of specialty. Geraldo the Shopkeeper doesn't have any active abilities, and instead has his own menu for his shop, where you can buy over a dozen different items using cash, some of which have very outlandish effects not found in any other towers.
  • Wacky Races:
    • The Convert-A-Car lacks the conventional gadgets the other racers have (such as projectiles and traps), with all of its abilities instead transforming the vehicle into an alternate mode for a period of time. These include an invincible turtle shell that can go under other cars, or a giant bowling ball that moves faster downhill.
    • The Crimson Haybailer is a slow Flying Car, and completely lacks Grip; however, it can fly over water and ground-based traps, and easily take shortcuts the other racers normally can't. And instead of having a flight gadget like the other racers, the Crimson Haybailer instead has a gadget that lets it drive on the ground for a period of time, allowing it to move faster and turn easier.
  • 18-Volt in WarioWare: Get It Together! is the only character who neither walks or flies. Instead, he just sits in one spot and does everything by throwing disks at it. Whenever he does need to move, some rings will be placed that he can move to by shooting them.
  • Final Fantasy XIV did a double in collaboration with Monster Hunter: World, swapping the latter's flagship monster Rathalos for the long-running Boss in Mook's Clothing Behemoth. With one being an MMORPG and the other an Action RPG, both games also borrowed the other's game mechanics. The Behemoth battle in Monster Hunter: World involves one Hunter drawing the monster's Enmity and taking the brunt of its attacks and encourages one player to use Group-Healing items to keep the rest of the party attacking (imitating the typical MMO setup of Tank, Healer, and DPS), while the Rathalos battled in Final Fantasy XIV doesn't use the typical AOE markers that normal enemies and bosses use, forcing the players to watch the Monster's physical "tells" which precede its major attacks just like Monster Hunter players do. Furthermore, the "Extreme" version of the Rathalos battle restricts party healing after a certain point to the same portions the Hunters use, and will cause an automatic fail after three players have fallen, just like in a Monster Hunter game. A later upgrade allowed players to target, cut off, and harvest the Rathalos' tail.
  • While the Raiders in Dragon Ball: The Breakers tend to be pretty varied, one common theme is that they get stronger as they evolve and level up. If the current Raider dies, either the Survivors win instantly, or the Raider evolves anyway but with some kind of penalty. But the Gammas' team, and specifically the level 4 character Magenta, throw that concept out of the window. Magenta cannot be obtained through normal means; instead, you must either be defeated at level 3 (Gamma 1 & 2) with a full evolution gauge, or you must survive for a certain amount of time. Magenta is also much weaker than the Gamma brothers, and inverts the usual "Survivors run, Raiders hunt" dynamic: he has no way to fight back against the Survivors, instead he must rely on stealth and agility to reach one of the laboratory's entrances and activate Cell Max, the "real" level 4 character.


  • League of Legends:
    • Aphelios is unlike any other Marksman champion in the game. He has five different weapons, each with their own unique attributes and passive effects. And every gun has limited ammo, requiring him to swap once he runs out. He technically only three abilities, and only two of them considered actual abilities, each with different effects based on what weapons are equipped in each hand. And instead of leveling up his abilities like other champs, the abilities instead rank up at specific levels, meanwhile he spends his level points on specific stats like attack damage and speed. A custom HUD was designed specifically for Aphelios to keep track of all of this.
    • Ashe is a Marksman with no critical hits, at least not normally. Instead, whenever she crits she applies double her usual on-hit slow passive (from 20-30% to 40-60%). Additionally, all of her attacks against enemies she's slowed do a fixed amount of additional damage that scales with her crit chance. As a result, rather than spiking the opponent with hard bursts of damage whenever she scores a crit, she has a more consistent higher DPS, ensuring that crit is still a vital stat for her.
    • Bel'Veth is an auto-attacker who, unlike every other champ, doesn't gain more attack speed as she levels up. Instead her attacks get faster from killing enemies, and is the only champion in the game with infinite scaling in the stat. She also has a unique ultimate ability which can only be cast if she's already killed an enemy, causing a huge area-of-effect blast from where their corpse dropped.
    • Briar is the only champion without any kind of idle health regeneration; every other champion will slowly regain health so long as they're not in combat. Instead she regains health by attacking enemies, with all of her attacks and abilities having a passive Life Drain.
    • Fiddlesticks is the only champ who doesn't carry stealth wards; every champ has regenerating wards that can be placed around the map to provide vision for their team. Instead Fiddle's wards are substituted for its Scarecrow Effigies which disappear if an enemy champ walks into them. They become essential for vision control though as after level 6, they disable all nearby wards and trinkets, allowing Fiddle to better set up for ganks and objectives.
    • Ivern is probably one of the strangest champions to have been created, being a support-jungler, a champion who has a kit equally devoted to both jungling (fighting jungle camps and ganking lanes), then transitioning to a utility support as the game progresses. The problem most support-junglers face is that since their kits require stats for both, chunks of their kits end up becoming obsolete as jungling becomes less important, forcing them to build into an average Jack of All Trades build or else turn into a Master of None (which also makes them hard to balance and prone to odd playstyle shifts)note . How does Ivern get around this? By having a passive that makes it so he doesn't have to fight jungle camps at all! As a result, the rest of his kit can be built as a pure support who just so happens to have innate, non-gold-dependent parts of his kits that encourage jungling and roaming without actually having to worry about direct combat. While it's not impossible for him to build a damage-based item set, he's much less constrained by typical priorities than others in his role, technically making him one of the most versatile.

Platforming Games 

  • Milla in Freedom Planet. While Lilac and Carol are speed-based melee characters to varying degrees, Milla's is noticably slower than either of them, and her fighting style revolves around Attack Reflectors and conjuring and throwing blocks. Her HUD is also noticeably different than Lilac and Carol's, with only half the health and no Power meter.
  • While X is the main character of the Mega Man X series, once Zero and eventually Axl become fully playable characters, X remains the only character who can get armor sets (and the resulting buffs and special abilities) from Dr. Light's capsules. While Black Zero and White Axl provide much of the same function, they're only available either via a cheat code or through New Game Plus (while X gets another armor set, the Ultimate Armor, right alongside them.)
  • Broforce: Most of the Bros follow a basic formula: a basic attack, a melee attack, and a special attack unique to them. Some characters change it up with chargeable attacks or being melee exclusive characters, and then there's the Bros who really change things up:
    • Cherry Broling, due to her missile launcher leg, controls very differently from the other Bros. In order to fire in a straight line, you need to crouch and then press the basic attack/special attack button. Attempting to use either while moving will propel Cherry into the air and attack everything below her.
    • Macbrover Does Not Like Guns, instead preferring to use bundles of dynamite. The bundles will automatically stick to any enemy he throws it at and apply themselves after performing a melee attack, and can also be applied to any wall Macbrover is currently sticking to.
    • The Boondock Bros are pretty much the Ice Climbers of Broforce: two characters controlled in tandem by the player. The big difference between the two is that Ice Climbers get less dangerous when you split them up. The Bros on the other hand? Different story—if one of the Bros gets killed, the surviving Bro will fly into a rage temporarily and fire at a much faster rate. They can then use their special attack to revive their brother, or if they're both still alive, call in their father to take their number up to three.
    • The Brodator's basic attack throws spears which can not only be charged for more power, but can embed themselves in the terrain and be used like platforms, when any other projectile would simply destroy what it hits. In addition, using his melee attack in an enclosed space will make him flay and string up an enemy, sending anyone who stumbles upon it to panic, and if the Brodator gets killed, his body will linger a little longer to drop explosives and draw in nearby enemies for one last attack.
    • Brolander is built around a Magikarp Power style of play: acquiring ammo drops or successful kills make his attacks stronger, his movement faster, and grant him access to his special attack (he spawns in without it unlike the other characters) which also double as indicators of his level of power. Once he hits five charges, Brolander is the fastest character in the game, deals absurd amounts of damage, causes sporadic damage to nearby enemies, and can sacrifice his accumulated power for an emergency extra life.
    • Bro Lee, the Brode, and Mr. Anderbro are the only characters in the game with directional attacks—for the first two, a basic attack moving left or right will launch them forward, basic attack while holding up will send them skyward with an uppercut, and holding down and attacking while midair makes them perform a dive attack.
    • Mr. Anderbro's melee attack causes him to rush in the direction the player inputs even in mid-air, making him one of the most mobile characters in the game. In addition, his dash also causes him to rush forward the first time you hit the button, and if he runs into something with his rush attack, he generates a shockwave that destroys a small area of the terrain he connects with.
    • Seth Brondle is by far the most distinctive character in the game. His basic attack spews acid (something no other Bro's basic or even special attack can replicate), he can Wall Crawl and angle his basic attack while doing so, and if he jumps in the air twice, he starts flying and won't come down until you hit the jump button again.
  • In the first Sonic Advance, Amy mixes things up in by a significant degree simply by being unable to curl up into a ball at all. In order to damage enemies she has to manually attack with her hammer, and instead of a spin dash she simply does a quick hop forward. Later games in the trilogy would avert this by having her play closer to the rest of the cast.
  • In Sonic Superstars, transforming into super form in regular play normally grants invulnerability, increased movement speed and jump height... Except for the fifth playable character, Trip, who is unlocked after beating the game. When Trip transforms into her super form, she becomes a golden dragon who gains unlimited free flight and fire breath, while also significantly enlarging her hitbox (though she is still invulnerable).

Puzzle Games 

  • Marvel Puzzle Quest has many of them, but the most complex is Legion, that for being a Mind Hive, frequently changes the colors of his powers depending on which one has the more ability points.
  • Meteos is a Falling Blocks puzzle game in which matching blocks of the same color will launch it and all blocks above it away. Each planet has its own playfield size, gravity, ignition strength, Planet Impact, and even which colors will be available and in what frequency. The result is that there are plenty of exceptions among the planets:
    • For most planets, chaining ignitions together creates stronger rockets to clear blocks by pushing them up offscreen, but on Hotted and Megadom, ignitions after the second become weaker, requiring the player to pace their gameplay slower than most other players.
    • Mekks, Gigagush, Grannest, and Wuud have fixed-height ignitions, requiring players to use the risky technique of letting their fields pile up to clear blocks.
    • Hevendor and Gravitas are at the extreme ends of gravitational force; Hevendor requires only one ignition to clear blocks, making it play more like a traditional puzzle game, whereas Gravitas has such intense gravity that first ignitions are totally ineffective, requiring two ignitions to launch blocks away.
    • On most other planets, the Speeder speeds up the game, but on Bavoom, the Speeder will slow down the falling blocks but will send far more of them down at a time.
    • On Vubble, vertically matching a set of blocks has no effect, requiring players to only match them horizontally.
    • On Ranbarumba, the strength of an ignition depends not on the rocket's size or number of ignitions like how all other planets work, but by the total width of the blocks matched.
    • And while it would otherwise play normally, Arod's gravity is so feeble that the entire playfield moves in slow-motion—while this means Arod takes longer to accomplish anything than most other planets, it is also largely able to shrug off attacks from most other planets.

Role-Playing Games 

  • Date A Live: Spirit Pledge: Shekinah Tohka plays more like a Hack and Slash character. Whereas the other characters has one attack button, and 3 attack skills, she instead has 2 attack buttons (one for her melee and the other for ranged attacks) and and one skill button. Her attack skills are executed through an attack combination instead.
  • Edge of Eternity's characters who use a gimmicky system instead of MP outnumber those who use normal MP:
    • Ysoris' spells use EP, which are gained by getting hit by attacks after using his Defend Command, making him the Stone Wall of the party. His normal attacks are also unique in that they hit groups of enemies instead of being single-target.
    • Fallon uses AP, standing for Ammo Points. It functions similarly to MP, but she has a much smaller amount (5 at max), which is balanced out by her Defend Command being replaced by Reload, which fully refills her AP.
    • Theia also uses EP, but by attacking instead of defending. Some of her spells can passively damage enemies while further charging up her EP, and having more of it buffs some of her spells.
  • Fear & Hunger: Termina has Olivia, a playable character who is confined to a wheelchair. Her wheelchair is factored into her gameplay in multiple ways:
    • She cannot go up stairs, and must dismount her chair to crawl upwards. In tandem, she has additional speed if she goes down with her chair.
    • Olivia can be knocked off her chair in combat, leaving her defenseless.
    • She has a unique "Wheels" slot in her equip screen which is always taken up by the Foldable Wheelchair item.
  • Girls' Frontline:
    • M4A1, Ribeyrolles, and Vepr are the only assault rifles whose tile buffs affect other assault rifles. Other ARs are limited to buffing submachine guns. Carcano M1891 and M91/38 act as their counterparts in the Rifle class. AUG is similar to the first three, except that her tile buffs affect all T-Doll classes.
    • Both AR-15 and M4 SOPMOD II sacrifice their body mod slot for an extra accessory slot.
    • Similarly, M16A1 has two body slots and an ammo slot. She is also the only AR who can equip body armor. Combined with her Stun Grenade skill, she acts more of a Stone Wall instead of a Jack of All Trades damage dealer like other ARs.
    • Jill Stingray does not attack at all. Instead, she mixes drinks during combat that provide powerful buffs to the team. What kind of drink she makes depends on the combination of ingredients equipped in her three slots.
    • Instead of reloading like other machine guns, RPK-16 switches into "AR mode" when her magazine is empty, which alters her statline to be closer to an AR and allows her to keep firing. She only reloads (at a fixed pace, unaffected by RoF like typical MGs) when her skill activates, which also causes her to change back to "MG mode". Furthermore, she also buffs ARs and SMGs in addition to shotguns.
  • The Legend of Dragoon: The party's archers, Shana and Miranda, can't use Additions, but in return gain much more Spirit Points per attack than everyone else. Thus, they are weaker in direct combat than other characters, but their much more reliable method of SP gain makes it easier for them to enter Dragoon form and use magic.
  • Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth has the Original Generation characters Zen and Rei, who act as a single unit during battle. Among all playable characters they're the only ones who can't use a sub-Persona, which grants renewable extra HP and SP as well as customizable additional skills. To compensate for losing the bonuses, they have higher base HP and SP than others, they can regenerate SP by walking, and they have twice as many natural skills as other characters with a very diverse skillset, including all four elements, healing skills and buffs/debuffs.
  • RealityMinds: Udir doesn't have the more traditional self-buffs of other characters. Instead, he can copy his allies' buffs or reverse his debuffs.
  • Rise of the Third Power: Gage mainly uses magic-based attacks, yet he generates Rage points instead of MP like the other mages. This means he can't open a battle with his best spells and instead has to use tanking skills to generate Rage.
  • Sea of Stars:
    • The 5th party member, Resh'an, has a very different timed hit and normal attack to the rest of the party. Pressing an action button at the time of the hit or right before it for most party members grant an extra attack. This party member, however, will always attack twice, since his attack is to throw two vials at the enemy, timing so that the two vials hit the enemy at the same time instead will instead of cause another attack create splash damage against the entire enemy party.
    • The 6th party member, B'set has a downplayed example. Unlike all other party members he cannot equip new weapons, only new armor.
  • Star Control: The Arilou spaceships, unlike all others in the game, are not affected by the gravity of the planet in the battle space. And the Slylandro berserk probes always move at a fixed speed, which they have no way of changing, but can reverse direction instantly.
  • Star Ocean: The Divine Force has a special device known as D.U.M.A., that allows the player-controled character to fly and charge at the target in an action known as "VA Rush". However, two party members do something unusual with their VA Rush.
    • Nina Deforges is a White Magician Girl, and as such she locks on allies, rather than enemies, in order to support them with Magic Music from her bell. Because of this she can't use Blindside mechanic, as it involves VA Rushing at the enemy, and can't get extra AP (combo length limiter) from Blindsiding enemies. She instead gains them by supporting two or more allies at once.
    • J.J., unlike every other character, doesn't fly when preparing VA Rush. Since characters are protected by an invulnerable barrier before VA Rush, he can easily get enemies to flinch when they try to strike said barrier. However, he can't fill his VA gauge with normal strikes, and instead relies on highly specific Counter Attacks to do so.
  • Tales of Arise: Kisara's entire fighting style revolves around Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me, and because of this her dodge button becomes a block button, making her the only party member lacking the ability to dodge. She can learn a skill that allows her to (slowly) move while guarding, and most of her Artes get stronger when used out of a block.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has two:
    • Tora is the only non-Guest-Star Party Member who cannot bond with Blades. Instead, he has his own artificial Blade, Poppi. Poppi's stats, skills, abilities, and class can be customized and upgraded using currency and items obtained from the Tiger! Tiger! minigame. Additionally, due to Poppi using an internal power source rather than drawing upon environmental Ether, Tora is the only party member not affected by the Special-blocking miasma in the Spirit Crucible Elpys.
    • The other is an unusual example of this trope in how one of the playable characters can be used after a certain point in the game. In the heart of the Spirit Crucible Elpys, Nia reveals that she is, in fact, a Flesh Eater Blade, something that she had kept to herself up to this point (though Mythra saw her core crystal while they were in the hot spring back on Mor Ardain, and promised to keep her secret). Nia had been fighting purely as a Driver up to this point, which means she, like any other Driver, was supported by her own Blades as she used the weapons they granted to fight. From this point on, however, she can be swapped in as either a Driver or as one of Rex's Blades.

Shooting Games 

  • Several ships in Event Horizon:
    • Object 34 is meant to weaponize Collision Damage, as it cannot equip any decent weapon, but gets instead an unusually large engine slot and innate 50% kinetic resistance.
    • Embryo and Chrysalis can only shoot backwards, and are meant to use Recoil Boost for propelling themselves forward.
    • Hatchet and Freighter similarly can only shoot sideways.
    • Wormship is the only ship with Subsystem Damage mechanics, getting a percentage of damage resistance for every intact tail segment, up to 100%. As a Necessary Drawback, its tail makes maneuvering difficult.
  • In Metroid Prime: Hunters, Weavel's alt form functions noticeably differently to the other hunters in that he leaves behind half his body to serve as a gun turret, which also takes half his health gauge for itself.
  • In Touhou Project mainline games:
    • Each playable character usually have two different shots: focused and unfocused, which can be different shots or just changing position/direction of the bullets. Marisa-B in Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism, however, has five different shots. Instead of being tied to focus/unfocus mode, she can switch her shots by pressing certain buttons together.
    • In Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night, you play as a team of a human and a youkai. Each team has a Youkai Gauge, which goes from -100% (human) to +100% (youkai). That is, except for the Netherworld Team of Youmu and Yuyuko, whose gauge only goes from -50% to +100% due to Youmu being a Half-Human Hybrid. When you unlock solo characters, all humans only have -100% to +20% gauge, except Youmu who goes from -50% to +50%. The Netherworld Team is further unusual for having a wide shot while focused and a narrow shot while unfocused (the opposite of most characters), and for Youmu's externalized soul acting as an Attack Drone that fires in the opposite direction to her movement.
    • In Touhou Shinreibyou ~ Ten Desires, Youmu does not have a focused shot at all. Instead, holding the focus button causes her to charge up a Blade Spam attack that inflicts heavy damage to enemies directly in front of her.
  • In Star Control and its sequel, the Arilou Skiff is unique in that it ignores gravity and inertia, unlike every other ship. This allows strategies such as camping next to a planet, where other ships can't approach easily due to the gravity.
  • Wild Guns Reloaded introduces two new characters who differ wildly from Annie and Clint:
    • Bullet is a dog that can move freely while attacking. For weapons, he has an Attack Drone that hovers around him and targets enemies in an enlarged targeting zone, and said drone is invulnerable but can get hit which will stun it for a while. Bullet's jump also allows him to hang onto his drone to move around in the air quickly and freely.
    • Doris' playstyle eschews guns altogether for bombs, meaning that she deals heavy area damage but weapon pickups are useless for her. Additionally, her bombs can be charged up to deal extra damage in a larger area and rack up a score multiplier. Her dodge doesn't grant invulnerability unlike other characters, but moves faster than the other characters.

Tabletop Games 

  • Battlecon lives off of this trope. Every character has a unique ability, and no two are the same. Some notable examples are:
    • Bryon Krane has 5 mask counters. Each turn, his health goes back up to its maximum, but that maximum can be lowered by depleting his masks. Each successful hit you land on him shatters one of his masks. When he finally runs out, he can be killed by any attack. His attack style plays a little differently from other characters, able to punish players for being at certain ranges.
    • Cesar Grist is a heavyweight character with a twist. He doesn't start out strong, but each turn, he gains threat level counters. These tokens give him boosts to his power and stun guard, maxing out at +3 power and stun immunity. However, the next time he gains a counter, he crashes and can't fight for a turn. You need to make every hit count with this character.
    • Lesandra Machan has 5 familiars she can summon. Each gives her a passive bonus, and a one-shot bonus when she dismisses it. Her unique part comes with getting more familiars. If she dealt damage equal to the familiar's blood cost this turn, she can summon it for free. If not, she has to pay life equal to that cost.
  • The tabletop fighting game Burn Legend — which is basically "Exalted meets Mortal Kombat", and is in Shards of the Exalted Dream — has the Okami and Tennin as entire splats of mechanically odd fighters. The Okami gimmick is that they can shift between human form to use their martial arts moves and beast form to use their native techniques with a minor bonus to one stat; under normal circumstances, Okami generally shift to beast form and stay that way until the end of the fight, not even bothering with martial arts, but it was a decent effort even so. The Tennin, meanwhile, have powerful moves but have to use them sequentially - apart from martial arts styles, their Overdrive and Prayer Strip, their moves are divided into "Terrestrial", "Celestial" and "Sidereal" tier, with Celestial only working the turn after you successfully use a Terrestrial and Sidereal only working the turn after Celestial.
  • Chess is a game where every chess piece is a Mechanically Different Fighter:
    • Bishops only fight on half the board due to being color restricted.
    • The King and Rook can combine to "castle", which allows a player to move both of them at the same time and have the rook jump over the King while doing this. No other piece in the game can combine with another like this.
    • The Knight is the only piece that can move through occupied squares. Its attack pattern is also unconventional, so it can attack enemy pieces without leaving itself open to retaliatory attack by the targeted pieces, barring enemy knights.
    • The Pawn is the only piece whose movement differs from the attack pattern, and it is only allowed to move forward, never backward. No other piece gets a doubled normal move to start (the King can castle, but not move two squares on a normal first move). It is also the only piece that can upgrade into other pieces. En passant gives it the only capture move that doesn't end with the capturing piece taking the square of the captured.
    • The Queen combines the power of two other pieces (Bishop and Rook) into a single piece, and is the only capturable piece that begins with just one of them per side.
  • Sentinels of the Multiverse: The Argent Adept's Magic Music uses a unique system of "Perform" and "Accompany" abilities that don't count as Actions, meaning they need to be activated by other cards (usually Instruments) but aren't limited to one use per turn. Used properly, he can unleash chained abilities as a powerful, versatile Support Party Member, but his personal gimmicks make him one of the most complicated heroes in the game.

Turn-Based Strategy 

  • South Park: The Fractured but Whole:
    • Kenny, a.k.a. Mysterion, is the only party member in the game who uses a Stance System. In his normal form he's a Glass Cannon with a Limit Break that kills him instantly while also heavily damaging surrounding enemies and inflicting Shocked, in his Ghost form he's unable to damage enemies and instead focuses on inflicting Status Effects and has a Limit Break that returns him to life and heals surrounding allies.
    • DLC character Mint-Berry Crunch is focused around using his abilities to apply "Mint" buffs to allies and "Berry" debuffs to enemies. Allies affected by Mint are shielded from damage by enemies affected by Berry, effectively rendering them invincible.
  • The Super Robot Wars series has had a lot of odd mechanics over the years, but if one character embodies this in every single of his appearances, it's Nekki Basara, protagonist of Macross 7 and closest thing a series about giant robots beating each other up has to a bard. All of his "attacks" (read: loudly blasting one of his songs through the speakers of his mech) can be aimed at friend and foe alike, healing or buffing the former and often doing nothing to the latter, unless they're alien or supernatural beings vulnerable to raw emotion being channeled through The Power of Rock, which happens... more often than you'd think. And even then, there are oddities: when hit with Basara's music, the Vajra from Macross Frontier take damage to their Will stat rather than their HP, and leave the battlefield once they get below a certain threshold. (They're not weak to emotional power: it's just that the rock'n'roll spectacularly messes with their Hive Mind.)

Web Animation 

Real Life 

  • Most Martial Arts styles that involve punching do so with the top two knuckles. A staple Wing Chun punch, however, uses the bottom three in a combination between a punch and a scrape.