Interquel - TV Tropes
- ️Fri Sep 19 2008
The sequel just got PREQUELIER!
Timon: Waaaait, wait wait wait, hold on a second. Three? What's with the three? No, no, no, the three has got to go.
Pumbaa: Timon, you can't use Two! There's already been a Two!
Timon: Mmm, you've got a point there, big fella. It's not a sequel, anyway.
Pumbaa: Yeah, more like a Behind-the-scene-quel!
Timon: A what-a-who-quel?
Pumbaa: Oh, you know, an Inbetween-quel!
— The Lion King 1 ½ teasernote
Also called a Midquel, this can be one of two things: when a new entry in a series is a sequel to one existing entry, and a prequel to another, or when it takes place during a Time Skip within an earlier entry rather than continuing the story. This device is often used to expand a portion of the story only touched upon in other entries, or if more story is desired but there's no logical place for it either before the beginning or after the end.
The two terms are sometimes differentiated, where an "Interquel" is referred to as an entry happening strictly between two previous entries of the franchise (e.g., Movie 3 takes place between Movie 1 and 2), while a "Midquel" takes place within a single work of the franchise (e.g., Movie 2 takes place within a seven-year Time Skip in 1). But continuity can get quite convoluted depending on whether it is an Immediate Sequel, or whether The Stinger overlaps with events from the other works, that establishing a work is in-between two others will usually suffice, and thus the terms can be used interchangeably without too much fuss.
Compare Prequel, P.O.V. Sequel. Not to be confused with Simultaneous Arcs which is a story that takes place at the same time as another story, but focusing on different characters.
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Multiple Media
- Assassination Classroom: The novel sections included in the "Korotan" series of educational reference books are midquels that take place over the course of the students' year in Class E. The exception to this is the story in "Korotan D" which is regarded as canon and takes place in the gap after Class E graduates middle school but before the epilogue.
- The Avatar: The Last Airbender graphic novel series, beginning with The Promise and ending with Imbalance acts to bridge the gap between the Avatar animated series and its Sequel Series The Legend of Korra.
- Doctor Who Expanded Universe:
- The Doctor Who Magazine comic strip story "Emperor of the Daleks" is specifically intended to explain what happened to recurring villain Davros between "Revelation of the Daleks" and "Remembrance of the Daleks".
- Doctor Who (Titan): Although many of this megaseries' stories take place between Doctor Who TV stories anyways, the opening arc of The Thirteenth Doctor: Season 2 cranks this up a degree by being set during the events of "Blink".
- Marvel Cinematic Universe: The films are generally released in the order they happen internally, but there are some exceptions:
- Black Panther is set between Captain America: Civil War and Thor: Ragnarok. note
- Captain Marvel is set in the large gap of time (specifically six decades) between Captain America: The First Avenger, chronologically the earliest entry in the franchise, and Iron Man, the first one that was actually released.
- Ant-Man and the Wasp is set during (and slightly after) Avengers: Infinity War. note
- Black Widow is set between Civil War and Infinity War. Even though it is the first MCU film released after the Infinity Saga, it's still within that saga in terms of internal chronology.
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, released in 2017, is set in 2014 very shortly after the events of Vol. 1 placing it before any film that came between them including Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man, Captain America: Civil War and Doctor Strange.
- Agent Carter takes place between Captain America: The First Avenger and the rest of the MCU.
- Star Wars Expanded Universe:
- The Clone Wars is set between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.
- Similarly, Rebels was originally set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. With the release of Rogue One, an Immediate Prequel to A New Hope, Rebels is now an Interquel between Revenge of the Sith and Rogue One.
- Rogue One is set just before A New Hope.
- Solo is also set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.
- The Mandalorian, the franchise's first live-action TV show, is set five years after Return of the Jedi, and over twenty years before the Sequel Trilogy.
- Obi-Wan Kenobi takes place eight years after Revenge of the Sith, and thus eleven years before A New Hope. It is also set between Jedi: Fallen Order and Rebels, both of which having stories that deal with the remaining Jedi being hunted down by the Empire in the aftermath of Order 66 in Revenge of the Sith, Kenobi being one such Jedi.
- Jedi: Fallen Order is set between Revenge of the Sith and Solo (and between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope if one prefers referring to the Jedi Myth Arc).
- Secrets of the Empire is set sometime prior to Rogue One, and after Revenge of the Sith.
- There are numerous Expanded Universe books and comics set at various times in-between major Star Wars cinematic or television installments and published long after them. Several of Marvel's post-Disney buyout Star Wars comics most notably Star Wars (Marvel 2015), Star Wars: Darth Vader and Star Wars: Princess Leia take place between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, with Star Wars: Lando also set between the two films. Star Wars: Kanan takes place after the events of Revenge of the Sith while Star Wars: Shattered Empire is chronologically set just a few weeks after the Battle of Endor as depicted in Return of the Jedi but before The Force Awakens.
- Star Wars Legends:
- Shadows of the Empire takes place between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, designed as a multimedia project that would have all of the tie-ins to a movie - a novelization as the centerpiece along with a video game, a six-issue comic book, a soundtrack, toys, trading cards, there was even a trailer
- without actually making a movie, sort of a marketing dry-run for the later prequel trilogy. The game adaptation is in effect one of these to itself, with a few levels showing events that weren't featured in the novel or comic, or showing them from Dash's point of view (Unreliable Narrator notwithstanding, such as the Gall Spaceport level which simply never happened).
- The Force Unleashed takes place between the Star Wars prequel trilogy and the original trilogy as another multimedia project, with the main difference being that the game was the centerpiece.
- The first Dark Forces is essentially an outerquel to A New Hope in particular, with the first mission involving Kyle Katarn stealing the plans to the Death Star for the Rebellion, and the rest taking place after they've put those to good use and blown it up.
- Star Wars: Battlefront II's campaign stretches from all across the finale of Attack of the Clones (the optional training mission is set during the Battle of Geonosis) to the opening of The Empire Strikes Back (the final mission is set during the Battle of Hoth).
- Republic Commando as well, with its first mission set during Geonosis from Attack of the Clones, the second mission set sometime later, and the third mission set just before the proper battle for Kashyyyk from Revenge of the Sith (something between this and an Early-Bird Cameo, since the film proper released three months after the game).
- Shadows of the Empire takes place between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, designed as a multimedia project that would have all of the tie-ins to a movie - a novelization as the centerpiece along with a video game, a six-issue comic book, a soundtrack, toys, trading cards, there was even a trailer
- The two-part comic Portal 2: Lab Rat bridges the gap between the video games Portal and Portal 2.
- The comic Tron Betrayal, the game TRON: Evolution, and the animated series TRON: Uprising spell out what happened between TRON and TRON: Legacy.
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel:
- The first two games mostly take place concurrently with The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero and Trails to Azure, with II's Divertissement and Epilogue chapters taking place shortly after.
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Northern War takes place in between the second and third game and focuses on the aforementioned Northern War through the perspective of a new protagonist.
Anime and Manga
- Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door is set sometime during the last third of the TV series and features the team at the high point of their arc before things all start coming apart. Specifically, it occurs between episodes 22 and 23, judging from background details ("Cowboy Andy" has a cameo in the samurai getup he adopted in the last minute of 22, while the Show Within a Show "Big Shot" has not yet been cancelled as it was at the beginning of 23).
- One of the manga adaptations of Darker than Black, Jet Black Flowers, is set between the two seasons, as are the side-story OVAs to be included on the second season DVDs.
- Devil May Cry: The Animated Series occurs after Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening and the first Devil May Cry, but before Devil May Cry 2 and Devil May Cry 4, according to Word of God and some Continuity Nods. note
- Digimon Adventure tri. takes place three years after the battle with MaloMyotismon, but set before 02's epilogue. Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna takes place five years after tri., while Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning takes place another two years later, both still having the epilogue being many years away.
- The first Digimon Tamers movie takes place in between episodes 18 and 19, and one of the characters from the movie even shows up later in the anime.
- Dragon Ball:
- Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F', and Dragon Ball Super take place after the Buu saga, but before the actual end of the manga, which was a Distant Finale.
- Dragon Ball DAIMA takes place in the same interval, being set after Kid Buu's defeat but before Super.
- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos is set during the events of Fullmetal Alchemist.
- Getter Robo manga has two. Shin Getter Robo was made because Ken Ishikawa wanted to explain how things went from Getter Robo G to the shape they were in Getter Robo Go and answer such question as why Ryoma was scared of Getter Rays in Go or what happened to Benkei. Then there's Getter Robio Hien: An Earth Suicide, based on Ishikawa's notes, set between Go and Getter Robo Āḥ.
- Great Teacher Onizuka: After ending up the series, the creator published Shonan - 14 Days, which happens between two arcs of the original run.
- Gundam:
- Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, set between the original Mobile Suit Gundam and Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, explains the origins of Titans, antagonists from Zeta. There are also several sidestories taking place during first Gundam.
- Gundam SEED on similiar note has Gundam SEED Astray manga, which takes place during events of SEED and tie several of it's loose ends. Which itself has two interequels, who were published at the same time as original manga - Red Frame manga and Blue Frame novel, focusing more on the pilot of titular mecha, overlaping with Astray at several points.
- My Hero Academia: Two Heroes is set between the Hero Killer and Training Camp arcs, falling directly between Season 2 and Season 3 of the anime. The anime-original episode "Special Episode: Save the World with Love!" was also aired to coincide with the release of the movie, and functions as a prologue of sorts to the events of Two Heroes.
- The true Grand Finale ending to Naruto, The Last: Naruto the Movie, takes place between the second-to-last chapter and the Distant Finale epilogue.
- The second season of Non Non Biyori, Non Non Biyori Repeat, takes place in-between the events of the first season and covers chapters of the manga that weren't shown in the first season. Seeing as how the show is very much a relaxed slice-of-life, this manages not to feel forced or out of place.
- Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation takes place during a Time Skip in between Phantasy Star Online 2: EPISODE 3 and EPISODE 4 where the Player Character is in Cold Sleep. However, thanks to a combination of featuring a nearly-completely original cast and introducing Phantasy Star Online 2 in-universe, you wouldn't know unless you followed both and picked up the hints.
- Sakura Wars: The Movie takes place at the end of Sakura Wars 3: Is Paris Burning?, placing it two months before Sakura Wars 4: Fall in Love, Maidens by the time Ogami returns in January.
- Sword Art Online:
- The Calibur arc (the first story in Volume 8) takes place between Phantom Bullet (Volumes 5-6) and Mother's Rosary (Volume 7). However, the anime averts this, since Calibur was adapted before Mother's Rosary.
- The Moon Cradle Arc (Volumes 19-20) takes place after the climax of Volume 18, but before Kirito and Asuna log out of the Underworld.
- Trigun Badlands Rumble takes place sometime between episode 9 and episode 11 of the anime of the anime, after Vash meets Wolfwood but before the Cerebus Syndrome kicks in. This is so there wouldn't be any continuity issues.
Audio Plays
- Big Finish Doctor Who:
- Every Big Finish audio drama featuring the Doctor takes place between television stories during the relevant incarnation's run, except for a couple of First Doctor and Susan Prequels. In several cases, they are set during a television story:
- All of the stories in the Companion Chronicles and the Early Adventures featuring the First Doctor, Steven Taylor and Sara Kingdom take place during "The Daleks' Master Plan", specifically between the seventh episode "The Feast of Steven" and the eighth "Volcano".
- In "Excelis Dawns", the Fifth Doctor and the unseen Tegan Jovanka arrive in Excelis on the planet Artaris after they drop off the Gravis on Kolkokron in the fourth episode of "Frontios" and before they return to the titular planet for Vislor Turlough later in the same episode.
- "Winter", the fourth story in the anthology "Circular Time", takes place during the Fifth Doctor's regeneration in "The Caves of Androzani".
- "Return of the Daleks" takes place between the second and third Dalek Empire stories, "The Human Factor" and "Death to the Daleks!".
- The spin-off series Rose Tyler - The Dimension Cannon takes place between the TV stories "Doomsday" and "Turn Left".
- Every Big Finish audio drama featuring the Doctor takes place between television stories during the relevant incarnation's run, except for a couple of First Doctor and Susan Prequels. In several cases, they are set during a television story:
- Independence Day UK parallels, from a British perspective, the first act of Independence Day.
Comic Books
- Marvel Comics produced Amazing Fantasy #16-18 in the 1990s to bridge the gap between Spider-Man's debut in Amazing Fantasy #15 and The Amazing Spider-Man #1, where his adventures continued due to Amazing Fantasy being canceled.
- Avatar: The Last Airbender:
- In between Avatar: The Last Airbender and its Sequel Series The Legend of Korra are several comic book series, consisting of The Promise, The Search, Rebound, The Rift, Smoke and Shadow, North and South, and Imbalance. All of them bring back characters who were Put on a Bus, explain what the main characters did after the original series ended, and overall tie both series together. Rebound is notable for not only giving Mai A Day in the Limelight, but also being an interquel within an interquel, as it takes place either in-between or alongside the plots of The Promise and The Search.
- The original series also has comic stories of its own, that take place in between episodes of the actual show. Even though they aren't needed to understand the story, they do give important info about canonical characters and what happened to them before the end of the show, and expand on what said show couldn't elaborate on.
- The Avengers World storyline "Before Time Ran Out" takes place during the eight month Time Skip that sets up "Time Runs Out", the lead-in to Secret Wars (2015).
- Fiends of the Eastern Front: The follow-up Stalingrad is set during the original story, which primarily takes place between 1941 and 1945.
- All of the Firefly comics, apart from Float Out, take place between the end of the series and The Movie.
- Some of the Gargoyles comics have references to the show's episodes, giving a rough idea of where the comics fall into the continuity.
- Gambit (2022): The 2022 miniseries is set midway through 1990's Uncanny X-Men #267, which established that Gambit and Storm spent some time working together as thieves while the X-Men believed Storm was dead, but didn't go into any detail.
- Ghostbusters IDW: The final miniseries that didn't follow the ongoing story arc is Ghostbusters: Year One, which explains what happened shortly after the events of the original movie.
- Gravity Falls: Lost Legends is an interesting case since the chapters Face it and Comix Up take place after the episode A Tale of Two Stans, but before Weirdmageddon. The third chapter, Don't Dimension It takes place after the final battle with Bill Cipher, but before Dipper and Mabel's birthday.
- Disney used the term "inbetweenquels" for all the "B" (and in one case, "C") chapters of Don Rosa's The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck.
- Marvel usually publishes prequel comics for their Marvel Cinematic Universe films. Barring the ones for films that are the first entries in their respective franchises, the comics usually serve as a bridge between the character's last cinematic appearance and their upcoming one.
- Nightmares on Elm Street is set between the fifth and sixth Elm Street films, and gives a closure to most of the previous main characters.
- Rivers of London: The first volume of this comic book spinoff of the book series, Body Work, is set between the previously-published novels Broken Homes and Foxglove Summer.
- In 1966, various Marvel comics were reprinted in the UK in a magazine called Smash!. They produced one original story, "Monster and the Matador!", which was set directly after "The Avengers meet Sub-Mariner!" (following Bruce Banner, who was now stuck in Spain), which had originally been released almost three years earlier.
- The Spike comics take place near the end of the last season of Angel... sort of. They're not exactly Canon, which is lampshaded.
- The miniseries Star Trek: Untold Voyages takes place between the events of Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. It depicted the second five-year mission of the U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701) under the command of Admiral James T. Kirk from 2273 to 2278.
- Superman & Batman: Generations starts in 1939 and jumps forward a decade each chapter. Generations II starts in 1942 and jumps forward eleven years each chapter, interweaving with the earlier story.
- The Arrival takes place between and during episodes of season 1 of Transformers: Animated, except the last issue, Rise of Safeguard, which takes place between the third and seventh episodes of season two.
- The Better Call Saul: Client Development online comic takes place between the third to last and last scenes of Saul's Breaking Bad debut episode, "Better Call Saul".
- X-Men '97 (Foxe) takes place between the Grand Finale of X-Men: The Animated Series and the first episode of X-Men '97, seeking to reveal certain things that happened between the two.
Fan Works
- Many fanfics are interquels to segments of their Canon, meant to explore Time Skips or omissions.
- Into the Hedge is this for Divided Rainbow, taking place between its 25th and 26th chapters.
- "Shakedown Shenanigans" is set two years after From Bajor to the Black and three months or so before Bait and Switch, detailing how Eleya got the USS Bajor.
- The Framing Device in "Remembrance of the Fallen" means that its semi-sequel "The Only Way to Go" takes place between the two timeframes depicted in the previous story. Additionally the story takes place between two of the novella-length stories that make up the main series of The War of the Masters, Faces In The Flames and The Sign At The Crossroads.
- In the Contractually Obligated Chaos series, Meteor Shower is a one-shot interquel, taking place during and slightly after the last three chapters of The Bug Princess.
- "The Year of the Unicorn and the Emerald Princess" is this to Skyhold Academy, showing the events of that story from the point of view of three students at the eponymous school.
- In the Eye of the Beholder takes place between Persona 4 and Persona 5.
- JoJo New Universe
- Steel Ball Run takes place between the adaptations of Battle Tendency and Stardust Crusaders, with Jotaro Kujo's father Sadao as the protagonist.
- A Gentleman, A Thief, A King, and A Hero is primarily an adaptation of Fate/Zero, but it is also an interquel between Stardust Crusaders and Diamond is Unbreakable, with Jonathan Joestar returning as the Saber servant to Kiritsugu Emiya.
- The Legend of Zelda: The Missing Link takes place in between Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.
- Light of the World takes place between Seasons 3 and 4 of The Chosen.
- Entropy : Zero, a mod for Half-Life 2, is set eleven months prior to the events of that game, while Entropy : Zero 2 takes place between Half-Life 2 and Episode One.
- What If Goku Went To Space BEFORE DBZ?
by MasakoX acts as an in-between story taking place in the timeskip between Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, giving Goku, Chichi, and Piccolo an early encounter with space and aliens before Raditz's arrival.
- Pack Street takes place during the timeskipped months of Zootopia when Bellweather was mayor. This is mostly only alluded to, but the cultural tensions that resulted from the still occurring-Nighthowler incidents provide a backdrop to the story.
Films — Animation
- The Animatrix bridges the gap between the first and second films of The Matrix trilogy.
- Batman: Assault on Arkham is set in the Batman: Arkham Series, taking place between Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate and Arkham Asylum (two years before the latter, in fact, according to Word of God on a behind-the-scenes featurette).
- Batman: Gotham Knight is an Animated Anthology film consisting of six-interlocked short episodes that is (theoretically) set between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, which are respectively the first and second installments of The Dark Knight Trilogy.
- BIONICLE 3: Web of Shadows takes place within the last ten minutes of the previous movie (which is itself a Prequel to the first film, making it an Interquel on two levels), detailing how the Toa Metru returned to Metru Nui after finding the island of Mata Nui in order to bring the rest of the Matoran to safety.
- Sequels to the Disney Animated Canon:
- Most deliberately coined with the title The Lion King 1 ½ — although ironically in TV Tropes terms, it's more of a P.O.V. Sequel with a touch of Point-Of-View prequel since some of it takes place before the movie (the section before Timon meets Pumbaa).
- The two Beauty and the Beast direct-to-video titles, Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas and Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Magical World, are these, taking place during Belle's long stay in the Beast's castle in the original film, though the former is told in flashback by the castle residents on the first Christmas after the curse was broken. Considering Disney has done quite a few sequels set after the characters had their happily ever afters, this is most likely because they thought nobody would want a B&tB movie without a Beast and singing furniture in it. This is a fair assessment, seeing how many people prefer the Beast over his human form.
- Bambi II is an interquel because it takes place right in between when Bambi's mom dies and when it instantly shifts to happy springtime songs. Apparently more than a few people thought the first movie was a little too quick in the mood change.
- The same goes for The Fox and the Hound 2.
- And Tarzan II.
- Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch and its accompanying short film The Origin of Stitch both take place after the first film and before the Pilot Movie of Lilo & Stitch: The Series - Stitch! The Movie.
- Tangled: The Series takes place between Tangled and its short film sequel Tangled Ever After.
- Ice Age:
- At the end of the first film, there's a gag with Scrat being stuck in an ice cube. The film skips two thousand years to show how he eventually defrosts and loses his famous acorn for the umpteenth time. And yet, this lone scene means that technically, all the sequels should be considered as a Midquel series of the first film. However, the gag only makes sense in the context of the first film (as a continuation of the previous scene when he got stuck), so despite it is not impossible to imagine he got frozen twice, it is also necessary to take in account that sequels were not intended at the time, and considering the little importance of the character, who is just a running gag to fill ellipses, most viewers prefer to flatly ignore this detail.
- The franchise also has two made-for-TV specials: A Mammoth Christmas, set between the third and fourth films, and The Great Egg-Scapade, set between the fourth and fifth films.
- The Incredibles: There are two Babysitting Episode short stories released after each of the movies that take place during the time of the movies: Jack-Jack Attack shows how Jack-Jack ended up in the hands of Big Bad Syndrome after he terrorized his babysitter Kari with his newfound powers during the first film, and Auntie Edna sees Edna Mode babysitting Jack-Jack during the events of the sequel.
- The Madagascar franchise has two direct-to-DVD specials that take place in between the franchise's main movies; Merry Madagascar, and Madly Madagascar. The former takes place in between the first and second films, and the latter takes place in between the second and third films.
- Open Season: Scared Silly takes place in between the first and second films.
Films — Live-Action
- Technically, 300: Rise of an Empire is set concurrently to 300, as the Battle of Salamis took place before the battle of Plataea. As such, scenes from 300 are mentioned as happening off screen (as they are happening simulatenously In-Universe), as well as a number of in-jokes.
- Alien: Romulus is set twenty years after the explosion of the Nostromo, into the 57 year gap between Alien and Aliens.
- Army of Thieves is one to Army of the Dead, taking place between the opening sequence (and during the opening credits montage) and the main action of that film while serving as an Origins Episode for safecracking expert Ludwig Dieter.
- Back to the Future Part II plays with this while doubling as a P.O.V. Sequel taking us to 1955 in the hours leading up to the "Enchantment Under the Sea" Dance and the lightning storm in the first film.
- DC Extended Universe: Wonder Woman 1984 is set in 1984, between the first Wonder Woman (set in 1918) and her first screen appearance in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (set in 2015). It also happens before the bulk of Man of Steel (set in 2013), although the latter has parts set in 1980 at the time of Kal-El's birth and adoption by the Kents.
- Saw X is set between Saw and Saw II.
- Dead Rising: Watchtower is set between the Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising 3 games, during the rise of the Phenotrans corporation and Frank West's short-lived brush with fame.
- Dragonheart: Dragonheart: Battle for the Heartfire takes places 70 years after the prequel Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse but years before the original film.
- The Fast and the Furious series has done this twice.
- A short film released on the 2 Fast 2 Furious DVD set chronicles police officer Brian's journey from Los Angeles, as he's become a wanted man for helping Dominic escape at the end of the first film. He ends up in Florida, which is where the sequel begins.
- This has been the basic pattern for films four through six, respectively Fast & Furious, Fast Five and Fast & Furious 6. In the sixth movie the timelines converge with the previously last chronological installment when Han dies, The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift. The series then plays chronologically from there with Furious 7, The Fate of the Furious, Hobbs & Shaw, F9, and Fast X.
- Every single Hellraiser movie after Hellraiser: Bloodline takes place in between that film's 1996 and 2127 segments.
- In the John Wick series, Ballerina is set between John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum and John Wick: Chapter 4.
- L: change the WorLd is a variation of this. The bulk of it doesn't take place between the two Death Note movies, but between two scenes of the second movie.
- The Direct-to-Video Marley And Me The Puppy Years is about what the title says. Also, Marley is Suddenly Speaking.
- Inverted with The Godfather Part II as its both a prequel and sequel to The Godfather showing parallel stories of what happened prior with Vito Corleone's early life after emigrating to the States and what happened after with Michael being the new don of the Corleone crime family.
- Also inverted with Paranormal Activity 2 as it shows everything that happened immediately before and immediately following the events of the first Paranormal Activity.
- The short Rings, available on The Ring Special Edition DVD, chronicles the journey of the deadly VHS made to get into the hands of the unlucky victim in The Ring Two.
- Mad Max: Fury Road has been said by its director George Miller to loosely fit somewhere in between the original Mad Max film (1979) and its sequel Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981). This in turn makes Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga an interquel between the first film and Fury Road.
- Inverted with The Book of Dust, which is an "outerquel"; the first book takes place before His Dark Materials, and the subsequent two take place afterwards. Philip Pullman calls it an "equal".
- Brotherband takes place in the same universe as Ranger's Apprentice. It takes place after book 4 (where Erak was elected Oberjarl), and before book 10 (where Hal's achievements are discussed).
- Captain Blood: His Odyssey has a very satisfying finale. Continuing after that would have diluted the effect. Not to mention a possible moral dilemma of Peter Blood going against his former friends. But readers wanted more Captain Blood, and Rafael Sabatini wrote 15 shorter stories set between the chapters of the original novel. Those were collected as Captain Blood Returns (retitled The Chronicles of Captain Blood in Britain) and The Fortunes of Captain Blood.
- The Celestial Kingdom: Four of the short stories in Tales of the Celestial Kingdom show events that took place during the main novels: "The Snow Ginseng Root" shows Liwei and Xingyin harvesting the titular root that Xiingyin used as an excuse during Daughter of the Moon Goddess while "Battle with the Bone Devil" details Wenzhi and Xingyin's fight against that monster, a battle that was mentioned in that same novel. "Return to the Jade Palace" is from Shuxiao's POV, showing her and Captain Mengqi's mission to rescue the Celestial Immortals that had been taken hostage by Wugang, something that was mentioned in Heart of the Sun Warrior. "A Rival's Spirit" is from Liwei's perspective showing him talking to Wenzhi's spirit and his decision to let Wenzhi be reborn in the Mortal Realm. It takes place after he ascends the Celestial Throne, but before Xingyin's last visit to the Cloud Wall.
- Children of the Red King : Gabriel and the Phantom Sleepers is the latest book written to date but is apparently set some time before Charlie Bone and the Red Knight, as Bloor's Academy hasn't been renamed Bone's Academy yet and Ezekiel and Manfred are briefly mentioned in the present tense, meaning they are still alive.
- The Chronicles of Narnia - The entirety of the fifth (or third) book, The Horse and His Boy, occurs in the middle of the Time Skip before the final chapter of the first (or second) book, The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe. The Pevensie siblings are twentysomething kings and queens, and they haven't returned to England and de-aged yet.
- Ciaphas Cain: Vainglorious (released in 2023) is set in the immediate aftermath of The Greater Good (2013), which takes place about five years before Cain's Last Stand (2008), and consequently includes many cross-references to both. The main plot hook is that Cain has just returned from the assignment on Fecundia, and Lord General Zyvan sends him on One Last Job before his retirement to the schola progenium on Perlia—which, this being a Cain novel, promptly goes ploin-shaped.
- Circleverse: The eleventh book, Battle Magic, is set between The Circle Opens and The Will of the Empress, detailing the war between Gyongxe and Yanjing that Briar, Rosethorn and Evvy got involved in.
- The eighth novel of The Dark Tower, The Wind Through the Keyhole takes place chronologically between the fourth and fifth novels of the series.
- This trope is a major feature of the Deryni portion of Katherine Kurtz's works. Several short stories, the Heirs of Camber trilogy (published 1989-1994) and the Childe Morgan trilogy (first published in 2003 and still incomplete as of 2011) are set between the Camber trilogy (published 1976-1981) and The Chronicles of the Deryni trilogy (published 1970-1973).
- Detective Joe Sandilands: The Palace Tiger takes place between chapters 27 and 28 of Ragtime in Simla. There is a time skip between chapters during which Sandilands goes from Simla to a steamship bound for France, and mentions in passing that he was sent to deal with 'an incident in the northwest' while aboard. The Palace Tiger covers that incident.
- Dishonored:
- Dishonored: The Corroded Man takes place between the ending of Dishonored and right before the start of Dishonored 2, and helps to establish the Canon Ending (Low Chaos, Duad spared) of the first game.
- Dishonored: The Return of Daud is set one year after the above novel and paves the way for Dishonored: Death of the Outsider by showing Daud's perspective and why he returned after being missing for years.
- Disney's Storytime Treasures Library from 1998 has some of its entries take place during the events of specific Disney Animated Canon films:
- Proud to Be a Pup is set in-between the time skip from the puppies' birth to the night Cruella kidnaps them.
- The Perfect Party is set during Belle's time at the castle, specifically after Christmas, but before the ballroom dance; said events were adapted from the "Mrs. Potts' Party segment from Belle's Magical World.
- The Runaway Wand takes place just before the final act of Cinderella, on the morning after the ball before Lady Tremaine gets the message of the Prince finding The Girl Who Fits This Slipper.
- Lightning Strikes is set during Hercules' training as a hero (the "One Last Hope" montage) when he was still a teenager.
- A Noisy Neighbor takes place during Bambi's childhood.
- Nose for Trouble is set during Pinnochio's time as a puppet before he became a real boy.
- Doctor Who Expanded Universe: All the Doctor Who Missing Adventures and Past Doctor Adventures are in the gaps between Doctor Who TV episodesnote . The final Eighth Doctor Adventures novel, The Gallifrey Chronicles, was released in June 2005, when the revival series and its New Series Adventures tie-in line with the Ninth Doctor had started.
- Because the books in Steven Brust's Vlad Taltos (Dragaera) novels are not written in chronological order, the majority of them are interquels. Dragon deserves special mention, as due to its telling of multiple separate-but-related plots, it takes place both before and after the book Yendi.
- Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman released a new Dragonlance trilogy (The Lost Chronicles) that fill in the gaps between the books in the original Dragonlance Chronicles trilogy. Specifically, only the first novel, Dragons of the Dwarven Depths is an interquel, filling the gap between the end Dragons of Autumn Twilight and the beginning of Dragons of Winter Night. The other two novels in the trilogy take place concurrently with Dragons of Winter Night and Dragons of Spring Dawning.
- The first book in the Dragonriders of Pern series actually starts the chronologically latest arc (9th Pass). Several books since then have been a mix of prequel and interquel.
- The Dresden Files:
- Side Jobs and Brief Cases contain short stories and novellas that take place between one book and another, and quite conveniently tells the reader exactly where they fall in the series chronology.
- The short story "Christmas Eve" takes place after book 16, Peace Talks, but came out some time before the book's publication.
- The Empirium Trilogy: The events of Queen of the Blazing Throne novella run concurrent with what happens in Kingsbane. Some scenes from the later book are even shown through Obritsa's perspective.
- Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game series: The entire "Shadow" series (Ender's Shadow, Shadow of the Hegemon, Shadow Puppets, Shadow of the Giant) all take place alongside/in-between Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead, and Xenocide. Ender in Exile then goes back and expands on the last chapter of Ender's Game.
- Foundation Series:
- Due to retroactive connections and serializing vs finalized novels, a significant portion of Isaac Asimov's output are in an ambiguous relation to this classification, but the two Foundation Series prequels, (Prelude to Foundation and Forward the Foundation) were written with the intent to be read chronologically after The Empire Novels and before The Foundation Trilogy. They focus on Hari Seldon's career, and the rise of psychohistory.
- "The Traders": Despite being published in Pulp Magazines as the fourth story in his growing Foundation trilogy, Dr Asimov counted it as the third story in his publication of Foundation (1951), taking place before "The Merchant Princes".
- Prelude to Foundation: Because this book was written after this series was tied to the three Galactic Empire novels, it fits between both that Trilogy and The Foundation Trilogy. However, it was primarily marketed as a Prequel to the Foundation series.
- Forward the Foundation: This story takes place between the events of Prelude to Foundation and Foundation (1951), and partially overlaps with events from "The Psychohistorians".
- Harry Turtledove's "Trantor Falls": This story takes place between the events of "The General (Foundation)" and "The Mule", telling how the Dagobert dynasty had to evacuate Trantor yet the University survived.
- Orson Scott Card's "The Originist": This begins soon after the events of "The Psychohistorians", but from (mostly) Leyel Forska's perspective. Hari Seldon refuses to allow him to join the Encyclopedia Foundation, and the story primarily follows his perspective as he struggles with doing real science during the collapse of the Galactic Empire, long before the events of "The Encyclopedists".
- Gregory Benford's Foundation's Fear: This book picks up directly after the events of "Eto Demerzel", from Forward the Foundation.
- David Brin's Foundations Triumph:
- This story overlaps with Forward the Foundation, taking place between the events of "Wanda Seldon" and the epilogue.
- The climax of this story overlaps with "The Psychohistorians", recontextualizing some of the interplay shown there by showing Linge Chen's and Hari Seldon's perspective instead of Gaal Dornick's.
- The Empire Novels are only loosely connected with one another, but The Currents Of Space, the third book, fit here within the context of the overarching galactic history of the three books. Pebble in the Sky is set relatively early in the history of Trantor's Galactic Empire, The Stars, Like Dust is set well before Trantor becomes a major galactic power, and The Currents of Space is set at a point where Trantor has unified roughly half the galaxy, is exerting influence galaxy-wide, and is still growing to the point that people have begun to predict its eventual unification of the galaxy and transformation into a Galactic Empire.
- The Honor Harrington series has been a briar patch of sequels and interquels since book 10, as a dramatic expansion of the plot led to the creation of not one but two subsidiary series that overlap with the main plot books, which themselves overlap each other — for instance, the thirteenth book begins about a month before the twelfth book ended, only catching up about a third of the way in. If one didn't get into the the series before the expansion they'll have a hard time understanding it all.
- James Bond
- John Gardner's last Bond novel, COLD, is divided into two parts, the first being set 1990, which is right after the ninth and before the tenth book of his, and has Bond learning about the eponymous organization. The second half of the novel is set right after his previous non-novelization effort, SeaFire.
- Trigger Mortis by Anthony Horowitz is set right after Goldfinger, placing it in the exact middle of Ian Fleming's original 14-book run.
- Charlie Higson's last work in the Young Bond spin-off series was the short story "A Hard Man to Kill", which is set between the fourth and fifth books of his, as it details Bond's return from his adventure in Mexico.
- The Alan Quatermain books by H. Rider Haggard. The first, King Solomon's Mines, introduces the character, already an old man; the second, Alan Quatermain, kills him off. Some of the other books in the series fall between them, although most tell of his younger days.
- Many Waters, the fourth book published in Madeleine L'Engle's Time Quartet/Quintet, is set sometime between the second and third installments, with Sandy and Dennys still teenagers while Meg is mentioned being in college. The fact that it's A Day in the Limelight for the twins helps explain why nothing in this story is mentioned in the third book.
- Mary Poppins in the Park contains stories set in between various chapters of the first three books.
- The Mary Russell series, in O Jerusalem, goes back and explores what Holmes and Russell did while they were hiding out in Jerusalem in the middle of the first book.
- The The Maze Runner interquel The Fever Code takes place sometime after the fourth book, The Kill Order, and ends right before the beginning of the first book (technically, it overlaps with it, since the book's first two chapters are attached at the end).
- Robert Lynn Asprin's Myth Adventures series got one, Myth-ion Improbable, published in 2001 and set between the third and fourth books (released in 1982 and 1983, respectively). The previous book, published in 1995, had ended on a cliffhanger, and Asprin felt he needed to get used to writing the characters again before he could deal with the situation properly.
- Both volumes of Brian Lumley's aptly-titled Necroscope: The Lost Years take place during the timeskip between the second and third Necroscope books. Due to how he ended the series, his subsequent short stories and novellas have all been plugging into barely-there gaps too.
- Book four of Ranger's Apprentice has Will going back to Araluen, still Halt's apprentice. Book five skips about five years and sees Will getting his first assignment as a fully-fledged Ranger. John Flanagan said that while he was writing book six, he realised missed an entire story there, so he wrote book seven, which details Will's final months as an apprentice and his graduation. Book eight continues where six left off.
- The Redwall series has a bunch of these, particularly for Martin's lifetime. He was one busy mouse.
- Rivers of London: Novella The Furthest Station was published after book 6, The Hanging Tree, but is set before it and after book 5, Foxglove Summer.
- Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman is set 80 years after the second part of A Canticle for Leibowitz, but over five centuries before the third and final part.
- Several books from The Shadowhunter Chronicles are interquels:
- The first two books from The Eldest Curses are both interquels. The first book, The Red Scrolls of Magic, takes place in the Time Skip in between City of Glass and City of Fallen Angels from The Mortal Instruments series. The second book, The Lost Book of the White takes place in between Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy and Lady Midnight.
- Most of the short stories from The Bane Chronicles are interquels too. The fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and ninth stories are set between the events of The Infernal Devices and The Mortal Instruments series. The eighth story is set between City of Ashes and City of Glass and the tenth story takes place during the events of City of Bones. Finally, the last story is set sometime between City of Lost Souls and City of Heavenly Fire.
- The Last Hours also takes place in between The Infernal Devices and The Mortal Instruments.
- Shannara: The First Druids Of Shannara is set after Legends of Shannara and before First King of Shannara. It details the rise of Galaphile, the Elf who would start the Druid order at Paranor.
- More than a third of Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe novels were written to slot between the existing stories, often expanding on NoodleIncidents or historical events that occurred geographically and temporally close to previous novels.
- The Sherlock Holmes novella The Hound of the Baskervilles was written as an explicit Interquel as the author had ostensibly killed Holmes off in the short story "The Final Problem" but felt like revisiting the character. He revived Holmes for real in "The Empty House" three years later.
- Star Control: Interbellum takes place between the games Star Control II and the nonexistent Star Control 3.
- Star Trek Novel 'Verse:
- Star Trek: Federation follows story threads in three different time periods that eventually merge. Of those, two storylines qualify. The TOS storyline picks up just after "Journey to Babel" in the middle of season 2, with Kirk recuperating in sickbay from being stabbed by Thelev. The TNG storyline starts in the epilogue of "Sarek" near the end of season 3 as Sarek and Perrin are leaving the ship.
- All 23rd and early 24th century-set novels are interquels, either set between episodes/movies of Star Trek: The Original Series or between the TOS movies and Star Trek: The Next Generation.
- The Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel Hollow Men was published in 2005, long after the series, but set during the Dominion War. To make the point, it used the "classic" DS9 logo, rather than the version from the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Relaunch novels.
- Star Wars Expanded Universe:
- Queen's Shadow is set between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, detailing Padmé's transition from Queen to Senator.
- Ahsoka is set one year after Revenge of the Sith, and explains how Ahsoka became Fulcrum, which she was first seen as in Rebels.
- Lost Stars is a sidequel that starts eight years after Revenge of the Sith, and ends shortly after the Battle of Jakku, which takes place one year after Return of the Jedi.
- Thrawn is set between Revenge of the Sith and the third season of Rebels (it came out a few weeks after the third season finale aired), detailing how Thrawn joined the Empire and rose to the rank of Grand Admiral.
- Its sequel Thrawn: Alliances follows suit: It's split between a plot in the Clone Wars and a plot in the Imperial Era. The Imperial Era events are set between Rebels' third and fourth seasons. The novel was released several months after the series finale of Rebels aired.
- The third book, Thrawn: Treason, takes place during the second half of the fourth season of Rebels, showing what Thrawn was doing on Coruscant between his departure in "Jedi Night" and his return in "Family Reunion — and Farewell".
- Leia, Princess of Alderaan is set between Revenge of the Sith and Leia's appearance in season 2 of Rebels, explaining how she came to join the Rebellion.
- Bloodline is set between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, specifically six years before the latter film, explaining how Leia founded the Resistance.
- Star Wars Legends:
- In a probably rare occurrence, The Han Solo Trilogy manages to be an interquel, an outerquel, and a prequel. The trilogy as a whole was a prequel to A New Hope as it ended just before Han met Luke and Obi-Wan. But there were already books that told of Han Solo and Lando Calrissian's adventures before A New Hope. These were incorporated into the plot - "Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu" and "Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon" take place during the events of The Han Solo Trilogy #2 - The Hutt Gambit, with "Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka" taking place after the events of that book and prior to The Han Solo Trilogy #3 - Rebel Dawn, while "Han Solo at Stars' End", "Han Solo's Revenge", and "Han Solo and the Lost Legacy" all take place between chapters of Rebel Dawn. So the third new novel is an interquel between the old novels and the movie and the trilogy is an outerquel to the older novels.
- The old Star Wars EU was packed with interquels. Timothy Zahn's The Thrawn Trilogy took place five years after Return of the Jedi; the New Republic was still fighting a defiant Empire, the Empire's capital world had been taken over, Han and Leia had married. When this trilogy jumpstarted the EU, and a lot of novels explored the years after that, others took on the intervening space. And there's always intervening space and new stories to tell.
- Years after Galaxy of Fear was concluded, the story/homework assignment Death in the Slave Pits of Lorrd, or How I Spent My Inter-Term Break, was written to fill the gap between Army of Terror and The Brain Spiders.
- "A Study in Fairy Dust" takes place at one point during the events of Tavern Talk but before Act IV since Zephir isn't using their real name yet and is instead going by another alias, Shade. It also takes place before the Innkeep reveals to their customers that they're a fae like Nirath, making them look hypocritical in hindsight.
- Tortall Universe: The sixth series, The Numair Chronicles, is the Origin Story of The Archmage Numair Salmalín, who was introduced in the second series, The Immortals. The first book, Tempests and Slaughter, overlaps with the later three books of the Song of the Lioness quartet, ending shortly before the events of Lioness Rampant's climax.
- In Elizabeth Lowell's medieval Romance Novel trilogy, the first book, Untamed, ends with the heroine announcing her pregnancy to her husband, and the epilogue features the birth of their son. However, in the two subsequent books, Forbidden and Enchanted, the character is still pregnant, meaning that they take place in the interval between the two chapters.
- Lois McMaster Bujold has several times backtracked and filled the gaps between her earlier novels of the Vorkosigan Saga. Given that Bujold originally hoped to skip decades and centuries between novels, but ended up chronicling the life of Miles, there had to be a lot to fill:
- Barrayar (1991), set between her debut Shards of Honor and The Warrior's Apprentice (both 1986), shortly after Shards. Retconned several details mentioned in passing in The Warrior's Apprentice, but becoming important in post-Barrayar books.
- Mountains of Mouring novella (1989), set shortly after The Warrior's Apprentice (1986). The scope of the story is so small, its events affect nothing and only get revisited once, in Memory (1997), which is choke full of continuity nods and call-backs. However, the story defines the subject of mutations and mutation phobia, a Barrayar's hat, which was rather hazy in earlier novels.
- The Vor Game (1990), between The Warrior's Apprentice and Ethan of Athos (both 1986). The latter seemed to imply that the transition from Oseran Free Mercenary Fleet to the Dendarii Free Mercenary Fleet was easy and Naismith's authority wasn't challenged later. The Vor Game tells how far from the truth that is. Amazingly, nothing was retconned.
- Cetaganda (1996), midway between The Vor Game (1990) and Ethan of Athos (1986). Drastically changed the nature of Barrayar's arch-enemy — Cetagandan Empire — profoundly affecting every subsequent book. Also explained Dendarii involvement in the events of Ethan of Athos.
- Captain Vorpatril's Alliance (2013), between Diplomatic Immunity (2002) and Cryoburn (2010). Since Cryoburn is set far from Barrayar, it is plausible that the evens of Alliance are never mentioned.
- A majority of the Warrior Cats Expanded Universe is made of interquels, many of which take place between The Original Series and The New Prophecy.
- Tales From Watership Down is about two-thirds prequel and/or story within a story focusing on the adventures of rabbit folk hero El-ahrairah (sometimes using the Watership rabbits for a Framing Device, sometimes not) to one-third stories filling in the gap between the last full chapter of Watership Down and the Distant Finale epilogue.
- Woodwalkers And Friends as a whole is supposed to be an Anthology series set between the novels of Woodwalkers. For example, it's first novel Katzige Gefährten is set between the last book of Woodwalkers and Seawalkers.
- The Year of the Flood takes place in the same universe, and in the same time period, as Oryx and Crake, as does most of the third volume in this series, Madd Addam.
Live-Action TV
- Two of the Babylon 5 movies, Thirdspace and The Lost Tales, are interquels. Thirdspace takes place somewhere in the fourth season, and The Lost Tales takes place between the final season's penultimate episode and the series finale (mind you, there was an eighteen year Time Skip between the last two episodes).
- Battlestar Galactica: Razor has an A plot which takes place between the Season Two episodes The Captain's Hand and Lay Down Your Burdens, Part I, a B plot that takes place between the time of the Miniseries pilot and the first eight-or-so episodes of Season One, and a C plot that takes place during the Cylon War.
- They did it again with Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome which is based at the time of the original Cylon Wars, which is between the beginning of the mini-series and the prequel Spin-Off Caprica.
- A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is set about 90 years before the start of Game of Thrones, which means it's also set a few decades after the Dance of the Dragons seen in House of the Dragon.
- The MonsterVerse TV series Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, released in 2023, primarily takes place inbetween Godzilla (2014) and its direct movie sequel Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), with the series being set during 2015 a year after the first movie and four years before the second. The show slightly expands on the aftermath of The Unmasqued World that started in the 2014 movie, how Monarch revealed themselves to the world, and how Apex Cybernetics from the later movie Godzilla vs. Kong came about.
- Technically, every Power Rangers series between Power Rangers S.P.D. (taking place in the year 2025) and the actual year 2025 will be one of these.
- A twenty-minute midquel released before season 6 of The Shield follows up on the events of the fifth-season finale. The Strike Team attends the funeral of their colleague, Curtis "Lem" Lemansky, and reflect on his time with the group.
- Star Trek:
- The Star Trek: Voyager episode "Flashback" has Tuvok flashing back to his time on the USS Excelsior during the events of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. In his recollection, the Excelsior was being pursued by the Klingon captain Kang while they were to rendezvous with the USS Enterprise at Khitomer.
- While all of Star Trek: Enterprise is a prequel to the original Star Trek but also serves as a sequel to the events of Star Trek: First Contact (James Cromwell even did a video cameo in the first episode as Cochrane, the inventor of warp drive). And the episode "In a Mirror Darkly" is a sequel/prequel to the TOS episode "The Tholian Web", due to time travel and universe shifting that occurred to the USS Defiant.
- Star Trek: Discovery takes place in the century between Star Trek: Enterprise and Star Trek: The Original Series (closer to the latter). Season 2 firmly establishes that it takes place between the TOS pilot and the series proper, while Pike is still captain of the Enterprise.
- The Thorn Birds Mini Series has a Time Skip after the birth of Dane, Meggie's son, till when he and his sister Justine are in their late teens. A 1996 Mini Series titled, appropriately, The Thorn Birds: The Missing Years was meant to depict the events of those 19 years. The problem is, none of the original cast, save Richard Chamberlain, was present, and the storyline and characterizations were completely inconsistent with both the original miniseries and the book on which it was based.
- Torchwood: The Lost Files was set between series 2 of Torchwood and the miniseries Children of Earth except the last one since the team ceases to exist at the end of Children of Earth and wasn't reformed until Torchwood: Miracle Day. Also, this means that Ianto can be in it.
- The stunning, lightning-fast plot of The Progeny take place in between Sophocles's first two Oedipus plays and his first play, Antigone.
Video Games
- Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere decided to make the jump from maybe one year ahead of release like the previous two games to a full 40 years in the future. With the exception of Ace Combat Zero (a prequel to the fifth game, albeit it's also technically concurrent to the not-quite-canon original), Assault Horizon Legacy (a remake of 2) and the ones set in the real world, every game in the series since has technically been an interquel between Ace Combat 2 and 3.
- Skies of Incursion and Northern Wings are explicitly interquels, with the former putting you in control of a pilot you flew with for one mission in Skies of Deception, and the latter consisting of your squadron covertly influencing the wars depicted in the fourth through sixth games.
- Assassin's Creed:
- Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag takes place between Ezio's era and Connor's.
- Assassin's Creed Rogue takes place between Black Flag and before and partially during Connor's portion of Assassin's Creed III.
- Assassin's Creed: Valhalla takes place between Assassin's Creed Origins and the first game.
- Assassin's Creed: Mirage is set between Origins and Valhalla
- Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream has Sophie mention during the opening cutscene that she wants to become a licensed alchemist, setting the story in between Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book and its sequel Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey.
- Axiom Verge 2 takes place during a Time Skip that occurs in Axiom Verge.
- Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear is technically an add-on to the first Baldur's Gate, but story-wise, it's an interquel to bridge the gap between that game and the sequel (both of which were released more than a decade earlier).
- Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge took place in-between the two Nintendo 64 games Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie.
- Batman: Arkham VR takes place between Batman: Arkham City and Batman: Arkham Knight and is about a nightmare Bruce has about the Joker's blood driving him to kill Nightwing and Robin.
- Blacksad: Under the Skin serves as this to the comic book series it is based on, taking place chronologically between the comic's second and third installments, Arctic Nation and Red Soul.
- Blade Runner takes place during the events of the 1982 film, and several characters from the film, such as Tyrell and Leon, will be encountered.
- Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! takes place between the first and second game and deals with Handsome Jack's rise to power with the help of (with DLC) six hired guns, two of which are bosses in the second game and one of which is from the General Knoxx DLC of the first game. Tales from the Borderlands reveals that the Pre-Sequel is also an interquel to the Tales games, with episode 3 showing Athena being captured by Brick and Mordecai in order to set up the Framing Device of the Pre-Sequel. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands presumably takes place sometime after 2 but long before the events of the third game since Tina is still a child.
- Given that the Castlevania series covers nearly 950 years of time, the majority of entries are interquels of two pre-existing games. Thus far, Lament of Innocence (1094 AD) is the first, and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (2036 AD) is the last. Given the nature of both of those games - LoI shows how Dracula came into being, while the Sorrow duology revolves around the aftermath of his final defeat in 1999 - it's likely that any future games (barring alternate continuities like the Lords of Shadow duology) will be interquels between those two.
- Trilby's Notes and 6 Days A Sacrifice, the final two games of the Chzo Mythos, are both interquels to the first two games. What is interesting is that 6 Days A Sacrifice includes a part that takes takes place after the second game, set after 6 Days, technically making it part-sequel.
- The Danganronpa Gaiden Game Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls was released after Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair but set before it and after the first game.
- Darksiders II is set in the same timeframe as Darksiders. In this case, it follows Death's adventures through the underworld while War is busy on what's left of Earth.
- Daxter shows how the eponymous sidekick managed to bust Jak out between the first Jak and Daxter and Jak II: Renegade.
- In between Dead Space and Dead Space 2 are Dead Space: Extraction developed for the Wii and an interquel also named Dead Space for the iPhone.
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution has an expansion appropriately called The Missing Link, about a particular period of time spent by the protagonist unaccounted for in the main game.
- Originally, Devil May Cry 4 was stated to take place after the first game and the 2007 anime, but before the second game. However, this trope was subverted after a decade when Capcom Retconned the timeline so that DMC4 now takes place after DMC2.
- Doom had an Updated Re-release called The Ultimate Doom that featured a new episode titled "Thy Flesh Consumed" that takes place between "Inferno" (the third episode of Doom) and the beginning of Doom II.
- In 2019, John Romero released Sigil (2019), an expansion for The Ultimate Doom that takes place between "Thy Flesh Consumed" and Doom II, chronicling Doomguy's efforts to escape Hell and return to Earth.
- Fallout: Sonora is a Fan Sequel example, done in the Fallout 2 engine. Chronologically speaking, it takes place between Fallout and Fallout Tactics, though storywise it acts more as a bridge between Fallout 1 and Fallout: New Vegas — the events of the game are set in motion by consequences of what happened in the first game, and the setting shows what Arizona was before the Legion. The Dayglow expansion adds a bit of a connection to Fallout 2 in showing the early years of a city that will go on to become the only one of the NCR's founding cities not to be seen in Fallout 1, the eponymous Dayglow.
- The PSP re-release of Final Fantasy IV, The Complete Collection, comes with the original game, direct sequel Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, and a new short playable interlude which covers the 17-year Time Skip note between the original game and The After Years.
- Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, the fifth Fire Emblem game released, begins shortly before Chapter Six and ends at the conclusion of Chapter Eight of the previous game, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.
- While deducing the chronology of the Five Nights at Freddy's series is hard, the most commonly accepted theory of Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location's place in the timeline is that it is an interquel set sometime between Five Nights at Freddy's 4 and Five Nights at Freddy's 2.
- Forever Kingdom is an interesting example. It is a Prequel to Evergrace, chronicling the events of the main character Darius before the original game. However, those events are happening concurrently to Sharline's path through Evergrace, which took place before Darius', making it both a Prequel AND an Interquel to the original game.
- God of War: Ghost of Sparta on PSP is set between the first and second games in the God of War series.
- Half-Life: Alyx is set during the Combine's occupation of Earth, five years before Half-Life 2 and fifteen years after Half-Life and its expansions.
- Halo:
- Halo 3: ODST takes place during Halo 2. Specifically, right after Master Chief goes through a slip space rupture from Earth to the second Halo after the second level of the latter game.
- Halo: Reach could possibly be considered this, as it chronologically takes place between Halo Wars and Halo: Combat Evolved.
- Heroes of Might and Magic: The Shadow of Death expansion for III acts as a prequel to the main game, but with the possible exception of the Birth of a Barbarian campaignnote take place after II and partly act as a sort of bridge between the two games.
- Hitman 3 is a straight sequel to Hitman 2, but in a post-release patch, the mission "Shadows in the Water" was added to the game, which is chronologically set during Hitman 2's story, between the events of "Another Life" and "The Ark Society." It's placed in the Hitman 2 section of the campaign menu (the standard edition of Hitman 3 contains the entire World of Assassination Trilogy as an Embedded Precursor), even though it was never playable in that game.
- House of the Dead:
- The House of the Dead 4 is an interesting case. Although ostensibly a midquel taking place before III, it's probably more accurate to call it a replacement for III. Apparently big time skips were all the rage at the time III came out (cf. Tekken 3, Garou: Mark of the Wolves); Sega realized that there really wasn't anywhere to go from there, and so decided to make 4 a more traditional follow-up to 2. That doesn't stop one of the endings from telling you continue the adventure in The House of the Dead III, however.
- Scarlet Dawn is set two years after 4 but still ends long before III. The Multiple Endings suggest that if there are sequels to come, they will continue to fill the gap between 4 and III.
- Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: The game takes place in 1937, one year after Raiders of the Lost Ark and one year before Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
- Kingdom Hearts:
- Kingdom Hearts coded is a midquel taking place entirely within the epilogue of Kingdom Hearts II. Specifically, it starts after Donald, Goofy, and Mickey return to Disney Castle and ends before Sora, Riku, and Kairi receive Mickey's letter.
- Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days is an interquel that overlaps with both the final portion of Kingdom Hearts (beginning with Kairi's rescue) and the entirety of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, continues by itself afterward, and ends right before the beginning of Kingdom Hearts II.
- Kingdom Hearts 0.2: Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage- is an interquel that takes place immediately after the Secret Episode in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep: Final Mix and overlaps with Kingdom Hearts I, ending at the same time as the latter.
- The upcoming Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link, the successor to the series’s previous mobile phone outing Kingdom Hearts χ, is an interquel filling in the gap between χ’s last two major updates, Union χ [cross] and Dark Road.
- The Last of Us has a DLC titled Left Behind; half of the gameplay consists of flashbacks which function as a sort of prequel and explore the relationship between Ellie and her friend Riley prior to Ellie meeting Joel. The other half is set between the end of the main game's Fall chapter and the beginning of its Winter chapter.
- The Legend of Zelda:
- The series as a whole is a series of both disconnected and connected stories on a branching timeline, with Skyward Sword at the very beginning, Ocarina of Time serving as the branching point, and with the three respective branches ending on Zelda II (the "Downfall" Eranote ), Four Swords Adventures (the "Child" Eranote ), and Spirit Tracks (the "Adult" Eranote ), with Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom taking place at the end of one of the timelines (with the exact one being left intentionally ambiguous).
- As for explicit interquels (i.e, having the same Link), the Oracle games were stated by Hyrule Historia to take place between A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening (although this would later be revised by Encyclopedia to have them take place after Link's Awakening, with the original Japanese version of "Encyclopedia" stating that the Oracle games feature a different Link).
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds takes place centuries after The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and acts as an indirect sequel to it, but still takes place before the first two games.
- Mafia II has the Joe's Adventures Downloadable Content campaign, which is set following Vito's arrest and time in prison in Chapter 6, and a year before his release in Chapter 7.
- Mass Effect: Andromeda, relatively speaking, takes its characters from some time before Mass Effect 3, then places them in cryo stasis and sends them to a neighboring galaxy as a colonization effort. Technically the events of the game take place 650 years later, but the characters talk of their home galaxy being in the state it was when they left. A few hints do clue in the characters that something happened.
- The Game Boy Mega Man (Classic) games could be Interquels set between the main games: Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge between 2 and 3, Mega Man II between 3 and 4, Mega Man III between 4 and 5, Mega Man IV between 5 and 6, and Mega Man V probably between 5 and 6, but could be anytime between 5 and 9. Or they could be Gaiden Games. It's not really clear.
- The Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch adaptation of Mega Man & Bass plays this up for what it's worth, according to the teaser trailer
. Taking place after the events of Mega Man 8, a robot expiration date law would be coming into existence in weeks in response to Dr. Wily's repeated robot reprogrammings, and King initiates a campaign for robot rights. Of course, by Mega Man 9, the law is already in effect.
- Mega Man Network Transmission's story takes place between the events of Battle Network and Battle Network 2. The game was released after Battle Network 3.
- Metal Gear:
- Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker are both interquels set between Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and the very first Metal Gear, covering Big Boss' exploits between his Cold War days and the Outer Heaven crisis. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is said to be the last of these interquels, being set only seven years prior to the original Metal Gear.
- Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance was originally to be an interquel between Sons of Liberty and Guns of the Patriots, explaining how Raiden become a cyborg, and the story itself much darker than the final version. After Kojima handed the concept to PlatinumGames, it became a sequel to Guns of the Patriots.
- The basically unobtainable Metal Gear Solid Mobile was set between Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 2 and pits Snake against an AI version of Otacon, amongst other things.
- Metroid:
- The series has all games with the Prime moniker take place between Metroid and Metroid II: Return of Samus. Within that sub-series, there's Metroid Prime: Hunters, which takes place between Prime and Prime 2.
- Metroid: Other M takes place between Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion.
- Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks is an interquel that starts with a retelling of the first game and leads up to the events of the second game.
- Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom is actually an interquel set between the first NES game and Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos. While the English version's manual does somewhat imply that the game is set before Ninja Gaiden II, most people didn't notice it and assumed that Ninja Gaiden III was a standard sequel. The Japanese version always had it clear that it was an interquel.
- Persona:
- Persona 4 Arena and its sequel Persona 4 Arena Ultimax take place between Persona 4's original ending and its rerelease Golden's epilogue.
- Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth is an odd example: it takes place in a Place Beyond Time, but the characters (the main casts of Persona 3 and Persona 4) are transported there from around the third quarter of their original games' timelines.
- Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth is another odd example, using the same Place Beyond Time and Time Travel justification as to why the casts of 3-5 can interact with each other. As with the first Q game, the teams are seemingly taken from different points in time from their respective games, and later return to them after the adventure is over.
- Persona 5 Tactica's story and Repaint Your Heart DLC take place between different intervals of the timeline between the original Persona 5 (and its Royal re-release) and the sequel spin-off Persona 5 Strikers.
- The Repaint Your Heart DLC takes place sometime before the events of the Casino Palace in November, with the events also tying into the main game of Tactica.
- The main game is set within the dates of Joker being released from prison and having to return home in either version of 5, and before he returns to Tokyo in Strikers six months later.
- Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension takes place during the "Brand New Reality" sequence of the film that the game's adapted from, evidenced from the accompanying song
recapping the events all the way until the first level of the game is shown. The levels then show several dimensions that the five main characters encountered, including ones with gelatin, balloons, and living garden gnomes.
- The third and fourth generations of Pokémon take place at the same time as respectively the first and second generations; in the third generation it's just sort of implied, but the fourth makes it explicit by starting with your character watching a news report about the red Gyarados created by Team Rocket in Gold/Silver and Crystal. The fifth one onwards are pure sequels, each taking place two or three years after the previous generation.
- In the Prince of Persia Sands of Times series, Battles of Prince of Persia takes place in the 7 years gap between Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and Prince of Persia: Warrior Within with the exception of the first level taking place right before the former game. Three of the four different versions of Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (360/PC/PS3, Wii and PSP) take place between Sands of Time and Battles, before the Prince first met the Dahaka to be precise. The specific order of those three games is unclear because they don't reference each others. The DS version on the other hand is a Stealth Sequel to Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones and the last story in the timeline.
- Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 manages this twice over. The prologue mission is set in 2005, the same year that the events of the earlier Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield began. The rest of the game is in early July 2010, during the same time period as the first Vegas: four missions are set a few hours beforehand, one mission is set concurrently, and then the final mission is set a day or so afterwards.
- Resident Evil:
- Resident Evil 3: Nemesis is both a prequel and a sequel to Resident Evil 2. The first half takes place a day before the events of RE2, but then Jill falls unconscious for a whole day after she gets infected by the Nemesis. The events of RE2 transpire during the whole day that Jill is asleep and she regains consciousness after those events are over.
- Resident Evil: Revelations takes place sometime after Resident Evil 4 and tells a standalone story about Chris and Jill's time with the BSAA prior to the events of Resident Evil 5.
- Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is set in between Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6. The bonus episodes are set between episodes 3 and 4 of the main game.
- RoboCop: Rogue City is set between Robocop 2 and Robocop 3, and seeks to explain how the Detroit of 2 spiraled into the situation seen in 3. Becker's UED forces are a precursor to the Rehabs from 3, while the absence of the Old Man is explained as him trying (and failing) to be made into Robocop 2, functionally destroying the old OCP building in the process. The ending sets up the Kanemitsu corporation coming in as part of development of Delta City.
- Sonic the Hedgehog:
- Sonic the Hedgehog CD takes place between the original Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Originally, this was only indirectly implied by the game's designer, Yasushi Yamaguchi
, but it was later reiterated as canon by the Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia and Sonic Origins. This is why Tails (introduced in Sonic 2) only makes a hidden cameo appearance, and why Super Sonic doesn't appear — though that's more due to the main collectibles being Time Stones rather than Chaos Emeralds.
- Shadow the Hedgehog takes place after Sonic Heroes and before Sonic Battle.
- Sonic the Hedgehog 4 takes place after Sonic 3 & Knuckles and before Sonic Adventure. Since Knuckles was introduced in-story in Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Metal Sonic was destroyed in Sonic CD and wasn't rebuilt until Sonic 4, classic games featuring both Metal and Knuckles such as Knuckles Chaotix and Sonic Triple Trouble must take place after Sonic 4 and before Sonic Adventure. Sonic 4 also has its own interquel in the form of Episode Metal, which takes place between Episodes I and II.
- Originally a sequel to Sonic Mania, Sonic Forces became this retroactively since the release of Encore mode for the former game, the events of which take place after Sonic Forces.
- Sonic the Hedgehog CD takes place between the original Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Originally, this was only indirectly implied by the game's designer, Yasushi Yamaguchi
- Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions has a plot which works its way between existing story arcs of the comics, evidenced by the presence of certain characters who died in their canon. Deadpool even lampshades this by asking Ultimate Spider-Man where he thinks the game fits into the canon.
- The Street Fighter Alpha series is set between the very first Street Fighter and the Street Fighter II series. Next is the Street Fighter IV series, where it is a Non-Linear Sequel set after Street Fighter II, but before Street Fighter III. Then there is Street Fighter V, which is an interquel between IV and III.
- The Unnkulia games had a prequel (Unnkulia Zero), followed by an Interquel (Unnkulia One Half).
- Uncharted: The Lost Legacy takes place between the penultimate chapter and epilogue of the previous game Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.
- The Walking Dead: 400 Days explores the game world from a perspective outside of the main duo of Lee and Clementine, subtly bridging the overarching storyline between seasons 1 and 2 as well as setting up future threads to be explored.
- Most of the Caverns of Time missions in World of Warcraft fit this description. The Caverns of Time allows players to visit points in Azeroth's history mostly to help the Bronze Dragonflight prevent the mysterious Infinite Dragonflight from altering the past. Of the four Caverns of Time instances, one takes place before any of the Warcraft games (Opening the Dark Portal), making it a Prequel. Two more instances recreate and expand on key campaigns in Warcraft III (Culling of Stratholme and Battle for Mount Hyjal), making them arguably Interquels or arguably POV Sequels, depending on whether you regard the original versions as the real timeline or the Caverns of Time versions. The remaining one, Escape from Durnholde Keep, is definitely an Interquel, set years after Warcraft II and years before Warcraft III and featuring a storyline never shown in any released game.
- X-COM:
- X-COM: Interceptor was released in 1998 and takes place between the events of X-COM: Terror from the Deep (1995) and X-COM: Apocalypse (1997). It's also a flight sim with some base management instead of a Turn-Based Strategy. The game makes references to Apocalypse and the cancelled X-COM: Alliance.
- XCOM Legends is a mobile game that's the follow-up to XCOM: Chimera Squad, but it takes place somewhere between the resistance's victory 's in XCOM 2 and Chimera Squad. In this game Jane Kelly is still an XCOM soldier in full battle gear and military hair styling in contrast to her role as the Director of XCOM Reclamation Agency and having civilian clothes and hair. XCOM's role here is fighting ADVENT remnants and new plots from alien sources rather than dealing with local crime like the Reclamation Agency did.
- The XCOM 2: Tactical Legacy Pack expansion provides four "mini-campaigns" showing some of what happened in the twenty years between XCOM: Enemy Unknown and the sequel, such as Central Officer Bradford's attempts to put together a resistance movement, and Lily Shen's efforts to construct the Avenger. That said, they have to be taken as Broad Strokes since in them the squad will be using weapons and fighting enemies that won't be seen until the very end of an XCOM 2 campaign. While narrating, Bradford admits that he might not be remembering all the details right.
- Yoshi's New Island takes place between the original Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's Island DS, being an Immediate Sequel where the Stork realizes he took the baby Mario brothers to the wrong parents and getting ambushed by Kamek once again.
- All three versions of Ys IV are set after I and II, but before Wanderers From Ys / Ys: The Oath in Felghana.
Visual Novels
- Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (released 2009) takes place between Trials and Tribulations (2004) and Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (2007). Specifically, one month after the events of the former and seven years before the latter. Investigations 2 (2011) takes place only about a week after the first Investigations.
- Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star technically takes place during the Christmas break of the first game, which spans an entire school year.
- Steins;Gate 0 starts midway through the true ending of Steins;Gate.
- Zero Time Dilemma takes place 1 year after Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and 45 years before Virtue's Last Reward, although this is complicated by Sigma and Phi experiencing the events of VLR before ZTD. The release order of the games was 999 > VLR > ZTD.
- The Dreamer has short stories that can be read as these and as A Day in the Limelight stories.
- Nebula has "Nix", a short story from Pluto's perspective. It takes places at some point between #10 (Black Hole first contacting Pluto) and #14 (Black Hole finally making her move).
Web Originals
- Squid Sisters Stories is a short promotional web serial set between Splatoon and Splatoon 2, setting up the plot of the latter game and giving explanations for some of the changes made to the setting during the two year Time Skip.
Western Animation
- ChalkZone: The early season one episode "Rudy's Story" is established as Rudy's first meeting with Penny (particularly showing her as a new student of Mr. Wilter's class) and has her under the impression that ChalkZone is merely a product of Rudy's imagination, which indicates that it chronologically takes place after the first two Oh Yeah! Cartoons shorts where Rudy was eight years old and before Penny's debut in the short "Rudy's Date", where she and Rudy already know each other and she first entered ChalkZone.
- Dream Productions serves as an in-between story in the "Inside Out" franchise, bridging the first movie and the second one, with this being discussed by Joy, Sadness and Anger as being an "inbetween-quel".
- Dragons: Race to the Edge is set between Dragons: Riders of Berk and How to Train Your Dragon 2, filling in some of the gaps in how things have changed.
- The first season of Monsters at Work takes place in-between the epilogue of the original movie, when Sulley and Mike have swapped screams for laughter and before Sulley reunites with Boo.
- The finale arc of Star Wars: The Clone Wars mostly counts as a midquel for Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith, with Anakin and Obi-Wan leaving to go rescue Palpatine, Dooku's death being a minor plot point, and, of course, Order 66.